
2013-08-18 Thread Edward Green

I was wondering whether anyone had any experience of using Livedrive Briefcase 

Specifically, I can upload files as the briefcase appears as a drive like 
Dropbox, but I can't find a way of getting to the icon I need to click on in 
order to change the settings, which appears elsewhere on the screen.

Many thanks,


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2013-08-18 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi all,

I have to cite the URL of an article in a research paper.
However, I can't figure out how to determine the URL.
I generally access that article by searching for the title on Google.
I know the address of the website.  But how can I determine the
precise URL of that article?


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2013-08-18 Thread Greg Aikens
Could you use Command+L to get to the address bar and copy the URL from there?

On Aug 18, 2013, at 9:21 AM, Rahul Bajaj  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have to cite the URL of an article in a research paper.
> However, I can't figure out how to determine the URL.
> I generally access that article by searching for the title on Google.
> I know the address of the website.  But how can I determine the
> precise URL of that article?
> Cheers,
> Rahul
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Re: Reply to sender

2013-08-18 Thread Antonio M. Guimaraes Jr.

Works well.

On Aug 16, 2013, at 2:44 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Well, you could simply erase the text in the "to" field by backspacing over 
> it and then paste the email address in that field. This way you don't have to 
> involve the body of the message at all.
> Another method assumes you always use quoted text when replying. I start a 
> reply, then go down to the area with the date and the email address of the 
> message I'm replying to and copy the email address from that spot in the body 
> of the message instead of the header. Then I paste it into the "to" field.
> HtH,
> teresa
> On Aug 15, 2013, at 10:41 PM, Antonio M. Guimaraes Jr. 
>  wrote:
>> What is the quickest way to reply to sender when reading a message from a 
>> listserv like this one?
>> I currently interact with message headings, then select the email address, 
>> copy it, open the message, paste the email to the body of the new message, 
>> edit it for extra characters, and move it over to the to field.
>> This probably takes about two minutes. 
>> There has to be an easier way.
>> Antonio
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Re: Using Infovox speech demos

2013-08-18 Thread Antonio M. Guimaraes Jr.
Yes, Devin,

I found the voices in the VO utilities menu.

Thank you.

On Aug 16, 2013, at 2:18 AM, Devin Prater  wrote:

> Try using the voiceover utility.
> On Aug 16, 2013, at 12:39 AM, "Antonio M. Guimaraes Jr." 
>  wrote:
>> I installed some A Cappella voices from Infovox on my mac, but they do not 
>> show up for me when switching voices with Control-option-command plus arrow 
>> keys.
>> How can I access my installed voices?
>> Antonio
>> -- 
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Re: CrashPlanPlus

2013-08-18 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Is the iPhone app accessible?
On Aug 17, 2013, at 9:10 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I use it. It is mostly accessible, except for the settings. They know about 
> the problem and say they hope to fix it in a future update, but I keep 
> hounding them about it so they don't forget. Still, it is cheaper than 
> Carbonite, and includes many more features (no limit on how many drives you 
> can back up, plus full Mac support). Crashplan seems to be the favorite if 
> you google this sort of thing, and they have more and cost less so I went 
> with them. If you start using them, please be sure to tell them about the 
> inability to access settings with VO, so they know it's not just me who will 
> be bugging them about it.
> On Aug 17, 2013, at 9:53 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli  
> wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I'm looking for an accessible off site backup solution. I came across 
>> CrashPlanPlus. Has anyone used it? Is it accessible with Voiceover?
>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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KeyRemap4MacBook, PcKeyboardHack and windows VM

2013-08-18 Thread Phil Halton
Before I try the method for remapping  the caps lock key outlined in Eric's 
podcast, I want to clarify something. He is somewhat ambiguous about the caps 
lock  functionality in VM's. I can't be sure if pressing caps lock in the VM 
will produce a caps lock key or an insert key. I don't want to use insert as 
the jaws modifier, because it conflicts with other jaws insert key  
combinations. for example, the insert+J key combo is the jaws window dialog 
key, but in laptop keyboard mode, insert+j reads the prior word. So, using 
insert as the modifier when in laptop mode, causes a conflict and neither key 
command will work as a result. 
Therefore, I want to use the standard laptop mode modifier which is caps lock, 
as it does not cause this or other conflicts.
I am currently using sharp keys to remap the grave accent key to caps lock 
functionality, and using laptop keyboard mode with caps lock set as the 
modifier key.

So, my Question is,  will the Keyremap4MacBook method produce an insert or caps 
lock key when pressing the caps lock from within a VM?
How are other Jaws users working this? are you using laptop keyboard mode, and 
if so, have you noticed the "read prior word" (insert+j) command conflict?  

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braille display vs braille note takers.

2013-08-18 Thread Chenelle Hancock
> Hello Everyone, 

 I will be starting a brand new job  in Las Vegas Nevada.  I  have to choose 
between  the 40.  cell brailliant  and the Braille sense you too. 
I will be working with the windows platform.  So I wanted someone's advice  
about which one I should get for work purpoqes. 
Thanks so much for your help 
I most greatly  appreciate  it. 
Sincerely, Chenelle Hncck. 

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Re: braille display vs braille note takers.

2013-08-18 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Chenelle,

This is an interesting and difficult question to answer.  I am fortunate to 
have access to the 2 devices you are inquiring about.  I recently purchased the 
u2.  Both have definite strongpoints.  It really depends what you need to do on 
your new job.  While I currently use the Brailliant with our Mac, I use the u2 
for many tasks.  Here are some questions.  Will you be doing a lot of word 
processing?  Does you job require you to move from place to place or will you 
be at your desk?  Will you be using GPS functionality?  Personally, I would 
lean toward the u2 because with that device you have an integrated keyboard and 
an integrated braille display.  I think you would do well with either.  If 
you'd like to discuss this off-list, I'd be happy to talk to you.  Please write 
if you wish at the following e-mail address.

On Aug 18, 2013, at 5:52 PM, Chenelle Hancock  

>> Hello Everyone, 
> I will be starting a brand new job  in Las Vegas Nevada.  I  have to choose 
> between  the 40.  cell brailliant  and the Braille sense you too. 
> I will be working with the windows platform.  So I wanted someone's advice  
> about which one I should get for work purpoqes. 
> Thanks so much for your help 
> I most greatly  appreciate  it. 
> Sincerely, Chenelle Hncck. 
> -- 
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Re: braille display vs braille note takers.

2013-08-18 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi,  Well, strictly speaking this is OT for the list.

I do training on these devices and also recommendations for employment 
supports.  If you want to email me off list, go right on ahead.

I can tell you that the braille sense u2 is a smaller braille display than the 
brailliant.  The U2 has an easy to use note taker interface and I find it's 
cells more comfortable than the brailliant cells, though I don't mind the 
brailliant ones either.

In order to make a good recommendation, it would be helpful to know what job 
you will be doing, what tasks you'll be using the display for, whether you'll 
be roaming or staying in house, what other technologies such as screen readers 
you'll be using, and so on.

I'd say they are both good units, but used for much different purposes, and so 
providing more info about the job would help us make good recommendations.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-08-18, at 5:52 PM, Chenelle Hancock  wrote:

>> Hello Everyone, 
> I will be starting a brand new job  in Las Vegas Nevada.  I  have to choose 
> between  the 40.  cell brailliant  and the Braille sense you too. 
> I will be working with the windows platform.  So I wanted someone's advice  
> about which one I should get for work purpoqes. 
> Thanks so much for your help 
> I most greatly  appreciate  it. 
> Sincerely, Chenelle Hncck. 
> -- 
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Re: Is Refit Partition manager Accessible with a screen reader?

2013-08-18 Thread Nicholas Parsons
I know very little about this, but can't you use BootCamp?

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Re: Xword for Mac

2013-08-18 Thread Nicholas Parsons
HI Graham,

I haven't tried this before. What's so accessible about it? How is it better 
than, say, TextEdit or Nisus Writer Pro (if you've tried any of those)? Have 
you tried any more advanced features such as footnotes or track changes, or are 
these only available in the paid version? Have you tried tables?


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2013-08-18 Thread Nicholas Parsons
HI Rahul,
Just to expand on Greg's answer – When you're on the article in question in 
Safari, press command-L to jump to the address bar, press command-C to copy the 
URL, and then use command-V to paste it into your paper.

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Re: KeyRemap4MacBook, PcKeyboardHack and windows VM

2013-08-18 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Phil,

Eric Caron here, I was ambiguous, as I was not really that familiar 
with the difference between the Caps lock as the modifier and the Insert key in 
the Windows VM using JAWS.  I'm not  a computer expert so others should chime 
in.  I think that the way the apple computer works presently we can't get a 
true caps lock modifier in the VM and that the closeest thing is to have it 
work as a insert key.  this modification happened almost by accident as a 
result of my conversations with the app developer of Keyremap4macbook.  For me 
the app is working great in both the Mac side and VM Windows with JAWS side.  
It is not exactly like a PC but as I use a extended USB keyboard I have all the 
functions I need one way or another.  My focus when talking with the developer 
was really about having the Caps lock act like  the VO keys and the Insert in  
the VM was a afterthought.

It would be a good idea for someone with more computer background to re do the 
podcast as the apps have changed greatly.  Also, someone who understands the 
JAWS side and the Apple keyboard could talk to the developer to see if there is 
a way to get a true caps lock on the PC side.  My understanding is that there 
is not.

below is a old post from Esther I'm pasting in that contains better information 
and useful links. 

I hope this is helpful.  I must say I love having the caps lock key on my Apple 
act like  the VO keys!  I have much fewer problems with tangled fingers!

Esther's Post follows...

Hello Wayne and Chris,

Wayne is asking about using KeyRemap4MacBook, which was the subject of an 
AppleVis podcast by Eric Caron on how to remap the Control+Option commands to 
the caps lock key for use with VoiceOver on the Mac, with additional 
instructions on how to get this to work as an insert key for JAWS under VMWare 
fusion.  Any attempts to remap the caps lock key on the Mac requires the 
KeyRemap4MacBook application and the PCKeyboardHack file from the same web 
I think the point of confusion is that this is not an application dedicated to 
turning the caps lock key into VO keys, but a general key remapping application 
for the Mac. As such, the user would still need specific instructions on how to 
remap caps lock to the Control+Option keys. And any post that gave those 
details would also provide links to the necessary files. I'll give links to two 
of my mail archive posts that provide links to the relevant AppleVis podcast 
and guide posts, and also to some more sources of information about using 
KeyRemap4MacBook to configure the Mac (laptop or Bluetooth) keyboard for use 
with Windows under VMWare fusion:
• Use KeyRemap4MacBook to remap the insert key to Caps Lock [was Re: The insert 
key in VMware fusion]
• Re: VO keys needed in VM

The first linked mail archive post gives links to Eric's podcast and user guide 
for remapping the caps lock key at the AppleVis site, but also explains why 
some other solutions for remapping the caps lock key (for use as a modifier key 
for Windows under VMWare fusion) don't work. The second linked mail archive 
post gives links to blog posts at the "Flint's Geekiness" web site that 
describe how to modify Eric's instructions for the current version of 
KeyRemap4MacBook. If you don't need any background information about the layout 
of KeyRemap4MacBook, how to navigate it for general use, or to listen to a 
podcast, then you can go directly to the first linked "Flint's Geekiness" blog 
post in my second linked archive post and follow its instructions.  And you can 
ignore the links I gave to the following two posts at that site, which are 
about configuring other settings under the VMWare Fusion preferences for 
Windows operation to eliminate conflicting Mac key definitions.  However, for 
most users, I'd recommend listening to Eric's podcast and reading through the 
user guide and comments at AppleVis.  The main thing that changed in the new 
version of the KeyRemap4MacBook setup last September is that the instructions 
now apply to navigating within the app itself, and not to separate preference 
panes under System Preferences.  You also no longer have to get a special 
developer version of KeyRemap4MacBook, since all the changes were incorporated 
into the current version. What Eric did not detail was different ways of 
avoiding conflicts with Mac key definitions for Windows under VMWare Fusion, 
since that is somewhat user specific and really about setting up Windows use 
under VMWare Fusion.   The two remaining linked posts in the "Flint's 
Geekiness" blog describe how that can be handled under VMWare Fusion's 
preferences.  As far as I know, there's been no reference to those blog posts 
on this lis

Re: KeyRemap4MacBook, PcKeyboardHack and windows VM

2013-08-18 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Phil,

Eric Caron here, I was ambiguous, as I was not really that familiar 
with the difference between the Caps lock as the modifier and the Insert key in 
the Windows VM using JAWS.  I'm not  a computer expert so others should chime 
in.  I think that the way the apple computer works presently we can't get a 
true caps lock modifier in the VM and that the closeest thing is to have it 
work as a insert key.  this modification happened almost by accident as a 
result of my conversations with the app developer of Keyremap4macbook.  For me 
the app is working great in both the Mac side and VM Windows with JAWS side.  
It is not exactly like a PC but as I use a extended USB keyboard I have all the 
functions I need one way or another.  My focus when talking with the developer 
was really about having the Caps lock act like  the VO keys and the Insert in  
the VM was a afterthought.

It would be a good idea for someone with more computer background to re do the 
podcast as the apps have changed greatly.  Also, someone who understands the 
JAWS side and the Apple keyboard could talk to the developer to see if there is 
a way to get a true caps lock on the PC side.  My understanding is that there 
is not.

below is a old post from Esther I'm pasting in that contains better information 
and useful links. 

I hope this is helpful.  I must say I love having the caps lock key on my Apple 
act like  the VO keys!  I have much fewer problems with tangled fingers!

Esther's Post follows...

Hello Wayne and Chris,

Wayne is asking about using KeyRemap4MacBook, which was the subject of an 
AppleVis podcast by Eric Caron on how to remap the Control+Option commands to 
the caps lock key for use with VoiceOver on the Mac, with additional 
instructions on how to get this to work as an insert key for JAWS under VMWare 
fusion.  Any attempts to remap the caps lock key on the Mac requires the 
KeyRemap4MacBook application and the PCKeyboardHack file from the same web 
I think the point of confusion is that this is not an application dedicated to 
turning the caps lock key into VO keys, but a general key remapping application 
for the Mac. As such, the user would still need specific instructions on how to 
remap caps lock to the Control+Option keys. And any post that gave those 
details would also provide links to the necessary files. I'll give links to two 
of my mail archive posts that provide links to the relevant AppleVis podcast 
and guide posts, and also to some more sources of information about using 
KeyRemap4MacBook to configure the Mac (laptop or Bluetooth) keyboard for use 
with Windows under VMWare fusion:
• Use KeyRemap4MacBook to remap the insert key to Caps Lock [was Re: The insert 
key in VMware fusion]
• Re: VO keys needed in VM

The first linked mail archive post gives links to Eric's podcast and user guide 
for remapping the caps lock key at the AppleVis site, but also explains why 
some other solutions for remapping the caps lock key (for use as a modifier key 
for Windows under VMWare fusion) don't work. The second linked mail archive 
post gives links to blog posts at the "Flint's Geekiness" web site that 
describe how to modify Eric's instructions for the current version of 
KeyRemap4MacBook. If you don't need any background information about the layout 
of KeyRemap4MacBook, how to navigate it for general use, or to listen to a 
podcast, then you can go directly to the first linked "Flint's Geekiness" blog 
post in my second linked archive post and follow its instructions.  And you can 
ignore the links I gave to the following two posts at that site, which are 
about configuring other settings under the VMWare Fusion preferences for 
Windows operation to eliminate conflicting Mac key definitions.  However, for 
most users, I'd recommend listening to Eric's podcast and reading through the 
user guide and comments at AppleVis.  The main thing that changed in the new 
version of the KeyRemap4MacBook setup last September is that the instructions 
now apply to navigating within the app itself, and not to separate preference 
panes under System Preferences.  You also no longer have to get a special 
developer version of KeyRemap4MacBook, since all the changes were incorporated 
into the current version. What Eric did not detail was different ways of 
avoiding conflicts with Mac key definitions for Windows under VMWare Fusion, 
since that is somewhat user specific and really about setting up Windows use 
under VMWare Fusion.   The two remaining linked posts in the "Flint's 
Geekiness" blog describe how that can be handled under VMWare Fusion's 
preferences.  As far as I know, there's been no reference to those blog posts 
on this lis

Profile pics with Facebook app

2013-08-18 Thread Jim Portillo
Hi there,


I have a picture I'd like to post to Facebook via my IPhone.  I would like
for that to be my Profile picture as well.  How can I go about doing that


I know that via email, I can go to the attachment and post it to Facebook
from there.  I just don't know how to tell it to become my profile picture.
It is also on my camera pictures, so I can send it that way as well.


Thanks for your help.



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Re: Is Refit Partition manager Accessible with a screen reader?

2013-08-18 Thread Teresa Cochran
No, as far as I can tell, BootCamp is for Windows platforms. I have since found 
out that Refit is no longer being maintained. Refind has kind of taken its 
place. I've installed it. After thirty seconds, Mac oS loads by default. once I 
get Vinux via torrent, I'll try using it.

On Aug 18, 2013, at 4:10 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> I know very little about this, but can't you use BootCamp?
> -- 
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Adium Showing Facebook Contacts As Numbers

2013-08-18 Thread BBS
Hey. I was wondering if anybody has ran into this bug with Adium where it shows 
your Facebook contacts as numbers. An example of this would be something like If anyone has, have you reported this to the Adium 
team? I know that the previous ticket with this issue got closed because it got 
resolved in a previous version but it's back. I tried filling out their bug 
form but it was too difficult.


Sent From My White MacBook

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Re: Adium Showing Facebook Contacts As Numbers

2013-08-18 Thread May and Noah
Yes, it happens with me as well. Rather annoying. If there's a fix for it I'd 
also like to know.

May and Prince Noah

On 2013-08-18, at 10:43 PM, "BBS"  wrote:

> Hey. I was wondering if anybody has ran into this bug with Adium where it 
> shows your Facebook contacts as numbers. An example of this would be 
> something like If anyone has, have you reported 
> this to the Adium team? I know that the previous ticket with this issue got 
> closed because it got resolved in a previous version but it's back. I tried 
> filling out their bug form but it was too difficult.
> Shawn
> Sent From My White MacBook
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Re: KeyRemap4MacBook, PcKeyboardHack and windows VM

2013-08-18 Thread Phil Halton
Thanks Eric, it's helpful to know that you using the full-sized keyboard. As a 
result you're not aware of the conflict using laptop keyboard mode and the 
insert key as the modifier. Hopefully someone who is  using a laptop keyboard 
will chime in and explain how they're using the insert as the jaws modifier 
key. For now, I'll stick with using the Sharkeys solution to remap caps lock to 
the grave accent key.

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Re: Adium Showing Facebook Contacts As Numbers

2013-08-18 Thread Ricardo Walker

This is happening as well with Facebook contacts in messages.

Ricardo Walker

On Aug 18, 2013, at 11:23 PM, May and Noah  wrote:

> Yes, it happens with me as well. Rather annoying. If there's a fix for it I'd 
> also like to know.
> May and Prince Noah
> On 2013-08-18, at 10:43 PM, "BBS"  wrote:
>> Hey. I was wondering if anybody has ran into this bug with Adium where it 
>> shows your Facebook contacts as numbers. An example of this would be 
>> something like If anyone has, have you reported 
>> this to the Adium team? I know that the previous ticket with this issue got 
>> closed because it got resolved in a previous version but it's back. I tried 
>> filling out their bug form but it was too difficult.
>> Shawn
>> Sent From My White MacBook
>> -- 
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anyone successful with vim in the terminal?

2013-08-18 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux
Hi ALl,

As the subject suggests it, i wanted to know if anyone has any success in using 
vim with the mac.

I'm still looking for the perfect coding environment on the mac and so far i'm 
still stuck with text editor. I know VIM and emacs are really good for this, 
but i'd like to stick to vim for now and see if i can use it properly.

Best regards,


"Light has no value without darkness"

"Light has no value without darkness"

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Re: Twitter Search

2013-08-18 Thread Jonathan Mosen
Night Owl doesn't hook into the Twitter API for search, meaning unlike most 
Twitter clients, you can't retrieve searches you've created in other apps. But 
using the custom tabs off the tools menu, you can create a search within Night 
Owl and it's really powerful.

Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training

On 18/08/2013, at 1:53 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli  

> Hi:
> I cannot figure how to do a complete twitter search using Nightowl. Can this 
> be done?
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keynote or powerpoint?

2013-08-18 Thread jean parker
So the question is which is easier to use and the most accessible, keynote or 
powerpoint for Mac?
All experiences welcome.

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Re: KeyRemap4MacBook, PcKeyboardHack and windows VM

2013-08-18 Thread Jonathan Mosen
Hi Phil, on the Windows side, Key Remap for Macbook remaps the physical caps 
lock key on the keyboard to insert. 
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training

On 19/08/2013, at 3:38 PM, Phil Halton  wrote:

> Thanks Eric, it's helpful to know that you using the full-sized keyboard. As 
> a result you're not aware of the conflict using laptop keyboard mode and the 
> insert key as the modifier. Hopefully someone who is  using a laptop keyboard 
> will chime in and explain how they're using the insert as the jaws modifier 
> key. For now, I'll stick with using the Sharkeys solution to remap caps lock 
> to the grave accent key.
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Re: Profile pics with Facebook app

2013-08-18 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Not sure, sorry. YOu may have to do it from the web app.

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Re: keynote or powerpoint?

2013-08-18 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Jean,

KeyNote is your only option as PowerPoint is totally inaccessible.

KeyNote is quirky but manageable.



On 19 Aug 2013, at 07:03, jean parker  wrote:

> All:
> So the question is which is easier to use and the most accessible, keynote or 
> powerpoint for Mac?
> All experiences welcome.
> Jean
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Re: anyone successful with vim in the terminal?

2013-08-18 Thread Sandi Jazmin Kruse
hi, i have used Vim mostly when i edit the nas files in the flight
sim, adding different instruments, etc.
It works for me . But  what is your problem with Vim? learning too use
it is not a bad idea, in case of a breakdown, that is as far as i
remember the only editor you have.


On 8/18/13, Yuma Antoine Decaux  wrote:
> Hi ALl,
> As the subject suggests it, i wanted to know if anyone has any success in
> using vim with the mac.
> I'm still looking for the perfect coding environment on the mac and so far
> i'm still stuck with text editor. I know VIM and emacs are really good for
> this, but i'd like to stick to vim for now and see if i can use it
> properly.
> Best regards,
> Yuma
> "Light has no value without darkness"
> "Light has no value without darkness"
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