Re: Help with Finder

2013-11-03 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi there
Thanks guys. It never occurred to me to open the folder because in Mountain 
lion you didn't open the folder. I will try that next time. The other thing I 
have done is to set up some aliases on my desktop so I can get to the folders a 
little faster. I did manage to paste in the aliases to the desktop although it 
took me a while to figure out that I could just paste once I was on the thing 
instead of going in to my hard disk. I should've figured that one out myself 
first. Maybe I'm judging a little too soon yet, but I liked Collin view under 
Mountain lion better than I'm liking this at this moment. So I will just keep 
plugging away and get it figured out. Thanks again.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 3, 2013, at 1:46 AM, Maria and Joe Chapman  
> wrote:
> HI.  I am in list view and had no problem moving a file.
> Here is how I do it.
> 1 locate the file you want to move.
> 2. press command c
> 3. navigate to the folder you want to paste the item in to
> 4. open the folder and press command option v.
> I have found that opening the folder is more accurate than just being on top 
> of it.
> I hope this helps.
> Cheers 
> Maria  
> sent from mac mini 
> email, & fb
> skype bubbygirl1972  twitter same as skype without the numbers. 
>> On 3 Nov 2013, at 1:24 pm, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> I finally got back into Mavericks, and that is the root of my problem. I 
>> can't use my Braille Edge 40 and Bluetooth right now and have to use it in 
>> USB. The other thing, and somebody on this list said they had this problem 
>> too, I can't seem to be able to use column view. Every time I do I get 
>> Finder busy and I have to bail out. But here is the thing that's driving me 
>> crazy and I want to know if any of you have figured out a solution. Since I 
>> had to go to List view, I can't seem to paste files into my folder. Yes I 
>> know you have to get on top of the thing, but every time I try to move a 
>> file into the folder I wanted, it said it was moved but it wasn't. I got it 
>> pasted finally by briefly going into column mode. Actually, what I did was 
>> to go to the desktop and choose the folder, which fortunately, I had an 
>> alias for it. When I got right to the folder that's when I went into column 
>> view to do the paste. So now what do I do beside write 
>> accessibilityá, that is? I can stay in mavericks, and I will unless 
>> I get too annoyed by the busy.
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> -- 
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Re: External Hard Drive Suggestions

2013-11-03 Thread Kliphton -------
Does someone have a link for the 2TB USB 3.0 powered drive mentioned in this 
conversation?  I can't seem to find it.

(Twitter,Instagram,FourSquare&Skype) kliphton72
Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 2, 2013, at 8:15 PM, "Brian Fischler"  wrote:

Thanks I was looking at those. Just wanted to see what the consensus is as I 
don't want to go through what I went through with the lemon of a seagate I got. 
And since on the Amazon reviews it seems like I wasn't alone in not being able 
to get my seagate to mount. I guess they are so cheap since they don't work
> On Nov 2, 2013, at 7:45 PM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:
> Oops my bad sorry not 2 gigs 2 tera man remember I come from the dark ages
> when 16 K was a big deal. Also, I forgot to mention these drives are USB
> powered so you do not need a external power supply.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Ray Foret Jr
> Sent: November 02, 2013 19:17
> To:
> Subject: Re: External Hard Drive Suggestions
> Gee, only 2 gigs?
> Seems a trifle small to me.
> Id' want something like at least four teribytes.
> Oh, it must have a rotating speed of 72000.
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
>> On Nov 2, 2013, at 3:55 PM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:
>> Try the pass port family, I just purchased one 2 gigs from western digital
>> if memory serves me right it was around $149.00 It supports USB 3.0, but
> not
>> thunderbolt still plenty fast and not a major costly drive. It comes with
>> software for both windows and Mac though I have never used the software I
>> run time machine. They have smaller sizes if 2 gig is more then you want.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Brian Fischler
>> Sent: November 02, 2013 16:37
>> To:
>> Subject: External Hard Drive Suggestions
>> Hey all, 
>> I know we covered this awhile back but amazingly I couldn't find the
> thread.
>> I am finally getting around to getting a external hard drive as the last
> one
>> I got wouldn't mount properly so I had to return it. I had gotten a
> seagate
>> but with all the issues I had with it, I don't think I want to try and get
>> another seagate. Can anyone suggest one they have had success with for the
>> mac. I plan to use it as external storage for music and backups along with
> a
>> partition for time machine. Thanks,
>> -- 
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You re

RE: External Hard Drive Suggestions

2013-11-03 Thread Jesus Garcia
See below. ›

Home ›
 External Hard Drives‎


My Passport offers high capacity in a sleek portable drive. ... Offering
high capacity in a compact drive, My Passport is the ideal companion for
anyone with lots of ...



[] On Behalf Of Kliphton ---
Sent: November 03, 2013 09:30
Subject: Re: External Hard Drive Suggestions


Does someone have a link for the 2TB USB 3.0 powered drive mentioned in this
conversation?  I can't seem to find it.



(Twitter,Instagram,FourSquare&Skype) kliphton72

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 2, 2013, at 8:15 PM, "Brian Fischler"  wrote:

Thanks I was looking at those. Just wanted to see what the consensus is as I
don't want to go through what I went through with the lemon of a seagate I
got. And since on the Amazon reviews it seems like I wasn't alone in not
being able to get my seagate to mount. I guess they are so cheap since they
don't work
On Nov 2, 2013, at 7:45 PM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:

Oops my bad sorry not 2 gigs 2 tera man remember I come from the dark ages

when 16 K was a big deal. Also, I forgot to mention these drives are USB

powered so you do not need a external power supply.


-Original Message-


[] On Behalf Of Ray Foret Jr

Sent: November 02, 2013 19:17


Subject: Re: External Hard Drive Suggestions


Gee, only 2 gigs?


Seems a trifle small to me.


Id' want something like at least four teribytes.


Oh, it must have a rotating speed of 72000.



Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind




The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!


On Nov 2, 2013, at 3:55 PM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:


Try the pass port family, I just purchased one 2 gigs from western digital

if memory serves me right it was around $149.00 It supports USB 3.0, but


thunderbolt still plenty fast and not a major costly drive. It comes with

software for both windows and Mac though I have never used the software I

run time machine. They have smaller sizes if 2 gig is more then you want.


-Original Message-


[] On Behalf Of Brian Fischler

Sent: November 02, 2013 16:37


Subject: External Hard Drive Suggestions


Hey all, 


I know we covered this awhile back but amazingly I couldn't find the


I am finally getting around to getting a external hard drive as the last


I got wouldn't mount properly so I had to return it. I had gotten a


but with all the issues I had with it, I don't think I want to try and get

another seagate. Can anyone suggest one they have had success with for the

mac. I plan to use it as external storage for music and backups along with


partition for time machine. Thanks,



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quick nav bug

2013-11-03 Thread Angelo
Hey guys, has anyone seen this bug? while quick nav is on press any arrow key 
for a little longer then normal, or press one of them raptly causes voiceover 
to take off in a sprint and if it just keeps going and going. the only fix so 
far I found is to put the key repeat at 0.
any other suggested fixes?   

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Voiceover and Mailmate somewhat inaccessible

2013-11-03 Thread Andrew Lamanche

Someone's mentioned on the list Mailmate as an alternative IMaP client to 
Apple's Mail. 

I've installed it but I'm having some trouble with it so to be aware. 

Firstly, the "import account" feature which is supposed to import into MailMate 
all your existing imap accounts doesn't seem import iCloud account very 
successfully. Other account like gmail have been imported well but not iCloud. 
Whe When I try to send a message in MailMate using my iCloud account , I get an 
error message telling me that the smtp server is not configured. I tried to 
configure it manually but to no avail.

Secondly, certain features are not accessible with Voiceover. For instance, you 
cannot choose when composing a new message from which account the message is 
being sent. There are also other graphics that Voiceover doesn't see. Also, I 
don't seem to b able to save a message into a folder on my mac. I've written to 
the developer but he seems to be saying that you can at present only use drop 
and drag in order to save a message although "save" and "save as" shortcut keys 
exist under the file menu. 

MailMate doesn't report whether a message has an attachment.

At this stage, I'm not sure how friendly to these issues the developer is going 
to be. So be cautious as the application is quite expensive.

Mailmate has a simple interface, and it is a pity that there are certain issues 
with it. 

I wonder whether anyone else on the list has tried MailMate. Maybe I'm missing 

Best wishes


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Re: Voiceover and Mailmate somewhat inaccessible

2013-11-03 Thread eric oyen
heres a rule of thumb:
if the project is open source AND donation requested, we (the end user) don't 
have a lot of right to demand modification. However, a paid for project 
(through sales, not donations) gives us the right to demand changes. Since he 
sells this app, he can be made to improve it by simple monetary pressure to 
change. THis is just a matter of simple economics (if he wants to sell more, he 
has to make improvements).

Its this credo that I use: Nothing so concentrates the mind of a developer like 
losing revenues.


On Nov 3, 2013, at 8:46 AM, Andrew Lamanche wrote:

> Listers,
> Someone's mentioned on the list Mailmate as an alternative IMaP client to 
> Apple's Mail. 
> I've installed it but I'm having some trouble with it so to be aware. 
> Firstly, the "import account" feature which is supposed to import into 
> MailMate all your existing imap accounts doesn't seem import iCloud account 
> very successfully. Other account like gmail have been imported well but not 
> iCloud. Whe When I try to send a message in MailMate using my iCloud account 
> , I get an error message telling me that the smtp server is not configured. I 
> tried to configure it manually but to no avail.
> Secondly, certain features are not accessible with Voiceover. For instance, 
> you cannot choose when composing a new message from which account the message 
> is being sent. There are also other graphics that Voiceover doesn't see. 
> Also, I don't seem to b able to save a message into a folder on my mac. I've 
> written to the developer but he seems to be saying that you can at present 
> only use drop and drag in order to save a message although "save" and "save 
> as" shortcut keys exist under the file menu. 
> MailMate doesn't report whether a message has an attachment.
> At this stage, I'm not sure how friendly to these issues the developer is 
> going to be. So be cautious as the application is quite expensive.
> Mailmate has a simple interface, and it is a pity that there are certain 
> issues with it. 
> I wonder whether anyone else on the list has tried MailMate. Maybe I'm 
> missing something.
> Best wishes
> Andrew
> -- 
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RE: Disk Maker X

2013-11-03 Thread wayne17a
Hello thank you for the command for making a boot drive for
mavericks but with the terminal command do I paste where it says start
command and end with end command or is the start sudo and the end is no
interaction or something like that sorry but this is all new to me as I have
had never opened the terminal before now so any advice please thanks in



Wayne cFrom:
[] On Behalf Of Daniela Rubio
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: Disk Maker X


Hello all!

I hope I can help you with this, here you have a very easy way to create a
Bootable drive for Mavericks. Just, be sure to do exactly as it is and you
will be amazed on how nice it is.


1. Download the installer for the OS and when prompted to install, just
cancel the process. The installer will be an App on your Apps folder.


2. Rename the app exactly as:

See that the name before the extension is in Capital letters.


3. Take a flash drive (8 GB minimum)and with Disk Utility, erase it and
leave it as Untitled. Erase the name during the formatting  process, or just
do so with enter on it when you see it on your desktop. Make sure it is
totally erased, no data at all.


4. Go to Terminal inside your Utilities folder, open it and paste the
following command, making sure that there are not blanck lines or spaces in
what you select to copy.


Start of command*


sudo /Applications/ --volume
/Volumes/Untitled --applicationpath /Applications/ --nointeraction


End of command*


5. Write your password if you are asked to enter it, and the creation
process will start. VoiceOver will read some things during it, and when it
is finished, just close Terminal.


6. You will see that now your Flash drive will be named as Maverick
installer or something like that.

Ready, you now have your Booth-able drive to install the OS.

The process is different, but you will magically get a great result without
having to use any other resources.

Please let me know if this works.

Hope it helps!



Daniela Rubio T

iPhone: +34662328507




El 30/10/2013, a las 22:13, BBS  escribió:

Hi Daniel. Unfortunately, if you upgraded to Mavericks and you’re using Disk
Maker X, you’ll need sighted assistance because it’s not accessible. I
really hope that it’ll be fixed though. I already made my bootable drive
last night with sighted help like I said. Sorry.

Sent From My White Mac Book

On Oct 30, 2013, at 2:34 PM, Daniel C  wrote:

I was trying out Disk Maker X, now that I’ve upgraded to Mavericks, and it
says that it has no windows. I don’t seem to be able to quit it without
going to force quit.
How am I able to make a boot disk since Disk Maker X won’t work?

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Re: Disk Maker X

2013-11-03 Thread Joseph Norton

I did some testing between Mavericks and Mountain lion and found that DiskMaker 
X works properly with VoiceOver under Mountain Lion.  For some reason, it isn't 
working properly under Mavericks.  This may be an issue to report to the 
accessibility team at Apple.  There are probably other programs exhibiting this 
same behavior.

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Re: Manually updating iWorks programs in Mavericks

2013-11-03 Thread Joseph Norton

I was successful updating pages by going into software updates from the apple 
menu.  If you have the older version of Pages, Apple lets you keep it and 
updates to version 5.0.

Here is an article about updating iWork that you might find interesting.

On Nov 1, 2013, at 3:47 PM, Daniel K. Gartmann  wrote:

> Hi,
> I bought the iWork suite a couple of years ago.
> I didn't manage to update Pages just after upgrading my Mac OS to Mavericks. 
> Does anyone know of a manual way to do this so I don't have to purchase the 
> apps again through the App store?
> Note that I bought them before the App store came to the Mac.
> Thanks in advance.
> Best regards
> Daniel
> -- 
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Re: Voiceover and Mailmate somewhat inaccessible

2013-11-03 Thread Andrew Lamanche

You have a point there. He's just responded with a rather non-committal message 
that he knows things are not as they ought to but would not commit to any time 
table on improvements. I made a somewhat stronger point along the lines of 
being disappointed. But more than anything I don't want people to waste their 
money on it at present. 

On 3 Nov 2013, at 21:24, wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group:
> Disk Maker X [2 Updates]
> Voiceover and Mailmate somewhat inaccessible [1 Update]
>  Disk Maker X
> "wayne17a"  Nov 03 02:14PM -0500  
> Hello thank you for the command for making a boot drive for
> mavericks but with the terminal command do I paste where it says start
> command and end with end command or is the start sudo and the end is no
> interaction or something like that sorry but this is all new to me as I have
> had never opened the terminal before now so any advice please thanks in
> advance 
> Wayne cFrom:
> [] On Behalf Of Daniela Rubio
> Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 5:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Disk Maker X
> Hello all!
> I hope I can help you with this, here you have a very easy way to create a
> Bootable drive for Mavericks. Just, be sure to do exactly as it is and you
> will be amazed on how nice it is.
> 1. Download the installer for the OS and when prompted to install, just
> cancel the process. The installer will be an App on your Apps folder.
> 2. Rename the app exactly as:
> See that the name before the extension is in Capital letters.
> 3. Take a flash drive (8 GB minimum)and with Disk Utility, erase it and
> leave it as Untitled. Erase the name during the formatting process, or just
> do so with enter on it when you see it on your desktop. Make sure it is
> totally erased, no data at all.
> 4. Go to Terminal inside your Utilities folder, open it and paste the
> following command, making sure that there are not blanck lines or spaces in
> what you select to copy.
> Start of command*
> sudo /Applications/ --volume
> /Volumes/Untitled --applicationpath /Applications/ --nointeraction
> End of command*
> 5. Write your password if you are asked to enter it, and the creation
> process will start. VoiceOver will read some things during it, and when it
> is finished, just close Terminal.
> 6. You will see that now your Flash drive will be named as Maverick
> installer or something like that.
> Ready, you now have your Booth-able drive to install the OS.
> The process is different, but you will magically get a great result without
> having to use any other resources.
> Please let me know if this works.
> Hope it helps!
> Best
> Daniela Rubio T
> iPhone: +34662328507
> El 30/10/2013, a las 22:13, BBS  escribió:
> Hi Daniel. Unfortunately, if you upgraded to Mavericks and you’re using Disk
> Maker X, you’ll need sighted assistance because it’s not accessible. I
> really hope that it’ll be fixed though. I already made my bootable drive
> last night with sighted help like I said. Sorry.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White Mac Book
> On Oct 30, 2013, at 2:34 PM, Daniel C  wrote:
> Hi,
> I was trying out Disk Maker X, now that I’ve upgraded to Mavericks, and it
> says that it has no windows. I don’t seem to be able to quit it without
> going to force quit.
> How am I able to make a boot disk since Disk Maker X won’t work?
> -- 
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Copying files to another mailbox

2013-11-03 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi y'all
I have discovered a way to lose messages in mail when going from one box to the 
other. It used to be that you could press command X and you could cut files 
from one box to the other. I just discovered that I better use commands see if 
I want to do this, and then take the extra step to delete the file from the 
first box. Every time I do command X, I get an error message to send to Apple. 
Not only that, but I was the file as well. Maybe I wouldn't have lost it if I 
had not decided to write a comment field. Maybe it wouldn't have lost it if I 
had chosen reopen it instead of doing that. Are there any better methods for 
moving a file from one box to the other than the one I have been doing for 
quite a while Under Mountain Lion?

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Re: Copying files to another mailbox

2013-11-03 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I just used the method for mountain lion. There is no way I'm going to use 
anything else.

Sent from my I phone

> On 3 Nov 2013, at 09:41 pm, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
> Hi y'all
> I have discovered a way to lose messages in mail when going from one box to 
> the other. It used to be that you could press command X and you could cut 
> files from one box to the other. I just discovered that I better use commands 
> see if I want to do this, and then take the extra step to delete the file 
> from the first box. Every time I do command X, I get an error message to send 
> to Apple. Not only that, but I was the file as well. Maybe I wouldn't have 
> lost it if I had not decided to write a comment field. Maybe it wouldn't have 
> lost it if I had chosen reopen it instead of doing that. Are there any better 
> methods for moving a file from one box to the other than the one I have been 
> doing for quite a while Under Mountain Lion?
> Regards,
> Gigi
> -- 
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Re: Copying files to another mailbox

2013-11-03 Thread Greg Aikens
Select the message or messages you want to move, then press VO+Shift+M to bring 
up a context menu.  "Move to" is one of the options.  Press right arrow to get 
into a list of mailboxes and select the one you want and press enter.  

Hope this helps.


On Nov 3, 2013, at 4:41 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi y'all
> I have discovered a way to lose messages in mail when going from one box to 
> the other. It used to be that you could press command X and you could cut 
> files from one box to the other. I just discovered that I better use commands 
> see if I want to do this, and then take the extra step to delete the file 
> from the first box. Every time I do command X, I get an error message to send 
> to Apple. Not only that, but I was the file as well. Maybe I wouldn't have 
> lost it if I had not decided to write a comment field. Maybe it wouldn't have 
> lost it if I had chosen reopen it instead of doing that. Are there any better 
> methods for moving a file from one box to the other than the one I have been 
> doing for quite a while Under Mountain Lion?
> Regards,
> Gigi
> -- 
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Re: Copying files to another mailbox

2013-11-03 Thread Tim Kilburn

VO-shift-m while on the message in the message list to bring up the Contextual 
menu.  Type m o to go to “Move to”, press your right arrow key then type the 
first couple letters of the Mailbox you wish it to go to then press return.  If 
the message is already open you can do the same by going up to the Message menu 
and choosing “Move To” from there.  Note that if your Mailboxes are collapsed 
within the Mailboxes list, then you will need to navigate further with submenus 
while in the Contextual menu or menubar itself.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Nov 3, 2013, at 2:41 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi y'all
> I have discovered a way to lose messages in mail when going from one box to 
> the other. It used to be that you could press command X and you could cut 
> files from one box to the other. I just discovered that I better use commands 
> see if I want to do this, and then take the extra step to delete the file 
> from the first box. Every time I do command X, I get an error message to send 
> to Apple. Not only that, but I was the file as well. Maybe I wouldn't have 
> lost it if I had not decided to write a comment field. Maybe it wouldn't have 
> lost it if I had chosen reopen it instead of doing that. Are there any better 
> methods for moving a file from one box to the other than the one I have been 
> doing for quite a while Under Mountain Lion?
> Regards,
> Gigi
> -- 
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Re: Manually updating iWorks programs in Mavericks

2013-11-03 Thread Tim Kilburn

You can also use the App Store to do the updates.  When in the App Store, press 
cmd-4 to bring up the Purchased table, Interact with it and find Pages, 
Numbers, Keynote.  The App Store will have scanned your Mac and determined that 
you have those licensed copies and will have an Update button at the far right 
of each row of those iWork apps.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Nov 3, 2013, at 2:24 PM, Joseph Norton  wrote:

> Hi:
> I was successful updating pages by going into software updates from the apple 
> menu.  If you have the older version of Pages, Apple lets you keep it and 
> updates to version 5.0.
> Here is an article about updating iWork that you might find interesting.
> On Nov 1, 2013, at 3:47 PM, Daniel K. Gartmann  
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I bought the iWork suite a couple of years ago.
>> I didn't manage to update Pages just after upgrading my Mac OS to Mavericks. 
>> Does anyone know of a manual way to do this so I don't have to purchase the 
>> apps again through the App store?
>> Note that I bought them before the App store came to the Mac.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Best regards
>> Daniel
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Re: Copying files to another mailbox

2013-11-03 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Greg and Tim
Thanks for your suggestions. I will do what you say.
On Nov 3, 2013, at 3:49 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> VO-shift-m while on the message in the message list to bring up the 
> Contextual menu.  Type m o to go to “Move to”, press your right arrow key 
> then type the first couple letters of the Mailbox you wish it to go to then 
> press return.  If the message is already open you can do the same by going up 
> to the Message menu and choosing “Move To” from there.  Note that if your 
> Mailboxes are collapsed within the Mailboxes list, then you will need to 
> navigate further with submenus while in the Contextual menu or menubar itself.
> HTH.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Nov 3, 2013, at 2:41 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi y'all
>> I have discovered a way to lose messages in mail when going from one box to 
>> the other. It used to be that you could press command X and you could cut 
>> files from one box to the other. I just discovered that I better use 
>> commands see if I want to do this, and then take the extra step to delete 
>> the file from the first box. Every time I do command X, I get an error 
>> message to send to Apple. Not only that, but I was the file as well. Maybe I 
>> wouldn't have lost it if I had not decided to write a comment field. Maybe 
>> it wouldn't have lost it if I had chosen reopen it instead of doing that. 
>> Are there any better methods for moving a file from one box to the other 
>> than the one I have been doing for quite a while Under Mountain Lion?
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> -- 
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Re: Copying files to another mailbox

2013-11-03 Thread Teresa Cochran
You can go into the messages menu and choose move, and pick a mailbox from the 
list. You can move multiple messages this way. Also, if you have a numbered 
mailbox in your favorites bar, let’s say “saved messages” for example is on 
number 1, you can move a message to that box by pressing command-control-1 
while on the message you want to move.


Slow down; you'll get there faster.

On Nov 3, 2013, at 1:44 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> I just used the method for mountain lion. There is no way I'm going to use 
> anything else.
> Sent from my I phone
> On 3 Nov 2013, at 09:41 pm, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi y'all
>> I have discovered a way to lose messages in mail when going from one box to 
>> the other. It used to be that you could press command X and you could cut 
>> files from one box to the other. I just discovered that I better use 
>> commands see if I want to do this, and then take the extra step to delete 
>> the file from the first box. Every time I do command X, I get an error 
>> message to send to Apple. Not only that, but I was the file as well. Maybe I 
>> wouldn't have lost it if I had not decided to write a comment field. Maybe 
>> it wouldn't have lost it if I had chosen reopen it instead of doing that. 
>> Are there any better methods for moving a file from one box to the other 
>> than the one I have been doing for quite a while Under Mountain Lion?
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> -- 
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maybe a stupid question re Time Capsule

2013-11-03 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi guys,

So I have set up the Time Capsule and everything is working, but how on earth 
do I access the drive?

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Re: External Hard Drive Suggestions

2013-11-03 Thread Kjsc Radio
I would recommend a Western Digital my book external hard drive. I have mine 
for almost 3 to 4 years, and I never had a problem with it.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 3 Nov 2013, at 7:43 am, "Jesus Garcia"  wrote:
> See below.
> › Home › External Hard Drives‎
> oCached
> My Passport offers high capacity in a sleek portable drive. ... Offering high 
> capacity in a compact drive, My Passport is the ideal companion for anyone 
> with lots of ...
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Kliphton ---
> Sent: November 03, 2013 09:30
> To:
> Subject: Re: External Hard Drive Suggestions
> Does someone have a link for the 2TB USB 3.0 powered drive mentioned in this 
> conversation?  I can't seem to find it.
> Kliphton
> (iMessage&Email)
> (Twitter,Instagram,FourSquare&Skype) kliphton72
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 2, 2013, at 8:15 PM, "Brian Fischler"  wrote:
> Thanks I was looking at those. Just wanted to see what the consensus is as I 
> don't want to go through what I went through with the lemon of a seagate I 
> got. And since on the Amazon reviews it seems like I wasn't alone in not 
> being able to get my seagate to mount. I guess they are so cheap since they 
> don't work
> On Nov 2, 2013, at 7:45 PM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:
> Oops my bad sorry not 2 gigs 2 tera man remember I come from the dark ages
> when 16 K was a big deal. Also, I forgot to mention these drives are USB
> powered so you do not need a external power supply.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Ray Foret Jr
> Sent: November 02, 2013 19:17
> To:
> Subject: Re: External Hard Drive Suggestions
> Gee, only 2 gigs?
> Seems a trifle small to me.
> Id' want something like at least four teribytes.
> Oh, it must have a rotating speed of 72000.
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind
> built-in!
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray, still a very happy Mac and Iphone 5 user!
> On Nov 2, 2013, at 3:55 PM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:
> Try the pass port family, I just purchased one 2 gigs from western digital
> if memory serves me right it was around $149.00 It supports USB 3.0, but
> not
> thunderbolt still plenty fast and not a major costly drive. It comes with
> software for both windows and Mac though I have never used the software I
> run time machine. They have smaller sizes if 2 gig is more then you want.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Brian Fischler
> Sent: November 02, 2013 16:37
> To:
> Subject: External Hard Drive Suggestions
> Hey all,
> I know we covered this awhile back but amazingly I couldn't find the
> thread.
> I am finally getting around to getting a external hard drive as the last
> one
> I got wouldn't mount properly so I had to return it. I had gotten a
> seagate
> but with all the issues I had with it, I don't think I want to try and get
> another seagate. Can anyone suggest one they have had success with for the
> mac. I plan to use it as external storage for music and backups along with
> a
> partition for time machine. Thanks,
> --
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Selecting a URL and viewing it

2013-11-03 Thread Angus MacKinnon
Sometimes when going through my email, I come across an email in the preview 
window that has a URL. How can I select and view the URL?Thank you. I am so use 
to Thunderbird in Windows.

Angus MacKinnon
Written using a 27inch iMac using OS 10.85

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Re: maybe a stupid question re Time Capsule

2013-11-03 Thread Tim Kilburn

Go into Airport Utility, access your Time Capsule and when you’re in Edit mode, 
one of the tabs should be Time Machine or Disk.  Don’t know for sure as I don’t 
have a TC anymore.  Once you’ve selected that tab, there are various settings 
you can manipulate to share the drive for Time Machine.  After it is 
configured, your Mac will just find it automatically as part of the Time 
Machine backup process.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Nov 3, 2013, at 2:59 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi guys,
> So I have set up the Time Capsule and everything is working, but how on earth 
> do I access the drive?
> Thanks,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: maybe a stupid question re Time Capsule

2013-11-03 Thread Donna Goodin
thanks, Tim, that did it.
On Nov 3, 2013, at 4:29 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> Go into Airport Utility, access your Time Capsule and when you’re in Edit 
> mode, one of the tabs should be Time Machine or Disk.  Don’t know for sure as 
> I don’t have a TC anymore.  Once you’ve selected that tab, there are various 
> settings you can manipulate to share the drive for Time Machine.  After it is 
> configured, your Mac will just find it automatically as part of the Time 
> Machine backup process.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On Nov 3, 2013, at 2:59 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> So I have set up the Time Capsule and everything is working, but how on 
>> earth do I access the drive?
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
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Humanware Brailliant display

2013-11-03 Thread The Smiths


Are any of you guys using the Brailliant display with your Mac? I have just
paired mine. I am trying to move by the element I have selected in the
rotor. I can select which element I want on the rotor, but I can't find the
command to move by that rotor element. On the iPhone it is space with dot 6
to move to the next occurrence and space with dot 3 to move to the previous
occurrence. These same commands don't seem to work on the Mac. I looked in
the voiceover commands for the braille display and there isn't anything
listed there. Am I wrong? I am yet to try the BrailleSense U2, so not sure
whether I will find the same thing. Update, just tried the BrailleSense and
it would appear that the same command is missing. Can anyone verify this for




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Re: External Hard Drive Suggestions

2013-11-03 Thread Mike Arrigo
I actually have a seagate, it worked great. When you get it, depending on what 
you will use it for, you may need to repartition it to use with the mac, or you 
could format it as a fat32 drive, then it will work in mac and windows.
On Nov 2, 2013, at 3:37 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Hey all, 
> I know we covered this awhile back but amazingly I couldn't find the thread. 
> I am finally getting around to getting a external hard drive as the last one 
> I got wouldn't mount properly so I had to return it. I had gotten a seagate 
> but with all the issues I had with it, I don't think I want to try and get 
> another seagate. Can anyone suggest one they have had success with for the 
> mac. I plan to use it as external storage for music and backups along with a 
> partition for time machine. Thanks,
> -- 
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Help again! What happened to delete rows in Numbers?

2013-11-03 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi again y'all
I am in the new numbers, and I like it a lot. There's just one thing. The 
subject line says it all! What happened to the delete rows option? I found a 
late alright, but it deletes text. There used to be in the menus an option for 
delete rows in the week columns. I can't find it now, so is there a different 

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Showing messages for a single mail account in Lion.

2013-11-03 Thread John Schucker
Hi all. I updated to Lion, and mail's doing something I find really 
annoying. It's displaying all mail accounts in the message table. I'd 
like it to go back to what it did in Leopard, I pick an account/mailbox, 
and it displays only those messages, not everything all at once. I've 
looked all around in the menus and preferences and don't see anything 
that will do it, I've googled and can't find anything about it. So I 
figured if anybody would know, it would be somebody on this list. It 
makes it really hard to find specific messages and such. I'm sure there 
are ways to do that I don't know about, but even if I can find messages 
quicker, I'd still like to have the accounts separated. Hopefully, 
somebody knows the secret I'm missing.

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Re: Showing messages for a single mail account in Lion.

2013-11-03 Thread Ricardo Walker

This is because your in the unified inbox which is the first thing in the 
mailbox table.  If you press the right arrow on this, your individual inboxes 
for your different mail accounts will be listed underneath the unified inbox.


Ricardo Walker

On Nov 3, 2013, at 7:13 PM, John Schucker  wrote:

> Hi all. I updated to Lion, and mail's doing something I find really annoying. 
> It's displaying all mail accounts in the message table. I'd like it to go 
> back to what it did in Leopard, I pick an account/mailbox, and it displays 
> only those messages, not everything all at once. I've looked all around in 
> the menus and preferences and don't see anything that will do it, I've 
> googled and can't find anything about it. So I figured if anybody would know, 
> it would be somebody on this list. It makes it really hard to find specific 
> messages and such. I'm sure there are ways to do that I don't know about, but 
> even if I can find messages quicker, I'd still like to have the accounts 
> separated. Hopefully, somebody knows the secret I'm missing.
> -- 
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Re: Disk Maker X

2013-11-03 Thread Daniel Miller
I'd report it to the developer, not apple. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 3, 2013, at 3:04 PM, Joseph Norton  wrote:
> Hi:
> I did some testing between Mavericks and Mountain lion and found that 
> DiskMaker X works properly with VoiceOver under Mountain Lion.  For some 
> reason, it isn't working properly under Mavericks.  This may be an issue to 
> report to the accessibility team at Apple.  There are probably other programs 
> exhibiting this same behavior.
> -- 
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