Wondering if anyone else has seen this, and if anyone knows a way out.

I upgraded to Monterey from Big Sur today. After the final system restart, I 
landed in the following, seemingly impossible situation:
Focus is in an Installer Progress thing for which VoiceOver says, "Installer 
Progress has no windows."

VO-N says there are no notifications available, which surprises me because of 
the next item and because I am getting the regular little pings that typically 
mean I have a pending notification.

Typing VO-F1 twice brings up a two-item list. From this, I can see that I have 
a System Dialogs item where VoiceOver is asking permission to use
BlueTooth, and a Setup Assistant item called Analitics. However, activating 
either of these does not move focus or allow the VO cursor to navigate. VO 
cursoring continues to say "Installer Progress has
no windows."

Command-Tab dings and does nothing, VO-F2 twice says there are no windows, and 
trying to move focus to VO or VO to mouse both fail with messages.

Cursor tracking is enabled; I toggled that just to make sure.

This funny inability to get into popups started in Big Sur for me, which is why 
my subject line says "and possibly Big Sur."

Ideas welcome.

Doug Lee                 d...@dlee.org                http://www.dlee.org
"Is your cucumber bitter? Throw it away. Are there briars in your
path? Turn aside. That is enough. Do not go on to say, `Why were
things of this sort ever brought into the world?'"
--Marcus Aurelius

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