carbonite restore on the mac

2013-11-05 Thread jean parker
Max and All:
The restore process was ok for the most part.  When you log into their web site 
you can have your files appear in a browser format.  You then choose to restore 
all the files or selected files.  I am a fairly new mac user and found the 
process wasn't to difficult.  
If you have to have a remote session, things can be a little more complicated.  
You have to download a program to allow them access and the allow button can be 
difficult to find and has a timer.  If you get to a higher level of customer 
service reps you can get someone who can bypass this allow function if you just 
can't manage it.


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Re: request. automatic updates. voice over feature.

2013-11-05 Thread Peter Durieux
the thing is, you can't compare vo with an app for office stuff.
the vo behaviour is the same like on other platforms.
Microsoft, such as others, gnome for example, provide accessibility information 
in their components.
Jaws / Window-Eyes or orca on linux does the same as voiceover, it reads the 
accessibility information and does something usefull.

Therefor, it should be geat if apple decides to bundle in a separate package. 
With a separate package, bugfixes will find their way faster to the enduser.

ON microsoft you have naratoor, of a point of view it seems the same like 
voiceover, but yeah.

The text-t-speech voices are packaged in different bundles, but yeah in the way 
of Apple thinking. It is possible to rollout an update with bugfixes, but sadly 
it isn't the fact.
We have an tts bug since Lion with the dutch speaking voices, the same we had 
on ios4 that was fixed in ios 5.
the english tts had been fixed to ml, but still in 10.9 we've got the bug in 
some languages.

It is realy a shame on Apple or they don't care about the market outside us.

Just my 2 cents

On Mon, Nov 04, 2013 at 01:24:00PM -0700, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> You are correct in that VoiceOver can have bugs that are independent of the 
> Accessibility layer.  The issue, in my opinion, though is that VoiceOver is 
> not really an app in the same sense as iTunes or Microsoft Office etc.  The 
> MacOS is not available without VoiceOver.  You do not install VoiceOver after 
> the fact. You cannot install your MacOS without VO being there as well.  
> VoiceOver is a screenreader service woven into the MacOS thus difficult to 
> independently update.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 8:48 AM, Peter Durieux  wrote:
> > you have:
> > -   the accessibility layer itself (compontents of the os that provide 
> > accessibility information)
> > -   voiceover screen that interacts with the accessibility layer.
> > 
> > VoiceOver can like other programs have bugs that has nothing to do with the 
> > underlying accessibility layer of the os.
> > 
> > just my 2 cents
> > 
> > 
> > On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 07:13:55AM -0600, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> The issue with automatic updates to VoiceOver has been skirted around here 
> >> but not clearly enough in my opinion.  VoiceOver is not just a bolted on 
> >> app to the MacOS, it is a part of the OS itself.  While you could update 
> >> specific code within the screenreader service, the majority of fixes 
> >> actually are within the coding of the system itself.  That is, the way 
> >> that either the OS handles a process or the method by which Apple or third 
> >> party apps handle system resources often cause the problems we have with 
> >> the VO interface.  The use of custom elements within apps is outside the 
> >> scope and of VO updates but, when, addressed affect VO accessibility.  So, 
> >> what I’m saying, is that I don’t believe that updates to VO can 
> >> necessarily be easily separated from OS updates other than through 
> >> “Supplemental” sorts of things.
> >> 
> >> JMO.
> >> 
> >> Later…
> >> 
> >> Tim Kilburn
> >> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> >> 
> >> On Oct 31, 2013, at 3:17 AM, mario navarro  wrote:
> >> 
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> no, what I said, is that the voice over also has bugs independently of 
> >>> apps.
> >>> sorry but I do not think that way .
> >>> 
> >>> I only want the best for the voice over, I'm not comparing windows and 
> >>> mac.
> >>> please do not misunderstand me .
> >>> 
> >>> cheers.
> >>> Em 31/10/2013 08:49, BBS escreveu:
>  I can tell you my answer right now. Voiceover doesn’t need to be like 
>  Jaws or Window-Eyes updating all the time. Even if Voiceover were 
>  updated constantly, that wouldn’t solve anything. The apps that have 
>  been inaccessible will remain inaccessible until the app developers fix 
>  those issues themselves. And as far as Voiceover having bugs in the app, 
>  hate to say this, but you’ve pretty much said your problem yourself, 
>  that the apps are the problem and not Voiceover. So no, Voiceover 
>  doesn’t need automatic updates. We don’t need to go through the same 
>  hell we go through with Windows screen readers.
>  Shawn
>  Sent From My White Mac Book
>  On Oct 31, 2013, at 3:29 AM, mario navarro  wrote:
> > 
> > hi nicholas.
> > I know that most times the problems are the apps, apps are standard 
> > sustema osx, or other companies.
> > but the voice over also has some bugs in certain apps that  to be fixed.
> > The voice over is not immune to bugs.
> > we all know that screen readers have bugs whatever they are.
> > and also has voice over.
> > It would also automatic updates for new features.
> > nicholas ok, if the group agrees with the automatic updates, I want you 
> > to write the ticket for me to send.
> > I'll be super grateful.
> >>>

Re: Fantastical for Mac

2013-11-05 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Thanks again for your help, Christina. I found the calendar view like you said. 
But like you I couldn't seem to find any information on the events or reminders 
associated with each day.

I am looking for a calendar much like Apple's Calendar but one that let's me 
view reminders along side events. Sadly, seems Fantastical for Mac won't quite 
do the trick. I find entering events in Apple's Calendar easy enough, so I 
don't think Fantastical for Mac offers me too much.

Just out of interest, Christina, have you tried entering an event in Apple's 
Calendar lately? I've heard people talk about how easy it is with Fantastical, 
but it sounds much the same as with Calendar. I think Apple must have improved 
this. For instance, you can now just type Dinner on Saturday at 8, and Apple 
will create an event at 8PM next Saturday titled Dinner. Super easy.


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Re: request. automatic updates. voice over feature.

2013-11-05 Thread BBS
I gotta interject here because you’re talking about voices. Those Dutch and 
English voices you’re talking about aren’t made by Apple. These are Vocalizer 
Expressive voices which are made by Nuance. So therefore, Apple can’t do 
anything with these voices because Nuance is in charge of them. As for your 
other comment, I don’t quite know what you mean by Apple should make individual 
bundles for Voiceover, but it sounds to me like you want Apple to make 
Voiceover just like Jaws or Window-Eyes. I’ve said this before and I’ll say 
that again, the day that Apple does that is the day I’ll stop using a computer. 
I want my screenreader experience to be as fast and responsive as it has been 
and if I want a piece of crap screenreader I’ll use Windows. Seriously, I don’t 
know why Voiceover not having updates is an issue?

Sent From My White Mac Book

On Nov 5, 2013, at 2:23 AM, Peter Durieux  wrote:

> the thing is, you can't compare vo with an app for office stuff.
> the vo behaviour is the same like on other platforms.
> Microsoft, such as others, gnome for example, provide accessibility 
> information in their components.
> Jaws / Window-Eyes or orca on linux does the same as voiceover, it reads the 
> accessibility information and does something usefull.
> Therefor, it should be geat if apple decides to bundle in a separate package. 
> With a separate package, bugfixes will find their way faster to the enduser.
> ON microsoft you have naratoor, of a point of view it seems the same like 
> voiceover, but yeah.
> The text-t-speech voices are packaged in different bundles, but yeah in the 
> way of Apple thinking. It is possible to rollout an update with bugfixes, but 
> sadly it isn't the fact.
> We have an tts bug since Lion with the dutch speaking voices, the same we had 
> on ios4 that was fixed in ios 5.
> the english tts had been fixed to ml, but still in 10.9 we've got the bug in 
> some languages.
> It is realy a shame on Apple or they don't care about the market outside us.
> Just my 2 cents
> On Mon, Nov 04, 2013 at 01:24:00PM -0700, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You are correct in that VoiceOver can have bugs that are independent of the 
>> Accessibility layer.  The issue, in my opinion, though is that VoiceOver is 
>> not really an app in the same sense as iTunes or Microsoft Office etc.  The 
>> MacOS is not available without VoiceOver.  You do not install VoiceOver 
>> after the fact. You cannot install your MacOS without VO being there as 
>> well.  VoiceOver is a screenreader service woven into the MacOS thus 
>> difficult to independently update.
>> Later…
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 8:48 AM, Peter Durieux  wrote:
>>> you have:
>>> -   the accessibility layer itself (compontents of the os that provide 
>>> accessibility information)
>>> -   voiceover screen that interacts with the accessibility layer.
>>> VoiceOver can like other programs have bugs that has nothing to do with the 
>>> underlying accessibility layer of the os.
>>> just my 2 cents
>>> On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 07:13:55AM -0600, Tim Kilburn wrote:
 The issue with automatic updates to VoiceOver has been skirted around here 
 but not clearly enough in my opinion.  VoiceOver is not just a bolted on 
 app to the MacOS, it is a part of the OS itself.  While you could update 
 specific code within the screenreader service, the majority of fixes 
 actually are within the coding of the system itself.  That is, the way 
 that either the OS handles a process or the method by which Apple or third 
 party apps handle system resources often cause the problems we have with 
 the VO interface.  The use of custom elements within apps is outside the 
 scope and of VO updates but, when, addressed affect VO accessibility.  So, 
 what I’m saying, is that I don’t believe that updates to VO can 
 necessarily be easily separated from OS updates other than through 
 “Supplemental” sorts of things.
 Tim Kilburn
 Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 On Oct 31, 2013, at 3:17 AM, mario navarro  wrote:
> no, what I said, is that the voice over also has bugs independently of 
> apps.
> sorry but I do not think that way .
> I only want the best for the voice over, I'm not comparing windows and 
> mac.
> please do not misunderstand me .
> cheers.
> Em 31/10/2013 08:49, BBS escreveu:
>> I can tell you my answer right now. Voiceover doesn’t need to be like 
>> Jaws or Window-Eyes updating all the time. Even if Voiceover were 
>> updated constantly, that wouldn’t solve anything. The apps that have 
>> been inaccessible will remain inaccessible until the app developers fix 
>> those issues themselves. And as far as Voiceover having bugs in the app, 
>> hate to say this

Re: Copying files to another mailbox

2013-11-05 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Yes, all these methods are great. I will just caution, however, that it's still 
possible to lose messages this way if you're not careful. I recommend opening 
activity monitor with command-option-0 if you're moving large numbers of 
messages. It's worth while keeping an eye on what's happening, because it can 
often actually take much longer for these messages to move than it appears from 
the normal Mail interface. For instance, I copied a whole bunch of messages 
from my gmail account to a new work account. The messages all disappeared from 
the gmail mailbox, so I thought they had moved. I then deleted the gmail 
mailbox. I then got an error message saying some of the messages could not be 
moved. There was no way to get these messages back again. I guess what happened 
is that I deleted the mailbox before they had actually been moved, and by doing 
so I deleted the messages along with the mailbox. They did not appear in the 
new work mailbox, and no longer appeared in gmail.

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Re: síri accessible. speakable workflows

2013-11-05 Thread Daniela Rubio
Hello Mario!
This is fantastic!
Can you please let us know where and how to start doing this commands? Thank 

Daniela Rubio T
iPhone: +34662328507

El 05/11/2013, a las 07:44, mario navarro  escribió:

> hi all .
> who wants Siri on your computer?
> Now we have a Siri accessible.
> speakable workflows
> Automator workflows can be saved the Speakable Items So They can be executed 
> as a voice command is activated When Speakable Items in Accessibility 
> preferences.
> I have tested it and loved it because now I have a Siri accessible on my 
> computer.
> god. I love it.
> this is fantastic!
> Siri  accessible now does everything for me!
> Siri accessible? ... yes that's what I want to call!
> have doubts? try it!
> cheers.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to
> To post to this group, send email to
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Re: request. automatic updates. voice over feature.

2013-11-05 Thread Nicholas Parsons
First, I'm sure most if not all people on this list would agree that VoiceOver 
is, in many respects, better than Windows screen readers. That is probably why 
we are using Macs with VoiceOver after all. However, the lack of frequent 
updates, if indeed updates to VoiceOver are less frequent than Windows screen 
readers, is not one of the reasons why VoiceOver is superior to Windows screen 
readers. VoiceOver is superior despite more frequent updates, not because of 
them. IN fact, one reason I like VoiceOver so much is that it generally gets 
free corresponding updates whenever the OS is updated. NOt like with JAWS where 
I need to go and buy a new version, if it exists, once the OS is updated. More 
importantly, however, updating VoiceOver more often will not make it somehow 
become Windows, and nobody is suggesting it should.

Second, the fact that VoiceOver is built into the OS doesn't mean it can't 
receive specific updates even though nothing else in the OS is being updated. 
Safari is built in—you can't install the OS without it, you can't install it 
after the fact—but it receives specific updates. So to with other firmware 
updates, camera raw compatibility upgrades, etcetera. Moreover, the OS often 
receives incremental patches to fix specific bugs, such as security 
vulnerabilities, wifi performance or battery issues. There's no reason the OS 
couldn't receive specific updates to fix VoiceOver bugs.

Third, the real issue VoiceOver doesn't receive more frequent upgrades, I 
suspect, is resources. Apple needs to decide how much money it is willing to 
designate to each area of the OS development. It only has a certain number of 
staff who work a set number of hours, so someone needs to decide how many staff 
will work on each app, feature, etcetera. It shouldn't come as a surprise to 
anyone that Apple designates fewer staff to developing VoiceOver than it does 
to other areas of the OS. Clearly there is more money to be made through 
integrating LinkedIn, or supporting multiple displays, etcetera, than improving 
VoiceOver. Even though Apple sets a high standard for integrating 
accessibility, at the end of the day it is still a public corporation and 
profit making is still its primary purpose and duty.

Fourth, we're back to the issue that improvements to VoiceOver itself can only 
go so far. What is needed more is improved accessibility in the various apps we 
all access. I'm not sure how this works at Apple—whether the accessibility team 
is tasked with reviewing all apps to ensure they are accessible, or whether all 
developers have accessibility guidelines to follow. I'd hope the latter is 
true, and all developers know about accessibility and consider all code they 
write from an accessibility viewpoint. This would free up the accessibility 
team to focus on innovative accessibility features, rather than just fixing the 
problems created elsewhere in the OS. However, I suspect this is not the case, 
and much of the accessibility team's work consists of patching up or finding 
ways around accessibility problems created by innovative new developments made 
without accessibility in mind.

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Re: síri accessible. speakable workflows

2013-11-05 Thread Estelita

Hi, will it work in mountain lion?

- Original Message - 
From: "mario navarro" 

To: "mac visionares" 
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 6:44 AM
Subject: síri accessible. speakable workflows

hi all .

who wants Siri on your computer?
Now we have a Siri accessible.
speakable workflows
Automator workflows can be saved the Speakable Items So They can be 
executed as a voice command is activated When Speakable Items in 
Accessibility preferences.

I have tested it and loved it because now I have a Siri accessible on my 

god. I love it.
this is fantastic!
Siri  accessible now does everything for me!
Siri accessible? ... yes that's what I want to call!

have doubts? try it!

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Re: síri accessible. speakable workflows

2013-11-05 Thread Mario Navarro

just on mavericks.
No dia 05/11/2013, às 09:34, Estelita  escreveu:

> Hi, will it work in mountain lion?
> - Original Message - From: "mario navarro" 
> To: "mac visionares" 
> Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 6:44 AM
> Subject: síri accessible. speakable workflows
>> hi all .
>> who wants Siri on your computer?
>> Now we have a Siri accessible.
>> speakable workflows
>> Automator workflows can be saved the Speakable Items So They can be executed 
>> as a voice command is activated When Speakable Items in Accessibility 
>> preferences.
>> I have tested it and loved it because now I have a Siri accessible on my 
>> computer.
>> god. I love it.
>> this is fantastic!
>> Siri  accessible now does everything for me!
>> Siri accessible? ... yes that's what I want to call!
>> have doubts? try it!
>> cheers.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> Visit this group at
>> For more options, visit 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: síri accessible. speakable workflows

2013-11-05 Thread Mario Navarro

hi daniela 
1. go to system preferences, and then accessibility.
2. in the table choose: speakable items.
Now you will find 3 tabs, and you will configure each of them.
for this you have to check each one.
Note: this feature only works in the English language.
What I think for you, it's not a problem
 3. from there it's all intuitive.

No dia 05/11/2013, às 09:20, Daniela Rubio  escreveu:

> Hello Mario!
> This is fantastic!
> Can you please let us know where and how to start doing this commands? Thank 
> you!
> Cheers
> Daniela Rubio T
> iPhone: +34662328507
> El 05/11/2013, a las 07:44, mario navarro  escribió:
>> hi all .
>> who wants Siri on your computer?
>> Now we have a Siri accessible.
>> speakable workflows
>> Automator workflows can be saved the Speakable Items So They can be executed 
>> as a voice command is activated When Speakable Items in Accessibility 
>> preferences.
>> I have tested it and loved it because now I have a Siri accessible on my 
>> computer.
>> god. I love it.
>> this is fantastic!
>> Siri  accessible now does everything for me!
>> Siri accessible? ... yes that's what I want to call!
>> have doubts? try it!
>> cheers.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
>> email to
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> Visit this group at
>> For more options, visit
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> email to
> To post to this group, send email to
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Re: request. automatic updates. voice over feature.

2013-11-05 Thread Peter Durieux
wth Shawn? The bug of the nuance voices isn't a vocalizer bug, cause on other 
platforms it doesn't exists.
Apple does something weird with email addresses and urls to give it to the tts 

What I conclude from your reaction is that you find no bugs in voiceover at all 
and so intermidiate updates aren't necessary.
Let me tell you in all respect, I don't mean that VoiceOver have to be build by 
an other company, but a faster release cycle for voiceOver in particular should 
be very appriciated.
A scren reader is as good as the underlying accessibility layer. If the 
information needed isn't provided the need to find workarounds etc.

Take a look at talkbak for example there are several tb updates with bug fixes 
and new features without having to upgrade to a hole new os.

It's the same like saying, ok the issues with apple mail, you have to wait till 
a new release next yar to get the annoying bugs fixed for imap services for 
How many users should they lose with this approache?

Whatever just my 2 cents

On Tue, Nov 05, 2013 at 02:45:31AM -0600, BBS wrote:
> I gotta interject here because you’re talking about voices. Those Dutch and 
> English voices you’re talking about aren’t made by Apple. These are Vocalizer 
> Expressive voices which are made by Nuance. So therefore, Apple can’t do 
> anything with these voices because Nuance is in charge of them. As for your 
> other comment, I don’t quite know what you mean by Apple should make 
> individual bundles for Voiceover, but it sounds to me like you want Apple to 
> make Voiceover just like Jaws or Window-Eyes. I’ve said this before and I’ll 
> say that again, the day that Apple does that is the day I’ll stop using a 
> computer. I want my screenreader experience to be as fast and responsive as 
> it has been and if I want a piece of crap screenreader I’ll use Windows. 
> Seriously, I don’t know why Voiceover not having updates is an issue?
> Shawn
> Sent From My White Mac Book
> On Nov 5, 2013, at 2:23 AM, Peter Durieux  wrote:
> > the thing is, you can't compare vo with an app for office stuff.
> > the vo behaviour is the same like on other platforms.
> > Microsoft, such as others, gnome for example, provide accessibility 
> > information in their components.
> > Jaws / Window-Eyes or orca on linux does the same as voiceover, it reads 
> > the accessibility information and does something usefull.
> > 
> > Therefor, it should be geat if apple decides to bundle in a separate 
> > package. With a separate package, bugfixes will find their way faster to 
> > the enduser.
> > 
> > ON microsoft you have naratoor, of a point of view it seems the same like 
> > voiceover, but yeah.
> > 
> > The text-t-speech voices are packaged in different bundles, but yeah in the 
> > way of Apple thinking. It is possible to rollout an update with bugfixes, 
> > but sadly it isn't the fact.
> > We have an tts bug since Lion with the dutch speaking voices, the same we 
> > had on ios4 that was fixed in ios 5.
> > the english tts had been fixed to ml, but still in 10.9 we've got the bug 
> > in some languages.
> > 
> > It is realy a shame on Apple or they don't care about the market outside us.
> > 
> > Just my 2 cents
> > 
> > 
> > On Mon, Nov 04, 2013 at 01:24:00PM -0700, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> You are correct in that VoiceOver can have bugs that are independent of 
> >> the Accessibility layer.  The issue, in my opinion, though is that 
> >> VoiceOver is not really an app in the same sense as iTunes or Microsoft 
> >> Office etc.  The MacOS is not available without VoiceOver.  You do not 
> >> install VoiceOver after the fact. You cannot install your MacOS without VO 
> >> being there as well.  VoiceOver is a screenreader service woven into the 
> >> MacOS thus difficult to independently update.
> >> 
> >> Later…
> >> 
> >> Tim Kilburn
> >> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> >> 
> >> On Nov 4, 2013, at 8:48 AM, Peter Durieux  wrote:
> >> 
> >>> you have:
> >>> - the accessibility layer itself (compontents of the os that provide 
> >>> accessibility information)
> >>> - voiceover screen that interacts with the accessibility layer.
> >>> 
> >>> VoiceOver can like other programs have bugs that has nothing to do with 
> >>> the underlying accessibility layer of the os.
> >>> 
> >>> just my 2 cents
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 07:13:55AM -0600, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>  Hi,
>  The issue with automatic updates to VoiceOver has been skirted around 
>  here but not clearly enough in my opinion.  VoiceOver is not just a 
>  bolted on app to the MacOS, it is a part of the OS itself.  While you 
>  could update specific code within the screenreader service, the majority 
>  of fixes actually are within the coding of the system itself.  That is, 
>  the way that either the OS handles a process or the method by which 
>  Apple or third party apps handle system resources often cause the 
>  problems

Re: request. automatic updates. voice over feature.

2013-11-05 Thread Terje Strømberg

Nuance make the voices. Apple make computers and other hardware and OS. Apple 
is the big boss. If Apple tell Nuance to jump. Nuance jump. Apple should tell 
Nuance to make good voices for all countries.

Take care

5. nov. 2013 kl. 09:45 skrev BBS :

> I gotta interject here because you’re talking about voices. Those Dutch and 
> English voices you’re talking about aren’t made by Apple. These are Vocalizer 
> Expressive voices which are made by Nuance. So therefore, Apple can’t do 
> anything with these voices because Nuance is in charge of them. As for your 
> other comment, I don’t quite know what you mean by Apple should make 
> individual bundles for Voiceover, but it sounds to me like you want Apple to 
> make Voiceover just like Jaws or Window-Eyes. I’ve said this before and I’ll 
> say that again, the day that Apple does that is the day I’ll stop using a 
> computer. I want my screenreader experience to be as fast and responsive as 
> it has been and if I want a piece of crap screenreader I’ll use Windows. 
> Seriously, I don’t know why Voiceover not having updates is an issue?
> Shawn
> Sent From My White Mac Book
> On Nov 5, 2013, at 2:23 AM, Peter Durieux  wrote:
>> the thing is, you can't compare vo with an app for office stuff.
>> the vo behaviour is the same like on other platforms.
>> Microsoft, such as others, gnome for example, provide accessibility 
>> information in their components.
>> Jaws / Window-Eyes or orca on linux does the same as voiceover, it reads the 
>> accessibility information and does something usefull.
>> Therefor, it should be geat if apple decides to bundle in a separate 
>> package. With a separate package, bugfixes will find their way faster to the 
>> enduser.
>> ON microsoft you have naratoor, of a point of view it seems the same like 
>> voiceover, but yeah.
>> The text-t-speech voices are packaged in different bundles, but yeah in the 
>> way of Apple thinking. It is possible to rollout an update with bugfixes, 
>> but sadly it isn't the fact.
>> We have an tts bug since Lion with the dutch speaking voices, the same we 
>> had on ios4 that was fixed in ios 5.
>> the english tts had been fixed to ml, but still in 10.9 we've got the bug in 
>> some languages.
>> It is realy a shame on Apple or they don't care about the market outside us.
>> Just my 2 cents
>> On Mon, Nov 04, 2013 at 01:24:00PM -0700, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> You are correct in that VoiceOver can have bugs that are independent of the 
>>> Accessibility layer.  The issue, in my opinion, though is that VoiceOver is 
>>> not really an app in the same sense as iTunes or Microsoft Office etc.  The 
>>> MacOS is not available without VoiceOver.  You do not install VoiceOver 
>>> after the fact. You cannot install your MacOS without VO being there as 
>>> well.  VoiceOver is a screenreader service woven into the MacOS thus 
>>> difficult to independently update.
>>> Later…
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 8:48 AM, Peter Durieux  wrote:
 you have:
 -  the accessibility layer itself (compontents of the os that provide 
 accessibility information)
 -  voiceover screen that interacts with the accessibility layer.
 VoiceOver can like other programs have bugs that has nothing to do with 
 the underlying accessibility layer of the os.
 just my 2 cents
 On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 07:13:55AM -0600, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> The issue with automatic updates to VoiceOver has been skirted around 
> here but not clearly enough in my opinion.  VoiceOver is not just a 
> bolted on app to the MacOS, it is a part of the OS itself.  While you 
> could update specific code within the screenreader service, the majority 
> of fixes actually are within the coding of the system itself.  That is, 
> the way that either the OS handles a process or the method by which Apple 
> or third party apps handle system resources often cause the problems we 
> have with the VO interface.  The use of custom elements within apps is 
> outside the scope and of VO updates but, when, addressed affect VO 
> accessibility.  So, what I’m saying, is that I don’t believe that updates 
> to VO can necessarily be easily separated from OS updates other than 
> through “Supplemental” sorts of things.
> JMO.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Oct 31, 2013, at 3:17 AM, mario navarro  wrote:
>> no, what I said, is that the voice over also has bugs independently of 
>> apps.
>> sorry but I do not think that way .
>> I only want the best for the voice over, I'm not comparing windows and 
>> mac.
>> please do not misunderstand me .
>> cheers.
>> Em 31/10/2013 08:49, BBS escreveu:
>>> I can tell you my ans

Re: Bard mobile saying "request timed out, "

2013-11-05 Thread Jane
If you are trying to download a book and the process is interrupted, it tries 
again when the app is re-opened. 


On Nov 5, 2013, at 12:08 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  

> What I would also like to know, is what requests, since I did not send one?
> It seems that this is the first symptom of a conflict between mobile data and 
> Wi-Fi data. I guess I will just have to turn one or the other off. I have 
> unlimited mobile data at 3G speed, so I really don't notice that much of a 
> difference.
> Sent from my iPhone
> Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
> My home page:
> Facebook:
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 2:32 PM, Jane  wrote:
>> Hi, Mark.
>> I actually don't know. Sorry! I always manually turn it off whenever I need 
>> to.
>> Jane
>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 5:00 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  
>> wrote:
>>> I usually end up turning off Wi-Fi, instead of mobile data, but I have to 
>>> turn it off manually from settings.
>>> I agree, Wi-Fi should get precedents, but for some reason there seems to be 
>>> a conflict. Is there any other setting on my router, or some other way to 
>>> deal with this, other then manually turning off and on mobile data or Wi-Fi 
>>> on the iPhone?
>>> Be well.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
>>> My home page:
>>> Facebook:
>>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 1:09 PM, Jane  wrote:
 I think it can't decide which to use. Actually, when you are at home your 
 cellular data thing should turn off. Accepting phone calls is one thing, 
 but the rest of it should be going over the wireless.
 On Nov 4, 2013, at 3:52 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter 
> Hi, all.
> When I try to use bard mobile, over Wi-Fi, with mobile data running at 
> the same time, I get a lot of alerts which say they request timed out. 
> That is all they say.
> Also, when using Wi-Fi while cellular data is on at the same time, I 
> think it be having conflict where mail cannot be sent or received, I get 
> this weird request timed out thing, dictation sometimes takes forever, 
> etc.
> I am running a Netgear 32 cable modem with a Netgear 32 wireless router 
> behind it. I have just upgraded to iOS 7 .0 .3.
> Any ideas why I seem to be having conflicts between the cellular data and 
> Wi-Fi data, when accessing the Internet?
> Be well.
> Sent from my iPhone
> Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
> My home page:
> Facebook:
> -- 
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Re: Bard mobile saying "request timed out, "

2013-11-05 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
No, most of the time, that is not the case. I can be merely playing a book, 
without having made any downloader questions, the hotel me to the request timed 
out. I have no idea what it thinks it's doing.

Sent from my iPhone

Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
My home page:

> On Nov 5, 2013, at 6:02 AM, Jane  wrote:
> If you are trying to download a book and the process is interrupted, it tries 
> again when the app is re-opened. 
> Jane
>> On Nov 5, 2013, at 12:08 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter 
>>  wrote:
>> What I would also like to know, is what requests, since I did not send one?
>> It seems that this is the first symptom of a conflict between mobile data 
>> and Wi-Fi data. I guess I will just have to turn one or the other off. I 
>> have unlimited mobile data at 3G speed, so I really don't notice that much 
>> of a difference.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
>> My home page:
>> Facebook:
>>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 2:32 PM, Jane  wrote:
>>> Hi, Mark.
>>> I actually don't know. Sorry! I always manually turn it off whenever I need 
>>> to.
>>> Jane
 On Nov 4, 2013, at 5:00 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter 
 I usually end up turning off Wi-Fi, instead of mobile data, but I have to 
 turn it off manually from settings.
 I agree, Wi-Fi should get precedents, but for some reason there seems to 
 be a conflict. Is there any other setting on my router, or some other way 
 to deal with this, other then manually turning off and on mobile data or 
 Wi-Fi on the iPhone?
 Be well.
 Sent from my iPhone
 Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
 My home page:
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 1:09 PM, Jane  wrote:
> I think it can't decide which to use. Actually, when you are at home your 
> cellular data thing should turn off. Accepting phone calls is one thing, 
> but the rest of it should be going over the wireless.
> Jane
>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 3:52 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter 
>>  wrote:
>> Hi, all.
>> When I try to use bard mobile, over Wi-Fi, with mobile data running at 
>> the same time, I get a lot of alerts which say they request timed out. 
>> That is all they say.
>> Also, when using Wi-Fi while cellular data is on at the same time, I 
>> think it be having conflict where mail cannot be sent or received, I get 
>> this weird request timed out thing, dictation sometimes takes forever, 
>> etc.
>> I am running a Netgear 32 cable modem with a Netgear 32 wireless router 
>> behind it. I have just upgraded to iOS 7 .0 .3.
>> Any ideas why I seem to be having conflicts between the cellular data 
>> and Wi-Fi data, when accessing the Internet?
>> Be well.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> Messengers and Skype: BurningHawk1969
>> My home page:
>> Facebook:
>> -- 
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voice over voices question?

2013-11-05 Thread Karen Lewellen

Just curious,
 Are there any dec-talk voices for voiceover use?

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Re: voice over voices question?

2013-11-05 Thread Chris H
Don't think so but there is one voice that somewhat resembles Paul his 
name is Fred try it out.

E-mail Facebook and iMessage

On 05/11/2013 15:15, Karen Lewellen wrote:

Just curious,
  Are there any dec-talk voices for voiceover use?

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Re: voice over voices question?

2013-11-05 Thread Caitlyn furness
Hi Kar,
As far as I know, there aren’t any dce talk voices for use with voice over.

there is, though, a particular voice called Fred which reminds me of dec talk.

On Nov 5, 2013, at 10:15 AM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

> Just curious,
> Are there any dec-talk voices for voiceover use?
> Thanks,
> Karen
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Re: Computer not authorized and Already authorized in iTunes? How to Resolve?

2013-11-05 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Tim,

I double-checked and I get the same page as the one from the store menu with no 
“deauthorize all” button. It just indicates: “One computer is authorized to 
play content from this Apple ID” with no associated buttons. I did a text 
search on the page, and no such luck. This is the page you described with 
billing info, etc., and a secure connection that I had to sign into.


"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
dark to read."--Groucho Marx

On Nov 4, 2013, at 9:37 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> From within the iTunes window, not the menubar, you press the iTunes Store 
> button then navigate to the pop-up button that says “your Apple ID - View my 
> iTunes Store Account”.  You may be asked to re-enter your Apple ID and 
> password since this is a secure area.  Then Interact with the HTML area and 
> navigate through it.  You’ll notice stuff about your credit card, attached 
> devices, latest purchases and Authorized computers.  The De-Authorize All 
> button is there.
> HTH.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 10:22 PM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
>> Hi, Tim,
>> I don’t have a “deauthorize all” option, because I only have one computer 
>> authorized. I’ve tried deauthorizing and reauthorizing it several times, to 
>> no avail.
>> I will try the iPod connection and see how that goes. Thanks.
>> Teresa
>> Slow down; you'll get there faster.
>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 9:08 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I would clear the authorizations then.  When you’re in the My Account Info 
>>> area of the iTunes Store, there will be a “De-Authorize All” button.  This 
>>> will clear all records of your computers on Apple’s end allowing you to 
>>> re-authorize things and possibly get around that error.  If you choose to 
>>> attempt this, you’ll simply need to authorize any computers you want 
>>> attached to that Apple ID.  The iPod should remain attached as those 
>>> devices are not considered part of the Authorization group.  If the problem 
>>> persists even after that, you should check the Apple ID info in the iPod 
>>> itself.  Disconnect then reconnect it to your Apple ID.
>>> Later…
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 7:39 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>>> wrote:
 No, it wasn’t. I checked in the app info and iCloud info and everything is 
 under the same Apple ID.
 "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
 On Nov 4, 2013, at 4:30 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> Was your iPod previously connected to a different Apple ID?  Go into 
> iTunes, into the Store and check both the list of Authorized Computers 
> and the list of devices connected to your Apple ID for the iTunes Store.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 12:42 PM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
>> Hi, all,
>> I’m getting a circular set of errors in iTunes. First I get an error 
>> that my computer is not authorized to play purchases from my iPod. when 
>> I try authorizing, I get an error saying it’s already authorized. I only 
>> have one computer.
>> I looked this up and there is a notation on removing the SC info folder 
>> in /users/shared/SC. This folder is not there. So is there something 
>> equivalent i can do?
>> I’m using the same Apple ID for everything, and I’ve done a reset and 
>> restore on my iPod. So I’m leaning toward resolving a problem somewhere 
>> in iTunes user data.
>> thanks,
>> teresa
>> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
>> Feynman
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Re: Computer not authorized and Already authorized in iTunes? How to Resolve?

2013-11-05 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hmm.  It sounds like the problem is with the iPod itself as it is not somehow 
reading that your computer is using the same Apple ID.  Did you have an older 
computer that you replaced with a newer one some time lately?  iDevices also 
call it authorization when they pair with a computer and they specifically pair 
with an individual computer, correct Apple ID or not.  This is to ensure that 
people don’t use iPods as a medium to transfer protected digital content 
between machines.  If this was the case, other than some third party apps which 
can grab the iPod content, your kind of out of luck.  You usually just need to 
restore your iPod and it will become re-attached to your new computer upon the 
restoration completion.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Nov 5, 2013, at 10:15 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, Tim,
> I double-checked and I get the same page as the one from the store menu with 
> no “deauthorize all” button. It just indicates: “One computer is authorized 
> to play content from this Apple ID” with no associated buttons. I did a text 
> search on the page, and no such luck. This is the page you described with 
> billing info, etc., and a secure connection that I had to sign into.
> Teresa
> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 9:37 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> From within the iTunes window, not the menubar, you press the iTunes Store 
>> button then navigate to the pop-up button that says “your Apple ID - View my 
>> iTunes Store Account”.  You may be asked to re-enter your Apple ID and 
>> password since this is a secure area.  Then Interact with the HTML area and 
>> navigate through it.  You’ll notice stuff about your credit card, attached 
>> devices, latest purchases and Authorized computers.  The De-Authorize All 
>> button is there.
>> HTH.
>> Later…
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 10:22 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, Tim,
>>> I don’t have a “deauthorize all” option, because I only have one computer 
>>> authorized. I’ve tried deauthorizing and reauthorizing it several times, to 
>>> no avail.
>>> I will try the iPod connection and see how that goes. Thanks.
>>> Teresa
>>> Slow down; you'll get there faster.
>>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 9:08 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
 I would clear the authorizations then.  When you’re in the My Account Info 
 area of the iTunes Store, there will be a “De-Authorize All” button.  This 
 will clear all records of your computers on Apple’s end allowing you to 
 re-authorize things and possibly get around that error.  If you choose to 
 attempt this, you’ll simply need to authorize any computers you want 
 attached to that Apple ID.  The iPod should remain attached as those 
 devices are not considered part of the Authorization group.  If the 
 problem persists even after that, you should check the Apple ID info in 
 the iPod itself.  Disconnect then reconnect it to your Apple ID.
 Tim Kilburn
 Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 On Nov 4, 2013, at 7:39 PM, Teresa Cochran  
> No, it wasn’t. I checked in the app info and iCloud info and everything 
> is under the same Apple ID.
> Teresa
> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 4:30 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Was your iPod previously connected to a different Apple ID?  Go into 
>> iTunes, into the Store and check both the list of Authorized Computers 
>> and the list of devices connected to your Apple ID for the iTunes Store.
>> Later…
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 12:42 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> I’m getting a circular set of errors in iTunes. First I get an error 
>>> that my computer is not authorized to play purchases from my iPod. when 
>>> I try authorizing, I get an error saying it’s already authorized. I 
>>> only have one computer.
>>> I looked this up and there is a notation on removing the SC info folder 
>>> in /users/shared/SC. This folder is not there. So is there something 
>>> equivalent i can do?
>>> I’m using the same Apple ID for everything, and I’ve done a reset and 
>>> restore on my iPod. So I’m leaning toward resolving a problem somewhere 
>>> in iTunes user data.
>>> thanks,
>>> teresa
>>> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard 
>>> P. Feynman
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Nano Voice

2013-11-05 Thread Traci Duncan
Hi all,

When you sync your iPod Nano with the Mac, do you use Voiceover’s voice or the 
system voice?

Does it make a difference in sync time?


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Re: my iMac won't stay connected to internet

2013-11-05 Thread BlindMacMan
Hello! I had the same problem about a month ago... I worked with Apple for 
3 days thinking it was some conflict between my 3 TimeCapsules and my 
AirportExtreme (don't ask:-)... Finally, we went into System Profiler and 
found out that there were 10 Airports really close to me all using the 
lower bands... I switched to the highest possible band and all has been 
working perfectly ever since. Congratulations on resolving the issue 

On Monday, November 4, 2013 3:08:38 PM UTC-10, ccwiner wrote:
Thanks! :) I changed the settings on my time capsule and changed the 
channel from auto to a specific channel that was not currently being used 
in my neighborhood. I used some built in wifi diagnostic tool/utility to 
see what channels my neighbors were using.So far, I have been on for an 
hour without disruption. I am currently monitoring my wifi connection 
through wireless diagnostics to see if there are any interruptions.  I am 
keeping my fingers crossed. 

Now that you brought it up, my husband has not updated his computer yet. I 
forgot about that. However, my problem started before the update. His 
computer will lose the connection sometimes but mine was barely staying on 
for five minutes at a time.

Sent from Christina's iMac :)

On Nov 4, 2013, at 5:27 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:


I just started experiencing something similar this past weekend while using 
a hotel wireless and also while using the wireless service at the Airport. 
 I just got home an hour or so ago and everything is fine on my Apple 
Airport network.  I was thinking that it likely is a bug in Mavericks but 
if your husband is not having any issues and he’s running the same OS as 
you, then that may not be the case.  This has happened in previous versions 
of the MacOS and subsequently fixed.  I’ll do some searching on the 
Internet and see if anyone else is having the same problem.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Nov 4, 2013, at 1:02 PM, Christina C.  wrote:

Hi all,

I would love some help. I don’t know why but around 2 weeks ago my computer 
won’t seem to stay connected to the internet. The wifi status will say 4 of 
4 bars with name of network but no web pages will load nor will mail work. 
Then if I turn wifi off and then back on, all will work fine for a few 
minutes. Then it all starts all over again. :(  My husbands exact computer 
right next to mine works perfectly fine. I have repaired permissions and I 
have also run the diagnostic and no errors were detected in the 
wifi/network diagnostics.

I’d appreciate any help,

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Re: síri accessible. speakable workflows

2013-11-05 Thread BBS
Hi Mario. Sorry to correct you but the thing that you’re referring to isn’t 
called Siri Accessible Workflows. It’s actually called Speakable Items, and 
it’s been on the Mac since Snow Leopard. So to the other person that was 
wondering if this can be done on Mountain Lion, yes it can.

Sent From My White Mac Book

On Nov 5, 2013, at 4:30 AM, Mario Navarro  wrote:

> hi daniela 
> 1. go to system preferences, and then accessibility.
> 2. in the table choose: speakable items.
> Now you will find 3 tabs, and you will configure each of them.
> for this you have to check each one.
> Note: this feature only works in the English language.
> What I think for you, it's not a problem
>  3. from there it's all intuitive.
> cheeers.
> No dia 05/11/2013, às 09:20, Daniela Rubio  escreveu:
>> Hello Mario!
>> This is fantastic!
>> Can you please let us know where and how to start doing this commands? Thank 
>> you!
>> Cheers
>> Daniela Rubio T
>> iPhone: +34662328507
>> El 05/11/2013, a las 07:44, mario navarro  escribió:
>>> hi all .
>>> who wants Siri on your computer?
>>> Now we have a Siri accessible.
>>> speakable workflows
>>> Automator workflows can be saved the Speakable Items So They can be 
>>> executed as a voice command is activated When Speakable Items in 
>>> Accessibility preferences.
>>> I have tested it and loved it because now I have a Siri accessible on my 
>>> computer.
>>> god. I love it.
>>> this is fantastic!
>>> Siri  accessible now does everything for me!
>>> Siri accessible? ... yes that's what I want to call!
>>> have doubts? try it!
>>> cheers.
>>> -- 
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Re: Computer not authorized and Already authorized in iTunes? How to Resolve?

2013-11-05 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Tim,

i just restored the iPod, but I did use a previous backup, most likely the 
configuration of settings that caused the problem in the first place. What I 
find odd is that there was only one backup listed. No, I upgraded to Mavericks, 
which could have been a trigger. I’m still wondering if I could delete or 
modify some iTunes user data somehow.


"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman

On Nov 5, 2013, at 9:30 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hmm.  It sounds like the problem is with the iPod itself as it is not somehow 
> reading that your computer is using the same Apple ID.  Did you have an older 
> computer that you replaced with a newer one some time lately?  iDevices also 
> call it authorization when they pair with a computer and they specifically 
> pair with an individual computer, correct Apple ID or not.  This is to ensure 
> that people don’t use iPods as a medium to transfer protected digital content 
> between machines.  If this was the case, other than some third party apps 
> which can grab the iPod content, your kind of out of luck.  You usually just 
> need to restore your iPod and it will become re-attached to your new computer 
> upon the restoration completion.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Nov 5, 2013, at 10:15 AM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
>> Hi, Tim,
>> I double-checked and I get the same page as the one from the store menu with 
>> no “deauthorize all” button. It just indicates: “One computer is authorized 
>> to play content from this Apple ID” with no associated buttons. I did a text 
>> search on the page, and no such luck. This is the page you described with 
>> billing info, etc., and a secure connection that I had to sign into.
>> Teresa
>> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
>> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 9:37 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> From within the iTunes window, not the menubar, you press the iTunes Store 
>>> button then navigate to the pop-up button that says “your Apple ID - View 
>>> my iTunes Store Account”.  You may be asked to re-enter your Apple ID and 
>>> password since this is a secure area.  Then Interact with the HTML area and 
>>> navigate through it.  You’ll notice stuff about your credit card, attached 
>>> devices, latest purchases and Authorized computers.  The De-Authorize All 
>>> button is there.
>>> HTH.
>>> Later…
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 10:22 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>>> wrote:
 Hi, Tim,
 I don’t have a “deauthorize all” option, because I only have one computer 
 authorized. I’ve tried deauthorizing and reauthorizing it several times, 
 to no avail.
 I will try the iPod connection and see how that goes. Thanks.
 Slow down; you'll get there faster.
 On Nov 4, 2013, at 9:08 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> I would clear the authorizations then.  When you’re in the My Account 
> Info area of the iTunes Store, there will be a “De-Authorize All” button. 
>  This will clear all records of your computers on Apple’s end allowing 
> you to re-authorize things and possibly get around that error.  If you 
> choose to attempt this, you’ll simply need to authorize any computers you 
> want attached to that Apple ID.  The iPod should remain attached as those 
> devices are not considered part of the Authorization group.  If the 
> problem persists even after that, you should check the Apple ID info in 
> the iPod itself.  Disconnect then reconnect it to your Apple ID.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 7:39 PM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
>> No, it wasn’t. I checked in the app info and iCloud info and everything 
>> is under the same Apple ID.
>> Teresa
>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 4:30 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Was your iPod previously connected to a different Apple ID?  Go into 
>>> iTunes, into the Store and check both the list of Authorized Computers 
>>> and the list of devices connected to your Apple ID for the iTunes Store.
>>> Later…
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 12:42 PM, Teresa Cochran 
>>>  wrote:
 Hi, all,
 I’m getting a circular set of errors in iTunes. First I get an error 
 that my computer is not authorized to play purchases from my iPod. 
 when I try authorizing, I get an error saying it’s already authorized. 
 I only have one computer.
 I looked this up and there is a notation on removing


2013-11-05 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi guys
Somebody on this list said they had this problem, and now I'm having it too. I 
can navigate just fine and TextEdit as long as I am in page one. However, when 
I go to page 2 and above, voiceover says nothing if I push the down arrow or if 
I select text. I know the selection is being done because the Apple advisor 
told me so. I do have page wrap checked. I am wondering what the width should 
be for window length and width? I changed the window to 80 characters, and the 
other one to 24 lines. This didn't help. Now what should I do, if you guys can 
come up with something here?


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Re: Manually updating iWorks programs in Mavericks

2013-11-05 Thread Daniel K. Gartmann


Here is how I got the problem solved:

I switched the interface language of the OS to English and rebooted.
I then ran System Updates and got the updates delivered through the 
system update method. That is: Pages, Numbers , and Keynote were all 
updated via the app stor  when I had the interface language set to 
English instead of Danish.
I then set the interface language back to Danish and rebooted, and 
that's it.

All this after an idea from Apple Support.

Hope someone out there finds this bit of info useful.

Best regards


Den 02-11-2013 00:46, Anne Robertson skrev:

Hello Daniel,

You could try contacting Apple to get a code to download the new version of the 
iWork suite. Alternatively, install Mountain Lion on an external disc and 
install iWork, then upgrade to Mavericks on that disc and you’ll get the new 
versions. They’ll then be in your purchase history and you can download them 
onto your main HD.



On 1 Nov 2013, at 20:47, Daniel K. Gartmann  wrote:


I bought the iWork suite a couple of years ago.

I didn't manage to update Pages just after upgrading my Mac OS to Mavericks. 
Does anyone know of a manual way to do this so I don't have to purchase the 
apps again through the App store?

Note that I bought them before the App store came to the Mac.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards


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Re: TextEdit

2013-11-05 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Gigi,

You need it to be set to Wrap to Window for editing to work with VoiceOver. 
Just press Cmd-Shift-w and all will be well.

All the same, this is a bug and the more people who report it to Accessibility, 
the higher its priority will be.



On 5 Nov 2013, at 19:58, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi guys
> Somebody on this list said they had this problem, and now I'm having it too. 
> I can navigate just fine and TextEdit as long as I am in page one. However, 
> when I go to page 2 and above, voiceover says nothing if I push the down 
> arrow or if I select text. I know the selection is being done because the 
> Apple advisor told me so. I do have page wrap checked. I am wondering what 
> the width should be for window length and width? I changed the window to 80 
> characters, and the other one to 24 lines. This didn't help. Now what should 
> I do, if you guys can come up with something here?
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> -- 
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Re: TextEdit

2013-11-05 Thread Eugenia Firth
Thank you Anne. I hope I didn't mess up the window when I changed the width 
etc. Are there any certainsettings for characters and lines in Preferences that 
I need since I changed them? 


On Nov 5, 2013, at 2:44 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Gigi,
> You need it to be set to Wrap to Window for editing to work with VoiceOver. 
> Just press Cmd-Shift-w and all will be well.
> All the same, this is a bug and the more people who report it to 
> Accessibility, the higher its priority will be.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 5 Nov 2013, at 19:58, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> Somebody on this list said they had this problem, and now I'm having it too. 
>> I can navigate just fine and TextEdit as long as I am in page one. However, 
>> when I go to page 2 and above, voiceover says nothing if I push the down 
>> arrow or if I select text. I know the selection is being done because the 
>> Apple advisor told me so. I do have page wrap checked. I am wondering what 
>> the width should be for window length and width? I changed the window to 80 
>> characters, and the other one to 24 lines. This didn't help. Now what should 
>> I do, if you guys can come up with something here?
>> Regards, 
>> Gigi 
>> -- 
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Re: trouble with inaccessibility of pages after mavricks update

2013-11-05 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Brooke,

Have you updated to the new version of Pages along with Mavericks? I keep a 
test document which is a restaurant menu arranged into several tables and the 
new version of Pages works well with this document. Using the old version of 
Pages, I had to select the menus, which showed up in VoiceOver as highlighted 
spaces, and set them to Floating rather than inline to be able to access them 
and edit them.

The way Pages now handles tables is a big improvement. Sadly, other aspects of 
Pages have gone down hill.



On 4 Nov 2013, at 23:48, Brooke Jostad  wrote:

> Hi,
> I am new to this list, it's nice to meet you all.
> I recently got the new mavricks update, and since then I've had a lot of 
> problems with using Pages. It seems that the curser doesn't always stay in 
> one place when I'm writing, and often I have to close and reopen the file in 
> order to get it to actually enter the text. Voiceover doesn't always speak 
> when I'm entering text even though I have it set to do so. Finally, when I 
> create a table, voiceover doesn't read it, it simply sees it as a blank line 
> even though I've asked sighted people who say that the table is there. Have 
> any of you encountered these problems? Any suggestions?
> Much thanks,
> Brooke
> -- 
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Re: síri accessible. speakable workflows

2013-11-05 Thread Estelita
Hi Shawn,
Thanks for the verification, can you please instruct me step by step on how to 
make it work in my macbook pro?
I am just a Mac learner.
  - Original Message - 
  From: BBS 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 5:54 PM
  Subject: Re: síri accessible. speakable workflows

  Hi Mario. Sorry to correct you but the thing that you’re referring to isn’t 
called Siri Accessible Workflows. It’s actually called Speakable Items, and 
it’s been on the Mac since Snow Leopard. So to the other person that was 
wondering if this can be done on Mountain Lion, yes it can.

  Sent From My White Mac Book

  On Nov 5, 2013, at 4:30 AM, Mario Navarro  wrote:

hi daniela 
1. go to system preferences, and then accessibility.
2. in the table choose: speakable items.
Now you will find 3 tabs, and you will configure each of them.
for this you have to check each one.
Note: this feature only works in the English language.
What I think for you, it's not a problem
 3. from there it's all intuitive.

No dia 05/11/2013, às 09:20, Daniela Rubio  escreveu:

  Hello Mario!
  This is fantastic!
  Can you please let us know where and how to start doing this commands? 
Thank you!

  Daniela Rubio T
  iPhone: +34662328507

  El 05/11/2013, a las 07:44, mario navarro  escribió:

hi all .

who wants Siri on your computer?
Now we have a Siri accessible.
speakable workflows
Automator workflows can be saved the Speakable Items So They can be 
executed as a voice command is activated When Speakable Items in Accessibility 

I have tested it and loved it because now I have a Siri accessible on 
my computer.
god. I love it.
this is fantastic!
Siri  accessible now does everything for me!
Siri accessible? ... yes that's what I want to call!

have doubts? try it!

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Resolved I Think, Was Re: Computer not authorized and Already authorized in iTunes? How to Resolve?

2013-11-05 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hey, all,

I erased my iPod and then set it up as a new one. I manually installed apps in 
iTunes and didn’t use an iCloud backup. I’ve gotten all 71 apps installed, 
including Papa sangre II.

I strongly suspect this problem had to do with a stolen iPod from a few months 
back having the same name as the one that replaced it. I realize how silly that 
was now. I don’t know for sure that that was the cause, but things are looking 
much better now with a different name for my iPod. The reason I suspect this is 
that at one point, I was informed that my iPod Touch 5 was incompatible with 
Papa sangre II. I know this isn’t right. The iPod that was stolen from me was a 

thanks for all the help, tim and all.


"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
dark to read."--Groucho Marx

On Nov 5, 2013, at 9:30 AM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hmm.  It sounds like the problem is with the iPod itself as it is not somehow 
> reading that your computer is using the same Apple ID.  Did you have an older 
> computer that you replaced with a newer one some time lately?  iDevices also 
> call it authorization when they pair with a computer and they specifically 
> pair with an individual computer, correct Apple ID or not.  This is to ensure 
> that people don’t use iPods as a medium to transfer protected digital content 
> between machines.  If this was the case, other than some third party apps 
> which can grab the iPod content, your kind of out of luck.  You usually just 
> need to restore your iPod and it will become re-attached to your new computer 
> upon the restoration completion.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Nov 5, 2013, at 10:15 AM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
>> Hi, Tim,
>> I double-checked and I get the same page as the one from the store menu with 
>> no “deauthorize all” button. It just indicates: “One computer is authorized 
>> to play content from this Apple ID” with no associated buttons. I did a text 
>> search on the page, and no such luck. This is the page you described with 
>> billing info, etc., and a secure connection that I had to sign into.
>> Teresa
>> "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too 
>> dark to read."--Groucho Marx
>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 9:37 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> From within the iTunes window, not the menubar, you press the iTunes Store 
>>> button then navigate to the pop-up button that says “your Apple ID - View 
>>> my iTunes Store Account”.  You may be asked to re-enter your Apple ID and 
>>> password since this is a secure area.  Then Interact with the HTML area and 
>>> navigate through it.  You’ll notice stuff about your credit card, attached 
>>> devices, latest purchases and Authorized computers.  The De-Authorize All 
>>> button is there.
>>> HTH.
>>> Later…
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 10:22 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>>> wrote:
 Hi, Tim,
 I don’t have a “deauthorize all” option, because I only have one computer 
 authorized. I’ve tried deauthorizing and reauthorizing it several times, 
 to no avail.
 I will try the iPod connection and see how that goes. Thanks.
 Slow down; you'll get there faster.
 On Nov 4, 2013, at 9:08 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> I would clear the authorizations then.  When you’re in the My Account 
> Info area of the iTunes Store, there will be a “De-Authorize All” button. 
>  This will clear all records of your computers on Apple’s end allowing 
> you to re-authorize things and possibly get around that error.  If you 
> choose to attempt this, you’ll simply need to authorize any computers you 
> want attached to that Apple ID.  The iPod should remain attached as those 
> devices are not considered part of the Authorization group.  If the 
> problem persists even after that, you should check the Apple ID info in 
> the iPod itself.  Disconnect then reconnect it to your Apple ID.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Nov 4, 2013, at 7:39 PM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
>> No, it wasn’t. I checked in the app info and iCloud info and everything 
>> is under the same Apple ID.
>> Teresa
>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 4:30 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Was your iPod previously connected to a different Apple ID?  Go into 
>>> iTunes, into the Store and check both the list of Authorized Computers 
>>> and the list of devices connected to your Apple ID for the iTunes Store.
>>> Later…
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>> On Nov 4, 2013, at 12:42 PM, Teresa Cochran 
>>>  wrote:

Re: TextEdit

2013-11-05 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello again Gigi,

I don’t think you’ll have messed anything up. But let Accessibility know that 
this is a problem for you.



On 5 Nov 2013, at 21:47, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Thank you Anne. I hope I didn't mess up the window when I changed the width 
> etc. Are there any certainsettings for characters and lines in Preferences 
> that I need since I changed them? 
> Regards, 
> Gigi 
> On Nov 5, 2013, at 2:44 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello Gigi,
>> You need it to be set to Wrap to Window for editing to work with VoiceOver. 
>> Just press Cmd-Shift-w and all will be well.
>> All the same, this is a bug and the more people who report it to 
>> Accessibility, the higher its priority will be.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 5 Nov 2013, at 19:58, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi guys
>>> Somebody on this list said they had this problem, and now I'm having it 
>>> too. I can navigate just fine and TextEdit as long as I am in page one. 
>>> However, when I go to page 2 and above, voiceover says nothing if I push 
>>> the down arrow or if I select text. I know the selection is being done 
>>> because the Apple advisor told me so. I do have page wrap checked. I am 
>>> wondering what the width should be for window length and width? I changed 
>>> the window to 80 characters, and the other one to 24 lines. This didn't 
>>> help. Now what should I do, if you guys can come up with something here?
>>> Regards, 
>>> Gigi 
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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Re: síri accessible. speakable workflows

2013-11-05 Thread Daniela Rubio
It seems fantastic, I have tested speakable items before, but now, I just can’t 
get it to work … It doesn’t listen to me!
Can somebody help with that? Thanks a lot!

Daniela Rubio T
iPhone: +34662328507

El 05/11/2013, a las 07:44, mario navarro  escribió:

> hi all .
> who wants Siri on your computer?
> Now we have a Siri accessible.
> speakable workflows
> Automator workflows can be saved the Speakable Items So They can be executed 
> as a voice command is activated When Speakable Items in Accessibility 
> preferences.
> I have tested it and loved it because now I have a Siri accessible on my 
> computer.
> god. I love it.
> this is fantastic!
> Siri  accessible now does everything for me!
> Siri accessible? ... yes that's what I want to call!
> have doubts? try it!
> cheers.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: my iMac won't stay connected to internet

2013-11-05 Thread Agent086b
what is system profiler?

On 06/11/2013, at 4:46 AM, BlindMacMan  wrote:

> Hello! I had the same problem about a month ago... I worked with Apple for 3 
> days thinking it was some conflict between my 3 TimeCapsules and my 
> AirportExtreme (don't ask:-)... Finally, we went into System Profiler and 
> found out that there were 10 Airports really close to me all using the lower 
> bands... I switched to the highest possible band and all has been working 
> perfectly ever since. Congratulations on resolving the issue yourself!
> Lou/BlindMacMan.

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Preffered language add, dictionary not working (Maverick)

2013-11-05 Thread Daniela Rubio
Hello all!
I just added Catalan as one of my preferred languages in Maverick, but, I just 
get corrections in English and spanish. The mac recognizes the text in both 
languages, says when the words in english and spanish are wrong, but, what can 
I do with the Catalan?
Thank you very much for your ideas!

Daniela Rubio T
iPhone: +34662328507

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Re: carbonite restore on the mac

2013-11-05 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I didn't think Carbonite was accessible with VO?
On Nov 5, 2013, at 2:09 AM, jean parker  wrote:

> Max and All:
> The restore process was ok for the most part.  When you log into their web 
> site you can have your files appear in a browser format.  You then choose to 
> restore all the files or selected files.  I am a fairly new mac user and 
> found the process wasn't to difficult.  
> If you have to have a remote session, things can be a little more 
> complicated.  You have to download a program to allow them access and the 
> allow button can be difficult to find and has a timer.  If you get to a 
> higher level of customer service reps you can get someone who can bypass this 
> allow function if you just can't manage it.
> Jean
> -- 
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Re: carbonite restore on the mac

2013-11-05 Thread Agent086b
For the most part I find it ok. Not as easy as it was on the PC.
Still worth the cost for me.

On 06/11/2013, at 8:56 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli  

> I didn't think Carbonite was accessible with VO?
> On Nov 5, 2013, at 2:09 AM, jean parker  wrote:
>> Max and All:
>> The restore process was ok for the most part.  When you log into their web 
>> site you can have your files appear in a browser format.  You then choose to 
>> restore all the files or selected files.  I am a fairly new mac user and 
>> found the process wasn't to difficult.  
>> If you have to have a remote session, things can be a little more 
>> complicated.  You have to download a program to allow them access and the 
>> allow button can be difficult to find and has a timer.  If you get to a 
>> higher level of customer service reps you can get someone who can bypass 
>> this allow function if you just can't manage it.
>> Jean
>> -- 
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Re: carbonite restore on the mac

2013-11-05 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I've been looking for an online solution for my Mac. Thanks
On Nov 5, 2013, at 3:59 PM, Agent086b  wrote:

> For the most part I find it ok. Not as easy as it was on the PC.
> Still worth the cost for me.
> Max.
> On 06/11/2013, at 8:56 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli  
> wrote:
>> I didn't think Carbonite was accessible with VO?
>> On Nov 5, 2013, at 2:09 AM, jean parker  wrote:
>>> Max and All:
>>> The restore process was ok for the most part.  When you log into their web 
>>> site you can have your files appear in a browser format.  You then choose 
>>> to restore all the files or selected files.  I am a fairly new mac user and 
>>> found the process wasn't to difficult.  
>>> If you have to have a remote session, things can be a little more 
>>> complicated.  You have to download a program to allow them access and the 
>>> allow button can be difficult to find and has a timer.  If you get to a 
>>> higher level of customer service reps you can get someone who can bypass 
>>> this allow function if you just can't manage it.
>>> Jean
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Papa Sangre II Not compatible with iPod

2013-11-05 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, all,

On another thread, i detailed my authorization issues in iTunes. Now that I 
have everything installed and reauthorized, I realized that I didn’t have Papa 
sangre II. Well, this time, instead of giving me the crazy authorization 
message, I got the “not compatible” one instead. I took a look in the app store 
and found out that it’s indeed not compatible with iPod Touch 5. It says 
“optimized for iPone 5”, and “compatible with iPhone and iPad”. well, that will 
teach me to check the compatibility section from now on. At least it alerted me 
to the fact that something was wrong.

I was kind of wondering why it seemed sluggish when I played. ah, well.


Slow down; you'll get there faster.

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Using Pages on the Mac

2013-11-05 Thread Andrew Head
Hi all,  I am using an 11 inch macbook air, and have some questions about 
pages.  1. How do you hide the header and footer group? I only want my document 
text to show on screen.  2. Also, I have a microsoft word document, I am 
editing, when I save it, How do I save it in the word format? The only format I 
see is pages. , how do I select other formats to save documents in?   3. How do 
 you move page by page in a document? say I want to move through my document 
page by page from page 1, 2, 3, etc  Any help is appreciated.  Andrew. 

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Papa Sangre II Not compatible with iPod

2013-11-05 Thread Juan Pablo


I have an iTouch 5 as you. When I tried the purchase, the message "this app 
is not compatible with this ipod" apeared. However, in  a second try , I 
could install the app without problems.


-Original Message- 
From: Teresa Cochran

Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 10:20 PM
Subject: Papa Sangre II Not compatible with iPod

Hi, all,

On another thread, i detailed my authorization issues in iTunes. Now that I 
have everything installed and reauthorized, I realized that I didn’t have 
Papa sangre II. Well, this time, instead of giving me the crazy 
authorization message, I got the “not compatible” one instead. I took a look 
in the app store and found out that it’s indeed not compatible with iPod 
Touch 5. It says “optimized for iPone 5”, and “compatible with iPhone and 
iPad”. well, that will teach me to check the compatibility section from now 
on. At least it alerted me to the fact that something was wrong.

I was kind of wondering why it seemed sluggish when I played. ah, well.


Slow down; you'll get there faster.

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Re: Papa Sangre II Not compatible with iPod

2013-11-05 Thread Teresa Cochran
I installed it ok, and played for many levels, but I get the message when I 
sync that it will not be transferred from my computer. It has to be downloaded 
manually onto the iPod. Hmmm, I could try that, but I’m afraid of getting that 
confused message about computer authorizations in iTunes again.


Slow down; you'll get there faster.

On Nov 5, 2013, at 4:26 PM, Juan Pablo  wrote:

> Teresa,
> I have an iTouch 5 as you. When I tried the purchase, the message "this app 
> is not compatible with this ipod" apeared. However, in  a second try , I 
> could install the app without problems.
> best,
> Juan.
> -Original Message- From: Teresa Cochran
> Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 10:20 PM
> To:
> Subject: Papa Sangre II Not compatible with iPod
> Hi, all,
> On another thread, i detailed my authorization issues in iTunes. Now that I 
> have everything installed and reauthorized, I realized that I didn’t have 
> Papa sangre II. Well, this time, instead of giving me the crazy authorization 
> message, I got the “not compatible” one instead. I took a look in the app 
> store and found out that it’s indeed not compatible with iPod Touch 5. It 
> says “optimized for iPone 5”, and “compatible with iPhone and iPad”. well, 
> that will teach me to check the compatibility section from now on. At least 
> it alerted me to the fact that something was wrong.
> I was kind of wondering why it seemed sluggish when I played. ah, well.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> Slow down; you'll get there faster.
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Troubles with updating and thoughts on it

2013-11-05 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi again a.m.
I already wrote accessibility, but those poor folks have not answered me yet. 
They might not want to talk to me, considering that I still have an open case 
because of my braille display. I told him also that I have a problem with 
column view in finder. I said I couldn't do it. However, it turns out that is 
only partly true. I find out that I can use column view when I have a fairly 
limited number of folders that are coming up, but if I go into my documents 
where I have about 900 items that come up, Finder goes into busy mode. I didn't 
have this problem in Mountain lion. Just one more thing to write the poor folks 
and accessibility about. 

I would like to say something here because a lot of us are having our grief 
these days. I am still not sorry that I gave up Windows, Even with all this 
trouble.. You can call freedom scientific for example, about Jaws. But if it's 
determined that your problem has to do with windows, you might be told that you 
have to call somebody else. This happened to a blind friend of mine who had 
trouble with Excel and Jaws. After working with her, she was told that it was a 
Windows problem and not theirs. She still has trouble with her excel as far as 
I know. She has not a clue who she can call to get her to help with this since 
my husband was not able to figure out a solution for her. Luckily, she hasn't 
needed Excel very much lately.

No matter what these days, if there is good things happening on my computer, I 
know who did it! If there are bad things happening on my computer, I still know 
who did it! I guess the one time when that statement might not be true is when 
you are talking about your Wi-Fi, four instance. Maybe HIMS will, one of these 
days, decide to no longer provide information to allow Apple to put my Braille 
Edge 40 on my Mac; then it won't be Apple that will receive my wrath, no matter 
what the reason. For the most part, however, getting rid of windows cut down on 
the number of times when someone else can say, somebody else did it. 

On Nov 5, 2013, at 3:20 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello again Gigi,
> I don’t think you’ll have messed anything up. But let Accessibility know that 
> this is a problem for you.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 5 Nov 2013, at 21:47, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Thank you Anne. I hope I didn't mess up the window when I changed the width 
>> etc. Are there any certainsettings for characters and lines in Preferences 
>> that I need since I changed them? 
>> Regards, 
>> Gigi 
>> On Nov 5, 2013, at 2:44 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>>> Hello Gigi,
>>> You need it to be set to Wrap to Window for editing to work with VoiceOver. 
>>> Just press Cmd-Shift-w and all will be well.
>>> All the same, this is a bug and the more people who report it to 
>>> Accessibility, the higher its priority will be.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 5 Nov 2013, at 19:58, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 Hi guys
 Somebody on this list said they had this problem, and now I'm having it 
 too. I can navigate just fine and TextEdit as long as I am in page one. 
 However, when I go to page 2 and above, voiceover says nothing if I push 
 the down arrow or if I select text. I know the selection is being done 
 because the Apple advisor told me so. I do have page wrap checked. I am 
 wondering what the width should be for window length and width? I changed 
 the window to 80 characters, and the other one to 24 lines. This didn't 
 help. Now what should I do, if you guys can come up with something here?
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Re: síri accessible. speakable workflows

2013-11-05 Thread Alex Hall
You must enable it in the first tab, then set your listening method, then 
enable all the categories you want. Sometimes, toggling it off and then back on 
helps, for some reason.

As to workflows, OS10.9 introduced the ability for workflows to be speakable, 
so they will execute when the system hears you speak their name. My 
understanding is that this is not really Siri-like, since you must match the 
workflow name. For instance, I could make a workflow to speak the time, but I 
could not make one to send an email to a contact name I speak. The workflow 
would need a name, and could not recognize a contact name as part of the 
command. I’ll have to read more, but that is how I see things for now.
On Nov 5, 2013, at 4:29 PM, Daniela Rubio  wrote:

> Hello!
> It seems fantastic, I have tested speakable items before, but now, I just 
> can’t get it to work … It doesn’t listen to me!
> Can somebody help with that? Thanks a lot!
> Daniela Rubio T
> iPhone: +34662328507
> El 05/11/2013, a las 07:44, mario navarro  escribió:
>> hi all .
>> who wants Siri on your computer?
>> Now we have a Siri accessible.
>> speakable workflows
>> Automator workflows can be saved the Speakable Items So They can be executed 
>> as a voice command is activated When Speakable Items in Accessibility 
>> preferences.
>> I have tested it and loved it because now I have a Siri accessible on my 
>> computer.
>> god. I love it.
>> this is fantastic!
>> Siri  accessible now does everything for me!
>> Siri accessible? ... yes that's what I want to call!
>> have doubts? try it!
>> cheers.
>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Changing xml extension to html for bookshare books . . .

2013-11-05 Thread Christine Grassman
Last week, I wrote with increased frustration about my inability to read 
previously opened xml files from bookshare.  It was suggested that I try 
replacing the xml extension with html. However, when I attempt to do this, I am 
being given two choices: saving either both page source or web archive, and in 
each case I must keep the web archive or xml extensions with the html 
extension.  My understanding is that I must only have the html extension in 
order for this to work, but I am not getting a choice to replace, only "save 
as". It is not allowing me to save it merely as an html. Please assist.

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Saving documents in pages that are not in the pages format

2013-11-05 Thread Andrew Head
Hi all, 
I have a word document  i opened in pages. When i make changes and save, a 
dialogue box comes up asking if i want to save it in the pages format and in 
the documents location. I want to  always keep the document as a word doc, and 
in the e books folder. 
In short, when I save a document, I want the format and location Should stay 
the same, but my changes should just be updated and saved. 
Is there a way to do this? And if so, how? 
Hope everyone has a great day. 

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Saving documents in pages that are not in the pages format

2013-11-05 Thread Tim Kilburn

As far as I can tell, the new Pages makes that a little more challenging.  It 
appears that Apple wants you to have Pages documents for the most part but 
allow you to export them to other formats.  So, to do what you’re asking:

1.  Up to the File menu.
2.  Down to Export.
3.  Right and down to Word.
4.  Interact with the second Unknown where VO should announce Word, press 
5.  Press the Export button.

Pages will probably ask you if you want to replace the item, press the Replace 

Sounds like a few more steps than you’re hoping for but, logical in some 
respects since you’re using the Pages app to manipulate Word documents.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Nov 5, 2013, at 7:38 PM, Andrew Head  wrote:

> Hi all, 
> I have a word document  i opened in pages. When i make changes and save, a 
> dialogue box comes up asking if i want to save it in the pages format and in 
> the documents location. I want to  always keep the document as a word doc, 
> and in the e books folder. 
> In short, when I save a document, I want the format and location Should stay 
> the same, but my changes should just be updated and saved. 
> Is there a way to do this? And if so, how? 
> Hope everyone has a great day. 
> Andrew
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Re: Changing xml extension to html for bookshare books . . .

2013-11-05 Thread alia robinson
Don’t try to save it as html. Hit enter on the file to rename it, put html in 
the place xml is on the end of your file, and when you open it it should open 
in safari. I simply copy and paste into text edit from there and save as rtf, 
but you can read it on safari if you want.
On Nov 5, 2013, at 8:57 PM, Christine Grassman  wrote:

> Last week, I wrote with increased frustration about my inability to read 
> previously opened xml files from bookshare.  It was suggested that I try 
> replacing the xml extension with html. However, when I attempt to do this, I 
> am being given two choices: saving either both page source or web archive, 
> and in each case I must keep the web archive or xml extensions with the html 
> extension.  My understanding is that I must only have the html extension in 
> order for this to work, but I am not getting a choice to replace, only "save 
> as". It is not allowing me to save it merely as an html. Please assist.
> Christine

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Re: Using Pages on the Mac

2013-11-05 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Andrew,
I think you have to export to MS Word format. It’s a separate item somewhere, 
not in the save dialog. I haven’t really used pages much, though I keep meaning 
to, so others on this list will be more help to you. But maybe this steers you 
in the right direction.


On 6/11/2013, at 1:23 pm, Andrew Head  wrote:

> Hi all,  I am using an 11 inch macbook air, and have some questions about 
> pages.  1. How do you hide the header and footer group? I only want my 
> document text to show on screen.  2. Also, I have a microsoft word document, 
> I am editing, when I save it, How do I save it in the word format? The only 
> format I see is pages. , how do I select other formats to save documents in?  
>  3. How do  you move page by page in a document? say I want to move through 
> my document page by page from page 1, 2, 3, etc  Any help is appreciated.  
> Andrew. 
> Sent from my iPhone
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OCR action in Automator?

2013-11-05 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I was messing around in Automator and discovered an action called “Run OCR”. It 
takes an image or PDF file as input, and returns text from the file as output. 
I’m curious to know if others have this option in Automator, or if it was 
somehow put there by Prizmo, my only OCR app on this machine. I most definitely 
plan to put this to good use, but I wonder if it is available to everyone or 
only those who have certain apps installed. So, if anyone who has OS10.9 but no 
OCR apps, or at least not Prizmo, could check, that’d be great. To do so, open 
Automator, create a new file, choose “workflow” from the templates, and hit 
enter. Interact with the “actions descriptions split view” group, then the 
“actions library split view” group, then choose “recently added” from the 
libraries table and see if “Run OCR” appears in the actions table. Thanks in 

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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