Re: Hiding Apps

2023-02-01 Thread Erik Heil
I don’t believe that this is possible.  That is, apps that you have purchased 
cannot be deleted from your account.  I believe that this is simply due to the 
legal requirement for record keeping and the such.  Well, perhaps someone else 
can chime in on this, as I am not completely sure on this matter.  However, the 
same is true, for instance, if you make a purchase on 
, return the item for whatever reason, you will certainly 
see a record of both the order, as well as the status of the return. 


> On Jan 25, 2023, at 12:44 PM, 'E.T.' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
>   Another one that changed in Ventura is ability to hide apps from the Mac 
> App store. I wish to hide an app I mistakenly downloaded. For that matter, is 
> it even possible to remove them completely from the Hidden Purchases section? 
> Thanks.
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
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> will make violent revolution inevitable."
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Re: accessible web browser for iOS that supports flash?

2014-01-29 Thread Erik Heil
INTERACT WITH A fLASH-BASED APPLICATION? Play video? The reason why I bring
this up is that when it comes to ahdio and video content, a lot of Web
sites are moving to HTML5-based audio and video tools. So, Flash is not as
nearly used as it once was. Sok in short, please let us know what actly you
are trying to accomplish with Flash.  As far as a native Flash playwer,
that's not going to happen at all. First of all, Adobe has decided to focus
all of its efforts in respect to mobile content nto HTML5 authoring tools.
Next, Apple has stated publically that they will not allow Flash content on
their devices. Even the late Steve Jobs in an open letter layed out the
reasons why Flash is a bad idea.  I'm not at all trying to start a flame
war on this topic, but figured that I would try and at least try and answer
your question here. Maybe their are alternaties to waht you want o
accomplish that you can use on your iPad? Just some food for thought. I
hope this helpsl at least a little.

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 4:20 AM, Teresa Cochran

> I don't know about reading embedded text in flash elements with it, but
> Photon is pretty accessible. I use it for audio and video playback.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's
> too dark to read."--Groucho Marx
> On Jan 28, 2014, at 2:34 PM, Christina C.  wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is there an accessible app that will allow me to visit a flash based
> website for iOS? I can read the text on my mac using Safari but I'd love to
> be able to do this on my iPad.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Christina
> >
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Re: Questions re iOS

2014-01-30 Thread Erik Heil
To try and answer your questions, messages on all my IOS devices are not at
all delivered to the important folder. As far as copies of messages being
sent, Gmail does not send you copies of mail sent to mail that is sent on
mailing lists.  This policy is not local, so you cannot change it. As a
temporary fix, you may not want to sync that folder in your Impa
configuration--the IOS native mail user agent does sllow the user to select
which Imap folders re actually synched.  Feel free to mail me off-list and
I can try and help you out ad much as I possibly can.

On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 4:54 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter <> wrote:

> One) is anyone getting these messages?
> Two) when I send a message to this list, a copy of it is stored in the
> important folder on my Gmail account on my iPhone 5s running iOS the
> latest. Do responses to this message go to this important folder as well,
> and not to the inbox folder, or is this some sort of duplications?
> Three) as anyone responding to these messages, and I have not responded to
> them? If so, very sorry.
> Four) I have a MacBook with an iTunes music library of about 80 GB. It is
> currently shared on my Wi-Fi network, with no password. How do I get an
> iPhone 4s and iPhone 5s and then iPad 3, all running iOS the latest. How do
> I get them to all be able to share this music library? (This was the
> original question)
> Five) there is no… Question five
> Six) what are you still reading? Oh, shoot, that was another question...
> Poof.
> Sent from my iPhone
> Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
> My home page:
> Facebook:
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Re: need an iphone help

2014-02-16 Thread Erik Heil
The area of the app store that you want is the area that describes the
software made by Apple. I don't believe that the original plan was to make
the applications available for free to all users, but apparently, this has
changed. On my iPad 4th Generation, the apps were free.  I can't speak for
Garrage Band, as I actually purchased this application. However, Numbers,
as well as iMovie, etc. were indeed free for me to download.

On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 2:49 PM, Dionipher Presas Herrera <> wrote:

> i just bought an iphone and this is my first iphone so i would like to ask
> everybody about the apps store. When i open the apps store, it pop up a
> update on pages garage band, itune etc, then i press not now. so i wonder
> how can i turn back to install all those things on my iphone? i tried to
> search for those apps on the apps store but now its not already free.. can
> somebody help me
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Re: how to clean vmware virtual disk?

2014-02-28 Thread Erik Heil
To answer your question, that depends on how you created your Vmware disk.
 During the VM initial creation process, you can specify how you want space
to be allocated on the host system. i.e. you can either have the total
ammount of allocated space reserved initially, or you can have the ammount
of space allocated on the host system on a dynamic basis. I'm not sure, but
there is a clean-up disk option within the management interface of your VM.
To use it though, the VM must be in a powered off state. This should
allocate more space on the host system. Hope this helps.


On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 12:06 PM, Anouk Radix  wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been working with some files on my windows vm but have now removed
> them from within the vm. The size of the vmfile remains the seem though. Is
> it possible to make the vmfile smaller, letting it take into account its
> actual current size?
> Thanks in advance for any info,
> Greetings, Anouk,
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Re: new version of skype

2014-06-20 Thread Erik Heil
I have used the new version of Skype for IOS quite a bit. From what I've
seen so far, in an attempt to redesign the interface, they did in fact
break a lot of the accessibility that was present in previous versions of
the client. But all is not lost. The recent update that was released
(version 5.1), specifically mentions voiceover improvements.  This
indicates that the developers are aware of issues related to voiceover, and
are working to address those issues.  Perhaps others have more opinions of
this issue, but if I were you, I would not update to the latest version
until all the voiceover issues are addressed, and it is in a state
comparable to what we had in other previous versions.

On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 1:25 AM, Jean  wrote:

> Hello All:
> Are people using the new version of skype for ios?  What do you think of
> it?  I want to be sure it will work before I download it.
> Thanks,
> Jean
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Re: audio question

2014-06-24 Thread Erik Heil
One important thing mentioning here is that if you go with a USB mixer, you
will eliminate the analog to digital conversion step that will be used if
you use a tradational line-in mixer. Now this isn't saying that you will
notice any degraded audio, but this may become a problem. Also, if you
chose to go with a USB mixer, you will not experience any hums and other
annoyances, if for some reason, your line-in cable is not properly


On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 9:39 AM, Jenine Stanley 

> Ray and Cameron for suggesting the USB mixers. that actually sounds like a
> more practical answer. I knew someone here would have such an answer. :)
> Jenine Stanley
> On Jun 24, 2014, at 9:18 AM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
> I'd say you got it about right:  but, here's some food for thought.  Why
> not go with a small USB mixer instead?
> Sincerely,
> the Constantly Barefooted Ray, Still a very happy Mac and iphone user!
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
> built-in!
> On Jun 24, 2014, at 7:55 AM, Jenine Stanley 
> wrote:
> This is possibly not a question specifically for this list but maybe
> someone here can help.
> I am looking at acquiring a small mixer with 4 outputs and one line in
> input. I want to use this to record interviews, podcasts and to mix things
> like the computer sound, i-phone and other things with a mic.
> Can I then also have say a pair of Aftershokz Blues headphones connected
> to the Mac to hear what I'm doing as my one and only line-in jack will be
> taken up by the mixer? Or am I making this too hard? :)
> Jenine Stanley
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Re: How accessible is Google Hangouts on an iPhone?

2015-03-16 Thread Erik Heil
It has been some time sin e I've visited and used the Google Hangouts app
on an iPhone.  Whith that said, at the time, it was not accessible at all.
This means that their may have been certain portions of the UI that were in
fact accessible, but certainly not enough to make the application usable
via Voiceover.  Now, things may have indeed improved since that time, but
personally, I've not looked at the app since then.  Possibly other membwers
may have good or bad news on this issue.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 2:45 PM, Mike Busboom  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I just went to a Google page that discussed some of the accessibility
> features of Hangouts and it would appear, though I haven’t tested this,
> that Hangouts is reasonably accessible on a Mac.  Can anyone tell me how
> accessible Hangouts is on the iPhone with the Hangouts app that is
> available on the iOS platform?
> Many thanks,
> Mike
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Re: starting to get irritated by IOS 8

2015-03-29 Thread Erik Heil
Hey there, how are you doing? Exactly what problems are you talking about? I am 
by running version 8.2, and don't have any issues at all. Any problem I do have 
is specifically in Safari. For some reason, and some sites, you will not be 
able to use the swipe navigation to go through webpages. Simply going to the 
home screen, and read injured Safari actually solve the problem though. Have 
any of you cheeriest such problems?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 15, 2014, at 3:38 PM, Yuma Antoine Decaux  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I don’t know about yall, but I have an iphone 6 with IOS 8 and I have to say 
> that the experience is less than stellar. Bugs everywhere, slower than on my 
> iphone 5s, siri cut off midway then voice over not working, hang like 
> slowness when getting out of an app. I have to say that I have started 
> looking for alternatives as I feel like apple is trying to nudge things too 
> much into the “let big brother figure out for you what you should like and 
> do”. Point in case, that U2 debacle. Last weekend I was camping with some 
> mates and I was going through some tracks after lunch, and those damn U2 
> tracks kept popping up like annoying ads. Really don’t want some band pushing 
> their crap on my life experience when I shelled out 1200 dollars for a phone 
> that is supposed to do things for me. Not the other way around. Sure, U2 has 
> some great songs. But their current 50’s midlife crisis moans aren’t my 
> style, nor inspire me. I can listen to that when I go into an apple store and 
> wait for a genius to tell me my future.
> Seriously folks, I’m not just going off on a rant, and for those of you who 
> want to reply by being defensive for apple, just remember a few basic things:
> 1-You are customer. Customer is king, you are not serving apple. Apple makes 
> money off you, take 30 percent of the cut on your music production or app 
> developement with their platform. They serve you. Not the other way around.
> 2-Apple is not god almighty. Apple has great people that collectively create 
> experiences. At the helm, a few individuals decide on the direction of that 
> experience. Personally, I don’t trust Tim Cook that much in giving us a good 
> experience. That Johnny Ive sounds like a pompous marketing guy with design 
> skills I cannot trust as head of human interface, a software division, coming 
> from someone who used to make toilet seats. The only one or ones I can trust 
> in this are frederici and some of the younger engineers presented at the last 
> apple showcase. but they don’t have enough say yet, so we’re stuck with all 
> that flash graphical transition animation style crap instead of truly clean, 
> efficient and snappy interfaces.
> 3-There are other choices out there, but I have no idea what. Sometimes I 
> wish I was sighted again so that I can really be part of the process of 
> creating real interfaces for everyone. It’s frustrating to know that most 
> companies follow what is standard and forget that standards are meant to be 
> broken and updated. Not broken at the cost of the buyer, no. If it’s broken, 
> it should be free, such as what google offers. Buying a 3000 dollar piece of 
> hardware to get clunky experiences and moments where you want to throw that 
> damn thing out the window and never touch it again is clearly not what I call 
> good experience on a computer. More and more of my friends, mac users, both 
> sighted and visually impaired, agree with me that apple is starting to rot in 
> terms of presenting it’s image. It’s not an underdog but a huge bulky oil 
> tanker that can now only manuver slowly with a battalion of lawyers behind 
> murmuring at the chief’s ears, the latter being probably more complacent than 
> should be, thus giving us this weird awkward show each year now with a barely 
> straight talking TIm Cook who sounds like he never had a girl friend chill 
> time or something seems amiss in him. Some soul? Something. Whatever the 
> case, I don’t really dig the style apple is portraying. It’s becoming a 
> disney world presentation with hs and aaahs when the tech behind is quite 
> literally lagging. No visionary stuff, when this qualification should by now, 
> from all the sci fi, the research and the graduations of bright people, 
> should lead us much farther in terms of actual interaction with a computer, 
> and let’s not forget screen readers.
> Anyway, off for my morning coffee. Have a great day yall 
> Yuma Antoine Decaux
> "Light has no value without darkness"
> Mob: +612102277190
> Skype: Shainobi1
> twitter:
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Re: Clean installation of Yosemite stalled

2015-04-22 Thread Erik Heil
Do you wireless information is stored within NV RAM. As such, if you have 
previously entered security of mission for wireless networks, it is 
automatically entered. It will automatically connect to a wireless network if 
it has previously associated it with your iCloud account. For more information, 
if you view the deed it with a and B RAM, you'll see network he's related to 
the wireless networks if you have any. Of course, this information is 
encrypted, but like I said before, it is see with them in the room. If you 
actually were to clear and we ramp settings, disinformation would not be 
available, and as such, some system values which are stored within and be ram 
will be restored to their factory defaults.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 22, 2015, at 1:59 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Yes, it does use the Internet to connect to Apple’s servers.  Info on this is 
> found here...
> I haven’t tried it, but, I’m guessing that the initial place where you need 
> to select a wireless network probably isn’t accessible since there’s been no 
> real base System to load VO from.  If you live in a place where there’s no 
> other WiFi networks visible, then you should be able to enter your WiFi 
> password and move on.  If there are many WiFi networks close by, this may be 
> difficult without sighted assistance.  I guess a person could arrow down 
> once, press return then enter your WiFi password, then wait five or so 
> minutes to see if the base System is downloaded to your machine, then move on 
> if that doesn’t work by trying two down arrows and so on.  This could take 
> you quite a while and be very frustrating, but it may be your only option if 
> you don’t have access to sighted assistance.
> Sorry.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Apr 22, 2015, at 11:48, Rachel Feinberg  wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> thanks for this tip! In trying it I haven't had luck so far, however, just 
> wondering if this contacts Apple's servers, does this require internet 
> connectivity? And if nothing is installed, it'd make connecting difficult. 
> If, in fact, that's what's needed.
>> On 4/22/2015 10:37 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Yes, you likely have affected the Recovery Partition.  Try starting with 
>> cmd-option-r which should start up from Apple’s servers.  It may take a 
>> little longer to boot up, but you should be able to install from there.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Apr 22, 2015, at 11:30, Rachel Feinberg  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> A quick question on clean installing OS X. I wanted to clean install before 
>> putting Yosemite on my Macbook Air. I made a bootable drive, booted into the 
>> recovery partition by holding down command+R then pressing command+F5 until 
>> Voiceover started up and I could format the Macintosh HD. I clicked on the 
>> size, (128 GB Apple SSD), and chose to erase it. Could it be possible that 
>> I've inadvertently erased the recovery partition?
>> As I then went back to the utilities table, chose to re-install OS X, which 
>> turned out to be Mavericks. As I didn't wish to install this version, I shut 
>> down the computer, restarted it and attempted to get back into recovery 
>> mode, but no dice this time. I'm unable to get VO to start, and even 
>> accessing the boot menyu with the option key and pressing right arrow once 
>> or twice and pressing enter to boot from the external media is a no-go.
>> I've read several archives from this list that say to wait different amounts 
>> of time before attempting to start Voiceover in the recovery partition, and 
>> none have worked. I understand this partition is hidden, but I wonder if by 
>> clicking on, and erasing the size of the drive, instead of the Macintosh HD 
>> partition, I've slipped out of the grasp of the recovery partition's help?
>> Any advice, or pointers on things I might have missed would be greatly 
>> appreciated.
>> Thanks!
>> Rachel.
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Re: What is needed for compiling espeak for voiceover.

2015-08-09 Thread Erik Heil
 Hi guys,
In theory, this shouldn't be very hard to do. Now I'm not familiar with the
various API's that Apple exposes in order to generate speech, but I would
assume that something like Speech Dispatcher is being used. For those of
you who are more familiar with the issue, feel free to correct me.

On Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 8:52 AM, Devin Prater  wrote:

> Well I think we could try and find the person from allin access who made
> Eloquence work with it, and get him to make eSpeak work.
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Aug 8, 2015, at 1:06 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> >
> > Someone will have to take the guts of the speech generation in Espeak
> and bridge them with the APIs Apple uses to speak. In other words, we'd
> need a "bridge" between Espeak and Apple's speech synthesizer standard.
> I've looked at it, but it would take someone who really knows speech
> synthesis to manage the task, and I know nothing about it.
> >> On Aug 8, 2015, at 2:02 PM, Anders Holmberg 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi!
> >> Just wondering what is needed to make voiceover and espeak work
> together?
> >> Does it need some compiling or why is it that no one has done a version
> for voiceover yet?
> >> I am not a programmer but i really whish it could work with voiceover
> as its the best tts for my ears.
> >> /A
> >>
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> >
> >
> > --
> > Have a great day,
> > Alex Hall
> >
> >
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Re: Best accessibility experience for Skype?

2016-05-01 Thread Erik Heil
Hi. Skype is pretty much accessible out of the box. I personnnally use the
contacts monitor which is very nice to view your online buddies that are
available for chatting or calling.

On Sun, May 1, 2016, 2:27 PM Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Hi.
> I decided to set up Skype on my Mac even though it was installed as I had
> not opened Skype for a long time.
> Anyway, I went through each preference and was wondering if there was any
> box that I should not check.  I have updated Skype as well.  If anyone has
> any dos and don’ts for Skype, please let me know.  Normally I use I
> messages, Face Time  and e-mail for all my communication needs.
> Thanks.
> Kawal.
> I'm fundraising for RNIB.
> Please help me make a difference by making a donation to my Virgin
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Re: Is there anyone who'd genuinely be willing to help me with ICloud?

2016-01-17 Thread Erik Heil
Sure, I will be more than willing to help you out with iCloud. I can't
promise you that I will completely solve your problem, but I will certainly
give it my all. Anyway, you can add me to Skype, and we can take it from
their. My Skype user ID is eheil01.
if you like you can also contact me off-list, if this is what you prefer.

On Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 7:09 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland <> wrote:

> I'm having issues with ICloud, and really could use some help.  I'm really
> scared though to post my problem seeing that in the past when I've done so,
> people've just attacked me saying I'm throwing a drama story.
> I can tell you that Apple is even stumped on this issue, so yeah...
> If you all wanna hear what is going on, and try taking a stab at helping
> me out, then write me off list, please.
> and I'll then be more than happy to explain.  Please, only serious people
> who are willing to help.  If you just wanna tell me what a whiner I am,
> then don't bother.
> Chris.
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Re: Downcast qustion

2013-11-23 Thread Erik Heil
Well, I've only used downcast on an iPad so can't really see whether it is 
worth it on a Mac. However, I can only assume that functionality is the same or 
equal to that which is present on an iPad. As far as accessibility, we can 
expect that it is accessible on a Mac, as it is on iOS.'s's computers have more 
storage, one benefit you would have is more space for storing video podcasts, 
audio podcasts, and other media which is distributed as a part of the podcast 

Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 23, 2013, at 10:32 AM, Timothy Emmons  wrote:
> Good morning guys. I wanted to ask your opinion on Downcast for the Mac. Is 
> it worth the $9.99 or would I be wasting the money. I’ve got a little on a 
> gift card and was considering it but didn’t want to waste it if it was not 
> worth it. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks guys. 
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Re: Downcast qustion

2013-11-23 Thread Erik Heil
Hello again,
Well, like I said before, storage space is most certainly much better on the 
computer however, what you may want to do is consider investing in a network 
attach storage device. That way, you would have been location for your files 
media. But it depends on what sort of usage and had. The advantage is that you 
have like I said one location for all devices. Whether it be mobile, android, 
tablet, when. So, purchase the devices, you can actually get small to storage, 

Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 23, 2013, at 12:31 PM, Caitlyn furness  
> wrote:
> It depends on how you listen to podcasts.
> Downcast on the mac is totally accessable, just like the i os app.
> I have both.
> If you like sitting at the computer and listening to podcasts, or playing 
> them from your mac, then it might be worth it.  Also, as somebody already 
> said, you probably have a lot more storage space on the computer then on your 
> i device.  I am one of those podcast hoarders, so the added space on my 
> computer made it a good choice.
> Cait
>> On Nov 23, 2013, at 10:32 AM, Timothy Emmons  wrote:
>> Good morning guys. I wanted to ask your opinion on Downcast for the Mac. Is 
>> it worth the $9.99 or would I be wasting the money. I’ve got a little on a 
>> gift card and was considering it but didn’t want to waste it if it was not 
>> worth it. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks guys. 
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Re: Network Attached storage for sale?

2013-11-27 Thread Erik Heil
Well, they may not have a problem with it, it depends. If for instance, you 
don't have any video, then they may have a problem with it. Because it's videos 
left out, isn't as valuable as having video within the collection. So, we don't 
know what is actually decoded. It may just be transcoder audio probably know. 
Anyways, just my thoughts

Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 27, 2013, at 3:36 PM, "Littlefield, Tyler"  wrote:
> The RIAA might have a problem with you leaving this collection on the drive 
> and reselling it though, especially if you're asking for a higher price for 
> your music/movie collection...
>> On 11/27/2013 2:20 PM, Kliphton --- wrote:
>>> Please reply off list.
>>> Okay, I have 2 8TB network attached storage devices.  For those of you who 
>>> don’t know what this is, it’s a hard drive that is powered by an AC 
>>> adaptor, and plugs directly in to your router.  That way all computers, and 
>>> most smart phones, can access the files as long as they are on the same 
>>> network.  I am selling both of them.  One is loaded with my movie and music 
>>> collection, that I have no problem leaving on there for whom ever may buy 
>>> it.  The second one is still in the box unopened.  A terabyte is basically 
>>> 8 times 1000 gigabytes.  So just imagine a very large amount of space to 
>>> save and backup files.  These are 600 bucks brand new, but I am willing to 
>>> knock something off both of them depending on whether you want the new one 
>>> or the one that is barely 6 months old with the movies and music loaded 
>>> onto it already.  I know some people don’t like western digital drives, but 
>>> I have had nothing but good experiences with them.  And that’s who these 
>>> drives are made by.  They even make a streaming media player that works 
>>> with these devices, to stream media to any television or computer in your 
>>> home on the same network.  My contact info is below for all who is 
>>> interested, and if not, pass along to anyone you think may be interested.  
>>> Thanks.
>>> Kliphton
>>> ~iMessage&Email~
>>> ~Twitter,Instagram,foursquare&Skype~ kliphton72
>>> [Text only] 914-820-2298
>>> (Personal blog-read at your own risk!)
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> Take care,
> Ty
> He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
> dares not reason is a slave.
> Sent from my Toaster (tm).
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Re: New 2013 macbook Pro retina display freezing and saying "busy, busy"

2013-12-11 Thread Erik Heil
This is probably related to the operating system. As it does not affect 
Macintoshes at large. Maybe what we call a race condition. Not sure if this is 
been reported to Apple, but we should probably do so.

On Dec 11, 2013, at 9:38 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> The few times that this has happened to me usually occurred, at least in my 
> opinion, due to my impatience.  That is, I go to System Prefs, then start 
> pressing VO-right or tab hoping to move quickly into the preference I wish to 
> manipulate.  I’ve found that if I go to System Prefs, wait for it to load and 
> announce that it has focus, then start doing whatever I wanted, I have very 
> few incidents of that behaviour.  I have also noticed that this is not 
> limited to Mavericks or Mountain Lion, if I’m impatient on an iMac using Snow 
> Leopard, I can create the same busy scenario.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Dec 11, 2013, at 6:47 AM, Laura ann Grymes  wrote:
>> no but next macbook I get will have that drive.
>> Probably going to a macbook air when I change next year in the summer.
>> Laura Ann
>> Laura ann Grymes
>> On Dec 11, 2013, at 7:44 AM, Daniel Montalvo Charameli  
>> wrote:
>>> Thanks Laura!
>>> Did you change into an SSD drive? If not, that's sadly very common.
>>> The problem here is that it happens even with an SSD drive.
>>> 2013/12/11, Laura ann Grymes :
 my 2011 macbook pro has done this from day one of purchase.
 I just have to wait until it finishes unfortunately.
 I am going to take it to where I purchased a couple years ago and the
 service manager will check a few things for me.
 I will report back if it can be fixed.
 I have repaired permissions and no change.
 My macbook has 8 gb ram but has had this problem since I first changed over
 to mac.
 Its frustrating but wondering if it is just a voice over problem.
 Laura Ann
 Laura ann Grymes
 On Dec 11, 2013, at 7:25 AM, Daniel Montalvo Charameli 
> Hello all:
> I’d like to comment on an issue that a friend of mine has told me. It
> occurs to him on his brand new macbook Pro retina display. He has the
> top model, a 16 GB RAM and 2.6 Intel Core I7 processor. The thing is
> that he has noticed that VoiceOver keeps saying Busy busy constantly.
> As an example, he told me  that he opens the preferences pane pressing
> VO + d, locating the system preferences icon and then Enter. After
> that he has to wait for a long while and hears VoceOver saying the
> “busy” thing of death. He is really disappointed because that problem
> appeared to b solved with SSD hard disks and so I’ve said to him. We
> have tested that in my 2011 MBP because I recently changed the
> original disk by a Samsung Evo 840 and in fact Voiceover busy issues
> happen much less than with mechanical disks.
> Has anybody experienced these problems in 2013 machines? Has anyone
> figured out how to solve them if they exist? Before reinstalling the
> OS I’d like to see how you’re gone about dealing with these annoying
> issues.
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Re: iOS 8.0.2 crashes regularly and other issues.

2014-10-04 Thread Erik Heil
Hello Everyone, new wine. First of all, thank you for starting this thread.
I'm going to try and describe some of the bugs that I have described.
Perhaps this is related to my setup, but we will see. Ok guys, on to the
The first bug that I noticed, is there. First of all, I miss mention that
this is not a bug. I OS 8, however in a present for at least a few
releases. This is related to list elements, and how they are handled by
voice over. Interest you enough, this only comes in to contact when certain
elements are being used. An example of this bug, look at the article a
history of Mac OS X, or, Mac OS. This can be found on Wikipedia. It should
be noted that not all lists actually have this bug. I think it may be
related to how was over actually Parsons the lists. You wine the next bug I
like to introduce is the bug that has to do with touch tones. Or I should
say, touch-tone keys. This bug does not happen often, but when it does, you
either have to close the phone application, or reboot the device in order
for the DTMF tones to stop playing. I have personally discovered this bug.
Another bug which happen this is related to voice over crashing in certain
circumstances. Couple days ago I was looking at a profile with the new
Facebook app.. However, it should be noted that this is not just a normal
crash. 3 and why it is not a normal crash is due to the simple fact that
when I attempted to restart the server, it did not work. Interestingly
enough, if I was to tell Siri to start over, confirm, there is no speech at
all from the device., device., they may not be able to do this. Luckily, I
would know that you have to double tap the screen after holding down the
power button. Booted, did come back, and everything was back to normal.
This is a showstopper, and should not have been introduced in hos. After
all, this operating system was tested. I understand that bugs do occur, and
they are simply a normal process of developing software. However, I believe
that they should have been work all the control. I would like to hear any
comments any of you have. Thank you for all your time. Eric
On Oct 4, 2014 3:16 PM, "Sean Murphy"  wrote:

> Hello all.
> How is people finding the new version of iOS on their iPhones? I am
> finding it crashing regularly. I just have reset my settings hoping it
> would have resolved things. It didn't. For example, if I open MDN (mac
> daily news), open an article and start to read. Once the APP initiates a a
> refresh for the article. Vo stops speaking and kicks me back to the home
> screen.
> On the home screen, I cannot filter the list of apps when using hand
> writing mode. In fact, if I swipe down by two fingers, I do get the list of
> aps. But I cannot execute any after pressing a double tap. It appears VO
> once again crashes. I hear "screen curtain turn on" or "Voice-Over started".
> The only thing I have not yet tried before rolling back to 7. Is a
> complete reset. This is going to annoy me since I have a lot of mail that I
> might lose.  Does the backup save your mail?
> There are other issues, so please let me know how people are going with
> this version.
> Sean
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Re: Hand off, anyone?

2014-10-18 Thread Erik Heil
Well, just got your message. This is only a possibility, but I wonder if this 
might be related to FaceTime? The reason why I mention this is because when I 
had handoff working on an iPad and iPhone, for some reason, I couldn't receive 
any incoming calls on my iPad. However, on just a hunch, I decided to 
reactivate FaceTime on my iPad. After this, everything worked as expected  

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 18, 2014, at 4:07 PM, Brandt Steenkamp  
> wrote:
> Hi there folks,
> I use to have Hand off working pretty darn nice when I was running the iOS 
> and Yosemite betas, but for some reason it is rather lacking at this point.
> I have hand off enabled on all 3 my devices, an iPhone 5c, iPad Mini with 
> retina and my 2012 Mac book pro. I tried turning off Wifi on all 3 units, and 
> still no go. I went so far as to sign out of my iCloud Account, again on all 
> 3 devices, and still no luck for this South African.
> If anyone has any further ideas, except for chucking any of the above 
> mentioned devices threw a wall, please, help.
> Warm regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> Sent from my macbook pro
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Re: Can the fujitsu scansnap 600 sv be used of a blind person.

2014-10-18 Thread Erik Heil
Well, I don't see any reason why this can't be done. The question you have to 
ask is whether software you want to use actually supports this device. Also, 
and might be helpful if you have some kind of guidance on the image. That is, 
how the document is oriented, assuming you want to actually scan documents. I 
hope this actually helps.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 18, 2014, at 4:13 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen  
> wrote:
> Hi all.
> Can a blind person use the fujitsu scansnap 600 sv, I wonder if anyone has 
> any experience with this scanner. It is a sort of overhead scanner. I have 
> not seen it, but I read about it and wondered if it could be used of a blind 
> person.
> Best regards Annie.
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Re: FileVault speech services now available at startup on some computers

2014-10-18 Thread Erik Heil
Well, to your question, in order for this to be implemented when you press 
option to select the boot device, this will have to be implemented at the EFI 
level. That is, it will have to be baked into the actual from work which boots 
your device. Since the transition to Intel, all Macintoshes have used EFI to 
boot their systems.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 18, 2014, at 3:38 PM, Grant Hardy  wrote:
> I noticed in Apple’s VoiceOver getting started guide for Yosemite, they 
> mention that on some machines, speech services are available at the FileVault 
> login window. Of course, it has always been reasonably easy to interact with 
> FileVault by pressing CMD+F5 before typing in your username, and learning 
> what the audible tones mean. But on my machine, I’m now given an audible 
> prompt to enter my username and password when I press CMD+F5. This is a 
> Yosemite feature, but I’m not sure which machines have it. I’m also not sure 
> whether this is something that is now present on the startup volume or 
> whether it is included in the firmware. These speech services still don’t 
> seem to be available in some places, such as when holding down the OPTION key 
> when booting up the Mac to select a startup disk.
> Grant
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> mentioned that quotation some quotation Max actually support this. This may 
> imply that it may be present in the start of volume, or it may of been 
> implemented in firmware. Which in this case, it may be rolled out to other 
> machines.

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Re: iwork

2011-07-04 Thread Erik Heil

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 11:22 AM, Scott Howell  wrote:
Thanks Anne, I did forget about this, so I stand corrected. I also hope they 
fix things with iWork 10. I would love nothing more than to make it the only 
package I need to use. :)

On Aug 24, 2010, at 10:19 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Scott,
> You can get the information about font (type, size, colour) with VO-t in 
> Pages, despite the fact that the Find Next whatever commands don't work and 
> the same information doesn't show up in the status cells on a Braille display.
> I hope these problems get fixed in iWork10 as I use it all the time.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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Re: a big big problem with a drive

2010-08-12 Thread Erik Heil
First of all, I'm going to assume that you don't have a RAID setup. If you
did, you'd likely know about it. So, just ignore those errors. To fix this
error, reboot into Windows, enter cmd.exe and when you get to the prompt,
type "chkdsk /F" and the drive letter Windows assigns to it. Windows will
most likely complain about inconsistent entries in the MFT (similar to old
FAT filesystems on floppy disks or other media.) Go ahead and have Windows
fix those errors. When the process is complete, try mounting the filesystem
again. You shouldn't get any errors at this point. Note that Windows is a
bit conservative about displaying errors--in this case ntfs 3G did you a
favor. While not serious, there is a potential for these errors to become
much more serious over time.


On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 5:50 AM, Sarah Alawami  wrote:

> I'm replying with the error message. it is the following I managed to
> reproduce when plugging in the drive. Now mind you this thing works very
> well, flawlessly in fact under windows.
> NTFS-3G could not mount /dev/disk1s5
> at /Volumes/Untitled because the following problem occurred:
> $MFTMirr does not match $MFT (record 0).
> Failed to mount '/dev/rdisk1s5': Input/output error
> NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a
> SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows
> then reboot into Windows twice. The usage of the /f parameter is very
> important! If the device is a SoftRAID/FakeRAID then first activate
> it and mount a different device under the /dev/mapper/ directory, (e.g.
> /dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1). Please see the 'dmraid' documentation
> for more details.
> Ok what does this mean? And how can I fix it?
>  On Aug 11, 2010, at 9:54 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> > hello. I can access this drive on windows fine but nt on mac. I have
> ntfs3g and macfuse installed A few days ago I received this odd message. i
> have a recording of me troubleshooting but basically I ran chkdsk and
> rebooted twice in to windows then I tried to repair permissions ont he drive
> with no success. Here ya go. the error message happened to be caught on
> tape. I cann ot transcribe it. Here's the clip. feel free to skim. it is
> kind of long.
> >
> >
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RE: Developing accessable websites with jQuery UI

2010-09-20 Thread Erik Heil
As far as accessible interfaces are concerned you may want to do some testing 
with bo. Does j query expose any ellements through aria? Also what is the 
current status of webkit aria support?  Remember that their is an abstraction 
layer used in order to generate the ui. So vo would need Support for these 
kinds of events.

-Original Message-
From: Jonathan Cohn 
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 9:25 AM
To: macvisionaries 
Subject: Developing accessable websites with jQuery UI

A friend has started developing a website with a good bit of user
interaction, and is using the jQuery UI to create Combo boxes and
other folrm fields.  Are there any elements he should avoid  to ensure
maximum accessablility?



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RE: Developing accessable websites with jQuery UI

2010-09-20 Thread Erik Heil
Currently I don't have access to safari 5 since I only have an ipad. Any ideas 
on when version 5 functionality will be backported to ios devices? 

-Original Message-
From: Chris Blouch 
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: Developing accessable websites with jQuery UI

  jQueryUI has pretty good accessibility and will be much improved in 
the 1.9 version. The 5.x series of Safari browsers seems to be doing a 
better job with ARIA making navigation of web widgets work better. Here 
is an example which came out of the AEGIS project to improve 
accessibility of jQueryUI:

It's a tab widget and each tab has a different kind of widget inside. 
I've been working with Hans Hillen and at this point the widgets are 
pretty much correct if the screen reader interprets things correctly. 
Seems that VO is having some trouble with the tree view at the moment. 
Jaws also has issues so it's hard to get it all right.

More info on AEGIS, the EU funded accessibility initiative can be found 


On 9/20/10 10:25 AM, Erik Heil wrote:
> Hello.
> As far as accessible interfaces are concerned you may want to do some testing 
> with bo. Does j query expose any ellements through aria? Also what is the 
> current status of webkit aria support?  Remember that their is an abstraction 
> layer used in order to generate the ui. So vo would need Support for these 
> kinds of events.
> -Original Message-
> From: Jonathan Cohn
> Sent: Monday, September 20, 2010 9:25 AM
> To: macvisionaries
> Subject: Developing accessable websites with jQuery UI
> A friend has started developing a website with a good bit of user
> interaction, and is using the jQuery UI to create Combo boxes and
> other folrm fields.  Are there any elements he should avoid  to ensure
> maximum accessablility?
> X
> Thanks,
> Jon
> using

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Re: Microsoft Office 2011 and VoiceOver

2010-09-26 Thread Erik Heil
Well, it may be issues with support as well as development. Remember we also 
have access to OOo, which is accessible. Barring that, you could always install 
Debian within a BM and use the version which is nincluded in the 

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 26, 2010, at 4:58 PM, Scott Howell  wrote:

> Mark,
> I suspect Microsoft is simply not interested in accessibility for the Mac. I 
> have never heard anything that would indicate a reason for Microsoft to take 
> the time to make the Office suite accessible. If accessibility is not in the 
> beta now, I would wager it will not be in the final version. In fact it seems 
> that it would take more effort to add the accessibility in now instead of 
> doing it at the beginning if you will. So, forget it, our hope is that iWorks 
> 10 is even more accessible then 09.
> On Sep 26, 2010, at 4:18 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hello Greg,
>> Thank you so much for providing this info.
>> I cannot begin to relay how sad and disappointed I am at the news of
>> Microsoft's Office 2011 VoiceOver inaccessibility.  
>> Wow!
>> You know, when I installed the very first beta of Windows 7, it was
>> completely accessible.  That is to say, as soon as one launched the
>> installation program for Windows 7, a very clear voice prompt asked if audio
>> assistance was required.  This came as a total surprise to me, to say the
>> least.  I answered in the affirmative and was able to install Windows 7
>> without any sighted assistance, whatsoever.  I installed that first beta on
>> three of my computers.  By the way, the voice that was used to guide me
>> through the setup was not that of Narrator--it was much clearer.
>> Astonishingly, with the release of the next beta of Windows 7, this feature
>> was removed.  I was shocked, disappointed, and angry, to say the least.  
>> It was then that I began considering purchasing a Macintosh.  
>> It's been much too long to recall how I came to learn Microsoft's reason for
>> removing this feature but they said they removed it for security concerns;
>> to which I exclaim, "TommyRot!"  Or, to put it in the vernacular,
>> "That's a load of crap"
>> Greg, is it possible that the final release of Office 2011 will be VoiceOver
>> accessible?  I mean, you reviewed a beta, did you not?  Perhaps I'm just
>> grasping at straws, eh?  (Smile) 
>> Thanks again for giving us a proverbial "heads-up" on this one.
>> Most Sincerely,
>> mark
>> -
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Greg Kearney
>> Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 1:22 AM
>> To:;; Mary Beth
>> Janes; Mike Shebanek
>> Subject: Microsoft Office 2011 and VoiceOver
>> It is my sad duty to report that after getting a chance to test Microsoft
>> Office 2011 for Mac that it is no more accessible in this version than in
>> any of the previous versions. As in the past it is impossible to interact
>> with any of the content areas of the program. You are not able to review,
>> read or edit the text area in Word or Excel.
>> It should not be clear to all that Microsoft has no intention of ever fixing
>> these issues. I communicated directly with Microsoft over the same failing
>> in Office 2008. The fact that after a complete rewire of the programs they
>> remain inaccessible to the built in screen reader of the OS to me speak
>> volumes about Microsoft's total lack of commitment to accessibility on the
>> Macintosh platform and may well speak to Microsoft's general commitment to
>> the platform as well.
>> Gregory Kearney | Manager Accessible Media
>> Association for the Blind of WA - Guide Dogs WA
>> PO Box 101, Victoria Park WA 6979 | 61 Kitchener Ave, Victoria Park WA 6100
>> Tel: 08 9311 8246 | Fax: 08 9361 8696 |
>> Tel: 307-224-4022 (North America)
>> Email:
>> Email:
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> For more options, visit this group at
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Microsoft Office 2011 and VoiceOver

2010-09-27 Thread Erik Heil
The question here is what specific security issues? Clearly, they were made 
aware of the issues. We should try and find out what the issues are. It would 
be no different if for security concerns, you couldn't see the sdreen. 
Corporations wouldn't stand for this. It's the same like putting up a sign that 
says blind people not allowed. What if you don't have anyone sighted available 
to help during the installation process? Well, I guess you are screwed. If we 
want change, I suggest a letter writing campaign. If this doesn't work, 
boycotting will ve my next suggestion. We have alternatives such as Linux and 
they are quite usable. 

Sent from my iPad

On Sep 27, 2010, at 11:17 AM, Scott Granados  wrote:

> Actually, it's well documented why Microsoft doesn't address accessibility 
> directly.
> On Sep 26, 2010, at 3:02 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> I don't think he said it was a beta. It is very disappointing indeed, 
>> really, Microsoft has no excuse for this one, it's not like they were not 
>> aware of accessibility and voice over, they just chose not to do anything 
>> with it. Apple has created a built in screen reader and provided the APIs to 
>> make programs accessible, Microsoft has definitely shown their interest in 
>> this. At least on the mac, there are alternatives that will handle Microsoft 
>> Office files, namely iwork and open office.
>> On Sep 26, 2010, at 3:18 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>>> Hello Greg,
>>> Thank you so much for providing this info.
>>> I cannot begin to relay how sad and disappointed I am at the news of
>>> Microsoft's Office 2011 VoiceOver inaccessibility.  
>>> Wow!
>>> You know, when I installed the very first beta of Windows 7, it was
>>> completely accessible.  That is to say, as soon as one launched the
>>> installation program for Windows 7, a very clear voice prompt asked if audio
>>> assistance was required.  This came as a total surprise to me, to say the
>>> least.  I answered in the affirmative and was able to install Windows 7
>>> without any sighted assistance, whatsoever.  I installed that first beta on
>>> three of my computers.  By the way, the voice that was used to guide me
>>> through the setup was not that of Narrator--it was much clearer.
>>> Astonishingly, with the release of the next beta of Windows 7, this feature
>>> was removed.  I was shocked, disappointed, and angry, to say the least.  
>>> It was then that I began considering purchasing a Macintosh.  
>>> It's been much too long to recall how I came to learn Microsoft's reason for
>>> removing this feature but they said they removed it for security concerns;
>>> to which I exclaim, "TommyRot!"  Or, to put it in the vernacular,
>>> "That's a load of crap"
>>> Greg, is it possible that the final release of Office 2011 will be VoiceOver
>>> accessible?  I mean, you reviewed a beta, did you not?  Perhaps I'm just
>>> grasping at straws, eh?  (Smile) 
>>> Thanks again for giving us a proverbial "heads-up" on this one.
>>> Most Sincerely,
>>> mark
>>> -
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Greg Kearney
>>> Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 1:22 AM
>>> To:;; Mary Beth
>>> Janes; Mike Shebanek
>>> Subject: Microsoft Office 2011 and VoiceOver
>>> It is my sad duty to report that after getting a chance to test Microsoft
>>> Office 2011 for Mac that it is no more accessible in this version than in
>>> any of the previous versions. As in the past it is impossible to interact
>>> with any of the content areas of the program. You are not able to review,
>>> read or edit the text area in Word or Excel.
>>> It should not be clear to all that Microsoft has no intention of ever fixing
>>> these issues. I communicated directly with Microsoft over the same failing
>>> in Office 2008. The fact that after a complete rewire of the programs they
>>> remain inaccessible to the built in screen reader of the OS to me speak
>>> volumes about Microsoft's total lack of commitment to accessibility on the
>>> Macintosh platform and may well speak to Microsoft's general commitment to
>>> the platform as well.
>>> Gregory Kearney | Manager Accessible Media
>>> Association for the Blind of WA - Guide Dogs WA
>>> PO Box 101, Victoria Park WA 6979 | 61 Kitchener Ave, Victoria Park WA 6100
>>> Tel: 08 9311 8246 | Fax: 08 9361 8696 |
>>> Tel: 307-224-4022 (North America)
>>> Email:
>>> Email:
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> For more options, visit this group at

Re: In app purchases

2013-08-25 Thread Erik Heil
Apple doesn't charge taxes on in-app purchases. I don't see how they can
actually charge for items that aren't physical in nature. Same would go for
second life. Skype id eheil01 if anyone wants to have a mac chat
or whatever. HOpe this helps.

On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 6:33 PM, Krysti  wrote:

> Hey all I was wondering if apple charges taxes on in app purchases I'm
> from Canada
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Anyone else having difficulties with the iOS 7.0 install?

2013-09-18 Thread Erik Heil
Hi. This is normal. Apple wants to verify the actual device installs. So, if 
the server is not able to verify the activation, it will fail. You need to just 
be patient, and try again. This is exactly what happened to me.

Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 18, 2013, at 6:38 PM, Christine Grassman  
> wrote:
> It is downloaded; each time I press "install now" (I'm on my fourth try), I 
> get the terms to agree to, hit agree, and get the message that the update is 
> being verified. Then, at some point, it tells me the software update is 
> unavailable. Is this likely a problem on my end, or are their servers being 
> jammed?
> My WiFi connection seems to be just fine. 
> Christine
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Re: And where on earth have they put the search box in Safari?

2013-09-19 Thread Erik Heil
The address bar and search bar are now the same box. So, if you want to search, 
just type what you want, and hit search. There is no separate search box no 

Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 19, 2013, at 10:36 AM, David  Eagle  wrote:
> Another thing that's changed seems to be that they've got rid of the search 
> box in Safari, so does this mean I now have to access Google by going to 
> in the address ifled? Seems a bit of a step backwards.
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: I did it! Bye bye Windows!

2013-02-04 Thread Erik Heil
Hey chris,
Congrats! I don't have a Mac myself, but I'm using this list as a learning
experience when I do get a Mac, which hopefully should be in the near
future. i"ll have to admit that Alex is one of the major highlights of the
Mac experience imho. So, you're on a winning streak. BTW if you wanted to
run Windows on the same machine as OSX, there's no reason why you can't run
it within a virtual machine. You mentioned your specs, and for a serious VM
installation, its not possible, but you could do basic tasks with a Windows
VM. Allocate 1GB of RAM to it, and Windows should run OK. Not ideally, but
it would be a at least functional experience.

On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 7:35 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Nice one Chris. I'm not a full Mac user due to having to use Windows at
> work.
> On 4 Feb 2013, at 11:37 AM, Chris Gilland  wrote:
> I did it!  I actually? did it!  Just two days ago, on Saturday, I went up
> to Best Buy and with a chunk of extra income I had this month, I bit the
> bullet and bought me a mac mini!  So now I have my 13 inch mid 2010 white
> macbook, and I also now have this mini.  I am taking the mini  back to
> swap, as Best Buy messed up though.  They gave me an opened box mid 2011
> model.  They didn't even tell me it was opened.  Imagine my horror when I
> got home and tried with its serial number to register it.  It told me the
> purchase date I entered was not correct.  When I called Apple, they told me
> it had been purchased by someone else over a year ago.  We went and looked
> in the About this Mac page and saw it was a mid 2011, not the newest 2012
> model.  That really pissed me off.  Anyway, I called Best Buy and spoke
> with the manager.  He was extremely apologetic, and said if I could run it
> up there, he'd swap it for no cost for the correct newer 2012 model.  I
> love this system as is, but it's only got the I5, 2GB ram, where what I
> wanted was the I5 4GB ram.  NOt only that but I discovered this morning
> earlier when trying to charge my IPhone, that one of the USB ports is bad.
>  I'm not very happy about this transaction, but, here is the bottom line.
>  It's gonna get swapped, and then I'll use Migration assistance and move
> all my stuff from the macbook back over which won't take but maybe an hour
> or so, so really, I'm honestly not very concerned as far as losing data.  I
> have this thing right now hooked up to my 5.1 home theater system via HDMI,
> high deff, and I gotta tell you, sitting here now typing this e-mail on the
> thing… this is amazing!  I never thought Alex could sound so good through a
> set of surround speakers.  I shutter to think once I get the new system
> with the 4GB ram how good this will be.  I actually don't even have my
> windows desktop hooked up any more.  If I absolutely must do windows, I
> have a Dell Inspiron system I can use in a pinch, although I'd rather not,
> if I can help it.  LOL!
> Anyway, I am so glad to finally officially be a full mac user!  I still
> find myself wanting to fall back on Windows, but my guess is now that I
> don't have an easy way to do so, in time I'll get more used to things over
> here.  I know what I'm doing, it's just a bit awkward.
> Anyway, just wanted to share.  Hope that was OK.
> Chris Gilland
> Founder of CLG Productions
> Phone: 803-760-7136
> Toll-free: 1-888-405-3185 Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except
> weekends and holidays
> E-mail:
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Re: what is Springboard

2013-02-06 Thread Erik Heil
Sprinboard is simply the background daemon that is responsible for window
manageent on your IOS device. i.e. The same as metacity or Kwin on either
Gnome or KDE respectively. i.e. they are default window managers. A note
for potential jailbrakers. If and when you get complete access to the IOS
filesystem, do not delete the springboard binary, or you will literally
have a bricked device. This is because if the window manager is not
running, you will have no way to access the gui. If, on the other hand, you
have sshd running and configured, you then have another chance to make
things right. So, just a little advice to people on this list. My skype
name is eheil01 in case any of you have any questions, i"ll do whetever I
can to help anyone on this list. Everyone take care,

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 9:18 AM, Michael Babcock  wrote:

> Good morning;
> I never turn my device off, so I don't know.
> Secondly, it's not an application, if you double tap the sections section
> in studio, the second tab from the bottom left, then one of the options is
> ring tones, you download ring tones like you do apps, but they install in
> the settings.
> Hope this helps
> Michael
> Empowering the blind, one step at a time.
> On Feb 5, 2013, at 8:09 PM, Krysti  wrote:
> > Michael I have two questions
> > 1 do you find it takes like half a hour to turn your device on after you
> shout it off
> >
> > 2 what's the name of the app to get free ringtones
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Krysti
> >
> > Sent from my iPhone
> >
> > On 2013-02-05, at 9:24 PM, Michael Babcock 
> wrote:
> >
> >> Not a problem, I'm going to record a podcast in a little while,
> explaining to individuals why I think jailbreaking has its advantages.
> There is a couple of things that I'm sure some of you have thought about,
> however I can think of a couple of other things that I know would be very
> creative and might get everyone's blood flowing. All of the minds thinking
> together, what a scary thought.
> >>
> >>
> >> Empowering the blind, one step at a time.
> >>
> >>
> >> On Feb 5, 2013, at 6:18 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Thanks Michael.
> >>>
> >>> On 2/5/13 13:05, Michael Babcock wrote:
>  From what I understand, springboard is kind of like viewfinder on the
> mat. Springboard is what allows the icons for the apps to be generated, and
> is what lays out our apps on the iPhone. Someone can correct me if I'm
> wrong, however this is the way that I understand it.
>  Empowering the blind, one step at a time.
>  On Feb 5, 2013, at 12:11 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:
> > What actually is the pupose of springboard?
> >
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> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Have a nice day.
> >>> Scott Berry
> >>> Email:
> >>>
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GnuPG and IOS

2013-02-13 Thread Erik Heil
Hello everyone, 
I was wondering if its at all possible to use the GNU Privacy Guard (gpg) 
and its friends at some level within IOS. I realize that the native Mail 
app has no native support for any digital signatures r encryption tools, 
but perhaps their are some external tools that can get the job done? Since 
their is no scripting abilities withn IOS, you can't just hack together a 
Python/Perl script in this situation. Any suggestions? 

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New to the List

2015-01-22 Thread Erik Heil
Hello everyone.  Well, i'm the new proud owner of a iMac late 2013 model, 
and have had it for almost weeks.  So far, I love it, and the learning 
curve is not difficult at all. However, I have a few questions, which 
probably aren't too difficult.  So, here goes.

1. Whatwould you recommend as an accessible IRC client? Note that I have 
Adium installed, but that's not a perfect solution. If Adium reads the 
messages as they come in, their's no way to control the rate of speech, or 
just to bypass all queued messages and start reading the new text that is 
being displayed in the channel.  For channels which are not high-traffic, 
this isn't a problem.  However, if you have a channel which has a lot of 
users sending messages, this simply does not work.  I would use console 
applications such as epic or other IRC clients, but their are major issues 
with Voiceover reading incoming text in console-based applications.  Cursor 
tracking using Voiceover seems nonexistent, as well as a myriad of issues.

2.  What would you recommend as a very accessible MUDD client? Preferably a 
client that supports MCP, sounds, etc?
3. What do you all use to listen to Internet Radio? 
4. Flash Plugin? Should I bother installing it on this machine? 

Thanks for all your time. If I get enough answers, I will post a summary 
document in return for your time spent researching and answering my 


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Re: New to the List

2015-01-22 Thread Erik Heil
Hey guys, thank you for all the suggestions. I will definitely try those 
applications. Recording is not really an issue right now, but I wish there was 
something similar to the tune in app that is available for android it all as 
iOS devices. Perhaps there is, but I'm just not aware of it.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 22, 2015, at 2:39 PM, Matthew Dierckens  wrote:
> Hello.
> I can only answer two of your questions.
> A good internet radi app is called Radium. It's $10 in the app store, and not 
> only a bunch of paid subscriptions such as SiriusXM U.S. and Canada, but 
>, RadioTunes, formally Sky.FM, and many others. It also had a lot of 
> internet radio stations.
> Honestly, flash isn't important for your machine.
> A lot of websites use HTML 5, and sites like youtube have a special HTML 5 
> version of their website.
> I apologize that I couldn't be of any further assistance.
> God bless. :)
> Matthew Dierckens
> Certified Assistive Technology Specialist
> Macintosh Trainer
> Blind Access Training
> 1-877-774-7670, extension 3
> work email:
> Personal email:
>> On Jan 22, 2015, at 13:49, Erik Heil  wrote:
>> Hello everyone.  Well, i'm the new proud owner of a iMac late 2013 model, 
>> and have had it for almost weeks.  So far, I love it, and the learning curve 
>> is not difficult at all. However, I have a few questions, which probably 
>> aren't too difficult.  So, here goes.
>> 1. Whatwould you recommend as an accessible IRC client? Note that I have 
>> Adium installed, but that's not a perfect solution. If Adium reads the 
>> messages as they come in, their's no way to control the rate of speech, or 
>> just to bypass all queued messages and start reading the new text that is 
>> being displayed in the channel.  For channels which are not high-traffic, 
>> this isn't a problem.  However, if you have a channel which has a lot of 
>> users sending messages, this simply does not work.  I would use console 
>> applications such as epic or other IRC clients, but their are major issues 
>> with Voiceover reading incoming text in console-based applications.  Cursor 
>> tracking using Voiceover seems nonexistent, as well as a myriad of issues.
>> 2.  What would you recommend as a very accessible MUDD client? Preferably a 
>> client that supports MCP, sounds, etc?
>> 3. What do you all use to listen to Internet Radio? 
>> 4. Flash Plugin? Should I bother installing it on this machine? 
>> Thanks for all your time. If I get enough answers, I will post a summary 
>> document in return for your time spent researching and answering my 
>> questions. 
>> Erik
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Re: New to the List

2015-01-23 Thread Erik Heil
F first of all, I want to thank all of you for your excellent responses.
Well, I will certainly try the applications that were suggested. STD
before, recording isn't really an issue right now, but maybe in the future.
As for as an accessible MUD client, we can wait on that, as its not really
a priority at the moment.  Telnet works just fine, provided I use "visually
impaired" mode,where supported.  I plan to write the friendly workers at in order to try and get a usable solution to the
terminal-based issues.  Note that I come from a UNIX and Linux background,
so I'm am of course comfortable with various shells, as well as writing
shell scripts.  I see that Voiceover has the ability to be controlled via
Apple Script, which is promising.  However, in order to get cursor tracking
working, and a much better user experience within Terminal, its going to
take more than Apple Scripts. Anyways, as I said before, this is an
excellent discussion, so it's go for it.

On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 9:15 PM, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:

> Ok but all I see is a 32 KB MP3 and a 32 KB flash thing. No download this
> stream. Do you need a Tunein Account to download streams?
> Shawn
> Sent From My White MacBook
> On Jan 22, 2015, at 7:56 PM, Matthew Dierckens 
> wrote:
> Every TuneIn stream link does that I've seen. once that opens, command L,
> command a and then command C, and then import into radium.
> God bless. :)
> Matthew Dierckens
> Certified Assistive Technology Specialist
> Macintosh Trainer
> Blind Access Training
> 1-877-774-7670, extension 3
> work email:
> Personal email:
> On Jan 22, 2015, at 20:55, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:
> What if it doesn't have a download this stream link? I guess I can't
> listen to it outside Safari.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White MacBook
> On Jan 22, 2015, at 7:51 PM, Matthew Dierckens 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> You have to hit the "Download the stream to listen" link on the TuneIn
> page.
> Then copy that link into radium.
> God bless. :)
> Matthew Dierckens
> Certified Assistive Technology Specialist
> Macintosh Trainer
> Blind Access Training
> 1-877-774-7670, extension 3
> work email:
> Personal email:
> On Jan 22, 2015, at 20:39, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:
> Hi Matt. I did the steps listed below. I copied this URL into Radium and
> when I press save nothing happens. When I press VO+Space, nothing happens.
> When I press enter I get the bonk sound. Am I doing something wrong here?
> The link is
> Copy this into your Radium and see what happens.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White MacBook
> On Jan 22, 2015, at 4:54 PM, Matthew Dierckens 
> wrote:
> Here are steps on how to enter a URL manually into radium.
> If you're using TuneIn's website, do a search and find the station.
> Once it starts playing, press command L to open the location box.
> Copy the URL.
> Now, open radium.
> Find the "More options" menu button, and press spacebar.
> Go down to import URL, or you can just press command =.
> The URL will automatically be inserted. You can enter the station name and
> short description for your favourites, and press enter to save the station
> to your favourites.
> Hth.
> God bless. :)
> Matthew Dierckens
> Certified Assistive Technology Specialist
> Macintosh Trainer
> Blind Access Training
> 1-877-774-7670, extension 3
> work email:
> Personal email:
> On Jan 22, 2015, at 17:03, Shawn Krasniuk  wrote:
> Hey Matthew. How do you import a URL into Radium? That would be nice to do.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White MacBook
> On Jan 22, 2015, at 3:39 PM, Matthew Dierckens 
> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Many of the Tune In radio stations can be played on the Radium app if you
> know what you're looking for.
> You can also import the URL that you listen to on the TUneIn website into
> Radium and mark as a favourite.
> God bless. :)
> Matthew Dierckens
> Certified Assistive Technology Specialist
> Macintosh Trainer
> Blind Access Training
> 1-877-774-7670, extension 3
> work email:
> Personal email:
> On Jan 22, 2015, at 16:22, Erik Heil  wrote:
> Hey guys, thank you for all the suggestions. I will definitely try those
> applicat

Re: 2 more questions

2015-01-23 Thread Erik Heil
Hi there. If you actually go to the option about your Mac with and preferences, 
and choose support, then you can view your warranty status. Once you verify 
your Apple ID, there will be an option to purchase AppleCare, if you're not 
already enrolled.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 23, 2015, at 12:51 PM, Faisal ali  wrote:
> Unless you added apple care to your plan when you purchased the Mac from the 
> apple store, you have to add it on yourself. If you want to add an apple care 
> plan and its much later than the purchase date, I believe you will have to 
> call them and purchase it that way. Not sure if you can simply walk back to 
> the apple store and get it from there. Personally, I think its more 
> convenient to do it over the phone.
>> On Jan 23, 2015, at 9:46 AM, deedra waters  wrote:
>> 1. what do people suggest for a cost-effective method of getting ocr on the 
>> mac? I’d love to get it working on here i would enjoy scanning books again.:)
>> 2. i bought my macbook air straight from the apple store. Would they have 
>> registered my apple care plan or do i need to do it myself? asking because i 
>> bought it in novmeber and do to life issues i’m just now about to try and 
>> send this through their website
>> deedra waters
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Some more Questions

2015-01-27 Thread Erik Heil
Hello again, 
FFirst  of all, thanks for all the responses to my other questions.  Really 
helped a lot 
I was thinking of trying to get a full-blown GNOME desktop environment 
running on this machine, as I am familiar with that environment. Doing some 
research, I can see that their is an open source version of the Xorg X11 
Window system that I can install.  Ideally, I would love the greatest and 
latest stuff viable from the GNOME Project which at present, is Gnome 
3.4.X.  However, I think we have some problems.  If I'm wrong in these 
assumptions, feel free to correct me where necessary.  If memory serves, 
GNOME 3.x has some dependencies on systems, which is Linux-specific.  That 
is, their is at present, no BSD-compatible system implementation. I don't 
believe that system needs to be running, however I do believe that core 
system library functions are now dependencies.  Does it make sense to 
install a copy of VMware Fusion and install a copy of Debian into the guest 
VM?  If I do go this route, is their anything I need to be concerned about 
in Fusion specifically?  Note that I have a license for VMware Workstation. 
 Will I have to purchase an additional license for Fusion? 
Second question 
Does it make sense to install the GNU-specific tools? In my opinion, they 
are simply just better than the implementations provided by BSD.  I could 
install them out of the way, into for example, /usr/local/bin, as that way, 
it won't conflict with software that is under version control via whatever 
package management system that OS X uses to manage updates.  

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Re: Bypass Trash

2015-01-27 Thread Erik Heil
This problem is solved simply.  If go into the terminal, and use the "rm"
command in order to delete your files, they are not moved to the ~.trash
directory. Unfortunately, their doesn't seem to be a way to change this
behavior from within the GUI, but perhaps other users will correct me. Hope
this helps.

On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 1:27 AM, The Believer 

>Unlike Windows, there does not seem to be a way to permanently delete a
> file. It goes to Trash then you Empty Trash. Its a good safety measure but
> there are times its an unnecessary extra step.
>Are either of these apps accessible? Trash X and Trash Without. Or are
> there other apps that are better?
> From The Believer. . .
>  . . . what if it were true?
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Re: Some more Questions

2015-01-27 Thread Erik Heil
Wondeful suggestion, though with Bootcamp, you'll have to repartition the
drive, wich IMHO is overkill for this situation.  So, it looks like VMware
is the easiest way to accomplish this task.  Not to mention, its a lot
quicker.  That's if Linux is even supported in a Bootcamp environment.  As
I recall, its designed to aid the installation of Windows, and we don't
know if it modifies the system EFI partition. Simply too many unknowns.

On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 9:29 AM, Joanne Chua  wrote:

> What about just install it to bootcam instead?
> How often that you need to run Linux and Mac OS side by side...
> Just my thoughts
> Regards
> Joanne
> On 28/01/2015, Erik Heil  wrote:
> > Hello again,
> > FFirst  of all, thanks for all the responses to my other questions.
> Really
> >
> > helped a lot
> > I was thinking of trying to get a full-blown GNOME desktop environment
> > running on this machine, as I am familiar with that environment. Doing
> some
> >
> > research, I can see that their is an open source version of the Xorg X11
> > Window system that I can install.  Ideally, I would love the greatest and
> > latest stuff viable from the GNOME Project which at present, is Gnome
> > 3.4.X.  However, I think we have some problems.  If I'm wrong in these
> > assumptions, feel free to correct me where necessary.  If memory serves,
> > GNOME 3.x has some dependencies on systems, which is Linux-specific.
> That
> > is, their is at present, no BSD-compatible system implementation. I don't
> > believe that system needs to be running, however I do believe that core
> > system library functions are now dependencies.  Does it make sense to
> > install a copy of VMware Fusion and install a copy of Debian into the
> guest
> >
> > VM?  If I do go this route, is their anything I need to be concerned
> about
> > in Fusion specifically?  Note that I have a license for VMware
> Workstation.
> >
> >  Will I have to purchase an additional license for Fusion?
> > Second question
> > Does it make sense to install the GNU-specific tools? In my opinion, they
> > are simply just better than the implementations provided by BSD.  I could
> > install them out of the way, into for example, /usr/local/bin, as that
> way,
> >
> > it won't conflict with software that is under version control via
> whatever
> > package management system that OS X uses to manage updates.
> >
> > --
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> >
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Re: [New post] Apple releases OS X Yosemite 10.10.2

2015-01-27 Thread Erik Heil
Hey there.
Well, I have just got the update to complete 10.2, and I can see you from 
personal experience, voiceover performance has been dramatically improved. I 
have noticed performance improvements specifically when navigating tables. For 
example, try Skype, and you should try and navigate the contacts table list. 
There is absolutely no delay, and it is the pleasure to use. So, in my opinion, 
definitely hats off to the accessibility engineering team. They really have 
done a good job on this release update so far

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 27, 2015, at 3:26 PM, christopher hallsworth  
> wrote:
> Apple releases OS X Yosemite 10.10.2
> by MacDailyNews
> [cfsp key="adsense_336x280"]Apple today released OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 which:
> • Resolves an issue that may cause WiFi to disconnect
> • Resolves an issue that may cause web pages to load slowly
> • Fixes an issue that caused Spotlight to load remote email content when the 
> preference was disabled in Mail
> • Improves audio and video sync when using Bluetooth headphones
> • Adds the ability to browse iCloud Drive in Time Machine
> • Improves VoiceOver speech performance
> • Resolves an issue that causes VoiceOver to echo characters when entering 
> text on a web page
> • Addresses an issue that may cause the input method to switch languages 
> unexpectedly
> • Improves stability and security in Safari
> OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 is available via Software Update.
> -- 
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Downcast for OSX

2015-02-02 Thread Erik Heil
Recently, I decided to purchase Downcast via the Mac APP Store. Any of you
have tips for using it with Voiceover? I can subscribe to podcasts, view
the individual episodes in the "Local Episodes table" but can't actually
select one to play.  Apparently, those options are always not available.
This seems accessible enough, so what am I doing wrong?

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Re: Downcast for OSX

2015-02-02 Thread Erik Heil
Well, thanks for The suggestions. I will reinstall the application, and I will 
download some podcasts to see if this works

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 2, 2015, at 8:32 AM, Gabriele Battaglia  
> wrote:
> Hi, try the contextual menu and use those voices. For instance: cmd+shift+s 
> to play.
> Greetings.
> Gabriel.
> -- 
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Re: Downcast for OSX

2015-02-03 Thread Erik Heil
Hello guys
Well, thanks for all the help. I am now successfully playing podcast using 
downcast on my Mac. Command shift S keyboard combination did the trick. Now, 
how do you access context may be used within OS X? It seems like you may have 
to do that in order to subscribe to a podcast on the Mac using downcast. If 
this is a problem however, I could always subscribe toThe podcast using the iOS 
version of the application, which is not a problem. Again, thanks so much.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 2, 2015, at 3:13 PM, Faisal ali  wrote:
> the thing to note with downcast is marking episodes  for streaming. Unless 
> you do this, there’s no way to play the podcast. the other option for playing 
> podcasts is downloading them then playing them. I always mark it as played 
> once I’m done listening to it. this will auto delete the episodes for you.
>> On Feb 2, 2015, at 6:20 AM, Erik Heil  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Well, thanks for The suggestions. I will reinstall the application, and I 
>> will download some podcasts to see if this works
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Feb 2, 2015, at 8:32 AM, Gabriele Battaglia 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hi, try the contextual menu and use those voices. For instance: cmd+shift+s 
>>> to play.
>>> Greetings.
>>> Gabriel.
>>> -- 
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Re: Making mobile calls from Mac

2015-02-09 Thread Erik Heil
To make mobile calls from your Mac, the process is quite simple.  On your
iPhone's FaceTime preferences, area, you need to enable the option that
allows cellular via FaceTime.  On the Mac side, the same option needs to be
enabled. Also, note that both devices need to have their Bluetooth radios
turned on, as well as being on the same WiFi network for this to work.
Note that iCloud is used in this case to manage the Bluetooth pairing
process, so the two devices need to be signed into iCloud using the same
Apple ID for this, as well as all other continuity features work.  If you
need further help, please don't hesitate to e-mail me off-list.

On Sun, Feb 8, 2015 at 8:58 PM, David Taylor 

> Hi,
> Can anybody tell me what it is I need to do to make mobile calls from mac
> work please? I have my texts sorted, but get call failed when I try to make
> a call from mac.
> Thanks
> Dave
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Re: Am I nuts, or is Alex way better now?

2015-02-09 Thread Erik Heil
Verry interesting to look at all your replies.  On the subject of delayed
responses using software speech, one has to consider the possibility that
Apple may in fact employ private API's that are non-published, and
therefore are undocumented.  Remember that Apple controls the entire
software stack, so they would have access to proprietary software
optimizations that could be non-published.  Then again, it may be a case of
less than standard hardware.  We should run a memory profile analysis  to
see where any potential bottlenecks are. Mainly, what is the memory
footprint used by the Alex voice specifically? Back to the API situation
for a bit, and then I'll post this.  We already know that the Alex voice is
probably running as a part of a system-wide service. Perhaps the "private"
API's (if, in fact their are any) may give the process higher resource
utilization when its in active use. i.e. speaking text. This may account
partially for the standards of responsiveness.

On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 12:43 AM, Faisal ali  wrote:

> I really wish Apple would reduce the lag in some of the other voices as
> well. I’d love to be able to use Eva again.
> Also, I just stick to Alex and have done so for a while since he use to be
> the only voice who could read emojis
> On Feb 8, 2015, at 9:16 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Yes, this is Yosemite. As I said in my original message, speech synthesis
> is one of the most subjective things about accessibility software. For
> instance, I'm in that crazy minority that love ESpeak and KeynoteGold.
> On Feb 9, 2015, at 12:01 AM, Traci Duncan  wrote:
> I take it, this new Alex is in Yosimity only?  I have consistently used
> Compact Samantha on my Mac.  I have mostly found Alex difficult to
> understand after long periods of reading.  He seems to blur his words
> together.  I was using him on my iPad mini for a while, but ended up going
> back to trusty Compact Samantha.
> When I upgrade to Yosimity, maybe I’ll give Alex another whirl.  :)
> Traci
> PS. Compact Samantha says OS X correctly.  As in OS Ten.  :)
> On Feb 8, 2015, at 7:27 PM, Devin Prater  wrote:
> I've had the studdering issue for a while now, but I'd always use Fred and
> forget about it.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 8, 2015, at 9:04 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Thanks for the confirmation, everyone. I never thought I'd say it, but I
> plan on keeping Alex as my primary voice for the foreseeable future. Of
> course, that's assuming some genius doesn't port ESpeak over to the Mac. :)
> Odd that you're encountering suttering, Devin. Nuance voices would
> definitely stutter and lag, even in the latest Yosemite, but Alex has no
> such problems. In fact, VoiceOver with Alex is way more responsive, and I
> often feel like I have that immediate response the Mac has been lacking for
> so long. It used to be that a Windows screen reader had the immediacy down
> - hit a key, hear speech, no delays at all - but now the Mac is getting
> there too. Alex is the only voice to offer it, though; the Nuance voices
> I've tried still have a bit of lag to them in all situations, and can lag
> terribly every so often.
> On Feb 8, 2015, at 9:56 PM, Devin Prater  wrote:
> The only thing I don't like is that Alex seems to studder and skip a
> little on the mac, but he doesn't do that on the iPhone. So I use Fred on
> the mac because of that.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 8, 2015, at 7:59 PM, Jessica Moss 
> wrote:
> What words did you find he ran together?  I use him as my default all the
> time, and only thing I've found that sounds really weird, is when you try
> to log in anywhere and go to the usual "remember me," checkbox, when he
> speaks the "remember me," he sounds like he either has his teeth clenched,
> or has something in his mouth, which always makes me cringe, and I've
> always thought it really weird that he sounds like that.
> On Feb 8, 2015, at 7:41 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Hi all,
> First, yes, this is about a speech synthesizer, and will thus be very
> subjective. I wanted to see, though, if anyone else might have come to the
> same conclusion I have.
> I got a Mac in the days of Lion, and quickly switched to the Vocalizer
> voices (Serena or Lee, mostly). When we got new ones in Mavericks, I
> favored Ava, and she is still among the best voices I know of, except a
> couple from Ivona. In testing things for Yosemite, I kept switching from
> Ava to Alex, just to see if any problems were being caused by the use of
> Nuance voices. I accidentally made a startling discovery: Alex used to be
> pretty bad a few years ago, but now, he's quite good. I've always liked the
> breathing thing, but Alex would constantly run words together, mispronounce
> syllables, and have other small problems that made him hard to understand,
> especially at higher speeds. The more I use him in Yosemite, though, the
> more I look for reasons to switch back to Ava, but the more those reasons
> allude me. Ava misses

RE: Answering a few questions about Daisy Bookworm for iPhone

2010-06-24 Thread Erik Heil
Hello list. The idea of managing the daisy book filesystem via ftp is great. 
However I believed the functions need to be integrated into ibooks. As far as 
playing back encrypted content their are tools to help with this process. 
Personally it would be easier to read all my content on an ipad. If one could 
download and acquire daisy bos that woild be wonderful.k

-Original Message-
From: Chris Moore 
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 7:39 AM
Cc: macvoiceover 
Subject: Re: Answering a few questions about Daisy Bookworm for iPhone

Sounds great and at such a low price too (don't think I will be buying a victor 
stream now).  tHIS ftp thing, is there no way you could add support for iDisk 
for those of us who have it?  That might be much easier then establishing a FTP 

Seems like this year might be the start of many good accessible apps for the 

Is there anything on the iPhone that reads MS Word documents via VoiceOver?
On 24 Jun 2010, at 09:38, Greg Kearney wrote:

> I'll try and answer a few questions that have come up about Daisy Bookworm 
> for iPhone
> Loading Books
> Loading books is done via an FTP connection between your computer and the 
> iPhone Daisy Bookworm has a built in FTP server which you connect to and then 
> upload the book's directory to the phone using any FTP client on any 
> computer. Needless to say you need a wireless network to connect the phone 
> to. You do not need your own FTP server, Daisy Bookworm has a built in FTP 
> server.
> Book compatibility
> Daisy Bookworm for iPhone will read any audio only and full text full audio 
> unencrypted DAISY book. This includes books from Association for the Blind of 
> Western Australia, Vision Australia, RNZFB, CNIB, RNIB, TPB and most other 
> world talking book libraries. It will not read NLS encrypted books. We have 
> asked the NLS about how to have these devices authorised but have yet to 
> receive any reply. We are working on RFB&D playback and text only DAISY 
> playback (Bookshare) in the next release.
> Accessibility
> Daisy Bookworm for iPhone is fully accessible with VoiceOver screen reader.
> iPad
> Daisy Bookworm is compatible with the Apple iPad.
> Where do you get Daisy Bookworm
> Daisy Bookworm will be available this summer from the iTunes App Store. It 
> will cost less than $5 when released.
> Is this Voice of Daisy
> No. Voice of Daisy or VOD is a different program from a different developer 
> in Japan.
> Hope this clears things up.
> Gregory Ke

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Re: entering passwords again?

2019-01-26 Thread Erik Heil
I've experienced something similar while in certain applications.  What
happens is that it appears taht the Text Edit Box for some reason isn't
getting focus.  I'm not sure if this helps you or not, but just figured
taht I would give it a spin as far as ideas are concerned.

On Sat, Jan 26, 2019, 10:21 AM Matt Turner  wrote:

> So I’ve updated to the newest version of the OS.
> It seems, to me, that when the password window comes up, and i hit
> VO+Shift+space, Vo just goes busy.
> I have to force quit the app, maybe like 5/6 times, until I can get the
> password to come up.
> --
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Re: Terminal question, magicjack issue

2011-02-17 Thread Erik Heil
Hi. Normally, you can enclose directory names in quotes. Then, you can use tab 
completion. You may have to clean it up a bit (Zsh is much better with it's two 
completion modules).

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 17, 2011, at 6:52 PM, ".dan."  wrote:

> I want to remove all magicjack software from the hd.  I found two places 
> where a directory and included files were and removed them.
> When doing in my home directory:
> ls .*
> Note that is ls period plus star, to find hidden directories I get this two 
> line response:
> .magicJack:
> ISA Softphone
> Note the response is on two lines.  This suggests in an attempt to keep 
> people out they used a long name which is getting wrapped in the ls response. 
>  The magicJack part is on one line and the rest on the next. The second line 
> names are seperated by several spaces.
> Has anyone an idea how to get into that directory and/or remove its contents?
>   XB
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Re: Skype on the iPad

2011-04-18 Thread Erik Heil

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 18, 2011, at 1:35 PM, Kevin Mattingly  wrote:

> It works on the IPhone and I'd think that it would on the IPad too. I'll be 
> getting my IPad 2 in a couple of weeks and I can offer up my analysis then.
> Kev
> On Apr 18, 2011, at 2:09 AM, Simon Cavendish wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> Is Skype on the iPad accessible? Does anyone on the list use it to chat with 
>> friends? If not Skype, is there an alternative that would be accessible for 
>> Voiceover users?
>> Thanks a lot.
>> Simon
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> It's accessible. However, their are some issues with entering dtmf tones with 
> VoiceOver. This isn't to say it's not doable, because it is. Chatting is 
> accessible. 

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iOS 4.3.2: New Software Keyboard Rotor Option

2011-04-19 Thread Erik Heil

I just updated my iPad to iOS 4.3.2 and noticed a new rotor option within te 
software keyboards called "containers". Anyone of you guys knw what this is? 
Thanks for the help.

Sent from my iPad

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Re: RFBD Download Manager

2011-04-19 Thread Erik Heil
The download manager fine, but you need to be aware of the amount of disk it 
uses. If your home directory is contained on a small filesystem, you might run 
out of space on that filesystem. If you plan to store a lot of books, you may 
consider storing the books on an external disk and just mounting the filesystem 
when you need access to it. Also, nas is good, if you have multiple machines.

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 19, 2011, at 8:02 AM, Joseph Norton  wrote:

> Hi list:
> Any of you have experience with RFBD's Download Manager software?  Are there 
> any things I might need to be aware of?
> Thanks!
> Joseph Norton
> Currently running headless on my Mac Mini!
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Re: iOS 4.3.2: New Software Keyboard Rotor Option

2011-04-19 Thread Erik Heil
I don't have an iPhone, but I'd assume they both would have the option. Then 
again, maybe not, due to the size of the iPad.

Sent from my iPad

On Apr 19, 2011, at 4:26 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> is this just in the ipad? I am getting my iphone on thursday and not sure how 
> to update it.
> On 2011-04-19, at 4:23 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Erik,
>> I haven't updated my iPad to iOS 4.3.2 yet, but a rotor setting for 
>> "containers" is great.  Containers are the separate sub-units of the screen 
>> that make use of the larger screen format of the iPad. For example, in the 
>> Mail app on the iPad, when you're in landscape mode there is a list of 
>> Mailboxes or messages on the left side of the screen, and the currently 
>> selected message displayed on the right.  Similarly, in Settings you have 
>> the list of "Settings" categories on the left, and the detailed menu page 
>> (e.g. "Accessibility", "VoiceOver", or "Web Rotor") on the right. Those are 
>> two different containers, and it sounds as though the rotor has added an 
>> easy way to navigate between the two, which is something that I've been 
>> wanting.
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther 
>> On Apr 19, 2011, at 08:53, Erik Heil wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I just updated my iPad to iOS 4.3.2 and noticed a new rotor option within 
>>> te software keyboards called "containers". Anyone of you guys knw what this 
>>> is? Thanks for the help.
>>> Sent from my iPad
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Re: IPad II thoughts

2011-05-07 Thread Erik Heil
In certain forms, you can move from form to form using the next and previous 
buttons on the software keyboard. It works just like the tab key.

Sent from my iPad

On May 6, 2011, at 8:50 AM, Kevin Mattingly  wrote:

> I have a bluetooth keyboard. The typing on the touch screen isn't too bad. 
> Once you change to touch typing, the keyboard on the IPad is large enough to 
> work almost as well as the bluetooth one. The advantage to the bluetooth 
> keyboard is that you can use the tab key to move through form fields.
> Kev
> On May 6, 2011, at 8:08 AM, RATTRAY J. wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Do you know if apple created a cover for ipad which has an integrated
>> keyboard? Do you use your ipad only with the touch screen or do you have
>> a Bluetooth keyboard - I am thinking of getting an Ipad but do not think
>> I would want to use the touch screen for typing any advice welecome
>> Julie
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
>> Sent: 06 May 2011 13:06
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: IPad II thoughts
>> Hey Scott,
>> Here's the link...
>> Kev
>> On May 5, 2011, at 10:56 PM, Scott Ford wrote:
>>> Hi Kevin,
>>>Can you send a link to the cover that you got.  My wife hates
>> the
>>> apple cover that she got.  She does not want to scratch her presious
>> ipad.
>>> Yes I am a bit frustrated, she will not let me touch the damn thing
>> except
>>> for little fragments of time when I can add apps or fix something.  In
>> any
>>> case I would like to pass your thoughts on to her.  
>>> Scott
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
>>> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 10:39 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: IPad II thoughts
>>> I got my IPad 2 on Monday. I have to say it has been an awesome
>> experience
>>> so far. Most apps that work on the IPhone seem to work much better on
>> the
>>> IPad. The accessibility is better and the performance has been
>> impressive. I
>>> bought the super cover from Apple and after I got it, I was
>> disappointed in
>>> it. It was just a cover for the screen and left the IPad exposed on
>> the back
>>> and sides. I ended up returning the cover and getting a sweet cover
>> from
>>> Amazon for $19.95. The $19.95 cost vs the $69.95 was a reality check.
>> The
>>> cover I bought works just like the Apple cover but offers more
>> protection
>>> and yes, it wakes the IPad up like it should.
>>> All in all, it has been a good experience and I'm glad I bought it.
>>> Kev
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Re: something like pdf2txt on the mac?

2011-05-17 Thread Erik Heil
What's preventing you from building pdf2txt from source? I'm pretty sure it'll 
build cleanly under OSS. Thanks to gnu autoconf and friends. If you're not 
comfortable with building from sources, the fink project may have what you 
want. By default, it installs stuff under /opt/sw. So if you ever don't want 
fink software, it's easy to just rm -f the whole tree, and no more fink stuff 
on your machine. Also, no conflicts with binaries or libraries shipped with 
OSS. So no potential for broken software or tools. 

Sent from my iPad

On May 17, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Chris Moore  wrote:

> Sertek Docuscan Plus?
> On 17 May 2011, at 15:57, carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Matt and others:
>> I believe you can do this with pages, and possibly with Stanza, though 
>> someone with more experience can verify this.  I have a related question:
>> If someone sends a mail  attachmentthat appears as pdf images, and I don't 
>> have Abbyy, is there any way to access it's contents other than printing the 
>> image, scanning it with my PC and reading it there?  I just don't feel Abbyy 
>> will meet my needs enough to make the purchase worthwhile.
>> I'm hoping someone has a better idea.:)
>> Thoughts?
>> Carolyn
>> On May 17, 2011, at 8:46 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> I was wondering if there is an app that will convert pdf files to text 
>>> files like pdf2txt on windows. Thanks.
>>> Matt
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Re: issue with Mojave

2018-10-13 Thread Erik Heil
Hello there,
Well, this issue normally can be addressed if you simply restart voiceover. I 
have experienced this with a new operating system. Not sure if this is related 
to what you are having, but when I did restart voiceover, it again did resume 
normal typing echo within the text edit field.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 13, 2018, at 8:31 AM, 'E.T.' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
>   If you can see a little, increase the mouse pointer size.
>   High Sierra has the same issue and I was hopeful it would be gone in Mojave.
>   As to Dropbox, if the app is already installed and you are prompted to sign 
> in, while VO will speak the fields as you navigate, it will not echo what you 
> are typing in. Enter your user ID then move VO and back so it will read it to 
> you. I have made Dropbox very aware of this but they need to hear from others 
> too..
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
> Many believe that we have been visited
> in the past. What if it were true?
>> On 10/13/2018 6:58 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> I did get it to work but it really is a pain, you have to use the trackpad 
>> to get the mouse in t the window and then click it, I will definitely be 
>> sending a report to Apple on this one, it will be interesting to see if it 
>> happens with my mac minis as well.
>>> On Oct 13, 2018, at 8:41 AM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
>>> I will try Ann's suggestion, just doing vo+shift+space does not seem to 
>>> work, I'm actually surprised this got through testing, I would consider 
>>> this to be a major bug or a show stopper, I may consider going back to high 
>>> sierra since I never had the problem there.
 On Oct 13, 2018, at 8:32 AM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
 Interesting, never had the problem in Sierra, that makes sense though, to 
 do a mouse click on the window. I can see good enough to know that there 
 is a box on the screen, I just can't read it or see good enough to move 
 the mouse to it, that is a major bug, I will try the mouse click idea.
> On Oct 12, 2018, at 11:08 PM, 'E.T.' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> This has carried over from High Sierra. It is worse in Mojave. Its hit 
> and miss. When you hear the "security agent has no window" press VO plus 
> shift plus space.
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
> Many believe that we have been visited
> in the past. What if it were true?
>> On 10/12/2018 9:03 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> Hey everyone, ok, found an odd issue with Mojave, wonder if anyone else 
>> has seen this, I'm not sure if it's voiceover related or the operating 
>> system itself. When moving or copying files to any place outside of your 
>> home folder, you are normally prompted for your password. However, in 
>> Mojave, voiceover says security agent has no windows, a finder window 
>> appears saying that it's preparing to copy files but since there is no 
>> way to enter the password, the only way out of this window is to force 
>> the finder to relaunch. This is on my new macbook air, have not tried it 
>> on my mac minis yet.
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Re: iPadOS

2019-06-04 Thread Erik Heil
Hello there
Well certainly, The new iPad iOS does have a lot to offer new iPads. However, 
dance your question, I believe there are two ways to get this done, i.e. and 
boss braille. However, work to do this is ongoing. I’m not sure, but if iPadOS 
runs in implementation of CUPs, that shouldn’t be very hard to do. If you have 
a custom PPD filter written for the printer, this actually can be done. 
However, printers now do you have Wi-Fi support, so this in fact it may be 
easier. What I’m worried about is the translation of braille documents. And I’m 
not sure as to what capabilities the iPadOS actually has to handle that.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 4, 2019, at 2:08 PM, 'E.T.' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
>   Considering what is to come this fall for iPads (sadly my model is not 
> supported), and the potential to use one as a laptop, one question I have 
> it possible to create and emboss braille documents?
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
> Many believe that we have been visited
> in the past. What if it were true?
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Re: How to choose a Wi-Fi network in recovery mode

2019-06-23 Thread Erik Heil
OK, here is the quick answer.  If you have previously connected to WiFi
before, and your Mac is in range of one of them, it will connect to it.
Basically what you have is a stripped-down version of MacOS, so connecting
to other WiFi networks is a simple solution using the menus.  I at least
hope this helps you a little bit.


On Sun, Jun 23, 2019 at 12:25 PM Joe Quinn  wrote:

> I don’t mean to sound anxious, but I kind of am. I need a response as soon
> as possible. I am trying to reinstall my macOS Mojave, but I need to have a
> sure way of being able to choose a Wi-Fi network in recovery mode using
> voiceover. Going to the Internet recovery option is not an option, because
> it doesn’t speak. Voiceover m  twice seems to get me to a switch input
> screen, something to do with the keyboard? Any help would be greatly
> appreciated.
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