Hi,  Well, strictly speaking this is OT for the list.

I do training on these devices and also recommendations for employment 
supports.  If you want to email me off list, go right on ahead.

I can tell you that the braille sense u2 is a smaller braille display than the 
brailliant.  The U2 has an easy to use note taker interface and I find it's 
cells more comfortable than the brailliant cells, though I don't mind the 
brailliant ones either.

In order to make a good recommendation, it would be helpful to know what job 
you will be doing, what tasks you'll be using the display for, whether you'll 
be roaming or staying in house, what other technologies such as screen readers 
you'll be using, and so on.

I'd say they are both good units, but used for much different purposes, and so 
providing more info about the job would help us make good recommendations.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com/blog
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at http://www.erik-burggraaf.com

On 2013-08-18, at 5:52 PM, Chenelle Hancock <filmchenelle1...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Hello Everyone, 
> I will be starting a brand new job  in Las Vegas Nevada.  I  have to choose 
> between  the 40.  cell brailliant  and the Braille sense you too. 
> I will be working with the windows platform.  So I wanted someone's advice  
> about which one I should get for work purpoqes. 
> Thanks so much for your help 
> I most greatly  appreciate  it. 
> Sincerely, Chenelle Hncck. 
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