Re: Really frustrated with Mail! For real this time!

2012-08-25 Thread Pam Mathers
I have been having problems with sending E. mails too.  It is an apple problem. 
 Sometimes when I send mail, the messages will show up with no words, even 
though i put words in them and sometimes they just won't show up at all.  
Apparently, the problem has been solved but yes, it has been very frustrating.
On Aug 24, 2012, at 2:04 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> If it comes to it, you could always send from in safari.
> Make sure to find and click the "basic html" link or you'll not have
> much luck with the page, but once you are on basic html it is easy to
> use. I know it does not solve your problem, but at least there's no
> rebooting.
> On 8/24/12, Veronica Elsea  wrote:
>> Yes, yes, yes I am certain of my settings. I save the message to drafts
>> and use a windows computer to send with the same settings. Sometimes I
>> reboot the Mac and then it sends. The Mac is inconsistant and has been
>> all along. I went to one apple store when I was visiting someone in
>> Kansas City and was told that they were noticing everyone from their
>> local cable company having trouble so they just set everyone up with a G
>> mail account. It's an apple problem, not mine. I have redone this
>> account way too many times and will not do that any more because it's
>> pointless. There's a bug somewhere and it's just frustrating because I
>> can't count on it. It's a pain to have to reboot right in the midst of
>> just sending a quick message. Like I said, frustrating!
>> Veronica
>> Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at
>> Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club at:
>> Veronica Elsea, Owner
>> Laurel Creek Music Designs
>> Santa Cruz, California
>> Phone: 831-429-6407
>> On 8/24/2012 9:57 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>> Likewise, I have never had any issues sending messages from Mail in
>>> Lion or Mountain Lion.  I use gmail with IMAP to receive and of course
>>> SMTP to send.  The only thing I have ever experienced is I usually
>>> hear a swush sound when messages are being sent and sometimes, I'll do
>>> the send with Command-Shift-D and not hear the sound; makes me wonder
>>> if the message didn't get sent but yet no errors popped up either.  I
>>> just chock those up to flukes or something.
>>> On 8/24/12, Alex Hall  wrote:
 Are you certain of your settings? Sometimes, an isp will change port
 numbers or security settings and you may miss the memo, which can
 cause previous settings to stop working. I know this isn't quite the
 problem you are having, but it's all I can think of. Tripple check
 your pop and smtp ports, security, authentication, and even username
 settings (that is, does the username need to be just the first part of
 your address or the whole thing). Hope this helps somewhat. For what
 it's worth, I use gmail via imap and have no trouble at all.
 On 8/24/12, christopher hallsworth  wrote:
> I can't say I am. I use Gmail via Pop. I also use my ISp's own e-mail
> service via Pop3. All are working great so far. This is under Lion.
> On 24 Aug 2012, at 05:11, Veronica Elsea wrote:
>> Hi everyone!
>> I can't believe this issue is back. I'm so not happy right now. When I
>> first got this Macbook air, I was using pop mail. I had a ton of
>> trouble
>> sending mail. It would come up and tell me it couldn't use the current
>> sender. Everything pointed to a bug in apple mail that they said they
>> couldn't duplicate consistantly enough to fix. The fix was to change
>> to
>> imap. So I put the macbook awy till I learned about imap and made the
>> switch. It worked great for awhile. And now tonight, it's back to not
>> being able to send again. I actually had to save my last message in
>> drafts
>> and go to my windows computer in order to send it. I know it's not a
>> problem with my provider or my settings because I went through this
>> way
>> too many times. How can I count on this thing for email use when I'm
>> traveling if this old buggaboo is back? It makes me very sad in a way.
>> Is
>> anyone else here having this experience. Thanks a bunch.
>> Veronica
>> --
>> Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at
>> Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club
>> at:
>>Veronica Elsea, Owner
>> Laurel Creek Music Designs
>> Santa Cruz, California
>> Phone: 831-429-6407
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Re: 1password accessibility

2012-08-25 Thread Paul Erkens
Dear Robert,

I don't seem to get it all yet. Please allow me to ask another question. I got 
the auto login feature to work on There, I first click on the sign 
in button, which gives me the username password site fields. Command backslash 
logs me in right away. So that works.

You also said that command shift l brings up the list of logins. I couldn't get 
that to work in safari, thinking that the 1password safari extension would 
catch that keystroke, but it does work inside 1password. I get taken to the 
logins sidebar item, so that works as well. Thanks a lot.

Now, if I click the name of a login, hoping it would launch and log me in, 
instead it gives me a text cursor, allowing me to rename the login inside 
1password. I want to be logged in with one click, so I tried the context menu, 
and yes, there you have an item called open url. But what that does, is put me 
on the page for login, but it won't log me in in the same go. Is this normal 

On Aug 25, 2012, at 12:48 AM, Robert Carter  wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> You are correct, if the 1password safari extension is working properly, when 
> you are on a website that 1password has login information stored for, simply 
> pressing command+backslash causes 1password to automatically fill in the 
> username, password and automatically log you in to the site.
> I would encourage you to check the 1password login entry for the site that 
> got automatically generated and make sure that both the username and password 
> are filled in. With 1password in focus, pressing command+shift+l will put you 
> in the window where the list of logins that you have created and stored in 
> 1password will be displayed.
> Robert
> On Aug 24, 2012, at 8:03 AM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>> Hi Robert,
>> Thanks a lot for your answer. This will be useful later on. I would like to 
>> understand one more thing for now. I seem to have succeeded in storing one 
>> of my passwords inside 1password. 
>> While filling in a password on a site that 1password was not aware of, a 
>> 1password dialog came up, asking me if I wanted to save this login for 
>> later. That was the first time I saw the 1password safari extension do 
>> something at all, that VoiceOver caught and spoke, so that is good news to 
>> begin with.
>> After having answered "save", I was in, of course, because I myself gave the 
>> right password. But here's the problem.
>> As I understand it, there's a list of saved logins somewhere in 1password, 
>> where you can click a site, and be logged in right away.
>> 1. Where is this thing located? In the extension, or in the 1password app? 
>> Clicking on a login inside the app lets me rename it, but not carry it out. 
>> In the extension, I don't find such a list.
>> 2. Is this the way you go about logging in to sites, using the 1password 
>> logins list?
>> 3. Alternatively, You wrote that if you go to a site where you want to be 
>> logged in, and you are on the page where the site asks your credentials, 
>> then you hit command backslash to be logged in. Is this correct at all? If I 
>> try this, nothing happens, and I still need to fill in the password myself. 
>> Am I overlooking something? I verified through the 1password app, that this 
>> very password for this very site is indeed stored, and it was captured 
>> automatically as described above. Is hitting command backslash on a login 
>> page enough to have 1password do its thing? Seems, not on my machine.
>> Very interested to hear back on this, if you have any tips at all.
>> Thanks in advance for the time you have been taking to help me out with 
>> this. It is very much appreciated.
>> Paul.
>> On Aug 23, 2012, at 10:41 PM, Robert Carter  wrote:
>>> Hi Paul,
>>> I don't know for sure but am going to assume that you currently have the 
>>> weak password stored in 1password. Making that assumption, here is how I 
>>> would proceed.
>>> 1. Open 1password go to file menu, down arrow to "new item" and press right 
>>> arrow to expand it.
>>> 2. Down arrow to "new password" and press enter to open the dialogue.
>>> 3. Use VO right arrow and you will see that 1password has generated a 
>>> strong password in this dialogue.
>>> 4. VO right arrow past the password and use VO space on the copy button to 
>>> put the password on the clipboard.
>>> 5. Open TextEdit and paste the password in to a blank document. I do this 
>>> because 1password only keeps the generated password on the clipboard for 90 
>>> seconds or whatever you have it set to.
>>> 6. Highlight the password that is now in text edit and copy it to the 
>>> clipboard. This way you don't have to worry about it disappearing from the 
>>> clipboard.
>>> 7. Open safari and go to the site where you want to change the password. 
>>> Get to the point on the site where you are being asked for the new password 
>>> and paste it in from the clipboard.
>>> 8. Go back to 1password, to your logins and

Start up ML and VO

2012-08-25 Thread Stan ZA

Hi 1&All,
I have just taken the giant step, and moved from, a "Mac Mini PPC"  
running "Tiger OS x.4" and got a "iMac" running "ML OS x.8.1", quite  
daring! and missing my good old faithful machine, and all the old  
familiar ways.
Can someone, PLEASE HELP, How can I get VO to start talking, when I  
start up the "iMac", without having to use "command F5"?


Stan ZA

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Re: VMware Fusion

2012-08-25 Thread Rachel Feinberg
hi Chris,

You'll need to remap the insert key, since caps lock won't work, as you've 
already discovered. Try downloading sharp keys and you can remap the insert key 
to the grave accent.
Hope that helps some,
On Aug 24, 2012, at 4:11 AM, christopher hallsworth  

> Hello all.
> Really getting on well with my Macbook Pro 13 Inch. I have installed VMware 
> Fusion 5 last night and am giving it a test drive before considering to 
> purchase it for times when I want to use Windows. Now my question is how on 
> earth do I use the caps lock key in the virtual machine? Asking as I have 
> installed NVDA and have set it to use the laptop keyboard layout. The caps 
> lock is simply being ignored and is therefore sent to the host. Is it true 
> that I need to remap some keys? If so how is this done?
> All help will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks!
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RE: trying to update Flash player - problem solved

2012-08-25 Thread Jesus Garcia
Morning Donna sorry about being so dense, but the final are accessibility
and then start up disk. Again am I missing something perhaps a key press I
need to do to bring this up?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 23:27
Subject: Re: trying to update Flash player - problem solved

Hi Jesus,

You're not doing this from Safari, you're doing it from system Prefs.  the
Other Tab is all the way to the right.
On Aug 24, 2012, at 7:01 PM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:

> Okay Madame excuse my lack of brains this evening. I just tried 
> following your instructions. Cannot locate the other tab or control in 
> either system prefs full system or in system prefs safari. Am I missing
> Jesus Garcia
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 18:05
> To:
> Subject: Re: trying to update Flash player - problem solved
> Hi Veronica.
> 1.  go into System prefs.
>   2. Press Tab to get to the Tabs list.
> 3.  Right arrow over to Other.
> 4.  If Flash is installed, it should show up there.  Press Enter.
> 5.  In the Flash Tab, you'll see the option Check for Updates.  Press
> 6.  I think it's at this point that you'll see the Flash installation 
> manager.  Use Tab to navigate around, and activate the Install option 
> with the Spacebar.
> 7.  You'll then need to accept the license agreement, and click 
> install again.
> HTH,
> Donna
> On Aug 24, 2012, at 12:45 PM, Veronica Elsea 
> wrote:
>> Well, I'm sure striking out trying to update flash player myself. I 
>> go to
> and find flash. It comes up to the point where I find 
> the download page and it shows the correct operating system. But 
> clicking the download link does nothing. I land on a page where I have 
> tried tabbing as well as just reading the page with VO and arrow keys. 
> It says that the download should have started automatically, but it 
> doesn't. Clicking the link for those who have trouble seems to get me 
> nothing but that stupid, did you get what you came for? I'd love to 
> know how the rest of you are getting it done. Thanks.
>> Veronica
>> Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at
>> Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club at:
>>   Veronica Elsea, Owner
>> Laurel Creek Music Designs
>> Santa Cruz, California
>> Phone: 831-429-6407
>> On 8/24/2012 9:24 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Well, tried again, and this time it worked.  Weird.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 10:44 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
 Hi Rodney,
 That was the first thing I tried, and it didn't work at all.  
 thanks for
> the suggestion, though.
 On Aug 24, 2012, at 10:41 AM, Rodney Haynie 
> wrote:
> Donna, did you try the Tab button yet. This works for me.
> HTH.
> Rodney
> On Aug 24, 2012, at 11:31 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm trying to update Adobe flash player, but am having trouble 
>> getting
> the mouse over to the Install button.  Does anyone know if there's a 
> way to route the mouse to the item under keyboard focus?  Lacking that 
> option, anyone have any other thoughts about how to accomplish this?  
> I've tried moving the mouse with the trackpad, but that hasn't worked
>> TIA,
>> Donna
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> Y

Audio Hijack Pro

2012-08-25 Thread christopher hallsworth
Hello all.
I am trying to record audio from my audio input. When I do this in Audio Hijack 
Pro, the audio is not only being recorded; it is also being hijacked, causing 
excessive feedback. Do I really need this app, or are there apps out there to 
capture audio from either an application and or audio input without the 
excessive feedback caused by hijacking. If so, can it record in the MP3 format 
so it can be distributed on the web?
I have heard of Wiretap, should I try this?
Thanks for any help regarding this.

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Re: Upgrading to Fusion 5

2012-08-25 Thread Robert Carter
Thanks Mike. Shortly after I wrote the message, I figured it out also. Should 
have just persisted a bit more before cluttering the list.


On Aug 24, 2012, at 10:47 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:

> I had the same issue. On the page, before the add to cart option you will 
> notice a table, one of the things listed is your previous license, and right 
> before that there is an unlabeled internal link, select that, this will then 
> expand the table and you will find a check box that you can check for the 
> version you want to upgrade, not the most user friendly but workable.
> On Aug 24, 2012, at 8:37 PM, Robert Carter wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am attempting to upgrade to fusion 5 from fusion 4. When I get logged in, 
>> my license key shows up and I am shown the upgrade but when I click on add 
>> to cart, nothing gets added to my cart. I have tried vo+space, routing the 
>> mouse to the button and clicking it and single and double clicking the mouse 
>> with vo+shift+space. Nothing seems to be activating the add to cart button. 
>> Have any of you who has purchased the fusion upgrade experienced this? Did 
>> you find a work around?
>> Thanks,
>> Robert Carter
>> -- 
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Re: Audio Hijack Pro

2012-08-25 Thread Mike
I use it and have never had that problem. 
What kind of microphone are you using? 


On Aug 25, 2012, at 7:06 AM, christopher hallsworth  

> Hello all.
> I am trying to record audio from my audio input. When I do this in Audio 
> Hijack Pro, the audio is not only being recorded; it is also being hijacked, 
> causing excessive feedback. Do I really need this app, or are there apps out 
> there to capture audio from either an application and or audio input without 
> the excessive feedback caused by hijacking. If so, can it record in the MP3 
> format so it can be distributed on the web?
> I have heard of Wiretap, should I try this?
> Thanks for any help regarding this.
> Chris.
> -- 
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Re: 1password accessibility

2012-08-25 Thread Robert Carter
Hi Paul,

When I mention the command+shift+l command, I was talking about how to get to 
the table of login items that you have created in 1password. This command only 
applies when you are focused on 1password. It is not a safari command.

To have 1password automatically open safari and log you in, while using up and 
down arrow to select individual login items on the login screen of 1password, 
simply press command+option+enter on the item that you want 1password to open 
safari and log you in.

If you review the 1password menus, all of the commands that I have mentioned 
are available from the menus as well.

The command+backslash command is intended to be used from inside safari. In 
other words, when you are in safari sitting on a web page for which you have 
created a login entry in 1password, you can press command+backslash to have 
1password automatically fill in the username and password and log you in to 
that site.

Robert Carter
On Aug 25, 2012, at 4:27 AM, Paul Erkens  wrote:

> Dear Robert,
> I don't seem to get it all yet. Please allow me to ask another question. I 
> got the auto login feature to work on There, I first click on the 
> sign in button, which gives me the username password site fields. Command 
> backslash logs me in right away. So that works.
> You also said that command shift l brings up the list of logins. I couldn't 
> get that to work in safari, thinking that the 1password safari extension 
> would catch that keystroke, but it does work inside 1password. I get taken to 
> the logins sidebar item, so that works as well. Thanks a lot.
> Now, if I click the name of a login, hoping it would launch and log me in, 
> instead it gives me a text cursor, allowing me to rename the login inside 
> 1password. I want to be logged in with one click, so I tried the context 
> menu, and yes, there you have an item called open url. But what that does, is 
> put me on the page for login, but it won't log me in in the same go. Is this 
> normal behaviour?
> Paul.
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 12:48 AM, Robert Carter  wrote:
>> Hi Paul,
>> You are correct, if the 1password safari extension is working properly, when 
>> you are on a website that 1password has login information stored for, simply 
>> pressing command+backslash causes 1password to automatically fill in the 
>> username, password and automatically log you in to the site.
>> I would encourage you to check the 1password login entry for the site that 
>> got automatically generated and make sure that both the username and 
>> password are filled in. With 1password in focus, pressing command+shift+l 
>> will put you in the window where the list of logins that you have created 
>> and stored in 1password will be displayed.
>> Robert
>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 8:03 AM, Paul Erkens  wrote:
>>> Hi Robert,
>>> Thanks a lot for your answer. This will be useful later on. I would like to 
>>> understand one more thing for now. I seem to have succeeded in storing one 
>>> of my passwords inside 1password. 
>>> While filling in a password on a site that 1password was not aware of, a 
>>> 1password dialog came up, asking me if I wanted to save this login for 
>>> later. That was the first time I saw the 1password safari extension do 
>>> something at all, that VoiceOver caught and spoke, so that is good news to 
>>> begin with.
>>> After having answered "save", I was in, of course, because I myself gave 
>>> the right password. But here's the problem.
>>> As I understand it, there's a list of saved logins somewhere in 1password, 
>>> where you can click a site, and be logged in right away.
>>> 1. Where is this thing located? In the extension, or in the 1password app? 
>>> Clicking on a login inside the app lets me rename it, but not carry it out. 
>>> In the extension, I don't find such a list.
>>> 2. Is this the way you go about logging in to sites, using the 1password 
>>> logins list?
>>> 3. Alternatively, You wrote that if you go to a site where you want to be 
>>> logged in, and you are on the page where the site asks your credentials, 
>>> then you hit command backslash to be logged in. Is this correct at all? If 
>>> I try this, nothing happens, and I still need to fill in the password 
>>> myself. Am I overlooking something? I verified through the 1password app, 
>>> that this very password for this very site is indeed stored, and it was 
>>> captured automatically as described above. Is hitting command backslash on 
>>> a login page enough to have 1password do its thing? Seems, not on my 
>>> machine.
>>> Very interested to hear back on this, if you have any tips at all.
>>> Thanks in advance for the time you have been taking to help me out with 
>>> this. It is very much appreciated.
>>> Paul.
>>> On Aug 23, 2012, at 10:41 PM, Robert Carter  wrote:
 Hi Paul,
 I don't know for sure but am going to assume that you currently have the 
 weak password st

Re: Upgrading to Fusion 5

2012-08-25 Thread Eric Caron
Hi Robert Mike and others,

I needed this info spelled out, so you are not cluttering the list at 

Is anyone out there upgrading from VM 4 to 5 using JAWS?  And if so did the 
machine upgrade nicely or did it require yet another authorization key.  I 
don't like begging for more keys if I don't need to.  I just got VM 4 working 
correctly with my JAWS and other software and don't want to start over again if 
I don't have to!

Eric Caron 

On Aug 25, 2012, at 8:12 AM, Robert Carter  wrote:

> Thanks Mike. Shortly after I wrote the message, I figured it out also. Should 
> have just persisted a bit more before cluttering the list.
> Robert
> On Aug 24, 2012, at 10:47 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
>> I had the same issue. On the page, before the add to cart option you will 
>> notice a table, one of the things listed is your previous license, and right 
>> before that there is an unlabeled internal link, select that, this will then 
>> expand the table and you will find a check box that you can check for the 
>> version you want to upgrade, not the most user friendly but workable.
>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 8:37 PM, Robert Carter wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am attempting to upgrade to fusion 5 from fusion 4. When I get logged in, 
>>> my license key shows up and I am shown the upgrade but when I click on add 
>>> to cart, nothing gets added to my cart. I have tried vo+space, routing the 
>>> mouse to the button and clicking it and single and double clicking the 
>>> mouse with vo+shift+space. Nothing seems to be activating the add to cart 
>>> button. Have any of you who has purchased the fusion upgrade experienced 
>>> this? Did you find a work around?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Robert Carter
>>> -- 
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Re: Audio Hijack Pro

2012-08-25 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Chris, are you trying to record from your line level input?  It would help if 
we knew more exactly what you are attempting to do.  I use Audio Hijack all the 
time.  The only time I get feedback is if I hijack system audio without 
headphones lugged in.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Aug 25, 2012, at 7:06 AM, christopher hallsworth  

> Hello all.
> I am trying to record audio from my audio input. When I do this in Audio 
> Hijack Pro, the audio is not only being recorded; it is also being hijacked, 
> causing excessive feedback. Do I really need this app, or are there apps out 
> there to capture audio from either an application and or audio input without 
> the excessive feedback caused by hijacking. If so, can it record in the MP3 
> format so it can be distributed on the web?
> I have heard of Wiretap, should I try this?
> Thanks for any help regarding this.
> Chris.
> -- 
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RE: Upgrading to Fusion 5

2012-08-25 Thread Kliphton
Personally, unless you're going to pick up a copy of windows 8, I see no
reason to upgrade fusion, JMO

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Eric Caron
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 7:41 AM
Subject: Re: Upgrading to Fusion 5

Hi Robert Mike and others,

I needed this info spelled out, so you are not cluttering the list
at all!

Is anyone out there upgrading from VM 4 to 5 using JAWS?  And if so did the
machine upgrade nicely or did it require yet another authorization key.  I
don't like begging for more keys if I don't need to.  I just got VM 4
working correctly with my JAWS and other software and don't want to start
over again if I don't have to!

Eric Caron 

On Aug 25, 2012, at 8:12 AM, Robert Carter  wrote:

> Thanks Mike. Shortly after I wrote the message, I figured it out also.
Should have just persisted a bit more before cluttering the list.
> Robert
> On Aug 24, 2012, at 10:47 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
>> I had the same issue. On the page, before the add to cart option you will
notice a table, one of the things listed is your previous license, and right
before that there is an unlabeled internal link, select that, this will then
expand the table and you will find a check box that you can check for the
version you want to upgrade, not the most user friendly but workable.
>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 8:37 PM, Robert Carter wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am attempting to upgrade to fusion 5 from fusion 4. When I get logged
in, my license key shows up and I am shown the upgrade but when I click on
add to cart, nothing gets added to my cart. I have tried vo+space, routing
the mouse to the button and clicking it and single and double clicking the
mouse with vo+shift+space. Nothing seems to be activating the add to cart
button. Have any of you who has purchased the fusion upgrade experienced
this? Did you find a work around?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Robert Carter
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Re: Really frustrated with Mail! For real this time!

2012-08-25 Thread Dawn Johnson
If you have a Yahoo email account, check to make sure that the Yahoo account 
does not have a send or sent folder under the folders heading. For some reason 
a sent folder has been created so that when you send your email out of apple it 
goes into the sent folder and not the sent mail box. In apple email the 
structure should be "inbox" "drafts" "sent" and "trash" for your boxes and then 
there will be folders. What we did to resolve the issue is we went to the Yahoo 
account and renamed the sent folder to something else. Now email is being sent 
from the sent box and not sitting in the sent folder. 

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 25, 2012, at 4:39 AM, Pam Mathers  wrote:

> I have been having problems with sending E. mails too.  It is an apple 
> problem.  Sometimes when I send mail, the messages will show up with no 
> words, even though i put words in them and sometimes they just won't show up 
> at all.  Apparently, the problem has been solved but yes, it has been very 
> frustrating.
> On Aug 24, 2012, at 2:04 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> If it comes to it, you could always send from in safari.
>> Make sure to find and click the "basic html" link or you'll not have
>> much luck with the page, but once you are on basic html it is easy to
>> use. I know it does not solve your problem, but at least there's no
>> rebooting.
>> On 8/24/12, Veronica Elsea  wrote:
>>> Yes, yes, yes I am certain of my settings. I save the message to drafts
>>> and use a windows computer to send with the same settings. Sometimes I
>>> reboot the Mac and then it sends. The Mac is inconsistant and has been
>>> all along. I went to one apple store when I was visiting someone in
>>> Kansas City and was told that they were noticing everyone from their
>>> local cable company having trouble so they just set everyone up with a G
>>> mail account. It's an apple problem, not mine. I have redone this
>>> account way too many times and will not do that any more because it's
>>> pointless. There's a bug somewhere and it's just frustrating because I
>>> can't count on it. It's a pain to have to reboot right in the midst of
>>> just sending a quick message. Like I said, frustrating!
>>> Veronica
>>> Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at
>>> Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club at:
>>>Veronica Elsea, Owner
>>> Laurel Creek Music Designs
>>> Santa Cruz, California
>>> Phone: 831-429-6407
>>> On 8/24/2012 9:57 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
 Likewise, I have never had any issues sending messages from Mail in
 Lion or Mountain Lion.  I use gmail with IMAP to receive and of course
 SMTP to send.  The only thing I have ever experienced is I usually
 hear a swush sound when messages are being sent and sometimes, I'll do
 the send with Command-Shift-D and not hear the sound; makes me wonder
 if the message didn't get sent but yet no errors popped up either.  I
 just chock those up to flukes or something.
 On 8/24/12, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Are you certain of your settings? Sometimes, an isp will change port
> numbers or security settings and you may miss the memo, which can
> cause previous settings to stop working. I know this isn't quite the
> problem you are having, but it's all I can think of. Tripple check
> your pop and smtp ports, security, authentication, and even username
> settings (that is, does the username need to be just the first part of
> your address or the whole thing). Hope this helps somewhat. For what
> it's worth, I use gmail via imap and have no trouble at all.
> On 8/24/12, christopher hallsworth  wrote:
>> I can't say I am. I use Gmail via Pop. I also use my ISp's own e-mail
>> service via Pop3. All are working great so far. This is under Lion.
>> On 24 Aug 2012, at 05:11, Veronica Elsea wrote:
>>> Hi everyone!
>>> I can't believe this issue is back. I'm so not happy right now. When I
>>> first got this Macbook air, I was using pop mail. I had a ton of
>>> trouble
>>> sending mail. It would come up and tell me it couldn't use the current
>>> sender. Everything pointed to a bug in apple mail that they said they
>>> couldn't duplicate consistantly enough to fix. The fix was to change
>>> to
>>> imap. So I put the macbook awy till I learned about imap and made the
>>> switch. It worked great for awhile. And now tonight, it's back to not
>>> being able to send again. I actually had to save my last message in
>>> drafts
>>> and go to my windows computer in order to send it. I know it's not a
>>> problem with my provider or my settings because I went through this
>>> way
>>> too many times. How can I count on this thing for email use when I'm
>>> traveling if this old buggaboo is back? It m

Re: trying to update Flash player - problem solved

2012-08-25 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Jesus,

I believe that if you don't see Other in your list of tabs in system prefs then 
you don't have any third-party apps installed.  In that case you will have to 
go to the Adobe site and download and  install it.
On Aug 25, 2012, at 6:41 AM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:

> Morning Donna sorry about being so dense, but the final are accessibility
> and then start up disk. Again am I missing something perhaps a key press I
> need to do to bring this up?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 23:27
> To:
> Subject: Re: trying to update Flash player - problem solved
> Hi Jesus,
> You're not doing this from Safari, you're doing it from system Prefs.  the
> Other Tab is all the way to the right.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Aug 24, 2012, at 7:01 PM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:
>> Okay Madame excuse my lack of brains this evening. I just tried 
>> following your instructions. Cannot locate the other tab or control in 
>> either system prefs full system or in system prefs safari. Am I missing
> something?
>> Jesus Garcia
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 18:05
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: trying to update Flash player - problem solved
>> Hi Veronica.
>> 1.  go into System prefs.
>>  2. Press Tab to get to the Tabs list.
>> 3.  Right arrow over to Other.
>> 4.  If Flash is installed, it should show up there.  Press Enter.
>> 5.  In the Flash Tab, you'll see the option Check for Updates.  Press
> Enter.
>> 6.  I think it's at this point that you'll see the Flash installation 
>> manager.  Use Tab to navigate around, and activate the Install option 
>> with the Spacebar.
>> 7.  You'll then need to accept the license agreement, and click 
>> install again.
>> HTH,
>> Donna
>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 12:45 PM, Veronica Elsea 
>> wrote:
>>> Well, I'm sure striking out trying to update flash player myself. I 
>>> go to
>> and find flash. It comes up to the point where I find 
>> the download page and it shows the correct operating system. But 
>> clicking the download link does nothing. I land on a page where I have 
>> tried tabbing as well as just reading the page with VO and arrow keys. 
>> It says that the download should have started automatically, but it 
>> doesn't. Clicking the link for those who have trouble seems to get me 
>> nothing but that stupid, did you get what you came for? I'd love to 
>> know how the rest of you are getting it done. Thanks.
>>> Veronica
>>> Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at
>>> Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club at:
>>>  Veronica Elsea, Owner
>>> Laurel Creek Music Designs
>>> Santa Cruz, California
>>> Phone: 831-429-6407
>>> On 8/24/2012 9:24 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Well, tried again, and this time it worked.  Weird.
 On Aug 24, 2012, at 10:44 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Hi Rodney,
> That was the first thing I tried, and it didn't work at all.  
> thanks for
>> the suggestion, though.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Aug 24, 2012, at 10:41 AM, Rodney Haynie 
>> wrote:
>> Donna, did you try the Tab button yet. This works for me.
>> HTH.
>> Rodney
>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 11:31 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm trying to update Adobe flash player, but am having trouble 
>>> getting
>> the mouse over to the Install button.  Does anyone know if there's a 
>> way to route the mouse to the item under keyboard focus?  Lacking that 
>> option, anyone have any other thoughts about how to accomplish this?  
>> I've tried moving the mouse with the trackpad, but that hasn't worked
> well.
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
>>> --
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>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Really frustrated with Mail! For real this time!

2012-08-25 Thread Frank Carmickle
Hi Veronica

I would try changing the ports selection from trying 25 465 and 587 to just use 
587.  If you go to the accounts tab then the accounts information tab.  Select 
the edit smtp server option from the outgoing mailserver pop up.  Select the 
button that says custom port and pop the number in the edit box.  Make sure you 
have the use ssl checked.  

I would also try changing the authentication method if that doesn't work.  Most 
folks are using password.  Some will use m5 challenge response.

Let me know if that helps.  If you have any more trouble I don't mind giving 
you a call.  I have your number around here somewhere.

I've never had this be such a problem that I couldn't make it work.


On Aug 24, 2012, at 1:53 PM, Veronica Elsea wrote:

> Yes, yes, yes I am certain of my settings. I save the message to drafts and 
> use a windows computer to send with the same settings. Sometimes I reboot the 
> Mac and then it sends. The Mac is inconsistant and has been all along. I went 
> to one apple store when I was visiting someone in Kansas City and was told 
> that they were noticing everyone from their local cable company having 
> trouble so they just set everyone up with a G mail account. It's an apple 
> problem, not mine. I have redone this account way too many times and will not 
> do that any more because it's pointless. There's a bug somewhere and it's 
> just frustrating because I can't count on it. It's a pain to have to reboot 
> right in the midst of just sending a quick message. Like I said, frustrating!
> Veronica
> Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at 
> Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club at:
>Veronica Elsea, Owner
> Laurel Creek Music Designs
> Santa Cruz, California
> Phone: 831-429-6407
> On 8/24/2012 9:57 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> Likewise, I have never had any issues sending messages from Mail in
>> Lion or Mountain Lion.  I use gmail with IMAP to receive and of course
>> SMTP to send.  The only thing I have ever experienced is I usually
>> hear a swush sound when messages are being sent and sometimes, I'll do
>> the send with Command-Shift-D and not hear the sound; makes me wonder
>> if the message didn't get sent but yet no errors popped up either.  I
>> just chock those up to flukes or something.
>> On 8/24/12, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Are you certain of your settings? Sometimes, an isp will change port
>>> numbers or security settings and you may miss the memo, which can
>>> cause previous settings to stop working. I know this isn't quite the
>>> problem you are having, but it's all I can think of. Tripple check
>>> your pop and smtp ports, security, authentication, and even username
>>> settings (that is, does the username need to be just the first part of
>>> your address or the whole thing). Hope this helps somewhat. For what
>>> it's worth, I use gmail via imap and have no trouble at all.
>>> On 8/24/12, christopher hallsworth  wrote:
 I can't say I am. I use Gmail via Pop. I also use my ISp's own e-mail
 service via Pop3. All are working great so far. This is under Lion.
 On 24 Aug 2012, at 05:11, Veronica Elsea wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I can't believe this issue is back. I'm so not happy right now. When I
> first got this Macbook air, I was using pop mail. I had a ton of trouble
> sending mail. It would come up and tell me it couldn't use the current
> sender. Everything pointed to a bug in apple mail that they said they
> couldn't duplicate consistantly enough to fix. The fix was to change to
> imap. So I put the macbook awy till I learned about imap and made the
> switch. It worked great for awhile. And now tonight, it's back to not
> being able to send again. I actually had to save my last message in
> drafts
> and go to my windows computer in order to send it. I know it's not a
> problem with my provider or my settings because I went through this way
> too many times. How can I count on this thing for email use when I'm
> traveling if this old buggaboo is back? It makes me very sad in a way.
> Is
> anyone else here having this experience. Thanks a bunch.
> Veronica
> --
> Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at
> Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club at:
>Veronica Elsea, Owner
> Laurel Creek Music Designs
> Santa Cruz, California
> Phone: 831-429-6407
> --
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iTunes Library Help

2012-08-25 Thread Emilio Hernandez
Hello everyone,

Upon launching iTunes, all of my music, movies, podcasts, and television shows 
have disappeared.
They still appear in the iTunes directory, and when trying to reimport some 
items via the automatically add to iTunes folder, they still do not appear in 
their respective sublists.
This is unusual. I am running the latest version of iTunes.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do?

Thank you for your help in this matter.

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Facebook revisited

2012-08-25 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

So I have no problem updating my status, but am having a terrible time 
commenting on friends' posts. Once you have written your comment, what do you 
do to actually post it?  You used to be able to press Enter, but that no longer 

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Re: Start up ML and VO

2012-08-25 Thread Ricardo Walker

do you have your machine set up to prompt for a username and password at login?

Ricardo Walker

On Aug 25, 2012, at 6:11 AM, Stan ZA  wrote:

> Hi 1&All,
> I have just taken the giant step, and moved from, a "Mac Mini PPC" running 
> "Tiger OS x.4" and got a "iMac" running "ML OS x.8.1", quite daring! and 
> missing my good old faithful machine, and all the old familiar ways.
> Can someone, PLEASE HELP, How can I get VO to start talking, when I start up 
> the "iMac", without having to use "command F5"?
> Cheers
> Stan ZA
> -- 
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Re: using yamaha mm6 keyboard in garageband

2012-08-25 Thread Ricardo Walker

I really don't think this is possible.  All garageband does is use your board 
as a midi control.   

Ricardo Walker

On Aug 25, 2012, at 12:33 AM, keith  wrote:

> hello, my subject explains what i'm trying to do. Instead of using the 
> garageband jampacks I would like to use the sounds from my mm6 keyboard to do 
> my recording in garageband, how would i go about doing this? I've always used 
> windows and cakewalk sonar 4 with instrument definitions to do my recording. 
> I used my korg x50 keyboard to do it then. I want to know if i can do the 
> same thing thing on the mac using garageband, but this time using my mm6. 
> proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no 
> sorrow with it.
> -- 
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2012-08-25 Thread Walter Harper
Hello listers,
What is the best way I can learn to use safari?  I am use to the windows 
platform and really interested in learning safari better on the mac.  I refuse 
to go back to windows for something simple as this.

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Re: safari

2012-08-25 Thread Ricardo Walker

What exactly about Safari is giving you the most trouble?


Ricardo Walker

On Aug 25, 2012, at 9:51 AM, Walter Harper  wrote:

> Hello listers,
> What is the best way I can learn to use safari?  I am use to the windows 
> platform and really interested in learning safari better on the mac.  I 
> refuse to go back to windows for something simple as this.
> Walter 
> -- 
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Re: safari

2012-08-25 Thread Walter Harper
I am just wanting to learn how to navigate a webpage.  the easiest way and 
select text to cut and put in a wordprocesser document.
On Aug 25, 2012, at 10:20 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> What exactly about Safari is giving you the most trouble?
> Thanks.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 9:51 AM, Walter Harper  wrote:
>> Hello listers,
>> What is the best way I can learn to use safari?  I am use to the windows 
>> platform and really interested in learning safari better on the mac.  I 
>> refuse to go back to windows for something simple as this.
>> Walter 
>> -- 
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RE: trying to update Flash player - problem solved

2012-08-25 Thread Jesus Garcia
Ah yes that is the issue. Okay now we are on the way. Thanks I appreciate
all the help.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 09:10
Subject: Re: trying to update Flash player - problem solved

Hi Jesus,

I believe that if you don't see Other in your list of tabs in system prefs
then you don't have any third-party apps installed.  In that case you will
have to go to the Adobe site and download and  install it.
On Aug 25, 2012, at 6:41 AM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:

> Morning Donna sorry about being so dense, but the final are 
> accessibility and then start up disk. Again am I missing something 
> perhaps a key press I need to do to bring this up?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 23:27
> To:
> Subject: Re: trying to update Flash player - problem solved
> Hi Jesus,
> You're not doing this from Safari, you're doing it from system Prefs.  
> the Other Tab is all the way to the right.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Aug 24, 2012, at 7:01 PM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:
>> Okay Madame excuse my lack of brains this evening. I just tried 
>> following your instructions. Cannot locate the other tab or control 
>> in either system prefs full system or in system prefs safari. Am I 
>> missing
> something?
>> Jesus Garcia
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 18:05
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: trying to update Flash player - problem solved
>> Hi Veronica.
>> 1.  go into System prefs.
>>  2. Press Tab to get to the Tabs list.
>> 3.  Right arrow over to Other.
>> 4.  If Flash is installed, it should show up there.  Press Enter.
>> 5.  In the Flash Tab, you'll see the option Check for Updates.  Press
> Enter.
>> 6.  I think it's at this point that you'll see the Flash installation 
>> manager.  Use Tab to navigate around, and activate the Install option 
>> with the Spacebar.
>> 7.  You'll then need to accept the license agreement, and click 
>> install again.
>> HTH,
>> Donna
>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 12:45 PM, Veronica Elsea 
>> wrote:
>>> Well, I'm sure striking out trying to update flash player myself. I 
>>> go to
>> and find flash. It comes up to the point where I 
>> find the download page and it shows the correct operating system. But 
>> clicking the download link does nothing. I land on a page where I 
>> have tried tabbing as well as just reading the page with VO and arrow
>> It says that the download should have started automatically, but it 
>> doesn't. Clicking the link for those who have trouble seems to get me 
>> nothing but that stupid, did you get what you came for? I'd love to 
>> know how the rest of you are getting it done. Thanks.
>>> Veronica
>>> Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at
>>> Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club at:
>>>  Veronica Elsea, Owner
>>> Laurel Creek Music Designs
>>> Santa Cruz, California
>>> Phone: 831-429-6407
>>> On 8/24/2012 9:24 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Well, tried again, and this time it worked.  Weird.
 On Aug 24, 2012, at 10:44 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Hi Rodney,
> That was the first thing I tried, and it didn't work at all.  
> thanks for
>> the suggestion, though.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Aug 24, 2012, at 10:41 AM, Rodney Haynie 
>> wrote:
>> Donna, did you try the Tab button yet. This works for me.
>> HTH.
>> Rodney
>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 11:31 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm trying to update Adobe flash player, but am having trouble 
>>> getting
>> the mouse over to the Install button.  Does anyone know if there's a 
>> way to route the mouse to the item under keyboard focus?  Lacking 
>> that option, anyone have any other thoughts about how to accomplish this?
>> I've tried moving the mouse with the trackpad, but that hasn't worked
> well.
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the 
>>> Google
>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at
>> --
>> Y

Re: Numbers?

2012-08-25 Thread Laura ann Grymes, LMT
Try apple vis and there are some on the list who do I works tutorials.

Hope they might chime in here.
Laura Ann

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Re: trying to update Flash player - problem solved

2012-08-25 Thread Donna Goodin
No problem.
On Aug 25, 2012, at 9:24 AM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:

> Ah yes that is the issue. Okay now we are on the way. Thanks I appreciate
> all the help.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 09:10
> To:
> Subject: Re: trying to update Flash player - problem solved
> Hi Jesus,
> I believe that if you don't see Other in your list of tabs in system prefs
> then you don't have any third-party apps installed.  In that case you will
> have to go to the Adobe site and download and  install it.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 6:41 AM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:
>> Morning Donna sorry about being so dense, but the final are 
>> accessibility and then start up disk. Again am I missing something 
>> perhaps a key press I need to do to bring this up?
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 23:27
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: trying to update Flash player - problem solved
>> Hi Jesus,
>> You're not doing this from Safari, you're doing it from system Prefs.  
>> the Other Tab is all the way to the right.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 7:01 PM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:
>>> Okay Madame excuse my lack of brains this evening. I just tried 
>>> following your instructions. Cannot locate the other tab or control 
>>> in either system prefs full system or in system prefs safari. Am I 
>>> missing
>> something?
>>> Jesus Garcia
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>>> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 18:05
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: trying to update Flash player - problem solved
>>> Hi Veronica.
>>> 1.  go into System prefs.
>>> 2. Press Tab to get to the Tabs list.
>>> 3.  Right arrow over to Other.
>>> 4.  If Flash is installed, it should show up there.  Press Enter.
>>> 5.  In the Flash Tab, you'll see the option Check for Updates.  Press
>> Enter.
>>> 6.  I think it's at this point that you'll see the Flash installation 
>>> manager.  Use Tab to navigate around, and activate the Install option 
>>> with the Spacebar.
>>> 7.  You'll then need to accept the license agreement, and click 
>>> install again.
>>> HTH,
>>> Donna
>>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 12:45 PM, Veronica Elsea 
>>> wrote:
 Well, I'm sure striking out trying to update flash player myself. I 
 go to
>>> and find flash. It comes up to the point where I 
>>> find the download page and it shows the correct operating system. But 
>>> clicking the download link does nothing. I land on a page where I 
>>> have tried tabbing as well as just reading the page with VO and arrow
> keys.
>>> It says that the download should have started automatically, but it 
>>> doesn't. Clicking the link for those who have trouble seems to get me 
>>> nothing but that stupid, did you get what you came for? I'd love to 
>>> know how the rest of you are getting it done. Thanks.
 Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at
 Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club at:
 Veronica Elsea, Owner
 Laurel Creek Music Designs
 Santa Cruz, California
 Phone: 831-429-6407
 On 8/24/2012 9:24 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Well, tried again, and this time it worked.  Weird.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Aug 24, 2012, at 10:44 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi Rodney,
>> That was the first thing I tried, and it didn't work at all.  
>> thanks for
>>> the suggestion, though.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 10:41 AM, Rodney Haynie 
>>> wrote:
>>> Donna, did you try the Tab button yet. This works for me.
>>> HTH.
>>> Rodney
>>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 11:31 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm trying to update Adobe flash player, but am having trouble 
>>> the mouse over to the Install button.  Does anyone know if there's a 
>>> way to route the mouse to the item under keyboard focus?  Lacking 
>>> that option, anyone have any other thoughts about how to accomplish this?
>>> I've tried moving the mouse with the trackpad, but that hasn't worked
>> well.
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 To u

Re: Start up ML and VO

2012-08-25 Thread Stan ZA

Hi Ricardo,
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, I was sure I had  
checked "use VO on LogIn window", but it wasn't.

Thanks again.
Stan ZA

On 25 Aug 2012, at 3:37 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:


do you have your machine set up to prompt for a username and  
password at login?

Ricardo Walker

On Aug 25, 2012, at 6:11 AM, Stan ZA  wrote:

Hi 1&All,
I have just taken the giant step, and moved from, a "Mac Mini PPC"  
running "Tiger OS x.4" and got a "iMac" running "ML OS x.8.1",  
quite daring! and missing my good old faithful machine, and all  
the old familiar ways.
Can someone, PLEASE HELP, How can I get VO to start talking, when  
I start up the "iMac", without having to use "command F5"?


Stan ZA

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RE: trying to update Flash player - problem solved

2012-08-25 Thread Jesus Garcia
And that did it just downloaded the software and installed it. Again thank

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:37
Subject: Re: trying to update Flash player - problem solved

No problem.
On Aug 25, 2012, at 9:24 AM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:

> Ah yes that is the issue. Okay now we are on the way. Thanks I 
> appreciate all the help.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 09:10
> To:
> Subject: Re: trying to update Flash player - problem solved
> Hi Jesus,
> I believe that if you don't see Other in your list of tabs in system 
> prefs then you don't have any third-party apps installed.  In that 
> case you will have to go to the Adobe site and download and  install it.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 6:41 AM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:
>> Morning Donna sorry about being so dense, but the final are 
>> accessibility and then start up disk. Again am I missing something 
>> perhaps a key press I need to do to bring this up?
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 23:27
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: trying to update Flash player - problem solved
>> Hi Jesus,
>> You're not doing this from Safari, you're doing it from system Prefs.  
>> the Other Tab is all the way to the right.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 7:01 PM, Jesus Garcia  wrote:
>>> Okay Madame excuse my lack of brains this evening. I just tried 
>>> following your instructions. Cannot locate the other tab or control 
>>> in either system prefs full system or in system prefs safari. Am I 
>>> missing
>> something?
>>> Jesus Garcia
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
>>> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 18:05
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: trying to update Flash player - problem solved
>>> Hi Veronica.
>>> 1.  go into System prefs.
>>> 2. Press Tab to get to the Tabs list.
>>> 3.  Right arrow over to Other.
>>> 4.  If Flash is installed, it should show up there.  Press Enter.
>>> 5.  In the Flash Tab, you'll see the option Check for Updates.  
>>> Press
>> Enter.
>>> 6.  I think it's at this point that you'll see the Flash 
>>> installation manager.  Use Tab to navigate around, and activate the 
>>> Install option with the Spacebar.
>>> 7.  You'll then need to accept the license agreement, and click 
>>> install again.
>>> HTH,
>>> Donna
>>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 12:45 PM, Veronica Elsea 
>>> wrote:
 Well, I'm sure striking out trying to update flash player myself. I 
 go to
>>> and find flash. It comes up to the point where I 
>>> find the download page and it shows the correct operating system. 
>>> But clicking the download link does nothing. I land on a page where 
>>> I have tried tabbing as well as just reading the page with VO and 
>>> arrow
> keys.
>>> It says that the download should have started automatically, but it 
>>> doesn't. Clicking the link for those who have trouble seems to get 
>>> me nothing but that stupid, did you get what you came for? I'd love 
>>> to know how the rest of you are getting it done. Thanks.
 Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at
 Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club
 Veronica Elsea, Owner
 Laurel Creek Music Designs
 Santa Cruz, California
 Phone: 831-429-6407
 On 8/24/2012 9:24 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Well, tried again, and this time it worked.  Weird.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Aug 24, 2012, at 10:44 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi Rodney,
>> That was the first thing I tried, and it didn't work at all.  
>> thanks for
>>> the suggestion, though.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 10:41 AM, Rodney Haynie 
>>> wrote:
>>> Donna, did you try the Tab button yet. This works for me.
>>> HTH.
>>> Rodney
>>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 11:31 AM, Donna Goodin 
 Hi all,
 I'm trying to update Adobe flash player, but am having trouble 
>>> the mouse over to the Install button.  Does anyone know if there's a 
>>> way to route the mouse to the item under keyboard focus?  Lacking 
>>> that option, anyone have any other thoughts about how to acco

Could Someone using Pulsar Test Something for me?

2012-08-25 Thread Al Puzzuoli

Just wondering if someone using Pulsar could try listening to Sirius Xm 
NFL Radio for a few minutes and tell me whether it works? For me, Pulsar 
sits there, buffering forever. Then the stream will play for a minute or 
two, and then cut out. This doesn't seem to be an internet issue because 
when I play other channels, Pulsar works just fine, and Sirius XM NFL 
works fine on my iPhone.
The problem seemed to start last evening. I had been using Audio Hijack 
Pro to record something on Sirius xM NFL. Not sure if that has anything 
to do with it, but if so, I can't find any settings in Audio Hijack Pro 
that seem to effect this.

I'm really quite baffled right now.
Thanks in advance for any info or test observations on your part,


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Restore Factory Default

2012-08-25 Thread
Is there such an option to reset the mac back to factory default? If so, how 
does one go about doing this? Thank you, any help is appreciated.

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Re: Facebook revisited

2012-08-25 Thread Teresa Cochran
Well, it's a very odd setup. I notice that it says "combo box" where the 
comment field is. When you type, there isn't a way to edit that text anymore. 
Somehow, according to VO, the text you type appears at the bottom of the 
window, but my sighted husband says that when I bring the mouse there, I'm in 
no-man's-land. Basically, there's not much coordination between the VO cursor 
and the mouse on Facebook. I think it's a Javascrip issue. Anyhow, here's what 
I do.

I can type a quick comment and then press enter in place without editing it. Or 
I can navigate with VO-shift-end to find the text, select it, copy it, find the 
comment area, paste the text, and then press enter.

Well, I can see that i'll basically be using the mobile site or my IPod to post 
comments. The consolation is that maybe they'll change it soon, as they usually 

On Aug 25, 2012, at 6:34 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi all,
> So I have no problem updating my status, but am having a terrible time 
> commenting on friends' posts. Once you have written your comment, what do you 
> do to actually post it?  You used to be able to press Enter, but that no 
> longer works.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: Restore Factory Default

2012-08-25 Thread Cameron Strife
Hi. Doing a fresh OSX install would do the trick. It's totally
accessible with voiceover as you can turn it on once you boot from the
OSX dvd.


On 8/25/12,  wrote:
> Is there such an option to reset the mac back to factory default? If so, how
> does one go about doing this? Thank you, any help is appreciated.
> --
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Re: Facebook revisited

2012-08-25 Thread Donna Goodin
Hmm, this is interesting.  I wasn't familiar with the VO-Shift-N command, looks 
like a very handy one.  However, it says to display a list of choices you 
should press VO-Space.  When I do that nothing happens.  Is that your 
experience as well?

You know, it's an odd day when Facebook is more accessible on my iPhone than on 
my Mac. lol
On Aug 25, 2012, at 10:58 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Well, it's a very odd setup. I notice that it says "combo box" where the 
> comment field is. When you type, there isn't a way to edit that text anymore. 
> Somehow, according to VO, the text you type appears at the bottom of the 
> window, but my sighted husband says that when I bring the mouse there, I'm in 
> no-man's-land. Basically, there's not much coordination between the VO cursor 
> and the mouse on Facebook. I think it's a Javascrip issue. Anyhow, here's 
> what I do.
> I can type a quick comment and then press enter in place without editing it. 
> Or I can navigate with VO-shift-end to find the text, select it, copy it, 
> find the comment area, paste the text, and then press enter.
> Well, I can see that i'll basically be using the mobile site or my IPod to 
> post comments. The consolation is that maybe they'll change it soon, as they 
> usually do.
> Teresa
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 6:34 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> So I have no problem updating my status, but am having a terrible time 
>> commenting on friends' posts. Once you have written your comment, what do 
>> you do to actually post it?  You used to be able to press Enter, but that no 
>> longer works.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: safari

2012-08-25 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Walter,

You can use VO-right-arrow to read through a webpage. You can jump through 
headings using VO-command-h, form fields with VO-command-J, frames with 
VO-command-f, or you can use the tab key to explore the page.

Here's a page that might give you a bit of guidance:

On Aug 25, 2012, at 7:23 AM, Walter Harper  wrote:

> I am just wanting to learn how to navigate a webpage.  the easiest way and 
> select text to cut and put in a wordprocesser document.
> Walter 
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 10:20 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What exactly about Safari is giving you the most trouble?
>> Thanks.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 9:51 AM, Walter Harper  wrote:
>>> Hello listers,
>>> What is the best way I can learn to use safari?  I am use to the windows 
>>> platform and really interested in learning safari better on the mac.  I 
>>> refuse to go back to windows for something simple as this.
>>> Walter 
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Re: Facebook revisited

2012-08-25 Thread Teresa Cochran
I don't think that "combo box" is a standard one. I think you have to VO around 
the page to find the choices, because the menus pop up. My guess is that 
they're for choosing the type of post you want to make, i.e. photo, link, etc.


On Aug 25, 2012, at 9:08 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hmm, this is interesting.  I wasn't familiar with the VO-Shift-N command, 
> looks like a very handy one.  However, it says to display a list of choices 
> you should press VO-Space.  When I do that nothing happens.  Is that your 
> experience as well?
> You know, it's an odd day when Facebook is more accessible on my iPhone than 
> on my Mac. lol
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 10:58 AM, Teresa Cochran  
> wrote:
>> Well, it's a very odd setup. I notice that it says "combo box" where the 
>> comment field is. When you type, there isn't a way to edit that text 
>> anymore. Somehow, according to VO, the text you type appears at the bottom 
>> of the window, but my sighted husband says that when I bring the mouse 
>> there, I'm in no-man's-land. Basically, there's not much coordination 
>> between the VO cursor and the mouse on Facebook. I think it's a Javascrip 
>> issue. Anyhow, here's what I do.
>> I can type a quick comment and then press enter in place without editing it. 
>> Or I can navigate with VO-shift-end to find the text, select it, copy it, 
>> find the comment area, paste the text, and then press enter.
>> Well, I can see that i'll basically be using the mobile site or my IPod to 
>> post comments. The consolation is that maybe they'll change it soon, as they 
>> usually do.
>> Teresa
>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 6:34 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> So I have no problem updating my status, but am having a terrible time 
>>> commenting on friends' posts. Once you have written your comment, what do 
>>> you do to actually post it?  You used to be able to press Enter, but that 
>>> no longer works.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: safari

2012-08-25 Thread Walter Harper
Now how do I copy and select text to put into pages?
On Aug 25, 2012, at 12:08 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> Hi, Walter,
> You can use VO-right-arrow to read through a webpage. You can jump through 
> headings using VO-command-h, form fields with VO-command-J, frames with 
> VO-command-f, or you can use the tab key to explore the page.
> Here's a page that might give you a bit of guidance: 
> HtH,
> Teresa
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 7:23 AM, Walter Harper  wrote:
>> I am just wanting to learn how to navigate a webpage.  the easiest way and 
>> select text to cut and put in a wordprocesser document.
>> Walter 
>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 10:20 AM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> What exactly about Safari is giving you the most trouble?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 9:51 AM, Walter Harper  wrote:
 Hello listers,
 What is the best way I can learn to use safari?  I am use to the windows 
 platform and really interested in learning safari better on the mac.  I 
 refuse to go back to windows for something simple as this.
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: Restore Factory Default

2012-08-25 Thread
Thank you for your response, but can one do this without a disk as mine Mac did 
not come with any CD's.
On Aug 25, 2012, at 9:06 AM, Cameron Strife  wrote:

> Hi. Doing a fresh OSX install would do the trick. It's totally
> accessible with voiceover as you can turn it on once you boot from the
> OSX dvd.
> Cameron.
> On 8/25/12,  wrote:
>> Is there such an option to reset the mac back to factory default? If so, how
>> does one go about doing this? Thank you, any help is appreciated.
>> --
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Interesting Problem

2012-08-25 Thread Scott Rumery
Hello everyone,

I have a problem that has been frustrating me for a few days now and I cannot 
seem to get it figured out.  Here is the issue.

I am using Audio Highjack Pro to record my system sounds.  I have made sure 
that all of the settings are correct, but the problem is that no matter what I 
do the file that is created has no sound in it.  By this I mean that I can go 
to the file and Finder tells me that it is an mp3 file, but when I open the 
file there is nothing in it.

I have contact the developer and they requested that I send them some screen 
shots when I am highjacking the system audio.  I did this, but they didn't see 
that there was anything wrong.  

All other functionality of the program works fine, it is just with the 
recording of system sounds.  I am at a loss of what I can do.  I have 
uninstalled and reinstalled with no luck.  I have deleted the session and then 
created a new session and this too did not work.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might be able to fix this issue?  
If so I would greatly appreciate it.


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Re: Facebook revisited

2012-08-25 Thread Donna Goodin
Makes sense (albeit in a weird, Facebook kind of way).
On Aug 25, 2012, at 11:13 AM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:

> I don't think that "combo box" is a standard one. I think you have to VO 
> around the page to find the choices, because the menus pop up. My guess is 
> that they're for choosing the type of post you want to make, i.e. photo, 
> link, etc.
> Teresa
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 9:08 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hmm, this is interesting.  I wasn't familiar with the VO-Shift-N command, 
>> looks like a very handy one.  However, it says to display a list of choices 
>> you should press VO-Space.  When I do that nothing happens.  Is that your 
>> experience as well?
>> You know, it's an odd day when Facebook is more accessible on my iPhone than 
>> on my Mac. lol
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 10:58 AM, Teresa Cochran  
>> wrote:
>>> Well, it's a very odd setup. I notice that it says "combo box" where the 
>>> comment field is. When you type, there isn't a way to edit that text 
>>> anymore. Somehow, according to VO, the text you type appears at the bottom 
>>> of the window, but my sighted husband says that when I bring the mouse 
>>> there, I'm in no-man's-land. Basically, there's not much coordination 
>>> between the VO cursor and the mouse on Facebook. I think it's a Javascrip 
>>> issue. Anyhow, here's what I do.
>>> I can type a quick comment and then press enter in place without editing 
>>> it. Or I can navigate with VO-shift-end to find the text, select it, copy 
>>> it, find the comment area, paste the text, and then press enter.
>>> Well, I can see that i'll basically be using the mobile site or my IPod to 
>>> post comments. The consolation is that maybe they'll change it soon, as 
>>> they usually do.
>>> Teresa
>>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 6:34 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
 Hi all,
 So I have no problem updating my status, but am having a terrible time 
 commenting on friends' posts. Once you have written your comment, what do 
 you do to actually post it?  You used to be able to press Enter, but that 
 no longer works.
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Interesting Problem

2012-08-25 Thread Ray Foret Jr
I assume you have the latest version of Audio Hijack pro with all the extras up 
to date?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Aug 25, 2012, at 11:21 AM, Scott Rumery  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I have a problem that has been frustrating me for a few days now and I cannot 
> seem to get it figured out.  Here is the issue.
> I am using Audio Highjack Pro to record my system sounds.  I have made sure 
> that all of the settings are correct, but the problem is that no matter what 
> I do the file that is created has no sound in it.  By this I mean that I can 
> go to the file and Finder tells me that it is an mp3 file, but when I open 
> the file there is nothing in it.
> I have contact the developer and they requested that I send them some screen 
> shots when I am highjacking the system audio.  I did this, but they didn't 
> see that there was anything wrong.  
> All other functionality of the program works fine, it is just with the 
> recording of system sounds.  I am at a loss of what I can do.  I have 
> uninstalled and reinstalled with no luck.  I have deleted the session and 
> then created a new session and this too did not work.
> Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might be able to fix this issue? 
>  If so I would greatly appreciate it.
> Scott
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Re: Could Someone using Pulsar Test Something for me?

2012-08-25 Thread Robert Carter
Hi Al,

Pulsar seems to be playing NFL radio just fine for me.

Robert Carter

On Aug 25, 2012, at 10:47 AM, Al Puzzuoli  wrote:

> Hi,
> Just wondering if someone using Pulsar could try listening to Sirius Xm NFL 
> Radio for a few minutes and tell me whether it works? For me, Pulsar sits 
> there, buffering forever. Then the stream will play for a minute or two, and 
> then cut out. This doesn't seem to be an internet issue because when I play 
> other channels, Pulsar works just fine, and Sirius XM NFL works fine on my 
> iPhone.
> The problem seemed to start last evening. I had been using Audio Hijack Pro 
> to record something on Sirius xM NFL. Not sure if that has anything to do 
> with it, but if so, I can't find any settings in Audio Hijack Pro that seem 
> to effect this.
> I'm really quite baffled right now.
> Thanks in advance for any info or test observations on your part,
> Al
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Re: Could Someone using Pulsar Test Something for me?

2012-08-25 Thread Al Puzzuoli

Hmm, Thanks for testing. In that case, I'm stumped, not even sure what 
else to check ...

On 8/25/2012 12:44 PM, Robert Carter wrote:

Hi Al,

Pulsar seems to be playing NFL radio just fine for me.

Robert Carter

On Aug 25, 2012, at 10:47 AM, Al Puzzuoli  wrote:

Just wondering if someone using Pulsar could try listening to Sirius Xm NFL 
Radio for a few minutes and tell me whether it works? For me, Pulsar sits 
there, buffering forever. Then the stream will play for a minute or two, and 
then cut out. This doesn't seem to be an internet issue because when I play 
other channels, Pulsar works just fine, and Sirius XM NFL works fine on my 
The problem seemed to start last evening. I had been using Audio Hijack Pro to 
record something on Sirius xM NFL. Not sure if that has anything to do with it, 
but if so, I can't find any settings in Audio Hijack Pro that seem to effect 
I'm really quite baffled right now.
Thanks in advance for any info or test observations on your part,


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Re: Interesting Problem

2012-08-25 Thread Brandon Olivares

How are you setting up the session? The following works for me:

Create a session. Select "System Audio" for the input. Then, press command-r.

After you are done, I think you press command-r again, but either way the 
option to stop will be in the toll bar.

If you are doing all of this, I don't see why it shouldn't be working.

On Aug 25, 2012, at 12:21 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I have a problem that has been frustrating me for a few days now and I cannot 
> seem to get it figured out.  Here is the issue.
> I am using Audio Highjack Pro to record my system sounds.  I have made sure 
> that all of the settings are correct, but the problem is that no matter what 
> I do the file that is created has no sound in it.  By this I mean that I can 
> go to the file and Finder tells me that it is an mp3 file, but when I open 
> the file there is nothing in it.
> I have contact the developer and they requested that I send them some screen 
> shots when I am highjacking the system audio.  I did this, but they didn't 
> see that there was anything wrong.  
> All other functionality of the program works fine, it is just with the 
> recording of system sounds.  I am at a loss of what I can do.  I have 
> uninstalled and reinstalled with no luck.  I have deleted the session and 
> then created a new session and this too did not work.
> Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might be able to fix this issue? 
>  If so I would greatly appreciate it.
> Scott
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2012-08-25 Thread ROD SKENE
I have really enjoyed NewsRack on the Mac lately, but this morning the app 
wasn't working very well.  
Every time I pressed a keystroke,NewsRack was busy then VoiceOver would say 
NewsRack ready.  I would press another keystroke and again VoiceOver would say 
busy … NewsRack ready. This would happen over and over.
Anyone know how I can get NewsRack working again?
Thanks for any help.

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VMWare Fusion 4 or 5?

2012-08-25 Thread Harry Hogue
Hi guys,

I am using VMWare Fusion version 3.something, and was wondering if I should 
upgrade to version four which has been out for a while or five which apparently 
just came out?

Also, I am a graduate student; are there any university student discounts?



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Re: Restore Factory Default

2012-08-25 Thread Cameron Strife
Hi. If you purchased it new, I'd assume there would be a restore
partition. If you bought it second hand and it does have a superdrive
but did not come with the OSX dvd, then you'll need to pick up an OS
from the app store or e bay etc.


On 8/25/12,  wrote:
> Thank you for your response, but can one do this without a disk as mine Mac
> did not come with any CD's.
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 9:06 AM, Cameron Strife 
> wrote:
>> Hi. Doing a fresh OSX install would do the trick. It's totally
>> accessible with voiceover as you can turn it on once you boot from the
>> OSX dvd.
>> Cameron.
>> On 8/25/12,  wrote:
>>> Is there such an option to reset the mac back to factory default? If so,
>>> how
>>> does one go about doing this? Thank you, any help is appreciated.
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Re: safari

2012-08-25 Thread christopher hallsworth
I just learn by playing with it. I first interact with the HTML content and 
navigate the page with VO-arrow keys. I also use the web item rotor with VO-U. 
To activate a link it is the same as activating any other object. The only 
issue I am having is I cannot tell a file is being downloaded at all. During my 
transition I have known to download the same file multiple times without me 
knowing. Whether this can be fixed is another story. But otherwise Safari is 
great for what I use it for, browsing Facebook, searching the web etc etc.
On 25 Aug 2012, at 14:51, Walter Harper wrote:

> Hello listers,
> What is the best way I can learn to use safari?  I am use to the windows 
> platform and really interested in learning safari better on the mac.  I 
> refuse to go back to windows for something simple as this.
> Walter 
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Re: Interesting Problem

2012-08-25 Thread Scott Rumery
That is exactly how I have mine set up.  I am with you, I have no idea why this 
is not working.  I will continue to try and get it to work, and If I figure it 
out I will let the list know.

On Aug 25, 2012, at 12:55 PM, Brandon Olivares  wrote:

> Hello,
> How are you setting up the session? The following works for me:
> Create a session. Select "System Audio" for the input. Then, press command-r.
> After you are done, I think you press command-r again, but either way the 
> option to stop will be in the toll bar.
> If you are doing all of this, I don't see why it shouldn't be working.
> Brandon
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 12:21 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I have a problem that has been frustrating me for a few days now and I 
>> cannot seem to get it figured out.  Here is the issue.
>> I am using Audio Highjack Pro to record my system sounds.  I have made sure 
>> that all of the settings are correct, but the problem is that no matter what 
>> I do the file that is created has no sound in it.  By this I mean that I can 
>> go to the file and Finder tells me that it is an mp3 file, but when I open 
>> the file there is nothing in it.
>> I have contact the developer and they requested that I send them some screen 
>> shots when I am highjacking the system audio.  I did this, but they didn't 
>> see that there was anything wrong.  
>> All other functionality of the program works fine, it is just with the 
>> recording of system sounds.  I am at a loss of what I can do.  I have 
>> uninstalled and reinstalled with no luck.  I have deleted the session and 
>> then created a new session and this too did not work.
>> Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I might be able to fix this 
>> issue?  If so I would greatly appreciate it.
>> Scott
>> -- 
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Re: Audio Hijack Pro

2012-08-25 Thread christopher hallsworth
Ok how does this sound.
1. Create a new session.
2. Set the source to audio device.
3. Make sure the input device is set to the correct one.
4. Set the output device to silent output.
5. Start hijacking and recording.
I did not get any feedback when doing this.
So the output device must mean the device to which the recording is played 
So again, how does this sound?
On 25 Aug 2012, at 13:57, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Chris, are you trying to record from your line level input?  It would help if 
> we knew more exactly what you are attempting to do.  I use Audio Hijack all 
> the time.  The only time I get feedback is if I hijack system audio without 
> headphones lugged in.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 7:06 AM, christopher hallsworth 
>  wrote:
>> Hello all.
>> I am trying to record audio from my audio input. When I do this in Audio 
>> Hijack Pro, the audio is not only being recorded; it is also being hijacked, 
>> causing excessive feedback. Do I really need this app, or are there apps out 
>> there to capture audio from either an application and or audio input without 
>> the excessive feedback caused by hijacking. If so, can it record in the MP3 
>> format so it can be distributed on the web?
>> I have heard of Wiretap, should I try this?
>> Thanks for any help regarding this.
>> Chris.
>> -- 
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RE: removing Carbon coppy Cloner

2012-08-25 Thread Jeff Bishop
I use App Delete and love the app. The developer is also aware of
accessibility and is willing to make changes when issues arise .


[] On Behalf Of Paul Erkens
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 12:51 PM
Subject: Re: removing Carbon coppy Cloner




If I'm not sure whether or not an application is leaving files behind when
simply deleting its dot app component from my applications folder, I use app
zapper. It looks for related files and gets rid of those as well. It costs I
think it was some 15 dollars but it works. Not everything on the screen is
accessible, but enough to get the job done.



On Aug 24, 2012, at 9:20 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

Oh, well, you see, I've had issues making bootable disks to a 1TB Buffalo
Media 56000RPm external USB drive; and so, I thought perhaps I'd see what
Super Duper had to offer by way of comparison.




The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!


Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!


Skype name:



On Aug 24, 2012, at 2:08 PM, "Jeff Bishop"  wrote:

Why did you switch if you don't mind me asking?


From:[mailto:macvisionaries@] On Behalf Of Ray Foret Jr
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 10:20 AM
Subject: removing Carbon coppy Cloner




I'm gonna switch over from Carbon copy cloner to Super Duper.  Am I correct
in guessing that there is no uninstall app for Carbon Coppy Cloner and that
all I need do is remove it from the apps folder?


Also, High time I put an anti virus app on here.  Which is more accessible
between Clamax and Soho?






The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!


Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!


Skype name:



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OS X rocks!

2012-08-25 Thread Joseph Norton

I just did a clean install of OS X Mountain Lion and looked at my free space.  
Out of 319 GB, I still had 312 GB avail.

A typical install of Windows 7 takes up 2 or 3 times that much space.

Just goes to show that you can still do tight coding if you want to.

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Re: iTunes Library Help

2012-08-25 Thread Gerard Doody
Hi there, Do you have your itunes stuff sinked to more than one Library? this 
sort of happened to me till I sinked the library that I wanted itunes to use to 
my iphone or ipad.  Then ti worked.  HtH 
Gerard Doody

On Aug 25, 2012, at 9:22 AM, Emilio Hernandez wrote:

Hello everyone,

Upon launching iTunes, all of my music, movies, podcasts, and television shows 
have disappeared.
They still appear in the iTunes directory, and when trying to reimport some 
items via the automatically add to iTunes folder, they still do not appear in 
their respective sublists.
This is unusual. I am running the latest version of iTunes.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do?

Thank you for your help in this matter.

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Re: VMware Fusion

2012-08-25 Thread christopher hallsworth
Ok how does this sound.
Assign the caps lock key to the accent key.
Never thought of this.
On 25 Aug 2012, at 11:13, Rachel Feinberg wrote:

> hi Chris,
> You'll need to remap the insert key, since caps lock won't work, as you've 
> already discovered. Try downloading sharp keys and you can remap the insert 
> key to the grave accent.
> Hope that helps some,
> Rachel
> On Aug 24, 2012, at 4:11 AM, christopher hallsworth 
>  wrote:
>> Hello all.
>> Really getting on well with my Macbook Pro 13 Inch. I have installed VMware 
>> Fusion 5 last night and am giving it a test drive before considering to 
>> purchase it for times when I want to use Windows. Now my question is how on 
>> earth do I use the caps lock key in the virtual machine? Asking as I have 
>> installed NVDA and have set it to use the laptop keyboard layout. The caps 
>> lock is simply being ignored and is therefore sent to the host. Is it true 
>> that I need to remap some keys? If so how is this done?
>> All help will be greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks!
>> -- 
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Re: Audio Hijack Pro

2012-08-25 Thread Ray Foret Jr
The question is this.  Did you get the result you really wanted when trying 
this?   Only way to know is to try.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Aug 25, 2012, at 1:49 PM, christopher hallsworth  

> Ok how does this sound.
> 1. Create a new session.
> 2. Set the source to audio device.
> 3. Make sure the input device is set to the correct one.
> 4. Set the output device to silent output.
> 5. Start hijacking and recording.
> I did not get any feedback when doing this.
> So the output device must mean the device to which the recording is played 
> through.
> So again, how does this sound?
> Thanks!
> On 25 Aug 2012, at 13:57, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Chris, are you trying to record from your line level input?  It would help 
>> if we knew more exactly what you are attempting to do.  I use Audio Hijack 
>> all the time.  The only time I get feedback is if I hijack system audio 
>> without headphones lugged in.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 7:06 AM, christopher hallsworth 
>>  wrote:
>>> Hello all.
>>> I am trying to record audio from my audio input. When I do this in Audio 
>>> Hijack Pro, the audio is not only being recorded; it is also being 
>>> hijacked, causing excessive feedback. Do I really need this app, or are 
>>> there apps out there to capture audio from either an application and or 
>>> audio input without the excessive feedback caused by hijacking. If so, can 
>>> it record in the MP3 format so it can be distributed on the web?
>>> I have heard of Wiretap, should I try this?
>>> Thanks for any help regarding this.
>>> Chris.
>>> -- 
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2012-08-25 Thread christopher hallsworth
Hello all.
How well, in your personal opinion of course, does Zoom perform compared to 
ZoomText or other similar products on the other OS? Yes, using this again 
grins. Just my friend is coming to stay with me and I want her to have a go on 
a mac computer. She has enough vision to use magnification and can see pictures 
quite well. One important factor is can Zoom magnify 24 point print or better.
Thanks for any comments on this.

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Update On My Problem

2012-08-25 Thread Scott Rumery

I have been working on my issue with Audio Highjack Pro this afternoon, and I 
just wanted to give you all an update.  I have discovered that my system sound 
recording comes out fine as long as I do not have my usb headphones plugged in. 
 If my headphones are plugged in then my file will have no sound in it.  I 
cannot for the life of me understand why, but if I make a system sound 
recording without my headphones plugged in then the end result is great, but if 
I make the recording while my headphones are plugged in then I get nothing but 
silence in the resulting file.

Do any of you have any idea why this is the case?  I would ultimately like to 
be able to record my system sounds and record my own voice for use in a 
podcast.  I know that this is possible, because I know a few people who do 
this.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Really frustrated with Mail! For real this time!

2012-08-25 Thread Veronica Elsea
Hi Frank and everyone!
Thanks for the suggestion. I've just gone in and made the change of the custom 
port number so I'll watch for awhile to see what happens. Now if only that 
would make it read the unread label on my messages again. Hahahahaha!
Thanks so much for the help. 


Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing the Star-spangled Banner at
Then find more music from The Guide Dog Glee Club and Veronica Elsea at
Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California
Phone: 831-429-6407

On Aug 25, 2012, at 6:11 AM, Frank Carmickle  wrote:

> Hi Veronica
> I would try changing the ports selection from trying 25 465 and 587 to just 
> use 587.  If you go to the accounts tab then the accounts information tab.  
> Select the edit smtp server option from the outgoing mailserver pop up.  
> Select the button that says custom port and pop the number in the edit box.  
> Make sure you have the use ssl checked.  
> I would also try changing the authentication method if that doesn't work.  
> Most folks are using password.  Some will use m5 challenge response.
> Let me know if that helps.  If you have any more trouble I don't mind giving 
> you a call.  I have your number around here somewhere.
> I've never had this be such a problem that I couldn't make it work.
> Best
> --FC
> On Aug 24, 2012, at 1:53 PM, Veronica Elsea wrote:
>> Yes, yes, yes I am certain of my settings. I save the message to drafts and 
>> use a windows computer to send with the same settings. Sometimes I reboot 
>> the Mac and then it sends. The Mac is inconsistant and has been all along. I 
>> went to one apple store when I was visiting someone in Kansas City and was 
>> told that they were noticing everyone from their local cable company having 
>> trouble so they just set everyone up with a G mail account. It's an apple 
>> problem, not mine. I have redone this account way too many times and will 
>> not do that any more because it's pointless. There's a bug somewhere and 
>> it's just frustrating because I can't count on it. It's a pain to have to 
>> reboot right in the midst of just sending a quick message. Like I said, 
>> frustrating!
>> Veronica
>> Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at 
>> Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club at:
>>   Veronica Elsea, Owner
>> Laurel Creek Music Designs
>> Santa Cruz, California
>> Phone: 831-429-6407
>> On 8/24/2012 9:57 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>> Likewise, I have never had any issues sending messages from Mail in
>>> Lion or Mountain Lion.  I use gmail with IMAP to receive and of course
>>> SMTP to send.  The only thing I have ever experienced is I usually
>>> hear a swush sound when messages are being sent and sometimes, I'll do
>>> the send with Command-Shift-D and not hear the sound; makes me wonder
>>> if the message didn't get sent but yet no errors popped up either.  I
>>> just chock those up to flukes or something.
>>> On 8/24/12, Alex Hall  wrote:
 Are you certain of your settings? Sometimes, an isp will change port
 numbers or security settings and you may miss the memo, which can
 cause previous settings to stop working. I know this isn't quite the
 problem you are having, but it's all I can think of. Tripple check
 your pop and smtp ports, security, authentication, and even username
 settings (that is, does the username need to be just the first part of
 your address or the whole thing). Hope this helps somewhat. For what
 it's worth, I use gmail via imap and have no trouble at all.
 On 8/24/12, christopher hallsworth  wrote:
> I can't say I am. I use Gmail via Pop. I also use my ISp's own e-mail
> service via Pop3. All are working great so far. This is under Lion.
> On 24 Aug 2012, at 05:11, Veronica Elsea wrote:
>> Hi everyone!
>> I can't believe this issue is back. I'm so not happy right now. When I
>> first got this Macbook air, I was using pop mail. I had a ton of trouble
>> sending mail. It would come up and tell me it couldn't use the current
>> sender. Everything pointed to a bug in apple mail that they said they
>> couldn't duplicate consistantly enough to fix. The fix was to change to
>> imap. So I put the macbook awy till I learned about imap and made the
>> switch. It worked great for awhile. And now tonight, it's back to not
>> being able to send again. I actually had to save my last message in
>> drafts
>> and go to my windows computer in order to send it. I know it's not a
>> problem with my provider or my settings because I went through this way
>> too many times. How can I count on this thing for email use when I'm
>> traveling if this old buggaboo is back? It ma

Re: Update On My Problem

2012-08-25 Thread Brandon Olivares
What are you selecting as the input? Are there any effects you are adding to it?
On Aug 25, 2012, at 3:48 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been working on my issue with Audio Highjack Pro this afternoon, and I 
> just wanted to give you all an update.  I have discovered that my system 
> sound recording comes out fine as long as I do not have my usb headphones 
> plugged in.  If my headphones are plugged in then my file will have no sound 
> in it.  I cannot for the life of me understand why, but if I make a system 
> sound recording without my headphones plugged in then the end result is 
> great, but if I make the recording while my headphones are plugged in then I 
> get nothing but silence in the resulting file.
> Do any of you have any idea why this is the case?  I would ultimately like to 
> be able to record my system sounds and record my own voice for use in a 
> podcast.  I know that this is possible, because I know a few people who do 
> this.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Scott
> -- 
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ITunes and Text EDit have disappeared from dock

2012-08-25 Thread Christine Grassman
Have no idea why, but can't get to them unless I use finder or Sptlight. How 
can I get them back in there?

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Re: ITunes and Text EDit have disappeared from dock

2012-08-25 Thread Ricardo Walker

find the apps in your applications folder in the finder and press command shift 
T to add them back to the dock.


Ricardo Walker

On Aug 25, 2012, at 4:42 PM, Christine Grassman  wrote:

> Have no idea why, but can't get to them unless I use finder or Sptlight. How 
> can I get them back in there?
> Thanks.
> Christine
> -- 
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Re: ITunes and Text EDit have disappeared from dock

2012-08-25 Thread Christine Grassman
Great. Thanks much.
On Aug 25, 2012, at 4:49 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> find the apps in your applications folder in the finder and press command 
> shift T to add them back to the dock.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 4:42 PM, Christine Grassman  
> wrote:
>> Have no idea why, but can't get to them unless I use finder or Sptlight. How 
>> can I get them back in there?
>> Thanks.
>> Christine
>> -- 
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Re: 1password accessibility

2012-08-25 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Robert,

It worked out this time. Thank you for your clear answer and tip about the 
menus. I have been focusing so hard on the safari extension and its 
inaccessibility, that it really got me frustrated. Things are a lot clearer 
now, even though inaccessibility in the extension remains for one part. You 
have been very helpful Robert.

For the sake of others attempting to use 1password, here is what I bumped into. 
As far as I found a work around, I'll describe that as well, so that others 
don't have to invent the wheel again, and at least get going, having logins 
saved, using them again, seeing how fast that is, and understanding some of the 
safari extension of 1password.

After having installed 1password, the words from a podcast I heard still 
sounded in the back of my mind, saying: it's real easy technology, that 
1password thing. If you read the user guide, then yes, it's really been thought 
through very well. 1Password consists of both an application that goes into the 
normal app folder on the mac, and the other part is what is called a safari 
extension. It is this extension that is so handy, because when you log in to a 
site that 1password never saw before, then it asks you if you want to save this 
login for later. If you say yes, the login is stored inside the 1password 
keychain, along with all necessary data. This works well, even with VoiceOver. 
The 1password app is also very accessible, so that's good news to begin with, 
but the other part is not that easy if you use VoiceOver at this moment.

Say you are about to change one of your own passwords, for instance one that 
you have on, and you want to replace that with a strong password, 
given to you by the password generator inside 1password. Then if you try to 
follow the instructions in the user guide, you'll bump into problems on the 
safari extension 1password interface.

Here's what it says. Quote:
Click the 1Password key button in your toolbar, then the Strong Password 
Generator tab (it has a rotary padlock lock icon)

Adjust any features of the new strong password you’re creating
Click Fill to automatically fill your new password into any ‘new password’ and 
‘verify password’ fields
Click Save and the 1Password AutoSave Bar should ask if you want to save this 
Click the gear menu, mouse to the ‘Replace Existing Login’ section, and click 
the relevant Login you want to update with this new password
Sleep better at night
End of quote.

First, you have to click the 1password item inside your safari toolbar. With 
VoiceOver, this is easy. Go over to the toolbar, interact, and move right till 
you find the 1password button. Then click that with VO space. So far so good.

Next, according to the manual, you should click the rotary padlock lock icon, 
which will open the 1password strong password generator. 
Now, to find the new window from 1password, that popped up after you clicked 
the 1password button, inside the safari toolbar, you need to know that for now, 
you have not 1, but 2 html areas inside safari. The normal one, where you view 
your web pages, and another new one, from 1password. For VoiceOver, this is the 
left of the 2 html areas.

Normally, we would interact, and then VO right till we find the strong password 
generator icon. For this to work, the icon must have been labeled with some 
explanatory text like "Strong Password Generator", so that when you find that 
icon with VoiceOver, it can speak what the icon does. Without the label, it 
can't. And in this case, many icons and other items inside the 1password html 
area are poorly labeled. 

Here's what the 1password html area in safari reads as of now. The first five 
items are:
Tab, one of five. Then VO right and you hear:
tab, two of five. VO right and you hear:
tab, three of five. VO right:
Tab, four of five. Vo right:
tab, five of five.
So these items are not descriptive at all for now.

The next item in sequence for VoiceOver is something that appears as a button. 
VoiceOver says "button", but it won't tell what this very button does, like 
"okay button", "save button", etc. It's just "button". Sometimes, a tooltip is 
attached to a control like this, and if you have VoiceOver configured to do so, 
it can tell you what that help text says, after a short delay. If you turned 
that off in VoiceOver but you are curious what the help tag is, you can have it 
spoken by focusing the item you want to know about, in this case the unlabeled 
button, and then issuing the VoiceOver function VO shift h, that is control, 
option, shift h. If there is a help tag, like there is for many other buttons 
in other programs, you might hear something like: "End the current call", or 
"close this dialog". In this particular case however, the button does not have 
a help tag, so we're out of luck in figuring out what this control might do. 
Even stranger than this, I doubt if it is a button at all, because normally 
when you ask VoiceOver to read you the help tex

Re: Update On My Problem

2012-08-25 Thread Scott Rumery
No effects, and my input is set to my headphones.  I don't know why I can't get 
it to work properly.  When I first installed Audio Highjack Pro all was fine, 
it was only after trying to use Garage Band and QuickTime Player with it that 
this started to happen.  I have since uninstalled Garage Band but the problem 
persists.  Maybe the conflict is QuickTime Player, but for the life of me I 
can't figure out what the conflict could be.

On Aug 25, 2012, at 4:40 PM, Brandon Olivares  wrote:

> What are you selecting as the input? Are there any effects you are adding to 
> it?
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 3:48 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have been working on my issue with Audio Highjack Pro this afternoon, and 
>> I just wanted to give you all an update.  I have discovered that my system 
>> sound recording comes out fine as long as I do not have my usb headphones 
>> plugged in.  If my headphones are plugged in then my file will have no sound 
>> in it.  I cannot for the life of me understand why, but if I make a system 
>> sound recording without my headphones plugged in then the end result is 
>> great, but if I make the recording while my headphones are plugged in then I 
>> get nothing but silence in the resulting file.
>> Do any of you have any idea why this is the case?  I would ultimately like 
>> to be able to record my system sounds and record my own voice for use in a 
>> podcast.  I know that this is possible, because I know a few people who do 
>> this.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.
>> Scott
>> -- 
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Re: Update On My Problem

2012-08-25 Thread Brandon Olivares
Do your headphones have a microphone in them?

Also, if you want to record system audio, then you want to set the input to the 
option called "System Audio", not your headphones.
On Aug 25, 2012, at 5:49 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:

> No effects, and my input is set to my headphones.  I don't know why I can't 
> get it to work properly.  When I first installed Audio Highjack Pro all was 
> fine, it was only after trying to use Garage Band and QuickTime Player with 
> it that this started to happen.  I have since uninstalled Garage Band but the 
> problem persists.  Maybe the conflict is QuickTime Player, but for the life 
> of me I can't figure out what the conflict could be.
> Scott
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 4:40 PM, Brandon Olivares  
> wrote:
>> What are you selecting as the input? Are there any effects you are adding to 
>> it?
>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 3:48 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have been working on my issue with Audio Highjack Pro this afternoon, and 
>>> I just wanted to give you all an update.  I have discovered that my system 
>>> sound recording comes out fine as long as I do not have my usb headphones 
>>> plugged in.  If my headphones are plugged in then my file will have no 
>>> sound in it.  I cannot for the life of me understand why, but if I make a 
>>> system sound recording without my headphones plugged in then the end result 
>>> is great, but if I make the recording while my headphones are plugged in 
>>> then I get nothing but silence in the resulting file.
>>> Do any of you have any idea why this is the case?  I would ultimately like 
>>> to be able to record my system sounds and record my own voice for use in a 
>>> podcast.  I know that this is possible, because I know a few people who do 
>>> this.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.
>>> Scott
>>> -- 
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Re: ITunes and Text EDit have disappeared from dock

2012-08-25 Thread Steve Holmes
Just curious, how do you guys find some of these other shortcuts? When I went 
into the menus while on the apps folder, I did not see even a menu item for 
putting the file on the doc.  I saw one for putting it on the sidebar 
(Command-T).  When I looked around in the help menu for the finder, I didn't 
come across that either.  This is a good one to remember though.

On Aug 25, 2012, at 1:49 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> find the apps in your applications folder in the finder and press command 
> shift T to add them back to the dock.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 4:42 PM, Christine Grassman  
> wrote:
>> Have no idea why, but can't get to them unless I use finder or Sptlight. How 
>> can I get them back in there?
>> Thanks.
>> Christine
>> -- 
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Re: Update On My Problem

2012-08-25 Thread Scott Rumery
Yes they do, and I made a mistake in my previous message.  My input for the 
System Audio session is set to System Audio.

On Aug 25, 2012, at 5:57 PM, Brandon Olivares  wrote:

> Do your headphones have a microphone in them?
> Also, if you want to record system audio, then you want to set the input to 
> the option called "System Audio", not your headphones.
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 5:49 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
>> No effects, and my input is set to my headphones.  I don't know why I can't 
>> get it to work properly.  When I first installed Audio Highjack Pro all was 
>> fine, it was only after trying to use Garage Band and QuickTime Player with 
>> it that this started to happen.  I have since uninstalled Garage Band but 
>> the problem persists.  Maybe the conflict is QuickTime Player, but for the 
>> life of me I can't figure out what the conflict could be.
>> Scott
>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 4:40 PM, Brandon Olivares  
>> wrote:
>>> What are you selecting as the input? Are there any effects you are adding 
>>> to it?
>>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 3:48 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
 I have been working on my issue with Audio Highjack Pro this afternoon, 
 and I just wanted to give you all an update.  I have discovered that my 
 system sound recording comes out fine as long as I do not have my usb 
 headphones plugged in.  If my headphones are plugged in then my file will 
 have no sound in it.  I cannot for the life of me understand why, but if I 
 make a system sound recording without my headphones plugged in then the 
 end result is great, but if I make the recording while my headphones are 
 plugged in then I get nothing but silence in the resulting file.
 Do any of you have any idea why this is the case?  I would ultimately like 
 to be able to record my system sounds and record my own voice for use in a 
 podcast.  I know that this is possible, because I know a few people who do 
 this.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Tune In Radio for Mac?

2012-08-25 Thread agent086b

Hi, is there a Tune In Radio app for the Mac?
If not is there something similar.
I listen to a radio station on my PC through our sound system. The 
station has a link to there player to do this. However they don't have a 
Mac player. I can listen to this station through my iPhone via Tune In 
Radio, but I do not wish to put the iPhone through the sound system.

Thanks as always for any ideas.

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Re: Fusion 5.

2012-08-25 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Yes it's the proffessional version.

On 24 Aug 2012, at 12:36 PM, Krister Ekstrom  wrote:

> Is that the Vmware fusion professional you get then? I couldn't get to the 
> standard version and the page is a nightmare. Then when i finally had given 
> up and decided to purchase the fusion pro guess what? After logging in, the 
> thing said that the registration key i entered was either invalid or already 
> registered so i growled and gave up.
> /Krister
> 24 aug 2012 kl. 09:48 skrev Kawal Gucukoglu :
>> The upgrade was £75,61 but have not had a chance to try it yet. It supports 
>> windows 8.
>> Kawal.
>> On 24 Aug 2012, at 01:53 AM, Kliphton  wrote:
>>> How much was the upgrade?  And how does it perform with your current copy 
>>> of windows?
>>> On Aug 23, 2012, at 7:51 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
 Hi All.
 Just to let you know that VMFusion 5 is out.
 If purchasing, please be careful as I purchased 10 licences by accident 
 without realising.  I couldn't believe the amount but customer services 
 were very helpful and I hope to get a refund soon after purchasing another 
 licence in order to get the refund.
 Best regards,
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Re: Upgrading to Fusion 5

2012-08-25 Thread Mike Arrigo
I actually had the same thing happen. So far, fusion 5 seems to be very 
accessible, I guess parallels has no interest in blind people as consumers, 
they have been asked for several years to make their product accessible and 
refuse to do it, but fusion is very accessible.
On Aug 25, 2012, at 7:12 AM, Robert Carter wrote:

> Thanks Mike. Shortly after I wrote the message, I figured it out also. Should 
> have just persisted a bit more before cluttering the list.
> Robert
> On Aug 24, 2012, at 10:47 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
>> I had the same issue. On the page, before the add to cart option you will 
>> notice a table, one of the things listed is your previous license, and right 
>> before that there is an unlabeled internal link, select that, this will then 
>> expand the table and you will find a check box that you can check for the 
>> version you want to upgrade, not the most user friendly but workable.
>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 8:37 PM, Robert Carter wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am attempting to upgrade to fusion 5 from fusion 4. When I get logged in, 
>>> my license key shows up and I am shown the upgrade but when I click on add 
>>> to cart, nothing gets added to my cart. I have tried vo+space, routing the 
>>> mouse to the button and clicking it and single and double clicking the 
>>> mouse with vo+shift+space. Nothing seems to be activating the add to cart 
>>> button. Have any of you who has purchased the fusion upgrade experienced 
>>> this? Did you find a work around?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Robert Carter
>>> -- 
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Re: Upgrading to Fusion 5

2012-08-25 Thread Mike Arrigo
That's one reason among others why I would never use jaws, actually I try and 
avoid using any software that uses that authorization nonsense, it causes 
nothing but problems.
On Aug 25, 2012, at 7:41 AM, Eric Caron wrote:

> Hi Robert Mike and others,
>   I needed this info spelled out, so you are not cluttering the list at 
> all!
> Is anyone out there upgrading from VM 4 to 5 using JAWS?  And if so did the 
> machine upgrade nicely or did it require yet another authorization key.  I 
> don't like begging for more keys if I don't need to.  I just got VM 4 working 
> correctly with my JAWS and other software and don't want to start over again 
> if I don't have to!
> Eric Caron 
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 8:12 AM, Robert Carter  wrote:
>> Thanks Mike. Shortly after I wrote the message, I figured it out also. 
>> Should have just persisted a bit more before cluttering the list.
>> Robert
>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 10:47 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
>>> I had the same issue. On the page, before the add to cart option you will 
>>> notice a table, one of the things listed is your previous license, and 
>>> right before that there is an unlabeled internal link, select that, this 
>>> will then expand the table and you will find a check box that you can check 
>>> for the version you want to upgrade, not the most user friendly but 
>>> workable.
>>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 8:37 PM, Robert Carter wrote:
 I am attempting to upgrade to fusion 5 from fusion 4. When I get logged 
 in, my license key shows up and I am shown the upgrade but when I click on 
 add to cart, nothing gets added to my cart. I have tried vo+space, routing 
 the mouse to the button and clicking it and single and double clicking the 
 mouse with vo+shift+space. Nothing seems to be activating the add to cart 
 button. Have any of you who has purchased the fusion upgrade experienced 
 this? Did you find a work around?
 Robert Carter
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Re: Zoom

2012-08-25 Thread Garth Humphreys
Hi Chris. 
I have used it a bit gut I am not that impressed with it. I need. Fairly high 
magnification for it to be useful for me and the cursor tracking doesn't work 
well for me when zoomed right in. If your friend only uses moderate zoom then 
it might work ok for her. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 26/08/2012, at 5:22, christopher hallsworth  wrote:

Hello all.
How well, in your personal opinion of course, does Zoom perform compared to 
ZoomText or other similar products on the other OS? Yes, using this again 
grins. Just my friend is coming to stay with me and I want her to have a go on 
a mac computer. She has enough vision to use magnification and can see pictures 
quite well. One important factor is can Zoom magnify 24 point print or better.
Thanks for any comments on this.

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Re: Update On My Problem

2012-08-25 Thread Brandon Olivares
Are all the plugins up to date? Especially the "instant on" component?
On Aug 25, 2012, at 6:04 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:

> Yes they do, and I made a mistake in my previous message.  My input for the 
> System Audio session is set to System Audio.
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 5:57 PM, Brandon Olivares  
> wrote:
>> Do your headphones have a microphone in them?
>> Also, if you want to record system audio, then you want to set the input to 
>> the option called "System Audio", not your headphones.
>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 5:49 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
>>> No effects, and my input is set to my headphones.  I don't know why I can't 
>>> get it to work properly.  When I first installed Audio Highjack Pro all was 
>>> fine, it was only after trying to use Garage Band and QuickTime Player with 
>>> it that this started to happen.  I have since uninstalled Garage Band but 
>>> the problem persists.  Maybe the conflict is QuickTime Player, but for the 
>>> life of me I can't figure out what the conflict could be.
>>> Scott
>>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 4:40 PM, Brandon Olivares  
>>> wrote:
 What are you selecting as the input? Are there any effects you are adding 
 to it?
 On Aug 25, 2012, at 3:48 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been working on my issue with Audio Highjack Pro this afternoon, 
> and I just wanted to give you all an update.  I have discovered that my 
> system sound recording comes out fine as long as I do not have my usb 
> headphones plugged in.  If my headphones are plugged in then my file will 
> have no sound in it.  I cannot for the life of me understand why, but if 
> I make a system sound recording without my headphones plugged in then the 
> end result is great, but if I make the recording while my headphones are 
> plugged in then I get nothing but silence in the resulting file.
> Do any of you have any idea why this is the case?  I would ultimately 
> like to be able to record my system sounds and record my own voice for 
> use in a podcast.  I know that this is possible, because I know a few 
> people who do this.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Scott
> -- 
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Re: Update On My Problem

2012-08-25 Thread Scott Rumery
I remember installing that one when I installed AHP the first time, but after 
reinstalling I am not sure.
On Aug 25, 2012, at 8:28 PM, Brandon Olivares  wrote:

> Are all the plugins up to date? Especially the "instant on" component?
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 6:04 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
>> Yes they do, and I made a mistake in my previous message.  My input for the 
>> System Audio session is set to System Audio.
>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 5:57 PM, Brandon Olivares  
>> wrote:
>>> Do your headphones have a microphone in them?
>>> Also, if you want to record system audio, then you want to set the input to 
>>> the option called "System Audio", not your headphones.
>>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 5:49 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
 No effects, and my input is set to my headphones.  I don't know why I 
 can't get it to work properly.  When I first installed Audio Highjack Pro 
 all was fine, it was only after trying to use Garage Band and QuickTime 
 Player with it that this started to happen.  I have since uninstalled 
 Garage Band but the problem persists.  Maybe the conflict is QuickTime 
 Player, but for the life of me I can't figure out what the conflict could 
 On Aug 25, 2012, at 4:40 PM, Brandon Olivares  
> What are you selecting as the input? Are there any effects you are adding 
> to it?
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 3:48 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have been working on my issue with Audio Highjack Pro this afternoon, 
>> and I just wanted to give you all an update.  I have discovered that my 
>> system sound recording comes out fine as long as I do not have my usb 
>> headphones plugged in.  If my headphones are plugged in then my file 
>> will have no sound in it.  I cannot for the life of me understand why, 
>> but if I make a system sound recording without my headphones plugged in 
>> then the end result is great, but if I make the recording while my 
>> headphones are plugged in then I get nothing but silence in the 
>> resulting file.
>> Do any of you have any idea why this is the case?  I would ultimately 
>> like to be able to record my system sounds and record my own voice for 
>> use in a podcast.  I know that this is possible, because I know a few 
>> people who do this.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.
>> Scott
>> -- 
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protools and snow lepard

2012-08-25 Thread keith
wich vursion of pro tools works with VoiceOver on Snow Lepard
proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no 
sorrow with it.

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Sound Studio questions

2012-08-25 Thread Lisette Wesseling
For those who use this programme: is it possible to move to the beginning  or 
end of the file with keyboard short cuts? Home and end don't seem to do 
anything. I know I can fast forward and rewind through the file, but this can 
be quite slow. 
Finally, is it possible to paste the clipboard at beginning or end of the file? 
So far, I only seem to be able to paste at cursor position.

I wish the programme  had some more shortcuts. Maybe there are some I don't 
know about and can't find in the help file.


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using multiple signatures in mail?

2012-08-25 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I set up a second signature, figuring I could use the popup button to select 
which one I want. However, all I see is my first signature, and two options, 
none or edit. Why is my second signature not showing up? Also, even in my first 
one, why does my email address show up twice? I have removed it from the 
signature in mail preferences, but it comes back, as you can see below. What am 
I missing here? Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: using multiple signatures in mail?

2012-08-25 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
Hi Alex,
This is going to sound a bit daft, but I'm only going on what happened to me 
last week, when I tried to create several signatures.
You need to make sure that your signatures are in the all signature section… 
However, that does not mean they are useful in your account… You really need to 
make sure that your signatures are in the box which has the same name as your 
account… Four example, Gmail. Until they are there, they will not be available 
for your email to use. I don't know why this is. But that does seem to be how 
it works. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any way of transferring them 
from the all signatures box to your account box, I had to rewrite them all out 
again. Which was a bit irritating. But at least once it was done, they were 
there for definite.

I'm not sure how to help with your other problem however, sorry.
I hope this does help solve your first issue though.


Sent from my iPhone

On 26 Aug 2012, at 02:29, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I set up a second signature, figuring I could use the popup button to select 
> which one I want. However, all I see is my first signature, and two options, 
> none or edit. Why is my second signature not showing up? Also, even in my 
> first one, why does my email address show up twice? I have removed it from 
> the signature in mail preferences, but it comes back, as you can see below. 
> What am I missing here? Thanks.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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Re: using multiple signatures in mail?

2012-08-25 Thread Veronica Elsea
Yes, this one caught me for awhile too. Silly me, thought that an all 
signatures area meant that they could be used with all accounts. I was 
however, able to at least use copy and paste when getting the signature 
placed in the table for my main account. Once they're added to the 
proper account table, then they should show up in the signatures popup 
button. Hope that made sense. 


Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at

Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club at:
Veronica Elsea, Owner
Laurel Creek Music Designs
Santa Cruz, California
Phone: 831-429-6407

On 8/25/2012 6:40 PM, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:

Hi Alex,
This is going to sound a bit daft, but I'm only going on what happened
to me last week, when I tried to create several signatures.
You need to make sure that your signatures are in the all signature
section… However, that does not mean they are useful in your account…
You really need to make sure that your signatures are in the box which
has the same name as your account… Four example, Gmail. Until they are
there, they will not be available for your email to use. I don't know
why this is. But that does seem to be how it works. Unfortunately, there
doesn't seem to be any way of transferring them from the all signatures
box to your account box, I had to rewrite them all out again. Which was
a bit irritating. But at least once it was done, they were there
for definite.

I'm not sure how to help with your other problem however, sorry.
I hope this does help solve your first issue though.


Sent from my iPhone

On 26 Aug 2012, at 02:29, Alex Hall>> wrote:

Hi all,
I set up a second signature, figuring I could use the popup button to
select which one I want. However, all I see is my first signature, and
two options, none or edit. Why is my second signature not showing up?
Also, even in my first one, why does my email address show up twice? I
have removed it from the signature in mail preferences, but it comes
back, as you can see below. What am I missing here? Thanks.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini) 

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Re: protools and snow lepard

2012-08-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
I use 10.0, not 10.1 or 10.2, etc. but just plain 10.0 on Snowleopard, and I 
find it works fantasticly.


  - Original Message - 
  From: keith 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 8:54 PM
  Subject: protools and snow lepard

  wich vursion of pro tools works with VoiceOver on Snow Lepard
  proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no 
sorrow with it.

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Re: Update On My Problem

2012-08-25 Thread Brandon Olivares

Try going to the "Audio Hijack Pro" menu and click on "Install Extras." Click 
update for any plugin where it appears.
On Aug 25, 2012, at 8:37 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:

> I remember installing that one when I installed AHP the first time, but after 
> reinstalling I am not sure.
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 8:28 PM, Brandon Olivares  
> wrote:
>> Are all the plugins up to date? Especially the "instant on" component?
>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 6:04 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
>>> Yes they do, and I made a mistake in my previous message.  My input for the 
>>> System Audio session is set to System Audio.
>>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 5:57 PM, Brandon Olivares  
>>> wrote:
 Do your headphones have a microphone in them?
 Also, if you want to record system audio, then you want to set the input 
 to the option called "System Audio", not your headphones.
 On Aug 25, 2012, at 5:49 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
> No effects, and my input is set to my headphones.  I don't know why I 
> can't get it to work properly.  When I first installed Audio Highjack Pro 
> all was fine, it was only after trying to use Garage Band and QuickTime 
> Player with it that this started to happen.  I have since uninstalled 
> Garage Band but the problem persists.  Maybe the conflict is QuickTime 
> Player, but for the life of me I can't figure out what the conflict could 
> be.
> Scott
> On Aug 25, 2012, at 4:40 PM, Brandon Olivares  
> wrote:
>> What are you selecting as the input? Are there any effects you are 
>> adding to it?
>> On Aug 25, 2012, at 3:48 PM, Scott Rumery  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have been working on my issue with Audio Highjack Pro this afternoon, 
>>> and I just wanted to give you all an update.  I have discovered that my 
>>> system sound recording comes out fine as long as I do not have my usb 
>>> headphones plugged in.  If my headphones are plugged in then my file 
>>> will have no sound in it.  I cannot for the life of me understand why, 
>>> but if I make a system sound recording without my headphones plugged in 
>>> then the end result is great, but if I make the recording while my 
>>> headphones are plugged in then I get nothing but silence in the 
>>> resulting file.
>>> Do any of you have any idea why this is the case?  I would ultimately 
>>> like to be able to record my system sounds and record my own voice for 
>>> use in a podcast.  I know that this is possible, because I know a few 
>>> people who do this.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.
>>> Scott
>>> -- 
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Re: using multiple signatures in mail?

2012-08-25 Thread Alex Hall
Thanks, that seems to have done it. I wonder what the all signatures option is 
for then?
On Aug 25, 2012, at 9:51 PM, Veronica Elsea  

> Yes, this one caught me for awhile too. Silly me, thought that an all 
> signatures area meant that they could be used with all accounts. I was 
> however, able to at least use copy and paste when getting the signature 
> placed in the table for my main account. Once they're added to the proper 
> account table, then they should show up in the signatures popup button. Hope 
> that made sense. 
> Veronica
> Watch and hear Veronica Elsea's Prayer for a Soldier at 
> Then find more music from Veronica Elsea and The Guide Dog Glee Club at:
>Veronica Elsea, Owner
> Laurel Creek Music Designs
> Santa Cruz, California
> Phone: 831-429-6407
> On 8/25/2012 6:40 PM, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> This is going to sound a bit daft, but I'm only going on what happened
>> to me last week, when I tried to create several signatures.
>> You need to make sure that your signatures are in the all signature
>> section… However, that does not mean they are useful in your account…
>> You really need to make sure that your signatures are in the box which
>> has the same name as your account… Four example, Gmail. Until they are
>> there, they will not be available for your email to use. I don't know
>> why this is. But that does seem to be how it works. Unfortunately, there
>> doesn't seem to be any way of transferring them from the all signatures
>> box to your account box, I had to rewrite them all out again. Which was
>> a bit irritating. But at least once it was done, they were there
>> for definite.
>> I'm not sure how to help with your other problem however, sorry.
>> I hope this does help solve your first issue though.
>> Kirsten
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 26 Aug 2012, at 02:29, Alex Hall > > wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I set up a second signature, figuring I could use the popup button to
>>> select which one I want. However, all I see is my first signature, and
>>> two options, none or edit. Why is my second signature not showing up?
>>> Also, even in my first one, why does my email address show up twice? I
>>> have removed it from the signature in mail preferences, but it comes
>>> back, as you can see below. What am I missing here? Thanks.
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> .
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>>> .
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>> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)

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Re: protools and snow lepard

2012-08-25 Thread keith
Thank you, I will see if i can buy 10.  i'll check that out. I may have other 
questions concerning PT that i'm sure you could answer for me later on down the 
road if you wouldn't mind. 
proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no 
sorrow with it.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Christopher-Mark Gilland 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:02 PM
  Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

  I use 10.0, not 10.1 or 10.2, etc. but just plain 10.0 on Snowleopard, and I 
find it works fantasticly.


- Original Message - 
From: keith 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 8:54 PM
Subject: protools and snow lepard

wich vursion of pro tools works with VoiceOver on Snow Lepard
proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no 
sorrow with it.

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Re: protools and snow lepard

2012-08-25 Thread keith
oh almost forgot to ask, are there any other older versions that would work 
other than 10?
proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no 
sorrow with it.

  - Original Message - 
  From: keith 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:14 PM
  Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

  Thank you, I will see if i can buy 10.  i'll check that out. I may have other 
questions concerning PT that i'm sure you could answer for me later on down the 
road if you wouldn't mind. 
  proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no 
sorrow with it.

- Original Message - 
From: Christopher-Mark Gilland 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:02 PM
Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

I use 10.0, not 10.1 or 10.2, etc. but just plain 10.0 on Snowleopard, and 
I find it works fantasticly.


  - Original Message - 
  From: keith 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 8:54 PM
  Subject: protools and snow lepard

  wich vursion of pro tools works with VoiceOver on Snow Lepard
  proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth 
no sorrow with it.

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Re: protools and snow lepard

2012-08-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Sure thing, Keith, I'd be happy to.

Have you thought about joining the p t access mailing list?

Go to google groups, and do a search for


We'd love to help you over there, as well, but I'd also be happy to work with 
you one on one, if you'd like.


  - Original Message - 
  From: keith 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:14 PM
  Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

  Thank you, I will see if i can buy 10.  i'll check that out. I may have other 
questions concerning PT that i'm sure you could answer for me later on down the 
road if you wouldn't mind. 
  proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no 
sorrow with it.

- Original Message - 
From: Christopher-Mark Gilland 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:02 PM
Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

I use 10.0, not 10.1 or 10.2, etc. but just plain 10.0 on Snowleopard, and 
I find it works fantasticly.


  - Original Message - 
  From: keith 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 8:54 PM
  Subject: protools and snow lepard

  wich vursion of pro tools works with VoiceOver on Snow Lepard
  proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth 
no sorrow with it.

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Re: a new little thing about Mountain Lion

2012-08-25 Thread Joseph Norton
Let me add an update to what Mike has just said.

I did try to install under Bootcamp, but, no sound.  Don't know if the bootcamp 
utile are Windows 8 compatible, but, even if they are, you won't get an install 
with sound.

As Mike said, you can install versions of Windows from XP to Windows 8 with 
VMware Fusion 5 and it was quick and painless.  All I had to do was supply my 
name, an optional password, the Windows key and Fusion did the rest.

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Re: protools and snow lepard

2012-08-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Well, there is always the MPower version, but the problem with that is you then 
have to have an audio interface which actually is M-Audio branded.

I wouldn't honestly recommend it.  Though it's cheaper, you're gonna be really 
limited as far as hardware is concerned.

Your better bet would be to get PT 10.  If you wind up buying it, and they give 
you 10.2, let me know and I'll see if I can dmg you my PT 10.0 DVD, and before 
anyone bans me from this list, let me say, that is *NOT illegal!  You already 
can get the ProTools 10.2 disc from the Avid web site for free.  If he doesn't 
have an ILok, furthermore, if he doesn't have a Protools 10 license on! that 
ILok, then regardless if I send him a DVD or not, he wouldn't be able to do 
anything at all with it.  It won't even run without an ILok license, so yeah... 
it's not like I'd give my license out, all I'd be providing is the DVD media 
itself.  It would be like giving someone a Windows 7 disc but not giving them 
any product key what so ever.  Just the bare dvd only.  I'm only doing this as 
I don't think you even can get the 10.0 DVD anymore, and if he bies it, I'm not 
sure if it would be 10.0 on the dvd, or whether they'd jump 'em straight to 
10.2, but my suspicion is the ladder lamentably.

One way're another Keith, if you by PT, let me know, and I'll get you up and 


  - Original Message - 
  From: keith 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:15 PM
  Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

  oh almost forgot to ask, are there any other older versions that would work 
other than 10?
  proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no 
sorrow with it.

- Original Message - 
From: keith 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:14 PM
Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

Thank you, I will see if i can buy 10.  i'll check that out. I may have 
other questions concerning PT that i'm sure you could answer for me later on 
down the road if you wouldn't mind. 
proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no 
sorrow with it.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Christopher-Mark Gilland 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:02 PM
  Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

  I use 10.0, not 10.1 or 10.2, etc. but just plain 10.0 on Snowleopard, 
and I find it works fantasticly.


- Original Message - 
From: keith 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 8:54 PM
Subject: protools and snow lepard

wich vursion of pro tools works with VoiceOver on Snow Lepard
proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth 
no sorrow with it.

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Re: protools and snow lepard

2012-08-25 Thread keith
I do have a M-Audio audio enterface, but again you said I would be limited even 
with that?  
proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no 
sorrow with it.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Christopher-Mark Gilland 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:09 PM
  Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

  Well, there is always the MPower version, but the problem with that is you 
then have to have an audio interface which actually is M-Audio branded.

  I wouldn't honestly recommend it.  Though it's cheaper, you're gonna be 
really limited as far as hardware is concerned.

  Your better bet would be to get PT 10.  If you wind up buying it, and they 
give you 10.2, let me know and I'll see if I can dmg you my PT 10.0 DVD, and 
before anyone bans me from this list, let me say, that is *NOT illegal!  You 
already can get the ProTools 10.2 disc from the Avid web site for free.  If he 
doesn't have an ILok, furthermore, if he doesn't have a Protools 10 license on! 
that ILok, then regardless if I send him a DVD or not, he wouldn't be able to 
do anything at all with it.  It won't even run without an ILok license, so 
yeah... it's not like I'd give my license out, all I'd be providing is the DVD 
media itself.  It would be like giving someone a Windows 7 disc but not giving 
them any product key what so ever.  Just the bare dvd only.  I'm only doing 
this as I don't think you even can get the 10.0 DVD anymore, and if he bies it, 
I'm not sure if it would be 10.0 on the dvd, or whether they'd jump 'em 
straight to 10.2, but my suspicion is the ladder lamentably.

  One way're another Keith, if you by PT, let me know, and I'll get you up and 


- Original Message - 
From: keith 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

oh almost forgot to ask, are there any other older versions that would work 
other than 10?
proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no 
sorrow with it.

  - Original Message - 
  From: keith 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:14 PM
  Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

  Thank you, I will see if i can buy 10.  i'll check that out. I may have 
other questions concerning PT that i'm sure you could answer for me later on 
down the road if you wouldn't mind. 
  proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth 
no sorrow with it.

- Original Message - 
From: Christopher-Mark Gilland 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:02 PM
Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

I use 10.0, not 10.1 or 10.2, etc. but just plain 10.0 on Snowleopard, 
and I find it works fantasticly.


  - Original Message - 
  From: keith 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 8:54 PM
  Subject: protools and snow lepard

  wich vursion of pro tools works with VoiceOver on Snow Lepard
  proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he 
addeth no sorrow with it.

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Re: protools and snow lepard

2012-08-25 Thread keith
thanks so much and I'm for sure you are right about 10.0 because they upgraded 
and updated everything sence that version, however i'll still check. 
proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no 
sorrow with it.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Christopher-Mark Gilland 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:09 PM
  Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

  Well, there is always the MPower version, but the problem with that is you 
then have to have an audio interface which actually is M-Audio branded.

  I wouldn't honestly recommend it.  Though it's cheaper, you're gonna be 
really limited as far as hardware is concerned.

  Your better bet would be to get PT 10.  If you wind up buying it, and they 
give you 10.2, let me know and I'll see if I can dmg you my PT 10.0 DVD, and 
before anyone bans me from this list, let me say, that is *NOT illegal!  You 
already can get the ProTools 10.2 disc from the Avid web site for free.  If he 
doesn't have an ILok, furthermore, if he doesn't have a Protools 10 license on! 
that ILok, then regardless if I send him a DVD or not, he wouldn't be able to 
do anything at all with it.  It won't even run without an ILok license, so 
yeah... it's not like I'd give my license out, all I'd be providing is the DVD 
media itself.  It would be like giving someone a Windows 7 disc but not giving 
them any product key what so ever.  Just the bare dvd only.  I'm only doing 
this as I don't think you even can get the 10.0 DVD anymore, and if he bies it, 
I'm not sure if it would be 10.0 on the dvd, or whether they'd jump 'em 
straight to 10.2, but my suspicion is the ladder lamentably.

  One way're another Keith, if you by PT, let me know, and I'll get you up and 


- Original Message - 
From: keith 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

oh almost forgot to ask, are there any other older versions that would work 
other than 10?
proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no 
sorrow with it.

  - Original Message - 
  From: keith 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:14 PM
  Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

  Thank you, I will see if i can buy 10.  i'll check that out. I may have 
other questions concerning PT that i'm sure you could answer for me later on 
down the road if you wouldn't mind. 
  proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth 
no sorrow with it.

- Original Message - 
From: Christopher-Mark Gilland 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:02 PM
Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

I use 10.0, not 10.1 or 10.2, etc. but just plain 10.0 on Snowleopard, 
and I find it works fantasticly.


  - Original Message - 
  From: keith 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 8:54 PM
  Subject: protools and snow lepard

  wich vursion of pro tools works with VoiceOver on Snow Lepard
  proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he 
addeth no sorrow with it.

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Re: protools and snow lepard

2012-08-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
If you get the M Power 9 version of ProTools, no, you wouldn't be limited.  
What I'm trying to say, I guess is, if you get the M-Power version of ProTools 
which is version 9.0, you would only be able to use that version of PT with 
M-Audio based hardware.  So, in your case you'd be fine, since you have an 
M-Audio interface, but! here's where the problem may pop up.  Say that down the 
road you want to get a different type interface, say a Tascam, or a 
Sapphire Focus series or the like... you wouldn't be able then to use it with 
ProTools MP9.  MP9 only works with M-Audio based hardware.  It's kind a like 
back in the days when Digidesign was around, and at that time, they had 
ProTools L E.  That version only worked with Digidesign specific hardware, so 
say you had a Digi03 interface... then you were fine, but if you ever got 
something else, be it an interface, a control surface, or a combo of both that 
wasn't Digidesign branded, you were screwed until you did a crossgrade to the 
full fledged ProTools standard.

If you never see yourself ever getting anything aside M-Audio branded gear, 
then MP9 may be the way to go, but just know: if you do that, then later change 
your mind and decide that you want to upgrade to a different type interface or 
control surface which isn't M-Audio branded, you're going to be out of luck 
until you buy the crossgrade which is like $399, about the same amount as  
Mpower 9.  And really, ProTools 10 is $699, so you do the math... you get MP9 
now, then later crossgrade, that's 399+399=$798, let's jsut call it $800.  Now, 
would you rather do that or pay $699 and be done with it, knowing up front that 
no matter what, your DAW will work fine with any hardware and not be tied to 
one specific brand for $99, just call it $100 less in the long run.

The better buy I'd say is get the bang for your buck!  Yeah, at first it'll 
hurt like a son of a gun, but if you have to, do what I personally did:  go 
through Sweetwater Sound out of Fort Wayne Indiana.  Talk to Christopher 
Geissler.  That guy is absolutely incredible!  Tell him Chris Gilland sent you, 
he knows me really well, don't worry.  The thing with that is, you could do 3 
easy payments over 3 months.  That definitely would probably make it a bit more 
manageable, and what's nice is, after your first payment, you automatically 
will get the product.  You don't have to wait till the 3rd payment goes through 
to get it.  Now, if you screw up and miss a payment, that's kind a not my 
problem at that point, LOL!  And believe me, they'll hit you hard!  $15.00 per? 
day! late payment, but as long as the funds are there each 3 months, you're 
fine and dandy.

Anyway, Christopher's direct number is:


Ext. 1297.

I know he'd be honored! to work with you.  He's jsut that type a guy.  He's 

Anyway, being this is becoming more a ProTools discussion, than a mac 
discussion, it might not be totally suitable for this list.  I highly encourage 
either you or anyone else on this list to write me privately off list if you 
have any more questions about ProTools.

Eventually, once I get my equipment all patched in correctly where I can do it 
and patch my Voiceover directly through the line, I'm gonna start offering 
ProTools one on one Skype or telephone lessons for a very low cost through 

Once I get that more in place, I'll be putting out more information about that.

To keep up with the progress, you can follow me on Twitter.  You need to follow 

Anyway, my private e-mail address is:

Take care.


  - Original Message - 
  From: keith 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:15 PM
  Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

  I do have a M-Audio audio enterface, but again you said I would be limited 
even with that?  
  proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no 
sorrow with it.

- Original Message - 
From: Christopher-Mark Gilland 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:09 PM
Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

Well, there is always the MPower version, but the problem with that is you 
then have to have an audio interface which actually is M-Audio branded.

I wouldn't honestly recommend it.  Though it's cheaper, you're gonna be 
really limited as far as hardware is concerned.

Your better bet would be to get PT 10.  If you wind up buying it, and they 
give you 10.2, let me know and I'll see if I can dmg you my PT 10.0 DVD, and 
before anyone bans me from this list, let me say, that is *NOT illegal!  You 
already can get the ProTools 10.2 disc from the Avid web site for free.  If he 
doesn't have an ILok, furthermore, if he doesn't have a Protools 10 license on! 
that ILok, then regardless if I send him a DVD or not, he wouldn't be able to 
do anything at all with it.  It

Re: protools and snow lepard

2012-08-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Awesome.  Well, like I said, feel free to add me to your addressbook, and if 
you need any help feel free to give me a holla.


  - Original Message - 
  From: keith 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:18 PM
  Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

  thanks so much and I'm for sure you are right about 10.0 because they 
upgraded and updated everything sence that version, however i'll still check. 
  proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no 
sorrow with it.

- Original Message - 
From: Christopher-Mark Gilland 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:09 PM
Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

Well, there is always the MPower version, but the problem with that is you 
then have to have an audio interface which actually is M-Audio branded.

I wouldn't honestly recommend it.  Though it's cheaper, you're gonna be 
really limited as far as hardware is concerned.

Your better bet would be to get PT 10.  If you wind up buying it, and they 
give you 10.2, let me know and I'll see if I can dmg you my PT 10.0 DVD, and 
before anyone bans me from this list, let me say, that is *NOT illegal!  You 
already can get the ProTools 10.2 disc from the Avid web site for free.  If he 
doesn't have an ILok, furthermore, if he doesn't have a Protools 10 license on! 
that ILok, then regardless if I send him a DVD or not, he wouldn't be able to 
do anything at all with it.  It won't even run without an ILok license, so 
yeah... it's not like I'd give my license out, all I'd be providing is the DVD 
media itself.  It would be like giving someone a Windows 7 disc but not giving 
them any product key what so ever.  Just the bare dvd only.  I'm only doing 
this as I don't think you even can get the 10.0 DVD anymore, and if he bies it, 
I'm not sure if it would be 10.0 on the dvd, or whether they'd jump 'em 
straight to 10.2, but my suspicion is the ladder lamentably.

One way're another Keith, if you by PT, let me know, and I'll get you up 
and runnin.


  - Original Message - 
  From: keith 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:15 PM
  Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

  oh almost forgot to ask, are there any other older versions that would 
work other than 10?
  proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth 
no sorrow with it.

- Original Message - 
From: keith 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:14 PM
Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

Thank you, I will see if i can buy 10.  i'll check that out. I may have 
other questions concerning PT that i'm sure you could answer for me later on 
down the road if you wouldn't mind. 
proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth 
no sorrow with it.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Christopher-Mark Gilland 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:02 PM
  Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

  I use 10.0, not 10.1 or 10.2, etc. but just plain 10.0 on 
Snowleopard, and I find it works fantasticly.


- Original Message - 
From: keith 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 8:54 PM
Subject: protools and snow lepard

wich vursion of pro tools works with VoiceOver on Snow Lepard
proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he 
addeth no sorrow with it.

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VLC for Mac OS and accessibility

2012-08-25 Thread Victor Tsaran
Hello all,
Has anyone ever reached out to the developers of VLC Player for the Mac 
regarding the accessibility of their application with VoiceOver?
It's manageable but could certainly be improved further.

Just curious so as not to double efforts.

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Re: VLC for Mac OS and accessibility

2012-08-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
When you say it's manageable, what things for example do you think could be 


- Original Message - 
From: "Victor Tsaran" 

Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 12:44 AM
Subject: VLC for Mac OS and accessibility

Hello all,
Has anyone ever reached out to the developers of VLC Player for the Mac 
regarding the accessibility of their application with VoiceOver?

It's manageable but could certainly be improved further.

Just curious so as not to double efforts.

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RE: VLC for Mac OS and accessibility

2012-08-25 Thread Daniel Miller
The only issues I see are the unlabeled checkboxes and buttons, but that's
easily fixable.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Christopher-Mark
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:58 PM
Subject: Re: VLC for Mac OS and accessibility

When you say it's manageable, what things for example do you think could be


- Original Message -
From: "Victor Tsaran" 
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 12:44 AM
Subject: VLC for Mac OS and accessibility

> Hello all,
> Has anyone ever reached out to the developers of VLC Player for the Mac 
> regarding the accessibility of their application with VoiceOver?
> It's manageable but could certainly be improved further.
> Just curious so as not to double efforts.
> Thanks,
> Vic
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: VLC for Mac OS and accessibility

2012-08-25 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Where are the checkboxes specifically you're talking about, and do they have 
vo+shift+H help tags?


- Original Message - 
From: "Daniel Miller" 

Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 1:01 AM
Subject: RE: VLC for Mac OS and accessibility

The only issues I see are the unlabeled checkboxes and buttons, but that's
easily fixable.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Christopher-Mark
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:58 PM
Subject: Re: VLC for Mac OS and accessibility

When you say it's manageable, what things for example do you think could 



- Original Message -
From: "Victor Tsaran" 
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 12:44 AM
Subject: VLC for Mac OS and accessibility

Hello all,
Has anyone ever reached out to the developers of VLC Player for the Mac
regarding the accessibility of their application with VoiceOver?
It's manageable but could certainly be improved further.

Just curious so as not to double efforts.

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Re: protools and snow lepard

2012-08-25 Thread keith
very well explain my friend and that I will do. Thank you for all the info and 
I will do as you instructed. Thanks a buntch again and again.
proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no 
sorrow with it.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Christopher-Mark Gilland 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:58 PM
  Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

  If you get the M Power 9 version of ProTools, no, you wouldn't be limited.  
What I'm trying to say, I guess is, if you get the M-Power version of ProTools 
which is version 9.0, you would only be able to use that version of PT with 
M-Audio based hardware.  So, in your case you'd be fine, since you have an 
M-Audio interface, but! here's where the problem may pop up.  Say that down the 
road you want to get a different type interface, say a Tascam, or a 
  Sapphire Focus series or the like... you wouldn't be able then to use it with 
ProTools MP9.  MP9 only works with M-Audio based hardware.  It's kind a like 
back in the days when Digidesign was around, and at that time, they had 
ProTools L E.  That version only worked with Digidesign specific hardware, so 
say you had a Digi03 interface... then you were fine, but if you ever got 
something else, be it an interface, a control surface, or a combo of both that 
wasn't Digidesign branded, you were screwed until you did a crossgrade to the 
full fledged ProTools standard.

  If you never see yourself ever getting anything aside M-Audio branded gear, 
then MP9 may be the way to go, but just know: if you do that, then later change 
your mind and decide that you want to upgrade to a different type interface or 
control surface which isn't M-Audio branded, you're going to be out of luck 
until you buy the crossgrade which is like $399, about the same amount as  
Mpower 9.  And really, ProTools 10 is $699, so you do the math... you get MP9 
now, then later crossgrade, that's 399+399=$798, let's jsut call it $800.  Now, 
would you rather do that or pay $699 and be done with it, knowing up front that 
no matter what, your DAW will work fine with any hardware and not be tied to 
one specific brand for $99, just call it $100 less in the long run.

  The better buy I'd say is get the bang for your buck!  Yeah, at first it'll 
hurt like a son of a gun, but if you have to, do what I personally did:  go 
through Sweetwater Sound out of Fort Wayne Indiana.  Talk to Christopher 
Geissler.  That guy is absolutely incredible!  Tell him Chris Gilland sent you, 
he knows me really well, don't worry.  The thing with that is, you could do 3 
easy payments over 3 months.  That definitely would probably make it a bit more 
manageable, and what's nice is, after your first payment, you automatically 
will get the product.  You don't have to wait till the 3rd payment goes through 
to get it.  Now, if you screw up and miss a payment, that's kind a not my 
problem at that point, LOL!  And believe me, they'll hit you hard!  $15.00 per? 
day! late payment, but as long as the funds are there each 3 months, you're 
fine and dandy.

  Anyway, Christopher's direct number is:


  Ext. 1297.

  I know he'd be honored! to work with you.  He's jsut that type a guy.  He's 

  Anyway, being this is becoming more a ProTools discussion, than a mac 
discussion, it might not be totally suitable for this list.  I highly encourage 
either you or anyone else on this list to write me privately off list if you 
have any more questions about ProTools.

  Eventually, once I get my equipment all patched in correctly where I can do 
it and patch my Voiceover directly through the line, I'm gonna start offering 
ProTools one on one Skype or telephone lessons for a very low cost through 

  Once I get that more in place, I'll be putting out more information about 

  To keep up with the progress, you can follow me on Twitter.  You need to 
follow @clgproductions1

  Anyway, my private e-mail address is:

  Take care.


- Original Message - 
From: keith 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

I do have a M-Audio audio enterface, but again you said I would be limited 
even with that?  
proberbs 10:22 ¶The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no 
sorrow with it.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Christopher-Mark Gilland 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:09 PM
  Subject: Re: protools and snow lepard

  Well, there is always the MPower version, but the problem with that is 
you then have to have an audio interface which actually is M-Audio branded.

  I wouldn't honestly recommend it.  Though it's cheaper, you're gonna be 
really limited as far as hardware is concerned.

  Your better bet

RE: VLC for Mac OS and accessibility

2012-08-25 Thread Daniel Miller
Hm...oh wait. I think that was version 1 that had that, or maybe mPlayer
X.I'll have to play around more with vlc to see if anything's not
accessible. I strictly stick to iTunes for my music needs, so never really
have a need for other programs. Sorry for the confusion!

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Christopher-Mark
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 12:03 AM
Subject: Re: VLC for Mac OS and accessibility

Where are the checkboxes specifically you're talking about, and do they have

vo+shift+H help tags?


- Original Message - 
From: "Daniel Miller" 
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 1:01 AM
Subject: RE: VLC for Mac OS and accessibility

> The only issues I see are the unlabeled checkboxes and buttons, but that's
> easily fixable.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Christopher-Mark
> Gilland
> Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:58 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: VLC for Mac OS and accessibility
> When you say it's manageable, what things for example do you think could 
> be
> improved?
> Chris.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Victor Tsaran" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 12:44 AM
> Subject: VLC for Mac OS and accessibility
>> Hello all,
>> Has anyone ever reached out to the developers of VLC Player for the Mac
>> regarding the accessibility of their application with VoiceOver?
>> It's manageable but could certainly be improved further.
>> Just curious so as not to double efforts.
>> Thanks,
>> Vic
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Re: Fleksy

2012-08-25 Thread Shen
The other weird thing I'm experiencing is trying to capitalize a letter. So I 
put my finger on the keyboard until I start entering letters manually. After 
entering a letter, you flick up to capitalize it. Somehow, for me it doesn't 
always do that.
It took me about 5 tries to enter my own name correctly.

On Aug 24, 2012, at 7:44 PM, Tammy  wrote:

> Hi,
> yes I tend to touch very lightly when in this mode because the focus really 
> does move around quite easily.  Thankfully I don't have to use it for much. A 
> suggestion might be to add frequently used words to the dictionary before you 
> use the program so that it will know and use them already.
> hth
> Tammy
> -Original Message- From: Jamie Tachiyama
> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 11:41 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Fleksy
> It is true that you can enter things this way. One thing I have noticed 
> though, it seems to slide over to the next letter vary easily. I generally 
> find it to be slower to enter text this way due to the amount of corrections 
> I have to make.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Aug 24, 2012, at 8:25 AM, "Tammy"  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You can enter it manually, just hold your finger on the keyboard and after a 
>> second you'll hear the letter your finger's on.  Then just move your finger 
>> around and touch type as you normally would.  When you're done flick right 
>> to add the space and your word will be spoken, and you can then flick up to 
>> add it to the dictionary if you want to or just keep typing.
>> hth
>> Tammy
>> -Original Message- From: Mike Busboom
>> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 10:58 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Fleksy
>> Hello everyone,
>> Donna sort of brings up a point that would interest me.  How do you actually 
>> enter a word within Fleksy that isn't in its dictionary?  Is there a way to 
>> force the App to let you enter a word in the "usual way?" Although I write 
>> lots of stuff on my iPhone in English, I sometimes need to enter names of 
>> restaurants, etc., whose names are German.
>> Thanks and happy fleksing!
>> Mike
>> On 19,Aug,2012, at 11:03 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>> You know, it's hard to completely separate them.  I find that I have to 
>>> retype things a lot, often the word I'm aiming for isn't in the suggestions 
>>> list.  Which of course, makes the whole thing slower.  And when I go back 
>>> and read the text, there often seem to be a lot of junk characters mixed 
>>> in.  It may well be just that I need to put some time into getting used to 
>>> it, but unfortunately, time is one thing I don't have a lot of right now, 
>>> what with a recent move and a new job.  I do appreciate the list comments, 
>>> though, since you all seem to be getting good results, that speaks to the 
>>> fact that it must be possible. :)
>>> Take care,
>>> Donna
>>> On Aug 19, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Taylor Scott  wrote:
 Is it the  accuracy of the words, or the speed that is giving you problems?
 I know for me it took some getting used to, to be fast with it.
 You spend a few years listening for a key, and with this app, the key
 is to quickly tap in the general direction of the key, and continue
 I still hesitate some when tiping, it's just habit.
 To get the best results is to try to tap the keys as fast as you can,
 and let Fleksy do it's work and guess the word. Of corse it's first
 guess may not be right, but once you get the speed down and flicking
 through the suggested words, I think you'll start to notice the apps
 Hope this helps.
 On 8/19/12, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> Hey Brandon,
> thanks for the tip - I did find the suggestions.  though personally I'm
> finding the app slow and not very accurate, I do assume there's a learning
> curve, and am intrigued by the results that others are reporting.  I think
> I'll keep playing with it for a while, and see if I notice improvement
> before making a final decision.
> thanks again,
> Donna
> On Aug 18, 2012, at 4:27 PM, Brandon Olivares 
> wrote:
>> Just want to point out one more thing, in case you didn't know.
>> The great thing is that even if it doesn't guess the right word, you can
>> flick down to get other suggestions. Unless the word isn't in its 
>> built-in
>> dictionary, the word you want will most definitely be there.
>> That is why you can just wildly guess, touching somewhere in the general
>> vicinity of the letter but not really carrying how close it is, because
>> that's enough to get the word to come up. Now I'm able to text just as
>> fast, I think, as a sighted user.
>> Did you read the full instructions? That may be useful.
>> On Aug 18, 2012, at 3:10 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>>> Wow, I'm not se

Re: Fleksy

2012-08-25 Thread Jamie Tachiyama
You have to make sure to let go of the letter, then flick up.

On 8/25/12, Shen  wrote:
> The other weird thing I'm experiencing is trying to capitalize a letter. So
> I put my finger on the keyboard until I start entering letters manually.
> After entering a letter, you flick up to capitalize it. Somehow, for me it
> doesn't always do that.
> It took me about 5 tries to enter my own name correctly.
> On Aug 24, 2012, at 7:44 PM, Tammy  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> yes I tend to touch very lightly when in this mode because the focus
>> really does move around quite easily.  Thankfully I don't have to use it
>> for much. A suggestion might be to add frequently used words to the
>> dictionary before you use the program so that it will know and use them
>> already.
>> hth
>> Tammy
>> -Original Message- From: Jamie Tachiyama
>> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 11:41 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Fleksy
>> It is true that you can enter things this way. One thing I have noticed
>> though, it seems to slide over to the next letter vary easily. I generally
>> find it to be slower to enter text this way due to the amount of
>> corrections I have to make.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 24, 2012, at 8:25 AM, "Tammy"  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> You can enter it manually, just hold your finger on the keyboard and
>>> after a second you'll hear the letter your finger's on.  Then just move
>>> your finger around and touch type as you normally would.  When you're
>>> done flick right to add the space and your word will be spoken, and you
>>> can then flick up to add it to the dictionary if you want to or just keep
>>> typing.
>>> hth
>>> Tammy
>>> -Original Message- From: Mike Busboom
>>> Sent: Friday, August 24, 2012 10:58 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Fleksy
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> Donna sort of brings up a point that would interest me.  How do you
>>> actually enter a word within Fleksy that isn't in its dictionary?  Is
>>> there a way to force the App to let you enter a word in the "usual way?"
>>> Although I write lots of stuff on my iPhone in English, I sometimes need
>>> to enter names of restaurants, etc., whose names are German.
>>> Thanks and happy fleksing!
>>> Mike
>>> On 19,Aug,2012, at 11:03 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
 You know, it's hard to completely separate them.  I find that I have to
 retype things a lot, often the word I'm aiming for isn't in the
 suggestions list.  Which of course, makes the whole thing slower.  And
 when I go back and read the text, there often seem to be a lot of junk
 characters mixed in.  It may well be just that I need to put some time
 into getting used to it, but unfortunately, time is one thing I don't
 have a lot of right now, what with a recent move and a new job.  I do
 appreciate the list comments, though, since you all seem to be getting
 good results, that speaks to the fact that it must be possible. :)
 Take care,
 On Aug 19, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Taylor Scott  wrote:

> Is it the  accuracy of the words, or the speed that is giving you
> problems?
> I know for me it took some getting used to, to be fast with it.
> You spend a few years listening for a key, and with this app, the key
> is to quickly tap in the general direction of the key, and continue
> on.
> I still hesitate some when tiping, it's just habit.
> To get the best results is to try to tap the keys as fast as you can,
> and let Fleksy do it's work and guess the word. Of corse it's first
> guess may not be right, but once you get the speed down and flicking
> through the suggested words, I think you'll start to notice the apps
> potintial.
> Hope this helps.
> On 8/19/12, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hey Brandon,
>> thanks for the tip - I did find the suggestions.  though personally
>> I'm
>> finding the app slow and not very accurate, I do assume there's a
>> learning
>> curve, and am intrigued by the results that others are reporting.  I
>> think
>> I'll keep playing with it for a while, and see if I notice
>> improvement
>> before making a final decision.
>> thanks again,
>> Donna
>> On Aug 18, 2012, at 4:27 PM, Brandon Olivares
>> wrote:
>>> Just want to point out one more thing, in case you didn't know.
>>> The great thing is that even if it doesn't guess the right word, you
>>> can
>>> flick down to get other suggestions. Unless the word isn't in its
>>> built-in
>>> dictionary, the word you want will most definitely be there.
>>> That is why you can just wildly guess, touching somewhere in the
>>> general
>>> vicinity of the letter but not really carrying how close it is,
>>> because
>>> that's enough to get the word to come up.

VM Fusion 5

2012-08-25 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello everyone. I upgraded to Fusion 4 at the end of July. I just received
my key to update to Fusion 5. Have any of you figured out how to download
the upgrade without going to the online store and paying for it?

Thanks so much.

Sent from my IPhone

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