Re: equivalent of perky duck equivalent for mac?

2012-04-19 Thread Don Breda
Well rest assured there will be a version of the DBT braille translator 
for the Mac hopefully with in the next six months or so and then of 
course perky duck for the mac.

Just hold on.


On 4/18/2012 3:40 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
I used to love typing braille on y pc with that program and have to 
found any way to do this on mac. I am getting by typing the qwerty 
equivalents but if there is anything out there would love to find it.

Thanks for your help.


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Re: equivalent of perky duck equivalent for mac?

2012-04-20 Thread Don Breda
Perky Duck is a free program from Duxbury Systems Inc. This program was 
developed many years ago at the request of the library of congress to  
make it possible for people to take the braille certification courses 
without having to use a braillewriter.

It basicly is a perkins brailler on your computer using the sdfjkl keys 
as the 6 dots of the braille keyboard.

After you type your document you can then save the file or send it to an 
embosser if you have one.


On 4/19/2012 7:59 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:

What is Perky Duck?

On Apr 19, 2012, at 4:42 AM, Don Breda  wrote:

Well rest assured there will be a version of the DBT braille translator for the 
Mac hopefully with in the next six months or so and then of course perky duck 
for the mac.

Just hold on.


On 4/18/2012 3:40 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

I used to love typing braille on y pc with that program and have to found any 
way to do this on mac. I am getting by typing the qwerty equivalents but if 
there is anything out there would love to find it.

Thanks for your help.


Please check out my cd on<> 
 on iTunes and most online stores.

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Re: braille translation for mac?

2012-07-24 Thread Don Breda
DBT for the Madc was discontinued many years ago but there is a new 
version in the works  that is coming along very nicely now. It will be 
accessible with voiceover however that is a very tuff project and a big one.

Voiceover works great if you code from start to finish for the mac but 
if you need to have a cross platform  program that runs nearly 
identically in windows as it does on the mac then you really have your 
work cut out for you and Apple is not of much help.

It will happen though.  Hopefully in the next six months  or so.


On 7/22/2012 1:09 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

DBT does have a mac version, but I think I saw it had been
discontinued back in 2009. OUr best bet seems to be these open
projects with an interface on top, like Louis, but more integrated
into the mac via scripts of some kind.

On 7/22/12, erik burggraaf  wrote:

Hmmm,  K, louis isn't going to work for you.  Braille blaster might
eventually.  The crappy thing about braille blaster right now is that
there's no installation script.  If you want to use it then you have to
manually install liblouis and the braille blaster libraries.  The
documentation doesn't really make that clear, but I just emailed the
developer and that's the case.  So apparently the next version of braille
blaster will have an installation script, which will make it a bit more
endearing to most of us.


Erik Burggraaf
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at $0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
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or on the web at

On 2012-07-22, at 12:19 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:


It has an USB port, it is not as old, as the old ones.

It also has an eithernet port, so the best thing would be, if it could
work as a networks printer, that should be possible. Indexbraille has made
a great manual how to set the printer up on a mac, I was very happy. It
could use pef, and there are an online service that can make the pef
files, if you can not get that braille interface to libre office to work.
I could not get that thing for libre office to work, that was
inaccissible, but the e2u program, that has been made for printing out pef
files, is a javaapplication, and I can do nothing when I open the app.
Brailleblaster is also a java app, I got the same problem with that app.
  Well many things has been tried, as you can hear, but with no further

Best regards Annie.

Den Jul 22, 2012 kl. 5:03 PM skrev erik burggraaf:

Hi, is that an index product?  Does it have a serial port, and have you
found a USB to serial adapter?


Erik Burggraaf
Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service,
starting at $0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2012-07-22, at 10:53 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:

Hi Eric.

Great idea. We need to get that problem solved on the mac. I have an 4*4
pro, but it can not print, because I am only using mac now, and a little
vmware, but I can not get the printer to work in vmware either.

I need the option to print textfiles in danish and english grade two

I would be interested to do some work on it.

Best regards Annie.
Den Jul 22, 2012 kl. 3:54 PM skrev erik burggraaf:

I am going to get serious about this goshdarnit.  I've just been
promised the loan of a versapoint embosser.  If anyone wants to get
together on skype or something and put some effort into making louis
work then let's do it.

What I really want is to get apple script working.  I want to be able
to type something in text edit or be sitting on a webpage or email, hit
a couple of buttons and get braille.

That's what this package is supposed to do, and that's what I want.


Erik Burggraaf
Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service,
starting at $0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2012-07-22, at 9:39 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:


Has anyone got brailleblaster to work?

There are tools that might work on the mac, but they are

I have never godt louis to work.

Best regards Annie.
Den Jul 22, 2012 kl. 2:25 PM skrev erik burggraaf:

Duh,  Sorry about that,  Hadn't had my first cup of coffee yet when
that message went out.

Well, I missed the whole lion upgrade put off by some of the changes,
but that's neither here nor there.

I'm not sure what the development has been but I can't remember the
last time I saw a post from Greg Kearney on here.  I'm pretty sure
louis was one of his projects.

The link to download the latest version of louis is:
You can also check out brailleblaster at:

Now isn't that better?  Coffee...  The elixir of life.  :)

Erik Burggraaf
Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service,

Re: Hi

2012-02-07 Thread Don Breda

Hi there.

I am new to the list and don't have a mac yet but my mac mini is coming 
I have been concerned about this monitor issue and only just joined the 
list so my apologies in advance for a subject that has probably been 
beaten to death.

1. Do I need to have a nomitor connected?
2. If so does it need to have power applied and if so does it need to 
actually be turned on?

3. without a monitor how does the accessibility change? Does the screen 
layout in an application change, etc.?

Thanks very much for this because I need to do some testing to make sure 
a program is accessible on the mac for my employer.


On 2/5/2012 1:56 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:

On Sun, Feb 05, 2012 at 04:57:49PM +, chris hallsworth wrote:

Thanks Lu, ar I see. Well the Mac Mini I will possibly pass on then
if VO requires a monitor.

Well, the only issue I see without a monitor connected to the Mini is
you have to force VO back on with the Commend+F5 key after logging in;
minur nusince but I can live with it.  For me, it was the money.  I
bought the Mini for $695 or so where the macbooks are well over $1,000
so I went the cheapest route possible for now.  I just got into the
Mac world about 3 weeks ago so maybe in the future with more money, I
would expand the mac collection to include a powerful macbook pro or

Just to note though, the lack of a monitor with a mac mini brings up
only minor inconveniences in case you're trying to save some money.


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Re: Hi

2012-02-07 Thread Don Breda

Wow! Thanks for all the responses. I really appreciate it.

For now  I guess I will connect my monitor and not rely just on an 
adapter being present.

Not the worst thing in the world but like others, I hope apple fixes 
this in a future OS release.

Lets hope it doesn't require different hardware but I doubt it.


On 2/7/2012 4:53 AM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
 The general consensus is that it is best to have some kind of monitor 
connected to a Mac Mini, or at least, with the newer models. Early on, 
one could get away with having just a video adaptor connected, but 
apparently, at this point, especially using Safari, there seems to be 
a lot of lag and slow down to lead most to believe a monitor is the 
best solution.

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 11:14 PM, Scott Howell <>> wrote:

You need to have the monitor connected, but not powered on. I am
not sure about it being actually plugged into the wall, so give it
a try.
ENjoy your new Mini. I just purchased one and really like it.

On Feb 7, 2012, at 4:12 AM, Don Breda wrote:

> Hi there.
> I am new to the list and don't have a mac yet but my mac mini is
coming tomorrow.
> I have been concerned about this monitor issue and only just
joined the list so my apologies in advance for a subject that has
probably been beaten to death.
> 1. Do I need to have a nomitor connected?
> 2. If so does it need to have power applied and if so does it
need to actually be turned on?
> 3. without a monitor how does the accessibility change? Does the
screen layout in an application change, etc.?
> Thanks very much for this because I need to do some testing to
make sure a program is accessible on the mac for my employer.
> Don
> On 2/5/2012 1:56 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> On Sun, Feb 05, 2012 at 04:57:49PM +, chris hallsworth wrote:
>>> Thanks Lu, ar I see. Well the Mac Mini I will possibly pass on
>>> if VO requires a monitor.
>> Well, the only issue I see without a monitor connected to the
Mini is
>> you have to force VO back on with the Commend+F5 key after
logging in;
>> minur nusince but I can live with it.  For me, it was the money.  I
>> bought the Mini for $695 or so where the macbooks are well over
>> so I went the cheapest route possible for now.  I just got into the
>> Mac world about 3 weeks ago so maybe in the future with more
money, I
>> would expand the mac collection to include a powerful macbook
pro or
>> something.
>> Just to note though, the lack of a monitor with a mac mini
brings up
>> only minor inconveniences in case you're trying to save some money.
> --
> --
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Re: broadcast to shoutcast server using iphone 3gs?

2012-02-12 Thread Don Breda

Papaya will do this but I haven't done it.
Initially you think it only supports iceCast but read carefully and they 
do mention  you can use it with shoutcast as well.


On 2/11/2012 2:11 PM, Hank Smith wrote:
hello is there a program that can stream to a shoutcast server using 
iphone 3gs? I am talking about broadcasting directly to a server using 
I know there is a icecast one but am trying to find one that works 
with shoutcast.



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Re: Airplay weirdness with iPhone running iOS 9 .2

2015-12-17 Thread Don Breda

I have had this happen.

Use your roter and you will find audio destination.

Swipe up or down to set the audio route for voiceover where you really 
want it.

This will fix the problem.


On 16-Dec-15 10:47 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

I was using my phone to play radio tunes via airplay through my stereo, which 
as an airport express connected. I had turn voiceover off, because I believe 
that the quality of the airplay is better when voiceover is not there. When I 
was done playing radiotunes,  I wanted to turn voiceover back on, so I could 
shut airplay off. Much to my surprise, voiceover started playing through my 
stereo speakers. I have no idea why this happened. I have not seen this ever. 
What might cause it? If I turn voiceover off and back on shall I expect it to 
start coming through my stereo whenever I have airplay active? This just seems 
to be another aspect of the bug that has entered the iOS echo system with iOS 
9. Bluetooth doesn't act right. Sound volume fluctuates. Bluetooth earpieces 
stop working. It's just screwed up. Apple needs to fix it, but it is all over 
the place. And they always say it is device specific. I don't believe that for 
a minute.

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Mail has no windows.

2012-10-02 Thread Don Breda
I have done this as well and figured out wat to do.

I am a mac newby so there may be a better way but I hit command0 and
that brings the mesage viewer back so you can interact with the messages
table again.


Don Breda 

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Re: Fast scanner that works on the mac

2012-10-19 Thread Don Breda
I have the successor to yours the 210 and you don't have to wait for the
light to come up to temperature and it is pretty fast.

Not using it on my mac though although I don't think that would be a


Don Breda 

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