Re: Bluetooth Keyboards that Work with Apple TV

2013-02-02 Thread Danny Noonan
I always recommend the apple BlueTooth keyboard. It's solid, tough, reliable, 
quick to type on and feels good under your fingers.

There is an amazon wireless keyboard that was reviewd on the AppleVis podcast 
feed a while ago and I think some plantronics ones that are getting good 
reviews but I haven't tried any I'm sorry.

What keyboard works with an iPad but not with an apple tv?  Now I'm curious?


On 02/02/2013, at 12:00 PM, Les Kriegler  wrote:

> Subject line says it all.  Any recommendations on wireless keyboards that 
> will work with Apple TV?  I have the latest generation; my Apple Keyboard was 
> designed for the iPad, so that won't work, thus the need for a keyboard.  
> Thanks.
> Les
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Re: AccessNote Press Release

2013-02-02 Thread Danny Noonan
I actually payed for this app despite it's highly over priced nature and I'm 
surprised to say, it's quite good. I wish other apps on iOS bothered to have 
hot keys on bluetooth devices. I'd love iOS mail to have a reply, reply all, 
forward and even better, next previous message. It'd go such a long way to 
making the device more computer like and useful IMO.

The AccessNote needs some tweaking, extra functionality etc but for a new 
product, it does what it is meant to and I'm going to find it useful as of 
Monday when I start up my Business admin course.

I wish I didn't have to pay $20.99AUD for the app but what it gives is pretty 
unique. A word of warning for BT keyboard users though, don't bother trying to 
get keyboard shortcuts from the AppleVis podcast as most of them are wrong. All 
can be found in the short and succinct documentation in the app.


On 02/02/2013, at 10:41 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> I received this from AFB, and I have been asked to forward this along. You 
> can send it to anyone you want. 
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Begin forwarded message:
>> Please, help us get the word out about this new tool available to those with 
>> vision loss…
>> New American Foundation for the Blind App Helps People with Vision Loss 
>> Easily Take Notes on iPhone®, iPad®, and iPod touch®
>> New York (February 1, 2013)—For the millions of Americans with vision loss 
>> looking for a simple, convenient way to take notes at work, at school, or at 
>> home, the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) today launched the 
>> AccessNote™, a specialized notetaker for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
>> “Apple products have earned high points from us for their out-of-the-box 
>> accessibility for users who are blind or visually impaired,” said Carl R. 
>> Augusto, AFB president and CEO. “We designed this app to complement the 
>> iPhone’s other popular features, like web browsing and email, so that users 
>> who are blind have all the tools they need in one, handy device.”
>> A traditional notetaker is a portable electronic device that enables users 
>> who are blind or visually impaired to take notes, create documents, and 
>> access applications. These devices, extremely valuable for people who are 
>> blind or visually impaired, usually provide either speech or braille output 
>> (or both).  They retail for upwards of $2,000 and much more for those with a 
>> built-in braille display; AFB’s AccessNote app is available for $19.99.
>> In addition to being a low-cost alternative to traditional notetakers, 
>> AccessNote allows users to combine efficient notetaking with many other 
>> features and functions of the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This allows 
>> people who are blind or visually impaired to use the same popular devices 
>> that their sighted peers are using in classroom or business settings.
>> This is the first notetaking app developed and designed specifically for 
>> users with vision loss. AFB evaluated many of the other available notetaking 
>> apps, but found none to be very efficient or user-friendly to people who are 
>> blind or visually impaired.
>> What sets the AccessNote apart includes:
>> Seamless Navigation. Customized keyboard commands make notetaking more 
>> intuitive and productive than ever before, including quick access to 
>> important features like Search All Notes, Search Within a Note, as well as 
>> several navigation options.
>> Automatic Saving. With an automatic save on every few keystrokes, notes will 
>> never be lost.
>> Cursor tracking. When navigating among multiple sets of notes, users can 
>> always pick up right where they left off.
>> Unparalleled Simplicity. With a clutter-free interface, users can create, 
>> read, find, and sync, making it easier to spend more time with actual 
>> content and less time with tools.
>> DropBox Integration. All notes, always on hand. DropBox keeps AccessNote in 
>> sync with the user’s desktop (and other devices) so their notes are always 
>> available and backed up.
>> Compatibility with Bluetooth keyboards. AccessNote is optimized for 
>> efficiency with the Apple Wireless Keyboard and for today’s wireless braille 
>> displays.
>> AccessNote was developed in conjunction with FloCo Apps and is available on 
>> the App Store(sm).
>> ###
>> About AFB
>> The American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) is a national nonprofit that 
>> expands possibilities for people with vision loss. AFB's priorities include 
>> broadening access to technology; elevating the quality of information and 
>> tools for the professionals who serve people with vision loss; and promoting 
>> independent and healthy living for people with vision loss by providing them 
>> and their families with relevant and timely resources. Headquartered in New 
>> York, AFB is proud to house the Helen Keller Archives and honor the more 
>> than 40 years that Helen Keller worked tirelessly with AFB.

Re: Decent 7-Zip App For The Mac

2013-02-02 Thread Danny Noonan
I'm not sure what functionality you require so can only guess. Stuffit Expander 
has fulfilled all the compression requirements I have but that doesn't mean it 
will for you. I mostly want decompression and it certainly fills my needs in 
that respect and the price is great. I've set it as the default decompresser 
over the slow and oft buggy built in zip app in MountainLion.


On 02/02/2013, at 8:57 AM, Gavin Grundlingh  wrote:

> Hi all,
> For the life of me, I can't seem to find an app, either to use in Terminal or 
> as a GUI app, that will do the same, or at least similar, things to what the 
> 7-Zip app does on WIndows. I've tried 7zx, but it didn't have all the 
> functionality I was looking for. I'd like to be able to create 7-Zip 
> archives, complete with settings for compression method, compression level, 
> word size, dictionary size, solid block size, etc. Is there any Mac app that 
> can do this?
> Regards,
> Gavin
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Re: Polite Request for All List Members

2013-02-02 Thread Nicholas Parsons
HI Ricardo,

I agree. Hence I said I accept that you prefer things differently. I originally 
thought that quoting the original messages was just something people did out of 
habit, not intentionally because you actually needed the original message there 
for some reason. I still think it's unnecessary, but I accept it's a matter of 
personal preference. So you just keep doing what makes you happy and no one 
needs to change for anyone else.

I would like to draw a parallel though between this and the accessibility 
issues so many of us face. Perhaps what you are feeling is a little like what 
many sighted people must feel when a minority of blind people ask the majority 
of sighted people to change how they do things just to make life easier for the 
blind minority, even though it may make life a little less easy for the sighted 
majority. Just saying.


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Re: o. t.: Microsoft Office for Mac! Important: read and leave comments!

2013-02-02 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi there.
As i said in an earlier letter, even we in Sweden would love for MS Office to 
be fully accessible on the Mac. I've heard assistive technology vendors over 
here say that until the day Office becomes accessible, the mac isn't a viable 
alternative in the work situation, so therefor it would be great indeed if 
accessibility would come to MS Office.

2 feb 2013 kl. 08:59 skrev Jürgen Fleger :

> Hello,
> just to let Sara and the others know: The german Mac users are also 
> absolutely interested in an accessible MS Office for Mac. Word processing is 
> one of the biggest issues for blind Mac users in my country. Apples iWork 
> could  also be more accessible in certain functions and it's to complicated 
> to use especially for beginners.
> All the best from Germany
> Jürgen
> Am 01.02.2013 um 21:02 schrieb J.P. :
>> Welcome Sara, 
>> I am glad you made it on the list. I'm excited to see what comes of this. To 
>> my fellow peers on this list, Sara and I have been communicating everyday 
>> for a week. I can assure you she is interested. Just by the questions she 
>> has asked. I personally wrote a note to Microsoft about the lack of 
>> accessibility. sara contacted me the very next day. I appreciate that when I 
>> explained about our lists, she took the initiative herself to join. I 
>> contacted the moderator last night to expedite getting her here. It's more 
>> genuine coming from her. Me not being the middle man. 
>> -- 
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Re: AccessNote Press Release

2013-02-02 Thread Cheree Heppe
Dcheree Heppe here:
The mail on my IOS devices has the features you say you are missing.  IOS 
interfaces seem much more directly interactive than older keystroke driven  
Expansion in IOS should open files exchange and editing while leaving behind 
the clumsiest of the corded, multi key input.  With IOS, such should not be 
IOS is the next wave.

Cheree Heppe

Sent from my iPad

On 02/02/2013, at 1:20, Danny Noonan  wrote:

> I actually payed for this app despite it's highly over priced nature and I'm 
> surprised to say, it's quite good. I wish other apps on iOS bothered to have 
> hot keys on bluetooth devices. I'd love iOS mail to have a reply, reply all, 
> forward and even better, next previous message. It'd go such a long way to 
> making the device more computer like and useful IMO.
> The AccessNote needs some tweaking, extra functionality etc but for a new 
> product, it does what it is meant to and I'm going to find it useful as of 
> Monday when I start up my Business admin course.
> I wish I didn't have to pay $20.99AUD for the app but what it gives is pretty 
> unique. A word of warning for BT keyboard users though, don't bother trying 
> to get keyboard shortcuts from the AppleVis podcast as most of them are 
> wrong. All can be found in the short and succinct documentation in the app.
> Danny:
> On 02/02/2013, at 10:41 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> I received this from AFB, and I have been asked to forward this along. You 
>> can send it to anyone you want. 
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> Please, help us get the word out about this new tool available to those 
>>> with vision loss…
>>> New American Foundation for the Blind App Helps People with Vision Loss 
>>> Easily Take Notes on iPhone®, iPad®, and iPod touch®
>>> New York (February 1, 2013)—For the millions of Americans with vision loss 
>>> looking for a simple, convenient way to take notes at work, at school, or 
>>> at home, the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) today launched the 
>>> AccessNote™, a specialized notetaker for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
>>> “Apple products have earned high points from us for their out-of-the-box 
>>> accessibility for users who are blind or visually impaired,” said Carl R. 
>>> Augusto, AFB president and CEO. “We designed this app to complement the 
>>> iPhone’s other popular features, like web browsing and email, so that users 
>>> who are blind have all the tools they need in one, handy device.”
>>> A traditional notetaker is a portable electronic device that enables users 
>>> who are blind or visually impaired to take notes, create documents, and 
>>> access applications. These devices, extremely valuable for people who are 
>>> blind or visually impaired, usually provide either speech or braille output 
>>> (or both).  They retail for upwards of $2,000 and much more for those with 
>>> a built-in braille display; AFB’s AccessNote app is available for $19.99.
>>> In addition to being a low-cost alternative to traditional notetakers, 
>>> AccessNote allows users to combine efficient notetaking with many other 
>>> features and functions of the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This allows 
>>> people who are blind or visually impaired to use the same popular devices 
>>> that their sighted peers are using in classroom or business settings.
>>> This is the first notetaking app developed and designed specifically for 
>>> users with vision loss. AFB evaluated many of the other available 
>>> notetaking apps, but found none to be very efficient or user-friendly to 
>>> people who are blind or visually impaired.
>>> What sets the AccessNote apart includes:
>>> Seamless Navigation. Customized keyboard commands make notetaking more 
>>> intuitive and productive than ever before, including quick access to 
>>> important features like Search All Notes, Search Within a Note, as well as 
>>> several navigation options.
>>> Automatic Saving. With an automatic save on every few keystrokes, notes 
>>> will never be lost.
>>> Cursor tracking. When navigating among multiple sets of notes, users can 
>>> always pick up right where they left off.
>>> Unparalleled Simplicity. With a clutter-free interface, users can create, 
>>> read, find, and sync, making it easier to spend more time with actual 
>>> content and less time with tools.
>>> DropBox Integration. All notes, always on hand. DropBox keeps AccessNote in 
>>> sync with the user’s desktop (and other devices) so their notes are always 
>>> available and backed up.
>>> Compatibility with Bluetooth keyboards. AccessNote is optimized for 
>>> efficiency with the Apple Wireless Keyboard and for today’s wireless 
>>> braille displays.
>>> AccessNote was developed in conjunction with FloCo Apps and is available on 
>>> the App Store(sm).
>>> ###
>>> About AFB
>>> The American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) is a na

Re: AccessNote Press Release

2013-02-02 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi there
I'm a little confused here. I have the reply forward, replh, reply all,  
forward and all that on my iPhone. Also, when you consider the price of note 
takers, this app is cheap. So, what is it you say you are missing?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 2, 2013, at 3:20 AM, Danny Noonan  wrote:

> I actually payed for this app despite it's highly over priced nature and I'm 
> surprised to say, it's quite good. I wish other apps on iOS bothered to have 
> hot keys on bluetooth devices. I'd love iOS mail to have a reply, reply all, 
> forward and even better, next previous message. It'd go such a long way to 
> making the device more computer like and useful IMO.
> The AccessNote needs some tweaking, extra functionality etc but for a new 
> product, it does what it is meant to and I'm going to find it useful as of 
> Monday when I start up my Business admin course.
> I wish I didn't have to pay $20.99AUD for the app but what it gives is pretty 
> unique. A word of warning for BT keyboard users though, don't bother trying 
> to get keyboard shortcuts from the AppleVis podcast as most of them are 
> wrong. All can be found in the short and succinct documentation in the app.
> Danny:
> On 02/02/2013, at 10:41 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> I received this from AFB, and I have been asked to forward this along. You 
>> can send it to anyone you want. 
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> Please, help us get the word out about this new tool available to those 
>>> with vision loss…
>>> New American Foundation for the Blind App Helps People with Vision Loss 
>>> Easily Take Notes on iPhone®, iPad®, and iPod touch®
>>> New York (February 1, 2013)—For the millions of Americans with vision loss 
>>> looking for a simple, convenient way to take notes at work, at school, or 
>>> at home, the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) today launched the 
>>> AccessNote™, a specialized notetaker for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
>>> “Apple products have earned high points from us for their out-of-the-box 
>>> accessibility for users who are blind or visually impaired,” said Carl R. 
>>> Augusto, AFB president and CEO. “We designed this app to complement the 
>>> iPhone’s other popular features, like web browsing and email, so that users 
>>> who are blind have all the tools they need in one, handy device.”
>>> A traditional notetaker is a portable electronic device that enables users 
>>> who are blind or visually impaired to take notes, create documents, and 
>>> access applications. These devices, extremely valuable for people who are 
>>> blind or visually impaired, usually provide either speech or braille output 
>>> (or both).  They retail for upwards of $2,000 and much more for those with 
>>> a built-in braille display; AFB’s AccessNote app is available for $19.99.
>>> In addition to being a low-cost alternative to traditional notetakers, 
>>> AccessNote allows users to combine efficient notetaking with many other 
>>> features and functions of the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This allows 
>>> people who are blind or visually impaired to use the same popular devices 
>>> that their sighted peers are using in classroom or business settings.
>>> This is the first notetaking app developed and designed specifically for 
>>> users with vision loss. AFB evaluated many of the other available 
>>> notetaking apps, but found none to be very efficient or user-friendly to 
>>> people who are blind or visually impaired.
>>> What sets the AccessNote apart includes:
>>> Seamless Navigation. Customized keyboard commands make notetaking more 
>>> intuitive and productive than ever before, including quick access to 
>>> important features like Search All Notes, Search Within a Note, as well as 
>>> several navigation options.
>>> Automatic Saving. With an automatic save on every few keystrokes, notes 
>>> will never be lost.
>>> Cursor tracking. When navigating among multiple sets of notes, users can 
>>> always pick up right where they left off.
>>> Unparalleled Simplicity. With a clutter-free interface, users can create, 
>>> read, find, and sync, making it easier to spend more time with actual 
>>> content and less time with tools.
>>> DropBox Integration. All notes, always on hand. DropBox keeps AccessNote in 
>>> sync with the user’s desktop (and other devices) so their notes are always 
>>> available and backed up.
>>> Compatibility with Bluetooth keyboards. AccessNote is optimized for 
>>> efficiency with the Apple Wireless Keyboard and for today’s wireless 
>>> braille displays.
>>> AccessNote was developed in conjunction with FloCo Apps and is available on 
>>> the App Store(sm).
>>> ###
>>> About AFB
>>> The American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) is a national nonprofit that 
>>> expands possibilities for people with vision loss. AFB's priorities include 
>>> broadening access to technology; elevati

The number 7 key

2013-02-02 Thread Angelo
Hi all, this probably is a Dum question, but here it is, it seems every time I 
press the number 7 key while in a edit field I hear a toggle that says hiding 
on or hiding off. Do I have something odd turned on, and how do I turn it off? 
I am writing this from my VM ware, because I can't use the number 7 key...

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Re: o. t.: Microsoft Office for Mac! Important: read and leave comments!

2013-02-02 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi there
I haven't had that problem of  my Mac getting hot since I doubled the memory in 
my MacBook Pro to 8 Gigabytes.  Now it doesn't get hot anymore, And it seems 

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 1, 2013, at 8:14 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> lucky you. haha.  I have had success with numbers but, It makes my macbook 
> pro extremely hot while open, I actually get worried.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 1, 2013, at 8:25 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi there
>> I am having no problem using numbers with my business, but I would like to 
>> say a few things about Excel. I hope that when you get voiceover to work 
>> with Excel that it's easier to set up then it is with Excel and Jaws. When I 
>> was using Excel and jaws, I never could remember those commands to get 
>> John's to tell what the names of the columns and rows were. I'm not sure I 
>> can explain this so it makes sense. Whenever I had to set up a spreadsheet, 
>> it was a royal pain because I had to look up how to do it every time.
>> What I'm talking about has to do with the screen reader telling you where 
>> you are. In numbers, Voice overuses the top row as a header and the 
>> left-hand column as a header is well so that you can get it to tell you 
>> information as to where you are.
>> Regards
>> Gigi
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 1, 2013, at 6:05 PM, Kliphton A M  wrote:
>>> Of course this is my own opinion.  But I think that hurdle is real high on 
>>> making voice over as accessible with office, as Jaws or window eyes.  The 
>>> way that jaws interacts with spread sheets, is way beyond what voice over 
>>> can do with numbers.  But I wish you luck.  I am a small business owner 
>>> myself, and run windows on my mac as a virtual machine, just so I can make 
>>> my book keeping a breeze, if office was accessible with the mac, mainly 
>>> word and excel for me, that would be the deal breaker.  I would stop using 
>>> windows altogether.  As for outlook, I still think it is the best mail 
>>> client on the PC side, but to me apple mail rules!  Of course it would be 
>>> nice for my calendar and contacts to be at my finger tips in apple mail 
>>> like it is in outlook, but it doesn't bother me to have to open another 
>>> application to get to them.  The interface of apple mail is so clean and 
>>> smooth, it's almost unheard of.  I know there is a way to get to my contact 
>>> while in mail, but haven't really sweated it because I rarely look at them 
>>> from mail anyway.  But good luck, and I hope you and your staff are able to 
>>> accomplish this.
>>> Kliphton Senior
>>> (Email&iMessage)
>>> (Twitter&Skype) kliphton72
>>> (Personal blog-read at your own risk!)
>>> (Life Journal)
>>> On Feb 1, 2013, at 5:22 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
 I honestly think that the lack of Voiceover accessibility of the MS Office 
 suite holds back many potential Mac users from switching over.  For 
 example, I've spent much time talking with adaptive tech specialist, rehab 
 and state agencies and, most see the Mac as a entertainment console 
 instead of a well rounded machine that can support both ones professional 
 and leisure computing tasks.  These agencies are all about getting 
 visually impaired people through college, vocational training, and 
 ultimately employed.  They look at the lack of MS Office accessibility as 
 a non starter for those wanting training or, access to Macs.  Many blind 
 and visually impaired people look to these institutions for their computer 
 training and equipment.  If the Mac could be viewed as a more productivity 
 driven computer, the better.
 Ricardo Walker
 On Feb 1, 2013, at 3:33 PM, Gabe Vega  wrote:
> Thanks John and Sarah. I agree this access to Office is vital in my
> line of work with cooperating with clients we work with in our field.
> Gabe Vega
> Commtech LLC
> Web:
> Email:
> Phone: (623) 565-9357
> On Feb 1, 1:02 pm, "J.P."  wrote:
>> Welcome Sara,
>> I am glad you made it on the list. I'm excited to see what comes of 
>> this. To my fellow peers on this list, Sara and I have been 
>> communicating everyday for a week. I can assure you she is interested. 
>> Just by the questions she has asked. I personally wrote a note to 
>> Microsoft about the lack of accessibility. sara contacted me the very 
>> next day. I appreciate that when I explained about our lists, she took 
>> the initiative herself to join. I contacted the moderator last night to 

Re: last question about pages.

2013-02-02 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi there
Yes, you can go to the verbosity menu with control option B and set the options 
to speak for the items that you want to hear.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 2, 2013, at 12:04 AM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

> Hi all.
> This should be my last question about pages.
> Thank you for all of your assistance so far.
> Is there a way to say if something is centered or left alind?
> Also, how can i center just the title or particular text?
> Thank you.
> Chris
> -- 
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Re: o. t.: Microsoft Office for Mac! Important: read and leave comments!

2013-02-02 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi again 
The inaccessibility of Office did not stop me either from making the switch. I 
probably would never have made the switch except that I became frustrated with 
Freedom Scentific and MicroSoft not getting themselves together so that, when 
MicroSoft made a change, Jaws changed at the saste time. Also, this meant I 
couldn't let my computer automatically update, and I had to get my computer 
expert husband to review every update before I could let it happen. Now at 
least if there is a problem, I know who did it; if there's good things that 
happen as well, I know who did it. 

I would also like to address something someone else said earlier. They said 
that iWork was difficult for blind beginners. Well, let's face it folks. 
Computers all around, no matter what system you run, is difficult for blind 
beginners. I was an experienced computer user when I learned Windows at work, 
my first computer having been an Apple 2 e. Although it only took me about two 
weeks to figure out things, it was a frustrating two weeks. 

In fact, if I had to pick the easiest computer thing to work for us, I'd have 
to pick the iPhone, even with having to deal with the touch screen. 


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 1, 2013, at 10:00 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Personally, the inaccessibility of Microsoft Word for Mac didn't stop me from 
> switching over to the Mac. I run a Mac without Windows installed, but I do 
> still have an old Windows machine. It also hasn't stopped many, many blind 
> people I know from using Macs.
> If Microsoft Office for Mac were accessible with VoiceOver, however, I'm sure 
> I and many other blind Mac users would become instant loyal purchases of 
> Microsoft Office for Mac for as long as it was accessible.
> This would still not stop me using Windows, however, as I enjoy the increased 
> flexibility from using both operating systems.
> -- 
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Re: last question about pages.

2013-02-02 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there!
To aline left press command+shift+[
And to aline right  press command+shift+]
And to centre command+shift+\

Hth Colin

On 2 Feb 2013, at 12:02, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi there
> Yes, you can go to the verbosity menu with control option B and set the 
> options to speak for the items that you want to hear.
> Regards
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 12:04 AM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> This should be my last question about pages.
>> Thank you for all of your assistance so far.
>> Is there a way to say if something is centred or left alined?
>> Also, how can i centre just the title or particular text?
>> Thank you.
>> Chris
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> email to
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Re: Bluetooth Keyboards that Work with Apple TV

2013-02-02 Thread Angelo
Hi Les, I am using an Apple keyboard by Generic, sold by Amazon, it's under 
$20. sure makes it nice when I can't find that teeny remote. smiles
  - Original Message - 
  From: Les Kriegler 
  Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 8:00 PM
  Subject: Bluetooth Keyboards that Work with Apple TV

  Subject line says it all.  Any recommendations on wireless keyboards that 
will work with Apple TV?  I have the latest generation; my Apple Keyboard was 
designed for the iPad, so that won't work, thus the need for a keyboard.  


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Re: Adding Album Art in iTunes

2013-02-02 Thread Nicholas Parsons
HI and thanks again Esther,

I got that to work just as you said. Interestingly, the art well doesn't appear 
unless I navigate to it using the item finder. Not sure how you discovered 
that, but thanks so much for the tip. I noticed in between the comments item 
and the genre, there is an album art work checkbox and an item which VoiceOver 
simply describes as image. I also tried copying and pasting the artwork file on 
to this image item. It also seems to work, but I can't tell for sure as I can't 
see the artwork. At least iTunes took a while to process the tracks after I did 

So that's my problem sorted. Thanks once again, Esther! You're the best!

I am interested by Audiobook Builder that you mentioned. I have bought and used 
a similar app called AudioBookBinder. It seemed to work really well. However, I 
discovered, sadly only after converting most of my audiobooks, that it seems to 
have some limitations. It doesn't seem to be able to create files longer than 
14 hours. Many books I have bound into one file have stopped around the 14 hour 
mark, despite the fact that the book was actually much longer. Moreover, I 
haven't seemed to be able to get the chapter navigation to work, despite the 
app stating that it did this automatically. So I'm a little reluctant to try 
one of these apps again, in case I get similar results.

Have you used Audiobook Builder much yourself? Have you used it on longer 
books, and does the chapter navigation work well? Probably a stupid question, 
but does it work well with VoiceOver?

Many thanks once again.


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Audio Hijack Pro and Fission bundle

2013-02-02 Thread Bill Holton
I am going to purchase a license for Audio Hijack Pro  today, and wondering
if it's worth it to buy the AHJ and Fission bundle, which is discounted.  Is
Fission accessible?

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RE: Have you contacted a developer with an accessibility issue successfully?

2013-02-02 Thread Bill Holton
Thanks for this lead.  I pinged their support email, but no response so far.
Do you have other email addresses I can try?
Also, would love to hear off list about other developers you have contacted
for accessibility issues.
My email address below.
P:386-624-6309 C: 386-624-3255
Home Office: 1520 Loughton ST
DeLand, FL  32720
[] On Behalf Of Jonathan Mosen
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: Have you contacted a developer with an accessibility issue
Hi Bill, I frequently contact iOS developers, and am impressed by how many
of them   really want to help. Many developers have no idea blind people are
using iPhones and find it fascinating that their app can make a difference
to the lives of blind people.
One very good example of an app that really got with the program with regard
to accessibility is the Bossjock app. I didn't make the initial approach on
that one but it transformed into a 100% accessible app.
I've also had success with the developers of the official Twitter app, and TVNZ here in New Zealand and quite a few other NZ-based
apps. Last year, I was invited to speak at a conference here in New Zealand
of iOS developers. I think having them see just what an empowering tool the
iPhone is in the hands of a blind person really did, if you'll pardon the
expression, open their eyes. I was then contacted by a whole bunch of app
developers asking me to check how well their app worked, and it's made a big
difference here. I think clear, polite, detailed advocacy goes a long way
most of the time.
On 2/02/2013, at 6:04 AM, "Bill Holton"  wrote:

I am putting an article together about developers and how to make them more
of accessibility needs, and I need a few success stories.
If You've had a good experience with a Mac or iPhone developer, or even a
Win developer,  who went "above and beyond," can you let me know the app and
any contact info you may have?
P:386-624-6309 C: 386-624-3255
Home Office: 1520 Loughton ST
DeLand, FL  32720
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New list member with a mac question

2013-02-02 Thread Wendy Alling
Hello all,

I'm new to this list and have a question.  Seriously thinking about purching
a mac, but not sure what I should purchase.  I'm looking at either a mac
book air or mac book pro.  What are the differences between the two?  Is one
better than the other?  Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Wendy Alling

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Re: New list member with a mac question

2013-02-02 Thread Randy George
Hi Wendy,
I hope you're doing well. I'm fairly new to the MacWorld as well, however, I 
have quite a bit of experience working on them. I recently bought a MacBook Pro 
for the 14 inch display (non-retina display) with a 1 TB hard drive and eight 
gigs of RAM and it is absolutely wonderful. I've had It for nearly 6 months 
already and haven't noticed one single slowdown. I personally prefer the old 
style of RAM and ROM versus flash memory, which you will get on a MacBook air. 
The MacBook Pro also has a CD-ROM drive, which the MacBook Air will not. While 
most programs are electronic these days, There are some that still come on 
CD-ROM. And if you have a collection of DVDs, and would like to watch them on 
your computer, you would have to purchase an extra DVD drive to watch them on a 
MacBook air.
I hope all this information helps, please feel free to write me off list if you 
have any other questions.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 2, 2013, at 9:37 AM, "Wendy Alling"  wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm new to this list and have a question.  Seriously thinking about purching
> a mac, but not sure what I should purchase.  I'm looking at either a mac
> book air or mac book pro.  What are the differences between the two?  Is one
> better than the other?  Any thoughts would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Wendy Alling
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Re: last question about pages.

2013-02-02 Thread Kristeen Hughes
I just bought Pages yesterday. I am wondering if there are a lot of messages 
about it in archives. I think there are a lot of keystrokes I need and I don't 
even know how to get into an area of a document so I can start typing.


On Feb 2, 2013, at 7:21 AM, "Red.Falcon"  

> Hi there!
> To aline left press command+shift+[
> And to aline right  press command+shift+]
> And to centre command+shift+\
> Hth Colin
> On 2 Feb 2013, at 12:02, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi there
>> Yes, you can go to the verbosity menu with control option B and set the 
>> options to speak for the items that you want to hear.
>> Regards
>> Gigi
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 2, 2013, at 12:04 AM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> This should be my last question about pages.
>>> Thank you for all of your assistance so far.
>>> Is there a way to say if something is centred or left alined?
>>> Also, how can i centre just the title or particular text?
>>> Thank you.
>>> Chris
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Re: o. t.: Microsoft Office for Mac! Important: read and leave comments!

2013-02-02 Thread Richard Ring
You have echoed my thoughts and concerns so well. Many with whom I have dealt 
in the rehab field do not see the Mac as fitting into the average workplace, 
and a huge reason for this is lack of MS Office voiceover accessibility. In a 
sense, the unwillingness of microsoft to step up to the plate and address this 
problem is causing state rehab agencies to reject the Mac as a viable 

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
 Sent from my Mac Book Pro

On Feb 1, 2013, at 5:22 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hello,
> I honestly think that the lack of Voiceover accessibility of the MS Office 
> suite holds back many potential Mac users from switching over.  For example, 
> I've spent much time talking with adaptive tech specialist, rehab and state 
> agencies and, most see the Mac as a entertainment console instead of a well 
> rounded machine that can support both ones professional and leisure computing 
> tasks.  These agencies are all about getting visually impaired people through 
> college, vocational training, and ultimately employed.  They look at the lack 
> of MS Office accessibility as a non starter for those wanting training or, 
> access to Macs.  Many blind and visually impaired people look to these 
> institutions for their computer training and equipment.  If the Mac could be 
> viewed as a more productivity driven computer, the better.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 1, 2013, at 3:33 PM, Gabe Vega  wrote:
>> Thanks John and Sarah. I agree this access to Office is vital in my
>> line of work with cooperating with clients we work with in our field.
>> Gabe Vega
>> CEO
>> Commtech LLC
>> Web:
>> Email:
>> Phone: (623) 565-9357
>> On Feb 1, 1:02 pm, "J.P."  wrote:
>>> Welcome Sara,
>>> I am glad you made it on the list. I'm excited to see what comes of this. 
>>> To my fellow peers on this list, Sara and I have been communicating 
>>> everyday for a week. I can assure you she is interested. Just by the 
>>> questions she has asked. I personally wrote a note to Microsoft about the 
>>> lack of accessibility. sara contacted me the very next day. I appreciate 
>>> that when I explained about our lists, she took the initiative herself to 
>>> join. I contacted the moderator last night to expedite getting her here. 
>>> It's more genuine coming from her. Me not being the middle man.
>> -- 
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Re: New list member with a mac question

2013-02-02 Thread David McLean
Hello, Although you may be able to get a non retina display at this point I'm 
not sure that that is still the case.
The Macbook Pro I have which is a 15 inch has a retina display and does NOT 
have a DVD drive in it so I bought their external DVD writer.  I haven't needed 
it very much luckily.  I say luckily because I'm not sure how good it is and
how many burns you might get successfully with the product.  

I also have a 13-inch Macbook Air which is a bit smaller (not surprising) but 
has a 512gb dasd drive in it.  
The MBP has a 768g drive.  
So I'd say the difference is going to be in terms of how much computer you need 
and how much do you want to spend on it.

Either would serve you well I think so it's just a matter of deciding based on 
your funding and needs.

BTW, Wendy did you ever live in Connecticut?  I went to school with someone 
named Wendy and a last name similar to yours so I was wondering if you might be 
that person.  If it was you I think you lived in New Britain.
On Feb 2, 2013, at 9:49 AM, Randy George  wrote:

> Hi Wendy,
> I hope you're doing well. I'm fairly new to the MacWorld as well, however, I 
> have quite a bit of experience working on them. I recently bought a MacBook 
> Pro for the 14 inch display (non-retina display) with a 1 TB hard drive and 
> eight gigs of RAM and it is absolutely wonderful. I've had It for nearly 6 
> months already and haven't noticed one single slowdown. I personally prefer 
> the old style of RAM and ROM versus flash memory, which you will get on a 
> MacBook air. The MacBook Pro also has a CD-ROM drive, which the MacBook Air 
> will not. While most programs are electronic these days, There are some that 
> still come on CD-ROM. And if you have a collection of DVDs, and would like to 
> watch them on your computer, you would have to purchase an extra DVD drive to 
> watch them on a MacBook air.
> I hope all this information helps, please feel free to write me off list if 
> you have any other questions.
> Randy
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 9:37 AM, "Wendy Alling"  wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm new to this list and have a question.  Seriously thinking about purching
>> a mac, but not sure what I should purchase.  I'm looking at either a mac
>> book air or mac book pro.  What are the differences between the two?  Is one
>> better than the other?  Any thoughts would be appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Wendy Alling
>> -- 
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Re: Skype scripts

2013-02-02 Thread Alex Hall
Perhaps you could use an Apple Script then? You could find the button in the 
window and simulate a click on the answer or define buttons. Then tie that to a 
service, and give the service a hotkey, so it would be global. Yes, that might 
work. I'm sure someone has done it before; you should ask Google.
On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:48 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> Yeah, that's a great option in Mac OS. Unfortunately your desired function to 
> answer a call is not a menue command and so it doesn't work in this case. The 
> answer button is just a button in a dialogue box. But in general it's great 
> to define all the hotkeys you want to.
> Jürgen
> Am 01.02.2013 um 19:49 schrieb Chris Bruinenberg :
>> wow,
>> THank you for that.
>> I'm assuming that the keyboard commands are global?
>> Meaning that i can be in another window and press say control+shift+c to 
>> answer?
>> On Jan 31, 2013, at 11:11 PM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:
>>> You don't need special scripts to define keyboard commands for any App. 
>>> Just check the Keyboard section in the System Preferences of your Mac. 
>>> There you can create a hotkey for each command in a menue of all your Apps.
>>> Jürgen
>>> Am 31.01.2013 um 23:45 schrieb Chris Bruinenberg :
 Hi all.
 I might be crazy here.
 Are there any scripts to make answering calls with Skype any easier?
 I've heard that somebody wrote simple scripts for Skype so you could set 
 up keyboard shortcuts?
 If not, it's not a big deal.
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: o. t.: Microsoft Office for Mac! Important: read and leave comments!

2013-02-02 Thread Keith Watson

Let me just say that I am encouraged by this thread. I would dearly love to see 
the Office suite become accessible on the Mac, for more than just being able to 
create documents for use by most of people who I communicate with on a daily 

In 2009 the NFB won a federal suit against the SSA for noncompliance of section 
508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Unfortunately the judge in his ruling stated 
that the SSA is now required to provide all documentation in either an audible 
format, braille format, or Word format. Great for Microsoft but not so much for 
those of us who don't have access to Word.

For the purposes of full disclosure I will say that I am aware of this because 
I currently work for the company that is subcontracted to the NTIS. We provide 
all the braille and word documents for SSA. I have met with the directors of 
the SSA and made the case to them that Word documents are not accessible on the 
Mac versions of Office, and translating them to Pages or other formats is not 
always guaranteed. Their response was that they are providing only what the 
judgment requires them to and no more.

So my hopes are high that an accessible version of Office is in the works, as I 
will no longer pay for an operating system that does not have a built in screen 
reader that is functional.


Keith Watson
Twitter: @TKeithWatson

On Feb 1, 2013, at 12:59 PM, SaraFord  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Thank you J.P. for starting this thread and for inviting me to the group! My 
> name is Sara Ford. I’m a Program Manager on the Office for Mac team. Since I 
> recently joined the Office for Mac team, I asked J.P. to describe his 
> experiences.  Previously at Microsoft, I worked on Accessibility for Visual 
> Studio, the Windows equivalent of Xcode for writing software applications, 
> using JAWS and Window Eyes. Thank you for sharing your stories with me.
> Thanks,
> -sara
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Re: New list member with a mac question

2013-02-02 Thread Alex Hall
The Pro is a beefier computer and comes with more storage options, but on a 
mechanical hard drive. The Air is slimmer and lighter, but has less connection 
ports and jacks and less storage. However, the storage on the Air is 
flash-based, much faster (though of lower capacity) than the mechanical drives 
found in the Pro line. Neither device includes a CD/DVD drive, though you may 
still be able to find the previous-generation Pro which is a bit larger, but 
includes that drive. In addition, note that neither machine lets you upgrade 
its ram or storage; if you decide in six months that you want more ram, you 
have to buy a new machine. The previous-generation Pros are still 
user-upgradeable, though the process, I hear, can be tricky. If, for some 
reason, screen resolution is important, the Airs and newest Pros include the 
Retina display, whereas the previous-generation pros do not.
On Feb 2, 2013, at 10:14 AM, David McLean  wrote:

> Hello, Although you may be able to get a non retina display at this point I'm 
> not sure that that is still the case.
> The Macbook Pro I have which is a 15 inch has a retina display and does NOT 
> have a DVD drive in it so I bought their external DVD writer.  I haven't 
> needed it very much luckily.  I say luckily because I'm not sure how good it 
> is and
> how many burns you might get successfully with the product.  
> I also have a 13-inch Macbook Air which is a bit smaller (not surprising) but 
> has a 512gb dasd drive in it.  
> The MBP has a 768g drive.  
> So I'd say the difference is going to be in terms of how much computer you 
> need and how much do you want to spend on it.
> Either would serve you well I think so it's just a matter of deciding based 
> on your funding and needs.
> BTW, Wendy did you ever live in Connecticut?  I went to school with someone 
> named Wendy and a last name similar to yours so I was wondering if you might 
> be that person.  If it was you I think you lived in New Britain.
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 9:49 AM, Randy George  wrote:
>> Hi Wendy,
>> I hope you're doing well. I'm fairly new to the MacWorld as well, however, I 
>> have quite a bit of experience working on them. I recently bought a MacBook 
>> Pro for the 14 inch display (non-retina display) with a 1 TB hard drive and 
>> eight gigs of RAM and it is absolutely wonderful. I've had It for nearly 6 
>> months already and haven't noticed one single slowdown. I personally prefer 
>> the old style of RAM and ROM versus flash memory, which you will get on a 
>> MacBook air. The MacBook Pro also has a CD-ROM drive, which the MacBook Air 
>> will not. While most programs are electronic these days, There are some that 
>> still come on CD-ROM. And if you have a collection of DVDs, and would like 
>> to watch them on your computer, you would have to purchase an extra DVD 
>> drive to watch them on a MacBook air.
>> I hope all this information helps, please feel free to write me off list if 
>> you have any other questions.
>> Randy
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 2, 2013, at 9:37 AM, "Wendy Alling"  wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I'm new to this list and have a question.  Seriously thinking about purching
>>> a mac, but not sure what I should purchase.  I'm looking at either a mac
>>> book air or mac book pro.  What are the differences between the two?  Is one
>>> better than the other?  Any thoughts would be appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Wendy Alling
>>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Polite Request for All List Members

2013-02-02 Thread Richard Ring
However, my question is this. How many blind Mac users are able to use the Mac 
in there workplaces? And, how many employees of state agencies can teach the 
Mac? If Office were accessibil, many more blind individuals would be in a 
position to insist that their Rehab specialists teach them the Mac. When I 
taught at a Rehab agency, the Mac was considered an interesting device, but the 
decision makers weren't interested because MS Office was not accessible with 
VoiceOver. I'm not saying this attitude is the correct one, but nontheless is 

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
 Sent from my Mac Book Pro

On Feb 1, 2013, at 9:20 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> OKay, I accept there are different views on this and I'm not going to get my 
> way. But I can't help continuing the discussion now it's started.
> I already have a separate mailbox just for this list and server side 
> rules/filters that all messages go straight to this mailbox. Even so, without 
> digest mode I'd still have so many conversations I'd continuously need to be 
> deleting. I suppose I need to add here that I'm not the type of person who 
> can let a mailbox fill up with old or unread messages. I keep my mailboxes 
> more or less empty, and archive messages I need for later reference in.
> For people who struggle to pick up the context when coming late to a thread, 
> here are some suggestions:
>   •   Instead of deleting messages, archive them. This way, when you 
> get a new message in that thread the older ones will show up along side, so 
> long as you have messages set to view by conversation in Mail preferences.
>   •   Search for missing posts in your trash folder.
>   •   Read the entire conversation on the web interface.
> For those who don't quote the entire conversation in their posts, I agree it 
> is a good idea to include enough context that people can understand your 
> post. Quoting particular passages can be a good idea too. However, including 
> the entire conversation in every single post seems a hugely inefficient way 
> of doing things to me. Especially given that people often quote other people 
> who are quoting themselves quoting other people, so the same message is 
> quoted over and over again. But I accept people disagree with me here.
> Happy posting!
> -- 
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Re: New list member with a mac question

2013-02-02 Thread David McLean
Actually both of my machines have SSD drives. The one on the MBP is 768gb and 
the MBA is 512gb.
On Feb 2, 2013, at 10:46 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> The Pro is a beefier computer and comes with more storage options, but on a 
> mechanical hard drive. The Air is slimmer and lighter, but has less 
> connection ports and jacks and less storage. However, the storage on the Air 
> is flash-based, much faster (though of lower capacity) than the mechanical 
> drives found in the Pro line. Neither device includes a CD/DVD drive, though 
> you may still be able to find the previous-generation Pro which is a bit 
> larger, but includes that drive. In addition, note that neither machine lets 
> you upgrade its ram or storage; if you decide in six months that you want 
> more ram, you have to buy a new machine. The previous-generation Pros are 
> still user-upgradeable, though the process, I hear, can be tricky. If, for 
> some reason, screen resolution is important, the Airs and newest Pros include 
> the Retina display, whereas the previous-generation pros do not.
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 10:14 AM, David McLean  wrote:
>> Hello, Although you may be able to get a non retina display at this point 
>> I'm not sure that that is still the case.
>> The Macbook Pro I have which is a 15 inch has a retina display and does NOT 
>> have a DVD drive in it so I bought their external DVD writer.  I haven't 
>> needed it very much luckily.  I say luckily because I'm not sure how good it 
>> is and
>> how many burns you might get successfully with the product.  
>> I also have a 13-inch Macbook Air which is a bit smaller (not surprising) 
>> but has a 512gb dasd drive in it.  
>> The MBP has a 768g drive.  
>> So I'd say the difference is going to be in terms of how much computer you 
>> need and how much do you want to spend on it.
>> Either would serve you well I think so it's just a matter of deciding based 
>> on your funding and needs.
>> BTW, Wendy did you ever live in Connecticut?  I went to school with someone 
>> named Wendy and a last name similar to yours so I was wondering if you might 
>> be that person.  If it was you I think you lived in New Britain.
>> On Feb 2, 2013, at 9:49 AM, Randy George  wrote:
>>> Hi Wendy,
>>> I hope you're doing well. I'm fairly new to the MacWorld as well, however, 
>>> I have quite a bit of experience working on them. I recently bought a 
>>> MacBook Pro for the 14 inch display (non-retina display) with a 1 TB hard 
>>> drive and eight gigs of RAM and it is absolutely wonderful. I've had It for 
>>> nearly 6 months already and haven't noticed one single slowdown. I 
>>> personally prefer the old style of RAM and ROM versus flash memory, which 
>>> you will get on a MacBook air. The MacBook Pro also has a CD-ROM drive, 
>>> which the MacBook Air will not. While most programs are electronic these 
>>> days, There are some that still come on CD-ROM. And if you have a 
>>> collection of DVDs, and would like to watch them on your computer, you 
>>> would have to purchase an extra DVD drive to watch them on a MacBook air.
>>> I hope all this information helps, please feel free to write me off list if 
>>> you have any other questions.
>>> Randy
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Feb 2, 2013, at 9:37 AM, "Wendy Alling"  wrote:
 Hello all,
 I'm new to this list and have a question.  Seriously thinking about 
 a mac, but not sure what I should purchase.  I'm looking at either a mac
 book air or mac book pro.  What are the differences between the two?  Is 
 better than the other?  Any thoughts would be appreciated.
 Wendy Alling
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Re: Audio Hijack Pro and Fission bundle

2013-02-02 Thread Tim Kilburn

Yes Fission is accessible.  It takes a little getting used to but for the 
occasional time I've had the need to edit audio, it worked just great for me.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-02-02, at 6:46 AM, "Bill Holton"  wrote:

> Hi.
> I am going to purchase a license for Audio Hijack Pro  today, and wondering 
> if it’s worth it to buy the AHJ and Fission bundle, which is discounted.  Is 
> Fission accessible?
> Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: New list member with a mac question

2013-02-02 Thread Alex Hall
Oh, I'm sorry for the misinformation. I didn't recall the new Pros having SSDs 
now. My mistake.
On Feb 2, 2013, at 10:55 AM, David McLean  wrote:

> Actually both of my machines have SSD drives. The one on the MBP is 768gb and 
> the MBA is 512gb.
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 10:46 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> The Pro is a beefier computer and comes with more storage options, but on a 
>> mechanical hard drive. The Air is slimmer and lighter, but has less 
>> connection ports and jacks and less storage. However, the storage on the Air 
>> is flash-based, much faster (though of lower capacity) than the mechanical 
>> drives found in the Pro line. Neither device includes a CD/DVD drive, though 
>> you may still be able to find the previous-generation Pro which is a bit 
>> larger, but includes that drive. In addition, note that neither machine lets 
>> you upgrade its ram or storage; if you decide in six months that you want 
>> more ram, you have to buy a new machine. The previous-generation Pros are 
>> still user-upgradeable, though the process, I hear, can be tricky. If, for 
>> some reason, screen resolution is important, the Airs and newest Pros 
>> include the Retina display, whereas the previous-generation pros do not.
>> On Feb 2, 2013, at 10:14 AM, David McLean  wrote:
>>> Hello, Although you may be able to get a non retina display at this point 
>>> I'm not sure that that is still the case.
>>> The Macbook Pro I have which is a 15 inch has a retina display and does NOT 
>>> have a DVD drive in it so I bought their external DVD writer.  I haven't 
>>> needed it very much luckily.  I say luckily because I'm not sure how good 
>>> it is and
>>> how many burns you might get successfully with the product.  
>>> I also have a 13-inch Macbook Air which is a bit smaller (not surprising) 
>>> but has a 512gb dasd drive in it.  
>>> The MBP has a 768g drive.  
>>> So I'd say the difference is going to be in terms of how much computer you 
>>> need and how much do you want to spend on it.
>>> Either would serve you well I think so it's just a matter of deciding based 
>>> on your funding and needs.
>>> BTW, Wendy did you ever live in Connecticut?  I went to school with someone 
>>> named Wendy and a last name similar to yours so I was wondering if you 
>>> might be that person.  If it was you I think you lived in New Britain.
>>> On Feb 2, 2013, at 9:49 AM, Randy George  wrote:
 Hi Wendy,
 I hope you're doing well. I'm fairly new to the MacWorld as well, however, 
 I have quite a bit of experience working on them. I recently bought a 
 MacBook Pro for the 14 inch display (non-retina display) with a 1 TB hard 
 drive and eight gigs of RAM and it is absolutely wonderful. I've had It 
 for nearly 6 months already and haven't noticed one single slowdown. I 
 personally prefer the old style of RAM and ROM versus flash memory, which 
 you will get on a MacBook air. The MacBook Pro also has a CD-ROM drive, 
 which the MacBook Air will not. While most programs are electronic these 
 days, There are some that still come on CD-ROM. And if you have a 
 collection of DVDs, and would like to watch them on your computer, you 
 would have to purchase an extra DVD drive to watch them on a MacBook air.
 I hope all this information helps, please feel free to write me off list 
 if you have any other questions.
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Feb 2, 2013, at 9:37 AM, "Wendy Alling"  wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm new to this list and have a question.  Seriously thinking about 
> purching
> a mac, but not sure what I should purchase.  I'm looking at either a mac
> book air or mac book pro.  What are the differences between the two?  Is 
> one
> better than the other?  Any thoughts would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Wendy Alling
> -- 
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Re: New list member with a mac question

2013-02-02 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Hi Wendy,  Welcome.  I'm Ray.

I too say the Mac book Pro is better.  You'll have to buy a DVD drive with the 
new Mac book Pro also-I believe.

Sent from my mac
The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Feb 2, 2013, at 8:49 AM, Randy George  wrote:

> Hi Wendy,
> I hope you're doing well. I'm fairly new to the MacWorld as well, however, I 
> have quite a bit of experience working on them. I recently bought a MacBook 
> Pro for the 14 inch display (non-retina display) with a 1 TB hard drive and 
> eight gigs of RAM and it is absolutely wonderful. I've had It for nearly 6 
> months already and haven't noticed one single slowdown. I personally prefer 
> the old style of RAM and ROM versus flash memory, which you will get on a 
> MacBook air. The MacBook Pro also has a CD-ROM drive, which the MacBook Air 
> will not. While most programs are electronic these days, There are some that 
> still come on CD-ROM. And if you have a collection of DVDs, and would like to 
> watch them on your computer, you would have to purchase an extra DVD drive to 
> watch them on a MacBook air.
> I hope all this information helps, please feel free to write me off list if 
> you have any other questions.
> Randy
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 9:37 AM, "Wendy Alling"  wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I'm new to this list and have a question.  Seriously thinking about purching
>> a mac, but not sure what I should purchase.  I'm looking at either a mac
>> book air or mac book pro.  What are the differences between the two?  Is one
>> better than the other?  Any thoughts would be appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Wendy Alling
>> -- 
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Re: o. t.: Microsoft Office for Mac! Important: read and leave comments!

2013-02-02 Thread Richard Ring
Actually, the correspondence I have received from SSA as Word documents read 
just fine in TextEdit.

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
 Sent from my Mac Book Pro

On Feb 2, 2013, at 9:41 AM, Keith Watson  wrote:

> Sara,
> Let me just say that I am encouraged by this thread. I would dearly love to 
> see the Office suite become accessible on the Mac, for more than just being 
> able to create documents for use by most of people who I communicate with on 
> a daily basis.
> In 2009 the NFB won a federal suit against the SSA for noncompliance of 
> section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Unfortunately the judge in his ruling 
> stated that the SSA is now required to provide all documentation in either an 
> audible format, braille format, or Word format. Great for Microsoft but not 
> so much for those of us who don't have access to Word.
> For the purposes of full disclosure I will say that I am aware of this 
> because I currently work for the company that is subcontracted to the NTIS. 
> We provide all the braille and word documents for SSA. I have met with the 
> directors of the SSA and made the case to them that Word documents are not 
> accessible on the Mac versions of Office, and translating them to Pages or 
> other formats is not always guaranteed. Their response was that they are 
> providing only what the judgment requires them to and no more.
> So my hopes are high that an accessible version of Office is in the works, as 
> I will no longer pay for an operating system that does not have a built in 
> screen reader that is functional.
> Regards,
> Keith Watson
> 813-760-1381
> Twitter: @TKeithWatson
> On Feb 1, 2013, at 12:59 PM, SaraFord  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Thank you J.P. for starting this thread and for inviting me to the group! My 
>> name is Sara Ford. I’m a Program Manager on the Office for Mac team. Since I 
>> recently joined the Office for Mac team, I asked J.P. to describe his 
>> experiences.  Previously at Microsoft, I worked on Accessibility for Visual 
>> Studio, the Windows equivalent of Xcode for writing software applications, 
>> using JAWS and Window Eyes. Thank you for sharing your stories with me.
>> Thanks,
>> -sara
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Re: o. t.: Microsoft Office for Mac! Important: read and leave comments!

2013-02-02 Thread J.P.
Thank you all so much for giving your feedback. This is exactly what I was 
hoping to come from this endeavor. I think Sara was a little shocked when I 
told her what I had to do to run Office. With her willingness to read this 
post, and then joining leaves me encouraged. The fact that so many of you have 
left your experiences, just shows her it isn't just the way one individual is 
using the software. Again, thank you for taking the time to comment. Thank you 
Sara, for offering an olive branch and your willingness to learn from our 
community. Not just an afterthought for the product. With your new position at 
Microsoft, the blind Mac user may now feel we have a chance, after being left 
in the cold for so long. 
Thanks, J. p. 

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Re: AccessNote Press Release

2013-02-02 Thread Danny Noonan
The Functionality is on the phone. What I was trying to  say is  I would like 
keyboard commands for such functions like AccessNote has so command r for reply 
etc. there are already navigation text selection copy cut and paste keyboard 
commands built into iOS so why not other such keyboard commands built in as 
well.  Commands like command n for new could work in many apps including third 
party ones. 

Yes, note takers obviously cost more. This is an app though and although it 
does have some very nice features such as the fore mentioned keyboard 
shortcuts, as far as the price of apps compared to features this app Is on the 
high side. 

All this said, I didn't mind paying the price and I do to a point understand 
the limited market virses the make it up in volume argument. 

Kind regards,
Sent from my iPhone

On 02/02/2013, at 10:52 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi there
> I'm a little confused here. I have the reply forward, replh, reply all,  
> forward and all that on my iPhone. Also, when you consider the price of note 
> takers, this app is cheap. So, what is it you say you are missing?
> Regards
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 3:20 AM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>> I actually payed for this app despite it's highly over priced nature and I'm 
>> surprised to say, it's quite good. I wish other apps on iOS bothered to have 
>> hot keys on bluetooth devices. I'd love iOS mail to have a reply, reply all, 
>> forward and even better, next previous message. It'd go such a long way to 
>> making the device more computer like and useful IMO.
>> The AccessNote needs some tweaking, extra functionality etc but for a new 
>> product, it does what it is meant to and I'm going to find it useful as of 
>> Monday when I start up my Business admin course.
>> I wish I didn't have to pay $20.99AUD for the app but what it gives is 
>> pretty unique. A word of warning for BT keyboard users though, don't bother 
>> trying to get keyboard shortcuts from the AppleVis podcast as most of them 
>> are wrong. All can be found in the short and succinct documentation in the 
>> app.
>> Danny:
>> On 02/02/2013, at 10:41 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> I received this from AFB, and I have been asked to forward this along. You 
>>> can send it to anyone you want. 
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> Begin forwarded message:
 Please, help us get the word out about this new tool available to those 
 with vision loss…
 New American Foundation for the Blind App Helps People with Vision Loss 
 Easily Take Notes on iPhone®, iPad®, and iPod touch®
 New York (February 1, 2013)—For the millions of Americans with vision loss 
 looking for a simple, convenient way to take notes at work, at school, or 
 at home, the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) today launched the 
 AccessNote™, a specialized notetaker for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
 “Apple products have earned high points from us for their out-of-the-box 
 accessibility for users who are blind or visually impaired,” said Carl R. 
 Augusto, AFB president and CEO. “We designed this app to complement the 
 iPhone’s other popular features, like web browsing and email, so that 
 users who are blind have all the tools they need in one, handy device.”
 A traditional notetaker is a portable electronic device that enables users 
 who are blind or visually impaired to take notes, create documents, and 
 access applications. These devices, extremely valuable for people who are 
 blind or visually impaired, usually provide either speech or braille 
 output (or both).  They retail for upwards of $2,000 and much more for 
 those with a built-in braille display; AFB’s AccessNote app is available 
 for $19.99.
 In addition to being a low-cost alternative to traditional notetakers, 
 AccessNote allows users to combine efficient notetaking with many other 
 features and functions of the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This allows 
 people who are blind or visually impaired to use the same popular devices 
 that their sighted peers are using in classroom or business settings.
 This is the first notetaking app developed and designed specifically for 
 users with vision loss. AFB evaluated many of the other available 
 notetaking apps, but found none to be very efficient or user-friendly to 
 people who are blind or visually impaired.
 What sets the AccessNote apart includes:
 Seamless Navigation. Customized keyboard commands make notetaking more 
 intuitive and productive than ever before, including quick access to 
 important features like Search All Notes, Search Within a Note, as well as 
 several navigation options.
 Automatic Saving. With an automatic save on every few keystrokes, notes 
 will never be lost.
 Cursor tracking. When navig

OT: Twitter Breach!

2013-02-02 Thread jshandra72

Hey guys, 
This post is slightly off topic, but important. Twitter announced yesterday 
that they had a breach of 250, 000 users. You might want to change your 
password if you do. Have a great day everyone! 
j. p. 

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Wireless Headsets

2013-02-02 Thread Emilio Hernandez
Hello everyone,

I hope this message is finding all of you well.
I am wondering what wireless headsets users have found to be ideal for Skype 
conference calling?
Also, would it be ideal to use such a headset for podcasting - insuring the 
quality is optimal?

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

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Re: New list member with a mac question

2013-02-02 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Wait a moment.
The macbook pros non retina  are still being sold
I have the 2012 model and it has a dvd drive as well.
I'm perfectly happy with it, i have easily upgraded the ram from 4 gb ram to 8 
gb ram.
You can also upgrade to an ssd.
I had the macbook air 2012 and it was nice but i honestly wasn't happy with the 
performance of it.
I know i'm not your average consumer but there are my thoughts on it.
GOod luck and no matter  what decision you make will be a quality and wonderful 
On Feb 2, 2013, at 8:00 AM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Hi Wendy,  Welcome.  I'm Ray.
> I too say the Mac book Pro is better.  You'll have to buy a DVD drive with 
> the new Mac book Pro also-I believe.
> Sent from my mac
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 8:49 AM, Randy George  wrote:
>> Hi Wendy,
>> I hope you're doing well. I'm fairly new to the MacWorld as well, however, I 
>> have quite a bit of experience working on them. I recently bought a MacBook 
>> Pro for the 14 inch display (non-retina display) with a 1 TB hard drive and 
>> eight gigs of RAM and it is absolutely wonderful. I've had It for nearly 6 
>> months already and haven't noticed one single slowdown. I personally prefer 
>> the old style of RAM and ROM versus flash memory, which you will get on a 
>> MacBook air. The MacBook Pro also has a CD-ROM drive, which the MacBook Air 
>> will not. While most programs are electronic these days, There are some that 
>> still come on CD-ROM. And if you have a collection of DVDs, and would like 
>> to watch them on your computer, you would have to purchase an extra DVD 
>> drive to watch them on a MacBook air.
>> I hope all this information helps, please feel free to write me off list if 
>> you have any other questions.
>> Randy
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 2, 2013, at 9:37 AM, "Wendy Alling"  wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I'm new to this list and have a question.  Seriously thinking about purching
>>> a mac, but not sure what I should purchase.  I'm looking at either a mac
>>> book air or mac book pro.  What are the differences between the two?  Is one
>>> better than the other?  Any thoughts would be appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Wendy Alling
>>> -- 
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Re: o. t.: Microsoft Office for Mac! Important: read and leave comments!

2013-02-02 Thread Nancy Wyman
I might be a little late for this thread. But I wanted to reply and give my 
thoughts anyway. I would love for Microsoft office to be accessible on the map. 
I work at a university and everyone uses Microsoft. I have to open other 
peoples documents on pages and then save them as word docs. Sometimes this 
messes with the formatting. Come on Microsoft, it's time for a change.

Nancy Badger, Ph.D
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Services
UT Chattanooga
Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse spelling errors.

On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:59 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> Hello,
> just to let Sara and the others know: The german Mac users are also 
> absolutely interested in an accessible MS Office for Mac. Word processing is 
> one of the biggest issues for blind Mac users in my country. Apples iWork 
> could  also be more accessible in certain functions and it's to complicated 
> to use especially for beginners.
> All the best from Germany
> Jürgen
> Am 01.02.2013 um 21:02 schrieb J.P. :
>> Welcome Sara, 
>> I am glad you made it on the list. I'm excited to see what comes of this. To 
>> my fellow peers on this list, Sara and I have been communicating everyday 
>> for a week. I can assure you she is interested. Just by the questions she 
>> has asked. I personally wrote a note to Microsoft about the lack of 
>> accessibility. sara contacted me the very next day. I appreciate that when I 
>> explained about our lists, she took the initiative herself to join. I 
>> contacted the moderator last night to expedite getting her here. It's more 
>> genuine coming from her. Me not being the middle man. 
>> -- 
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Re: Bluetooth Keyboards that Work with Apple TV

2013-02-02 Thread Chris H

Yes the Apple keyboard will work with the Apple TV.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 02/02/2013 01:00, Les Kriegler wrote:

Subject line says it all.  Any recommendations on wireless keyboards that will 
work with Apple TV?  I have the latest generation; my Apple Keyboard was 
designed for the iPad, so that won't work, thus the need for a keyboard.  


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new Mac user

2013-02-02 Thread Katie Zodrow
Hi, my name is Katie Zodrow. I used to be on the MacVisionaries list about 7 or 
8 years ago when Tiger and Voiceover were just released. I'm currently renting 
a Mac for a few months with Snow Leopard os 10.6. For the past 2 weeks, I've 
been learning the Mac and how to use Voiceover and so far, I've found it pretty 
easy to use. I'm used to using a PC with Jaws. Sometimes, its a little 
challenging to figure out when you need to interact with items, but this is 
getting easier for me. I've learned how to navigate Safari, use commands for 
reading text like in Text Edit, and some basics on using the Finder app. I've 
also explored the Address Book and want to learn Garage Band. I had a question 
about selecting text. How do you select text on a web page in Safari or in a 
word processing program like Text Edit? In Safari, I started interacting with 
the text and did shift right arrow, but nothing happened. I'm not sure if I'm 
doing this correctly.

Also, I will be learning how to use ProTools again and wanted to know if 
there's anything else I need to learn before getting a copy of the software.
Thanks for your help.


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one more thing

2013-02-02 Thread Katie Zodrow
Hi, I forgot to mention I'm using a Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard.

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auto corrections in mail messages and while typing

2013-02-02 Thread Randy George
hi gang, 

How do I access the suggestions that mac/voiceover gives me when i have 
incorrectly spelled a word?  I hear the noise that indicates they are 
available, and it says suggestions, but I have no idea how to get to them and 
select the one I want. 

Thanks a bunch, 

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Re: Have you contacted a developer with an accessibility issue successfully?

2013-02-02 Thread Jonathan Mosen
Hi Bill, if you have Twitter, they seem to respond pretty readily there.

On 3/02/2013, at 2:49 AM, Bill Holton  wrote:

> Hi.
> Thanks for this lead.  I pinged their support email, but no response so far.  
> Do you have other email addresses I can try?
> Also, would love to hear off list about other developers you have contacted 
> for accessibility issues.
> My email address below.
> Thanks.
> Email:
> P:386-624-6309 C: 386-624-3255
> Home Office: 1520 Loughton ST
> DeLand, FL  32720
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Jonathan Mosen
> Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 12:32 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Have you contacted a developer with an accessibility issue 
> successfully?
> Hi Bill, I frequently contact iOS developers, and am impressed by how many of 
> them   really want to help. Many developers have no idea blind people are 
> using iPhones and find it fascinating that their app can make a difference to 
> the lives of blind people.
> One very good example of an app that really got with the program with regard 
> to accessibility is the Bossjock app. I didn't make the initial approach on 
> that one but it transformed into a 100% accessible app.
> I've also had success with the developers of the official Twitter app, 
> and TVNZ here in New Zealand and quite a few other NZ-based apps. 
> Last year, I was invited to speak at a conference here in New Zealand of iOS 
> developers. I think having them see just what an empowering tool the iPhone 
> is in the hands of a blind person really did, if you'll pardon the 
> expression, open their eyes. I was then contacted by a whole bunch of app 
> developers asking me to check how well their app worked, and it's made a big 
> difference here. I think clear, polite, detailed advocacy goes a long way 
> most of the time.
> Jonathan
> On 2/02/2013, at 6:04 AM, "Bill Holton"  wrote:
> Hi.
> I am putting an article together about developers and how to make them more 
> aware
> of accessibility needs, and I need a few success stories.
> If You’ve had a good experience with a Mac or iPhone developer, or even a Win 
> developer,  who went “above and beyond,” can you let me know the app and any 
> contact info you may have?
>   Thanks.
> Bill
> Email:
> P:386-624-6309 C: 386-624-3255
> Home Office: 1520 Loughton ST
> DeLand, FL  32720
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Re: Bluetooth Keyboards that Work with Apple TV

2013-02-02 Thread J.P.
I honestly don't know why you wouldn't use Apple Wireless. Unless you just 
don't want to deal with multiple pairings. Personally I think it's wasting 
money to get another. However, if you do.. Amazon Basics is rated well. Be 
prepared though, it's not as substantial as Apple's!

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Re: AccessNote Press Release

2013-02-02 Thread Jonathan Mosen
Hi Danny, Access Note is a really good start and I agree with you about 
shortcut keys on other apps. I hope Apple implement this since they would be of 
use to anyone with a Bluetooth keyboard, not just VoiceOver users.

On 3/02/2013, at 5:51 AM, Danny Noonan  wrote:

> The Functionality is on the phone. What I was trying to  say is  I would like 
> keyboard commands for such functions like AccessNote has so command r for 
> reply etc. there are already navigation text selection copy cut and paste 
> keyboard commands built into iOS so why not other such keyboard commands 
> built in as well.  Commands like command n for new could work in many apps 
> including third party ones. 
> Yes, note takers obviously cost more. This is an app though and although it 
> does have some very nice features such as the fore mentioned keyboard 
> shortcuts, as far as the price of apps compared to features this app Is on 
> the high side. 
> All this said, I didn't mind paying the price and I do to a point understand 
> the limited market virses the make it up in volume argument. 
> Kind regards,
> Danny. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 02/02/2013, at 10:52 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi there
>> I'm a little confused here. I have the reply forward, replh, reply all,  
>> forward and all that on my iPhone. Also, when you consider the price of note 
>> takers, this app is cheap. So, what is it you say you are missing?
>> Regards
>> Gigi
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 2, 2013, at 3:20 AM, Danny Noonan  wrote:
>>> I actually payed for this app despite it's highly over priced nature and 
>>> I'm surprised to say, it's quite good. I wish other apps on iOS bothered to 
>>> have hot keys on bluetooth devices. I'd love iOS mail to have a reply, 
>>> reply all, forward and even better, next previous message. It'd go such a 
>>> long way to making the device more computer like and useful IMO.
>>> The AccessNote needs some tweaking, extra functionality etc but for a new 
>>> product, it does what it is meant to and I'm going to find it useful as of 
>>> Monday when I start up my Business admin course.
>>> I wish I didn't have to pay $20.99AUD for the app but what it gives is 
>>> pretty unique. A word of warning for BT keyboard users though, don't bother 
>>> trying to get keyboard shortcuts from the AppleVis podcast as most of them 
>>> are wrong. All can be found in the short and succinct documentation in the 
>>> app.
>>> Danny:
>>> On 02/02/2013, at 10:41 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 I received this from AFB, and I have been asked to forward this along. You 
 can send it to anyone you want. 
 Begin forwarded message:
> Please, help us get the word out about this new tool available to those 
> with vision loss…
> New American Foundation for the Blind App Helps People with Vision Loss 
> Easily Take Notes on iPhone®, iPad®, and iPod touch®
> New York (February 1, 2013)—For the millions of Americans with vision 
> loss looking for a simple, convenient way to take notes at work, at 
> school, or at home, the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) today 
> launched the AccessNote™, a specialized notetaker for the iPhone, iPad, 
> and iPod touch.
> “Apple products have earned high points from us for their out-of-the-box 
> accessibility for users who are blind or visually impaired,” said Carl R. 
> Augusto, AFB president and CEO. “We designed this app to complement the 
> iPhone’s other popular features, like web browsing and email, so that 
> users who are blind have all the tools they need in one, handy device.”
> A traditional notetaker is a portable electronic device that enables 
> users who are blind or visually impaired to take notes, create documents, 
> and access applications. These devices, extremely valuable for people who 
> are blind or visually impaired, usually provide either speech or braille 
> output (or both).  They retail for upwards of $2,000 and much more for 
> those with a built-in braille display; AFB’s AccessNote app is available 
> for $19.99.
> In addition to being a low-cost alternative to traditional notetakers, 
> AccessNote allows users to combine efficient notetaking with many other 
> features and functions of the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This allows 
> people who are blind or visually impaired to use the same popular devices 
> that their sighted peers are using in classroom or business settings.
> This is the first notetaking app developed and designed specifically for 
> users with vision loss. AFB evaluated many of the other available 
> notetaking apps, but found none to be very efficient or user-friendly to 
> people who are blind or visually impaired.
> What sets the AccessNote apart includes:

Re: OT: Twitter Breach!

2013-02-02 Thread Jonathan Mosen
Twitter has revoked access tokens and forced a password change for the 
compromised accounts.

On 3/02/2013, at 6:34 AM, wrote:

> Hey guys, 
> This post is slightly off topic, but important. Twitter announced yesterday 
> that they had a breach of 250, 000 users. You might want to change your 
> password if you do. Have a great day everyone! 
> j. p. 
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Re: o. t.: Microsoft Office for Mac! Important: read and leave comments!

2013-02-02 Thread Nancy Wyman
First, I want to apologize for my earlier message. I did not know that there 
was someone from Microsoft he was reading this and willing to work with us. 
Sarah, I very much appreciate your willingness to listen and to begin to work 
with us on accessibility. When I try to use Microsoft office on the Mac, I can 
access the menus and I can access the buttons along the top of the document. 
But when I tried to interact with the text area nothing is accessible. I cannot 
listen to what I am typing or I cannot listen to what someone else has typed 
there. I would be happy to help in other ways If needed. Again, thank you so 

Nancy Badger, Ph.D
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Services
UT Chattanooga
Sent from my iPhone with dictation software. Please excuse spelling errors.

On Jan 31, 2013, at 2:34 AM, "J.P."  wrote:

> Hey guys, 
> We are always saying how inaccessible Office for Mac is. The head of 
> Microsoft's Mac accessibility team is reading this post. Those of you who 
> have used the software, please give examples where we know it's inaccessible. 
> Sara, who head's their team is giving us an opportunity that a lot of 
> developers don't. I know for myself, I would rather load one piece of 
> software. Rather then having to use a virtual machine. 
> Thanks, J. p. 
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auto corrections in mail messages and while typing

2013-02-02 Thread J.P.
They should just appear in a list right under the field you're typing in.

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Re: auto corrections in mail messages and while typing

2013-02-02 Thread Randy George
whether or not they do i have no idea, as I have no clue how to access them.  
whenever i use the arrow keys it just takes me out of the word and I've tried a 
number of other tricks that I know of with no avail.  
On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:16 PM, "J.P."  wrote:

> They should just appear in a list right under the field you're typing in.
> -- 
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Re: OT: Twitter Breach!

2013-02-02 Thread J.P.
That's what they say. However, when you belong to a compromised site.. You 
should always change password. Even if you were lucky not to be compromised.

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Re: new Mac user

2013-02-02 Thread Alex Hall
I've not had much luck selecting text in Safari, but try using shift with up 
and down arrows. To select text in a document, just add shift to any navigation 
command. For instance, to select the next word, use shift-option-right; to 
select to the end of the document, use cmd-shift-down.
On Feb 2, 2013, at 1:52 PM, Katie Zodrow  wrote:

> Hi, my name is Katie Zodrow. I used to be on the MacVisionaries list about 7 
> or 8 years ago when Tiger and Voiceover were just released. I'm currently 
> renting a Mac for a few months with Snow Leopard os 10.6. For the past 2 
> weeks, I've been learning the Mac and how to use Voiceover and so far, I've 
> found it pretty easy to use. I'm used to using a PC with Jaws. Sometimes, its 
> a little challenging to figure out when you need to interact with items, but 
> this is getting easier for me. I've learned how to navigate Safari, use 
> commands for reading text like in Text Edit, and some basics on using the 
> Finder app. I've also explored the Address Book and want to learn Garage 
> Band. I had a question about selecting text. How do you select text on a web 
> page in Safari or in a word processing program like Text Edit? In Safari, I 
> started interacting with the text and did shift right arrow, but nothing 
> happened. I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly.
> Also, I will be learning how to use ProTools again and wanted to know if 
> there's anything else I need to learn before getting a copy of the software.
> Thanks for your help.
> Katie
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: one more thing

2013-02-02 Thread Alex Hall
Well, that explains it. Mountain Lion introduced the easy selection in Safari, 
but it is still possible in earlier versions. The process is rather tedious and 
involves disabling cursor tracking in some way, but I don't know the details. 
Sorry I can't help more.
On Feb 2, 2013, at 1:56 PM, Katie Zodrow  wrote:

> Hi, I forgot to mention I'm using a Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard.
> Katie
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: new Mac user

2013-02-02 Thread Rachel Feinberg
Hi Katie,

To select text in Text Edit, make sure quick Nav is off. Then interact with the 
text, and press vo+enter to start your selection. Use normal nnavigation 
commands to get the text you wish. Wehn finished with the selection, press 
vo+enter to end.
In Safari, try shift+down arrow to select lines, at least.
Hope that helps,
On Feb 2, 2013, at 10:52 AM, "Katie Zodrow"  wrote:

> Hi, my name is Katie Zodrow. I used to be on the MacVisionaries list about 7 
> or 8 years ago when Tiger and Voiceover were just released. I'm currently 
> renting a Mac for a few months with Snow Leopard os 10.6. For the past 2 
> weeks, I've been learning the Mac and how to use Voiceover and so far, I've 
> found it pretty easy to use. I'm used to using a PC with Jaws. Sometimes, its 
> a little challenging to figure out when you need to interact with items, but 
> this is getting easier for me. I've learned how to navigate Safari, use 
> commands for reading text like in Text Edit, and some basics on using the 
> Finder app. I've also explored the Address Book and want to learn Garage 
> Band. I had a question about selecting text. How do you select text on a web 
> page in Safari or in a word processing program like Text Edit? In Safari, I 
> started interacting with the text and did shift right arrow, but nothing 
> happened. I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly.
> Also, I will be learning how to use ProTools again and wanted to know if 
> there's anything else I need to learn before getting a copy of the software.
> Thanks for your help.
> Katie
> -- 
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Re: Audio Hijack Pro and Fission bundle

2013-02-02 Thread Chris H
Both Audio Hijack Pro and Fission are great and I think it's worth the 
bundle. Record with Audio Hijack Pro then edit with Fission without any 
loss in quality. The cool thing with Fission is you can save the file as 
an iPhone ringtone. If the file is too long you will be asked to use the 
first 40 seconds of it.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 02/02/2013 13:46, Bill Holton wrote:

I am going to purchase a license for Audio Hijack Pro  today, and wondering
if it's worth it to buy the AHJ and Fission bundle, which is discounted.  Is
Fission accessible?

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Re: auto corrections in mail messages and while typing

2013-02-02 Thread Alex Hall
When you hear the sound, pause to let vo tell you the correction it thinks you 
mean. If you like it, just hit space, else keep typing your word. If there are 
multiple corrections, that's when you can press down arrow, then left/right 
through them and enter to choose one. In addition, you can move to a misspelled 
word (cmd-semicolon) and hit vo-shift-m to bring up a menu of suggested 
corrections, or tell the mac to ignore or learn the word.
On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:18 PM, Randy George  wrote:

> whether or not they do i have no idea, as I have no clue how to access them.  
> whenever i use the arrow keys it just takes me out of the word and I've tried 
> a number of other tricks that I know of with no avail.  
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:16 PM, "J.P."  wrote:
>> They should just appear in a list right under the field you're typing in.
>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: auto corrections in mail messages and while typing

2013-02-02 Thread Randy George
Hi Alex, 

Thank you so much for the assist, I really appreciate it.  Your explanation has 
been really helpful.  

I was just testing it out, and let me give you an example of where I'm having 
trouble.  I was typing the word "really.  When I got to the second l in really, 
the sound for corrections came up so i decided to give it a go.  VO gave me the 
option of "re all" and no other options.  Knowing full well that this was the 
wrong choice i wanted to test it anyway so pressed space but nothing happened 
other than vo changing the word from what i had originally typed to "real".  So 
i decided to try another word and chose to type the word option, only spelled 
with an s instead of a t.  as soon as I entered opts the noise came up and Vo 
said ops sion, so i pressed space again, but instead of correcting the word it 
just placed a space between  the op and the sion (s i o n).  I've gotten it to 
work a few different times, but it still seems kinda sketchy to me.  

Also, here's something else interesting, for the longest time I did not have 
any (not sure if I'm calling these the right thing) system sounds other than my 
mail notification and incoming messages; no audible feedback when entering 
passwords, no sound when a webpage had fully loaded, no sound when the spelling 
corrections options would pop up; and now, all of a sudden, they have returned. 
 I did not change voices or any options, I didn't even restart my computer.  
Any thoughts/suggestions on this?  Is there an option to turn these on and off? 

Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance again. 
Randy  an   
On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:46 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> When you hear the sound, pause to let vo tell you the correction it thinks 
> you mean. If you like it, just hit space, else keep typing your word. If 
> there are multiple corrections, that's when you can press down arrow, then 
> left/right through them and enter to choose one. In addition, you can move to 
> a misspelled word (cmd-semicolon) and hit vo-shift-m to bring up a menu of 
> suggested corrections, or tell the mac to ignore or learn the word.
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:18 PM, Randy George  wrote:
>> whether or not they do i have no idea, as I have no clue how to access them. 
>>  whenever i use the arrow keys it just takes me out of the word and I've 
>> tried a number of other tricks that I know of with no avail.  
>> On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:16 PM, "J.P."  wrote:
>>> They should just appear in a list right under the field you're typing in.
>>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: auto corrections in mail messages and while typing

2013-02-02 Thread Alex Hall
Both of your examples are exactly what should have happened. Vo read "real", so 
you hit space and it inserted the word, same for the second example. As I said, 
only when there are multiple choices will you see multiple options through 
which you can arrow.

As to sounds, yes, you can mute these in vo preferences. I'm not sure why they 
would disappear like that, but next time try restarting vo and see if that 
helps. There is no command to mute them, but you can find the option in the 
commands menu (vo-h, h, sounds menu). I set up a keyboard commander for it, but 
that's just me.
On Feb 2, 2013, at 3:15 PM, Randy George  wrote:

> Hi Alex, 
> Thank you so much for the assist, I really appreciate it.  Your explanation 
> has been really helpful.  
> I was just testing it out, and let me give you an example of where I'm having 
> trouble.  I was typing the word "really.  When I got to the second l in 
> really, the sound for corrections came up so i decided to give it a go.  VO 
> gave me the option of "re all" and no other options.  Knowing full well that 
> this was the wrong choice i wanted to test it anyway so pressed space but 
> nothing happened other than vo changing the word from what i had originally 
> typed to "real".  So i decided to try another word and chose to type the word 
> option, only spelled with an s instead of a t.  as soon as I entered opts the 
> noise came up and Vo said ops sion, so i pressed space again, but instead of 
> correcting the word it just placed a space between  the op and the sion (s i 
> o n).  I've gotten it to work a few different times, but it still seems kinda 
> sketchy to me.  
> Also, here's something else interesting, for the longest time I did not have 
> any (not sure if I'm calling these the right thing) system sounds other than 
> my mail notification and incoming messages; no audible feedback when entering 
> passwords, no sound when a webpage had fully loaded, no sound when the 
> spelling corrections options would pop up; and now, all of a sudden, they 
> have returned.  I did not change voices or any options, I didn't even restart 
> my computer.  Any thoughts/suggestions on this?  Is there an option to turn 
> these on and off?  
> Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance again. 
> Randy  an   
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:46 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> When you hear the sound, pause to let vo tell you the correction it thinks 
>> you mean. If you like it, just hit space, else keep typing your word. If 
>> there are multiple corrections, that's when you can press down arrow, then 
>> left/right through them and enter to choose one. In addition, you can move 
>> to a misspelled word (cmd-semicolon) and hit vo-shift-m to bring up a menu 
>> of suggested corrections, or tell the mac to ignore or learn the word.
>> On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:18 PM, Randy George  wrote:
>>> whether or not they do i have no idea, as I have no clue how to access 
>>> them.  whenever i use the arrow keys it just takes me out of the word and 
>>> I've tried a number of other tricks that I know of with no avail.  
>>> On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:16 PM, "J.P."  wrote:
 They should just appear in a list right under the field you're typing in.
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: auto corrections in mail messages and while typing

2013-02-02 Thread Randy George
thanks again, I see an audio menu but not a sounds menu.  Is that what you're 
referring to?  Yeah, even when turning VO on and off repeatedly over the past 
few months I've been with out these sounds.  Very strange.  

On Feb 2, 2013, at 3:31 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Both of your examples are exactly what should have happened. Vo read "real", 
> so you hit space and it inserted the word, same for the second example. As I 
> said, only when there are multiple choices will you see multiple options 
> through which you can arrow.
> As to sounds, yes, you can mute these in vo preferences. I'm not sure why 
> they would disappear like that, but next time try restarting vo and see if 
> that helps. There is no command to mute them, but you can find the option in 
> the commands menu (vo-h, h, sounds menu). I set up a keyboard commander for 
> it, but that's just me.
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 3:15 PM, Randy George  wrote:
>> Hi Alex, 
>> Thank you so much for the assist, I really appreciate it.  Your explanation 
>> has been really helpful.  
>> I was just testing it out, and let me give you an example of where I'm 
>> having trouble.  I was typing the word "really.  When I got to the second l 
>> in really, the sound for corrections came up so i decided to give it a go.  
>> VO gave me the option of "re all" and no other options.  Knowing full well 
>> that this was the wrong choice i wanted to test it anyway so pressed space 
>> but nothing happened other than vo changing the word from what i had 
>> originally typed to "real".  So i decided to try another word and chose to 
>> type the word option, only spelled with an s instead of a t.  as soon as I 
>> entered opts the noise came up and Vo said ops sion, so i pressed space 
>> again, but instead of correcting the word it just placed a space between  
>> the op and the sion (s i o n).  I've gotten it to work a few different 
>> times, but it still seems kinda sketchy to me.  
>> Also, here's something else interesting, for the longest time I did not have 
>> any (not sure if I'm calling these the right thing) system sounds other than 
>> my mail notification and incoming messages; no audible feedback when 
>> entering passwords, no sound when a webpage had fully loaded, no sound when 
>> the spelling corrections options would pop up; and now, all of a sudden, 
>> they have returned.  I did not change voices or any options, I didn't even 
>> restart my computer.  Any thoughts/suggestions on this?  Is there an option 
>> to turn these on and off?  
>> Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance again. 
>> Randy  an   
>> On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:46 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> When you hear the sound, pause to let vo tell you the correction it thinks 
>>> you mean. If you like it, just hit space, else keep typing your word. If 
>>> there are multiple corrections, that's when you can press down arrow, then 
>>> left/right through them and enter to choose one. In addition, you can move 
>>> to a misspelled word (cmd-semicolon) and hit vo-shift-m to bring up a menu 
>>> of suggested corrections, or tell the mac to ignore or learn the word.
>>> On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:18 PM, Randy George  wrote:
 whether or not they do i have no idea, as I have no clue how to access 
 them.  whenever i use the arrow keys it just takes me out of the word and 
 I've tried a number of other tricks that I know of with no avail.  
 On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:16 PM, "J.P."  wrote:
> They should just appear in a list right under the field you're typing in.
> -- 
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>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: one more thing

2013-02-02 Thread Harry Hogue

In that version of OSX, in order to select text on web pages, you need to go to 
the area where you wish t begin selecting text, then press VO+return.  Then, 
press VO up and down arrows to move by line and VO+right and left arrows to 
move by word.  When you are finished, press VO+return to stop the selection 
mode, then press CMD+C to copy the select text, then CMD+V to paste it 

I don't know if other selection type commands work beyond line and word; these 
are the only ones I ever tried or cared about.  All-in-all, I am really glad to 
find the easier navigation of Mountain Lion.

I hope this helps!

On Feb 2, 2013, at 11:56 AM, Katie Zodrow  wrote:

> Hi, I forgot to mention I'm using a Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard.
> Katie
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Re: auto corrections in mail messages and while typing

2013-02-02 Thread Alex Hall
Yes, audio menu, sorry about that. Just make sure you don't activate the "mute 
speech" or "mute Voiceover" items!
On Feb 2, 2013, at 3:39 PM, Randy George  wrote:

> thanks again, I see an audio menu but not a sounds menu.  Is that what you're 
> referring to?  Yeah, even when turning VO on and off repeatedly over the past 
> few months I've been with out these sounds.  Very strange.  
> Thanks, 
> Randy  
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 3:31 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Both of your examples are exactly what should have happened. Vo read "real", 
>> so you hit space and it inserted the word, same for the second example. As I 
>> said, only when there are multiple choices will you see multiple options 
>> through which you can arrow.
>> As to sounds, yes, you can mute these in vo preferences. I'm not sure why 
>> they would disappear like that, but next time try restarting vo and see if 
>> that helps. There is no command to mute them, but you can find the option in 
>> the commands menu (vo-h, h, sounds menu). I set up a keyboard commander for 
>> it, but that's just me.
>> On Feb 2, 2013, at 3:15 PM, Randy George  wrote:
>>> Hi Alex, 
>>> Thank you so much for the assist, I really appreciate it.  Your explanation 
>>> has been really helpful.  
>>> I was just testing it out, and let me give you an example of where I'm 
>>> having trouble.  I was typing the word "really.  When I got to the second l 
>>> in really, the sound for corrections came up so i decided to give it a go.  
>>> VO gave me the option of "re all" and no other options.  Knowing full well 
>>> that this was the wrong choice i wanted to test it anyway so pressed space 
>>> but nothing happened other than vo changing the word from what i had 
>>> originally typed to "real".  So i decided to try another word and chose to 
>>> type the word option, only spelled with an s instead of a t.  as soon as I 
>>> entered opts the noise came up and Vo said ops sion, so i pressed space 
>>> again, but instead of correcting the word it just placed a space between  
>>> the op and the sion (s i o n).  I've gotten it to work a few different 
>>> times, but it still seems kinda sketchy to me.  
>>> Also, here's something else interesting, for the longest time I did not 
>>> have any (not sure if I'm calling these the right thing) system sounds 
>>> other than my mail notification and incoming messages; no audible feedback 
>>> when entering passwords, no sound when a webpage had fully loaded, no sound 
>>> when the spelling corrections options would pop up; and now, all of a 
>>> sudden, they have returned.  I did not change voices or any options, I 
>>> didn't even restart my computer.  Any thoughts/suggestions on this?  Is 
>>> there an option to turn these on and off?  
>>> Sorry for the long post and thanks in advance again. 
>>> Randy  an   
>>> On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:46 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 When you hear the sound, pause to let vo tell you the correction it thinks 
 you mean. If you like it, just hit space, else keep typing your word. If 
 there are multiple corrections, that's when you can press down arrow, then 
 left/right through them and enter to choose one. In addition, you can move 
 to a misspelled word (cmd-semicolon) and hit vo-shift-m to bring up a menu 
 of suggested corrections, or tell the mac to ignore or learn the word.
 On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:18 PM, Randy George  wrote:
> whether or not they do i have no idea, as I have no clue how to access 
> them.  whenever i use the arrow keys it just takes me out of the word and 
> I've tried a number of other tricks that I know of with no avail.  
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 2:16 PM, "J.P."  wrote:
>> They should just appear in a list right under the field you're typing in.
>> -- 
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 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

Re: Bluetooth Keyboards that Work with Apple TV

2013-02-02 Thread Kliphton.A.M

Kliphton A M
(Twitter&Skype) kliphton72
Sent from my iPhone5

On Feb 2, 2013, at 1:08 PM, "J.P."  wrote:

I honestly don't know why you wouldn't use Apple Wireless. Unless you just 
don't want to deal with multiple pairings. Personally I think it's wasting 
money to get another. However, if you do.. Amazon Basics is rated well. Be 
prepared though, it's not as substantial as Apple's!

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Johnathan Mosen suggested the logitech easy switch, and I picked it up for a 
few reasons.  First, let me say if you have a mac, pick up model 811,  not 810, 
810 is for windows, but still works with your i devices, but the 811 will pair 
with your mac with no issues.  I plan on using it for my iPhone, Apple TV, and 
Mac mini when at home.  Will sell my apple bt keyboard, and my b601b keyboard 
that pairs with 4 devices, one of those not being my mac.  the logitech does, 
so it makes it easier to come to this decision.  Plus, with bt keyboards with 
the Apple TV, you are able to use first letter navagation when going through 
your movies and music, haven't tried it on hulu or netflix yet, but it does 
work in search fields.  HTH.  thanks for the suggestion Johnathan, it's a great 

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Re: o. t.: Microsoft Office for Mac! Important: read and leave comments!

2013-02-02 Thread Phil Halton
I'm afraid that's how I've come to look at it as well, as an entertainment 

- Original Message - 
From: "Ricardo Walker" 

Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: o. t.: Microsoft Office for Mac! Important: read and leave 


I honestly think that the lack of Voiceover accessibility of the MS Office 
suite holds back many potential Mac users from switching over.  For example, 
I've spent much time talking with adaptive tech specialist, rehab and state 
agencies and, most see the Mac as a entertainment console instead of a well 
rounded machine that can support both ones professional and leisure 
computing tasks.  These agencies are all about getting visually impaired 
people through college, vocational training, and ultimately employed.  They 
look at the lack of MS Office accessibility as a non starter for those 
wanting training or, access to Macs.  Many blind and visually impaired 
people look to these institutions for their computer training and equipment. 
If the Mac could be viewed as a more productivity driven computer, the 

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 1, 2013, at 3:33 PM, Gabe Vega  wrote:

Thanks John and Sarah. I agree this access to Office is vital in my
line of work with cooperating with clients we work with in our field.

Gabe Vega
Commtech LLC
Phone: (623) 565-9357

On Feb 1, 1:02 pm, "J.P."  wrote:

Welcome Sara,
 I am glad you made it on the list. I'm excited to see what comes of 
this. To my fellow peers on this list, Sara and I have been communicating 
everyday for a week. I can assure you she is interested. Just by the 
questions she has asked. I personally wrote a note to Microsoft about the 
lack of accessibility. sara contacted me the very next day. I appreciate 
that when I explained about our lists, she took the initiative herself to 
join. I contacted the moderator last night to expedite getting her here. 
It's more genuine coming from her. Me not being the middle man.

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Accessible App for Converting AVI to DVD?

2013-02-02 Thread Teresa Cochran
hi, all,

Is there an accessible application to convert avi files to dvd format? I have a 
friend who uses a Windows computer, and I want to give her a dvd. I could also 
transfer the avi files. They total 6.2 GB. How does that work out for dvd 
formats? Is there compression involved?

Anyhow, has anyone used anything successfully for this that works with VO?


"The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham

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Re: Wireless Headsets

2013-02-02 Thread Nicholas Parsons
I bought a Freetalk Wireless headset directly from Skype. It was around $99. It 
worked seamlessly with Skype and had answer/hang up and volume controls on the 
headset itself. It also had an adjustable mic. It had a USB dongle for wireless 
connectivity, and charged via USB cable into the dongle. It also folded into a 
compact bundle and included a carry case.  My only complaint about it was that 
after waring it for many hours it would become uncomfortable. It was an on the 
ear style, rather than the larger over the ear style.

I broke mine after around one year of use, and have not yet replaced it. I've 
been hoping to find something more comfortable and with iTunes controls as 
well. However, I have not yet found anything suitable and may buy another of 
these Freetalk models.

My only warning is to make sure you don't get a bluetooth headset, as these can 
cause difficulties with VoiceOver.

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Re: help with script speaking bluetooth

2013-02-02 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi all.

Would people be interested in a VO apple script or a list on scripting VO?
On 01/02/2013, at 9:28 AM, Traci  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I found a toggle bluetooth script online, and I'm trying to expand it so the 
> mac voice will say the status as I toggle bluetooth on/off.
> I have it saying bluetooth on, but I can't get it the other way around.
> For future replies, can I paste the script in a message to you guys?
> Thanks,
> Traci
> 1 step, 2 step, ... 1,311 steps! I can do the BIG CLIMB 2013, with your 
> support. Our efforts  will help make a big difference in the fight against 
> blood cancers. Please give to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Learn more & 
> donate here. Thank you.
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Re: auto corrections in mail messages and while typing

2013-02-02 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Just to add a little to Alex's explanation. If you have already typed a word or 
hear VoiceOver announce a word as misspelled, you can
•   navigate to the word;
•   ensure the curser is at the end of the word, before the space 
or punctuation;
•   ensure quick nav is turned off;
•   down arrow once, and then use left and right arrow to hear the 

I don't know of any way of selecting any of these suggestions, however. You can 
only listen to the word being spelled. If you want to replace the misspelled 
with a suggestion, you're better off, as Alex said, navigating to the 
misspelled word and pressing VO-SHIFT-M to bring up the context menu, where you 
can select a suggestion or tell your Mac to learn or ignore the misspelled word.

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Re: auto corrections in mail messages and while typing

2013-02-02 Thread Alex Hall
Actually, I can do that. If I do as you said and place the cursor just after 
the last letter in the word, I can arrow to the correction I want and just 
press enter to have the word replaced with that correction. I am running the 
very latest OS10 if that matters.
On Feb 2, 2013, at 7:11 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Just to add a little to Alex's explanation. If you have already typed a word 
> or hear VoiceOver announce a word as misspelled, you can
>   •   navigate to the word;
>   •   ensure the curser is at the end of the word, before the space 
> or punctuation;
>   •   ensure quick nav is turned off;
>   •   down arrow once, and then use left and right arrow to hear the 
> suggestions.
> I don't know of any way of selecting any of these suggestions, however. You 
> can only listen to the word being spelled. If you want to replace the 
> misspelled with a suggestion, you're better off, as Alex said, navigating to 
> the misspelled word and pressing VO-SHIFT-M to bring up the context menu, 
> where you can select a suggestion or tell your Mac to learn or ignore the 
> misspelled word.
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Script list, was Re: help with script speaking bluetooth

2013-02-02 Thread Teresa Cochran
Yes, I would. I have recorded some scripts, but if I had the motivation from a 
list, that would encourage me to work on more scripts.


"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman

On Feb 2, 2013, at 4:02 PM, Sean Murphy  wrote:

> Hi all.
> Would people be interested in a VO apple script or a list on scripting VO?
> On 01/02/2013, at 9:28 AM, Traci  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I found a toggle bluetooth script online, and I'm trying to expand it so the 
>> mac voice will say the status as I toggle bluetooth on/off.
>> I have it saying bluetooth on, but I can't get it the other way around.
>> For future replies, can I paste the script in a message to you guys?
>> Thanks,
>> Traci
>> 1 step, 2 step, ... 1,311 steps! I can do the BIG CLIMB 2013, with your 
>> support. Our efforts  will help make a big difference in the fight against 
>> blood cancers. Please give to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Learn more & 
>> donate here. Thank you.
>> -- 
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Re: auto corrections in mail messages and while typing

2013-02-02 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Ahh, yes, now you mention it that works for me too. Not sure if this has only 
happened since Mountain Lion or whether I just never tried that obvious step.

Nicely spotted Alex and thanks for the tip. Nice to know there's a few ways of 
doing things.

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Re: auto corrections in mail messages and while typing

2013-02-02 Thread Randy George
Hi All, 

Still not having any luck arrowing down and then left/right to suggestions to 
press enter on, and I found a word that said it had like 10 suggestions.  
Running os10 with mountain lion, got it in november.  

Thank you all so much for the suggestions. 
On Feb 2, 2013, at 7:19 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Actually, I can do that. If I do as you said and place the cursor just after 
> the last letter in the word, I can arrow to the correction I want and just 
> press enter to have the word replaced with that correction. I am running the 
> very latest OS10 if that matters.
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 7:11 PM, Nicholas Parsons  
> wrote:
>> Just to add a little to Alex's explanation. If you have already typed a word 
>> or hear VoiceOver announce a word as misspelled, you can
>>  •   navigate to the word;
>>  •   ensure the curser is at the end of the word, before the space 
>> or punctuation;
>>  •   ensure quick nav is turned off;
>>  •   down arrow once, and then use left and right arrow to hear the 
>> suggestions.
>> I don't know of any way of selecting any of these suggestions, however. You 
>> can only listen to the word being spelled. If you want to replace the 
>> misspelled with a suggestion, you're better off, as Alex said, navigating to 
>> the misspelled word and pressing VO-SHIFT-M to bring up the context menu, 
>> where you can select a suggestion or tell your Mac to learn or ignore the 
>> misspelled word.
>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: Script list, was Re: help with script speaking bluetooth

2013-02-02 Thread Nicholas Parsons
I would love to learn. I've started, and it's always been something on my to do 
list, but it just always gets put on the back burner. The list would be great 
though if I ever manage to teach myself.

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Re: auto corrections in mail messages and while typing

2013-02-02 Thread Randy George
does the roter have to be set to a specific setting?  
On Feb 2, 2013, at 7:19 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Actually, I can do that. If I do as you said and place the cursor just after 
> the last letter in the word, I can arrow to the correction I want and just 
> press enter to have the word replaced with that correction. I am running the 
> very latest OS10 if that matters.
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 7:11 PM, Nicholas Parsons  
> wrote:
>> Just to add a little to Alex's explanation. If you have already typed a word 
>> or hear VoiceOver announce a word as misspelled, you can
>>  •   navigate to the word;
>>  •   ensure the curser is at the end of the word, before the space 
>> or punctuation;
>>  •   ensure quick nav is turned off;
>>  •   down arrow once, and then use left and right arrow to hear the 
>> suggestions.
>> I don't know of any way of selecting any of these suggestions, however. You 
>> can only listen to the word being spelled. If you want to replace the 
>> misspelled with a suggestion, you're better off, as Alex said, navigating to 
>> the misspelled word and pressing VO-SHIFT-M to bring up the context menu, 
>> where you can select a suggestion or tell your Mac to learn or ignore the 
>> misspelled word.
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: auto corrections in mail messages and while typing

2013-02-02 Thread Nicholas Parsons
What happens when you arrow down? Are you sure you're exactly to the right of 
the last character? Have you turned quick nav off?

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Re: auto corrections in mail messages and while typing

2013-02-02 Thread Randy George
it just goes to the next line/word/whatever is next. 
On Feb 2, 2013, at 7:24 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> What happens when you arrow down? Are you sure you're exactly to the right of 
> the last character? Have you turned quick nav off?
> -- 
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Re: auto corrections in mail messages and while typing

2013-02-02 Thread Nicholas Parsons
No, the rotor does not need to be set to a particular setting. In fact, you 
should not have the rotor as you should have quick nav turned off.

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Re: auto corrections in mail messages and while typing

2013-02-02 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Sounds like you might have quick nav turned on.

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Re: Wireless Headsets

2013-02-02 Thread Jeffry Miller
If you want a good head Set it's really cool, it's the Plantronics audio 995. 
It may not be Bluetooth, but it's still wireless. You just plug it in with the 
little dongle, into your USB port, and it works just as good as the Skype when 
used to. Hope this helps.

Jeffry miller

On Feb 2, 2013, at 7:01 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> I bought a Freetalk Wireless headset directly from Skype. It was around $99. 
> It worked seamlessly with Skype and had answer/hang up and volume controls on 
> the headset itself. It also had an adjustable mic. It had a USB dongle for 
> wireless connectivity, and charged via USB cable into the dongle. It also 
> folded into a compact bundle and included a carry case.  My only complaint 
> about it was that after waring it for many hours it would become 
> uncomfortable. It was an on the ear style, rather than the larger over the 
> ear style.
> I broke mine after around one year of use, and have not yet replaced it. I've 
> been hoping to find something more comfortable and with iTunes controls as 
> well. However, I have not yet found anything suitable and may buy another of 
> these Freetalk models.
> My only warning is to make sure you don't get a bluetooth headset, as these 
> can cause difficulties with VoiceOver.
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Question about bookmarks

2013-02-02 Thread Mary-Jo Lord

I have a large amount of bookmarks that were transferred through I-cloud
from my phone to my Mac.  They were synched from my PC to my phone and many
of them are in folders.  I've tried accessing some of them on my Mac without
success.  I have made sure show all bookmarks is checked, and have also used
the bookmarks menu and selected the show all bookmarks option.  I can find
all of them, but they are in a table.  I can interact with them, edit the
names of them and delete them, but I can not go to the pages.  I'm sure
there is something I'm missing here, or do these bookmarks import, but are
basically useless?

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Re: Wireless Headsets

2013-02-02 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Does the Plantronics audio 995 have an answer call button on the headset? 
What's the wireless range and battery life like? I had a Plantronics headset, 
can't remember which model, but I remember the range and battery life being 
fairly poor.

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Re: Question about bookmarks

2013-02-02 Thread Nicholas Parsons
When on the bookmark in the table, press VO-SHIFT-M to open the context menu, 
then press O to navigate to open and press enter or VO-SPACE. 

You can also copy all those bookmarks from whatever imported folder they are 
in, and paste them into the Bookmarks Menu folder. That way you can access them 
from the bookmarks menu in the menu bar in Safari.

If you need more precise directions let me know and I'll give you more details.

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2013-02-02 Thread Dawn Johnson
I am helping a friend who has an IMac. The cursor seems to jump all over the 
page. Is there any way to eliminate this?

Sent from my iPad

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Re: auto corrections in mail messages and while typing

2013-02-02 Thread Jessica Moss
I was actually wondering that myself; I have that same trouble when it comes to 
my mac/IPhone, and have no idea how to go about correcting it.  I do fine when 
it comes to the current word, but if it comes to trying to find a list, that's 
a whole different story, so would love some advice as well.
On Feb 2, 2013, at 1:56 PM, Randy George wrote:

> hi gang, 
> How do I access the suggestions that mac/voiceover gives me when i have 
> incorrectly spelled a word?  I hear the noise that indicates they are 
> available, and it says suggestions, but I have no idea how to get to them and 
> select the one I want. 
> Thanks a bunch, 
> Randy 
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Re: auto corrections in mail messages and while typing

2013-02-02 Thread Alex Hall
Getting the list is as easy as putting your cursor just past the last character 
of the word and then down arrowing, or moving to anywhere in the word and 
hitting vo-shift-m. On iOS, when you hear the auto-correct sound, you can swipe 
down (the rotor should auto-select "corrections", but if not you can rotor to 
it) and find the word you want in there, then double tap to use it. Or, I 
believe you can press space to accept the first suggestion, just like on the 
mac. I have less experience with auto-correct on the iOS platform, though, so I 
could be wrong in the details there.
On Feb 2, 2013, at 9:43 PM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> I was actually wondering that myself; I have that same trouble when it comes 
> to my mac/IPhone, and have no idea how to go about correcting it.  I do fine 
> when it comes to the current word, but if it comes to trying to find a list, 
> that's a whole different story, so would love some advice as well.
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 1:56 PM, Randy George wrote:
>> hi gang, 
>> How do I access the suggestions that mac/voiceover gives me when i have 
>> incorrectly spelled a word?  I hear the noise that indicates they are 
>> available, and it says suggestions, but I have no idea how to get to them 
>> and select the one I want. 
>> Thanks a bunch, 
>> Randy 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Facebook

2013-02-02 Thread Maxwell Ivey
i'm sorry, but i'd only be guessing.  in system preferences there is a place 
where you can change the cursor settings including delay between moving arrow 
keys and cursor movement. wish i could be more help. good luck, max 
On Feb 2, 2013, at 8:07 PM, Dawn Johnson wrote:

> I am helping a friend who has an IMac. The cursor seems to jump all over the 
> page. Is there any way to eliminate this?
> Sent from my iPad
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Re: Facebook

2013-02-02 Thread Dawn Johnson
Hi Max, we will try it, Thank you

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 2, 2013, at 10:21 PM, Maxwell Ivey  wrote:

> i'm sorry, but i'd only be guessing.  in system preferences there is a place 
> where you can change the cursor settings including delay between moving arrow 
> keys and cursor movement. wish i could be more help. good luck, max 
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 8:07 PM, Dawn Johnson wrote:
>> I am helping a friend who has an IMac. The cursor seems to jump all over the 
>> page. Is there any way to eliminate this?
>> Sent from my iPad
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RE: Script list, was Re: help with script speaking bluetooth

2013-02-02 Thread Nick Allan
I agree, would like a list specifically for this.

-Original Message-
From: Nicholas Parsons [] 
Sent: Sunday, 3 February 2013 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: Script list, was Re: help with script speaking bluetooth

I would love to learn. I've started, and it's always been something on my to
do list, but it just always gets put on the back burner. The list would be
great though if I ever manage to teach myself.

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RE: Question about bookmarks

2013-02-02 Thread Mary-Jo Lord

Thanks for your quick response.  When I was on one of those bookmarks in the
table, I did the Vo-shift-m, and I had two choices, rename bookmark and
delete bookmark.  Hitting the letter o put me on the delete bookmark option.
Eventually, I think your idea of copying them all into the bookmarks bar
would be my better option.  What folder would they be in?  I'm thinking that
I should re synch my phone, and  see if that will resynch the bookmarks on
my Mac.  I cleaned out a bunch of old favorites on my pc, so I hope that
would work.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Nicholas Parsons
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2013 8:49 PM
Subject: Re: Question about bookmarks

When on the bookmark in the table, press VO-SHIFT-M to open the context
menu, then press O to navigate to open and press enter or VO-SPACE. 

You can also copy all those bookmarks from whatever imported folder they are
in, and paste them into the Bookmarks Menu folder. That way you can access
them from the bookmarks menu in the menu bar in Safari.

If you need more precise directions let me know and I'll give you more

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Importing favorites in to safari

2013-02-02 Thread Jed Barton
Hey guys,

Well today is the day, I am getting mynew macbook pro.
Very excited.  I've got a question.  Obviously coming from windows, I need
to import my favorites to safari from firefox.
Is there a way I can do that?
Obviously I'd have to expore to a file somehow on windows, then impot in
safari.  Any ideas?


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