Re: Another problem with mail.

2012-09-21 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Well, I still have the problem even though I've done what Alex has said.
On 21 Sep 2012, at 04:46, Veronica Elsea  wrote:

> Kawal, I was really hoping that this would get fixed in the newest update. I 
> noticed this problem starting with Mountain Lion. The weird thing is that 
> today I noticed that after checking my mail on my Macbook, when I looked at 
> it again in Thunderbird on my windows machine, it was also marked as read. So 
> I can't figure out whether this is a mail problem, improperly marking 
> messages, or whether this is a VoiceOver problem, not reading the status 
> correctly. If anyone has figured this out, I'd sure appreciate the info so I 
> could report this accurately to Apple. It makes reading the mail not very 
> pleasant any more, for sure. Thanks for bringing this up here.
> Veronica
> Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at 
> Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club at:
>Veronica Elsea, Owner
> Laurel Creek Music Designs
> Santa Cruz, California
> Phone: 831-429-6407
> On 9/20/2012 3:22 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Looks as if I have lots of problems with mail.  If this subject has been 
>> discussed before please excuse me.
>> When I go up and down all the e-mails without opening them, I notice that 
>> even though the mails have not been opened, It is as if I have read the 
>> mails even though this is not the case.  If any one has reported this to 
>> Apple please let me know as I don't want to send the same again if they know 
>> about the problem.
>> Thanks.
>> Kawal.
>> p.s.  God I prefer reading mail on the I phone although god knows if that 
>> will be the case in IOS six. May be I'll be sending raving mails once I've 
>> tried and I don't like it.  Or I might like the experience even more and 
>> never read my mail on the mac again.  I'm just speculating so I don't finish 
>> reading my thousand and thousands of messages.
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Probmems aking VIPS

2012-09-21 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

For some reason I can't make VIPS.  I had it working once before and tried the 
same method but the method is not working.  Can some one give me steps please?  
I got the method off the web.

Thanks in advance.


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Fixed VIPS

2012-09-21 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I fixed VIPS for some reason, I kept doing vo f3 a few times until the mouse 
was on the first letter and did vo shift M and the menu came up.


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Labeling buttons on the iPhone

2012-09-21 Thread Eugenia Firth
Once again, my faultless bank did it to me again. They updated the app, and, of 
course, the buttons didn't work anymore, so I had to read label them. Thank 
goodness Apple put that option in there. I did discover something that doesn't 
work in dictation. I tried using it to relabel these buttons, and it didn't 
work. I had to do them with the on screen keyboard.

Sent from my iPhone

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RE: When might we expect a Voiceover Improvement in 10.8

2012-09-21 Thread Missy Hoppe
Yes, this is the thing I've noticed: no automatic interraction. The other bugs 
discussed, I'm not enough of a user to be
aware of, but this one is very noticeable, and I'm surprised it exists. It's 
almost like it's a feature that's been turned
off or something. I thought about going through the VO utility to make sure 
that wasn't the case: something like
automatically interract with web content, but I don't think there is suchan 
option. I think that when time permits, I, too,
will write to apple accessibility about that bug because it's the only one I 
understand enough to write about. Over all,
though, I still think ML is way better than lion ever was, at least on my 

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Veronica Elsea
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2012 11:52 PM
Subject: Re: When might we expect a Voiceover Improvement in 10.8

The thing that disappoints me is that VoiceOver still doesn't automatically 
interact with html content when loading a web
page like it did in Lion. It just doesn't feel as nice and seamless as it used 
to feel. I'll keep writing to apple but man,
it would seem like the simplest of tries with VoiceOver by the development 
staff would show this. Bummer!


Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at
Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club at:
 Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California
Phone: 831-429-6407

On 9/20/2012 8:44 PM, Phil Halton wrote:
> It came off pretty darn sarcastic to my ears as well Ray.
> - Original Message -
> *From:* Ray Foret Jr 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Thursday, September 20, 2012 5:56 PM
> *Subject:* Re: When might we expect a Voiceover Improvement in 10.8
> Brian, now look, I do understand your frustrations; but, frankly,
> your personal attack upon me is entirely unwarranted.  I was truly
> only trying to help.  Perhaps you're just having a sucky day; I
> don't know.  We're all subject to those days now and again; but, if
> you are going to bite a hand that's only trying to give helpful
> advice, then, my friend, perhaps it's high time you stepped away
> from your computer for a bit and did something else to cool off.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> On Sep 20, 2012, at 4:43 PM, Brian Fischler  > wrote:
>> Typical of this list, some guy like this Ray offering a useless
>> response to my constructive criticism. Anytime you say anything
>> negative even like I did in a professional way, you get a guy like
>> this Ray not adding to the conversation. I don't think I am out of
>> line expecting improvements to Voiceover, I just voiced my opinion,
>> and here comes this Ray right off the bat. I guess you are only
>> allowed to praise Apple on this board. Ray, I would love to be a
>> developer and help Apple in anyway that I can, unfortunately, I have a
>> very limited knowledge when it comes to programming and what I am sure
>> is some very advanced design work.
>> On Sep 20, 4:46 pm, Brian Fischler > > wrote:
>>> I know that we are not Apple's main focus group, but two updates to
>>> 10.8 and still not one improvement to Voiceover? There are some
>>> pretty
>>> basic fixable things, that I am very disappointed that Apple has not
>>> addressed in either update. And before I get blasted for posting
>>> anything negative on this board about Apple, yes, I have emailed
>>> Apple
>>> Accessibility, and yes, I have used a Mac for a long time. The one
>>> primary thing that seems like a quick fix would be getting Web spots
>>> to work properly in safari. I am still stunned that you have to now
>>> click VO command right bracket to go left or up a page, and VO
>>> command
>>> left bracket to go right or down a page. Anyone with the
>>> slightest bit
>>> of logic would have realized that this is reversed.
>>> Numbers is still very difficult to use if you have a big spreadsheet
>>> as there is no way to search for a certain cell in a large document.
>>> While the command to do this in Lion was bizarre at least it worked
>>> most of the time. Calling Apple Accessibility, I find it hilarious
>>> that the people at the specialized Voiceover department know nothing
>>> about numbers, and the numbers department know nothing about
>>> Voiceover. Pretty hilarious.
>>> QuickNav is still unbelievably buggy. S

[Maccessibility] The Speech Off VoiceOver Feature Gets More Useful in iOS 6

2012-09-21 Thread Maccessibility
Title: [Maccessibility] The Speech Off VoiceOver Feature Gets More Useful in iOS 6
Maccessibility has posted a new item, 'The Speech Off VoiceOver Feature Gets More Useful in iOS 6'

In addition to the more significant changes detailed in our First Look at VoiceOver in iOS 6, there are other minor tweaks to accessibility in Apple’s sixth version of its mobile operating system. We plan to make note of these in a series of shorter posts, as well as tips and tricks for taking [...]

You may view the latest post at

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Re: Another problem with mail.

2012-09-21 Thread Tim Kilburn

As previously mentioned, this is not a VO or Mail bug, it is simply the way 
Mail behaves when the Preview pane is active.  It has been this way for VO 
users since Tiger.  It primarily has to do with cursors following each other.  
In the sighted world, the user clicks their mouse on the specific message, the 
Preview pane appears and the message is considered "REad".  In our VO world, 
the message is selected as we navigate over it thus Mail considers it "Read".

For those of us who are bothered by this, we eliminate the problem by disabling 
the Preview pane.  As Alex mentioned, you can then open messages by pressing 
return on them and then pressing cmd-w to close the message or conversation.  I 
will paste below instructions that I posted a few times earlier that do the 
job.  There are instructions for both the Classic and Standard Mail views.  By 
default, Mail is in the new Standard view, so if you haven't changed that in 
the View pane of your Mail Prefs, then you are in Standard view.

> 1.  Removing the Preview Pane in Classic layout:
> • Navigate to the Horizontal Splitter that is to the right of the Messages 
> table.
> • Press VO-cmd-f5 (add FN if needed).  This will bring the mouse to the VO 
> cursor and announce where the mouse is and it should read "Horizontal 
> Splitter".
> • Double-click on your Trackpad or alternatively, you can press near the top 
> of the Trackpad and drag to the bottom.  Make sure in this case that you 
> actually make the Trackpad button depress so that the drag action will work.
> 2.  Removing the Preview Pane for non-Classic layout:
> • Navigate to the Vertical Splitter just to the right of the Messages Column 
> Group.
> • Press VO-cmd-f5 (add FN if necessary) to bring the mouse to the VO cursor.  
> It will announce Vertical Splitter if it did what it was supposed to do.
> • Double-click on the Trackpad or alternatively, put your finger near the 
> left hand side of the Trackpad, then drag to the far right and release.  As 
> in the first case, make sure that you depress the Trackpad button so that the 
> dragging process will occur.
> Note that in the Classic layout, you are dealing with a Horizontal Splitter 
> and in the non-Classic layout, you are dealing with a Vertical Splitter. Each 
> case requires a different dragging direction if you choose that option.
> There are a couple of ways of determining if it worked.  Firstly, you can 
> navigate around the Mail screen and if you don't hear anything about "Message 
> Content Area", life is good.
> The second method is a little more complicated but tells you for sure.  In 
> Classic layout, navigate to the Horizontal Splitter to the right of the "New 
> Mailbox Action" menu.  You'll notice two Horizontal splitters, one after the 
> Messages Table and this one that I'm talking about.  Once you've located this 
> Horizontal Splitter, Interact with it and press VO-down.  Vo will announce 
> "Collapsed" which is what you want to hear.  In non-Classic layout, navigate 
> to the Vertical Splitter just to the right of the Messages Column Group and 
> Interact with it.  Press VO-right and VO will announce "Collapsed" if the 
> Preview pane is gone.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-09-21, at 2:37 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Well, I still have the problem even though I've done what Alex has said.
> On 21 Sep 2012, at 04:46, Veronica Elsea  
> wrote:
>> Kawal, I was really hoping that this would get fixed in the newest update. I 
>> noticed this problem starting with Mountain Lion. The weird thing is that 
>> today I noticed that after checking my mail on my Macbook, when I looked at 
>> it again in Thunderbird on my windows machine, it was also marked as read. 
>> So I can't figure out whether this is a mail problem, improperly marking 
>> messages, or whether this is a VoiceOver problem, not reading the status 
>> correctly. If anyone has figured this out, I'd sure appreciate the info so I 
>> could report this accurately to Apple. It makes reading the mail not very 
>> pleasant any more, for sure. Thanks for bringing this up here.
>> Veronica
>> Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at 
>> Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club at:
>>   Veronica Elsea, Owner
>> Laurel Creek Music Designs
>> Santa Cruz, California
>> Phone: 831-429-6407
>> On 9/20/2012 3:22 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Looks as if I have lots of problems with mail.  If this subject has been 
>>> discussed before please excuse me.
>>> When I go up and down all the e-mails without opening them, I notice that 
>>> even though the mails have not been opened, It is as if I have read the 
>>> mails even though this is not the case.  If any one has reported this to 
>>> Apple please let me know as I don't want to send the same again if they 

Twitter on themac

2012-09-21 Thread Stacey Robinson
Hi all,
I just 
 downloaded twitter for the mac. I am running snowleopard. With this twitter 
app, is there a way to force it to show me my timeline?
I can't seem to get it to do much.
Is there a better twitter app for the mac that's free.
Stacey and GEB dog Chesley

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RE: Twitter on themac

2012-09-21 Thread Daniel Miller
Twitter for mac is complete garbage. I use YoruFukeroo. I probably spelled
that wrong lol.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Stacey Robinson
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 9:02 AM
To: Macvisionaries
Subject: Twitter on themac

Hi all,
I just 
 downloaded twitter for the mac. I am running snowleopard. With this twitter
app, is there a way to force it to show me my timeline?
I can't seem to get it to do much.
Is there a better twitter app for the mac that's free.
Stacey and GEB dog Chesley

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Re: Twitter on themac

2012-09-21 Thread Teresa Cochran
YoruFukurou is very accessible. I haven't tried twitter for the Mac.

On Sep 21, 2012, at 7:03 AM, Daniel Miller  wrote:

> Twitter for mac is complete garbage. I use YoruFukeroo. I probably spelled
> that wrong lol.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Stacey Robinson
> Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 9:02 AM
> To: Macvisionaries
> Subject: Twitter on themac
> Hi all,
> I just 
> downloaded twitter for the mac. I am running snowleopard. With this twitter
> app, is there a way to force it to show me my timeline?
> I can't seem to get it to do much.
> Is there a better twitter app for the mac that's free.
> Thanks,
> Stacey and GEB dog Chesley
> -- 
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Re: Twitter on themac

2012-09-21 Thread Stacey Robinson
Can you give me some hints on how to use this app.
I've gotten logged in.
How do I follow someone whose name I see in someone elses tweet.
On Sep 21, 2012, at 9:03 AM, Daniel Miller wrote:

> Twitter for mac is complete garbage. I use YoruFukeroo. I probably spelled
> that wrong lol.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Stacey Robinson
> Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 9:02 AM
> To: Macvisionaries
> Subject: Twitter on themac
> Hi all,
> I just 
> downloaded twitter for the mac. I am running snowleopard. With this twitter
> app, is there a way to force it to show me my timeline?
> I can't seem to get it to do much.
> Is there a better twitter app for the mac that's free.
> Thanks,
> Stacey and GEB dog Chesley
> -- 
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Re: Keyboard shortcuts.

2012-09-21 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
in iOS. under settings keyboard and shortcuts.
I have added several other shortcuts that i can see but they will not work when 
in any edit field.

Sent from my Macbook Pro.
Chris Bruinenberg

On Sep 20, 2012, at 11:25 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> What keyboard shortcuts?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Sep 21, 2012, at 2:01 AM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>> Hi all. 
>> I did a clean install of iOS 6 today. My keyboard shortcuts show up however 
>> I'm not able to use them!
>> Does anybody have any ideas?
>> Thanks 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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YoruFukurou, Was Re: Twitter on themac

2012-09-21 Thread Teresa Cochran
If you're referring to YoruFukurou, you first focus on a tweet. The make sure 
the drawer is showing with command-d. VO to it (it's usually at the top or 
left) and interact. The drawer will show all the links to people you can follow 
or to websites. To follow someone, just go to the "user action" menu within the 
drawer and choose "follow".


On Sep 21, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:

> Can you give me some hints on how to use this app.
> I've gotten logged in.
> How do I follow someone whose name I see in someone elses tweet.
> On Sep 21, 2012, at 9:03 AM, Daniel Miller wrote:
>> Twitter for mac is complete garbage. I use YoruFukeroo. I probably spelled
>> that wrong lol.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Stacey Robinson
>> Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 9:02 AM
>> To: Macvisionaries
>> Subject: Twitter on themac
>> Hi all,
>> I just 
>> downloaded twitter for the mac. I am running snowleopard. With this twitter
>> app, is there a way to force it to show me my timeline?
>> I can't seem to get it to do much.
>> Is there a better twitter app for the mac that's free.
>> Thanks,
>> Stacey and GEB dog Chesley
>> -- 
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Re: YoruFukurou, Was Re: Twitter on themac

2012-09-21 Thread Stacey Robinson
Hi Theresa,
Ok, I make the drawer show when on a tweet with command d.
Then interact and then vo to the action button.
Is that right?

On Sep 21, 2012, at 12:52 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> If you're referring to YoruFukurou, you first focus on a tweet. The make sure 
> the drawer is showing with command-d. VO to it (it's usually at the top or 
> left) and interact. The drawer will show all the links to people you can 
> follow or to websites. To follow someone, just go to the "user action" menu 
> within the drawer and choose "follow".
> htH,
> Teresa
> On Sep 21, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
>> Can you give me some hints on how to use this app.
>> I've gotten logged in.
>> How do I follow someone whose name I see in someone elses tweet.
>> On Sep 21, 2012, at 9:03 AM, Daniel Miller wrote:
>>> Twitter for mac is complete garbage. I use YoruFukeroo. I probably spelled
>>> that wrong lol.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Stacey Robinson
>>> Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 9:02 AM
>>> To: Macvisionaries
>>> Subject: Twitter on themac
>>> Hi all,
>>> I just 
>>> downloaded twitter for the mac. I am running snowleopard. With this twitter
>>> app, is there a way to force it to show me my timeline?
>>> I can't seem to get it to do much.
>>> Is there a better twitter app for the mac that's free.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Stacey and GEB dog Chesley
>>> -- 
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Re: YoruFukurou, Was Re: Twitter on themac

2012-09-21 Thread Stacey Robinson
I tried this but couldn't find a follow button. How do I focus on the tweet?
On Sep 21, 2012, at 12:52 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> If you're referring to YoruFukurou, you first focus on a tweet. The make sure 
> the drawer is showing with command-d. VO to it (it's usually at the top or 
> left) and interact. The drawer will show all the links to people you can 
> follow or to websites. To follow someone, just go to the "user action" menu 
> within the drawer and choose "follow".
> htH,
> Teresa
> On Sep 21, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
>> Can you give me some hints on how to use this app.
>> I've gotten logged in.
>> How do I follow someone whose name I see in someone elses tweet.
>> On Sep 21, 2012, at 9:03 AM, Daniel Miller wrote:
>>> Twitter for mac is complete garbage. I use YoruFukeroo. I probably spelled
>>> that wrong lol.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Stacey Robinson
>>> Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 9:02 AM
>>> To: Macvisionaries
>>> Subject: Twitter on themac
>>> Hi all,
>>> I just 
>>> downloaded twitter for the mac. I am running snowleopard. With this twitter
>>> app, is there a way to force it to show me my timeline?
>>> I can't seem to get it to do much.
>>> Is there a better twitter app for the mac that's free.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Stacey and GEB dog Chesley
>>> -- 
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Re: When might we expect a Voiceover Improvement in 10.8

2012-09-21 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi Brian and all,

unfortunately I gathered a long list of bugs in VoiceOver since Lion. What 
makes me frustrated is not only the fact that it takes Apple most of the time a 
whole step to a new Mac OS animal to improve VoiceOver. But for some 
improvements you even get a worsening back.
For instance pdfs in Preview are quite inaccessible since Mountain Lion; 
forward and rewind doesn't work properly in Quicklook; drag and drop is worse 
then ever; ex- and import of VO settings still doesn't work properly; the 
button "reverse language" in Dashboard widget translation doesn't work with 
VoiceOver; Info section in Dashboard widgets is hardly to close; Spotlight 
seemms no longer to work properly on some machines; tables still don't work in 
text documents; full screen mode is hardly to close; etc. etc.

I'm really concerned about the future of VoiceOver on the Mac. I love my Macs 
and I don't want to switch back to Windows. But that's only possible when Apple 
continuously improves VoiceOver. And not just a little bit like in Mountain 

We are the ones who can and should tell Apple what we need. It's good to give 
them positive feedback but it's also necessary to tell them clearly what's 
wrong with VoiceOver. Aspecially the american users of Macs should insist. 
Because I got the feeling they are not very interested what some VoiceOver 
users from France or Germany or maybe Italy might be concerned about. I wrote 
so many e-mails to the accessibility team, nothing happened. Just the standard 
reply that they appreciate the feedback and will forward it to the appropriate 
people. Thanks a lot.

Sorry for this negative message

Am 21.09.2012 um 06:49 schrieb Brian Fischler :

> Hey Veronica,
> I know exactly what you are talking about, and that non interaction
> with html happens to me a lot here is a quick fix for you. Toggle VO
> off and than back on with Command F5 when this happens it should fix
> the html non interaction problem. Yet another bug in Mountain Lion.
> Hope this helps.
> On Sep 20, 4:46 pm, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> I know that we are not Apple's main focus group, but two updates to
>> 10.8 and still not one improvement to Voiceover? There are some pretty
>> basic fixable things, that I am very disappointed that Apple has not
>> addressed in either update. And before I get blasted for posting
>> anything negative on this board about Apple, yes, I have emailed Apple
>> Accessibility, and yes, I have used a Mac for a long time. The one
>> primary thing that seems like a quick fix would be getting Web spots
>> to work properly in safari. I am still stunned that you have to now
>> click VO command right bracket to go left or up a page, and VO command
>> left bracket to go right or down a page. Anyone with the slightest bit
>> of logic would have realized that this is reversed.
>> Numbers is still very difficult to use if you have a big spreadsheet
>> as there is no way to search for a certain cell in a large document.
>> While the command to do this in Lion was bizarre at least it worked
>> most of the time. Calling Apple Accessibility, I find it hilarious
>> that the people at the specialized Voiceover department know nothing
>> about numbers, and the numbers department know nothing about
>> Voiceover. Pretty hilarious.
>> QuickNav is still unbelievably buggy. Several times a day QuickNav
>> just stops working, and I have to toggle VO off and on to get it to
>> start working again.
>> Just wanted to name a few and mention it would be nice to actually see
>> a Voiceover improvement in an update to the operating system.
>> Otherwise, what is the point of me taking the time to contact Apple
>> Accessibility. They have gotten back to me every time which is very
>> nice of them, but lets start getting some of these issues implemented.
> -- 
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making Lion recovery drive from a mountain Lion computer?

2012-09-21 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I have a Mini that was someone else's before it got to me. I'd like to
re-install Lion (it's a 2007 so won't accept ML) to start over
completely, but it refuses unless I give it an iCloud account that
purchased Lion. My own mac came with Lion, so I never had to buy it,
and I don't want to get the original owner's personal information.
Since I just want to put Lion back on a computer that already has it,
is there any way I can create a recovery dvd or usb drive with Lion
but not pay for an OS the mac already has? If not, is there another
way of setting a mac back to factory defaults that would be the same
as re-installing the OS? Thanks, and I hope I made sense.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website)

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Re: Twitter on themac

2012-09-21 Thread Timothy Clark Music
for example if you wanted to follow me, you would go to the user profile by 
hitting command u. then it will ask you for the user name. in my case you would 
type in @timothyclark13 
 then, hit enter. it will bring up my tweets. you go to the left past the edit 
type in text field for your tweets. you go past that until you see the dwrar. 
interact with the dwrar and go over to the action button. 
 go down to follow sub meniew. click on that and then follow.
 you would now be following me on twitter. 
 hope this helps.  
 God Bless. 
 Your friend in the music industry 

On Sep 21, 2012, at 11:23 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

> Can you give me some hints on how to use this app.
> I've gotten logged in.
> How do I follow someone whose name I see in someone elses tweet.
> On Sep 21, 2012, at 9:03 AM, Daniel Miller wrote:
>> Twitter for mac is complete garbage. I use YoruFukeroo. I probably spelled
>> that wrong lol.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Stacey Robinson
>> Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 9:02 AM
>> To: Macvisionaries
>> Subject: Twitter on themac
>> Hi all,
>> I just 
>> downloaded twitter for the mac. I am running snowleopard. With this twitter
>> app, is there a way to force it to show me my timeline?
>> I can't seem to get it to do much.
>> Is there a better twitter app for the mac that's free.
>> Thanks,
>> Stacey and GEB dog Chesley
>> -- 
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Re: When might we expect a Voiceover Improvement in 10.8

2012-09-21 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Wait let's be clear about one thing.  When you say that fast forward and rewind 
don't work correctly in quick look, are you talking about that when you stream 
a file directly off an internet site, you can't interact with the timeline and 
move through it?  If that's what you mean, you're absolutely correct.  IF you 
mean that you press the space bar on a file, you'll find the percentage bar at 
or near the right.  interact with that and you can move forward or backward 
through a file.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Sep 21, 2012, at 3:29 PM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:

> Hi Brian and all,
> unfortunately I gathered a long list of bugs in VoiceOver since Lion. What 
> makes me frustrated is not only the fact that it takes Apple most of the time 
> a whole step to a new Mac OS animal to improve VoiceOver. But for some 
> improvements you even get a worsening back.
> For instance pdfs in Preview are quite inaccessible since Mountain Lion; 
> forward and rewind doesn't work properly in Quicklook; drag and drop is worse 
> then ever; ex- and import of VO settings still doesn't work properly; the 
> button "reverse language" in Dashboard widget translation doesn't work with 
> VoiceOver; Info section in Dashboard widgets is hardly to close; Spotlight 
> seemms no longer to work properly on some machines; tables still don't work 
> in text documents; full screen mode is hardly to close; etc. etc.
> I'm really concerned about the future of VoiceOver on the Mac. I love my Macs 
> and I don't want to switch back to Windows. But that's only possible when 
> Apple continuously improves VoiceOver. And not just a little bit like in 
> Mountain Lion.
> We are the ones who can and should tell Apple what we need. It's good to give 
> them positive feedback but it's also necessary to tell them clearly what's 
> wrong with VoiceOver. Aspecially the american users of Macs should insist. 
> Because I got the feeling they are not very interested what some VoiceOver 
> users from France or Germany or maybe Italy might be concerned about. I wrote 
> so many e-mails to the accessibility team, nothing happened. Just the 
> standard reply that they appreciate the feedback and will forward it to the 
> appropriate people. Thanks a lot.
> Sorry for this negative message
> Jürgen
> Am 21.09.2012 um 06:49 schrieb Brian Fischler :
>> Hey Veronica,
>> I know exactly what you are talking about, and that non interaction
>> with html happens to me a lot here is a quick fix for you. Toggle VO
>> off and than back on with Command F5 when this happens it should fix
>> the html non interaction problem. Yet another bug in Mountain Lion.
>> Hope this helps.
>> On Sep 20, 4:46 pm, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> I know that we are not Apple's main focus group, but two updates to
>>> 10.8 and still not one improvement to Voiceover? There are some pretty
>>> basic fixable things, that I am very disappointed that Apple has not
>>> addressed in either update. And before I get blasted for posting
>>> anything negative on this board about Apple, yes, I have emailed Apple
>>> Accessibility, and yes, I have used a Mac for a long time. The one
>>> primary thing that seems like a quick fix would be getting Web spots
>>> to work properly in safari. I am still stunned that you have to now
>>> click VO command right bracket to go left or up a page, and VO command
>>> left bracket to go right or down a page. Anyone with the slightest bit
>>> of logic would have realized that this is reversed.
>>> Numbers is still very difficult to use if you have a big spreadsheet
>>> as there is no way to search for a certain cell in a large document.
>>> While the command to do this in Lion was bizarre at least it worked
>>> most of the time. Calling Apple Accessibility, I find it hilarious
>>> that the people at the specialized Voiceover department know nothing
>>> about numbers, and the numbers department know nothing about
>>> Voiceover. Pretty hilarious.
>>> QuickNav is still unbelievably buggy. Several times a day QuickNav
>>> just stops working, and I have to toggle VO off and on to get it to
>>> start working again.
>>> Just wanted to name a few and mention it would be nice to actually see
>>> a Voiceover improvement in an update to the operating system.
>>> Otherwise, what is the point of me taking the time to contact Apple
>>> Accessibility. They have gotten back to me every time which is very
>>> nice of them, but lets start getting some of these issues implemented.
>> -- 
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> -

Question about Navigon

2012-09-21 Thread Eugenia Firth

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 21, 2012, at 4:27 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi guys oh, I was so excited when I saw that there is now a public 
> transportation option in Navigon. But, it won't let me go to the app store to 
> get urban guidance for $2.99. Does anybody have a clue as to why I get the 
> error message cannot connect to iTunes Store? I have been waiting for ever 
> for a GPS to get that option, and now I can't get it on my iPhone! The other 
> thing I noticed is that the App Store, if you do a search, is got a problem 
> with voiceover, I'm sorry to say folks at Apple. I don't know what's wrong 
> with it, but you can't scroll page downs.  It looks like there's a lot of 
> images there.
> GG
> Sent from my iPhone

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Question about Navigon

2012-09-21 Thread Les Kriegler
Well, first, you don't get it from the App Store.  Rather, you must go into 
Navigon, choose the Main Menu and then Extras.  There you should be able to 
purchase it.  Now, for the bad news.  I just got off the phone with a Garmin 
rep.  The reason I cannot use this is that my city, Albany, New York isn't 
supported yet.  Apparently, there are a list of cities that will show before 
you purchase the app; obviously, I didn't come across this.  I can tell you 
that Katie will be happy as Atlanta is in the cities list.  Some of the other 
cities are Baltimore, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix and Scottsdale, 
Arizona.  That's not a complete list, so check out the cities before 
purchasing.  BTW, Washington, DC is in the app.  I'm awaiting an e-mail to see 
what the plans for this add-on are.

On Sep 21, 2012, at 5:36 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> F
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 21, 2012, at 4:27 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi guys oh, I was so excited when I saw that there is now a public 
>> transportation option in Navigon. But, it won't let me go to the app store 
>> to get urban guidance for $2.99. Does anybody have a clue as to why I get 
>> the error message cannot connect to iTunes Store? I have been waiting for 
>> ever for a GPS to get that option, and now I can't get it on my iPhone! The 
>> other thing I noticed is that the App Store, if you do a search, is got a 
>> problem with voiceover, I'm sorry to say folks at Apple. I don't know what's 
>> wrong with it, but you can't scroll page downs.  It looks like there's a lot 
>> of images there.
>> GG
>> Sent from my iPhone
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Re: Question about Navigon

2012-09-21 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Les
Thanks for the information, but I think I confused the case by talking about 
the app store and what I saw there. I was in Navigon, and wonders, Dallas and 
Fort Worth are supported. However when I chose the buy button I was told that 
it cannot connect to the iTunes store. I did see in the app store that you have 
to get it within the app itself. That's fine, except it won't let me. How do 
you think I should proceed now?

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 21, 2012, at 4:43 PM, Les Kriegler  wrote:

> Well, first, you don't get it from the App Store.  Rather, you must go into 
> Navigon, choose the Main Menu and then Extras.  There you should be able to 
> purchase it.  Now, for the bad news.  I just got off the phone with a Garmin 
> rep.  The reason I cannot use this is that my city, Albany, New York isn't 
> supported yet.  Apparently, there are a list of cities that will show before 
> you purchase the app; obviously, I didn't come across this.  I can tell you 
> that Katie will be happy as Atlanta is in the cities list.  Some of the other 
> cities are Baltimore, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix and Scottsdale, 
> Arizona.  That's not a complete list, so check out the cities before 
> purchasing.  BTW, Washington, DC is in the app.  I'm awaiting an e-mail to 
> see what the plans for this add-on are.
> Les
> On Sep 21, 2012, at 5:36 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> F
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Sep 21, 2012, at 4:27 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> Hi guys oh, I was so excited when I saw that there is now a public 
>>> transportation option in Navigon. But, it won't let me go to the app store 
>>> to get urban guidance for $2.99. Does anybody have a clue as to why I get 
>>> the error message cannot connect to iTunes Store? I have been waiting for 
>>> ever for a GPS to get that option, and now I can't get it on my iPhone! The 
>>> other thing I noticed is that the App Store, if you do a search, is got a 
>>> problem with voiceover, I'm sorry to say folks at Apple. I don't know 
>>> what's wrong with it, but you can't scroll page downs.  It looks like 
>>> there's a lot of images there.
>>> GG
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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Re: Question about Navigon

2012-09-21 Thread Les Kriegler
Well, I'm quite certain that you will have to update to the latest version of 
Navigon first. However, I may be mistaken about this. What I would suggest is 
that you going to the app that you have loaded on your phone and going to be 
extras menu and see if urban guidance is listed there. I do think that app has 
been out for a while, so you may be able to get with the current version of 
Navigon that you have. Let us know what happens. Good luck.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 21, 2012, at 6:02 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi Les
> Thanks for the information, but I think I confused the case by talking about 
> the app store and what I saw there. I was in Navigon, and wonders, Dallas and 
> Fort Worth are supported. However when I chose the buy button I was told that 
> it cannot connect to the iTunes store. I did see in the app store that you 
> have to get it within the app itself. That's fine, except it won't let me. 
> How do you think I should proceed now?
> GG 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 21, 2012, at 4:43 PM, Les Kriegler  wrote:
>> Well, first, you don't get it from the App Store.  Rather, you must go into 
>> Navigon, choose the Main Menu and then Extras.  There you should be able to 
>> purchase it.  Now, for the bad news.  I just got off the phone with a Garmin 
>> rep.  The reason I cannot use this is that my city, Albany, New York isn't 
>> supported yet.  Apparently, there are a list of cities that will show before 
>> you purchase the app; obviously, I didn't come across this.  I can tell you 
>> that Katie will be happy as Atlanta is in the cities list.  Some of the 
>> other cities are Baltimore, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix and 
>> Scottsdale, Arizona.  That's not a complete list, so check out the cities 
>> before purchasing.  BTW, Washington, DC is in the app.  I'm awaiting an 
>> e-mail to see what the plans for this add-on are.
>> Les
>> On Sep 21, 2012, at 5:36 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> F
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Sep 21, 2012, at 4:27 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 Hi guys oh, I was so excited when I saw that there is now a public 
 transportation option in Navigon. But, it won't let me go to the app store 
 to get urban guidance for $2.99. Does anybody have a clue as to why I get 
 the error message cannot connect to iTunes Store? I have been waiting for 
 ever for a GPS to get that option, and now I can't get it on my iPhone! 
 The other thing I noticed is that the App Store, if you do a search, is 
 got a problem with voiceover, I'm sorry to say folks at Apple. I don't 
 know what's wrong with it, but you can't scroll page downs.  It looks like 
 there's a lot of images there.
 Sent from my iPhone
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> -- 
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Re: YoruFukurou, Was Re: Twitter on themac

2012-09-21 Thread Rachel Feinberg
If you're focussed on a tweet of a user you'd like to follow, pressing 
command+option+apostrophe will get you straight to the user action menu button.
Then you'll vo+down arrow until you hear "following status  sub-menu." Open 
that with vo+right arrow, and go down to follow. Press vo+space on that, and 
you'll be following them.

On Sep 21, 2012, at 1:12 PM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:

> Theresa,
> I tried this but couldn't find a follow button. How do I focus on the tweet?
> On Sep 21, 2012, at 12:52 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> If you're referring to YoruFukurou, you first focus on a tweet. The make 
>> sure the drawer is showing with command-d. VO to it (it's usually at the top 
>> or left) and interact. The drawer will show all the links to people you can 
>> follow or to websites. To follow someone, just go to the "user action" menu 
>> within the drawer and choose "follow".
>> htH,
>> Teresa
>> On Sep 21, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
>>> Can you give me some hints on how to use this app.
>>> I've gotten logged in.
>>> How do I follow someone whose name I see in someone elses tweet.
>>> On Sep 21, 2012, at 9:03 AM, Daniel Miller wrote:
 Twitter for mac is complete garbage. I use YoruFukeroo. I probably spelled
 that wrong lol.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Stacey Robinson
 Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 9:02 AM
 To: Macvisionaries
 Subject: Twitter on themac
 Hi all,
 I just 
 downloaded twitter for the mac. I am running snowleopard. With this twitter
 app, is there a way to force it to show me my timeline?
 I can't seem to get it to do much.
 Is there a better twitter app for the mac that's free.
 Stacey and GEB dog Chesley
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> -- 
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anyone found a way to share a reminder list?

2012-09-21 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
Hi all,

Since latest OS update one can share reminder list with other icloud users. It 
implys hovering with the mouse over list name and clicking on appearing 
broadcast button. Taking this from the help section of reminders. HOwever I 
could not find a VO way to do this. Anyone had success?



Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

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Re: Question for all the braille users who read braille using their macs and braille displays.

2012-09-21 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
I actually added a command for toggling the show and hide cursor option to 
enable when editing. Let me know if yoou need more details.



Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

On Sep 20, 2012, at 6:14 PM, Chantelle Griffiths  

> Hi Kawal, 
> I know exactly what you mean and I found a solution. 
> If you go into VoiceOver Utility, under the Braille category, there is a 
> checkbox labeled "Use dots 7 and 8 to indicate cursor". I turned that option 
> off and it gave me normal six dot braille. However, that means you no longer 
> see an edit cursor, for example, when editing a document. 
> Hope that helps. 
> Cheers,
> Chantelle 
> On 21/09/2012, at 7:46 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> If this does not concern you then please delete.
>> Now, I have my braille display connected to the Mac which is rare as the 
>> braille display is mostly connected to an I phone.  However, I notice that 
>> all the braille is underlined and I'd like to know, how to make this go 
>> away?  I just want plain braille please.
>> Kawal.
>> -- 
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Mail has no windows.

2012-09-21 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi All.

Now, I'm going to have a moan about Voice over and mail.  I read mail on the 
Mac and every so often, I get 'mail has no windows'  I get this the same in 
Safari and any application I open.  Then, when I open Skype, on my finder I 
have Skype volume.  Now all these issues were not present in Lion.  Has any one 
had these problems and does any one have a fix?  I'm frankly tired of 'mail has 
no windows' but the messages still read even though I here Voice over announce 
'mail has no windows'.  Sorry but this does make me very mad.


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Re: YoruFukurou, Was Re: Twitter on themac

2012-09-21 Thread Timothy Clark Music
wow, nice shortcut. i didn't know that one. thanks for sharing. 
God Bless. 
 Your friend in the music industry 

On Sep 21, 2012, at 6:18 PM, Rachel Feinberg wrote:

> If you're focussed on a tweet of a user you'd like to follow, pressing 
> command+option+apostrophe will get you straight to the user action menu 
> button.
> Then you'll vo+down arrow until you hear "following status  sub-menu." Open 
> that with vo+right arrow, and go down to follow. Press vo+space on that, and 
> you'll be following them.
> On Sep 21, 2012, at 1:12 PM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
>> Theresa,
>> I tried this but couldn't find a follow button. How do I focus on the tweet?
>> On Sep 21, 2012, at 12:52 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> If you're referring to YoruFukurou, you first focus on a tweet. The make 
>>> sure the drawer is showing with command-d. VO to it (it's usually at the 
>>> top or left) and interact. The drawer will show all the links to people you 
>>> can follow or to websites. To follow someone, just go to the "user action" 
>>> menu within the drawer and choose "follow".
>>> htH,
>>> Teresa
>>> On Sep 21, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Stacey Robinson  
>>> wrote:
 Can you give me some hints on how to use this app.
 I've gotten logged in.
 How do I follow someone whose name I see in someone elses tweet.
 On Sep 21, 2012, at 9:03 AM, Daniel Miller wrote:
> Twitter for mac is complete garbage. I use YoruFukeroo. I probably spelled
> that wrong lol.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Stacey Robinson
> Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 9:02 AM
> To: Macvisionaries
> Subject: Twitter on themac
> Hi all,
> I just 
> downloaded twitter for the mac. I am running snowleopard. With this 
> twitter
> app, is there a way to force it to show me my timeline?
> I can't seem to get it to do much.
> Is there a better twitter app for the mac that's free.
> Thanks,
> Stacey and GEB dog Chesley
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solved sharing reminders. cool

2012-09-21 Thread Ioana Gandrabur

Found how to do this. Interacting with reminder list tables then with the 
actual list where you could rename it or VO right to unlabled button that opens 
sharing preferences for the list.
Pretty neet feature for shared checklists.


Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

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Re: Question for all the braille users who read braille using their macs and braille displays.

2012-09-21 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Oh yes please for details.
On 21 Sep 2012, at 23:26, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:

> I actually added a command for toggling the show and hide cursor option to 
> enable when editing. Let me know if yoou need more details.
> hth,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> On Sep 20, 2012, at 6:14 PM, Chantelle Griffiths  
> wrote:
>> Hi Kawal, 
>> I know exactly what you mean and I found a solution. 
>> If you go into VoiceOver Utility, under the Braille category, there is a 
>> checkbox labeled "Use dots 7 and 8 to indicate cursor". I turned that option 
>> off and it gave me normal six dot braille. However, that means you no longer 
>> see an edit cursor, for example, when editing a document. 
>> Hope that helps. 
>> Cheers,
>> Chantelle 
>> On 21/09/2012, at 7:46 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>>> If this does not concern you then please delete.
>>> Now, I have my braille display connected to the Mac which is rare as the 
>>> braille display is mostly connected to an I phone.  However, I notice that 
>>> all the braille is underlined and I'd like to know, how to make this go 
>>> away?  I just want plain braille please.
>>> Kawal.
>>> -- 
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Re: Question for all the braille users who read braille using their macs and braille displays.

2012-09-21 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
1. Go to VO utility
2. Select Braille in utility category.
3. Select displays tab (2 of 2) first is layout.
4. Press assign commands 
5. Press add
6. YOu added a new row with unassigned and to the right a commands menu. 
Activate it. 
7. In commands menu choose braille and press right errol to open submenu and 
find the toggle dots 78 for cursor and select it.
8. GO to assign button and press it you will hear beeps and you can press 
desired Braille keys to assign for this command.



Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

On Sep 21, 2012, at 6:49 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Oh yes please for details.
> On 21 Sep 2012, at 23:26, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
>> I actually added a command for toggling the show and hide cursor option to 
>> enable when editing. Let me know if yoou need more details.
>> hth,
>> Ioana
>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
>> stores.
>> On Sep 20, 2012, at 6:14 PM, Chantelle Griffiths 
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi Kawal, 
>>> I know exactly what you mean and I found a solution. 
>>> If you go into VoiceOver Utility, under the Braille category, there is a 
>>> checkbox labeled "Use dots 7 and 8 to indicate cursor". I turned that 
>>> option off and it gave me normal six dot braille. However, that means you 
>>> no longer see an edit cursor, for example, when editing a document. 
>>> Hope that helps. 
>>> Cheers,
>>> Chantelle 
>>> On 21/09/2012, at 7:46 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
 If this does not concern you then please delete.
 Now, I have my braille display connected to the Mac which is rare as the 
 braille display is mostly connected to an I phone.  However, I notice that 
 all the braille is underlined and I'd like to know, how to make this go 
 away?  I just want plain braille please.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
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Discussing the I pod 7 Gen allowed?

2012-09-21 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

I just wish to know if we're allowed to discuss the new Ipod Nano gen?  I'm 
getting one in a few weeks along with the blood pressure monitor and the new 
heart monitor from Apple.  If anyone is interested I'd like to report how the 
new gen works with the Blood pressure monitor.  I only found out recently that 
the blood pressure monitor worked with the Ipod Nano.  Of course if this is not 
allowed, then please let me know.


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RE: Question about Navigon

2012-09-21 Thread Tommy Craig

I have been getting this error off and on all day. I think it is just
because so many people are downloading so many updates. 

I got a new app called Transit times plus in the app store. It cost $2.99
and it works well with the maps program. 


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Eugenia Firth
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 4:36 PM
Subject: Question about Navigon


Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 21, 2012, at 4:27 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:

> Hi guys oh, I was so excited when I saw that there is now a public 
> transportation option in Navigon. But, it won't let me go to the app 
> store to get urban guidance for $2.99. Does anybody have a clue as to 
> why I get the error message cannot connect to iTunes Store? I have 
> been waiting for ever for a GPS to get that option, and now I can't 
> get it on my iPhone! The other thing I noticed is that the App Store, 
> if you do a search, is got a problem with voiceover, I'm sorry to say 
> folks at Apple. I don't know what's wrong with it, but you can't 
> scroll page downs.  It looks like there's a lot of images there. GG
> Sent from my iPhone

Sent from my iPhone

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2012-09-21 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello everyone. Have any of you used Passbook yet? If you have can you tell us 
how it works? Thanks so much.

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anyone know how to broadcast live on youtube using quicktime broadcaster?

2012-09-21 Thread Timothy Clark Music
hello - 
 i would like to use quicktime broadcaster to broadcast a live stream to 
youtube. anyone have any ideas on how to do this? thanks. 
God Bless. 
 Your friend in the music industry 

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Sluggish typing!

2012-09-21 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Hi all. 
When composing a new message Is VoiceOver very sluggish c

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Question about Navigon

2012-09-21 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi guys
I decided to restart my phone and see if that would help any. It did. I 
reentered the address Monnig didn't ask me about public transportation this 
time I went to extras like it was suggested, and I managed to download the 
urban guidance app for the big $2.99. I got some valuable information out of 
Navigon by doing this. I found out that I can ride the green line to my 
destination within 1.7 miles of it.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 21, 2012, at 6:26 PM, Tommy Craig  wrote:

> Hello, 
> I have been getting this error off and on all day. I think it is just
> because so many people are downloading so many updates. 
> I got a new app called Transit times plus in the app store. It cost $2.99
> and it works well with the maps program. 
> Tommy
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Eugenia Firth
> Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 4:36 PM
> To:
> Subject: Question about Navigon
> F
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 21, 2012, at 4:27 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>> Hi guys oh, I was so excited when I saw that there is now a public 
>> transportation option in Navigon. But, it won't let me go to the app 
>> store to get urban guidance for $2.99. Does anybody have a clue as to 
>> why I get the error message cannot connect to iTunes Store? I have 
>> been waiting for ever for a GPS to get that option, and now I can't 
>> get it on my iPhone! The other thing I noticed is that the App Store, 
>> if you do a search, is got a problem with voiceover, I'm sorry to say 
>> folks at Apple. I don't know what's wrong with it, but you can't 
>> scroll page downs.  It looks like there's a lot of images there. GG
>> Sent from my iPhone
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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RE: Passbook

2012-09-21 Thread Tommy Craig
Hi Paul, 

I have at least gotten it set up. When you open passbook the only clickable
item is go to app store. This link opens the app store and brings up a list
of apps that work with passbook Currently there aren't that many. There are
apps for American Airlines, Fandango, Ticket master, United Airlines,
Target, Wallgreens and a few more. As I understand it you download the apps
you are interested in and open them. After setting them up, if you receive
something like a boarding pass or coupon it will pop up in passbook when you
are at say the Airport. 

There is currently a bug that a lot of people are having with passbook. When
clicking on the go to app store link a message pops up saying unable to
connect to the Itunes store. To fix this, go to settings, change the date on
your phone to 2013, run passbook and then all works as it should. You can
then change the date back. 


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Paul Hunt
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 6:35 PM
Subject: Passbook

Hello everyone. Have any of you used Passbook yet? If you have can you tell
us how it works? Thanks so much.

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Re: Passbook

2012-09-21 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Paul
I asked about that yesterday when I went to the Apple Store. I was told that 
passbook is not yet fully active.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 21, 2012, at 6:35 PM, Paul Hunt  wrote:

> Hello everyone. Have any of you used Passbook yet? If you have can you tell 
> us how it works? Thanks so much.
> -- 
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Re: anyone found a way to share a reminder list?

2012-09-21 Thread Alex Hall
Have you tried putting vo on that spot, then routing the mouse pointer 
(vo-cmd-f5)? At least on webpages, I use this trick to envoke functionality 
only brought about by hovering the mouse. Once you perform the command, explore 
the window as vo will likely not announce the new options that should appear. 
Please note that I have never tried this personally, but it should work in 
On Sep 21, 2012, at 6:23 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Since latest OS update one can share reminder list with other icloud users. 
> It implys hovering with the mouse over list name and clicking on appearing 
> broadcast button. Taking this from the help section of reminders. HOwever I 
> could not find a VO way to do this. Anyone had success?
> Best,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: solved sharing reminders. cool

2012-09-21 Thread Brandon Olivares

Can you explain this a bit more? I'm not seeing any buttons. I interact with 
the list but nothing is showing.

Brandon Olivares
Azavia Technologies
New: ZCaptcha — The Captcha Reader
On Sep 21, 2012, at 6:34 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:

> HI,
> Found how to do this. Interacting with reminder list tables then with the 
> actual list where you could rename it or VO right to unlabled button that 
> opens sharing preferences for the list.
> Pretty neet feature for shared checklists.
> Best,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> -- 
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Re: Another Braille question was Question for all the braille users who read braille using their macs and braille displays.

2012-09-21 Thread Barry Abbott
I am using a Focus 40BT  and I  assign a "close Window" command to chord-12456" 
but whenever I go to use it I get an error that the close window command is not 
available in this mode press escape to exit.

I have looked at all the preset commands and those I have created myself so is 
there something I am missing?

Is there a way to  map the keys E.G. "command+W to the display as apposed to 
assigning the command in the Braille display commands? 

I use this command in mail after reading a single or group of messages. Would 
like to get away from the computer and relax on the sofa.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Thanks, Barry

On 2012-09-21, at 8:02 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:

> 1. Go to VO utility
> 2. Select Braille in utility category.
> 3. Select displays tab (2 of 2) first is layout.
> 4. Press assign commands 
> 5. Press add
> 6. YOu added a new row with unassigned and to the right a commands menu. 
> Activate it. 
> 7. In commands menu choose braille and press right errol to open submenu and 
> find the toggle dots 78 for cursor and select it.
> 8. GO to assign button and press it you will hear beeps and you can press 
> desired Braille keys to assign for this command.
> hth,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
> On Sep 21, 2012, at 6:49 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Oh yes please for details.
>> On 21 Sep 2012, at 23:26, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
>>> I actually added a command for toggling the show and hide cursor option to 
>>> enable when editing. Let me know if yoou need more details.
>>> hth,
>>> Ioana
>>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
>>> stores.
>>> On Sep 20, 2012, at 6:14 PM, Chantelle Griffiths 
>>>  wrote:
 Hi Kawal, 
 I know exactly what you mean and I found a solution. 
 If you go into VoiceOver Utility, under the Braille category, there is a 
 checkbox labeled "Use dots 7 and 8 to indicate cursor". I turned that 
 option off and it gave me normal six dot braille. However, that means you 
 no longer see an edit cursor, for example, when editing a document. 
 Hope that helps. 
 On 21/09/2012, at 7:46 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
> If this does not concern you then please delete.
> Now, I have my braille display connected to the Mac which is rare as the 
> braille display is mostly connected to an I phone.  However, I notice 
> that all the braille is underlined and I'd like to know, how to make this 
> go away?  I just want plain braille please.
> Kawal.
> -- 
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For m

Re: Discussing the I pod 7 Gen allowed?

2012-09-21 Thread Raul A. Gallegos
It's allowed for the viphone list. However you crossposted to this list 
and macvisionaries from what I can tell.

Raul A. Gallegos
It was raining cats and dogs today. The poodles on the road are huge.
Home Page:

On 9/21/2012 7:13 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:


I just wish to know if we're allowed to discuss the new Ipod Nano gen?  I'm 
getting one in a few weeks along with the blood pressure monitor and the new 
heart monitor from Apple.  If anyone is interested I'd like to report how the 
new gen works with the Blood pressure monitor.  I only found out recently that 
the blood pressure monitor worked with the Ipod Nano.  Of course if this is not 
allowed, then please let me know.


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assigning a mailbox to a command number keystroke

2012-09-21 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Running 10.8.2, how do I designate a hot key for a mailbox I create on my mac?  
Just as Inbox is command 1, Sent items is command 2, etc., I want, say, the 
mailbox called "Misc." to be, say, command 5.  Is there a way to do this?

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: Twitter on themac

2012-09-21 Thread Stacey Robinson
I think I'll try that. My user id is umcgirl.

On Sep 21, 2012, at 4:15 PM, Timothy Clark Music wrote:

> for example if you wanted to follow me, you would go to the user profile by 
> hitting command u. then it will ask you for the user name. in my case you 
> would type in @timothyclark13 
>  then, hit enter. it will bring up my tweets. you go to the left past the 
> edit type in text field for your tweets. you go past that until you see the 
> dwrar. interact with the dwrar and go over to the action button. 
>  go down to follow sub meniew. click on that and then follow.
>  you would now be following me on twitter. 
>  hope this helps.  
>  God Bless. 
>  Timothy. 
>  Your friend in the music industry  
>  7244011224
> On Sep 21, 2012, at 11:23 AM, Stacey Robinson wrote:
>> Can you give me some hints on how to use this app.
>> I've gotten logged in.
>> How do I follow someone whose name I see in someone elses tweet.
>> On Sep 21, 2012, at 9:03 AM, Daniel Miller wrote:
>>> Twitter for mac is complete garbage. I use YoruFukeroo. I probably spelled
>>> that wrong lol.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Stacey Robinson
>>> Sent: Friday, September 21, 2012 9:02 AM
>>> To: Macvisionaries
>>> Subject: Twitter on themac
>>> Hi all,
>>> I just 
>>> downloaded twitter for the mac. I am running snowleopard. With this twitter
>>> app, is there a way to force it to show me my timeline?
>>> I can't seem to get it to do much.
>>> Is there a better twitter app for the mac that's free.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Stacey and GEB dog Chesley
>>> -- 
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Printer recommendation wanted

2012-09-21 Thread Eric Caron
Hello listers,

I'm really tired of my Cannon MP620 Multi printer.  It uses a touch 
screen on the printer and on the Mac side the interface is difficult to use and 
many options are missing.  

Can anyone recommend a Lazer jet printer that works well with the mac in terms 
of the interface with VO.  I'd also prefer air print for my iphone if possible  
 I'm trying to stay away from ink jet as I rarely print and the ink tells me it 
is running out every few mmonts.  this is strange as I have probably used all 
of 50 pieces of paper and yet replaced all the cartridges multiple times.  I'm 
lazer jet might be a better option for a blind user that doesn't print often.

Tips are truly appreciated.  the more I can control the printer through the Mac 
the beter!

Eric Caron 

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changing Command + # in Safari?

2012-09-21 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

I'm just wondering whether it's possible to change the sites that are opened by 
Command plus one of the numbers.  So, for example, Command + 2 opens a Yahoo 
search page.  Is there any way to set that to another site of my choosing?

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Re: changing Command + # in Safari?

2012-09-21 Thread Brandon Olivares

If you open your bookmarks and go to the item called Bookmarks Bar in the 
sidebar, there are all of your bookmarks where you can use command+number. 
Simply reorder those in the order you desire.

Brandon Olivares
Azavia Technologies
New: ZCaptcha — The Captcha Reader
On Sep 21, 2012, at 11:40 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm just wondering whether it's possible to change the sites that are opened 
> by Command plus one of the numbers.  So, for example, Command + 2 opens a 
> Yahoo search page.  Is there any way to set that to another site of my 
> choosing?
> TIA,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: changing Command + # in Safari?

2012-09-21 Thread Alex Hall
Can you erase the defaults and replace them with your own, or is this something 
osx alone controls?
On Sep 21, 2012, at 11:51 PM, Brandon Olivares  wrote:

> Hello,
> If you open your bookmarks and go to the item called Bookmarks Bar in the 
> sidebar, there are all of your bookmarks where you can use command+number. 
> Simply reorder those in the order you desire.
> Regards,
> Brandon Olivares
> Azavia Technologies
> New: ZCaptcha — The Captcha Reader
> On Sep 21, 2012, at 11:40 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm just wondering whether it's possible to change the sites that are opened 
>> by Command plus one of the numbers.  So, for example, Command + 2 opens a 
>> Yahoo search page.  Is there any way to set that to another site of my 
>> choosing?
>> TIA,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: changing Command + # in Safari?

2012-09-21 Thread Donovan Osborn
Yes, you can delete the default bookmark buttons. VO over the button then press 
VO+Shift+M for the context menu and you can delete it from there.


Donovan Osborn

On Sep 21, 2012, at 9:02 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Can you erase the defaults and replace them with your own, or is this 
> something osx alone controls?
> On Sep 21, 2012, at 11:51 PM, Brandon Olivares  
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> If you open your bookmarks and go to the item called Bookmarks Bar in the 
>> sidebar, there are all of your bookmarks where you can use command+number. 
>> Simply reorder those in the order you desire.
>> Regards,
>> Brandon Olivares
>> Azavia Technologies
>> New: ZCaptcha — The Captcha Reader
>> On Sep 21, 2012, at 11:40 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm just wondering whether it's possible to change the sites that are 
>>> opened by Command plus one of the numbers.  So, for example, Command + 2 
>>> opens a Yahoo search page.  Is there any way to set that to another site of 
>>> my choosing?
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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Re: Another Braille question was Question for all the braille users who read braille using their macs and braille displays.

2012-09-21 Thread Lisette Wesseling
I have had this problem when trying to assign close window to a track pad 
gesture. So I don't think it's a braille display issue, but something about 
this "close window" mode which is different from pressing command w which 
always works. I don't know what close window mode is and why assigning a 
gesture to close a window doesn't work either.


On 22/09/2012, at 12:37 PM, Barry Abbott  wrote:

> I am using a Focus 40BT  and I  assign a "close Window" command to 
> chord-12456" but whenever I go to use it I get an error that the close window 
> command is not available in this mode press escape to exit.
> I have looked at all the preset commands and those I have created myself so 
> is there something I am missing?
> Is there a way to  map the keys E.G. "command+W to the display as apposed to 
> assigning the command in the Braille display commands? 
> I use this command in mail after reading a single or group of messages. Would 
> like to get away from the computer and relax on the sofa.
> Any ideas would be appreciated.
> Thanks, Barry
> On 2012-09-21, at 8:02 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
>> 1. Go to VO utility
>> 2. Select Braille in utility category.
>> 3. Select displays tab (2 of 2) first is layout.
>> 4. Press assign commands 
>> 5. Press add
>> 6. YOu added a new row with unassigned and to the right a commands menu. 
>> Activate it. 
>> 7. In commands menu choose braille and press right errol to open submenu and 
>> find the toggle dots 78 for cursor and select it.
>> 8. GO to assign button and press it you will hear beeps and you can press 
>> desired Braille keys to assign for this command.
>> hth,
>> Ioana
>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
>> stores.
>> On Sep 21, 2012, at 6:49 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>>> Oh yes please for details.
>>> On 21 Sep 2012, at 23:26, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
 I actually added a command for toggling the show and hide cursor option to 
 enable when editing. Let me know if yoou need more details.
 Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
 On Sep 20, 2012, at 6:14 PM, Chantelle Griffiths 
> Hi Kawal, 
> I know exactly what you mean and I found a solution. 
> If you go into VoiceOver Utility, under the Braille category, there is a 
> checkbox labeled "Use dots 7 and 8 to indicate cursor". I turned that 
> option off and it gave me normal six dot braille. However, that means you 
> no longer see an edit cursor, for example, when editing a document. 
> Hope that helps. 
> Cheers,
> Chantelle 
> On 21/09/2012, at 7:46 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> If this does not concern you then please delete.
>> Now, I have my braille display connected to the Mac which is rare as the 
>> braille display is mostly connected to an I phone.  However, I notice 
>> that all the braille is underlined and I'd like to know, how to make 
>> this go away?  I just want plain braille please.
>> Kawal.
>> -- 
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Re: changing Command + # in Safari?

2012-09-21 Thread Brandon Olivares

Yes, you can delete it. The way I usually do it is to, again, go to the 
Bookmarks Bar, and hit delete on any item you don't want.

Brandon Olivares
Azavia Technologies
New: ZCaptcha — The Captcha Reader
On Sep 22, 2012, at 12:02 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Can you erase the defaults and replace them with your own, or is this 
> something osx alone controls?
> On Sep 21, 2012, at 11:51 PM, Brandon Olivares  
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> If you open your bookmarks and go to the item called Bookmarks Bar in the 
>> sidebar, there are all of your bookmarks where you can use command+number. 
>> Simply reorder those in the order you desire.
>> Regards,
>> Brandon Olivares
>> Azavia Technologies
>> New: ZCaptcha — The Captcha Reader
>> On Sep 21, 2012, at 11:40 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm just wondering whether it's possible to change the sites that are 
>>> opened by Command plus one of the numbers.  So, for example, Command + 2 
>>> opens a Yahoo search page.  Is there any way to set that to another site of 
>>> my choosing?
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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Can't see my replays to list.

2012-09-21 Thread Donovan Osborn
Every time I respond to an email on this list I don't see my email added to the 
Conversation. Is this normal? Dose mail or google recognize that it is me and 
therefor dose not show me it? or are my replies not posting? 
Thanks for any help.

Donovan Osborn

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Re: changing Command + # in Safari?

2012-09-21 Thread Lisette Wesseling
How do you re order them in the bar? I didn't know about this and it's really 
cool. Thanks for telling us about this.


On 22/09/2012, at 4:27 PM, Donovan Osborn  wrote:

> Yes, you can delete the default bookmark buttons. VO over the button then 
> press VO+Shift+M for the context menu and you can delete it from there.
> Sincerely,
> Donovan Osborn
> On Sep 21, 2012, at 9:02 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Can you erase the defaults and replace them with your own, or is this 
>> something osx alone controls?
>> On Sep 21, 2012, at 11:51 PM, Brandon Olivares  
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> If you open your bookmarks and go to the item called Bookmarks Bar in the 
>>> sidebar, there are all of your bookmarks where you can use command+number. 
>>> Simply reorder those in the order you desire.
>>> Regards,
>>> Brandon Olivares
>>> Azavia Technologies
>>> New: ZCaptcha — The Captcha Reader
>>> On Sep 21, 2012, at 11:40 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm just wondering whether it's possible to change the sites that are 
 opened by Command plus one of the numbers.  So, for example, Command + 2 
 opens a Yahoo search page.  Is there any way to set that to another site 
 of my choosing?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> -- 
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Re: changing Command + # in Safari?

2012-09-21 Thread Brandon Olivares

Simply hit VO-comma on the item to be moved, and then move the voiceover cursor 
down to the item that it should go under, and press VO-period.

Brandon Olivares
Azavia Technologies
New: ZCaptcha — The Captcha Reader
On Sep 22, 2012, at 12:53 AM, Lisette Wesseling  

> Hi
> How do you re order them in the bar? I didn't know about this and it's really 
> cool. Thanks for telling us about this.
> Lisette
> On 22/09/2012, at 4:27 PM, Donovan Osborn  wrote:
>> Yes, you can delete the default bookmark buttons. VO over the button then 
>> press VO+Shift+M for the context menu and you can delete it from there.
>> Sincerely,
>> Donovan Osborn
>> On Sep 21, 2012, at 9:02 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Can you erase the defaults and replace them with your own, or is this 
>>> something osx alone controls?
>>> On Sep 21, 2012, at 11:51 PM, Brandon Olivares  
>>> wrote:
 If you open your bookmarks and go to the item called Bookmarks Bar in the 
 sidebar, there are all of your bookmarks where you can use command+number. 
 Simply reorder those in the order you desire.
 Brandon Olivares
 Azavia Technologies
 New: ZCaptcha — The Captcha Reader
 On Sep 21, 2012, at 11:40 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm just wondering whether it's possible to change the sites that are 
> opened by Command plus one of the numbers.  So, for example, Command + 2 
> opens a Yahoo search page.  Is there any way to set that to another site 
> of my choosing?
> TIA,
> Donna
> -- 
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>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Can't see my replays to list.

2012-09-21 Thread Brandon Olivares

Yes, this is normal. You do not receive your own messages.

Brandon Olivares
Azavia Technologies
New: ZCaptcha — The Captcha Reader
On Sep 22, 2012, at 12:56 AM, Donovan Osborn  wrote:

> Every time I respond to an email on this list I don't see my email added to 
> the Conversation. Is this normal? Dose mail or google recognize that it is me 
> and therefor dose not show me it? or are my replies not posting? 
> Thanks for any help.
> Sincerely,
> Donovan Osborn
> -- 
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Re: Can't see my replays to list.

2012-09-21 Thread Donovan Osborn
Thank you, I was getting a little worried.

Donovan Osborn

On Sep 21, 2012, at 10:10 PM, Brandon Olivares  wrote:

> Hello,
> Yes, this is normal. You do not receive your own messages.
> Regards,
> Brandon Olivares
> Azavia Technologies
> New: ZCaptcha — The Captcha Reader
> On Sep 22, 2012, at 12:56 AM, Donovan Osborn  wrote:
>> Every time I respond to an email on this list I don't see my email added to 
>> the Conversation. Is this normal? Dose mail or google recognize that it is 
>> me and therefor dose not show me it? or are my replies not posting? 
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Sincerely,
>> Donovan Osborn
>> -- 
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Re: Can't see my replays to list.

2012-09-21 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Yes your replies  are posting. I can't see my replies either. They are 
definitely coming through though. Smile.

On 22/09/2012, at 4:56 PM, Donovan Osborn  wrote:

> Every time I respond to an email on this list I don't see my email added to 
> the Conversation. Is this normal? Dose mail or google recognize that it is me 
> and therefor dose not show me it? or are my replies not posting? 
> Thanks for any help.
> Sincerely,
> Donovan Osborn
> -- 
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Re: Discussing the I pod 7 Gen allowed?

2012-09-21 Thread Cara Quinn
Kawal, Haven't seen a reply to you yet. So for you and others, of course 
discussion of all iPods is welcome here! :)

Feel free to talk about any iOS device on this list.

Thanks so very much for asking and I wish you and yours a lovely weekend!!!


Cara :)
View my Online Portfolio at:

Follow me on Twitter!

On Sep 21, 2012, at 4:13 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:


I just wish to know if we're allowed to discuss the new Ipod Nano gen?  I'm 
getting one in a few weeks along with the blood pressure monitor and the new 
heart monitor from Apple.  If anyone is interested I'd like to report how the 
new gen works with the Blood pressure monitor.  I only found out recently that 
the blood pressure monitor worked with the Ipod Nano.  Of course if this is not 
allowed, then please let me know.


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Getting photos from the iPhone

2012-09-21 Thread Agent086b
Hello, my wife has taken some pictures on my iPhone.
How do I get them from the phone to the Mac? 
Thanks as always for the help.

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Re: Getting photos from the iPhone

2012-09-21 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
When you plug in your iPhone the pictures should be imported into iPhoto!
Personally I use Dropbox. 
Hope this Is helpful. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 21, 2012, at 11:11 PM, Agent086b  wrote:

> Hello, my wife has taken some pictures on my iPhone.
> How do I get them from the phone to the Mac? 
> Thanks as always for the help.
> Max.
> -- 
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Re: assigning a mailbox to a command number keystroke

2012-09-21 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Mark,

The hotkey depends on where the mailbox is placed in favorites. The numbers 
will go in order of the sequence of mailboxes there. Suppose you already have 
it going to "sent messages" when you press command-2. If you put another 
mailbox in that same position, such as Mac Visionaries, then you would use 
command-2 to get to your Mac Visionaries folder.


On Sep 21, 2012, at 7:21 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  

> Running 10.8.2, how do I designate a hot key for a mailbox I create on my 
> mac?  Just as Inbox is command 1, Sent items is command 2, etc., I want, say, 
> the mailbox called "Misc." to be, say, command 5.  Is there a way to do this?
> Thanks.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: Can't see my replays to list.

2012-09-21 Thread Teresa Cochran
The way I got around this was to create a filter in Gmail that has all the 
messages from me going into the inbox and the various other mailboxes. I create 
a filter for each mailbox. Yes, it is some work, but worth it for me..

On Sep 21, 2012, at 9:56 PM, Donovan Osborn  wrote:

> Every time I respond to an email on this list I don't see my email added to 
> the Conversation. Is this normal? Dose mail or google recognize that it is me 
> and therefor dose not show me it? or are my replies not posting? 
> Thanks for any help.
> Sincerely,
> Donovan Osborn
> -- 
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Re: Discussing the I pod 7 Gen allowed?

2012-09-21 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Thanks to both mods.  I did meant to post to both lists so hope that was OK.

On 22 Sep 2012, at 07:06, Cara Quinn  wrote:

> Kawal, Haven't seen a reply to you yet. So for you and others, of course 
> discussion of all iPods is welcome here! :)
> Feel free to talk about any iOS device on this list.
> Thanks so very much for asking and I wish you and yours a lovely weekend!!!
> Smiles,
> Cara :)
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> Follow me on Twitter!
> On Sep 21, 2012, at 4:13 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
> Hi.
> I just wish to know if we're allowed to discuss the new Ipod Nano gen?  I'm 
> getting one in a few weeks along with the blood pressure monitor and the new 
> heart monitor from Apple.  If anyone is interested I'd like to report how the 
> new gen works with the Blood pressure monitor.  I only found out recently 
> that the blood pressure monitor worked with the Ipod Nano.  Of course if this 
> is not allowed, then please let me know.
> Kawal.
> -- 
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Re: Getting photos from the iPhone

2012-09-21 Thread Agent086b
Thanks, when I plugged in the phone nothing happened. I would like to move them 
from the phone to existing directories. I was hoping to use Finder to do this.
Thanks again.
On 22/09/2012, at 4:17 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:

> Max. 
> When you plug in your iPhone the pictures should be imported into iPhoto!
> Personally I use Dropbox. 
> Hope this Is helpful. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 21, 2012, at 11:11 PM, Agent086b  wrote:
>> Hello, my wife has taken some pictures on my iPhone.
>> How do I get them from the phone to the Mac? 
>> Thanks as always for the help.
>> Max.
>> -- 
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Re: Getting photos from the iPhone

2012-09-21 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
Sorry max. I don't know if this is possible!
I upload to Dropbox and it automatically uploads them.
Sorry I'm not of any help!

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 21, 2012, at 11:45 PM, Agent086b  wrote:

> Thanks, when I plugged in the phone nothing happened. I would like to move 
> them from the phone to existing directories. I was hoping to use Finder to do 
> this.
> Thanks again.
> Max.
> On 22/09/2012, at 4:17 PM, Chris Bruinenberg  wrote:
>> Max. 
>> When you plug in your iPhone the pictures should be imported into iPhoto!
>> Personally I use Dropbox. 
>> Hope this Is helpful. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Sep 21, 2012, at 11:11 PM, Agent086b  wrote:
>>> Hello, my wife has taken some pictures on my iPhone.
>>> How do I get them from the phone to the Mac? 
>>> Thanks as always for the help.
>>> Max.
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Voice Over losing focus when clearing notifications concerning VIPS

2012-09-21 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hello All.

I have noticed recently when using Voice Over to clear a VIP notification from 
the notification centre on the Mac, once you've closed the alert, Voice over 
loses all focus.  Has any one reported this to Apple or should I report to the 
Accessibility team?


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Re: When might we expect a Voiceover Improvement in 10.8

2012-09-21 Thread Jürgen Fleger
I meant pressing Spacebar on an audio file. It doesn't work properly since 
Mountain Lion. I tried it with several files on two machines in 10.8.1. Apple 
already confirmed that there is such an issue and prommissed to forward it to 
the appropriate people.


Am 21.09.2012 um 23:16 schrieb Ray Foret Jr :

> Wait let's be clear about one thing.  When you say that fast forward and 
> rewind don't work correctly in quick look, are you talking about that when 
> you stream a file directly off an internet site, you can't interact with the 
> timeline and move through it?  If that's what you mean, you're absolutely 
> correct.  IF you mean that you press the space bar on a file, you'll find the 
> percentage bar at or near the right.  interact with that and you can move 
> forward or backward through a file.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> On Sep 21, 2012, at 3:29 PM, Jürgen Fleger  wrote:
>> Hi Brian and all,
>> unfortunately I gathered a long list of bugs in VoiceOver since Lion. What 
>> makes me frustrated is not only the fact that it takes Apple most of the 
>> time a whole step to a new Mac OS animal to improve VoiceOver. But for some 
>> improvements you even get a worsening back.
>> For instance pdfs in Preview are quite inaccessible since Mountain Lion; 
>> forward and rewind doesn't work properly in Quicklook; drag and drop is 
>> worse then ever; ex- and import of VO settings still doesn't work properly; 
>> the button "reverse language" in Dashboard widget translation doesn't work 
>> with VoiceOver; Info section in Dashboard widgets is hardly to close; 
>> Spotlight seemms no longer to work properly on some machines; tables still 
>> don't work in text documents; full screen mode is hardly to close; etc. etc.
>> I'm really concerned about the future of VoiceOver on the Mac. I love my 
>> Macs and I don't want to switch back to Windows. But that's only possible 
>> when Apple continuously improves VoiceOver. And not just a little bit like 
>> in Mountain Lion.
>> We are the ones who can and should tell Apple what we need. It's good to 
>> give them positive feedback but it's also necessary to tell them clearly 
>> what's wrong with VoiceOver. Aspecially the american users of Macs should 
>> insist. Because I got the feeling they are not very interested what some 
>> VoiceOver users from France or Germany or maybe Italy might be concerned 
>> about. I wrote so many e-mails to the accessibility team, nothing happened. 
>> Just the standard reply that they appreciate the feedback and will forward 
>> it to the appropriate people. Thanks a lot.
>> Sorry for this negative message
>> Jürgen
>> Am 21.09.2012 um 06:49 schrieb Brian Fischler :
>>> Hey Veronica,
>>> I know exactly what you are talking about, and that non interaction
>>> with html happens to me a lot here is a quick fix for you. Toggle VO
>>> off and than back on with Command F5 when this happens it should fix
>>> the html non interaction problem. Yet another bug in Mountain Lion.
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> On Sep 20, 4:46 pm, Brian Fischler  wrote:
 I know that we are not Apple's main focus group, but two updates to
 10.8 and still not one improvement to Voiceover? There are some pretty
 basic fixable things, that I am very disappointed that Apple has not
 addressed in either update. And before I get blasted for posting
 anything negative on this board about Apple, yes, I have emailed Apple
 Accessibility, and yes, I have used a Mac for a long time. The one
 primary thing that seems like a quick fix would be getting Web spots
 to work properly in safari. I am still stunned that you have to now
 click VO command right bracket to go left or up a page, and VO command
 left bracket to go right or down a page. Anyone with the slightest bit
 of logic would have realized that this is reversed.
 Numbers is still very difficult to use if you have a big spreadsheet
 as there is no way to search for a certain cell in a large document.
 While the command to do this in Lion was bizarre at least it worked
 most of the time. Calling Apple Accessibility, I find it hilarious
 that the people at the specialized Voiceover department know nothing
 about numbers, and the numbers department know nothing about
 Voiceover. Pretty hilarious.
 QuickNav is still unbelievably buggy. Several times a day QuickNav
 just stops working, and I have to toggle VO off and on to get it to
 start working again.
 Just wanted to name a few and mention it would be nice to actually see
 a Voiceover improvement in an update to the operating system.
 Otherwise, what is the point of me taking the time to contact Apple
 Accessibility. They have gotten back to me every time which is very
 nice of them, but lets start getting so

Re: Printer recommendation wanted

2012-09-21 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Are laser printers bluetooth yet?
On 22 Sep 2012, at 04:34, Eric Caron  wrote:

> Hello listers,
>   I'm really tired of my Cannon MP620 Multi printer.  It uses a touch 
> screen on the printer and on the Mac side the interface is difficult to use 
> and many options are missing.  
> Can anyone recommend a Lazer jet printer that works well with the mac in 
> terms of the interface with VO.  I'd also prefer air print for my iphone if 
> possible   I'm trying to stay away from ink jet as I rarely print and the ink 
> tells me it is running out every few mmonts.  this is strange as I have 
> probably used all of 50 pieces of paper and yet replaced all the cartridges 
> multiple times.  I'm lazer jet might be a better option for a blind user that 
> doesn't print often.
> Tips are truly appreciated.  the more I can control the printer through the 
> Mac the beter!
> Eric Caron 
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