Re: mainstage accessible?

2011-12-19 Thread Vic
But are the sounds and plugins of Protools are in any way comparable
to those of Logic Pro? One of the things that Logic is known are its
amazing plugins; you just have to hear the demos on their site to see
what I mean.

Also, I've been told that with Logic installed, Garage Band should be
able to use its plugins. Did anyone here try this? Any gotchas?

Thanks all.

Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
> no.
> sadly not.
> Logic studio as a package is not voiceover compatible and will not be for 
> some time. it's best left alone. if you're looking for a decent system, move 
> to pro tools 9 or 10. I used to work in a few studios and have had experience 
> with various recording systems and logic like cubase and digital performer 
> are not in any way, shape or form blind friendly.
> lew
> On 18 Dec 2011, at 09:47, Yuma Decaux wrote:
> >
> > Just as the subject line says, is mainstage the live performance tool by 
> > apple accessible?
> >
> > Best regards
> >
> > Yuma
> >
> > --
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> >
> Mr. L. Alexander.
> Free Macs For The Blind.
> E-Mail:
> Direct line: 07936 877500
> Twitter: @macsfortheblind
> Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working 
> apple macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR FREE!
> Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc or a 
> copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get in touch.
> Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here to help 
> anybody disabled with anything Apple!

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Re: My thoughts regarding the latest "VoiceOver On" podcast

2011-12-25 Thread Vic
Hi Yuma,
Thanks for listing some additional apps you found useful and, I
assume, accessible.
I definitely want to check out Abby Finereader and ICam.

Thanks again.

Yuma Decaux wrote:
> Hi Vic,
> I wanted to participate in supporting your perspective over this discussion. 
> I fully agree and submit to the thought that the screen reader isn't the 
> culprit though is immediately seen on the line of fire. Educating both users 
> and developers in the system created for accessibility by apple is by far the 
> most important factor for tipping the voice over experience one way or the 
> other.
> I for one have been doing this since i first had my macbook almost 3 years 
> ago, and still do so on a fairly constant basis. When presented with a 
> request on accessibility, depending on the degree of acquaintance or 
> compatibility with apple's framework, developers responses are usually very 
> positive and some even find accidental advantages to their own developement 
> methods by using accessibility tools available with x-code. This assumes that 
> apples engineers are going the right path, as they are not layering a 
> framework with another one which use will only complicate developers, quite 
> the opposite; they incumb the tools with a unifying vision of advantages for 
> both sighted and non sighted users, and though this generally requires time 
> and energy, especially considering the competitive environment of tech and 
> software, they are pacing to dictate these procedures into every sector of 
> software developement save heavily graphical applications for which 
> accessibility will require an abstraction no-one has found yet.
> To list some additional applications which i use beyond those you have 
> mentioned, here is a small list:
> Alfred shortcut butler of sorts
> Abbey fine reader express the best OCR i've had so far and easy to use
> Amadeus pro sound clip and voice memo editing software
> Chm reader plus  reads all chm documents  perfectly
> DJ for my pseudo podcats and mixing pleasure as well as on the fly sampling 
> and live performances
> Evernote  for all aggregating all articles and news clips i deem important 
> for my projects current and future
> Ibank  for my finances, budgets and expense tracking combined with my iphone
> Icam source  using it to check on my cat every now and then and security 
> while we're away
> Mars edit  blogging tool so fast and effective won't change for a lifetime
> Mportfolio  very easy to use portfolio manager, they're about to add 
> applescript support
> Netnewswire news aggregator which i have been using for years and accessible 
> all round
> Snowtape  internet radio application with a lot of options for recording and 
> scheduling
> Soundcloud this is where i get all new sounds to check on itunes or other
> Tapedeck  the easiest recording app i've had since i first became a mac user
> Text expander  extremely useful for expanding text whether scripting or 
> editing or mailing
> Textual  completely accessible IRC client
> Wikibot  for fast wikipedia searches and reading without all the annoyances 
> of the web version
> Yojimbo  bookmark, note and password keeper. This one goes hand in hand with 
> evernote in my streamline
> My point with this list of applications, though i have not listed others, is 
> that they came accessible straight out of the box. This seems different from 
> jaws accessibility which, it sounds to me, still requires downloading scripts 
> for each application.
> When i look at the support voice over has from both developers, users and 
> apple's accessibility division itself, and compare it with what jaws gets in 
> attention, i'm just not inclined to walk over to microsoft and get a license. 
> Simply put, i'm just happy with my current setup which allows me to stay 
> productive, and any shortcomings in the sound editing department is something 
> of a formality which we are going through since my point was that the switch 
> to total accessibility is a process, and apple having already successfully 
> switched CPU artchitecture from PPC to Intel with minimal disturbance, i 
> believe they can achieve the same in terms of making voice over ubiquitous, 
> easy to implement and more and more configurable yet easy to operate.
> Ok, i need to jump back to my server :)
> Best regards
> Yuma
> On 24/12/2011, at 3:53 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
> > Hello Victor,
> >
> > Bravo on an excellent post.
> >
> > While I did not hear the podcast in question, your comments are well 
> > balanced, thoughtful, and down right compelling.
> >
> > Most Sincerely,

Re: My thoughts regarding the latest "VoiceOver On" podcast

2011-12-25 Thread Vic
Hello all,
Thanks for your warm responses to my original post. I very much
appreciate it.
I wanted to stress again that I do not claim I love everything about
VoiceOver, however, the same can be said about other screen readers on
the market. I did make a jump to the Mac for purely selfish reasons
thanks to the very comfortable computing experience with Macbook Air.
I spent less time at my desk than ever before. MBA has disrupted some
of my computing habits and a little struggle here and there is all
worth the move... For now, at least...

At this point as a community member you have two choices: if you love
your Mac-based environment but don't like things about VoiceOver,
don't just walk away! Send feedback to Apple, submit and update bugs
in Apple's Bug Tracker. Blog about your experience (yes, if the
articles are constructive, I would be happy to retweet them). Be vocal
but reasonable!
If you don't like Mac-based environment and VoiceOver simply doesn't
cut it for you, then please find a more suitable experience, either on
Linux or Windows, and contribute there. We need all the help we can
get to make computers more accessible to people with disabilities all
over the world. The more competition, the better for everyone!

Merry christmas ,all!

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Re: suggestion for biggest advantages of trackpad please

2011-12-29 Thread Vic
In general, I would strongly suggest to read the built-in help for
trackpad commander as well as look through the available shortcuts
under VO+H->Commands->TrackPadCommander.
You can even assign your own custom gestures and track pad commands.
This tool is pretty amazing!

M. Taylor wrote:
> This is a great answer, Ricardo; I did not know the command+right-swipe 
> gesture, thank you.
> Mark
> On Dec 28, 2011, at 12:52 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I think the biggest advantage to the magic trackpad is screen orientation.  
> > For some this won't matter much but, if you need to explain, or have 
> > something explained to you by a non voiceover user, it can be a big help.  
> > Another nice thing about the trackpad is the ability to use the trackpad 
> > commander.  for example, launching an app by holding down command and 
> > swiping right might be easier for some than going to the dock or 
> > application folder to launch the app in question.
> >
> > Ricardo Walker
> >
> > Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> >
> >
> > On Dec 28, 2011, at 1:18 AM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
> >
> >> Hi all,
> >>
> >> My husband spoiled me for Christmas and got me a trackpad, knowing how I 
> >> complained that it would be easier to learn the mac if I had it,since I 
> >> already knew the ios system. The truth is that, by the time I got it, I 
> >> have already learned many keyboard shortcuts and the layout of the 
> >> keyboard so I feel less of a need to use it.
> >>
> >> I am curious what your favorite procedures for the trackpad are, what if 
> >> any, are the things that work only with the trackpad rather than a 
> >> keyboard?
> >>
> >> Sorry for the wordy message. Hope this makes sense and interests others 
> >> too.
> >>
> >> All the best
> >>
> >> Ioana
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Sent from my iPhone
> >>
> >> --
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Re: Using control right and left arrows under fusion and windows 7

2011-12-31 Thread Vic
This is fairly easy to solve.
Just go to System Preferences->Keyboard->Keyboard Shortcuts and
disable/remap all the hot keys in the "Mission Control" section.

Hope this helps.

Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
> Hi all.
> I asked this question on another list and didn't get anyone who knew how to 
> solve the problem, but heard from others having the problem.
> I am dual booting my mbp with windows 7 under vm fusion.  All works well 
> except for the use of control left and right or up and down arrows.  What 
> this means is I can't move by word, only by character.
> Has anyone else experienced this, and is there a resolution for the problem?
> Marlaina, who is celebrating her wedding anniversary today!  The whole world 
> celebrates my anniversary, Happy New Year to all!

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Re: Symphonic Orchestra Jampack for Garage Band

2012-01-02 Thread Vic
Hi Ricardo,
That was another question I wanted to ask. Why in a world Apple would
stop selling them? I am sure they know the reason. :)
I have to see if I can find them somewhere for a discounted price.
Wouldn't want to pay full only to learn that something new is to come
out in the next few months.
Anyone is willing to sell theirs? :)

Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> I believe apple stopped selling them bought, you might be able to find it on 
> Amazon.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Jan 1, 2012, at 2:24 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> > So where do you get these Jam Packs from?
> >
> > On 1 Jan 2012, at 06:30 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> yes.  It's software.  Jam packs are a collection of audio samples and 
> >> playable instruments.
> >>
> >> Ricardo Walker
> >>
> >> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> >>
> >>
> >> On Jan 1, 2012, at 12:06 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> >>
> >>> I'd like to know is Jam Pack some kind of software?  I've not played with 
> >>> Garage band yet, but if I did, are there instruments already in there?  I 
> >>> am thinking of putting something together if there are instruments in 
> >>> garage band but not sure where to start and wonder if its simple.  If I 
> >>> could put some tracks together of my own making using Garage Band then 
> >>> that would be a good thing to do!  Bearing in mind I have no keyboard as 
> >>> I sold the last one as it was too visual for me.
> >>> On 1 Jan 2012, at 17:00, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>>
> >>>> In my opinion, its the most diverse, and best sounding jam pack.  It is 
> >>>> probably my rap bias speaking though.  lol.
> >>>>
> >>>> Ricardo Walker
> >>>>
> >>>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On Dec 31, 2011, at 6:13 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Hello GB users,
> >>>>> Is there any one who owns this jam pack? Is it worth the money?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thanks,
> >>>>> Vic
> >>>>>
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Re: Logic Pro

2012-01-02 Thread Vic
This topic is so timely.
I just stopped by a local Apple store and had a chance to play with
Logic Pro for about 10 minutes using VoiceOver on a Lion-powered
I would not say that Logic is completely inaccessible. On the other
hand I cannot say at this point how much it actually is.
I was able to access toolbars, menus, track template library, some
parts of mixer, transport controls and an assortment of other things.
So, I am wondering who on the list have actually played with the
latest Logic Pro 9.1.6 and can tell us which parts are accessible,
which ones are nearly accessible and which ones are completely out of
question. I'd love to play with real facts and not just assumptions.

Anyone, please?
Thanks a lot.

Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
> no it isn't
> it hasn't been accessible at all for a long time.
> there's only 1 workaround to using logic blind. that's using a professional 
> digital production console worth about £10,000 or more.
> the simple answer here is to go with AVID ProTools 10.
> Sorry. logic is a touchy subject.
> lew
> On 2 Jan 2012, at 21:46, Emrah wrote:
> > Hey there,
> >
> > Does anybody know if Logic Pro is accessible with VO?
> > I saw it for $199 and thought it sounded like an excellent deal for what it 
> > can do.
> >
> > Thanks and best wishes for 2012,
> >
> > --
> > Emrah
> >
> > “In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.” 
> > Albert Einstein
> >
> >
> > --
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> >
> Mr. L. Alexander.
> Free Macs For The Blind.
> E-Mail:
> Direct line: 07936 877500
> Twitter: @macsfortheblind
> Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working 
> apple macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR FREE!
> Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc or a 
> copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get in touch.
> Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here to help 
> anybody disabled with anything Apple!

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Re: Logic Pro

2012-01-03 Thread Vic
Hi Lew,
I am not questioning your assertions. I just wanted to know what
exactly does not work in Logic and whether you had a chance to try
this application with the latest update on Lion.
Also, why are you convinced that Apple can't turn around and make
parts of Logic accessible the way they did with Garage Band?


On Jan 3, 1:11 am, "Mr. L. Alexander" 
> I'm not stating assumptions. just pure fact.
> though OS X lion and the latest update may offer a few object links, you 
> cannot interact with the main window correctly nor run logic as you need to 
> use it. simple as that.
> The day apple pulls it's finger out to make logic pro fully accessible is the 
> day I become pope!
> lol
> lew
> On 2 Jan 2012, at 23:39, Vic wrote:
> > Hi,
> > This topic is so timely.
> > I just stopped by a local Apple store and had a chance to play with
> > Logic Pro for about 10 minutes using VoiceOver on a Lion-powered
> > system.
> > I would not say that Logic is completely inaccessible. On the other
> > hand I cannot say at this point how much it actually is.
> > I was able to access toolbars, menus, track template library, some
> > parts of mixer, transport controls and an assortment of other things.
> > So, I am wondering who on the list have actually played with the
> > latest Logic Pro 9.1.6 and can tell us which parts are accessible,
> > which ones are nearly accessible and which ones are completely out of
> > question. I'd love to play with real facts and not just assumptions.
> > Anyone, please?
> > Thanks a lot.
> > Victor
> > Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
> >> no it isn't
> >> it hasn't been accessible at all for a long time.
> >> there's only 1 workaround to using logic blind. that's using a 
> >> professional digital production console worth about £10,000 or more.
> >> the simple answer here is to go with AVID ProTools 10.
> >> Sorry. logic is a touchy subject.
> >> lew
> >> On 2 Jan 2012, at 21:46, Emrah wrote:
> >>> Hey there,
> >>> Does anybody know if Logic Pro is accessible with VO?
> >>> I saw it for $199 and thought it sounded like an excellent deal for what 
> >>> it can do.
> >>> Thanks and best wishes for 2012,
> >>> --
> >>> Emrah
> >>> “In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.” 
> >>> Albert Einstein
> >>> --
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> >>> at
> >> Mr. L. Alexander.
> >> Free Macs For The Blind.
> >> E-Mail:
> >> Direct line: 07936 877500
> >> Twitter: @macsfortheblind
> >> Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working 
> >> apple macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR 
> >> FREE!
> >> Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc or 
> >> a copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get in 
> >> touch.
> >> Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here to 
> >> help anybody disabled with anything Apple!
> >>
> > --
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> Mr. L. Alexander.
> Free Macs For The Blind.
> E-Mail:
> Direct line: 07936 877500
> Twitter: @macsfortheblind
> Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working 
> apple macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR FREE!
> Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc or a 
> copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get in touch.
> Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here to help 
> anybody disabled with anything Apple!

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Re: status menu trick not working

2012-01-06 Thread Vic
This is absolutely working in Lion.
Make sure you enable "speak the text under the mouse" option in
VoiceOver Control Panel. The easiest way to do this is by opening
VoiceOver Panel and then typing the word "mouse" into the search box.
Good luck!

Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hello,
> Not that I'm aware of.  I get absolutely no feedback with voiceover regarding 
> whats underneath the mouse.  This is the key element missing in Lion that was 
> in SL.  I have a little bit of sight, and have been trying to come up with 
> some work arounds but, I've come up empty.  As a Mac user, this might be its 
> most frustrating short coming on a daily basis.  It would make working with 
> apps like skype, growl, boxcar, etc so much easier.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Jan 5, 2012, at 9:36 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
> >
> > Hi Ricardo,
> >
> > Thanks for the Link. That's what i was doing but wondered if i missed on 
> > something.
> >
> > Do you know how to access it with Lion?
> >
> > I've checked all UI elements in UI browser as well as via applescript but 
> > they just don't seem to appear in any form or way.
> >
> > Has anyone been successful at this with Lion?
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Yuma
> >
> >
> > --
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Re: Which of the two Mac Minis is best for media applications?

2012-01-09 Thread Vic
I was really looking for the best machine to deal with sound and video
editing and/or running software synthesizers.
But yeah, it seems like SSD + lots of RAM + I7 should do the trick.

Eric Oyen wrote:
> mac mini I7, 8 GB or more ram, SSD HDD greater than 250GB. that i7 needs to 
> have 4 cores at least. I used to do some video work and about the only 
> systems I had experience with were linux machines or a top of the line mac. I 
> tried this on a windows box and got so frustrated with how long a 2 hour 
> video would take to render, that I gave up on it.
> -eric
> On Jan 9, 2012, at 3:20 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> > If you are looking for something to basically play movies and the like on a 
> > TV, then either would be more than adequate. If your looking for something 
> > to do video editing I'm not sure either would be the way to go. WHen I say 
> > video editing I am referring to actual video production work where 
> > horsepower, lots of ram, and drive space is necessary.
> >
> > On Jan 8, 2012, at 8:56 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
> >
> >> Hello listers,
> >> Wanted to probe for your opinion regarding the two Mac Mini computers 
> >> below as far as media applications are concerned.
> >> First is the 2.5GHZ dual-core Intel I5 (can be configured to I7). Its 
> >> built-in SATA drives can also be exchanged for solid-state drives if 
> >> desired.
> >> Second is the 2.0GHZ quad-core Intel I7, aka Mac Mini Server, which can 
> >> also be configured to include solid-state drives instead of the built-in 
> >> SATA ones.
> >> Both machines have 4GB of RAM.
> >>
> >> Which of the two configurations do you thin would be best for media 
> >> applications?
> >>
> >> Thanks for any opinions.
> >> Best,
> >> Vic
> >>
> >> --
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> >>
> >>
> >
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> >

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Re: Using Remote Dictate app with the Mac

2012-01-18 Thread Vic
Hey Mike,
First of all, please note, you have to have an iPhone 4S for this to
work. There are only two steps:
1. Download the "Remote Dictate" app from the  App Store.
2. Go to the "App Store" on the Mac and search for "Mobile Mouse
Server"; install it.

Launch and configure both apps.
You're good to go.

Michael Busboom wrote:
> Hello Vic,
> I am very sorry that I cannot help you in any way, but I did want to ask you 
> a question.
> If I understood you correctly, you are using a speech recognition app on your 
> iPhone and routing the output of your program to your Mac.  Is this correct 
> and if so, is this difficult to do?
> Best regards and thanks,
> Mike
> On 18,Jan,2012, at 6:03 AM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > I am trying to use the Remote Dictate for the iPhone with Mobile Mouse 
> > server running on the Mac. While the speech recognition is really awesome, 
> > I am noticing that the characters appear on the Mac, they are either 
> > misplaced or typed in the wrong places.
> > Anyone has seen this behavior? If yes, how did you fix it?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Vic
> >
> > --
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Re: Anyone else have a problem with the contextual menu

2014-01-23 Thread Vic
Hey Brian.
Any time I have problems with context menus or, generally, when VO cursor 
misbehaves, I go to the list of windows and make sure there is no system 
alert stuck in there. Press VO+F2 twice to get to the list.
I think it's a long-standing problem with Mac OS and VOiceOver.

On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 2:04:01 PM UTC-8, Brian Fischler wrote:
> Ok this problem is really strange as I am only having the issue with the 
> contextual menu in iTunes, in mail the contextual menu works fine. Very 
> bizarre, as I can’t choose anything in the contextual menu in iTunes, and 
> it worked fine this morning. 
> On Jan 22, 2014, at 3:43 PM, Brian Fischler > 
> wrote: 
> > I am having a strange issue with the contextual menu in iTunes and 
> wanted to see if anyone else has had this happen and if so figured a work 
> around. When I open the contextual menu focus jumps to a submenu and I 
> cannot choose anything else. For example, I am trying to add a song to a 
> playlist but when I open the contextual menu the menu jumps to star rating 
> and the submenu and I cannot get out of it. This has now happened two days 
> in a row and quitting iTunes and cycling V 

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Latest Keynote update enables working in a "slideshow" mode

2014-01-23 Thread Vic
Those of you using Keynote for your work or fun, will be happy to know that 
today's update to the Mac OS version of the Keynote app makes it possible 
to read slides while in a slideshow mode.
This fix certainly made my day! :)

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Re: An accessible text editor for programming

2014-02-15 Thread Vic
I am a big fan of Textmate 2.0. I am specifically referring to this version 
because it has been made to be very accessible with VoiceOver. While the 
editor is still in alpha stage, it is very stable and, most importantly, is 
free and open source.
Search the Internet for Textmate 2.0 and you should be able to find it on 
Github. There is actually a developer whose main focus is acceaccessibility 
for this editor.
I use it for anything from editing files of for various programming 
languages to writing Markdown files.

Good luck.

On Sunday, February 9, 2014 9:13:49 AM UTC-8, Jon wrote:
> I have heard that you can get EmacsSpeak to work with the Macintosh. Emacs 
> is a great UNIX based editor that can be customized using a version of 
> LISP. In fact  textedit uses some of the keybindings originally used by 
> emacs. 
> Best wishes, 
> Jonathan 
> On Jan 28, 2014, at 12:13 PM, Otto Hylli > 
> wrote: 
> > Thanks for the suggestions. I am planning to program in Python and may 
> be also HTML and javascript so Xcode is not for me. Eclipse has some 
> plugins for Python development and actually I use it (for java programming) 
> at work on a Windows machine. However I am not really looking for an IDE 
> but something lighter i.e. a text editor with some nice features for 
> programmers like go to line and correct handling of indentations which are 
> important in Python. 
> > 
> > 
> > Alex Hall > kirjoitti 28.1.2014 kello 
> 18.34: 
> > 
> >> Why not use Xcode? It only supports C-based languages, but if you are 
> looking to program for the Mac, it has everything you need. For other 
> languages, look at Eclipse. I have no idea if it is accessible, but it is 
> free, so worth a shot. I is probably not in the App Store. 
> >> 
> >> -- 
> >> Have a great day, 
> >> Alex 
> >>  
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On Jan 28, 2014, at 11:25 AM, isaac > 
> wrote: 
> >> 
> >>> The only app I see is Xcode for mac. 
> >>> On Jan 28, 2014, at 10:13 AM, Otto Hylli 
> >>> > 
> wrote: 
> >>> 
> >>>> Hello 
> >>>> I am looking for an accessible text editor for programming purposes 
> for OS X (mountain Lion to be exact). Something like PsPad, context or 
> Programmers notepad on Windows. It can be free or paid. Does anybody have 
> any suggestions? For example Smultron 5 available from the mac app store 
> looks good but I don't know if it is accessible And because it is not free 
> I don't want to just try it. 
> >>>> 
> >>>> -- 
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> > Otto Hylli 
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> > spotify: spotify:user:ohylli 
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> > 
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Brailliant-32 not recovering from sleep mode under Mac OS?

2014-02-17 Thread Vic
Does anybody here use Brailliant-32 (latest generation) Braille display 
with VoiceOver on Mac OS?
I noticed that oftentimes Braille does not come back on the display after 
the computer goes out of the sleep mode. The only way to restore Braille is 
to replug the USB cable to the Braille display.
Has anyone else experienced this with their setup? O, forgot to mention, I 
am using Mac Mini.

Thanks for any pointers.

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Resizing objects in the latest version of Keynote

2014-03-12 Thread Vic
Hello all.
Those of you who extensively use Keynote, have you figrued out how to 
resize the objects inside the slides? For example, when I insert textboxes, 
they are reported as having 0x0 size by default. I, naturally, want to 
resize them.

Thanks for any help.

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Using Brailliant-32 in Mavericks

2014-03-24 Thread Vic
Hello all.
Is there anybody on the list using Brailliant-32 display with Mac OS 
I wanted to cross-check if you observe the following behavior:

- the Braille display sometimes displays an empty line and no content can 
be seen.
- replugging sometimes doesn't make any difference and sometimes does.
- sometimes routing keys do not work and/or it is impossible to pan left or 

Please let me know if you have observed any of these symptoms.


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Re: Garageband for mac, a great update!

2014-03-24 Thread Vic
I still cannot figure out if there is a way to remove effects from the 
project (it does seem like there is no way) to do that.
Also, I don't think it is ipossible to apply automation to a part of the 

On Saturday, March 22, 2014 4:18:42 AM UTC-7, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
> Hi Daniela,
> could you say something wether it's possible to change just a part of a 
> track? For example if I want to set an effect to maybe just one sound in a 
> track in earlier versions of GB I had to cut this part out, copy it to 
> another empty track, do the work there and copy it back to its original 
> place. A bit work for a little effect. Is this now easier? And can I create 
> a curve for volume?
> Thanks Jürgen
> Am 20.03.2014 um 22:46 schrieb Daniela Rubio 
> >:
> Hello all!
> Just that, All musicians, go for it, because it si just fantastic. Smart 
> controls and effects are now posible to manage, and the problem of bringing 
> loops to a track is solved. The untagged buttons now are perfect, among 
> other Characteristics.
> Give it a try and enjoy!
> Best!
> Daniela Rubio T
> iPhone: +34662328507
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Re: Using Brailliant-32 in Mavericks

2014-03-25 Thread Vic
I just reset the unit and things seem to be a bit better. Let's see for how 
long! :)

On Monday, March 24, 2014 3:03:06 PM UTC-7, Lavendar wrote:
> Hmm.. Well, I’m connected only by bluetooth, so maybe this is why this 
> sin’t happening on my end.
> the only issue I have is that the unit freezes completely sometimes.  Only 
> way I can revive it is to turn it off and on again.  then it’s fine again.
> *shrug*
> Cait
> On Mar 24, 2014, at 12:34 PM, Piotr Machacz > 
> wrote:
> Brailliant 40.
> I’ve also seen these. The empty line issue happens only if I nudge the 
> cable and it quickly reconnects, but replugging it always worked for me. 
> The second issue happens when there are 2 devices connected, one on USB and 
> one on bluetooth, which somehow can happen at times If the 2 devices are 
> different, then the buttons will only work on the device using bluetooth. 
> If the mac connects to it twice, then the buttons don’t work. Reconnecting 
> the display usually fixes it, it’s also helpful to turn bluetooth off on 
> the mac.
> On 24 Mar 2014, at 02:21 pm, Caitlyn and Maggie 
> > 
> wrote:
> I’m using a brailliant 40 with mavericks and am not experiencing what you 
> explained.
> Did you do a reset?
> Cait
> On Mar 24, 2014, at 3:11 AM, Vic > wrote:
> Hello all.
> Is there anybody on the list using Brailliant-32 display with Mac OS 
> Mavericks?
> I wanted to cross-check if you observe the following behavior:
> - the Braille display sometimes displays an empty line and no content can 
> be seen.
> - replugging sometimes doesn't make any difference and sometimes does.
> - sometimes routing keys do not work and/or it is impossible to pan left 
> or right.
> Please let me know if you have observed any of these symptoms.
> Thanks,
> Victor
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Re: Using Google Music Manager

2014-04-13 Thread Vic
Hi Ricardo.
Just tried Music Manager from Google and am having the same problems, i.e. 
cannot access any parts of the initial interface.
Do you have any tips as to how to input the login ifnoramtion via the 
screen reader? For example, what gets shown when the app opens?


On Monday, March 24, 2014 4:54:09 PM UTC-7, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi, 
> The initial set up is not accessible on the Mac. 
> That unknown your hearing is the area where they are asking for your gmail 
> address and password.  After that part, the manager is accessible. 
> Ricardo Walker 
> Twitter:@apple2thecore 
> On Mar 24, 2014, at 6:44 PM, Mike M > 
> wrote: 
> > Hi everyone, 
> > I've been doing some research and I finally decided I wanted to 
> try uploading all my iTunes music up to Google using the Music Manager 
> program from the Play Store. 
> > I know others have made this work but now that I've tried it out 
> I'm wondering if any of them were on the Mac. 
> > Everything needs to be done in Google Music Manager but when I 
> open it up I only hear "Unknown" over and over. VO can't read any part of 
> the program. 
> > Does anyone have any tips or solutions? Thanks and take care! 
> > 
> > Mike 
> > 
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Any way to reach status menu items that do not fit on the screen?

2014-04-17 Thread Vic
I noticed that VoiceOver does not allow reaching the status menu items that 
do not fit on the screen. For example, if my screen only fits a certain 
number of status menu icons, I seem not to be able to beyond them, i.e. 
activate the ones that are off-screen and need to be scrolled to.

Any ideas if this can be resolved?? I'd like to avoid closing some of my 
running apps if I don't have to.


PS This is on Mac OS (Maverick).

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Re: Any way to reach status menu items that do not fit on the screen?

2014-04-24 Thread Vic
Any ideas, anybody? :)

On Thursday, April 17, 2014 11:08:13 PM UTC-7, Vic wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed that VoiceOver does not allow reaching the status menu items 
> that do not fit on the screen. For example, if my screen only fits a 
> certain number of status menu icons, I seem not to be able to beyond them, 
> i.e. activate the ones that are off-screen and need to be scrolled to.
> Any ideas if this can be resolved?? I'd like to avoid closing some of my 
> running apps if I don't have to.
> Thanks,
> Vic
> PS This is on Mac OS (Maverick).

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AUdio/MIDI configuration utility, any alternatives?

2014-05-03 Thread Vic
Hello all,
It is quite unfortunate, but the "MIDI Studio" part of the Audio/MIDI Setup 
Utility is for the most part inaccessible to VoiceOver. I filed a couple of 
bugs on that issue but no fixes have been introduced so far.
I need to set up a network session to be able to send MIDI signals via 
wifi. Does anybody know if there is an alternative way/app to do this so I 
do not have to resort to sighted help?

Thanks for any ideas.

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Re: AUdio/MIDI configuration utility, any alternatives?

2014-05-03 Thread Vic
Wow, man, you saved not only my day, but a bunch of weeks of trying to 
figure out how to get the darn dialog work.
I can't thank you enough. At least we have a work-around!
I also noticed that you can switch between those windows with 
command+accent to get rid of the ones you don't care about.

Thanks again, man.

On Saturday, May 3, 2014 5:27:18 PM UTC-7, Chuck Reichel wrote:
> Hi Vic,
> Glad to see someone else has contacted apple about this!
> I've been trying to get them to fix this for "several" years! :(
> There is a work around sort of.
> Hi light all the devices with command A then go to the toolbar and click 
> on show device info.
> Now check your windows that are open and pick the device you want to work 
> on!
> Keep up the good work!
> Chuck
> On May 3, 2014, at 3:51 AM, Vic wrote:
> Hello all,
> It is quite unfortunate, but the "MIDI Studio" part of the Audio/MIDI 
> Setup Utility is for the most part inaccessible to VoiceOver. I filed a 
> couple of bugs on that issue but no fixes have been introduced so far.
> I need to set up a network session to be able to send MIDI signals via 
> wifi. Does anybody know if there is an alternative way/app to do this so I 
> do not have to resort to sighted help?
> Thanks for any ideas.
> Best,
> Victor
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Is there no way to reach master track in the latest version of Garage Band?

2014-06-28 Thread Vic
Am I missing something or there is no way to reach master track in the 
latest version of Garage Band? After I enable "Show Master Track" option, I 
cannot find it anywhere on the screen.

Thanks for any advice.

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Recording and monitoring multiple tracks with Garage Band at the same time

2014-07-06 Thread Vic
Hello GB users,
I just cannot get this scenario working. Here it goes.

I am trying to record a podcast. For this I loaded two tracks, one of which 
I will be speaking into (vocal) and another one will take an audio output 
from iPad (just a basic audio track). I already configured an aggregate 
device so I can successfully pump the output from each track into a 
different device.
I then enabled recording on multiple tracks at the same time with 
OPTION+SHIFT+R. However, even though both tracks have their "recording" 
checkbox checked, I can only monitor the output from the track under the 
cursor while recording.
 Please note, I am attempting to record on two tracks simultaneously.

Does anybody know if there is a way to monitor more than one track or am I 
stuck with this limitation?

Thanks for any advice.

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Re: Programmatically make VoiceOver speak on OSX

2015-12-28 Thread Vic
Hey Tyler.
Does the NSAccessibilityPostNotificationWithUserInfo call still works for 
you under El Capitan? After installing 10.11 this suddenly broke for me.
Are you noticing the same?

On Monday, July 21, 2014 at 5:15:05 AM UTC-7, anders wrote:
> Hi!
> What does this do really?
> I don't understand.
> /A
> 20 jul 2014 kl. 23:49 skrev Alex Hall >:
> This looks like what I've been searching for for a while now, thanks for 
> sharing! What is the second parameter, though? Can it be nil,or does it 
> need to be some NSView object or subclass? Also, in your demo, why provide 
> the string "Hi" instead of using the string that was passed n? I just want 
> to be sure I understand the process. Thanks again.
> On Jul 20, 2014, at 5:08 PM, Tyler Thompson  > wrote:
> Hello, this is a tidbit for those of you interested in developing for OSX,
> I have dug through tons of documentation on VoiceOver accessibility and 
> submitted several support tickets to apple for assistance and I finally 
> wrote this function I thought I’d share with everybody:
> -(void)speakString:(NSString *)stringToSpeak 
> fromFocusedUIElement:(id)object
> {
> NSDictionary *announcementInfo = [[NSDictionary alloc] 
> initWithObjectsAndKeys:stringToSpeak, NSAccessibilityAnnouncementKey, 
> @“High", NSAccessibilityPriorityKey, nil];
> NSAccessibilityPostNotificationWithUserInfo(object, 
> NSAccessibilityAnnouncementRequestedNotification, announcementInfo);
> }
> This could easily be expanded on, for instance we could include in this 
> function a way to tell the object that currently has keyboard focus to 
> assure that VoiceOver always speaks the string as opposed to you having to 
> figure it out. We could also add a NSAccessibilityLayoutChanged 
> notification to refresh the braille display (Although in some very bizarre 
> cases this causes VoiceOver to speak twice (once with the announcement, 
> once for the layout change). In other cases the announcement interrupts the 
> layout change notification or visa versa, I have yet to figure that bit 
> out. 
> However I felt like this code snippet could do some people good, so there 
> it is.
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> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
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Acapella TTS voices on Mac OS X

2015-11-08 Thread Vic
Does anyone here have any experience using Acapella voices with VoiceOver 
on Mac OS? I would like to try them out but wanted to make sure I don't end 
up with a subpar performance (I know their quality is quite good)


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Re: Acapella TTS voices on Mac OS X

2015-11-15 Thread Vic
Thanks a lot for this advice. Off to try them out.

On Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 4:42:59 PM UTC-8, Vaughn Brown wrote:
> Thank you very much.
> Vaughn
> On Nov 10, 2015, at 2:36 PM, Anders Holmberg  > wrote:
> Hi!
> Press vo plus v and go with the arrow keys until you hear:
> numbers and change it to words with up/down arrow.
> See if this works.
> /A
> On 10 Nov 2015, at 23:34, Vaughn Brown > 
> wrote:
> I figured it out. Now, my question is, how can I change the setting to 
> read numbers without saying each digit? For example I want Sharon to read 
> ten fifteen instead of one zero one five.
> Thanks.
> Vaughn
> On Nov 10, 2015, at 2:32 PM, Anders Holmberg  > wrote:
> Hi!
> Do you select voice with vo command down or up arrow?
> /A
> On 10 Nov 2015, at 23:11, Vaughn Brown > 
> wrote:
> I downloaded a voice to try but cannot figure out how to turn it on. It is 
> in demo mode. How do I switch out  from Alex to Sharon? I selected it from 
> the VO voice selection but Alex is still talking.
> Thanks,
> Vaughn
> On Nov 10, 2015, at 11:18 AM, Shawn Krasniuk  > wrote:
> Agreed. Heather and Ryan don't hold a candle compared to Sharon. She's the 
> best.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White MacBook
> Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
> Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
> Skype username: bbstheblindrapper
> Facetime: 
> On Nov 10, 2015, at 4:04 AM, Anders Holmberg  > wrote:
> Hi!
> Yes i am using the swedish elin all the time.
> She is quite efficient.
> No sluggishness at all.
> There’s an american english voice called sharon which is new and she is 
> probably the best american english voice i’ve ever heard.
> /A
> On 09 Nov 2015, at 03:13, Vic > wrote:
> Hello.
> Does anyone here have any experience using Acapella voices with VoiceOver 
> on Mac OS? I would like to try them out but wanted to make sure I don't end 
> up with a subpar performance (I know their quality is quite good)
> Thanks.
> Victor
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Configuring Nicecast on Mac OS 10.9 (Mavericks)

2013-12-26 Thread Vic
Hello listers.
Has anyone been successful in configuring the Nicecast broadcasting 
application on Mac OS 10.9?
I am able to broadcast on a local network, however, nothing works when I 
try to broadcast externally. I went through the steps for my Airport 
Extreme, however, the ports appear to be blocked as no stream can be 
accessed from the outside of my network.

Any tips for me?


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Re: Reading iBooks on the mac using braille display

2013-12-26 Thread Vic
Unfortunately, not at this point.
As things stand, iBooks 1.0x is not accessible with VoiceOver. We are all 
hoping the situation will change soon as Apple is keenly aware of the fact.

Hope this helps.

On Monday, December 23, 2013 7:09:56 AM UTC-8, Andrew wrote:
> Listers, 
> I have a usb braille display, focus 40 which I connect to my macbook air. 
> It’s quite old - I bought it in 2004. I was wondering whether it would be 
> possible to read iBooks I purchase from iBooks store via iTunes using this 
> Braille display. If so, how would I go about it? I know I can’t use it with 
> the iPad or iPhone because it has no bluetooth. But I wonder whether I 
> could use it to read iBooks on my macbook air. Also, I’ve been trying to 
> locate my iBooks on the hard drive. I can’t find the folder where they 
> would have been stored. I know that music and audiobooks are stored in the 
> iTunes media folder but my iBooks are not there. Any ideas? 
> Thanks for any tips. 
> Andrew

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Using multiple desktops on Mac OS with VoiceOver

2013-12-26 Thread Vic
Hello all.
Is my observation correct that there is no way to restrict command+tabbing 
between applications to a certain desktop? Say, I set up three of them. 
When I start command+tabbing between applications, Mac OS will let me 
switch to apps from other desktops as well.
Do you find this annoying? Should I file a report on this?


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"Apple submenu" message, gets quite annoying...

2013-12-26 Thread Vic
Hello everyone.
>From a couple of days ago I am getting the "Apple submenu" message from 
VOiceOver when typing or performing other actions on my Mac.
Does anyone know where I should look to eliminate this? Where may this 
message come from?

Thanks for any pointers and ideas.

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Re: Configuring Nicecast on Mac OS 10.9 (Mavericks)

2013-12-26 Thread Vic
Thank you!
Do you mean broadcasting on a Mac server of my own or using one of the 
external servers?

On Thursday, December 26, 2013 5:35:11 PM UTC-8, Topdog wrote:
> have you considered broadcasting on an actual server that has no port 
> block restrictions? 
> I can see if I can help you with that if you'd like. 
> Email me off-list if you would like my help. 

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Re: "Apple submenu" message, gets quite annoying...

2013-12-27 Thread Vic
The checkbox was already unchecked. Will be looking for other culprits.


On Friday, December 27, 2013 7:25:00 AM UTC-8, phil halton wrote:
> I wonder if you have the mouse set to "announce when mouse enters window" 
> in VO settings?
> look in the navigation pane  of VO settings for this checkbox and clear it 
> if it is checked. 
> On Dec 26, 2013, at 8:17 PM, Vic > wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> From a couple of days ago I am getting the "Apple submenu" message from 
> VOiceOver when typing or performing other actions on my Mac.
> Does anyone know where I should look to eliminate this? Where may this 
> message come from?
> Thanks for any pointers and ideas.
> Best,
> Vic
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Re: Reading iBooks on the mac using braille display

2013-12-27 Thread Vic
Hello Teresa!
I did not realize this part, however, choosing the books still remains to 
be a problem. At least in my case, VoiceOver does not announce the names of 
the book samples, books or PDF documents stored in my library.
Is this the experience you have?

On Friday, December 27, 2013 1:08:16 PM UTC-8, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Hi, vic and andrew, 
> Actually iBooks is accessible with VO on the mac. Each chapter has its own 
> html content area, and once you interact with it, you can read using a 
> Braille display. Unfortunately, you can't use the keyboard shortcuts to go 
> to the next chapter in a predictable way. Going through the menu works 
> well. sometimes more than one chapter appears on the screen, with various 
> html content areas, which you have to interact with. It's not as intuitive 
> as it could be, but it is doable, and I've read several books this way. 
> Also, iBooks aren't synced with itunes anymore. They're synced with iBooks 
> on the device and the computer. you can set the sync options up in iTunes, 
> and make sure you sync books to your device, but once you do this, you'll 
> have to go through iBooks on the computer. If the books are being synced, 
> they'll simply show up in your iBooks library screen. 
> Hth, 
> Teresa 
> Wishing everyone a joyous holiday season and a happy New Year! 
> On Thu, 26 Dec 2013, Vic wrote: 
> > Andrew,Unfortunately, not at this point. 
> > As things stand, iBooks 1.0x is not accessible with VoiceOver. We are 
> all hoping the situation will change soon as Apple is keenly aware of the 
> fact. 
> > 
> > Hope this helps. 
> > Vic 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Monday, December 23, 2013 7:09:56 AM UTC-8, Andrew wrote: 
> >   Listers, 
> > 
> >   I have a usb braille display, focus 40 which I connect to my 
> macbook air. It�s quite old - I bought it in 2004. I was wondering 
> whether it would be possible to read iBooks I purchase from iBooks store 
> via 
> >   iTunes using this Braille display. If so, how would I go about it? 
> I know I can�t use it with the iPad or iPhone because it has no 
> bluetooth. But I wonder whether I could use it to read iBooks on my macbook 
> >   air. Also, I�ve been trying to locate my iBooks on the hard 
> drive. I can�t find the folder where they would have been stored. I know 
> that music and audiobooks are stored in the iTunes media folder but my 
> >   iBooks are not there. Any ideas? 
> > 
> >   Thanks for any tips. 
> > 
> >   Andrew

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Re: "Apple submenu" message, gets quite annoying...

2013-12-28 Thread Vic
Turning of the "Speak text under mouse after delay:" option fixed the issue 
for me. I do, however, need this on, so will still be looking if something 
else can be done.

On Friday, December 27, 2013 11:26:31 PM UTC-8, Vic wrote:
> The checkbox was already unchecked. Will be looking for other culprits.
> Thanks,
> Victor
> On Friday, December 27, 2013 7:25:00 AM UTC-8, phil halton wrote:
>> I wonder if you have the mouse set to "announce when mouse enters window" 
>> in VO settings?
>> look in the navigation pane  of VO settings for this checkbox and clear 
>> it if it is checked. 
>> On Dec 26, 2013, at 8:17 PM, Vic  wrote:
>> Hello everyone.
>> From a couple of days ago I am getting the "Apple submenu" message from 
>> VOiceOver when typing or performing other actions on my Mac.
>> Does anyone know where I should look to eliminate this? Where may this 
>> message come from?
>> Thanks for any pointers and ideas.
>> Best,
>> Vic
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Re: New Twitter keyboard Shortcuts

2013-12-30 Thread Vic
Hey guys.
As was already said here, these shortcuts are specific to site 
only. They really become handy when you have to use the web site and not 
any other client, like Yorufukurou.
We are lucky with VOiceOver and Safari because we do not have to deal with 
virtual buffers and alike. We are able to take advantage of those shortcuts 
as soon we land on the web site.

On Sunday, December 29, 2013 2:08:18 PM UTC-8, Brian Fischler wrote:
> Hey Dave Thanks, thought it might be a new feature, but just saw the 
> keyboard shortcuts are also on my old desktop still running Mountain Lion 
> On Dec 29, 2013, at 4:53 PM, David Taylor 
> > 
> wrote: 
> > Hi, 
> > 
> > This is a feature of the Twitter website, whatever OS you use. It works 
> very well for us, but in my view is not as efficient as Yoru. They do come 
> in useful from time to time though. 
> > 
> > Cheers 
> > Dave 
> > 
> > On 29 Dec 2013, at 21:30, Brian Fischler > 
> wrote: 
> > 
> >> Hey all, 
> >> 
> >> Not sure how new this is but when I finished installing Mavericks I 
> went to log in to Twitter on the native website as I thought I had to, and 
> the first thing that popped up was a list of Twitter keyboard shortcuts on 
> the website that I have never used before. Is this new, new in Mavericks? 
> If you are using the website with VO how do you like the new shortcuts? I 
> have always used YoruFukurou for my Twitter needs. I did notice the 
> constant new tweets available would get old fairly quickly, but haven't 
> looked yet to see if there is a way to change that. 
> >> 
> >> -- 
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Re: New Twitter keyboard Shortcuts

2013-12-30 Thread Vic
Also, forgot to add... You can contact Twitter Accessibility Team by using 
the a11yteam Twitter handle.

On Sunday, December 29, 2013 2:08:18 PM UTC-8, Brian Fischler wrote:
> Hey Dave Thanks, thought it might be a new feature, but just saw the 
> keyboard shortcuts are also on my old desktop still running Mountain Lion 
> On Dec 29, 2013, at 4:53 PM, David Taylor 
> > 
> wrote: 
> > Hi, 
> > 
> > This is a feature of the Twitter website, whatever OS you use. It works 
> very well for us, but in my view is not as efficient as Yoru. They do come 
> in useful from time to time though. 
> > 
> > Cheers 
> > Dave 
> > 
> > On 29 Dec 2013, at 21:30, Brian Fischler > 
> wrote: 
> > 
> >> Hey all, 
> >> 
> >> Not sure how new this is but when I finished installing Mavericks I 
> went to log in to Twitter on the native website as I thought I had to, and 
> the first thing that popped up was a list of Twitter keyboard shortcuts on 
> the website that I have never used before. Is this new, new in Mavericks? 
> If you are using the website with VO how do you like the new shortcuts? I 
> have always used YoruFukurou for my Twitter needs. I did notice the 
> constant new tweets available would get old fairly quickly, but haven't 
> looked yet to see if there is a way to change that. 
> >> 
> >> -- 
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Re: Today's 30 minutes with VoiceOver

2014-01-12 Thread Vic
Where are you located?

On Sunday, January 12, 2014 11:21:13 AM UTC-8, April Brown wrote:
> I opened Safari.
> I turned VoiceOver on.
> After a dozen tries, I managed to get it onto the Bookmarks.
> Somehow, as I was transferring my notes to a Pages document, it crashed, 
> and a low, low, grumbling male voice started speaking.
> I turned off VoiceOver, closed Safari, and tried again.
> Another dozen tries, and I never did get it back on the Bookmarks bar to 
> an actual  bookmark.  The one time I did, it wouldn't click on it, it 
> highlighted and wanted to change it.  Huh?
> So, I closed and turned it all off again.  
> Then, I opened Safari back up.  Opened up a web page, and turned VoiceOver 
> back on.  Again it got stuck in the menu, and would not get to content.  At 
> least, unlike in Firefox, I can click on the region I need read to me, and 
> it will then work.
> That's my 30 minutes of trying to open a webpage today.
> Back to writing.
> And you wonder why I need step by step directions, and not just a random 
> list.
> So far, to get it on Safari, I have:
> Step 1:  Open Safari
> Step 2:  Command, F5 to start VoiceOver
> Step 1: Control, Option, Down arrow from the menu to the bookmarks.  And 
> yet it doesn't quiet work, as it doesn't go the list of bookmarks.  It did 
> once.
> And where did this creepy male voice come from that keeps interrupting?  I 
> can't comprehend low tones.

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Repairing Macbook AIr or recovering its data

2014-01-12 Thread Vic
Hello all.
One of the most ordinary situations  but the one I need your help with 
(especially if you live in California).
My wife spilled some coffee on her Macbook Air and, naturally, the machine 
stopped working.
At first, the machine wouldn't boot up, but after a day or so it eventually 
did. However, now we are getting three long (repetitive) beeps, blank 
screen and no further activity. In reading various forums (those on as well), we discovered that the hardware problem could be 
anything from a thermal paste that needs to be reapplied to possible 
problems with RAM module. In any case, it's a hardware issue, most likely.
unfortunately, her machine was not hooked to a Time Capsule, a mistake we 
now realized, but it's too late to worry about it now.
We went to a local Apple store but they told us that the national repair 
store will be replacing the whole board, most likely, and will not be 
taking care of our data.

So, questions:
- does anybody know a place where I could send the machine to be inspected 
first? Perhaps there is an easy fix and no need for the board replacement.
- If we do have to go the data recovery route, has anyone done that and how 
reliable such a process is? Will they actually recover your whole OS or 
just certain files?

Thanks for any ideas, pointers and suggestions.

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Re: Repairing Macbook AIr or recovering its data

2014-01-13 Thread Vic
This is a mid-2012 model.

On Sunday, January 12, 2014 2:45:30 PM UTC-8, Vic wrote:
> Hello all.
> One of the most ordinary situations  but the one I need your help with 
> (especially if you live in California).
> My wife spilled some coffee on her Macbook Air and, naturally, the machine 
> stopped working.
> At first, the machine wouldn't boot up, but after a day or so it 
> eventually did. However, now we are getting three long (repetitive) beeps, 
> blank screen and no further activity. In reading various forums (those on 
> as well), we discovered that the hardware problem could be 
> anything from a thermal paste that needs to be reapplied to possible 
> problems with RAM module. In any case, it's a hardware issue, most likely.
> unfortunately, her machine was not hooked to a Time Capsule, a mistake we 
> now realized, but it's too late to worry about it now.
> We went to a local Apple store but they told us that the national repair 
> store will be replacing the whole board, most likely, and will not be 
> taking care of our data.
> So, questions:
> - does anybody know a place where I could send the machine to be inspected 
> first? Perhaps there is an easy fix and no need for the board replacement.
> - If we do have to go the data recovery route, has anyone done that and 
> how reliable such a process is? Will they actually recover your whole OS or 
> just certain files?
> Thanks for any ideas, pointers and suggestions.
> Best,
> Vic

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Reading column and row titles automatically in Numbers

2014-01-17 Thread Vic
I noticed that when creating new spreadsheet in Numbers, the column and row 
titles are read automatically. This, however, doesn't seem to be the case 
when when reading spreadsheets from other people, eg when they are imported 
from Excel.
Has anyone found a solution to this?

Thanks for any help.

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Mavericks and the Braille display wake-up issues

2014-01-20 Thread Vic
I don't know if this is just an issue for Humanware Brailliant-32 displays 
but I noticed that once the Braille display goes to sleep, as a result of 
its own power-saving features or a result of  the computer going to sleep, 
 but it does not wake back up unless I reconnect the USB cable and/or 
restart VoiceOver.

Has anyone else noticed this behavior?

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Accessibility of the Apogee software

2014-07-26 Thread Vic
Apologies for the cross-post.
Is anyone here on the list using any of the Apogee sound cards on the Mac?
I was curious if their control panel software, or whatever software they 
use, is accessible with VoiceOver?
I am slowly getting tired of not being able to control all of the 
parameters of my fablous Saffire Pro 24 and the manufacturer doesn't seem 
to be in a hurry to make their software accessible.
Thanks for any advice.

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"xyz updated items" message in Keynote, what may it mean?

2014-08-14 Thread Vic
Does anybody know what may the message "xyz updated items" in Keynote mean? 
For example, when moving between slides, especially in the "presentation 
mode", I hear "3 updated items" or "7 updated items" or whatever.

Any ideas?

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Deleting a partition with VoiceOver on Maverick using Disk Utility?

2014-10-09 Thread Vic
Hello all.
Just tried deleting a previously-created Mac OSX partition using VoiceOver 
on Maverick, however, am having serious difficulties.
Here is what I do:

1. Open Disk Utility, click on the primary disk, then choose the 
"partition" tab.
2. In the "partition selector" area select the partition I want to erase; 
the "erase" button becomes available.
3. After clicking on the "erase" button, the dialog comes up asking me to 
confirm whether I really would like to delete the selected partition.
4. After I click "remove", nothing happens, almost as if I clicked on the 
"Cancel" button. The "Apply" and "revert" buttons are dimmed and there is 
nothing I can do.
I tried VO+space, VO+Shift+space on the "remove" button, but all with the 
same result.

Has anyone been able to perform this flow successfully? If yes, Anything I 
am missing here?

Thanks for any help.

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Re: hot to download youtube videos on mac?

2014-10-09 Thread Vic
I found Mactubes is the best option for me. Works fairly well with 
VoiceOver. You should be able to find it by searching on Google or via a

Good luck.

On Thursday, October 9, 2014 6:37:17 AM UTC-7, Dan Dunfee wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Oct 2014, Dionipher Presas Herrera wrote: 
> > are there are program to download some videos on youtube, i just 
> want to present it to my prof. thanks 
> I use youtube-dl in terminal. 
> It will download a youtube playlist.  It also downloads video from other 
> then youtube. It can also convert video formats as part of the download. 
> XB 

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The latest version of Garage Band going busy

2014-10-17 Thread Vic
A couple of hours ago I downloaded the latest update to Garage Band which 
promised some accessibility fixes.
While the fixes were there, for example, the time is now announced, the 
"smart controls inspector" is fairly accessible, etc, I stumbled upon the 
problem of GB going busy to the point where I had to force quit the program.
Has anyone experienced this behavior?


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Re: VO and lag on Yosemite

2014-10-19 Thread Vic
I clean-installed Yosemite and this seems to have improved VoiceOver 
response somewhat, but there's still the feeling of pushing the stone up 
the mountain when typing or navigating with VoiceOver. Interestingly 
enough, with a Braille display connected, you definitely see how much 
faster the text appears there as compared to Alex speaking it.

On Saturday, October 18, 2014 10:26:43 AM UTC-7, Christopher Hallsworth 
> Hi all 
> I can tell you that during the developer previews and public betas the 
> lag has been always there somewhat. I did both a clean install and an 
> update on a secondary partition on my internal disk with the same 
> results. This was on a late 2011 Macbook Pro 13 with 4 GB of RAM. It's 
> tolerable but do sympathize with those having a more severe lag than I am. 
> Sent from my laptop 
> On 18/10/2014 14:10, Alex Hall wrote: 
> > I've heard one or two reports of a clean install making the lag 
> considerably worse, which is something I've never heard of a clean install 
> doing. For my part, the lag with Alex is there but tolerable, while the lag 
> with Nuance voices is ridiculous. I have no activities, and I'm on a 2012 
> MacBook Air, 4GB ram, 1.7GhZ I5 processor. 
> >> On Oct 18, 2014, at 7:40 AM, David Griffith  > wrote: 
> >> 
> >> When  I moved from Mountain Lion to Mavericks I noticed a big 
> improvement once I had made a clean install 
> >> . This may assist you as well this time and also you may want to look 
> to make sure you do not have activities running just in case this is an 
> issue for Yosemite as well. 
> >> When I move to Yosemite I will probably attempt an upgrade but will 
> then probably do a clean install  later if there are any performance issue. 
>   That  process appeared to work well then with all my apps etc being taken 
> across from myTime Machine. 
> >> 
> >> David Griffith 
> >> On 18 Oct 2014, at 00:32, Faisal  
> > wrote: 
> >> 
> >>> yes, i did it but nothing happens 
>  On 18 Oct 2014, at 08:22, Maria and Joe Chapman   > wrote: 
>  Hi.  have you tried repairing permissions and has this made any 
> difference? 
>  thanks ? 
>  Blessings! 
>  maria and Joe chapman 
>   > 
>  On 18 Oct 2014, at 12:28 pm, Dionipher Herrera   > wrote: 
> > yes me too, and i hate it. 
> >> On 18 Oct 2014, at 01:32, Faisal   > wrote: 
> >> 
> >> Hi all, 
> >> so I took the plunge and installed Yosemite. I'm noticing a 
> definite lag with voice over. Is anyone else noticing this as well? 
> >> I'm using Alex 
> >> Thanks 
> >> 
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Windows talking installer with a built-in sound card on Mac Mini

2014-10-19 Thread Vic
I am trying to run a Windows talking installer from Bryan Smart,, on my Mac Mini. However, I am not sure if the built-in 
sound card simply won't work because the installer never comes up talking. 
I listened to a podcast which relied on a USB sound card.
Anybody was successful in running the talking installer with a built-in 
sound card on Mac Mini?

Thanks for any advice.

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Re: Same Page Links In Emails

2013-07-06 Thread Vic
Hi Shawn, 
Unfortunately, this has been the problem for as long as I remember on both the 
Mac and the iPhone. I am not exactly sure if this is a VoiceOver problem or of 
the webkit engine, but most likely it's the former. 
Anyways, this has been annoying me for quite some time and its about time I let 
apple know about this as well. On Thursday, July 4, 2013 6:27:24 PM UTC-7, 
Shawn Krasniuk wrote:
> Hey Alex. Will do. Apple Accessibility will hear about this. Also, I did that 
> stuff you said to do with the mouse and still no result.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White Mac Book
> On Jul 4, 2013, at 4:43 PM, wrote:
>  Same Page Links In Emails

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windows 64 bit and bootcamp.

2012-12-08 Thread Vic
Instructions don't seem to work for me. What computer are you installing this 

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Re: Windows talking installer with a built-in sound card on Mac Mini

2014-11-02 Thread Vic
Bumping this question up in case the list has missed it.
Thanks for any help.

On Sunday, October 19, 2014 11:12:47 PM UTC-7, Vic wrote:
> Hi.
> I am trying to run a Windows talking installer from Bryan Smart, 
>, on my Mac Mini. However, I am not sure if the built-in 
> sound card simply won't work because the installer never comes up talking. 
> I listened to a podcast which relied on a USB sound card.
> Anybody was successful in running the talking installer with a built-in 
> sound card on Mac Mini?
> Thanks for any advice.
> Best,
> Victor

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Time machine displays today's files in yesterday's backups?

2015-01-22 Thread Vic
Hello all.
I have just experienced a situation where files created today are also 
appearing in prior backups.
Is this behavior normal (I assume not) and, if not, what can I do to fix it?

Thanks a lot.

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Re: Time machine displays today's files in yesterday's backups?

2015-01-22 Thread Vic
That's the weird part. Even if I go all the way back to a few months ago, I 
still see some files that have been opened today. These same files did not 
exist back then. :)
A new weird kind of sci-fi?

On Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 7:21:02 PM UTC-8, Chris Blouch wrote:
>  That sounds very odd. Time machine generally runs each hour so are you 
> sure you aren't just finding files from the last few hours rather than days?
> CB
> On 1/22/15 10:08 PM, Vic wrote:
> Hello all. 
> I have just experienced a situation where files created today are also 
> appearing in prior backups.
> Is this behavior normal (I assume not) and, if not, what can I do to fix 
> it?
>  Thanks a lot.
> Victor
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> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Re: VoiceOver: Using VoiceOver on a Mac without a display attached may cause applications to be slow or unresponsive

2012-11-16 Thread Vic

I am asking because I just purchased a Mac Mini with the best configuration 
I could put together and experience significant responsiveness when typing 
or browsing with the magic trackpad.

I plugged in a HDMI adapter but that didn't change anything.

So, I thought I'd ask here.



On Friday, November 16, 2012 5:48:14 AM UTC-8, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> True. 
> But, that could just mean the information hasn't been updated in years. 
>  I'm very interested in knowing if this issue does indeed affects 2012 Mac 
> minis running 10.8.  Anyone with first hand knowledge, I'd love to hear 
> from you. 
> Ricardo Walker 
> Twitter:@apple2thecore 
> On Nov 16, 2012, at 8:20 AM, "Daniel Miller" > 
> wrote: 
> > Hi, 
> > The article says the specific products that are affected are OS X 10.5 
> and 
> > 10.6. It make sno mention of 10.8. 
> > 
> > -Original Message- 
> > From:  
> > [ ] On Behalf Of Victor 
> Tsaran 
> > Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 7:19 AM 
> > To:  
> > Subject: VoiceOver: Using VoiceOver on a Mac without a display attached 
> may 
> > cause applications to be slow or unresponsive 
> > 
> > Is this still relevant with new Mac minis and mountain lion OS? 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Sent from my iPhone (possibly with Siri) 
> > 
> > -- 
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> > 
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Re: VoiceOver: Using VoiceOver on a Mac without a display attached may cause applications to be slow or unresponsive

2012-11-16 Thread Vic
Thanks Esther.
I wonder if John is listening on this discussion.
I wonder if HDMI adapter will work the same way and whether the NTSC
converter takes much space on one's table.

Thanks a lot for the help.

Vic wrote:
> I am asking because I just purchased a Mac Mini with the best configuration
> I could put together and experience significant responsiveness when typing
> or browsing with the magic trackpad.
> I plugged in a HDMI adapter but that didn't change anything.
> So, I thought I'd ask here.
> Thanks,
> Vic
> On Friday, November 16, 2012 5:48:14 AM UTC-8, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> >
> > True.
> >
> > But, that could just mean the information hasn't been updated in years.
> >  I'm very interested in knowing if this issue does indeed affects 2012 Mac
> > minis running 10.8.  Anyone with first hand knowledge, I'd love to hear
> > from you.
> >
> > Ricardo Walker
> > 
> > Twitter:@apple2thecore
> >
> >
> > On Nov 16, 2012, at 8:20 AM, "Daniel Miller" 
> > >
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Hi,
> > > The article says the specific products that are affected are OS X 10.5
> > and
> > > 10.6. It make sno mention of 10.8.
> > >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: 
> > > [ ] On Behalf Of Victor
> > Tsaran
> > > Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 7:19 AM
> > > To: 
> > > Subject: VoiceOver: Using VoiceOver on a Mac without a display attached
> > may
> > > cause applications to be slow or unresponsive
> > >
> > > Is this still relevant with new Mac minis and mountain lion OS?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Sent from my iPhone (possibly with Siri)
> > >
> > > --
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups
> > > "MacVisionaries" group.
> > > To post to this group, send email to 
> > >
> >
> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > .
> > > For more options, visit this group at
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
> > > To post to this group, send email to 
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> >
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> >
> > >
> >
> >

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Re: VoiceOver: Using VoiceOver on a Mac without a display attached may cause applications to be slow or unresponsive

2012-11-16 Thread Vic
O, and another thing...
I wonder if the NTSC converter in question restricts the Mac to some
screen resolution beyond which it cannot go. I want to make sure I do
not run in trouble with applications that rely on higher resolution


Esther wrote:
> Hi Vic,
> The latest applicable summary of a way around the problem of running
> one of the new model Minis without a monitor is  John Panarese's blog
> post on his macfortheblind site. Here's the URL:
> However, if you lose the link, you can just do a Google search for
> "macfortheblind Mac Mini". The article is titled "Adventures With My
> Mac Mini" and it describes the experience of setting up a recent Mac
> Mini for the first time.
> It involved using an Apple Mini display port VGA adaptor (purchased
> separately) and connecting it to a VGA to NTSC converter (another
> cable, whose purchasing link is given in the article).  If the latest
> Mac Mini does not support a Mini display port, your first cable may
> need to be something different. Each cable cost about $30, so about
> $60 for the fix.
> HTH.  cheers,
> Esther
> On Nov 16, 8:50 am, Vic  wrote:
> > I am asking because I just purchased a Mac Mini with the best configuration
> > I could put together and experience significant responsiveness when typing
> > or browsing with the magic trackpad.
> >
> > I plugged in a HDMI adapter but that didn't change anything.
> >
> > So, I thought I'd ask here.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Vic
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Friday, November 16, 2012 5:48:14 AM UTC-8, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> >
> > > True.
> >
> > > But, that could just mean the information hasn't been updated in years.
> > >  I'm very interested in knowing if this issue does indeed affects 2012 Mac
> > > minis running 10.8.  Anyone with first hand knowledge, I'd love to hear
> > > from you.
> >
> > > Ricardo Walker
> > > 
> > > Twitter:@apple2thecore
> > >
> >
> > > On Nov 16, 2012, at 8:20 AM, "Daniel Miller" 
> > > >
> > > wrote:
> >
> > > > Hi,
> > > > The article says the specific products that are affected are OS X 10.5
> > > and
> > > > 10.6. It make sno mention of 10.8.
> >
> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: 
> > > > [ ] On Behalf Of Victor
> > > Tsaran
> > > > Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 7:19 AM
> > > > To: 
> > > > Subject: VoiceOver: Using VoiceOver on a Mac without a display attached
> > > may
> > > > cause applications to be slow or unresponsive
> >
> > > > Is this still relevant with new Mac minis and mountain lion OS?
> > > >

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Re: VoiceOver: Using VoiceOver on a Mac without a display attached may cause applications to be slow or unresponsive

2012-11-16 Thread Vic
So, does your friend have iMac, Mac mini or Mac mini server? We are talking 
about second case specifically.

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Re: VoiceOver: Using VoiceOver on a Mac without a display attached may cause applications to be slow or unresponsive

2012-11-16 Thread Vic
That's a bummer because I never had these problems with my windows 7 machine.

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Re: How do I know which albums on iTunes are DRM-protected?

2010-01-13 Thread Vic
Big thanks, David.

David Hole wrote:
> Good morning Vic.
> Apple doesn't use DRM on music anymore.
> They ended using it a year ago or so.
>  From that time, they also began using 256kbs quality instead of 128kbs
> wich have been used before.
> THe m4a-files you buy now is compatible with all devices I have in my
> hous :)
> -David
> Den 13.01.2010 06:26, skrev Victor Tsaran:
> > Hello all,
> > How do I know whether an music album I want to buy on iTunes is
> > DRM-protected or not? Oftentimes, I simply skip out to Amazon for fear
> > of unknown. 
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Vic
> >
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VmWare 3.02, Snowleopard, Voiceover and keyboard intercept problems

2010-04-07 Thread Vic
Hello all,
I was wondering if anyone here is aware of a solutionto  the problem I
When running Voiceover with VMWare Fusion on Snowleopard I seem to
have a lot of difficulties getting VMWare accept my keyboard presses
when focused on its window. I get the message saying "press COMMAND+G
to direct input to this virtual machine". When I do that, nothing
happens. I even tried to perform this action with Voiceover turned off
but no luck. Occasionally, I succeed but the behavior is very erratic.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


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Re: Used an iPad today

2010-04-07 Thread Vic
We have an iPad "in the house".  I have a good chance to play a
fair bit with it. I think this is a great device and gives you a sneak
peek into the assistive technology of the future.
In some ways Apple is challenging us, blind folks, by pushing the
envelope farther and farther as far as the user interface and
interaction are concerned. When you start interactign with the iPad
for the first time, you will realize a lot of difficulties with
finding things and orienting yourself because
1. the layout for various screens is different from those on the
2. You will be dealing with a much larger screen estate, and this is
no small joke, believe me.
3. While Apple generally maintains a fairly consistent user interface
in their own apps, i.e. with panes being on the left and on the right,
you will quickly find that 3rd-party apps will be less consistent and
offer much more customized layouts (more scrolling and touching for
the blind user).
4. It is a problem on the iPhone, and it is also observed on the iPad,
that Voiceover is not very good at alerting the user about the changes
on the screen. Yes, you do get beeps and such, but you still do not
know whether the new content appeared on the left, right, top, bottom
or in the middle of the screen. So you end up "fingering around" a lot
to figure out what actually happened.
5. ...And the most painful issue for me personally. Browsing o neither
iPhone or iPad is just not up to the task compared to Snow Leopard,
for example. Since one of the primary uses for the iPad is browsing
the web, this is actually the big show-stopper for me personally. In
fact, as far as the web support is concerned, nothing much has changed
since the iPhone days and that saddens me.

These are just some of my thoughts.

Blake Sinnett wrote:
> Seems like the smart people are making universal apps. This is what everyone 
> should do.
> > From:
> > To:
> > Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 14:47:00 -0400
> > Subject: RE: Used an iPad today
> >
> > Yep, and your iPhone will have a much smaller screen, and won't be able to 
> > run the same software the same way with as much power.
> >
> > Right now, people are making their iPhone apps run on the iPad. Eventually, 
> > though, the new iPad apps will need to be scaled down in order to be ported 
> > back to the iPhone.
> >
> > Bryan
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: 
> > [] On Behalf Of Cody
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 3:25 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
> >
> > Also consider how often wifi will be available. networks might be all over 
> > the place, but most of them nowadays are secured, sow aht si the use? 3G is 
> > ok, but you've got an iPhone for that, so again, it's a mistake for the 
> > consumer side.
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Olivia Norman" 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 3:10 PM
> > Subject: Re: Used an iPad today
> >
> >
> > > Interesting. I find portrait mode works better I considered the 3g
> > > version, but thought I didn't need both that and an iPhone.
> > > Olivia
> > >
> > > Sent from my iPhone
> > >
> > > On Apr 6, 2010, at 2:59 PM, Bryan Smart 
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > >> I'd ordered the 3G model, so will be waiting a few more weeks yet,
> > >> but I had some time to play with a WiFi model today.
> > >>
> > >> Generally, it's an iPhone. However, besides the screen size being
> > >> increased, the interface has increased in complexity, also. Apple is
> > >> certainly using the extra space to expand on what is possible with
> > >> an iPhone type touch interface.
> > >>
> > >> It took me only very little time to discover that portrait mode
> > >> (which lots of sighted users select), is probably not the best for a
> > >> blind person. When you're working with two hands, having more
> > >> horizontal room seems to make more of a difference when navigating.
> > >> Fortunately, it is a snap to try either way to see what works for you.
> > >>
> > >> I absolutely agree with the posters that were talking about the
> > >> horrible oversight about the back plate of the iPad. It is almost
> > >> nothing but shiny aluminum. You're supposed to be able to set the
> > >> iPad on a table to use it, but I promise, the first time that you
> > >>

Re: Any blind iPhone developers out there?

2010-04-17 Thread Vic
Thanks guys.
Looking forward for more info.

Jonathan Chacón wrote:
> Hello Victor,
> I'm developing 2 apps for iPhone.
> xCode has a few accessibility problems but you can use it.
> Interface builder has more problems but you can design your interface with it 
> but you have to make connections from xCode. I'll post an article about it in 
> my blog next week.
> iPhone simulator isn't accesible and you have to ask for help
> I hope Apple makes interface builder and iPhone simulator more accesible. For 
> example. If interface builder has a method to create connections and define 
> outlets it will be accesible and confortable for blind developers.
> if iPhone simulator can run voiceOver it will be accessible.
> Regards
>   Jonathan Chacón Barbero
>Accessibility, usability and new technologies consultant
> Phone: +34 679953948
> e-Mail:
> Blog:
> Twitter:
> LinkedIn:
> Facebook:
> Messenger:
> Skype: Tyflos_
> Ping for iPhone: jchacon
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Mac OS 10.6.3 speed, Voiceover and browsing with Safari

2010-04-18 Thread Vic
Hello all,
After upgrading to the latest Mac OS 10.6.3 I am noticing that
browsing with Safari is a bit slower than on previous 10.5 system.
This is particularly noticeable on dynamic sites such as Yahoo! mail
Classic or Facebook. For example, in many instances Voiceover would
keep on saying "Safari Busy" and you are not able to do anything for a
couple of seconds.
Is anyone else is noticing this behavior or there issomething wrong
with my system?
I am running the new OS on the 13-inch Macbook Pro (one of the latest

Thanks for any input.

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Re: Mac OS 10.6.3 speed, Voiceover and browsing with Safari

2010-04-19 Thread Vic
Thanks a lot, Carolyn, for confirming this. wrote:
> Vic:
> I haven't seen this with safari, but I have noticed some new difficulties 
> with VO focus.  I am beginning to suspect that the latest update may have put 
> a couple of inadvertent kinks into VO.  I can press the "applications"  
> button numerous times, and the folder won't open.  It just keeps saying< 
> "applications button pressed," but doesn't open the folder.  I'm hoping 
> someone who knows a lot more than I do can make sense of the new issues to 
> Apple Accesibility better than I could.
> Carolyn
> On Apr 18, 2010, at 1:52 PM, Vic wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > After upgrading to the latest Mac OS 10.6.3 I am noticing that
> > browsing with Safari is a bit slower than on previous 10.5 system.
> > This is particularly noticeable on dynamic sites such as Yahoo! mail
> > Classic or Facebook. For example, in many instances Voiceover would
> > keep on saying "Safari Busy" and you are not able to do anything for a
> > couple of seconds.
> > Is anyone else is noticing this behavior or there issomething wrong
> > with my system?
> > I am running the new OS on the 13-inch Macbook Pro (one of the latest
> > ones).
> >
> > Thanks for any input.
> > Victor
> >
> > --
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> >
> >
> >
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Re: Article from the RNIB about the IPad

2010-04-20 Thread Vic
I guess, the point they were trying to make is that, just like on the
Mac COMMAND+F5 toggles Voiceover screen reader, iPad could have a
tripple+home set up by default to perform "ask", "zoom" or "voiceover"
But I don't really think it's that big of a deal considering that
Apple store staff is usually well-educated about their products.

olivia norman wrote:
> I'm a bit confused here.  Voiceover can easily be turned on independently 
> through iTunes, or by a sighted user using the settings menu.  How is this 
> not easily accessible?  When I got my iPad an apple store employee simply 
> turned on voiceover for me.  He knew exactly how to do it, and we also 
> enabled the triple click home button option so that he could help me set up 
> all my accounts quickly and we could toggle voiceover on and off when we 
> needed to.  How is this not accessibility out of the box?
> Olivia
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower",  Steve Jobs
> On Apr 20, 2010, at 4:19 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm a bit confused here.
> >
> > "It is just a shame that VoiceOver is switched off by default, meaning it 
> > has to be activated before the iPad can be used." and "It would have been a 
> > real bonus had the iPad been accessible out of the box.  Unfortunately, 
> > this was not quite the case."
> >
> > These views are kind of strange and puzzling to me. It seems a weird 
> > definition of "out of the box". It's a mainstream product. That'd make it 
> > too confusing for a sighted user using the iPad if VoiceOver was on by 
> > default. And, by all rights, it shouldn't be on by default, as it is a 
> > product not geared "specifically" towards blind people. That's the only 
> > thing I found kind of odd, but otherwise, pretty nice.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Nic
> > Mobile Me:
> > Skype: Kvalme
> > MSN Messenger:
> > AIM: cincinster
> > yahoo Messenger: cin368
> > Facebook Profile
> > My Twitter
> >
> > On Apr 20, 2010, at 6:46 PM, marie Howarth wrote:
> >
> >> I would agree with you John. as a total VI user of an IPhone, I don't 
> >> think they praised the screen reader enough. And its that point of the 
> >> accessibility out of the box that has wound me up. I think that could put 
> >> users off entirely and let's see, how many products are accessible out of 
> >> the box that rNIB promotes readily?
> >> I'll post a link to my blog I'm writing for you guys to agree or disagree 
> >> with me but on the whole, I think its a fair first impressions.
> >>
> >> On 20 Apr 2010, at 17:33, John J Herzog wrote:
> >>
> >>> Thanks for passing this article along. I think that, for the most part, 
> >>> this article was fair. They seem to point out both positives and 
> >>> negatives of the product which is good.
> >>> The only area where I have some problems with the article, is that they 
> >>> made to big of a deal about activating voiceover through Itunes. This is 
> >>> not that hard since it is accessible on both mac and windows, and 
> >>> requires all of two seconds to do. Other than that, it's pretty good.
> >>>
> >>> John
> >>>
> >>> On Apr 20, 2010, at 12:18 PM, marie Howarth wrote:
> >>>
>  Hi guys,
>  Thought I'd put this article out there for everyone to discuss. I will 
>  be writing a blog on my opinions of this article shortly. But here it is 
>  for you all to read.
>  It's an article done by the RNIB which is the national charity for the 
>  blind in the UK. You need to download the article, its in word format 
>  but will read on text edit and such on the mac.
>  thanks
>  --
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Re: How to delete desktop/spaces in Lion?

2011-10-01 Thread Vic
Thanks a lot for the tip.
Works awesome!
The reason I was asking is to get rid of extra desktops I do not use,
precisely for the reasons you already indicated--I don't know what to
do with them.
Thanks again,

Adie wrote:
> Hello
> I just asked Apple Accessibility that very same question and this is
> what they said. "To remove a Desktop - When you have the VoiceOver
> cursor in the Spaces list, begin interacting and then use VoiceOver to
> navigate to a desktop you wish to delete. Press VO-cmd-f2 and then
> press return.
> I'm waiting until the next time the list pops up unsummoned in order
> to try this out. Mostly as I don't know how you summon it on purpose,
> or , indeed why you would want to."
> Cheers
> A
> On Sep 30, 6:48 pm, Victor Tsaran  wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > Does anybody know how to delete spaces/desktops in Lion with Voiceover?
> > Thanks for any advice.
> > Victor

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Latency when browsing large web pages with High Sierra and VoiceOver?

2017-10-22 Thread Vic
Am I dreaming this up or there is actually a significant delay when moving 
through large web pages with VO nav keys, CTRL+OPTION+arrows?
I am noticing that, if the page is simple, VoiceOver seems to be behaving 
quite well. However, as soon as the page gets large or has more dynamic 
content, VoiceOver gets very very slow.

What do others notice?


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Re: Latency when browsing large web pages with High Sierra and VoiceOver?

2017-10-23 Thread Vic
Hmmm, viewing this thread in Google Groups on the 
produces a pretty significant lag for me when VO+arrowing quickly through 
the page.
How about you? :)

On Monday, October 23, 2017 at 11:06:11 AM UTC-7, anders wrote:
> Hi!
> Not having this issue so far.
> Have you cleaned out cache and such things for a while?
> You can do this with an app called onyx.
> /A
> 23 okt. 2017 kl. 08:01 skrev Vic >:
> Hi.
> Am I dreaming this up or there is actually a significant delay when moving 
> through large web pages with VO nav keys, CTRL+OPTION+arrows?
> I am noticing that, if the page is simple, VoiceOver seems to be behaving 
> quite well. However, as soon as the page gets large or has more dynamic 
> content, VoiceOver gets very very slow.
> What do others notice?
> Thanks.
> Victor
> -- 
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Re: Latency when browsing large web pages with High Sierra and VoiceOver?

2017-10-24 Thread Vic
Cool, I guess you are lucky then!
It's true that I'm on the 2012 Mac mini, but it's a Intel Core I7 quad-core 
CPU with 8 MB of RAM. I don't anticipate VoiceOver needing this much power 
to zip through web pages.
Don't know... Cleaned up caches with 
Onyx, but no go...

On Tuesday, October 24, 2017 at 12:33:00 AM UTC-7, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
> Just tried it, no latency here on this web side on my iMac 2014 with 
> Safari 11 in High Sierra. I even holt down the VO keys and the right arrow 
> key which actually makes no sense but even then no latency.
> Jürgen
> Am 24.10.2017 um 07:13 schrieb Vic >:
> Hmmm, viewing this thread in Google Groups on the web, 
> produces a pretty significant lag for me when VO+arrowing quickly through 
> the page.
> How about you? :)
> On Monday, October 23, 2017 at 11:06:11 AM UTC-7, anders wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Not having this issue so far.
>> Have you cleaned out cache and such things for a while?
>> You can do this with an app called onyx.
>> /A
>> 23 okt. 2017 kl. 08:01 skrev Vic :
>> Hi.
>> Am I dreaming this up or there is actually a significant delay when 
>> moving through large web pages with VO nav keys, CTRL+OPTION+arrows?
>> I am noticing that, if the page is simple, VoiceOver seems to be behaving 
>> quite well. However, as soon as the page gets large or has more dynamic 
>> content, VoiceOver gets very very slow.
>> What do others notice?
>> Thanks.
>> Victor
>> -- 
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Re: Fast forwarding and rewinding in iTunes

2011-01-23 Thread Vic
Hello all,
Thanks for your responses. I knew I was missing something obvious. I
don't think that CMD+OPT+arrows worked for me on a video clip though.
Is this supposed to?

Chris Snyder wrote:
> Or you could just hit CMD-Option-left or right arrow. This will accomplish 
> the same thing.
> Friendly,
> Chris
> On Jan 23, 2011, at 1:07 AM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > I found out a way to fast forward or rewind the clip in iTunes by
> > first routing the mouse pointer to either "fast forward" or "rewind"
> > button with CTRL+CMD+OPT+F5, and then holding the mouse's left button;
> > release to stop either of the actions.
> > The question is whether there is a mouse-down and mouse-up or "lock a
> > mouse button" shortcut key in Voiceover that I'm not aware of?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Vic
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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Re: Anyone managed successfully drag and drop with Voiceover?

2011-03-01 Thread Vic
I tried but it doesn't seem to work.

Paul Hunt wrote:
> Hello. Have any of you tried this with the Interface Builder?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Matthew Campbell
> Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 8:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Anyone managed successfully drag and drop with Voiceover?
> Hello Victor.
> I use drag and drop all of the time in iTunes to drag and drop music and
> playlists on to my iPhone.
> Here are the steps I use to do this.
> First I move to what I want to drag. Cursor tracking is always on.
> Next, I highlight what I want with the mouse by pressing VO + Command + f5.
> VO will not always report what is highlighted properly but just ignore it's
> ramblings.
> THe next thing I will do is press VO +command + shift + space. THis performs
> a mouse down command.
> Next, I will turn off cursor tracking, navigate to where I wish to drop the
> music or playlists. I use the VO and arrow keys to do this since cursor
> tracking is turned off.
> Finally I will use VO + Command+ F5 to move the mouse to the drop point. You
> will here a small wooshing sound if you listen hard enough.
> Finally, I'll press VO + Command + Shift + Space to release the mouse and
> drop the dragged object.
> This works 100% of the time.
> This can be a bit tricky to master at first because of the number of steps
> that need to be taken.
> Please let me know if this helps.
> Please note. I've only used this in itunes so Whether or not this works the
> same way in other apps I don't know.
> Hope this helps.
> On 2011-02-28, at 3:16 AM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > I know there are methods for dragging and dropping items with Voiceover,
> however, did anyone actually managed to get them work? In particular,
> Voiceover tends to cancel the drag-n-drop action once I, say, interact with
> an object which I am dragging into.
> > For example, what would be the steps to drag an item from one table into
> another?
> >
> > Thanks for any help.
> > Vic
> >
> > --
> > 
> >
> > Check out my new album on iTunes at
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > --
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Re: yahoo mail contact list to ipad2?

2011-05-09 Thread Vic
Hello Barry,
Under "settings", go to "mail and contacts". Then, set up  Yahoo! Mail
account. After you're done, there will be several options to enable
Yahoo! calendar, notes and/or contacts.
This should sync your contacts to your iPad.

On May 8, 2:45 pm, barry  wrote:
> how to transfer my yahoo mail contact list into my ipad2, please

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Moving iPhone apps into folders in iTunes

2011-05-22 Thread Vic
Hello all,
I could not find this functionality in iTunes with Voiceover even
though the Help clearly states it is there. Is moving apps into
folders completely inaccessible to us?


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Re: Adding titles in iMovie

2011-05-29 Thread Vic
Hi Ash,
So, I was able to copy the title I want, however, I am not sure where
exactly I should be pasting it. If I VO-interact with "event panel"
and then go to where my clips are, pressing CMD+V only produces beep
and no title is pasted.
Isn't the timeline located inside the "events panel"?


On May 29, 2:06 pm, Ashley Cox  wrote:
> yeah. Open the titles window (cmd 3 i think), interact with the various
> areas until you find the title you want. then simple copy and paste it
> into the timeline like you would any other clip. A screen will appear,
> asking you to select a background; use the vo keys left/right to select
> a background, then move the mouse to it (vo cmd f5) adn vo shift space.
> The next screen, the title text screen, will appear. Type your text,
> then vo left once and press the done button.
> ash
> On 29/05/2011 20:20, Victor Tsaran wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > Has anyone here played with iMovie? I seem to have difficulties adding 
> > titles to movies. Any advice?
> > Thanks,
> > Vic

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Re: Adding titles in iMovie

2011-05-29 Thread Vic
I should probably add that I'm using iMovie 2011, if this makes any

On May 29, 2:06 pm, Ashley Cox  wrote:
> yeah. Open the titles window (cmd 3 i think), interact with the various
> areas until you find the title you want. then simple copy and paste it
> into the timeline like you would any other clip. A screen will appear,
> asking you to select a background; use the vo keys left/right to select
> a background, then move the mouse to it (vo cmd f5) adn vo shift space.
> The next screen, the title text screen, will appear. Type your text,
> then vo left once and press the done button.
> ash
> On 29/05/2011 20:20, Victor Tsaran wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > Has anyone here played with iMovie? I seem to have difficulties adding 
> > titles to movies. Any advice?
> > Thanks,
> > Vic

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Re: Magic Trackpad

2011-05-29 Thread Vic
It is, as someone correctly pointed out, great to use both. Trackpad
is great for browsing and exploring the screen whereas the keyboard is
great for typing and performing action while you are typing.
One great thing about Trackpad is that you can define your own custom
MacOS has its own appeal, not to be compared to Windows7.
A smart computer user these days should probably have both. :)

On May 29, 8:22 pm, "Pete Nalda"  wrote:
> Fwiw I find the trackpad more like the VO user experience of my iPad.  It's 
> nice if you prefer flicking over arrow key pressing.
> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for "G'Day, Mates)
> Louie P. "Pete" 
> Nalda
> -Original Message-
> From: Zachary Kline 
> Sender:
> Date: Sun, 29 May 2011 17:28:40
> To: 
> Reply-To:
> Subject: Re: Magic Trackpad
> Hi Max,
> I use a combination of the trackpad on my MacBook Pro and VoiceOver keyboard 
> commands.  There are some things it's easier to do via the keyboard than the 
> trackpad, and vice versa.  I have been slowly working on using my trackpad a 
> bit more often.  If I had to quantify things I'd say I used the keyboard more 
> often overall, but that the trackpad is certainly useful for some 
> applications, like web browsing.
> Hope this helps,
> Zack.
> On May 29, 2011, at 3:52 PM, agent086b wrote:
> > Hello all, after having really good experiences since moving to an iPhone I 
> > am seriously considering making the next move to an iMac.
> > What method do most people use to control Voiceover, keyboard commands or 
> > the Magic Trackpad I think it is called.
> > Thank you for any advice.
> > Max.
> > --
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Re: Adding titles in iMovie

2011-05-30 Thread Vic
Hi Ash,
This is really helpful. Thanks a lot!
One more question: when you paste your title on the timeline, does it
appear where the playhead is located or at the very beginning of the
timeline? Looking at it with Voiceover , it appears that all the
titles are stashed at the start and then have to be moved to their
appropriate spots. If this is the latter, then I cannot figure out how
to move the titles on the timeline. The included help page only refers
to dragging blue bar or whatever.
Any help would be much appreciated.

On May 30, 1:37 am, Ashley Cox  wrote:
> No, the timeline is in the project browser group.
> On 30/05/2011 03:42, Vic wrote:
> > Hi Ash,
> > So, I was able to copy the title I want, however, I am not sure where
> > exactly I should be pasting it. If I VO-interact with "event panel"
> > and then go to where my clips are, pressing CMD+V only produces beep
> > and no title is pasted.
> > Isn't the timeline located inside the "events panel"?
> > Thanks,
> > Vic
> > On May 29, 2:06 pm, Ashley Cox  wrote:
> >> yeah. Open the titles window (cmd 3 i think), interact with the various
> >> areas until you find the title you want. then simple copy and paste it
> >> into the timeline like you would any other clip. A screen will appear,
> >> asking you to select a background; use the vo keys left/right to select
> >> a background, then move the mouse to it (vo cmd f5) adn vo shift space.
> >> The next screen, the title text screen, will appear. Type your text,
> >> then vo left once and press the done button.
> >> ash
> >> On 29/05/2011 20:20, Victor Tsaran wrote:
> >>> Hello all,
> >>> Has anyone here played with iMovie? I seem to have difficulties adding 
> >>> titles to movies. Any advice?
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> Vic

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Re: Adding titles in iMovie

2011-05-31 Thread Vic
Thanks a lot.
I will play with it a bit more.
It does seem to be sort of accessible but lots of guessing to do. :)

On May 30, 1:28 pm, Ashley Cox  wrote:
> Hi,
> No, the title is pasted where the vo curser is located. For example, if
> your vo curser is on 'clip 2', the title will be before clip 2 starts.
>   ash
> On 30/05/2011 20:24, Vic wrote:> Hi Ash,
> > This is really helpful. Thanks a lot!
> > One more question: when you paste your title on the timeline, does it
> > appear where the playhead is located or at the very beginning of the
> > timeline? Looking at it with Voiceover , it appears that all the
> > titles are stashed at the start and then have to be moved to their
> > appropriate spots. If this is the latter, then I cannot figure out how
> > to move the titles on the timeline. The included help page only refers
> > to dragging blue bar or whatever.
> > Any help would be much appreciated.
> > Vic
> > On May 30, 1:37 am, Ashley Cox  wrote:
> >> No, the timeline is in the project browser group.
> >> On 30/05/2011 03:42, Vic wrote:
> >>> Hi Ash,
> >>> So, I was able to copy the title I want, however, I am not sure where
> >>> exactly I should be pasting it. If I VO-interact with "event panel"
> >>> and then go to where my clips are, pressing CMD+V only produces beep
> >>> and no title is pasted.
> >>> Isn't the timeline located inside the "events panel"?
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> Vic
> >>> On May 29, 2:06 pm, Ashley Cox    wrote:
> >>>> yeah. Open the titles window (cmd 3 i think), interact with the various
> >>>> areas until you find the title you want. then simple copy and paste it
> >>>> into the timeline like you would any other clip. A screen will appear,
> >>>> asking you to select a background; use the vo keys left/right to select
> >>>> a background, then move the mouse to it (vo cmd f5) adn vo shift space.
> >>>> The next screen, the title text screen, will appear. Type your text,
> >>>> then vo left once and press the done button.
> >>>> ash
> >>>> On 29/05/2011 20:20, Victor Tsaran wrote:
> >>>>> Hello all,
> >>>>> Has anyone here played with iMovie? I seem to have difficulties adding 
> >>>>> titles to movies. Any advice?
> >>>>> Thanks,
> >>>>> Vic

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VOCR, a new OCR solution for Mac OS Catalina

2019-12-22 Thread Vic
I've been using VOCR solution for a while and thought to post here in case 
some of the more adventurous users are interested to try this as well!
Warning! Because this is a highly experimental alpha release, some setup 
will be required to make this work. Luckily, you do not actually have to 
compile anything. A binary download is available to you already!
Head over to the following page, navigate to the "read me" heading, read 
the notes in full, download the file and enjoy!
The page is:

Good luck!

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