I dont' mind terminal at all, but I don't have Skim, being that I use
Docuscan Plus.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Esther" <mori...@mac-access.net>
To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 9:43 PM
Subject: Re: merging several PDF files into one.
Hi Chris,
It's actually possible to merge PDF files with Preview if you can drag and
drop to the thumbnails in the sidebar, but I don't think this works with
VoiceOver drag and drop -- at the very least it would be difficult. If you
have Skim downloaded there's an embedded SkimPDF command line tool that lets
you perform operations like merging and extracting PDF files in Terminal.
If you look under: /Applications/Skim.app/Contents/SharedSupport/ there are
three applications: displayline, skimnotes, and skimpdf. You need to copy
skimpdf to somewhere in your default path with executable permission using
your Admin password.
Open Terminal and type or paste in:
sudo cp -p /Applications/Skim.app/Contents/SharedSupport/skimpdf /usr/bin/
and press "Return". You'll be prompted to authorize with your Admin
password. The "cp -p" does the copy preserving permissions so you can
execute the commands.
Then to merge two pdf files from the command line you can type:
skimpdf merge file1.pdf file2.pdf merged.pdf
The specification of an output file like "merged.pdf" is optional. I think
if you don't specify an output file, the second file just gets appended to
the first, but you should experiment. You can also find out the syntax of
commands by typing:
skimpdf help
For more information, take a look at the SourceForge wiki for Skim:
Then use the link for the "SkimPDF Command Line Tool" to find out more.
There's also a specific SourceForge wiki for the SkimPDF command line tool:
There are probably other sources of merge tools around the web, but this
works if you already have Skim anyway, and are comfortable with the Terminal
command line.
HTH. Cheers,
On Aug 3, 2012, at 2:26 PM, Chris Gilland wrote:
okay, so here's the deal.
I was e-mailed five pDF files today. basically, to make a long story
short, it is an owners manual. I am not sure why he did it this way,
however each page of the manual is a separate PDF file. Granted, the
manual is only five pages long, so it's nothing really to write home
about, I am curious however, if there is a program that I could use, that
would allow me to take all five of these PDF files and basically merge
them into one file. that would make my life so much easier! don't get me
wrong, I have no problem viewing each page separately, but it's going to
be a pain in the neck trying to view each page separately.
yes, I definitely do you use Docuscan Plus, but I do not believe that that
will do the trick.
I also know almost beyond a doubt that preview will not do the trick
either. Someone correct me should I be wrong.
I almost wonder if Pages would be able to do the trick. I do have a copy
of iWork 2009.
thank you for any help, and all suggestions.
Sent from my iPhone
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