Re: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update

2012-09-10 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Bart and Rodney,

You folks are moving way ahead of me!  I'm loving the keyboard changes 
but I'm still learning as I go.  The Mac side is rock solid but the VM side 
though working great has additional complications.

Bart can you explain what setting it was you changed in JAWS in the VM to get 
the caps lock to function the way you wanted?  I'd like to try that as well.

Eric Caron  
On Sep 9, 2012, at 11:03 PM, "Bart Bunting"  wrote:

> Rodney,
> Appears you are correct.  I had use capslock as jaws key set in the jaws
> settings, changed to insert and all works as expected now.
> Cheers!
> Bart
> Kind regards
> Rodney Haynie  writes:
>> Bart,
>> Sounds like you are getting the Insert key instead of  the Caps  Lock key 
>> for Jaws. You already know in laptop keyboard mode, that the Insert key and 
>> Caps Lock key are treated differently. So of what you wrote, it sounds like 
>> the same thing I would get if I were holding the Insert key down.
>> For example: CapsLock H and Insert H are two different commands for JAWS in 
>> laptop keyboard mode.
>> I use bootcamp, so I can not test any of this for you.
>> HTH.
>> Rodney
>> On Sep 9, 2012, at 9:36 PM, "Bart Bunting"  wrote:
>>> Eric,
>>> Interestingly this almost works perfectly but not quite in fusion.
>>> I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong.
>>> I'm seeing the following:
>>> - VO remap to capslock works fine.
>>> - Jaws is set to laptop layout in fusion
>>> - some commands work well e.g. capslock t to read title capslock f12 to
>>> read time etc.
>>> - Things that do not work are the capslock p for jaws cursor for example
>>> and caps semi for virtual cursor.
>>> Anyone else seeing this?  Perhaps I have an old setting hanging around
>>> but it would seam strange that it works for some keys and not others.
>>> Cheers
>>> Bart
>>> Eric Caron  writes:
 hi Iona, buddy and others,
 Below is the permanent link to the podcast for 
It is great to hear that some of you are fining this capability 
 helpful.  Like Buddy I'm having to relearn muscle memory but in most cases 
 it is now natural for me to use the caps lock rather then the VO keys.  I 
 now use commands like caps lock a and caps lock b a lot more because they 
 y are so much easier now.
 Thanks Iona for pointing out that people need to press a check box in 
 PCKeyboardhack. For changing the Caps Lock   I suspect i didn't notice 
 because once I checked it it remained checked even when I reinstalled it 
 to demonstrate for the podcast.
 I'm not sure why you downloaded the wrong PCKeyBoardhack.  that doesn't 
 seem to have been a problem for others.
 Thanks to those letting me know that you have found this useful.  and 
 pleas keep the helpful tips coming.
 here's the link:
 Eric Caron 
 On Sep 9, 2012, at 7:32 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks so much  for the procedure. IT worked perfectly for me.
> I would point out 2 things I had problems with.
> 1. On the download page I could not download the 8.0 PCKeyboard hack 
> without sighted assistance. FOr some reason clicking on the link 
> downloaded  the 7.x.
> 2. In the PCKeyboard hack preferences changing 51 to 110 worked but one 
> has to check the checkbox to enable the changing of caps lock. Pretty 
> obvious but thought I'd point it out.
> Amazing improvement!
> Best,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most 
> online stores.
> On Sep 8, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Eric Caron  wrote:
>> Hello Listers,
>> Below I've written out the steps needed to have the Voice Over Keys, 
>> Control and Option, mapped to the caps lock key.  This allows a Voice 
>> over user to use caps lock with keys that might be difficult to reach 
>> with the standard Control Option VO keys.  In addition this new setting 
>> now automatically creates Caps Lock as the modifier in a VM machine.  
>> Finally the application creates a number pad on the standard keyboard 
>> centered around the letter i.
>> This is a update to my earlier podcast. Takayama Fumihiko, the developer 
>> of these applications has changed KeyRemapper4Macbook, making it much 
>> easier to set up the computer to use the caps lock as the VO keys.
>> Below I will write out the steps to complete the set up.
>> I will also include a link to a recently completed podcast that walks 
>> through the new set up.  this is much shorter then the previous podcast 
>> as it is much easier to complete the steps.  The pod

Re: Accessible Widgets

2012-09-10 Thread Ricardo Walker

but if you have mountain lion, there is a tweet widget natively found in the 
notification center.


Ricardo Walker

On Sep 9, 2012, at 9:23 PM, Timothy Clark Music  

> twijit is pretty nice to have if you are going to send a quick tweet. 
> Timothy 
>   Your Friend in the music industry 
> On Sep 9, 2012, at 6:27 PM, Chris Bruinenberg wrote:
>> the delivery notification was very accessible last time i tried it.
>> Sent from my Macbook Pro.
>> Chris Bruinenberg
>> On Sep 9, 2012, at 3:00 PM, Emilio Hernandez  
>> wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> Outside of the standard widgets already preinstalled on the Mac, what other 
>>> accessible Apple or third-party widgets have proven to be VO compatible?
>>> Thank all of you.
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Re: Sink iPhone to Mac

2012-09-10 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Max,

First, after connecting your phone to the mac, make sure itunes is open. If it 
did not come up when you connected your phone, then there's a setting inside 
itunes that you can always switch to on, so that itunes automatically starts 
when you hook up your iphone. Once itunes is open, your phone will indeed show 
up, but you will have to know where it is. It's down the source table, but 
maybe it's inside a collapsed section.

Find the source list and interact, then go down to devices. If that's 
collapsed, expand it, using vo backslash. If it's already expanded, move down 
once more and you will likely find your iphone there. 
Tip: When you change from item to item in your itunes source list, you are in 
fact choosing a category of things you want to see, and what you select in the 
source list, then appears in the itunes main screen, which is over to the right 
of the source list. In this case, once you choose your iphone in the source 
list, its general overview shows up.

Stop interacting with the source list and move right. Knowing there's your 
iphone overview below this, you will find about 10 different tab buttons here. 
This is probably what you were looking for. The left most tab is summary, which 
displays the info that is now on the screen. Just go through it and change what 
you want. By hitting one of the other tab buttons, you get into its related 
settings and they all relate to your phone, like if you want to sync apps or 
not, pictures etc. There's a lot to learn and find in those tabs.

Next, to sync your iphone, s y n c, you can go into the itunes file menu, and 
then down to sync Max's iphone. If you only see sync ipod, then itunes doesn't 
see your phone and you will have to investigate further on what is causing this.

Finally, to backup your phone, you must control click your iphone and choose 
backup. There's a difference between backing up your phone and synching it. 
Backing up, and I hope I have this right, involves backing up the contents of 
your phone, including apps and your current version of ios, but excluding the 
items you bought from itunes. You can synch your itunes library from your mac 
to your phone using the itunes file menu and then sync iphone.

Keeping an eye on what is happening during the sync is easy. There's an lcd 
section on the itunes screen and if you interact with that, you can see itunes' 
current activity. Itunes by default dings when it's done synching.

If you want to backup your phone, put the voiceover cursor on your iphone 
inside the itunes source list. Once it's there, a sighted user would hold down 
control, and then click the trackpad, which will bring up a context menu for 
your phone, where you can choose to have it backed up to itunes. For us, 
there's a subtile difference in handling that. Once we have our cursor on the 
name of our iphone, we need to ask voiceover to bring the mouse pointer over to 
the spot where the voiceover cursor is, in preparation to our control click. 
You take the mouse to your voiceover cursur, with command vo f5. Voiceover will 
announce what the mouse has landed on, once you hit this keystroke. Now, hold 
down the control key, and press down and release, on the bottom left corner of 
your trackpad. This will call up the context menu which again is normal, and 
voiceover friendly. VO down, until you find backup iphone, and vo space on it. 
The backup starts, and you can monitor its progress using the lcd section. If 
you synch regularly, then every once in a while, a complete backup is 
performed, so manual backups are only needed when you want to be sure your 
iphone's contents is identical to your itunes library. To check which backups 
of your iphone were made when, go into the devices tab of itunes preferences, 
and look there.


On Sep 8, 2012, at 12:51 AM, agent086b  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am trying to sync my iPhone to my new Mac. I have connected the phone to 
> the Mac and clicked sinc. When I look there is no apps in iTunes.What am I 
> missing.
> How do I tell the phone to back up the apps?
> Thanks as always for any help.
> Max.
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iTunes Question

2012-09-10 Thread Gavin Grundlingh
Hi all,

Is there a way to sync an iPhone with an iTunes library without erasing its 
contents? I have a friend's iPHone that's still running iOS 4.0, and I want to 
update it to the latest version of iOS, but iTunes tells me that, because I 
haven't yet use this iPhone with my computer, it's going to erase the contents 
of the iPhone and replace it with whatever's in my iTunes library.

Is there a way to prevent this from happening while still being able to update 


Gavin Grundlingh
Phone: +27 (0) 83 713-6191
Secondary Phone: +27 (0) 79 157-2466
Fax: +27 (0) 86 617-5792
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Skype: Batworx

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Photos and iPhoto on iPhone

2012-09-10 Thread David Hole
Hi folks.

Are anyone here using iPhoto on iPhone/iPad?

If so, if I delete a photo in iPhoto, will it then be deleted from the
whole library, or do I have to delete it in the photo app too?

Hope someone here knows.

Thanks in advance.

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RE: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update

2012-09-10 Thread wayne coles
Hello thank you for a quick  and does the shift key become the caps
lock automaticly thanks response 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Eric Caron
Sent: 10 September 2012 02:27
Subject: Re: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update

Hi Wayne,

No the caps lock key would become the VO keys you would only have
the shift keys for capitals.

Also, In the VM Fusion area the Caps Lock Key would become the Jaws key but
you can't press it twice quickly to get the caps lock back like you can on a

I'm sure some people rely on the caps lock for capitals so this is important
to know.

On the other hand I regularly see posts from listers who inadvertently press
the caps Lock key and hear the warning sound that occurs every time a letter
key is pressed.  They use the Caps lock so seldom they don't know that the
sound means the Caps Lock key is on.  Ok, I admit it I was one of those
posters when I first got my Mac.

The point is that for many of us the caps lock key will not be missed and
the location is ideal  for the VO modifier.

Eric Caron 

On Sep 9, 2012, at 8:52 PM, "wayne coles"  wrote:

>   Hello sorry if this queston is stupid but if i installed this app 
> would i still be able to use the caps lock key for making a capital 
> thanks in advance
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Eric Caron
> Sent: 09 September 2012 18:32
> To:
> Subject: Re: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update
> Hi Kawal,
>   I think you have missed a few steps in the process.  perhaps it
> be better if you listened to the podcast before following the written 
> steps.
> Also, I've not seen any strange behavior in this very stable application.
> However, the application comes with a easy to use uninstall option.
> PCKeyboardHack is designed to work with KeyRemap4macbook.  It is not a 
> stand alone application.  it's purpose is to make the caps lock key 
> available for the other application KeyRemap4macbook to be able to map the
Caps Lock key.
> Apple has the caps lock key working in a way that makes it unavailable 
> for most applications to change but this developer created a solution.
> I'm doing a lot of writing today on both the mac and in my VM windows 
> 7 machine and the caps lock modifier is working perfectly.  I use it 
> on two macs with the same excellent results my 2012 mac Book Pro and 
> my 2011 mac mini both running mountain Lion.
> Again please consider listening to the podcast.  I think i do a better 
> job with that then with my write ups.
>   You will only need the first 20 minutes.
> In reality the process is very easy. 
> Best.
> Eric Caron
> On Sep 9, 2012, at 1:08 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> I had to remove the PC hack as my Mac was behaving very strangely. 
>> Just
> glad everything is back to normal.
>> Kawal.
>> On 9 Sep 2012, at 05:25 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>>> Hi Eric.
>>> I have just installed PC Hack and have followed your instructions.
> However after restarting my Mac, my caps lock is not saying caps lock.  
> Am I missing something vital?  I only installed the PC Hack and went 
> to other and changed the value from 51 to 110 do I have to check the 
> caps lock key box in there?  Also I went to key board modifier and 
> changed the capslock to no action.
>>> Kawal.
>>> On 9 Sep 2012, at 03:03, Eric Caron  wrote:
 Hello Listers,
 Below I've written out the steps needed to have the Voice Over 
> Control and Option, mapped to the caps lock key.  This allows a Voice 
> over user to use caps lock with keys that might be difficult to reach 
> with the standard Control Option VO keys.  In addition this new 
> setting now automatically creates Caps Lock as the modifier in a VM 
> machine.  Finally the application creates a number pad on the standard 
> keyboard centered around the letter i.
 This is a update to my earlier podcast. Takayama Fumihiko, the 
> of these applications has changed KeyRemapper4Macbook, making it much 
> easier to set up the computer to use the caps lock as the VO keys.
 Below I will write out the steps to complete the set up.
 I will also include a link to a recently completed podcast that 
> through the new set up.  this is much shorter then the previous 
> podcast as it is much easier to complete the steps.  The podcast is 25 
> minutes long but the last 4 minutes is for  those who all ready use 
> the applications and want to update.
 I will be submitting this podcast and the written details to
> in the hope that they will post the update.
 Here are the steps needed to have a number pad added to your 
> have caps loc

Re: powerpoints

2012-09-10 Thread Chris Blouch
Keynote is the Apple iWorks answer to Microsoft Office PowerPoint. With 
Powerpoint being totally inaccessible, Keynote is 100% more accessible 
. Keynote can import and export PowerPoint files but, as a secret 
and proprietary format it is impossible for Keynote to do this perfectly 
so you might have some variations in positioning, fonts and the like, 
but all the content should be there roughly as it was in the original 


On 9/9/12 1:56 AM, Chris Bruinenberg wrote:

i think it was keynote.
I'm not sure though.

Sent from my Macbook Pro.
Chris Bruinenberg

On Sep 8, 2012, at 10:54 PM, May and Noah  wrote:

Hey everyone.

What program does well with voiceover again that allows me to read power points?

May and Prince Noah
Personal Playground

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Re: XFinity apps.

2012-09-10 Thread Chris Blouch
With the (US) passage of the CVAA, XFinity and services like it should 
see much improvement in accessibility in the near future. I believe 
companies that have products which fall under the CVAA were to be 
required to track accessibility issues and have a plan to rectify them 
by October of this year. That doesn't mean they will be fixed by October 
but at least they should have real testing to know what must be done and 
an idea how they will get there. Friend of mine just got hired there 
earlier this year to lead up the team working on all that:


On 9/8/12 9:49 PM, Cameron Strife wrote:

Hi. Yes, I'm curious about this as well. from what I've read so far,
you need to be able to read what's displayed on the cable box/tv to
get it setup on your iOS devices.

If anyone out there is currently using these apps, I'd be interested
in hearing about them in terms of vo accessibility and just general



On 9/8/12, Allison Mervis  wrote:

Hi everyone!
The Comcast guy just left, and I'm eager to know how much I can do with the
XFinity mobile and tV apps on my iPhone. Last time I checked, these apps
were not very accessible. Will I be able to watch tv, check our home phone's
voicemails etc independently on my iPhone? Our package came with free DVR
service. Since the DVR itself is of course inaccessible, can I control it
with the iPhone? Will I be able to watch recorder shows on the go? That's
all for now, but I'll write with more questions as they come up. Thanks!

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Re: powerpoints

2012-09-10 Thread Kimberly thurman
Just FYI, in the interest of truthful disclosure, Power Point is accessible 
with windows screenreaders.  *smile*
On Sep 10, 2012, at 11:36 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Keynote is the Apple iWorks answer to Microsoft Office PowerPoint. With 
> Powerpoint being totally inaccessible, Keynote is 100% more accessible 
> . Keynote can import and export PowerPoint files but, as a secret and 
> proprietary format it is impossible for Keynote to do this perfectly so you 
> might have some variations in positioning, fonts and the like, but all the 
> content should be there roughly as it was in the original PowerPoint.
> CB
> On 9/9/12 1:56 AM, Chris Bruinenberg wrote:
>> i think it was keynote.
>> I'm not sure though.
>> Sent from my Macbook Pro.
>> Chris Bruinenberg
>> On Sep 8, 2012, at 10:54 PM, May and Noah  wrote:
>>> Hey everyone.
>>> What program does well with voiceover again that allows me to read power 
>>> points?
>>> May and Prince Noah
>>> Personal Playground
>>> -- 
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> -- 
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> -- 
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Re: Remote Logon

2012-09-10 Thread Chris Blouch
Some other forums said that the Pro version of LogMeIn will let you hear 
audio from the remote computer. How accessible it is I have no idea, but 
there is a free trial.


On 9/8/12 9:35 PM, wayne coles wrote:

Hi what about team viewer i have used that on windows but i don't
know if you can use it on the mac

--wayne---Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Dan Roy
Sent: 08 September 2012 16:50
Subject: Remote Logon

I am looking for an accessible way to log on to someone elses computer from
either the mac or the iPhone.  I found the logmein site, and, that will send
the sound through, however, once logging on to a remote machine, it's vary
difficult to gain focus on it.  Besides, this is a fairly expensive
solution.  You have to pay an annual fee for each computer you want to
access.  The IOS app kind of works, but, using a bluetooth keyboard, you
can't use any keys that vo is using.  I haven't yet tried turning off vo and
would rather not do that.

I am hoping there's another more accessible way of accomplishing this.

thanks for any help anyone can provide on this.


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Re: powerpoints

2012-09-10 Thread Chris Blouch
Right, but this person was asking about using voiceover. Until a few 
years ago Microsoft uses the MSAA API and I'm assuming they are now on 
the Microsoft UI Automation. I guess Microsoft didn't want to be 
bothered porting their accessibility work to talk to the Apple 
accessibility APIs, so no VoiceOver access.


On 9/10/12 12:00 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

Just FYI, in the interest of truthful disclosure, Power Point is accessible 
with windows screenreaders.  *smile*
On Sep 10, 2012, at 11:36 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Keynote is the Apple iWorks answer to Microsoft Office PowerPoint. With Powerpoint 
being totally inaccessible, Keynote is 100% more accessible . Keynote 
can import and export PowerPoint files but, as a secret and proprietary format it is 
impossible for Keynote to do this perfectly so you might have some variations in 
positioning, fonts and the like, but all the content should be there roughly as it 
was in the original PowerPoint.


On 9/9/12 1:56 AM, Chris Bruinenberg wrote:

i think it was keynote.
I'm not sure though.

Sent from my Macbook Pro.
Chris Bruinenberg

On Sep 8, 2012, at 10:54 PM, May and Noah  wrote:

Hey everyone.

What program does well with voiceover again that allows me to read power points?

May and Prince Noah
Personal Playground

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Re: powerpoints

2012-09-10 Thread May and Noah
Great, but I don't use windows, *smiles*

May and Prince Noah
Personal Playground

On 2012-09-10, at 12:00 PM, Kimberly thurman  wrote:

> Just FYI, in the interest of truthful disclosure, Power Point is accessible 
> with windows screenreaders.  *smile*
> On Sep 10, 2012, at 11:36 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> Keynote is the Apple iWorks answer to Microsoft Office PowerPoint. With 
>> Powerpoint being totally inaccessible, Keynote is 100% more accessible 
>> . Keynote can import and export PowerPoint files but, as a secret and 
>> proprietary format it is impossible for Keynote to do this perfectly so you 
>> might have some variations in positioning, fonts and the like, but all the 
>> content should be there roughly as it was in the original PowerPoint.
>> CB
>> On 9/9/12 1:56 AM, Chris Bruinenberg wrote:
>>> i think it was keynote.
>>> I'm not sure though.
>>> Sent from my Macbook Pro.
>>> Chris Bruinenberg
>>> On Sep 8, 2012, at 10:54 PM, May and Noah  wrote:
 Hey everyone.
 What program does well with voiceover again that allows me to read power 
 May and Prince Noah
 Personal Playground
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>> -- 
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Re: [Maccessibility] The Humanware Communicator for iOS

2012-09-10 Thread Chris Blouch
Never having used the app I can't speak to its special qualities that 
would make it more useful that just the standards notes app. What I can 
speak to is the cost of iOS development. It's a hot platform so finding 
developers is expensive due to supply and demand. Many charge $100/hour 
or more depending on the type or work. I talked with an iOS developer 
trainer from Big Nerd Ranch about accessibility/voiceover in their 
training and he had no clue. He knew what voiceover was but there was 
nothing in their training and he had no developer/API knowledge. So to 
find somebody who can do that kind of work drops you into the 
specialized high end of the cost curve. Then there is market size. Apps 
can be $1 of you're going to sell a million of them. So say this really 
was just a month of work. 160 hours at $100/hour is sill $16K. So to 
break even they have to sell 160 of these things, which is not 
guaranteed. With about 35-40K deaf blind in the US, how many use Apple 
phones and how many would pony up the cost?


On 9/8/12 10:33 PM, David Tanner wrote:
Well, maybe they only pay $100 to be a developer, but what about all 
the time spent developing an app. Are programmers suppose to live on 
air/? If you don't pay a developer for their development time they 
aren't going to be a developer for long. It does cost money for a 
developer to live, pay their bills, etc.

The Notes app will work for what this does, but not as well for the 
deaf-blind user as this app does. On the other hand I'm not sure it is 
really worth $99, but as an assistive technology specialist working 
with deaf-blind I do realize that it is difficult to find accessible 
communications tools for the deaf-blind person to use, and when you do 
they are typically going to be very expensive because the number of 
deaf-blind people is much smaller than the number of hearing blind 
folks. Hearing blind people don't need this app unless they want to 
communicate with a deaf-blind person.

- Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" 
Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2012 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Maccessibility] The Humanware Communicator for iOS

Let me ask this then: how is this so different from using the notes
app? Also, the cost per year for being an apple developer is $100. Do
they really plan on selling so few that they have to charge as much as
they pay apple for a year for just one app purchase? Yes, I realize
they get only 66% of the cost, but still... $100 for a text entry app?
I really don't see it.

On 9/8/12, David Tanner  wrote:

No, you guys don't understand what is going on with this app. It is
primarily an app that most blind folks wouldn't want. It is so that a
deaf-blind can do face-to-face communications with another person. 
Yes, it

looks pretty simple, but when you look at development costs and 
realize that

you aren't going to sell a whole lot of apps when you are only really
selling to a limited size deaf-blind community then the cost is going 
to be

higher than for an app that blind and sighted people would want to

Again, it is a great app for those who need it, and actually drops 
the price

for communications for a deaf-blind person by thousands of dollars 
from the

$8,000 price of the deaf-Blind Communicator that Humanware has been 

since 2009. So, even if you add the cost of the app, a $2,500 or so
bluetooth Braille display and an iPhone it cuts the price in half or 

- Original Message -
From: "Alex Hall" 
Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2012 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Maccessibility] The Humanware Communicator for iOS

Well, this is humanware after all. For those not in the know, let me
tell you about their latest major keysoft update (which takes one sma
count). It costs $200 for an sma, giving you two upgrades, or $135 for
a single upgrade if you do not have an sma. Keeping that in mind,
here's the long list of features they included in the last paid
* a translator that can convert the text in pdf files to .txt files.
* bug fixes, including a fix for the braille terminal mode on qt units
(to fix something they broke in the previous update)
* a way for the bn to automatically use an active internet connection
without prompting the user to pick one each time (this rarely works as

...and that's it. One feature, one interface change that doesn't work
right, and a fix for a previous mistake, all for the low price of
$135. Does this explain more about how they can charge $100 for a
simple app?

On 9/8/12, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
Perhaps the company are strapped for cash hence the new app so they 

people like us are made of money and if we are all stupid we'll buy not
one is stupid of course.
On 8 Sep 2012, at 20:09, Alex Hall  wrote:

Um, well, put simply... nothing. True, hooking a display up to an iOS
device hides the onscreen keyboard, but in iOS6 I hear they will offer
a way to show it. Also, you get a buffer of past messages. B

Re: [Maccessibility] The Humanware Communicator for iOS

2012-09-10 Thread Cheree Heppe
Cheree Heppe here:
Good name for them -- Big Nerd!


Sent from my IPhone 4S

On 10/09/2012, at 9:45, Chris Blouch  wrote:

> Never having used the app I can't speak to its special qualities that would 
> make it more useful that just the standards notes app. What I can speak to is 
> the cost of iOS development. It's a hot platform so finding developers is 
> expensive due to supply and demand. Many charge $100/hour or more depending 
> on the type or work. I talked with an iOS developer trainer from Big Nerd 
> Ranch about accessibility/voiceover in their training and he had no clue. He 
> knew what voiceover was but there was nothing in their training and he had no 
> developer/API knowledge. So to find somebody who can do that kind of work 
> drops you into the specialized high end of the cost curve. Then there is 
> market size. Apps can be $1 of you're going to sell a million of them. So say 
> this really was just a month of work. 160 hours at $100/hour is sill $16K. So 
> to break even they have to sell 160 of these things, which is not guaranteed. 
> With about 35-40K deaf blind in the US, how many use Apple phones and how 
> many would pony up the cost?
> CB
> On 9/8/12 10:33 PM, David Tanner wrote:
>> Well, maybe they only pay $100 to be a developer, but what about all the 
>> time spent developing an app. Are programmers suppose to live on air/? If 
>> you don't pay a developer for their development time they aren't going to be 
>> a developer for long. It does cost money for a developer to live, pay their 
>> bills, etc.
>> The Notes app will work for what this does, but not as well for the 
>> deaf-blind user as this app does. On the other hand I'm not sure it is 
>> really worth $99, but as an assistive technology specialist working with 
>> deaf-blind I do realize that it is difficult to find accessible 
>> communications tools for the deaf-blind person to use, and when you do they 
>> are typically going to be very expensive because the number of deaf-blind 
>> people is much smaller than the number of hearing blind folks. Hearing blind 
>> people don't need this app unless they want to communicate with a deaf-blind 
>> person.
>> - Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2012 9:25 PM
>> Subject: Re: [Maccessibility] The Humanware Communicator for iOS
>> Let me ask this then: how is this so different from using the notes
>> app? Also, the cost per year for being an apple developer is $100. Do
>> they really plan on selling so few that they have to charge as much as
>> they pay apple for a year for just one app purchase? Yes, I realize
>> they get only 66% of the cost, but still... $100 for a text entry app?
>> I really don't see it.
>> On 9/8/12, David Tanner  wrote:
>>> No, you guys don't understand what is going on with this app. It is
>>> primarily an app that most blind folks wouldn't want. It is so that a
>>> deaf-blind can do face-to-face communications with another person. Yes, it
>>> looks pretty simple, but when you look at development costs and realize that
>>> you aren't going to sell a whole lot of apps when you are only really
>>> selling to a limited size deaf-blind community then the cost is going to be
>>> higher than for an app that blind and sighted people would want to
>>> purchase.
>>> Again, it is a great app for those who need it, and actually drops the price
>>> for communications for a deaf-blind person by thousands of dollars from the
>>> $8,000 price of the deaf-Blind Communicator that Humanware has been selling
>>> since 2009. So, even if you add the cost of the app, a $2,500 or so
>>> bluetooth Braille display and an iPhone it cuts the price in half or more.
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Alex Hall" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2012 2:44 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [Maccessibility] The Humanware Communicator for iOS
>>> Well, this is humanware after all. For those not in the know, let me
>>> tell you about their latest major keysoft update (which takes one sma
>>> count). It costs $200 for an sma, giving you two upgrades, or $135 for
>>> a single upgrade if you do not have an sma. Keeping that in mind,
>>> here's the long list of features they included in the last paid
>>> update:
>>> * a translator that can convert the text in pdf files to .txt files.
>>> * bug fixes, including a fix for the braille terminal mode on qt units
>>> (to fix something they broke in the previous update)
>>> * a way for the bn to automatically use an active internet connection
>>> without prompting the user to pick one each time (this rarely works as
>>> advertised)
>>> ...and that's it. One feature, one interface change that doesn't work
>>> right, and a fix for a previous mistake, all for the low price of
>>> $135. Does this explain more about how they can charge $100 for a
>>> simple app?
>>> On 9/8/12, Kawal G

My New Blog Post

2012-09-10 Thread Scott Rumery
Hello, I have posted a new article to our website and I thought some of you 
might like to take a look at it.  If you do read it, would you be so kind as to 
leave me a comment so that I can get an idea of who is reading my blog posts, 
also if you haven't yet liked our Facebook page, or followed us on Twitter, or 
signed up for our monthly newsletter you can do this from our website as well.

Thank you,
Scott Rumery

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Fedora Outlier LLC 
> Subject: Cleaning Up The Clutter
> Date: September 10, 2012 1:20:58 PM EDT
> To:
> Reply-To: Fedora Outlier LLC 
> Fedora Outlier LLC has posted a new item, 'Cleaning Up The Clutter'
> As a blind computer user I get very frustrated with all of the clutter of some
> websites on the Internet. It is because of this frustration that today I want 
> to
> talk to you about a great feature on Mountain Lion and iOS. The name of this
> feature is SafariReader and it is terrific!
> You may view the latest post at
> You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates are
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> Best regards,
> Fedora Outlier LLC

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Re: XFinity apps.

2012-09-10 Thread Cameron Strife
Hi. Well that's a bit of good news then. comcast has no idea about
accessibility. I've talked to them more than once regarding issues on
their web site and they tried to explain to me that it's my screen
reader, not their site when I pointed out exactly why certain things
were not accessible on their site with two different screen readers,
with two different web browsers on two different platforms. It was
quite frustrating. I would have switched companies, but, they are the
only cable provider in this area.

Hopefully this piece of legislation will force some actual results.
I'm tired of being jerked around by companies that I fork over money
to every month. The real ironic thing was that one accessibility issue
I was trying to get resolved had to do with paying my bill! You'd
think they'd sort that out at least. go figure...


On 9/10/12, Chris Blouch  wrote:
> With the (US) passage of the CVAA, XFinity and services like it should
> see much improvement in accessibility in the near future. I believe
> companies that have products which fall under the CVAA were to be
> required to track accessibility issues and have a plan to rectify them
> by October of this year. That doesn't mean they will be fixed by October
> but at least they should have real testing to know what must be done and
> an idea how they will get there. Friend of mine just got hired there
> earlier this year to lead up the team working on all that:
> CB
> On 9/8/12 9:49 PM, Cameron Strife wrote:
>> Hi. Yes, I'm curious about this as well. from what I've read so far,
>> you need to be able to read what's displayed on the cable box/tv to
>> get it setup on your iOS devices.
>> If anyone out there is currently using these apps, I'd be interested
>> in hearing about them in terms of vo accessibility and just general
>> feedback.
>> Thanks,
>> Cameron.
>> On 9/8/12, Allison Mervis  wrote:
>>> Hi everyone!
>>> The Comcast guy just left, and I'm eager to know how much I can do with
>>> the
>>> XFinity mobile and tV apps on my iPhone. Last time I checked, these apps
>>> were not very accessible. Will I be able to watch tv, check our home
>>> phone's
>>> voicemails etc independently on my iPhone? Our package came with free
>>> DVR
>>> service. Since the DVR itself is of course inaccessible, can I control
>>> it
>>> with the iPhone? Will I be able to watch recorder shows on the go?
>>> That's
>>> all for now, but I'll write with more questions as they come up. Thanks!
>>> Allison
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> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
> --
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RE: Dumb VO question

2012-09-10 Thread Bill Holton
Thanks.  I did have quick nav on.  I also discovered that even though it
clicks when you back over a word with option left arrow, you have to then
option right arrow back over for the suggestions to appear.
Any idea of what you can do immediately when a word is corrected and
replaced and you know it's the word you meant.  The docs say click the x
button.  Any idea of how to do this with the keyboard?


Direct: 386-624-6309
Home Office:1520 Loughton ST
DeLand, FL  32720

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Harry Hogue
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2012 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: Dumb VO question


Be sure you're not using QuickNav.  You can then press down arrow to go
through the list of spelling suggestions.  it isn't an option I have to use
a lot, but if there is more than one spelling suggestion, continuing to
press down arrow should do the trick.  Also, pressing space will select the
one you're currently sitting on, i I'm not mistaken.



On Sep 9, 2012, at 2:25 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:

> Hi.
> For the life of me, I can't remember how to find the spelling options once
autocorrect engages and I here the little bloop  and I know their are
options below me I think I tried every key except the right one. Any help
> -- 
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Re: [Maccessibility] The Humanware Communicator for iOS

2012-09-10 Thread Alex Hall
You make a good point regarding contract costs; I had not considered
that. Still, the price seems unreasonably high, when you consider
plenty of people teach themselves to develop for iOS, plunk down $100
per year, and sell their apps for a couple bucks, even
accessibility-related apps like Digit-Eyes, or audio-only games, are
not half as expensive as this basic app, and many are made by

On 9/10/12, Cheree Heppe  wrote:
> Cheree Heppe here:
> Good name for them -- Big Nerd!
> Regards,
> ChereeHeppe
> Sent from my IPhone 4S
> On 10/09/2012, at 9:45, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> Never having used the app I can't speak to its special qualities that
>> would make it more useful that just the standards notes app. What I can
>> speak to is the cost of iOS development. It's a hot platform so finding
>> developers is expensive due to supply and demand. Many charge $100/hour or
>> more depending on the type or work. I talked with an iOS developer trainer
>> from Big Nerd Ranch about accessibility/voiceover in their training and he
>> had no clue. He knew what voiceover was but there was nothing in their
>> training and he had no developer/API knowledge. So to find somebody who
>> can do that kind of work drops you into the specialized high end of the
>> cost curve. Then there is market size. Apps can be $1 of you're going to
>> sell a million of them. So say this really was just a month of work. 160
>> hours at $100/hour is sill $16K. So to break even they have to sell 160 of
>> these things, which is not guaranteed. With about 35-40K deaf blind in the
>> US, how many use Apple phones and how many would pony up the cost?
>> CB
>> On 9/8/12 10:33 PM, David Tanner wrote:
>>> Well, maybe they only pay $100 to be a developer, but what about all the
>>> time spent developing an app. Are programmers suppose to live on air/? If
>>> you don't pay a developer for their development time they aren't going to
>>> be a developer for long. It does cost money for a developer to live, pay
>>> their bills, etc.
>>> The Notes app will work for what this does, but not as well for the
>>> deaf-blind user as this app does. On the other hand I'm not sure it is
>>> really worth $99, but as an assistive technology specialist working with
>>> deaf-blind I do realize that it is difficult to find accessible
>>> communications tools for the deaf-blind person to use, and when you do
>>> they are typically going to be very expensive because the number of
>>> deaf-blind people is much smaller than the number of hearing blind folks.
>>> Hearing blind people don't need this app unless they want to communicate
>>> with a deaf-blind person.
>>> - Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2012 9:25 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [Maccessibility] The Humanware Communicator for iOS
>>> Let me ask this then: how is this so different from using the notes
>>> app? Also, the cost per year for being an apple developer is $100. Do
>>> they really plan on selling so few that they have to charge as much as
>>> they pay apple for a year for just one app purchase? Yes, I realize
>>> they get only 66% of the cost, but still... $100 for a text entry app?
>>> I really don't see it.
>>> On 9/8/12, David Tanner  wrote:
 No, you guys don't understand what is going on with this app. It is
 primarily an app that most blind folks wouldn't want. It is so that a
 deaf-blind can do face-to-face communications with another person. Yes,

 looks pretty simple, but when you look at development costs and realize

 you aren't going to sell a whole lot of apps when you are only really
 selling to a limited size deaf-blind community then the cost is going to

 higher than for an app that blind and sighted people would want to

 Again, it is a great app for those who need it, and actually drops the

 for communications for a deaf-blind person by thousands of dollars from

 $8,000 price of the deaf-Blind Communicator that Humanware has been

 since 2009. So, even if you add the cost of the app, a $2,500 or so
 bluetooth Braille display and an iPhone it cuts the price in half or

 - Original Message -
 From: "Alex Hall" 
 Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2012 2:44 PM
 Subject: Re: [Maccessibility] The Humanware Communicator for iOS

 Well, this is humanware after all. For those not in the know, let me
 tell you about their latest major keysoft update (which takes one sma
 count). It costs $200 for an sma, giving you two upgrades, or $135 for
 a single upgrade if you do not have an sma. Keeping that in mind,
 here's the long list of features they included in the last paid
 * a translator that can convert the text in pdf files to .txt files.
 * bug fixes, including a 

Re: powerpoints

2012-09-10 Thread Alex Hall
You'll want to watch formatting carefully, though. My sister once made
a keynote presentation on her iPad that looked perfect. She opened it
on a windows machine and the title, while in the right place, was

On 9/10/12, May and Noah  wrote:
> Great, but I don't use windows, *smiles*
> May and Prince Noah
> Personal Playground
> On 2012-09-10, at 12:00 PM, Kimberly thurman  wrote:
>> Just FYI, in the interest of truthful disclosure, Power Point is
>> accessible with windows screenreaders.  *smile*
>> On Sep 10, 2012, at 11:36 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> Keynote is the Apple iWorks answer to Microsoft Office PowerPoint. With
>>> Powerpoint being totally inaccessible, Keynote is 100% more accessible
>>> . Keynote can import and export PowerPoint files but, as a secret
>>> and proprietary format it is impossible for Keynote to do this perfectly
>>> so you might have some variations in positioning, fonts and the like, but
>>> all the content should be there roughly as it was in the original
>>> PowerPoint.
>>> CB
>>> On 9/9/12 1:56 AM, Chris Bruinenberg wrote:
 i think it was keynote.
 I'm not sure though.

 Sent from my Macbook Pro.
 Chris Bruinenberg

 On Sep 8, 2012, at 10:54 PM, May and Noah 

> Hey everyone.
> What program does well with voiceover again that allows me to read
> power points?
> May and Prince Noah
> Personal Playground
> --
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>>> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website)

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Pressing Command-f5 Five Times: What Does This Do, and Is It Documented Anywhere?

2012-09-10 Thread Teresa Cochran
I remember someone mentioning this before. I'm wondering what it actually does, 
and whether there's documentation on it. I was having a problem with vO going 
silent periodically in Safari, and this seems to have fixed it.


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Re: Pressing Command-f5 Five Times: What Does This Do, and Is It Documented Anywhere?

2012-09-10 Thread Timothy Clark Music
i think it's a basic reset.
  Your Friend in the music industry

On Sep 10, 2012, at 4:27 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> I remember someone mentioning this before. I'm wondering what it actually 
> does, and whether there's documentation on it. I was having a problem with vO 
> going silent periodically in Safari, and this seems to have fixed it.
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> -- 
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Re: Dumb VO question

2012-09-10 Thread Timothy Clark Music
yeah just hit enter and it will correct it. 
 ron paul 2012 
  Your Friend in the music industry

On Sep 10, 2012, at 2:49 PM, Bill Holton wrote:

> Thanks.  I did have quick nav on.  I also discovered that even though it
> clicks when you back over a word with option left arrow, you have to then
> option right arrow back over for the suggestions to appear.
> Any idea of what you can do immediately when a word is corrected and
> replaced and you know it's the word you meant.  The docs say click the x
> button.  Any idea of how to do this with the keyboard?
> Thanks.
> Direct:   386-624-6309
> Home Office:  1520 Loughton ST
>   DeLand, FL  32720
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Harry Hogue
> Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2012 4:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Dumb VO question
> Bill,
> Be sure you're not using QuickNav.  You can then press down arrow to go
> through the list of spelling suggestions.  it isn't an option I have to use
> a lot, but if there is more than one spelling suggestion, continuing to
> press down arrow should do the trick.  Also, pressing space will select the
> one you're currently sitting on, i I'm not mistaken.
> HTH,
> Harry
> On Sep 9, 2012, at 2:25 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:
>> Hi.
>> For the life of me, I can't remember how to find the spelling options once
> autocorrect engages and I here the little bloop  and I know their are
> options below me I think I tried every key except the right one. Any help
> appreciated.
>> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Re: [Maccessibility] The Humanware Communicator for iOS

2012-09-10 Thread Chris Blouch
Not saying it wouldn't be possible for some non-profit org or person to 
do it cheaper or free, but if you're a company that wants to break even 
(or better) on costs the numbers just don't work well. So for 
blind-specific apps, with a population roughly 30x larger you could sell 
an app for about $3 and make the same amount, and the apps you note 
don't require having specific external hardware which would limit 
uptake. Just saying it depends on the economic model and assumptions 
they used to come to a breakeven point. Don't forget there is all the 
other things that cost has to pay for like marketing, sales/support etc. 
Those people need paid as well. That's just how software works. The 
first copy you sell cost you $1M to create and the rest are all free. If 
you're Microsoft or Apple and selling to a mainstream audience you can 
divide that first copy cost over a very large userbase. For a deaf-blind 
braille app, not so much.


On 9/10/12 4:05 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

You make a good point regarding contract costs; I had not considered
that. Still, the price seems unreasonably high, when you consider
plenty of people teach themselves to develop for iOS, plunk down $100
per year, and sell their apps for a couple bucks, even
accessibility-related apps like Digit-Eyes, or audio-only games, are
not half as expensive as this basic app, and many are made by

On 9/10/12, Cheree Heppe  wrote:

Cheree Heppe here:
Good name for them -- Big Nerd!


Sent from my IPhone 4S

On 10/09/2012, at 9:45, Chris Blouch  wrote:

Never having used the app I can't speak to its special qualities that
would make it more useful that just the standards notes app. What I can
speak to is the cost of iOS development. It's a hot platform so finding
developers is expensive due to supply and demand. Many charge $100/hour or
more depending on the type or work. I talked with an iOS developer trainer
from Big Nerd Ranch about accessibility/voiceover in their training and he
had no clue. He knew what voiceover was but there was nothing in their
training and he had no developer/API knowledge. So to find somebody who
can do that kind of work drops you into the specialized high end of the
cost curve. Then there is market size. Apps can be $1 of you're going to
sell a million of them. So say this really was just a month of work. 160
hours at $100/hour is sill $16K. So to break even they have to sell 160 of
these things, which is not guaranteed. With about 35-40K deaf blind in the
US, how many use Apple phones and how many would pony up the cost?


On 9/8/12 10:33 PM, David Tanner wrote:

Well, maybe they only pay $100 to be a developer, but what about all the
time spent developing an app. Are programmers suppose to live on air/? If
you don't pay a developer for their development time they aren't going to
be a developer for long. It does cost money for a developer to live, pay
their bills, etc.

The Notes app will work for what this does, but not as well for the
deaf-blind user as this app does. On the other hand I'm not sure it is
really worth $99, but as an assistive technology specialist working with
deaf-blind I do realize that it is difficult to find accessible
communications tools for the deaf-blind person to use, and when you do
they are typically going to be very expensive because the number of
deaf-blind people is much smaller than the number of hearing blind folks.
Hearing blind people don't need this app unless they want to communicate
with a deaf-blind person.

- Original Message - From: "Alex Hall" 
Sent: Saturday, September 08, 2012 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Maccessibility] The Humanware Communicator for iOS

Let me ask this then: how is this so different from using the notes
app? Also, the cost per year for being an apple developer is $100. Do
they really plan on selling so few that they have to charge as much as
they pay apple for a year for just one app purchase? Yes, I realize
they get only 66% of the cost, but still... $100 for a text entry app?
I really don't see it.

On 9/8/12, David Tanner  wrote:

No, you guys don't understand what is going on with this app. It is
primarily an app that most blind folks wouldn't want. It is so that a
deaf-blind can do face-to-face communications with another person. Yes,

looks pretty simple, but when you look at development costs and realize

you aren't going to sell a whole lot of apps when you are only really
selling to a limited size deaf-blind community then the cost is going to

higher than for an app that blind and sighted people would want to

Again, it is a great app for those who need it, and actually drops the

for communications for a deaf-blind person by thousands of dollars from

$8,000 price of the deaf-Blind Communicator that Humanware has been

since 2009. So, even if you add the cost of the app, a $2,500 or so
bluetooth Braille display and an iPhone it cuts the price in half or

Re: Problem panning through email text with Brailliant 40 anyone else?

2012-09-10 Thread Andrew Lamanche
Dear Ioana,

I've only noticed it in Mail.

Best wishes

On 9 Sep 2012, at 22:20, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:

> Hi, 
> Nice to know in a way that it is not an isolated behavior. So I will report 
> this and not hold my breath. 
> Does this happen in all text areas or just mail? 
> Thanks. 
> Ioana 
> Please check out my cd on, on iTunes or most online 
> stores.
> Sent from my phone
> On Sep 9, 2012, at 4:05 PM, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:
>> Dear iona,
>> I've always had this problem since Snow Leopard in Mail using Focus 40 usb 
>> display. I guess I've been too tired of all other issues to give this one 
>> too much energy. Under Mountain Lion, the problem persists. I guess I was 
>> reluctant to fuss about it partly because I thought it might be my not 
>> knowing some important settings in voiceover utility, and secondly, focusing 
>> on other important issues to me - putting up with Mail behaviour. But maybe 
>> it is time to report to Apple. Mind you, somehow I feel that Braille access 
>> is not a priority of Apple's. I've reported a few things in the past, and 
>> they are still waiting to be resolved a couple of years later. Forgive the 
>> rant. I deal with the problem by using my arrow keys as soon as I get to the 
>> end of the line of text to move to the next one.
>> With best wishes
>> Andrew
>> On 9 Sep 2012, at 17:51, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
>>> HI all,
>>> I tried to read through an email with my Brailliant 40 and I found that the 
>>> display is jumping text when panning write to read. I find I then have to 
>>> pan left to read the skipped text. 
>>> Did anyone notice something similar? IS this a bug or is there a tracking 
>>> setting I have to be aware of?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ioana
>>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
>>> stores.
>>> -- 
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Apple TV and Voiceover and how does it work?

2012-09-10 Thread Andrew Lamanche
Dear Listers,

I'm trying to learn as much as possible about Apple TV. Has anyone got any 
experience of it on the list, especially anyone who's got no sight at all? How 
does it work? I have a number of films/tv programmes which `i'd like to 
watch/listen to with sighted friends on an ordinary TV screen. Is it possible? 
What else is Apple TV for? I've gathered from searching through some of the 
posts on the list that Apple TV has Voiceover access but I don't quite 
understand how it works. What are the benefits of Apple TV? 

If anyone could contact me and share, feel free to do so outside the list. I'm 
aware that maybe this is not the right topic to discuss on the list.

With best wishes


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I Can Only Force Quit Mail!

2012-09-10 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, all,

The subject pretty much sums it up. If I use command-q, I get Mail with no 
windows. I have to use force quit almost all the time now. I'm using Mountain 


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RE: Dumb VO question

2012-09-10 Thread Bill Holton

Not quite what I meant.  Wwhen I type a word and text edit auto corrects it
to a new word when I hit spacebar.  But the word I typed was the word I
wanted.  How do I go back and change it back via the revert command with a
VO or hot key command?






Direct:  386-624-6309

Home Office: 1520 Loughton ST

DeLand, FL  32720




[] On Behalf Of Timothy Clark Music
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: Dumb VO question


yeah just hit enter and it will correct it. 

 ron paul 2012 


  Your Friend in the music industry


On Sep 10, 2012, at 2:49 PM, Bill Holton wrote:

Thanks.  I did have quick nav on.  I also discovered that even though it
clicks when you back over a word with option left arrow, you have to then
option right arrow back over for the suggestions to appear.
Any idea of what you can do immediately when a word is corrected and
replaced and you know it's the word you meant.  The docs say click the x
button.  Any idea of how to do this with the keyboard?


Direct:  386-624-6309
Home Office:1520 Loughton ST
DeLand, FL  32720

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Harry Hogue
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2012 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: Dumb VO question


Be sure you're not using QuickNav.  You can then press down arrow to go
through the list of spelling suggestions.  it isn't an option I have to use
a lot, but if there is more than one spelling suggestion, continuing to
press down arrow should do the trick.  Also, pressing space will select the
one you're currently sitting on, i I'm not mistaken.



On Sep 9, 2012, at 2:25 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:


For the life of me, I can't remember how to find the spelling options once

autocorrect engages and I here the little bloop  and I know their are
options below me I think I tried every key except the right one. Any help



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Re: I Can Only Force Quit Mail!

2012-09-10 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Sometimes you have to wait a minute or so. This used to only happen to me in 
Lion, and has never yet happened in ML. Just give it a minute to close itself 
down and see what happens.

On 11/09/2012, at 9:21 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, all,
> The subject pretty much sums it up. If I use command-q, I get Mail with no 
> windows. I have to use force quit almost all the time now. I'm using Mountain 
> Lion.
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> -- 
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Re: I Can Only Force Quit Mail!

2012-09-10 Thread Teresa Cochran
Thanks, Lisette. I will try this suggestion and be a bit more patient. :)


On Sep 10, 2012, at 2:30 PM, Lisette Wesseling  

> Sometimes you have to wait a minute or so. This used to only happen to me in 
> Lion, and has never yet happened in ML. Just give it a minute to close itself 
> down and see what happens.
> Lisette
> On 11/09/2012, at 9:21 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> Hi, all,
>> The subject pretty much sums it up. If I use command-q, I get Mail with no 
>> windows. I have to use force quit almost all the time now. I'm using 
>> Mountain Lion.
>> Thanks,
>> Teresa
>> -- 
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Re: Apple TV and Voiceover and how does it work?

2012-09-10 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi there
I have no site, and I have a AppleTV. I guess you could say sort of, that it's 
like iTunes for your TV. You can get Netflix, movies, watch YouTube, and I 
can't remember what else.
It's got the same voice like the iPhone. It has a little remote. There's not 
many controls, and it can take you like five minutes to learn it, especially if 
you have an iPhone or an iPad already.
I'm not sure what else to tell you, so ask specific questions if you need more.

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 10, 2012, at 4:12 PM, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:

> Dear Listers,
> I'm trying to learn as much as possible about Apple TV. Has anyone got any 
> experience of it on the list, especially anyone who's got no sight at all? 
> How does it work? I have a number of films/tv programmes which `i'd like to 
> watch/listen to with sighted friends on an ordinary TV screen. Is it 
> possible? What else is Apple TV for? I've gathered from searching through 
> some of the posts on the list that Apple TV has Voiceover access but I don't 
> quite understand how it works. What are the benefits of Apple TV? 
> If anyone could contact me and share, feel free to do so outside the list. 
> I'm aware that maybe this is not the right topic to discuss on the list.
> With best wishes
> Andrew
> -- 
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Is the old Google Groups finally Gone

2012-09-10 Thread Brian Fischler
Is the old Google Groups finally gone? The only way I had to navigate this 
forum was in the old google groups. I got logged out of Google which is almost 
impossible to do, and when I logged back in I was automatically taken to the 
new google groups, and I can't find anyway to set this group back to the old 
format. Anyone know how to. Google is a joke with accessibility on a mac. They 
could care less as the new google groups is completely inaccessible.

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Re: Apple TV and Voiceover and how does it work?

2012-09-10 Thread Stacey Robinson
I have a question. Can you use an apple tv without a regular tv.
On Sep 10, 2012, at 5:25 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi there
> I have no site, and I have a AppleTV. I guess you could say sort of, that 
> it's like iTunes for your TV. You can get Netflix, movies, watch YouTube, and 
> I can't remember what else.
> It's got the same voice like the iPhone. It has a little remote. There's not 
> many controls, and it can take you like five minutes to learn it, especially 
> if you have an iPhone or an iPad already.
> I'm not sure what else to tell you, so ask specific questions if you need 
> more.
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 10, 2012, at 4:12 PM, Andrew Lamanche  
> wrote:
>> Dear Listers,
>> I'm trying to learn as much as possible about Apple TV. Has anyone got any 
>> experience of it on the list, especially anyone who's got no sight at all? 
>> How does it work? I have a number of films/tv programmes which `i'd like to 
>> watch/listen to with sighted friends on an ordinary TV screen. Is it 
>> possible? What else is Apple TV for? I've gathered from searching through 
>> some of the posts on the list that Apple TV has Voiceover access but I don't 
>> quite understand how it works. What are the benefits of Apple TV? 
>> If anyone could contact me and share, feel free to do so outside the list. 
>> I'm aware that maybe this is not the right topic to discuss on the list.
>> With best wishes
>> Andrew
>> -- 
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Re: Caps Lock to VO, KeyRemap4Macbook update

2012-09-10 Thread Bart Bunting

In the jaws settings manager check the setting:
keyboard -> Jaws key for laptop layout
Set this to "insert" was "capslock" for me previously.

Once that was done everything worked as expected.

Kind regards


Eric Caron  writes:

> Hi Bart and Rodney,
>   You folks are moving way ahead of me!  I'm loving the keyboard changes 
> but I'm still learning as I go.  The Mac side is rock solid but the VM side 
> though working great has additional complications.
> Bart can you explain what setting it was you changed in JAWS in the VM to get 
> the caps lock to function the way you wanted?  I'd like to try that as well.
> Eric Caron  
> On Sep 9, 2012, at 11:03 PM, "Bart Bunting"  wrote:
>> Rodney,
>> Appears you are correct.  I had use capslock as jaws key set in the jaws
>> settings, changed to insert and all works as expected now.
>> Cheers!
>> Bart
>> Kind regards
>> Rodney Haynie  writes:
>>> Bart,
>>> Sounds like you are getting the Insert key instead of  the Caps  Lock key 
>>> for Jaws. You already know in laptop keyboard mode, that the Insert key and 
>>> Caps Lock key are treated differently. So of what you wrote, it sounds like 
>>> the same thing I would get if I were holding the Insert key down.
>>> For example: CapsLock H and Insert H are two different commands for JAWS in 
>>> laptop keyboard mode.
>>> I use bootcamp, so I can not test any of this for you.
>>> HTH.
>>> Rodney
>>> On Sep 9, 2012, at 9:36 PM, "Bart Bunting"  wrote:
 Interestingly this almost works perfectly but not quite in fusion.
 I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong.
 I'm seeing the following:
 - VO remap to capslock works fine.
 - Jaws is set to laptop layout in fusion
 - some commands work well e.g. capslock t to read title capslock f12 to
 read time etc.
 - Things that do not work are the capslock p for jaws cursor for example
 and caps semi for virtual cursor.
 Anyone else seeing this?  Perhaps I have an old setting hanging around
 but it would seam strange that it works for some keys and not others.
 Eric Caron  writes:
> hi Iona, buddy and others,
> Below is the permanent link to the podcast for 
> KeyRemap4macbook.
>   It is great to hear that some of you are fining this capability 
> helpful.  Like Buddy I'm having to relearn muscle memory but in most 
> cases it is now natural for me to use the caps lock rather then the VO 
> keys.  I now use commands like caps lock a and caps lock b a lot more 
> because they y are so much easier now.
> Thanks Iona for pointing out that people need to press a check box in 
> PCKeyboardhack. For changing the Caps Lock   I suspect i didn't notice 
> because once I checked it it remained checked even when I reinstalled it 
> to demonstrate for the podcast.
> I'm not sure why you downloaded the wrong PCKeyBoardhack.  that doesn't 
> seem to have been a problem for others.
> Thanks to those letting me know that you have found this useful.  and 
> pleas keep the helpful tips coming.
> here's the link:
> Eric Caron 
> On Sep 9, 2012, at 7:32 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks so much  for the procedure. IT worked perfectly for me.
>> I would point out 2 things I had problems with.
>> 1. On the download page I could not download the 8.0 PCKeyboard hack 
>> without sighted assistance. FOr some reason clicking on the link 
>> downloaded  the 7.x.
>> 2. In the PCKeyboard hack preferences changing 51 to 110 worked but one 
>> has to check the checkbox to enable the changing of caps lock. Pretty 
>> obvious but thought I'd point it out.
>> Amazing improvement!
>> Best,
>> Ioana
>> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most 
>> online stores.
>> On Sep 8, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Eric Caron  wrote:
>>> Hello Listers,
>>> Below I've written out the steps needed to have the Voice Over Keys, 
>>> Control and Option, mapped to the caps lock key.  This allows a Voice 
>>> over user to use caps lock with keys that might be difficult to reach 
>>> with the standard Control Option VO keys.  In addition this new setting 
>>> now automatically creates Caps Lock as the modifier in a VM machine.  
>>> Finally the application creates a number pad on the standard keyboard 
>>> centered around the letter i.
>>> This is a update to my earlier podcast. Takayama Fumihiko, the 
>>> developer of these applications has changed KeyRemapper4Macbook, makin

activating bookmarks

2012-09-10 Thread agent086b

Hi all,
now for my next problem. When i migrated some settings from the PC some 
of my bookmarks went to the bookmarks bar and some went in to a 
bookmarks list. I can get the bookmarks bar to connect me with the sites 
there but I can not get the bookmarks list to let me go to a site.

I can see the sites I wish to go to but I can not get them to work.
How can I move these folders to the bookmarks bar and or click on those 

Thanks once again for the help.

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DJ software anyone?

2012-09-10 Thread Ray Foret Jr

Would anybody on here using the DJ software for the Mac fill me in a little on 
where to get and how to use it?  Is it dependant on the ITunes Library, or can 
it be used otherwise?


The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

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Re: Dumb VO question

2012-09-10 Thread Ioana Gandrabur

Backspace at the end of wrongly auto-corrected word and you will hear "revert 
correction then you arrow down (no quicknav ) and hit enter and it reverts.



Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

On Sep 10, 2012, at 5:25 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:

> Hi.
> Not quite what I meant.  Wwhen I type a word and text edit auto corrects it 
> to a new word when I hit spacebar.  But the word I typed was the word I 
> wanted.  How do I go back and change it back via the revert command with a VO 
> or hot key command?
> Email:
> Direct:  386-624-6309
> Home Office: 1520 Loughton ST
> DeLand, FL  32720
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Timothy Clark Music
> Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 4:44 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Dumb VO question
> yeah just hit enter and it will correct it. 
>  ron paul 2012 
> Timothy 
>   Your Friend in the music industry 
> On Sep 10, 2012, at 2:49 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
> Thanks.  I did have quick nav on.  I also discovered that even though it
> clicks when you back over a word with option left arrow, you have to then
> option right arrow back over for the suggestions to appear.
> Any idea of what you can do immediately when a word is corrected and
> replaced and you know it's the word you meant.  The docs say click the x
> button.  Any idea of how to do this with the keyboard?
> Thanks.
> Email:
> Direct:  386-624-6309
> Home Office:1520 Loughton ST
> DeLand, FL  32720
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Harry Hogue
> Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2012 4:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Dumb VO question
> Bill,
> Be sure you're not using QuickNav.  You can then press down arrow to go
> through the list of spelling suggestions.  it isn't an option I have to use
> a lot, but if there is more than one spelling suggestion, continuing to
> press down arrow should do the trick.  Also, pressing space will select the
> one you're currently sitting on, i I'm not mistaken.
> HTH,
> Harry
> On Sep 9, 2012, at 2:25 PM, Bill Holton  wrote:
> Hi.
> For the life of me, I can't remember how to find the spelling options once
> autocorrect engages and I here the little bloop  and I know their are
> options below me I think I tried every key except the right one. Any help
> appreciated.
> --
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Re: just learned something; making •points on the mac

2012-09-10 Thread Mary Scott
This is so cool.  Thank you.  I have wondered about these.  Mel  
On Sep 9, 2012, at 5:24 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> The Option key is actually really useful, there are all kinds of characters 
> you can type all with the addition of the Option key.  Some examples are 
> below:
> Option+Less than (<) gives you less than or equals
> Option+greater than (>) gives you greater than or equals
> Option+slash (the forward slash) gives you a divided by symbol
> Option+0 gives you a degree sign
> Option+equals sign gives you  not equals sign
> Option+p gives you pi (π)
> Option+4 gives you the cents sign
> Option+g gives you the Copyright sign
> Option+1 gives you the upside down exclamation like the one in the singer 
> Pink (P¡nk)
> Option+8 gives you the bullet as mentioned
> For other languages such as French, you use the following:
> Option+e then press the "e" a second time gives you é (e with acute accent)
> Option+`(accent key to the left of the number 1) followed by "e" gives you è 
> ("e" with accent grav)
> Do the same but use the letter "a" to get à.
> Option+c gives you ç ("c" cedilla)
> Play with it and you'll find lots of other mappings as well.  Most you'll 
> never need but they're fun anyway.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2012-09-09, at 1:59 PM, Michael Babcock  
> wrote:
>> For those of you looking to make a bullet point on the Mac using the 
>> keyboard, if you use a option +8, you can make a bullet. I'm example of this 
>> is below.
>> •I figured that someone might enjoy this knowledge. I needed it for an 
>> assignment.
>> Michael Babcock, Assistive Technology And Braille Instructor
>> Alaska Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired
>> Equipping Alaskans for success
>> Phone: 907-771-4303
>> fax 907.248.7517
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Re: My New Blog Post

2012-09-10 Thread Mary Scott
Hi Scott,  I tried pressing VO space on toggle reader in the tool bar.  It said 
dimmed and I could not get it to do anything.  I also tried command shift r and 
that did not work either.  What might be wrong?  I tried it on your website.  
On Sep 10, 2012, at 1:35 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:

> Hello, I have posted a new article to our website and I thought some of you 
> might like to take a look at it.  If you do read it, would you be so kind as 
> to leave me a comment so that I can get an idea of who is reading my blog 
> posts, also if you haven't yet liked our Facebook page, or followed us on 
> Twitter, or signed up for our monthly newsletter you can do this from our 
> website as well.
> Thank you,
> Scott Rumery
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Fedora Outlier LLC 
>> Subject: Cleaning Up The Clutter
>> Date: September 10, 2012 1:20:58 PM EDT
>> To:
>> Reply-To: Fedora Outlier LLC 
>> Fedora Outlier LLC has posted a new item, 'Cleaning Up The Clutter'
>> As a blind computer user I get very frustrated with all of the clutter of 
>> some
>> websites on the Internet. It is because of this frustration that today I 
>> want to
>> talk to you about a great feature on Mountain Lion and iOS. The name of this
>> feature is SafariReader and it is terrific!
>> You may view the latest post at
>> You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates 
>> are
>> posted.
>> Best regards,
>> Fedora Outlier LLC
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switching languages on iPhone

2012-09-10 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
How do you switch from English to Spanish voice on the iPhone?

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Re: switching languages on iPhone

2012-09-10 Thread Chris Bruinenberg
you have to add the voice into your router.
Go to settings general accessibility and voiceover.
Then go to language router.
add the spanish voice and you will see it in your language section of the 

Sent from my Macbook Pro.
Chris Bruinenberg

On Sep 10, 2012, at 5:28 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli  

> Hi:
> How do you switch from English to Spanish voice on the iPhone?
> -- 
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Re: I Can Only Force Quit Mail!

2012-09-10 Thread Tim Kilburn

If you use the iMap protocol, you may also wish to wait about 10 to 20 seconds 
after deleting messages before quitting the Mail app.  I've noticed that Mail 
will sometimes hang as iMap is trying to place the deleted or moved messages in 
their new locations and if you Quit too soon, it gets cranky.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-09-10, at 3:41 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Thanks, Lisette. I will try this suggestion and be a bit more patient. :)
> Teresa
> On Sep 10, 2012, at 2:30 PM, Lisette Wesseling  
> wrote:
>> Sometimes you have to wait a minute or so. This used to only happen to me in 
>> Lion, and has never yet happened in ML. Just give it a minute to close 
>> itself down and see what happens.
>> Lisette
>> On 11/09/2012, at 9:21 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> The subject pretty much sums it up. If I use command-q, I get Mail with no 
>>> windows. I have to use force quit almost all the time now. I'm using 
>>> Mountain Lion.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Teresa
>>> -- 
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Re: My New Blog Post

2012-09-10 Thread Alex Hall
The problem is likely Mountain Lion itself, or more specifically, Safari. It is 
up to Safari to decide what content would be included in a reader article; if 
it cannot find any, it will not let you activate reader. I was on windows when 
I read that post, but I had quite a hard time finding the actual content, so 
perhaps the site layout is causing problems?
On Sep 10, 2012, at 8:21 PM, Mary Scott  wrote:

> Hi Scott,  I tried pressing VO space on toggle reader in the tool bar.  It 
> said dimmed and I could not get it to do anything.  I also tried command 
> shift r and that did not work either.  What might be wrong?  I tried it on 
> your website.  Mel  
> On Sep 10, 2012, at 1:35 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
>> Hello, I have posted a new article to our website and I thought some of you 
>> might like to take a look at it.  If you do read it, would you be so kind as 
>> to leave me a comment so that I can get an idea of who is reading my blog 
>> posts, also if you haven't yet liked our Facebook page, or followed us on 
>> Twitter, or signed up for our monthly newsletter you can do this from our 
>> website as well.
>> Thank you,
>> Scott Rumery
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Fedora Outlier LLC 
>>> Subject: Cleaning Up The Clutter
>>> Date: September 10, 2012 1:20:58 PM EDT
>>> To:
>>> Reply-To: Fedora Outlier LLC 
>>> Fedora Outlier LLC has posted a new item, 'Cleaning Up The Clutter'
>>> As a blind computer user I get very frustrated with all of the clutter of 
>>> some
>>> websites on the Internet. It is because of this frustration that today I 
>>> want to
>>> talk to you about a great feature on Mountain Lion and iOS. The name of this
>>> feature is SafariReader and it is terrific!
>>> You may view the latest post at
>>> You received this e-mail because you asked to be notified when new updates 
>>> are
>>> posted.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Fedora Outlier LLC
>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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ZCaptcha Released

2012-09-10 Thread Brandon Olivares

As promised a few days ago, ZCaptcha has been released today.

It is only in beta, so please be patient with any errors, and please also 
report them to me if you find any. I'll be adding more in the coming days, 
including the ability to email your screenshot, but for now it is working very 
well. The site itself is under serious development as well.

The more active this is, the faster it will return, so forgive any slowness in 
the beginning, please.

Here is the address:

You must first create an account, which only takes a minute, and put money on 
the account.

This is the page to upload your screenshot:

I hope you enjoy and that you find this helpful.


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Re: sending an email to multiple people?

2012-09-10 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey all,

Another mail question, what about using your contacts to send a bulk
email? I have never figured out how to do this using mammal. Is there
a way to pull up your contact address book in mail and select multiple
contacts to mail, or to do this in the contacts app? I have played
around with it a little but never figured it out. Back when I could
still see and used gmail on the pc I would click on contacts and check
a box next to all the names I wanted to email, would be nice to do
this on the max, and there has got to be a way. Thanks

On Sep 6, 12:44 pm, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> don't worry about it. just keep going. when you move focus from the to field, 
> and go back, you will hear all the addresses listed.
> Ricardo Walker
> On Sep 6, 2012, at 12:39 PM, Les Kriegler  wrote:
> > When I typed a comma, the initial address was deleted.  I wonder if 
> > semicolon would work?
> > On Sep 6, 2012, at 11:42 AM, "Red.Falcon" 
> >  wrote:
> >> Hi there!
> >> Well you could try when it says the address of the 1st one just press 
> >> enter once and then start typing the next and so on! I think someone once 
> >> said that adding a comma when you get the 1st address and then like before 
> >> start typing the next! hth Colin
> >> On 6 Sep 2012, at 16:07, Alex Hall wrote:
> >>> I just tried it. I entered a name, it auto-filled, I arrowed to the end 
> >>> and typed an email address. I tabbed away from and then back to the "to" 
> >>> field, and it said it was sending only to the first person I entered. I 
> >>> brought up the context menu and that first address was the only one 
> >>> there; the second seems to have disappeared. I am using Mountain Lion 
> >>> with mail in standard view.
> >>> On Sep 6, 2012, at 11:02 AM, Brandon Olivares  
> >>> wrote:
>  Hi,
>  Once the first address is completed, you should just be able to start 
>  typing the second. Make sure it doesn't say "selected" when reading the 
>  first address, or you will just overwrite it as you say. So if it does, 
>  then hit right arrow so it deselects it.
>  On Sep 6, 2012, at 10:55 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> > Hi again all,
> > When creating a new email, is there a way to send it to several 
> > addresses? When I try entering a second address in the "to" field, it 
> > overwrites the previous address instead of adding a second recipient.
> > Have a great day,
> > Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> >
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> > Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > at
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>  Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >>> Have a great day,
> >>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> >>>
> >>> --
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> >>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >>>
> >>> For more options, visit this group 
> >>> at
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> >> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >>
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> >> at
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> > "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >
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> > at

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External Speakers for the iMac?

2012-09-10 Thread Brian Fischler
Hey all,

I would like to get some external speakers for the Imac as I listen to
movies with descriptive video through the web. The only other option I
would like is to have the option to hook my Iphone up to the speakers
as well. I probably don't care if they are bluetooth or wired as long
as they are good and I connect the Iphone. Can anyone suggest a pair,
also don't want to shell out $300 bucks so affordability is important
to. Thanks

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Re: sending an email to multiple people?

2012-09-10 Thread Tim Kilburn

To accomplish what you're asking, do the following:

• Open Mail
• Select the Mailbox that you wish to send from.
• Press cmd-option-a to bring up the Address Panel.
• Navigate to the People Table and Interact with it.
• Locate the first individual you'd like to send to.
• Press VO-cmd-space to select.  You may need to press it a second time if VO 
says unselected.
• Go down the list pressing VO-cmd-space on all those you wish to add.
• Once done, Stop Interacting with the People Table.
• Navigate left and press the "To" button.

This will open a new message with all the recipients you've chose in the steps.

Alternatively, I usually just press cmd-n to get a new message, then type the 
first few letters of whoever I wish to send to, press return, then type the 
first few letters of the next recipient and repeat these steps until I have 
everyone I wish in the field.  Then simply press tab to the Subject field and 
so on.

Either method will work.  Whichever you're more comfortable with should do you.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-09-10, at 9:30 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:

> Hey all,
> Another mail question, what about using your contacts to send a bulk
> email? I have never figured out how to do this using mammal. Is there
> a way to pull up your contact address book in mail and select multiple
> contacts to mail, or to do this in the contacts app? I have played
> around with it a little but never figured it out. Back when I could
> still see and used gmail on the pc I would click on contacts and check
> a box next to all the names I wanted to email, would be nice to do
> this on the max, and there has got to be a way. Thanks
> On Sep 6, 12:44 pm, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> don't worry about it. just keep going. when you move focus from the to 
>> field, and go back, you will hear all the addresses listed.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> On Sep 6, 2012, at 12:39 PM, Les Kriegler  wrote:
>>> When I typed a comma, the initial address was deleted.  I wonder if 
>>> semicolon would work?
>>> On Sep 6, 2012, at 11:42 AM, "Red.Falcon" 
>>>  wrote:
 Hi there!
 Well you could try when it says the address of the 1st one just press 
 enter once and then start typing the next and so on! I think someone once 
 said that adding a comma when you get the 1st address and then like before 
 start typing the next! hth Colin
 On 6 Sep 2012, at 16:07, Alex Hall wrote:
> I just tried it. I entered a name, it auto-filled, I arrowed to the end 
> and typed an email address. I tabbed away from and then back to the "to" 
> field, and it said it was sending only to the first person I entered. I 
> brought up the context menu and that first address was the only one 
> there; the second seems to have disappeared. I am using Mountain Lion 
> with mail in standard view.
> On Sep 6, 2012, at 11:02 AM, Brandon Olivares  
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Once the first address is completed, you should just be able to start 
>> typing the second. Make sure it doesn't say "selected" when reading the 
>> first address, or you will just overwrite it as you say. So if it does, 
>> then hit right arrow so it deselects it.
>> On Sep 6, 2012, at 10:55 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Hi again all,
>>> When creating a new email, is there a way to send it to several 
>>> addresses? When I try entering a second address in the "to" field, it 
>>> overwrites the previous address instead of adding a second recipient.
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>>> --
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>> at
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> --
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: sending an email to multiple people?

2012-09-10 Thread Alex Hall
I haven't tried this, but should you not turn off cursor tracking when in the 
table? Normally when selecting, I think you have to have tracking off or things 
don't work. Just something to keep in mind.
On Sep 10, 2012, at 11:49 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Brian,
> To accomplish what you're asking, do the following:
> • Open Mail
> • Select the Mailbox that you wish to send from.
> • Press cmd-option-a to bring up the Address Panel.
> • Navigate to the People Table and Interact with it.
> • Locate the first individual you'd like to send to.
> • Press VO-cmd-space to select.  You may need to press it a second time if VO 
> says unselected.
> • Go down the list pressing VO-cmd-space on all those you wish to add.
> • Once done, Stop Interacting with the People Table.
> • Navigate left and press the "To" button.
> This will open a new message with all the recipients you've chose in the 
> steps.
> Alternatively, I usually just press cmd-n to get a new message, then type the 
> first few letters of whoever I wish to send to, press return, then type the 
> first few letters of the next recipient and repeat these steps until I have 
> everyone I wish in the field.  Then simply press tab to the Subject field and 
> so on.
> Either method will work.  Whichever you're more comfortable with should do 
> you.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2012-09-10, at 9:30 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> Another mail question, what about using your contacts to send a bulk
>> email? I have never figured out how to do this using mammal. Is there
>> a way to pull up your contact address book in mail and select multiple
>> contacts to mail, or to do this in the contacts app? I have played
>> around with it a little but never figured it out. Back when I could
>> still see and used gmail on the pc I would click on contacts and check
>> a box next to all the names I wanted to email, would be nice to do
>> this on the max, and there has got to be a way. Thanks
>> On Sep 6, 12:44 pm, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> don't worry about it. just keep going. when you move focus from the to 
>>> field, and go back, you will hear all the addresses listed.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> On Sep 6, 2012, at 12:39 PM, Les Kriegler  wrote:
 When I typed a comma, the initial address was deleted.  I wonder if 
 semicolon would work?
 On Sep 6, 2012, at 11:42 AM, "Red.Falcon" 
> Hi there!
> Well you could try when it says the address of the 1st one just press 
> enter once and then start typing the next and so on! I think someone once 
> said that adding a comma when you get the 1st address and then like 
> before start typing the next! hth Colin
> On 6 Sep 2012, at 16:07, Alex Hall wrote:
>> I just tried it. I entered a name, it auto-filled, I arrowed to the end 
>> and typed an email address. I tabbed away from and then back to the "to" 
>> field, and it said it was sending only to the first person I entered. I 
>> brought up the context menu and that first address was the only one 
>> there; the second seems to have disappeared. I am using Mountain Lion 
>> with mail in standard view.
>> On Sep 6, 2012, at 11:02 AM, Brandon Olivares  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Once the first address is completed, you should just be able to start 
>>> typing the second. Make sure it doesn't say "selected" when reading the 
>>> first address, or you will just overwrite it as you say. So if it does, 
>>> then hit right arrow so it deselects it.
>>> On Sep 6, 2012, at 10:55 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 Hi again all,
 When creating a new email, is there a way to send it to several 
 addresses? When I try entering a second address in the "to" field, it 
 overwrites the previous address instead of adding a second recipient.
 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group 
>>> --
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>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group 
>>> at

follow-up to disappearing contacts

2012-09-10 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
A few days ago I found that my contacts were seemingly all gone - no search 
would bring any of them up. Well, I figured it out: I had selected another 
group somehow. Apparently, tabbing around contacts skips over the groups table 
which is just before the search box, so I kept missing it. Now that I have 
selected the "all contacts" group instead of a group I created, all is well. 
Further, I followed the helpful instructions someone posted about copying and 
pasting and that also seems to work. Once I get it finalized I'll post how I 
did it.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: sending an email to multiple people?

2012-09-10 Thread Tim Kilburn

In Mountain Lion and Lion, there is no need to turn cursor tracking off, VO 
figures out on its own that you wish non-contiguous selections.  In earlier 
versions of the MacOS, it was necessary to do so.  A reminder, though, if you 
get lost and can't remember which items are selected, press VO-f6 (add the FN 
key if necessary) and VO will announce the selected items.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-09-10, at 10:03 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I haven't tried this, but should you not turn off cursor tracking when in the 
> table? Normally when selecting, I think you have to have tracking off or 
> things don't work. Just something to keep in mind.
> On Sep 10, 2012, at 11:49 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:
>> Brian,
>> To accomplish what you're asking, do the following:
>> • Open Mail
>> • Select the Mailbox that you wish to send from.
>> • Press cmd-option-a to bring up the Address Panel.
>> • Navigate to the People Table and Interact with it.
>> • Locate the first individual you'd like to send to.
>> • Press VO-cmd-space to select.  You may need to press it a second time if 
>> VO says unselected.
>> • Go down the list pressing VO-cmd-space on all those you wish to add.
>> • Once done, Stop Interacting with the People Table.
>> • Navigate left and press the "To" button.
>> This will open a new message with all the recipients you've chose in the 
>> steps.
>> Alternatively, I usually just press cmd-n to get a new message, then type 
>> the first few letters of whoever I wish to send to, press return, then type 
>> the first few letters of the next recipient and repeat these steps until I 
>> have everyone I wish in the field.  Then simply press tab to the Subject 
>> field and so on.
>> Either method will work.  Whichever you're more comfortable with should do 
>> you.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On 2012-09-10, at 9:30 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> Another mail question, what about using your contacts to send a bulk
>>> email? I have never figured out how to do this using mammal. Is there
>>> a way to pull up your contact address book in mail and select multiple
>>> contacts to mail, or to do this in the contacts app? I have played
>>> around with it a little but never figured it out. Back when I could
>>> still see and used gmail on the pc I would click on contacts and check
>>> a box next to all the names I wanted to email, would be nice to do
>>> this on the max, and there has got to be a way. Thanks
>>> On Sep 6, 12:44 pm, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
 don't worry about it. just keep going. when you move focus from the to 
 field, and go back, you will hear all the addresses listed.
 Ricardo Walker
 On Sep 6, 2012, at 12:39 PM, Les Kriegler  wrote:
> When I typed a comma, the initial address was deleted.  I wonder if 
> semicolon would work?
> On Sep 6, 2012, at 11:42 AM, "Red.Falcon" 
>  wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> Well you could try when it says the address of the 1st one just press 
>> enter once and then start typing the next and so on! I think someone 
>> once said that adding a comma when you get the 1st address and then like 
>> before start typing the next! hth Colin
>> On 6 Sep 2012, at 16:07, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> I just tried it. I entered a name, it auto-filled, I arrowed to the end 
>>> and typed an email address. I tabbed away from and then back to the 
>>> "to" field, and it said it was sending only to the first person I 
>>> entered. I brought up the context menu and that first address was the 
>>> only one there; the second seems to have disappeared. I am using 
>>> Mountain Lion with mail in standard view.
>>> On Sep 6, 2012, at 11:02 AM, Brandon Olivares 
>>>  wrote:
 Once the first address is completed, you should just be able to start 
 typing the second. Make sure it doesn't say "selected" when reading 
 the first address, or you will just overwrite it as you say. So if it 
 does, then hit right arrow so it deselects it.
 On Sep 6, 2012, at 10:55 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Hi again all,
> When creating a new email, is there a way to send it to several 
> addresses? When I try entering a second address in the "to" field, it 
> overwrites the previous address instead of adding a second recipient.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
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how to create groups in Mountain Lion's contacts app

2012-09-10 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
It worked! I was able to create a group and add people to it, and now I need 
only type the group name when sending an email and everyone in the group is 
added to the field into which I am typing. Here's how:

1. Open the contacts app, then hit cmd-shift-n for new group (or find it in the 
file menu).
2. Type the group name, no need to press enter. You are in the groups table 
which, by the way, tab will skip right over.

3. To add a contact, stup interacting with the text you were writing and 
up/down arrow (you should still be in the groups table, vo-arrow to it and 
interact if not). Find the "all contacts" group and stop interacting with the 

4. Find a contact to add to your new group. Once focused on it, press cmd-c to 
copy it, then find and interact with the groups table and select the group to 
which you would like to add the contact. Once you hear the group name, simply 
hit cmd-v to paste the contact into the group.

5. That's it. Note that you are not warned if you add the same contact twice, 
which I did accidentally. You can just find the duplicate in the table of 
contacts when the groups is selected and press delete, selecting the "remove 
from this group" button. Note, too, that the group selected will be what the 
search field uses. So, if anything other than 'all contacts" is selected, you 
will not be searching all your contacts. Also, as stated earlier, the groups 
table is skipped by tabbing, so you will have to vo-arrow to it and manually 

Hope this helps someone, and thanks to those of you who told me how to do this 
earlier. I can't wait to see if these groups sync over to my iPod... how cool 
would that be!

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: I Can Only Force Quit Mail!

2012-09-10 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Tim,

I've waited longer than that, and sometimes messages just are not deleted.  At 
night, when traffic is lower, I'm talking well after nidnight, it seems to work 
better, but during the day, it's often a problem to have mail deleted.

On Sep 10, 2012, at 8:43 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> If you use the iMap protocol, you may also wish to wait about 10 to 20 
> seconds after deleting messages before quitting the Mail app.  I've noticed 
> that Mail will sometimes hang as iMap is trying to place the deleted or moved 
> messages in their new locations and if you Quit too soon, it gets cranky.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> On 2012-09-10, at 3:41 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>> Thanks, Lisette. I will try this suggestion and be a bit more patient. :)
>> Teresa
>> On Sep 10, 2012, at 2:30 PM, Lisette Wesseling  
>> wrote:
>>> Sometimes you have to wait a minute or so. This used to only happen to me 
>>> in Lion, and has never yet happened in ML. Just give it a minute to close 
>>> itself down and see what happens.
>>> Lisette
>>> On 11/09/2012, at 9:21 AM, Teresa Cochran  
>>> wrote:
 Hi, all,
 The subject pretty much sums it up. If I use command-q, I get Mail with no 
 windows. I have to use force quit almost all the time now. I'm using 
 Mountain Lion.
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Updates to Mail Conversations, I.E. 1 message Conversation

2012-09-10 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi all,

I've noticed that in Mountain Lion, even if you delete the previous messages in 
a conversation, they will show up again when more messages are posted to it? VO 
then reads "1 message conversation" but there may be seven messages that have 
already been read and deleted.

I'm wondering if Mail culls all the messages from various folders including 
trash to make up the conversation when it's updated?

Just curious.


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