Disableing the lock screen in Lion

2012-05-04 Thread Mike Reiser
Hello all,

I was wondering where you go to disable the lock screen in Lion or change when 
it comes up?  I looked in system prefs under energy saver but only found stuff 
for Putting the computer to sleep and dimming the display.  Its quite annoying 
when it locks while doing a say all on a page with an article, for example.  


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Re: Disableing the lock screen in Lion

2012-05-04 Thread Mike Reiser
Its not the same thing.  It locks and I have to reenter my password.  When it 
sleeps it turns off and goes into a low powered state.  

On May 4, 2012, at 11:30 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> Isn't that what you want though?  To make the computer not go to sleep?
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> www.appletothecore.info
> On May 5, 2012, at 1:07 AM, Mike Reiser  wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I was wondering where you go to disable the lock screen in Lion or change 
>> when it comes up?  I looked in system prefs under energy saver but only 
>> found stuff for Putting the computer to sleep and dimming the display.  Its 
>> quite annoying when it locks while doing a say all on a page with an 
>> article, for example.  Thanks,
>> Mike
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: my 2 months with a mac

2009-10-21 Thread Mike Reiser

The only thing I'll use windows for is soulseek which is a filesharing  
app I use to find stuff, there's no good alternative for mac and the  
ones that are available either aren't accessible or haven't been  
updated.  Unison works great for usenet although I couldn't figure out  
the program interface so have been using sites like binsearch.  Can't  
really comment on the ocr programs but I like vlc for listening to  
books and things, itunes is good too.

On Oct 21, 2009, at 4:23 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> Oh, I guess it wouldn't be. Window Eyes is more like a serial you
> enter I think. That's nice. Well, JAWS doesn't like it for obvious
> reason, but it can be annoying.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger: nico...@home3.gvdnet.dk
> AIM: cincinster
> yahoo Messenger: cin368
> Facebook Profile
> My Twitter
> On Oct 21, 2009, at 11:21 AM, Portia wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Nope, Window-Eyes isn't like that.
>> Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Well, I believe EchoLink does exist on the Mac-side as EchoMac,
>>> last I
>>> heard and extremely accessible.
>>> As for using Windows, it's all probably about taking the plunge to a
>>> new operating system and letting go of Windows. I've pretty much
>>> completed that step, but there is only one minor thing. Mudding.  
>>> That
>>> is the only thing I actually do on Windows now. I did hear the
>>> developer of the MUD-client Atlantis might be adding VoiceOver
>>> support, hopefully. Otherwise I'll just use Terminal.
>>> I use VUScan and ReadIris for my scanning needs.
>>> As for virtual machines, mine runs quite efficiently. It all depends
>>> how you have set the ram allocation. Make sure not to set it too
>>> high,
>>> otherwise memory swapping will occur. A good idea is to test
>>> different
>>> setups before installing any screen reader licenses such as
>>> authorization keys for JAWS and so-forth. Otherwise when changing  
>>> the
>>> ram for your Windows machine, JAWS will think it is a new computer
>>> and
>>> require you to reactivate. Window-Eyes is probably the same way.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger: nico...@home3.gvdnet.dk
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> yahoo Messenger: cin368
>>> Facebook Profile
>>> My Twitter
>>> On Oct 21, 2009, at 9:16 AM, Tony Bernedal wrote:
 Hi Anouk.
 I have also used my mac for around 3 months now, and like you I
 use windows for a couple of things. I trying to get the scanning  
 ocr to work on the mac but for now windows and omnipage have to do
 jobb. I had a license for windows xp lying on the shelf from a no
 longer working laptop and I installed xp with vmware as a virtual
 machine and doing my scanning there and it works good but the
 machine is very slow. I also use windows for Echolink, wich is a
 ham-radio software wich don't exist on the mac. Also the software  
 setup and program my hamradio stations is only windows programs.  
 very happy mac user now and after some updates to snow leopard my
 problems with it is gone.
 I hope the issue with the thumbkey on your display can be solved. I
 have same issue with alva satelite.
 I also have a battle with EyeTV software wich for some odd reason
 doesn't find my tv channels on the cable network. And it is also
 tricky to use with VO. I use VLC for webradio and movies and it
 great (vlc version 1.x doesn't work under windows and linux at all
 with screenreader, only on mac, great!).
 And I also like the speed, starting my windows pc here at works  
 forever and the mac is at the desktop in almost 0 time. And, the
 works well too.
 So I'm happy with my mac system.
 Good luck with your mac!
 Regards Tony

 2009/10/21, a radix :

> Hello, I have been using my mac for about 2 months now especially
> at school
> although at home I still often use my pc and I will explain below
> why. In
> general my experiences with the mac have been very positive
> especially after
> installing snow leopard. I can use skype and msn just as well as  
> on
> my pc.
> And after I dumped itunes and started using vlc instead watching
> movies and
> listening to music became a breeze. I recently bought apples  
> office
> suite
> because I prefer that over using textedit or the free text  
> editors/
> office
> suits that are available. I am also intending to go and use garage
> band in
> the future if I can get that working with my yamaha keyboard. I
> like the
> built-in speakers and sound quality alhtough listening through its
> sound
> output with my own in ear monitors is nothing special. I still  
> find
> using
> the internet on the mac a bit mor ework then i did while using my

Re: Jumping to beginning or end of list of e-mails

2009-10-24 Thread Mike Reiser
use vo shift home and end.

On Oct 24, 2009, at 5:16 PM, Daniel K. Gartmann wrote:

> Hi,
> I have the feeling that I'm missing the obvious here, but I can't  
> find any mention of it on this list.
> How does one quickly jump to the buttom or to the top of the list of  
> messages in Apple Mail?
> There sure must be a keystroke to accomplish this.
> Thanks so much in advance.
> Best regards
> Daniel
> >

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Re: newsgroups on the mac (hogwasher or unison)

2009-11-14 Thread Mike Reiser

I couldn't figure out unison's interface, any tips on using it would be great.  

On Nov 14, 2009, at 9:25 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Anouk,
> When I saw unison for the first time, I litterally bounded around my  
> room with joy.  Power grab and power post server ve very well under  
> windows, but unison was just incredible.
> I cued up 20 or 30 gigs from the premier audiobook news group  in half  
> an hour or so,  It took 2 or 3 days for it to come down at a rate of  
> about a megabyte per second, and it was unbelieveable to see it all  
> pouring in.
> Unison threads messages, so suppose you want to grab a book or an  
> album.  It could be 15 or 20 files, or it could be 5 or 600 files, but  
> all the files will be in one thread.  You just hit the button to grab  
> the thread and you have all the files in one stroke.
> I don't know about this hogwasher thing, but you may as well save  
> money and buy unison, since I don't see how anything could possibly be  
> better.  Of course, behind every good binary newsgroup reader there is  
> a good news group service.  If you are going to pay for unison, then  
> an easy news or giganews plan shouldn't be out of the way.  They have  
> 60 or so days worth of retention, fantastic throughputs, web access,  
> and great value for money on transferable gb's and such.  I couldn't  
> use up my 20 gb for the longest time and ended up with over 500 gb  
> that I could download with beofre I had to cansil so I could fix my  
> bills.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email: e...@erik-burggraaf.com
> On 2009-11-14, at 4:56 AM, anouk radix wrote:
>> Hello, I finally wanted to get seriously into usenet for the first  
>> time (it never really was an option under windows before because hal  
>> is just too limited), unfortunately i installed the applications  
>> soon after i got sl and now they are expired. I know from other  
>> users unison will work because it is from the seem makers as  
>> transmit. But I also found another application called hogwasher. I  
>> wonder if anyone has tried it? Its more expensive then some other  
>> applications I have encountered, 50 dollars.
>> Also I wonder how you locate your files you want to dl? I talked to  
>> some windows friends and they often use a program called ftd which  
>> gives you a list you can browse (most usenet service providers dont  
>> seem to save an extensive list of headers), or do you guys just type  
>> a search term in a nzb search engine without any browsing?
>> Sorry, I am just a novice to this.
>> Greetings, Anouk
>> skype anouk.radix
> > 

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Re: newsgroups on the mac (hogwasher or unison)

2009-11-16 Thread Mike Reiser

Just getting started with it was hard for me,the interface seems non-standard 
and all that.  An audio review or tutorial will be very helpful I must admit 
smiles.  Thanks,

On Nov 14, 2009, at 10:34 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hum, what did you have trouple with in particular?  Finding a group  
> got me for a little bit, because the groups are all treaded, so you  
> have to open alt to get to alt.binaries, then open alt.binaries to get  
> to alt.binaries.sounds and so on.  Adding groups to favourites got me  
> as well, but there was a known' issue with that and some one posted a  
> very helpfull step-by-step which you can Get from the archives if you  
> have a second to search it up.
> Any other questions just ask.  It's been a while since I ditched my  
> easy news, but I stull have unison on here and might be able to answer  
> questions.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email: e...@erik-burggraaf.com
> On 2009-11-14, at 11:04 AM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>> I couldn't figure out unison's interface, any tips on using it would  
>> be great.
>> Mike
>> On Nov 14, 2009, at 9:25 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Anouk,
>>> When I saw unison for the first time, I litterally bounded around my
>>> room with joy.  Power grab and power post server ve very well under
>>> windows, but unison was just incredible.
>>> I cued up 20 or 30 gigs from the premier audiobook news group  in  
>>> half
>>> an hour or so,  It took 2 or 3 days for it to come down at a rate of
>>> about a megabyte per second, and it was unbelieveable to see it all
>>> pouring in.
>>> Unison threads messages, so suppose you want to grab a book or an
>>> album.  It could be 15 or 20 files, or it could be 5 or 600 files,  
>>> but
>>> all the files will be in one thread.  You just hit the button to grab
>>> the thread and you have all the files in one stroke.
>>> I don't know about this hogwasher thing, but you may as well save
>>> money and buy unison, since I don't see how anything could possibly  
>>> be
>>> better.  Of course, behind every good binary newsgroup reader there  
>>> is
>>> a good news group service.  If you are going to pay for unison, then
>>> an easy news or giganews plan shouldn't be out of the way.  They have
>>> 60 or so days worth of retention, fantastic throughputs, web access,
>>> and great value for money on transferable gb's and such.  I couldn't
>>> use up my 20 gb for the longest time and ended up with over 500 gb
>>> that I could download with beofre I had to cansil so I could fix my
>>> bills.
>>> Best,
>>> erik burggraaf
>>> A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
>>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>>> Email: e...@erik-burggraaf.com
>>> On 2009-11-14, at 4:56 AM, anouk radix wrote:
>>>> Hello, I finally wanted to get seriously into usenet for the first
>>>> time (it never really was an option under windows before because hal
>>>> is just too limited), unfortunately i installed the applications
>>>> soon after i got sl and now they are expired. I know from other
>>>> users unison will work because it is from the seem makers as
>>>> transmit. But I also found another application called hogwasher. I
>>>> wonder if anyone has tried it? Its more expensive then some other
>>>> applications I have encountered, 50 dollars.
>>>> Also I wonder how you locate your files you want to dl? I talked to
>>>> some windows friends and they often use a program called ftd which
>>>> gives you a list you can browse (most usenet service providers dont
>>>> seem to save an extensive list of headers), or do you guys just type
>>>> a search term in a nzb search engine without any browsing?
>>>> Sorry, I am just a novice to this.
>>>> Greetings, Anouk
>>>> skype anouk.radix
> > 

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Re: newsgroups on the mac (hogwasher or unison)

2009-11-16 Thread Mike Reiser

I agree, nzbfiles work allot better than browzing.  

On Nov 16, 2009, at 12:59 PM, anouk radix wrote:

> Hello Mike, i myself find the interface of unison hard too. I tried sabuzbd, 
> loaded an nzb file into it but no luck. Luckily nzb files work fine in unison 
> so THAt at least does work for me, its just the browsing in usenet groups 
> that I have problems with now.
> Greetings, Anouk
> On Nov 16, 2009, at 5:42 PM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>> Just getting started with it was hard for me,the interface seems 
>> non-standard and all that.  An audio review or tutorial will be very helpful 
>> I must admit smiles.  Thanks,
>> Mike
>> On Nov 14, 2009, at 10:34 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hum, what did you have trouple with in particular?  Finding a group  
>>> got me for a little bit, because the groups are all treaded, so you  
>>> have to open alt to get to alt.binaries, then open alt.binaries to get  
>>> to alt.binaries.sounds and so on.  Adding groups to favourites got me  
>>> as well, but there was a known' issue with that and some one posted a  
>>> very helpfull step-by-step which you can Get from the archives if you  
>>> have a second to search it up.
>>> Any other questions just ask.  It's been a while since I ditched my  
>>> easy news, but I stull have unison on here and might be able to answer  
>>> questions.
>>> Best,
>>> erik burggraaf
>>> A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
>>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>>> Email: e...@erik-burggraaf.com
>>> On 2009-11-14, at 11:04 AM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>>>> I couldn't figure out unison's interface, any tips on using it would  
>>>> be great.
>>>> Mike
>>>> On Nov 14, 2009, at 9:25 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>>>> Anouk,
>>>>> When I saw unison for the first time, I litterally bounded around my
>>>>> room with joy.  Power grab and power post server ve very well under
>>>>> windows, but unison was just incredible.
>>>>> I cued up 20 or 30 gigs from the premier audiobook news group  in  
>>>>> half
>>>>> an hour or so,  It took 2 or 3 days for it to come down at a rate of
>>>>> about a megabyte per second, and it was unbelieveable to see it all
>>>>> pouring in.
>>>>> Unison threads messages, so suppose you want to grab a book or an
>>>>> album.  It could be 15 or 20 files, or it could be 5 or 600 files,  
>>>>> but
>>>>> all the files will be in one thread.  You just hit the button to grab
>>>>> the thread and you have all the files in one stroke.
>>>>> I don't know about this hogwasher thing, but you may as well save
>>>>> money and buy unison, since I don't see how anything could possibly  
>>>>> be
>>>>> better.  Of course, behind every good binary newsgroup reader there  
>>>>> is
>>>>> a good news group service.  If you are going to pay for unison, then
>>>>> an easy news or giganews plan shouldn't be out of the way.  They have
>>>>> 60 or so days worth of retention, fantastic throughputs, web access,
>>>>> and great value for money on transferable gb's and such.  I couldn't
>>>>> use up my 20 gb for the longest time and ended up with over 500 gb
>>>>> that I could download with beofre I had to cansil so I could fix my
>>>>> bills.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> erik burggraaf
>>>>> A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
>>>>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>>>>> Email: e...@erik-burggraaf.com
>>>>> On 2009-11-14, at 4:56 AM, anouk radix wrote:
>>>>>> Hello, I finally wanted to get seriously into usenet for the first
>>>>>> time (it never really was an option under windows before because hal
>>>>>> is just too limited), unfortunately i installed the applications
>>>>>> soon after i got sl and now they are expired. I know from other
>>>>>> users unison will work because it is from the seem makers as

Using the insirt key as a modifier key in vmware fusion

2009-12-26 Thread Mike Reiser
Hello all,

I'm running windows 7 64-bit in vmware fusion with voiceover.  I use 
system access in windows which requires a modifier key to be pressed 
like in jaws.  I used sharpkeys to try and make this happen as the 
capslock key doesn't seem to work on my macbook pro. I first tried 
mapping the insirt key to the capslock key but still no go.  It just 
says capslock on or whatever.  Then I mapped insirt to the right windows 
key or the command key on this keyboard, still nothing.  Was wondering 
how one accomplishes this so they can use jaws or other screen readers 
and was I doing this wrong?  Thanks,



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Re: Where and what is Safari Reader?

2010-06-08 Thread mike Reiser
It allows you to put articles on one page and makes them easier to read.  Not 
sure if it only works on certain pages but the command is command shift r.  

aim screen name: chrchmiker

MSN screen name: blindgu...@gmail.com

yahoo screen name: miker19882001

skype name: miker1988

twitter: http://www.twitter.com/archenemy12

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/blindguy21

On Jun 8, 2010, at 4:52 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi folks.
> I've upgraded to Safari 5 and found this menu command that's dimmed and that 
> says "open reader". Ok, i think, so there's no reader to open, well how do i 
> find where and what it is? So i go to open the help page about the reader and 
> get the following: "Help viewer couldn't open this content", what the ...
> So, where if anywhere could i go to install the reader and what does it do? 
> Is it an rss reader?
> /Krister
> -- 
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Mail not showing all messages

2010-06-08 Thread mike Reiser
Hello all,

I have rules set in mail that have all my lists going into there own folders.  
It seems that voiceover will tell me for example that there are 4 emails and it 
only shows 2 of them.  Or 17 and it only shows 9.  Is there any way to fix 
this?  Thanks,

aim screen name: chrchmiker

MSN screen name: blindgu...@gmail.com

yahoo screen name: miker19882001

skype name: miker1988

twitter: http://www.twitter.com/archenemy12

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/blindguy21

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Re: Facebook and Safari 5?

2010-06-10 Thread mike Reiser
Have thought about contacting facebook about all this, any way to contact them? 

aim screen name: chrchmiker

MSN screen name: blindgu...@gmail.com

yahoo screen name: miker19882001

skype name: miker1988

twitter: http://www.twitter.com/archenemy12

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/blindguy21

On Jun 10, 2010, at 11:43 AM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> I'm with you Olivia.  There seems to be no consistancy with VO and the 
> regular Facebook site.  I use the Mobile site myself, but it seems to be very 
> slow at times.  Most of the time when I do a VO[ to go back a page, it seems 
> to stall and take forever to back up a page.  It would be nice to have a 
> seemlessly functional Facebook page wouldn't it?  :)
> On Jun 10, 2010, at 9:56 AM, Olivia Norman wrote:
>> I can't get FB to work with safari five, but then again, I didn't like it 
>> much with safari four, either.  I found the main page to be very cluttered, 
>> and not very accessible.  How did you have success navigating it, eric?
>> Olivia
>> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
>> On Jun 10, 2010, at 6:49 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hi, I've not had any problems with fb under safari four.  If anything the 
>>> experience should be richer under safari 5, but I too have been scared off 
>>> by the problems.  I'm hoping they come out with a 5.1 or 5.01 sometime in 
>>> the next few weeks that solves some issues.
>>> By the way, how do the nightly builds of webkit stack up against safari 5?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> User support consultant,
>>> Website: http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
>>> Toll-free: 888-255-5194
>>> On 2010-06-10, at 10:01 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've held off up on upgrading to Safari 5 because of all the problems 
 people seem to be having.  But I'm wondering if anyone has tried using 
 Facebook?  I'm getting really tired of having to switch to my PC every 
 time I want to post to Facebook.
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: opening applications folder in the doc

2010-06-12 Thread mike Reiser
To open folders on the doc, you have to hit voshift M and select open. Kind've 
silly but there you go.  

aim screen name: chrchmiker

MSN screen name: blindgu...@gmail.com

yahoo screen name: miker19882001

skype name: miker1988

twitter: http://www.twitter.com/archenemy12

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/blindguy21

On Jun 12, 2010, at 9:40 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> You have to interact to before using VO spacebar to open an application using 
> the apllication browser in the finder.  To not have to interact, I suggest 
> just using command O to open an application.
> hth 
> On Jun 12, 2010, at 10:33 AM, Chris Westbrook wrote:
>> This seems like a really stupid question, but I'll ask it anyway.  When I 
>> hit vo space on the applications folder on the doc, it says pressed, but 
>> nothing happens.  When I do that for other items the items get opened.  Am I 
>> doing something wrong?
>> -- 
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>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: vinux 3.0 on bootcamp

2010-06-14 Thread mike Reiser
Don't think you can put vinux in bootcamp, I believe that's for windows only.  

aim screen name: chrchmiker

MSN screen name: blindgu...@gmail.com

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skype name: miker1988

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On Jun 14, 2010, at 2:03 PM, chad baker wrote:

> Hi has anyone ever tried vinux 3.0 on bootcamp?
> I just downloaded it it works fine in fusion.
> -- 
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Re: vinux 3.0 on bootcamp

2010-06-15 Thread mike Reiser
You can use insirt and pageup to raise the volume.  Hope this helps,

aim screen name: chrchmiker

MSN screen name: blindgu...@gmail.com

yahoo screen name: miker19882001

skype name: miker1988

twitter: http://www.twitter.com/archenemy12

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On Jun 15, 2010, at 7:23 AM, Larry Skutchan wrote:

> How are you getting the volume level up where you can hear it. I always have 
> to go to Ubuntu's System Settings and raise the volume there. It is fine 
> until I reboot where it returns to such a low level that it is very difficult 
> to hear.
> I suspect this should work under Boot Camp just as well if not better.
> On Jun 14, 2010, at 3:03 PM, chad baker wrote:
>> Hi has anyone ever tried vinux 3.0 on bootcamp?
>> I just downloaded it it works fine in fusion.
>> -- 
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Re: safari 5 bug not fixed with new os release

2010-06-16 Thread mike Reiser
I assume this will take a safari fix and maybe not the update.  

aim screen name: chrchmiker

MSN screen name: blindgu...@gmail.com

yahoo screen name: miker19882001

skype name: miker1988

twitter: http://www.twitter.com/archenemy12

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/blindguy21

On Jun 15, 2010, at 10:04 PM, Dan Roy wrote:

> I don't use ichat, but, the only thing is, with the audible bug, someone 
> would have to have an account to see it happen.  I have no problems until 
> signing in. Yes, I am also using the google search solution to get around the 
> problem.  The thing is, as time goes on, we will find more of these sites, I 
> am sure of it.
> I thought for sure the latest update would fix it, but, I was wrong!
> On Jun 15, 2010, at 6:11 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm sad to report that, at least on my system, the bug that causes crashing 
>> when you go to audible.com by typing in the site, and the bug that causes 
>> IChat to be unusable are not fixed with the new release of sl. I have to say 
>> that I am disappointed. this has to be an easy one for them to reproduce. so 
>> many of us have experienced and reported this bug. but no fix was 
>> forthcoming in the maintenance release. 
>> mary
>> -- 
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Re: Webkit and Audible

2010-06-23 Thread Mike Reiser

I can confirm this here, is working well here as well.


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Re: no luck with audible download

2010-01-31 Thread Mike Reiser
Insure that open trusted files is checked in safari if your downloading that 
way, then it will automatically do it.  

aim screen name: crhchmiker
msn screen name: blindgu...@gmail.com
yahoo screenname: miker19882001
skype name:miker1988

On Jan 30, 2010, at 5:43 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> I did manage to download a title with Itunes open. The title still went into 
> the downloads folder and had to be added to the library via the Itunes menu. 
> Mary
> -- 
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deleting a bootcamp partition

2010-04-01 Thread Mike Reiser
Hello all,

I had Windows on a bootcamp partition but it got corrupted so I decided to 
delete it.  Obviously I should have googled this but I didn't so whatever lol.  
I went into disk utility and choose to delete the partition.  However, it just 
deleted the data on it and didn't restore the hard drive space.  When I go into 
boot camp, it says that it can't format the startup disk and won't let me 
continue.  So how do I get this empty bootcamp volume off my system so I can 
get this hard drive space back?  Thanks,

aim screen name: crhchmiker
msn screen name: blindgu...@gmail.com
yahoo screenname: miker19882001
skype name:miker1988

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Re: Mail too slow

2010-04-23 Thread Mike Reiser
I've seen this issue as well, and also sometimes you can't quit it without it 
telling you the operation can't be completed.  

aim screen name: crhchmiker
msn screen name: blindgu...@gmail.com
yahoo screenname: miker19882001
skype name:miker1988

On Apr 23, 2010, at 10:08 AM, mani wrote:

> Of late, I am finding Mail to be too slow.  When I bring up Mail for
> the first time, it takes more than 10 minutes to get all my new
> messages.  I know it is not my wireless connection because Safari
> works just fine.
> Any ideas why?
> Thanks,
> mani
> -- 
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Re: very nice experience at University Village Apple Store in Seattle Washington

2009-05-28 Thread Mike Reiser
On 5/28/2009 2:34 PM, Jessi and Goldina wrote:
> agreed, Arthur, lol.
> if you're gonna take that approach about the iphone and firefox and
> their various addons and apps why don't you just say that about
> voiceover as a whole? what it seems like you're saying is let's not
> make the iphone accessible cuz none of the apps will be. well then,
> let's not make the mac accessible because of all those apps that
> aren't made by apple that may not be. that seems like a silly
> approach. I'm sure there will be plenty of iphone apps that will be
> accessible. as the word about accessibility grows, app developers will
> most likely strive to make their products accessible. they've done so
> on the mac, so I don't see why they wouldn't on the iphone.
> I'm sure apple will do it, it's only a matter of time. let's not be
> all negative and try and shoot down something that could benefit us.
> the iphone will still be the iphone whether it's accessible or not.
> peace and positivity
> Jessi
> follow me on twitter www.twitter.com/canadian_diva
> On 28-May-09, at 12:23 PM, arthur gindin wrote:
>> spamming hardly befits a "distinguished" person
>> Sean Tikkun wrote:
>>> Can folks on this board help me out here?  I don't see the point of
>>> an accessible iPhone.  The fluid dynamic of screen touch technology
>>> combined with GUI interface seems like it is just a counter
>>> accessible
>>> design form the get go.  Once you make the thing accessible it is no
>>> longer an iPhone.  I may not be far enough outside the box, but even
>>> if the iPhone were made accessible then all of the apps would still
>>> not be.  It is the same issue with Firefox.  If Firefox wanted to be
>>> accessible, they would be!  From my understanding the mark-up is
>>> there.  The code for using it is free to the programmers and
>>> developers...  They just don't care to do it.
>>> Shouldn't we be e-mail spamming Firefox to get with the program?
>>> Sean Richards Tikkun
>>> Apple Distinghuished Educator
>>> class of 2007
>>> jaq...@mac.com
>>> On May 28, 2009, at 5:20 AM, Vicki Manley wrote:
 That would be so ace if they brought out an accessible i phone
 What a really great suggestion!!!
 Best wishes,
 On 28 May 2009, at 06:37, Ben King wrote:

> Dear Mac Friends,
> I am writing you to let you know about an experience I had today at
> the University Village Apple Store in Seattle Washington.  The
> person
> that I spoke to was very nice and he asked me what I would like to
> see
> improved in regards to Voiceover.  I told him that Fire Fox would
> be
> nice with Voiceover support as well as maybe an accessible I Phone.
> Anyway, it was extremely nice for me to go into an Apple Store and
> play with main stream technology.  I love Voiceover as well as the
> Mac.  I hope you all have a nice evening.
> Blessings,
> Ben King
>> >>
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> -~--~~~~--~~--~--~---
Let's also remember that the folks at google encluding TV raymond are 
working to make the android phone which has a touch screen like the 
iphone, accessible.  I'm sure Apple will eventually.  Also, firefox is 
working on accessibility as has been discussed before.


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Re: very nice experience at University Village Apple Store in Seattle Washington

2009-05-28 Thread Mike Reiser
On 5/28/2009 3:39 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
> Sean, I'd be happy to entertain your below points, but firstly,
> forgive me, but this honestly sounds like the very same rhetoric that
> I hear all too often in the blind community which simply is a negative
> response to touch screens?…  Yes?…
> Is this really what your saying with the below, or are you
> genuinely not understanding how current touch screen tech is already
> used in the VI / blind community…
> Touch screen devices are already used by the visually impaired on a
> daily basis…
> On the point of accessible apps, I'm also not sure what your
> getting at here; Obviously, OSX / VO is already functioning just fine
> with a wide range of applications and as Apple would most assuredly
> extend the same paradigm to the IPhone, the same would logically hold
> true…
> Yes there would probably be apps which weren't accessible, as there
> are on the Mac, Windows, and various current Smart Phones / PDAs.
> However, there's every reason to believe that if there were an
> accessible IPhone screen access solution by Apple, that it's
> integration alone, would allow substantial access out of the box as it
> were.
> I'm not clear on why you'd suggest that an accessible IPhone isn't
> really an IPhone. What do you mean here?…   Is a computer not
> 'really' a computer simply because it may run an accessible interface
> solution?…  This type of logic doesn't make sense to me, but I'd
> certainly be interested in hearing where you're coming from on it, if
> you don't mind…
> Sure, the user experience would be different from a sighted user,
> but people customize their user experience very often, anyway.  So
> this seems kind of moot to me…
> Anyway, I hope I've understood you correctly here, and that the
> above makes sense. :)
> Have a great day and talk with ya soon!…
> Smiles,
> Cara  :)
> ---
> Follow me on Twitter!
> https://twitter.com/ModelCara
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> http://www.onemodelplace.com/CaraQuinn
> On May 28, 2009, at 10:48 AM, Sean Tikkun wrote:
>   Can folks on this board help me out here?  I don't see the point of
> an accessible iPhone.  The fluid dynamic of screen touch technology
> combined with GUI interface seems like it is just a counter accessible
> design form the get go.  Once you make the thing accessible it is no
> longer an iPhone.  I may not be far enough outside the box, but even
> if the iPhone were made accessible then all of the apps would still
> not be.  It is the same issue with Firefox.  If Firefox wanted to be
> accessible, they would be!  From my understanding the mark-up is
> there.  The code for using it is free to the programmers and
> developers...  They just don't care to do it.
>   Shouldn't we be e-mail spamming Firefox to get with the program?
> Sean Richards Tikkun
> Apple Distinghuished Educator
> class of 2007
> jaq...@mac.com
> On May 28, 2009, at 5:20 AM, Vicki Manley wrote:
>> Hi,
>> That would be so ace if they brought out an accessible i phone
>> What a really great suggestion!!!
>> Best wishes,
>> Vicki.
>> On 28 May 2009, at 06:37, Ben King wrote:
>>> Dear Mac Friends,
>>> I am writing you to let you know about an experience I had today at
>>> the University Village Apple Store in Seattle Washington.  The person
>>> that I spoke to was very nice and he asked me what I would like to
>>> see
>>> improved in regards to Voiceover.  I told him that Fire Fox would be
>>> nice with Voiceover support as well as maybe an accessible I Phone.
>>> Anyway, it was extremely nice for me to go into an Apple Store and
>>> play with main stream technology.  I love Voiceover as well as the
>>> Mac.  I hope you all have a nice evening.
>>> Blessings,
>>> Ben King
>> >>
> --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en
> -~--~~~~--~~--~--~---
 From what I've heard the same fear was present when we moved to the 
gui, we will get to touch scereens as well I think.


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Setting up a pc keyboard on a mac mini

2009-05-31 Thread Mike Reiser

Hello all,

Tomorrow I will be ordering my first mac, a mac mini.  I'm getting the 
one with the 320 gig harddrive and am going to get it with 4 gigs of 
ram.  When it comes and I hook my current keyboard up to it, I've heard 
that I will need to press some keys so that it can recognize it.  Some 
have said that vo will not read this.  Is there a way to do this with vo 
or will I need sighted help for this?  Thanks and can't wait to be a 
full member of the blind mac community.


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Re: Setting up a pc keyboard on a mac mini

2009-06-01 Thread Mike Reiser
On 5/31/2009 10:36 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
> Hi,
> Joining to my last post, ... It is a set of radio buttons that come up
> instead of using the "Auto Detect" features.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 31-May-09, at 8:20 PM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Tomorrow I will be ordering my first mac, a mac mini.  I'm getting the
>> one with the 320 gig harddrive and am going to get it with 4 gigs of
>> ram.  When it comes and I hook my current keyboard up to it, I've
>> heard
>> that I will need to press some keys so that it can recognize it.  Some
>> have said that vo will not read this.  Is there a way to do this
>> with vo
>> or will I need sighted help for this?  Thanks and can't wait to be a
>> full member of the blind mac community.
>> Mike
> >
Ok so on the pc keyboard is the command key still the windows key then 
or is it the alt key now?


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Re: Setting up a pc keyboard on a mac mini

2009-06-01 Thread Mike Reiser
On 6/1/2009 7:00 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Mike I am not sure of the key sequence, but if you could spring for
> the Mac keyboard, I think you would be very pleased with your switch.
> I have never found a PC keyboard that is of the quality and comfort of
> the new Mac aluminum keyboards and I've used a lot of keyboards in my
> time. It was the best $50 I ever spent on a keyboard and I suspect
> I'll get many years of use from this keyboard.
> Good luck with whatever you choose and welcome to the wonderful world
> of Mac. :)
> On May 31, 2009, at 11:20 PM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Tomorrow I will be ordering my first mac, a mac mini.  I'm getting the
>> one with the 320 gig harddrive and am going to get it with 4 gigs of
>> ram.  When it comes and I hook my current keyboard up to it, I've
>> heard
>> that I will need to press some keys so that it can recognize it.  Some
>> have said that vo will not read this.  Is there a way to do this
>> with vo
>> or will I need sighted help for this?  Thanks and can't wait to be a
>> full member of the blind mac community.
>> Mike
> >
Where did you get the apple keyboard from?  When I tried to order it 
with it it would be 100 dollars from apple.


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Re: Setting up a pc keyboard on a mac mini

2009-06-01 Thread Mike Reiser
On 6/1/2009 11:21 AM, Ben King wrote:
> Dear Mike,
> Welcome to the Mac Community.  We are glad to have you!
> There are some podcasts that you should take a look at.  The
> Screenlessswitchers podcast, Lioncourt.com where you can find the new
> Mac round table podcast and the Mac Review Cast.  I hope things are
> going well.
> Blessings,
> Ben King
> On May 31, 2009, at 8:20 PM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Tomorrow I will be ordering my first mac, a mac mini.  I'm getting the
>> one with the 320 gig harddrive and am going to get it with 4 gigs of
>> ram.  When it comes and I hook my current keyboard up to it, I've
>> heard
>> that I will need to press some keys so that it can recognize it.  Some
>> have said that vo will not read this.  Is there a way to do this
>> with vo
>> or will I need sighted help for this?  Thanks and can't wait to be a
>> full member of the blind mac community.
>> Mike
> >
I listened to some of the screenless switchers ones and lioncourt, also 
the stuff on blindcooltech from Mike arigo.  What is the mac review 


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automatic updates

2009-06-02 Thread Mike Reiser

Hello all,

First of all I just wanted to report that my mac mini is now ordered.  
The apple support person was very nice and helpfull, though he didn't 
know spacifics on voiceover and didn't know for example that MS office 
isn't accessible on the mac as he asked me if I needed it.  On tutorials 
that I've heard you can enable automatic updates for mac.  I'm just 
wondering how if vo tells you if an update is available and if it's 
being installed?  Thanks,


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Re: Setting up a pc keyboard on a mac mini

2009-06-02 Thread Mike Reiser
On 6/1/2009 4:53 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Surely that can't be the case. I purchased mine from the Apple store
> in New Jersey. Did you look at the wired or wireless keyboard? The
> bluetooth wireless keyboard is $79 from Best Buy and I'm sure that is
> the same price from the Apple store. THe wired keyboard is $49.95 or
> $50 from either place. So, not sure, but I know it was not $100.
> On Jun 1, 2009, at 3:56 PM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>> On 6/1/2009 7:00 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Mike I am not sure of the key sequence, but if you could spring for
>>> the Mac keyboard, I think you would be very pleased with your switch.
>>> I have never found a PC keyboard that is of the quality and comfort
>>> of
>>> the new Mac aluminum keyboards and I've used a lot of keyboards in my
>>> time. It was the best $50 I ever spent on a keyboard and I suspect
>>> I'll get many years of use from this keyboard.
>>> Good luck with whatever you choose and welcome to the wonderful world
>>> of Mac. :)
>>> On May 31, 2009, at 11:20 PM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> Tomorrow I will be ordering my first mac, a mac mini.  I'm getting
>>>> the
>>>> one with the 320 gig harddrive and am going to get it with 4 gigs of
>>>> ram.  When it comes and I hook my current keyboard up to it, I've
>>>> heard
>>>> that I will need to press some keys so that it can recognize it.
>>>> Some
>>>> have said that vo will not read this.  Is there a way to do this
>>>> with vo
>>>> or will I need sighted help for this?  Thanks and can't wait to be a
>>>> full member of the blind mac community.
>>>> Mike
>> Where did you get the apple keyboard from?  When I tried to order it
>> with it it would be 100 dollars from apple.
>> Mike
> >
This was just when I was getting the mini.  Both keyboards are 50 
dollars from apple.  Not sure which one to get lol.


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Re: automatic updates

2009-06-03 Thread Mike Reiser
On 6/2/2009 2:39 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Congratulations on your new Mac Mini. You asked about automatic
> updates.  Under your Apple menu there is an option named "Software
> Update".  VO-M to the Apple menu on the menu bar, arrow down to this
> option, and press return.  It will run a check for new software.  If
> you bring up its preferences menu (Command-comma), the first tab,
> which is "Scheduled Check", has a button to "Check Now", information
> on when the last software update was run, and checkboxes for "Check
> for updates" (with a pop up button for weekly, daily, or monthly) and
> for "Download important updates automatically".  The second tab,
> "Installed Updates", has a table of the date, name, and version number
> of your installed updates.
> Incidentally, if you are not planning to connect a monitor to your Mac
> Mini, you should be aware that you may  see slower performance,
> because apparently some system processes check whether a monitor or
> other video display device is attached.  There is a fix for this if
> you attach a video adapter connector to the Mini.  This is the kind of
> connector that attaches to a television -- not a monitor.  When you
> use a monitor connector the Mini can tell that there isn't a live
> monitor connected to the other end; with the video connector there's
> no such feedback.  People using earlier model Intel Mac Minis without
> a monitor solved this issue by buying the "Apple DVI to Video Adapter"
> -- a $19 connector.
> If you have the latest Mac Mini, they've changed the connector plug
> from DVI to mini-DVI, so you would presumably need the "Apple Mini-DVI
> to Video Adapter" to solve performance issues if you don't plan to
> connect a monitor to your Mini:
> http://store.apple.com/us/product/M9319G/A
> However, we haven't had anybody on list talk about owning the newest
> model Mac Mini yet.
> You can read James' recent post about "Slow Mac Mini" to read about
> the symptoms:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/macvisionaries%40googlegroups.com/msg02102.html
> I believe all these problems have now gone away with his purchase of
> the Apple DVI to Video Adapter.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> On Jun 2, 2009, at 5:45 AM, Mike Reiser wrote
>> Hello all,
>> First of all I just wanted to report that my mac mini is now ordered.
>> The apple support person was very nice and helpfull, though he didn't
>> know spacifics on voiceover and didn't know for example that MS office
>> isn't accessible on the mac as he asked me if I needed it.  On
>> tutorials
>> that I've heard you can enable automatic updates for mac.  I'm just
>> wondering how if vo tells you if an update is available and if it's
>> being installed?  Thanks,
>> Mike
> >
I will try to connect my monitor just to be safe.  When you enable the 
automatic update check will voiceover read it when it does the scheduled 
check?  I have a flat screen monitor so I wonder if it's supported or 
not?  Thanks,


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Re: mac voiceover in braille monitor

2009-06-10 Thread Mike Reiser

I definitely agree.  I think enough blind people will continue
  to look at mac to make it still a viable option.

MikeOn Jun 10, 2009, at 1:04 AM, Mark Baxter wrote:

> This is typical NFB.  Prey on an already oppressed popularion with
> scare tactics about what *COULD* go wrong and how helpless they'd be
> unless trhey do things the NFB way.  It's why I have very little to do
> with organized groups of blind people.  Don't feel bad; I also scoff
> at organized religion in favor of individual spirituality, and hate
> Christmas because of shopping mobs and humans in packs.  Don't beieve
> what the NFB tells you; they're just anothe organization with another
> marketing angle.
> Mark BurningHawk
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
> My home page:
> http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: mac voiceover in braille monitor

2009-06-10 Thread Mike Reiser

That's great.  Let me just say I did not intend any offense with my  
comment on the older/younger thing.  My apologeez if any offense was  

On Jun 10, 2009, at 2:16 AM, Jenny Kennedy wrote:

> I don't know who would be counted in the "young" group and who in the
> "old.  I first heard rumblings that the Mac was accessable in late
> 2007.I was 30 then and am 32 now, got my Mac when I was 31.  So not
> sure where I fit, young or old or whatever...
> My story was this. My windows computer was on it's last legs and we
> knew that I had to get a new one.  At first we thought about getting a
> low cost windows laptop.  Then they came out with vista.  My partner
> Larry at first didn't want to drop so much money all at once on a
> computer.  But I sat down and did a lot of research. Listened to
> screenless switchers, joined this list, listened to everything ACB
> radio had to say found other podcasts and after that I priced out how
> much would it be  to get a laptop with windows and a copy of JAWS.
> Then I priced out the ongoing costs, upgrades to the OS and JAWS and
> other things.  I gathered everything I learned and presented it to
> Larry.  I think after all was said and done that the Mac, while
> expensive at first more or less payed for it's self in the money I
> saved as it had a built in screen access and screen enlargement, plus
> the most I'd think of paying for os/A/T upgrades with the mac at tops
> would be 150 bucks compaired to havint to spend 200 a year ontop of
> the nearly 1000 starting price for a windows screen reader.  Just
> after we took the choice to get the Mac I got a chance to try vista as
> I barrowed my stepdaughter's new vista computer.  I tried timed demos
> of JAWS and W.E. and the free screen readers and was so grumpy with
> the whole thing.  Larry got to see first hand what a pain in the neck
> it all was and I even got him to listen to some of the mac demos.  He
> said we got the mac because it  has what I need and seems to be a
> better computer for me.  I haven't crashed it yet and aside from a few
> structure problems with the macbook, like little shards of it coming
> apart where the lid shuts and the recent shorting out of the option
> key I have had no trouble with it.  I think people can take the choice
> if they find themselves where I was.  In need of a computer and free
> and open to anything.  I'm a stay at home mom so don't have to worry
> about my mac interfacing with other computers I like my choice and am
> glad I took the time to learn all I could rather than just following a
> mass of people one way or the other.
> Jenny
> blueskyes9112...@gmail.com
> Olathe, Ks USA
> On 6/10/09, Mark Baxter  wrote:
>> This is typical NFB.  Prey on an already oppressed popularion with
>> scare tactics about what *COULD* go wrong and how helpless they'd be
>> unless trhey do things the NFB way.  It's why I have very little to  
>> do
>> with organized groups of blind people.  Don't feel bad; I also scoff
>> at organized religion in favor of individual spirituality, and hate
>> Christmas because of shopping mobs and humans in packs.  Don't beieve
>> what the NFB tells you; they're just anothe organization with another
>> marketing angle.
>> Mark BurningHawk
>> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
>> My home page:
>> http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
> >

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Re: mac voiceover in braille monitor

2009-06-10 Thread Mike Reiser

That's just my interpritation on it, I have no prough either way but  
that's how it feels.

On Jun 10, 2009, at 2:46 AM, Ignasi Cambra wrote:

> Oh, so that's what it is...!
> On Jun 9, 2009, at 11:03 PM, Michael Reiser wrote:
>> They have FS and other companies in there pockets, so they have to
>> discredit someone else.
>> Mike
>> On Jun 9, 2009, at 9:54 PM, James Dietz wrote:
>>> Nearly everything they point out is negative. It's almost as if
>>> they're deliberately skipping over what the screenreader does well  
>>> so
>>> that they can get right to the bad stuff.  My favorite has to be the
>>> section where they discuss using voiceover with the internet - while
>>> there are some legitimate problems with group mode and ajax pages
>>> (which I would've agreed with if they'd been mentioned), it does
>>> present info in a logical form to me anyway. That's subjective, but
>>> they they go on to say that commands to move between different
>>> elements of a page were not readily apparent and had to be learned.
>>> Commands need to be learned for every program, including JAWS and
>>> Window-Eyes. Yeesh! They also mentioned the fact that vo+arrowing
>>> through elements was tedius. This is tricky, but that's pretty much
>>> how JFW handles it - with the exception that you can pgdn through a
>>> page to skip bigger chunks. They didn't mention that, so not sure if
>>> they're being entirely fair. The article raised some good points -
>>> training would help explain things like the infamous double-sided
>>> cursor (which they didn't quite realize existed - for the record VO
>>> was not mis-speaking characters) and use of the mac itself in
>>> combination with voiceover.  Once Apple can sell a mac to blind  
>>> users
>>> with some vo-specific training, they might be able to tap into the
>>> market a little better. Of course it's doubtful they will actually  
>>> do
>>> this - blind services buy computers and software for working blind
>>> people. That means Microsoft Windows and JAWS (or window-eyes I
>>> guess)
>>> because that's what workplaces use. Apple seems to have accepted and
>>> embraced it's market position as the cool slick do-it-all magic box
>>> for home users.
>>> On 6/9/09, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
 The biggest problem with this article I think is that they are
 voice over too much to windows screen readers. While I like to
 compare some
 things about the mac to elements in windows such as the finder to
 and the doc to the windows task bar and quick launch, they did this
 with way too much expectation for voice over and the mac to behave
 - Original Message -
 From: Michael Reiser
 To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 6:40 PM
 Subject: mac voiceover in braille monitor

 Just thought I'd share this with everyone.  The nfb featured vo in
 june 2009 issue of the braille monitor.  While I agree with some of
 concerns here, I disaggree with quite a few especially that vo
 should just
 read everything automatically.  Ironic that many of the concerns
 put forth
 will be addressed in snow lepard.  Would love toÎ hear everyone
 else's take
 on this.

 I'll paste the article here for easy reading.  Braille Monitor
 June 2009
 (back) (contents) (next)

 Report on the Ease of Access of the Apple OS 10.5 Leopard
 Environment with
 by Wesley Majerus

 From the Editor: Almost as long as computers have dominated the
 lives of
 many Americans, some people have praised the Apple products with a
 verging on the religious. The operating system has always been more
 intuitive than that of the PC, and manipulating graphics on Apple
 is apparently both easy and satisfying. But since the Apple IIe in
 the early
 days, which seems to have incorporated some speech access, Apple
 have been remarkably inaccessible to blind users.

 Now for the first time the Apple Macintosh operating system has  
 equipped with VoiceOver, which provides more speech access than
 blind people
 have ever had on Apple products. But how good is it? How efficient
 is the
 speech? Does the blind user have access to every computer function?
 International Braille and Technology Center Access Technology
 Wesley Majerus set out to put the Mac and VoiceOver through their
 Here is his report:

 Apple's Macintosh computer is one of the only systems to have
 full-function screen-access software. Because it is a part of the
 system, it is usable out of the box and on the showroom floor. You
 simply walk up to an

Re: mac voiceover in braille monitor

2009-06-10 Thread Mike Reiser

We could also suggest that apple put the basic keyboard commands and  
basics on using the mac in the tutorial.  Would this be sent to Apple  

On Jun 10, 2009, at 8:08 AM, kaare dehard wrote:

> What we have is an opportunity to point out the few negatives that
> matter to apple such as mixing the commandsets together from osx and
> vo, real good stuff to look at, but the rest of it is pretty much a
> statement of praising windows os and the way that those screen readers
> handle things. That's nice if you have a tech department to help you
> get things back up on the ever too rare occasion when windows crashes
> and needs a format:) However the poor journalism and the lack of
> objectivity in this report lower the respect level for both the
> individual writing it and the publication responsible for permitting
> such tripe to be featured within it's pages.
> On 10-Jun-09, at 1:54 AM, Michael Reiser wrote:
>> I agree with everything said.  Mac popularity has grown despite  
>> access
>> world which buy the way did write a very nice review of lepard last
>> September.  I don't think blind people will just go buy that as a
>> facter.  I really think the younger blind crowd will embrace mac more
>> and the older ones will follow after.  As for me I love my mac and
>> will not go back to windows.
>> Mike
>> On Jun 9, 2009, at 10:08 PM, James Dietz wrote:
>>> Really? I know FS is one of the key sponsers of the convention, but
>>> does that really mean they have an agenda? I can almost believe it,
>>> as
>>> like I said it really wasn't so much a debate of pros and cons as it
>>> was a list of cons. I don't want to help escolate this into a flame
>>> war, but I am curious to know if what people have said about
>>> blindness
>>> organizations and blind-specific tech and other companies is really
>>> true. In a perfect world they'd just want what would be best for the
>>> blind user, and I don't see how anyone could argue with mainstream
>>> screenreading action. If it's not a quality product or hasn't  
>>> matured
>>> much (like Microsoft's narrator) then a complaint is justified.
>>> On 6/9/09, Michael Reiser  wrote:

 They have FS and other companies in there pockets, so they have to
 discredit someone else.

 On Jun 9, 2009, at 9:54 PM, James Dietz wrote:

> Nearly everything they point out is negative. It's almost as if
> they're deliberately skipping over what the screenreader does well
> so
> that they can get right to the bad stuff.  My favorite has to be
> the
> section where they discuss using voiceover with the internet -
> while
> there are some legitimate problems with group mode and ajax pages
> (which I would've agreed with if they'd been mentioned), it does
> present info in a logical form to me anyway. That's subjective,  
> but
> they they go on to say that commands to move between different
> elements of a page were not readily apparent and had to be  
> learned.
> Commands need to be learned for every program, including JAWS and
> Window-Eyes. Yeesh! They also mentioned the fact that vo+arrowing
> through elements was tedius. This is tricky, but that's pretty  
> much
> how JFW handles it - with the exception that you can pgdn  
> through a
> page to skip bigger chunks. They didn't mention that, so not sure
> if
> they're being entirely fair. The article raised some good points -
> training would help explain things like the infamous double-sided
> cursor (which they didn't quite realize existed - for the record  
> VO
> was not mis-speaking characters) and use of the mac itself in
> combination with voiceover.  Once Apple can sell a mac to blind
> users
> with some vo-specific training, they might be able to tap into the
> market a little better. Of course it's doubtful they will actually
> do
> this - blind services buy computers and software for working blind
> people. That means Microsoft Windows and JAWS (or window-eyes I
> guess)
> because that's what workplaces use. Apple seems to have accepted
> and
> embraced it's market position as the cool slick do-it-all magic  
> box
> for home users.
> On 6/9/09, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
>> The biggest problem with this article I think is that they are
>> comparing
>> voice over too much to windows screen readers. While I like to
>> compare some
>> things about the mac to elements in windows such as the finder to
>> explorer,
>> and the doc to the windows task bar and quick launch, they did
>> this
>> review
>> with way too much expectation for voice over and the mac to  
>> behave
>> like
>> windows.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Michael Reiser
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 6:40 P

Re: Vo doesn't read text under some radio buttons

2009-06-10 Thread Mike Reiser


I'll see if I can find it in the menus.
On Jun 10, 2009, at 7:48 AM, Ryan Dour wrote:

> Hello,
> You may actually want to save the page as a web archive, zip it, and
> send that instead. A screen capture can't be navigated by VO in the
> same way a  web archive can be. Web archives preserve the page
> including code exactly. THe code may not function, but the page will
> read the same. THis would give the accessibility team the opportunity
> to investigate the exact code issue.
> Ryan
> On Jun 9, 2009, at 5:10 PM, Michael Reiser wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> Just wanted to report that vo doesn't seem to read text under some
>> radio buttons.  An example of this is my school.  They use a thing
>> called desire to learn.  I just went to go take a quiz for class, but
>> all vo says for the choices is 1 radio button, 2 radio button, 3  
>> radio
>> button.  It worked in safari 3, and on windows with nvda and other
>> readers it works just fine.  I sent an email to apple accessibility
>> with a screenshot with no response yet.  Hope this gets fixed soon as
>> I won't beable to do my quizes this way.
>> Mike
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

Re: mac voiceover in braille monitor

2009-06-10 Thread Mike Reiser

There is a vo users's guide on the apple site.  It's in pdf, braille,  
and in other formats I believe.

On Jun 10, 2009, at 9:52 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Is there actually a manual made for VO? I should ofcourse know, but
> i'm not sure if it's only this "getting started" thingy. There should
> absolutely be a chapter about how the Os looks and a bit about the
> shortcut keys of the os.
> /Krister
> 10 jun 2009 kl. 16.48 skrev Mike Reiser:
>> We could also suggest that apple put the basic keyboard commands and
>> basics on using the mac in the tutorial.  Would this be sent to Apple
>> accessibility?
>> Mike
>> On Jun 10, 2009, at 8:08 AM, kaare dehard wrote:
>>> What we have is an opportunity to point out the few negatives that
>>> matter to apple such as mixing the commandsets together from osx and
>>> vo, real good stuff to look at, but the rest of it is pretty much a
>>> statement of praising windows os and the way that those screen
>>> readers
>>> handle things. That's nice if you have a tech department to help you
>>> get things back up on the ever too rare occasion when windows  
>>> crashes
>>> and needs a format:) However the poor journalism and the lack of
>>> objectivity in this report lower the respect level for both the
>>> individual writing it and the publication responsible for permitting
>>> such tripe to be featured within it's pages.
>>> On 10-Jun-09, at 1:54 AM, Michael Reiser wrote:
>>>> I agree with everything said.  Mac popularity has grown despite
>>>> access
>>>> world which buy the way did write a very nice review of lepard last
>>>> September.  I don't think blind people will just go buy that as a
>>>> facter.  I really think the younger blind crowd will embrace mac
>>>> more
>>>> and the older ones will follow after.  As for me I love my mac and
>>>> will not go back to windows.
>>>> Mike
>>>> On Jun 9, 2009, at 10:08 PM, James Dietz wrote:
>>>>> Really? I know FS is one of the key sponsers of the convention,  
>>>>> but
>>>>> does that really mean they have an agenda? I can almost believe  
>>>>> it,
>>>>> as
>>>>> like I said it really wasn't so much a debate of pros and cons as
>>>>> it
>>>>> was a list of cons. I don't want to help escolate this into a  
>>>>> flame
>>>>> war, but I am curious to know if what people have said about
>>>>> blindness
>>>>> organizations and blind-specific tech and other companies is  
>>>>> really
>>>>> true. In a perfect world they'd just want what would be best for
>>>>> the
>>>>> blind user, and I don't see how anyone could argue with mainstream
>>>>> screenreading action. If it's not a quality product or hasn't
>>>>> matured
>>>>> much (like Microsoft's narrator) then a complaint is justified.
>>>>> On 6/9/09, Michael Reiser  wrote:
>>>>>> They have FS and other companies in there pockets, so they have  
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> discredit someone else.
>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>> On Jun 9, 2009, at 9:54 PM, James Dietz wrote:
>>>>>>> Nearly everything they point out is negative. It's almost as if
>>>>>>> they're deliberately skipping over what the screenreader does
>>>>>>> well
>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>> that they can get right to the bad stuff.  My favorite has to be
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> section where they discuss using voiceover with the internet -
>>>>>>> while
>>>>>>> there are some legitimate problems with group mode and ajax  
>>>>>>> pages
>>>>>>> (which I would've agreed with if they'd been mentioned), it does
>>>>>>> present info in a logical form to me anyway. That's subjective,
>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>> they they go on to say that commands to move between different
>>>>>>> elements

itunes podcast questions

2009-06-10 Thread Mike Reiser

Hello all,

Just have a few questions about podcasts in itunes.  First of all,  
When I finish listening to an episode, is it safe to use command  
delete to delete it?  Will it download new ones automatically?  Also,  
how do I unsubscribe from a podcast if I'm not interested in it  
anymore?  Thanks,


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Re: itunes podcast questions

2009-06-10 Thread Mike Reiser

I'm afraid the rest of your message didn't get through.  Thanks,

On Jun 10, 2009, at 3:30 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Mike,
> On Jun 10, 2009, at 10:04 PM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>> When I finish listening to an episode, is it safe to use command
>> delete to delete it?
> That won't work. Make sure you're interacting with the Songs list,
> place yourself somewhere on the episode you want to delete and press
> VO-Shift-m to get a contextual menu. You'll find Delete in there.
> Press Return on Delete, and you will be asked if you're sure you want
> to remove it from your iTunes library. Click on Remove and you'll be
> asked "do you want to move the selected podcast to the trash or keep
> it in the iTunes music folder?" You can then decide either to keep it
> or put it in the trash.
>> Will it download new ones automatically?
> Yes.
>> Also,
>> how do I unsubscribe from a podcast if I'm not interested in it
>> anymore?
> Use the same contextual menu as for Delete.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> >

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Re: Vo doesn't read text under some radio buttons

2009-06-11 Thread Mike Reiser

Thanks figured it out, it was a little confusing as there were two  
save as items in the neu but I figured it out.

On Jun 10, 2009, at 7:54 PM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> To do this, press "CM" + "S" and then tab to "Save".
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 10-Jun-09, at 5:48 AM, Ryan Dour wrote:
>> Hello,
>> You may actually want to save the page as a web archive, zip it, and
>> send that instead. A screen capture can't be navigated by VO in the
>> same way a  web archive can be. Web archives preserve the page
>> including code exactly. THe code may not function, but the page will
>> read the same. THis would give the accessibility team the opportunity
>> to investigate the exact code issue.
>> Ryan
>> On Jun 9, 2009, at 5:10 PM, Michael Reiser wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> Just wanted to report that vo doesn't seem to read text under some
>>> radio buttons.  An example of this is my school.  They use a thing
>>> called desire to learn.  I just went to go take a quiz for class,  
>>> but
>>> all vo says for the choices is 1 radio button, 2 radio button, 3
>>> radio
>>> button.  It worked in safari 3, and on windows with nvda and other
>>> readers it works just fine.  I sent an email to apple accessibility
>>> with a screenshot with no response yet.  Hope this gets fixed soon  
>>> as
>>> I won't beable to do my quizes this way.
>>> Mike

> >

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Re: itunes podcast questions

2009-06-11 Thread Mike Reiser

Yep I goofed and didn't read the intire thing so used to top posting  

On Jun 11, 2009, at 12:52 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Mike,
> The whole message is there. I interposted with your questions.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Jun 11, 2009, at 4:54 AM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>> I'm afraid the rest of your message didn't get through.  Thanks,
>> Mike
>> On Jun 10, 2009, at 3:30 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Mike,
>>> On Jun 10, 2009, at 10:04 PM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>>>> When I finish listening to an episode, is it safe to use command
>>>> delete to delete it?
>>> That won't work. Make sure you're interacting with the Songs list,
>>> place yourself somewhere on the episode you want to delete and press
>>> VO-Shift-m to get a contextual menu. You'll find Delete in there.
>>> Press Return on Delete, and you will be asked if you're sure you  
>>> want
>>> to remove it from your iTunes library. Click on Remove and you'll be
>>> asked "do you want to move the selected podcast to the trash or keep
>>> it in the iTunes music folder?" You can then decide either to keep  
>>> it
>>> or put it in the trash.
>>>> Will it download new ones automatically?
>>> Yes.
>>>> Also,
>>>> how do I unsubscribe from a podcast if I'm not interested in it
>>>> anymore?
>>> Use the same contextual menu as for Delete.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
> >

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Re: IWorks

2009-06-11 Thread Mike Reiser
It's an office sweet that Apple produces similar to MS Office.  It is  
quite accessible with vo for writeing documents and keynotes.  I've  
heard of issues with tables and things in iwork along with some others  
but should be fine for most tasks.

On Jun 11, 2009, at 8:35 AM, Kerry Painter wrote:

> Hi Folks.  I don't own a Mac yet but have been watching this list  
> with great interest.  Can somebody tell me a bit about IWorks and  
> what it does and whether it is accessible using VO?
> Thanks.
> Kerry
> Probably the best kept financial secret in the UK
> What's it all about
> www.wiaa.co.uk/186269
> >

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Re: mac voiceover in braille monitor

2009-06-11 Thread Mike Reiser

I was confused about the editing thing as well at first but am doing  
much better now I think.  I still goof up sometimes but oh well.  This  
guy obviously did not read the vo manual as I looked at it today and  
it's very detailed in going over the desktop orientation and all  
that.  They don't describe how to quit apps and itunes isn't mentioned  
accept a little bit but otherwise it is very well written.  I'm a bit  
concerned about Apple's documentation that comes with mac, and I think  
the tutorial should be more interactive in the sense that someone  
should demonstrate basic tasks while the person follows along.  I feel  
they should cover basic tasks like using finder, serfing the web,  
sending email, word processing, and itunes, maybe one or two more  
things.  They should also enclude the vo manual with mac and maybe  
give a short prompt when vo starts to press a key to read help and  
maybe brief instructions on how to read it.  I'm really not sure if  
this would be too much info or not, however.  They will have a welcome  
dialog in snowlepard, so this is a good step.

On Jun 11, 2009, at 4:59 PM, kaare dehard wrote:

> Interesting, so I'll explore my own journey with you.
> My first talking computer ironicly was an apple ii e. My second was a
> dos machine. Neither of these gave me much trouble. Windows was my
> next stop, and with no prejudgement I worked for a week before I got
> myself grounded. Windows 95 98 and xp as well. I then moved on to
> voiceover for both financial and technical reasons. It took only 2 or
> 3 days to get my feet, but I couldn't tell you if it was easier to
> learn, or if my difficulties with jaws and window-eyes were merely
> experience not understanding differences between cli and gui. Editing
> with the mac gave me more problems than with windows but that was
> before someone explained the differences in how the cursors were
> handled. This is not a reporting error, as sugestive in the article
> but a different method of cursor tracking and usage. If this fellow
> writing  Was truly interested in understanding the differences and
> giving the program a fair crack, it would have been just as easy for
> him to take advantage of the good help available on this list:).
> On 11-Jun-09, at 9:20 AM, Dean Wilcox wrote:
>> When you first started to use Windows were you new to computers?  I
>> mean you didn't use Lunux or an older flavour of Mac before
>> hand?  I'm asking as I wonder if you found the Mac quicker to learn
>> because you had a better grasp of computers in general when you
>> started with the Mac, something you may not have had when you started
>> to use Windows.  I'm not suggesting the Mac isn't easier to learn but
>> I may have a valid point also.
>> At 01:04 11/06/2009, you wrote:
>>> You know what was so funny to me is I have been using the Mac since
>>> 2005 and quite honestly there was a learning curve, but it took me
>>> considerably less time to get up to speed on the Mac than it did for
>>> me to master Windows and Window-Eyes. I think a lot of it has to do
>>> with the fact that the experience of the Mac and VoiceOver are so
>>> closely related, where the experience of the windows environement  
>>> and
>>> the screen reader are not going to be the same. I guess the best way
>>> to say it is the screen reader does present things a little  
>>> different
>>> than what a sighted user may experience and VO more closely
>>> represents
>>> the experience a sighted user gets. Hmmm, hope that made sense. :)

>>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>>> Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
>>> Version: 8.5.339 / Virus Database: 270.12.50/2150 - Release Date:
>>> 06/02/09 06:47:00
> >

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Re: Safari VS Webkit explanation

2009-06-11 Thread Mike Reiser

In theory I'm going to guess that chrome will be accessible too sense  
it's written with webkit?

On Jun 11, 2009, at 5:10 PM, Brett Campbell wrote:

> This explanation helps.  Thank you.
> Brett
> On Jun 11, 2009, at 8:34 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Safari 3/4 are just the GUI which Apple places on top of Webkit.  
>> Think
>> of Safari as the container you put food in when you go to a fancy
>> container. YOu may add a Microwave feature to the container, etc. But
>> if you leave food in it for a long time it won't taste quite as good
>> as the latest trend in gormé cooking. Webkit is the powering engine  
>> of
>> Safari and Google Chrome. It is like the food inside the container.
>> Updating nightly Webkits and using Webkit VS Safari allows you to  
>> have
>> the latest features in something that looks just like Safari.
>> Now I am hungry and I must go eat.
>> Regards,
>> Alex,
> >

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Re: mac voiceover in braille monitor

2009-06-12 Thread Mike Reiser

I agree, the welcome dialog will have an option to show at startup or  
not, there could also be an option to show help message at startup or  
something.  My hope is that these help instructions will be put into  
the welcome screen.

On Jun 12, 2009, at 5:08 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hmm, let's see if i can formulate this so that it makes sence... I
> think that you have some valid points in what you're saying, however
> that info in the beginning about how to get help should, imho be
> optional, that is if it was there, you should be able to turn it on
> and off. I for one would be half crazy if i was to hear that info
> every time, even if i knew how to silence it  with the ctrl key.
> However, for newbies, this info would be helpful.
> /Krister
> 12 jun 2009 kl. 04.40 skrev Mike Reiser:
>> I was confused about the editing thing as well at first but am doing
>> much better now I think.  I still goof up sometimes but oh well.   
>> This
>> guy obviously did not read the vo manual as I looked at it today and
>> it's very detailed in going over the desktop orientation and all
>> that.  They don't describe how to quit apps and itunes isn't  
>> mentioned
>> accept a little bit but otherwise it is very well written.  I'm a bit
>> concerned about Apple's documentation that comes with mac, and I  
>> think
>> the tutorial should be more interactive in the sense that someone
>> should demonstrate basic tasks while the person follows along.  I  
>> feel
>> they should cover basic tasks like using finder, serfing the web,
>> sending email, word processing, and itunes, maybe one or two more
>> things.  They should also enclude the vo manual with mac and maybe
>> give a short prompt when vo starts to press a key to read help and
>> maybe brief instructions on how to read it.  I'm really not sure if
>> this would be too much info or not, however.  They will have a  
>> welcome
>> dialog in snowlepard, so this is a good step.
>> Mike
>> On Jun 11, 2009, at 4:59 PM, kaare dehard wrote:
>>> Interesting, so I'll explore my own journey with you.
>>> My first talking computer ironicly was an apple ii e. My second  
>>> was a
>>> dos machine. Neither of these gave me much trouble. Windows was my
>>> next stop, and with no prejudgement I worked for a week before I got
>>> myself grounded. Windows 95 98 and xp as well. I then moved on to
>>> voiceover for both financial and technical reasons. It took only 2  
>>> or
>>> 3 days to get my feet, but I couldn't tell you if it was easier to
>>> learn, or if my difficulties with jaws and window-eyes were merely
>>> experience not understanding differences between cli and gui.  
>>> Editing
>>> with the mac gave me more problems than with windows but that was
>>> before someone explained the differences in how the cursors were
>>> handled. This is not a reporting error, as sugestive in the article
>>> but a different method of cursor tracking and usage. If this fellow
>>> writing  Was truly interested in understanding the differences and
>>> giving the program a fair crack, it would have been just as easy for
>>> him to take advantage of the good help available on this list:).
>>> On 11-Jun-09, at 9:20 AM, Dean Wilcox wrote:
>>>> When you first started to use Windows were you new to computers?  I
>>>> mean you didn't use Lunux or an older flavour of Mac before
>>>> hand?  I'm asking as I wonder if you found the Mac quicker to learn
>>>> because you had a better grasp of computers in general when you
>>>> started with the Mac, something you may not have had when you
>>>> started
>>>> to use Windows.  I'm not suggesting the Mac isn't easier to learn
>>>> but
>>>> I may have a valid point also.
>>>> At 01:04 11/06/2009, you wrote:
>>>>> You know what was so funny to me is I have been using the Mac  
>>>>> since
>>>>> 2005 and quite honestly there was a learning curve, but it took me
>>>>> considerably less time to get up to speed on the Mac than it did
>>>>> for
>>>>> me to master Windows and Window-Eyes. I think a lot of it has to  
>>>>> do
>>>>> with the fact that the experience of the Mac and VoiceOver are so
>>>>> closely related, where the experience of the windows envir

Re: mac voiceover in braille monitor

2009-06-12 Thread Mike Reiser

Like I said I'm not sure what the right solution is.  I think there  
should at least be a basic tutorial that covers the use of vo with the  
finder maybe and other things.  Again I really don't know how this  
will be balanced or solved.

On Jun 12, 2009, at 7:42 PM, Ignasi Cambra wrote:

> I totally agree. I think the VO quick start that exists in Leopard is
> enough, because it shows you how to navigate all kinds of controls,
> which in the end are the ones you find all over OS X and most
> applications. So what's wrong with it? Personally I found it very
> useful, along with the keyboard help feature. When I first started
> using a Mac, I could do pretty much everything after a couple of hours
> working on it. I mean I don't think more documentation would hurt, but
> I would rather let those people work on actual features than putting
> them to write documentation...
> On Jun 12, 2009, at 6:59 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> I think what is important is you learn how to navigate with VO and
>> then learn the applications as would any other user regardless of
>> their ability or disability. I may be recalling incorrectly since it
>> has been years since I bothered reading the manual for Window-EYes,
>> but I think generally it instructed me on how to use WE and not on  
>> how
>> to use all the applications. Now it is possible because the keys
>> required for WE possibly change some behavior of an app, they might
>> have touched on the differences, but gee you know I couldn't tell you
>> what impact the windows-based screen reader has on the windows
>> experience. :) I understand some of what you are saying, but yet once
>> you learn VO, you'll learn the apps very quickly. I started off when
>> VO was really new, so I really had to read what info I could find and
>> learn from there. You know it wasn't to bad and really hey when you
>> think about it, a number of people have produced tutorials on how to
>> use this or that screen reader and this or that application, sold
>> them, and made money. You can do the same thing as well. Wait,  
>> maybe I
>> should be doing that. :)
>> On Jun 11, 2009, at 10:40 PM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>>> I was confused about the editing thing as well at first but am doing
>>> much better now I think.  I still goof up sometimes but oh well.
>>> This
>>> guy obviously did not read the vo manual as I looked at it today and
>>> it's very detailed in going over the desktop orientation and all
>>> that.  They don't describe how to quit apps and itunes isn't
>>> mentioned
>>> accept a little bit but otherwise it is very well written.  I'm a  
>>> bit
>>> concerned about Apple's documentation that comes with mac, and I
>>> think
>>> the tutorial should be more interactive in the sense that someone
>>> should demonstrate basic tasks while the person follows along.  I
>>> feel
>>> they should cover basic tasks like using finder, serfing the web,
>>> sending email, word processing, and itunes, maybe one or two more
>>> things.  They should also enclude the vo manual with mac and maybe
>>> give a short prompt when vo starts to press a key to read help and
>>> maybe brief instructions on how to read it.  I'm really not sure if
>>> this would be too much info or not, however.  They will have a
>>> welcome
>>> dialog in snowlepard, so this is a good step.
>>> Mike
>>> On Jun 11, 2009, at 4:59 PM, kaare dehard wrote:
>>>> Interesting, so I'll explore my own journey with you.
>>>> My first talking computer ironicly was an apple ii e. My second
>>>> was a
>>>> dos machine. Neither of these gave me much trouble. Windows was my
>>>> next stop, and with no prejudgement I worked for a week before I  
>>>> got
>>>> myself grounded. Windows 95 98 and xp as well. I then moved on to
>>>> voiceover for both financial and technical reasons. It took only 2
>>>> or
>>>> 3 days to get my feet, but I couldn't tell you if it was easier to
>>>> learn, or if my difficulties with jaws and window-eyes were merely
>>>> experience not understanding differences between cli and gui.
>>>> Editing
>>>> with the mac gave me more problems than with windows but that was
>>>> before someone explained the differences in how the cursors were
>>>> handled. This is not a reporting error, as 

Re: New IPhone 3GS list regarding accessibility

2009-06-12 Thread Mike Reiser

I don't have a problem with a seperate iphone list.  I can see where  
both sides are comeing from, but I don't have a problem either way.

On Jun 12, 2009, at 7:50 PM, Ignasi Cambra wrote:

> I think it's a good idea. Not everyone that owns a Mac necessarily
> wants to know about the iPhone, and vice versa. In my case I just send
> everything from vo-bs, macvoiceover and macvisionaries to the same
> mailbox using a rule, so many times I don't even pay attention to the
> list I'm reading. So the iPhone list will probably go to that mailbox
> too. This works great for me.
> On Jun 12, 2009, at 6:28 PM, Justin Harford wrote:
>> HiI would like to see a separate list for iphone discussions.
>> Regards
>> Justin Harford
>> On Jun 12, 2009, at 1:47 PM, Cara Quinn wrote:
>>> Hello All;
>>> I've just started a list called VIPhone, (Visually Impaired -
>>> IPhone) on GoogleGroups to discuss the new Apple IPhone 3GS.
>>> the url is:
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/VIPhone
>>> Please feel free to share this url anywhere you like, to anyone you
>>> feel might want to discuss this sort of thing.  The list is both for
>>> those of us whom are early-adopters, as well as for anyone whom may
>>> have questions / political views etc on the new IPhone.
>>> As far as list etiquette goes, as far as I'm concerned, the list
>>> will reflect the character of its members.   -You want flame
>>> wars, fine, have them! -Want a friendly, welcoming, well-informed
>>> list, then wonderful! You've got that!  You'll have the list you
>>> create!
>>> If there's something drastic, and I need to step in as mod, then be
>>> assured, I will; other than that, -Be the list you want…
>>> Enjoy and let's explore the IPhone together!…
>>> Smiles,
>>> Cara  :)
>>> ---
>>> Follow me on Twitter!
>>> https://twitter.com/ModelCara
>>> View my Online Portfolio at:
>>> http://www.onemodelplace.com/CaraQuinn

> >

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Re: Attention Syrinx users!

2009-06-13 Thread Mike Reiser

I've used syrinx just fine here, using 2.1 or whatever the version is.

On Jun 13, 2009, at 12:31 AM, Mark Baxter wrote:

> Twitterific still works, Syrinx doesn't seem to any more.
> Mark BurningHawk
> Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
> My home page:
> http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
> >

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Re: Attention Syrinx users!

2009-06-13 Thread Mike Reiser
Oh yes Josh I've noticed that it won't do it.  Any other free or  
otherwise clients we can use until it gets updated?  Is twitterific  
pretty intuitive like syrinx?  Thanks,

On Jun 13, 2009, at 9:23 AM, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

> On Jun 13, 2009, at 7:18 AM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>> I've used syrinx just fine here, using 2.1 or whatever the version  
>> is.
>> Mike
> Unfortunately, it's true. As of yesterday afternoon, Syrinx fell  
> prey to what they are calling the Twitpocolypse, and will not  
> download new tweets properly until it is updated.
> Josh de Lioncourt
>   …my other mail provider is an owl…
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/Lioncourt
> Music: http://stage19music.com
> Mac-cessibility: http://www.Lioncourt.com
> Blog: http://lioncourtsmusings.blogspot.com
> GoodReads: http://goodreads.com/Lioncourt
> >

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Re: Downgrading Itunes.

2009-06-13 Thread Mike Reiser

Yes I noticed that.  Hopefully syrinx will get fixed soon.

On Jun 13, 2009, at 3:41 PM, Jesse Bollinger wrote:

> Hi,
> Is it possible to get an older version of itunes? Or are you stuck
> once you've upgraded.
> Thanks,
> Jesse
> >

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Re: syrinx fixed

2009-06-14 Thread Mike Reiser

Definitely glad it's finally fixed, I personally like it better than  

On Jun 14, 2009, at 8:16 AM, jesus hernandez wrote:

> hello yesterday syrinx got fixed just run check for update and there
> it is.
> jesus hernandez
> jessi...@bellsouth.net
> Skype: jessie
> Aim: jactac
> Msn: hernandez_jes...@hotmail.com
> >

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Re: Attention Syrinx users!

2009-06-16 Thread Mike Reiser

Syrinx is free and you need to download it.  Either google it or go to: 
mrrsoftware.com/MRRSoftware Hope this helps,\


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Re: my pod cast on the braille monitor review of voice over

2009-06-16 Thread Mike Reiser

Nice job Mike.  Definitely enjoyed it like always and can't wait until 
podcast 9 smiles.


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Re: Podcast about VO in Snow Leopard

2009-06-16 Thread Mike Reiser

Doesn't seem to be valid anymore, just saw this as my mac adapter was 
hit by lighning and wasn't able to check mail now using pc laptop so I 
can get it fixed.  Wondering if you could repost?


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Re: viphone list?

2009-07-02 Thread Mike Reiser
Haven't recieved an approval yet on my subscription, hopefully will  

On Jul 2, 2009, at 9:19 AM, Alex Jurgensen wrote:

> Hi,
> It is well.
> Regards,
> Alex,
> On 2-Jul-09, at 6:43 AM, Jane Jordan (Gmail) wrote:
>> I hope so.  I haven't heard much either.
>> Jane
>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
>> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
>> ] On Behalf Of John Denning
>> Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 9:39 AM
>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: viphone list?
>> Is the viphone list alive and well? I've requested to join a few  
>> days ago and haven't heard anything yet.
>> - JD -
>> John Denning
>> AIM: denni...@mac.com
>> And glad to be a Mac snob again!
>> Roswell, GA
>> Internal Virus Database is out of date.
>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com
>> Version: 8.0.169 / Virus Database: 270.10.5/1882 - Release Date:  
>> 1/8/2009 8:13 AM
> >

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Stopping page refreshes

2009-07-02 Thread Mike Reiser

Hello all,

Was just wondering if there was a way to stop page refreshes in either  
safari, or vo itself?  When I try to navigate pages like  
www.okcupid.com, the page refreshes throwing me back to the top of the  
page.  This is annoying and makes browsing the page almost  
impossible.  Was wondering if anyone could help?  Thanks,


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Re: Hello

2009-07-04 Thread Mike Reiser

Welcome Chris,

Enjoy your mac.  I certainly don't regret mine and have had it for a  
month or so.  I have a mac mini as well.

On Jul 4, 2009, at 2:49 PM, Barry Lipscomb wrote:

> Welcome Chris!  I am new to this group also.  I am glad you are
> enjoying your MAc.
> Barry
> On Jul 4, 2009, at 1:04 PM, Chris G wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am a new member to this list and Hope to learn a lot about my Mac.
>> I bought  a Mac mini in the beginning of June and really like it.
>> Thanks
>> Chris
>> -- 
>> Chris G 
> Barry Lipscomb
> the...@misteraudiofreak.com
> >

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mac more sensative to lightning?

2009-07-09 Thread Mike Reiser

Hello all,

My mac yesterday got fried by lightning as I was using it durring a 
storm plugged into a serge protector.  It all seemed to work fine until 
Apple had me reset the pram to help resolve another problem and then it 
would not boot.  Now it won't even turn on.  This is the second mac mini 
to do this.  Is the mac more sensative to power serges and/or lightning 
strikes than pcs?  Would it get fried even plugged into a serge 
protector?  Also, should I unplug the mac from the wall as well as turn 
it off durring a storm?  I'm asking these things because I've used pc's 
durring storms and this never happened with any of them.  Thanks,


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Re: mac more sensative to lightning?

2009-07-09 Thread Mike Reiser

Nothing else that was in the serge protector was effected.  The internet 
is connected through a netowrk drop on the wall.  My speakers are also 
plugged into the serge protector.  The keyboard isn't and it's usb, and 
also the monitor adapter isn't.  What's wierd is it stopped working 
after the Apple store employee had me reset the pram.  Thanks,


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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Mike Reiser

I personally don't take much stock in what Mosen says anymore.  Before 
he went to FS he was a very fair and respected journalist.  I think he 
probably is a great guy personally.  However, since he works for FS, he 
will have a bias and an agenda which will be to promote there products 
and convince people that others aren't good.  I do hope however that on 
his own time or when he leaves FS that he will retake a look at these 
products by Apple and others and give a fair assessment.  It's kind of  
ashame as I listened to him on mainmenu for years and really do respect 
his ideas.


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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-13 Thread Mike Reiser

I don't have an iphone yet but from what I've read, it's less tedious to 
serf the web with the iphone than with mobile speak, sense you can move 
by headings and sutch.


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Re: Article Slamming the iPhone

2009-07-14 Thread Mike Reiser

What I was trying to say was that this coub one with mobilespeak.


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Re: Buying Macs with Apple payment plan

2009-07-16 Thread Mike Reiser

I was going to go for the payment plan but found it wouldn't be worth it 
due to the interest, wish they did something similar to boes with that.


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Re: best twitter client

2009-07-17 Thread Mike Reiser

I'd say syrinx.


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Re: macbook pro questions

2009-07-17 Thread Mike Reiser

Basically if you want good quality computers, you'll have to pay a 
little more for them.  My only concern is with the high unemployment 
rate in the blind community, it's hard enough for a blind person to get 
a computer in general let alone the high priced screen readers.  
Hopefully those folks will be able to afford the mac.  I'm not sure what 
can be done about this but I'm just expressing a concern.  We all know 
the reasons why one should get a mac, but it just might be out of reach 
for some people.  I'd like to see that change without hardware quality 
suffering if that can be done.


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Re: Buying from Amazon

2009-07-18 Thread mike reiser

Can you get it custom built?  I'm asking cause I want to get it with 4 
gigs of ram and a 500 gig drive.


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Re: safari 4.0.2 seems to get stuck

2009-07-20 Thread mike reiser

Does anyone know if the issue where vo would skip text and other things 
on pages has been resolved?  Last time I used it which was before my mac 
mini was fried, I noticed that vo would skip sometimes emportant text on 
pages as if it was not there.  For example on my school online class 
room page, it would not read course names or assignment names, as if 
there were no links actually there.  Testing it on a windows machine, 
all my readers worked fine on there.  Just was wondering if this was 
fixed so I could more effectively use my macbook pro when I get it in 


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Re: what to do to prepare for my macbook pro?

2009-08-18 Thread Mike Reiser
check out the guides on www.icanworkthisthing.com as well, some helpfull stuff. 

  - Original Message - 
  From: a radix 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 11:16 AM
  Subject: what to do to prepare for my macbook pro?

  Hello, I know I shall read the voiceover manual and check screenless 
switchers because I think they have recorded their experiences while switching 
from windows to mac os x. Are there any other podcasts or documents from people 
who switched from windows to mac os x that I can read?
  Anything else in particular I should read or listen to while I wait for my 
mac to arrive?
  Thanks for all the help everyone,
  Greetings, Anouk,


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Re: I just did it, bought my first macbook pro

2009-08-18 Thread Mike Reiser
Congrads on the macbook pro, will be getting mine next month, might up the ram 
and definitely will up the harddrive.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Chris Blouch 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 9:46 AM
  Subject: Re: I just did it, bought my first macbook pro

  I usually recommend Applecare for laptops since they usually have a harder 
life than desktops. We had to send my wife's in for repairs after about a year. 
It kept locking up hard even after reinstalling the OS and such. Apparently 
some issue with the "heat pipe" and some other components they replaced. 
Anyway, they fedexed a box to our house that was just right to snuggle the 
laptop and then picked it up. We had it back and working 24 hours later. Very 


  Scott Chesworth wrote: 
Hey Anouk, welcome abord buddy!

Just a quick message to second what Esther was saying about student
discounts.  Here in the UK Apple care is amazingly cheap if you're a
student, it's probably a similar reduction where you are.  No rush,
but sometime within your first year's warranty, if you get a reduced
price I'd definitely take out Apple care if you're in for the long
haul with this machine.

Esther, if that old Power Book of yours is antique enough to be able
to boot OS9 and you ever want to sell it, give me a shout off list.


On 8/18/09, Esther  wrote:
  Congratulations on the new MacBook Pro, Anouk.  That sounds like a
very nice model.  I still have the PowerBook that was my first Mac,
and which is now over 5 years old. Buying for long term future use
really does work -- this machine is still running, but I finally got a
new MacBook last fall to move onto the Intel platform and the larger
drives and faster processors for Leopard.  I do recommend that you
pick up the AppleCare extended warranty later on, though.  You might
check whether you're eligible for student discounts with any your
later software purchases, too.

Also, since you will be receiving your Mac before Snow Leopard is
released, you should know that you may be eligible for a reduced price
update to Snow Leopard.  See the terms of the hardware uptodate program:


In the U.S., buyers of qualifying new Macs (or refurbished Macs from
Apple's Online Store) purchased after June 8, 2009 can get the update
to Snow Leopard for $9.95 plus tax instead of $29.95.  I'm not sure of
the details of this program applied abroad, but you may be able to
read/find the information appropriate to your country from the above

Hope to see you on list with your questions when you laptop arrives.



On Aug 18, 2009, a radix wrote:

I just bought my first macbook pro and I got a discount because I am
a student. I choose the 15 inch with a matte display (i didnt want
to do that at first but I thought it might be easier for people who
would have to read something on it), i got the 7200 rpm hard drive
and the 3.0ghz processor because I want to use this laptop for at
least 3 years. I did not opt to upgrade the internal memory or the
warranty at this time. I must say placing the order over the phone
was very easy. It will take a while to arrive because according to
the person on the phone the matte displays are a bit rare so it
might take 1.5 week. I will be able to upgrade to the new operating
system for 9 euro.
I am VERY excited I can tell you all and very much looking forward
to receiving my laptop. I did not opt to get any of the extra
software packages with it because I want to decide on htat after
receiving it.
Greetings, Anouk,



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Re: A response from Accessibility at apple. Re: firm wear upgrade killing speech. Umm? Okay weird.

2009-08-18 Thread Mike Reiser

I've nver gotten a robot response when contacting apple accessibility, as 
far as I know they use human.  ike

- Original Message - 
From: "Jenny Kennedy (Howard)" 
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 4:07 PM
Subject: A response from Accessibility at apple. Re: firm wear upgrade 
killing speech. Umm? Okay weird.

> Hi guys,
> Thanks everyone for the fix ideas for my sick iPod.  Haven't got to
> try them yet, but at least I have some clue as to what to do.
> I contacted the accessibility department at Apple thinking this was
> the right place to go.
> After all, the new iPod software upgrade killed speech thus taking
> away access.
> I got a response back from a robot telling me to contact Apple tech
> support and telling me to take my iPod to an apple store or I could
> call a number if my iPod was less than 90 days old.  It's much older.
> total uselessness in the form of an Email.  Don't people read the
> things sent to the access department or are things done with robots?
> Did I err in sending a queiry?  Is this more a tech support matter?
> Their stupid upgrade stopped my talking iPod talking I thought this
> was an accessibility issue. Help?  Don't really want anyone else to
> have the same problem as me.
> Am I jus t having bad luck? LOL
> Sorry. just a bit perplexed and frustrated...
> Thanks for reading.
> ~~~*~~~
> Best Wishes-
> Jenny Kennedy (Howard)
> Olathe, Kansas USA
> Feel free to stay in contact with me with any of the following:
> E-Mail: blueskyes9112...@gmail.com
> iChat: blueskyes9112...@mac.com (for iChat contact only)
> Follow me on Twitter:
> http://www.twitter.com/ben_folds_fan
> Friend me on FaceBook, my profile is at:
> http://www.facebook.com/blueskyes
> or read  and subscribe to my blog:
> http://blueskyes9112006.blogspot.com
> Join the Blind Parents Of FaceBook BPFB group on FaceBook.  A
> wonderful place for blind parents to join up and network, share and
> ask questions.
> I'm the admin goto person.  For more information or to join please see
> "Blind Parents of FaceBook in the search box on FB or shoot me a
> message via FB msg service and I will add you to the group.
> > 

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Re: ftpclients on the mac?

2009-09-09 Thread Mike Reiser

I'd also like to recommend filezilla which is free.  It might be  
familiar to some formal windows users on this list but it's accessible  
with vo also.

On Sep 4, 2009, at 2:32 AM, anouk radix wrote:

> Thanks Erik I had already dowloaded unison not knowing it was by
> panic. When i just browsed their site yesterdauy
> I could not locate unison there. Great to know that downloading
> binaries does work on the mac.
> Greetings, Anouk,On Sep 4, 2009, at 3:25 AM, hank smith wrote:
>> hat is the website?
>> the link that was given earlier gave stuff on mental health etc
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "erik burggraaf" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 2:39 PM
>> Subject: Re: ftpclients on the mac?
>>> /You're going to get loads of recomendations for transmit, but I  
>>> just
>>> wanted to add mine anyway, because transmit is plain awesom.  Unison
>>> is amazing as well if you like binary news groups.  In fact, just  
>>> buy
>>> anything put out by panic software on the off chance you might need
>>> or
>>> want it one day and you won't be disappointed.
>>> Best,
>>> erik burggraaf
>>> A+ sertified technician and user support consultant.
>>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>>> Email: e...@erik-burggraaf.com
>>> On 3-Sep-09, at 9:01 AM, anouk radix wrote:

 Hello are there any good ftp-clients that work with voicover? With
 good i mean that they have to be able to que stuff and download
 Greetings, Anouk


> >

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tips on using the trackpad

2009-09-10 Thread Mike Reiser

Hello all,

I need some tips on navigating with the trackpad.  I have the trackpad  
commander enabled and when I drag my finger arround the screen vo  
seems to be speaking all over the place and immits lots of different  
sound effects.  It seems to be very sensative and I'm not sure what  
the best way is to proceed.  I acidently muted vo a couple of times  
without even meaning to and would like some tips on this.  I can flick  
just fine, it's just moving my fingers arround is where I get into  
trouble.  Thanks,

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Re: tips on using the trackpad

2009-09-11 Thread Mike Reiser

Thanks all for the help, the jestures are getting easier, it's  
basically the moving your finger around the screen which I find  
Also can you open programs and all from the trackpad or is it just  
restricted to moving in apps?  I was a little confused reading about  
it in the documentation.


On Sep 11, 2009, at 8:13 AM, peter apgar wrote:

> good morning,
> 1. two finger flick up: read intire page.
> 2. two finger flick  down: read from current location.
> 3.  two finger flick left: stop inter acting.
> 4. two finger flick right: interact with highlighted item.
> 5. single finger flick to the left, right, up, and down: moves vo
> cursor in respective directions
> 6. three finger flicks up, down, left, and right moves a page in the
> respective direction.
> 7. triple finger tripple tap: screen curtain on and off.
> 8.  tripple finger double tap: voice over mute and unmute.
> i forgot the finger gestures of the rotor.  hopefully this helps.
> Pete
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 5:46 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi Mike.
>> I am in the same situation as you. I also have a trackpad, but I can
>> not find out how to use it. I would really like to, because I am a
>> person, who do not remember keystrokes and other comands very well, I
>> always look in the menus.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> 2009/9/10, Christina :
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm sorry but I do not have the multi-touch track pad so I really
>>> cannot offer help.  However, I understand that you can use the
>>> keyboard help to play with the track pad as well.  Press vo plus K.
>>> Then try different gestures.  When you're done practicing press
>>> escape
>>> to get out of keyboard help.
>>> I bet someone here will have more information for you.
>>> Christina
>>> On Sep 10, 2009, at 8:59 AM, Mike Reiser wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I need some tips on navigating with the trackpad.  I have the
>>>> trackpad
>>>> commander enabled and when I drag my finger arround the screen vo
>>>> seems to be speaking all over the place and immits lots of  
>>>> different
>>>> sound effects.  It seems to be very sensative and I'm not sure what
>>>> the best way is to proceed.  I acidently muted vo a couple of times
>>>> without even meaning to and would like some tips on this.  I can
>>>> flick
>>>> just fine, it's just moving my fingers arround is where I get into
>>>> trouble.  Thanks,
>>>> MikeÎ
> >

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How to use unison

2009-09-15 Thread Mike Reiser

Hello all,

Based on recommendations, I am trying out the unison usenet  
newsreader.  I would like some instructions on using it as the  
interface seems very non standard.  For example in the groups view  
when interacting with the browser, I hear all these column and row  
numbers along with music, audiobooks and other things.  I can only  
right arrow so far and can't examine the content of these categories.   
Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks,


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Re: VO curser suddenly skipping over one edit box on Facebook

2009-09-23 Thread Mike Reiser

I can confirm this, I don't even see the status edit box at all.   
Using snow lepard here.

On Sep 23, 2009, at 10:51 AM, Israel wrote:

> Hi everyone!
> I am a new member to this group.  In fact, I just received my
> confirmation this morning.  I've already learned a few tips and tricks
> by reading the emails I've received.  I am looking forward to so much
> more especially since I just converted in June 2009 to Apple Mac from
> Windows and the third party screen reader worlds.
> I am running Leopard but have decided to purchase Snow Leopard later
> today.  I am wondering if anyone else uses Facebook and whether you
> have run into a problem which I started having a week ago Monday.
> With a few exceptions, most items seem to be labeled properly on FB
> and I can navigate the site and my friends' walls, but suddenly, VO
> skips over the control edit box where I would normally type my status
> update.  VO also skips the edit box used to post on a friend's wall.
> VO recognizes and takes me to all other edit boxes such as "search",
> "write something" or "share button"  A sighted friend said the site
> looks the same.  The "what's on your mind" edit box is still there but
> he noticed VO curser gets to the link just before it and on the next
> press, it skips it completely to the "share button"  Arrowing up,
> down, left, or right, VO curser always skips it.  I can access every
> other edit box except that one.  Again, I've been on FB for five
> months and this is the first time this has happened.
> Any ideas?
> Israel Antonio
> >

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Re: Playing folders with VLC

2009-09-26 Thread Mike Reiser

I've managed to play folders just fine.  I select the folder and press  
ok.  Keep in mind I downloaded the intel 32-bit version instead of the  
universal binary, don't know if that makes a difference.

On Sep 26, 2009, at 9:43 AM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Has anyone managed to play entire folders with the latest version of
> VLC Media Player please and if so how? I am told that VLC cannot play
> my input. It always used to play anything I threw at it including
> folders.
> Thanks
> Take care
> James
> >

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Re: Still can't open folders within VLC

2009-09-26 Thread Mike Reiser

I didn't have to install anything extra, I just installed vlc on my  
snowlepard mac, went to the file menu and chose open, and just pressed  
return on the folder after brow-zing for it and then hit ok.  Really  
not sure what's happening on your end.

On Sep 26, 2009, at 4:01 PM, James & Nash wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Despite a list member's suggestion that I download the 32-bit  version
> of VLC, I still cannot open folders like I could in Leopard. Do I need
> to install Flip4Mac for VLC to open the MP3 files?
> Thanks
> Take care
> James
> >

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Re: Campaign to get an accessible Microsoft Office for the Mac

2011-05-03 Thread Mike Reiser
All the screen readers as previously mentioned have to do quite a bit of 
hacking to work with it on Windows, they'll need to overhall access on both 
platforms imho.  

On May 3, 2011, at 12:42 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> That is because there is no built in screen reader for Windows, all the 
> screen readers rely on scripts to work. scripting to get programs to work on 
> OS X is not an option available to us, so therefore we have to apply pressure 
> on Microsoft to become more compliant with Apple's standards.  Adobe are 
> making strides to improve accessibility on the Mac for Flash and Acrobat.  ok 
> it is not here, yet but it will be here within the next 12 months.
> We have to bare in mind that Microsoft does not make any of the screen 
> readers on the Windows platform, so it is up to the  vendors to get their 
> products to work with the OS and it's applications.  
> On 3 May 2011, at 19:40, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
>> Good afternoon,
>> Just as an FYI, MS Office for Windows isn't actually compatible with Windows 
>> screen-readers.  There is a great deal of scripting required in order to 
>> make windows screen-readers work with MS Office products.
>> I'm not saying that your campaign won't work.  But, I just wanted to point 
>> out that MS Office isn't actually natively accessible on either platform.
>> Everett Zufelt
>> http://zufelt.ca
>> Follow me on Twitter
>> http://twitter.com/ezufelt
>> View my LinkedIn Profile
>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/ezufelt
>> On 2011-05-03, at 2:28 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> Maybe we should start a campaign to get Office on the Mac accessible.  
>>> Anyone up for it? If you know anyone who is willing to send an email 
>>> requesting that Microsoft make their Office Suite accessible then point 
>>> them to this web page.http://www.microsoft.com/mac/product-feedback
>>> Select the Office product you are interested in providing feedback for and 
>>> say something like "I am very interested in purchasing your Office Suite 
>>> for the Macintosh platform.  However, i understand your product is not 
>>> accessible as it is not compatible with VoiceOver which is the built in 
>>> screen reader for the blind for OS X.  If you were to add support for 
>>> VoiceOver, this would result in thousands of Sales.
>>> Money always gets their attention.
>>> Chris 
>>> -- 
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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Re: Twitter clients for the Mac.

2011-05-05 Thread Mike Reiser

I'd suggest www.macfortheblind.com

Provides a good blog like interface for finding about apps, I do like 
having a central place for mac app resources like applevis.


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