Keyboard trap in Monterey and possibly Big Sur

2021-10-27 Thread Doug Lee
Wondering if anyone else has seen this, and if anyone knows a way out.

I upgraded to Monterey from Big Sur today. After the final system restart, I 
landed in the following, seemingly impossible situation:

Focus is in an Installer Progress thing for which VoiceOver says, "Installer 
Progress has no windows."

VO-N says there are no notifications available, which surprises me because of 
the next item and because I am getting the regular little pings that typically 
mean I have a pending notification.

Typing VO-F1 twice brings up a two-item list. From this, I can see that I have 
a System Dialogs item where VoiceOver is asking permission to use
BlueTooth, and a Setup Assistant item called Analitics. However, activating 
either of these does not move focus or allow the VO cursor to navigate. VO 
cursoring continues to say "Installer Progress has
no windows."

Command-Tab dings and does nothing, VO-F2 twice says there are no windows, and 
trying to move focus to VO or VO to mouse both fail with messages.

Cursor tracking is enabled; I toggled that just to make sure.

This funny inability to get into popups started in Big Sur for me, which is why 
my subject line says "and possibly Big Sur."

Ideas welcome.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"Is your cucumber bitter? Throw it away. Are there briars in your
path? Turn aside. That is enough. Do not go on to say, `Why were
things of this sort ever brought into the world?'"
--Marcus Aurelius

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Re: Keyboard trap in Monterey and possibly Big Sur

2021-10-27 Thread Doug Lee
I have a Mac Mini that I mostly use via ssh for various tasks. It has no screen 
or mouse attached, so a VO trap like this is perhaps more troublesome than 

The problem has persisted for half an hour or so by now, and the current load 
average does not appear to indicate any active update processes that might soon 

I think it will be necessary for me to get these two popups properly closed 
before my Finder will appear. I'm afraid of using Command-Q to close the 
windowless Installer Progress in case that breaks
this final installation sequence. I did try opening a GUI app via the "open -a" 
shell command, with the theory that then closing it might naturally land me in 
one of the popups. Sadly though, the app
opened but without becoming available for focus and without saying or doing 
anything obvious; so I killed it from a shell.

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 06:10:32PM -0400, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
sounds familiar, but I believe it goes away on its own. I didn't know you were 
a Mac user. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 27, 2021, at 6:04 PM, Doug Lee  wrote:
> Wondering if anyone else has seen this, and if anyone knows a way out.
> I upgraded to Monterey from Big Sur today. After the final system restart, I 
> landed in the following, seemingly impossible situation:
> Focus is in an Installer Progress thing for which VoiceOver says, "Installer 
> Progress has no windows."
> VO-N says there are no notifications available, which surprises me because of 
> the next item and because I am getting the regular little pings that 
> typically mean I have a pending notification.
> Typing VO-F1 twice brings up a two-item list. From this, I can see that I 
> have a System Dialogs item where VoiceOver is asking permission to use
> BlueTooth, and a Setup Assistant item called Analitics. However, activating 
> either of these does not move focus or allow the VO cursor to navigate. VO 
> cursoring continues to say "Installer Progress has
> no windows."
> Command-Tab dings and does nothing, VO-F2 twice says there are no windows, 
> and trying to move focus to VO or VO to mouse both fail with messages.
> Cursor tracking is enabled; I toggled that just to make sure.
> This funny inability to get into popups started in Big Sur for me, which is 
> why my subject line says "and possibly Big Sur."
> Ideas welcome.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
The very smart may feel they have nothing to learn from anyone;
The very wise will find something to learn from everyone.  (7/14/01)

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Re: Keyboard trap in Monterey and possibly Big Sur

2021-10-27 Thread Doug Lee
Unfortunately there is no mouse interface attached to this Mini.

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 04:14:46PM -0600, 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries 

   Sometimes, you just need to wait as the installer is actually “In
   progress” still.  If you’ve waited for more than an hour for this to
   change, click your mouse or trackpad and you should end up in a
   different layer that you can do things with.


   Tim Kilburn
   Jamf Certified Tech
   Apple Professional Learning Specialist
   Apple Teacher
   (with Swift Playgrounds Recognition)
   Fort McMurray, AB Canada

   On Oct 27, 2021, at 4:10 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn <[1]>

   sounds familiar, but I believe it goes away on its own. I didn't know
   you were a Mac user.
   Sent from my iPhone

 On Oct 27, 2021, at 6:04 PM, Doug Lee <[2]> wrote:
 Wondering if anyone else has seen this, and if anyone knows a way
 I upgraded to Monterey from Big Sur today. After the final system
 restart, I landed in the following, seemingly impossible situation:
 Focus is in an Installer Progress thing for which VoiceOver says,
 "Installer Progress has no windows."
 VO-N says there are no notifications available, which surprises me
 because of the next item and because I am getting the regular little
 pings that typically mean I have a pending notification.
 Typing VO-F1 twice brings up a two-item list. From this, I can see
 that I have a System Dialogs item where VoiceOver is asking
 permission to use
 BlueTooth, and a Setup Assistant item called Analitics. However,
 activating either of these does not move focus or allow the VO
 cursor to navigate. VO cursoring continues to say "Installer
 Progress has
 no windows."
 Command-Tab dings and does nothing, VO-F2 twice says there are no
 windows, and trying to move focus to VO or VO to mouse both fail
 with messages.
 Cursor tracking is enabled; I toggled that just to make sure.
 This funny inability to get into popups started in Big Sur for me,
 which is why my subject line says "and possibly Big Sur."
 Ideas welcome.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
In laughter, love is found; but in tears, it is forged.  (12/09/01)

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Re: Keyboard trap in Monterey and possibly Big Sur

2021-10-28 Thread Doug Lee
I did an update; and I did try VO-Shift-Space but that didn't help. My ultimate 
solution was to use ssh to restart the Mini, even though this made me nervous. 
When it came back up, neither the Setup
Assistant nor the System Dialog about VoiceOver trying to use BlueTooth 
appeared; so all is well.

I still regard that situation from yesterday as a very nasty edge case for a 
blind Mac user.

On Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 03:36:59PM -0400, matthew dyer wrote:

Have you tried VO Shift space?  This usually works for me.  I am running Bixer  
at the moment as I have not upgraded.  Also, did you do a straits upgrade or a  
clean install?  Thanks.


> On Oct 27, 2021, at 6:04 PM, Doug Lee  wrote:
> Wondering if anyone else has seen this, and if anyone knows a way out.
> I upgraded to Monterey from Big Sur today. After the final system restart, I 
> landed in the following, seemingly impossible situation:
> Focus is in an Installer Progress thing for which VoiceOver says, "Installer 
> Progress has no windows."
> VO-N says there are no notifications available, which surprises me because of 
> the next item and because I am getting the regular little pings that 
> typically mean I have a pending notification.
> Typing VO-F1 twice brings up a two-item list. From this, I can see that I 
> have a System Dialogs item where VoiceOver is asking permission to use
> BlueTooth, and a Setup Assistant item called Analitics. However, activating 
> either of these does not move focus or allow the VO cursor to navigate. VO 
> cursoring continues to say "Installer Progress has
> no windows."
> Command-Tab dings and does nothing, VO-F2 twice says there are no windows, 
> and trying to move focus to VO or VO to mouse both fail with messages.
> Cursor tracking is enabled; I toggled that just to make sure.
> This funny inability to get into popups started in Big Sur for me, which is 
> why my subject line says "and possibly Big Sur."
> Ideas welcome.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
Time is the friend of one who is true, and the enemy of one who isn't.

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Re: Help, I’m drowning in junk mail

2022-06-14 Thread Doug Lee
This is probably off topic so please pardon my reply, but having dealt once 
with a wild fluke that caused over
100,000 junk mails per day for a while, I sympathize. :) No that number is not 
a typo.

The answer depends on several things:

First, is there anything consistent about the junk mail--e.g., sender address, 
sender domain, subject line or
key words in it? At a deeper level if you are comfortable finding and 
inspecting mail headers, you may find
common header elements that are not normally visible in daily mail reading. 
These can of course serve in mail
handling rules.

Is the address to which the junk is being sent exactly the same as your normal 
address? I ask this because I
am in the habit of giving out variants that still reach me but that let me 
filter out spam if one of the
variants starts generating it. As a bonus, this also lets me sometimes identify 
who or what is responsible for
the spam. Unlikely for you maybe, but worth asking because filtering by 
recipient address can be very
effective for some cases.

If you collect mail from more than one mailbox and find that the spam is coming 
from one you don't use, you
could consider dropping that mailbox. I've lost track of how many times I've 
seen a ten-year-old mailbox
belonging to a long-time friend suddenly start sending out spam. That doesn't 
of course sound like your issue,
but it does indicate how common it may be for people simply to forget about old 
mailboxes and not maintain
them. Of course, if this *is* your issue, you would likely have discovered this 
when checking for common
elements, my first suggestion.

In my 100,000 per day mail case, I actually wrote a program to clean out my 
upstream folder via IMAP just
before I downloaded mail each time. I doubt you have to go that far.

For the curious, here is what happened to me:

In August, 2012, someone started sending literally millions of spam emails but 
listing my domain as the origin of the
spam. As is often the case with such mass spam generation, a great many of the 
destination addresses were invalid. For
each of these, the various mail daemons, that being programs that process mail 
for us, dutifully sent back an error
indicating that the message could not be delivered. Since the messages had been 
crafted to consider my domain as the
origin, the daemons sent the error reports to me, to the tune of, as I said, 
sometimes over 100,000 error messages a
day. The program I wrote made mail completely manageable anyway, but I suspect 
that particular spam attack would have
stopped most routine computer users from keeping up for a while.

On Tue, Jun 14, 2022 at 10:20:07AM -0400, Phil Halton wrote:
I don’t know what happened, but in the last week or so I’m deluge by a tsunami 
of junk mail. All I know to do is to move these messages to the junk mail 
folder and hopes that Apple mail will see it as junk and maybe start cutting 
down the volume of it. What can a person do when they’re overwhelmed by junk 

Sent from my IPhone

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
The very smart may feel they have nothing to learn from anyone;
The very wise will find something to learn from everyone.  (7/14/01)

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Twitter Spaces Request to speak crashed VoiceOver - ideas?

2022-08-15 Thread Doug Lee
I recently tried to join the speakers in a Twitter space from my iPhone X. This 
is what happened, and I'm
wondering if anyone has seen or could explain this, so I can be more prepared 
for my next attempt. In summary,
I wonder if I was removed (likely an accident) or if Twitter experienced a 
technical glitch (I was told by the
host that it was some sort of technical error); and for both of those and any 
other case, if the VO crash
could have been the result of a popup dialog that didn't speak, as can briefly 
happen for emergency alerts in
my experience. I am using the native iOS Twitter app.

The sequence of events:

I joined the space and listened for a while.

I double-tapped Request to Speak and got a popup dialog advising me that the 
space might be recorded. This
dialog contained another Request to Speak button.

I doubled tapped this new button. I believe things were normal for a few 
seconds thereafter.

Then the volume of the space suddenly decreased markedly, so I tried to turn up 
my phone's volume. This made
me wonder if I was audible, though I was not expecting to be since the host 
asked us to raise hands after
pressing Request to Speak, and I had yet to find a button for that.

A few seconds later, all sound on my phone stopped, including the space and 
VoiceOver speech. This lasted for
close to a minute if I recall correctly.

During this outage, I made a few attempts to restart VO using the triple press 
of the power button. This
finally succeeded.

On getting VO back, I found myself no longer in the space. Attempts to rejoin, 
before and after I restarted
the Twitter app, were met with a message saying "This space is not available." 
This even persisted after the
host once DM'd me saying "Try again now." The host finally told me I might not 
be able to join that session
again, which appeared to be true. The comment about it being a "technical 
error" came to me much later.

Again, my main questions are whether anyone has seen this sort of freeze and 
whether it is likely the result
of a popup dialog that I could not read.

Thanks much for any info.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"Innovation is hard to schedule." -- Dan Fylstra

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Re: Twitter Spaces Request to speak crashed VoiceOver - ideas?

2022-09-06 Thread Doug Lee
Belated conclusion for this thread: I finally did host a space last night, and 
with no problems. I have also
by now been a speaker in a space or two with no problems. I therefore suspect 
that the lockup I experienced,
that made me start this thread, was caused either by a fluke or by an 
accidental dismissal of me from a space
after I requested to speak. I have not tested being removed from a space yet to 
distinguish between the two.

On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 02:48:57PM -0500, joseph hudson wrote:
Hi Doug, no I've never seen this but it's somewhat quite interesting. I would 
recommend having him trying to host another space, and see how well that goes 
again. After you've done all those resets.

> On Aug 15, 2022, at 4:55 AM, Doug Lee  wrote:
> I recently tried to join the speakers in a Twitter space from my iPhone X. 
> This is what happened, and I'm
> wondering if anyone has seen or could explain this, so I can be more prepared 
> for my next attempt. In summary,
> I wonder if I was removed (likely an accident) or if Twitter experienced a 
> technical glitch (I was told by the
> host that it was some sort of technical error); and for both of those and any 
> other case, if the VO crash
> could have been the result of a popup dialog that didn't speak, as can 
> briefly happen for emergency alerts in
> my experience. I am using the native iOS Twitter app.
> The sequence of events:
> I joined the space and listened for a while.
> I double-tapped Request to Speak and got a popup dialog advising me that the 
> space might be recorded. This
> dialog contained another Request to Speak button.
> I doubled tapped this new button. I believe things were normal for a few 
> seconds thereafter.
> Then the volume of the space suddenly decreased markedly, so I tried to turn 
> up my phone's volume. This made
> me wonder if I was audible, though I was not expecting to be since the host 
> asked us to raise hands after
> pressing Request to Speak, and I had yet to find a button for that.
> A few seconds later, all sound on my phone stopped, including the space and 
> VoiceOver speech. This lasted for
> close to a minute if I recall correctly.
> During this outage, I made a few attempts to restart VO using the triple 
> press of the power button. This
> finally succeeded.
> On getting VO back, I found myself no longer in the space. Attempts to 
> rejoin, before and after I restarted
> the Twitter app, were met with a message saying "This space is not 
> available." This even persisted after the
> host once DM'd me saying "Try again now." The host finally told me I might 
> not be able to join that session
> again, which appeared to be true. The comment about it being a "technical 
> error" came to me much later.
> Again, my main questions are whether anyone has seen this sort of freeze and 
> whether it is likely the result
> of a popup dialog that I could not read.
> Thanks much for any info.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
No one alive is beyond hope; every second of life is a chance.

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Re: Voiceover and f keys.

2022-11-08 Thread Doug Lee
Which keyboard are you using? I don't have to use Fn from a wired Apple 
aluminum keyboard. Bluetooth keyboards
vary in how to do this I think. I've seen Fn+Esc toggle this on some of them. 
Some may require an application
to change this behavior, though I've only worked with keyboards like that under 

I'm assuming you are not asking about Quick Nav mode, which does not involve 
the Fn key but does reduce the
number of simultaneous keys you have to press for a number of commands.

On Tue, Nov 08, 2022 at 06:14:32PM +0100, Anders Holmberg wrote:
Can someone remind me on how to do to not having to press the fn key with all 
Voiceover commands?
Some commands with function keys are very hard to perform.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"It's not easy to be crafty and winsome at the same time, and few accomplish
it after the age of six." --John W. Gardner and Francesca Gardner Reese

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Trouble with Downloads folder and attribute

2023-07-04 Thread Doug Lee
I have a Mac Mini running the latest Monterey (it's too old for Ventura 
apparently). I use it almost
exclusively via ssh, more as a server than a workstation I guess.

At some point in the last few weeks, my ~/Downloads folder became unreadable 
even by root:

Mini 1# ls Downloads
ls: Downloads: Operation not permitted
Mini 1# ls -ld@ Downloads
drwx--@ 559 dlee  staff  17888 May 22 14:47 Downloads -1 

I think it's that last line that's the problem, though I have no idea what 
prompted the OS to set that
extended attribute on that folder.

xattr, even as root, is not able to remove the attribute. Most advice I see 
from Googling involves either
recovery mode or booting from a different volume, neither of which particularly 
appeal to me.

Does anyone know what would have caused this to happen, and if there is a more 
accessible way to fix it?

Thanks much.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"When your best-laid plans have turned to dust, vacuum!"
- Whoopi Goldberg 

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Re: Trouble with Downloads folder and attribute

2023-07-04 Thread Doug Lee
On Tue, Jul 04, 2023 at 01:04:00PM -0400, 'Jason White' via MacVisionaries 
>On 4/7/23 12:00, Doug Lee wrote:
>> At some point in the last few weeks, my ~/Downloads folder became unreadable 
>> even by root:
>> Mini 1#  ls Downloads
>> ls: Downloads: Operation not permitted
>Is it a local directory, not hosted on iCloud or elsewhere? I would suggest
>confirming. If it's hosted remotely, then check your access to the file
>storage (e.g., that you're logged in).
>If the files are stored locally, then I suspect file system corruption. Can
>you run a file system check (initially without repairing anything)?

Definitely local and not corruption; that attribute is reported to affect 
access to files and folders, and
also to be difficult to remove. I can actually prove that the folder itself is 
ok by things like cd
Downloads/blah when I know folder blah exists in it. The subfolders work fine; 
the OS simply won't let me
read the list of contents of the Downloads folder. In normal Unix terms, 
~/Downloads almost acts like it has
permissions 111 (--x--x--x); but it doesn't.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
There is more freedom in knowing how to handle pain than in knowing
how to avoid it.  (4/29/01)

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SOLVED Re: Trouble with Downloads folder and attribute

2023-07-04 Thread Doug Lee
I missed the solution by googling for a fix to file system access rather than 
for a fix to ssh access to the
file system. There is a "Allow full disk access" checkbox in the pane for 
"Remote Login," which is ssh, in
System Preferences > Sharing. That wasn't there last time I looked, which was 
probably a while ago.

History of discussion remains below for general interest; forgive the top post, 
but I doubt many post after
this on the thread. :)

On Tue, Jul 04, 2023 at 01:27:55PM -0400, Doug Lee wrote:
On Tue, Jul 04, 2023 at 01:04:00PM -0400, 'Jason White' via MacVisionaries 
>On 4/7/23 12:00, Doug Lee wrote:
>> At some point in the last few weeks, my ~/Downloads folder became unreadable 
>> even by root:
>> Mini 1#  ls Downloads
>> ls: Downloads: Operation not permitted
>Is it a local directory, not hosted on iCloud or elsewhere? I would suggest
>confirming. If it's hosted remotely, then check your access to the file
>storage (e.g., that you're logged in).
>If the files are stored locally, then I suspect file system corruption. Can
>you run a file system check (initially without repairing anything)?

Definitely local and not corruption; that attribute is reported to affect 
access to files and folders, and
also to be difficult to remove. I can actually prove that the folder itself is 
ok by things like cd
Downloads/blah when I know folder blah exists in it. The subfolders work fine; 
the OS simply won't let me
read the list of contents of the Downloads folder. In normal Unix terms, 
~/Downloads almost acts like it has
permissions 111 (--x--x--x); but it doesn't.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
There is more freedom in knowing how to handle pain than in knowing
how to avoid it.  (4/29/01)

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"There's no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." Ronald Reagan?

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Re: Voiceover says "verified" repeatedly on YouTube website

2023-07-13 Thread Doug Lee
I hear this on Windows as well; this is a Youtube thing I think, which probably 
means it's an HTML
live-region or other form of AT notification they added somewhat recently. Odd 
thing is, I don't find that
"verified" or "official" always relate to what I'm listening to. Maybe it's 
just me. :)

On Thu, Jul 13, 2023 at 08:15:27AM -0400, alia robinson wrote:
yes, and it’s majorly annoying. tabbing away and back usually fixes it.


> On Jul 13, 2023, at 8:13 AM, 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Hi,
> I’ve noticed recently as soon as I load YouTube website, Voiceover keeps 
> repeating “verified” at leasst 10 times.  This behaviour is fairly new.  
> Anybody else experiencing this? It happens on Big Sur, and Ventura as well.
> Andrew 

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"I forgot, because I wanted to forget, except I don't remember
forgetting."  --Sarah Alawami

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Comments/corrections accepted on my answer to a question about writing AT scripts and accessible apps for MacOS

2023-07-13 Thread Doug Lee
le to them as 
to us (though of course they must learn how to use it).

Reasons MacOS is harder:
* If you use a framework, you may have less or no control over end-user-visible 
fixes to your app's accessibility problems.
* Fewer AT users than for Windows that you can ask. (There may be some areas of 
focus, like music creation, where this is not true.)
* Fewer available AT professionals that can help you, such as via contracting.

The second of those detractive reasons is actually my reason to suspect one 
more difficulty on MacOS: I
think there is less effort toward making accessible Mac apps because there is 
less of a user base to write
for there than on Windows. This means that it might be hard to get the 
developers of an existing Mac app to
work on accessibility problems because they may perceive the effort to provide 
far less of a return on

In conclusion, my now overly complex answer to your question, or questions, 
boil down to this:

I think it's harder to write AT scripts under Mac, easier and more likely to 
get accessible apps written for
MacOS, but then harder to convince people to make the effort toward 
accessibility on Mac even if it ends up
being easier to do than on Windows.

These are my thoughts, again subject to correction because my expertise is far 
more centered on Windows.


Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"If you refuse to be made straight when you are green,
you will not be made straight when you are dry." {African}

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If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
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Re: Graphene could charge your phone in 7 seconds, CNET

2023-07-13 Thread Doug Lee
billion-euro Graphene Flagship program, which hosted the Graphene
Pavilion, is dedicated to finding ways in which the material can be brought
to market.
Here's how graphene may be used in the future.

Graphene may have been hidden away at the back of the show this time around,
but in the coming years it could be responsible for some dramatic upgrades
to phone technology. As well as being flexible enough to be incorporated
into bendable phones in the form of antennas or touch displays, it also has
enormous potential for improving batteries -- often our biggest gripe when
it comes to our phones.
Graphene can be built into the batteries themselves to improve energy
storage and long-term performance, but it can also speed up energy transfer
between a power source and battery exponentially. It acts as a sort of
superhighway for charging, allowing energy to pass through it so quickly
that researchers believe it can charge a phone in 7 seconds. 

So how long will this seemingly magical technology take to show up? A
decade? Kari Hjelt, head of innovation for Graphene Flagship, said it would
take as little as two years. 
"It's still a young material, so we're actually quite amazed how much it has
developed in only 14 years," he said. "The thing with the graphene is that
it works in so many fields and in fantastic ways, so we have really pick the
ones that are the most promising for Europe and for business."
Phone technology is one obvious use, and 5G network tech is another --
Ericsson used graphene in its own 5G demo at the show. But it's not the only
area where the material can make a difference.

One biomedical possibility for graphene is in the improvement of artificial
By embedding graphene-based nerve sensors within the top of the limbs, a
person is able to sense and respond to contractions and other movements in
muscles. That helps them control the motion and force of a robotic limb. 
Artificial limbs have come a long way in recent years, but they could get
even lighter and more responsive still.
As well as being light and noninvasive, graphene responds quickly to
pressure, ensuring natural movement and grip for the wearer. It could make
future generations of prosthetics more comfortable and responsive than ever

Food identification
Due to graphene's ability to absorb light at almost every wavelength, it can
detect ultraviolet, visible and infrared light with the same image sensor.
A wide-spectrum graphene light camera can see details invisible to the human
eye, and in the demo we saw could differentiate between three different
types of milk -- rice, dairy and almond -- that all look the same. 
Graphene could improve food safety.
In the future people, with food allergies could use their phone cameras to
tell if food is safe for them to eat.

Wearable tech
Graphene is also very flexible, making it ideal for wearable technology.
Researchers from the the Institute of Photonic Sciences in Spain have
integrated graphene into UV patches attached to the skin like any Band-Aid
might. The layer of graphene hidden inside is highly sensitive and can
measure heart rate and blood oxygen over skin as well as UV exposure,
providing a miniaturized system that can monitor your health.
Graphene can be embedded in stick-on UV sensors.
Graphene could also be added to smart shoes for benefits including sensing,
cooling and strength. A graphene in-sole from the University of Cambridge
can monitor pressure distribution for podiatry and athletic performance.
New touch interfaces
Layers of graphene are so thin, they're almost invisible to the human eye.
At the Graphene Pavilion we saw it built into a seemingly transparent screen
and used to control a toy car by touch. It's just one example of how touch
interfaces of the future could be built into different materials like glass
or fabric. 
Graphene could make new touch interfaces possible.
"The possibilities of this material seem endless," said EU Commissioner
Andrus Ansip in a blog post after visiting the pavilion. "I was particularly
struck by how practical they are and how well geared towards the consumer." 

Original Article at:

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"If you refuse to be made straight when you are green,
you will not be made straight when you are dry." {African}

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If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
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Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark at: and your owner is Cara Quinn -

Can I stop the double-finger double-tap from playing music in iOS 16?

2023-11-24 Thread Doug Lee
I am using iOS 16 because I have an iPhone X, but I think what follows also 
applies to iOS 17.

As of an update or few ago, there is a sequence I commonly perform which 
results in surprise music; so I am
wanting to know how to stop the double-finger double-tap from starting music 
playback. I have two reasons:
First of course to avoid startling myself and sometimes interfering with 
dictation that I was actually trying
to start. Also though, I don't want the music controls on my lock screen, as 
clearing them requires me to
launch and then close the Music app. These controls appear on my lock screen 
even if there is no music to
play, so just clearing my library will not fully solve this problem.

The sequence that bites me so often, for anyone curious:
* Open iMessage and activate a specific conversation.
* Move to and double-tap the typing area. Focus should land in it but now often 
then moves immediately to the
  last message.
* Do a double-finger double-tap to start receiving dictation speech, assuming 
focus is where I put it. When
  it's not, I get the surprise.

Any info most welcome.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere."
- Anne Morrow Lindbergh {American Author}

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If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
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Re: Can I stop the double-finger double-tap from playing music in iOS 16?

2023-11-24 Thread Doug Lee
Kind of you to answer, and quickly indeed. I forgot the name "magic tap" 
somehow, but I do know it is a
multi-function gesture.

But my actual question is, can I somehow remove from its set of active 
functions the activation of the Music
app and its controls, which happens even if I have no music to play in some 
cases. I don't use my phone for
music; I use other devices for that. When I think focus is in an edit field but 
it's not, I know the gesture
will not activate dictation. But I'm asking how to keep the gesture, at that 
time, from instead activating
Music controls, and sound if there's anything to play.

Thanks again.

On Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 06:44:38PM -0800, Gabe Griffith wrote:

The two finger gesture you are referring to is known as a magic tap. The reason 
for this is that it does several things. It will answer or hang up a call, it 
will start and stop dictation, and it will start and stop media from playing. 
If you want to use it for dictation you will need to be sure the edit field, 
whether a text message or an email or something else, is activated. If it isn't 
and you perform the to finger double tap then that is when your media such as 
music will start playing. 

I hope that helps, 


Gabe Griffith 
President, California Council of the Blind 

> On Nov 24, 2023, at 4:37 PM, Doug Lee  wrote:
> I am using iOS 16 because I have an iPhone X, but I think what follows also 
> applies to iOS 17.
> As of an update or few ago, there is a sequence I commonly perform which 
> results in surprise music; so I am
> wanting to know how to stop the double-finger double-tap from starting music 
> playback. I have two reasons:
> First of course to avoid startling myself and sometimes interfering with 
> dictation that I was actually trying
> to start. Also though, I don't want the music controls on my lock screen, as 
> clearing them requires me to
> launch and then close the Music app. These controls appear on my lock screen 
> even if there is no music to
> play, so just clearing my library will not fully solve this problem.
> The sequence that bites me so often, for anyone curious:
> * Open iMessage and activate a specific conversation.
> * Move to and double-tap the typing area. Focus should land in it but now 
> often then moves immediately to the
>  last message.
> * Do a double-finger double-tap to start receiving dictation speech, assuming 
> focus is where I put it. When
>  it's not, I get the surprise.
> Any info most welcome.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
Freedom is not the ability to have what we want.  Freedom is merely the
ability to seek it.  To be free defines what we can do, not what we can get.

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark at: and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at

The archives for this list can be searched at:
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Re: Can I stop the double-finger double-tap from playing music in iOS 16?

2023-11-24 Thread Doug Lee
Do you know if any possible good for me, or bad, would come from my deleting 
the Music app? That was my only
guess before asking, but I haven't tried that yet and I also have never had 
reason to check what happens if I
later want it back, unlikely though that probably is.

On Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 06:55:58PM -0800, Gabe Griffith wrote:
Hi Doug, 

As far as I know there is not a way to edit the functions of the magic tap 


Gabe Griffith 
President, California Council of the Blind 

> On Nov 24, 2023, at 6:53 PM, Doug Lee  wrote:
> Kind of you to answer, and quickly indeed. I forgot the name "magic tap" 
> somehow, but I do know it is a
> multi-function gesture.
> But my actual question is, can I somehow remove from its set of active 
> functions the activation of the Music
> app and its controls, which happens even if I have no music to play in some 
> cases. I don't use my phone for
> music; I use other devices for that. When I think focus is in an edit field 
> but it's not, I know the gesture
> will not activate dictation. But I'm asking how to keep the gesture, at that 
> time, from instead activating
> Music controls, and sound if there's anything to play.
> Thanks again.
> On Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 06:44:38PM -0800, Gabe Griffith wrote:
> Hi,
> The two finger gesture you are referring to is known as a magic tap. The 
> reason for this is that it does several things. It will answer or hang up a 
> call, it will start and stop dictation, and it will start and stop media from 
> playing. If you want to use it for dictation you will need to be sure the 
> edit field, whether a text message or an email or something else, is 
> activated. If it isn't and you perform the to finger double tap then that is 
> when your media such as music will start playing.
> I hope that helps,
> Gabe
> Gabe Griffith
> President, California Council of the Blind
> (925)222-5762
>> On Nov 24, 2023, at 4:37 PM, Doug Lee  wrote:
>> I am using iOS 16 because I have an iPhone X, but I think what follows also 
>> applies to iOS 17.
>> As of an update or few ago, there is a sequence I commonly perform which 
>> results in surprise music; so I am
>> wanting to know how to stop the double-finger double-tap from starting music 
>> playback. I have two reasons:
>> First of course to avoid startling myself and sometimes interfering with 
>> dictation that I was actually trying
>> to start. Also though, I don't want the music controls on my lock screen, as 
>> clearing them requires me to
>> launch and then close the Music app. These controls appear on my lock screen 
>> even if there is no music to
>> play, so just clearing my library will not fully solve this problem.
>> The sequence that bites me so often, for anyone curious:
>> * Open iMessage and activate a specific conversation.
>> * Move to and double-tap the typing area. Focus should land in it but now 
>> often then moves immediately to the
>> last message.
>> * Do a double-finger double-tap to start receiving dictation speech, 
>> assuming focus is where I put it. When
>> it's not, I get the surprise.
>> Any info most welcome.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"Sometimes I think my learning curve is a circle." -- David Andrews

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark at: and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at

The archives for this list can be searched at:
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Can I stop the double-finger double-tap from playing music in iOS 16?

2023-11-24 Thread Doug Lee
Ah, good to know without making a mess to find out. :)

Last question then: Is there an easier way to clear the playback controls from 
the lock screen? Currently I
load and then close the Music app to get that done.

On Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 07:11:12PM -0800, Dave Carlson wrote:

   No. Don’t delete the app. The unfortunate answer is that whatever media
   is remaining  will. Play as default. You can see what that is if you go
   to the control center and swipe to media to see what’s I the queue.
   Only answer is to use another media (audio books, podcast, YouTube
   video, etc.) as your last thing played, and that will live in the queue
   until replaced by something else.

   Dave Carlson
   Woodworker, Musician, Oregonian, Engineer,  Farfar

   On Nov 24, 2023, at 7:02 PM, Doug Lee  wrote:
   Do you know if any possible good for me, or bad, would come from my
   deleting the Music app? That was my only
   guess before asking, but I haven't tried that yet and I also have never
   had reason to check what happens if I
   later want it back, unlikely though that probably is.
   On Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 06:55:58PM -0800, Gabe Griffith wrote:
   Hi Doug,
   As far as I know there is not a way to edit the functions of the magic
   tap gesture.
   Gabe Griffith
   President, California Council of the Blind

 On Nov 24, 2023, at 6:53 PM, Doug Lee  wrote:
 Kind of you to answer, and quickly indeed. I forgot the name "magic
 tap" somehow, but I do know it is a
 multi-function gesture.
 But my actual question is, can I somehow remove from its set of
 active functions the activation of the Music
 app and its controls, which happens even if I have no music to play
 in some cases. I don't use my phone for
 music; I use other devices for that. When I think focus is in an
 edit field but it's not, I know the gesture
 will not activate dictation. But I'm asking how to keep the gesture,
 at that time, from instead activating
 Music controls, and sound if there's anything to play.
 Thanks again.
 On Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 06:44:38PM -0800, Gabe Griffith wrote:
 The two finger gesture you are referring to is known as a magic tap.
 The reason for this is that it does several things. It will answer
 or hang up a call, it will start and stop dictation, and it will
 start and stop media from playing. If you want to use it for
 dictation you will need to be sure the edit field, whether a text
 message or an email or something else, is activated. If it isn't and
 you perform the to finger double tap then that is when your media
 such as music will start playing.
 I hope that helps,
 Gabe Griffith
 President, California Council of the Blind

     On Nov 24, 2023, at 4:37 PM, Doug Lee  wrote:
 I am using iOS 16 because I have an iPhone X, but I think what
 follows also applies to iOS 17.
 As of an update or few ago, there is a sequence I commonly perform
 which results in surprise music; so I am
 wanting to know how to stop the double-finger double-tap from
 starting music playback. I have two reasons:
 First of course to avoid startling myself and sometimes interfering
 with dictation that I was actually trying
 to start. Also though, I don't want the music controls on my lock
 screen, as clearing them requires me to
 launch and then close the Music app. These controls appear on my
 lock screen even if there is no music to
 play, so just clearing my library will not fully solve this problem.
 The sequence that bites me so often, for anyone curious:
 * Open iMessage and activate a specific conversation.
 * Move to and double-tap the typing area. Focus should land in it
 but now often then moves immediately to the
 last message.
 * Do a double-finger double-tap to start receiving dictation speech,
 assuming focus is where I put it. When
 it's not, I get the surprise.
 Any info most welcome.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"I honestly believe it is better to know nothing than to know what ain't so."
- Josh Billings, 1818-1885 (in "Solemn Thoughts")

The following information is important for all members of the Mac Visionaries 

If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if you 
feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.

Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor.  You can reach mark at: and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at

The archives for this list can be searched at

Re: Can I stop the double-finger double-tap from playing music in iOS 16?

2023-11-25 Thread Doug Lee
Ah, the Start Dictation button. I used that years ago but forgot about the 
option by now. Might try that at
least until Apple addresses the focus issue when sending messages that I 
mentioned in my first message on this

On Sat, Nov 25, 2023 at 08:41:15AM -0600, Brad Snyder wrote:
Hello Doug,
The solution to your dilemma is relatively simple. Rather than use the two 
finger magic tap to begin dictation, locate the microphone button on the bottom 
row of the keyboard. Once focus is on this button, do a one finger double tap 
to begin dictation. You may then use a two finger double tap to stop dictation 
when you are done speaking.
This is the method I have been using as long as I have been using an iPhone 
with voiceover, and find it works 99.9% of the time without issue.


- Brad -

On Nov 24, 2023, at 21:15, Doug Lee  wrote:

Ah, good to know without making a mess to find out. :)

Last question then: Is there an easier way to clear the playback controls from 
the lock screen? Currently I
load and then close the Music app to get that done.

On Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 07:11:12PM -0800, Dave Carlson wrote:

  No. Don’t delete the app. The unfortunate answer is that whatever media
  is remaining  will. Play as default. You can see what that is if you go
  to the control center and swipe to media to see what’s I the queue.
  Only answer is to use another media (audio books, podcast, YouTube
  video, etc.) as your last thing played, and that will live in the queue
  until replaced by something else.

  Dave Carlson
  Woodworker, Musician, Oregonian, Engineer,  Farfar

  On Nov 24, 2023, at 7:02 PM, Doug Lee  wrote:
  Do you know if any possible good for me, or bad, would come from my
  deleting the Music app? That was my only
  guess before asking, but I haven't tried that yet and I also have never
  had reason to check what happens if I
  later want it back, unlikely though that probably is.
  On Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 06:55:58PM -0800, Gabe Griffith wrote:
  Hi Doug,
  As far as I know there is not a way to edit the functions of the magic
  tap gesture.
  Gabe Griffith
  President, California Council of the Blind

On Nov 24, 2023, at 6:53 PM, Doug Lee  wrote:
Kind of you to answer, and quickly indeed. I forgot the name "magic
tap" somehow, but I do know it is a
multi-function gesture.
But my actual question is, can I somehow remove from its set of
active functions the activation of the Music
app and its controls, which happens even if I have no music to play
in some cases. I don't use my phone for
music; I use other devices for that. When I think focus is in an
edit field but it's not, I know the gesture
will not activate dictation. But I'm asking how to keep the gesture,
at that time, from instead activating
Music controls, and sound if there's anything to play.
Thanks again.
On Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 06:44:38PM -0800, Gabe Griffith wrote:
The two finger gesture you are referring to is known as a magic tap.
The reason for this is that it does several things. It will answer
or hang up a call, it will start and stop dictation, and it will
start and stop media from playing. If you want to use it for
dictation you will need to be sure the edit field, whether a text
message or an email or something else, is activated. If it isn't and
you perform the to finger double tap then that is when your media
such as music will start playing.
I hope that helps,
Gabe Griffith
President, California Council of the Blind

    On Nov 24, 2023, at 4:37 PM, Doug Lee  wrote:
I am using iOS 16 because I have an iPhone X, but I think what
follows also applies to iOS 17.
As of an update or few ago, there is a sequence I commonly perform
which results in surprise music; so I am
wanting to know how to stop the double-finger double-tap from
starting music playback. I have two reasons:
First of course to avoid startling myself and sometimes interfering
with dictation that I was actually trying
to start. Also though, I don't want the music controls on my lock
screen, as clearing them requires me to
launch and then close the Music app. These controls appear on my
lock screen even if there is no music to
play, so just clearing my library will not fully solve this problem.
The sequence that bites me so often, for anyone curious:
* Open iMessage and activate a specific conversation.
* Move to and double-tap the typing area. Focus should land in it
but now often then moves immediately to the
last message.
* Do a double-finger double-tap to start receiving dictation speech,
assuming focus is where I put it. When
it's not, I get the surprise.

Re: Can I stop the double-finger double-tap from playing music in iOS 16?

2023-11-25 Thread Doug Lee
Ah, I've not been wanting Apple to change the magic tap behavior for everyone 
else; I've just been wanting the
ability to adjust what functions it can do on my own phone, much as we can do 
for the power button.

On Sat, Nov 25, 2023 at 09:15:31AM -0600, Brad Snyder wrote:
   I wouldn’t hold my breath expecting Apple to alter the behavior of the
   2-finger Magic tap as you requested in your first message.

   I believe the gesture is performing as intended by Apple, and it is
   better for you to alter the method you use to start  dictation.  :)

   - Brad -
   On Nov 25, 2023, at 08:59, Doug Lee  wrote:
   Ah, the Start Dictation button. I used that years ago but forgot about
   the option by now. Might try that at
   least until Apple addresses the focus issue when sending messages that
   I mentioned in my first message on this
   On Sat, Nov 25, 2023 at 08:41:15AM -0600, Brad Snyder wrote:
   Hello Doug,
   The solution to your dilemma is relatively simple. Rather than use the
   two finger magic tap to begin dictation, locate the microphone button
   on the bottom row of the keyboard. Once focus is on this button, do a
   one finger double tap to begin dictation. You may then use a two finger
   double tap to stop dictation when you are done speaking.
   This is the method I have been using as long as I have been using an
   iPhone with voiceover, and find it works 99.9% of the time without
   - Brad -
   On Nov 24, 2023, at 21:15, Doug Lee  wrote:
   Ah, good to know without making a mess to find out. :)
   Last question then: Is there an easier way to clear the playback
   controls from the lock screen? Currently I
   load and then close the Music app to get that done.
   On Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 07:11:12PM -0800, Dave Carlson wrote:
No. Don’t delete the app. The unfortunate answer is that whatever
is remaining  will. Play as default. You can see what that is if you
to the control center and swipe to media to see what’s I the queue.
Only answer is to use another media (audio books, podcast, YouTube
video, etc.) as your last thing played, and that will live in the
until replaced by something else.
Dave Carlson
Woodworker, Musician, Oregonian, Engineer,  Farfar
On Nov 24, 2023, at 7:02 PM, Doug Lee  wrote:
Do you know if any possible good for me, or bad, would come from my
deleting the Music app? That was my only
guess before asking, but I haven't tried that yet and I also have
had reason to check what happens if I
later want it back, unlikely though that probably is.
On Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 06:55:58PM -0800, Gabe Griffith wrote:
Hi Doug,
As far as I know there is not a way to edit the functions of the magic
tap gesture.
Gabe Griffith
President, California Council of the Blind
  On Nov 24, 2023, at 6:53 PM, Doug Lee  wrote:
  Kind of you to answer, and quickly indeed. I forgot the name "magic
  tap" somehow, but I do know it is a
  multi-function gesture.
  But my actual question is, can I somehow remove from its set of
  active functions the activation of the Music
  app and its controls, which happens even if I have no music to play
  in some cases. I don't use my phone for
  music; I use other devices for that. When I think focus is in an
  edit field but it's not, I know the gesture
  will not activate dictation. But I'm asking how to keep the gesture,
  at that time, from instead activating
  Music controls, and sound if there's anything to play.
  Thanks again.
  On Fri, Nov 24, 2023 at 06:44:38PM -0800, Gabe Griffith wrote:
  The two finger gesture you are referring to is known as a magic tap.
  The reason for this is that it does several things. It will answer
  or hang up a call, it will start and stop dictation, and it will
  start and stop media from playing. If you want to use it for
  dictation you will need to be sure the edit field, whether a text
  message or an email or something else, is activated. If it isn't and
  you perform the to finger double tap then that is when your media
  such as music will start playing.
  I hope that helps,
  Gabe Griffith
  President, California Council of the Blind
  On Nov 24, 2023, at 4:37 PM, Doug Lee  wrote:
  I am using iOS 16 because I have an iPhone X, but I think what
  follows also applies to iOS 17.
  As of an update or few ago, there is a sequence I commonly perform
  which results in surprise music; so I am
  wanting to know how to stop the double-finger double-tap from
  starting music playback. I have two reasons:
  First of course to avoid sta

Re: Mac OS Calculator?

2024-02-19 Thread Doug Lee
I've never tried calc, but I've used bc for a long time when I need a quick 
calculation. It's a wrapper
around dc, which is a postfix-format calculator perhaps more familiar to 
officionados of HP hand-held
calculators. bc is algebraic in syntax. Both come with MacOS as far as I know.

On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 10:17:32AM -0500, 'Jason J.G. White' via MacVisionaries 
   On 19/2/24 01:23, Mohamed Fayed wrote:

I wonder whether anyone here tried to use the default scientific
calculator that comes with Mac OS. You can access it via

   I haven't tried the default calculator, but I have found the calc tool
   to be useful. It runs in a terminal, and it can be installed easily
   with Homebrew.

   It's an arbitrary-precision calculator with a wide variety of features.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then...find
the way." - Abraham Lincoln

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Re: Mac OS Calculator?

2024-02-19 Thread Doug Lee
Curiously I don't find sagemath in Homebrew; wonder if it left? I checked on 
two Macs (one mine and one a

I do find Sagemath in apt for Ubuntu/Debian, but not in yum/dnf under 
AlmaLinux, for comparison. looks healthy enough and lists MacOS binaries, so maybe that's 
the modern approach for a

Thanks for letting me know about that one. I wouldn't need that much complexity 
often, but it's nice to know
where to find mathematical muscle when necessary.

On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 01:43:11PM -0500, 'Jason J.G. White' via MacVisionaries 
   On 19/2/24 10:25, Doug Lee wrote:

I've never tried calc, but I've used bc for a long time when I need a quick calc

   Thank you for the recommendation.

   At the other end of the sophistication scale is Sagemath, also
   available in Homebrew. It's more than the ultimate calculator.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
There is more freedom in knowing how to handle pain than in knowing
how to avoid it.  (4/29/01)

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Re: Help with Radiologik

2024-02-20 Thread Doug Lee
Interesting! I don't remember writing any Apple scripts for Radiologik, though 
I have tinkered with
Applescript from time to time and also written a fairly significant amount of 
Python code over the years,
Python being another language readily available on MacOS.

On Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 08:12:37PM +1100, Gerry Cook wrote:
Hi John i’ve had a little bit of experience with this app you do VO shift space 
bar on continue and all options should be in front of you.  the developer says 
he can’t do anything with this app because apple hasn’t given him the tools to 
make it accessible plus there’s a set of apple scripts from the main menu you 
can install,  I emailed Macinmine who have the unarchiver and he said i should 
talk to dug lee to find out about the apple scripts so see if you like it or 
get rid of it because,  i believe the developer isn’t interested in 
accessibility and voiceover.  ’that’s just my take on it.  Sorry this is a bit 
long but it seemed to me to be a nice app but try it and see. thanks.   

> On 20 Feb 2024, at 9:08 am, John Dowling, jr. <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I don’t know if anyone’s ever used Radiologik, but I’m stuck on there 
> unregistered window, I keep hitting the continue button, and nothing.
> I reached out to support, but I still haven’t gotten an answer.
> John.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
No one alive is beyond hope; every second of life is a chance.

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Re: Mac OS Calculator?

2024-02-20 Thread Doug Lee
Got me you did. :) I looked for "sagemath" and "Sagemath" (though I doubt the 
searches are case-sensitive)
based on your message, but I did not think to look for just "sage." "sagemath" 
does pull this package in
apt, interestingly enough, but not in brew. Sorry for the confusion.

On Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 04:42:59PM -0500, 'Jason J.G. White' via MacVisionaries 
   On 19/2/24 15:03, Doug Lee wrote:

Curiously I don't find sagemath in Homebrew; wonder if it left? I checked on two
 Macs (one mine and one a

   That's interesting - it appears for me, see below. I'll acknowledge
   that Linux is my primary computing environment these days though.

   ==> sage: 10.2,2.2.0
   Not installed
   ==> Name
   ==> Description
   Mathematics software system
   ==> Artifacts
   Recommended_10_2.pkg (Pkg) (App)
   ==> Analytics
   install: 149 (30 days), 466 (90 days), 1,767 (365 days)

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"I before E, except after C, or when sounded like A, as in neighbor
and weigh, except for when weird foreign concierges seize neither
leisure nor science from the height of society."

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Re: File Vault

2024-04-24 Thread Doug Lee
Will the mods please pardon my post... but dictation software changing 
"personal information" into "personal
infuriation" is one of the best typos I've seen this year! Especially since 
misuse of the one will certainly
generate the other. :)

On Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 04:31:42PM +, Maurice A. Mines wrote:
Hi. I  have  been using file volt for  more than then too years now  and. Have  
had no  issues. I  just believe one might  not wont to. Share personal 
infuriation that  privet, like  medical info, or things  that  are intended for 
work  or. school. The. Point is. A  mater off  personal privacy.

Maurice Mines.

> On Apr 24, 2024, at 16:09, Brad Snyder  wrote:
> I don't use file vault. I don't find it necessary.
> - Brad -
> On Apr 24, 2024, at 09:57, 'E.T.' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
>    Thanks, very helpful. I have not decided if I need File Vault but who 
> knows.
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
> "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
> -Helen Keller
> My e-Mail:
> On 4/23/2024 5:05 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>> If you're talking about a personal recovery key, it is up to the user to 
>> keep safe. I would definitely not save it as a file on the computer, but 
>> instead, braille it separately or somehow keep it on a thumb drive that you 
>> could access from another computer. It is best, in my opinion, if you're 
>> going to use file vault, to choose the option to be able to unlock your disk 
>> with your apple ID.
>> Sent from John Panarese's iPhone
>>> On Apr 23, 2024, at 5:18 PM, 'E.T.' via MacVisionaries 
>>>  wrote:
>>>    Ok, how do you  keep the recovery key?  In other words, keep it safe 
>>> from others and yet easy to get to it should you need it.
>>> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>>> "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
>>> -Helen Keller
>>> My e-Mail:
>>>> On 4/23/2024 12:00 PM, Herbie Allen wrote:
>>>> The big difference is the secure login at start up. Otherwise it’s no 
>>>> different.
>>>>>> On Apr 23, 2024, at 13:22, 'E.T.' via MacVisionaries 
>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>> While working with Apple on an issue, I was asked if File Vault was 
>>>>> turned on, which it isn't.
>>>>> So am curious what its like to have File Vault turned on, what kind of 
>>>>> things one must expect, etc.
>>>>> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>>>>> "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
>>>>> -Helen Keller

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
Snowmen fall from heaven, unassembled.

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Re: VMware's Fusion now free for personal use!

2024-05-25 Thread Doug Lee
It's the MacOS equivalent to the VMware Workstation or VMware Player products 
on Windows. All of these are
for running virtual machines on another computer. I used Fusion years ago but 
switched to VMware Workstation
on Windows because I had less keyboard problems that way. When using Fusion, I 
found the best way to run
Windows included using a USB keyboard directly on the guest Windows instance.

On Sat, May 25, 2024 at 01:57:51PM -0500, Marlene Kramer wrote:
I am embarrassed to say I do not know what VMware fusion does. Can someone 
describe for me what it is used for?
Thank you. Marlene

> On May 25, 2024, at 1:04 PM, 'Janina Sajka' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
> Dear All:
> Broadcom has recently announced that personal use of VMware Fusion will
> henceforth be free of charge. The instructions for getting a free copy
> seem a bit contorted, but they were never all that easy from VMware easy
> in my experience!
> The following link details how to get a copy for personal use and also
> points to the announcement from Broadcom:
> I plan to get Fusion on my laptop in the next week or so, so I'll follow
> up here with any observations based on my experience.
> Best,
> Janina
> --
> Janina Sajka (she/her/hers)
> Accessibility Consultant

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"The U. S. Constitution doesn't guarantee happiness, only the pursuit
of it. You have to catch up with it yourself." --Benjamin Franklin

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Re: VMware's Fusion now free for personal use!

2024-05-26 Thread Doug Lee
Interesting that they wanted action so fast, and also that I did not receive 
any such email as a VMWare Workstation
user. I actually opened my VMware account by purchasing Fusion many years ago. 
Though the website article describing
this move to subscription models does not mention Workstation, I wonder if this 
will eventually affect me also.

On Sun, May 26, 2024 at 07:44:41AM -0400, 'Janina Sajka' via MacVisionaries 
Yes, Broadcom bought VMware. They sent an email in April requiring
existing accounts to take action by early May.

I simply registered anew. The form is a bit fussy, but it does work.


'E.T.' via MacVisionaries writes:
>Did take over VMware? If so, did they keep user accounts?
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
> "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
>  -Helen Keller
> My e-Mail:
> On 5/25/2024 11:04 AM, 'Janina Sajka' via MacVisionaries wrote:
> > Dear All:
> > 
> > Broadcom has recently announced that personal use of VMware Fusion will
> > henceforth be free of charge. The instructions for getting a free copy
> > seem a bit contorted, but they were never all that easy from VMware easy
> > in my experience!
> > 
> > The following link details how to get a copy for personal use and also
> > points to the announcement from Broadcom:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > I plan to get Fusion on my laptop in the next week or so, so I'll follow
> > up here with any observations based on my experience.
> > 
> > Best,
> > Janina

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
In laughter, love is found; but in tears, it is forged.  (12/09/01)

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Re: VMware's Fusion now free for personal use!

2024-05-26 Thread Doug Lee
I believe VMware Player for Windows is free but has limitations. VMware 
Workstation for Windows is not free.
This discussion started because VMware Fusion for Mac is now free with 
limitations, like VMware Player for
Windows, if I understood everything correctly.

On Sun, May 26, 2024 at 10:41:20PM +0200, Nebojsa Tasic wrote:
Is VMWare Workstation accessible? Is it for free?

On 5/26/2024 3:25 PM, Doug Lee wrote:
> Interesting that they wanted action so fast, and also that I did not receive 
> any such email as a VMWare Workstation
> user. I actually opened my VMware account by purchasing Fusion many years 
> ago. Though the website article describing
> this move to subscription models does not mention Workstation, I wonder if 
> this will eventually affect me also.
> On Sun, May 26, 2024 at 07:44:41AM -0400, 'Janina Sajka' via MacVisionaries 
> wrote:
> Yes, Broadcom bought VMware. They sent an email in April requiring
> existing accounts to take action by early May.
> I simply registered anew. The form is a bit fussy, but it does work.
> Janina
> 'E.T.' via MacVisionaries writes:
> > Did take over VMware? If so, did they keep user accounts?
> > 
> >  From E.T.'s Keyboard...
> > "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
> >   -Helen Keller
> > My e-Mail:
> >
> > 
> > On 5/25/2024 11:04 AM, 'Janina Sajka' via MacVisionaries wrote:
> > > Dear All:
> > > 
> > > Broadcom has recently announced that personal use of VMware Fusion will
> > > henceforth be free of charge. The instructions for getting a free copy
> > > seem a bit contorted, but they were never all that easy from VMware easy
> > > in my experience!
> > > 
> > > The following link details how to get a copy for personal use and also
> > > points to the announcement from Broadcom:
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > > I plan to get Fusion on my laptop in the next week or so, so I'll follow
> > > up here with any observations based on my experience.
> > > 
> > > Best,
> > > Janina

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
Time is the friend of one who is true, and the enemy of one who isn't.

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Re: Skype for Mac

2016-08-24 Thread Doug Lee
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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
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incisive and probing when every twelve minutes one is interrupted by
dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper."  --Rod Serling

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Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?

2012-05-01 Thread Doug Lee
I have been following this thread but not thoroughly at times, so
pardon me if I missed anything.

I understand that the regular Mac Skype goes to the Home page on
startup, and that Skype Premium doesn't or can be made not to, not
sure which. So far though, I am not convinced that the idea was to
make people pay for the privilege of having Skype start on a different
control. I think it's an accident, or a side effect of something else
about Skype Premium. My point is that I don't think Microsoft is
specifically trying to charge you money for that particular

I thought I saw others in this thread who managed to get a current
Skype, not Premium, to land on the Contact list on startup. If so, may
one or two of them please speak up and verify this, and if possible,
start working out how that might have come to work for some people and
not for others.

Again, apologies if I misread, or completely failed to read, anything
in this discussion.

On Tue, May 01, 2012 at 05:27:12PM -0400, Missy Hoppe wrote:
The problem a lot of us were having is that ever since skype 5.3 or so, focus 
was not on the contact list when the program
started. It was on Skype home instead. If the free versions of skype started in 
the contact list by default like it did when
I first got my mac, then I, for 1, probably wouldn't be complaining too much. 
Now that I've paid for it, however, the
behavior that should have already been standard does occur, but I still 
maintain that being forced to pay for this basic
functionality is almost criminal. When skype started on that skype home thing, 
it was very frustrating, especially for those
of us who are  either still new to the mac, or simply don't want to deal with a 
bunch of pointless navigation. I hope this
clarifies things for you a little.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2012 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?

I don't understand why it's so important that Skype come up with the focus 
other than in the contacts lists?  I seek an
explanation of why it matters.

 . Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 . AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969  . MSN:  . My home page:

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Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?

2012-05-02 Thread Doug Lee
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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
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Re: Skype on the Mac made accessible?

2012-05-12 Thread Doug Lee
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Re: very suspicious Skype call yesterday

2012-06-14 Thread Doug Lee
Ok, before that message spawns a riot, let me explain something

My understanding is that Microsoft, owners of Skype, will begin
sending text advertisements while you are in a call. I see absolutely
no evidence that Microsoft is planning to call you or cause you to
receive any surprise calls at all. In fact, the info I have seen
explicitly says the advertising will be quiet, i.e., no sound.

The main question for us is, of course, whether the text will speak
with screen readers. I generally write the scripts to speak alerts the
user has chosen to allow on screen, but if advertisements are to
appear without the user allowing it explicitly, I do not plan to have
the ads speak through JAWS.

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 11:42:21AM -0400, - wrote:

Get used to getting these kind of calls and advertisements.  Microsoft
has announced that they will now be used routinely.  They will track
certain of the information they know about you and connected people.
The kind of advertisements will be sent accordingly.

Skype ain't gonna be free in future, advertisements is the price.

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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then...find
the way." - Abraham Lincoln

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Re: very suspicious Skype call yesterday

2012-06-14 Thread Doug Lee
I posted a clarification and scripting policy on this issue just now

JAWS Skype script users please read that. Mac users might gain some
understanding of what's up from that page as well, even though they
don't use my JAWS Skype scripts.

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 12:14:16PM -0400, Doug Lee wrote:
Ok, before that message spawns a riot, let me explain something

My understanding is that Microsoft, owners of Skype, will begin
sending text advertisements while you are in a call. I see absolutely
no evidence that Microsoft is planning to call you or cause you to
receive any surprise calls at all. In fact, the info I have seen
explicitly says the advertising will be quiet, i.e., no sound.

The main question for us is, of course, whether the text will speak
with screen readers. I generally write the scripts to speak alerts the
user has chosen to allow on screen, but if advertisements are to
appear without the user allowing it explicitly, I do not plan to have
the ads speak through JAWS.

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 11:42:21AM -0400, - wrote:

Get used to getting these kind of calls and advertisements.  Microsoft
has announced that they will now be used routinely.  They will track
certain of the information they know about you and connected people.
The kind of advertisements will be sent accordingly.

Skype ain't gonna be free in future, advertisements is the price.

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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then...find
the way." - Abraham Lincoln

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Re: + Skype has new window!

2012-08-03 Thread Doug Lee
If your directions are correct, I am curious why just turning off
visual notifications entirely does not get rid of the "Skype has new
window" announcements. I don't have Growl, so that choice is dimmed in
my case. But I unchecked "Display visual notifications," and I still
get numerous "new window" announcements. I want them to go away.

On Fri, Aug 03, 2012 at 01:16:21PM -0500, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
   Gee, you made much too much work for yourself for nothing.  All you
   really needed to do was go in to your Sype prefs window via
   command/comma, and, from there, go to the tool bar and choose the
   notifications tab.  From there, choose the overview tab.  Inside here,
   just VO=right until you see the type of notification style.  If it
   keeps saying "Skype has new window", it's set for default
   notifications.  You want to set this for Growl.  then, you're set.

   The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
   Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
   Skype name:
   On Aug 3, 2012, at 12:48 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter
   <[1]> wrote:

 I just stopped Growl, and before that I removed Skype from its table
 of applications for which it has set preferences, trying to get this
 to stop, and that was before I updated Skype.  The behavior hasn't
 changed from before the update.  I'll reboot with Growl up and the
 Skype references changed to see if that fixes it.
 o Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 o AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 o MSN:  [2]
 o My home page:
 o [3]
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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
Time is the friend of one who is true, and the enemy of one who isn't.

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Re: Connecting Skype and Facebook

2012-08-11 Thread Doug Lee
My Mac Skype takes a few minutes to get out of "Busy" when I load it.
That started a few Skype versions ago. It's annoying, no doubt; but it
passes after those few minutes and things usually stay fine after

On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 02:44:30PM -0700, Brian Fischler wrote:
Unreal not sure how this stuff always happens to me. I had to go in
and Force Quit Skype, then is disappeared from the dock for a few
moments. Now it is back so I relaunched, and how odd, immediately upon
launcing Skype went back in to being busy busy busy. I thought Skype
for the most part was suppose to be accessible on the mac on mountain

On Aug 11, 5:05?pm, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Hey all,
> Finally just got around to installing Skype on the mac. I had read on
> the Skype site that you could connect your Facebook account to read
> your timeline, comment, like, chat, and call Facebook friends. Of
> course, I can't seem to find anyway to authorize my facebook account.
> I did a search for this and it says there is a Facebook icon you have
> to click on, and VO must not be picking it up. Has anyone successfully
> connected their FB account, and if so how? Thanks

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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere."
- Anne Morrow Lindbergh {American Author}

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Re: Skype Accessibility

2011-12-15 Thread Doug Lee
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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"If you refuse to be made straight when you are green,
you will not be made straight when you are dry." {African}

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Re: apple script to hang up skype

2010-08-24 Thread Doug Lee
This is actually very interesting to me, to see how to instruct the
Mac to click specific menu items by name from a scripting language.

In case it's of use to you though, this and many more things can be
done by a Python application I wrote and maintain called Clisk, which
stands for Command Line Interface to Skype.  Its web site is and it is open source.  It uses the
Skype API and the Skype4Py Python library though, not AppleScript,
System Events, etc.  As such, its capabilities and limitations are
markedly different than those you're working with.

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 11:03:22AM -0700, louie wrote:
Hi all,
Below is a apple script to hang up a skype call.
I am working on a apple script to answer skype calls.

-- Apple script to hang up a skype call.
-- Author
-- Richard L. Most better known as Louie
-- e-mail
-- Thanks to Greg Kearney for code so I can do  creative plagiarism.

tell application "Skype" to activate
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Skype"
click menu item "Hang Up" of menu 1 of menu bar item "Call" of menu bar 1
end tell
end tell
tell application "Skype" to quit


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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"There are no guarantees.  From a standpoint of fear, none are
strong enough.  From a standpoint of love, none are necessary."
- from Emmanuel's Book II

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Re: Skype

2012-12-05 Thread Doug Lee
The typing sound in Windows Skype is not actually part of Skype.
That's accomplished by the JAWS scripts for Skype I distribute. To my
knowledge, there is no similar capability currently available for the

On Wed, Dec 05, 2012 at 11:54:52AM -0700, Harry Hogue wrote:
Hi, guys,

Does anyone know why Skype does not make the typing sound when someone is 
writing a message like it did in Windows?  I have that box checked in the 
preferences, but I have never once heard a typing sound as someone is writing 
me, and wondered if there was a way to get that back?  I would prefer to have 
Skype or VoiceOver automatically announce when a contact comes online, goes 
offline, writes me, etc. but I have never had too much success with Growl.

I have been trying to figure out a way to simplify getting from the table with 
home, contacts, etc. over to the contacts list, etc. because I want to help my 
friend use Skype, but he needs things to be very simply.

Sorry, Im mixing my question about Skype in with my thoughts about how I could 
make it easier to get around, which Im still not sure about.  Anyway, guys, 
thanks for any help.


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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"You must let me try, for a true soldier does not admit defeat before
the battle."
--Helen Keller (in a letter to the president of Radcliffe College)

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Re: Skype

2012-12-05 Thread Doug Lee
I watch this and a few other lists for certain key words so I can
respond to things about which I might know something. I havea Mini,
though by now an old one.

On Wed, Dec 05, 2012 at 10:11:25PM -0700, Harry Hogue wrote:

I didn't know you were a part of this list or used a mac.  I accessed Skype 
successfully with JAWS for a very long time, and really appreciate all of the 
time and effort you put in to develop the scripts to work with Skype.  I 
switched to VoiceOver because I got tired of every time Skype released a new 
version needing to worry about accessibility.

Thanks for doing your part to make that easier on all of us who sued or still 
use JAWS.

Thank you also, to the person who suggested using VO-J.  I think of that 
command in Mail and use it frequently, but do not think of using it as often in 
any other applications.



On dic 5, 2012, at 1:50 p.m., Doug Lee  wrote:

> The typing sound in Windows Skype is not actually part of Skype.
> That's accomplished by the JAWS scripts for Skype I distribute. To my
> knowledge, there is no similar capability currently available for the
> Mac.
> On Wed, Dec 05, 2012 at 11:54:52AM -0700, Harry Hogue wrote:
> Hi, guys,
> Does anyone know why Skype does not make the typing sound when someone is 
> writing a message like it did in Windows?  I have that box checked in the 
> preferences, but I have never once heard a typing sound as someone is writing 
> me, and wondered if there was a way to get that back?  I would prefer to have 
> Skype or VoiceOver automatically announce when a contact comes online, goes 
> offline, writes me, etc. but I have never had too much success with Growl.
> I have been trying to figure out a way to simplify getting from the table 
> with home, contacts, etc. over to the contacts list, etc. because I want to 
> help my friend use Skype, but he needs things to be very simply.
> Sorry, Im mixing my question about Skype in with my thoughts about how I 
> could make it easier to get around, which Im still not sure about.  Anyway, 
> guys, thanks for any help.
> Harry
> -- 
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> -- 
> Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
> SSB BART Group   
> "You must let me try, for a true soldier does not admit defeat before
> the battle."
> --Helen Keller (in a letter to the president of Radcliffe College)
> -- 
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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"You must let me try, for a true soldier does not admit defeat before
the battle."
--Helen Keller (in a letter to the president of Radcliffe College)

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Re: A Skype Query on the I Phone.

2012-09-04 Thread Doug Lee
Last I checked, once the dial pad is in focus, you can use the row of
numbers on your keyboard, or if NumLock is On, the actual number pad,
to dial digits into an existing call, such as to control an answering
machine or voicemail system.

And I just proved that this still works in recent Skype 5 releases.
You may have to press Space more than once on the dial pad button
before it works, but it does work. If you're running JAWS and my Skype
scripts from, Ctrl+Shift+D turns on/off the
dial pad. Again, you may have to do this more than once, and the
Ctrl+Shift+D command may not say the correct status sometimes
unfortunately. But I just managed to enable, dial, and disable the
dial pad via the keyboard several times in a SkypeOut call while
typing this message.

On Tue, Sep 04, 2012 at 08:22:13PM -0700, Steve Holmes wrote:
The problem with this method is the time it takes to enter a sequence of 
numbers.  If for example, you want to call a conference bridge and have to 
enter a multi digit pin, the sequence would often time out as it takes time for 
you to tap tap around on that number pad.  That's where an edit box with a 
keyboard would really come in handy.  I don't think you can use a bluetooth 
keyboard with Skype.

On Sep 4, 2012, at 5:43 PM, wrote:

> Hi Kawal,
> I am not having the problems with the dial pad as you describe. To enter 
> numbers while on a call I do the following:
> 1. Make the call as you normally would. 
> 2. While the call is in progress press the dialpad butten. I get a telephone 
> style dial pad displayed. 
> 3. Enter a number by double tapping the number you want. I get a touch tone 
> sound confirming the number has been entered. 
> 4. Pressing the dial pad butten again should make the dial pad disapare.
> Does this help?
> Doug
> Sent from my iPad
> On 2012-09-04, at 6:47 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Hello All.
>> Now that the Skype application is more accessible on the I phone and as I 
>> got rid of my Skype Adaptor which I was using on my chordless phone at home 
>> but using it no more, I am wishing to use Skype on my I phone to burn my 
>> unused credit.  However, if I call my bank, I am unable to key in numbers 
>> such for my account number and other info required so that I can use the 
>> automated service as when I bring up the dial pad, the numbers are displayed 
>> across rather than a traditional dial pad where you get one two three and 
>> then you move down a row and you get four five six you get the picture.  Can 
>> some one tell me if they have ever been able to key in numbers when you are 
>> using skype whilst on another call using it?  If not, who to contact to make 
>> this feature accessible namely the person who is in charge of making this 
>> application more accessible please?  I know this question may be better on 
>> the I phone list, but I do not belong to that.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Kawal.
>> -- 
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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do
what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with
them while they do it."--Theodore Roosevelt

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Re: A Skype Query on the I Phone.

2012-09-04 Thread Doug Lee
... and... I failed to read the Subject line and notice this was an
iPhone query. Sorry folks.

On Tue, Sep 04, 2012 at 08:22:13PM -0700, Steve Holmes wrote:
The problem with this method is the time it takes to enter a sequence of 
numbers.  If for example, you want to call a conference bridge and have to 
enter a multi digit pin, the sequence would often time out as it takes time for 
you to tap tap around on that number pad.  That's where an edit box with a 
keyboard would really come in handy.  I don't think you can use a bluetooth 
keyboard with Skype.

On Sep 4, 2012, at 5:43 PM, wrote:

> Hi Kawal,
> I am not having the problems with the dial pad as you describe. To enter 
> numbers while on a call I do the following:
> 1. Make the call as you normally would. 
> 2. While the call is in progress press the dialpad butten. I get a telephone 
> style dial pad displayed. 
> 3. Enter a number by double tapping the number you want. I get a touch tone 
> sound confirming the number has been entered. 
> 4. Pressing the dial pad butten again should make the dial pad disapare.
> Does this help?
> Doug
> Sent from my iPad
> On 2012-09-04, at 6:47 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Hello All.
>> Now that the Skype application is more accessible on the I phone and as I 
>> got rid of my Skype Adaptor which I was using on my chordless phone at home 
>> but using it no more, I am wishing to use Skype on my I phone to burn my 
>> unused credit.  However, if I call my bank, I am unable to key in numbers 
>> such for my account number and other info required so that I can use the 
>> automated service as when I bring up the dial pad, the numbers are displayed 
>> across rather than a traditional dial pad where you get one two three and 
>> then you move down a row and you get four five six you get the picture.  Can 
>> some one tell me if they have ever been able to key in numbers when you are 
>> using skype whilst on another call using it?  If not, who to contact to make 
>> this feature accessible namely the person who is in charge of making this 
>> application more accessible please?  I know this question may be better on 
>> the I phone list, but I do not belong to that.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Kawal.
>> -- 
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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
In healthy competition, the best battles are not for status, but for excellence;
and the battles are not between me and you,
but between you and you, and between me and me.  (08/15/2009)

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Re: Skype 5 beta and conference calling - this is what i've found so far

2010-11-05 Thread Doug Lee
hink about is dragging and droping, but leaving the menu window and 
>>>> going to the skype window makes the edit box for adding people go away and 
>>>> so there's nowhere to drop what i've begun dragging.
>>>> This is way beyond my little understanding.
>>>> /Krister
>>>> -- 
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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
In laughter, love is found; but in tears, it is forged.  (12/09/01)

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Re: skype 5 and dialing account numbers within a call

2010-11-15 Thread Doug Lee
It might help to mute your mic while dialing.  My experience indicates
that background noise during Skype dialing can make it difficult or
impossible for the other end to figure out what numbers you're

On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 07:32:47PM -0800, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
I'm sorry, you've misunderstood me.  I press Command 2 to toggle ON the dial 
pad before attempting to dial my account number.  However, when I push the 
buttons on the keyboard corresponding to my account number, even though I hear 
the touch tones being made by Skype, the banking system does not recognize them 
as valid.  When I call back on my cell, however, using the same numbers, it 
works fine.

 ? Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 ? AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 ? MSN:
 ? My home page:

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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"While they were saying among themselves it cannot be done, it was
done." --Helen Keller

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New Snow Leopard install, very slow Safari and other issues

2009-10-28 Thread Doug Lee

Last Friday I installed Snow Leopard as an upgrade of Leopard on my
Mac Mini.  I also installed the newer Xcode from the Snow Leopard CD
over the Xcode I already had.  I finally reinstalled the Ports
package, though I did not recompile all my ports yet.

But I got a number of very nasty surprises that seem uncommon, so I'm
hoping someone out there has an idea what on Earth hit the fan here.
I have tested the below findings with no ports running as far as I

Problems include:

1.  Safari is hopelessly slow!  Navigating from one site to another,
such as by typing in the address field, can take a full minute,
during which VoiceOver occasionally says, "Safari busy."  Similarly,
getting to the menu bar with VO+M and moving among menu bar options
with arrows can take up to a full minute per keystroke.

2. Typing into any edit control I tried, mostly TextEdit and Skype
chat boxes, seems to cause the Mac to get behind, with or (I think)
without VoiceOver running.  With VO running, if I type reasonably
fast, VO loses the ability to say the characters I type, goes silent
for a moment, then starts saying "busy" once for each key I hit.  I'm
used to hearing individual characters as feedback against errors, and
VO under Leopard handled that just fine.

3. Though some people claim that commands like VO+F2 for window name
and VO+Shift+F3 for Cursor Tracking toggle still work in Snow Leopard,
I (and one friend) find these commands do nothing now.  I believe the
Commands help still documents them though.  Removing and making VO
rebuild all preference files did not solve this.

Any pointers will be most graciously accepted.  This machine has a 300
gig drive with only 30 gig free, and I have as yet no device elsewhere
with enough free space to afford me the option of a complete

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you."
--African Proverb

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Re: New Snow Leopard install, very slow Safari and other issues

2009-10-28 Thread Doug Lee

I have no compatible monitor at this location, but I just heard of
some sort of "dongle" that's supposed to fool the machine into
thinking I have one.  Any info on where to obtain such a thing?

On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 05:36:22PM -0700, Mac Cougar wrote:

Plug in a monitor for the performance issues.
On Oct 28, 2009, at 4:48 PM, Doug Lee wrote:

> Last Friday I installed Snow Leopard as an upgrade of Leopard on my
> Mac Mini.  I also installed the newer Xcode from the Snow Leopard CD
> over the Xcode I already had.  I finally reinstalled the Ports
> package, though I did not recompile all my ports yet.
> But I got a number of very nasty surprises that seem uncommon, so I'm
> hoping someone out there has an idea what on Earth hit the fan here.
> I have tested the below findings with no ports running as far as I
> know.
> Problems include:
> 1.  Safari is hopelessly slow!  Navigating from one site to another,
> such as by typing in the address field, can take a full minute,
> during which VoiceOver occasionally says, "Safari busy."  Similarly,
> getting to the menu bar with VO+M and moving among menu bar options
> with arrows can take up to a full minute per keystroke.
> 2. Typing into any edit control I tried, mostly TextEdit and Skype
> chat boxes, seems to cause the Mac to get behind, with or (I think)
> without VoiceOver running.  With VO running, if I type reasonably
> fast, VO loses the ability to say the characters I type, goes silent
> for a moment, then starts saying "busy" once for each key I hit.  I'm
> used to hearing individual characters as feedback against errors, and
> VO under Leopard handled that just fine.
> 3. Though some people claim that commands like VO+F2 for window name
> and VO+Shift+F3 for Cursor Tracking toggle still work in Snow Leopard,
> I (and one friend) find these commands do nothing now.  I believe the
> Commands help still documents them though.  Removing and making VO
> rebuild all preference files did not solve this.
> Any pointers will be most graciously accepted.  This machine has a 300
> gig drive with only 30 gig free, and I have as yet no device elsewhere
> with enough free space to afford me the option of a complete
> backup/format/restore.
> --  
> Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
> SSB BART Group   
> "When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you."
> --African Proverb
> >

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere."
- Anne Morrow Lindbergh {American Author}

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Re: New Snow Leopard install, very slow Safari and other issues

2009-10-29 Thread Doug Lee

Indeed, I had a coworker test this by trying Snow Leopard's Safari
with and without a monitor attached, and sure enough, fast with, slow
without.  No monitor here though.  I tried a DVI-to-VGA adapter but
that didn't help.  I'll look through what others suggested here for

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 06:56:28AM +0100, John Andr? Netland wrote:


Sounds like you do not have a display connected to your Mac Mini. This  
will cause your Mac to be slow in the way you describe. You might  
connect a video connector for Mac Mini, and the issue should disappear.

Hope this helps,
John Andr?

On 29. okt. 2009, at 00.48, Doug Lee wrote:

> Last Friday I installed Snow Leopard as an upgrade of Leopard on my
> Mac Mini.  I also installed the newer Xcode from the Snow Leopard CD
> over the Xcode I already had.  I finally reinstalled the Ports
> package, though I did not recompile all my ports yet.
> But I got a number of very nasty surprises that seem uncommon, so I'm
> hoping someone out there has an idea what on Earth hit the fan here.
> I have tested the below findings with no ports running as far as I
> know.
> Problems include:
> 1.  Safari is hopelessly slow!  Navigating from one site to another,
> such as by typing in the address field, can take a full minute,
> during which VoiceOver occasionally says, "Safari busy."  Similarly,
> getting to the menu bar with VO+M and moving among menu bar options
> with arrows can take up to a full minute per keystroke.
> 2. Typing into any edit control I tried, mostly TextEdit and Skype
> chat boxes, seems to cause the Mac to get behind, with or (I think)
> without VoiceOver running.  With VO running, if I type reasonably
> fast, VO loses the ability to say the characters I type, goes silent
> for a moment, then starts saying "busy" once for each key I hit.  I'm
> used to hearing individual characters as feedback against errors, and
> VO under Leopard handled that just fine.
> 3. Though some people claim that commands like VO+F2 for window name
> and VO+Shift+F3 for Cursor Tracking toggle still work in Snow Leopard,
> I (and one friend) find these commands do nothing now.  I believe the
> Commands help still documents them though.  Removing and making VO
> rebuild all preference files did not solve this.
> Any pointers will be most graciously accepted.  This machine has a 300
> gig drive with only 30 gig free, and I have as yet no device elsewhere
> with enough free space to afford me the option of a complete
> backup/format/restore.
> -- 
> Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
> SSB BART Group   
> "When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you."
> --African Proverb
> >

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
The very smart may feel they have nothing to learn from anyone;
The very wise will find something to learn from everyone.  (7/14/01)

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Re: Can I get skype to announce incoming chat's

2009-11-24 Thread Doug Lee
I don't know a way to automate incoming chat announcement, but turning
off cursor tracking with VO+Shift+F3 will let VoiceOver keep your
position in each chat window so VO+Right is all you need to read the
next message, once you have placed the VO cursor in the message area
for that window.

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 05:37:16PM +1100, Dean Adams wrote:
   Hey All,
   I have not posted for a will but I updated my skype to the
   latest version and hoped that it would announce chats as I type and
   send messages with my friends but have to use the use the voiceover
   keys and interact with the chat box but it takes ages to get to the
   last message is there a way to get skype to announce each message as it
   comes through instead of each time having to get to the last chat buy
   interacting with the chat area and does anyone know if skype or voice
   will get around this problem.
   Regards Dean

   !!!Thoughts become things so choose the good ones because Life's to
   short to be a grumble bum !!!
 * Email:
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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then...find
the way." - Abraham Lincoln


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Skctl, the Skype Controller, first public release

2009-12-13 Thread Doug Lee
I have produced a new utility called Skctl, the Skype Controller.
This will probably not be of interest to most of you, but it may
interest some.

Skctl is a command-line Skype interface of sorts, with some added
features, most notably the ability to set up auto-answers for specific
users, rather than turning autoAnswer on for everyone at once in your
contact list.  Other things you can do with Skctl include making
and managing calls, listing active file transfers with KBPS and
percent complete, playing voicemails, toggling microphone mute with a
single-letter command, and getting a user's last-online time, which the
Skype graphical interfaces currently don't provide accessibly.

Installation of the program on Windows requires first installing
ActivePython, the most widely used Windows Python distribution as far
as I can tell.  The program should work without extra work on MacOS.

Installation instructions, system requirements, and a complete
reference on Skctl commands can be found at the following link:

The main link for Skctl, which also leads to the documentation page
just mentioned, is

>From there, you can reach the documentation and get the current
release, version 1.2.2.

Since this is both a new and a powerful interface, I strongly
recommend that users first examine the documentation just mentioned
before playing with Skctl commands.  There is built-in help,
accessible by typing "help" or "?" and pressing Enter at Skctl's
"Skype>" prompt; but the online documentation is much more complete.

Happy playing.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"When your best-laid plans have turned to dust, vacuum!"
- Whoopi Goldberg 


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Re: Skctl, the Skype Controller, first public release

2009-12-13 Thread Doug Lee
Not sure I understand the question, but I'll take a stab at it anyway:

I wrote Skctl in Python so it would work on Windows and Mac and
probably even Linux out of the box.  You can do the same sort of thing
in VBScript or Javascript on Windows.  AppleScript will let you do
some, but I'm not sure you can do all of what I do with Skype events
in AppleScript.  Translating Skctl into either language would, I
think, be quite a bit of work, which is why I picked one language that
runs in both places.

On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 12:28:51AM -0600, Blake Sinnett wrote:
   Wow. Now this is very interesting. I'll be playing with this for sure.
   Could this be scripted on Windows via a batch script or on Mac via an
   Apple script?


   > Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 00:56:36 -0500
   > From:
   > To:;
   > Subject: Skctl, the Skype Controller, first public release
   > I have produced a new utility called Skctl, the Skype Controller.
   > This will probably not be of interest to most of you, but it may
   > interest some.
   > Skctl is a command-line Skype interface of sorts, with some added
   > features, most notably the ability to set up auto-answers for
   > users, rather than turning autoAnswer on for everyone at once in your
   > contact list. Other things you can do with Skctl include making
   > and managing calls, listing active file transfers with KBPS and
   > percent complete, playing voicemails, toggling microphone mute with a
   > single-letter command, and getting a user's last-online time, which
   > Skype graphical interfaces currently don't provide accessibly.
   > Installation of the program on Windows requires first installing
   > ActivePython, the most widely used Windows Python distribution as far
   > as I can tell. The program should work without extra work on MacOS.
   > Installation instructions, system requirements, and a complete
   > reference on Skctl commands can be found at the following link:
   > The main link for Skctl, which also leads to the documentation page
   > just mentioned, is
   > From there, you can reach the documentation and get the current
   > release, version 1.2.2.
   > Since this is both a new and a powerful interface, I strongly
   > recommend that users first examine the documentation just mentioned
   > before playing with Skctl commands. There is built-in help,
   > accessible by typing "help" or "?" and pressing Enter at Skctl's
   > "Skype>" prompt; but the online documentation is much more complete.
   > Happy playing.
   > --
   > Doug Lee
   > SSB BART Group
   > "When your best-laid plans have turned to dust, vacuum!"
   > - Whoopi Goldberg
   > --
   > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
   Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
   > To post to this group, send email to
   > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
   > For more options, visit this group at

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   For more options, visit this group at

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere."
- Anne Morrow Lindbergh {American Author}


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Re: Skctl, the Skype Controller, first public release

2009-12-14 Thread Doug Lee
A little update:  Anyone who downloaded skctl before about 8:00 AM
Pacific time, 11 AM Eastern time today, might want to download it
again and just update Skctl on your machine.  The Resume, or Res,
command did not work properly, but it now does.  Sorry about that, for
anyone who wants to use that one.

On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 12:56:36AM -0500, Doug Lee wrote:
I have produced a new utility called Skctl, the Skype Controller.
This will probably not be of interest to most of you, but it may
interest some.

Skctl is a command-line Skype interface of sorts, with some added
features, most notably the ability to set up auto-answers for specific
users, rather than turning autoAnswer on for everyone at once in your
contact list.  Other things you can do with Skctl include making
and managing calls, listing active file transfers with KBPS and
percent complete, playing voicemails, toggling microphone mute with a
single-letter command, and getting a user's last-online time, which the
Skype graphical interfaces currently don't provide accessibly.

Installation of the program on Windows requires first installing
ActivePython, the most widely used Windows Python distribution as far
as I can tell.  The program should work without extra work on MacOS.

Installation instructions, system requirements, and a complete
reference on Skctl commands can be found at the following link:

The main link for Skctl, which also leads to the documentation page
just mentioned, is

>From there, you can reach the documentation and get the current
release, version 1.2.2.

Since this is both a new and a powerful interface, I strongly
recommend that users first examine the documentation just mentioned
before playing with Skctl commands.  There is built-in help,
accessible by typing "help" or "?" and pressing Enter at Skctl's
"Skype>" prompt; but the online documentation is much more complete.

Happy playing.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"When your best-laid plans have turned to dust, vacuum!"
- Whoopi Goldberg 

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then...find
the way." - Abraham Lincoln


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Skctl 1.2.4 released, supporting call joins and transfers and other things

2009-12-29 Thread Doug Lee
I have posted version 1.2.4 of Skctl, the Skype Controller, adding the
following features since my last announcement here:

- A Join (or jo) command for joining an incoming call to the current call to 
create a conference.

- A Transfer (or tr) command for transferring a call to another person.

- Better information in the Calls table, including info on transferred calls 
and identification of conferences.

- Way fewer tracebacks and crashes.

- Fewer "command timeout" messages when you type Skctl commands.

- The ability to use a period (".") in place of a Skype ID to use the Skype ID 
of the currently selected contact in Skype itself.  This works for aa, call, 
message, and lo commands at this time.  WARNING:  This uses the selected 
contact, not necessarily the focused contact.  See the online documentation for 

- A fixed Resume command, for anyone who got an old 1.2.2 release.

I have also created a read-only Skype chat where I post more frequent
update announcements for Skctl.  Anyone who wants to see those updates
should email me their Skype ID for me to add to the list.  Note that users
will not be allowed to post messages to this chat; it is a one-way
broadcast chat only.  Users will be able to see who else is on the
list of chat members though.

General information on Skctl follows.

Skctl is a command-line Skype interface of sorts, with some added
features, most notably the ability to set up auto-answers for specific
users, rather than turning autoAnswer on for everyone at once in your
contact list.  Other things you can do with Skctl include making
and managing calls, listing active file transfers with KBPS and
percent complete, playing voicemails, toggling microphone mute with a
single-letter command, and getting a user's last-online time, which the
Skype graphical interfaces currently don't provide accessibly.

Installation of the program on Windows requires first installing
ActivePython, the most widely used Windows Python distribution as far
as I can tell.  The program should work without extra work on MacOS.

Installation instructions, system requirements, and a complete
reference on Skctl commands can be found at the following link:

The main link for Skctl, which also leads to the documentation page
just mentioned, is

>From there, you can reach the documentation and get the current
release, version 1.2.4.

Since this is a very powerful interface, I strongly recommend that users
first examine the documentation just mentioned before playing with
Skctl commands.  There is built-in help, accessible by typing "help"
or "?" and pressing Enter at Skctl's "Skype>" prompt; but the online
documentation is much more complete.

Happy playing.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"There's no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." Ronald Reagan


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Re: voice over stops speeking when i quit skype!!

2010-06-11 Thread Doug Lee
Where on the thin aluminum keyboard would that key be?

On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 05:14:32PM -0400, Brandon Misch wrote:
well, the mini has a key on the keyboard for that, and when you hit it, 
voiceover will say muting. for the mbp, it's function f10. 

On Jun 11, 2010, at 4:03 PM, Brett Campbell wrote:

> I have a mini and a MBP.
> Brett C.
> On Jun 11, 2010, at 2:01 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>> well, what kind of mac do you have? it depends on the mac.
>> On Jun 11, 2010, at 3:54 PM, Brett Campbell wrote:
>>> How do you mute and unmute?
>>> Brett C.
>>> On Jun 11, 2010, at 12:59 PM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>>>> i don't know. but it's happened since snow leopard came out and even adium 
>>>> does that. i used to unload and reload voiceover but muting and unmuting 
>>>> works better. 
>>>> On Jun 11, 2010, at 2:55 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>>>> What would cause the problem in the first place though? that is a strange 
>>>>> issue.
>>>>> S
>>>>> On Jun 11, 2010, at 11:46 AM, Brandon Misch wrote:
>>>>>> just mute and unmute your mac. it works.
>>>>>> On Jun 11, 2010, at 1:40 PM, trahern culver wrote:
>>>>>>> hey alli am running snow leapard with the latest versions of skype and
>>>>>>> voice over.
>>>>>>> my problem is this when i quit skype by pressing comand q voice stops
>>>>>>> speeking and i have to tern it on again
>>>>>>> does any one know how to solv this problem?
>>>>>>> your help with this problem would be most welcom
>>>>>>> kind regards trahern.
>>>>>>> when i quit
>>>>>>> -- 
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>>> -- 
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>>> macvisiona

Re: Getting system audio to play through to skype?

2010-01-16 Thread Doug Lee
Can either of those be controlled from a command line in Terminal?

On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 09:25:30AM -0600, Jim Gatteys wrote:
   There's always Audio hijack pro that will do what you want I believe.
   Its not free either but don't remember it being all that much money.

   You can get it from

   On Jan 16, 2010, at 8:15 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

   The "What you hear" or "Stereomix" feature, only seems to be available
   on some sound cards. On Windows, anyway, so most of the time I used
   Virtual Audio Cable for that because my card didn't have that. As for
   the Mac, there is an application called Wiretap Anywhere from
   [2] which allows you to do this.
   It's not free, though.
   I know there are definitely other and cheeper ways, and I'd like to
   know any of these, as well. I'm more interested in application-specific
   audio, not system audio.
   Skype: Kvalme
   MSN Messenger: [3]
   AIM: cincinster
   yahoo Messenger: cin368
   Facebook Profile
   My Twitter
   On Jan 16, 2010, at 2:55 PM, Jess wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm trying to get my system audio along with my internal microphone
 to play over Skype, so that if I'm recording a skype call and want
 to demonstrate something, the quality is clear. I know Darcy has
 figured out how to do this, so how can I getsystem audio to play
 through to the skype caller, while still being able to hear system
 audio through my headphones? I wish the Mac had a what you hear
 feature. It would make life so much easier.



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   Find me on facebook or:
   Skype: jimintexas
   Yahoo or Aim/Ichat: jgatteys
   Msn: [10]



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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"Pray devoutly, but hammer stoutly."
--Sir William G. Benham
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Re: Changing Skype mood message with Voice Over

2010-01-21 Thread Doug Lee
Another poster described the "proper" (i.e., within Mac Skype) way to
do this, and in general, for most people anyway, I encourage use of
within-Skype methods when possible...

But for anyone using Skctl, the Skype Controller, which provides means
of doing a number of things from a Terminal screen, you can set your
mood text to "happy this can be done" from within Skctl with the
following command:

set profile mood_text happy this can be done

Skctl comes from

Heads up though, that URL will continue to work, but Skctl is about to
get a new name - and one I, at least, think is better... On its next
release, it will be called Clisk, the Command-Line Interface for
Skype.  I think it's a cool name, because besides being descriptive,
Clisk can replace the click. :-)

On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 12:06:57AM +, James & Nash wrote:
Hi list, 

Has anyone figured out a way of changing your mood message on Skype please? I 
can find the option, but i can't seem to get any feed back after this point. 
Can this be done at present on the Mac version of Skype?

Thanks for any assistance.

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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
The very smart may feel they have nothing to learn from anyone;
The very wise will find something to learn from everyone.  (7/14/01)

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Re: Changing Skype mood message with Voice Over

2010-01-22 Thread Doug Lee
Yes I develop it actively, though it's been a while since I announced
an update.  Hopefully I'll get one out soon though.  A lot has been
happening to it, but office projects of course tend to take more of my
time during the weeks.

On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 11:50:25PM +, James & Nash wrote:
This is really interesting Doug, I did not know that this existed. Did you 
develop it?

On 22 Jan 2010, at 03:18, Doug Lee wrote:

> Another poster described the "proper" (i.e., within Mac Skype) way to
> do this, and in general, for most people anyway, I encourage use of
> within-Skype methods when possible...
> But for anyone using Skctl, the Skype Controller, which provides means
> of doing a number of things from a Terminal screen, you can set your
> mood text to "happy this can be done" from within Skctl with the
> following command:
> set profile mood_text happy this can be done
> Skctl comes from
> Heads up though, that URL will continue to work, but Skctl is about to
> get a new name - and one I, at least, think is better... On its next
> release, it will be called Clisk, the Command-Line Interface for
> Skype.  I think it's a cool name, because besides being descriptive,
> Clisk can replace the click. :-)
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 12:06:57AM +, James & Nash wrote:
> Hi list, 
> Has anyone figured out a way of changing your mood message on Skype please? I 
> can find the option, but i can't seem to get any feed back after this point. 
> Can this be done at present on the Mac version of Skype?
> Thanks for any assistance.
> TC
> James
> -- 
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> -- 
> Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
> SSB BART Group   
> The very smart may feel they have nothing to learn from anyone;
> The very wise will find something to learn from everyone.  (7/14/01)
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"Determine that the thing can and shall be done, and then...find
the way." - Abraham Lincoln

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Clisk 2.0.0, the new Skctl, is released!

2010-01-22 Thread Doug Lee
Clisk version 2.0.0 is released!  Clisk, the Command-Line Interface
for Skype, is the new name for what was called Skctl, the Skype

There is a lot of new stuff since the previous release, version 1.2.6 - so much
stuff in fact, that it surpasses the online manual again.  The Release
notes for this version are complete enough to describe most of the new
features though.  Some examples of features:

- Call management works on Mac Skype without freezing things when there 
is an active conference.
- Contacts named by names more than by Skype IDs, so Clisk and Skype 
use the same names,
- Skype IDs still appear just often enough to clarify who is who,
- Command selection from a list if you type too little of a command,
- User selection from a list if you type an ambiguous user name, so 
typos don't happen by accident,
- User selection by both name and ID so you don't have to know 
everyone's Skype ID,
- A new WhoIs command for getting user profiles,
- Commands to create and manage conferences, including the ability to 
dial in an arbitrary phone number.
- New commands for playing, stopping, and even deleting arbitrary 
- Commands for adding, deleting, blocking, and unblocking users, and
- A "www" command for going to any of several related web pages 
including the Clisk home page.

The help facility is also cleaner and offers more help for many
commands, notably those used to manage calls (answer, hold, resume,
hangup, etc.).


The old URL for Skctl will go to the same place for now./

I still maintain a one-way Skype chat for announcements about Clisk,
which are mostly interim release announcements, indications of when
the manual actually catches up with reality, etc.  Anyone who wants on
that should email me their Skype ID.

P.S., the slogan for Clisk, in case it needs one, and in addition to
what it actually means, is this:  Clisk can replace the click!  Don't
blame me if you twist your tongue trying to say that though, it's for
computers to say to us! :-)

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"I honestly believe it is better to know nothing than to know what ain't so."
- Josh Billings, 1818-1885 (in "Solemn Thoughts")

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How do I compile as 32-bit instead of 64-bit in Snow Leopard?

2010-02-15 Thread Doug Lee
I use a Python library called Skype4Py that appears to work only
in 32-bit environments, probably because Skype for Mac is a 32-bit
application.  This worked fine on Leopard, but when I upgraded to
Snow Leopard, the stock Python installation became a 64-bit one
apparently.  I could still run my utility using a 32-bit Python
port, but then my ports started going to pieces because I didn't
rebuild them all, as one is supposed to do.  I then rebuilt them
all, and my Python became a 64-bit version there as well.

So now I can't run my utility at all, because Skype4Py causes a
Segmentation Violation pretty quick.

So the question:  How do I deliberately build a 32-bit version of
Python on here?  I see no variant for it in the Python MacPort, unless
"universal" does that.

In case it helps, I know Skype4Py uses Carbon for its Skype API
connection.  I should have the right Carbon (I installed it from
the Snow Leopard CD), though I forget the version number at the

Thanks much for any help.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"Our chief want in life is somebody who will make us do what
we can. {Ralph Waldo Emerson}

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Re: How do I compile as 32-bit instead of 64-bit in Snow Leopard?

2010-02-16 Thread Doug Lee
I'm compiling with `port install' / `port upgrade' so far.  My most
pressing problem is compiling a 32-bit version of Python 2.6.4, but I
also want to try a 32-bit version of SoX (Sound Exchanger).  Both are
currently installed as ports, and that caused them (in Snow Leopard
but not Leopard) to compile as 64-bit apps.

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 02:49:08PM -0800, Kieren wrote:
Hi Doug

You forgot to mention what you are copiling your utility with?

in xcode you can do a get info on the project and under the build tab
one of the top items is Architectures. you can set 32 bit universal
in GCC i think there is the -archs option which can be set to
Think thats right arg anyway

else look up the man page for your compilation utility and scan for
architecture or similar



On Feb 16, 2:53?pm, Doug Lee  wrote:
> I use a Python library called Skype4Py that appears to work only
> in 32-bit environments, probably because Skype for Mac is a 32-bit
> application. ?This worked fine on Leopard, but when I upgraded to
> Snow Leopard, the stock Python installation became a 64-bit one
> apparently. ?I could still run my utility using a 32-bit Python
> port, but then my ports started going to pieces because I didn't
> rebuild them all, as one is supposed to do. ?I then rebuilt them
> all, and my Python became a 64-bit version there as well.
> So now I can't run my utility at all, because Skype4Py causes a
> Segmentation Violation pretty quick.
> So the question: ?How do I deliberately build a 32-bit version of
> Python on here? ?I see no variant for it in the Python MacPort, unless
> "universal" does that.
> In case it helps, I know Skype4Py uses Carbon for its Skype API
> connection. ?I should have the right Carbon (I installed it from
> the Snow Leopard CD), though I forget the version number at the
> moment.
> Thanks much for any help.
> --
> Doug Lee ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
> SSB BART Group ? ? ? ? ? 
> ?
> "Our chief want in life is somebody who will make us do what
> we can. {Ralph Waldo Emerson}

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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do
what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with
them while they do it."--Theodore Roosevelt

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Re: How do I compile as 32-bit instead of 64-bit in Snow Leopard?

2010-02-16 Thread Doug Lee
I'm confused by this one.  I find "64-bit Kernel Extensions: No" in
the System Software Overview text area when Software is selected in
the Items table, but I don't see a 64-bit option either in the tree
under Software or under Software/Extensions, where I tried to find it.

But I verified that my Python is 64-bit by calculating log-base-2 of
sys.maxint and finding it to be 63 (this is a technique I saw
recommended in several places).  I also see that `file -L' on
/opt/local/bin/python2.6' yields `Mach-O 64-bit executable.'  `file'
on /usr/bin/python just says "multiple architectures" but does not say
32-bit or 64-bit; but it also won't work with Skype4Py, which makes me
think it, too, is 64-bit.

Still not sure of a next step.  (And no, for those who were around
long enough ago to know this reference, "next step" was not intended
as an Apple platform reference :-) .)

On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 12:30:55AM +0000, James & Nash wrote:
Hi Dough,
On 17 Feb 2010, at 00:14, Doug Lee wrote:
> I'm compiling with `port install' / `port upgrade' so far.  My most
> pressing problem is compiling a 32-bit version of Python 2.6.4, but I
> also want to try a 32-bit version of SoX (Sound Exchanger).  Both are
> currently installed as ports, and that caused them (in Snow Leopard
> but not Leopard) to compile as 64-bit apps.

> You can check if you are booted into a 64 or 32-bit Kernel by going to the 
> "System Profiler" and looking under "Software"  in the list there. There is 
> an option called "64-bit and that will tel you whether or not you're booted 
> into 64 bit. Also, be aware, that some extensions are not yet 64-bit 
> compatible - you may need to downgrade to an earlier version of Python 
> because I don't know if there is a way to tell the operating system not to 
> boot into 64-bit something that is extensibly compatible with that 
> architecture. Although, being UNIX, there probably is!

James, Lyn, Nash & Twinny

> I'm compiling with `port install' / `port upgrade' so far.  My most
> pressing problem is compiling a 32-bit version of Python 2.6.4, but I
> also want to try a 32-bit version of SoX (Sound Exchanger).  Both are
> currently installed as ports, and that caused them (in Snow Leopard
> but not Leopard) to compile as 64-bit apps.
> On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 02:49:08PM -0800, Kieren wrote:
> Hi Doug
> You forgot to mention what you are copiling your utility with?
> in xcode you can do a get info on the project and under the build tab
> one of the top items is Architectures. you can set 32 bit universal
> there.
> in GCC i think there is the -archs option which can be set to
> Think thats right arg anyway
> else look up the man page for your compilation utility and scan for
> architecture or similar
> Kieren
> On Feb 16, 2:53?pm, Doug Lee  wrote:
>> I use a Python library called Skype4Py that appears to work only
>> in 32-bit environments, probably because Skype for Mac is a 32-bit
>> application. ?This worked fine on Leopard, but when I upgraded to
>> Snow Leopard, the stock Python installation became a 64-bit one
>> apparently. ?I could still run my utility using a 32-bit Python
>> port, but then my ports started going to pieces because I didn't
>> rebuild them all, as one is supposed to do. ?I then rebuilt them
>> all, and my Python became a 64-bit version there as well.
>> So now I can't run my utility at all, because Skype4Py causes a
>> Segmentation Violation pretty quick.
>> So the question: ?How do I deliberately build a 32-bit version of
>> Python on here? ?I see no variant for it in the Python MacPort, unless
>> "universal" does that.
>> In case it helps, I know Skype4Py uses Carbon for its Skype API
>> connection. ?I should have the right Carbon (I installed it from
>> the Snow Leopard CD), though I forget the version number at the
>> moment.
>> Thanks much for any help.
>> --
>> Doug Lee ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
>> SSB BART Group ? ? ? ? ? 
>> ?
>> "Our chief want in life is somebody who will make us do what
>> we can. {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit th

SOLVED Re: How do I compile as 32-bit instead of 64-bit in Snow Leopard?

2010-02-16 Thread Doug Lee
I found a solution:  The VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_32_BIT environment
variable, documented in the Python(1) man page.  Having seen a lot of
Python man pages, I never thought of looking there for something

Hints for others:  arch(1) will not work, probably because it doesn't
apply to subprocesses (that's a wild guess).

The Universal variant on ports is required for this to work, but since
the stock Python on Snow Leopard seems to come prepared for three
architectures including 32- and 64-bit Intel (i386 and x86_64), I
don't need the port anymore!

Thanks to all for the help.  I actually think this discussion finally
got me thinking in the right direction.

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 02:49:08PM -0800, Kieren wrote:
Hi Doug

You forgot to mention what you are copiling your utility with?

in xcode you can do a get info on the project and under the build tab
one of the top items is Architectures. you can set 32 bit universal
in GCC i think there is the -archs option which can be set to
Think thats right arg anyway

else look up the man page for your compilation utility and scan for
architecture or similar



On Feb 16, 2:53?pm, Doug Lee  wrote:
> I use a Python library called Skype4Py that appears to work only
> in 32-bit environments, probably because Skype for Mac is a 32-bit
> application. ?This worked fine on Leopard, but when I upgraded to
> Snow Leopard, the stock Python installation became a 64-bit one
> apparently. ?I could still run my utility using a 32-bit Python
> port, but then my ports started going to pieces because I didn't
> rebuild them all, as one is supposed to do. ?I then rebuilt them
> all, and my Python became a 64-bit version there as well.
> So now I can't run my utility at all, because Skype4Py causes a
> Segmentation Violation pretty quick.
> So the question: ?How do I deliberately build a 32-bit version of
> Python on here? ?I see no variant for it in the Python MacPort, unless
> "universal" does that.
> In case it helps, I know Skype4Py uses Carbon for its Skype API
> connection. ?I should have the right Carbon (I installed it from
> the Snow Leopard CD), though I forget the version number at the
> moment.
> Thanks much for any help.
> --
> Doug Lee ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
> SSB BART Group ? ? ? ? ? 
> ?
> "Our chief want in life is somebody who will make us do what
> we can. {Ralph Waldo Emerson}

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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"There's no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he
doesn't mind who gets the credit." Ronald Reagan

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How to run Clisk on a Mac with Snow Leopard (was Re: Clisk 2.0.0, the new Skctl, is released!

2010-02-16 Thread Doug Lee
This is just for Mac users, not Windows users, that also use Clisk,
the Command Line Interface for Skype that I published a month or so

I mentioned here before that I had trouble running Clisk on a Mac
running Snow Leopard, the latest incarnation of MacOS, and that I had
to install a totally separate Python version via Mac Ports to get
around the problem.

This is no longer necessary; there is a much easier answer!

The problem is that Skype4Py interfaces with Carbon, and apparently
the combination doesn't work in 64-bit Python.  The solution is
simple:  Make Python run in 32-bit mode.

Instead of launching via a command like python,
write a file like this in the same folder and run it:

#! /bin/sh
exec /usr/bin/python "$@"

For details on the VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_32_BIT environment
variable, see the python(1) man page.  For non-command-line folks, I'm
afraid I'm not sure what that translates to in GUI speak. :-)

Sorry it took me so long to find this solution.  I never thought of
looking in a Python man page for a Mac-specific issue.

On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 09:02:29PM -0500, Doug Lee wrote:
Clisk version 2.0.0 is released!  Clisk, the Command-Line Interface
for Skype, is the new name for what was called Skctl, the Skype

There is a lot of new stuff since the previous release, version 1.2.6 - so much
stuff in fact, that it surpasses the online manual again.  The Release
notes for this version are complete enough to describe most of the new
features though.  Some examples of features:

- Call management works on Mac Skype without freezing things when there 
is an active conference.
- Contacts named by names more than by Skype IDs, so Clisk and Skype 
use the same names,
- Skype IDs still appear just often enough to clarify who is who,
- Command selection from a list if you type too little of a command,
- User selection from a list if you type an ambiguous user name, so 
typos don't happen by accident,
- User selection by both name and ID so you don't have to know 
everyone's Skype ID,
- A new WhoIs command for getting user profiles,
- Commands to create and manage conferences, including the ability to 
dial in an arbitrary phone number.
- New commands for playing, stopping, and even deleting arbitrary 
- Commands for adding, deleting, blocking, and unblocking users, and
- A "www" command for going to any of several related web pages 
including the Clisk home page.

The help facility is also cleaner and offers more help for many
commands, notably those used to manage calls (answer, hold, resume,
hangup, etc.).


The old URL for Skctl will go to the same place for now./

I still maintain a one-way Skype chat for announcements about Clisk,
which are mostly interim release announcements, indications of when
the manual actually catches up with reality, etc.  Anyone who wants on
that should email me their Skype ID.

P.S., the slogan for Clisk, in case it needs one, and in addition to
what it actually means, is this:  Clisk can replace the click!  Don't
blame me if you twist your tongue trying to say that though, it's for
computers to say to us! :-)

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"I honestly believe it is better to know nothing than to know what ain't so."
- Josh Billings, 1818-1885 (in "Solemn Thoughts")

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"You must let me try, for a true soldier does not admit defeat before
the battle."
--Helen Keller (in a letter to the president of Radcliffe College)

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Clisk 2.1.0 is finally out

2010-03-08 Thread Doug Lee
The Command Line Interface for Skype (Clisk) 2.1.0 is released.  There are many 
enhancements and new commands since Clisk 2.0.0.  You can reach details about 
the updates, a download link, and the online manual (which is also finally up 
to date!) at

Updates include
- Commands for listing contacts by online status, handling contact 
detail requests, listing members of chats and calls, and listing events like in 
Skype 3.8.
- An easy way to message multiperson chats from the Clisk window.
- Fixes to Join and AutoJoin functionality.
- Better support of conferencing on MacOS.
- Better formatting of chat messages and user selection lists in the 
Clisk window.
- Less meaningless noise from Skype 4.x call termination, Mac Skype 
mood text, etc.
- Files to help run Clisk on Linux and MacOS.  See the online manual 
for directions.

This is not a comprehensive list of changes; see the above web site for that.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do
what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with
them while they do it."--Theodore Roosevelt

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Re: Clisk 2.1.0 is finally out

2010-03-08 Thread Doug Lee
I developed this for myself over time, first to provide
person-specific auto-answer functionality, then to test Skype API
issues, and ultimately to do most things I do in Skype.  It does not
even pretend to replace the GUI entirely I think, though you can do
most things with either interface by now.  Personally, I mix things
sort of like this:  I type text with people in the GUI, call people
from Clisk, read profiles in Clisk with the WhoIs command, accept and
send files in the GUI because that's one thing the API won't allow,
read voicemails exclusively in Clisk, and handle contact detail
requests in both places.

On Mon, Mar 08, 2010 at 05:20:14PM -0500, Bryan Smart wrote:
What are the advantages to using this over the main Skype client? Skype works 
great with VoiceOver. Terminal works, but I don't think that I'd prefer to use 
terminal apps over GUI apps and VoiceOver.

Are their extra features not available from the GUI?


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Doug Lee
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 3:21 AM
To: screen access software with skype;
Subject: Clisk 2.1.0 is finally out

The Command Line Interface for Skype (Clisk) 2.1.0 is released.  There are many 
enhancements and new commands since Clisk 2.0.0.  You can reach details about 
the updates, a download link, and the online manual (which is also finally up 
to date!) at

Updates include
- Commands for listing contacts by online status, handling contact 
detail requests, listing members of chats and calls, and listing events like in 
Skype 3.8.
- An easy way to message multiperson chats from the Clisk window.
- Fixes to Join and AutoJoin functionality.
- Better support of conferencing on MacOS.
- Better formatting of chat messages and user selection lists in the 
Clisk window.
- Less meaningless noise from Skype 4.x call termination, Mac Skype 
mood text, etc.
- Files to help run Clisk on Linux and MacOS.  See the online manual 
for directions.

This is not a comprehensive list of changes; see the above web site for that.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what 
he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while 
they do it."--Theodore Roosevelt

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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds
new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' ('I found it!') but rather 'hmm
that's funny...'"  --   Isaac Asimov

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Clisk 2.2.0 is out

2010-04-04 Thread Doug Lee
I just released Clisk 2.2.0 at

For those who don't know, Clisk, which stands for the Command Line
Interface for Skype, is an alternative way to work with Skype on
Windows, MacOS, and Linux, and according to what I'm told, is the
only way for a blind person to use Skype on Linux at this time.  It
requires Python, which is already on Linux and MacOS but must be
installed on Windows before Clisk can be used there.  Details and
relevant links appear at the above web site, as do the release notes
for this update and the entire Users Guide for Clisk.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"Sometimes I think my learning curve is a circle." -- David Andrews

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2009-04-08 Thread Doug Lee

In my experience, an incoming call pops up a window, so all I have to
do is find the Answer button.  I don't have to find the window.  If
I'm not in Skype at the time the call comes in, I do have to switch to
Skype, but then the incoming call window is always in focus

On Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 12:06:53PM -0400, Eliza Cooper wrote:

Hi there,
I don't know about a list of keyboard commands (I'd be curious  
about that too), but I do know that when a call comes in it's in a  
different window that you need to navigate to.  Go to the window  
chooser menu with VO + F2 (hold down control and option and hit F2  
twice quickly), and choose the window titled something like incoming  
call.  You'll find an answer call button there that you can select.  I  
hope this helps for now, and perhaps there's a faster way that someone  
else will know.
On Apr 8, 2009, at 11:59 AM, Peggy Fleischer wrote:

> Hi:
> I have a question about skype. Is there a list of keyboard commands
> for Skype? I can't figure out ow to answer a call. I can navigate fine
> and I can make a call and hang up but can't find a command for
> answering an incoming call.
> Thanks
> >

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"Sometimes I think my learning curve is a circle." -- David Andrews

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Anyone see System Profile or Skype 2.8 beta crashes?

2009-04-21 Thread Doug Lee

Two questions, maybe and maybe not related?

1.  Anyone seen System Profiler crash either on Save or Save As, or
when you focus the Displays row of the Contents table?  I have a Mac
Mini with no display attached, and I have no display to attach and
have never hooked one up at all.  I wonder if System Profiler has
trouble with that concept.

2.  If anyone has tried the public beta of Skype 2.8 for the Mac,
please let me know if it crashes when you try to make or receive a
call.  I am usually unable to do calls with 2.8 on my Mini, and I'm
trying to figure out why.  2.7 works fine.

Thanks much for any info.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid that itwill never begin.
-- Grace Hansen

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Advice needed on creating a utility installer

2009-07-25 Thread Doug Lee

I have a utility, written in Python, that I think a number of blind
Mac Skype users might want to use.  The problem is, it's currently
rather complex to install:  It requires the Skype4Py module, which can
be had from the Skype Developer Zone web site.  It's command-line
based and so tends to require you to start the Terminal to use it.  It
is also something I think people will want to have started
automatically, either at boot time or when Skype is launched.  The
utility has several features, but perhaps most interesting to most
people here are its ability to make the Mac produce sounds indicating
online statuses of contacts as you arrow through the contact list, and
its provision of some shortcut commands for common tasks, like "pvm"
to read the oldest remaining unplayed voicemail.

Because of the installation complexity problem, the utility is not
really ready for public consumption at this point.  However, I welcome
advice on how to create an easy-to-use installation system for this
thing.  I'm not sure if it should be a .dmg, a .pkg, or what.  I do
want the user to have easy ways to do at least the following though:
Install the utility, update the utility, install and update Skype4Py,
launch the utility, arrange for auto launch of the utility, and remove
the utility and possibly Skype4Py.  I'm wondering if a .dmg containing
both the utility and Skype4Py would work, but I don't know how one
makes a .dmg that just installs normally, or one whose application can
be auto-launched.

Thanks for any assistance.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
Snowmen fall from heaven, unassembled.

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Re: eBay to sell skype to private investors

2009-09-03 Thread Doug Lee

I sincerely doubt Skype ends or even changes that dramatically as a
result of all this legal stuff.  Skype, the company, would not want
that, and I should think Joltid, the company fighting with Skype over
licensing, would not want to be known worldwide as "the company that
killed Skype." :)  A company going to private investors also doesn't
necessarily signal any major changes in product.

So I think the best we can do is wait and see.

On Wed, Sep 02, 2009 at 11:06:09AM +1000, Dane Trethowan wrote:

Yes, I had heard that Skype - as we know it - was going to end at the  
end of this year and I was going to ask if the Googletalk Client was  
accessible with Voiceover, has anyone tried it?

On 02/09/2009, at 7:57 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Wonder if this is the beginning or the end of something? I know there
> are a lot of Skype users on this list.
> CB
> >

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"When your best-laid plans have turned to dust, vacuum!"
- Whoopi Goldberg 

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Re: Skype and Voice Over.

2009-09-08 Thread Doug Lee

Are you using group navigation?  That can cause update issues like

My method, using standard navigation (sorry, I'm typing on a Windows
box and don't remember exact names), is to type VO-Shift-F3 to turn
Cursor Tracking off, then navigate from the Edit box in a conversation
back to the frame, then interact, go to end, and interact again to get
inside the actual control where chat messages show up.  With Cursor
Tracking off, VoiceOver remembers my location in each conversation
this way, so I can just cycle through active conversations with
Command-Accent and use VO+Right to check for new messages in each one.
This does require that you avoid using the drawer for conversations,
which is a Skype option.

On Mon, Sep 07, 2009 at 03:05:22PM +0700, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

Hi everyone,

I'm adding in to this thread as it is related.

I have previously asked about this issue but haven't resolved it yet.

When it comes to conversing (chatting) with someone on skype, i know  
how to go to the mainframe, interact with it, and look at the  
conversation. Adding text is also fine.

But once i get a new message the frame doesn't update the  
conversation. forcing me to close the window and reopen it to interact  
again with the mainframe etc. I have had some suggestions, mainly  
about hitting shift vo and right arrow to go beyond the last message  
before the convo update, but it doesn't work either.

Since i use skype a fair bit, especially with my work colleagues, i do  
require  to write quite lengthy messages at a frequent rate. ANd close  
and reopening the convo box isn't an option for me.

Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?

Thanks yall, and best


Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"When your best-laid plans have turned to dust, vacuum!"
- Whoopi Goldberg 

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Mac: Suspend of SoX shell job freezes all Mac sound

2011-11-10 Thread Doug Lee
Not sure if this is a MacOS problem, a SoX problem, or both.

Tested on MacOS SnowLeopard (and Leopard I think, but I'm not sure of
that) with SoX 14.3.2 as installed via MacPorts.

Problem: I can block all sounds on MacOS by suspending a SoX play.

Steps to reproduce:

Verify that system sounds work: Cause a beep by hitting an invalid
key, play a file with another program, etc.).

Start playing a file (play file.wav) from a shell (I use tcsh).

Suspend play with Ctrl+Z.

Try to produce a sound with another program.

Result: No program, even the system itself (or VoiceOver, for those of
us who use that) can produce a sound until play is resumed.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"It's not easy to be crafty and winsome at the same time, and few accomplish
it after the age of six." --John W. Gardner and Francesca Gardner Reese

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Re: [SoX-users] Mac: Suspend of SoX shell job freezes all Mac sound

2011-11-11 Thread Doug Lee
On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 08:57:42AM -0600, Chris Bagwell wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 3:02 PM, Doug Lee  wrote:
> > Not sure if this is a MacOS problem, a SoX problem, or both.
> >
> > Tested on MacOS SnowLeopard (and Leopard I think, but I'm not sure of
> > that) with SoX 14.3.2 as installed via MacPorts.
> >
> > Problem: I can block all sounds on MacOS by suspending a SoX play.
> >
> > Steps to reproduce:
> >
> > Verify that system sounds work: Cause a beep by hitting an invalid
> > key, play a file with another program, etc.).
> >
> > Start playing a file (play file.wav) from a shell (I use tcsh).
> >
> > Suspend play with Ctrl+Z.
> >
> > Try to produce a sound with another program.
> >
> > Result: No program, even the system itself (or VoiceOver, for those of
> > us who use that) can produce a sound until play is resumed.
> >

> That doesn't sound good.  SoX doesn't have a SIGSTOP handler so
> probably a thread related to coreaudio gets stuck on a mutex.  Scary a
> bad app locks down the whole audio subsystem.

> I did a quick search for examples of other core audio apps source code
> and I didn't see anyone else doing anything special for this case.

> An interesting test would be to use "kill -s SIGSTOP %pid" of some
> GUI-ish audio app and see if it locks up coreaudio the same way.

> Anyways, it sounds like a SoX bug but I'm not quite sure how to fix it.

> Chris

Actually, someone on the Mac list I also sent this to confirmed just
now that the problem can be demonstrated with just MacOS software:

Type this in Terminal, press Enter, then suspend with Ctrl+Z:

say "Hello, this is a sound system test. Suspending this suspends all system 

Resume with "fg" to get system sound back.

So this is not SoX' fault after all.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"When your best-laid plans have turned to dust, vacuum!"
- Whoopi Goldberg 

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Re: Skype for business

2017-07-03 Thread Doug Lee
Which version are you calling .9? Trying to figure out if you prefer the key 
sequences in the newer scripts, or the Ctrl+Shift commands in
the older scripts, or if you are saying there was a change in actual SFB 
keystrokes not related to my scripts. I changed from Ctrl+Shift
commands to sequences because of keystroke collisions. I'm starting to do that 
a lot nowadays in light of the increasing number of apps that
self-update without asking, add and change keystrokes whenever they like, etc.

On Mon, Jul 03, 2017 at 10:14:02PM -0400, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
   Make sure to get the Doug Lee Scripts at [1] I personally prefer
   the keystrokes from the .9 version.

   Also note, some Windows firewall systems won't let you download the
   scripts from Doug since he gets such little traffic.

   I have more luck downloading to Macintosh, and then migrating to PC via
   a Flash drive.

   Best wishes,
   Jonathan Cohn

   On Jul 1, 2017, at 4:25 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu <[2]>

   My work have just got Skype for Business in the Windows environment.  I
   hate using skype with Jaws even though I've not used Skype with jaws
   for years.  I much prefer Skype with Voice Over!

 On 30 Jun 2017, at 17:11, Scott Granados
 <[3]> wrote:
 I'm running it on the Mac and it's working pretty well.  Luckily,
 where I work they grant the engineers administrative access to their
 own laptops.  Of course most of our company works with virtual
 desktops so I'm glad to have a real machine at all, let alone a Mac
 with root.:)

 On Jun 30, 2017, at 9:34 AM, Jonathan Cohn <[4]>
 Ah, thanks for this Scott, my Windows environment has Skype for
 Business but my Macintosh environment is still running with  Lync
 and I get errors on the Macintosh side overtime time I try to change
 the list of contacts. It appears I need to get IT to upgrade my
 Lync. Though they are still dragging their feet on upgrades to
 Best wishes,
 Jonathan Cohn

 On Jun 29, 2017, at 9:14 AM, Scott Granados
 <[5]> wrote:
 The Skype for business, at least on the Mac is accessible.  I think
 it's gotomeeting that uses Skype for business as a valid data
 source.  I know I had a meeting invite the other day, clicked on the
 link and the Skype for business application started itself and
 connected me to the meeting.  The controls on the Skype for business
 AKA MS Link are also pretty accessible.  Not sure if that helps at
 all but that might be a good solution to the video problem if Skype
 for business / link is supported.

 On Jun 28, 2017, at 10:56 PM, Donna Goodin <[6]>
 Hi John,
 I do have a dial-in number, so that will have to do, I suppose.
 It's unfortunate, b/c they wanted a video call.  I also have a test
 link.  I've spent some time trying to access it from MY PC, but no
 joy.  So no need for you to spend your time tomorrow trying to
 connect, but thank you very much for the offer.

 On Jun 28, 2017, at 8:34 PM, Jonathan Cohn <[7]>
 While the web page is not very accessible, Go To Meeting always has
 the option for doing call in to the meeting. I believe I have to Go
 To Meetings tomorrow, so I could try to connect via Mac and/or
 Windows if you like for the second meeting. I believe most screen
 sharing services for web meetings are inaccessible for the blind.
 Microsoft Lync now re-branded as Skype for Business could work with
 PowerPoint and JAWS though I think I had to jigger things a bit to
 have the slides automatically read.
 The only alternative I can see is requesting any presentation
 materials in advance.
 Best wishes,
 Jonathan Cohn

 On Jun 28, 2017, at 7:02 PM, Donna Goodin <[8]>
 thanks, David.

 On Jun 28, 2017, at 6:00 PM, David Chittenden
 <[9]> wrote:
 No, Go To Meeting is not accessible.
 Kind regards,
 David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
 Email: [10]
 Mobile: +61 488 988 936
 Sent from my iPhone

 On 29/06/2017, at 04:57, Donna Goodin <[11]> wrote:
 Hi all,
 Can anyone tell me if Go to Meeting is accessible either on the Mac
 or on Windows?  I'm trying to connect to a test session on my Mac
 and not having any luck.
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Re: skype clianytts for mac and iPhone?

2017-09-12 Thread Doug Lee
Clisk, my Command Line Interface for Skype, remains at

Its functionality is limited though, and getting more so, because Microsoft is 
not keeping up support for the Skype Desktop API that Clisk
requires. I have to date seen no suitable replacement for that API either.

To my knowledge, Clisk still works, in its limited fashion, against Mac Skype 
and Windows Desktop Skype versions. It does not work against
the newer Skype for Windows 10 (a UWP app) at all.

On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 02:50:29PM +, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
   Doug Lee wrote a python module about 4 or 5 years ago, that c at that
   time would communicate with the Skype application on PC and Macintosh.
   I don't know if Microsoft has foiled this interface in the newer
   versions, but if you want to be able to use CLI commands to manage
   Skype this is the place to start.

   On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 9:19 AM matthew dyer
   <[1]> wrote:

   Unfortionetly there isnāt one.Ā  I just reasently installed skype for
   Mac and it works fine here all though by default it takes you to a home
   page which you can move away from with the side bar.Ā  HTH.


   On Sep 11, 2017, at 9:18 PM, Trahern Culver
   <[2]> wrote:

   hi all, thanks to thoughs who helped me with my last post. I don't like
   the native Skype client for Mac or iPhone, so please can any one
   recommend an alternative Skype clients for both Mac and iPhone??Ā
   your help with this question would be most welcome, kind regards trey.
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Re: skype nonsense

2019-01-08 Thread Doug Lee
Are there any MacOS accessibility or access settings that need to be enabled 
for Skype to work with VoiceOver?

Also, to the mention of Skype For Business (SFB): I am not aware of SFB being 
at least easily usable to replace Skype, as SFB requires a corporate server and 
does not, by default usage anyway, link to regular Skype users.
Conversations can be arranged between SFB contacts and Skype contacts, but I 
think that requires a bit of special setup for each contact. Corrections 

On Tue, Jan 08, 2019 at 06:22:49PM -0800, M. Taylor wrote:
Hello Jean,

After reading your post, I opened Skype on my Mac OS Mojave computer.  And then 
I checked to make certain I have the latest version of Skype.

I've got to tell you that I have absolutely no problems using Skype with 
VoiceOver.  In fact, just before writing this, I both made and received a call 
using Skype.  Moreover, the experience on my Mac is almost identical to that of 
iOS, which, I might add, I thoroughly enjoy.

Unlike Jason, I do not have a Microsoft 360 account.  

Have you turned VoiceOver off and then back on, again after launching Skype?

Also, in some instances, it may be necessary to grant Skype both Microphone and 
Camera privileges before it will work as expected.  

To make certain that you have granted Skype the necessary permissions, go to 
System Preferences/Security/Privacy and check the various devices.

If all else fails, then uninstall Skype, reboot the computer, and then 
reinstall it.

Let us know what happens.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of jean parker
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2019 4:59 PM
To: 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries
Subject: skype nonsense

Hello All:
I made the mistake of updating skype trying to resolve yet another problem it 
was causing. Now it is totally nonfunctional. When I open it, it says that 
skype has no windows. None of the shortcut keys work except for command 1 which 
opens a totally inaccessible web site. Everything in the menus is dimmed out. I 
can???t even make the thing quit correctly and have to do a forced quit to 
close it. I am using the latest version of Mac OS. 
I haven???t heard any complaints about skype for a while so I assumed that it 
was behaving itself. Or, maybe everyone has just given up on it, a perfectly 
understandable response to be sure.
Any and all ideas welcome including how to get a previous version that will at 
least do something productive.


Dr. Jean Parker, Ph.D.
Senior Research Fellow
Trans4m Center For Integral Development
Geneva, Switzerland

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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
Level Access doug@levelaccess.com
"While they were saying among themselves it cannot be done, it was
done." --Helen Keller

The follow

Re: skype nonsense

2019-01-10 Thread Doug Lee
I had this sort of thing happen with Dropbox months ago, and the solution was 
to find and dispense properly with one or more extra windows found by VO+F1 or 
VO+F2, if I remember correctly. Common window names might include
System dialog, Notification Center, and Security. This is from months-old 
memory, so pardon any vagueries; but I'm trying to add specifics to the 
suggestions already given here. Same thing as already suggested though: Look for
extra popup windows that must be answered before the app windows will open.

On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 03:34:18PM -0700, jean parker wrote:
Hello All:
Thanks everyone for your many suggestions. Perhaps I wasn???t clear, when I 
open skype all it says is that skype has no windows. Voiceover says absolutely 
nothing else. Everything in the menus is dimmed out so I can???t get to 
settings of any kind. 
Also, I am located in US, but I work for the folks in Geneva, so there should 
be no issue with location-related settings.
Any other ideas?

Dr. Jean Parker, Ph.D.
Senior Research Fellow
Trans4m Center For Integral Development
Geneva, Switzerland

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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
Level Access doug@levelaccess.com
"There are no guarantees.  From a standpoint of fear, none are
strong enough.  From a standpoint of love, none are necessary."
- from Emmanuel's Book II

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Re: VueScan question

2011-01-09 Thread Doug Lee
Vuscan probably works well, though I haven't used it recently.  I do
know, though, that it is like recent Safari versions in that it works
way way faster if you have a physical monitor attached than if you

On Sun, Jan 09, 2011 at 12:31:27AM -0700, Carolyn Haas wrote:
Hi Laura:
Vuescan will scan and also do some OCR.  It may be enough for simple tasks, 
such as reading mail, as I would use it.  But, I guess the most widely used way 
is to use vuescan to get the image, and get Abby for the best OCR, including 
page orientation.  I've had some success with the trial version of Vuescan .  
But, then Vo and VU had an apparent disagreement, and I never got back to 
trying to make it work.  I'd try using Vuescan solo before investing more money 
in Abby.  But, that's just me being a cheapskate.
BTW: I find scanning extremely slow using my mac and the available software.  I 
finally reverted to using the PC for that task.  That said, I'd love to be 
proven wrong in that regard.
Take care

Carolyn H
On Jan 8, 2011, at 5:39 PM, Laura Bratton wrote:

> Hi all,
> Can I use  VueScan to scan documents and then read the files? or do I have to 
> have another app to put the document through OCR? 
> Thanks for the  help,
> Laura 
> -- 
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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
Freedom is not the ability to have what we want.  Freedom is merely the
ability to seek it.  To be free defines what we can do, not what we can get.

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Re: soon to be mac user

2011-01-09 Thread Doug Lee
Unfortunately there is no Chatterbox version for the Mac.  Chatterbox
is the chat client used by the For The People site.

On Fri, Jan 07, 2011 at 08:18:57PM -0800, Leslie Fitzpatrick wrote:
   I would like to know if there is a chat client for mac. Also does
   anyone get on for the people website. Thank you very much Les

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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
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Re: first impressions of the new Skype

2011-02-02 Thread Doug Lee
tton in the confrence 
>>>> window. This leads me to something weird and pretty annoying I have  
>>>> discovered: It seems like Voiceover sometimes lost the focus and jumps 
>>>> over some part on the screen, which might be the reason for you have 
>>>> missed the Video button. Because of that issue, I don't remember if the 
>>>> video button is in the toolbar or if it is at the confrense screen.
>>>> I have seen the option to add an incoming call to a confrence, but it have 
>>>> never worked for me, and I don't remember where I found it. I think it's 
>>>> somewhere in the menubar.
>>>> Best regards:
>>>> S?ren Jensen
>>>> mail & MSN:
>>>> Website:
>>>> Den 01/02/2011 kl. 10.31 skrev Krister Ekstrom:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Ray, i don't have an answer to your question, but i have a question 
>>>>> myself: Is it at all possible to, when one hosts a conversation or 
>>>>> conference and someone calls answer the call and make it join the current 
>>>>> conference rather like one apparently could in Windows?
>>>>> /Krister
>>>>> 31 jan 2011 kl. 22.11 skrev Ray Foret Jr:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Just thought I'd come in and give my first impressions of the new Skype. 
>>>>>>  for the most part, I reckon it seems to work well enough.  I love that 
>>>>>> one can read the status of people in one's contact list now.  Very good. 
>>>>>>  Most of my custom sounds work, all but one that is; and, no matter what 
>>>>>> I try, I can't get Skype to use that sound.  It's the third party hang 
>>>>>> up sound.
>>>>>> Thing is this.  How does one read the profile of a person in one's 
>>>>>> contact list?  Also, how does one access the history?  If, in fact, the 
>>>>>> history can be accessed at all.
>>>>>> Sincerely, 
>>>>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>>>>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>>>>> Skype Name:
>>>>>> barefootedray
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Re: Answering calls on Skype?

2016-10-23 Thread Doug Lee
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Re: Migrating to Mac mini

2025-02-12 Thread Doug Lee
Your "must recompile everything" complaint against MacPorts is what, years ago, 
made me switch to Homebrew.
Both seem to have a lot of packages, though not everything is duplicated I'm 
sure. Oddly, a "flip" command I
used for a long time for switching files between LF and CRLF conventions, is 
not available in Brew but is in
MacPorts. Besides that though, I don't remember running into any missing 
packages in Brew that I need. If
your MacOS is reasonably up to date, Brew packages tend to show up fast and 
pre-built. On very old MacOS
versions, things do get recompiled often in Brew, and with a strong Apple 
warning against relying on things
working in that situation. But I've seen two Macs running Monterey or older 
where Brew packages continue to
remain updated and functional.

On Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 04:08:28PM +, 'Sabahattin Gucukoglu' via 
MacVisionaries wrote:
There were quite a few changes from Ventura to Sequoia regarding VoiceOver, 
specially the way it handles TTS parameters and speech rate. So immediately 
after upgrading my speech slowed to an unbearable crawl with Eloquence, and I 
had to fiddle with it to get it right.

Then for the command line apps, yes they were backed up, but unfortunately the 
MacPorts installation I used was tied to the Ventura installation, so I had to 
migrate all packages to Sequoia, which was very painful because it initially 
bombed due to a failed Xcode command line tools upgrade not removing some old 
header files properly. Once I cleared them away, I was able to slowly and 
painfully rebuild (literally, recompile because the MacPorts build bots aren't 
online for ARM64 Sequoia yet). During this time server services including my 
network DHCP were down. This not being acceptable, I restored from backup—but 
by now it was too late to get the latest working build from my backup, so I had 
to go back farther, but at least it now worked. Eventually I was able to 
complete the migration in one shot without any failures and everything now 
works. I do love MacPorts but wish it didn't make upgrades quite so painful. 
The binaries almost always work just fine, so forcing a rebuild merely makes it 
more fragile, when it's much more important to upgrade gradually when it's 
possible. Anyway, it's fine now, but it was very unpleasant until I figured out 
the root cause, and it's all Apple's fault, of course.

Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
"If you refuse to be made straight when you are green,
you will not be made straight when you are dry." {African}

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Re: Dropbox on the Mac

2019-05-23 Thread Doug Lee (home)
What is that service used for nowadays? By dropbox in particular?

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 23, 2019, at 16:33, Petrus Tuerlings  wrote:
> Hi ET,
> Thanks for that, it sounds simple enough. I’lll try it later when my head 
> isn’t feeling so foggy as I’ve got this head cold that I just can’t shake. 
> Petrus 
>> On 23/05/2019, at 4:57 PM, 'E.T.' via MacVisionaries 
>>  wrote:
>> Petrus,
>>   Open System preferences, select the Security category. click the lock to 
>> make changes, then select the Privacy tab. In the first table, select 
>> Accessibility. In the second table, select Dropbox.
>> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>> Many believe that we have been visited
>> in the past. What if it were true?
>>> On 5/22/2019 7:17 PM, Petrus Tuerlings wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I installed the Dropbox App for the Mac a while ago. But each time I 
>>> restart my Mac a window comes up asking me to turn on accessibility for 
>>> dropbox. I tried to do this but I’m not sure what I’m doing?
>>> Has anyone else done this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Petrus
>>> Sent from Petrus' MacBook
>>> -- 
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> Sent from Petrus' MacBook 
> -- 
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Re: Dropbox on the Mac

2019-05-23 Thread Doug Lee (home)
Sorry, I wrote that too briefly (I’m using my phone because I am without power 
this evening). I meant to ask what the accessibility feature you were 
discussing in this thread is used for by dropbox.

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 23, 2019, at 19:48, 'E.T.' via MacVisionaries 
>  wrote:
>   File sharing and storage of which 2gigs is free.
> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
> Many believe that we have been visited
> in the past. What if it were true?
>> On 5/23/2019 3:24 PM, Doug Lee (home) wrote:
>> What is that service used for nowadays? By dropbox in particular?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On May 23, 2019, at 16:33, Petrus Tuerlings >> <>> wrote:
>>> Hi ET,
>>> Thanks for that, it sounds simple enough. I’lll try it later when my head 
>>> isn’t feeling so foggy as I’ve got this head cold that I just can’t shake.
>>> Petrus
>>>> On 23/05/2019, at 4:57 PM, 'E.T.' via MacVisionaries 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Petrus,
>>>>   Open System preferences, select the Security category. click the lock to 
>>>> make changes, then select the Privacy tab. In the first table, select 
>>>> Accessibility. In the second table, select Dropbox.
>>>> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>>>> <>
>>>> Many believe that we have been visited
>>>> in the past. What if it were true?
>>>>> On 5/22/2019 7:17 PM, Petrus Tuerlings wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I installed the Dropbox App for the Mac a while ago. But each time I 
>>>>> restart my Mac a window comes up asking me to turn on accessibility for 
>>>>> dropbox. I tried to do this but I’m not sure what I’m doing?
>>>>> Has anyone else done this?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Petrus
>>>>> Sent from Petrus' MacBook
>>>>> -- 
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>>>>> if you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the 
>>>>> owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>>>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor. You can reach mark 
>>>>> at: <> and your owner is Cara Quinn - 
>>>>> you can reach Cara at 
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>>>> -- 
>>>> The following information is important for all members of the Mac 
>>>> Visionaries list.
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>>>> owners or moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>>>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator