Re: Reading Epub Books on the Mac

2012-10-01 Thread David Csercsics
Epub is just a fancy name for a zip file with the HTML book and some 
other files specific to ebook readers. Why not just change the file 
extension to .zip extract the archive and load index.html in your 
favourite browser.

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Re: Improving Calibre Accessibility on the Mac

2012-10-01 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

Thank you for sharing this information. Esther.

I have tried hard to find information on how to do a script for converting from 
mobi and HTMLZ to epub. Can anybody give me any details for how to make such a 

Teresa it is great that you will try to contact calibre. I tried a couple of 
months ago, but with no luck. Maybe it will help when more people contact them.

Best regards Annie.

Den Oct 1, 2012 kl. 6:24 AM skrev Esther :

> Hi Teresa,
> I remember sending you this information about some scripts that Jonathan 
> Chacôn wrote for Calbre.  At the time (back in April) I couldn't get to the 
> blog site links, and thought they might have been permanently taken down, but 
> the URLs all seem to be working now.  I think that working in the command 
> line for Calibre is fine, but these might be of interest to someone.   (Like 
> most things, I found the original information in the archives for the 
> macvisionaries list).
> Hi Teresa,
> I think you'll have the best luck doing the ePub conversion with Pages, as 
> Mark suggests.  I'll just mention that Jonathan Chacón did construct a 
> service to convert TXT, RTF, PDF and HTML format eBooks to ePub using scripts 
> to run Calibre in command line, and made it available at his web log site in 
> August 2010.  The web page was:
> There were headings in Spanish and English:
> • "Servicio accesible de conversión a ePub para MacOS X"
> • "accessible ePub conversion service for MacOS X"
> This was the direct download link for the zip file on that page:
> The problem is that this web site doesn't seem to be on-line currently, and 
> hasn't been when I tried it a few times recently.  Jonathan has a new web 
> site that is accessed by his free iPhone RSS app (in Spanish), "Programar a 
> ciegas RSS" by Tyflos Accessible Software.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Sep 30, 2012, at 06:18, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> hi, all,
>> I've decided i'm going to do what I can to encourage the developers of 
>> Calibre to make the interface more accessible. As it stands now, there are 
>> many work-arounds that have to be done to make it work. The only accessible 
>> interface that works consistently is the command-line, and as far as I know, 
>> it doesn't perform certain functions until plugins are enabled. Also, 
>> command-line isn't for everyone, and I really think that a simpler UI would 
>> be beneficial, if such a thing is possible. I realize Calibre is a humble 
>> project, but perhaps something can be done to improve accessibility for this 
>> very useful application.
>> Teresa
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Re: Reading Epub Books on the Mac

2012-10-01 Thread Steve Holmes
That's an interesting background; I thought there was more to it than that.  
Problem with using a browser is you can't do the kind of things that you can do 
in iBooks like precise bookmarking, annotation, and browsers don't keep their 
place like iBooks would do either.  I'm just surprised there isn't an epub book 
reader for the mac.

On Oct 1, 2012, at 12:01 AM, David Csercsics  wrote:

> Epub is just a fancy name for a zip file with the HTML book and some other 
> files specific to ebook readers. Why not just change the file extension to 
> .zip extract the archive and load index.html in your favourite browser.
> -- 
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Re: help with nicecast

2012-10-01 Thread Chris
Ok, might check it out anyway and try one of the online services you 
suggested. Cheers!

On 01/10/2012 03:20, Hank Smith wrote:

if u are running the server locally then most likely u will have to
forward ports
its usually ports
8000 and 8001
On 9/30/2012 2:39 PM, Chris wrote:

Ok so if I use the built in server does that broadcast across the
internet or will I still have to do some port forwarding.

On 30/09/2012 20:21, Timothy Clark Music wrote:

hello -
  you can broadcast using either your own bandwidth from your internet.
  so you would be using the built in server or you could set up a server
with shout cast, ichacast, or live365.
  hope this helps
God Bless.
  Your friend in the music industry

On Sep 30, 2012, at 3:11 PM, Chris wrote:

Nicecast sounds pretty cool, was going to buy it today as part of the
10th birthday special offer, but haven't even tried it. So what can I
do with it? It says I can create my own internet radio station. If
that is the case do I need to mess about with port forwarding etc? I
mean just imagine broadcasting my music collection to the internet
Thanks for any comments on this.

On 30/09/2012 17:06, Ricardo Walker wrote:

Hello list,

I'm trying to use nicecast to stream audio from my Mac. When I try
to listen to the stream, it seems to connect but, I can't hear
anything although, I know music is playing in iTunes.  BTW, I'm using
an airport express for my router.  Any help would be appreciated.

Ricardo Walker 

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Re: formatting Text in Pages

2012-10-01 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Maria,

First of all, don't confuse hotspots with hotkeys. Hotspots are a VO feature 
that allows you to mark items and return to them or monitor them from elsewhere 
in the same aplication. Hotkeys are a feature of Pages and are set in the 
Styles tables. They use the keys F1 through F8 and you set them by focusing on 
the style you want, then getting a contextual menu, in this case simply by 
pressing VO-Space.

Pages is a complex application that requires a thorough knowledge of VO if you 
don't want to be tearing your hair out.



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Re: Reading Epub Books on the Mac

2012-10-01 Thread Teresa Cochran
There is (or was) Stanza, but it won't open drm-protected books, such as Ibooks 
titles. It's very hard to get Stanza now, as all the links I've found for it 
are either broken or hijacked.

On Oct 1, 2012, at 3:50 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:

> That's an interesting background; I thought there was more to it than that.  
> Problem with using a browser is you can't do the kind of things that you can 
> do in iBooks like precise bookmarking, annotation, and browsers don't keep 
> their place like iBooks would do either.  I'm just surprised there isn't an 
> epub book reader for the mac.
> On Oct 1, 2012, at 12:01 AM, David Csercsics  wrote:
>> Epub is just a fancy name for a zip file with the HTML book and some other 
>> files specific to ebook readers. Why not just change the file extension to 
>> .zip extract the archive and load index.html in your favourite browser.
>> -- 
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Re: formatting Text in Pages

2012-10-01 Thread Maria Chapman

thanks i think i understand now might go and have a play.

are their any tutorials out there on vo and pages that cover this stuff?


Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music

On 01/10/2012, at 10:22 PM, Anne Robertson  wrote:

> Hello Maria,
> First of all, don't confuse hotspots with hotkeys. Hotspots are a VO feature 
> that allows you to mark items and return to them or monitor them from 
> elsewhere in the same aplication. Hotkeys are a feature of Pages and are set 
> in the Styles tables. They use the keys F1 through F8 and you set them by 
> focusing on the style you want, then getting a contextual menu, in this case 
> simply by pressing VO-Space.
> Pages is a complex application that requires a thorough knowledge of VO if 
> you don't want to be tearing your hair out.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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Re: Reading Epub Books on the Mac

2012-10-01 Thread Steve Holmes
Does anyone know if iBooks Author can read epub books?

On Oct 1, 2012, at 5:27 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> There is (or was) Stanza, but it won't open drm-protected books, such as 
> Ibooks titles. It's very hard to get Stanza now, as all the links I've found 
> for it are either broken or hijacked.
> Teresa
> On Oct 1, 2012, at 3:50 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
>> That's an interesting background; I thought there was more to it than that.  
>> Problem with using a browser is you can't do the kind of things that you can 
>> do in iBooks like precise bookmarking, annotation, and browsers don't keep 
>> their place like iBooks would do either.  I'm just surprised there isn't an 
>> epub book reader for the mac.
>> On Oct 1, 2012, at 12:01 AM, David Csercsics  wrote:
>>> Epub is just a fancy name for a zip file with the HTML book and some other 
>>> files specific to ebook readers. Why not just change the file extension to 
>>> .zip extract the archive and load index.html in your favourite browser.
>>> -- 
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Re: Problems with Airserver

2012-10-01 Thread Al Puzzuoli

Hi Patricia,
yes. Very similar issues here. I have no idea what to think. the version 
that works best for me  is about a year old now. I wonder if there are 
any alternatives to Airserver on the Mac side? It's disappointing 
because I have my iMac connected to my entertainment center where my 
nice speakers are. I want to be able to funnel all my sound there, but 
that isn't happening as of right now for whatever reason ...


On 9/30/2012 4:56 PM, patricia solis wrote:

Hi al,

No not the only one. I'm also having problems  with Air Server. Not 
with the audio  but with video. I  have an Imac  and running Mountain   Lion.
  It was working fine  until the  last 2 updates.

On Sep 29, 2012, at 4:33 PM, Al Puzzuoli  wrote:

Just wondering if others are using Airserver? If so, how have your experiences 
been? Mine have been spotty at best. When I try to Airplay from my iPhone to my 
iMac, with most apps audio may not start at all, is choppy, or stops 
altogether. MlB At Bat doesn't work at all, the iMac pops up an airserver 
window with a URl and an unknown error code. I've played with Airserver 
settings, audio buffers, etc, but to no avail.
The interesting thing is, this iMac is running Bootcamp. if I boot into 
Windows, I can run Shareport4w, a free Airplay utility, which works perfectly. 
So, same iMac, same network. Shareport4w works flawelessly in Windows, while 
Airserver under Mountain Lion gives me nothing but grief. Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks in advance,


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Re: Problems with Airserver

2012-10-01 Thread patricia solis
Hi Al,

Yes, I can't seem to find the problem either. Even after messing with 
Air Server's preferences. i have heard of Air Foil  for the mac but its only 
audio. For me is very disappointing   paying for something  that is both audio 
and video  and not to work now. 

On Oct 1, 2012, at 6:44 AM, Al Puzzuoli  wrote:

> Hi Patricia,
> yes. Very similar issues here. I have no idea what to think. the version that 
> works best for me  is about a year old now. I wonder if there are any 
> alternatives to Airserver on the Mac side? It's disappointing because I have 
> my iMac connected to my entertainment center where my nice speakers are. I 
> want to be able to funnel all my sound there, but that isn't happening as of 
> right now for whatever reason ...
> --Al
> On 9/30/2012 4:56 PM, patricia solis wrote:
>> Hi al,
>>  No not the only one. I'm also having problems  with Air Server. Not 
>> with the audio  but with video. I  have an Imac  and running Mountain   Lion.
>>  It was working fine  until the  last 2 updates.
>> On Sep 29, 2012, at 4:33 PM, Al Puzzuoli  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Just wondering if others are using Airserver? If so, how have your 
>>> experiences been? Mine have been spotty at best. When I try to Airplay from 
>>> my iPhone to my iMac, with most apps audio may not start at all, is choppy, 
>>> or stops altogether. MlB At Bat doesn't work at all, the iMac pops up an 
>>> airserver window with a URl and an unknown error code. I've played with 
>>> Airserver settings, audio buffers, etc, but to no avail.
>>> The interesting thing is, this iMac is running Bootcamp. if I boot into 
>>> Windows, I can run Shareport4w, a free Airplay utility, which works 
>>> perfectly. So, same iMac, same network. Shareport4w works flawelessly in 
>>> Windows, while Airserver under Mountain Lion gives me nothing but grief. 
>>> Anyone have any ideas?
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Al
>>> -- 
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2012-10-01 Thread Chris

Hello all.
Just to report some good news that Yahoogroups works extremely well on 
the mac using Safari and Mountain Lion. I was able to do what I needed 
to do without difficulty and there was no sluggishness either.

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Re: Reading Epub Books on the Mac

2012-10-01 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

You can use adobe preview accessible version.

I bought a while ago a program called bookle. It should be accessible with 
VoiceOver, but there seems to be something to it, that I have missed. I have 
some navigation problems.

Best regards Annie.

Den Oct 1, 2012 kl. 2:46 PM skrev Steve Holmes :

> Does anyone know if iBooks Author can read epub books?
> On Oct 1, 2012, at 5:27 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> There is (or was) Stanza, but it won't open drm-protected books, such as 
>> Ibooks titles. It's very hard to get Stanza now, as all the links I've found 
>> for it are either broken or hijacked.
>> Teresa
>> On Oct 1, 2012, at 3:50 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
>>> That's an interesting background; I thought there was more to it than that. 
>>>  Problem with using a browser is you can't do the kind of things that you 
>>> can do in iBooks like precise bookmarking, annotation, and browsers don't 
>>> keep their place like iBooks would do either.  I'm just surprised there 
>>> isn't an epub book reader for the mac.
>>> On Oct 1, 2012, at 12:01 AM, David Csercsics  wrote:
 Epub is just a fancy name for a zip file with the HTML book and some other 
 files specific to ebook readers. Why not just change the file extension to 
 .zip extract the archive and load index.html in your favourite browser.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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OT iTunes Gift Card Giveaway

2012-10-01 Thread Scott Rumery
The Twit That Tweets iTunes Gift Card Giveaway

You can win a $30 iTunes Gift Card just by following @fedora_outlier on 
Twitter! The rules are very simple. Follow @fedora_outlier on Twitter between 
now and November first and you’ll be in the drawing for a $30 iTunes gift card. 

In addition to the iTunes gift card 3 lucky people will also win a copy of the 
very first multi-media iBook accessible to the blind on mastering iOS.

Everyone is eligible unless you work for the firm, have already followed us in 
the past or have a problem with a virtually free gift card. Sighted people are 
welcome and any family members or friends you can think to share this with are 
welcomed to follow us as well.

The winners will be announced on November 10th. If you have any questions about 
this promotion or our firm visit us online at, e-mail us at 
excellence or call us at (888) 958-6979.

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Re: Yahoogroups

2012-10-01 Thread Krysti .Power
Thanks for the info nice to know some things are now becomming accessiable
On 2012-10-01 12:02 PM, "Chris"  wrote:

> Hello all.
> Just to report some good news that Yahoogroups works extremely well on the
> mac using Safari and Mountain Lion. I was able to do what I needed to do
> without difficulty and there was no sluggishness either.
> --
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Adobe Digital Editions Version

2012-10-01 Thread Cheryl Homiak
You don't need adobe preview. adobe 2.0 is accessible.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

On Oct 1, 2012, at 10:08 AM, Annie Skov Nielsen  

> Hi.
> You can use adobe preview accessible version.
> I bought a while ago a program called bookle. It should be accessible with 
> VoiceOver, but there seems to be something to it, that I have missed. I have 
> some navigation problems.
> Best regards Annie.

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Re: Reading Epub Books on the Mac

2012-10-01 Thread Ricardo Walker

No it can't.


Ricardo Walker

On Oct 1, 2012, at 8:46 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:

> Does anyone know if iBooks Author can read epub books?
> On Oct 1, 2012, at 5:27 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> There is (or was) Stanza, but it won't open drm-protected books, such as 
>> Ibooks titles. It's very hard to get Stanza now, as all the links I've found 
>> for it are either broken or hijacked.
>> Teresa
>> On Oct 1, 2012, at 3:50 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
>>> That's an interesting background; I thought there was more to it than that. 
>>>  Problem with using a browser is you can't do the kind of things that you 
>>> can do in iBooks like precise bookmarking, annotation, and browsers don't 
>>> keep their place like iBooks would do either.  I'm just surprised there 
>>> isn't an epub book reader for the mac.
>>> On Oct 1, 2012, at 12:01 AM, David Csercsics  wrote:
 Epub is just a fancy name for a zip file with the HTML book and some other 
 files specific to ebook readers. Why not just change the file extension to 
 .zip extract the archive and load index.html in your favourite browser.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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Re: braille display

2012-10-01 Thread Scott Berry
Do you have any braille displays in mind?  Humanware has some.  So does 
Freedom Scientific.

On 9/30/2012 12:42 PM, Marianne Denning wrote:

This is a cross post because I hope for several responses.  I am
purchasing a braille display for an elementary student.  This student
has excellent skills with access technology.  The student will be
using it with an IDevice and a Mac running OS 10 and Windows 7.  JAWS
is the screen reader on Windows.  I want a portable display but not
too small so I am looking at a 32 cell display or a 40 cell display.
Please let me know your experiences.  The student uses a Braillenote

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Re: iPad

2012-10-01 Thread Scott Berry

Actually once I set VO via Itunes I had control of the triple click home.

On 9/30/2012 10:04 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:


As far as I know, you must first set up the "Triple-click Home" to 
"Toggle VoiceOver" before that functionality will work.  Pressing that 
out of the box will not turn on VO unless Apple has changed the 
default lately.  As mentioned earlier, it may be easiest to configure 
the Universal Access options through iTunes.  Then once VO is on, the 
Triple-Click toggle can be set.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-09-30, at 8:18 PM, Hank Smith > wrote:

just hit the home button 3 times
On 9/30/2012 2:19 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
Why do all that?  Can they not turn on voiceover by tripple clicking 
the home key from the initial setup, or if nothing else, turn V O on 
within ITunes?  If they're blind, it's gonna be a little hard 
tapping settings/accessibility/voiceover.


- Original Message - From: "Pam Francis" >
To: >

Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 2:04 AM
Subject: Re: iPad

Hello, I might to also assume that you are a brand-new iOS user if 
so there is a gentleman on Apple this VIS Apple 
 who works primarily with visually impaired and has 
done many podcasts dealing with iOS software and how voiceover 
works. His name is David Woodbridge.  If you go through there 
podcasts section, you will find your share of podcasts relating to 
Iowa software done by David Woodbridge also you can find his 
podcasts in iTunes. I hope this helps.

Pam Francis

On Sep 29, 2012, at 12:06 PM, Alex Hall > wrote:

Try the accessible-ios google group. I can answer your question, 
though: go to settings, general, accessibility, Voiceover, and turn 
it on. From there, use the list I emntioned and/or find some primers 
on  that might help. Googling 
specific questions will also help as there are many tutorials and 
articles out there, plus the official Apple documentation for voiceover.
On Sep 29, 2012, at 12:56 PM, Beefcakes > wrote:

Hi everybody, is there and I've had list for the mine has an iPad 
one and needs to know how to get voiceover on it going. Thanks so 
much, John


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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini) 

personal email: 
Amateur radio call sign:
check out my Youtube video of a song I recorded in Nashville Tennessee!
also you can find my youtube channel at:

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Re: braille display

2012-10-01 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hello out there. 
I just bought a new braille display, and so far I like it. It is new to the Mac 
and IOS devices. I got the Braille Edge 40 this past weekend. The inputs are 
actually doing better than I was having with my Focus 40. I didn't have 
ghluetooth before, and I do not now. This display also can be a stand-alone 
device. It doesn't go on the Internet like say my PacMate in theory does, but I 
decided I didn't need that, what with having the Mac and the iPhone. 

So far the only thing I'm having is loosing connection with the iPhone and 
having to re-establish it. This only has happened when I turn the Braille 
display off or get out of communication with the iPhone. I may have to inquiffe 
about that. It doesn't lose contact while operating so far, and I didn't have 
the same problem with the Mac. I've only had it since Friday, so maybe I'm 
doing something wrong. If anybody has any ideas, please let me know. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 1, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:

> Do you have any braille displays in mind?  Humanware has some.  So does 
> Freedom Scientific.
> Scott
> On 9/30/2012 12:42 PM, Marianne Denning wrote:
>> This is a cross post because I hope for several responses.  I am
>> purchasing a braille display for an elementary student.  This student
>> has excellent skills with access technology.  The student will be
>> using it with an IDevice and a Mac running OS 10 and Windows 7.  JAWS
>> is the screen reader on Windows.  I want a portable display but not
>> too small so I am looking at a 32 cell display or a 40 cell display.
>> Please let me know your experiences.  The student uses a Braillenote
>> too.
> -- 
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Re: Finally!: An Audio Action/Adventure Game on the Mac!; BlindSide

2012-10-01 Thread John Panarese
Are you sure this is still available.  I went to the link and there is no 
dmg file to be found.  Of course, user error could be afoot, but I can only 
find info that says the game is not yet avilable for the Mac.

Take Care

John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479
Twitter, @macfortheblind




On Sep 30, 2012, at 4:12 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> There's a link on the Blindside homepage for the download. I got the game for 
> the Mac. Go to the following page and do a VO search for "DMG" on the page.
> HtH,
> Teresa
> On Sep 30, 2012, at 10:00 AM, craig J Dunlop  wrote:
>> After going up to the website it looks like the version for the Mac is not 
>> available yet! I hope it will be soon though.
>> On Sep 28, 2012, at 4:18 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: braille display

2012-10-01 Thread Marianne Denning
Scott, I think I have narrowed it down to either the Brailliant 40 or
Focus 40.  Since he uses JAWS the Focus 40 may be the better choice.
That is what I am hoping to learn.

On 10/1/12, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
> Hello out there.
> I just bought a new braille display, and so far I like it. It is new to the
> Mac and IOS devices. I got the Braille Edge 40 this past weekend. The inputs
> are actually doing better than I was having with my Focus 40. I didn't have
> ghluetooth before, and I do not now. This display also can be a stand-alone
> device. It doesn't go on the Internet like say my PacMate in theory does,
> but I decided I didn't need that, what with having the Mac and the iPhone.
> So far the only thing I'm having is loosing connection with the iPhone and
> having to re-establish it. This only has happened when I turn the Braille
> display off or get out of communication with the iPhone. I may have to
> inquiffe about that. It doesn't lose contact while operating so far, and I
> didn't have the same problem with the Mac. I've only had it since Friday, so
> maybe I'm doing something wrong. If anybody has any ideas, please let me
> know.
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 1, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:
>> Do you have any braille displays in mind?  Humanware has some.  So does
>> Freedom Scientific.
>> Scott
>> On 9/30/2012 12:42 PM, Marianne Denning wrote:
>>> This is a cross post because I hope for several responses.  I am
>>> purchasing a braille display for an elementary student.  This student
>>> has excellent skills with access technology.  The student will be
>>> using it with an IDevice and a Mac running OS 10 and Windows 7.  JAWS
>>> is the screen reader on Windows.  I want a portable display but not
>>> too small so I am looking at a 32 cell display or a 40 cell display.
>>> Please let me know your experiences.  The student uses a Braillenote
>>> too.
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at
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RE: braille display

2012-10-01 Thread M. Taylor

I strongly recommend the Focus since your student is a Jaws user.  

There are definite user advantages to using the Focus with Jaws such as
being able to set the level of Braille firmness.  This is one of my favorite

I also like the ability to reverse the Braille panning directions on the
Focus.  I am not certain if this is a Focus specific setting in Jaws, but it
is definitely a proverbial game changer for me.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Marianne Denning
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2012 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: braille display

Scott, I think I have narrowed it down to either the Brailliant 40 or Focus
40.  Since he uses JAWS the Focus 40 may be the better choice.
That is what I am hoping to learn.

On 10/1/12, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
> Hello out there.
> I just bought a new braille display, and so far I like it. It is new 
> to the Mac and IOS devices. I got the Braille Edge 40 this past 
> weekend. The inputs are actually doing better than I was having with 
> my Focus 40. I didn't have ghluetooth before, and I do not now. This 
> display also can be a stand-alone device. It doesn't go on the 
> Internet like say my PacMate in theory does, but I decided I didn't need
that, what with having the Mac and the iPhone.
> So far the only thing I'm having is loosing connection with the iPhone 
> and having to re-establish it. This only has happened when I turn the 
> Braille display off or get out of communication with the iPhone. I may 
> have to inquiffe about that. It doesn't lose contact while operating 
> so far, and I didn't have the same problem with the Mac. I've only had 
> it since Friday, so maybe I'm doing something wrong. If anybody has 
> any ideas, please let me know.
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 1, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:
>> Do you have any braille displays in mind?  Humanware has some.  So 
>> does Freedom Scientific.
>> Scott
>> On 9/30/2012 12:42 PM, Marianne Denning wrote:
>>> This is a cross post because I hope for several responses.  I am 
>>> purchasing a braille display for an elementary student.  This 
>>> student has excellent skills with access technology.  The student 
>>> will be using it with an IDevice and a Mac running OS 10 and Windows 
>>> 7.  JAWS is the screen reader on Windows.  I want a portable display 
>>> but not too small so I am looking at a 32 cell display or a 40 cell
>>> Please let me know your experiences.  The student uses a Braillenote 
>>> too.
>> --
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>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Finally!: An Audio Action/Adventure Game on the Mac!; BlindSide

2012-10-01 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Indeed, I also found no DMG file.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Oct 1, 2012, at 5:02 PM, John Panarese  wrote:

>Are you sure this is still available.  I went to the link and there is no 
> dmg file to be found.  Of course, user error could be afoot, but I can only 
> find info that says the game is not yet avilable for the Mac.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Director
> Mac for the Blind
> Tel, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Website,
> Twitter, @macfortheblind
> On Sep 30, 2012, at 4:12 PM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
>> There's a link on the Blindside homepage for the download. I got the game 
>> for the Mac. Go to the following page and do a VO search for "DMG" on the 
>> page.
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> On Sep 30, 2012, at 10:00 AM, craig J Dunlop  wrote:
>>> After going up to the website it looks like the version for the Mac is not 
>>> available yet! I hope it will be soon though.
>>> On Sep 28, 2012, at 4:18 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>>> wrote:
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Finally!: An Audio Action/Adventure Game on the Mac!; BlindSide

2012-10-01 Thread Maria Chapman
does that mean the game is coming though? that would be pretty cool.

God Bless! Maria from australia
 Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 

On 02/10/2012, at 8:02 AM, John Panarese  wrote:

>Are you sure this is still available.  I went to the link and there is no 
> dmg file to be found.  Of course, user error could be afoot, but I can only 
> find info that says the game is not yet avilable for the Mac.
> Take Care
> John D. Panarese
> Director
> Mac for the Blind
> Tel, (631) 724-4479
> Email,
> Website,
> Twitter, @macfortheblind
> On Sep 30, 2012, at 4:12 PM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
>> There's a link on the Blindside homepage for the download. I got the game 
>> for the Mac. Go to the following page and do a VO search for "DMG" on the 
>> page.
>> HtH,
>> Teresa
>> On Sep 30, 2012, at 10:00 AM, craig J Dunlop  wrote:
>>> After going up to the website it looks like the version for the Mac is not 
>>> available yet! I hope it will be soon though.
>>> On Sep 28, 2012, at 4:18 PM, Teresa Cochran  
>>> wrote:
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: formatting Text in Pages

2012-10-01 Thread Christopher Edwards

Hello Anne,

Thank you for all this information. I think I need to spend a lot of time 
with Pages and get much more experienced with VO. That is probably going to 
be a bit of a problem given what is going on here at the moment. Anyway, I 
will see what I can do.

Many thanks,


One question though, how would I assign
- Original Message - 
From: "Anne Robertson" 

Sent: Monday, October 01, 2012 7:24 AM
Subject: Re: formatting Text in Pages

Hello Chris,

In Pages, leaving the text area using VO removes the selection so you can't 
apply a style. You have to set a hotkey for the style you want and just 
press it in the paragraph to which it should apply.

You can check on what style is in operation by setting a hotspot on the 
Styles drawer. To do this, open the Styles drawer with Cmd-Shift-t, navigate 
to it, make sure that you're not interacting with it and set a hotspot. You 
can then use VO-Cmd-hotspot to discover what is selected in the Styles 

If you can't navigate within any text area, go there with VO, bring the 
mouse and click.

There is a lot more than that to using Pages but it should help to get you 



On 1 Oct 2012, at 01:00, Christopher Edwards  

Thanks to all who answered my questions. I am sorry I did not reply before 
but I am up to my ears in boxes as I prepare for some major alterations to 
my house. I am therefore also behind with my emails.

I think I gave rather a bad example with something as simple as making 
text bold. I am in the UK and wrote the message at the end of a long and 
tiring day. I will therefore give a very specific example.

I type some text in the body of a document and then stop interacting with 
the various parts of the document as I make my way back to the formatting 
bar and choose the paragraph style button.

Firstly I cannot read any of the items on the menu that appears as VO says 
absolutely nothing. I did this at the Apple store and the trainer told me 
the style and confirmed that it had been applied.

Then, when I went back into the document and interacted with the various 
parts until I got to the body of the text I could not read the text I had 
previously entered. I simply got a "dong" sound when moving either the VO 
cursor or the actual cursor. This was because the actual text entry cursor 
would not move any further than the header section of the document. We 
tried doing everything we could think of with the cursor tracking but to 
no avail.

I know there are some issues with Pages and Voiceover but I cannot believe 
they are this bad. I am sure I am doing something very simple that is 
wrong so please can anyone tell me what it is?

Once again, many thanks,

Chris Edwards

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Re: iPad

2012-10-01 Thread Pam Francis
Hi folks,
I got my iphone 4s on Friday. I hit tripple click home right out of the box. It 
worked. It also worked with my ipad II purchase last summer. The previous 
poster must have a 1st gen ipad.

Pam Francis

On Oct 1, 2012, at 3:56 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:

Actually once I set VO via Itunes I had   control of the triple click home.

On 9/30/2012 10:04 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> As far as I know, you must first set up the "Triple-click Home" to 
> "Toggle VoiceOver" before that functionality will work.  Pressing 
> that out of the box will not turn on VO unless Apple has changed the default 
> lately.  As mentioned earlier, it may be easiest to configure the Universal 
> Access options through iTunes.  Then once VO is on, the Triple-Click toggle 
> can be set.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2012-09-30, at 8:18 PM, Hank Smith  wrote:
>> just hit the home button 3 times
>> On 9/30/2012 2:19 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>>> Why do all that?  Can they not turn on voiceover by tripple clicking the 
>>> home key from the initial setup, or if nothing else, turn V O on within 
>>> ITunes?  If they're blind, it's gonna be a little hard tapping 
>>> settings/accessibility/voiceover.
>>> Chris.
>>> - Original Message - From: "Pam Francis" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 2:04 AM
>>> Subject: Re: iPad
>>> Hello, I might to also assume that you are a brand-new iOS user if so there 
>>> is a gentleman on Apple this VIS Apple who works primarily with 
>>> visually impaired and has done many podcasts dealing with iOS software and 
>>> how voiceover   works. His name is David Woodbridge.  If you go 
>>> through   there podcasts section, you will find your share of 
>>> podcasts relating to Iowa software done by David Woodbridge also you can 
>>> find his podcasts in iTunes. I hope this helps.
>>> Pam Francis
>>> On Sep 29, 2012, at 12:06 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Try the accessible-ios google group. I can answer your question, though: go 
>>> to settings, general, accessibility, Voiceover, and turn it on. From there, 
>>> use the list I emntioned and/or find some primers on that 
>>> might help. Googling specific questions will also help as there are many 
>>> tutorials and articles out there, plus the official Apple documentation for 
>>> voiceover.
>>> On Sep 29, 2012, at 12:56 PM, Beefcakes  wrote:
 Hi everybody, is there and I've had list for the mine has an iPad one and 
 needs to know how to get voiceover on it going. Thanks so much, John
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>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> -- 
>> personal email:
>> twitter:
>> facebook:
>> zello:
>> hanksmith5
>> Klango:
>> hanksmith
>> Skype:
>> hank.smith966
>> Amateur radio call sign:
>> ke7ief
>> check out my Youtube video of a song I recorded in Nashville Tennessee!
>> also you can find my youtube channel at:
>> -- 
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downloading actual youtube videos?

2012-10-01 Thread Maria Chapman
Hi.  I have youtube to mp3 converter, which works well.  I'm working on a 
presentation i have to do though, and was hoping to include some clips in the 
presentation.  Because I'm presenting to sighted people I'd like to know if 
it's possible to download the whole video somehow with the mac.  


God Bless! Maria from australia
 Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as well as email & iMessage.   
skype same as email,without the gmail part. twitter bubbygirl 

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Re: protected pdf

2012-10-01 Thread Cheryl Homiak
I just bought a protected pdf from Kobo. I can't access it yet because the 
website says it has had trouble contacting the retailer but I've already got my 
receipts fromKobo and Paypal so it's just a matter of time. This is a book I 
want to read and I will be using my Mac so I will report back.


May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)

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Re: braille display

2012-10-01 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
The brailliant display has in my opinion much better braille cells. The 
brailliant has a much better carrying case, it can not fall out, the focus can 
fall out of the bag. You can have the brailliant display sitting on your knees, 
that can be a little insecure with the focus. There are some advantages with 
the focus as well, but to me the braille cells seems noisy.

I sometimes wonder why most blind people are choosing 40 cells braille 
displays. I feel much better with something like 32 cells, and it is a little 
more handy too.

The only thing I do not like about brailliant is that I sometimes experience 
problems with the bluetooth conectivity on IPhone, but maybe that has been 
solved on IPhone 5, it looks like there has been some improvements in IOS 6.

I am both using brailliant and focus. It is important that your student tries 
the displays, because it is so different how the display works for individuals.
Best regards Annie.
Den Oct 2, 2012 kl. 12:29 AM skrev "M. Taylor" :

> Marianne,
> I strongly recommend the Focus since your student is a Jaws user.  
> There are definite user advantages to using the Focus with Jaws such as
> being able to set the level of Braille firmness.  This is one of my favorite
> features.  
> I also like the ability to reverse the Braille panning directions on the
> Focus.  I am not certain if this is a Focus specific setting in Jaws, but it
> is definitely a proverbial game changer for me.
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Marianne Denning
> Sent: Monday, October 01, 2012 3:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: braille display
> Scott, I think I have narrowed it down to either the Brailliant 40 or Focus
> 40.  Since he uses JAWS the Focus 40 may be the better choice.
> That is what I am hoping to learn.
> On 10/1/12, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hello out there.
>> I just bought a new braille display, and so far I like it. It is new 
>> to the Mac and IOS devices. I got the Braille Edge 40 this past 
>> weekend. The inputs are actually doing better than I was having with 
>> my Focus 40. I didn't have ghluetooth before, and I do not now. This 
>> display also can be a stand-alone device. It doesn't go on the 
>> Internet like say my PacMate in theory does, but I decided I didn't need
> that, what with having the Mac and the iPhone.
>> So far the only thing I'm having is loosing connection with the iPhone 
>> and having to re-establish it. This only has happened when I turn the 
>> Braille display off or get out of communication with the iPhone. I may 
>> have to inquiffe about that. It doesn't lose contact while operating 
>> so far, and I didn't have the same problem with the Mac. I've only had 
>> it since Friday, so maybe I'm doing something wrong. If anybody has 
>> any ideas, please let me know.
>> Regards,
>> Gigi
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 1, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:
>>> Do you have any braille displays in mind?  Humanware has some.  So 
>>> does Freedom Scientific.
>>> Scott
>>> On 9/30/2012 12:42 PM, Marianne Denning wrote:
 This is a cross post because I hope for several responses.  I am 
 purchasing a braille display for an elementary student.  This 
 student has excellent skills with access technology.  The student 
 will be using it with an IDevice and a Mac running OS 10 and Windows 
 7.  JAWS is the screen reader on Windows.  I want a portable display 
 but not too small so I am looking at a 32 cell display or a 40 cell
> display.
 Please let me know your experiences.  The student uses a Braillenote 
>>> --
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Re: braille display

2012-10-01 Thread Kaare Dehard
The Brailliant is pretty good, I like the braille. This is however the first 
display I've owned myself and had access to for more than a half hour or so. 
Moving from speech to braille has been a bit of a shift and I'll begin another 
thread, but all in all a good experience.
On 2012-10-01, at 9:00 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen  

> Hi.
> The brailliant display has in my opinion much better braille cells. The 
> brailliant has a much better carrying case, it can not fall out, the focus 
> can fall out of the bag. You can have the brailliant display sitting on your 
> knees, that can be a little insecure with the focus. There are some 
> advantages with the focus as well, but to me the braille cells seems noisy.
> I sometimes wonder why most blind people are choosing 40 cells braille 
> displays. I feel much better with something like 32 cells, and it is a little 
> more handy too.
> The only thing I do not like about brailliant is that I sometimes experience 
> problems with the bluetooth conectivity on IPhone, but maybe that has been 
> solved on IPhone 5, it looks like there has been some improvements in IOS 6.
> I am both using brailliant and focus. It is important that your student tries 
> the displays, because it is so different how the display works for 
> individuals.
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Oct 2, 2012 kl. 12:29 AM skrev "M. Taylor" :
>> Marianne,
>> I strongly recommend the Focus since your student is a Jaws user.  
>> There are definite user advantages to using the Focus with Jaws such as
>> being able to set the level of Braille firmness.  This is one of my favorite
>> features.  
>> I also like the ability to reverse the Braille panning directions on the
>> Focus.  I am not certain if this is a Focus specific setting in Jaws, but it
>> is definitely a proverbial game changer for me.
>> Mark
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Marianne Denning
>> Sent: Monday, October 01, 2012 3:18 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: braille display
>> Scott, I think I have narrowed it down to either the Brailliant 40 or Focus
>> 40.  Since he uses JAWS the Focus 40 may be the better choice.
>> That is what I am hoping to learn.
>> On 10/1/12, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hello out there.
>>> I just bought a new braille display, and so far I like it. It is new 
>>> to the Mac and IOS devices. I got the Braille Edge 40 this past 
>>> weekend. The inputs are actually doing better than I was having with 
>>> my Focus 40. I didn't have ghluetooth before, and I do not now. This 
>>> display also can be a stand-alone device. It doesn't go on the 
>>> Internet like say my PacMate in theory does, but I decided I didn't need
>> that, what with having the Mac and the iPhone.
>>> So far the only thing I'm having is loosing connection with the iPhone 
>>> and having to re-establish it. This only has happened when I turn the 
>>> Braille display off or get out of communication with the iPhone. I may 
>>> have to inquiffe about that. It doesn't lose contact while operating 
>>> so far, and I didn't have the same problem with the Mac. I've only had 
>>> it since Friday, so maybe I'm doing something wrong. If anybody has 
>>> any ideas, please let me know.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Oct 1, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:
 Do you have any braille displays in mind?  Humanware has some.  So 
 does Freedom Scientific.
 On 9/30/2012 12:42 PM, Marianne Denning wrote:
> This is a cross post because I hope for several responses.  I am 
> purchasing a braille display for an elementary student.  This 
> student has excellent skills with access technology.  The student 
> will be using it with an IDevice and a Mac running OS 10 and Windows 
> 7.  JAWS is the screen reader on Windows.  I want a portable display 
> but not too small so I am looking at a 32 cell display or a 40 cell
>> display.
> Please let me know your experiences.  The student uses a Braillenote 
> too.
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>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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Hiding Tabs in Safari

2012-10-01 Thread Emilio Hernandez
Hello everyone,

When I assign certain web sites to the bookmarks bar, so when pressing 
command-1,2, or 3, ETC to launch, these sites appear as tabs on my screen.
How can I remove the viewing of these tabs? I don't want them to appear because 
I already know where they are assigned to. I never know how I accomplished this 
when using Snow Leopard because I was a new Mac user, so I never bothered with 
learning how to disable or hide this because I accomplished it unknowingly.
Any tip I am overlooking or not considering would be wonderfully appreciated.

Thank you all for your help.
P (512) 966-2479
F (512) 857-0978

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Brailliant bi 40 and opening a links list

2012-10-01 Thread Kaare Dehard
Hi folks, any users of the above display or similar know how to get a links 
list through the braille keyboard? I can't seem to get that navigation down. Is 
it part of the stock list of commands, or is it one that requires customization?

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Reading Epub Books on the Mac

2012-10-01 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Bookle is an accessible app for reading DRM free ePub books on the Mac. It can 
be found in the Mac app store.

I agree there should be a Mac app for reading DRM protected books on the Mac. 
It's strange Apple hasn't brought out iBooks for the Mac. It's a shame too, as 
I quite like iBooks.

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Re: braille display

2012-10-01 Thread Scott Berry
Exactly what do you need to know. Also please keep me in the loop as to 
what happens when this student gets the display and how it works.  I am 
trying to start a store in Montana for the blind and low vision.  Trying 
to sell items for low vision and the blind since there is nothing here 
for blind and low vision really.

On 10/1/2012 04:18 PM, Marianne Denning wrote:

Scott, I think I have narrowed it down to either the Brailliant 40 or
Focus 40.  Since he uses JAWS the Focus 40 may be the better choice.
That is what I am hoping to learn.

On 10/1/12, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

Hello out there.
I just bought a new braille display, and so far I like it. It is new to the
Mac and IOS devices. I got the Braille Edge 40 this past weekend. The inputs
are actually doing better than I was having with my Focus 40. I didn't have
ghluetooth before, and I do not now. This display also can be a stand-alone
device. It doesn't go on the Internet like say my PacMate in theory does,
but I decided I didn't need that, what with having the Mac and the iPhone.

So far the only thing I'm having is loosing connection with the iPhone and
having to re-establish it. This only has happened when I turn the Braille
display off or get out of communication with the iPhone. I may have to
inquiffe about that. It doesn't lose contact while operating so far, and I
didn't have the same problem with the Mac. I've only had it since Friday, so
maybe I'm doing something wrong. If anybody has any ideas, please let me

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 1, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:

Do you have any braille displays in mind?  Humanware has some.  So does
Freedom Scientific.

On 9/30/2012 12:42 PM, Marianne Denning wrote:

This is a cross post because I hope for several responses.  I am
purchasing a braille display for an elementary student.  This student
has excellent skills with access technology.  The student will be
using it with an IDevice and a Mac running OS 10 and Windows 7.  JAWS
is the screen reader on Windows.  I want a portable display but not
too small so I am looking at a 32 cell display or a 40 cell display.
Please let me know your experiences.  The student uses a Braillenote

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Re: braille display

2012-10-01 Thread Scott Berry

I certainly agree with your statement.

On 10/1/2012 07:00 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:

The brailliant display has in my opinion much better braille cells. The 
brailliant has a much better carrying case, it can not fall out, the focus can 
fall out of the bag. You can have the brailliant display sitting on your knees, 
that can be a little insecure with the focus. There are some advantages with 
the focus as well, but to me the braille cells seems noisy.

I sometimes wonder why most blind people are choosing 40 cells braille 
displays. I feel much better with something like 32 cells, and it is a little 
more handy too.

The only thing I do not like about brailliant is that I sometimes experience 
problems with the bluetooth conectivity on IPhone, but maybe that has been 
solved on IPhone 5, it looks like there has been some improvements in IOS 6.

I am both using brailliant and focus. It is important that your student tries 
the displays, because it is so different how the display works for individuals.
Best regards Annie.
Den Oct 2, 2012 kl. 12:29 AM skrev "M. Taylor" :


I strongly recommend the Focus since your student is a Jaws user.

There are definite user advantages to using the Focus with Jaws such as
being able to set the level of Braille firmness.  This is one of my favorite

I also like the ability to reverse the Braille panning directions on the
Focus.  I am not certain if this is a Focus specific setting in Jaws, but it
is definitely a proverbial game changer for me.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Marianne Denning
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2012 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: braille display

Scott, I think I have narrowed it down to either the Brailliant 40 or Focus
40.  Since he uses JAWS the Focus 40 may be the better choice.
That is what I am hoping to learn.

On 10/1/12, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

Hello out there.
I just bought a new braille display, and so far I like it. It is new
to the Mac and IOS devices. I got the Braille Edge 40 this past
weekend. The inputs are actually doing better than I was having with
my Focus 40. I didn't have ghluetooth before, and I do not now. This
display also can be a stand-alone device. It doesn't go on the
Internet like say my PacMate in theory does, but I decided I didn't need

that, what with having the Mac and the iPhone.

So far the only thing I'm having is loosing connection with the iPhone
and having to re-establish it. This only has happened when I turn the
Braille display off or get out of communication with the iPhone. I may
have to inquiffe about that. It doesn't lose contact while operating
so far, and I didn't have the same problem with the Mac. I've only had
it since Friday, so maybe I'm doing something wrong. If anybody has
any ideas, please let me know.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 1, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:

Do you have any braille displays in mind?  Humanware has some.  So
does Freedom Scientific.

On 9/30/2012 12:42 PM, Marianne Denning wrote:

This is a cross post because I hope for several responses.  I am
purchasing a braille display for an elementary student.  This
student has excellent skills with access technology.  The student
will be using it with an IDevice and a Mac running OS 10 and Windows
7.  JAWS is the screen reader on Windows.  I want a portable display
but not too small so I am looking at a 32 cell display or a 40 cell


Please let me know your experiences.  The student uses a Braillenote

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Take Control eBooks' September Sale

2012-10-01 Thread Nicholas Parsons
The sale has been extended to Wednesday 3 October.

Also, and more importantly, Take Control have an accessible version of their 
catalog. It can be found here:

This is just a complete list of all their books in an accessible table. It is 
much easier to navigate.

The only problem with the accessible catalog is that discounts and sales are 
not applied automatically. You need to enter the voucher code manually. 
However, if you don't have this code, you can simply email Take Control Books 
and ask for the code, explaining that you are using the accessible version of 
their catalog. They are very helpful especially if you ask nicely.


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Basic Cocoa Programming

2012-10-01 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Thanks CJ and Steve!

I'll check these out. I have an international Bookshare membership and I 
believe I've seen those O'Reily books before in some search results, so 
hopefully I can get them. Thanks for the great suggestions!

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Trouble Interacting with the HTML Area in Messages

2012-10-01 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Thanks, Gavin! That method seems to be working now, although it's probably too 
early to know for sure. Great work around.

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Sharing Reminder Lists in Mountain Lion 10.8.2.

2012-10-01 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Thanks, Ioana! That worked perfectly just as you said. And for the record, it's 
just a VO Space that is required on that unlabelled button. I guess the button 
is the broadcast button that Apple speaks of in it's instructions.
This is such a cool new feature.
Thanks again!

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moving and renaming?

2012-10-01 Thread Kliphton
Could someone remind me how to move and rename a file on the mac?

Kliphton SR.
K&S Vending
(Office/Fax) 218-451-9881
(TXT) 218-332-7542

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Re: iPad

2012-10-01 Thread Beefcakes
Hi all, I'm the guy who wrote about a friends iPad. Actually she does have a 
first generation iPad. So she's trying to learn how she can access it, if  it 
has vo on itif etcetera. Anyway thanks for all the help everybody, you guys are 
great! John


On Oct 1, 2012, at 4:56 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:

> Actually once I set VO via Itunes I had   control of the triple click 
> home.
> On 9/30/2012 10:04 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As far as I know, you must first set up the "Triple-click Home" to "Toggle 
>> VoiceOver" before that functionality will work.  Pressing that out of the 
>> box will not turn on VO unless Apple has changed the default lately. 
>>  As mentioned earlier, it may be easiest to configure the Universal Access 
>> options through iTunes.  Then once VO is on, the Triple-Click toggle can be 
>> set.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2012-09-30, at 8:18 PM, Hank Smith  wrote:
>>> just hit the home button 3 times
>>> On 9/30/2012 2:19 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
 Why do all that?  Can they not turn on voiceover by tripple clicking the 
 home key from the initial setup, or if nothing else, turn V O on within 
 ITunes?  If they're blind, it's gonna be a little hard tapping 
 - Original Message - From: "Pam Francis" 
 Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 2:04 AM
 Subject: Re: iPad
 Hello, I might to also assume that you are a brand-new iOS user if so 
 there is a gentleman on Apple this VIS Apple who works primarily 
 with visually impaired and has done many podcasts dealing with iOS 
 software and how voiceover works. His name is David Woodbridge.  If you go 
 through there podcasts section, you will find your share of podcasts 
 relating to Iowa software done by David Woodbridge also you can find his 
 podcasts in iTunes. I hope this helps.
 Pam Francis
 On Sep 29, 2012, at 12:06 PM, Alex Hall
 Try the accessible-ios google group. I can answer your question, though: 
 go to settings, general, accessibility, Voiceover, and turn it on. From 
 there, use the list I emntioned and/or find some primers on 
 that might help. Googling specific questions will also help as there are 
 many tutorials and articles out there, plus the official Apple 
 documentation for voiceover.
 On Sep 29, 2012, at 12:56 PM, Beefcakes  wrote:
> Hi everybody, is there and I've had list for the mine has an iPad one and 
> needs to know how to get voiceover on it going. Thanks so much, John
> Cakes
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 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>>> -- 
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>>> hanksmith5
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>>> hank.smith966
>>> Amateur radio call sign:
>>> ke7ief
>>> check out my Youtube video of a song I recorded in Nashville Tennessee!
>>> also you can find my youtube channel at:
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Re: OT iTunes Gift Card Giveaway

2012-10-01 Thread Timothy Clark Music
not to be offensive but why are you posting spam? 
 also, wwho is really going to take time out of their day to do what you are 
asking of them? i don't even know why i'm writing this message. guess it's 
because nothing's going on at this point in time. 
 i think i'm going to send this message and then read my bible. good day
God Bless. 
 Your friend in the music industry 

On Oct 1, 2012, at 12:06 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:

> The Twit That Tweets iTunes Gift Card Giveaway
> You can win a $30 iTunes Gift Card just by following @fedora_outlier on 
> Twitter! The rules are very simple. Follow @fedora_outlier on Twitter between 
> now and November first and you’ll be in the drawing for a $30 iTunes gift 
> card. 
> In addition to the iTunes gift card 3 lucky people will also win a copy of 
> the very first multi-media iBook accessible to the blind on mastering iOS.
> Everyone is eligible unless you work for the firm, have already followed us 
> in the past or have a problem with a virtually free gift card. Sighted people 
> are welcome and any family members or friends you can think to share this 
> with are welcomed to follow us as well.
> The winners will be announced on November 10th. If you have any questions 
> about this promotion or our firm visit us online at, e-mail 
> us at excellence or call us at (888) 958-6979.
> -- 
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How to start with Numbers?

2012-10-01 Thread Agent086b
Hello, I have just downloaded Numbers. I need to access and make changes to 
existing Excel documents.
I can load the documents ok. How do I get in to the columns and rows  in the 
I have tried to interact with the document all with no luck.
Thanks again as always for any help 

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Re: problems playing OGG files with VLC

2012-10-01 Thread Shen
Most likely not. It's due to a decoding problem. You might try updating VLC to 
the latest version and see if the problem goes away. I'm playing ogg files in 
using VLC and have no problems.
The VLC version I have is 2.0.3 64-bit. Interesting it says 64-bit, but I have 
a 32-bit Mac.
Anyways, try that. Also, try encoding your files using constant nitrate instead 
of variable and see if that works.

On Sep 29, 2012, at 3:07 AM, Mark Baxter  wrote:

> When I try to step forward or backward through an OGG file in VLC, my place 
> in the file jumps randomly.  Is there a way to fix this?
> Thanks.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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