Wait let's be clear about one thing.  When you say that fast forward and rewind 
don't work correctly in quick look, are you talking about that when you stream 
a file directly off an internet site, you can't interact with the timeline and 
move through it?  If that's what you mean, you're absolutely correct.  IF you 
mean that you press the space bar on a file, you'll find the percentage bar at 
or near the right.  interact with that and you can move forward or backward 
through a file.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Sep 21, 2012, at 3:29 PM, Jürgen Fleger <apple-engl...@fleger.net> wrote:

> Hi Brian and all,
> unfortunately I gathered a long list of bugs in VoiceOver since Lion. What 
> makes me frustrated is not only the fact that it takes Apple most of the time 
> a whole step to a new Mac OS animal to improve VoiceOver. But for some 
> improvements you even get a worsening back.
> For instance pdfs in Preview are quite inaccessible since Mountain Lion; 
> forward and rewind doesn't work properly in Quicklook; drag and drop is worse 
> then ever; ex- and import of VO settings still doesn't work properly; the 
> button "reverse language" in Dashboard widget translation doesn't work with 
> VoiceOver; Info section in Dashboard widgets is hardly to close; Spotlight 
> seemms no longer to work properly on some machines; tables still don't work 
> in text documents; full screen mode is hardly to close; etc. etc.
> I'm really concerned about the future of VoiceOver on the Mac. I love my Macs 
> and I don't want to switch back to Windows. But that's only possible when 
> Apple continuously improves VoiceOver. And not just a little bit like in 
> Mountain Lion.
> We are the ones who can and should tell Apple what we need. It's good to give 
> them positive feedback but it's also necessary to tell them clearly what's 
> wrong with VoiceOver. Aspecially the american users of Macs should insist. 
> Because I got the feeling they are not very interested what some VoiceOver 
> users from France or Germany or maybe Italy might be concerned about. I wrote 
> so many e-mails to the accessibility team, nothing happened. Just the 
> standard reply that they appreciate the feedback and will forward it to the 
> appropriate people. Thanks a lot.
> Sorry for this negative message
> Jürgen
> Am 21.09.2012 um 06:49 schrieb Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com>:
>> Hey Veronica,
>> I know exactly what you are talking about, and that non interaction
>> with html happens to me a lot here is a quick fix for you. Toggle VO
>> off and than back on with Command F5 when this happens it should fix
>> the html non interaction problem. Yet another bug in Mountain Lion.
>> Hope this helps.
>> On Sep 20, 4:46 pm, Brian Fischler <blindga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I know that we are not Apple's main focus group, but two updates to
>>> 10.8 and still not one improvement to Voiceover? There are some pretty
>>> basic fixable things, that I am very disappointed that Apple has not
>>> addressed in either update. And before I get blasted for posting
>>> anything negative on this board about Apple, yes, I have emailed Apple
>>> Accessibility, and yes, I have used a Mac for a long time. The one
>>> primary thing that seems like a quick fix would be getting Web spots
>>> to work properly in safari. I am still stunned that you have to now
>>> click VO command right bracket to go left or up a page, and VO command
>>> left bracket to go right or down a page. Anyone with the slightest bit
>>> of logic would have realized that this is reversed.
>>> Numbers is still very difficult to use if you have a big spreadsheet
>>> as there is no way to search for a certain cell in a large document.
>>> While the command to do this in Lion was bizarre at least it worked
>>> most of the time. Calling Apple Accessibility, I find it hilarious
>>> that the people at the specialized Voiceover department know nothing
>>> about numbers, and the numbers department know nothing about
>>> Voiceover. Pretty hilarious.
>>> QuickNav is still unbelievably buggy. Several times a day QuickNav
>>> just stops working, and I have to toggle VO off and on to get it to
>>> start working again.
>>> Just wanted to name a few and mention it would be nice to actually see
>>> a Voiceover improvement in an update to the operating system.
>>> Otherwise, what is the point of me taking the time to contact Apple
>>> Accessibility. They have gotten back to me every time which is very
>>> nice of them, but lets start getting some of these issues implemented.
>> -- 
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