I have had this happen.
Use your roter and you will find audio destination.
Swipe up or down to set the audio route for voiceover where you really
want it.
This will fix the problem.
On 16-Dec-15 10:47 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
I was using my phone to play radio tunes via airplay through my stereo, which
as an airport express connected. I had turn voiceover off, because I believe
that the quality of the airplay is better when voiceover is not there. When I
was done playing radiotunes, I wanted to turn voiceover back on, so I could
shut airplay off. Much to my surprise, voiceover started playing through my
stereo speakers. I have no idea why this happened. I have not seen this ever.
What might cause it? If I turn voiceover off and back on shall I expect it to
start coming through my stereo whenever I have airplay active? This just seems
to be another aspect of the bug that has entered the iOS echo system with iOS
9. Bluetooth doesn't act right. Sound volume fluctuates. Bluetooth earpieces
stop working. It's just screwed up. Apple needs to fix it, but it is all over
the place. And they always say it is device specific. I don't believe that for
a minute.
Sent from my iPhone
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