On 13 Jan 2021, at 0:58, Randy Bush wrote:
  mm changed the displayed in gui From: (from ra...@arrcus.com to
  ra...@psg.com) when i typed the to: ra...@psg.com.

This is likely because of the settings for “New Message” in the Composer preferences. If it’s set to “derived from context”, MM will change the from: address based on who you are sending to. I’m not sure the exact heuristics, whether it analyses past messages or is based on what you’ve typed in the to: field in the past.

![](cid:9D2D9A7D-120F-4B54-BD22-F6D79FFF7F2D@oakandapple.org "PastedImage.png")

You have the option to set an explicit account for all new messages to come from if you want.
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