Re: [MlMt] big sur, new message view window issue

2020-10-01 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen
On 30 Sep 2020, at 17:21, Glenn Parker wrote:

> On 30 Sep 2020, at 11:09, Glenn Parker wrote:
>> One concern is that these processes don’t seem to be going away after I 
>> close a message view. I’m using 5722 and I currently have 11 “about:” 
>> processes and 14 MTLCompilerService processes.
> After just a few more minutes of email browsing, I now have 66 “about:” and 
> 26 MTLCompilerService processes.
> If it makes any difference, I view all my messages in a separate window, but 
> I rarely leave multiple message windows open. I have also disabled message 
> previews.

Most of what you write would be expected behaviour since MailMate does a lot of 
caching of views right now (which needs to be changed). The exception is that 
you use separate windows to view messages. I would expect that to behave 
differently. I'll note to look into that.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] latest version/update crashes during

2020-10-01 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen
On 30 Sep 2020, at 17:34, Max Andersen wrote:

> I would happily use Help > send feedback but it doesn't stay up long enough
> for me to click there.
> is there a email i can use instead ?

You can just use the email address I'm sending from. Everything goes to me 

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Keybindings for non-US keyboards

2020-10-01 Thread Bill Cole

On 30 Sep 2020, at 11:39, Robert Brenstein wrote:

He meant that to produce the left square bracket on the German 
keyboard, he needs to press alt-5 (option-5 if you will). So how do 
you produce a shortcut that itself requests the alt key to be hold.

My point is that 'cmd' and 'alt' are usually not the same key. Maybe a 
picture of the left-side modifier keys (other than shift) of my old 
MacBook explains what I mean better:


Note that 'option' is also labeled 'alt' and 'command' is marked '⌘' 
(an ancient artifact descended from the "Open Apple" key on Apple ][ 
keyboards) and on newer Mac US-English keyboards, option is marked '⌥' 
to match the symbols used in menus.

The indentation menu commands are ⌘-[ and ⌘-] so on a keyboard with 
a ⌘ (command/cmd) key and an alt (option/⌥) key where you need alt-5 
to get [, 'decrease indentation' would be ⌘-alt-5

Some keyboards have "Meta" or "Windows" keys that might get mapped to 
⌘. Mapping BOTH ⌘ and ⌥ to a single 'alt' key would be 
intrinsically broken, because they have always served distinct purposes.

Will the alt key be recognized doubly, once to produce the bracket and 
then to produce the shortcut? I gather he has to remap these shortcuts 
to completely other keys.

It is essential that you have distinct mappings for the distinct 
modifier keys.

Bill Cole or
(AKA @grumpybozo and many * addresses)
Not Currently Available For Hire
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Replies don't show original text in editable form

2020-10-01 Thread TJ Luoma
On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 4:18 AM Benny Kjær Nielsen 

> On 23 Sep 2020, at 22:24, TJ Luoma wrote:
> > Sometimes when I hit try to reply to a message, I get something that
> looks
> > like this:
> >
> > On 23 Sep 2020, at 14:26, Joan Smyth wrote:
> >
> >> 95CF6E9D-29B2-4A61-AC28-03DF372EC49A
> This is MailMate failing to handle embedding the HTML of the original
> message.

FWIW, this seemed to go away when I upgraded to Big Sur Beta 8.

> > Is this a known bug? I'm using the latest MailMate as far as I know:
> >
> >  CFBundleVersion: 5683
> It's not the latest test release. Hold down ⌥ when clicking “Check Now” in
> the Software Update preferences pane or fetch it directly here:

I didn't realize there was a " secret handshake" beyond "Check For Beta


> Some test releases handle embedding HTML worse than the public release,
> but the latest test releases should be much more robust (also more robust
> than the public release).

The current version (5723) also seems to work fine.

> > I am running on the latest Big Sur beta macOS version 11.0 (20A5374i)
> which may be a factor.
> Probably not. The main issue on Big Sur is that printing doesn't work. I
> don't really know why (which means I haven't looked into it). The crash
> reports are a bit weird and it might be an Apple issue and not a MailMate
> issue.

I print things so rarely, I wasn't even aware this was an issue.

Thanks for the info on getting the latest builds.

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] LDAP support in v5723

2020-10-01 Thread Raza Rizvi

Thank you for adding ldaps support in this version but there is still 
something broken:

Find matches for 'sam'
LDAP: Connect to 'ldaps://'
 Initialized (
Warning: Failed starting TLS. Can't contact LDAP server
ldap connection failed (ldaps:// Can't contact LDAP 

Is there more debugging I can do to help you find the solution?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Keybindings for non-US keyboards

2020-10-01 Thread Charlie Clark

On 30 Sep 2020, at 21:24, Bill Cole wrote:

My point is that 'cmd' and 'alt' are usually not the same key. Maybe a 
picture of the left-side modifier keys (other than shift) of my old 
MacBook explains what I mean better:

I never said they were or thought they were.

[ "IMG_1660.jpg" ]

Note that 'option' is also labeled 'alt' and 'command' is marked '⌘' 
(an ancient artifact descended from the "Open Apple" key on Apple ][ 
keyboards) and on newer Mac US-English keyboards, option is marked 
'⌥' to match the symbols used in menus.

But the problem is that Apple, in their infinite wisdom decided not to 
label non-ascii keyboards with such key symbols. So, while it's less of 
an issue for me as someone used to programming, other people will have 
no idea where [], {}, etc. are.

The indentation menu commands are ⌘-[ and ⌘-] so on a keyboard 
with a ⌘ (command/cmd) key and an alt (option/⌥) key where you 
need alt-5 to get [, 'decrease indentation' would be ⌘-alt-5

Right. And this appears to be standard in other applications. For 
whatever reason, however, I struggle to remember most of these keyboard 
combinations, which is why if there is some kind of library that expands 
such shortcuts to the current key-mapping.

But how am I supposed to enter ⌥-⌘-[ if I need to use ⌥ to get [ ?

Some keyboards have "Meta" or "Windows" keys that might get mapped to 
⌘. Mapping BOTH ⌘ and ⌥ to a single 'alt' key would be 
intrinsically broken, because they have always served distinct 

Will the alt key be recognized doubly, once to produce the bracket and 
then to produce the shortcut? I gather he has to remap these shortcuts 
to completely other keys.

No, see above.

It is essential that you have distinct mappings for the distinct 
modifier keys.

I do have. But seeing as some of the shortcuts depend upon using the 
same modifier twice, I think I'm just screwed.

I guess it would be the same for you if a shortcut required ⌥-⌘-ß!


Charlie Clark
Kronenstr. 27a
D- 40217
Tel: +49-211-938-5360
Mobile: +49-178-782-6226
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