I have produced a new utility called Skctl, the Skype Controller.
This will probably not be of interest to most of you, but it may
interest some.

Skctl is a command-line Skype interface of sorts, with some added
features, most notably the ability to set up auto-answers for specific
users, rather than turning autoAnswer on for everyone at once in your
contact list.  Other things you can do with Skctl include making
and managing calls, listing active file transfers with KBPS and
percent complete, playing voicemails, toggling microphone mute with a
single-letter command, and getting a user's last-online time, which the
Skype graphical interfaces currently don't provide accessibly.

Installation of the program on Windows requires first installing
ActivePython, the most widely used Windows Python distribution as far
as I can tell.  The program should work without extra work on MacOS.

Installation instructions, system requirements, and a complete
reference on Skctl commands can be found at the following link:


The main link for Skctl, which also leads to the documentation page
just mentioned, is


>From there, you can reach the documentation and get the current
release, version 1.2.2.

Since this is both a new and a powerful interface, I strongly
recommend that users first examine the documentation just mentioned
before playing with Skctl commands.  There is built-in help,
accessible by typing "help" or "?" and pressing Enter at Skctl's
"Skype>" prompt; but the online documentation is much more complete.

Happy playing.

Doug Lee                 d...@dlee.org                http://www.dlee.org
SSB BART Group           doug....@ssbbartgroup.com   http://www.ssbbartgroup.com
"When your best-laid plans have turned to dust, vacuum!"
- Whoopi Goldberg 


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