Re: speakable items

2012-08-03 Thread Dan Roy
Oh boy, I have been playing around with this for a while now, it didn't work, 
of course, it was set to off!  sometimes, the most obvious things are just 
beyond me, h!

On Jul 31, 2012, at 3:43 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi Lisette and Les,
> Are you guys sure you have the on button pressed in the Speakable items 
> settings?  It's kind of hard to tell, so I would suggest going back in, and 
> pressing VO-Space to select Speakable Items On, then restarting your Mac.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Jul 31, 2012, at 2:49 PM, Lisette Wesseling  
> wrote:
>> Hi Donna and Virginia
>> I don't even get any sound when I press and hold my speak key. I get 
>> nothing. I know I'm not alone in this but can't figure it out at all. It's 
>> not a show stopper for me if this can't work on my machine, but it would be 
>> nice.
>> On 1/08/2012, at 12:44 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
>>> I for some reason didn't have to do the calibration. Although I have a like 
>>> trouble getting things going, once I did, things went fine. Maybe you only 
>>> have to do the calibration thing if the computer is not understanding
>>> consistently. 
>>> Eugenia Firth
>>> On Jul 30, 2012, at 10:52 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
 You just kind of have to move the slider till the phrases you are saying 
 get recognized.  Mine worked best around 60%.
 On Jul 30, 2012, at 10:45 PM, Lisette Wesseling 
> How are you guys calibrating your mic? I see the phrases you're supposed 
> to say and the slider is at 100 % but I don't get how to actually 
> calibrate things.
> Thanks.
> Lisette
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Re: speakable items - system dialogs menu

2012-08-03 Thread Dan Roy
Yes, so do I, but, if you ever have a sighted friend use your Mac, it will 
bother them, or, at least, I think it will.

when I first got my mac and didn't know about how to see all the opened windows 
and dialogues, the first time my wife went to use my Mac, she was annoyed about 
all the opened system dialogues all over the place.

As far as I know, when a system dialogue remains opened, the only way for us to 
know about it is by using window chooser.  Anyway, I am just ignoring it too, 
but, I can't see why it should be there at all!

On Aug 1, 2012, at 11:37 PM, Maria From Australia  

> Hi. 
> I have it too. I just command tab away from it and it doesn't really bother 
> me. 
> Hope this helps. 
> Blessings!  Maria and my guide Karly  email
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 01/08/2012, at 6:53 PM, Lisette Wesseling  
> wrote:
>> Hi Folks
>> Ever since playing with the speakable items I've got this system window on 
>> my screen called "system dialogs menu". When I do command o to open it (the 
>> only thing which seems to do anything) it says "speech feedback survey". I 
>> can't close this or do anything with it. How do I get rid of it please? 
>> Lisette 
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VO Profiles and iCloud

2012-08-03 Thread Chris Moore
Hello Apple gan boys and girls,

How are we all enjoying Mountain Lion? Pretty good huh?  Few little bugs? yeah 
I know, but no show stoppers unlike Lion :)

Anyway, enough of the small talk.  After installing a fresh clean Mountain 
Kitty Kat onto my iMac, it suddenly dawned on me "damn! I have not backed up my 
Voiceover profile".

This got me thinking, wouldn't it be cool if you could save your VO profile to 
iCloud?  So next time you log into a new Mac with your iCloud account all your 
favourite VO settings are just there!  It would be wonderful if iOS could do 
the same, and who knows maybe one day Macs and iOS could even share the same 
profile in the cloud.

What do you guys think?

Another thing which I have thought of relates to notifications.  Half the time 
I think why is it telling me about mail when I have mail opened in the 
background anyway?  What would be useful is if you could set the notification 
area to only alert you if you get an email from a VIP.  Any thoughts?

My final issue relates to the Messages app.  I used to have iChat configured to 
connect to Facebook chat, and when I installed ML over Lion, the setting were 
transferred from iChat to Messages.  Facebook chat under Messages is wonderful. 
 Then I decided to wipe my Mac and put a clean copy of ML on and when I went to 
set up Facebook chat within Messages, I am having trouble connecting.  As far 
as I am aware I have all the correct settings, but I am constantly offline and 
when I try to go online I am informed that there was an network connection 
error to the jabber server.  Guess I will have to spend the weekend trying to 
sort that headache out.

Anyway, that's me, tell me about you. :)

Chris in the UK trying so hard to skive off work as it is almost the weekend.

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Re: VO Profiles and iCloud

2012-08-03 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hello Chris.

It's lovely to have a cheerful e-mail to read.  Like you, I am sitting at work 
in the UK and not doing it as I should but I am living a little dangerously.

Well, I love your idea about the settings being saved in Icloud.  You should 
let Apple know your idea.

Kind regards.


On 3 Aug 2012, at 08:59 AM, Chris Moore  wrote:

> Hello Apple gan boys and girls,
> How are we all enjoying Mountain Lion? Pretty good huh?  Few little bugs? 
> yeah I know, but no show stoppers unlike Lion :)
> Anyway, enough of the small talk.  After installing a fresh clean Mountain 
> Kitty Kat onto my iMac, it suddenly dawned on me "damn! I have not backed up 
> my Voiceover profile".
> This got me thinking, wouldn't it be cool if you could save your VO profile 
> to iCloud?  So next time you log into a new Mac with your iCloud account all 
> your favourite VO settings are just there!  It would be wonderful if iOS 
> could do the same, and who knows maybe one day Macs and iOS could even share 
> the same profile in the cloud.
> What do you guys think?
> Another thing which I have thought of relates to notifications.  Half the 
> time I think why is it telling me about mail when I have mail opened in the 
> background anyway?  What would be useful is if you could set the notification 
> area to only alert you if you get an email from a VIP.  Any thoughts?
> My final issue relates to the Messages app.  I used to have iChat configured 
> to connect to Facebook chat, and when I installed ML over Lion, the setting 
> were transferred from iChat to Messages.  Facebook chat under Messages is 
> wonderful.  Then I decided to wipe my Mac and put a clean copy of ML on and 
> when I went to set up Facebook chat within Messages, I am having trouble 
> connecting.  As far as I am aware I have all the correct settings, but I am 
> constantly offline and when I try to go online I am informed that there was 
> an network connection error to the jabber server.  Guess I will have to spend 
> the weekend trying to sort that headache out.
> Anyway, that's me, tell me about you. :)
> Chris in the UK trying so hard to skive off work as it is almost the weekend.
> -- 
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My problem re no windows.

2012-08-03 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hello All.

I forgot to add one thing having no windows when using ML.

Affter a while, Voice Over stops announcing that the application has no windows 
and works normally.

Again if any one can shed a little light, let me know.  I do not know if its a 
bug. Thank you.  I am feeling great for a Friday especially as we've had some 
sun as it rains here too much.


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Re: VO Profiles and iCloud

2012-08-03 Thread Chris Moore
Don't worry, I have done via accessibility@ and also via the feedback feature 
on their  website.  But if anyone else wants to do the same, then that might 
ensure it is considered by Apple in the future.

Hope your day is going well.  I am bug hunting on our huge website.  It amazes 
me in 2012 how many accessibility or HTML coding errors can creep into a 

Chris :)
On 3 Aug 2012, at 09:10, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:

> Hello Chris.
> It's lovely to have a cheerful e-mail to read.  Like you, I am sitting at 
> work in the UK and not doing it as I should but I am living a little 
> dangerously.
> Well, I love your idea about the settings being saved in Icloud.  You should 
> let Apple know your idea.
> Kind regards.
> Kawal.
> On 3 Aug 2012, at 08:59 AM, Chris Moore  wrote:
>> Hello Apple gan boys and girls,
>> How are we all enjoying Mountain Lion? Pretty good huh?  Few little bugs? 
>> yeah I know, but no show stoppers unlike Lion :)
>> Anyway, enough of the small talk.  After installing a fresh clean Mountain 
>> Kitty Kat onto my iMac, it suddenly dawned on me "damn! I have not backed up 
>> my Voiceover profile".
>> This got me thinking, wouldn't it be cool if you could save your VO profile 
>> to iCloud?  So next time you log into a new Mac with your iCloud account all 
>> your favourite VO settings are just there!  It would be wonderful if iOS 
>> could do the same, and who knows maybe one day Macs and iOS could even share 
>> the same profile in the cloud.
>> What do you guys think?
>> Another thing which I have thought of relates to notifications.  Half the 
>> time I think why is it telling me about mail when I have mail opened in the 
>> background anyway?  What would be useful is if you could set the 
>> notification area to only alert you if you get an email from a VIP.  Any 
>> thoughts?
>> My final issue relates to the Messages app.  I used to have iChat configured 
>> to connect to Facebook chat, and when I installed ML over Lion, the setting 
>> were transferred from iChat to Messages.  Facebook chat under Messages is 
>> wonderful.  Then I decided to wipe my Mac and put a clean copy of ML on and 
>> when I went to set up Facebook chat within Messages, I am having trouble 
>> connecting.  As far as I am aware I have all the correct settings, but I am 
>> constantly offline and when I try to go online I am informed that there was 
>> an network connection error to the jabber server.  Guess I will have to 
>> spend the weekend trying to sort that headache out.
>> Anyway, that's me, tell me about you. :)
>> Chris in the UK trying so hard to skive off work as it is almost the weekend.
>> -- 
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Seaking Purchase advice on IPhone car kit

2012-08-03 Thread Christopher-Mark gilland
My grandmother has a  Hyunda, but trust me, it doesn't have bluetooth 
ability, nor does it have auxiliary input.  All she's got is A M/FM/Sirius 
XM, Plus a 6 disc dashboard loading CD changer.  I can't remember what year 
it is, but it's not exactly old old old, but it's not new by any stretch 
either.  I think it's like a 2005, or a 2006, somewhere in that 

Anyway, she does have a cigarette lighter  charger port.  So, I'm wonderring 
if anyone may know of a good FM transmitter that I could use for my IPhone 
4S 16GB black, through AT&T which would let me transmit to an FM frequency 
which I then could tune her radio to, then listen to my IPhone in the car. 
We go out practically 2 or 3 times a week for lunch, then of corse, there's 
the times I have doctor appointments, etc. so I'd love! to be able to listen 
to my music, or Pandora, etc. over something a little better than the 
internal IPhone speaker.  Don't get me wrong, the internal speaker is 
incredible!  I mean it blows the IPod Touch 3GS and 4G both totally! out of 
the water, but it's still not the same as going through a full car stereo by 
any means.

I had a little birdy butt transmitter I bought a while back for my old IPod 
Nano 4th Gen, way back in the days, which costed about 50 bucks, or so, and 
basically what you had was this little dinky dank thing that plugged into 
the cigarette lighter charger... obviously, I don't literally mean the 
cigarette lighter... I'm not stupid... LOL!  I mean the charger port thing 
that looks like a lighter port.  You're probably lookin at me go yeah yeah 
yeah, I gotcha, I know I know, don't worry.  LOL!  Anyway, so one end 
plugged in there, then the other end basically was just a cord that plugged 
into the 8th inch or as some would call it 3.5MM stereo jack on the 
IPod/IPhone, or whatever had an earphone jack.  I found that thing didn't 
work really well, as for one, the IPhone never was stationary, as nothing 
held it still.  It just kind a sat there either on my lap, or whatever, 
sometimes in the little glasses compartment.  I found that the slightest 
movement would make the thing fade out though and give a bit of static over 
the transmition.  It was really really annoying.

My dad had one that I think he paid about $100 to maybe $130 bucks for, 
somewhere around there, and if my mom still has it, I may try it out, as 
that sucker worked incredibly!  The sound was so crystal clear, it was 
unbelievable!  The only issue with it is, I dont' think an IPod Touch nor an 
IPhone would fit in the thing.  I think it only held the 4th and 5th gen 
Nanos.  My dad actually got the thing back when the 4th gen Nanos were 
really hot on the market, so it's pretty old.  What I like about it though 
is, you plugged it in, then it had this metal rod looking arm that protruded 
out of the thing that you could swivvle around so that it would either face 
more toward the driver, or the passenger, or it could just be straight dead 
centered.  The other end of it oppisit from the plug, literally was a 
cradling docking station.  So it had, from what I remember, 3 buttons.  One 
to go up in frequency, and one to move it down, plus it had an auto-scan 
where you push that, and it would scan for the first available frequency 
with no sound/static.  Then you had the cradle where you basically literally 
docked the IPod/whatever into.  That pretty well obviously held it still, 
plus, like i said, the sound was just out of this world amazing!  I don't 
think I remember even once that the thing staticked nor faded.

I need to look to see if my mom kept it.  I doubt she did, as most of the 
stuff in his car I think got sold, after he passed away.  If it would hold 
the IPhone, and we could find it, my issue will be solved, but does anyone 
know any good cigarette lighter based car FM transmitters I could use?  I'm 
willing to spend say no less than $100 and maybe no more than $150.  $150 
would be on the high end for me though.  I'll do it, but that would be 
pushing it.  For that cost, it darn well better be good.  LOL!  Would prefer 
something which actually docks, not something that would use the earphone 
jack, although if you can promise me it would have good results, I'll try 
it.  I have an open mind.


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Re: making appointments in 10.8

2012-08-03 Thread William Windels
Hello all, I find some new  possibility's so that you can specify that a event 
will have a end-our with the word until.
I write something like:
appointment with x 5 august 10:40 until 18:00
kind regards,
William windels

Op 31-jul.-2012, om 22:49 heeft Harry Hogue  het 
volgende geschreven:

> Hi, I usually write something like, "Meeting with X on 2 August at 2:00pm" 
> (also could be written at "14:00," I suppose.  Thank you for the end time 
> suggestions; iCal, however, defaults to an hour long appointment if you do 
> not specify otherwise.  This is the same in Google Calendar.
> Hope this helps,
> Harry
> On Jul 31, 2012, at 5:35 AM, William Windels  
> wrote:
>> Hi Lisette,
>> Thx for the hints.
>> I have played with your suggestion since I would like also a end-hour for my 
>> appointment.
>> What works best until now:
>> dinner with x on vrijdag 3 August at 20:30-23:15
>> The only thing that isn't very dutch is the on and the at.
>> I also think that this system isn't 100% stable. To make shore all the tests 
>> are workking correctly, I had to close and open again the agenda-app.
>> I mean: I test something and it works one time but not 2 times until I 
>> restart the app.
>> However, I am happy that I know this and, the bugs seems that little so I 
>> can handle it.
>> thx for the help,
>> William Windels
>> Op 31-jul.-2012, om 11:18 heeft Lisette Wesseling 
>>  het volgende geschreven:
>>> Hi William
>>> I use command plus n exclusively for entering appointments.
>>> In english I write something like
>>> "dinner with x on Friday 3 August at 7 PM."
>>> I write it exactly like that.
>>> It puts everything perfectly into the right places in the calendar. I don't 
>>> know how it would be in Dutch, but you could try something similar. 
>>> Actually, I am Dutch myself but grew up speaking English.
>>> I would be interested if something like
>>> "eten met x op Vrijdag 3 Augustus om 1900 uur" would work.
>>> Let me know.
>>> Lisette
>>> - Original Message - From: "William Windels" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 8:34 PM
>>> Subject: making appointments in 10.8
 When I make a new appointment in 10.8, I am trying to type in the title 
 field something like appointment 6/08/12 13:00
 ON this way, the appointment should start the 6th of august at 13:00.
 Unfortunately, this seems only to work if I use the button to add a new 
 appointment not when I press command+n.
 This was also in 10.7.
 I was wondering If someone is doing it on another way of knows a way that 
 it should also work with command+n?
 Kind regards,
 William Windels
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Re: speakable items

2012-08-03 Thread Donna Goodin
Well, the reason I made that suggestion is because I did it once, too. :)  That 
set of options really is kind of confusing to navigate.
On Aug 3, 2012, at 2:35 AM, Dan Roy  wrote:

> Oh boy, I have been playing around with this for a while now, it didn't work, 
> of course, it was set to off!  sometimes, the most obvious things are just 
> beyond me, h!
> On Jul 31, 2012, at 3:43 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi Lisette and Les,
>> Are you guys sure you have the on button pressed in the Speakable items 
>> settings?  It's kind of hard to tell, so I would suggest going back in, and 
>> pressing VO-Space to select Speakable Items On, then restarting your Mac.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Jul 31, 2012, at 2:49 PM, Lisette Wesseling  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Donna and Virginia
>>> I don't even get any sound when I press and hold my speak key. I get 
>>> nothing. I know I'm not alone in this but can't figure it out at all. It's 
>>> not a show stopper for me if this can't work on my machine, but it would be 
>>> nice.
>>> On 1/08/2012, at 12:44 AM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 I for some reason didn't have to do the calibration. Although I have a 
 like trouble getting things going, once I did, things went fine. Maybe you 
 only have to do the calibration thing if the computer is not understanding
 Eugenia Firth
 On Jul 30, 2012, at 10:52 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> You just kind of have to move the slider till the phrases you are saying 
> get recognized.  Mine worked best around 60%.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Jul 30, 2012, at 10:45 PM, Lisette Wesseling 
>  wrote:
>> How are you guys calibrating your mic? I see the phrases you're supposed 
>> to say and the slider is at 100 % but I don't get how to actually 
>> calibrate things.
>> Thanks.
>> Lisette
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Re: VO Profiles and iCloud

2012-08-03 Thread Alex Hall
I agree, vo settings in iCloud would be incredible! They already let us use a 
thumb drive for settings, so why not do the same automatically via iCloud? I'll 
definitely email and let them know I support this idea.
On Aug 3, 2012, at 4:19 AM, Chris Moore  wrote:

> Don't worry, I have done via accessibility@ and also via the feedback feature 
> on their  website.  But if anyone else wants to do the same, then that might 
> ensure it is considered by Apple in the future.
> Hope your day is going well.  I am bug hunting on our huge website.  It 
> amazes me in 2012 how many accessibility or HTML coding errors can creep into 
> a website.
> Chris :)
> On 3 Aug 2012, at 09:10, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
>> Hello Chris.
>> It's lovely to have a cheerful e-mail to read.  Like you, I am sitting at 
>> work in the UK and not doing it as I should but I am living a little 
>> dangerously.
>> Well, I love your idea about the settings being saved in Icloud.  You should 
>> let Apple know your idea.
>> Kind regards.
>> Kawal.
>> On 3 Aug 2012, at 08:59 AM, Chris Moore  wrote:
>>> Hello Apple gan boys and girls,
>>> How are we all enjoying Mountain Lion? Pretty good huh?  Few little bugs? 
>>> yeah I know, but no show stoppers unlike Lion :)
>>> Anyway, enough of the small talk.  After installing a fresh clean Mountain 
>>> Kitty Kat onto my iMac, it suddenly dawned on me "damn! I have not backed 
>>> up my Voiceover profile".
>>> This got me thinking, wouldn't it be cool if you could save your VO profile 
>>> to iCloud?  So next time you log into a new Mac with your iCloud account 
>>> all your favourite VO settings are just there!  It would be wonderful if 
>>> iOS could do the same, and who knows maybe one day Macs and iOS could even 
>>> share the same profile in the cloud.
>>> What do you guys think?
>>> Another thing which I have thought of relates to notifications.  Half the 
>>> time I think why is it telling me about mail when I have mail opened in the 
>>> background anyway?  What would be useful is if you could set the 
>>> notification area to only alert you if you get an email from a VIP.  Any 
>>> thoughts?
>>> My final issue relates to the Messages app.  I used to have iChat 
>>> configured to connect to Facebook chat, and when I installed ML over Lion, 
>>> the setting were transferred from iChat to Messages.  Facebook chat under 
>>> Messages is wonderful.  Then I decided to wipe my Mac and put a clean copy 
>>> of ML on and when I went to set up Facebook chat within Messages, I am 
>>> having trouble connecting.  As far as I am aware I have all the correct 
>>> settings, but I am constantly offline and when I try to go online I am 
>>> informed that there was an network connection error to the jabber server.  
>>> Guess I will have to spend the weekend trying to sort that headache out.
>>> Anyway, that's me, tell me about you. :)
>>> Chris in the UK trying so hard to skive off work as it is almost the 
>>> weekend.
>>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Re: VO Profiles and iCloud

2012-08-03 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Chris,

My aren't you chatty this morning! :)

I completely agree about storing VO profiles in the cloud, that would be way 
cool.  Also agree about the idea of setting notification center to notify you 
only when you get a message from a VIP. I suspect we'll see interesting 
developments in both these areas in the future, personally I'm looking forward 
to being along for the ride. 

And yes, also loving Mountain Lion, a nice improvement over Lion.
On Aug 3, 2012, at 2:59 AM, Chris Moore  wrote:

> Hello Apple gan boys and girls,
> How are we all enjoying Mountain Lion? Pretty good huh?  Few little bugs? 
> yeah I know, but no show stoppers unlike Lion :)
> Anyway, enough of the small talk.  After installing a fresh clean Mountain 
> Kitty Kat onto my iMac, it suddenly dawned on me "damn! I have not backed up 
> my Voiceover profile".
> This got me thinking, wouldn't it be cool if you could save your VO profile 
> to iCloud?  So next time you log into a new Mac with your iCloud account all 
> your favourite VO settings are just there!  It would be wonderful if iOS 
> could do the same, and who knows maybe one day Macs and iOS could even share 
> the same profile in the cloud.
> What do you guys think?
> Another thing which I have thought of relates to notifications.  Half the 
> time I think why is it telling me about mail when I have mail opened in the 
> background anyway?  What would be useful is if you could set the notification 
> area to only alert you if you get an email from a VIP.  Any thoughts?
> My final issue relates to the Messages app.  I used to have iChat configured 
> to connect to Facebook chat, and when I installed ML over Lion, the setting 
> were transferred from iChat to Messages.  Facebook chat under Messages is 
> wonderful.  Then I decided to wipe my Mac and put a clean copy of ML on and 
> when I went to set up Facebook chat within Messages, I am having trouble 
> connecting.  As far as I am aware I have all the correct settings, but I am 
> constantly offline and when I try to go online I am informed that there was 
> an network connection error to the jabber server.  Guess I will have to spend 
> the weekend trying to sort that headache out.
> Anyway, that's me, tell me about you. :)
> Chris in the UK trying so hard to skive off work as it is almost the weekend.
> -- 
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Re: VO Profiles and iCloud

2012-08-03 Thread Chris Moore
Hey Donna,

Trust you are keeping well?

I suspect Apple might introduce a notification from VIPs when they get around 
to adding do not disturb.  Well I guess they have to save some features for 
Snow Monkey.

I am still going to keep pestering Apple about adding support for tables in 
Pages and Text Edit, and to improve support for elements in PDFs.  That aside, 
I am hoping we will be able to edit events in the next update to GarageBand.

I hope we don't have to wait another 12 full months though.

Right, I best get back to work.  Will tackle that Facebook thing over the 

On 3 Aug 2012, at 12:28, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> My aren't you chatty this morning! :)
> I completely agree about storing VO profiles in the cloud, that would be way 
> cool.  Also agree about the idea of setting notification center to notify you 
> only when you get a message from a VIP. I suspect we'll see interesting 
> developments in both these areas in the future, personally I'm looking 
> forward to being along for the ride. 
> And yes, also loving Mountain Lion, a nice improvement over Lion.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Aug 3, 2012, at 2:59 AM, Chris Moore  wrote:
>> Hello Apple gan boys and girls,
>> How are we all enjoying Mountain Lion? Pretty good huh?  Few little bugs? 
>> yeah I know, but no show stoppers unlike Lion :)
>> Anyway, enough of the small talk.  After installing a fresh clean Mountain 
>> Kitty Kat onto my iMac, it suddenly dawned on me "damn! I have not backed up 
>> my Voiceover profile".
>> This got me thinking, wouldn't it be cool if you could save your VO profile 
>> to iCloud?  So next time you log into a new Mac with your iCloud account all 
>> your favourite VO settings are just there!  It would be wonderful if iOS 
>> could do the same, and who knows maybe one day Macs and iOS could even share 
>> the same profile in the cloud.
>> What do you guys think?
>> Another thing which I have thought of relates to notifications.  Half the 
>> time I think why is it telling me about mail when I have mail opened in the 
>> background anyway?  What would be useful is if you could set the 
>> notification area to only alert you if you get an email from a VIP.  Any 
>> thoughts?
>> My final issue relates to the Messages app.  I used to have iChat configured 
>> to connect to Facebook chat, and when I installed ML over Lion, the setting 
>> were transferred from iChat to Messages.  Facebook chat under Messages is 
>> wonderful.  Then I decided to wipe my Mac and put a clean copy of ML on and 
>> when I went to set up Facebook chat within Messages, I am having trouble 
>> connecting.  As far as I am aware I have all the correct settings, but I am 
>> constantly offline and when I try to go online I am informed that there was 
>> an network connection error to the jabber server.  Guess I will have to 
>> spend the weekend trying to sort that headache out.
>> Anyway, that's me, tell me about you. :)
>> Chris in the UK trying so hard to skive off work as it is almost the weekend.
>> -- 
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Shut Down sound

2012-08-03 Thread chris hallsworth
Hello all is there a way of assigning a sound when shutting down a mac 
computer and if so how? Thanks! 

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RE: Apple ID and AppStore

2012-08-03 Thread Bill Holton
Thanks.  I was having a brain freeze, and neglected to check the menu,
figured the login and change accounts would be in the actual store window.
Changed my ID, but the download kept failing.  It was the free twitter app I
can't spell, so deleted it and will purchase it again with my main ID.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of chris hallsworth
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2012 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: Apple ID and AppStore

Settings, store, double tap on your ID.
- Original Message - 
From: "Bill Holton" 
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2012 9:03 PM
Subject: Apple ID and AppStore

> Hi.
> After updating via the AppStore I was shown a message that I have updates
> waiting for me through my other Apple ID.  I can't figure out how ho 
> change
> the login.  Suggestions appreciated.
> Email:
> Direct:  386-624-6309
> Homepage:
> Home Office: 1520 Loughton ST
>DeLand, FL  32720
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Re: speakable items - system dialogs menu

2012-08-03 Thread Maria Chapman
Hi.  maybe there is a way for sighted people to get rid of it with the mouse?

I have no idea whether this is correct or not though.

Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb
twitter: bubbygirl 
skype: bubbygirl1972

On 03/08/2012, at 5:47 PM, Dan Roy  wrote:

> Yes, so do I, but, if you ever have a sighted friend use your Mac, it will 
> bother them, or, at least, I think it will.
> when I first got my mac and didn't know about how to see all the opened 
> windows and dialogues, the first time my wife went to use my Mac, she was 
> annoyed about all the opened system dialogues all over the place.
> As far as I know, when a system dialogue remains opened, the only way for us 
> to know about it is by using window chooser.  Anyway, I am just ignoring it 
> too, but, I can't see why it should be there at all!
> On Aug 1, 2012, at 11:37 PM, Maria From Australia  
> wrote:
>> Hi. 
>> I have it too. I just command tab away from it and it doesn't really bother 
>> me. 
>> Hope this helps. 
>> Blessings!  Maria and my guide Karly  email
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 01/08/2012, at 6:53 PM, Lisette Wesseling  
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Folks
>>> Ever since playing with the speakable items I've got this system window on 
>>> my screen called "system dialogs menu". When I do command o to open it (the 
>>> only thing which seems to do anything) it says "speech feedback survey". I 
>>> can't close this or do anything with it. How do I get rid of it please? 
>>> Lisette 
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Re: Shut Down sound

2012-08-03 Thread Alex Hall
I don't think so, but google might turn up an app that does this. Still, my mac 
shuts down so quickly compared to windows that I don't need a sound to tell me 
the process is proceeding.
On Aug 3, 2012, at 8:09 AM, "chris hallsworth"  wrote:

> Hello all is there a way of assigning a sound when shutting down a mac 
> computer and if so how? Thanks! 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Re: How to get facebook on Moutain Lion.

2012-08-03 Thread Blinkin
The Facebook integration isn't going to be out until the fall.
All you have as of right now it twitter.
On Aug 1, 2012, at 10:48 PM, KJSC radio  wrote:

> Hi all. I just got Moutain Lion installed and I was wandering how do I get 
> facebook setup on my mac? thanks all so much.
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Re: Doesn't Anyone else use Web Spots in Safari?

2012-08-03 Thread Blinkin
I set up my trackpad so I can hold control and flick left or right to go 
through my webspots.
All I did was reverse those custom gestures and it works like normal if 
I do it on my trackpad.
Give it a shot.

On Aug 2, 2012, at 8:07 AM, Emrah  wrote:

> Ha ha
> I actually thought webspots didn't work anymore, thanks to your message I see 
> that they just have been inverted.
> I kept recreating my webspots and it would consistently say no webspots set 
> afterward… 
> Thanks
> On Aug 1, 2012, at 5:30 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> I posted once about this but got no response, so wanted to try again.
>> I make use of setting webspots and sweet spots on the pages I go to a
>> lot, as I find this makes navigating a page much faster. Anyway, all
>> of my webspots have been reversed in mountain lion. what I mean is to
>> scroll down from the top to the bottom of the page in previous
>> versions I would hit VO Command right bracket to go to the next web
>> spot to the right, and VO command left bracket to go to the next web
>> spot to the left. Simple. In Mountain it is completely reverse which
>> is one of the most annoying thing as when I click VO command righ
>> bracket it takes me to the next web spot to the left and VO command
>> left bracket to the next web spot to the right. This makes no sense
>> what so ever, and I am wondering if it is a setting that I have set
>> incorrectly for navigating a page. I tried turning scrolling from
>> normal to not clicking normal and this did nothing. This setting was
>> under the Track pad. I don't even have a mouse connected, so maybe the
>> setting is in that menu, as I can't even access the mouse menu since
>> my system doesn't detect a mouse. Has anyone else experienced this? I
>> am so used to where all of my web spots are set this is so
>> frustrating. I even tried removing my web spots on a page and
>> resetting them, but this didn't change the directions. It would make
>> sense you click right and you go right you click left and you go left,
>> but not in Mountain Lion. Would appreciate any help. Thanks
>> -- 
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Re: web spots and hotspots?

2012-08-03 Thread Blinkin
So I will explain what I understand about these.
Web spots are markers you can plus on your own and jump right to on a 
For example if there is a certain button or item on a webpage  you need 
to use a lot you can place a web spot and jump right to it.
I have the search button as a web spot on YouTube and set up my 
trackpad so I can jump right to it without switching rotor items.

Hot Spots are sort of the same but these you bind to the number keys. 
After you set them you can just hold VO and press the number of whatever 
hotspot you want and it will jump right to it.
They are similar but the web spots you have to scroll through and the 
hotspots bind to the numbers.

The auto web spots are determined by the mac on it's own. It is 
supposed to visually organize a webpage and place the items it thinks are the 
most important visually into that list.
I hope this makes sense!

On Aug 2, 2012, at 8:16 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Can someone explain webspots and hotspots? What's the difference, when would 
> one use either or both, and why use them at all? I looked at the online help 
> manual but couldn't find anything about them in the web navigation item. Oh, 
> I almost forgot: what is an auto web spot? Thanks.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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best scanner?

2012-08-03 Thread Pommette
Hi All,
I'm looking to buy a flatbed scanner with paper feeding capabilities that 
will interface well with mac, is sturdy, intuitive, and that handles OCR 
well.  I'll be using it for books and some documents.  What are you using 
that you like?  And what software do you find works best?


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RE: Seaking Purchase advice on IPhone car kit

2012-08-03 Thread wayne coles
Hello amazon has just what you want so just do a search for blue
tooth transmitters and there they will be hope this helps 

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Christopher-Mark
Sent: 03 August 2012 10:18
Subject: Seaking Purchase advice on IPhone car kit

My grandmother has a  Hyunda, but trust me, it doesn't have bluetooth 
ability, nor does it have auxiliary input.  All she's got is A M/FM/Sirius 
XM, Plus a 6 disc dashboard loading CD changer.  I can't remember what year 
it is, but it's not exactly old old old, but it's not new by any stretch 
either.  I think it's like a 2005, or a 2006, somewhere in that 

Anyway, she does have a cigarette lighter  charger port.  So, I'm wonderring

if anyone may know of a good FM transmitter that I could use for my IPhone 
4S 16GB black, through AT&T which would let me transmit to an FM frequency 
which I then could tune her radio to, then listen to my IPhone in the car. 
We go out practically 2 or 3 times a week for lunch, then of corse, there's 
the times I have doctor appointments, etc. so I'd love! to be able to listen

to my music, or Pandora, etc. over something a little better than the 
internal IPhone speaker.  Don't get me wrong, the internal speaker is 
incredible!  I mean it blows the IPod Touch 3GS and 4G both totally! out of 
the water, but it's still not the same as going through a full car stereo by

any means.

I had a little birdy butt transmitter I bought a while back for my old IPod 
Nano 4th Gen, way back in the days, which costed about 50 bucks, or so, and 
basically what you had was this little dinky dank thing that plugged into 
the cigarette lighter charger... obviously, I don't literally mean the 
cigarette lighter... I'm not stupid... LOL!  I mean the charger port thing 
that looks like a lighter port.  You're probably lookin at me go yeah yeah 
yeah, I gotcha, I know I know, don't worry.  LOL!  Anyway, so one end 
plugged in there, then the other end basically was just a cord that plugged 
into the 8th inch or as some would call it 3.5MM stereo jack on the 
IPod/IPhone, or whatever had an earphone jack.  I found that thing didn't 
work really well, as for one, the IPhone never was stationary, as nothing 
held it still.  It just kind a sat there either on my lap, or whatever, 
sometimes in the little glasses compartment.  I found that the slightest 
movement would make the thing fade out though and give a bit of static over 
the transmition.  It was really really annoying.

My dad had one that I think he paid about $100 to maybe $130 bucks for, 
somewhere around there, and if my mom still has it, I may try it out, as 
that sucker worked incredibly!  The sound was so crystal clear, it was 
unbelievable!  The only issue with it is, I dont' think an IPod Touch nor an

IPhone would fit in the thing.  I think it only held the 4th and 5th gen 
Nanos.  My dad actually got the thing back when the 4th gen Nanos were 
really hot on the market, so it's pretty old.  What I like about it though 
is, you plugged it in, then it had this metal rod looking arm that protruded

out of the thing that you could swivvle around so that it would either face 
more toward the driver, or the passenger, or it could just be straight dead 
centered.  The other end of it oppisit from the plug, literally was a 
cradling docking station.  So it had, from what I remember, 3 buttons.  One 
to go up in frequency, and one to move it down, plus it had an auto-scan 
where you push that, and it would scan for the first available frequency 
with no sound/static.  Then you had the cradle where you basically literally

docked the IPod/whatever into.  That pretty well obviously held it still, 
plus, like i said, the sound was just out of this world amazing!  I don't 
think I remember even once that the thing staticked nor faded.

I need to look to see if my mom kept it.  I doubt she did, as most of the 
stuff in his car I think got sold, after he passed away.  If it would hold 
the IPhone, and we could find it, my issue will be solved, but does anyone 
know any good cigarette lighter based car FM transmitters I could use?  I'm 
willing to spend say no less than $100 and maybe no more than $150.  $150 
would be on the high end for me though.  I'll do it, but that would be 
pushing it.  For that cost, it darn well better be good.  LOL!  Would prefer

something which actually docks, not something that would use the earphone 
jack, although if you can promise me it would have good results, I'll try 
it.  I have an open mind.


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closing a card you[you're editing in Contacts, without closing Contacts

2012-08-03 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

Not sure if this is new in ML or not.  If I'm editing a card in Contacts, and 
press CMD-W to close the window when I'm done, it also closes contacts.  My 
memory is that it used to just close the current card.  Anyone have any idea 
how to close a card without closing Contacts?

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Never mind, (was closing a card you're editing in Contacts, without closing Contacts)

2012-08-03 Thread Donna Goodin
Subject says it all.  Sorry for the extraneous post.
On Aug 3, 2012, at 10:47 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Not sure if this is new in ML or not.  If I'm editing a card in Contacts, and 
> press CMD-W to close the window when I'm done, it also closes contacts.  My 
> memory is that it used to just close the current card.  Anyone have any idea 
> how to close a card without closing Contacts?
> Cheers,
> Donna
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Re: New App that sends Growl notifications to Notification Center

2012-08-03 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hi everyone. To answer everyone's questions, yes, Voiceover does read the Growl 
Notifications that are passed to the Notification Center. I think it's a good 
thing that Growl notifications go to Notification Center because I can easily 
shut Voiceover up if I don't want it to talk. With Growl the way it is, if you 
have Voiceover turned off, you have to sit through the whole notification. 
Sometimes that gets annoying as I have numerous people on Skype with long mood 
Also to answer Missy's and Christopher's questions. Missy, when I first started 
Hiss, I did get the empty window you speak of, so I started the program again 
and found out that my security settings were set to only allow apps from the 
App Store and well-known developers. I then had to set it up so that it allowed 
any app to run and then it worked fine. And Christopher, when I ran Hiss for 
the second time, it gave me a message saying that Growl needs to be not running 
for it to work. But now it works and all my Growl Notifications are forwarded 
to Notification Center. I hope that answers everyone's questions.

Sent from my white Mac Book

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+ Skype has new window!

2012-08-03 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Even with Growl *NOT* running, VO *STILL* tells me that Skype has new window 
every time a contact changes status.  AIM doesn't do this, either in Messages 
or in the AIM client.  That's my biggest chunk of cow, and apparently it's not 
a Growl issue?

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: + Skype has new window!

2012-08-03 Thread Brandon Olivares
I get the same thing. I didn't realize it was when a contact changed, but it 
definitely happens. No idea why.
On Aug 3, 2012, at 12:17 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  

> Even with Growl *NOT* running, VO *STILL* tells me that Skype has new window 
> every time a contact changes status.  AIM doesn't do this, either in Messages 
> or in the AIM client.  That's my biggest chunk of cow, and apparently it's 
> not a Growl issue?
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: + Skype has new window!

2012-08-03 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Well, the fix is easy.  Just go in to your skype prefs/Notifications/general 
tab and from there, select Growl for the screen notifications.


For some reason, it goes back to the default with every update.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Aug 3, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  

> Even with Growl *NOT* running, VO *STILL* tells me that Skype has new window 
> every time a contact changes status.  AIM doesn't do this, either in Messages 
> or in the AIM client.  That's my biggest chunk of cow, and apparently it's 
> not a Growl issue?
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Album ratings on and inaccessible

2012-08-03 Thread Eric Brinkman
Hi listers,

When I go to an album's page on, it seems impossible
to rate the album using a screen-reader.  The section where you select
your rating just contains a set of graphics with very confusing
labels, and clicking on them doesn't seem to produce meaningful
results.  The only way I seem able to rate an album is by using the
"Go" section of the website.  This can be quite annoying because there
can be dozens of versions of an album listed here and there's no easy
way to just rate the primary issue of the record.

Similarly, the star ratings on now seem to be unreadable
except on the iPhone app.  I remember the ratings being unreadable
back in 2003 when I first found the site.  Then they became readable
in 2004 when the site was redesigned.  Now it seems the powers that be
have redesigned the site again and made the graphics unreadable.

I would appreciate any information you could offer with either of these sites.


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Re: + Skype has new window!

2012-08-03 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I just stopped Growl, and before that I removed Skype from its table of 
applications for which it has set preferences, trying to get this to stop, and 
that was before I updated Skype.  The behavior hasn't changed from before the 
update.  I'll reboot with Growl up and the Skype references changed to see if 
that fixes it.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: Seaking Purchase advice on IPhone car kit

2012-08-03 Thread Christopher-Mark gilland

That's not what I need.

Did you actually read my e-mail?  My grandmother doesn't have bluetooth 

The only way we can interface this is via cigarette lighter based plug.  She 
doesn't have bluetooth, nor does she have an auxiliary input nor a USB 

This is why it needs to be an FM, not bluetooth transmitter, and needs to 
interface through her cigarette lighter.


- Original Message - 
From: "wayne coles" 

Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 11:08 AM
Subject: RE: Seaking Purchase advice on IPhone car kit

Hello amazon has just what you want so just do a search for blue
tooth transmitters and there they will be hope this helps

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Christopher-Mark
Sent: 03 August 2012 10:18
Subject: Seaking Purchase advice on IPhone car kit

My grandmother has a  Hyunda, but trust me, it doesn't have bluetooth
ability, nor does it have auxiliary input.  All she's got is A M/FM/Sirius
XM, Plus a 6 disc dashboard loading CD changer.  I can't remember what 

it is, but it's not exactly old old old, but it's not new by any stretch
either.  I think it's like a 2005, or a 2006, somewhere in that

Anyway, she does have a cigarette lighter  charger port.  So, I'm 

if anyone may know of a good FM transmitter that I could use for my IPhone
4S 16GB black, through AT&T which would let me transmit to an FM frequency
which I then could tune her radio to, then listen to my IPhone in the car.
We go out practically 2 or 3 times a week for lunch, then of corse, 
the times I have doctor appointments, etc. so I'd love! to be able to 

to my music, or Pandora, etc. over something a little better than the
internal IPhone speaker.  Don't get me wrong, the internal speaker is
incredible!  I mean it blows the IPod Touch 3GS and 4G both totally! out 
the water, but it's still not the same as going through a full car stereo 

any means.

I had a little birdy butt transmitter I bought a while back for my old 
Nano 4th Gen, way back in the days, which costed about 50 bucks, or so, 

basically what you had was this little dinky dank thing that plugged into
the cigarette lighter charger... obviously, I don't literally mean the
cigarette lighter... I'm not stupid... LOL!  I mean the charger port thing
that looks like a lighter port.  You're probably lookin at me go yeah yeah
yeah, I gotcha, I know I know, don't worry.  LOL!  Anyway, so one end
plugged in there, then the other end basically was just a cord that 

into the 8th inch or as some would call it 3.5MM stereo jack on the
IPod/IPhone, or whatever had an earphone jack.  I found that thing didn't
work really well, as for one, the IPhone never was stationary, as nothing
held it still.  It just kind a sat there either on my lap, or whatever,
sometimes in the little glasses compartment.  I found that the slightest
movement would make the thing fade out though and give a bit of static 

the transmition.  It was really really annoying.

My dad had one that I think he paid about $100 to maybe $130 bucks for,
somewhere around there, and if my mom still has it, I may try it out, as
that sucker worked incredibly!  The sound was so crystal clear, it was
unbelievable!  The only issue with it is, I dont' think an IPod Touch nor 

IPhone would fit in the thing.  I think it only held the 4th and 5th gen
Nanos.  My dad actually got the thing back when the 4th gen Nanos were
really hot on the market, so it's pretty old.  What I like about it though
is, you plugged it in, then it had this metal rod looking arm that 

out of the thing that you could swivvle around so that it would either 
more toward the driver, or the passenger, or it could just be straight 

centered.  The other end of it oppisit from the plug, literally was a
cradling docking station.  So it had, from what I remember, 3 buttons. 

to go up in frequency, and one to move it down, plus it had an auto-scan
where you push that, and it would scan for the first available frequency
with no sound/static.  Then you had the cradle where you basically 

docked the IPod/whatever into.  That pretty well obviously held it still,
plus, like i said, the sound was just out of this world amazing!  I don't
think I remember even once that the thing staticked nor faded.

I need to look to see if my mom kept it.  I doubt she did, as most of the
stuff in his car I think got sold, after he passed away.  If it would hold
the IPhone, and we could find it, my issue will be solved, but does anyone
know any good cigarette lighter based car FM transmitters I could use? 

willing to spend say no less than $100 and maybe no more than $150.  $150
would be on the high end for me though.  I'll do it, but that would be
pushing it.  For that cost, it darn well better be go

Re: + Skype has new window!

2012-08-03 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Gee, you made much too much work for yourself for nothing.  All you really 
needed to do was go in to your Sype prefs window via command/comma, and, from 
there, go to the tool bar and choose the notifications tab.  From there, choose 
the overview tab.  Inside here, just VO=right until you see the type of 
notification style.  If it keeps saying "Skype has new window", it's set for 
default notifications.  You want to set this for Growl.  then, you're set.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Aug 3, 2012, at 12:48 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  

> I just stopped Growl, and before that I removed Skype from its table of 
> applications for which it has set preferences, trying to get this to stop, 
> and that was before I updated Skype.  The behavior hasn't changed from before 
> the update.  I'll reboot with Growl up and the Skype references changed to 
> see if that fixes it.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Re: Seaking Purchase advice on IPhone car kit

2012-08-03 Thread Ray Foret Jr
You might perhaps try

They have an FM transmiter that I suspect will suit the purpose.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:

On Aug 3, 2012, at 1:08 PM, "Christopher-Mark gilland"  

> That's not what I need.
> Did you actually read my e-mail?  My grandmother doesn't have bluetooth 
> ability.
> The only way we can interface this is via cigarette lighter based plug.  She 
> doesn't have bluetooth, nor does she have an auxiliary input nor a USB input.
> This is why it needs to be an FM, not bluetooth transmitter, and needs to 
> interface through her cigarette lighter.
> Chris.
> - Original Message - From: "wayne coles" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 11:08 AM
> Subject: RE: Seaking Purchase advice on IPhone car kit
>> Hello amazon has just what you want so just do a search for blue
>> tooth transmitters and there they will be hope this helps
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Christopher-Mark
>> gilland
>> Sent: 03 August 2012 10:18
>> To:
>> Subject: Seaking Purchase advice on IPhone car kit
>> My grandmother has a  Hyunda, but trust me, it doesn't have bluetooth
>> ability, nor does it have auxiliary input.  All she's got is A M/FM/Sirius
>> XM, Plus a 6 disc dashboard loading CD changer.  I can't remember what year
>> it is, but it's not exactly old old old, but it's not new by any stretch
>> either.  I think it's like a 2005, or a 2006, somewhere in that
>> neighborhood.
>> Anyway, she does have a cigarette lighter  charger port.  So, I'm wonderring
>> if anyone may know of a good FM transmitter that I could use for my IPhone
>> 4S 16GB black, through AT&T which would let me transmit to an FM frequency
>> which I then could tune her radio to, then listen to my IPhone in the car.
>> We go out practically 2 or 3 times a week for lunch, then of corse, there's
>> the times I have doctor appointments, etc. so I'd love! to be able to listen
>> to my music, or Pandora, etc. over something a little better than the
>> internal IPhone speaker.  Don't get me wrong, the internal speaker is
>> incredible!  I mean it blows the IPod Touch 3GS and 4G both totally! out of
>> the water, but it's still not the same as going through a full car stereo by
>> any means.
>> I had a little birdy butt transmitter I bought a while back for my old IPod
>> Nano 4th Gen, way back in the days, which costed about 50 bucks, or so, and
>> basically what you had was this little dinky dank thing that plugged into
>> the cigarette lighter charger... obviously, I don't literally mean the
>> cigarette lighter... I'm not stupid... LOL!  I mean the charger port thing
>> that looks like a lighter port.  You're probably lookin at me go yeah yeah
>> yeah, I gotcha, I know I know, don't worry.  LOL!  Anyway, so one end
>> plugged in there, then the other end basically was just a cord that plugged
>> into the 8th inch or as some would call it 3.5MM stereo jack on the
>> IPod/IPhone, or whatever had an earphone jack.  I found that thing didn't
>> work really well, as for one, the IPhone never was stationary, as nothing
>> held it still.  It just kind a sat there either on my lap, or whatever,
>> sometimes in the little glasses compartment.  I found that the slightest
>> movement would make the thing fade out though and give a bit of static over
>> the transmition.  It was really really annoying.
>> My dad had one that I think he paid about $100 to maybe $130 bucks for,
>> somewhere around there, and if my mom still has it, I may try it out, as
>> that sucker worked incredibly!  The sound was so crystal clear, it was
>> unbelievable!  The only issue with it is, I dont' think an IPod Touch nor an
>> IPhone would fit in the thing.  I think it only held the 4th and 5th gen
>> Nanos.  My dad actually got the thing back when the 4th gen Nanos were
>> really hot on the market, so it's pretty old.  What I like about it though
>> is, you plugged it in, then it had this metal rod looking arm that protruded
>> out of the thing that you could swivvle around so that it would either face
>> more toward the driver, or the passenger, or it could just be straight dead
>> centered.  The other end of it oppisit from the plug, literally was a
>> cradling docking station.  So it had, from what I remember, 3 buttons. One
>> to go up in frequency, and one to move it down, plus it had an auto-scan
>> where you push that, and it would scan for the first available frequency
>> with no sound/static.  Then you had the cradle where you basically literally
>> docked the IPod/whatever into.  That pretty well obviously held it still,
>> plus, like i said, the sound was just out of this world amazing!  I don't
>> think I remember even once that the thing staticked nor faded.

Re: + Skype has new window!

2012-08-03 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
*nods* I see that, but now, I have the problem where I removed Skype from 
Growl's applications table, and can't add it back. *grin* B Before stopping 
Growl altogether, I tried removing Skype, thinking some of my other apps might 
want to use Growl.  When I continued to hear Skype has new window all the time, 
I went ahead and stopped Grow.  That didn't fix it either, and now we're up to 
today.  *laugh*  I guess I'm stuck with it.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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voiceover and greek?

2012-08-03 Thread Karen Lewellen

Hi folks,
can this be done yet?
if not, for those of you with the wisdom, was there ever an older 
synthesizer that could manage Greek in any format other than windows?

checking for  someone else, and appreciate the wisdom.

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Re: voiceover and greek?

2012-08-03 Thread Aman Singer
Hello, Karen.
You might like to have a look at
They have a Greek voice.
I hope that's of use.

On 8/3/12, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
> Hi folks,
> can this be done yet?
> if not, for those of you with the wisdom, was there ever an older
> synthesizer that could manage Greek in any format other than windows?
> checking for  someone else, and appreciate the wisdom.
> Karen
> --
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Re: + Skype has new window!

2012-08-03 Thread Doug Lee
If your directions are correct, I am curious why just turning off
visual notifications entirely does not get rid of the "Skype has new
window" announcements. I don't have Growl, so that choice is dimmed in
my case. But I unchecked "Display visual notifications," and I still
get numerous "new window" announcements. I want them to go away.

On Fri, Aug 03, 2012 at 01:16:21PM -0500, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
   Gee, you made much too much work for yourself for nothing.  All you
   really needed to do was go in to your Sype prefs window via
   command/comma, and, from there, go to the tool bar and choose the
   notifications tab.  From there, choose the overview tab.  Inside here,
   just VO=right until you see the type of notification style.  If it
   keeps saying "Skype has new window", it's set for default
   notifications.  You want to set this for Growl.  then, you're set.

   The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
   Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
   Skype name:
   On Aug 3, 2012, at 12:48 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter
   <[1]> wrote:

 I just stopped Growl, and before that I removed Skype from its table
 of applications for which it has set preferences, trying to get this
 to stop, and that was before I updated Skype.  The behavior hasn't
 changed from before the update.  I'll reboot with Growl up and the
 Skype references changed to see if that fixes it.
 o Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 o AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 o MSN:  [2]
 o My home page:
 o [3]
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 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
Time is the friend of one who is true, and the enemy of one who isn't.

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Re: voiceover and greek?

2012-08-03 Thread Tim Kilburn

According to the Apple App Store where you purchase Mountain Lion, Greek is one 
of the many supported languages.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-08-03, at 1:09 PM, Aman Singer  wrote:

> Hello, Karen.
> You might like to have a look at
> They have a Greek voice.
> I hope that's of use.
> Aman
> On 8/3/12, Karen Lewellen  wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> can this be done yet?
>> if not, for those of you with the wisdom, was there ever an older
>> synthesizer that could manage Greek in any format other than windows?
>> checking for  someone else, and appreciate the wisdom.
>> Karen
>> --
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Re: voiceover and greek?

2012-08-03 Thread Karen Lewellen
Hi Tim, all,I will share this, but the rest of my question still stands. 
Surely Greek existed in a synthesizer before now?


On Fri, 3 Aug 2012, Tim Kilburn wrote:


According to the Apple App Store where you purchase Mountain Lion, Greek is one 
of the many supported languages.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2012-08-03, at 1:09 PM, Aman Singer  wrote:

Hello, Karen.
You might like to have a look at
They have a Greek voice.
I hope that's of use.

On 8/3/12, Karen Lewellen  wrote:

Hi folks,
can this be done yet?
if not, for those of you with the wisdom, was there ever an older
synthesizer that could manage Greek in any format other than windows?
checking for  someone else, and appreciate the wisdom.

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Mac mail help

2012-08-03 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
Hi all, 
I quite often have an issue with my time capsule and my BT hub/modem and I lose 
my internet/network and can only get it back once I've unplugged the time 
capsule and plugged it in again. Earlier this week it was gone for several 
hours before a lot of fighting with it fixed it. Actually I had to go onto and reset my password (or rather, my dad had to as I couldn't because of 
audio capture issues) ... Because my iphone had tried to connect to my email 
three times, and failed, BT blocked me so I had to go in and reset my password 
I had issues when I got it back with my iphone and my mac. 
On my iphone I seem to have two mailboxes 
one which seems to refer to my user name kirsten.edmondson and the other which 
refers to my domain btinternet 
I think it is similar with my Mac, and when I was trying to input my reset 
password into my mac mail I found I didn't know what I was doing with mail. 
I found the get mail button somewhere and pressed and for some reason that got 
my mail coming in again and it's been fine since then. 
But I have lost all my emails since before that time ... Although I regularly 
delete, I like to keep some (those with usernames etc) and now they're all 
Is there anywhere they are likely to be lurking? Or are they lost forever? 
Aso, how do I go about changing my mail settings - if needed in future? (I'm 
used to using outlook and this seems to be so totally different-not that I'm 
seeking to compare, but thought it might be of use if you knew my background). 
I think I am using pop3, should I be using that or imap? 
I wonder if this is the reason for the different mail boxes? One is perhaps 
imap and the other perhaps pop3? I have no idea which I'm using now, though it 
looks the same as before except for the missing messages, but might I have 
inadvertently entered the other one without knowing? I think I did go in 
somewhere and put in my password, but that made no difference. 
I feel a bit stupid about this, but I'm quite confused about how to work mail 
properly and am not sure where to look in the help. 

Any advice appreciated. 
(PS. currently still on Lion, but moving shortly). 

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Re: voiceover and greek?

2012-08-03 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Karen,

A Greek voice was first integrated into Mac OS X with Lion, along with all the 
other non-English languages. I downloaded a Greek voice as someone I know signs 
her name in Greek letters and VoiceOver does not speak them unless I switch to 
the Greek voice.



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Re: web spots and hotspots?

2012-08-03 Thread Alex Hall
It does, thanks. I've tried auto webspots a few times, but it never seems to 
give me any, so I have no idea how good they are. Still, assigning them seems 
like a good idea and I'll have to play with that more on pages I use a lot.
On Aug 3, 2012, at 10:15 AM, Blinkin  wrote:

> So I will explain what I understand about these.
>   Web spots are markers you can plus on your own and jump right to on a 
> webpage.
>   For example if there is a certain button or item on a webpage  you need 
> to use a lot you can place a web spot and jump right to it.
>   I have the search button as a web spot on YouTube and set up my 
> trackpad so I can jump right to it without switching rotor items.
>   Hot Spots are sort of the same but these you bind to the number keys. 
> After you set them you can just hold VO and press the number of whatever 
> hotspot you want and it will jump right to it.
>   They are similar but the web spots you have to scroll through and the 
> hotspots bind to the numbers.
>   The auto web spots are determined by the mac on it's own. It is 
> supposed to visually organize a webpage and place the items it thinks are the 
> most important visually into that list.
>   I hope this makes sense!
> Mike 
> On Aug 2, 2012, at 8:16 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Can someone explain webspots and hotspots? What's the difference, when would 
>> one use either or both, and why use them at all? I looked at the online help 
>> manual but couldn't find anything about them in the web navigation item. Oh, 
>> I almost forgot: what is an auto web spot? Thanks.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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time machine help

2012-08-03 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
My time capsule came unplugged. I plugged it in again and it seemed to be ok, 
but when I went to the time machine menu the configured icon was dimmed. I've 
found my disk but it now says it cannot connect to the time machine server and 
that it can't find my backup disk. 
I'm going to go onto mv archives as I'm sure there will be something in there 
that will help me, but any immediate advice on how to get my time capsule, time 
machine and my mbp talking together would be much appreciated. 
I did a backup on Monday, but it doesn't seem to recognise that it exists. I 
don't want to upgrade to ml until I have tm sorted and have done a successful 
back up ... just in case ... 

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Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari

2012-08-03 Thread Allison Mervis
Hi everyone!
In order to check my work email when I'm out of the office, I have to use MS 
Outlook web access. On Windows, I can select either a premium or basic radio 
button when logging in. The basic view is much more accessible. Unfortunately, 
I'm not able to access these radio buttons on the Mac. It's as though Safari 
skips over them. I really would rather not boot into windows every time I want 
to quickly look at my work email. Does anyone have any suggestions? I know 
people had previously talked about installing Chrome. Is it still VO accessible 
or do I need to install ChromeVox? I've also heard mention of something called 
Webkit. Is that some kind of Safari extension? Forgive my ignorance on this 
matter, but I'm very new to the world of extensions and the like. Might this 
webkit provide a solution? Thanks so much.

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working with messages app in 10.8

2012-08-03 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I can't figure out messages at all. I tried sending a few messages to an 
address that my iPod can send to with no problem, but the mac says "failed to 
deliver' each time. I just noticed I had a new message, so tried to find out 
what it was. I found the conversations table, selected the "new message" row, 
and went to the html content, but it was empty. Not only amd I unsure of how to 
use this app successfully, but I'd also like to know if there's a better way to 
move through it, perhaps hotkeys to compose or jump to the conversations table 
or current chat history? Thanks for any information anyone has on this app.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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RE: Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari

2012-08-03 Thread Daniel Miller

Webkit is just the nightly builds of Safari, so I doubt that will help at
all. Chrome is accessible with VO, so you could give that a go, or just use
apple mail.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 4:18 PM
Subject: Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari

Hi everyone!
In order to check my work email when I'm out of the office, I have to use MS
Outlook web access. On Windows, I can select either a premium or basic radio
button when logging in. The basic view is much more accessible.
Unfortunately, I'm not able to access these radio buttons on the Mac. It's
as though Safari skips over them. I really would rather not boot into
windows every time I want to quickly look at my work email. Does anyone have
any suggestions? I know people had previously talked about installing
Chrome. Is it still VO accessible or do I need to install ChromeVox? I've
also heard mention of something called Webkit. Is that some kind of Safari
extension? Forgive my ignorance on this matter, but I'm very new to the
world of extensions and the like. Might this webkit provide a solution?
Thanks so much.

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Re: anyone ever used winonx?

2012-08-03 Thread Allison Mervis
Now that's interesting. Please do let us know what you find out. Thanks.
On Jul 31, 2012, at 8:55 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Thanks, I might have a look at virtualbox, I didn't know it was free. The 
> advantage to winonx is that you don't need windows, just the windows program 
> you want to run, so no licenses or million-character codes to mess with. I 
> don't think I even have my windows code anymore, so I couldn't authorize a vm.
> On Jul 31, 2012, at 11:45 AM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> Nope, and I wonder what they have that the others don't? Depending on how 
>> much you value your time, it might be better just paying a bit more for 
>> Fusion (about $40) which has an accessible UI and there are a lot of tips in 
>> this email archive on making it work well with Jaws/VO. You can also play 
>> with Virtualbox which is free. The GUI is not accessible with voiceover but 
>> it has a full command line interface which you can use from terminal:
>> CB
>> On 7/31/12 10:08 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I just found out about an app called winonx, which is supposed to let you 
>>> run windows programs on the mac. It sounds great, but the reviews say it 
>>> doesn't work. A game maker on Twitter, though, says his newer games work 
>>> fine. The main site is down right now, but the app store link seems good. I 
>>> wondered if anyone here has tried this app, and, if so, how it worked for 
>>> you. Any information would be great. Mostly I want to run my audio games on 
>>> the mac, as that is really all I use windows for anymore, but I also don't 
>>> want to blow $5 on an app that won't support anything I want to run. If it 
>>> helps, the applications I want to run are mostly all written in VB. Thanks 
>>> in advance.
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: + Skype has new window!

2012-08-03 Thread Rachel Feinberg
Is there a way to use the system voice with Skype to announce who comes online? 
Perhaps that would get around Skype saying it has a new window when someone 
comes online or sends a chat, so it could be put to good use.
On Aug 3, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Doug Lee  wrote:

> If your directions are correct, I am curious why just turning off
> visual notifications entirely does not get rid of the "Skype has new
> window" announcements. I don't have Growl, so that choice is dimmed in
> my case. But I unchecked "Display visual notifications," and I still
> get numerous "new window" announcements. I want them to go away.
> On Fri, Aug 03, 2012 at 01:16:21PM -0500, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>   Gee, you made much too much work for yourself for nothing.  All you
>   really needed to do was go in to your Sype prefs window via
>   command/comma, and, from there, go to the tool bar and choose the
>   notifications tab.  From there, choose the overview tab.  Inside here,
>   just VO=right until you see the type of notification style.  If it
>   keeps saying "Skype has new window", it's set for default
>   notifications.  You want to set this for Growl.  then, you're set.
>   Sincerely,
>   The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>   Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>   Skype name:
>   barefootedray
>   On Aug 3, 2012, at 12:48 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>   <[1]> wrote:
> I just stopped Growl, and before that I removed Skype from its table
> of applications for which it has set preferences, trying to get this
> to stop, and that was before I updated Skype.  The behavior hasn't
> changed from before the update.  I'll reboot with Growl up and the
> Skype references changed to see if that fixes it.
> o Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> o AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> o MSN:  [2]
> o My home page:
> o [3]
> --
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> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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> References
>   1.
>   2.
>   3.
>   4.
>   5.
>   6.
> -- 
> Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
> SSB BART Group   
> Time is the friend of one who is true, and the enemy of one who isn't.
> (02/05/2010)
> -- 
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Re: + Skype has new window!

2012-08-03 Thread Dan Eickmeier
I was getting this at first, and I disabled visual notifications entirely,  and 
am now not getting any announcements that Skype has a new window.   
On 2012-08-03, at 5:30 PM, Rachel Feinberg  wrote:

> Is there a way to use the system voice with Skype to announce who comes 
> online? Perhaps that would get around Skype saying it has a new window when 
> someone comes online or sends a chat, so it could be put to good use.
> Thanks,
> Rachel
> On Aug 3, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Doug Lee  wrote:
>> If your directions are correct, I am curious why just turning off
>> visual notifications entirely does not get rid of the "Skype has new
>> window" announcements. I don't have Growl, so that choice is dimmed in
>> my case. But I unchecked "Display visual notifications," and I still
>> get numerous "new window" announcements. I want them to go away.
>> On Fri, Aug 03, 2012 at 01:16:21PM -0500, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>  Gee, you made much too much work for yourself for nothing.  All you
>>  really needed to do was go in to your Sype prefs window via
>>  command/comma, and, from there, go to the tool bar and choose the
>>  notifications tab.  From there, choose the overview tab.  Inside here,
>>  just VO=right until you see the type of notification style.  If it
>>  keeps saying "Skype has new window", it's set for default
>>  notifications.  You want to set this for Growl.  then, you're set.
>>  Sincerely,
>>  The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>  Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>>  Skype name:
>>  barefootedray
>>  On Aug 3, 2012, at 12:48 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>>  <[1]> wrote:
>>I just stopped Growl, and before that I removed Skype from its table
>>of applications for which it has set preferences, trying to get this
>>to stop, and that was before I updated Skype.  The behavior hasn't
>>changed from before the update.  I'll reboot with Growl up and the
>>Skype references changed to see if that fixes it.
>>o Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>>o AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>>o MSN:  [2]
>>o My home page:
>>o [3]
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>> References
>>  1.
>>  2.
>>  3.
>>  4.
>>  5.
>>  6.
>> -- 
>> Doug Lee d...@dlee.org
>> SSB BART Group   
>> Time is the friend of one who is true, and the enemy of one who isn't.
>> (02/05/2010)
>> -- 
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Re: Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari

2012-08-03 Thread Dan Eickmeier
Apple mail does support  exchange.  I'm assuming that your work account is 
probably an exchange account, so you could probably set it up in Apple mail, if 
they're using exchange 2007 or later.  I'd do that, to avoid the head aches of 
dealing with any kind of   web mail  
On 2012-08-03, at 5:18 PM, Allison Mervis  wrote:

> Hi everyone!
> In order to check my work email when I'm out of the office, I have to use MS 
> Outlook web access. On Windows, I can select either a premium or basic radio 
> button when logging in. The basic view is much more accessible. 
> Unfortunately, I'm not able to access these radio buttons on the Mac. It's as 
> though Safari skips over them. I really would rather not boot into windows 
> every time I want to quickly look at my work email. Does anyone have any 
> suggestions? I know people had previously talked about installing Chrome. Is 
> it still VO accessible or do I need to install ChromeVox? I've also heard 
> mention of something called Webkit. Is that some kind of Safari extension? 
> Forgive my ignorance on this matter, but I'm very new to the world of 
> extensions and the like. Might this webkit provide a solution? Thanks so much.
> Allison
> -- 
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Re: + Skype has new window!

2012-08-03 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Yes, in fact, that's precisely what I have it doing now--using the system voice 
to announce status changes.  After every time this is announced, or if "message 
from Rachel," or whomever, is spoken, VO speaks up about the new window.  It's 
not a Growl issue at all, apparently. nor a visual notifications issue.  Quite 

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: Mac mail help

2012-08-03 Thread Dan Eickmeier
Hi kirsten, i'd say that Apple mail  is one of the best mail clients i've used. 
 I'd used outlook 2003 for a while, but didn't really like it, that was back 
when i was on Windows though.  WHat it sounds like to me, from  what you're 
describing, is that you have two accounts  set up in mail, or that you've set 
up the same account twice?  I'd take a look in Mail, preferences, accounts, to 
see if somehow,  you may have done that.  ?  Also, to get new mail, you can 
just hit command-shift-N.  HOpe this helps.
On 2012-08-03, at 4:50 PM, Kirsten Edmondson  

> Hi all, 
> I quite often have an issue with my time capsule and my BT hub/modem and I 
> lose my internet/network and can only get it back once I've unplugged the 
> time capsule and plugged it in again. Earlier this week it was gone for 
> several hours before a lot of fighting with it fixed it. Actually I had to go 
> onto and reset my password (or rather, my dad had to as I couldn't 
> because of audio capture issues) ... Because my iphone had tried to connect 
> to my email three times, and failed, BT blocked me so I had to go in and 
> reset my password ... 
> I had issues when I got it back with my iphone and my mac. 
> On my iphone I seem to have two mailboxes 
> one which seems to refer to my user name kirsten.edmondson and the other 
> which refers to my domain btinternet 
> I think it is similar with my Mac, and when I was trying to input my reset 
> password into my mac mail I found I didn't know what I was doing with mail. 
> I found the get mail button somewhere and pressed and for some reason that 
> got my mail coming in again and it's been fine since then. 
> But I have lost all my emails since before that time ... Although I regularly 
> delete, I like to keep some (those with usernames etc) and now they're all 
> gone. 
> Is there anywhere they are likely to be lurking? Or are they lost forever? 
> Aso, how do I go about changing my mail settings - if needed in future? (I'm 
> used to using outlook and this seems to be so totally different-not that I'm 
> seeking to compare, but thought it might be of use if you knew my 
> background). 
> I think I am using pop3, should I be using that or imap? 
> I wonder if this is the reason for the different mail boxes? One is perhaps 
> imap and the other perhaps pop3? I have no idea which I'm using now, though 
> it looks the same as before except for the missing messages, but might I have 
> inadvertently entered the other one without knowing? I think I did go in 
> somewhere and put in my password, but that made no difference. 
> I feel a bit stupid about this, but I'm quite confused about how to work mail 
> properly and am not sure where to look in the help. 
> Any advice appreciated. 
> Thanks. 
> Kirsten 
> (PS. currently still on Lion, but moving shortly). 
> -- 
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Re: Mac mail help

2012-08-03 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
So, as you suggested I've just been in the accounts part of the preferences ... 
thanks for reminding me where to find it - obvious really ... 
There's only one account there, the one which says btinternet and is apparently 
an imap and says yahoo in the description 
I am fairly certain this is different to before Tuesday, but there is 
definitely only one account in the accounts table. 
Should I be using pop3? 

On 3 Aug 2012, at 22:53, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> Hi kirsten, i'd say that Apple mail  is one of the best mail clients i've 
> used.  I'd used outlook 2003 for a while, but didn't really like it, that was 
> back when i was on Windows though.  WHat it sounds like to me, from  what 
> you're describing, is that you have two accounts  set up in mail, or that 
> you've set up the same account twice?  I'd take a look in Mail, preferences, 
> accounts, to see if somehow,  you may have done that.  ?  Also, to get new 
> mail, you can just hit command-shift-N.  HOpe this helps.
> On 2012-08-03, at 4:50 PM, Kirsten Edmondson 
>  wrote:
>> Hi all, 
>> I quite often have an issue with my time capsule and my BT hub/modem and I 
>> lose my internet/network and can only get it back once I've unplugged the 
>> time capsule and plugged it in again. Earlier this week it was gone for 
>> several hours before a lot of fighting with it fixed it. Actually I had to 
>> go onto and reset my password (or rather, my dad had to as I couldn't 
>> because of audio capture issues) ... Because my iphone had tried to connect 
>> to my email three times, and failed, BT blocked me so I had to go in and 
>> reset my password ... 
>> I had issues when I got it back with my iphone and my mac. 
>> On my iphone I seem to have two mailboxes 
>> one which seems to refer to my user name kirsten.edmondson and the other 
>> which refers to my domain btinternet 
>> I think it is similar with my Mac, and when I was trying to input my reset 
>> password into my mac mail I found I didn't know what I was doing with mail. 
>> I found the get mail button somewhere and pressed and for some reason that 
>> got my mail coming in again and it's been fine since then. 
>> But I have lost all my emails since before that time ... Although I 
>> regularly delete, I like to keep some (those with usernames etc) and now 
>> they're all gone. 
>> Is there anywhere they are likely to be lurking? Or are they lost forever? 
>> Aso, how do I go about changing my mail settings - if needed in future? (I'm 
>> used to using outlook and this seems to be so totally different-not that I'm 
>> seeking to compare, but thought it might be of use if you knew my 
>> background). 
>> I think I am using pop3, should I be using that or imap? 
>> I wonder if this is the reason for the different mail boxes? One is perhaps 
>> imap and the other perhaps pop3? I have no idea which I'm using now, though 
>> it looks the same as before except for the missing messages, but might I 
>> have inadvertently entered the other one without knowing? I think I did go 
>> in somewhere and put in my password, but that made no difference. 
>> I feel a bit stupid about this, but I'm quite confused about how to work 
>> mail properly and am not sure where to look in the help. 
>> Any advice appreciated. 
>> Thanks. 
>> Kirsten 
>> (PS. currently still on Lion, but moving shortly). 
>> -- 
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Re: Mac mail help

2012-08-03 Thread Dan Eickmeier
Well, the btinternet account sounds like an ISP provided account.  Not sure  if 
your ISP provides  iMap, POP3, or both.  Most ISP provided email is Pop3 
though.  You might want to call your ISP and check to see wihcih they support.  
If I have multiple devices, say a Mac, and an iPhone for example, iMap would be 
better to use.
On 2012-08-03, at 6:03 PM, Kirsten Edmondson  

> So, as you suggested I've just been in the accounts part of the preferences 
> ... thanks for reminding me where to find it - obvious really ... 
> There's only one account there, the one which says btinternet and is 
> apparently an imap and says yahoo in the description 
> I am fairly certain this is different to before Tuesday, but there is 
> definitely only one account in the accounts table. 
> Should I be using pop3? 
> Thanks. 
> Kirsten. 
> On 3 Aug 2012, at 22:53, Dan Eickmeier wrote:
>> Hi kirsten, i'd say that Apple mail  is one of the best mail clients i've 
>> used.  I'd used outlook 2003 for a while, but didn't really like it, that 
>> was back when i was on Windows though.  WHat it sounds like to me, from  
>> what you're describing, is that you have two accounts  set up in mail, or 
>> that you've set up the same account twice?  I'd take a look in Mail, 
>> preferences, accounts, to see if somehow,  you may have done that.  ?  Also, 
>> to get new mail, you can just hit command-shift-N.  HOpe this helps.
>> On 2012-08-03, at 4:50 PM, Kirsten Edmondson 
>>  wrote:
>>> Hi all, 
>>> I quite often have an issue with my time capsule and my BT hub/modem and I 
>>> lose my internet/network and can only get it back once I've unplugged the 
>>> time capsule and plugged it in again. Earlier this week it was gone for 
>>> several hours before a lot of fighting with it fixed it. Actually I had to 
>>> go onto and reset my password (or rather, my dad had to as I 
>>> couldn't because of audio capture issues) ... Because my iphone had tried 
>>> to connect to my email three times, and failed, BT blocked me so I had to 
>>> go in and reset my password ... 
>>> I had issues when I got it back with my iphone and my mac. 
>>> On my iphone I seem to have two mailboxes 
>>> one which seems to refer to my user name kirsten.edmondson and the other 
>>> which refers to my domain btinternet 
>>> I think it is similar with my Mac, and when I was trying to input my reset 
>>> password into my mac mail I found I didn't know what I was doing with mail. 
>>> I found the get mail button somewhere and pressed and for some reason that 
>>> got my mail coming in again and it's been fine since then. 
>>> But I have lost all my emails since before that time ... Although I 
>>> regularly delete, I like to keep some (those with usernames etc) and now 
>>> they're all gone. 
>>> Is there anywhere they are likely to be lurking? Or are they lost forever? 
>>> Aso, how do I go about changing my mail settings - if needed in future? 
>>> (I'm used to using outlook and this seems to be so totally different-not 
>>> that I'm seeking to compare, but thought it might be of use if you knew my 
>>> background). 
>>> I think I am using pop3, should I be using that or imap? 
>>> I wonder if this is the reason for the different mail boxes? One is perhaps 
>>> imap and the other perhaps pop3? I have no idea which I'm using now, though 
>>> it looks the same as before except for the missing messages, but might I 
>>> have inadvertently entered the other one without knowing? I think I did go 
>>> in somewhere and put in my password, but that made no difference. 
>>> I feel a bit stupid about this, but I'm quite confused about how to work 
>>> mail properly and am not sure where to look in the help. 
>>> Any advice appreciated. 
>>> Thanks. 
>>> Kirsten 
>>> (PS. currently still on Lion, but moving shortly). 
>>> -- 
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>>> To post to this group, send email to
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Re: Mac mail help

2012-08-03 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
I was wondering if it should be pop3 on my mac, that way the mails would stay, 
and imap on my 4s and ipad? 
Does that sound the wrong way round? 
As I only seem to have the imap version, would I need to add a new account if I 
wanted to create, or recreate the pop3 version? 
Don't want to mess up my email, but it seems odd that all the messages I was 
keeping just went when I went to put in my password ... 
On 3 Aug 2012, at 23:10, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> Well, the btinternet account sounds like an ISP provided account.  Not sure  
> if your ISP provides  iMap, POP3, or both.  Most ISP provided email is Pop3 
> though.  You might want to call your ISP and check to see wihcih they 
> support.  If I have multiple devices, say a Mac, and an iPhone for example, 
> iMap would be better to use.
> On 2012-08-03, at 6:03 PM, Kirsten Edmondson 
>  wrote:
>> So, as you suggested I've just been in the accounts part of the preferences 
>> ... thanks for reminding me where to find it - obvious really ... 
>> There's only one account there, the one which says btinternet and is 
>> apparently an imap and says yahoo in the description 
>> I am fairly certain this is different to before Tuesday, but there is 
>> definitely only one account in the accounts table. 
>> Should I be using pop3? 
>> Thanks. 
>> Kirsten. 
>> On 3 Aug 2012, at 22:53, Dan Eickmeier wrote:
>>> Hi kirsten, i'd say that Apple mail  is one of the best mail clients i've 
>>> used.  I'd used outlook 2003 for a while, but didn't really like it, that 
>>> was back when i was on Windows though.  WHat it sounds like to me, from  
>>> what you're describing, is that you have two accounts  set up in mail, or 
>>> that you've set up the same account twice?  I'd take a look in Mail, 
>>> preferences, accounts, to see if somehow,  you may have done that.  ?  
>>> Also, to get new mail, you can just hit command-shift-N.  HOpe this helps.  
>>> On 2012-08-03, at 4:50 PM, Kirsten Edmondson 
>>>  wrote:
 Hi all, 
 I quite often have an issue with my time capsule and my BT hub/modem and I 
 lose my internet/network and can only get it back once I've unplugged the 
 time capsule and plugged it in again. Earlier this week it was gone for 
 several hours before a lot of fighting with it fixed it. Actually I had to 
 go onto and reset my password (or rather, my dad had to as I 
 couldn't because of audio capture issues) ... Because my iphone had tried 
 to connect to my email three times, and failed, BT blocked me so I had to 
 go in and reset my password ... 
 I had issues when I got it back with my iphone and my mac. 
 On my iphone I seem to have two mailboxes 
 one which seems to refer to my user name kirsten.edmondson and the other 
 which refers to my domain btinternet 
 I think it is similar with my Mac, and when I was trying to input my reset 
 password into my mac mail I found I didn't know what I was doing with 
 I found the get mail button somewhere and pressed and for some reason that 
 got my mail coming in again and it's been fine since then. 
 But I have lost all my emails since before that time ... Although I 
 regularly delete, I like to keep some (those with usernames etc) and now 
 they're all gone. 
 Is there anywhere they are likely to be lurking? Or are they lost forever? 
 Aso, how do I go about changing my mail settings - if needed in future? 
 (I'm used to using outlook and this seems to be so totally different-not 
 that I'm seeking to compare, but thought it might be of use if you knew my 
 I think I am using pop3, should I be using that or imap? 
 I wonder if this is the reason for the different mail boxes? One is 
 perhaps imap and the other perhaps pop3? I have no idea which I'm using 
 now, though it looks the same as before except for the missing messages, 
 but might I have inadvertently entered the other one without knowing? I 
 think I did go in somewhere and put in my password, but that made no 
 I feel a bit stupid about this, but I'm quite confused about how to work 
 mail properly and am not sure where to look in the help. 
 Any advice appreciated. 
 (PS. currently still on Lion, but moving shortly). 
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Re: time machine sorted was time machine help

2012-08-03 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
As subject says, I think I have managed to sort out my tm issue. Not sure how, 
but got it to come up with my password and did a bit of wire jiggling and now 
it's done a successful full backup! Fingers crossed that it keeps working! 
I sadly have to say, I have a house full of Apple products, all of which I 
love, except my time capsule, it seems to cause me no end of trouble, and seems 
to die and drop off the network, or conflict with my network or break my 
network at least once a month! :( Such a shame when it cost £250 ... on 
principle I refuse to get rid of it, as it was a christmas present from my 
ex-boyfriend ... though perhaps it just reflects our poor quality relationship 
as was ... :( 

On 3 Aug 2012, at 22:12, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:

> Hi, 
> My time capsule came unplugged. I plugged it in again and it seemed to be ok, 
> but when I went to the time machine menu the configured icon was dimmed. I've 
> found my disk but it now says it cannot connect to the time machine server 
> and that it can't find my backup disk. 
> I'm going to go onto mv archives as I'm sure there will be something in there 
> that will help me, but any immediate advice on how to get my time capsule, 
> time machine and my mbp talking together would be much appreciated. 
> I did a backup on Monday, but it doesn't seem to recognise that it exists. I 
> don't want to upgrade to ml until I have tm sorted and have done a successful 
> back up ... just in case ... 
> Thanks. 
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Re: + Skype has new window!

2012-08-03 Thread Rachel Feinberg
Would you be so kind as to explain how you got the system voice to speak Skype 
On Aug 3, 2012, at 2:42 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  

> Yes, in fact, that's precisely what I have it doing now--using the system 
> voice to announce status changes.  After every time this is announced, or if 
> "message from Rachel," or whomever, is spoken, VO speaks up about the new 
> window.  It's not a Growl issue at all, apparently. nor a visual 
> notifications issue.  Quite odd.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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VoiceOver not reading characters when quick nav is off

2012-08-03 Thread Rachel Feinberg
Hi all,

Since Mountain Lion, a strange issue has been occurring with voiceover. When 
I'm perusing an edit field, I can vo right or left arrow to go backward or 
forward by words. However, if I wish to edit something, with quick nav off, I 
should theoretically be able to press just left or right arrow to go via 
character. Instead i get no speech, and the cursor seems not to move. Switching 
quick nav on and off again sometimes remedies  it, but I find I have to fiddle 
with it before it resumes normal behavior.
Any idea why this is and how I could fix it to be responsive and work as 

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Re: VoiceOver not reading characters when quick nav is off

2012-08-03 Thread Alex Hall
That's odd, and I haven't had it happen to me at all. Sorry I can't help more.
On Aug 3, 2012, at 6:53 PM, Rachel Feinberg  wrote:

> Hi all,
> Since Mountain Lion, a strange issue has been occurring with voiceover. When 
> I'm perusing an edit field, I can vo right or left arrow to go backward or 
> forward by words. However, if I wish to edit something, with quick nav off, I 
> should theoretically be able to press just left or right arrow to go via 
> character. Instead i get no speech, and the cursor seems not to move. 
> Switching quick nav on and off again sometimes remedies  it, but I find I 
> have to fiddle with it before it resumes normal behavior.
> Any idea why this is and how I could fix it to be responsive and work as 
> expected?
> Thanks,
> Rachel
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Weird Mail Rules issue

2012-08-03 Thread Harry Hogue
Hi, guys,

I have set a rule for the Mac Visionaries group, but it doesn't seem to work 
the greatest.  I set the rule to have messages sent to be moved to the Mac Visionaries folder, and it 
put that folder in my Google mail list for some reason.  The issue is that I 
see some messages in the "Important" mailbox, some in the Mac Visionaries 
group, but not all, I don't think, and then there's the "All Mail" mailbox for 
Google.  Ideally, I would like to have all messages go to the Mac Visionaries 
folder and have that folder just above my Gmail account.  I really don't have 
any use for the "All Mail," "Important," the Google sent items folder under 
Google Mail, etc.  It just seems like a lot of duplication.  Any advice about 
how to get this sorted, including moving the mailbox, would be very much 



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Re: Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari

2012-08-03 Thread Allison Mervis
I work for the state, so they won't let me configure my mail in any clients. 
I'm lucky to have the outlook web access as security happy as they are.
On Aug 3, 2012, at 2:25 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:

> Hi,
> Webkit is just the nightly builds of Safari, so I doubt that will help at
> all. Chrome is accessible with VO, so you could give that a go, or just use
> apple mail.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
> Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 4:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari
> Hi everyone!
> In order to check my work email when I'm out of the office, I have to use MS
> Outlook web access. On Windows, I can select either a premium or basic radio
> button when logging in. The basic view is much more accessible.
> Unfortunately, I'm not able to access these radio buttons on the Mac. It's
> as though Safari skips over them. I really would rather not boot into
> windows every time I want to quickly look at my work email. Does anyone have
> any suggestions? I know people had previously talked about installing
> Chrome. Is it still VO accessible or do I need to install ChromeVox? I've
> also heard mention of something called Webkit. Is that some kind of Safari
> extension? Forgive my ignorance on this matter, but I'm very new to the
> world of extensions and the like. Might this webkit provide a solution?
> Thanks so much.
> Allison
> -- 
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Re: Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari

2012-08-03 Thread Allison Mervis
It would be really nice if they would let me, but I doubt it. I'll check 
though. Thanks..
On Aug 3, 2012, at 2:40 PM, Dan Eickmeier  wrote:

> Apple mail does support  exchange.  I'm assuming that your work account is 
> probably an exchange account, so you could probably set it up in Apple mail, 
> if they're using exchange 2007 or later.  I'd do that, to avoid the head 
> aches of dealing with any kind of   web mail  
> On 2012-08-03, at 5:18 PM, Allison Mervis  wrote:
>> Hi everyone!
>> In order to check my work email when I'm out of the office, I have to use MS 
>> Outlook web access. On Windows, I can select either a premium or basic radio 
>> button when logging in. The basic view is much more accessible. 
>> Unfortunately, I'm not able to access these radio buttons on the Mac. It's 
>> as though Safari skips over them. I really would rather not boot into 
>> windows every time I want to quickly look at my work email. Does anyone have 
>> any suggestions? I know people had previously talked about installing 
>> Chrome. Is it still VO accessible or do I need to install ChromeVox? I've 
>> also heard mention of something called Webkit. Is that some kind of Safari 
>> extension? Forgive my ignorance on this matter, but I'm very new to the 
>> world of extensions and the like. Might this webkit provide a solution? 
>> Thanks so much.
>> Allison
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Bootcamp questions

2012-08-03 Thread Allison Mervis
Hi everyone!
I just want to ask clarification on a few questions I have about Bootcamp. To 
the best of my knowledge, creating a bootcamp partition is not accessible 
without sighted assistance, nor is installing Windows once the partition has 
been created. Are these assertions correct? I know that it would just be easier 
to install windows on a virtual machine. However, I've played with VMWare 
fusion, and I'm just not a fan of virtual machines. When I'm running Windows, I 
want all of my system resources devoted to Windows. Thanks so much.

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Re: + Skype has new window!

2012-08-03 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
*bow* Honor is to serve.  (only a slight smirk).  In Skype, go to Preferences, 
Notifications, and select the "details," tab.  There you'll find a pop-up 
button for the event you want to set, and options below that.  Let me know if 
you need further help; I'd be glad to walk you through it on Skype, if you like.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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merging several PDF files into one.

2012-08-03 Thread Chris Gilland
okay, so here's the deal.

I was e-mailed five pDF files today. basically, to make a long story short, it 
is an owners manual. I am not sure why he did it this way, however each page of 
the manual is a separate PDF file. Granted, the manual is only five pages long, 
so it's nothing really to write home about, I am curious however, if there is a 
program that I could use, that would allow me to take all five of these PDF 
files and basically merge them into one file. that would make my life so much 
easier! don't get me wrong, I have no problem viewing each page separately, but 
it's going to be a pain in the neck trying to view each page separately.

yes, I definitely do you use Docuscan Plus, but I do not believe that that will 
do the trick.

I also know almost beyond a doubt that preview will not do the trick either. 
Someone correct me should I be wrong.

I almost wonder if Pages would be able to do the trick. I do have a copy of 
iWork 2009.

thank you for any help, and all suggestions.


Sent from my iPhone

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Menuweather help needed.

2012-08-03 Thread Allison Mervis
Hi everyone.
I recently installed Menuweather on my macbook pro running mountain lion. I 
allowed it to use my current location, and there's only one problem, the 
location is wrong. When I Vo space on the location in the menu bar, the entire 
Menuweather menu in extras  gets very sluggish, and I have to restart. Any 
assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Re: web spots and hotspots?

2012-08-03 Thread Blinkin
Yeah I never use the auto web spots. They have never given me anything very  
On Aug 3, 2012, at 4:04 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> It does, thanks. I've tried auto webspots a few times, but it never seems to 
> give me any, so I have no idea how good they are. Still, assigning them seems 
> like a good idea and I'll have to play with that more on pages I use a lot.
> On Aug 3, 2012, at 10:15 AM, Blinkin  wrote:
>> So I will explain what I understand about these.
>>  Web spots are markers you can plus on your own and jump right to on a 
>> webpage.
>>  For example if there is a certain button or item on a webpage  you need 
>> to use a lot you can place a web spot and jump right to it.
>>  I have the search button as a web spot on YouTube and set up my 
>> trackpad so I can jump right to it without switching rotor items.
>>  Hot Spots are sort of the same but these you bind to the number keys. 
>> After you set them you can just hold VO and press the number of whatever 
>> hotspot you want and it will jump right to it.
>>  They are similar but the web spots you have to scroll through and the 
>> hotspots bind to the numbers.
>>  The auto web spots are determined by the mac on it's own. It is 
>> supposed to visually organize a webpage and place the items it thinks are 
>> the most important visually into that list.
>>  I hope this makes sense!
>> Mike 
>> On Aug 2, 2012, at 8:16 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Can someone explain webspots and hotspots? What's the difference, when 
>>> would one use either or both, and why use them at all? I looked at the 
>>> online help manual but couldn't find anything about them in the web 
>>> navigation item. Oh, I almost forgot: what is an auto web spot? Thanks.
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: + Skype has new window!

2012-08-03 Thread Rachel Feinberg
Your description was perfect. Thanks so much, I think it's all set up. :)

On Aug 3, 2012, at 5:08 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  

> *bow* Honor is to serve.  (only a slight smirk).  In Skype, go to 
> Preferences, Notifications, and select the "details," tab.  There you'll find 
> a pop-up button for the event you want to set, and options below that.  Let 
> me know if you need further help; I'd be glad to walk you through it on 
> Skype, if you like.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Make this speakable issues

2012-08-03 Thread Blinkin
While using the speech recognition the command "Make this item 
speakable" while on an application or document will give you the ability to 
assign it a voice command to open it.
After you do that you can open the speakable items list and change the 
text to whatever you want.
I am having an issue I want to see if any of you are as well.
regardless of where my VO cursor is when I give this command it always 
assigns the command to the first item on my desktop. I am hoping this is just a 
ML bug and will be worked out soon. 
Is anyone else experiencing this? Thanks yawl!


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Re: + Skype has new window!

2012-08-03 Thread Maria Chapman
Hi.  I get skype has a new window too but i used to get that in lion as well.

Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb
twitter: bubbygirl 
skype: bubbygirl1972

On 04/08/2012, at 7:42 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter  

> Yes, in fact, that's precisely what I have it doing now--using the system 
> voice to announce status changes.  After every time this is announced, or if 
> "message from Rachel," or whomever, is spoken, VO speaks up about the new 
> window.  It's not a Growl issue at all, apparently. nor a visual 
> notifications issue.  Quite odd.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
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Re: merging several PDF files into one.

2012-08-03 Thread Esther
Hi Chris,

It's actually possible to merge PDF files with Preview if you can drag and drop 
to the thumbnails in the sidebar, but I don't think this works with VoiceOver 
drag and drop -- at the very least it would be difficult.  If you have Skim 
downloaded there's an embedded SkimPDF command line tool that lets you perform 
operations like merging and extracting PDF files in Terminal.

If you look under: /Applications/  there are 
three applications: displayline, skimnotes, and skimpdf.  You need to copy 
skimpdf to somewhere in your default path with executable permission using your 
Admin password.

Open Terminal and type or paste in:
sudo cp -p /Applications/ /usr/bin/

and press "Return".  You'll be prompted to authorize with your Admin password. 
The "cp -p" does the copy preserving permissions so you can execute the 

Then to merge two pdf files from the command line you can type:
skimpdf merge file1.pdf file2.pdf merged.pdf

The specification of an output file like "merged.pdf"  is optional.  I think if 
you don't specify an output file, the second file just gets appended to the 
first, but you should experiment.  You can also find out the syntax of commands 
by typing:
skimpdf help 

For more information, take a look at the SourceForge wiki for Skim:

Then use the link for the "SkimPDF Command Line Tool" to find out more.  
There's also a specific SourceForge wiki for the SkimPDF command line tool:

There are probably other sources of merge tools around the web, but this works 
if you already have Skim anyway, and are comfortable with the Terminal command 

HTH.  Cheers,


On Aug 3, 2012, at 2:26 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:

> okay, so here's the deal.
> I was e-mailed five pDF files today. basically, to make a long story short, 
> it is an owners manual. I am not sure why he did it this way, however each 
> page of the manual is a separate PDF file. Granted, the manual is only five 
> pages long, so it's nothing really to write home about, I am curious however, 
> if there is a program that I could use, that would allow me to take all five 
> of these PDF files and basically merge them into one file. that would make my 
> life so much easier! don't get me wrong, I have no problem viewing each page 
> separately, but it's going to be a pain in the neck trying to view each page 
> separately.
> yes, I definitely do you use Docuscan Plus, but I do not believe that that 
> will do the trick.
> I also know almost beyond a doubt that preview will not do the trick either. 
> Someone correct me should I be wrong.
> I almost wonder if Pages would be able to do the trick. I do have a copy of 
> iWork 2009.
> thank you for any help, and all suggestions.
> Chris.
> Sent from my iPhone

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Re: working with messages app in 10.8

2012-08-03 Thread Maria Chapman
hi command n to compose.  Not sure why you're getting the empty messages 

Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music

On 04/08/2012, at 7:24 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I can't figure out messages at all. I tried sending a few messages to an 
> address that my iPod can send to with no problem, but the mac says "failed to 
> deliver' each time. I just noticed I had a new message, so tried to find out 
> what it was. I found the conversations table, selected the "new message" row, 
> and went to the html content, but it was empty. Not only amd I unsure of how 
> to use this app successfully, but I'd also like to know if there's a better 
> way to move through it, perhaps hotkeys to compose or jump to the 
> conversations table or current chat history? Thanks for any information 
> anyone has on this app.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: + Skype has new window!

2012-08-03 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Sheepishly, I must confess that turning off visual notifications in SKype 
Preferences seems to have fixed this issue for me now.  Didn't before, I swear, 

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: merging several PDF files into one.

2012-08-03 Thread Christopher-Mark gilland
I dont' mind terminal at all, but I don't have Skim, being that I use 
Docuscan Plus.


- Original Message - 
From: "Esther" 

Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 9:43 PM
Subject: Re: merging several PDF files into one.

Hi Chris,

It's actually possible to merge PDF files with Preview if you can drag and 
drop to the thumbnails in the sidebar, but I don't think this works with 
VoiceOver drag and drop -- at the very least it would be difficult.  If you 
have Skim downloaded there's an embedded SkimPDF command line tool that lets 
you perform operations like merging and extracting PDF files in Terminal.

If you look under: /Applications/  there are 
three applications: displayline, skimnotes, and skimpdf.  You need to copy 
skimpdf to somewhere in your default path with executable permission using 
your Admin password.

Open Terminal and type or paste in:
sudo cp -p /Applications/ /usr/bin/

and press "Return".  You'll be prompted to authorize with your Admin 
password. The "cp -p" does the copy preserving permissions so you can 
execute the commands.

Then to merge two pdf files from the command line you can type:
skimpdf merge file1.pdf file2.pdf merged.pdf

The specification of an output file like "merged.pdf"  is optional.  I think 
if you don't specify an output file, the second file just gets appended to 
the first, but you should experiment.  You can also find out the syntax of 
commands by typing:

skimpdf help

For more information, take a look at the SourceForge wiki for Skim:

Then use the link for the "SkimPDF Command Line Tool" to find out more. 
There's also a specific SourceForge wiki for the SkimPDF command line tool:

There are probably other sources of merge tools around the web, but this 
works if you already have Skim anyway, and are comfortable with the Terminal 
command line.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Aug 3, 2012, at 2:26 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:

okay, so here's the deal.

I was e-mailed five pDF files today. basically, to make a long story 
short, it is an owners manual. I am not sure why he did it this way, 
however each page of the manual is a separate PDF file. Granted, the 
manual is only five pages long, so it's nothing really to write home 
about, I am curious however, if there is a program that I could use, that 
would allow me to take all five of these PDF files and basically merge 
them into one file. that would make my life so much easier! don't get me 
wrong, I have no problem viewing each page separately, but it's going to 
be a pain in the neck trying to view each page separately.

yes, I definitely do you use Docuscan Plus, but I do not believe that that 
will do the trick.

I also know almost beyond a doubt that preview will not do the trick 
either. Someone correct me should I be wrong.

I almost wonder if Pages would be able to do the trick. I do have a copy 
of iWork 2009.

thank you for any help, and all suggestions.


Sent from my iPhone

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RE: Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari

2012-08-03 Thread Jeff Bishop
Which version of Outlook Web Access are you using? The only radio button I
see is the one for public versus private computer. There is a checkbox to
turn on the lite version of OWA and that works fine for me in Safari.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari

I work for the state, so they won't let me configure my mail in any clients.
I'm lucky to have the outlook web access as security happy as they are.
On Aug 3, 2012, at 2:25 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:

> Hi,
> Webkit is just the nightly builds of Safari, so I doubt that will help 
> at all. Chrome is accessible with VO, so you could give that a go, or 
> just use apple mail.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
> Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 4:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari
> Hi everyone!
> In order to check my work email when I'm out of the office, I have to 
> use MS Outlook web access. On Windows, I can select either a premium 
> or basic radio button when logging in. The basic view is much more
> Unfortunately, I'm not able to access these radio buttons on the Mac. 
> It's as though Safari skips over them. I really would rather not boot 
> into windows every time I want to quickly look at my work email. Does 
> anyone have any suggestions? I know people had previously talked about 
> installing Chrome. Is it still VO accessible or do I need to install 
> ChromeVox? I've also heard mention of something called Webkit. Is that 
> some kind of Safari extension? Forgive my ignorance on this matter, 
> but I'm very new to the world of extensions and the like. Might this
webkit provide a solution?
> Thanks so much.
> Allison
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Another bootcamp question.

2012-08-03 Thread Allison Mervis
Hi everyone.
Assuming that I can create a bootcamp partition without sighted assistance, 
couldn't I then create an unattended install of Windows and get it installed 
that way? I'm fishing for solutions here, as sighted assistance is a bit hard 
to come by. Thanks!

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Re: Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari

2012-08-03 Thread Allison Mervis
Hi jeff.
It doesn't give me a version number, but it tells me that it's powered by 
Microsoft Exchange server version 2003. Leave it to the government to be ten 
years behind the times. Lol. The check box you mentioned is nowhere to be found 
on my page, but thanks for the suggestion.
On Aug 3, 2012, at 8:40 PM, "Jeff Bishop"  wrote:

> Which version of Outlook Web Access are you using? The only radio button I
> see is the one for public versus private computer. There is a checkbox to
> turn on the lite version of OWA and that works fine for me in Safari.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
> Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 4:21 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari
> I work for the state, so they won't let me configure my mail in any clients.
> I'm lucky to have the outlook web access as security happy as they are.
> Allison
> On Aug 3, 2012, at 2:25 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Webkit is just the nightly builds of Safari, so I doubt that will help 
>> at all. Chrome is accessible with VO, so you could give that a go, or 
>> just use apple mail.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
>> Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 4:18 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Microsoft Outlook web access and Safari
>> Hi everyone!
>> In order to check my work email when I'm out of the office, I have to 
>> use MS Outlook web access. On Windows, I can select either a premium 
>> or basic radio button when logging in. The basic view is much more
> accessible.
>> Unfortunately, I'm not able to access these radio buttons on the Mac. 
>> It's as though Safari skips over them. I really would rather not boot 
>> into windows every time I want to quickly look at my work email. Does 
>> anyone have any suggestions? I know people had previously talked about 
>> installing Chrome. Is it still VO accessible or do I need to install 
>> ChromeVox? I've also heard mention of something called Webkit. Is that 
>> some kind of Safari extension? Forgive my ignorance on this matter, 
>> but I'm very new to the world of extensions and the like. Might this
> webkit provide a solution?
>> Thanks so much.
>> Allison
>> --
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> -- 
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Dowloading VLC

2012-08-03 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi folks,
I've got the  link for the VLC page, but don't know which  version to  
download. I have a  2011 MacBook Pro with 4 GB ram. Should I download the 32 
bit or 64 bit version? I just don't want to mess things up by trying to install 
the wrong one.


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The mac and security

2012-08-03 Thread Allison Mervis
Hi everyone.
I have a subscription to Eset Smart Security for Mac, but I'm wondering whether 
or not I should bother renewing it. As long as you stay away from questionable 
websites, it doesn't seem like the mac is very vulnerable to attack. I would 
rather not spend the money on renewing if it isn't going to do anything. What 
do you all think about security on the mac? If you really think some kind of 
protection is necessary, are there free solutions which work just as well? 

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Re: Speakable Feature

2012-08-03 Thread Maria From Australia

Sorry if this question has been answered. I didn't see an answer so here goes. 

Once you go in to calibration, you shouldn't need to hold down the button. I 
think the Mac is listening. You should see a list of phraises that you need to 
say. And something that looks like a volume control. Say each phraise and if 
you don't hear a little whit sound, change the slider until most of the words 
you say are recognized. After you click done, you should be able to use your 

Good luck. I hope this helped. 

Blessings!  Maria and my guide Karly  email

Sent from my iPhone

On 01/08/2012, at 7:16 AM, Jeff Berwick  wrote:

> I wonder if anybody has any thoughts on this problem with Speakable items:
> I have set it up and made sure that "on" is selected.  I have selected my 
> activation key and restarted my computer.  When I go to calibrate and press 
> my chosen button, I get the default Mac error bump sound.  When I am not in 
> calibrate, I get nothing when I press my button.  
> Any thoughts on why this may not be actually working for me?  Any known 
> conflicts?
> Thx,
> Jeff
> On 2012-07-31, at 5:00 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
>> Hi Les,
>> I'm getting it to work pretty reliably, but it doesn't work all the time. 
>> Also, I spent a lot of time calibrating the microphone. I do think it's 
>> worth using, but it doesn't work 100% of the time.  If you want better 
>> results, my best advice would be to practice.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Jul 31, 2012, at 3:57 PM, Les Kriegler  wrote:
>>> Okay, I have this working, but it's very intermittent.  While I like the 
>>> concept, it doesn't seem practical to use it right now: if I'm missing 
>>> something, let me know.  What are other's results getting this to work 
>>> reliably?
>>> Les
>>> On Jul 31, 2012, at 12:43 PM, Eugenia Firth  wrote:
 Hi Neil
 When you can get it to work, you need to say the phrase "tell me what to 
 say "
 This will bring up a list of phrases because the words have to be exact
 Eugenia Firth
 On Jul 31, 2012, at 10:31 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav 
> sorry, where do you enable that bit though, I mean I can dictate no 
> issue, but, how does one ask what day it is etc?
> Regards,
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> Twitter @neilbarnfather
> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple 
> iOS, Macintosh and Android accessibility specialist. For all your
> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
> URL: -
> e-mail: -
> Phone: - +44  844 999 4199
> On 31 Jul 2012, at 01:48, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> These are commands you can give, like "what time is it" or "open 
>> iPhoto". You can even select buttons shown in the currently open dialog 
>> just by speaking them. If you are at all familiar with Windows speech 
>> recognition, it's like dictation is the text input part of that and 
>> speakable objects is the other part that accepts commands for system 
>> operations.
>> On Jul 30, 2012, at 8:45 PM, Tim Emmons  wrote:
>>> Ok, easy enough. What is this about speakable Items I'm seeing how does 
>>> that effect this. Sorry I'm so late coming into this, I've been at work 
>>> today and not able to keep up with this a lot as they haven't upgraded 
>>> us yet. Thanks for your patience guys. 
>>> On Jul 30, 2012, at 7:41 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 You go into system preferences, then accessibility. Interact with a 
 table and select dictation. Turn it on, then follow the dialogs. If 
 you are using a usb microphone, you may have to going to sound 
 preferences and set the input source to be that USB microphone.
 On Jul 30, 2012, at 8:38 PM, Tim Emmons  wrote:
> I'm just getting used to Mountain Lion. How do you get into 
> dictation, would love to try it out. Thanks. 
> On Jul 30, 2012, at 7:23 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
>> Well Alex, good for you. I love the dictation as well. I am talking 
>> into a Griffin IMike with a Gigaware  are microphone attached to it. 
>> And, my air conditioner is going in the background. Not bad Huh?
>> I have only made small corrections to this dictation.?
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> On Jul 30, 2012, at 6:46 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am also having great luck with dictation. I have a cheap desktop 
>>> microphone going through a cheap usb s

Dictation By Voice.

2012-08-03 Thread Georges Zaynoun
I bought the new iPad, how do I access the voice dictation button? 
Thanks so much.

Georges Zeinoun
Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
Tel: +46500482929
Mobile: +46739861743

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