Arrangement Track in GarageBand

2012-10-10 Thread Nicholas Parsons
HI list,

In particular those of you who use GarageBand.

Is it possible to access the Arrangement Track with VoiceOver?

I've press show Arrangement Track with Command Shift A and from the edit menu 
but I can't see it anywhere.

Just to be clear, I'm not talking about the Arrangement Area which shows the 
Timeline Group and Header Group.


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Opening Google Search Results in New Tabs in Safari

2012-10-10 Thread Nicholas Parsons
For some time now I've had problems opening links in the Google search results 
page in new tabs in Safari.

When I do a Google search,, each result shows up with its own heading which is 
also a link. I can navigate to each heading and VO-Space (or up and down arrows 
together with Quick Nav) to open the link. However, if I press command-return 
on them, which I usually do to open links in a new tab, nothing happens.

Can anyone shed some light on this for me, please?

Thank you.

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Re: Arrangement Track in GarageBand

2012-10-10 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Nic,
I'm learning garage band and would like to know what an arrangement track 
actually is. Getting to know garage band is not easy, as there is no ideal 
documentation for voiceover users for this highly graphical piece of software 
as far as I know. So getting it together by bits and pieces is what I do now. 
What is an arrangement track?

On Oct 10, 2012, at 9:25 AM, Nicholas Parsons  

> HI list,
> In particular those of you who use GarageBand.
> Is it possible to access the Arrangement Track with VoiceOver?
> I've press show Arrangement Track with Command Shift A and from the edit menu 
> but I can't see it anywhere.
> Just to be clear, I'm not talking about the Arrangement Area which shows the 
> Timeline Group and Header Group.
> Cheers
> Nic
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ftp sites in finder and read write mode

2012-10-10 Thread Paul Erkens
Dear listers,

I often mount an ftp site using the finder, by hitting command k, then typing 
ftp://, that is f t p colon slash slash, then the address of the ftp server and 
then enter. If you need to connect to an alternative port on the ftp server, 
that is also possible, by adding a colon, and then the port number before 
hitting enter.

This mounts the ftp site, as if it were an external disk, which is fantastic. 
You can download entire folder structures on an ftp site to your mac, by simply 
hitting command c on the item to get, even a big folder structure, then going 
into downloads and command v ing it there. But, we cannot upload. Only download.
There used to be software, called mac fuse, that allowed us to mount an ftp 
site in read write mode, rather than in read-only mode, which is what the 
finder always does. I experimented with mac fuse under snow leopard and there I 
had that working as far as I remember, but to my knowledge, mac fuse has not 
been updated for lion, nor for mountain lion.

Is there another way to easily mount an ftp site in finder as read/write, or 
alternatively, what are you using to upload stuff into an ftp site using your 
mac? If it's just a zip file or another single thing, then I can help myself 
with the terminal command line ftp client, but I'd rather find an easier 
solution. Any ideas?


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time capsule access from windows?

2012-10-10 Thread Paul Erkens
Dear listers,

How should I access my time capsule built-in disk using a windows box? Does a 
time capsule understand or speak samba at all? It won't work when I try to 
access time capsule using the smb colon slash slash prefix. 


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Re: USB card reader not showing up anywhere

2012-10-10 Thread Mark Baxter
Nope, nothing like that.  I think the reader's a bad job.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: ftp sites in finder and read write mode

2012-10-10 Thread Ray Foret Jr
I once heard of something called "Transmit" which I seem to recall was fairly 
popular among blind Mac users for a while.  It came at a nomila cost; but, many 
seemed to like it pretty well.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Oct 10, 2012, at 5:28 AM, Paul Erkens  wrote:

> Dear listers,
> I often mount an ftp site using the finder, by hitting command k, then typing 
> ftp://, that is f t p colon slash slash, then the address of the ftp server 
> and then enter. If you need to connect to an alternative port on the ftp 
> server, that is also possible, by adding a colon, and then the port number 
> before hitting enter.
> This mounts the ftp site, as if it were an external disk, which is fantastic. 
> You can download entire folder structures on an ftp site to your mac, by 
> simply hitting command c on the item to get, even a big folder structure, 
> then going into downloads and command v ing it there. But, we cannot upload. 
> Only download.
> There used to be software, called mac fuse, that allowed us to mount an ftp 
> site in read write mode, rather than in read-only mode, which is what the 
> finder always does. I experimented with mac fuse under snow leopard and there 
> I had that working as far as I remember, but to my knowledge, mac fuse has 
> not been updated for lion, nor for mountain lion.
> Is there another way to easily mount an ftp site in finder as read/write, or 
> alternatively, what are you using to upload stuff into an ftp site using your 
> mac? If it's just a zip file or another single thing, then I can help myself 
> with the terminal command line ftp client, but I'd rather find an easier 
> solution. Any ideas?
> Paul.
> -- 
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Fwd: about the agenda Follow-up: 232381336

2012-10-10 Thread William Windels
I hope some of you will also announce the followup number to the lists if they 
receive a response from accessibility.
Personally, I think we should have perhaps better results if we  
would like to announce a similar problems with the corresponding number.
That can be one of the meanings of this numbers they give us.

So, here it's about the agenda in 10.8.2 and voiceover.

Any comments are very welcome,

kind regards,
William Windels

Begin doorgestuurd bericht:

> Van:
> Onderwerp: Antw.: about the agenda
> Datum: 10 oktober 2012 01:55:47 CEST
> Aan:
> Please include the line below in follow-up emails for this request.
> Follow-up:  232381336
> Hello, 
> Thank you for your email.  We appreciate the feedback and will pass this on 
> to the appropriate people for investigation.
> Apple Accessibility
> Hello,
> When I make a appointment in the agenda on my macbook and I would like to add 
> a new reminder of that appointment with a specific time,
> the cursor is losing focus.
> I select  e.g. the reminder option "message with sound" and after closing 
> this combo box, I am no longer  on that field but the details of the 
> appointments are no longer visible without interacting again.
> It seems logic to me that, when you select a new type of reminder, you want 
> to fill in a new value.
> So, without this bug, I should be able to jump one time to the right from the 
> place where the combos is to fill in the value.
> What do you think about this?
> Kind regards,
> William Windels

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Re: Playing Flash Movies [3 Updates]

2012-10-10 Thread Teresa Cochran
Try doing a VO search on the video page for "video". You should run into an 
element that says "video element controller". Interact with this, and you 
should find the controls.


On Oct 9, 2012, at 10:58 PM, Nicholas Parsons  

> Thanks guys.
> I went to the HTML5 youtube site and it told me I was already automatically 
> signed up for the HTML5 trial, and only gave me the option to unsubscribe. 
> However, I still can't see any play/pause controls for youtube videos.
> Does the click-to-plugin alert you when there is flash content on a page even 
> while it blocks it?
> -- 
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Re: time capsule access from windows?

2012-10-10 Thread John Panarese
There is an Airport Utility for Windows.  This is what I use for accessing 
mine on my PC the rare time I use it these days.

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479
Twitter, @macfortheblind




On Oct 10, 2012, at 6:31 AM, Paul Erkens  wrote:

> Dear listers,
> How should I access my time capsule built-in disk using a windows box? Does a 
> time capsule understand or speak samba at all? It won't work when I try to 
> access time capsule using the smb colon slash slash prefix. 
> Paul.
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: ftp sites in finder and read write mode

2012-10-10 Thread David Eagle
I've tried FileZiller, which I use on the PC, but it doesn't seem to
be accessible on the Mac. I've never used the Mac for FTP; I always
end up switching on my PC unfortunately.

Sorry I can't help Paul, but how do you use Terminal for FTP?

On 10/10/2012, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
> I once heard of something called "Transmit" which I seem to recall was
> fairly popular among blind Mac users for a while.  It came at a nomila cost;
> but, many seemed to like it pretty well.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> On Oct 10, 2012, at 5:28 AM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>> Dear listers,
>> I often mount an ftp site using the finder, by hitting command k, then
>> typing ftp://, that is f t p colon slash slash, then the address of the
>> ftp server and then enter. If you need to connect to an alternative port
>> on the ftp server, that is also possible, by adding a colon, and then the
>> port number before hitting enter.
>> This mounts the ftp site, as if it were an external disk, which is
>> fantastic. You can download entire folder structures on an ftp site to
>> your mac, by simply hitting command c on the item to get, even a big
>> folder structure, then going into downloads and command v ing it there.
>> But, we cannot upload. Only download.
>> There used to be software, called mac fuse, that allowed us to mount an
>> ftp site in read write mode, rather than in read-only mode, which is what
>> the finder always does. I experimented with mac fuse under snow leopard
>> and there I had that working as far as I remember, but to my knowledge,
>> mac fuse has not been updated for lion, nor for mountain lion.
>> Is there another way to easily mount an ftp site in finder as read/write,
>> or alternatively, what are you using to upload stuff into an ftp site
>> using your mac? If it's just a zip file or another single thing, then I
>> can help myself with the terminal command line ftp client, but I'd rather
>> find an easier solution. Any ideas?
>> Paul.
>> --
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David Eagle


Follow me on Twitter:";

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Re: Arrangement Track in GarageBand

2012-10-10 Thread Phil Halton
Actually, the podcasts done by Ricardo and others are very good sources of 
info for learning GB.

go to

and search for ricardo's GB podcasts - there are four or five of them.

- Original Message - 
From: "Paul Erkens" 

Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 5:56 AM
Subject: Re: Arrangement Track in GarageBand

Hi Nic,
I'm learning garage band and would like to know what an arrangement track 
actually is. Getting to know garage band is not easy, as there is no ideal 
documentation for voiceover users for this highly graphical piece of 
software as far as I know. So getting it together by bits and pieces is what 
I do now. What is an arrangement track?

On Oct 10, 2012, at 9:25 AM, Nicholas Parsons 

HI list,

In particular those of you who use GarageBand.

Is it possible to access the Arrangement Track with VoiceOver?

I've press show Arrangement Track with Command Shift A and from the edit 
menu but I can't see it anywhere.

Just to be clear, I'm not talking about the Arrangement Area which shows 
the Timeline Group and Header Group.


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Re: Kindle app

2012-10-10 Thread Mike Arrigo
Apparently, aside from voiceover, on the kindle devices themselves, the 
publisher can decide if they want to allow the user to be able to 
listen to a book. Amazon should have never bowed to that pressure, they 
should have told the publishers, we have blind users who need access to 
these books, we're not disabling the speech features. Sure, the 
publishers could have refused to license the content at that point, but 
they would have been shooting themselves in the foot if they had done 
that. Their newest kindle fire tablets are also not accessible, even 
though the newest versions of android are completely accessible with 
the touch screen. Amazon is making it quite clear from their actions 
that they do not want our business.

Original message:
I agree, I've written them at least five times but that's not enough.  
We should start organizing a plan.
I'm annoyed at all the ridicules greed driven decisions made against 
visually impaired and blind people.  The fact is the vo or read aloud 
works on their Kindle so they are'nt worried about sighted people using 
it instead of audio books, they want us to buy their kindle hardware - 
which makes no sense whatsoever as  the last thing I need is another 
book reader with a cumbersome screen I can't appreciate.  It's bad 
enough the ebook industry has formed a cartel-like union, inflating 
eBook prices well above paperback costs, without the production costs, 
nor the jobs printing books would provide; now they are placing 
obstacles to accessibility. It's inexcusable.

Tammy L. Abreu-Butron
(408) 892-1964 mobile

On Oct 9, 2012, at 8:22 PM, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:

Cheree Heppe here:

The way to stop the discriminatory behavior is with some old-fashioned 
letter writing, blogging, senator contacting and maybe, demonstrating.

Cheree Heppe

- Original Message -
From: "Mike Arrigo" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 20:05
Subject: Re: Kindle app

That is one of the most ridiculous and insane things I have ever heard. 
It's bad enough that Amazon does not make this app accessible, but, if 
they are indeed preventing voiceover users from reading the content, 
that is disgraceful to put it nicely.

On Oct 9, 2012, at 6:39 PM, Adrienne Sinclair Chalmers wrote:

Actually it's worse than it just won't work, Voiceover has been 
deliberately disabled by order of those nice folk at Amazon. Their 
reason seems to be that Voiceover is free and so sighted people might 
use it to get their books read out to them. Sounds like a load of 
spurious drivel to me. I wish there was some way to stop this sort of 
discriminatory behaviour.



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Re: Kindle app

2012-10-10 Thread Ray Foret Jr
I, for my part, predict that the NFB will sue Amazon for their behavior toward 
us.  After all, we're trying to talk to them but they never listen.  So, after 
a while, suing may well be the only option here.  Sorry to say.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Oct 10, 2012, at 9:31 AM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:

> Apparently, aside from voiceover, on the kindle devices themselves, the 
> publisher can decide if they want to allow the user to be able to listen to a 
> book. Amazon should have never bowed to that pressure, they should have told 
> the publishers, we have blind users who need access to these books, we're not 
> disabling the speech features. Sure, the publishers could have refused to 
> license the content at that point, but they would have been shooting 
> themselves in the foot if they had done that. Their newest kindle fire 
> tablets are also not accessible, even though the newest versions of android 
> are completely accessible with the touch screen. Amazon is making it quite 
> clear from their actions that they do not want our business.
> Original message:
>> I agree, I've written them at least five times but that's not enough.  We 
>> should start organizing a plan.
>> I'm annoyed at all the ridicules greed driven decisions made against 
>> visually impaired and blind people.  The fact is the vo or read aloud works 
>> on their Kindle so they are'nt worried about sighted people using it instead 
>> of audio books, they want us to buy their kindle hardware - which makes no 
>> sense whatsoever as  the last thing I need is another book reader with a 
>> cumbersome screen I can't appreciate.  It's bad enough the ebook industry 
>> has formed a cartel-like union, inflating eBook prices well above paperback 
>> costs, without the production costs, nor the jobs printing books would 
>> provide; now they are placing obstacles to accessibility. It's inexcusable.
>> Tammy L. Abreu-Butron
>> (408) 892-1964 mobile
>> On Oct 9, 2012, at 8:22 PM, "Cheree Heppe"  wrote:
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> The way to stop the discriminatory behavior is with some old-fashioned 
>>> letter writing, blogging, senator contacting and maybe, demonstrating.
>>> Regards,
>>> Cheree Heppe
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Mike Arrigo" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 20:05
>>> Subject: Re: Kindle app
>>> That is one of the most ridiculous and insane things I have ever heard. 
>>> It's bad enough that Amazon does not make this app accessible, but, if they 
>>> are indeed preventing voiceover users from reading the content, that is 
>>> disgraceful to put it nicely.
>>> On Oct 9, 2012, at 6:39 PM, Adrienne Sinclair Chalmers wrote:
 Actually it's worse than it just won't work, Voiceover has been 
 deliberately disabled by order of those nice folk at Amazon. Their reason 
 seems to be that Voiceover is free and so sighted people might use it to 
 get their books read out to them. Sounds like a load of spurious drivel to 
 me. I wish there was some way to stop this sort of discriminatory 
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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 For more options, visit this group at
>>> --
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> --
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>> --
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> -- 
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Re: Read It Later app Accesible

2012-10-10 Thread Esther
Hi Emilio,

I think that The Read It Later app, which ihas been renamed as "Pocket
(Formerly Read It Later)" for some time, perennially has unlabeled
buttons, despite inputs to the developers by VoiceOver users. If you
want the probable labels for the buttons, you can check the AppleVis
entry for this app.  I'll give you the links to both the current entry
(for this app as "Pocket"), and the previous entry so that you can
read the comments for yourself.
• Latest review of Pocket (Formerly Read It Later)
• Previous review of Read It Later

I don't think the button labeling status has changed, but it might
have. Marco Arment discussed how it was easy to add VoiceOver
accessibility in one of his recent podcasts (Episode #95 of Build and
Analyze, September 20, 2012 "This Unicorn Doesn't Support NFC").  He
demoed what happened with his competitors' apps when you turn on
VoiceOver. I think that Pocket was the one where you only heard,
"button, button, button", but you can check this out for yourself.
The podcast episode web page URL for the discussion by Marco and Dan
Benjamin is:
and the discussion of VoiceOver accessibility was a little over an
hour into the program, I think. It was definitely before the 70 minute

Because Pocket has had upgrades since the program aired on September
20, it's possible they labeled the buttons in the most recent
versions. I'll just note that if they've done so, they haven't
mentioned it in any of their update notes. The good news is that,
apart from unlabeled buttons, the AppleVis review seems to indicate
that the app is usable. I hacen't tested this myself, since I've been
using Instapaper.

HTH.  Cheers,


Emilio Hernandez  wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> For those who have a subscription to Instapaper, do you know if the Read It 
> Later app for the Mac is compatible with voiceover?
> I am not able to access this program because it is based on a subscription. 
> Thus, I would appreciate any feedback before subscribing.
> Thank you all.

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Re: Read It Later app Accesible

2012-10-10 Thread Esther
Hi Emilio,

I thought you were asking about the accessibility of the "Read It
Later" iOS app that is one of the Instapaper competitors.  But if
you're asking about using Instapaper's "Read It Later" functions and
the additional subscription option from the web page on the Mac, I
believe that everything is accessible with VoiceOver. But I'm not a
subscriber myself, so maybe someone else can respond, if that's your



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Re: Kindle app

2012-10-10 Thread Mike Arrigo
It would be nice if companies would make their products accessible not 
because they have to, but because it's the right thing to do and 
increases their sales. When companies are sued, they usually only do 
the minimum that is required to comply. On the other hand, if a company 
believes that we are consumers like everyone else, and they are losing 
money because their products are not accessible, they will probably 
devote more resources to making their products accessible. The blind 
community is not as small of a market as some think it is. 
Unfortunately, Amazon seems to have no interest in accessibility 
whatsoever. The most they have provided is a kindle device that was not 
even completely accessible. They refuse to make their iphone and 
android apps accessible, even though both platforms provide clear 
documentation on how to do this. Unfortunately, a law suit may be the 
only option in their case.

Original message:
I, for my part, predict that the NFB will sue Amazon for their behavior 
toward us. After all, we're trying to talk to them but they never 
listen. So, after a while, suing may well be the only option here. 
Sorry to say.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Oct 10, 2012, at 9:31 AM, Mike Arrigo > wrote:

Apparently, aside from voiceover, on the kindle devices themselves, the 
publisher can decide if they want to allow the user to be able to 
listen to a book. Amazon should have never bowed to that pressure, they 
should have told the publishers, we have blind users who need access to 
these books, we're not disabling the speech features. Sure, the 
publishers could have refused to license the content at that point, but 
they would have been shooting themselves in the foot if they had done 
that. Their newest kindle fire tablets are also not accessible, even 
though the newest versions of android are completely accessible with 
the touch screen. Amazon is making it quite clear from their actions 
that they do not want our business.

Original message:

I agree, I've written them at least five times but that's not enough. 
We should start organizing a plan.
I'm annoyed at all the ridicules greed driven decisions made against 
visually impaired and blind people. The fact is the vo or read aloud 
works on their Kindle so they are'nt worried about sighted people using 
it instead of audio books, they want us to buy their kindle hardware - 
which makes no sense whatsoever as the last thing I need is another 
book reader with a cumbersome screen I can't appreciate. It's bad 
enough the ebook industry has formed a cartel-like union, inflating 
eBook prices well above paperback costs, without the production costs, 
nor the jobs printing books would provide; now they are placing 
obstacles to accessibility. It's inexcusable.

Tammy L. Abreu-Butron
(408) 892-1964 mobile

On Oct 9, 2012, at 8:22 PM, "Cheree Heppe" > wrote:

Cheree Heppe here:

The way to stop the discriminatory behavior is with some old-fashioned 
letter writing, blogging, senator contacting and maybe, demonstrating.

Cheree Heppe

- Original Message -
From: "Mike Arrigo">>
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 20:05
Subject: Re: Kindle app

That is one of the most ridiculous and insane things I have ever heard. 
It's bad enough that Amazon does not make this app accessible, but, if 
they are indeed preventing voiceover users from reading the content, 
that is disgraceful to put it nicely.

On Oct 9, 2012, at 6:39 PM, Adrienne Sinclair Chalmers wrote:

Actually it's worse than it just won't work, Voiceover has been 
deliberately disabled by order of those nice folk at Amazon. Their 
reason seems to be that Voiceover is free and so sighted people might 
use it to get their books read out to them. Sounds like a load of 
spurious drivel to me. I wish there was some way to stop this sort of 
discriminatory behaviour.



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Re: Kindle app

2012-10-10 Thread Ray Foret Jr
As much as I hate to say this, I fear you are absolutely correct.  When you try 
and try and try to talk for years, as we have done, and they don't listen…well, 
what is left?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Oct 10, 2012, at 1:46 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:

> It would be nice if companies would make their products accessible not 
> because they have to, but because it's the right thing to do and increases 
> their sales. When companies are sued, they usually only do the minimum that 
> is required to comply. On the other hand, if a company believes that we are 
> consumers like everyone else, and they are losing money because their 
> products are not accessible, they will probably devote more resources to 
> making their products accessible. The blind community is not as small of a 
> market as some think it is. Unfortunately, Amazon seems to have no interest 
> in accessibility whatsoever. The most they have provided is a kindle device 
> that was not even completely accessible. They refuse to make their iphone and 
> android apps accessible, even though both platforms provide clear 
> documentation on how to do this. Unfortunately, a law suit may be the only 
> option in their case.
> Original message:
>> I, for my part, predict that the NFB will sue Amazon for their behavior 
>> toward us. After all, we're trying to talk to them but they never listen. 
>> So, after a while, suing may well be the only option here. Sorry to say.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> On Oct 10, 2012, at 9:31 AM, Mike Arrigo > > wrote:
>> Apparently, aside from voiceover, on the kindle devices themselves, the 
>> publisher can decide if they want to allow the user to be able to listen to 
>> a book. Amazon should have never bowed to that pressure, they should have 
>> told the publishers, we have blind users who need access to these books, 
>> we're not disabling the speech features. Sure, the publishers could have 
>> refused to license the content at that point, but they would have been 
>> shooting themselves in the foot if they had done that. Their newest kindle 
>> fire tablets are also not accessible, even though the newest versions of 
>> android are completely accessible with the touch screen. Amazon is making it 
>> quite clear from their actions that they do not want our business.
>> Original message:
>> I agree, I've written them at least five times but that's not enough. We 
>> should start organizing a plan.
>> I'm annoyed at all the ridicules greed driven decisions made against 
>> visually impaired and blind people. The fact is the vo or read aloud works 
>> on their Kindle so they are'nt worried about sighted people using it instead 
>> of audio books, they want us to buy their kindle hardware - which makes no 
>> sense whatsoever as the last thing I need is another book reader with a 
>> cumbersome screen I can't appreciate. It's bad enough the ebook industry has 
>> formed a cartel-like union, inflating eBook prices well above paperback 
>> costs, without the production costs, nor the jobs printing books would 
>> provide; now they are placing obstacles to accessibility. It's inexcusable.
>> Tammy L. Abreu-Butron
>> (408) 892-1964 mobile
>> On Oct 9, 2012, at 8:22 PM, "Cheree Heppe" > > wrote:
>> Cheree Heppe here:
>> The way to stop the discriminatory behavior is with some old-fashioned 
>> letter writing, blogging, senator contacting and maybe, demonstrating.
>> Regards,
>> Cheree Heppe
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Mike Arrigo">>
>> To: > >
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 20:05
>> Subject: Re: Kindle app
>> That is one of the most ridiculous and insane things I have ever heard. It's 
>> bad enough that Amazon does not make this app accessible, but, if they are 
>> indeed preventing voiceover users from reading the content, that is 
>> disgraceful to put it nicely.
>> On Oct 9, 2012, at 6:39 PM, Adrienne Sinclair Chalmers wrote:
>> Actually it's worse than it just won't work, Voiceover has been deliberately 
>> disabled by order of those nice folk at Amazon. Their reason seems to be 
>> that Voiceover is free and so sighted people might use it to get their books 
>> read out to them. Sounds like a load of spurious drivel to me. I wish there 
>> was some way to stop this sort of discriminatory behaviour.
>> Best
>> Adrienne
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send em

Re: Kindle app

2012-10-10 Thread Red.Falcon
OK so as far as I know there policy is world wide and I bet that people from 
different country's will have to sue them in there own country!
It is a pity we cannot bring a worldwide suit against them or am I wrong on 
And forgive me for not knowing this but where are they based they no doubt have 
places all over the place!
What do people think!

On 10 Oct 2012, at 20:13, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> As much as I hate to say this, I fear you are absolutely correct.  When you 
> try and try and try to talk for years, as we have done, and they don't 
> listen…well, what is left?
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> On Oct 10, 2012, at 1:46 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
>> It would be nice if companies would make their products accessible not 
>> because they have to, but because it's the right thing to do and increases 
>> their sales. When companies are sued, they usually only do the minimum that 
>> is required to comply. On the other hand, if a company believes that we are 
>> consumers like everyone else, and they are losing money because their 
>> products are not accessible, they will probably devote more resources to 
>> making their products accessible. The blind community is not as small of a 
>> market as some think it is. Unfortunately, Amazon seems to have no interest 
>> in accessibility whatsoever. The most they have provided is a kindle device 
>> that was not even completely accessible. They refuse to make their iphone 
>> and android apps accessible, even though both platforms provide clear 
>> documentation on how to do this. Unfortunately, a law suit may be the only 
>> option in their case.
>> Original message:
>>> I, for my part, predict that the NFB will sue Amazon for their behaviour 
>>> toward us. After all, we're trying to talk to them but they never listen. 
>>> So, after a while, suing may well be the only option here. Sorry to say.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> On Oct 10, 2012, at 9:31 AM, Mike Arrigo >> > wrote:
>>> Apparently, aside from voiceover, on the kindle devices themselves, the 
>>> publisher can decide if they want to allow the user to be able to listen to 
>>> a book. Amazon should have never bowed to that pressure, they should have 
>>> told the publishers, we have blind users who need access to these books, 
>>> we're not disabling the speech features. Sure, the publishers could have 
>>> refused to license the content at that point, but they would have been 
>>> shooting themselves in the foot if they had done that. Their newest kindle 
>>> fire tablets are also not accessible, even though the newest versions of 
>>> android are completely accessible with the touch screen. Amazon is making 
>>> it quite clear from their actions that they do not want our business.
>>> Original message:
>>> I agree, I've written them at least five times but that's not enough. We 
>>> should start organising a plan.
>>> I'm annoyed at all the ridicules greed driven decisions made against 
>>> visually impaired and blind people. The fact is the vo or read aloud works 
>>> on their Kindle so they are'nt worried about sighted people using it 
>>> instead of audio books, they want us to buy their kindle hardware - which 
>>> makes no sense whatsoever as the last thing I need is another book reader 
>>> with a cumbersome screen I can't appreciate. It's bad enough the ebook 
>>> industry has formed a cartel-like union, inflating eBook prices well above 
>>> paperback costs, without the production costs, nor the jobs printing books 
>>> would provide; now they are placing obstacles to accessibility. It's 
>>> inexcusable.
>>> Tammy L. Abreu-Butron
>>> (408) 892-1964 mobile
>>> On Oct 9, 2012, at 8:22 PM, "Cheree Heppe" >> > wrote:
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> The way to stop the discriminatory behaviour is with some old-fashioned 
>>> letter writing, blogging, senator contacting and maybe, demonstrating.
>>> Regards,
>>> Cheree Heppe
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Mike Arrigo">>
>>> To: >> >
>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 20:05
>>> Subject: Re: Kindle app
>>> That is one of the most ridiculous and insane things I have ever heard. 
>>> It's bad enough that Amazon does not make this app accessible, but, if they 
>>> are indeed preventing voiceover users from reading the content, that is 
>>> disgraceful to put it nicely.
>>> On Oct 9, 2012, at 6:39 PM, Adrienne Sinclair Chalmers wrote:
>>> Actually it's worse 

a friend having issues with Mail in Mountain Lion

2012-10-10 Thread Jeff Bishop
Please see this message. Does anyone have any pointers that I might be able
to pass along?


Hello all,

My name is Amber and I'm having some problems with Mac Mail in Mountain
lion. I am using Gmail along with Mac mail. I have set up Gmail with its
accompanying folders. I find that I am having trouble with voiceover in the
conversations that I have created  in Mac mail.  I like the option to thread
my replies, but I am finding that voiceover repeats the "conversation
disclosure triangle" quite a bit when I arrow through messages.  In
addition, I am also having trouble deleting emails within threads. Sometimes
when I use the backspace key, the messages within the threads are deleted.
However, sometimes they are not, or the messages seem to be deleted, but the
same message is read to me a few times. It is almost as if voiceover cannot
catch up with my deletion of certain messages within the thread although I
am not deleting them very quickly. In order for them to be permanently
deleted, I have to hit command and  W and close the entire thread.

Another issue I am having is that sometimes command delete will delete the
message and sometimes it will not. There are a few things that I have done
to try to fix this problem. I have removed my Gmail account and put it back
onto Mac mail. I have also gone into the view menu and changed it to classic
mail view.. In the mail preferences under the view tab, list previews are
turned off.   Show headers is also said to none. Include all messages is
also unchecked. Mark own messages as read this unchecked. Should this be

I am running Mountain lion OS 10 on a MacBook. Not a pro. It is about two
years old. I have done all updates to Mountain lion just today.

I have also noted that voiceover is a bit sluggish on my machine. Sometimes
it takes a while to catch up to what I'm doing.

If anyone could help I would greatly appreciated. You can email me at Thank you. 




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how to copy music from one library to another?

2012-10-10 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I have set up iTunes, with my apple id, on two minis on the same network. I 
ripped a cd in the older mini since mine lacks a disk drive, and I can see the 
12 songs as a remote playlist in my mini's iTunes. What I can't work out is how 
to get them to copy into my library so I can edit their id3 tags and 
incorporate them into my music? Thanks for any tips.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: a friend having issues with Mail in Mountain Lion

2012-10-10 Thread Cheryl Homiak
These are not specifically issues having to do with threads and conversations. 
I am using the new standard mail, not the classical view, but I am not using 
any kind of threading. I find that I often have messages that don't appear to 
be deleted and then when I finally go completely out of the messages table and 
column I finally hear that the table is empty. I find this annoying and it 
definitely slows me down! I used to just be able to give the delete key a tap 
and the message was gone; now that doesn't happen a lot of the time and i'm 
always concerned that I may not know where the focus is and another email may 
have been deleted instead of the one I was trying to delete. While I like the 
feature that has lines read when a message comes in or when I am in the index, 
this can interrupt me when I'm reviewing something else in the index. It is no 
longer as snappy and quick to run through a bunch of mail as it used to be. I'm 
actually threatening to take most of my mail reading either to the iPhone 
and/or back to Alpine in linux on vmware fusion. Of course, part of the appeal 
of going back to Alpine is that I have braille with my braillelite 40 in the 
vmware fusion environment ( I sure wish these old serial devices could be 
full-fledged Mac players but I realize they are old technology) but part of it 
is that mail on my mac, while still quite doable, isn't as easy as it used to 
be. I kind of thought i must be doing something that wasn't the best practice 
and hadn't researched this so hadn't said anything on a list yet. I even tried 
hitting enter and then tabbing to delete but that is unnecessarily slow in my 
opinion. I realize this post isn't that helpful as I have no actual suggestions 
to give, but I didn't realize quite how frustrated I am with the Apple mail 
situation until I saw this post so I'm venting a little, and when I get going 
you get extra irrelevant data at no extra cost, unless you are paying for the 
download of my complaining. Don't get me wrong; I love my Mac and it is now my 
primary OS, but mail sometimes really annoys me when I'm trying to run rapidly 
through a bunch of messages. I've even considered whether the fact that I am 
using imap contributes to this, but since I am using mail on two iPhones, my 
Macbook pro, and sometimes Alpine in linux, it makes more sense to use imap. 
Okay I'm done; you can all take your hands down off your ears now without fear 
of losing precious hearing from listening to me yell!


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Oct 10, 2012, at 3:23 PM, "Jeff Bishop"  wrote:

> Please see this message. Does anyone have any pointers that I might be able 
> to pass along?
> Hello all,
> My name is Amber and I'm having some problems with Mac Mail in Mountain lion. 
> I am using Gmail along with Mac mail. I have set up Gmail with its 
> accompanying folders. I find that I am having trouble with voiceover in the 
> conversations that I have created  in Mac mail.  I like the option to thread 
> my replies, but I am finding that voiceover repeats the "conversation 
> disclosure triangle" quite a bit when I arrow through messages.  In addition, 
> I am also having trouble deleting emails within threads. Sometimes when I use 
> the backspace key, the messages within the threads are deleted. However, 
> sometimes they are not, or the messages seem to be deleted, but the same 
> message is read to me a few times. It is almost as if voiceover cannot catch 
> up with my deletion of certain messages within the thread although I am not 
> deleting them very quickly. In order for them to be permanently deleted, I 
> have to hit command and  W and close the entire thread.
> Another issue I am having is that sometimes command delete will delete the 
> message and sometimes it will not. There are a few things that I have done to 
> try to fix this problem. I have removed my Gmail account and put it back onto 
> Mac mail. I have also gone into the view menu and changed it to classic mail 
> view.. In the mail preferences under the view tab, list previews are turned 
> off.   Show headers is also said to none. Include all messages is also 
> unchecked. Mark own messages as read this unchecked. Should this be checked?
> I am running Mountain lion OS 10 on a MacBook. Not a pro. It is about two 
> years old. I have done all updates to Mountain lion just today.
> I have also noted that voiceover is a bit sluggish on my machine. Sometimes 
> it takes a while to catch up to what I'm doing.
> If anyone could help I would greatly appreciated. You can email me at 
> Thank you.
> Sincerely,
> Amber
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email 
> tomacv

Re: a friend having issues with Mail in Mountain Lion

2012-10-10 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I love reading mail on the I phone with a braille display.  I prefer how it is 
displayed on an I phone rather than the Mac.  I have to shift tab to delete a 
message, i.e., make sure I'm on the messaging table.  I hate when mail comes in 
on to the Mac as you may have read three or four threads or in the middle of 
reading a thread and your cursor has gone back to the beginning of a thread.  
It makes me very annoyed.  This doesn't happen on my I phone.  Just my comments 
but I'm not complaining!

On 10 Oct 2012, at 21:47, Cheryl Homiak  wrote:

> These are not specifically issues having to do with threads and 
> conversations. I am using the new standard mail, not the classical view, but 
> I am not using any kind of threading. I find that I often have messages that 
> don't appear to be deleted and then when I finally go completely out of the 
> messages table and column I finally hear that the table is empty. I find this 
> annoying and it definitely slows me down! I used to just be able to give the 
> delete key a tap and the message was gone; now that doesn't happen a lot of 
> the time and i'm always concerned that I may not know where the focus is and 
> another email may have been deleted instead of the one I was trying to 
> delete. While I like the feature that has lines read when a message comes in 
> or when I am in the index, this can interrupt me when I'm reviewing something 
> else in the index. It is no longer as snappy and quick to run through a bunch 
> of mail as it used to be. I'm actually threatening to take most of my mail 
> reading either to the iPhone and/or back to Alpine in linux on vmware fusion. 
> Of course, part of the appeal of going back to Alpine is that I have braille 
> with my braillelite 40 in the vmware fusion environment ( I sure wish these 
> old serial devices could be full-fledged Mac players but I realize they are 
> old technology) but part of it is that mail on my mac, while still quite 
> doable, isn't as easy as it used to be. I kind of thought i must be doing 
> something that wasn't the best practice and hadn't researched this so hadn't 
> said anything on a list yet. I even tried hitting enter and then tabbing to 
> delete but that is unnecessarily slow in my opinion. I realize this post 
> isn't that helpful as I have no actual suggestions to give, but I didn't 
> realize quite how frustrated I am with the Apple mail situation until I saw 
> this post so I'm venting a little, and when I get going you get extra 
> irrelevant data at no extra cost, unless you are paying for the download of 
> my complaining. Don't get me wrong; I love my Mac and it is now my primary 
> OS, but mail sometimes really annoys me when I'm trying to run rapidly 
> through a bunch of messages. I've even considered whether the fact that I am 
> using imap contributes to this, but since I am using mail on two iPhones, my 
> Macbook pro, and sometimes Alpine in linux, it makes more sense to use imap. 
> Okay I'm done; you can all take your hands down off your ears now without 
> fear of losing precious hearing from listening to me yell!
> -- 
> Cheryl
> May the words of my mouth
> and the meditation of my heart
> be acceptable to You, Lord,
> my rock and my Redeemer.
> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> On Oct 10, 2012, at 3:23 PM, "Jeff Bishop"  wrote:
>> Please see this message. Does anyone have any pointers that I might be able 
>> to pass along?
>> Hello all,
>> My name is Amber and I'm having some problems with Mac Mail in Mountain 
>> lion. I am using Gmail along with Mac mail. I have set up Gmail with its 
>> accompanying folders. I find that I am having trouble with voiceover in the 
>> conversations that I have created  in Mac mail.  I like the option to thread 
>> my replies, but I am finding that voiceover repeats the "conversation 
>> disclosure triangle" quite a bit when I arrow through messages.  In 
>> addition, I am also having trouble deleting emails within threads. Sometimes 
>> when I use the backspace key, the messages within the threads are deleted. 
>> However, sometimes they are not, or the messages seem to be deleted, but the 
>> same message is read to me a few times. It is almost as if voiceover cannot 
>> catch up with my deletion of certain messages within the thread although I 
>> am not deleting them very quickly. In order for them to be permanently 
>> deleted, I have to hit command and  W and close the entire thread.
>> Another issue I am having is that sometimes command delete will delete the 
>> message and sometimes it will not. There are a few things that I have done 
>> to try to fix this problem. I have removed my Gmail account and put it back 
>> onto Mac mail. I have also gone into the view menu and changed it to classic 
>> mail view.. In the mail preferences under the view tab, list previews are 
>> turned off.   Show headers is also said to none. Include all messages is 
>> also unchecked. Mark own messages as read 

Re: how to copy music from one library to another?

2012-10-10 Thread Tim Kilburn

It looks like your using iTunes Sharing to see the Libraries on each computer.  
This regular Sharing process doesn't allow for copying back and forth, it is 
only for playing media from the other Library.  What you need to use is Home 
Sharing.  Home Sharing works between multiple machines on the same network as 
long as they use the same Apple ID.  You turn on Home Sharing under the 
Advanced menu on the menubar.  It must be turned on in both machines.  Once 
Home Sharing is on for both machines, you should be able to navigate to the 
other machine, select the items you wish to transfer, Stop Interacting with the 
Table, then navigate right to the Import button.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-10-10, at 2:36 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have set up iTunes, with my apple id, on two minis on the same network. I 
> ripped a cd in the older mini since mine lacks a disk drive, and I can see 
> the 12 songs as a remote playlist in my mini's iTunes. What I can't work out 
> is how to get them to copy into my library so I can edit their id3 tags and 
> incorporate them into my music? Thanks for any tips.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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Re: Read It Later app Accesible

2012-10-10 Thread Emilio
Hello Esther,

I appreciate your feedback and the links you have provided.
I heard through a recent podcast that the Mac client, Read It Later is
a good way to review your Instapaper articles away from the iOS app. I
just was wonsering if the Mac client is accessible because like I said
it is based on a subscription before it can be used. I hope this has
helped clarify any confusion over my original post.
Again thank you - will review the many links you have kindly found.

On Oct 10, 1:02 pm, Esther  wrote:
> Hi Emilio,
> I thought you were asking about the accessibility of the "Read It
> Later" iOS app that is one of the Instapaper competitors.  But if
> you're asking about using Instapaper's "Read It Later" functions and
> the additional subscription option from the web page on the Mac, I
> believe that everything is accessible with VoiceOver. But I'm not a
> subscriber myself, so maybe someone else can respond, if that's your
> question.
> Cheers,
> Esther

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test message

2012-10-10 Thread M. Taylor

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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A Weird Problem With Mail Since The Latest Update

2012-10-10 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Everyone,  

Since I updated to the latest version of the Mail client, on my Mac, last
week, I cannot seem to send messages to any of my Google Group mailing
lists, including this one.  

I am posting this using Outlook on my Windows computer.

Now, when I send test messages to other people, they receive them just find
and with the correct from address.  

Any ideas?  

I have no idea on how to troubleshoot this.  

I will be traveling soon and prefer to use my Mac.

All replies welcomed.

Truly Perplexed,


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Re: test message

2012-10-10 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
i got this.

Chris Bruinenberg

On Oct 10, 2012, at 4:21 PM, "M. Taylor"  wrote:

> test
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: A Weird Problem With Mail Since The Latest Update

2012-10-10 Thread Joanne Chua

We recieve your test messages just fine. I think it was around 5 test
messages from you in the last 10minutes or so. smiles


On 11/10/2012, M. Taylor  wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Since I updated to the latest version of the Mail client, on my Mac, last
> week, I cannot seem to send messages to any of my Google Group mailing
> lists, including this one.
> I am posting this using Outlook on my Windows computer.
> Now, when I send test messages to other people, they receive them just find
> and with the correct from address.
> Any ideas?
> I have no idea on how to troubleshoot this.
> I will be traveling soon and prefer to use my Mac.
> All replies welcomed.
> Truly Perplexed,
> Mark
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> For more options, visit this group at

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Re: A Weird Problem With Mail Since The Latest Update

2012-10-10 Thread M. Taylor
I'm so sorry about that.

For whatever reason, they are not appearing  in either of my inboxes when I 
send the message from my Mac.
When I say either of my inboxes, I'm referring to the Mac mail client and my 
Windows Microsoft outlook client.


On Oct 10, 2012, at 4:45 PM, Joanne Chua  wrote:

> Hi
> We recieve your test messages just fine. I think it was around 5 test
> messages from you in the last 10minutes or so. smiles
> cheers
> On 11/10/2012, M. Taylor  wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> Since I updated to the latest version of the Mail client, on my Mac, last
>> week, I cannot seem to send messages to any of my Google Group mailing
>> lists, including this one.
>> I am posting this using Outlook on my Windows computer.
>> Now, when I send test messages to other people, they receive them just find
>> and with the correct from address.
>> Any ideas?
>> I have no idea on how to troubleshoot this.
>> I will be traveling soon and prefer to use my Mac.
>> All replies welcomed.
>> Truly Perplexed,
>> Mark
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> For more options, visit this group at
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Re: A Weird Problem With Mail Since The Latest Update

2012-10-10 Thread Ray Foret Jr
How odd.  I got this one just fine.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Oct 10, 2012, at 7:01 PM, "M. Taylor"  wrote:

> Hi.
> I'm so sorry about that.
> For whatever reason, they are not appearing  in either of my inboxes when I 
> send the message from my Mac.
> When I say either of my inboxes, I'm referring to the Mac mail client and my 
> Windows Microsoft outlook client.
> Mark
> On Oct 10, 2012, at 4:45 PM, Joanne Chua  wrote:
>> Hi
>> We recieve your test messages just fine. I think it was around 5 test
>> messages from you in the last 10minutes or so. smiles
>> cheers
>> On 11/10/2012, M. Taylor  wrote:
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>> Since I updated to the latest version of the Mail client, on my Mac, last
>>> week, I cannot seem to send messages to any of my Google Group mailing
>>> lists, including this one.
>>> I am posting this using Outlook on my Windows computer.
>>> Now, when I send test messages to other people, they receive them just find
>>> and with the correct from address.
>>> Any ideas?
>>> I have no idea on how to troubleshoot this.
>>> I will be traveling soon and prefer to use my Mac.
>>> All replies welcomed.
>>> Truly Perplexed,
>>> Mark
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Truecript on the Mac

2012-10-10 Thread Agent086b
Hello all, does anybody use Truecript on the Mac? I have downloaded it but I 
find it not easy. Don't know if it is me or not.
Thanks for any help.

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RE: A Weird Problem With Mail Since The Latest Update

2012-10-10 Thread wayne coles
Hi i too am having this problem but being new to the mac i don't
know how to sort this out so any help from this list would be great 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of M. Taylor
Sent: 11 October 2012 00:43
Subject: A Weird Problem With Mail Since The Latest Update

Hello Everyone,  

Since I updated to the latest version of the Mail client, on my Mac, last
week, I cannot seem to send messages to any of my Google Group mailing
lists, including this one.  

I am posting this using Outlook on my Windows computer.

Now, when I send test messages to other people, they receive them just find
and with the correct from address.  

Any ideas?  

I have no idea on how to troubleshoot this.  

I will be traveling soon and prefer to use my Mac.

All replies welcomed.

Truly Perplexed,


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2012-10-10 Thread wayne coles
Hi list if i want to remove all of my email addresses and start again how do
i do it thanks 

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Kindle app

2012-10-10 Thread Adrienne Sinclair Chalmers
I too fear that, as many of you say, the only thing which will move Amazon is 
legal action and I am also afraid that it can't just be done in one country. It 
seems a shame that visually impaired people would have to resort to this in the 
face of such intransigence. What difference should it make to anyone whether 
someone wants to access something via a screen in whatever size print, braille 
or speech output?



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Playing Flash Movies

2012-10-10 Thread Nicholas Parsons
HI Teresa,

I tried a VO search for video but only came across links to other videos etc. 
NO video area or anything I could interact with. Perhaps some of my settings 
aren't configured properly for HTML5, or perhaps Google is mistaken when it 
tells me I'm subscribed to the HTML5 trial. Thanks for your help!

Mike: Thanks, I'll give this a try.

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Arrangement Track in GarageBand

2012-10-10 Thread Nicholas Parsons
HI Paul,

I'm just getting started myself. I know very little at this stage. I'm just 
producing some backing tracks with Apple Loops.

I've been using Take Control of Making Music with GarageBand 11, which can be 
found in the iBooks Store or from I've found it 
really useful. It's not written with VoiceOver users in mind, but it's not too 
difficult to infer what a VoiceOver user might be able to do (e.g. press 
VO-Shift-Space instead of clicking, VO-Comma instead of dragging etc).

I got stuck at a few points with stretching and moving regions on the Timeline. 
I found the following documentation produced by the GarageBand master Ricardo 
really helpful for learning a couple of VoiceOver tricks:

If you don't want to buy a Take Control Book there are plenty of free resources 
out there that are probably just as good if not better. The GarageBand help 
documentation I've found useful as well. I've just downloaded Ricardo's 
podcasts which I'll now go and listen to. As well, people keep mentioning 
Safari Online Books which I'll check out too.

Anyway, finally, to get to your actual question: The Arrangement Track can be 
distinguished from the instrument tracks. Each instrument (in my case usually 
loops) you add to your song (basically referred to in GarageBand as your 
timeline) becomes a track. When you have lots of these composing a song it can 
get difficult to move things around. So you can use the Arrangement Track. this 
allows you to create sections of your song, such as the intro, verse, chorus 
etc. Then, to rearrange your song you merely need to rearrange these sections 
or arrangement areas, and all the instrument tracks within each section move 
accordingly. However, as I haven't actually seen or used the Arrangement Track 
I can't give you too much more information. I've just read about it in the 
GarageBand help documentation, which I encourage you to do if you would like 
more information.


P.S. Thank you kind sir for the suggestion to look for Ricardo's podcasts!

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Re: Opening Google Search Results in New Tabs in Safari

2012-10-10 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Nic,

same happens here. The only solution I can think of is to set Google settings 
to open results in a new window. 

Unfortunately it's hard to find in Safari but it's possible. My results open in 
a new window as standard now.

All the best

Am 10.10.2012 um 11:53 schrieb Nicholas Parsons :

> For some time now I've had problems opening links in the Google search 
> results page in new tabs in Safari.
> When I do a Google search,, each result shows up with its own heading which 
> is also a link. I can navigate to each heading and VO-Space (or up and down 
> arrows together with Quick Nav) to open the link. However, if I press 
> command-return on them, which I usually do to open links in a new tab, 
> nothing happens.
> Can anyone shed some light on this for me, please?
> Thank you.
> Nic
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