tip for amadeus pro

2013-01-21 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Amadeus and VoiceOver users,

Here's a quick tip if you want to cut audio from either end of a file. I've 
seen many descriptions, most of them mentioning that you have to set a marker. 
But what I do works quick. Say I want to cut off the start of a file, say the 
first minute. I play and skip till I'm at the right spot, I then get the cursor 
over to the playhead with command y, then do command left arrow to select from 
here to the beginning, and then backspace to delete. Done.

Likewise, to cut off the end of a file, I skip and play till I am at the spot 
where I want to cut the audio, then you do command y to get the edit cursor 
over to the playhead, then command right, which selects from here to the end of 
the file, then delete or backsppace. Gone. Quick and clean. So go to the spot, 
command y, command arrow, and backspace.


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how can I add a finder context menu item to perform a quick action?

2013-01-21 Thread Paul Erkens
Dear listers,

Often, I have a file that I want to perform a specific action on. For example, 
this could be a stereo wave file, that I want to convert to a 256 kilibit 
stereo mp3 file. Is there a way you can think of, that I can add a new menu 
item to the vo shift m context menu on a file, and then select from a few user 
defined actions? Of course, the program in question must support this way of 
getting commands, but I'd first like to know if finder lets us do this type of 
thing. So, I go to a wave file, I'd like to hit vo shift m, and then select 
convert  to mp3 256 with amadeus. Is such a mechanism available? What about 
services? I have no idea yet how they work, nor how to use automator. Please 
shed some light and knowledge on this if you have it. I'm very curious because 
it could be a huge time saver. Thanks a lot in advance.


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Re: tip for amadeus pro

2013-01-21 Thread Garth Humphreys
Hey Paul 

This is exactly right. There is no need to set a marker for this sort of thing. 
I briefly showed the technique in a recent podcast.  It also applies when 
cutting a bit of audio out of the middle of a track, you only need to set a 
marker at one end of the section you want to cut, than go to the other end and 
command Y to bring the insertion point to play head and command arrow to the 
marker at the other end. You will than have the desired section selected and 
ready for deleting or whatever you want. 



Search for iBlindTech in iTunes or your favourite pod catcher to subscribe to 
the iBlindTech Democast.

Send email to iblindt...@gmail.com

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On 21/01/2013, at 8:07 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:

> Hi Amadeus and VoiceOver users,
> Here's a quick tip if you want to cut audio from either end of a file. I've 
> seen many descriptions, most of them mentioning that you have to set a 
> marker. But what I do works quick. Say I want to cut off the start of a file, 
> say the first minute. I play and skip till I'm at the right spot, I then get 
> the cursor over to the playhead with command y, then do command left arrow to 
> select from here to the beginning, and then backspace to delete. Done.
> Likewise, to cut off the end of a file, I skip and play till I am at the spot 
> where I want to cut the audio, then you do command y to get the edit cursor 
> over to the playhead, then command right, which selects from here to the end 
> of the file, then delete or backsppace. Gone. Quick and clean. So go to the 
> spot, command y, command arrow, and backspace.
> Hth.
> Paul.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group at 
> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

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For more options, visit this group at 

Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Jessica Moss
I haven't had a chance to check this out yet but it sounds amazing.  I loved 
the fact that system access provided those but never bought a license sense I 
was going to get my Mac soon and pretty much just wanted to compare it to jaws.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 20, 2013, at 10:25 PM, Michael Babcock  

> i have been ignoring this topic for most of the day. Excluding the fact that 
> I did check out the website. It's a very good site and I think deserves a 
> support from the blind community. My opinion is yes, the FCC did pass this 
> law for cable companies and satellite companies, but to the best of my 
> knowledge this law does not apply to online streaming providers. Don't know 
> about most of you, but I typically don't have an average $100-$200 a month to 
> spend on TV. So what do I do? Netflix, $7.95 a month and I have all of the TV 
> I need. Unfortunately however, I am unable to contact Netflix support about 
> this issue, because the FCC has not found it necessary to make it a 
> regulation for streaming providers to provide described content. However, I 
> do spend a lot of time on my iPhone, or my computer. Most of our TV streaming 
> is done via the Apple TV, or my father smart TV. We do most of our streaming 
> on Netflix, and no longer have either satellite or cable providers. 
> Therefore, visually impaired individuals in this type of category would not 
> be covered under the FCC
> 'laws. In my opinion, what would be smart of this company would be to contact 
> Netflix and find out if there is a way that the audio tracks of their site 
> can be streamed with the video tracks of Netflix. This would be a great 
> partnership idea for the two sites, if at all possible. That way, the audio 
> description can be available free of charge, for individuals to go to 
> blindy.com However, if you want the video for your family to be able to enjoy 
> the video as well, and the convenience of AppleTV iOS applications, and 
> android applications, then you would pay the $7.95 a month for the service. 
> Just my two cents, and I'm not affiliated with the site in any way shape or 
> form, though I have contacted them regarding potential advertising 
> opportunities. Or why? Because, I see that this is a wonderful service for 
> the blind community, that is widely available. Has anyone ever thought about 
> the fact that Serotec is charging it to be able to allow blind individuals to 
> listen to this content monthly? And the service is providing it for free, and 
> all the sudden The free service becomes an issue, where Acento text service 
> is still available? Just a thing to think about. Michael
> PS, that was Serotec service is not a problem.
> http://empoweringtheblind.com
> Empowering the blind, one step at a time.
> On Jan 20, 2013, at 7:29 PM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
>> The same energy the Mice is using to  circulate stolen movies and the same 
>> energy these folks are using to circulate stolen content could  be used to 
>> insure that information gets circulated.
>> The laws are new, have you any idea how many cable providers and satellites 
>> companies would jump if people started calling and emailing, informing them 
>> of the regulation and asking for what they are entitled to have as a paying 
>> customer?
>> Most  stuff is done because of ignorance industry wise.  You must 
>> demonstrate that you are a market for those providing  content to that 
>> market...and many benefit from audio descriptions, just like many benefit 
>> from audio books or voice over or  etc.
>> No matter what your income level or place in society you are a consumer. 
>> they will take you seriously not because they should  to feel good, but 
>> because you are a consumer...when more of you start acting like one that is.
>> You pay their wages, buy their products and keep them functioning...never 
>> mind your score on an eye chart.
>> I appreciate   that you understand the  difference.
>> Still, as with many groups in the human family, some are very invested in 
>> the victim mentality.  I deserve to cheat on my wife / husband or to have an 
>> e-book without copyright protection, or to get  stolen downloads because my 
>> eyes work differently.
>> Lots of people do it, my skin, my social status, my use of or non-use of the 
>> language. the world owes me just because, I choose to think I got a bad hand.
>> Those freedom seekers are distorting freedom.
>> and  as Mark twain put it, do not say the world owes you anything...it was 
>> here first.
>> On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Devin Prater wrote:
>>> My view on it is, that if I can get it to work, then I will not look back. 
>>> The illegal ways don't have all the content anyways, I know for sure that 
>>> not all Star Trek, Next Generation episodes are available. So, if I can 
>>> figure out how to take the most advantage out of the FCC's way of doing it, 
>>> then I certainly will. I think there will always be those who will pirate,

Re: Exporting feeds from itunes into an opml file?

2013-01-21 Thread Esther
Hi Matthew,

Assuming you have the iTunes sidebar showing (Command-Option-S
shortcut In iTunes 11 to toggle this view between show and hide),
navigate to podcasts in the sidebar, bring up the contextual menu with
VO-Shift-M, and select "Export". You'll want to specify a format of
"OPML" in the "Format" pop up menu bar.  The name and location for
saving the exported file can be specified as you choose, but I think
the default save location is the iTunes Media folder, and you might
want to change that to your Desktop (Command-Shift-D) or Documents
folder (Command-Shift-O), or other such location. (You'll notice all
Finder navigation shortcuts work here.). The default name of
"Podcasts.opml" is fine -- just make sure that you change the format
to OPML if you want to import this list for use in another podcatching
application.  You can leave this as text if just want to read this as
a list instead of using it in an application, but I'm assuming that's
not what you want to do.

HTH. Cheers,


On Jan 20, 4:01 pm, matthew Dyer 
> Hi all,
> Yesterday I wanted to export my podcast feeds from itunes but could not 
> figure out how to do this.  Any ideas on how to go about this?
> Matthew
> matthew Dyer
> matthew Dyer
> Sent from my mac mini.
>  e-mail/msn: ilovecountrymusic...@gmail.com
> Skype: graduater 2004
> Follow me on  twitter at mdyer1.
> Facebook: ilovecountrymusic...@gmail.com
> Find me on zello  at graduater2004.

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

Re: some big bang for alex, was Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Donna Goodin
But, if that content cannot be independently accessed by a blind individual, 
then it's value to us decreases significantly.
On Jan 20, 2013, at 10:47 PM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

> consider asking for a supervisor Alex,  it is a Holiday down there tomorrow 
> smiles.
> Still it is support that the claim regarding described content being 
> virtually nonexistent made by the blinditv people  is very wrong.
> I feel sure the list is older, it goes back to early October of last year.
> the link from the aCB site which I can post too lists things by the day, but 
> it is a google drive application.
> I can share the link anyway though if there is interest .
> Karen
> On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Thanks for the lists. I'll have to call up Time Warner tomorrow and see what 
>> they have to say regarding enabling described content, then test it out 
>> Tuesday when Big Bang Theory is on (as that's the only show on the list that 
>> interests me). Who knows, they might have more content available now, though 
>> I doubt that the Syfy channel makes it into the top tier.
>> On Jan 20, 2013, at 11:35 PM, Karen Lewellen  
>> wrote:
>>> Okay,
>>> last one tonight.  a tiny bit of data and I do mean tiny.
>>> The 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of
>>> 2010 reinstates the FCC's involvement in providing rules for
>>> video description. Under the rules, affiliates in the top 25
>>> markets and the top five-rated cable networks will have to
>>> provide at least 50 hours of video described programming per
>>> quarter, starting July 1, 2012.^[8]
>>> this translates into at least 4 hours per week.
>>> Now, this is only a swift listing and is slightly dated.
>>> You will note that TBS  has big bang theory in reruns, given this
>>> list was about 3 months into the rules it makes sense that CBS would be 
>>> running them now too.
>>> ABC:
>>>* Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23
>>>* Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
>>>* Happy Endings
>>>* Last Man Standing
>>>* The Middle
>>>* Modern Family
>>>* Nashville
>>>* The Neighbors
>>>* Secret Millionaire
>>>* Shark Tank
>>>* Suburgatory
>>> CBS:
>>>* Criminal Minds
>>>* CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
>>>* NCIS
>>>* NCIS: Los Angeles
>>> Disney Channel:
>>>* A.N.T. Farm
>>>* Austin & Ally
>>>* Doc McStuffins
>>>* Dog With a Blog
>>>* Fish Hooks
>>>* Good Luck Charlie
>>>* Gravity Falls
>>>* Jake and the Never Land Pirates
>>>* Jessie
>>>* Little Einsteins
>>>* Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
>>>* Phineas and Ferb
>>>* Shake It Up
>>> Fox:
>>>* American Dad!
>>>* Bob's Burgers
>>>* Bones
>>>* The Cleveland Show
>>>* Family Guy
>>>* The Following
>>>* Glee
>>>* Hell's Kitchen
>>>* Hotel Hell
>>>* Kitchen Nightmares
>>>* MasterChef
>>>* The Mindy Project
>>>* New Girl
>>>* The Simpsons
>>> NBC:
>>>* 30 Rock
>>>* Animal Practice
>>>* Betty White's Off Their Rockers
>>>* Chicago Fire
>>>* Community
>>>* Deception
>>>* Go On
>>>* Grimm
>>>* Guys with Kids
>>>* Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
>>>* Parenthood
>>>* Saving Hope
>>>* The Office
>>>* Parks and Recreation
>>>* Up All Night
>>>* Whitney
>>> Nickelodeon:
>>>* The Backyardigans
>>>* Bubble Guppies
>>>* Dora the Explorer
>>>* The Fairly OddParents
>>>* Go, Diego, Go!
>>>* Max and Ruby
>>>* Mike the Knight
>>>* Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide
>>>* Rugrats
>>>* Splatalot!
>>>* Team Umizoomi
>>> TBS:
>>>* The Big Bang Theory (reruns)
>>>* Tyler Perry's For Better or Worse
>>>* Tyler Perry's House of Payne
>>> TNT:
>>>* The Closer
>>>* Law & Order (reruns)
>>> Turner Classic Movies:
>>>* Various films, listed on WGBH's DVS page on TCM
>>> USA Network:
>>>* Common Law
>>>* Covert Affairs
>>>* CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (reruns)
>>>* Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (reruns)
>>>* NCIS (reruns)
>>>* NCIS: Los Angeles (reruns)
>>>* Psych
>>>* Royal Pains
>>>* Suits
>>> Again its dated, but see what I mean?
>>> Karen
>>> On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Alex Hall wrote:
 At the risk of being off-topic, could you provide us with some popular 
 shows that have audio description? Specifically, I enjoy Star Trek, Doctor 
 Who, Star Gate (well, I would enjoy that one were it described), and the 
 CBS show The Big Bang Theory. To my knowledge, none of these are ever 
 described. If they are, I would love to know about it. I can figure out 
 how to enable the descriptions if indeed there are descriptions to be 
 heard, but I don't think these shows regularly air with any descriptions. 
 Perhaps my cable company (TWC) would know, but I have never had much luck 
 asking b

Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Matt Dierckens
Feel free to check out the site.
Also, thanks to the person who talked to to Steve from OO Tunes. Really 
appreciated. :)
Sent from my mac
Twitter: matt692

On 2013-01-21, at 6:10 AM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> I haven't had a chance to check this out yet but it sounds amazing.  I loved 
> the fact that system access provided those but never bought a license sense I 
> was going to get my Mac soon and pretty much just wanted to compare it to 
> jaws.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 20, 2013, at 10:25 PM, Michael Babcock  
> wrote:
>> i have been ignoring this topic for most of the day. Excluding the fact that 
>> I did check out the website. It's a very good site and I think deserves a 
>> support from the blind community. My opinion is yes, the FCC did pass this 
>> law for cable companies and satellite companies, but to the best of my 
>> knowledge this law does not apply to online streaming providers. Don't know 
>> about most of you, but I typically don't have an average $100-$200 a month 
>> to spend on TV. So what do I do? Netflix, $7.95 a month and I have all of 
>> the TV I need. Unfortunately however, I am unable to contact Netflix support 
>> about this issue, because the FCC has not found it necessary to make it a 
>> regulation for streaming providers to provide described content. However, I 
>> do spend a lot of time on my iPhone, or my computer. Most of our TV 
>> streaming is done via the Apple TV, or my father smart TV. We do most of our 
>> streaming on Netflix, and no longer have either satellite or cable 
>> providers. Therefore, visually impaired individuals in this type of category 
>> would not be covered under the FCC
>> 'laws. In my opinion, what would be smart of this company would be to 
>> contact Netflix and find out if there is a way that the audio tracks of 
>> their site can be streamed with the video tracks of Netflix. This would be a 
>> great partnership idea for the two sites, if at all possible. That way, the 
>> audio description can be available free of charge, for individuals to go to 
>> blindy.com However, if you want the video for your family to be able to 
>> enjoy the video as well, and the convenience of AppleTV iOS applications, 
>> and android applications, then you would pay the $7.95 a month for the 
>> service. Just my two cents, and I'm not affiliated with the site in any way 
>> shape or form, though I have contacted them regarding potential advertising 
>> opportunities. Or why? Because, I see that this is a wonderful service for 
>> the blind community, that is widely available. Has anyone ever thought about 
>> the fact that Serotec is charging it to be able to allow blind individuals 
>> to listen to this content monthly? And the service is providing it for free, 
>> and all the sudden The free service becomes an issue, where Acento text 
>> service is still available? Just a thing to think about. Michael
>> PS, that was Serotec service is not a problem.
>> http://empoweringtheblind.com
>> Empowering the blind, one step at a time.
>> On Jan 20, 2013, at 7:29 PM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
>>> The same energy the Mice is using to  circulate stolen movies and the same 
>>> energy these folks are using to circulate stolen content could  be used to 
>>> insure that information gets circulated.
>>> The laws are new, have you any idea how many cable providers and satellites 
>>> companies would jump if people started calling and emailing, informing them 
>>> of the regulation and asking for what they are entitled to have as a paying 
>>> customer?
>>> Most  stuff is done because of ignorance industry wise.  You must 
>>> demonstrate that you are a market for those providing  content to that 
>>> market...and many benefit from audio descriptions, just like many benefit 
>>> from audio books or voice over or  etc.
>>> No matter what your income level or place in society you are a consumer. 
>>> they will take you seriously not because they should  to feel good, but 
>>> because you are a consumer...when more of you start acting like one that is.
>>> You pay their wages, buy their products and keep them functioning...never 
>>> mind your score on an eye chart.
>>> I appreciate   that you understand the  difference.
>>> Still, as with many groups in the human family, some are very invested in 
>>> the victim mentality.  I deserve to cheat on my wife / husband or to have 
>>> an e-book without copyright protection, or to get  stolen downloads because 
>>> my eyes work differently.
>>> Lots of people do it, my skin, my social status, my use of or non-use of 
>>> the language. the world owes me just because, I choose to think I got a bad 
>>> hand.
>>> Those freedom seekers are distorting freedom.
>>> and  as Mark twain put it, do not say the world owes you anything...it was 
>>> here first.
>>> On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Devin Prater wrote:
 My view on it is, that if I can get it to work, then I will not look back. 

Re: some big bang for alex, was Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Karen Lewellen
But it can.  even more independently than the reprehensible excuse 
for stealing that is blindi-TV.
Depending of course on how the individual in question experiences their 
blindness and writes their dictionary of independence.
Surely you do not think all  individuals with a sight loss diagnoses are 
exactly the same?  the definition alone makes that 
perspective impossible, limited,  and 
counter productive.
As a post I shared ages back expressed, all humans are dependent on 
each  other in one fashion or another.   This is more beneficial  to 
understand than creating false concepts of any experience that translate into 
exclusion.  especially based on someone Else's definition of independence.

us who? lol!

On Mon, 21 Jan 2013, Donna Goodin wrote:

But, if that content cannot be independently accessed by a blind individual, 
then it's value to us decreases significantly.
On Jan 20, 2013, at 10:47 PM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

consider asking for a supervisor Alex,  it is a Holiday down there tomorrow 
Still it is support that the claim regarding described content being virtually 
nonexistent made by the blinditv people  is very wrong.
I feel sure the list is older, it goes back to early October of last year.
the link from the aCB site which I can post too lists things by the day, but it 
is a google drive application.
I can share the link anyway though if there is interest .

On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Alex Hall wrote:

Thanks for the lists. I'll have to call up Time Warner tomorrow and see what 
they have to say regarding enabling described content, then test it out Tuesday 
when Big Bang Theory is on (as that's the only show on the list that interests 
me). Who knows, they might have more content available now, though I doubt that 
the Syfy channel makes it into the top tier.
On Jan 20, 2013, at 11:35 PM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

last one tonight.  a tiny bit of data and I do mean tiny.

The 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of
2010 reinstates the FCC's involvement in providing rules for
video description. Under the rules, affiliates in the top 25
markets and the top five-rated cable networks will have to
provide at least 50 hours of video described programming per
quarter, starting July 1, 2012.^[8]

this translates into at least 4 hours per week.
Now, this is only a swift listing and is slightly dated.
You will note that TBS  has big bang theory in reruns, given this
list was about 3 months into the rules it makes sense that CBS would be running 
them now too.

   * Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23
   * Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
   * Happy Endings
   * Last Man Standing
   * The Middle
   * Modern Family
   * Nashville
   * The Neighbors
   * Secret Millionaire
   * Shark Tank
   * Suburgatory

   * Criminal Minds
   * CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
   * NCIS
   * NCIS: Los Angeles

Disney Channel:
   * A.N.T. Farm
   * Austin & Ally
   * Doc McStuffins
   * Dog With a Blog
   * Fish Hooks
   * Good Luck Charlie
   * Gravity Falls
   * Jake and the Never Land Pirates
   * Jessie
   * Little Einsteins
   * Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
   * Phineas and Ferb
   * Shake It Up

   * American Dad!
   * Bob's Burgers
   * Bones
   * The Cleveland Show
   * Family Guy
   * The Following
   * Glee
   * Hell's Kitchen
   * Hotel Hell
   * Kitchen Nightmares
   * MasterChef
   * The Mindy Project
   * New Girl
   * The Simpsons

   * 30 Rock
   * Animal Practice
   * Betty White's Off Their Rockers
   * Chicago Fire
   * Community
   * Deception
   * Go On
   * Grimm
   * Guys with Kids
   * Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
   * Parenthood
   * Saving Hope
   * The Office
   * Parks and Recreation
   * Up All Night
   * Whitney

   * The Backyardigans
   * Bubble Guppies
   * Dora the Explorer
   * The Fairly OddParents
   * Go, Diego, Go!
   * Max and Ruby
   * Mike the Knight
   * Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide
   * Rugrats
   * Splatalot!
   * Team Umizoomi

   * The Big Bang Theory (reruns)
   * Tyler Perry's For Better or Worse
   * Tyler Perry's House of Payne

   * The Closer
   * Law & Order (reruns)

Turner Classic Movies:

   * Various films, listed on WGBH's DVS page on TCM

USA Network:
   * Common Law
   * Covert Affairs
   * CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (reruns)
   * Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (reruns)
   * NCIS (reruns)
   * NCIS: Los Angeles (reruns)
   * Psych
   * Royal Pains
   * Suits
Again its dated, but see what I mean?

On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Alex Hall wrote:

At the risk of being off-topic, could you provide us with some popular shows 
that have audio description? Specifically, I enjoy Star Trek, Doctor Who, Star 
Gate (well, I would enjoy that one were it described), and the CBS show The Big 
Bang Theory. To my knowledge, none of these are ever described. If they are, I 
would love to know about it. I can figure out how to enable the descriptions if 
indeed there are de

Re: some big bang for alex, was Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Donna Goodin

Why are you so invested in insulting the rest of the world?  I think that 
you've made your point quite clearly.  The fact that some of us may not agree 
with you does not mean that we are all self-pitying, unscrupulous, thieves.
On Jan 21, 2013, at 8:22 AM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

> But it can.  even more independently than the reprehensible excuse for 
> stealing that is blindi-TV.
> Depending of course on how the individual in question experiences their 
> blindness and writes their dictionary of independence.
> Surely you do not think all  individuals with a sight loss diagnoses are 
> exactly the same?  the definition alone makes that perspective impossible, 
> limited,  and counter productive.
> As a post I shared ages back expressed, all humans are dependent on each  
> other in one fashion or another.   This is more beneficial  to understand 
> than creating false concepts of any experience that translate into exclusion. 
>  especially based on someone Else's definition of independence.
> us who? lol!
> On Mon, 21 Jan 2013, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> But, if that content cannot be independently accessed by a blind individual, 
>> then it's value to us decreases significantly.
>> Donna
>> On Jan 20, 2013, at 10:47 PM, Karen Lewellen  
>> wrote:
>>> consider asking for a supervisor Alex,  it is a Holiday down there tomorrow 
>>> smiles.
>>> Still it is support that the claim regarding described content being 
>>> virtually nonexistent made by the blinditv people  is very wrong.
>>> I feel sure the list is older, it goes back to early October of last year.
>>> the link from the aCB site which I can post too lists things by the day, 
>>> but it is a google drive application.
>>> I can share the link anyway though if there is interest .
>>> Karen
>>> On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Alex Hall wrote:
 Thanks for the lists. I'll have to call up Time Warner tomorrow and see 
 what they have to say regarding enabling described content, then test it 
 out Tuesday when Big Bang Theory is on (as that's the only show on the 
 list that interests me). Who knows, they might have more content available 
 now, though I doubt that the Syfy channel makes it into the top tier.
 On Jan 20, 2013, at 11:35 PM, Karen Lewellen  
> Okay,
> last one tonight.  a tiny bit of data and I do mean tiny.
> The 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of
> 2010 reinstates the FCC's involvement in providing rules for
> video description. Under the rules, affiliates in the top 25
> markets and the top five-rated cable networks will have to
> provide at least 50 hours of video described programming per
> quarter, starting July 1, 2012.^[8]
> this translates into at least 4 hours per week.
> Now, this is only a swift listing and is slightly dated.
> You will note that TBS  has big bang theory in reruns, given this
> list was about 3 months into the rules it makes sense that CBS would be 
> running them now too.
> ABC:
>   * Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23
>   * Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
>   * Happy Endings
>   * Last Man Standing
>   * The Middle
>   * Modern Family
>   * Nashville
>   * The Neighbors
>   * Secret Millionaire
>   * Shark Tank
>   * Suburgatory
> CBS:
>   * Criminal Minds
>   * CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
>   * NCIS
>   * NCIS: Los Angeles
> Disney Channel:
>   * A.N.T. Farm
>   * Austin & Ally
>   * Doc McStuffins
>   * Dog With a Blog
>   * Fish Hooks
>   * Good Luck Charlie
>   * Gravity Falls
>   * Jake and the Never Land Pirates
>   * Jessie
>   * Little Einsteins
>   * Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
>   * Phineas and Ferb
>   * Shake It Up
> Fox:
>   * American Dad!
>   * Bob's Burgers
>   * Bones
>   * The Cleveland Show
>   * Family Guy
>   * The Following
>   * Glee
>   * Hell's Kitchen
>   * Hotel Hell
>   * Kitchen Nightmares
>   * MasterChef
>   * The Mindy Project
>   * New Girl
>   * The Simpsons
> NBC:
>   * 30 Rock
>   * Animal Practice
>   * Betty White's Off Their Rockers
>   * Chicago Fire
>   * Community
>   * Deception
>   * Go On
>   * Grimm
>   * Guys with Kids
>   * Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
>   * Parenthood
>   * Saving Hope
>   * The Office
>   * Parks and Recreation
>   * Up All Night
>   * Whitney
> Nickelodeon:
>   * The Backyardigans
>   * Bubble Guppies
>   * Dora the Explorer
>   * The Fairly OddParents
>   * Go, Diego, Go!
>   * Max and Ruby
>   * Mike the Knight
>   * Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide
>   * Rugrats
>   * Splatalot!
>   * Team Umizoomi
> TBS:
>   * The Big 

Re: some big bang for alex, was Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Karen Lewellen

Why are you so invested in reducing every persons experience of sight loss to 
your own?
I think you discover every day, if you so choose that is,  that how one 
lives with a situation is as unique and magical as they desire.
I personally have climbed no mountains, played golf tennis, or gone skiing 
lately...but I am not about to decide those who do this, and experience 
sight loss, are less independent because they do.
Perhaps you should examine for yourself what it is about other people doing 
things differently that bothers you so much?


On Mon, 21 Jan 2013, Donna Goodin wrote:


Why are you so invested in insulting the rest of the world?  I think that 
you've made your point quite clearly.  The fact that some of us may not agree 
with you does not mean that we are all self-pitying, unscrupulous, thieves.
On Jan 21, 2013, at 8:22 AM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

But it can.  even more independently than the reprehensible excuse for stealing 
that is blindi-TV.
Depending of course on how the individual in question experiences their 
blindness and writes their dictionary of independence.
Surely you do not think all  individuals with a sight loss diagnoses are 
exactly the same?  the definition alone makes that perspective impossible, 
limited,  and counter productive.
As a post I shared ages back expressed, all humans are dependent on each  other 
in one fashion or another.   This is more beneficial  to understand than 
creating false concepts of any experience that translate into exclusion.  
especially based on someone Else's definition of independence.

us who? lol!

On Mon, 21 Jan 2013, Donna Goodin wrote:

But, if that content cannot be independently accessed by a blind individual, 
then it's value to us decreases significantly.
On Jan 20, 2013, at 10:47 PM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

consider asking for a supervisor Alex,  it is a Holiday down there tomorrow 
Still it is support that the claim regarding described content being virtually 
nonexistent made by the blinditv people  is very wrong.
I feel sure the list is older, it goes back to early October of last year.
the link from the aCB site which I can post too lists things by the day, but it 
is a google drive application.
I can share the link anyway though if there is interest .

On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Alex Hall wrote:

Thanks for the lists. I'll have to call up Time Warner tomorrow and see what 
they have to say regarding enabling described content, then test it out Tuesday 
when Big Bang Theory is on (as that's the only show on the list that interests 
me). Who knows, they might have more content available now, though I doubt that 
the Syfy channel makes it into the top tier.
On Jan 20, 2013, at 11:35 PM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

last one tonight.  a tiny bit of data and I do mean tiny.

The 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of
2010 reinstates the FCC's involvement in providing rules for
video description. Under the rules, affiliates in the top 25
markets and the top five-rated cable networks will have to
provide at least 50 hours of video described programming per
quarter, starting July 1, 2012.^[8]

this translates into at least 4 hours per week.
Now, this is only a swift listing and is slightly dated.
You will note that TBS  has big bang theory in reruns, given this
list was about 3 months into the rules it makes sense that CBS would be running 
them now too.

  * Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23
  * Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
  * Happy Endings
  * Last Man Standing
  * The Middle
  * Modern Family
  * Nashville
  * The Neighbors
  * Secret Millionaire
  * Shark Tank
  * Suburgatory

  * Criminal Minds
  * CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
  * NCIS
  * NCIS: Los Angeles

Disney Channel:
  * A.N.T. Farm
  * Austin & Ally
  * Doc McStuffins
  * Dog With a Blog
  * Fish Hooks
  * Good Luck Charlie
  * Gravity Falls
  * Jake and the Never Land Pirates
  * Jessie
  * Little Einsteins
  * Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
  * Phineas and Ferb
  * Shake It Up

  * American Dad!
  * Bob's Burgers
  * Bones
  * The Cleveland Show
  * Family Guy
  * The Following
  * Glee
  * Hell's Kitchen
  * Hotel Hell
  * Kitchen Nightmares
  * MasterChef
  * The Mindy Project
  * New Girl
  * The Simpsons

  * 30 Rock
  * Animal Practice
  * Betty White's Off Their Rockers
  * Chicago Fire
  * Community
  * Deception
  * Go On
  * Grimm
  * Guys with Kids
  * Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
  * Parenthood
  * Saving Hope
  * The Office
  * Parks and Recreation
  * Up All Night
  * Whitney

  * The Backyardigans
  * Bubble Guppies
  * Dora the Explorer
  * The Fairly OddParents
  * Go, Diego, Go!
  * Max and Ruby
  * Mike the Knight
  * Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide
  * Rugrats
  * Splatalot!
  * Team Umizoomi

  * The Big Bang Theory (reruns)
  * Tyler Perry's For Better or Worse
  * Tyler Perry's House of Payne

  * The Closer
  * Law & 

Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Devin Prater
Yes, that's my problem with Serotek too, they always have been for Windows, 
lovely old, breakable windows. If they'd just release a SamNet browser for Mac, 
so that we wouldn't be forced into using Google Chrome, I'd probably consider 
renewing my license. But the whole 30 days I had the accessibility "anywhere" 
package, I only used the SamNet thing a few times, and that was just with the 
iBlink radio app on the iPod. I'm still looking for an accessible manual for my 
TV to try to enable secondary audio. I just wish a legal described content 
streaming service, that would stream whatever is on live TV, or would let me 
choose what to watch, was available.
On Jan 21, 2013, at 7:10 AM, Jessica Moss  wrote:

> I haven't had a chance to check this out yet but it sounds amazing.  I loved 
> the fact that system access provided those but never bought a license sense I 
> was going to get my Mac soon and pretty much just wanted to compare it to 
> jaws.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 20, 2013, at 10:25 PM, Michael Babcock  
> wrote:
>> i have been ignoring this topic for most of the day. Excluding the fact that 
>> I did check out the website. It's a very good site and I think deserves a 
>> support from the blind community. My opinion is yes, the FCC did pass this 
>> law for cable companies and satellite companies, but to the best of my 
>> knowledge this law does not apply to online streaming providers. Don't know 
>> about most of you, but I typically don't have an average $100-$200 a month 
>> to spend on TV. So what do I do? Netflix, $7.95 a month and I have all of 
>> the TV I need. Unfortunately however, I am unable to contact Netflix support 
>> about this issue, because the FCC has not found it necessary to make it a 
>> regulation for streaming providers to provide described content. However, I 
>> do spend a lot of time on my iPhone, or my computer. Most of our TV 
>> streaming is done via the Apple TV, or my father smart TV. We do most of our 
>> streaming on Netflix, and no longer have either satellite or cable 
>> providers. Therefore, visually impaired individuals in this type of category 
>> would not be covered under the FCC
>> 'laws. In my opinion, what would be smart of this company would be to 
>> contact Netflix and find out if there is a way that the audio tracks of 
>> their site can be streamed with the video tracks of Netflix. This would be a 
>> great partnership idea for the two sites, if at all possible. That way, the 
>> audio description can be available free of charge, for individuals to go to 
>> blindy.com However, if you want the video for your family to be able to 
>> enjoy the video as well, and the convenience of AppleTV iOS applications, 
>> and android applications, then you would pay the $7.95 a month for the 
>> service. Just my two cents, and I'm not affiliated with the site in any way 
>> shape or form, though I have contacted them regarding potential advertising 
>> opportunities. Or why? Because, I see that this is a wonderful service for 
>> the blind community, that is widely available. Has anyone ever thought about 
>> the fact that Serotec is charging it to be able to allow blind individuals 
>> to listen to this content monthly? And the service is providing it for free, 
>> and all the sudden The free service becomes an issue, where Acento text 
>> service is still available? Just a thing to think about. Michael
>> PS, that was Serotec service is not a problem.
>> http://empoweringtheblind.com
>> Empowering the blind, one step at a time.
>> On Jan 20, 2013, at 7:29 PM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
>>> The same energy the Mice is using to  circulate stolen movies and the same 
>>> energy these folks are using to circulate stolen content could  be used to 
>>> insure that information gets circulated.
>>> The laws are new, have you any idea how many cable providers and satellites 
>>> companies would jump if people started calling and emailing, informing them 
>>> of the regulation and asking for what they are entitled to have as a paying 
>>> customer?
>>> Most  stuff is done because of ignorance industry wise.  You must 
>>> demonstrate that you are a market for those providing  content to that 
>>> market...and many benefit from audio descriptions, just like many benefit 
>>> from audio books or voice over or  etc.
>>> No matter what your income level or place in society you are a consumer. 
>>> they will take you seriously not because they should  to feel good, but 
>>> because you are a consumer...when more of you start acting like one that is.
>>> You pay their wages, buy their products and keep them functioning...never 
>>> mind your score on an eye chart.
>>> I appreciate   that you understand the  difference.
>>> Still, as with many groups in the human family, some are very invested in 
>>> the victim mentality.  I deserve to cheat on my wife / husband or to have 
>>> an e-book without copyright protection, or to get  stolen downl

Re: some big bang for alex, was Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Donna Goodin
Where the  did that come from?

I haven't made a single generalization about how others should or should not 
live, all that's come from you.  Or perhaps you don't consider accusing others 
of stealing passing judgment?

FWIW, I find my life to be quite wonderful, and yes, at times "unique and 
magical".  I just don't happen to believe that being comfortable streaming 
online content makes me a moral degenerate.

On Jan 21, 2013, at 8:49 AM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

> Donna,
> Why are you so invested in reducing every persons experience of sight loss to 
> your own?
> I think you discover every day, if you so choose that is,  that how one lives 
> with a situation is as unique and magical as they desire.
> I personally have climbed no mountains, played golf tennis, or gone skiing 
> lately...but I am not about to decide those who do this, and experience sight 
> loss, are less independent because they do.
> Perhaps you should examine for yourself what it is about other people doing 
> things differently that bothers you so much?
> Karen
> On Mon, 21 Jan 2013, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Karen,
>> Why are you so invested in insulting the rest of the world?  I think that 
>> you've made your point quite clearly.  The fact that some of us may not 
>> agree with you does not mean that we are all self-pitying, unscrupulous, 
>> thieves.
>> Donna
>> On Jan 21, 2013, at 8:22 AM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
>>> But it can.  even more independently than the reprehensible excuse for 
>>> stealing that is blindi-TV.
>>> Depending of course on how the individual in question experiences their 
>>> blindness and writes their dictionary of independence.
>>> Surely you do not think all  individuals with a sight loss diagnoses are 
>>> exactly the same?  the definition alone makes that perspective impossible, 
>>> limited,  and counter productive.
>>> As a post I shared ages back expressed, all humans are dependent on each  
>>> other in one fashion or another.   This is more beneficial  to understand 
>>> than creating false concepts of any experience that translate into 
>>> exclusion.  especially based on someone Else's definition of independence.
>>> us who? lol!
>>> On Mon, 21 Jan 2013, Donna Goodin wrote:
 But, if that content cannot be independently accessed by a blind 
 individual, then it's value to us decreases significantly.
 On Jan 20, 2013, at 10:47 PM, Karen Lewellen  
> consider asking for a supervisor Alex,  it is a Holiday down there 
> tomorrow smiles.
> Still it is support that the claim regarding described content being 
> virtually nonexistent made by the blinditv people  is very wrong.
> I feel sure the list is older, it goes back to early October of last year.
> the link from the aCB site which I can post too lists things by the day, 
> but it is a google drive application.
> I can share the link anyway though if there is interest .
> Karen
> On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Thanks for the lists. I'll have to call up Time Warner tomorrow and see 
>> what they have to say regarding enabling described content, then test it 
>> out Tuesday when Big Bang Theory is on (as that's the only show on the 
>> list that interests me). Who knows, they might have more content 
>> available now, though I doubt that the Syfy channel makes it into the 
>> top tier.
>> On Jan 20, 2013, at 11:35 PM, Karen Lewellen  
>> wrote:
>>> Okay,
>>> last one tonight.  a tiny bit of data and I do mean tiny.
>>> The 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of
>>> 2010 reinstates the FCC's involvement in providing rules for
>>> video description. Under the rules, affiliates in the top 25
>>> markets and the top five-rated cable networks will have to
>>> provide at least 50 hours of video described programming per
>>> quarter, starting July 1, 2012.^[8]
>>> this translates into at least 4 hours per week.
>>> Now, this is only a swift listing and is slightly dated.
>>> You will note that TBS  has big bang theory in reruns, given this
>>> list was about 3 months into the rules it makes sense that CBS would be 
>>> running them now too.
>>> ABC:
>>>  * Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23
>>>  * Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
>>>  * Happy Endings
>>>  * Last Man Standing
>>>  * The Middle
>>>  * Modern Family
>>>  * Nashville
>>>  * The Neighbors
>>>  * Secret Millionaire
>>>  * Shark Tank
>>>  * Suburgatory
>>> CBS:
>>>  * Criminal Minds
>>>  * CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
>>>  * NCIS
>>>  * NCIS: Los Angeles
>>> Disney Channel:
>>>  * A.N.T. Farm
>>>  * Austin & Ally
>>>  * Doc McStuffins
>>>  * Dog With a Blog
>>>  * Fish Hooks
>>>  * Good Luck Ch

Re: hotkeys for buttons in dialogs?

2013-01-21 Thread Alex Hall
I know about that feature, but I don't like to use it in case there are 
conflicts with app hotkeys.
On Jan 21, 2013, at 2:56 AM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> Just additional:
> CTRL + Option + CMD + eject = shut down Mac
> CTRL + CMD + eject = restart
> Option + CMD + eject = sleep mode
> To Alex: 
> Do you know of the "Quick Search" option in VoiceOver? If it's selected you 
> can use one of the CMD keys + the first letter of anything and VO brings you 
> to the next entry with this first letter. Means for dialogue boxes: pres CMD 
> + d for "Don't save" and CMD + s for "Save" or CMD + c for "Cancel". Works 
> rather good. You'll find the option in VoiceOver settings in "Navigation" 
> category.
> Sorry but I'm not able to explain it better in english. Hopefully you'll get 
> what I meant.
> Jürgen
> Am 21.01.2013 um 04:47 schrieb Danny Noonan :
>> Not quite but use modifiers with the power button to do the following.
>> Control + power = show shutdown dialog.
>> Option + Command + power = Sleep mode.
>> Control + Command + Power = quit  all applications and restart the computer.
>> Control + option + Command + Power = quit all applications and shut down the 
>> computer.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Danny:
>> On 21/01/2013, at 2:21 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Not just that. When you push the power button you get the dialog with 
>>> buttons for sleep, restart, shut down, and so forth. Do these have hotkdys 
>>> vo simply can't see?
>>> On Jan 20, 2013, at 10:17 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
 I've not found the hot keys yet.  I understand now what you  are asking 
 now if you close something before you finish it. 
 On 21 Jan 2013, at 03:12 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Saving was an example. Take, for instance, an email, When you close an 
> email without sending it, you are presented with a dialog with three 
> buttons to save a draft, don't save, or cancel. What I wonder is if this 
> and other dialogs all have hotkeys for the different buttons? I know 
> applications have hotkeys through menu items, but dialogs, by definition, 
> have no menus and therefore no menu items to bind to hotkeys.
> On Jan 20, 2013, at 9:55 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> You don't have a save button on the Mac. Once you have done something, 
>> just close the window and it's there for you next time. I prefer that to 
>> be honest.
>> On 21 Jan 2013, at 01:28 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I was reading through some of Apple's developer documentation and I 
>>> stumbled across a way to assign hotkeys to buttons in dialogs. For 
>>> instance, if a dialog comes up asking you to "save", "don't save", or 
>>> "cancel", you might hit cmd-d to activate "don't save". This is similar 
>>> to Windows' scheme of letting you press alt with a key to activate a 
>>> button in most dialogs. Ever since I started using the mac, the absence 
>>> of these access keys has bugged me, as they are such time-savers, 
>>> particularly in dialogs with a lot of buttons to tab or vo-arrow 
>>> through. However, having discovered that it is possible, at least 
>>> programmatically, to implement access keys, I have to wonder if these 
>>> keys are available, but simply not announced by Voiceover? Is there a 
>>> setting that will let vo speak the keys, much like NVDA or Jaws on 
>>> Windows will say something like "save button, alt plus s"? Or is the 
>>> case simply that, while access keys are possible, no one uses them? 
>>> Thanks.
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>>> mehg...@gmail.com
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> mehg...@gmail.com
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> macvisiona

Re: some big bang for alex, was Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Christine Grassman
I have to agree. I have a quite unpitying view of my blindness and am fiercely 
independent. But four hours of described television is not equality, and not 
being able to access it regardless of how much is ostensibly available is 
separate but equal, and not even that. Furthermore, where I live, it is more 
likely that Spanish is on the secondary audio channel than audio description. 
Further still, my 2003 television does not have one, nor does my DVD player. Is 
it then necessary for blind people to purchase expensive, new equipment to 
avail ourselves of the "crumbs at the table" that are dropped in grudging 
acquiescence of government enforcement? 
During the time of the civil rights movement, there were plenty of those who 
opined that the "victim mentality" was at the heart of the unequal treatment of 
I agree  that the trump card of victim status is wielded far too often -- but 
in this case, civil disobedience of the kind Mark discussed is far different 
than the piracy rampant on the Internet. 
AS I have stated here before, even when books are available on bookshare.org, 
when they are available now on the Nook site or iBooks, I will purchase them. 
However, when the scale is balanced precariously against me, and those with 
whom I share a particular characteristic, regardless of our values, approach to 
that characteristic, etc., I will not worry about the details: this has been 
doable for quite a long time, and it is our due as payers of cable and 
satellite services. 
Those who cannot access streaming to the same extent also have a valid point. 
If my two blind children cannot, without assistance, avail themselves of the 
description as well, this is clearly an unequal situation: perhaps, when they 
cannot receive all of their materials in their preferred media -- digital or 
Braille, but someone is wiling to read to them, they should not think of 
themselves as "victims" and I am as well, when I demand that they access their 
materials independently, as do their sighted peers. What if there were a law 
which stated, "All boloind students should have access to twenty percent of the 
materials at school," and there were a way for them to access the material 
through "stolen" means? Should the rules be different merely because this is 
entertainment rather than education?
Life encompasses all facets: enjoyment, practicalality, and so forth. 
I for one do not believe in the cudgel of ideology and labels for  those who 
want -- and deserve -- equal access.
On Jan 21, 2013, at 9:36 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Karen,
> Why are you so invested in insulting the rest of the world?  I think that 
> you've made your point quite clearly.  The fact that some of us may not agree 
> with you does not mean that we are all self-pitying, unscrupulous, thieves.
> Donna
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 8:22 AM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
>> But it can.  even more independently than the reprehensible excuse for 
>> stealing that is blindi-TV.
>> Depending of course on how the individual in question experiences their 
>> blindness and writes their dictionary of independence.
>> Surely you do not think all  individuals with a sight loss diagnoses are 
>> exactly the same?  the definition alone makes that perspective impossible, 
>> limited,  and counter productive.
>> As a post I shared ages back expressed, all humans are dependent on each  
>> other in one fashion or another.   This is more beneficial  to understand 
>> than creating false concepts of any experience that translate into 
>> exclusion.  especially based on someone Else's definition of independence.
>> us who? lol!
>> On Mon, 21 Jan 2013, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> But, if that content cannot be independently accessed by a blind 
>>> individual, then it's value to us decreases significantly.
>>> Donna
>>> On Jan 20, 2013, at 10:47 PM, Karen Lewellen  
>>> wrote:
 consider asking for a supervisor Alex,  it is a Holiday down there 
 tomorrow smiles.
 Still it is support that the claim regarding described content being 
 virtually nonexistent made by the blinditv people  is very wrong.
 I feel sure the list is older, it goes back to early October of last year.
 the link from the aCB site which I can post too lists things by the day, 
 but it is a google drive application.
 I can share the link anyway though if there is interest .
 On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Alex Hall wrote:
> Thanks for the lists. I'll have to call up Time Warner tomorrow and see 
> what they have to say regarding enabling described content, then test it 
> out Tuesday when Big Bang Theory is on (as that's the only show on the 
> list that interests me). Who knows, they might have more content 
> available now, though I doubt that the Syfy channel makes it into the top 
> tier.
> On Jan 20, 2013, at 11:35 PM, Karen Lewellen  
> wrote:
>> Okay,
>> last on

Mike H a question regarding YoruFukurou.

2013-01-21 Thread Michael Huckabay

Hi I'm wandering if anny one on list could help me out.
I want to make list for twitter in YoruFukurou and was wandering how you go 
about doing it in the app.
I follow a lot of people and it would be nice to filter people into different 
lists regarding on what I want to see or not.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

Re: some big bang for alex, was Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Karen Lewellen

read your own posts Donna, particularly those about the value "to *us.*"
what *us* can you possibly mean?
Many in this thread have stated plainly that they have no problem 
whatsoever breaking any law they feel prevents them from having 
something they want, using and stealing protected content...by your 
dictionary then, they are  included in your "*us*."
My point has been that for *me* personally there is no relationship 
between comfort and stealing, the same can be achieved without the use of stolen property, 
and the same is already done over the airways.  The latter particularly 
is something the blindi-TV people are telling lies about in an effort to 
attract people to their site.
I documented for those who asked the existence daily of described content 
fully and legally available.  Reachable without violating any laws and if 
supported possibly matching even your idea of comfort depending on how 
you define comfort.
My point has been, and I have no issue whatsoever owning my opinions 
without the need to create an *us* around them is that the content is there.  support the content legally and there can be more of it, faster and 
easier.  Demonstrate that those  who have copyright concerns have a reason 
to fear, supporting  a service rooting its activity in lies for example, and 
you justify  the copyright holders concerns.

I cannot speak to your personal Morals Donna, I can say though that I 
respect your right to them. as long as you do not project them on to me 
by way of an association that does not exist between ahem *us* .  at all.  As 
long as you do not use them to justify violating the rights of others for 
the sake of your personal comfort...including me or anyone else in your 
definition of personal comfort.
 I leave you to read your own posts and discover where that 
came from, and examine within yourself why it is so hard for *you* to own your  choices without needing to create an *us* to support them.

I know  firmly that nothing you say here applies to me already smiles.
The only thing we have in common is our humanity and the freedom to live 
differently that comes along with it.
You say, reduces the value for *us* not reduces the value for me 
personally.  If you cannot understand or choose not to understand the 
difference in that sentence...well.

On Mon, 21 Jan 2013, Donna Goodin wrote:

Where the  did that come from?

I haven't made a single generalization about how others should or should not 
live, all that's come from you.  Or perhaps you don't consider accusing others 
of stealing passing judgment?

FWIW, I find my life to be quite wonderful, and yes, at times "unique and 
magical".  I just don't happen to believe that being comfortable streaming online 
content makes me a moral degenerate.

On Jan 21, 2013, at 8:49 AM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

Why are you so invested in reducing every persons experience of sight loss to 
your own?
I think you discover every day, if you so choose that is,  that how one lives 
with a situation is as unique and magical as they desire.
I personally have climbed no mountains, played golf tennis, or gone skiing 
lately...but I am not about to decide those who do this, and experience sight 
loss, are less independent because they do.
Perhaps you should examine for yourself what it is about other people doing 
things differently that bothers you so much?


On Mon, 21 Jan 2013, Donna Goodin wrote:


Why are you so invested in insulting the rest of the world?  I think that 
you've made your point quite clearly.  The fact that some of us may not agree 
with you does not mean that we are all self-pitying, unscrupulous, thieves.
On Jan 21, 2013, at 8:22 AM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

But it can.  even more independently than the reprehensible excuse for stealing 
that is blindi-TV.
Depending of course on how the individual in question experiences their 
blindness and writes their dictionary of independence.
Surely you do not think all  individuals with a sight loss diagnoses are 
exactly the same?  the definition alone makes that perspective impossible, 
limited,  and counter productive.
As a post I shared ages back expressed, all humans are dependent on each  other 
in one fashion or another.   This is more beneficial  to understand than 
creating false concepts of any experience that translate into exclusion.  
especially based on someone Else's definition of independence.

us who? lol!

On Mon, 21 Jan 2013, Donna Goodin wrote:

But, if that content cannot be independently accessed by a blind individual, 
then it's value to us decreases significantly.
On Jan 20, 2013, at 10:47 PM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

consider asking for a supervisor Alex,  it is a Holiday down there tomorrow 
Still it is support that the claim regarding described content being virtually 
nonexistent made by the blinditv people  is very wrong.
I feel sure the list is older, it goes back to early October of last year.

Re: some big bang for alex, was Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Devin Prater
Well, the thing for me is, that if I can get the DVS on the TV, then fine, 
wonderful. I'll surely use it sometimes. But what about when I'm at school, and 
I want to watch something? I go to a blind school, so I stay in a dorm all 
through the week. What do I do there? All the other kids watch spungebob or 
whatever, so I just mainly stream my content, which up to now has just been 
music and stuff, which I didn't really stream but rather just got from iTunes. 
But now that I'm slightly interested in the whole TV thing, what is there 
there? No one at the school knows about the whole FCC thing, and I really don't 
think they'd go through the trouble of getting it on there TVs. Must I pay for 
Serotek, when the sited get the same and much more content when they want it? I 
know for a fact that Serotek doesn't have all the star trek episodes that have 
been described. I am also curious as to where they got the content they do have 
from. Would it be possible that they have it illegally, and we are paying for 
an illegal service?
On Jan 21, 2013, at 9:57 AM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

> read your own posts Donna, particularly those about the value "to *us.*"
> what *us* can you possibly mean?
> Many in this thread have stated plainly that they have no problem whatsoever 
> breaking any law they feel prevents them from having something they want, 
> using and stealing protected content...by your dictionary then, they are  
> included in your "*us*."
> My point has been that for *me* personally there is no relationship between 
> comfort and stealing, the same can be achieved without the use of stolen 
> property, and the same is already done over the airways.  The latter 
> particularly is something the blindi-TV people are telling lies about in an 
> effort to attract people to their site.
> I documented for those who asked the existence daily of described content 
> fully and legally available.  Reachable without violating any laws and if 
> supported possibly matching even your idea of comfort depending on how you 
> define comfort.
> My point has been, and I have no issue whatsoever owning my opinions without 
> the need to create an *us* around them is that the content is there.  support 
> the content legally and there can be more of it, faster and easier.  
> Demonstrate that those  who have copyright concerns have a reason to fear, 
> supporting  a service rooting its activity in lies for example, and you 
> justify  the copyright holders concerns.
> I cannot speak to your personal Morals Donna, I can say though that I respect 
> your right to them. as long as you do not project them on to me by way of an 
> association that does not exist between ahem *us* .  at all.  As long as you 
> do not use them to justify violating the rights of others for the sake of 
> your personal comfort...including me or anyone else in your definition of 
> personal comfort.
> I leave you to read your own posts and discover where that came from, and 
> examine within yourself why it is so hard for *you* to own your  choices 
> without needing to create an *us* to support them.
> I know  firmly that nothing you say here applies to me already smiles.
> The only thing we have in common is our humanity and the freedom to live 
> differently that comes along with it.
> You say, reduces the value for *us* not reduces the value for me personally.  
> If you cannot understand or choose not to understand the difference in that 
> sentence...well.
> On Mon, 21 Jan 2013, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Where the  did that come from?
>> I haven't made a single generalization about how others should or should not 
>> live, all that's come from you.  Or perhaps you don't consider accusing 
>> others of stealing passing judgment?
>> FWIW, I find my life to be quite wonderful, and yes, at times "unique and 
>> magical".  I just don't happen to believe that being comfortable streaming 
>> online content makes me a moral degenerate.
>> Donna
>> On Jan 21, 2013, at 8:49 AM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
>>> Donna,
>>> Why are you so invested in reducing every persons experience of sight loss 
>>> to your own?
>>> I think you discover every day, if you so choose that is,  that how one 
>>> lives with a situation is as unique and magical as they desire.
>>> I personally have climbed no mountains, played golf tennis, or gone skiing 
>>> lately...but I am not about to decide those who do this, and experience 
>>> sight loss, are less independent because they do.
>>> Perhaps you should examine for yourself what it is about other people doing 
>>> things differently that bothers you so much?
>>> Karen
>>> On Mon, 21 Jan 2013, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Why are you so invested in insulting the rest of the world?  I think that 
 you've made your point quite clearly.  The fact that some of us may not 
 agree with you does not mean that we are all self-pitying, unscrupulous, 

Re: some big bang for alex, was Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Christine Grassman
I know that in the UK, quite a lot of movies and television programs are 
described. Given that much of the audio description, except that done by WGBH, 
is narrated by a British narrator, I imagine most of it comes from the UK.
I think the main bone of contention here is "legally and fully available". 
*Some* (quite minimal) content is legally available, but for most, even these 
crumbs are not fully accessible, and for most, not accessible at all. 
Living in a household which consists of four blind and visually impaired 
people, I resent paying the fees for TWC that I do while not being able to 
watch programming which is described. My children cannot get as much out of 
documentaries they are directed to watch by their teachers. At school, a 
teacher or fellow student is available to describe for them, but not at home.
This is unacceptable; I am paying the same as my neighbors, but am receiving 
much, much less for my money. Further, the tech folks at TWC haven't a clue 
what audio description is (ditto supervisors). 
Fully available? Not according to my dictionary or experience.
As pointed out previously, not everyone has modern equipment with a secondary 
audio channel, and many places choose a foregoing language feed rather than 
description, in the rare cases when the latter is in fact "legally available".

On Jan 21, 2013, at 11:06 AM, Devin Prater  wrote:

> Well, the thing for me is, that if I can get the DVS on the TV, then fine, 
> wonderful. I'll surely use it sometimes. But what about when I'm at school, 
> and I want to watch something? I go to a blind school, so I stay in a dorm 
> all through the week. What do I do there? All the other kids watch spungebob 
> or whatever, so I just mainly stream my content, which up to now has just 
> been music and stuff, which I didn't really stream but rather just got from 
> iTunes. But now that I'm slightly interested in the whole TV thing, what is 
> there there? No one at the school knows about the whole FCC thing, and I 
> really don't think they'd go through the trouble of getting it on there TVs. 
> Must I pay for Serotek, when the sited get the same and much more content 
> when they want it? I know for a fact that Serotek doesn't have all the star 
> trek episodes that have been described. I am also curious as to where they 
> got the content they do have from. Would it be possible that they have it 
> illegally, and we are paying for an illegal service?
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 9:57 AM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
>> read your own posts Donna, particularly those about the value "to *us.*"
>> what *us* can you possibly mean?
>> Many in this thread have stated plainly that they have no problem whatsoever 
>> breaking any law they feel prevents them from having something they want, 
>> using and stealing protected content...by your dictionary then, they are  
>> included in your "*us*."
>> My point has been that for *me* personally there is no relationship between 
>> comfort and stealing, the same can be achieved without the use of stolen 
>> property, and the same is already done over the airways.  The latter 
>> particularly is something the blindi-TV people are telling lies about in an 
>> effort to attract people to their site.
>> I documented for those who asked the existence daily of described content 
>> fully and legally available.  Reachable without violating any laws and if 
>> supported possibly matching even your idea of comfort depending on how you 
>> define comfort.
>> My point has been, and I have no issue whatsoever owning my opinions without 
>> the need to create an *us* around them is that the content is there.  
>> support the content legally and there can be more of it, faster and easier.  
>> Demonstrate that those  who have copyright concerns have a reason to fear, 
>> supporting  a service rooting its activity in lies for example, and you 
>> justify  the copyright holders concerns.
>> I cannot speak to your personal Morals Donna, I can say though that I 
>> respect your right to them. as long as you do not project them on to me by 
>> way of an association that does not exist between ahem *us* .  at all.  As 
>> long as you do not use them to justify violating the rights of others for 
>> the sake of your personal comfort...including me or anyone else in your 
>> definition of personal comfort.
>> I leave you to read your own posts and discover where that came from, and 
>> examine within yourself why it is so hard for *you* to own your  choices 
>> without needing to create an *us* to support them.
>> I know  firmly that nothing you say here applies to me already smiles.
>> The only thing we have in common is our humanity and the freedom to live 
>> differently that comes along with it.
>> You say, reduces the value for *us* not reduces the value for me personally. 
>>  If you cannot understand or choose not to understand the difference in that 
>> sentence...well.
>> On Mon, 21 Jan 2013, Donna Goo

Re: some big bang for alex, was Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Devin Prater
Then the whole secondary audio isn't all what its cracked up to be?
On Jan 21, 2013, at 10:19 AM, Christine Grassman  

> I know that in the UK, quite a lot of movies and television programs are 
> described. Given that much of the audio description, except that done by 
> WGBH, is narrated by a British narrator, I imagine most of it comes from the 
> UK.
> I think the main bone of contention here is "legally and fully available". 
> *Some* (quite minimal) content is legally available, but for most, even these 
> crumbs are not fully accessible, and for most, not accessible at all. 
> Living in a household which consists of four blind and visually impaired 
> people, I resent paying the fees for TWC that I do while not being able to 
> watch programming which is described. My children cannot get as much out of 
> documentaries they are directed to watch by their teachers. At school, a 
> teacher or fellow student is available to describe for them, but not at home.
> This is unacceptable; I am paying the same as my neighbors, but am receiving 
> much, much less for my money. Further, the tech folks at TWC haven't a clue 
> what audio description is (ditto supervisors). 
> Fully available? Not according to my dictionary or experience.
> As pointed out previously, not everyone has modern equipment with a secondary 
> audio channel, and many places choose a foregoing language feed rather than 
> description, in the rare cases when the latter is in fact "legally available".
> Christine
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 11:06 AM, Devin Prater  wrote:
>> Well, the thing for me is, that if I can get the DVS on the TV, then fine, 
>> wonderful. I'll surely use it sometimes. But what about when I'm at school, 
>> and I want to watch something? I go to a blind school, so I stay in a dorm 
>> all through the week. What do I do there? All the other kids watch spungebob 
>> or whatever, so I just mainly stream my content, which up to now has just 
>> been music and stuff, which I didn't really stream but rather just got from 
>> iTunes. But now that I'm slightly interested in the whole TV thing, what is 
>> there there? No one at the school knows about the whole FCC thing, and I 
>> really don't think they'd go through the trouble of getting it on there TVs. 
>> Must I pay for Serotek, when the sited get the same and much more content 
>> when they want it? I know for a fact that Serotek doesn't have all the star 
>> trek episodes that have been described. I am also curious as to where they 
>> got the content they do have from. Would it be possible that they have it 
>> illegally, and we are paying for an illegal service?
>> On Jan 21, 2013, at 9:57 AM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
>>> read your own posts Donna, particularly those about the value "to *us.*"
>>> what *us* can you possibly mean?
>>> Many in this thread have stated plainly that they have no problem 
>>> whatsoever breaking any law they feel prevents them from having something 
>>> they want, using and stealing protected content...by your dictionary then, 
>>> they are  included in your "*us*."
>>> My point has been that for *me* personally there is no relationship between 
>>> comfort and stealing, the same can be achieved without the use of stolen 
>>> property, and the same is already done over the airways.  The latter 
>>> particularly is something the blindi-TV people are telling lies about in an 
>>> effort to attract people to their site.
>>> I documented for those who asked the existence daily of described content 
>>> fully and legally available.  Reachable without violating any laws and if 
>>> supported possibly matching even your idea of comfort depending on how you 
>>> define comfort.
>>> My point has been, and I have no issue whatsoever owning my opinions 
>>> without the need to create an *us* around them is that the content is 
>>> there.  support the content legally and there can be more of it, faster and 
>>> easier.  Demonstrate that those  who have copyright concerns have a reason 
>>> to fear, supporting  a service rooting its activity in lies for example, 
>>> and you justify  the copyright holders concerns.
>>> I cannot speak to your personal Morals Donna, I can say though that I 
>>> respect your right to them. as long as you do not project them on to me by 
>>> way of an association that does not exist between ahem *us* .  at all.  As 
>>> long as you do not use them to justify violating the rights of others for 
>>> the sake of your personal comfort...including me or anyone else in your 
>>> definition of personal comfort.
>>> I leave you to read your own posts and discover where that came from, and 
>>> examine within yourself why it is so hard for *you* to own your  choices 
>>> without needing to create an *us* to support them.
>>> I know  firmly that nothing you say here applies to me already smiles.
>>> The only thing we have in common is our humanity and the freedom to live 
>>> differently that comes along with it.

Re: tip for amadeus pro

2013-01-21 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Garth,

Good to know. So when you set the marker, which of the available keystrokes for 
that do you use? Also, is there an easy way to skim through an audio file in 
amadeus pro, in larger increments than with the right arrow alone? Or do we 
have a way to configure the right arrow jump increments?

On Jan 21, 2013, at 11:16 AM, Garth Humphreys  wrote:

> Hey Paul 
> This is exactly right. There is no need to set a marker for this sort of 
> thing. I briefly showed the technique in a recent podcast.  It also applies 
> when cutting a bit of audio out of the middle of a track, you only need to 
> set a marker at one end of the section you want to cut, than go to the other 
> end and command Y to bring the insertion point to play head and command arrow 
> to the marker at the other end. You will than have the desired section 
> selected and ready for deleting or whatever you want. 
> Garth 
> www.iblindtech.com/
> Search for iBlindTech in iTunes or your favourite pod catcher to subscribe to 
> the iBlindTech Democast.
> Send email to iblindt...@gmail.com
> Follow me on twitter @iBlindTech or @iBlindTechDemo for just the podcast info.
> On 21/01/2013, at 8:07 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>> Hi Amadeus and VoiceOver users,
>> Here's a quick tip if you want to cut audio from either end of a file. I've 
>> seen many descriptions, most of them mentioning that you have to set a 
>> marker. But what I do works quick. Say I want to cut off the start of a 
>> file, say the first minute. I play and skip till I'm at the right spot, I 
>> then get the cursor over to the playhead with command y, then do command 
>> left arrow to select from here to the beginning, and then backspace to 
>> delete. Done.
>> Likewise, to cut off the end of a file, I skip and play till I am at the 
>> spot where I want to cut the audio, then you do command y to get the edit 
>> cursor over to the playhead, then command right, which selects from here to 
>> the end of the file, then delete or backsppace. Gone. Quick and clean. So go 
>> to the spot, command y, command arrow, and backspace.
>> Hth.
>> Paul.
>> -- 
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RE: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread wayne coles
Hello in the uk ad is very good and there is a wide choice
of programmes to listen to and could a kind person please repost the link as
I deleted the email by accident thanks in advance 


From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Shawn Krasniuk
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 2:45 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it


I'm not complaining. I love Blindy.tv. Out here in Canada, we only get one
descriptive video channel, AMI, channel 888 over here and the content that
it has doesn't interest me much. With blindy.tv, I can listen to the
Simpsons while I'm playing RS Games thanks to them adding all 5 of their
streams. And also, I think their commercials in between shows are
hillarious. Actually, I recognize those commercials. They're from Grand
Theft Autos 3, Vice City, San Andreas, and 4. It's a great service, so don't



Sent from my white Mac Book


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Re: Exporting feeds from itunes into an opml file?

2013-01-21 Thread matthew Dyer
Hi Ester,

Thanks I qwill give this a shot and see how it works.

matthew Dyer

matthew Dyer

Sent from my mac mini.
 e-mail/msn: ilovecountrymusic...@gmail.com
Skype: graduater 2004
Follow me on  twitter at mdyer1.
Facebook: ilovecountrymusic...@gmail.com
Find me on zello  at graduater2004.

On Jan 21, 2013, at 8:22 AM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Matthew,
> Assuming you have the iTunes sidebar showing (Command-Option-S
> shortcut In iTunes 11 to toggle this view between show and hide),
> navigate to podcasts in the sidebar, bring up the contextual menu with
> VO-Shift-M, and select "Export". You'll want to specify a format of
> "OPML" in the "Format" pop up menu bar.  The name and location for
> saving the exported file can be specified as you choose, but I think
> the default save location is the iTunes Media folder, and you might
> want to change that to your Desktop (Command-Shift-D) or Documents
> folder (Command-Shift-O), or other such location. (You'll notice all
> Finder navigation shortcuts work here.). The default name of
> "Podcasts.opml" is fine -- just make sure that you change the format
> to OPML if you want to import this list for use in another podcatching
> application.  You can leave this as text if just want to read this as
> a list instead of using it in an application, but I'm assuming that's
> not what you want to do.
> HTH. Cheers,
> Esther
> On Jan 20, 4:01 pm, matthew Dyer 
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Yesterday I wanted to export my podcast feeds from itunes but could not 
>> figure out how to do this.  Any ideas on how to go about this?
>> Matthew
>> matthew Dyer
>> matthew Dyer
>> Sent from my mac mini.
>>  e-mail/msn: ilovecountrymusic...@gmail.com
>> Skype: graduater 2004
>> Follow me on  twitter at mdyer1.
>> Facebook: ilovecountrymusic...@gmail.com
>> Find me on zello  at graduater2004.
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Ray Foret Jr
with correct punctuation, here is the link.


The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 21, 2013, at 10:58 AM, "wayne coles"  wrote:

> Hello in the uk ad is very good and there is a wide choice of 
> programmes to listen to and could a kind person please repost the link as I 
> deleted the email by accident thanks in advance
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com]On Behalf Of Shawn Krasniuk
> Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 2:45 AM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it
> I'm not complaining. I love Blindy.tv. Out here in Canada, we only get one 
> descriptive video channel, AMI, channel 888 over here and the content that it 
> has doesn't interest me much. With blindy.tv, I can listen to the Simpsons 
> while I'm playing RS Games thanks to them adding all 5 of their streams. And 
> also, I think their commercials in between shows are hillarious. Actually, I 
> recognize those commercials. They're from Grand Theft Autos 3, Vice City, San 
> Andreas, and 4. It's a great service, so don't complain.
> Shawn
> Sent from my white Mac Book
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email 
> tomacvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit this group 
> athttp://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: some big bang for alex, was Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Donna Goodin
I am not a lawyer, so do not write the following from a legal perspective, but 
rather from one of personal ethics.

For me, this is not an issue of civil disobedience.  there are basically two 
factors that figure in my assessment of this service.

1.  Most important, it is a streaming service.  None of us can "steal" 
anything, when a show is over it's over.  I cannot download any content, and 
there is no new content that resides on my PC.  I can't decide that I want to 
watch a certain episode of Big Bang Theory whenever I want, I can only watch 
whatever content is being streamed.  In that respect it is no different from 
Tune-In, Ootoonz, etc.

2.  For me, and I imagine that for many, use of this service will serve as an 
additional option, not a replacement.  In my case, that means we will continue 
our paid cable subscription, and our subscription to Netflix.  So, my streaming 
Blindy TV on occasion will have no negative consequences at all for the 
television industry.  If I'm not harming anyone else, and not obtaining content 
than why not use it?

We all make decisions every day about how we respond to laws.  I've worked on 
college campuses for years, and couldn't begin to estimate the number of 
students who regularly just walk across the street, paying no heed to traffic.  
That is a violation of the law.  And moreover, it's one I disagree with, 
largely for reasons of their personal well-being.  Yet you haven't yet seen a 
campaign to round every one of those students up and put them in jail.  So, 
it's a violation of the law that society has tacitly agreed to tolerate, though 
we may think those students are exercising very poor judgment sometimes.  If 
Karen truly obeys every single law to the letter, she's one of a very small 
handful of people.
On Jan 21, 2013, at 10:19 AM, Christine Grassman  

> I know that in the UK, quite a lot of movies and television programs are 
> described. Given that much of the audio description, except that done by 
> WGBH, is narrated by a British narrator, I imagine most of it comes from the 
> UK.
> I think the main bone of contention here is "legally and fully available". 
> *Some* (quite minimal) content is legally available, but for most, even these 
> crumbs are not fully accessible, and for most, not accessible at all. 
> Living in a household which consists of four blind and visually impaired 
> people, I resent paying the fees for TWC that I do while not being able to 
> watch programming which is described. My children cannot get as much out of 
> documentaries they are directed to watch by their teachers. At school, a 
> teacher or fellow student is available to describe for them, but not at home.
> This is unacceptable; I am paying the same as my neighbors, but am receiving 
> much, much less for my money. Further, the tech folks at TWC haven't a clue 
> what audio description is (ditto supervisors). 
> Fully available? Not according to my dictionary or experience.
> As pointed out previously, not everyone has modern equipment with a secondary 
> audio channel, and many places choose a foregoing language feed rather than 
> description, in the rare cases when the latter is in fact "legally available".
> Christine
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 11:06 AM, Devin Prater  wrote:
>> Well, the thing for me is, that if I can get the DVS on the TV, then fine, 
>> wonderful. I'll surely use it sometimes. But what about when I'm at school, 
>> and I want to watch something? I go to a blind school, so I stay in a dorm 
>> all through the week. What do I do there? All the other kids watch spungebob 
>> or whatever, so I just mainly stream my content, which up to now has just 
>> been music and stuff, which I didn't really stream but rather just got from 
>> iTunes. But now that I'm slightly interested in the whole TV thing, what is 
>> there there? No one at the school knows about the whole FCC thing, and I 
>> really don't think they'd go through the trouble of getting it on there TVs. 
>> Must I pay for Serotek, when the sited get the same and much more content 
>> when they want it? I know for a fact that Serotek doesn't have all the star 
>> trek episodes that have been described. I am also curious as to where they 
>> got the content they do have from. Would it be possible that they have it 
>> illegally, and we are paying for an illegal service?
>> On Jan 21, 2013, at 9:57 AM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
>>> read your own posts Donna, particularly those about the value "to *us.*"
>>> what *us* can you possibly mean?
>>> Many in this thread have stated plainly that they have no problem 
>>> whatsoever breaking any law they feel prevents them from having something 
>>> they want, using and stealing protected content...by your dictionary then, 
>>> they are  included in your "*us*."
>>> My point has been that for *me* personally there is no relationship between 
>>> comfort and stealing, the same can be achieved without the use of stolen 

Re: some big bang for alex, was Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Devin Prater
Well, if we could just pay the content industry for cable, and they would just 
recognize that these services are pretty much our way of using cable, and 
provide all their described content to blindy.tv, I think that could work fine. 
And as for the whole recording thing, it always can happen. When I was younger, 
I would record bits of TV shows with a small tape recorder I had. No one cared 
at all. The same could always happen for this as well, although I would just be 
happy with having the content. If there is a good, reasonably content-rich 
legal way, then sure. I'd gladly do things the legal way, just as I get my 
music from iTunes, my books from iBooks and bookshare, I would gladly pay a 
little to get full, and I mean truly content-rich services for watching 
described TV. I don't know if Serotek is really legal, but I do know that they 
don't have all the content. The whole FCC thing, besides being hard for a blind 
person on their own to do, only provides a little described content. Besides 
that, we can't stream it. I think the only way we can really get it accessibly 
is through one of those $600 Google TVs. Even that seems a bit uncertain. So, 
what other way do we have? I really wish the folks at blind.tv would let us at 
least pay the content a little to the content holders, but until the legal 
stuffs becomes truly usable, what do we do?
On Jan 21, 2013, at 10:54 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> I am not a lawyer, so do not write the following from a legal perspective, 
> but rather from one of personal ethics.
> For me, this is not an issue of civil disobedience.  there are basically two 
> factors that figure in my assessment of this service.
> 1.  Most important, it is a streaming service.  None of us can "steal" 
> anything, when a show is over it's over.  I cannot download any content, and 
> there is no new content that resides on my PC.  I can't decide that I want to 
> watch a certain episode of Big Bang Theory whenever I want, I can only watch 
> whatever content is being streamed.  In that respect it is no different from 
> Tune-In, Ootoonz, etc.
> 2.  For me, and I imagine that for many, use of this service will serve as an 
> additional option, not a replacement.  In my case, that means we will 
> continue our paid cable subscription, and our subscription to Netflix.  So, 
> my streaming Blindy TV on occasion will have no negative consequences at all 
> for the television industry.  If I'm not harming anyone else, and not 
> obtaining content than why not use it?
> We all make decisions every day about how we respond to laws.  I've worked on 
> college campuses for years, and couldn't begin to estimate the number of 
> students who regularly just walk across the street, paying no heed to 
> traffic.  That is a violation of the law.  And moreover, it's one I disagree 
> with, largely for reasons of their personal well-being.  Yet you haven't yet 
> seen a campaign to round every one of those students up and put them in jail. 
>  So, it's a violation of the law that society has tacitly agreed to tolerate, 
> though we may think those students are exercising very poor judgment 
> sometimes.  If Karen truly obeys every single law to the letter, she's one of 
> a very small handful of people.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 10:19 AM, Christine Grassman  
> wrote:
>> I know that in the UK, quite a lot of movies and television programs are 
>> described. Given that much of the audio description, except that done by 
>> WGBH, is narrated by a British narrator, I imagine most of it comes from the 
>> UK.
>> I think the main bone of contention here is "legally and fully available". 
>> *Some* (quite minimal) content is legally available, but for most, even 
>> these crumbs are not fully accessible, and for most, not accessible at all. 
>> Living in a household which consists of four blind and visually impaired 
>> people, I resent paying the fees for TWC that I do while not being able to 
>> watch programming which is described. My children cannot get as much out of 
>> documentaries they are directed to watch by their teachers. At school, a 
>> teacher or fellow student is available to describe for them, but not at home.
>> This is unacceptable; I am paying the same as my neighbors, but am receiving 
>> much, much less for my money. Further, the tech folks at TWC haven't a clue 
>> what audio description is (ditto supervisors). 
>> Fully available? Not according to my dictionary or experience.
>> As pointed out previously, not everyone has modern equipment with a 
>> secondary audio channel, and many places choose a foregoing language feed 
>> rather than description, in the rare cases when the latter is in fact 
>> "legally available".
>> Christine
>> On Jan 21, 2013, at 11:06 AM, Devin Prater  wrote:
>>> Well, the thing for me is, that if I can get the DVS on the TV, then fine, 
>>> wonderful. I'll surely use it sometimes. But what about when I'm at school, 

Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Devin Prater
See, you folks in the UK have it so well! You don't have the greedy book 
publishers putting DRM on your books from the RNIB, like we have on the NLS. 
You have described content everywhere, its amazing. 
On Jan 21, 2013, at 10:58 AM, wayne coles  wrote:

> Hello in the uk ad is very good and there is a wide choice of 
> programmes to listen to and could a kind person please repost the link as I 
> deleted the email by accident thanks in advance
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
> [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf OfShawn Krasniuk
> Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 2:45 AM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it
> I'm not complaining. I love Blindy.tv. Out here in Canada, we only get one 
> descriptive video channel, AMI, channel 888 over here and the content that it 
> has doesn't interest me much. With blindy.tv, I can listen to the Simpsons 
> while I'm playing RS Games thanks to them adding all 5 of their streams. And 
> also, I think their commercials in between shows are hillarious. Actually, I 
> recognize those commercials. They're from Grand Theft Autos 3, Vice City, San 
> Andreas, and 4. It's a great service, so don't complain.
> Shawn
> Sent from my white Mac Book
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Re: some big bang for alex, was Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Danny Noonan
Well said. 


Sent from my phone

On 22/01/2013, at 1:36 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Karen,
> Why are you so invested in insulting the rest of the world?  I think that 
> you've made your point quite clearly.  The fact that some of us may not agree 
> with you does not mean that we are all self-pitying, unscrupulous, thieves.
> Donna
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 8:22 AM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
>> But it can.  even more independently than the reprehensible excuse for 
>> stealing that is blindi-TV.
>> Depending of course on how the individual in question experiences their 
>> blindness and writes their dictionary of independence.
>> Surely you do not think all  individuals with a sight loss diagnoses are 
>> exactly the same?  the definition alone makes that perspective impossible, 
>> limited,  and counter productive.
>> As a post I shared ages back expressed, all humans are dependent on each  
>> other in one fashion or another.   This is more beneficial  to understand 
>> than creating false concepts of any experience that translate into 
>> exclusion.  especially based on someone Else's definition of independence.
>> us who? lol!
>> On Mon, 21 Jan 2013, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> But, if that content cannot be independently accessed by a blind 
>>> individual, then it's value to us decreases significantly.
>>> Donna
>>> On Jan 20, 2013, at 10:47 PM, Karen Lewellen  
>>> wrote:
 consider asking for a supervisor Alex,  it is a Holiday down there 
 tomorrow smiles.
 Still it is support that the claim regarding described content being 
 virtually nonexistent made by the blinditv people  is very wrong.
 I feel sure the list is older, it goes back to early October of last year.
 the link from the aCB site which I can post too lists things by the day, 
 but it is a google drive application.
 I can share the link anyway though if there is interest .
 On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Alex Hall wrote:
> Thanks for the lists. I'll have to call up Time Warner tomorrow and see 
> what they have to say regarding enabling described content, then test it 
> out Tuesday when Big Bang Theory is on (as that's the only show on the 
> list that interests me). Who knows, they might have more content 
> available now, though I doubt that the Syfy channel makes it into the top 
> tier.
> On Jan 20, 2013, at 11:35 PM, Karen Lewellen  
> wrote:
>> Okay,
>> last one tonight.  a tiny bit of data and I do mean tiny.
>> The 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of
>> 2010 reinstates the FCC's involvement in providing rules for
>> video description. Under the rules, affiliates in the top 25
>> markets and the top five-rated cable networks will have to
>> provide at least 50 hours of video described programming per
>> quarter, starting July 1, 2012.^[8]
>> this translates into at least 4 hours per week.
>> Now, this is only a swift listing and is slightly dated.
>> You will note that TBS  has big bang theory in reruns, given this
>> list was about 3 months into the rules it makes sense that CBS would be 
>> running them now too.
>> ABC:
>>  * Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23
>>  * Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
>>  * Happy Endings
>>  * Last Man Standing
>>  * The Middle
>>  * Modern Family
>>  * Nashville
>>  * The Neighbors
>>  * Secret Millionaire
>>  * Shark Tank
>>  * Suburgatory
>> CBS:
>>  * Criminal Minds
>>  * CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
>>  * NCIS
>>  * NCIS: Los Angeles
>> Disney Channel:
>>  * A.N.T. Farm
>>  * Austin & Ally
>>  * Doc McStuffins
>>  * Dog With a Blog
>>  * Fish Hooks
>>  * Good Luck Charlie
>>  * Gravity Falls
>>  * Jake and the Never Land Pirates
>>  * Jessie
>>  * Little Einsteins
>>  * Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
>>  * Phineas and Ferb
>>  * Shake It Up
>> Fox:
>>  * American Dad!
>>  * Bob's Burgers
>>  * Bones
>>  * The Cleveland Show
>>  * Family Guy
>>  * The Following
>>  * Glee
>>  * Hell's Kitchen
>>  * Hotel Hell
>>  * Kitchen Nightmares
>>  * MasterChef
>>  * The Mindy Project
>>  * New Girl
>>  * The Simpsons
>> NBC:
>>  * 30 Rock
>>  * Animal Practice
>>  * Betty White's Off Their Rockers
>>  * Chicago Fire
>>  * Community
>>  * Deception
>>  * Go On
>>  * Grimm
>>  * Guys with Kids
>>  * Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
>>  * Parenthood
>>  * Saving Hope
>>  * The Office
>>  * Parks and Recreation
>>  * Up All Night
>>  * Whitney
>> Nickelodeon:
>>  * The Backyardigans
>>  * Bubble Guppies
>>  * Dora the Explorer
>>  * The Fairly OddParents
>>  * Go, Diego, Go!
>>  * Max an

Re: Mike H a question regarding YoruFukurou.

2013-01-21 Thread Rachel Feinberg

Go to configure tabs, (command+p) and choose the "add button." Then you'll fill 
in what you want the list to be called. And cycle through the radio buttons, 
until you get to list as the tab type.
After that, a table will appear with your available lists, and the one you just 
created. Interact with that table, and choose the desired list, then navigate 
to the select button.
You then will see a list members button, activate that, then choose the add 
button. And you can insert members names, separated by the return key.
Hope that helps some,
On Jan 21, 2013, at 7:26 AM, Michael Huckabay  wrote:

> Hi I'm wandering if anny one on list could help me out.
> I want to make list for twitter in YoruFukurou and was wandering how you go 
> about doing it in the app.
> I follow a lot of people and it would be nice to filter people into different 
> lists regarding on what I want to see or not.
> thanks.
> -- 
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Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
> I know that RNIB want to talk to TV providers so that we can have audio 
> discription online as we do on most TV channels and cinema's 

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Re: How to add and remove songs from up next list in iTunes 11?

2013-01-21 Thread Marc Rocheleau
Sorry to keep pestering about this but does no one know how to do
this? I figure there must be a way but I've done a few internet
searches and haven't come up with anything. Being a new mac user, I am
kind of stumped. Still, this is a feature I really want to use. Any
help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


On 1/18/13, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:
> I just tried this today and that's not it -- any other ideas?
> -Marc
> On 1/17/13, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> I believe it's command-option-u.
>> Teresa
>> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P.
>> Feynman
>> On Jan 17, 2013, at 10:28 AM, Marc Rocheleau 
>> wrote:
>>> Hey listers,
>>> The subject says it all. On Windows, I could just bring up an
>>> application menu with jaws and add/remove a song from the up next menu
>>> that way but I have no clue how to do it on the mac. Any help would be
>>> greatly appreciated!
>>> -Marc
>>> --
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Re: How to add and remove songs from up next list in iTunes 11?

2013-01-21 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Can you try finding the song and voshift+m to get to the menu.

On Jan 21, 2013, at 10:28 AM, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:

> Sorry to keep pestering about this but does no one know how to do
> this? I figure there must be a way but I've done a few internet
> searches and haven't come up with anything. Being a new mac user, I am
> kind of stumped. Still, this is a feature I really want to use. Any
> help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
> -Marc
> On 1/18/13, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:
>> I just tried this today and that's not it -- any other ideas?
>> -Marc
>> On 1/17/13, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>>> I believe it's command-option-u.
>>> Teresa
>>> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P.
>>> Feynman
>>> On Jan 17, 2013, at 10:28 AM, Marc Rocheleau 
>>> wrote:
 Hey listers,
 The subject says it all. On Windows, I could just bring up an
 application menu with jaws and add/remove a song from the up next menu
 that way but I have no clue how to do it on the mac. Any help would be
 greatly appreciated!
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>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
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>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
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Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
So Karen, do you also think the staff at RS Games are a bunch of thieves? 
Because as I said in my previous post about this subject, they're allowing 
people to listen to every channel of blindy.tv. Maybe you should bitch and say 
the same thing to them. I'd love to hear their reply. The point is, you lose! 
Everyone doesn't agree with you, and furthermore, this is a childish subject to 
be arguing about. Sorry, I try to keep my temper controlled on these lists, but 
when someone keeps trying to beat a dead horse and argues about a subject when 
they know they've lost, it's infuriating. So let's drop this subject already. 
Matt, thanks for posting about the site.

Sent from my white Mac Book

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Converting youtube videos to MP3?

2013-01-21 Thread Daniel Miller

I'm wondering if there's a way to convert youtube videos to mp3 on the mac? I 
know of multiple ways to do it on Windows, but haven't found a successful 
solution on OS X. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Converting youtube videos to MP3?

2013-01-21 Thread Blake Sinnett


I know of a site that should work.



From: "Daniel Miller" 
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 1:10 PM
Subject: Converting youtube videos to MP3?


I'm wondering if there's a way to convert youtube videos to mp3 on the 
mac? I know of multiple ways to do it on Windows, but haven't found a 
successful solution on OS X. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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wipe free space?

2013-01-21 Thread Kliphton
I did this a month ago, but seems I am missing a step.  I go to disk
utilities, select my drive, go to wipe free space, but this option is
dimmed.  What did I miss?

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some questions about getting new ram

2013-01-21 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I'm finally going to get 8gb of ram for my poor, neglected Mini. Is it better 
to get a single 8gb stick, or to get two 4gb sticks? My understanding is that 
dual channel mode (using two sticks) will be a bit faster since both can be 
accessed at once, but I'm not sure if that makes a practical difference. Also, 
Newegg.com lists a lot of mac-compatible ram, but almost none of it 
specifically mentions the Mini. I looked at the specs someone posted, but some 
of the items there are never mentioned on product pages. If ram is safe for 
Macbooks and iMacs, and is DDR3 10600 at 1333mHz, can I assume it will work 
with my Mini?

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Mark Baxter

I was on several of the WGBH pilot survey panels and so on discussing DVS.  
That was back about 1993 or 1994, I was living in the area then.  Secondly, I 
know for a positive fact that every episode of Star Trek the Original Series 
and The Next Generation *IS* described, at least on the DVD.  So, that means 
that there's really no excuse for NOT having an undescribed version, right?  
That's my theory anyway.

Lastly, because I've probably already been banned, my definition of 
"accessible," means that I should be able to take it out of the box and make it 
work, talk, switch menus, cook my food, whatever.  I do NOT consider 
accessibility to be full if sighted assistance (or any other kind!) is 
essential at any stage, except insofar as regards expert repair type access.  
Until the cable box that's up on my shelf talks me through every single menu, 
whether it be the pay per view porn or the schedule for a football game, it's 
not accessible, and doesn't meet MY standards, and I will do whatever necessary 
to bridge the gap for me.  And, I was just going on today about watching Star 
Trek TNG (Described, in this case) on my Ipad, which I never dreamed I'd do, 
the Ipad being 100% accessible out of the box.  So. It *IS* possible, and if we 
settle for anything less, we're … settling.  

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
 • My home page:
 • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/

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owing money to iTunes

2013-01-21 Thread Devin Prater
Hi all. I never expected this to happen, but I sort of need help with this. I 
have a prepaid Visa money card from Walmart. Yes yes, my first card. I knew I 
didn't have that much money left, but I didn't know it would accept the payment 
of the app, even though I can't truly pay. So I bought an app, and now owe 
iTunes $3 and 20¢. Is there anything I can do? I deleted the app, an MSN 
messenger app, but it still says I owe the money. I can't buy any more apps 
until the money is paid.

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Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Alex Hall
How did you get TNG in a described format? To keep this related, if 
tangentially, to Apple, I looked for described content on iTunes but found 
nothing. If I could buy TNG sets on iTunes and have them described, I'd do it 
in a heartbeat, but that is not an option right now. For that matter, no 
streaming service has descriptions, not Redbox, not iTunes, not Netflix...
On Jan 21, 2013, at 2:32 PM, Mark Baxter  wrote:

> Karen:
> I was on several of the WGBH pilot survey panels and so on discussing DVS.  
> That was back about 1993 or 1994, I was living in the area then.  Secondly, I 
> know for a positive fact that every episode of Star Trek the Original Series 
> and The Next Generation *IS* described, at least on the DVD.  So, that means 
> that there's really no excuse for NOT having an undescribed version, right?  
> That's my theory anyway.
> Lastly, because I've probably already been banned, my definition of 
> "accessible," means that I should be able to take it out of the box and make 
> it work, talk, switch menus, cook my food, whatever.  I do NOT consider 
> accessibility to be full if sighted assistance (or any other kind!) is 
> essential at any stage, except insofar as regards expert repair type access.  
> Until the cable box that's up on my shelf talks me through every single menu, 
> whether it be the pay per view porn or the schedule for a football game, it's 
> not accessible, and doesn't meet MY standards, and I will do whatever 
> necessary to bridge the gap for me.  And, I was just going on today about 
> watching Star Trek TNG (Described, in this case) on my Ipad, which I never 
> dreamed I'd do, the Ipad being 100% accessible out of the box.  So. It *IS* 
> possible, and if we settle for anything less, we're … settling.  
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
> • My home page:
> • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Devin Prater
Wow, all episodes of TNG are described? Hmm. And I do agree that Apple has set 
the bar high for totally accessible things. All they need to do is make an 
accessible TV set, and we'll all be good.

On Jan 21, 2013, at 1:32 PM, Mark Baxter  wrote:

> Karen:
> I was on several of the WGBH pilot survey panels and so on discussing DVS.  
> That was back about 1993 or 1994, I was living in the area then.  Secondly, I 
> know for a positive fact that every episode of Star Trek the Original Series 
> and The Next Generation *IS* described, at least on the DVD.  So, that means 
> that there's really no excuse for NOT having an undescribed version, right?  
> That's my theory anyway.
> Lastly, because I've probably already been banned, my definition of 
> "accessible," means that I should be able to take it out of the box and make 
> it work, talk, switch menus, cook my food, whatever.  I do NOT consider 
> accessibility to be full if sighted assistance (or any other kind!) is 
> essential at any stage, except insofar as regards expert repair type access.  
> Until the cable box that's up on my shelf talks me through every single menu, 
> whether it be the pay per view porn or the schedule for a football game, it's 
> not accessible, and doesn't meet MY standards, and I will do whatever 
> necessary to bridge the gap for me.  And, I was just going on today about 
> watching Star Trek TNG (Described, in this case) on my Ipad, which I never 
> dreamed I'd do, the Ipad being 100% accessible out of the box.  So. It *IS* 
> possible, and if we settle for anything less, we're … settling.  
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
> • My home page:
> • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/
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Re: owing money to iTunes

2013-01-21 Thread Alex Hall
I've never had that happen, but I imagine just grabbing an iTunes gift card and 
putting its balance on your account will take care of it. Deleting the app 
won't help since, once you buy an app, you own it forever, even if you don't 
have it installed on any of your devices at the moment. That's why I often buy 
apps on sale or free, since I will always own them even if they go up in price 
after I make the purchase and I won't pay any more for them than the low price 
they cost when I snagged them.
On Jan 21, 2013, at 2:38 PM, Devin Prater  wrote:

> Hi all. I never expected this to happen, but I sort of need help with this. I 
> have a prepaid Visa money card from Walmart. Yes yes, my first card. I knew I 
> didn't have that much money left, but I didn't know it would accept the 
> payment of the app, even though I can't truly pay. So I bought an app, and 
> now owe iTunes $3 and 20¢. Is there anything I can do? I deleted the app, an 
> MSN messenger app, but it still says I owe the money. I can't buy any more 
> apps until the money is paid.
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: owing money to iTunes

2013-01-21 Thread Devin Prater
Ah darn. This may take a week or more to do. :( No "vampires live" or "sixth 
sense" for me.
On Jan 21, 2013, at 1:44 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I've never had that happen, but I imagine just grabbing an iTunes gift card 
> and putting its balance on your account will take care of it. Deleting the 
> app won't help since, once you buy an app, you own it forever, even if you 
> don't have it installed on any of your devices at the moment. That's why I 
> often buy apps on sale or free, since I will always own them even if they go 
> up in price after I make the purchase and I won't pay any more for them than 
> the low price they cost when I snagged them.
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 2:38 PM, Devin Prater  wrote:
>> Hi all. I never expected this to happen, but I sort of need help with this. 
>> I have a prepaid Visa money card from Walmart. Yes yes, my first card. I 
>> knew I didn't have that much money left, but I didn't know it would accept 
>> the payment of the app, even though I can't truly pay. So I bought an app, 
>> and now owe iTunes $3 and 20¢. Is there anything I can do? I deleted the 
>> app, an MSN messenger app, but it still says I owe the money. I can't buy 
>> any more apps until the money is paid.
>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> mehg...@gmail.com
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Re: VO not saying read or unread

2013-01-21 Thread Tim Kilburn

Is your Preview Pane active?


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-01-20, at 8:00 AM, Richard Ring  wrote:

> Mine doesn't either, once in a while the reply was sent button will appear, 
> but I can never know whether a message was read or not.
> You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
>  Sent from my Mac Book Pro 
> richr...@gmail.com
> On Jan 19, 2013, at 10:04 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>> Hello, all. Ever since I've had this Mac, VO does not state whether a 
>> message is unread. I have my mail set on classic but even when I change it, 
>> it is all to no avail. Thanks for any help here.
>> -- 
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Re: pages and iCloud

2013-01-21 Thread Tim Kilburn

Do you have your iCloud settings set to sync documents within your iCloud Prefs 
in System Prefs?


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-01-20, at 8:37 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli  

> Hi:
> I found pages under mobile documents. I didn't find anything for numbers or 
> keynote. I put my doc under the documents folder under pages. It still won't 
> show up on moble device. I see copy from iTunes, create document, or copy 
> from web day. No iCloud.
> On Jan 19, 2013, at 11:53 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Where is your Mobile Documents folder located?
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-01-19, at 10:39 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> My moble documents folder is blank, no sub folders. Documents is checked in 
>>> iCloud prefs.
>>> On Jan 19, 2013, at 10:28 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
 Within the Mobile Documents folder, there will be com~apple~pages and 
 folders for some other iCloud syncable apps.  Within the 
 com~apple~apple~pages folder there will be a Documents folder.  Pages 
 documents that you wish to share on multiple devices must reside within 
 that Documents folder.  This ensures that you do not have multiple copies 
 of the same document and any confusion that may arise from editing the 
 incorrect one.
 Tim Kilburn
 Fort McMurray, AB Canada
 On 2013-01-19, at 8:41 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli  
> Hi:
> They are in the moble documents folder. I also have a copy on my desktop.
> On Jan 18, 2013, at 11:26 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Do you have these items within the Documents folder of the 
>> com~apple~pages folder?  Pages will not see them unless they reside 
>> specifically in that folder.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-01-18, at 7:38 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli 
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> I have the latest iOS and Mac versions of Pages. I'm using Lion. My 
>>> Pages files are in moble documents folder. They do not show up in Pages 
>>> on my phone. I can open from iTunes, create new, but now iCloud. Any 
>>> ideas?
>>> -- 
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Re: some big bang for alex, was Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Mark Baxter
Hey Karen, you cannot possess your pastry and consume it simultaneously (well, 
you can, but you can never know which you are doing at any given time … seems 
like a buzz kill to me, but…)  By which I mean to say that you cannot talk 
about the law as applicable to everyone in the same way, then turn around and 
say that blind people do not experience vision loss in the same way and thus 
should not be treated the same way.  There's a contradiction in here somewhere. 

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
 • My home page:
 • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/

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Re: Converting youtube videos to MP3?

2013-01-21 Thread Daniel Miller

I totally forgot Audio Highjack Pro can do it by highjacking the safari audio. 
Lol. :)

On Jan 21, 2013, at 1:23 PM, "Blake Sinnett"  wrote:

> Hello,
> I know of a site that should work.
> http://www.listentoyoutube.com
> HTH,
> Blake
> --
> From: "Daniel Miller" 
> Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 1:10 PM
> To: 
> Subject: Converting youtube videos to MP3?
>> Hi,
>> I'm wondering if there's a way to convert youtube videos to mp3 on the mac? 
>> I know of multiple ways to do it on Windows, but haven't found a successful 
>> solution on OS X. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>> -- 
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Re: tip for amadeus pro

2013-01-21 Thread Garth Humphreys
Hi Paul   
I usually use the "p" key as it places a marker at the play head rather than 
the insertion point, one less command Y required this way.

>From what I can tell, whilst paused the arrow keys alone will move the 
>insertion point and the speed of the movement will depend how zoomed in you 

On 22/01/2013, at 2:39 AM, Paul Erkens  wrote:

> Hi Garth,
> Good to know. So when you set the marker, which of the available keystrokes 
> for that do you use? Also, is there an easy way to skim through an audio file 
> in amadeus pro, in larger increments than with the right arrow alone? Or do 
> we have a way to configure the right arrow jump increments?
> Paul.
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 11:16 AM, Garth Humphreys  wrote:
>> Hey Paul 
>> This is exactly right. There is no need to set a marker for this sort of 
>> thing. I briefly showed the technique in a recent podcast.  It also applies 
>> when cutting a bit of audio out of the middle of a track, you only need to 
>> set a marker at one end of the section you want to cut, than go to the other 
>> end and command Y to bring the insertion point to play head and command 
>> arrow to the marker at the other end. You will than have the desired section 
>> selected and ready for deleting or whatever you want. 
>> Garth 
>> www.iblindtech.com/
>> Search for iBlindTech in iTunes or your favourite pod catcher to subscribe 
>> to the iBlindTech Democast.
>> Send email to iblindt...@gmail.com
>> Follow me on twitter @iBlindTech or @iBlindTechDemo for just the podcast 
>> info.
>> On 21/01/2013, at 8:07 PM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>>> Hi Amadeus and VoiceOver users,
>>> Here's a quick tip if you want to cut audio from either end of a file. I've 
>>> seen many descriptions, most of them mentioning that you have to set a 
>>> marker. But what I do works quick. Say I want to cut off the start of a 
>>> file, say the first minute. I play and skip till I'm at the right spot, I 
>>> then get the cursor over to the playhead with command y, then do command 
>>> left arrow to select from here to the beginning, and then backspace to 
>>> delete. Done.
>>> Likewise, to cut off the end of a file, I skip and play till I am at the 
>>> spot where I want to cut the audio, then you do command y to get the edit 
>>> cursor over to the playhead, then command right, which selects from here to 
>>> the end of the file, then delete or backsppace. Gone. Quick and clean. So 
>>> go to the spot, command y, command arrow, and backspace.
>>> Hth.
>>> Paul.
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Re: How to add and remove songs from up next list in iTunes 11?

2013-01-21 Thread Tim Kilburn

In the LCD panel, usually access by pressing FN-VO-shift-left arrow on my MBP, 
you will find an "Up Next" button.  this button brings up a pop-over where you 
can see the songs in the "Up Next" list.  From that list you can delete items 
if you wish by Interacting with the ite then pressing the Delete button.  To 
add items to the Up Next list, press VO-shift-m on the item when in the 
Playlist table, you can choose from options like Play Next or Add to Up Next.

Is this what you were looking for?


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-01-21, at 11:28 AM, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:

> Sorry to keep pestering about this but does no one know how to do
> this? I figure there must be a way but I've done a few internet
> searches and haven't come up with anything. Being a new mac user, I am
> kind of stumped. Still, this is a feature I really want to use. Any
> help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
> -Marc
> On 1/18/13, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:
>> I just tried this today and that's not it -- any other ideas?
>> -Marc
>> On 1/17/13, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>>> I believe it's command-option-u.
>>> Teresa
>>> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P.
>>> Feynman
>>> On Jan 17, 2013, at 10:28 AM, Marc Rocheleau 
>>> wrote:
 Hey listers,
 The subject says it all. On Windows, I could just bring up an
 application menu with jaws and add/remove a song from the up next menu
 that way but I have no clue how to do it on the mac. Any help would be
 greatly appreciated!
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Re: some big bang for alex, was Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Christine Grassman
Not really sure, as I've never had one. 
On Jan 21, 2013, at 11:28 AM, Devin Prater  wrote:

> Then the whole secondary audio isn't all what its cracked up to be?
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 10:19 AM, Christine Grassman  
> wrote:
>> I know that in the UK, quite a lot of movies and television programs are 
>> described. Given that much of the audio description, except that done by 
>> WGBH, is narrated by a British narrator, I imagine most of it comes from the 
>> UK.
>> I think the main bone of contention here is "legally and fully available". 
>> *Some* (quite minimal) content is legally available, but for most, even 
>> these crumbs are not fully accessible, and for most, not accessible at all. 
>> Living in a household which consists of four blind and visually impaired 
>> people, I resent paying the fees for TWC that I do while not being able to 
>> watch programming which is described. My children cannot get as much out of 
>> documentaries they are directed to watch by their teachers. At school, a 
>> teacher or fellow student is available to describe for them, but not at home.
>> This is unacceptable; I am paying the same as my neighbors, but am receiving 
>> much, much less for my money. Further, the tech folks at TWC haven't a clue 
>> what audio description is (ditto supervisors). 
>> Fully available? Not according to my dictionary or experience.
>> As pointed out previously, not everyone has modern equipment with a 
>> secondary audio channel, and many places choose a foregoing language feed 
>> rather than description, in the rare cases when the latter is in fact 
>> "legally available".
>> Christine
>> On Jan 21, 2013, at 11:06 AM, Devin Prater  wrote:
>>> Well, the thing for me is, that if I can get the DVS on the TV, then fine, 
>>> wonderful. I'll surely use it sometimes. But what about when I'm at school, 
>>> and I want to watch something? I go to a blind school, so I stay in a dorm 
>>> all through the week. What do I do there? All the other kids watch 
>>> spungebob or whatever, so I just mainly stream my content, which up to now 
>>> has just been music and stuff, which I didn't really stream but rather just 
>>> got from iTunes. But now that I'm slightly interested in the whole TV 
>>> thing, what is there there? No one at the school knows about the whole FCC 
>>> thing, and I really don't think they'd go through the trouble of getting it 
>>> on there TVs. Must I pay for Serotek, when the sited get the same and much 
>>> more content when they want it? I know for a fact that Serotek doesn't have 
>>> all the star trek episodes that have been described. I am also curious as 
>>> to where they got the content they do have from. Would it be possible that 
>>> they have it illegally, and we are paying for an illegal service?
>>> On Jan 21, 2013, at 9:57 AM, Karen Lewellen  
>>> wrote:
 read your own posts Donna, particularly those about the value "to *us.*"
 what *us* can you possibly mean?
 Many in this thread have stated plainly that they have no problem 
 whatsoever breaking any law they feel prevents them from having something 
 they want, using and stealing protected content...by your dictionary then, 
 they are  included in your "*us*."
 My point has been that for *me* personally there is no relationship 
 between comfort and stealing, the same can be achieved without the use of 
 stolen property, and the same is already done over the airways.  The 
 latter particularly is something the blindi-TV people are telling lies 
 about in an effort to attract people to their site.
 I documented for those who asked the existence daily of described content 
 fully and legally available.  Reachable without violating any laws and if 
 supported possibly matching even your idea of comfort depending on how you 
 define comfort.
 My point has been, and I have no issue whatsoever owning my opinions 
 without the need to create an *us* around them is that the content is 
 there.  support the content legally and there can be more of it, faster 
 and easier.  Demonstrate that those  who have copyright concerns have a 
 reason to fear, supporting  a service rooting its activity in lies for 
 example, and you justify  the copyright holders concerns.
 I cannot speak to your personal Morals Donna, I can say though that I 
 respect your right to them. as long as you do not project them on to me by 
 way of an association that does not exist between ahem *us* .  at all.  As 
 long as you do not use them to justify violating the rights of others for 
 the sake of your personal comfort...including me or anyone else in your 
 definition of personal comfort.
 I leave you to read your own posts and discover where that came from, and 
 examine within yourself why it is so hard for *you* to own your  choices 
 without needing to create an *us* to support them.
 I know  firml

Re: some big bang for alex, was Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Christine Grassman
Excellent points all.
On Jan 21, 2013, at 11:54 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> I am not a lawyer, so do not write the following from a legal perspective, 
> but rather from one of personal ethics.
> For me, this is not an issue of civil disobedience.  there are basically two 
> factors that figure in my assessment of this service.
> 1.  Most important, it is a streaming service.  None of us can "steal" 
> anything, when a show is over it's over.  I cannot download any content, and 
> there is no new content that resides on my PC.  I can't decide that I want to 
> watch a certain episode of Big Bang Theory whenever I want, I can only watch 
> whatever content is being streamed.  In that respect it is no different from 
> Tune-In, Ootoonz, etc.
> 2.  For me, and I imagine that for many, use of this service will serve as an 
> additional option, not a replacement.  In my case, that means we will 
> continue our paid cable subscription, and our subscription to Netflix.  So, 
> my streaming Blindy TV on occasion will have no negative consequences at all 
> for the television industry.  If I'm not harming anyone else, and not 
> obtaining content than why not use it?
> We all make decisions every day about how we respond to laws.  I've worked on 
> college campuses for years, and couldn't begin to estimate the number of 
> students who regularly just walk across the street, paying no heed to 
> traffic.  That is a violation of the law.  And moreover, it's one I disagree 
> with, largely for reasons of their personal well-being.  Yet you haven't yet 
> seen a campaign to round every one of those students up and put them in jail. 
>  So, it's a violation of the law that society has tacitly agreed to tolerate, 
> though we may think those students are exercising very poor judgment 
> sometimes.  If Karen truly obeys every single law to the letter, she's one of 
> a very small handful of people.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 10:19 AM, Christine Grassman  
> wrote:
>> I know that in the UK, quite a lot of movies and television programs are 
>> described. Given that much of the audio description, except that done by 
>> WGBH, is narrated by a British narrator, I imagine most of it comes from the 
>> UK.
>> I think the main bone of contention here is "legally and fully available". 
>> *Some* (quite minimal) content is legally available, but for most, even 
>> these crumbs are not fully accessible, and for most, not accessible at all. 
>> Living in a household which consists of four blind and visually impaired 
>> people, I resent paying the fees for TWC that I do while not being able to 
>> watch programming which is described. My children cannot get as much out of 
>> documentaries they are directed to watch by their teachers. At school, a 
>> teacher or fellow student is available to describe for them, but not at home.
>> This is unacceptable; I am paying the same as my neighbors, but am receiving 
>> much, much less for my money. Further, the tech folks at TWC haven't a clue 
>> what audio description is (ditto supervisors). 
>> Fully available? Not according to my dictionary or experience.
>> As pointed out previously, not everyone has modern equipment with a 
>> secondary audio channel, and many places choose a foregoing language feed 
>> rather than description, in the rare cases when the latter is in fact 
>> "legally available".
>> Christine
>> On Jan 21, 2013, at 11:06 AM, Devin Prater  wrote:
>>> Well, the thing for me is, that if I can get the DVS on the TV, then fine, 
>>> wonderful. I'll surely use it sometimes. But what about when I'm at school, 
>>> and I want to watch something? I go to a blind school, so I stay in a dorm 
>>> all through the week. What do I do there? All the other kids watch 
>>> spungebob or whatever, so I just mainly stream my content, which up to now 
>>> has just been music and stuff, which I didn't really stream but rather just 
>>> got from iTunes. But now that I'm slightly interested in the whole TV 
>>> thing, what is there there? No one at the school knows about the whole FCC 
>>> thing, and I really don't think they'd go through the trouble of getting it 
>>> on there TVs. Must I pay for Serotek, when the sited get the same and much 
>>> more content when they want it? I know for a fact that Serotek doesn't have 
>>> all the star trek episodes that have been described. I am also curious as 
>>> to where they got the content they do have from. Would it be possible that 
>>> they have it illegally, and we are paying for an illegal service?
>>> On Jan 21, 2013, at 9:57 AM, Karen Lewellen  
>>> wrote:
 read your own posts Donna, particularly those about the value "to *us.*"
 what *us* can you possibly mean?
 Many in this thread have stated plainly that they have no problem 
 whatsoever breaking any law they feel prevents them from having something 
 they want, using and stealing protected content...by your dictionary then, 

Re: How to add and remove songs from up next list in iTunes 11?

2013-01-21 Thread Marc Rocheleau
That's exactly what I needed, thanks! :)

On 1/21/13, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
> Hi,
> In the LCD panel, usually access by pressing FN-VO-shift-left arrow on my
> MBP, you will find an "Up Next" button.  this button brings up a pop-over
> where you can see the songs in the "Up Next" list.  From that list you can
> delete items if you wish by Interacting with the ite then pressing the
> Delete button.  To add items to the Up Next list, press VO-shift-m on the
> item when in the Playlist table, you can choose from options like Play Next
> or Add to Up Next.
> Is this what you were looking for?
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-01-21, at 11:28 AM, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:
>> Sorry to keep pestering about this but does no one know how to do
>> this? I figure there must be a way but I've done a few internet
>> searches and haven't come up with anything. Being a new mac user, I am
>> kind of stumped. Still, this is a feature I really want to use. Any
>> help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
>> -Marc
>> On 1/18/13, Marc Rocheleau  wrote:
>>> I just tried this today and that's not it -- any other ideas?
>>> -Marc
>>> On 1/17/13, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
 I believe it's command-option-u.


 "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard

 On Jan 17, 2013, at 10:28 AM, Marc Rocheleau 

> Hey listers,
> The subject says it all. On Windows, I could just bring up an
> application menu with jaws and add/remove a song from the up next menu
> that way but I have no clue how to do it on the mac. Any help would be
> greatly appreciated!
> -Marc
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Re: owing money to iTunes

2013-01-21 Thread Phil Halton

you could pay the bill

- Original Message - 
From: "Devin Prater" 

Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 2:38 PM
Subject: owing money to iTunes

Hi all. I never expected this to happen, but I sort of need help with this. 
I have a prepaid Visa money card from Walmart. Yes yes, my first card. I 
knew I didn't have that much money left, but I didn't know it would accept 
the payment of the app, even though I can't truly pay. So I bought an app, 
and now owe iTunes $3 and 20ข. Is there anything I can do? I deleted the 
app, an MSN messenger app, but it still says I owe the money. I can't buy 
any more apps until the money is paid.

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Re: some big bang for alex, was Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Mark Baxter
Tivo can do this and has been able to for years.  The closest I ever got to 
skipping commercials was video-recording something and then hitting 
fast-forward and counting out about 18-20 seconds and then hitting play.  Guess 
work, but often it came out uncannily close, so much so that I could play great 
head games with my sighted friends.  Now I don't have any sighted friends.  

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
 • My home page:
 • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/

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Syncing iPod Touch to Mac...

2013-01-21 Thread jshandra72

Hey guys, 
 I am running into a strange thing on iTunes. I am trying to sync my iPod to my 
Mac, because I just made some new purchases. I have iOS 6.02 and iTunes 11. My 
Mac is authorized for this iPod. It won't let me sync, it is dimmed. Has anyone 
else ever run into this behavior? 
Thanks for the help! J. P. 

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Re: Syncing iPod Touch to Mac...

2013-01-21 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Can you see your Ipod at all in ITunes, if not, you may find it necessary to 
delete the Com.Apple.ITunes.plst file from your Library.  

The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

On Jan 21, 2013, at 3:11 PM, jshandr...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hey guys, 
> I am running into a strange thing on iTunes. I am trying to sync my iPod to 
> my Mac, because I just made some new purchases. I have iOS 6.02 and iTunes 
> 11. My Mac is authorized for this iPod. It won't let me sync, it is dimmed. 
> Has anyone else ever run into this behavior? 
> Thanks for the help! J. P. 
> -- 
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Boot camp Linux

2013-01-21 Thread Krysti .Power
Hey all I'm teaching a Linux course 2 actually to a friend of mine and I
was wondering how do I boot camp Linux when I load boot camp assistant all
I see is windows I have a MacBook Pro core i7 500 gab hard drive running
mountain lion any help would be greatly appreciated thanks Kryst

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Re: owing money to iTunes

2013-01-21 Thread CJ Daniel

I don't know..this may sound far fetched, but you could put some more money on 
the card & pay 'em.  

Call me crazy,


On Jan 21, 2013, at 12:38 PM, Devin Prater  wrote:

> Hi all. I never expected this to happen, but I sort of need help with this. I 
> have a prepaid Visa money card from Walmart. Yes yes, my first card. I knew I 
> didn't have that much money left, but I didn't know it would accept the 
> payment of the app, even though I can't truly pay. So I bought an app, and 
> now owe iTunes $3 and 20¢. Is there anything I can do? I deleted the app, an 
> MSN messenger app, but it still says I owe the money. I can't buy any more 
> apps until the money is paid.
> -- 
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Re: Boot camp Linux

2013-01-21 Thread Alex Hall
I don't think you can. A virtual machine is probably your best bet, or maybe 
run Linux from a thumb drive.
On Jan 21, 2013, at 4:22 PM, "Krysti .Power"  wrote:

> Hey all I'm teaching a Linux course 2 actually to a friend of mine and I was 
> wondering how do I boot camp Linux when I load boot camp assistant all I see 
> is windows I have a MacBook Pro core i7 500 gab hard drive running mountain 
> lion any help would be greatly appreciated thanks Kryst
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Boot camp Linux

2013-01-21 Thread Krysti
Ok so there's no way to have Linux running on my mac 

Sent from my iPhone

On 2013-01-21, at 5:56 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I don't think you can. A virtual machine is probably your best bet, or maybe 
> run Linux from a thumb drive.
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 4:22 PM, "Krysti .Power"  wrote:
>> Hey all I'm teaching a Linux course 2 actually to a friend of mine and I was 
>> wondering how do I boot camp Linux when I load boot camp assistant all I see 
>> is windows I have a MacBook Pro core i7 500 gab hard drive running mountain 
>> lion any help would be greatly appreciated thanks Kryst
>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> mehg...@gmail.com
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Bootcamp and Windows 8

2013-01-21 Thread Frank Tom
I just got a new 27 inch I Mac and loaded Windows 7  using Bootcamp.  Can it be 
upgraded to Windows 8? I heard that Narrator in Windows 8 is very good so I was 
planning on giving it a try. 

If Windows 8 is not an option, what do you recommend? Should I use NVDA?  No 
way do I want to shell out the Big Bucks for JAWS and Magic when I just want to 
use the Windows side on the rare occasion when a Mac version of a program is 
not available.

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Re: Bootcamp and Windows 8

2013-01-21 Thread Alex Hall
NVDA is great, and does pretty much everything jaws can do. I've used it 
exclusively (of course not counting the mac side) for over a year and a half 
and I have no complaints. The default speech is hard to get used to, but you 
will get used to it if you just keep using it. Aside from that it's a great 
screen reader. Sorry I can't answer your questions about upgrading to Windows8, 
but I'm sure Google will know.
On Jan 21, 2013, at 5:43 PM, Frank Tom  wrote:

> I just got a new 27 inch I Mac and loaded Windows 7  using Bootcamp.  Can it 
> be upgraded to Windows 8? I heard that Narrator in Windows 8 is very good so 
> I was planning on giving it a try. 
> If Windows 8 is not an option, what do you recommend? Should I use NVDA?  No 
> way do I want to shell out the Big Bucks for JAWS and Magic when I just want 
> to use the Windows side on the rare occasion when a Mac version of a program 
> is not available.
> Tom
> vermont...@gmail.com
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: how can I add a finder context menu item to perform a quick action?

2013-01-21 Thread Esther
Dear Paul,

There is already support for the action of converting a wav file to
256 kbps m4a (aac files) from Finder under Mountain Lion and Lion, if
you select/highlight your wav files and use VO-Shift-M to bring up the
context menu, then select "Encode Selected Video Files".  The "Encode
Media" dialog window will have a "Setting:" pop up menu button that
you should VO-Space on and change from "480p" to "Audio Only".  (Under
Lion this is under "Encode Selected Audio Files" under the Services
menu.)  If you want to make your own Service for converting to 256
kbps mp3 files, you can do so with Automator.  Automator and
AppleScript can be used to do the kind of operation you describe,
where you select files and then select a menu option option to run an
Automator service or workflow, or run an AppleScript, but these only
work for applications where the developers have supplied the hooks to
make them AppleScriptable, work with Automator, or support terminal
command line usage so that they are shell scriptable.

What this means is that although it is very easy to create an
Automator service to convert files you select in Finder to 256 kbps
mp3 files with just a couple of Automator action steps, the basic
assumption is that you want the results to appear in iTunes. You can
even construct a folder action that will automatically put converted
files into into the same directory folder or a separate one of your
specification, but the converted mp3 files always get added to your
iTunes library folder.  This is fine if you use iTunes to organize
your music (as I do), but I suspect this is not what you want.  There
isn't an action to automatically delete the tracks from iTunes.  So it
can be very easy to use Automator or AppleScripts within the context
of the default supported actions, and this can work for a lot of
applications on the Mac, but in general you can't use these with a
random third party app.  And it doesn't mean that it isn't doable (at
least with AppleScripting) -- it just isn't going to be transparent or
simple to implement.

I don't have any recent detailed descriptions of Automator actions on
this list, since I only usually take a look at this when questions
come up.  The last fairly detailed post I made about using Automator
was on the mac-access list, which is also archived at the Mail Archive
web site.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Jan 21, 12:15 am, Paul Erkens  wrote:
> Dear listers,
> Often, I have a file that I want to perform a specific action on. For 
> example, this could be a stereo wave file, that I want to convert to a 256 
> kilibit stereo mp3 file. Is there a way you can think of, that I can add a 
> new menu item to the vo shift mcontextmenu on a file, and then select from a 
> few user defined actions? Of course, the program in question must support 
> this way of getting commands, but I'd first like to know iffinderlets us do 
> this type of thing. So, I go to a wave file, I'd like to hit vo shift m, and 
> then select convert  to mp3 256 with amadeus. Is such a mechanism available? 
> What about services? I have no idea yet how they work, nor how to use 
> automator. Please shed some light and knowledge on this if you have it. I'm 
> very curious because it could be a huge time saver. Thanks a lot in advance.
> Paul.

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Re: VO not saying read or unread

2013-01-21 Thread Richard Ring
I honestly don't know if it is, I don't know how to tell.

You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
 Sent from my Mac Book Pro 

On Jan 21, 2013, at 1:52 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Richard,
> Is your Preview Pane active?
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2013-01-20, at 8:00 AM, Richard Ring  wrote:
>> Mine doesn't either, once in a while the reply was sent button will appear, 
>> but I can never know whether a message was read or not.
>> You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
>>  Sent from my Mac Book Pro 
>> richr...@gmail.com
>> On Jan 19, 2013, at 10:04 PM, Kerri  wrote:
>>> Hello, all. Ever since I've had this Mac, VO does not state whether a 
>>> message is unread. I have my mail set on classic but even when I change it, 
>>> it is all to no avail. Thanks for any help here.
>>> -- 
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Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread David Tanner
The problem is the FCC rule says one thing, but the cable folks aren't 
following the rules, and nobody seems to want to take on folks like Comcast.

- Original Message - 
From: "Kerri" 

Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

I wish that were the cue here in British columbia, Canada.
On 2013-01-20, at 5:32 PM, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

you bet it really matters.
And yes they do.
As of July 2012, all five broadcast networks and the same cable networks 
must provide audio described content, and they are doing i, every single 
all television stations in the top 25 markets stateside must provide the 
content as well...with  additional markets  joining each year.
why  should anyone invest in population who is simply going to steal 
cable providers and satellites providers must insure that you can access 
the described content.
I do not have the link to post now, but program listings and details are 
on the ACB website.

frankly I find this exclusionary and distasteful.
consumers who happen to score differently on an eye chart, must be 
segregated to stolen property on the Internet Never mind that Hollywood 
films and television shows air each week with  described content.
are you so lacking in personal dignity that you feel stolen property is 
all you deserve?

Especially since the entire thing could be done legally?
Is to some extent already.
No one is going to value you if you do not value yourselves, document that 
there is a market, use what the FCC is doing to enhance the ability for 
everyone to enjoy television as they choose.


On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Devin Prater wrote:

Hmm. Does it really matter? No one else seems to provide this, do they?
On Jan 20, 2013, at 7:03 PM, Karen Lewellen  

they do have the legal right to run this service with this content?

On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

Are their any UK channels?  Do you think we could have an IOS App so 
that we can watch this service anywhere we go and we're not tied to the 
computer?  I like this service.


On 20 Jan 2013, at 07:51 PM, Devin Prater  wrote:

I do like this service. Its pretty good, I can finally watch sci-fi, 
and therefore can watch star trek! :)
On Jan 20, 2013, at 12:49 PM, Matt Dierckens 

Hi folks,
I have been given permission to post about this from another list. 
This is a great service.

Check it out and please spread the word.
Have you ever wanted to watch TV with audio description but can't get 
the track on your tv? Well, now you can...sort of. Have a look at 

This project was created so that everyone could watch TV episodes 
with audio description. Every show (except the brain channel) has 
described content. You can switch channels just like with an actual 
TV. So far,
their are 5 channels. Comedy, Drama, Si-fi, Brain and ETC. More may 
be added if needed. Each show is either 30 or 60 minutes long. After 
the show their are commercials (better than on TV, I can promise you 
that), a news segment or comedy skit, and some instrumental music at 
the top and bottom of each hour.
To access this place, you can do one of two things: You can either go 
to the website linked above and used the web players, or, if you'd 
rather listen in your media player of choice, place this link into 
This will load all channels, and you can use the next and previous 
controls to move through the different channels.

Please give any suggestions or criticisms you have. Feedback is 
always welcome. If you like the service, let us know. If you do not, 
tell us  what we could do to fix it up. Please spread the word if you 
like it.


Sent from my mac
Twitter: matt692

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Re: Syncing iPod Touch to Mac...

2013-01-21 Thread J.P.
Thanks Ray, I got it. Thankfully didn't have to delete.

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Re: VO not saying read or unread

2013-01-21 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Richard,

Here's the content of a message I posted a while back that explains how to get 
rid of the Preview pane and down at the bottom of the content, it explains how 
you can confirm that it's enabled/disable.  When the Preview pane is disable, 
you normally can determine the read/unread status of messages.

1.  Removing the Preview Pane in Classic layout: 

• Navigate to the Horizontal Splitter that is to the right of the Messages 
• Press VO-cmd-f5 (add FN if needed).  This will bring the mouse to the VO 
cursor and announce where the mouse is and it should read "Horizontal 
• Double-click on your Trackpad or alternatively, you can press near the top of 
the Trackpad and drag to the bottom.  Make sure in this case that you actually 
make the Trackpad button depress so that the drag action will work. 

2.  Removing the Preview Pane for non-Classic or Normal layout: 

• Navigate to the Vertical Splitter just to the right of the Messages Column 
• Press VO-cmd-f5 (add FN if necessary) to bring the mouse to the VO cursor.  
It will announce Vertical Splitter if it did what it was supposed to do. 
• Double-click on the Trackpad or alternatively, put your finger near the left 
hand side of the Trackpad, then drag to the far right and release.  As in the 
first case, make sure that you depress the Trackpad button so that the dragging 
process will occur. 

Note that in the Classic layout, you are dealing with a Horizontal Splitter and 
in the non-Classic layout, you are dealing with a Vertical Splitter. Each case 
requires a different dragging direction if you choose that option. 

There are a couple of ways of determining if it worked.  Firstly, you can 
navigate around the Mail screen and if you don't hear anything about "Message 
Content Area", life is good. 

The second method is a little more complicated but tells you for sure.  In 
Classic layout, navigate to the Horizontal Splitter to the right of the "New 
Mailbox Action" menu.  You'll notice two Horizontal splitters, one after the 
Messages Table and this one that I'm talking about. Once you've located this 
Horizontal Splitter, Interact with it and press VO-down.  VO will announce 
"Collapsed" which is what you want to hear.  In non-Classic (Normal) layout, 
navigate to the Vertical Splitter just to the right of the Messages Column 
Group and Interact with it.  Press VO-right and VO will announce "Collapsed" if 
the Preview pane is gone.

See if that helps.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-01-21, at 3:50 PM, Richard Ring  wrote:

> I honestly don't know if it is, I don't know how to tell.
> You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
>  Sent from my Mac Book Pro 
> richr...@gmail.com
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 1:52 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Richard,
>> Is your Preview Pane active?
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2013-01-20, at 8:00 AM, Richard Ring  wrote:
>>> Mine doesn't either, once in a while the reply was sent button will appear, 
>>> but I can never know whether a message was read or not.
>>> You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of 
>>> Fielding
>>>  Sent from my Mac Book Pro 
>>> richr...@gmail.com
>>> On Jan 19, 2013, at 10:04 PM, Kerri  wrote:
 Hello, all. Ever since I've had this Mac, VO does not state whether a 
 message is unread. I have my mail set on classic but even when I change 
 it, it is all to no avail. Thanks for any help here.
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Cursor Tracking within an activity

2013-01-21 Thread Chris Gilland
I have an app which certainly can be used with cursor tracking enabled, however 
it is much easier to use with it disabled.  I know how to toggle tracking 
on/off, but here's the thing… normally, I prefer tracking to be enabled.  It's 
mainly just this one app I don't need it.  Is there a way that I can set an 
activity in Mountain Lion so that in that one app only cursor tracking 
automatically would be disabled, yet, once I move away from that app, it gets 

Chris Gilland
Founder of CLG Productions
Phone: 803-760-7136
Toll-free: 1-888-405-3185 Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except 
weekends and holidays

E-mail: ch...@clgproductions.com

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RE: Boot camp Linux

2013-01-21 Thread Bejarano, Rafael P.
I've successfully installed Linux as a VMWare virtual machine, and it's also 
possible to download a USB drive version of Vinux to your Bootcamp Windows 
partition (assuming you have one).  From there, you can install it on a thumb 
drive, which you can use on practically any computer.

From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] on 
behalf of Krysti [happypuppy...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 4:04 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Boot camp Linux

Ok so there's no way to have Linux running on my mac

Sent from my iPhone

On 2013-01-21, at 5:56 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I don't think you can. A virtual machine is probably your best bet, or maybe 
> run Linux from a thumb drive.
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 4:22 PM, "Krysti .Power"  wrote:
>> Hey all I'm teaching a Linux course 2 actually to a friend of mine and I was 
>> wondering how do I boot camp Linux when I load boot camp assistant all I see 
>> is windows I have a MacBook Pro core i7 500 gab hard drive running mountain 
>> lion any help would be greatly appreciated thanks Kryst
>> --
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> mehg...@gmail.com
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Re: Cursor Tracking within an activity

2013-01-21 Thread Alex Hall
Yes. Make an activity like usual, and check the "other settings to include" 
box. Once that is done, find the "navigation" box, check it, and you'll be 
given the standard navigation dialog. Uncheck all the options you want, then 
save and you're done. To set the activity to an app, use the "select" button 
after all the checkboxes, but be warned that it can make things slower when 
switching to or from that app, depending on your mac's hardware. I had an 
activity set to enable quicknav, but it made switching to and from safari so 
slow that I finally got rid of it.
On Jan 21, 2013, at 7:08 PM, Chris Gilland  wrote:

> I have an app which certainly can be used with cursor tracking enabled, 
> however it is much easier to use with it disabled.  I know how to toggle 
> tracking on/off, but here's the thing… normally, I prefer tracking to be 
> enabled.  It's mainly just this one app I don't need it.  Is there a way that 
> I can set an activity in Mountain Lion so that in that one app only cursor 
> tracking automatically would be disabled, yet, once I move away from that 
> app, it gets re-enabled?
> Chris Gilland
> Founder of CLG Productions
> http://www.clgproductions.com
> Phone: 803-760-7136
> Toll-free: 1-888-405-3185 Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except 
> weekends and holidays
> E-mail: ch...@clgproductions.com
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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quickin alternatives.

2013-01-21 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Hi all.
Does anybody have any ideas on a personal finance program for mac?

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Re: Cursor Tracking within an activity

2013-01-21 Thread Mark Baxter
Yes, this can be done.  However, you will notice that there is no choice to do 
it in the Activities table.  What you have to do is UNCHECK all the "voiceOver 
Cursor follows," and "keyboard cursor follow," boxes within the custom voice 
for that activity.  This has the same result as toggling cursor tracking on and 
off.  The state of this toggle will remain unchanged for other apps outside 
this window.  I did it, for example, with Skype and my AIM app so that the 
cursor will always stay within the HTML (message) content window so I can more 
quickly have VO read the next message.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:  burninghawk1...@hotmail.com
 • My home page:
 • http://MarkBurningHawk.net/

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viewing system logs?

2013-01-21 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I am looking at which ram to buy and a lot of reviews talk about "kernel 
panics" upon installing different ram modules. How would I know if one of these 
occurs? More generally, how can I examine system logs to see what sorts of 
things go on? Every so often, vo will restart itself for no apparent reason, 
and I'd love to be able to look and see what might be going on. Is the log 
viewing process vo-friendly? How would I do it? Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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getting rid of "definition list" on webpages?

2013-01-21 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all
I'm trying to check out on newegg.com, and every other word, vo says either 
"definition list 2 items" or "end of definition list". The worst thing is that 
nothing seems to actually be in any kind of list, yet vo insists on constantly 
informing me of all these apparently non-existent lists. Can anyone tell me how 
to stop this maddeningly verbose behavior, before I either chuck the mac out 
the window or, worse, boot into Windows? :) Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Mike H a question regarding YoruFukurou.

2013-01-21 Thread Matthew Campbell
Thanks for posting this, as I too have been meaning to ask that.
In regards to lists, is there a way to set the number of tweets shown in a 
list? Someone I was talking too recently was annoyed that his lists only showed 
100 tweets at a time.
Matthew Campbell.
On 2013-01-21, at 12:57 PM, Rachel Feinberg  wrote:

> Hi,
> Go to configure tabs, (command+p) and choose the "add button." Then you'll 
> fill in what you want the list to be called. And cycle through the radio 
> buttons, until you get to list as the tab type.
> After that, a table will appear with your available lists, and the one you 
> just created. Interact with that table, and choose the desired list, then 
> navigate to the select button.
> You then will see a list members button, activate that, then choose the add 
> button. And you can insert members names, separated by the return key.
> Hope that helps some,
> Rachel 
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 7:26 AM, Michael Huckabay  wrote:
>> Hi I'm wandering if anny one on list could help me out.
>> I want to make list for twitter in YoruFukurou and was wandering how you go 
>> about doing it in the app.
>> I follow a lot of people and it would be nice to filter people into 
>> different lists regarding on what I want to see or not.
>> thanks.
>> -- 
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The vOICe for OSX/iOS

2013-01-21 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
The vOICe (the project at www.seeingwithsound.com) has been cloned for iOS. The 
app is called Voice Vision and is free, with finer controls available with an 
in-app purchase. I find the resolution to be poorer than the PC version, but 
I'm no expert.

As to an OSX implementation, that sounds relatively easy to do, at least the 
basic soundscape rendering. I've been torturing myself for the last few days, 
painfully jamming bits of Objective-c and Xcode knowledge into my head. When 
and if all this stuff makes sense, I might look at my own clone of the vOICe as 
a pure OSX application. Don't hold your breath though, Objective-c is 
incredibly hard to learn for someone with little to no C experience, and some 
of Xcode is still inaccessible.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread David Tanner
You know what, the regulations you state here have been in place for over 6 
months and Comcast still is not providing these even on request they claim 
that they are still looking into it.

So, are you saying it is alright for Comcast to break the law and not follow 
FCC rules or Direct TV to not follow the rules, but we shouldn't take 
advantage of an opportunity to get this service just because sighted people 
rule the world and are the only folks allowed to have a choice about what 
they can watch and what they can't.  And, if they don't want us to have that 
same right it is ok not to follow the FCC regulations?

- Original Message - 
From: "Karen Lewellen" 

Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

depending on where you are, the source of your programming, your
cable provider or satellites provider is required to make that work for you.
In fact you can file an FCC complaint now if they do not.
Additionally, efforts going on to make those menus work easily will not
get much support if people are just going to circulate avenues  to stolen
And you wonder why the author's guild fears making books work?
What is keeping programs with audio descriptions from getting sponsorship
the way captioning does?
The attitude that those getting the description do not deserve to be
treated like the rest of the consumer marketplace.
They can and will just steal it and circulate it as if this is perfectly
You cannot have it both ways, either you deserve a respected place at the
market table regardless of how differently you view that table, or you
deserve the stolen crumbs  from that table.

On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Devin Prater wrote:

Thanks for that. If I can figure out how the menus on my TV work, I will 
certainly use what the FCC has provided.
On Jan 20, 2013, at 7:32 PM, Karen Lewellen  

you bet it really matters.
And yes they do.
As of July 2012, all five broadcast networks and the same cable networks 
must provide audio described content, and they are doing i, every single 
all television stations in the top 25 markets stateside must provide the 
content as well...with  additional markets  joining each year.
why  should anyone invest in population who is simply going to steal 
cable providers and satellites providers must insure that you can access 
the described content.
I do not have the link to post now, but program listings and details are 
on the ACB website.

frankly I find this exclusionary and distasteful.
consumers who happen to score differently on an eye chart, must be 
segregated to stolen property on the Internet Never mind that Hollywood 
films and television shows air each week with  described content.
are you so lacking in personal dignity that you feel stolen property is 
all you deserve?

Especially since the entire thing could be done legally?
Is to some extent already.
No one is going to value you if you do not value yourselves, document 
that there is a market, use what the FCC is doing to enhance the ability 
for everyone to enjoy television as they choose.


On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Devin Prater wrote:

Hmm. Does it really matter? No one else seems to provide this, do they?
On Jan 20, 2013, at 7:03 PM, Karen Lewellen  

they do have the legal right to run this service with this content?

On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

Are their any UK channels?  Do you think we could have an IOS App so 
that we can watch this service anywhere we go and we're not tied to 
the computer?  I like this service.


On 20 Jan 2013, at 07:51 PM, Devin Prater  wrote:

I do like this service. Its pretty good, I can finally watch sci-fi, 
and therefore can watch star trek! :)
On Jan 20, 2013, at 12:49 PM, Matt Dierckens 

Hi folks,
I have been given permission to post about this from another list. 
This is a great service.

Check it out and please spread the word.
Have you ever wanted to watch TV with audio description but can't 
get the track on your tv? Well, now you can...sort of. Have a look 
at this.

This project was created so that everyone could watch TV episodes 
with audio description. Every show (except the brain channel) has 
described content. You can switch channels just like with an actual 
TV. So far,
their are 5 channels. Comedy, Drama, Si-fi, Brain and ETC. More may 
be added if needed. Each show is either 30 or 60 minutes long. After 
the show their are commercials (better than on TV, I can promise you 
that), a news segment or comedy skit, and some instrumental music at 
the top and bottom of each hour.
To access this place, you can do one of two things: You can either 
go to the website linked above and used the web players, or, if 
you'd rather listen in your media player of choice, place this link 
into it.
This will load all channels, and you can use the next and previous 
controls t

Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread David Tanner
You really must be dreaming!  The big cable companies will only react if it 
starts to hurt their profits.  So maybe a big class action lawsuite against 
the biggest ones out there supported by both ACB and NFB that goes for a 
monitary settlement large enough to hurt those companies and provide the 
money required to be sure that any blind person in the U. S. can have equal 
access to cable tv might make them change their tune.

Comcast knows that they are not following the regulations, but they also 
know they have a lot more money to fight with than a blind person requesting 
the service.

- Original Message - 
From: "Karen Lewellen" 

Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013 8:29 PM
Subject: Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

The same energy the Mice is using to  circulate stolen movies and the same
energy these folks are using to circulate stolen content could  be used to
insure that information gets circulated.
The laws are new, have you any idea how many cable providers and satellites
companies would jump if people started calling and emailing, informing them
of the regulation and asking for what they are entitled to have as a
paying customer?
Most  stuff is done because of ignorance industry wise.  You must
demonstrate that you are a market for those providing  content to
that market...and many benefit from audio descriptions, just like many
benefit from audio books or voice over or  etc.
No matter what your income level or place in society you are a consumer.
they will take you seriously not because they should  to feel good, but
because you are a consumer...when more of you start acting like one that
You pay their wages, buy their products and keep them functioning...never
mind your score on an eye chart.

I appreciate   that you understand the  difference.
Still, as with many groups in the human family, some are very invested in 
the victim

mentality.  I deserve to cheat on my wife / husband or to have an e-book
without copyright protection, or to get  stolen downloads because my eyes
work differently.
Lots of people do it, my skin, my social status, my use of or non-use of
the language. the world owes me just because, I choose to think I got a
bad hand.
Those freedom seekers are distorting freedom.
and  as Mark twain put it, do not say the world owes you anything...it was
here first.

On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Devin Prater wrote:

My view on it is, that if I can get it to work, then I will not look back. 
The illegal ways don't have all the content anyways, I know for sure that 
not all Star Trek, Next Generation episodes are available. So, if I can 
figure out how to take the most advantage out of the FCC's way of doing 
it, then I certainly will. I think there will always be those who will 
pirate, so that they can take the content everywhere, and use it in any 
way. But I think that if there was more abundant info on how to get the TV 
set up with the audio description, and how to do it with as many TVs as 
possible, mine being a Visio for instance, I think many will switch to 
that method, as that will mean that they can sit there with the family and 
all will be able to enjoy the same content. But, as twith the sited 
people, there will always be those freedom seekers who want to do 
everything with all the content they can, no matter how little the 
On Jan 20, 2013, at 7:52 PM, Karen Lewellen  

depending on where you are, the source of your programming, your cable 
provider or satellites provider is required to make that work for you.

In fact you can file an FCC complaint now if they do not.
Additionally, efforts going on to make those menus work easily will not 
get much support if people are just going to circulate avenues  to stolen 

And you wonder why the author's guild fears making books work?
What is keeping programs with audio descriptions from getting sponsorship 
the way captioning does?
The attitude that those getting the description do not deserve to be 
treated like the rest of the consumer marketplace.
They can and will just steal it and circulate it as if this is perfectly 
You cannot have it both ways, either you deserve a respected place at the 
audience market table regardless of how differently you view that table, 
or you deserve the stolen crumbs  from that table.

On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Devin Prater wrote:

Thanks for that. If I can figure out how the menus on my TV work, I will 
certainly use what the FCC has provided.
On Jan 20, 2013, at 7:32 PM, Karen Lewellen  

you bet it really matters.
And yes they do.
As of July 2012, all five broadcast networks and the same cable 
networks must provide audio described content, and they are doing i, 
every single week.
all television stations in the top 25 markets stateside must provide 
the content as well...with  additional markets  joining each year.
why  should anyone invest in population who is simply going to steal 
cable providers and satell

Re: The vOICe for OSX/iOS

2013-01-21 Thread Devin Prater
Thank you so much! As soon as I get my iTunes so that I don't owe $3.24 any 
more, I will surely get that app. 

Sent from my iPod with iCloud

On 21 Jan 2013, at 10:24 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

Hi all,
The vOICe (the project at www.seeingwithsound.com) has been cloned for iOS. The 
app is called Voice Vision and is free, with finer controls available with an 
in-app purchase. I find the resolution to be poorer than the PC version, but 
I'm no expert.

As to an OSX implementation, that sounds relatively easy to do, at least the 
basic soundscape rendering. I've been torturing myself for the last few days, 
painfully jamming bits of Objective-c and Xcode knowledge into my head. When 
and if all this stuff makes sense, I might look at my own clone of the vOICe as 
a pure OSX application. Don't hold your breath though, Objective-c is 
incredibly hard to learn for someone with little to no C experience, and some 
of Xcode is still inaccessible.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: The vOICe for OSX/iOS

2013-01-21 Thread Pete Nalda
Nice.  How do you find it compared to the Android Version?  I loved the vOICe 
on that platform.  It worked quite well.  I mostly used it to read upcoming 
street crossings, but the soundscapes gave me a lot of environmental queues as 
well.   Does  the app store description tell you what features are missing in 
the free version?  Thanks in Advance.

On Jan 21, 2013, at 10:24 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> The vOICe (the project at www.seeingwithsound.com) has been cloned for iOS. 
> The app is called Voice Vision and is free, with finer controls available 
> with an in-app purchase. I find the resolution to be poorer than the PC 
> version, but I'm no expert.
> As to an OSX implementation, that sounds relatively easy to do, at least the 
> basic soundscape rendering. I've been torturing myself for the last few days, 
> painfully jamming bits of Objective-c and Xcode knowledge into my head. When 
> and if all this stuff makes sense, I might look at my own clone of the vOICe 
> as a pure OSX application. Don't hold your breath though, Objective-c is 
> incredibly hard to learn for someone with little to no C experience, and some 
> of Xcode is still inaccessible.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> mehg...@gmail.com
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
Twitter @lpnalda

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Re: The vOICe for OSX/iOS

2013-01-21 Thread Alex Hall
I've never used the android version so can't compare. The free version gives 
you standard one-second soundscapes; the in-app purchase opens up options like 
faster scans (though you can't scan slower than one second intervals right now) 
and other fine-tunings like frequencies. I haven't made the purchase so I don't 
know exactly what it contains.
On Jan 21, 2013, at 11:37 PM, Pete Nalda  wrote:

> Nice.  How do you find it compared to the Android Version?  I loved the vOICe 
> on that platform.  It worked quite well.  I mostly used it to read upcoming 
> street crossings, but the soundscapes gave me a lot of environmental queues 
> as well.   Does  the app store description tell you what features are missing 
> in the free version?  Thanks in Advance.
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 10:24 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> The vOICe (the project at www.seeingwithsound.com) has been cloned for iOS. 
>> The app is called Voice Vision and is free, with finer controls available 
>> with an in-app purchase. I find the resolution to be poorer than the PC 
>> version, but I'm no expert.
>> As to an OSX implementation, that sounds relatively easy to do, at least the 
>> basic soundscape rendering. I've been torturing myself for the last few 
>> days, painfully jamming bits of Objective-c and Xcode knowledge into my 
>> head. When and if all this stuff makes sense, I might look at my own clone 
>> of the vOICe as a pure OSX application. Don't hold your breath though, 
>> Objective-c is incredibly hard to learn for someone with little to no C 
>> experience, and some of Xcode is still inaccessible.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> mehg...@gmail.com
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
> http://www.myspace.com/musikonalda
> http://www.facebook.com/lpnalda
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/lpnalda
> Twitter @lpnalda
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: The vOICe for OSX/iOS

2013-01-21 Thread Devin Prater
Does the app have sterio scanning? 

Sent from my iPod with iCloud

On 21 Jan 2013, at 10:51 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

I've never used the android version so can't compare. The free version gives 
you standard one-second soundscapes; the in-app purchase opens up options like 
faster scans (though you can't scan slower than one second intervals right now) 
and other fine-tunings like frequencies. I haven't made the purchase so I don't 
know exactly what it contains.
On Jan 21, 2013, at 11:37 PM, Pete Nalda  wrote:

> Nice.  How do you find it compared to the Android Version?  I loved the vOICe 
> on that platform.  It worked quite well.  I mostly used it to read upcoming 
> street crossings, but the soundscapes gave me a lot of environmental queues 
> as well.   Does  the app store description tell you what features are missing 
> in the free version?  Thanks in Advance.
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 10:24 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> The vOICe (the project at www.seeingwithsound.com) has been cloned for iOS. 
>> The app is called Voice Vision and is free, with finer controls available 
>> with an in-app purchase. I find the resolution to be poorer than the PC 
>> version, but I'm no expert.
>> As to an OSX implementation, that sounds relatively easy to do, at least the 
>> basic soundscape rendering. I've been torturing myself for the last few 
>> days, painfully jamming bits of Objective-c and Xcode knowledge into my 
>> head. When and if all this stuff makes sense, I might look at my own clone 
>> of the vOICe as a pure OSX application. Don't hold your breath though, 
>> Objective-c is incredibly hard to learn for someone with little to no C 
>> experience, and some of Xcode is still inaccessible.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> mehg...@gmail.com
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
> Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
> http://www.myspace.com/musikonalda
> http://www.facebook.com/lpnalda
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/lpnalda
> Twitter @lpnalda
> -- 
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> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Karen Lewellen

I am not sure how you can make that leap.
Given both comcast and direct TV are being praised by customers in 
some markets for providing the service, they clearly are providing the 

So the question may be why you are not getting it in your situation.
i suggest you consult the ACB's link below.  This also provides a tool that 
gives you program listings for the growing shows available over the 
airways.  I got a chance to check it quickly and noticed some shows not 
on the list I posted last night.
There is no justification in my opinion for  either side to break the law, 
them or you..and the law is on your side.
Perhaps  since the American Council has such a passionate interest in this, 
they are facilitating individuals getting their situations addressed, I 
have no idea.   It is something they should consider doing, as well as the 
more positive, helping people say thank you to the industry 
representatives providing the shows.

Sorry this is so late.
Very busy day, and I stopped reading the associated threads after my last 
post since I said all I feel I need to say and Alex knows about Big Bang 
Theory now.

here is the link to the ACB site.


Follow the steps and learn if you are located where you can get the 
programs in any case, and what to do if for some reason you are not.
I hope you get it to work.  The positive words about comcast's making 
it happen for some are the best PR I have seen on them in years, lol.


On Mon, 21 Jan 2013, David Tanner wrote:

You know what, the regulations you state here have been in place for over 6 
months and Comcast still is not providing these even on request they claim 
that they are still looking into it.

So, are you saying it is alright for Comcast to break the law and not follow 
FCC rules or Direct TV to not follow the rules, but we shouldn't take 
advantage of an opportunity to get this service just because sighted people 
rule the world and are the only folks allowed to have a choice about what 
they can watch and what they can't.  And, if they don't want us to have that 
same right it is ok not to follow the FCC regulations?

- Original Message - From: "Karen Lewellen" 

Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013 7:52 PM
Subject: Re: Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

depending on where you are, the source of your programming, your
cable provider or satellites provider is required to make that work for you.
In fact you can file an FCC complaint now if they do not.
Additionally, efforts going on to make those menus work easily will not
get much support if people are just going to circulate avenues  to stolen
And you wonder why the author's guild fears making books work?
What is keeping programs with audio descriptions from getting sponsorship
the way captioning does?
The attitude that those getting the description do not deserve to be
treated like the rest of the consumer marketplace.
They can and will just steal it and circulate it as if this is perfectly
You cannot have it both ways, either you deserve a respected place at the
market table regardless of how differently you view that table, or you
deserve the stolen crumbs  from that table.

On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Devin Prater wrote:

 Thanks for that. If I can figure out how the menus on my TV work, I will
 certainly use what the FCC has provided.
 On Jan 20, 2013, at 7:32 PM, Karen Lewellen 

>  you bet it really matters.
>  And yes they do.
>  As of July 2012, all five broadcast networks and the same cable networks 
>  must provide audio described content, and they are doing i, every single 
>  week.
>  all television stations in the top 25 markets stateside must provide the 
>  content as well...with  additional markets  joining each year.
>  why  should anyone invest in population who is simply going to steal 
>  property.
>  cable providers and satellites providers must insure that you can access 
>  the described content.
>  I do not have the link to post now, but program listings and details are 
>  on the ACB website.

>  frankly I find this exclusionary and distasteful.
>  consumers who happen to score differently on an eye chart, must be 
>  segregated to stolen property on the Internet Never mind that Hollywood 
>  films and television shows air each week with  described content.
>  are you so lacking in personal dignity that you feel stolen property is 
>  all you deserve?

>  Especially since the entire thing could be done legally?
>  Is to some extent already.
>  No one is going to value you if you do not value yourselves, document 
>  that there is a market, use what the FCC is doing to enhance the ability 
>  for everyone to enjoy television as they choose.
>  Karen
>  On Sun, 20 Jan 2013, Devin Prater wrote:
> >  Hmm. Does it really matter? No one else seems to provide this, do 
> >  they?
> >  On Jan 20, 2013, at 7:03 PM, Karen Lewellen  
> >  wrote:
> > 
> > >  ahem,

> > >  th

Re: The vOICe for OSX/iOS

2013-01-21 Thread Alex Hall
If by stereo scanning you mean the soundscapes pan from left to right, yes. If 
you mean some sort of stereo vision support, no, as there is only one camera on 
the device and no external cameras are supported. There is, by the way, no mono 
click option like the original vOICe has.
On Jan 21, 2013, at 11:59 PM, Devin Prater  wrote:

> Does the app have sterio scanning? 
> Sent from my iPod with iCloud
> On 21 Jan 2013, at 10:51 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> I've never used the android version so can't compare. The free version gives 
> you standard one-second soundscapes; the in-app purchase opens up options 
> like faster scans (though you can't scan slower than one second intervals 
> right now) and other fine-tunings like frequencies. I haven't made the 
> purchase so I don't know exactly what it contains.
> On Jan 21, 2013, at 11:37 PM, Pete Nalda  wrote:
>> Nice.  How do you find it compared to the Android Version?  I loved the 
>> vOICe on that platform.  It worked quite well.  I mostly used it to read 
>> upcoming street crossings, but the soundscapes gave me a lot of 
>> environmental queues as well.   Does  the app store description tell you 
>> what features are missing in the free version?  Thanks in Advance.
>> On Jan 21, 2013, at 10:24 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> The vOICe (the project at www.seeingwithsound.com) has been cloned for iOS. 
>>> The app is called Voice Vision and is free, with finer controls available 
>>> with an in-app purchase. I find the resolution to be poorer than the PC 
>>> version, but I'm no expert.
>>> As to an OSX implementation, that sounds relatively easy to do, at least 
>>> the basic soundscape rendering. I've been torturing myself for the last few 
>>> days, painfully jamming bits of Objective-c and Xcode knowledge into my 
>>> head. When and if all this stuff makes sense, I might look at my own clone 
>>> of the vOICe as a pure OSX application. Don't hold your breath though, 
>>> Objective-c is incredibly hard to learn for someone with little to no C 
>>> experience, and some of Xcode is still inaccessible.
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>>> mehg...@gmail.com
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> Egun On, Lagunak! (Basque for G'day, Mates)
>> Louie P. "Pete" Nalda
>> http://www.myspace.com/musikonalda
>> http://www.facebook.com/lpnalda
>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/lpnalda
>> Twitter @lpnalda
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> macvisionaries+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> mehg...@gmail.com
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: some big bang for alex, was Blindy.tv - Please spread the word about it

2013-01-21 Thread Thierry Renoux
You can use cmd option r to record  directly in vlc.
If  it's an audio stream the recorded file will be put  in your music folder. A 
video stream will  be placed in the movie folder.

On Jan 21, 2013, at 9:02 AM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Well, strictly speaking, one could use Audio Hijack Pro to grabb off the VLC 
> audio of the streams from blindy.tv, however, imagine the disk space that 
> would take up.  Not to mention which, you'd have to somehow grab all the 
> streams 24-7 to grab off a show you liked and keep it.  Most impractible in 
> my view.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
> Still a very proud and happy Mac and Iphone user!

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