Re: Priorities

2012-04-29 Thread Lewis Alexander
Hi Jenny, I'm glad I've been listening to this thread.

>From my experience on this, Here in the UK, though there is audio description 
>to TV shows via  new digital TV's, there still isn't a spoken user interface 
>to allow access to various menus, same on DVD players, recorders, etc. I've 
>not yet come across a single audio described DVD in my time.

Support for blind and visually impaired people in most parts of the UK is 
absolutely shocking. as an example, in education, I'm here in Wales (a lottery 
win would see me leaving here as soon as possible), throughout my education 
life, both visually impaired and blind, I've been let down and lied to, given 
useless equipment which constantly failed, the wrong software, extremely poor 
braille training, etc. the only good thing that came from it was mobility 
training through RNIB instead of social services rehab department.

There was a point where mobility aids were free but now they're not, so I have 
to pay about £300 per year on canes and tips due to high usage and certain 
occasions where thugs in our area attack me destroying the cane for "fun", so 
replacement canes are kept by. 

If you apply for funding, it's virtually non existent, not only that but the 
rulings given have no sense nor structure. so if you need adaptive equipment, 
not a chance, it's sell what you own or get into debt, that's my experience on 
that matter.

Why is it when you walk into a store and ask for help, you get a useless person 
who hasn't a clue of how to assist you? I get this all the time... I may as 
well appear as a muppet on the Muppet Show.. You ask to be guided and they go 
without you, they say " it's over there", don't describe the items, etc. So 
what's the bloomin use of them in the first place.

Then of course the ultimate insult. to be blind and wanting to work for 
companies here is a joke. Though I'm highly qualified and have all the right 
requirements, because of being blind, there are 3 main areas that stop me from 
working for a firm. 1: disability discrimination by the interviewer or company, 
2: Health and Safety regulations acts, 3: employer insurance costs.

I've been in the IT game for myself for a while and don't mind it, but my main 
skills are as a cabinet maker, having been trained by my grandfather who was a 
master cabinet maker / carpenter. so I took on his work after his retirement, 
so I'm the last in the line of the family in the trades and am keeping that 
alive. I'm fine working for myself, but if I were to work for a joinery 
company, they couldn't take me on for the amount of HSE red tape nonsense. This 
stops us experienced folk from doing our jobs and putting us out of work and 
I'm sick of it.

I do some work with a company as a product demonstrator / endorser of their 
products as I use them every day in the workshop and it's ridiculous how all 
this nonsense gets in the way.

Anyway, I also agree that here in the UK, if you're in a wheel chair, deaf, etc 
you receive more support, blind and visually impaired people don't matter and 
we're being ripped off with rubbish services, etc. Education is a total mess 
where mainstream education should  be the best option and is instead hampered 
by people who cannot cater for a blind or visually impaired person's needs and 

anyway, enough from me on that matter and I agree with your statements.  This 
world needs to open it's eyes to how we have to survice in this world and that 
we should be treeted with the utmost respect and care, given the same rights as 
the rest of the world and granted the support we need to be able to achieve 
what our SIGHTED, able bodied  equals should and are able to do.


On 29 Apr 2012, at 01:40, Jenny Keller wrote:

> Well, In my humble opinion, equality isn't there, so that, isn't fair 
> treatment.  the Americans with Disabilities Act should include the blind or 
> visually \impaired just as vigorously as it does every other disability in 
> this country.
> there aren't any services, that I know of at this point, that the visually 
> impaired community, or blind community receive that anyone else would 
> consider unfair.
> Believe me, I've been almost totally blind all my life, and I can say from 
> experience, that the simplest things that I've needed have had to be 
> justified by education or work, which I can work because of other physical 
> disabilities, and for education, I wasn't given the option of being taught 
> braille in the beginning because I had some sight.  So I can say out of 
> experience, there isn't anything that I own, that I didn't beg, borrow, or 
> barter, or finance within an inch of my disability, to get.  
> to be very frank, there are a lot of things, such as that bar code reader 
> they have on special on financing, which I can't afford, that my husband and 
> I desperately need,, that I'll never be able to have.  Only because I can't 
> justify it to the government because we're not working.  

Re: iPhone/iPad gamers...

2012-04-29 Thread David Hole

It's the way the game is played.
The concept is, there are lots of squares with letters in, wich shall
be combined as as many words as possible in 2 minutes.
I like it, but as we all know, sighted have a much easier task to get
the whole picture, wich VO-users don't have :p


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Re: mail weirdness

2012-04-29 Thread Scott Howell
G-mail imap is not like normal imap and I suspect Google would prefer to hold 
on to all those messages because of all the information they contain. :) I 
certainly would like to know how all those messages in the Gmail deleted 
messages folder on the Gmail site could be trashed all at once.
I wonder if any mail client really deletes all the messages and I say delete in 
the sense of truly removing them. Well removing them as much as is possible 
since I am sure the messages are backed up somewhere in GOogle land.

On Apr 28, 2012, at 10:12 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:

> When I went into gmail settings, I could not find anything to enable 
> immediate deletion of messages.  I recall some time ago when there was an 
> option in Google Labs supporting an option to make gmail's IMAP emulation 
> work like normal IMAP servers but I haven't heard anything more on this since 
> then.
> In the mean time, the messages I delete with the delete key are now placing 
> messages into a folder called Deleted messages.  I guess I will have to go 
> this route for now and use Mutt email client to go in and move them all over 
> to [Gmail]/Trash from time to time.  Or just go back to moving them to Trash 
> manually each time I wish to delete stuff.  Frankly, the the delete function 
> in Apple Mail for Lion is not doing the job the way I want it to.  It might 
> work well for POP or standard IMAP but not for gmail IMAP.
> On Apr 28, 2012, at 1:00 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hello Caitlyn et al, 
>> I read your message very carefully.  
>> Currently, I have several G Mail iMap accounts that I access with Apple
>> Mail.  I have no problems at all in deleting messages from any of them; I
>> have re-installed Lion several times since its release without having ever
>> experienced the problem you and others are currently reporting.  
>> When I wish to delete a message from either a conversation or the delete the
>> entire thread, in Standard view, I simply press the BackSpace key on the
>> keyboard.
>> Now, before exiting Mail, I use the key combo Command+Shift+Backspace in
>> order to empty the messages currently marked for deletion.  I answer yes, in
>> the confirmation Dialog box and they are permanently deleted.  
>> Now you may be saying, "Yes, Mark, I do this as well yet it does not work."
>> To which I will reply,  I understand.  
>> The problem is that there is a setting that must be configured from within
>> your G Mail account, itself, on the web to enable the client to have access
>> in order to permanently delete the mail.
>> It's been a while since I set this up but, go to your G Mail web account.
>> Somewhere in the Options, you will see something that reads like "Delete
>> Messages Immediately".  This will be unchecked.  You must place a checkmark
>> in this option.  Then, if all goes well and "the water don't rise," as the
>> saying goes (smile) you should be in business.
>> While you're in that area of your G Mail account, review all of the message
>> options in case I am, most likely, forgetting something else.  
>> One more thing, I have my G Mail account setup so that, when using either
>> Apple Mail or Microsoft Outlook, I can quickly and easily undelete any
>> message marked for deletion (before the purge), by using key-combo Command+Z
>> on the Mac or Control+Z in Windows 7.  If you would like to know how to
>> configure this for your G Mail account, check out episode 70 of the Candle
>> Shore podcast.
>> Good Luck,
>> Mark
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Caitlyn Furness
>> Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 11:08 AM
>> To:
>> Cc: Caitlyn Furness
>> Subject: mail weirdness
>> Hi,
>> I hope somebody has some suggestions about my mail problem.
>> After a reinstall of Lion a couple weeks ago, I of course had to reinput my
>> mail account.  I am using my gmail account.  Now,, mail isn't deleting my
>> messages after I read them.  The next time I reopen mail, the same messages
>> are back again!
>> In mail preferences, I have it set to delete the trash when quitting mail,
>> and to not leave things on the server.
>> What am I doing wrong?
>> Before I had to reinstall Lion, my gamil account didn't act like this!
>> thanks,
>> Caitlyn
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Re: Priorities

2012-04-29 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi all,

This is indeed an interesting discussion.

I come from a country where most visually impaired people are so accustomed to 
being left out and neglected that they don't even find it worthwhile to discuss 
these things.
India has the largest number of visually impaired/ blind people in the world.
But, sadly, it continues to be one of the most ignorant countries  in the world 
when it comes to safeguarding and promoting the rights of visually impaired 
Most assistive devices and screen readers are so expensive here that only the 
elite can  think about buying them.
Devices like the iPhone and the iPad which are accessible cost more than $1000.
The idea of having audio described movies or TV shows almost sounds laughable 
The government provides absolutely no funding for visually impaired people.
And I can't even talk about the educational system, because there is no 
educational system in place for visually impaired people in the first place.
Most of them go to special schools, most of which are pathetic to say the 
least, and a few who are lucky enough to have parents who have money and the 
determination to enable their children to compete in the real world manage to 
perform the herculean task of studying in a normal school.

Most people here live under the impression that the lives of visually impaired 
people in western countries like the U.S. and the U.K. are extremely fulfilling 
and free of obstacles.

I know I'm just whinging, but I just thought I should share this with you all.



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Re: iPhone/iPad gamers...

2012-04-29 Thread erik burggraaf
Braille is your friend here.  :)


Erik Burggraaf
Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service, starting at 
$35 per hundred cards.
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
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On 2012-04-29, at 5:52 AM, David Hole wrote:

> Hi.
> It's the way the game is played.
> The concept is, there are lots of squares with letters in, wich shall
> be combined as as many words as possible in 2 minutes.
> I like it, but as we all know, sighted have a much easier task to get
> the whole picture, wich VO-users don't have :p
> -David
> -- 
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Re: mail app?

2012-04-29 Thread Alex Hall
Ok, vo-j works even better, thanks for the correction. Now, let's hope they 
don't break it again as I recall happening in an previous update...
On 29 Apr 2012, at 00:29, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

> qQuick commeh
> Please check out my cd on, on iTunes or most online 
> stores.
> Sent from my phone
> On Apr 28, 2012, at 10:30 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> Okay, thanks. I'll try vo-j, but I figured out I can just hit enter to read 
>> the message, then cmd-w the window when I'm done. Still not too elegant, but 
>> better than arrowing all over the place. I think I'll stick to the normal 
>> view, since I get a great deal of messages from mailing lists and i would 
>> hate to not have things grouped by conversation.
>> On 28 Apr 2012, at 22:26, Henry D. Hollithron wrote:
>>> Good Day: 
>>> I've put the answers to your questions, at least as much as I know of 
>>> them, in the extract from your original message below. Since I've only used 
>>> Mac OS Lion, though, someone else might have additional information. At any 
>>> rate, here goes.
>>> HTH:
>>> Henry
>>> Education never ends. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for the 
>>> last.
>>> Sherlock Homes
>>> On 28 Apr 2012, at 15:32, Alex Hall wrote:
 1. I deleted a message, but vo said nothing and I was jumped to the bottom 
 of the mail list. What happened?
>>> Your message was moved to the trash mailbox. I don't know if you have 
>>> your messages column sorted from oldest to newest or not, but that might be 
>>> why you're moved to the bottom of the message list. If you want to make 
>>> sure that you have actually deleted all the messages you didn't want to 
>>> keep, you can, of course, look at the trash mailbox. There is a favorites 
>>> bar at the top of the window, but I prefer to go to the view menu and 
>>> choose the "show mailbox list' option. Both are accessible, but I don't 
>>> know how you would go about adding a mailbox to the favorites bar, which, 
>>> as I understand, allows you to switch to a mailbox with a single keystroke. 
 2. Why can I not quickly read messages? I tried cmd-j and tab, but nothing 
 happened, yet a new message appeared in a conversation as though I had 
 just read the oldest one, though I had not. I can hit the "stop 
 interacting" keystroke twice, then vo-right a few times and interact, but 
 there has to be a better way.
>>> The keystroke to jump to the preview pane is VO-J. Command J, I think, 
>>> marks the message as junk, though I'm not quite certain on that point, 
>>> since it doesn't show up in the menus to my knowledge.
 3. I hear a lot about "classic view". What is it, and should I switch to 
 it? What advantages does the normal view offer over the classic?
>>> The new view introduced into Lion is very similar to the view of 
>>> messages you might get on the GMAIL website, that is, messages with the 
>>> same subject are grouped into conversations, which you can expand. The 
>>> classic view, in contrast, displays all the messages in a larger list, with 
>>> columns containing the information (date, from, subject, etc.) of the 
>>> message, rather like you might see with KeyMail on a BrailleNote. Both 
>>> views are accessible, so most people recommend experimenting with them and 
>>> seeing which one you prefer. The option, as you probably already know, is 
>>> in the View menu with the name "Organize by Conversation".
>>> -- 
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> -- 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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A question about Dashboard

2012-04-29 Thread Rahul Bajaj
Hi all,

In Dashboard, how can I change the sport from Hockey to something else in ESPN 
or the name of the  city for checking the weather?
Basically, how can I change the default settings?

Your help would be much appreciated.


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web navigation?

2012-04-29 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
I am using Chrome for a web browser, and I have a few questions about reading 
and navigating web pages.

1. In the vo utility, you can choose either DOM order or grouping. Which is 
2. Is there a way to disable the web rotor, so the arrows will act like they do 
in text reading or editing? With letter navigation, I see the web rotor as 
redundant and I'd rather use the arrow keys in the usual text navigation way.
Thanks in advance.

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Re: blindmicemegamall movie vault and illegal file-sharing allegation

2012-04-29 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi Christine

Why don't you initiate a class action against the Authors gill so to level the 
playing ground for accessible books. Your not the first or only person I have 
seen on different lists complain about the Author gill. I just don't see anyone 
in the USA doing anything about it. So they get away with it.

Only I wished that I lived there. I would then be able to do something.


On 28/04/2012, at 10:36 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> With all due respect, Scott, laws which disparately impact certain groups or 
> classes of people have been flouted through civil disobedience since the 
> introduction of legal systems, e.g., civil rights, disability rights, 
> employment rights, etc. The United States might not exist were it not for 
> disobeying laws. 
> I am an attorney, and it continues to amaze me how slowly the U.S. is moving 
> to accommodate disability, and how snail-paced the societal shift in 
> attitudes toward us has been.  and it seems that whenever a company like 
> Apple makes great strides in accommodating blindness off the shelf, plenty of 
> other technologies come along and do not bother to incorporate us into their 
> equation. So many educational apps, for example, are not accessible, though 
> they could be, and given the push now to have iPads in classrooms, once again 
> blind, visually impaired, and otherwise print-disabled students will be left 
> out. Apple moves us two steps forward, and "progress" (for others) moves us 
> three steps back. I should be able to turn on a television, flip a switch, or 
> turn on a transmitter, and get descriptions. I should be able to access books 
> on the Nook or the Kindle, not just iBooks. I cannot express, and I am sure 
> others here agree, the happiness I feel when a new release or best-selling 
> publication is available on iBooks.
> (Incidentally, if a book is available on iBooks and on, I 
> purchase the book. Yet, I have lost quite a lot of money as a published 
> author -- as soon as my book was published, I sent a copy to; 
> it was more important to me to have it available at the same time to the 
> blind and print-disabled. The Authors Guild apparently does not care about 
> such access, despite the fact that they would actually get money from us.)
> I would happily go to the movies more and happily purchase audio-described 
> movies through iTunes if they were available. Even movies which are released 
> with audio description are not always sold through movie resellers -- 
> goodness knows I have tried. To date, I have only located The Incredible 
> Hulk, from 2008, which I purchased for my son.
> Even Apple could do more. It could strengthen its requirements for apps. It 
> has provided developers with the means to make their apps VoiceOver 
> accessible, and there are plenty of apps out there which could be so. Only 
> apps that are visual by their very nature should be exempted. But, as usual, 
> profit trumps  people, despite the fact that the disabled community rewards 
> those who remember us with our business. 
> Frankly, I would prefer to purchase the audio-described movies and shows I 
> download from the vault, so that I could watch them with sighted friends and 
> family. I wish I could show a film to a class and not have to ask my para or 
> a student to tell me what is going on. The entertainment industry gets plenty 
> of my money. If they want more, they should remember that I deserve to be 
> able to access their material independently. OK. Topic over. Those of you who 
> wish to continue this off-list are welcome; I've appreciated your 
> correspondence thus far. 
> Christine
> On Apr 28, 2012, at 6:13 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> I am sure commenting on this only adds fuel to the fire, but I did want to 
>> point out that as I recall the person that is responsible for this movie 
>> vault thing also runs a legit company. I would find it difficult to believe 
>> that he has not checked into this because no one would want to put their 
>> business assets at risk. If there truly is an investigation then prove it. I 
>> get pretty annoyed when people claim something, but cannot or do not provide 
>> any reference to back those claims. And for the record I do not condone 
>> pirating of any kind and believe that regardless of accessibility issues  
>> even blind people must follow the laws.
>> On Apr 27, 2012, at 10:51 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>> Naturally, if the moderator deems this discussion verboten, I will refrain 
>>> further, but I would feel remiss not to point out the following for 
>>> consideration:
>>> 1. As of several hours ago, there was nothing on the FBI's official web 
>>> site regarding an investigation, nor were there any press releases or other 
>>> comparable references to an investigation of the movie vault. A reference 
>>> would be appreciated; mere speculation or rumor could be deemed libelous.
>>> 2. The problem industries

Re: blindmicemegamall movie vault and illegal file-sharing allegation

2012-04-29 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi all.

AGain, how can education departments in the USA buy products when they are not 
508 rehab accessible? I thought all governments department in the USa had to 
ensure the product is accessible based upon this rehab act or does this only 
apply for  federal?

There is 3 ways to change the thinking of business:

1. Demonstrate a market.
2. Take them to court. Not always a good solution.
3. Blind people develop a investment fund which invests into proactive 
companies in the accessible area.
4. Awareness education.

Oops, I said 3, but there is 4. Lol.


On 29/04/2012, at 7:24 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> the issue is not the iPad itself, it is the apps that companies develop for 
> it. most of those companies don't consider us much of a market (either by 
> public perception or flawed fiscal analysis). there had already been one 
> debacle involving a pad type computer (kindle) and a major institution 
> (Arizona  State University) and it was found that the blind were specifically 
> locked out. the same is happening with iPad apps (even though the SDK tools 
> and API are freely available and easy to incorporate, companies will not 
> concede). Its a never ending struggle as those who think they know better 
> never do and saddle us with their utter stupidity. there is  a reason they 
> call this "the tyranny of the stupid".
> -eric
> . 
> On Apr 28, 2012, at 5:39 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Christine,
>> I'm perplexed.  How do you see the push to have iPads in classrooms as 
>> something that leaves the blind/VI student out?  If anything, I see that as 
>> something that better enables us to participate, thanks to the fact that 
>> Apple has made the iPad a fully accessible device.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Apr 28, 2012, at 8:36 AM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>> With all due respect, Scott, laws which disparately impact certain groups 
>>> or classes of people have been flouted through civil disobedience since the 
>>> introduction of legal systems, e.g., civil rights, disability rights, 
>>> employment rights, etc. The United States might not exist were it not for 
>>> disobeying laws. 
>>> I am an attorney, and it continues to amaze me how slowly the U.S. is 
>>> moving to accommodate disability, and how snail-paced the societal shift in 
>>> attitudes toward us has been.  and it seems that whenever a company like 
>>> Apple makes great strides in accommodating blindness off the shelf, plenty 
>>> of other technologies come along and do not bother to incorporate us into 
>>> their equation. So many educational apps, for example, are not accessible, 
>>> though they could be, and given the push now to have iPads in classrooms, 
>>> once again blind, visually impaired, and otherwise print-disabled students 
>>> will be left out. Apple moves us two steps forward, and "progress" (for 
>>> others) moves us three steps back. I should be able to turn on a 
>>> television, flip a switch, or turn on a transmitter, and get descriptions. 
>>> I should be able to access books on the Nook or the Kindle, not just 
>>> iBooks. I cannot express, and I am sure others here agree, the happiness I 
>>> feel when a new release or best-selling publication is available on iBooks.
>>> (Incidentally, if a book is available on iBooks and on, I 
>>> purchase the book. Yet, I have lost quite a lot of money as a published 
>>> author -- as soon as my book was published, I sent a copy to; 
>>> it was more important to me to have it available at the same time to the 
>>> blind and print-disabled. The Authors Guild apparently does not care about 
>>> such access, despite the fact that they would actually get money from us.)
>>> I would happily go to the movies more and happily purchase audio-described 
>>> movies through iTunes if they were available. Even movies which are 
>>> released with audio description are not always sold through movie resellers 
>>> -- goodness knows I have tried. To date, I have only located The Incredible 
>>> Hulk, from 2008, which I purchased for my son.
>>> Even Apple could do more. It could strengthen its requirements for apps. It 
>>> has provided developers with the means to make their apps VoiceOver 
>>> accessible, and there are plenty of apps out there which could be so. Only 
>>> apps that are visual by their very nature should be exempted. But, as 
>>> usual, profit trumps  people, despite the fact that the disabled community 
>>> rewards those who remember us with our business. 
>>> Frankly, I would prefer to purchase the audio-described movies and shows I 
>>> download from the vault, so that I could watch them with sighted friends 
>>> and family. I wish I could show a film to a class and not have to ask my 
>>> para or a student to tell me what is going on. The entertainment industry 
>>> gets plenty of my money. If they want more, they should remember that I 
>>> deserve to be able to access their material independently. OK. Topi

Screen locking issue

2012-04-29 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi all.

How do you stop the Mac from locking the screen?  I cannot see the option in 
the preferences. If I don't use the computer for about 5 to 15 minutes. The 
screen locks requiring the password again.

Also, how do you put it into screen lock when you want too?


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Re: blindmicemegamall movie vault and illegal file-sharing allegation

2012-04-29 Thread Sean Murphy
Hi all.

AGain, how can education departments in the USA buy products when they are not 
508 rehab accessible? I thought all governments department in the USa had to 
ensure the product is accessible based upon this rehab act or does this only 
apply for  federal?

There is 3 ways to change the thinking of business:

1. Demonstrate a market.
2. Take them to court. Not always a good solution.
3. Blind people develop a investment fund which invests into proactive 
companies in the accessible area.
4. Awareness education.

Oops, I said 3, but there is 

On 29/04/2012, at 7:24 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> the issue is not the iPad itself, it is the apps that companies develop for 
> it. most of those companies don't consider us much of a market (either by 
> public perception or flawed fiscal analysis). there had already been one 
> debacle involving a pad type computer (kindle) and a major institution 
> (Arizona  State University) and it was found that the blind were specifically 
> locked out. the same is happening with iPad apps (even though the SDK tools 
> and API are freely available and easy to incorporate, companies will not 
> concede). Its a never ending struggle as those who think they know better 
> never do and saddle us with their utter stupidity. there is  a reason they 
> call this "the tyranny of the stupid".
> -eric
> . 
> On Apr 28, 2012, at 5:39 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi Christine,
>> I'm perplexed.  How do you see the push to have iPads in classrooms as 
>> something that leaves the blind/VI student out?  If anything, I see that as 
>> something that better enables us to participate, thanks to the fact that 
>> Apple has made the iPad a fully accessible device.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Apr 28, 2012, at 8:36 AM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>> With all due respect, Scott, laws which disparately impact certain groups 
>>> or classes of people have been flouted through civil disobedience since the 
>>> introduction of legal systems, e.g., civil rights, disability rights, 
>>> employment rights, etc. The United States might not exist were it not for 
>>> disobeying laws. 
>>> I am an attorney, and it continues to amaze me how slowly the U.S. is 
>>> moving to accommodate disability, and how snail-paced the societal shift in 
>>> attitudes toward us has been.  and it seems that whenever a company like 
>>> Apple makes great strides in accommodating blindness off the shelf, plenty 
>>> of other technologies come along and do not bother to incorporate us into 
>>> their equation. So many educational apps, for example, are not accessible, 
>>> though they could be, and given the push now to have iPads in classrooms, 
>>> once again blind, visually impaired, and otherwise print-disabled students 
>>> will be left out. Apple moves us two steps forward, and "progress" (for 
>>> others) moves us three steps back. I should be able to turn on a 
>>> television, flip a switch, or turn on a transmitter, and get descriptions. 
>>> I should be able to access books on the Nook or the Kindle, not just 
>>> iBooks. I cannot express, and I am sure others here agree, the happiness I 
>>> feel when a new release or best-selling publication is available on iBooks.
>>> (Incidentally, if a book is available on iBooks and on, I 
>>> purchase the book. Yet, I have lost quite a lot of money as a published 
>>> author -- as soon as my book was published, I sent a copy to; 
>>> it was more important to me to have it available at the same time to the 
>>> blind and print-disabled. The Authors Guild apparently does not care about 
>>> such access, despite the fact that they would actually get money from us.)
>>> I would happily go to the movies more and happily purchase audio-described 
>>> movies through iTunes if they were available. Even movies which are 
>>> released with audio description are not always sold through movie resellers 
>>> -- goodness knows I have tried. To date, I have only located The Incredible 
>>> Hulk, from 2008, which I purchased for my son.
>>> Even Apple could do more. It could strengthen its requirements for apps. It 
>>> has provided developers with the means to make their apps VoiceOver 
>>> accessible, and there are plenty of apps out there which could be so. Only 
>>> apps that are visual by their very nature should be exempted. But, as 
>>> usual, profit trumps  people, despite the fact that the disabled community 
>>> rewards those who remember us with our business. 
>>> Frankly, I would prefer to purchase the audio-described movies and shows I 
>>> download from the vault, so that I could watch them with sighted friends 
>>> and family. I wish I could show a film to a class and not have to ask my 
>>> para or a student to tell me what is going on. The entertainment industry 
>>> gets plenty of my money. If they want more, they should remember that I 
>>> deserve to be able to access their material independently. OK. Topic over. 
>>> Th

Re: mail weirdness

2012-04-29 Thread Robert Carter
Hi Steve,

You can tell Apple mail to use the gmail trash mailbox instead of its trash 
mailbox. Here is a link to a TidBits article which will show you how to 
configure apple mail to work with gmail's imap implementation. Gmail has 
changed some since the article was written but you should be able to figure it 

Robert Carter
On Apr 28, 2012, at 9:12 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:

> When I went into gmail settings, I could not find anything to enable 
> immediate deletion of messages.  I recall some time ago when there was an 
> option in Google Labs supporting an option to make gmail's IMAP emulation 
> work like normal IMAP servers but I haven't heard anything more on this since 
> then.
> In the mean time, the messages I delete with the delete key are now placing 
> messages into a folder called Deleted messages.  I guess I will have to go 
> this route for now and use Mutt email client to go in and move them all over 
> to [Gmail]/Trash from time to time.  Or just go back to moving them to Trash 
> manually each time I wish to delete stuff.  Frankly, the the delete function 
> in Apple Mail for Lion is not doing the job the way I want it to.  It might 
> work well for POP or standard IMAP but not for gmail IMAP.
> On Apr 28, 2012, at 1:00 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hello Caitlyn et al, 
>> I read your message very carefully.  
>> Currently, I have several G Mail iMap accounts that I access with Apple
>> Mail.  I have no problems at all in deleting messages from any of them; I
>> have re-installed Lion several times since its release without having ever
>> experienced the problem you and others are currently reporting.  
>> When I wish to delete a message from either a conversation or the delete the
>> entire thread, in Standard view, I simply press the BackSpace key on the
>> keyboard.
>> Now, before exiting Mail, I use the key combo Command+Shift+Backspace in
>> order to empty the messages currently marked for deletion.  I answer yes, in
>> the confirmation Dialog box and they are permanently deleted.  
>> Now you may be saying, "Yes, Mark, I do this as well yet it does not work."
>> To which I will reply,  I understand.  
>> The problem is that there is a setting that must be configured from within
>> your G Mail account, itself, on the web to enable the client to have access
>> in order to permanently delete the mail.
>> It's been a while since I set this up but, go to your G Mail web account.
>> Somewhere in the Options, you will see something that reads like "Delete
>> Messages Immediately".  This will be unchecked.  You must place a checkmark
>> in this option.  Then, if all goes well and "the water don't rise," as the
>> saying goes (smile) you should be in business.
>> While you're in that area of your G Mail account, review all of the message
>> options in case I am, most likely, forgetting something else.  
>> One more thing, I have my G Mail account setup so that, when using either
>> Apple Mail or Microsoft Outlook, I can quickly and easily undelete any
>> message marked for deletion (before the purge), by using key-combo Command+Z
>> on the Mac or Control+Z in Windows 7.  If you would like to know how to
>> configure this for your G Mail account, check out episode 70 of the Candle
>> Shore podcast.
>> Good Luck,
>> Mark
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Caitlyn Furness
>> Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 11:08 AM
>> To:
>> Cc: Caitlyn Furness
>> Subject: mail weirdness
>> Hi,
>> I hope somebody has some suggestions about my mail problem.
>> After a reinstall of Lion a couple weeks ago, I of course had to reinput my
>> mail account.  I am using my gmail account.  Now,, mail isn't deleting my
>> messages after I read them.  The next time I reopen mail, the same messages
>> are back again!
>> In mail preferences, I have it set to delete the trash when quitting mail,
>> and to not leave things on the server.
>> What am I doing wrong?
>> Before I had to reinstall Lion, my gamil account didn't act like this!
>> thanks,
>> Caitlyn
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 

Re: mail app?

2012-04-29 Thread Stan

Hi 1&All,
As no one has mentioned them I sure hope, "Mail App" hasn't dropped;
Command1 "In mailbox"
Command2 "Out mailbox"
Command3 "Drafts mailbox"
Command4 "Sent mailbox"
Command5 "Trash mailbox"
Command6 "Junk mailbox"
as I find these "shortcuts" great for quick switching between boxes.

Stan ZA

On 29 Apr 2012, at 1:00 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

Ok, vo-j works even better, thanks for the correction. Now, let's  
hope they don't break it again as I recall happening in an previous  

On 29 Apr 2012, at 00:29, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

qQuick commeh

Please check out my cd on, on iTunes or  
most online stores.

Sent from my phone

On Apr 28, 2012, at 10:30 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

Okay, thanks. I'll try vo-j, but I figured out I can just hit  
enter to read the message, then cmd-w the window when I'm done.  
Still not too elegant, but better than arrowing all over the  
place. I think I'll stick to the normal view, since I get a great  
deal of messages from mailing lists and i would hate to not have  
things grouped by conversation.

On 28 Apr 2012, at 22:26, Henry D. Hollithron wrote:

Good Day:

	I've put the answers to your questions, at least as much as I  
know of them, in the extract from your original message below.  
Since I've only used Mac OS Lion, though, someone else might  
have additional information. At any rate, here goes.


Education never ends. It is a series of lessons, with the  
greatest for the last.

Sherlock Homes

On 28 Apr 2012, at 15:32, Alex Hall wrote:

1. I deleted a message, but vo said nothing and I was jumped to  
the bottom of the mail list. What happened?
	Your message was moved to the trash mailbox. I don't know if  
you have your messages column sorted from oldest to newest or  
not, but that might be why you're moved to the bottom of the  
message list. If you want to make sure that you have actually  
deleted all the messages you didn't want to keep, you can, of  
course, look at the trash mailbox. There is a favorites bar at  
the top of the window, but I prefer to go to the view menu and  
choose the "show mailbox list' option. Both are accessible, but  
I don't know how you would go about adding a mailbox to the  
favorites bar, which, as I understand, allows you to switch to a  
mailbox with a single keystroke.

2. Why can I not quickly read messages? I tried cmd-j and tab,  
but nothing happened, yet a new message appeared in a  
conversation as though I had just read the oldest one, though I  
had not. I can hit the "stop interacting" keystroke twice, then  
vo-right a few times and interact, but there has to be a better  
	The keystroke to jump to the preview pane is VO-J. Command J, I  
think, marks the message as junk, though I'm not quite certain  
on that point, since it doesn't show up in the menus to my  
3. I hear a lot about "classic view". What is it, and should I  
switch to it? What advantages does the normal view offer over  
the classic?
	The new view introduced into Lion is very similar to the view  
of messages you might get on the GMAIL website, that is,  
messages with the same subject are grouped into conversations,  
which you can expand. The classic view, in contrast, displays  
all the messages in a larger list, with columns containing the  
information (date, from, subject, etc.) of the message, rather  
like you might see with KeyMail on a BrailleNote. Both views are  
accessible, so most people recommend experimenting with them and  
seeing which one you prefer. The option, as you probably already  
know, is in the View menu with the name "Organize by Conversation".

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

You received th

Re: mail app?

2012-04-29 Thread Henry D. Hollithron
Good Day: 

The Favorites bar is the item which offers this functionality in the 
Mail app for Lion. I checked, and it has, in order from left to write, InBox, 
Sent and Drafts. As you might expect, you press command-1 to go to the InBox, 
Command 2 to go to the Sent mailbox, and Command-3 to go to the Drafts mailbox. 
There is a way to move a mailbox to the favorites bar, but I don't know it. 
Anyway, if you put a mailbox to the right of the Drafts mailbox, then it can be 
accessed with Command-4. Perhaps someone who actually makes use of the 
favorites bar could give you more information.


Education never ends. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for the last.
Sherlock Homes

On 29 Apr 2012, at 09:48, Stan wrote:

> Hi 1&All,
> As no one has mentioned them I sure hope, "Mail App" hasn't dropped;
> Command1 "In mailbox"
> Command2 "Out mailbox"
> Command3 "Drafts mailbox"
> Command4 "Sent mailbox"
> Command5 "Trash mailbox"
> Command6 "Junk mailbox"
> as I find these "shortcuts" great for quick switching between boxes.
> Stan ZA
> On 29 Apr 2012, at 1:00 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Ok, vo-j works even better, thanks for the correction. Now, let's hope they 
>> don't break it again as I recall happening in an previous update...
>> On 29 Apr 2012, at 00:29, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>>> qQuick commeh
>>> Please check out my cd on, on iTunes or most online 
>>> stores.
>>> Sent from my phone
>>> On Apr 28, 2012, at 10:30 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 Okay, thanks. I'll try vo-j, but I figured out I can just hit enter to 
 read the message, then cmd-w the window when I'm done. Still not too 
 elegant, but better than arrowing all over the place. I think I'll stick 
 to the normal view, since I get a great deal of messages from mailing 
 lists and i would hate to not have things grouped by conversation.
 On 28 Apr 2012, at 22:26, Henry D. Hollithron wrote:
> Good Day: 
>   I've put the answers to your questions, at least as much as I know of 
> them, in the extract from your original message below. Since I've only 
> used Mac OS Lion, though, someone else might have additional information. 
> At any rate, here goes.
> HTH:
> Henry
> Education never ends. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for 
> the last.
> Sherlock Homes
> On 28 Apr 2012, at 15:32, Alex Hall wrote:
>> 1. I deleted a message, but vo said nothing and I was jumped to the 
>> bottom of the mail list. What happened?
>   Your message was moved to the trash mailbox. I don't know if you have 
> your messages column sorted from oldest to newest or not, but that might 
> be why you're moved to the bottom of the message list. If you want to 
> make sure that you have actually deleted all the messages you didn't want 
> to keep, you can, of course, look at the trash mailbox. There is a 
> favorites bar at the top of the window, but I prefer to go to the view 
> menu and choose the "show mailbox list' option. Both are accessible, but 
> I don't know how you would go about adding a mailbox to the favorites 
> bar, which, as I understand, allows you to switch to a mailbox with a 
> single keystroke. 
>> 2. Why can I not quickly read messages? I tried cmd-j and tab, but 
>> nothing happened, yet a new message appeared in a conversation as though 
>> I had just read the oldest one, though I had not. I can hit the "stop 
>> interacting" keystroke twice, then vo-right a few times and interact, 
>> but there has to be a better way.
>   The keystroke to jump to the preview pane is VO-J. Command J, I think, 
> marks the message as junk, though I'm not quite certain on that point, 
> since it doesn't show up in the menus to my knowledge.
>> 3. I hear a lot about "classic view". What is it, and should I switch to 
>> it? What advantages does the normal view offer over the classic?
>   The new view introduced into Lion is very similar to the view of 
> messages you might get on the GMAIL website, that is, messages with the 
> same subject are grouped into conversations, which you can expand. The 
> classic view, in contrast, displays all the messages in a larger list, 
> with columns containing the information (date, from, subject, etc.) of 
> the message, rather like you might see with KeyMail on a BrailleNote. 
> Both views are accessible, so most people recommend experimenting with 
> them and seeing which one you prefer. The option, as you probably already 
> know, is in the View menu with the name "Organize by Conversation".
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to

Re: mail weirdness

2012-04-29 Thread Veronica Elsea
Actually, it doesn't work as it should for pop mail either. In mail 
preferences, I have checked the option to have erased mail deleted when I quit 
mail. It has done this once. Most of the time, when I finish going through my 
Email, I have to just do the Shif-command-delete to get the trash emptied. And 
I know plenty of people who think that Apple has broken many things in Mail 
with version 5, and not just VO-related stuff either. 


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On Apr 28, 2012, at 9:12 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:

> When I went into gmail settings, I could not find anything to enable 
> immediate deletion of messages.  I recall some time ago when there was an 
> option in Google Labs supporting an option to make gmail's IMAP emulation 
> work like normal IMAP servers but I haven't heard anything more on this since 
> then.
> In the mean time, the messages I delete with the delete key are now placing 
> messages into a folder called Deleted messages.  I guess I will have to go 
> this route for now and use Mutt email client to go in and move them all over 
> to [Gmail]/Trash from time to time.  Or just go back to moving them to Trash 
> manually each time I wish to delete stuff.  Frankly, the the delete function 
> in Apple Mail for Lion is not doing the job the way I want it to.  It might 
> work well for POP or standard IMAP but not for gmail IMAP.
> On Apr 28, 2012, at 1:00 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hello Caitlyn et al, 
>> I read your message very carefully.  
>> Currently, I have several G Mail iMap accounts that I access with Apple
>> Mail.  I have no problems at all in deleting messages from any of them; I
>> have re-installed Lion several times since its release without having ever
>> experienced the problem you and others are currently reporting.  
>> When I wish to delete a message from either a conversation or the delete the
>> entire thread, in Standard view, I simply press the BackSpace key on the
>> keyboard.
>> Now, before exiting Mail, I use the key combo Command+Shift+Backspace in
>> order to empty the messages currently marked for deletion.  I answer yes, in
>> the confirmation Dialog box and they are permanently deleted.  
>> Now you may be saying, "Yes, Mark, I do this as well yet it does not work."
>> To which I will reply,  I understand.  
>> The problem is that there is a setting that must be configured from within
>> your G Mail account, itself, on the web to enable the client to have access
>> in order to permanently delete the mail.
>> It's been a while since I set this up but, go to your G Mail web account.
>> Somewhere in the Options, you will see something that reads like "Delete
>> Messages Immediately".  This will be unchecked.  You must place a checkmark
>> in this option.  Then, if all goes well and "the water don't rise," as the
>> saying goes (smile) you should be in business.
>> While you're in that area of your G Mail account, review all of the message
>> options in case I am, most likely, forgetting something else.  
>> One more thing, I have my G Mail account setup so that, when using either
>> Apple Mail or Microsoft Outlook, I can quickly and easily undelete any
>> message marked for deletion (before the purge), by using key-combo Command+Z
>> on the Mac or Control+Z in Windows 7.  If you would like to know how to
>> configure this for your G Mail account, check out episode 70 of the Candle
>> Shore podcast.
>> Good Luck,
>> Mark
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Caitlyn Furness
>> Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 11:08 AM
>> To:
>> Cc: Caitlyn Furness
>> Subject: mail weirdness
>> Hi,
>> I hope somebody has some suggestions about my mail problem.
>> After a reinstall of Lion a couple weeks ago, I of course had to reinput my
>> mail account.  I am using my gmail account.  Now,, mail isn't deleting my
>> messages after I read them.  The next time I reopen mail, the same messages
>> are back again!
>> In mail preferences, I have it set to delete the trash when quitting mail,
>> and to not leave things on the server.
>> What am I doing wrong?
>> Before I had to reinstall Lion, my gamil account didn't act like this!
>> thanks,
>> Caitlyn
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> For more options, visit this group at

Re: blindmicemegamall movie vault and illegal file-sharing allegation

2012-04-29 Thread Christine Grassman
There was a protest and a petition, and call for a class action suit. What the 
Authors' Guild is doing is relying on a copyright law which says that the 
"reading" of a book is not the same as the print -- therefore the Kindle would 
be "violating" the "performance violation" -- in other words, the synthesized 
voice is compared to a human narrator, and therefore the price should reflect 
this, as in It's actually an argument which might stand up in 
court, so the efforts have been relegated to changing legislation to prevent 
the argument from being utilized in this instance, and fighting universities 
and other institutions which are using Kindles, and which therefore leave the 
print-disabled out. Of course, this is just as expensive and probably will take 
just as long, and doesn't generate as much public attention.
I myself have never participated in a class action suit, and since I work 
full-time teaching, it would be difficult for me personally to coordinate such 
an effort. But it irks me tremendously that the disabled rights organizations 
here, including the two major voices in rights of the blind, are not doing more 
about this. It is a tremendous, aggravating thorn in the sides of those of us 
who would like to utilize a Kindle with the same degree of freedom as the rest 
of the public who can read the printed screen.
Another problem is that there are so many other issues now, economically and 
educationally, that this fight will get lost amid the tumult.  I intend to try 
to revisit this issue with others after the 2012 Presidential election has been 
On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:24 AM, Sean Murphy wrote:

> Hi Christine
> Why don't you initiate a class action against the Authors gill so to level 
> the playing ground for accessible books. Your not the first or only person I 
> have seen on different lists complain about the Author gill. I just don't see 
> anyone in the USA doing anything about it. So they get away with it.
> Only I wished that I lived there. I would then be able to do something.
> Sean 
> On 28/04/2012, at 10:36 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>> With all due respect, Scott, laws which disparately impact certain groups or 
>> classes of people have been flouted through civil disobedience since the 
>> introduction of legal systems, e.g., civil rights, disability rights, 
>> employment rights, etc. The United States might not exist were it not for 
>> disobeying laws. 
>> I am an attorney, and it continues to amaze me how slowly the U.S. is moving 
>> to accommodate disability, and how snail-paced the societal shift in 
>> attitudes toward us has been.  and it seems that whenever a company like 
>> Apple makes great strides in accommodating blindness off the shelf, plenty 
>> of other technologies come along and do not bother to incorporate us into 
>> their equation. So many educational apps, for example, are not accessible, 
>> though they could be, and given the push now to have iPads in classrooms, 
>> once again blind, visually impaired, and otherwise print-disabled students 
>> will be left out. Apple moves us two steps forward, and "progress" (for 
>> others) moves us three steps back. I should be able to turn on a television, 
>> flip a switch, or turn on a transmitter, and get descriptions. I should be 
>> able to access books on the Nook or the Kindle, not just iBooks. I cannot 
>> express, and I am sure others here agree, the happiness I feel when a new 
>> release or best-selling publication is available on iBooks.
>> (Incidentally, if a book is available on iBooks and on, I 
>> purchase the book. Yet, I have lost quite a lot of money as a published 
>> author -- as soon as my book was published, I sent a copy to; 
>> it was more important to me to have it available at the same time to the 
>> blind and print-disabled. The Authors Guild apparently does not care about 
>> such access, despite the fact that they would actually get money from us.)
>> I would happily go to the movies more and happily purchase audio-described 
>> movies through iTunes if they were available. Even movies which are released 
>> with audio description are not always sold through movie resellers -- 
>> goodness knows I have tried. To date, I have only located The Incredible 
>> Hulk, from 2008, which I purchased for my son.
>> Even Apple could do more. It could strengthen its requirements for apps. It 
>> has provided developers with the means to make their apps VoiceOver 
>> accessible, and there are plenty of apps out there which could be so. Only 
>> apps that are visual by their very nature should be exempted. But, as usual, 
>> profit trumps  people, despite the fact that the disabled community rewards 
>> those who remember us with our business. 
>> Frankly, I would prefer to purchase the audio-described movies and shows I 
>> download from the vault, so that I could watch them with sighted friends and 

Re: A question about Dashboard

2012-04-29 Thread John Panarese
 There should be a, more info, button if you navigate through the widget.  
This is usually how you change settings for a widget.  For example, with the 
Weather Widget, the more info button will allow you to enter a city or postal 
code to change the location for the weather report.  In the ESPN app, the, 
info, button will enable you to change sports.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Apr 29, 2012, at 7:08 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:

> Hi all,
> In Dashboard, how can I change the sport from Hockey to something else in 
> ESPN or the name of the  city for checking the weather?
> Basically, how can I change the default settings?
> Your help would be much appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Rahul   
> -- 
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Re: time machine?

2012-04-29 Thread John Panarese
Are you selecting the most recent backup or a specific date.  I've never 
restored from a network drive, but you might have to wait a bit for the drive 
to mount.  Network Time Machine backups are stored in Sparse Bundles, which are 
special disk images.  So, the image has to mount, and if it's a large image, it 
might take a bit before it is available.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Apr 29, 2012, at 12:00 AM, Kliphton wrote:

> Okay, I created a time machine backup on an network attached storage, and I’m 
> trying to restore from there.  It let’s me get to the  point where I choose 
> where the back up is, but won’t let me select it.  My fault, it let’s me 
> select it, but when it tells me to connect now to the storage device, it says 
> dimmed.  What am I doing wrong?
> -- 
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disclosure triangles?

2012-04-29 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
As I go through mail messages, and sometimes in other places, I hear 
'disclosure triangle". What is this, how do I use it, and how do I get at the 
information I imagine it provides when activated? Thanks. As you probably 
figured, I am using the mac more now that it runs well (amazing what a monitor 
will do) so I'll have a lot of questions as I learn and, in some cases, 
re-learn parts of this system. Thanks for your patience!

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Someone instant messaged me in skype, but I don't know how to find the message

2012-04-29 Thread Jenny Keller

As the subject says, I heard the chirp of an instant message coming from 
someone, but I can't read it cause I don't know how.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: disclosure triangles?

2012-04-29 Thread Lewis Alexander
when you hear the words "disclosure triangle" this is an icon representing that 
a folder has sub folders.

as an example, if you're in mail and you have a directory like "G-MAIL", this 
contains sub directories such as sent and deleted items, etc.

interacting with this component is like any other. interact then VO + space to 
open the sub directories.

I hope this helps.


On 29 Apr 2012, at 17:43, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> As I go through mail messages, and sometimes in other places, I hear 
> 'disclosure triangle". What is this, how do I use it, and how do I get at the 
> information I imagine it provides when activated? Thanks. As you probably 
> figured, I am using the mac more now that it runs well (amazing what a 
> monitor will do) so I'll have a lot of questions as I learn and, in some 
> cases, re-learn parts of this system. Thanks for your patience!
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: disclosure triangles?

2012-04-29 Thread Greg Aikens
Disclosure triangles are a way to hide or reveal extra info or options.  If the 
disclosure triangle is collapsed, the extra options are hidden and if it is 
expanded they are displayed.  Press VO+Space to toggle a disclosure triangle.  

In mail, expanding a disclosure triangle shows the list of messages in a 
thread.  These can also be expanded and collapsed with the right and left arrow 

On Apr 29, 2012, at 11:43 AM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> As I go through mail messages, and sometimes in other places, I hear 
> 'disclosure triangle". What is this, how do I use it, and how do I get at the 
> information I imagine it provides when activated? Thanks. As you probably 
> figured, I am using the mac more now that it runs well (amazing what a 
> monitor will do) so I'll have a lot of questions as I learn and, in some 
> cases, re-learn parts of this system. Thanks for your patience!
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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Re: Someone instant messaged me in skype, but I don't know how to find the message

2012-04-29 Thread John Panarese
  This requires some navigation.  You have to first have the contact name 
selected before you have to use the VO and right arrow keys to navigate until 
you find the scroll area that has the chat history.  There is also an edit 
field to type responses and you just use the enter key to send.  It sounds a 
little complicated, but it is not once you go through the process.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Apr 29, 2012, at 12:45 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:

> Hi,
> As the subject says, I heard the chirp of an instant message coming from 
> someone, but I can't read it cause I don't know how.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Jenny
> -- 
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Re: Someone instant messaged me in skype, but I don't know how to find the message

2012-04-29 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Interact with the table immediately below the tool bar.  As you VO up or down 
arrow through it, you'll hear the names of people you've had recent Skype 
activity with, and one of them will say "one missed event."  Be careful, 
because it won't say it again if you scroll back over that contact.  (this is a 
bug in Skype I wish would get fixed; that the "missed event," alert would stay 
up until you actually found out what the event was).  

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: Someone instant messaged me in skype, but I don't know how to find the message

2012-04-29 Thread Jenny Keller
OK, this may sound a little stupid, but how do you know who chatted you then.  
I don't know who chatted me, so I don't know which contact to pick.

thanks for your help.

On Apr 29, 2012, at 11:51 AM, John Panarese wrote:

>  This requires some navigation.  You have to first have the contact name 
> selected before you have to use the VO and right arrow keys to navigate until 
> you find the scroll area that has the chat history.  There is also an edit 
> field to type responses and you just use the enter key to send.  It sounds a 
> little complicated, but it is not once you go through the process.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 12:45 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As the subject says, I heard the chirp of an instant message coming from 
>> someone, but I can't read it cause I don't know how.
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> Jenny
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Re: inserting files into the body of an email

2012-04-29 Thread Ricardo Walker

to add an attachment to an e-mail, open the e-mail and press command shift A to 
bring up the filed browser.  Find the file and press enter and it will be 

Ricardo Walker

On Apr 29, 2012, at 1:01 PM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've reported this to apple accessibility.
> Anyway, on to my question.
> If I've created a signature file in text edit, and I want to put it into my 
> message is there a way to insert a file into a message?
> Apple accessibility says that there's a bug in SnowLeopard that causes mail 
> to get stuck when creating a signature in preferences. This is what happens 
> with me.
> Each time I've created a signature I get mail busy until I force quit the app.
> This is why I was wondering if there's a way to insert files from text edit 
> into an email message.
> Thanks,
> Blessings,
> Stacey and Geb dog Chesley
> -- 
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Re: inserting files into the body of an email

2012-04-29 Thread Stacey Robinson
Ricardo, I don't want to attach.
I want to insert text directly in to my message.

On Apr 29, 2012, at 12:14 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> to add an attachment to an e-mail, open the e-mail and press command shift A 
> to bring up the filed browser.  Find the file and press enter and it will be 
> attached.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 1:01 PM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've reported this to apple accessibility.
>> Anyway, on to my question.
>> If I've created a signature file in text edit, and I want to put it into my 
>> message is there a way to insert a file into a message?
>> Apple accessibility says that there's a bug in SnowLeopard that causes mail 
>> to get stuck when creating a signature in preferences. This is what happens 
>> with me.
>> Each time I've created a signature I get mail busy until I force quit the 
>> app.
>> This is why I was wondering if there's a way to insert files from text edit 
>> into an email message.
>> Thanks,
>> Blessings,
>> Stacey and Geb dog Chesley
>> -- 
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Re: inserting files into the body of an email

2012-04-29 Thread Ricardo Walker

just copy and paste then.

Ricardo Walker

On Apr 29, 2012, at 1:16 PM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:

> Ricardo, I don't want to attach.
> I want to insert text directly in to my message.
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 12:14 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> to add an attachment to an e-mail, open the e-mail and press command shift A 
>> to bring up the filed browser.  Find the file and press enter and it will be 
>> attached.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 1:01 PM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've reported this to apple accessibility.
>>> Anyway, on to my question.
>>> If I've created a signature file in text edit, and I want to put it into my 
>>> message is there a way to insert a file into a message?
>>> Apple accessibility says that there's a bug in SnowLeopard that causes mail 
>>> to get stuck when creating a signature in preferences. This is what happens 
>>> with me.
>>> Each time I've created a signature I get mail busy until I force quit the 
>>> app.
>>> This is why I was wondering if there's a way to insert files from text edit 
>>> into an email message.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Blessings,
>>> Stacey and Geb dog Chesley
>>> -- 
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Re: inserting files into the body of an email

2012-04-29 Thread Stacey Robinson
Oh, that's simple enough.
Stacey and Geb dog Chesley
On Apr 29, 2012, at 12:17 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Oh.
> just copy and paste then.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 1:16 PM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
>> Ricardo, I don't want to attach.
>> I want to insert text directly in to my message.
>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 12:14 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> to add an attachment to an e-mail, open the e-mail and press command shift 
>>> A to bring up the filed browser.  Find the file and press enter and it will 
>>> be attached.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 1:01 PM, Stacey Robinson  
>>> wrote:
 Hi all,
 I've reported this to apple accessibility.
 Anyway, on to my question.
 If I've created a signature file in text edit, and I want to put it into 
 my message is there a way to insert a file into a message?
 Apple accessibility says that there's a bug in SnowLeopard that causes 
 mail to get stuck when creating a signature in preferences. This is what 
 happens with me.
 Each time I've created a signature I get mail busy until I force quit the 
 This is why I was wondering if there's a way to insert files from text 
 edit into an email message.
 Stacey and Geb dog Chesley
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: mail app?

2012-04-29 Thread Ricardo Walker

I actually did a podcast that covers this.  You can find it here


Ricardo Walker

On Apr 29, 2012, at 10:11 AM, Henry D. Hollithron  wrote:

> Good Day: 
>   The Favorites bar is the item which offers this functionality in the 
> Mail app for Lion. I checked, and it has, in order from left to write, InBox, 
> Sent and Drafts. As you might expect, you press command-1 to go to the InBox, 
> Command 2 to go to the Sent mailbox, and Command-3 to go to the Drafts 
> mailbox. There is a way to move a mailbox to the favorites bar, but I don't 
> know it. Anyway, if you put a mailbox to the right of the Drafts mailbox, 
> then it can be accessed with Command-4. Perhaps someone who actually makes 
> use of the favorites bar could give you more information.
> HTH:
> Henry
> Education never ends. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for the 
> last.
> Sherlock Homes
> On 29 Apr 2012, at 09:48, Stan wrote:
>> Hi 1&All,
>> As no one has mentioned them I sure hope, "Mail App" hasn't dropped;
>> Command1 "In mailbox"
>> Command2 "Out mailbox"
>> Command3 "Drafts mailbox"
>> Command4 "Sent mailbox"
>> Command5 "Trash mailbox"
>> Command6 "Junk mailbox"
>> as I find these "shortcuts" great for quick switching between boxes.
>> Stan ZA
>> On 29 Apr 2012, at 1:00 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Ok, vo-j works even better, thanks for the correction. Now, let's hope they 
>>> don't break it again as I recall happening in an previous update...
>>> On 29 Apr 2012, at 00:29, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
 qQuick commeh
 Please check out my cd on, on iTunes or most online 
 Sent from my phone
 On Apr 28, 2012, at 10:30 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Okay, thanks. I'll try vo-j, but I figured out I can just hit enter to 
> read the message, then cmd-w the window when I'm done. Still not too 
> elegant, but better than arrowing all over the place. I think I'll stick 
> to the normal view, since I get a great deal of messages from mailing 
> lists and i would hate to not have things grouped by conversation.
> On 28 Apr 2012, at 22:26, Henry D. Hollithron wrote:
>> Good Day: 
>>  I've put the answers to your questions, at least as much as I know of 
>> them, in the extract from your original message below. Since I've only 
>> used Mac OS Lion, though, someone else might have additional 
>> information. At any rate, here goes.
>> HTH:
>> Henry
>> Education never ends. It is a series of lessons, with the greatest for 
>> the last.
>> Sherlock Homes
>> On 28 Apr 2012, at 15:32, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> 1. I deleted a message, but vo said nothing and I was jumped to the 
>>> bottom of the mail list. What happened?
>>  Your message was moved to the trash mailbox. I don't know if you have 
>> your messages column sorted from oldest to newest or not, but that might 
>> be why you're moved to the bottom of the message list. If you want to 
>> make sure that you have actually deleted all the messages you didn't 
>> want to keep, you can, of course, look at the trash mailbox. There is a 
>> favorites bar at the top of the window, but I prefer to go to the view 
>> menu and choose the "show mailbox list' option. Both are accessible, but 
>> I don't know how you would go about adding a mailbox to the favorites 
>> bar, which, as I understand, allows you to switch to a mailbox with a 
>> single keystroke. 
>>> 2. Why can I not quickly read messages? I tried cmd-j and tab, but 
>>> nothing happened, yet a new message appeared in a conversation as 
>>> though I had just read the oldest one, though I had not. I can hit the 
>>> "stop interacting" keystroke twice, then vo-right a few times and 
>>> interact, but there has to be a better way.
>>  The keystroke to jump to the preview pane is VO-J. Command J, I think, 
>> marks the message as junk, though I'm not quite certain on that point, 
>> since it doesn't show up in the menus to my knowledge.
>>> 3. I hear a lot about "classic view". What is it, and should I switch 
>>> to it? What advantages does the normal view offer over the classic?
>>  The new view introduced into Lion is very similar to the view of 
>> messages you might get on the GMAIL website, that is, messages with the 
>> same subject are grouped into conversations, which you can expand. The 
>> classic view, in contrast, displays all the messages in a larger list, 
>> with columns containing the information (date, from, subject, etc.) of 
>> the message, rather like you might see with KeyMail on a BrailleNote. 
>> Both views are accessible

Re: Screen locking issue

2012-04-29 Thread Ricardo Walker

go to system preferences/security & privacy.  Under the general tab, uncheck 
Require password after sleep or screen saver

Ricardo Walker

On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:46 AM, Sean Murphy  wrote:

> Hi all.
> How do you stop the Mac from locking the screen?  I cannot see the option in 
> the preferences. If I don't use the computer for about 5 to 15 minutes. The 
> screen locks requiring the password again.
> Also, how do you put it into screen lock when you want too?
> Sean 
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Re: time machine?

2012-04-29 Thread Kliphton
I figured out why it wasn't letting me select it.  But another question is, if 
I want to load from a DVD in my optical drive, at what point do I hold down the 
letter c?
On Apr 29, 2012, at 11:00 AM, John Panarese  wrote:

>Are you selecting the most recent backup or a specific date.  I've never 
> restored from a network drive, but you might have to wait a bit for the drive 
> to mount.  Network Time Machine backups are stored in Sparse Bundles, which 
> are special disk images.  So, the image has to mount, and if it's a large 
> image, it might take a bit before it is available.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 12:00 AM, Kliphton wrote:
>> Okay, I created a time machine backup on an network attached storage, and 
>> I’m trying to restore from there.  It let’s me get to the  point where I 
>> choose where the back up is, but won’t let me select it.  My fault, it let’s 
>> me select it, but when it tells me to connect now to the storage device, it 
>> says dimmed.  What am I doing wrong?
>> -- 
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Re: time machine?

2012-04-29 Thread John Panarese
 Right when you both the system.  Just keep the C key down until you hear 
the optical drive begin to spin up.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Apr 29, 2012, at 1:42 PM, Kliphton wrote:

> I figured out why it wasn't letting me select it.  But another question is, 
> if I want to load from a DVD in my optical drive, at what point do I hold 
> down the letter c?
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 11:00 AM, John Panarese  wrote:
>>   Are you selecting the most recent backup or a specific date.  I've never 
>> restored from a network drive, but you might have to wait a bit for the 
>> drive to mount.  Network Time Machine backups are stored in Sparse Bundles, 
>> which are special disk images.  So, the image has to mount, and if it's a 
>> large image, it might take a bit before it is available.
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 12:00 AM, Kliphton wrote:
>>> Okay, I created a time machine backup on an network attached storage, and 
>>> I’m trying to restore from there.  It let’s me get to the  point where I 
>>> choose where the back up is, but won’t let me select it.  My fault, it 
>>> let’s me select it, but when it tells me to connect now to the storage 
>>> device, it says dimmed.  What am I doing wrong?
>>> -- 
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Re: blindmicemegamall movie vault and illegal file-sharing allegation

2012-04-29 Thread Steve Holmes
Another thing that makes the argument comparing synthesized speech with human 
speech totally fallacious is that when a device offers synthesized speech such 
as with an iPad, one can use a Braille display and actually read the book 
rather than listen to it. We are denied that opportunity if we can only rely on 
human read materials or use a crippling device like the Kindle Fire.

On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:50 AM, Christine Grassman wrote:

> There was a protest and a petition, and call for a class action suit. What 
> the Authors' Guild is doing is relying on a copyright law which says that the 
> "reading" of a book is not the same as the print -- therefore the Kindle 
> would be "violating" the "performance violation" -- in other words, the 
> synthesized voice is compared to a human narrator, and therefore the price 
> should reflect this, as in It's actually an argument which might 
> stand up in court, so the efforts have been relegated to changing legislation 
> to prevent the argument from being utilized in this instance, and fighting 
> universities and other institutions which are using Kindles, and which 
> therefore leave the print-disabled out. Of course, this is just as expensive 
> and probably will take just as long, and doesn't generate as much public 
> attention.
> I myself have never participated in a class action suit, and since I work 
> full-time teaching, it would be difficult for me personally to coordinate 
> such an effort. But it irks me tremendously that the disabled rights 
> organizations here, including the two major voices in rights of the blind, 
> are not doing more about this. It is a tremendous, aggravating thorn in the 
> sides of those of us who would like to utilize a Kindle with the same degree 
> of freedom as the rest of the public who can read the printed screen.
> Another problem is that there are so many other issues now, economically and 
> educationally, that this fight will get lost amid the tumult.  I intend to 
> try to revisit this issue with others after the 2012 Presidential election 
> has been decided.
> Christine
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:24 AM, Sean Murphy wrote:
>> Hi Christine
>> Why don't you initiate a class action against the Authors gill so to level 
>> the playing ground for accessible books. Your not the first or only person I 
>> have seen on different lists complain about the Author gill. I just don't 
>> see anyone in the USA doing anything about it. So they get away with it.
>> Only I wished that I lived there. I would then be able to do something.
>> Sean 
>> On 28/04/2012, at 10:36 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
>>> With all due respect, Scott, laws which disparately impact certain groups 
>>> or classes of people have been flouted through civil disobedience since the 
>>> introduction of legal systems, e.g., civil rights, disability rights, 
>>> employment rights, etc. The United States might not exist were it not for 
>>> disobeying laws. 
>>> I am an attorney, and it continues to amaze me how slowly the U.S. is 
>>> moving to accommodate disability, and how snail-paced the societal shift in 
>>> attitudes toward us has been.  and it seems that whenever a company like 
>>> Apple makes great strides in accommodating blindness off the shelf, plenty 
>>> of other technologies come along and do not bother to incorporate us into 
>>> their equation. So many educational apps, for example, are not accessible, 
>>> though they could be, and given the push now to have iPads in classrooms, 
>>> once again blind, visually impaired, and otherwise print-disabled students 
>>> will be left out. Apple moves us two steps forward, and "progress" (for 
>>> others) moves us three steps back. I should be able to turn on a 
>>> television, flip a switch, or turn on a transmitter, and get descriptions. 
>>> I should be able to access books on the Nook or the Kindle, not just 
>>> iBooks. I cannot express, and I am sure others here agree, the happiness I 
>>> feel when a new release or best-selling publication is available on iBooks.
>>> (Incidentally, if a book is available on iBooks and on, I 
>>> purchase the book. Yet, I have lost quite a lot of money as a published 
>>> author -- as soon as my book was published, I sent a copy to; 
>>> it was more important to me to have it available at the same time to the 
>>> blind and print-disabled. The Authors Guild apparently does not care about 
>>> such access, despite the fact that they would actually get money from us.)
>>> I would happily go to the movies more and happily purchase audio-described 
>>> movies through iTunes if they were available. Even movies which are 
>>> released with audio description are not always sold through movie resellers 
>>> -- goodness knows I have tried. To date, I have only located The Incredible 
>>> Hulk, from 2008, which I purchased for my son.
>>> Even Apple could do more. It could strengthen its requir

Re: Someone instant messaged me in skype, but I don't know how to find the message

2012-04-29 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there!
Well if you found the person with the guide from the other message then a 
little tip for you to hold a I M chat!

If when your on the person you wish to chat with!
1, find the html in there profile and interact with it!
2, Arrow down through all the stuff until you get to there message [or the last 
message] they have sent you!
3, When you have arrowed through that message and wish to respond then just 
turn off cursor tracking with the command [VO+shift+f3] then just start typing 
your response and when your ready just press enter!
4, When you do this you will find yourself back at the end of there last 
message and you just have to arrow through the message you have just sent and 
wait for there reply!
5, Keep on this way until you've finished chatting!
6, When your done remember to turn cursor tracking back on with the same 
command you used to turn it off!
7, Then you can close that chat with command+W

hth Colin

On 29 Apr 2012, at 17:55, Jenny Keller wrote:

> OK, this may sound a little stupid, but how do you know who chatted you then. 
>  I don't know who chatted me, so I don't know which contact to pick.
> thanks for your help.
> Jenny
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 11:51 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>> This requires some navigation.  You have to first have the contact name 
>> selected before you have to use the VO and right arrow keys to navigate 
>> until you find the scroll area that has the chat history.  There is also an 
>> edit field to type responses and you just use the enter key to send.  It 
>> sounds a little complicated, but it is not once you go through the process.
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 12:45 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> As the subject says, I heard the chirp of an instant message coming from 
>>> someone, but I can't read it cause I don't know how.
>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>>> Jenny
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Re: Someone instant messaged me in skype, but I don't know how to find the message

2012-04-29 Thread Jenny Keller
No, I still don't know who it was that instant messaged me, so I'm still at the 
beginning of the problem.

On Apr 29, 2012, at 1:19 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi there!
> Well if you found the person with the guide from the other message then a 
> little tip for you to hold a I M chat!
> If when your on the person you wish to chat with!
> 1, find the html in there profile and interact with it!
> 2, Arrow down through all the stuff until you get to there message [or the 
> last message] they have sent you!
> 3, When you have arrowed through that message and wish to respond then just 
> turn off cursor tracking with the command [VO+shift+f3] then just start 
> typing your response and when your ready just press enter!
> 4, When you do this you will find yourself back at the end of there last 
> message and you just have to arrow through the message you have just sent and 
> wait for there reply!
> 5, Keep on this way until you've finished chatting!
> 6, When your done remember to turn cursor tracking back on with the same 
> command you used to turn it off!
> 7, Then you can close that chat with command+W
> hth Colin
> On 29 Apr 2012, at 17:55, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> OK, this may sound a little stupid, but how do you know who chatted you 
>> then.  I don't know who chatted me, so I don't know which contact to pick.
>> thanks for your help.
>> Jenny
>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 11:51 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>>>This requires some navigation.  You have to first have the contact name 
>>> selected before you have to use the VO and right arrow keys to navigate 
>>> until you find the scroll area that has the chat history.  There is also an 
>>> edit field to type responses and you just use the enter key to send.  It 
>>> sounds a little complicated, but it is not once you go through the process.
>>> Take Care
>>> John Panarese
>>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 12:45 PM, Jenny Keller wrote:
 As the subject says, I heard the chirp of an instant message coming from 
 someone, but I can't read it cause I don't know how.
 Any help would be appreciated.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: blindmicemegamall movie vault and illegal file-sharing allegation

2012-04-29 Thread Jenny Keller
Oh please, they may "have to", but that doesn't mean they won't find a loop 
whole in order to get away with not doing it.

On Apr 29, 2012, at 7:47 AM, Sean Murphy wrote:

> Hi all.
> AGain, how can education departments in the USA buy products when they are 
> not 508 rehab accessible? I thought all governments department in the USa had 
> to ensure the product is accessible based upon this rehab act or does this 
> only apply for  federal?
> There is 3 ways to change the thinking of business:
> 1. Demonstrate a market.
> 2. Take them to court. Not always a good solution.
> 3. Blind people develop a investment fund which invests into proactive 
> companies in the accessible area.
> 4. Awareness education.
> Oops, I said 3, but there is 
> Sean 
> On 29/04/2012, at 7:24 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> the issue is not the iPad itself, it is the apps that companies develop for 
>> it. most of those companies don't consider us much of a market (either by 
>> public perception or flawed fiscal analysis). there had already been one 
>> debacle involving a pad type computer (kindle) and a major institution 
>> (Arizona  State University) and it was found that the blind were 
>> specifically locked out. the same is happening with iPad apps (even though 
>> the SDK tools and API are freely available and easy to incorporate, 
>> companies will not concede). Its a never ending struggle as those who think 
>> they know better never do and saddle us with their utter stupidity. there is 
>>  a reason they call this "the tyranny of the stupid".
>> -eric
>> . 
>> On Apr 28, 2012, at 5:39 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi Christine,
>>> I'm perplexed.  How do you see the push to have iPads in classrooms as 
>>> something that leaves the blind/VI student out?  If anything, I see that as 
>>> something that better enables us to participate, thanks to the fact that 
>>> Apple has made the iPad a fully accessible device.
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> On Apr 28, 2012, at 8:36 AM, Christine Grassman wrote:
 With all due respect, Scott, laws which disparately impact certain groups 
 or classes of people have been flouted through civil disobedience since 
 the introduction of legal systems, e.g., civil rights, disability rights, 
 employment rights, etc. The United States might not exist were it not for 
 disobeying laws. 
 I am an attorney, and it continues to amaze me how slowly the U.S. is 
 moving to accommodate disability, and how snail-paced the societal shift 
 in attitudes toward us has been.  and it seems that whenever a company 
 like Apple makes great strides in accommodating blindness off the shelf, 
 plenty of other technologies come along and do not bother to incorporate 
 us into their equation. So many educational apps, for example, are not 
 accessible, though they could be, and given the push now to have iPads in 
 classrooms, once again blind, visually impaired, and otherwise 
 print-disabled students will be left out. Apple moves us two steps 
 forward, and "progress" (for others) moves us three steps back. I should 
 be able to turn on a television, flip a switch, or turn on a transmitter, 
 and get descriptions. I should be able to access books on the Nook or the 
 Kindle, not just iBooks. I cannot express, and I am sure others here 
 agree, the happiness I feel when a new release or best-selling publication 
 is available on iBooks.
 (Incidentally, if a book is available on iBooks and on, I 
 purchase the book. Yet, I have lost quite a lot of money as a published 
 author -- as soon as my book was published, I sent a copy to; it was more important to me to have it available at the 
 same time to the blind and print-disabled. The Authors Guild apparently 
 does not care about such access, despite the fact that they would actually 
 get money from us.)
 I would happily go to the movies more and happily purchase audio-described 
 movies through iTunes if they were available. Even movies which are 
 released with audio description are not always sold through movie 
 resellers -- goodness knows I have tried. To date, I have only located The 
 Incredible Hulk, from 2008, which I purchased for my son.
 Even Apple could do more. It could strengthen its requirements for apps. 
 It has provided developers with the means to make their apps VoiceOver 
 accessible, and there are plenty of apps out there which could be so. Only 
 apps that are visual by their very nature should be exempted. But, as 
 usual, profit trumps  people, despite the fact that the disabled community 
 rewards those who remember us with our business. 
 Frankly, I would prefer to purchase the audio-described movies and shows I 
 download from the vault, so that I could watch them with sighted friends 
 and family. I 

Re: Priorities

2012-04-29 Thread Jenny Keller

I'm sorry for the misconceptions and inaccurate information about things for 
the blind in the UK.  

I know that I have heard, though, that in Australia, they give you the choice 
of computers with accessible software, but I could be wrong about that too.

Here, you have to be in school or have a job to get accessible anything.  the 
thing about that is, there are some people like me, that can't work due to 
other health problems, and frankly, I'm treated as though I don't need adaptive 
anything because I don't work.

That's a crock of bull, because every blind person needs adaptive equipment.  

The Americans with Disabilities Act only works well for certain groups of 
disabled people here.  

It's sad, but it's good to know that America isn't the only one screwing over 
the blind or visually impaired.  

Oh by the way, the amount of money they give you to live on only provides 
enough for subsidized housing, which usually isn't in a safe neighborhoods and 
have questionable people either living in them, or around them dealing drugs, 
or prostituting themselves because what they make isn't enough either.

If you spit out kids like bum balls with multiple fathers who don't pay child 
support and aren't married, you get more assistance than if you are a married 
disabled couple.

When my husband and I got married, we are both blind, our food stamps got 
drastically cut.  If we had just lived together, we would get more.  However, 
it is against my religious beliefs to live together without the benefit of 

So much for doing the right thing.

On Apr 29, 2012, at 2:03 AM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

> Hi Jenny, I'm glad I've been listening to this thread.
> From my experience on this, Here in the UK, though there is audio description 
> to TV shows via  new digital TV's, there still isn't a spoken user interface 
> to allow access to various menus, same on DVD players, recorders, etc. I've 
> not yet come across a single audio described DVD in my time.
> Support for blind and visually impaired people in most parts of the UK is 
> absolutely shocking. as an example, in education, I'm here in Wales (a 
> lottery win would see me leaving here as soon as possible), throughout my 
> education life, both visually impaired and blind, I've been let down and lied 
> to, given useless equipment which constantly failed, the wrong software, 
> extremely poor braille training, etc. the only good thing that came from it 
> was mobility training through RNIB instead of social services rehab 
> department.
> There was a point where mobility aids were free but now they're not, so I 
> have to pay about £300 per year on canes and tips due to high usage and 
> certain occasions where thugs in our area attack me destroying the cane for 
> "fun", so replacement canes are kept by. 
> If you apply for funding, it's virtually non existent, not only that but the 
> rulings given have no sense nor structure. so if you need adaptive equipment, 
> not a chance, it's sell what you own or get into debt, that's my experience 
> on that matter.
> Why is it when you walk into a store and ask for help, you get a useless 
> person who hasn't a clue of how to assist you? I get this all the time... I 
> may as well appear as a muppet on the Muppet Show.. You ask to be guided and 
> they go without you, they say " it's over there", don't describe the items, 
> etc. So what's the bloomin use of them in the first place.
> Then of course the ultimate insult. to be blind and wanting to work for 
> companies here is a joke. Though I'm highly qualified and have all the right 
> requirements, because of being blind, there are 3 main areas that stop me 
> from working for a firm. 1: disability discrimination by the interviewer or 
> company, 2: Health and Safety regulations acts, 3: employer insurance costs.
> I've been in the IT game for myself for a while and don't mind it, but my 
> main skills are as a cabinet maker, having been trained by my grandfather who 
> was a master cabinet maker / carpenter. so I took on his work after his 
> retirement, so I'm the last in the line of the family in the trades and am 
> keeping that alive. I'm fine working for myself, but if I were to work for a 
> joinery company, they couldn't take me on for the amount of HSE red tape 
> nonsense. This stops us experienced folk from doing our jobs and putting us 
> out of work and I'm sick of it.
> I do some work with a company as a product demonstrator / endorser of their 
> products as I use them every day in the workshop and it's ridiculous how all 
> this nonsense gets in the way.
> Anyway, I also agree that here in the UK, if you're in a wheel chair, deaf, 
> etc you receive more support, blind and visually impaired people don't matter 
> and we're being ripped off with rubbish services, etc. Education is a total 
> mess where mainstream education should  be the best option and is instead 
> hampered by people who cannot ca

Re: disclosure triangles?

2012-04-29 Thread Alex Hall
Okay, thanks. I found that cmd-right oens threads in mail, and cmd-left closes 
them. VO-space brings me to some kind of menu, and left/right alone do nothing 
(though I have Quick Nav on, which likely explains this last). Oh, come to 
think of it, I didn't interact with the message first, only the messages table, 
so that's probably why vo-space failed.
On 29 Apr 2012, at 12:47, Greg Aikens wrote:

> Disclosure triangles are a way to hide or reveal extra info or options.  If 
> the disclosure triangle is collapsed, the extra options are hidden and if it 
> is expanded they are displayed.  Press VO+Space to toggle a disclosure 
> triangle.  
> In mail, expanding a disclosure triangle shows the list of messages in a 
> thread.  These can also be expanded and collapsed with the right and left 
> arrow keys.  
> HTH,
> Greg
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 11:43 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> As I go through mail messages, and sometimes in other places, I hear 
>> 'disclosure triangle". What is this, how do I use it, and how do I get at 
>> the information I imagine it provides when activated? Thanks. As you 
>> probably figured, I am using the mac more now that it runs well (amazing 
>> what a monitor will do) so I'll have a lot of questions as I learn and, in 
>> some cases, re-learn parts of this system. Thanks for your patience!
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Re: disclosure triangles?

2012-04-29 Thread Greg Aikens
Quick nab would explain why the arrow keys alone don't work.  As for VO+space, 
I am only interacting with the table as well.  Sometimes this works less 
reliably than others though.  

On Apr 29, 2012, at 1:55 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Okay, thanks. I found that cmd-right oens threads in mail, and cmd-left 
> closes them. VO-space brings me to some kind of menu, and left/right alone do 
> nothing (though I have Quick Nav on, which likely explains this last). Oh, 
> come to think of it, I didn't interact with the message first, only the 
> messages table, so that's probably why vo-space failed.
> On 29 Apr 2012, at 12:47, Greg Aikens wrote:
>> Disclosure triangles are a way to hide or reveal extra info or options.  If 
>> the disclosure triangle is collapsed, the extra options are hidden and if it 
>> is expanded they are displayed.  Press VO+Space to toggle a disclosure 
>> triangle.  
>> In mail, expanding a disclosure triangle shows the list of messages in a 
>> thread.  These can also be expanded and collapsed with the right and left 
>> arrow keys.  
>> HTH,
>> Greg
>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 11:43 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> As I go through mail messages, and sometimes in other places, I hear 
>>> 'disclosure triangle". What is this, how do I use it, and how do I get at 
>>> the information I imagine it provides when activated? Thanks. As you 
>>> probably figured, I am using the mac more now that it runs well (amazing 
>>> what a monitor will do) so I'll have a lot of questions as I learn and, in 
>>> some cases, re-learn parts of this system. Thanks for your patience!
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
> -- 
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Re: Priorities

2012-04-29 Thread Lewis Alexander
on the thought of the muppet show, if anyone remembers the swedish chef? I 
think that could be me lol. banana-nana-nanana split. lol

If the UK could really improve their support systems, we'd be in a better 
place, HSE regulations changed or adapted, company insurance rules changed in 
favour of disabled people to give them equal chance.

The whole purpose of the human rights act, the equality act and the disability 
discrimination acts is to support, in our case, disability rights and allow us 
to integrate into society and be treated as equals, not confined and isolated / 
segregated. What does this government want us to do? be locked in attics or 
institutions until we fade to nothing? well I'm sorry but I'm not bloomin well 
having it...

The point of morality is fairness to all, equality and understanding. I could 
go further by a religious  study and interpolation between religion and logic 
but I won't as that's not something to be done., however,

as we are human beings, we all have needs. By technicality and logic, we are 
all disabled in one way or other and have needs that differ from each other, 
thus the concept of humanity has to be stabilised by understanding and support.

What worries me, now more than ever, is how education and social standards have 
shifted. Taking education as an example,  no one these days educates students 
in ethics, respect, morals, how the world works, the differences between people 
and how to interact with them and understand them, as well as treating them 
with the respect they wish for.

Is it not the case that if you wish to be treated with the respect and dignity 
you aim for, that you reflect that requirement in your acts and deeds to 
others? This is what schools are missing, also this is called into question by  
today's generation of families. I can call to an example an incident where I 
was rather outraged by what had occurred. Whilst shopping with my mum (P.A), a 
young lad kept shouting "Blind B**, I was made aware this brat was with 
it's mother, she also decided to make references of a sickening nature towards 
me and I chose to initially ignore it until it became too intense and  an 
audience started to generate. I decided that enough was enough and followed to 
the sound of the mother, rather than the child. I basically put it to this 
woman that if she wished to continue her actions, she would be arrested under 2 
counts. Section 5 public order offense and under the DDA rulings of disability 
discrimination in a public situation. The lad decided to give me a kick in the 
leg and my mum, at my side restrained him, I called for security and police 
assistance. The attitude of the woman in question was sickening, causing me to 
greatly doubt the existence of "decent people" in my home town.

I notice, as we all do, that I and we, use the word disabled when it comes to 
blindness or visual impairment. My degree of tolerance to the word "disability 
becomes rather "pushed" as I do not see that my sight loss is a disability in 
the context that I am a living person, capable of things that sighted people 
couldn't do, and at the same time, at a disadvantage to sighted people.

OK... wouldn't we all like to drive a car, read a paper without braille, see 
someone's face, etc? 

All I'm going to say now is this...

We are dealt with the cards the master gives us, it is up to us as to how we 
deal with those cards and as to how we adapt to our limitations. If you let the 
world stand on you for too long, you're conditioned to it and allow it to 
happen. However... if you fight back and say "NO!" then you have the power to 
change things for the better.

that's my rant over.

MEE MEE MEE MEEE! (beaker from the muppets)


On 29 Apr 2012, at 19:51, Jenny Keller wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm sorry for the misconceptions and inaccurate information about things for 
> the blind in the UK.  
> I know that I have heard, though, that in Australia, they give you the choice 
> of computers with accessible software, but I could be wrong about that too.
> Here, you have to be in school or have a job to get accessible anything.  the 
> thing about that is, there are some people like me, that can't work due to 
> other health problems, and frankly, I'm treated as though I don't need 
> adaptive anything because I don't work.
> That's a crock of bull, because every blind person needs adaptive equipment.  
> The Americans with Disabilities Act only works well for certain groups of 
> disabled people here.  
> It's sad, but it's good to know that America isn't the only one screwing over 
> the blind or visually impaired.  
> Oh by the way, the amount of money they give you to live on only provides 
> enough for subsidized housing, which usually isn't in a safe neighborhoods 
> and have questionable people either living in them, or around them dealing 
> drugs, or prostituting themselves because what they make isn't enough either.
> If you spit

Re: Screen locking issue

2012-04-29 Thread Allison Mervis
You can change that in energy saver preferences.
On Apr 29, 2012, at 5:46 AM, Sean Murphy wrote:

> Hi all.
> How do you stop the Mac from locking the screen?  I cannot see the option in 
> the preferences. If I don't use the computer for about 5 to 15 minutes. The 
> screen locks requiring the password again.
> Also, how do you put it into screen lock when you want too?
> Sean 
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New Tech Doctor Podcast

2012-04-29 Thread Robert Carter
Hi All,

There is a brand new Tech Doctor podcast at

Here are the show notes.

During this hour, Robert has a fascinating conversation with, Jolie Mason, the 
founder and program director of the Los Angeles Radio Reading Service. The LA 
Reading Service can be heard world wide on an iOS app called";>iBlink 
In addition to her radio reading service work, Jolie hosts a radio show on a 
Los Angeles radio station";>KPFK
The show is called "Access Unlimited" and can be heard online by going to the 
KPFK site.

Jolie is an enthusiastic iPhone user but did express some frustration with the 
fact that VoiceOver users are required to use different gestures than those 
that are used by sighted iPhone users. Robert mentions a new book that teaches 
iPhone VoiceOver users everything they need to know. The book is available from 
the National Braille Press and is called";>Getting Started with the 
IPhone and iOS 5 for Blind Users

Jolie and Robert discuss an excellent website filled with information about 
Apple accessibility. The site is called";>Applevis

There is a new iOS, Android and PC app that allows people to voice chat with 
other users of the app throughout the world. It has become very popular with 
blind people. The app is called";>Zello
One thing that can quickly become a problem is finding a particular app on your 
iPhone. This problem occurs once you have dozens of apps. Jolie describes her 
excellent system for organizing and categorizing all of her apps.

Finally, Jolie and Robert discuss some of their favorite apps for learning 
about birds and for using the iPhone in the kitchen. Here are the links to some 
really great birding apps.";>BirdTunes";>Handheld
 Bird Songs USA +";>iBird 
Explorer Pro
Here are the links to the cooking and shopping apps that Jolie described.";>Grocery 
 Virtual Cooking Timer";>Cooking";>FastMall

My visit with Jolie was delightful. I only hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Robert Carter

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Re: Priorities

2012-04-29 Thread Jenny Keller
HI Lu,

I feel the same way.  

thank you for voicing what I have and still felt and feel for a long time.

On Apr 29, 2012, at 2:18 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

> on the thought of the muppet show, if anyone remembers the swedish chef? I 
> think that could be me lol. banana-nana-nanana split. lol
> If the UK could really improve their support systems, we'd be in a better 
> place, HSE regulations changed or adapted, company insurance rules changed in 
> favour of disabled people to give them equal chance.
> The whole purpose of the human rights act, the equality act and the 
> disability discrimination acts is to support, in our case, disability rights 
> and allow us to integrate into society and be treated as equals, not confined 
> and isolated / segregated. What does this government want us to do? be locked 
> in attics or institutions until we fade to nothing? well I'm sorry but I'm 
> not bloomin well having it...
> The point of morality is fairness to all, equality and understanding. I could 
> go further by a religious  study and interpolation between religion and logic 
> but I won't as that's not something to be done., however,
> as we are human beings, we all have needs. By technicality and logic, we are 
> all disabled in one way or other and have needs that differ from each other, 
> thus the concept of humanity has to be stabilised by understanding and 
> support.
> What worries me, now more than ever, is how education and social standards 
> have shifted. Taking education as an example,  no one these days educates 
> students in ethics, respect, morals, how the world works, the differences 
> between people and how to interact with them and understand them, as well as 
> treating them with the respect they wish for.
> Is it not the case that if you wish to be treated with the respect and 
> dignity you aim for, that you reflect that requirement in your acts and deeds 
> to others? This is what schools are missing, also this is called into 
> question by  today's generation of families. I can call to an example an 
> incident where I was rather outraged by what had occurred. Whilst shopping 
> with my mum (P.A), a young lad kept shouting "Blind B**, I was made aware 
> this brat was with it's mother, she also decided to make references of a 
> sickening nature towards me and I chose to initially ignore it until it 
> became too intense and  an audience started to generate. I decided that 
> enough was enough and followed to the sound of the mother, rather than the 
> child. I basically put it to this woman that if she wished to continue her 
> actions, she would be arrested under 2 counts. Section 5 public order offense 
> and under the DDA rulings of disability discrimination in a public situation. 
> The lad decided to give me a kick in the leg and my mum, at my side 
> restrained him, I called for security and police assistance. The attitude of 
> the woman in question was sickening, causing me to greatly doubt the 
> existence of "decent people" in my home town.
> I notice, as we all do, that I and we, use the word disabled when it comes to 
> blindness or visual impairment. My degree of tolerance to the word 
> "disability becomes rather "pushed" as I do not see that my sight loss is a 
> disability in the context that I am a living person, capable of things that 
> sighted people couldn't do, and at the same time, at a disadvantage to 
> sighted people.
> OK... wouldn't we all like to drive a car, read a paper without braille, see 
> someone's face, etc? 
> All I'm going to say now is this...
> We are dealt with the cards the master gives us, it is up to us as to how we 
> deal with those cards and as to how we adapt to our limitations. If you let 
> the world stand on you for too long, you're conditioned to it and allow it to 
> happen. However... if you fight back and say "NO!" then you have the power to 
> change things for the better.
> that's my rant over.
> MEE MEE MEE MEEE! (beaker from the muppets)
> lew
> On 29 Apr 2012, at 19:51, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm sorry for the misconceptions and inaccurate information about things for 
>> the blind in the UK.  
>> I know that I have heard, though, that in Australia, they give you the 
>> choice of computers with accessible software, but I could be wrong about 
>> that too.
>> Here, you have to be in school or have a job to get accessible anything.  
>> the thing about that is, there are some people like me, that can't work due 
>> to other health problems, and frankly, I'm treated as though I don't need 
>> adaptive anything because I don't work.
>> That's a crock of bull, because every blind person needs adaptive equipment. 
>> The Americans with Disabilities Act only works well for certain groups of 
>> disabled people here.  
>> It's sad, but it's good to know that America isn't the only one screwing 
>> over the blind or visuall

Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library.

2012-04-29 Thread Allison Mervis
Hi everyone!
I recently got a beautiful new Macboook pro, and find myself using it more than 
my pc because it's so portable. I'm wondering if there's a way to tell iTunes 
not to add every file I play to my iTunes library. Sometimes I just want to 
select a file in the finder, play it once, and exit without it being added. Any 
assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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keystroke to search in Chrome and open in new tab?

2012-04-29 Thread Alex Hall
Hi all,
In Chrome, is there a keystroke to jump to the search field? Is there a way to 
have the results of that search open in a new tab? For instance, in Firefox, 
you can tweak a setting to open results in a new tab. Then, to search your 
selected search engine, just hit ctrl-e, type your text, and hit enter, and you 
have a tab with your results. This is a huge time-saver and I really hope there 
is a way to do it in Chrome (I refuse to use Safari). Hopefully that 
VO-friendly Firefox comes out soon, but in the meantime, is this possible in 

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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RE: Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library.

2012-04-29 Thread Daniel Miller

Unfortunately, iTunes adds things as you play them, and there's no way to
make it not.
There's a way to not have it copy them to your media folder if you're
playing them from another source such as an external drive, however, but not
what you want to do.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 2:52 PM
Subject: Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library.

Hi everyone!
I recently got a beautiful new Macboook pro, and find myself using it more
than my pc because it's so portable. I'm wondering if there's a way to tell
iTunes not to add every file I play to my iTunes library. Sometimes I just
want to select a file in the finder, play it once, and exit without it being
added. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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black screen after wake-up?

2012-04-29 Thread Alex Hall
Hi again all,
My last post for now, I promise! I have a Mac Mini with a monitor hooked up via 
a Mini Display Port to VGA adapter. It works, but if I leave the mac for a 
while and come back to it, the screen is black. I like that it does this, but 
the problem is that it won't turn the screen back on when I hit a key to wake 
up the mac. The only solution seems to be a restart. The Mac was just updated 
yesterday, so it has all the latest software. Any ideas?

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Re: Priorities

2012-04-29 Thread Lewis Alexander
muppet moment or latter?


you're very welcome.

Our voices need to be heard, therefore we are one voice... singing in the 
darkness oops!


On 29 Apr 2012, at 20:48, Jenny Keller wrote:

> HI Lu,
> I feel the same way.  
> thank you for voicing what I have and still felt and feel for a long time.
> Jenny
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 2:18 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>> on the thought of the muppet show, if anyone remembers the swedish chef? I 
>> think that could be me lol. banana-nana-nanana split. lol
>> If the UK could really improve their support systems, we'd be in a better 
>> place, HSE regulations changed or adapted, company insurance rules changed 
>> in favour of disabled people to give them equal chance.
>> The whole purpose of the human rights act, the equality act and the 
>> disability discrimination acts is to support, in our case, disability rights 
>> and allow us to integrate into society and be treated as equals, not 
>> confined and isolated / segregated. What does this government want us to do? 
>> be locked in attics or institutions until we fade to nothing? well I'm sorry 
>> but I'm not bloomin well having it...
>> The point of morality is fairness to all, equality and understanding. I 
>> could go further by a religious  study and interpolation between religion 
>> and logic but I won't as that's not something to be done., however,
>> as we are human beings, we all have needs. By technicality and logic, we are 
>> all disabled in one way or other and have needs that differ from each other, 
>> thus the concept of humanity has to be stabilised by understanding and 
>> support.
>> What worries me, now more than ever, is how education and social standards 
>> have shifted. Taking education as an example,  no one these days educates 
>> students in ethics, respect, morals, how the world works, the differences 
>> between people and how to interact with them and understand them, as well as 
>> treating them with the respect they wish for.
>> Is it not the case that if you wish to be treated with the respect and 
>> dignity you aim for, that you reflect that requirement in your acts and 
>> deeds to others? This is what schools are missing, also this is called into 
>> question by  today's generation of families. I can call to an example an 
>> incident where I was rather outraged by what had occurred. Whilst shopping 
>> with my mum (P.A), a young lad kept shouting "Blind B**, I was made 
>> aware this brat was with it's mother, she also decided to make references of 
>> a sickening nature towards me and I chose to initially ignore it until it 
>> became too intense and  an audience started to generate. I decided that 
>> enough was enough and followed to the sound of the mother, rather than the 
>> child. I basically put it to this woman that if she wished to continue her 
>> actions, she would be arrested under 2 counts. Section 5 public order 
>> offense and under the DDA rulings of disability discrimination in a public 
>> situation. The lad decided to give me a kick in the leg and my mum, at my 
>> side restrained him, I called for security and police assistance. The 
>> attitude of the woman in question was sickening, causing me to greatly doubt 
>> the existence of "decent people" in my home town.
>> I notice, as we all do, that I and we, use the word disabled when it comes 
>> to blindness or visual impairment. My degree of tolerance to the word 
>> "disability becomes rather "pushed" as I do not see that my sight loss is a 
>> disability in the context that I am a living person, capable of things that 
>> sighted people couldn't do, and at the same time, at a disadvantage to 
>> sighted people.
>> OK... wouldn't we all like to drive a car, read a paper without braille, see 
>> someone's face, etc? 
>> All I'm going to say now is this...
>> We are dealt with the cards the master gives us, it is up to us as to how we 
>> deal with those cards and as to how we adapt to our limitations. If you let 
>> the world stand on you for too long, you're conditioned to it and allow it 
>> to happen. However... if you fight back and say "NO!" then you have the 
>> power to change things for the better.
>> that's my rant over.
>> MEE MEE MEE MEEE! (beaker from the muppets)
>> lew
>> On 29 Apr 2012, at 19:51, Jenny Keller wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm sorry for the misconceptions and inaccurate information about things 
>>> for the blind in the UK.  
>>> I know that I have heard, though, that in Australia, they give you the 
>>> choice of computers with accessible software, but I could be wrong about 
>>> that too.
>>> Here, you have to be in school or have a job to get accessible anything.  
>>> the thing about that is, there are some people like me, that can't work due 
>>> to other health problems, and frankly, I'm treated as though I don't need 
>>> adaptive anything because I don't work.

Re: Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library.

2012-04-29 Thread Matthew Campbell
What about quicklook? Just press space to start the file playing in quicklook. 
This is just part of the finder and can be used on many other file types.

On 2012-04-29, at 3:53 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:

> Hi,
> Unfortunately, iTunes adds things as you play them, and there's no way to
> make it not.
> There's a way to not have it copy them to your media folder if you're
> playing them from another source such as an external drive, however, but not
> what you want to do.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
> Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 2:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library.
> Hi everyone!
> I recently got a beautiful new Macboook pro, and find myself using it more
> than my pc because it's so portable. I'm wondering if there's a way to tell
> iTunes not to add every file I play to my iTunes library. Sometimes I just
> want to select a file in the finder, play it once, and exit without it being
> added. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
> Allison
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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Re: Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library.

2012-04-29 Thread Scott Rumery
Hi, you could use  a different program to listen to your song.  If I am not 
mistaken, iTunes only adds the file to your library because you are using it  
to play that file.  So if you were to use something like VLC to play your 
files, then it should not be added to your iTunes library.  If I am wrong, I am 
sure someone else on the list will let me know.  I just thought that this 
approach might be worth mentioning.

Scott Rumery
On Apr 29, 2012, at 3:53 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:

> Hi,
> Unfortunately, iTunes adds things as you play them, and there's no way to
> make it not.
> There's a way to not have it copy them to your media folder if you're
> playing them from another source such as an external drive, however, but not
> what you want to do.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
> Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 2:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library.
> Hi everyone!
> I recently got a beautiful new Macboook pro, and find myself using it more
> than my pc because it's so portable. I'm wondering if there's a way to tell
> iTunes not to add every file I play to my iTunes library. Sometimes I just
> want to select a file in the finder, play it once, and exit without it being
> added. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
> Allison
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> For more options, visit this group at
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library.

2012-04-29 Thread Scott Rumery
Wow, I didn't even think of that, please let us know if this approach works for 
not adding a file to your iTunes library.  The Mac is such a wonderful 
platform, and I am constantly learning everyday.

Scott Rumery
On Apr 29, 2012, at 4:12 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hi.
> What about quicklook? Just press space to start the file playing in 
> quicklook. This is just part of the finder and can be used on many other file 
> types.
> On 2012-04-29, at 3:53 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Unfortunately, iTunes adds things as you play them, and there's no way to
>> make it not.
>> There's a way to not have it copy them to your media folder if you're
>> playing them from another source such as an external drive, however, but not
>> what you want to do.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
>> Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 2:52 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library.
>> Hi everyone!
>> I recently got a beautiful new Macboook pro, and find myself using it more
>> than my pc because it's so portable. I'm wondering if there's a way to tell
>> iTunes not to add every file I play to my iTunes library. Sometimes I just
>> want to select a file in the finder, play it once, and exit without it being
>> added. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
>> Allison
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> For more options, visit this group at
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library.

2012-04-29 Thread Ricardo Walker

if this is all you want to do, I suggest listening to the file with quicklook.  
To do this just press spacebar or, command Y on the file.


Ricardo Walker

On Apr 29, 2012, at 3:51 PM, Allison Mervis  wrote:

> Hi everyone!
> I recently got a beautiful new Macboook pro, and find myself using it more 
> than my pc because it's so portable. I'm wondering if there's a way to tell 
> iTunes not to add every file I play to my iTunes library. Sometimes I just 
> want to select a file in the finder, play it once, and exit without it being 
> added. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
> Allison
> -- 
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Re: Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library.

2012-04-29 Thread Matthew Campbell
Quicklook is amazing! I use it all of the time. You can even read PDF documents 
and stuff with it.

On 2012-04-29, at 4:20 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:

> Wow, I didn't even think of that, please let us know if this approach works 
> for not adding a file to your iTunes library.  The Mac is such a wonderful 
> platform, and I am constantly learning everyday.
> Scott Rumery
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 4:12 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hi.
>> What about quicklook? Just press space to start the file playing in 
>> quicklook. This is just part of the finder and can be used on many other 
>> file types.
>> On 2012-04-29, at 3:53 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Unfortunately, iTunes adds things as you play them, and there's no way to
>>> make it not.
>>> There's a way to not have it copy them to your media folder if you're
>>> playing them from another source such as an external drive, however, but not
>>> what you want to do.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
>>> Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 2:52 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library.
>>> Hi everyone!
>>> I recently got a beautiful new Macboook pro, and find myself using it more
>>> than my pc because it's so portable. I'm wondering if there's a way to tell
>>> iTunes not to add every file I play to my iTunes library. Sometimes I just
>>> want to select a file in the finder, play it once, and exit without it being
>>> added. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
>>> Allison
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
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Re: Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library.

2012-04-29 Thread Allison Mervis
In that case, is Winamp for mac accessible? Are there any other alternatives to 
iTunes that are accessible in termes of basic media playing functions?
On Apr 29, 2012, at 12:53 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:

> Hi,
> Unfortunately, iTunes adds things as you play them, and there's no way to
> make it not.
> There's a way to not have it copy them to your media folder if you're
> playing them from another source such as an external drive, however, but not
> what you want to do.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
> Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 2:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library.
> Hi everyone!
> I recently got a beautiful new Macboook pro, and find myself using it more
> than my pc because it's so portable. I'm wondering if there's a way to tell
> iTunes not to add every file I play to my iTunes library. Sometimes I just
> want to select a file in the finder, play it once, and exit without it being
> added. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
> Allison
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library.

2012-04-29 Thread Allison Mervis
Oh wow. Thanks.
On Apr 29, 2012, at 1:12 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hi.
> What about quicklook? Just press space to start the file playing in 
> quicklook. This is just part of the finder and can be used on many other file 
> types.
> On 2012-04-29, at 3:53 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Unfortunately, iTunes adds things as you play them, and there's no way to
>> make it not.
>> There's a way to not have it copy them to your media folder if you're
>> playing them from another source such as an external drive, however, but not
>> what you want to do.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
>> Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 2:52 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library.
>> Hi everyone!
>> I recently got a beautiful new Macboook pro, and find myself using it more
>> than my pc because it's so portable. I'm wondering if there's a way to tell
>> iTunes not to add every file I play to my iTunes library. Sometimes I just
>> want to select a file in the finder, play it once, and exit without it being
>> added. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
>> Allison
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Moderator note -was- Re: blindmicemegamall movie vault and illegal file-sharing allegation

2012-04-29 Thread Cara Quinn
Hi All, let me remind you that promoting / discussing illegal activity of any 
kind is not only unwelcome here but prohibited if you'd like to remain a member 
of this list.

So please, let's separate out the MovieVault aspects of this thread from the 
on-topic discussion of iPads in the classroom and move the MovieVault topic 

Let's do this now…

Thanks a bunch people! You rock!


Cara :)
On Apr 29, 2012, at 11:34 AM, Jenny Keller wrote:

Oh please, they may "have to", but that doesn't mean they won't find a loop 
whole in order to get away with not doing it.

On Apr 29, 2012, at 7:47 AM, Sean Murphy wrote:

> Hi all.
> AGain, how can education departments in the USA buy products when they are 
> not 508 rehab accessible? I thought all governments department in the USa had 
> to ensure the product is accessible based upon this rehab act or does this 
> only apply for  federal?
> There is 3 ways to change the thinking of business:
> 1. Demonstrate a market.
> 2. Take them to court. Not always a good solution.
> 3. Blind people develop a investment fund which invests into proactive 
> companies in the accessible area.
> 4. Awareness education.
> Oops, I said 3, but there is 
> Sean 
> On 29/04/2012, at 7:24 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> the issue is not the iPad itself, it is the apps that companies develop for 
>> it. most of those companies don't consider us much of a market (either by 
>> public perception or flawed fiscal analysis). there had already been one 
>> debacle involving a pad type computer (kindle) and a major institution 
>> (Arizona  State University) and it was found that the blind were 
>> specifically locked out. the same is happening with iPad apps (even though 
>> the SDK tools and API are freely available and easy to incorporate, 
>> companies will not concede). Its a never ending struggle as those who think 
>> they know better never do and saddle us with their utter stupidity. there is 
>>  a reason they call this "the tyranny of the stupid".
>> -eric
>> . 
>> On Apr 28, 2012, at 5:39 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Hi Christine,
>>> I'm perplexed.  How do you see the push to have iPads in classrooms as 
>>> something that leaves the blind/VI student out?  If anything, I see that as 
>>> something that better enables us to participate, thanks to the fact that 
>>> Apple has made the iPad a fully accessible device.
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> On Apr 28, 2012, at 8:36 AM, Christine Grassman wrote:
 With all due respect, Scott, laws which disparately impact certain groups 
 or classes of people have been flouted through civil disobedience since 
 the introduction of legal systems, e.g., civil rights, disability rights, 
 employment rights, etc. The United States might not exist were it not for 
 disobeying laws. 
 I am an attorney, and it continues to amaze me how slowly the U.S. is 
 moving to accommodate disability, and how snail-paced the societal shift 
 in attitudes toward us has been.  and it seems that whenever a company 
 like Apple makes great strides in accommodating blindness off the shelf, 
 plenty of other technologies come along and do not bother to incorporate 
 us into their equation. So many educational apps, for example, are not 
 accessible, though they could be, and given the push now to have iPads in 
 classrooms, once again blind, visually impaired, and otherwise 
 print-disabled students will be left out. Apple moves us two steps 
 forward, and "progress" (for others) moves us three steps back. I should 
 be able to turn on a television, flip a switch, or turn on a transmitter, 
 and get descriptions. I should be able to access books on the Nook or the 
 Kindle, not just iBooks. I cannot express, and I am sure others here 
 agree, the happiness I feel when a new release or best-selling publication 
 is available on iBooks.
 (Incidentally, if a book is available on iBooks and on, I 
 purchase the book. Yet, I have lost quite a lot of money as a published 
 author -- as soon as my book was published, I sent a copy to; it was more important to me to have it available at the 
 same time to the blind and print-disabled. The Authors Guild apparently 
 does not care about such access, despite the fact that they would actually 
 get money from us.)
 I would happily go to the movies more and happily purchase audio-described 
 movies through iTunes if they were available. Even movies which are 
 released with audio description are not always sold through movie 
 resellers -- goodness knows I have tried. To date, I have only located The 
 Incredible Hulk, from 2008, which I purchased for my son.
 Even Apple could do more. It could strengthen its requirements for apps. 
 It has provided developers with the means to make their apps VoiceOver 

Re: Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library.

2012-04-29 Thread Allison Mervis
The quick look solution seems to work very well. Now I just need to read a bit 
more about finder to see if there are shortcut keys for pausing, fast 
forwarding, etc.
On Apr 29, 2012, at 1:20 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:

> Wow, I didn't even think of that, please let us know if this approach works 
> for not adding a file to your iTunes library.  The Mac is such a wonderful 
> platform, and I am constantly learning everyday.
> Scott Rumery
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 4:12 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hi.
>> What about quicklook? Just press space to start the file playing in 
>> quicklook. This is just part of the finder and can be used on many other 
>> file types.
>> On 2012-04-29, at 3:53 PM, Daniel Miller wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Unfortunately, iTunes adds things as you play them, and there's no way to
>>> make it not.
>>> There's a way to not have it copy them to your media folder if you're
>>> playing them from another source such as an external drive, however, but not
>>> what you want to do.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
>>> Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 2:52 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Setting to not automatically add files to iTunes library.
>>> Hi everyone!
>>> I recently got a beautiful new Macboook pro, and find myself using it more
>>> than my pc because it's so portable. I'm wondering if there's a way to tell
>>> iTunes not to add every file I play to my iTunes library. Sometimes I just
>>> want to select a file in the finder, play it once, and exit without it being
>>> added. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
>>> Allison
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vm fusion start windows in safe mode?

2012-04-29 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi,  Does anyone know off hand how to start windows 7 virtual machine in safe 
mode in vmware fusion?  I've tried f8 and f10 at boot.


Erik Burggraaf
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Airdrop accesible?

2012-04-29 Thread Daniela Rubio
This is just what I would like to know. Is Airdrop in Lyon accessible with vo?

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Converting mp3 files

2012-04-29 Thread Stacey Robinson
Hi all,
Is there a way to convert a file to mp3 without using iTunes?
Example, you're in a file list and you run across something you want to 
convert. Is there a way to do this without having to put the file into your 
Also, is there some way to burn files to cd without using iTunes?
Maybe a command you could enter?
Stacey and Chesley.

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Re: Priorities

2012-04-29 Thread Laura M

The UK has produced hundreds of audio described DVDs, and the number
showing up each year seems to be increasing. The AD track is another
option on the DVD, so you just buy a standard copy and choose the
second English audio track. I'd also say that the amount of audio
description provided in UK cinemas seems to have drastically increased
in the last year or so, at least where I live.

Sky also provide a talking service to help use their TV offerings. I'm
not sure how much access it actually gives as I don't have Sky, but
it's certainly advertised as speaking channel selections,  pause/play
controls, etc. As far as I know, the iPhone app for Sky is also
accessible, so you can schedule recordings independently.



On Apr 29, 8:03 am, Lewis Alexander 
> Hi Jenny, I'm glad I've been listening to this thread.
> From my experience on this, Here in the UK, though there is audio description 
> to TV shows via  new digital TV's, there still isn't a spoken user interface 
> to allow access to various menus, same on DVD players, recorders, etc. I've 
> not yet come across a single audio described DVD in my time.
> Support for blind and visually impaired people in most parts of the UK is 
> absolutely shocking. as an example, in education, I'm here in Wales (a 
> lottery win would see me leaving here as soon as possible), throughout my 
> education life, both visually impaired and blind, I've been let down and lied 
> to, given useless equipment which constantly failed, the wrong software, 
> extremely poor braille training, etc. the only good thing that came from it 
> was mobility training through RNIB instead of social services rehab 
> department.
> There was a point where mobility aids were free but now they're not, so I 
> have to pay about £300 per year on canes and tips due to high usage and 
> certain occasions where thugs in our area attack me destroying the cane for 
> "fun", so replacement canes are kept by.
> If you apply for funding, it's virtually non existent, not only that but the 
> rulings given have no sense nor structure. so if you need adaptive equipment, 
> not a chance, it's sell what you own or get into debt, that's my experience 
> on that matter.
> Why is it when you walk into a store and ask for help, you get a useless 
> person who hasn't a clue of how to assist you? I get this all the time... I 
> may as well appear as a muppet on the Muppet Show.. You ask to be guided and 
> they go without you, they say " it's over there", don't describe the items, 
> etc. So what's the bloomin use of them in the first place.
> Then of course the ultimate insult. to be blind and wanting to work for 
> companies here is a joke. Though I'm highly qualified and have all the right 
> requirements, because of being blind, there are 3 main areas that stop me 
> from working for a firm. 1: disability discrimination by the interviewer or 
> company, 2: Health and Safety regulations acts, 3: employer insurance costs.
> I've been in the IT game for myself for a while and don't mind it, but my 
> main skills are as a cabinet maker, having been trained by my grandfather who 
> was a master cabinet maker / carpenter. so I took on his work after his 
> retirement, so I'm the last in the line of the family in the trades and am 
> keeping that alive. I'm fine working for myself, but if I were to work for a 
> joinery company, they couldn't take me on for the amount of HSE red tape 
> nonsense. This stops us experienced folk from doing our jobs and putting us 
> out of work and I'm sick of it.
> I do some work with a company as a product demonstrator / endorser of their 
> products as I use them every day in the workshop and it's ridiculous how all 
> this nonsense gets in the way.
> Anyway, I also agree that here in the UK, if you're in a wheel chair, deaf, 
> etc you receive more support, blind and visually impaired people don't matter 
> and we're being ripped off with rubbish services, etc. Education is a total 
> mess where mainstream education should  be the best option and is instead 
> hampered by people who cannot cater for a blind or visually impaired person's 
> needs and LEGAL RIGHTS.
> anyway, enough from me on that matter and I agree with your statements.  This 
> world needs to open it's eyes to how we have to survice in this world and 
> that we should be treeted with the utmost respect and care, given the same 
> rights as the rest of the world and granted the support we need to be able to 
> achieve what our SIGHTED, able bodied  equals should and are able to do.
> lew
> On 29 Apr 2012, at 01:40, Jenny Keller wrote:
> > Well, In my humble opinion, equality isn't there, so that, isn't fair 
> > treatment.  the Americans with Disabilities Act should include the blind or 
> > visually \impaired just as vigorously as it does every other disability in 
> > this country.
> > there aren't any services, that I know of at this point, that the vi

Re: Please help.

2012-04-29 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
This has been true with any UNIX based operating system, in the past 40 years.  
There are two solutions:
1. BIOS style password.  This is a password that is required before single user 
mode can be entered.  I believe MaCs have this ability, but I have not looked 
for it.
2. Run with Lion's encripted (file vault) disk system.  

And actually an encrpted file system is your only prottection when somebody has 
access to your machine, since in any other situation, the disk drive could just 
be removed from the computer and mounted on a different system.  In fact, there 
are versions of Linux that will run on a CD that allow one to do all kinds of 
"interesting" things to the host computer.

Be safe out there,


Jonathan C. Cohn

On Apr 28, 2012, at 12:39 AM, Dan Roy wrote:

> This is excellent info, but, isn't it a double edge sword?  I mean, if 
> someone got hold of your machine, they might know this trick as well.
> No matter, I am definitely keeping this for future reference.
> On Apr 22, 2012, at 1:07 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Lew, Scott, Stacey, and Others,
>> Yes, it's possible to reset the master password from the command line 
>> without a set of the install CDs or DVDs for your operating system.  Scott 
>> is correct that if you do this from the Terminal command line while you're 
>> logged in, you normally have to put in your admin password.  However, 
>> another way to accomplish this is to boot into single user mode and perform 
>> these actions.  This is a special startup mode that allows you to do 
>> trouble-shooting and doesn't bring up the full system.  The issue is that 
>> this means you also can't bring up VoiceOver, so you should do this with 
>> sighted assistance.   What you will be doing is typing in a command that 
>> removes the database entry telling your Mac that the initial account setup 
>> was done.  Then, when you reboot normally, you can enter the information 
>> about master password, etc. as though you were booting for the first time.  
>> I'll let Lew handle the explanation about how to go through that stage to 
>> preserve current account information in the reboot.
>> Here's a link to a MacOS X Daily article that describes the process:
>> Although there are only three commands to be typed after you boot up in 
>> single user mode, by holding down the command key and the "s" key just after 
>> hearing the power up self test sound after pressing the power button, you 
>> have to type them exactly.  And you either need to wait for a while to make 
>> sure your machine has completed the boot up, or have someone who is sighted 
>> tell you that you've gotten the prompt that shows you can start typing.  
>> Then you need to type the commands with all the special symbols like slash 
>> and the hyphen switches, and press return (also known as "enter" by Windows 
>> users) after each line, so you should read the entries character by 
>> character.  Specifically, the command to run the filesystem check should 
>> have the option characters "f" and "y" after the hyphen; the mount command 
>> should have the option characters "u" and "w" after the hyphen, and then 
>> there should be a space after these switches and a slash character.  The 
>> slash indicates the top level directory. The ".AppleSetupDone" file that you 
>> remove has a period at the start of the name to indicate that it is normally 
>> a "hidden" file that does not show up in Finder.  You may not have to 
>> capitalize the "A", "S", and "D" in the name for the file, but I've typed 
>> this exactly the way the file is named on a Snow Leopard system when viewed 
>> in Terminal. Then, after you've typed the three commands, you type "reboot" 
>> (without quotation marks) and press return to reboot your machine normally.
>> When you reboot you go through a new setup, but you take care not to create 
>> the same user account that would overwrite your present account. Then, in 
>> the third stage, you can either use the Admin privileges of the new account 
>> with Admin password to give your existing account Admin privileges and reset 
>> the password, or you can leave your account without a password and use the 
>> new Admin account and its password when you need to perform system 
>> installations.
>> Here's the pasted in section from the article:
>> Stage 1) Boot into Single User Mode and remove a setup file
>>  • Restart the Mac holding down the Command+S keys, this will take you 
>> into Single User Mode and it’s Terminal interface
>>  • You’ll need to check the filesystem first:
>> fsck -fy
>>  • Next, you must mount the root drive as writeable so that changes will 
>> save:
>> mount -uw /
>>  • Now, type the following command exactly, followed by the enter key:
>> rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
>>  • After removing the .AppleSetupDone file, you need

Re: web navigation?

2012-04-29 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
You might want to try using chrome vox.  If you hit the command key twice while 
in chromevox then all the shortcuts are able to be done without holding down 
command-control.  Chrome Vox does do things a bit different for arrows. Up/Down 
is your primary navigator and left / right navigates at a smaller incrment.

So if up/down is reading sentences then left / right will navigate by word.  In 
a table however all four arrow keys while in Object navigation will  navigate 
by table cell.

I am not sure if dom/group works in Chomebox. In  Safari and Webkit, DOM mode 
navigates much like a windows browser with speech. Group mode combines major 
clusters of information and will navigate as things are layed out on the screen 
to the most part.  
Jonathan C. Cohn

On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:21 AM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am using Chrome for a web browser, and I have a few questions about reading 
> and navigating web pages.
> 1. In the vo utility, you can choose either DOM order or grouping. Which is 
> better?
> 2. Is there a way to disable the web rotor, so the arrows will act like they 
> do in text reading or editing? With letter navigation, I see the web rotor as 
> redundant and I'd rather use the arrow keys in the usual text navigation way.
> Thanks in advance.
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: web navigation?

2012-04-29 Thread Alex Hall
I've heard of Chromevox and I even tried it a while back, but I found it 
confusing and difficult to work with. Still, if I can arrow around, it might be 
worth looking into again. Are there any podcasts on it?
On 29 Apr 2012, at 20:49, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> You might want to try using chrome vox.  If you hit the command key twice 
> while in chromevox then all the shortcuts are able to be done without holding 
> down command-control.  Chrome Vox does do things a bit different for arrows. 
> Up/Down is your primary navigator and left / right navigates at a smaller 
> incrment.
> So if up/down is reading sentences then left / right will navigate by word.  
> In a table however all four arrow keys while in Object navigation will  
> navigate by table cell.
> I am not sure if dom/group works in Chomebox. In  Safari and Webkit, DOM mode 
> navigates much like a windows browser with speech. Group mode combines major 
> clusters of information and will navigate as things are layed out on the 
> screen to the most part.  
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:21 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am using Chrome for a web browser, and I have a few questions about 
>> reading and navigating web pages.
>> 1. In the vo utility, you can choose either DOM order or grouping. Which is 
>> better?
>> 2. Is there a way to disable the web rotor, so the arrows will act like they 
>> do in text reading or editing? With letter navigation, I see the web rotor 
>> as redundant and I'd rather use the arrow keys in the usual text navigation 
>> way.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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Re: mail weirdness

2012-04-29 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
You can tell Apple's IMAP client to make any folder the "trash" folder.

1. Select the folder you  want to be the trash folder.
2. go to the mailbox menu and find the "Use this mailbox for" sub menu.
3. Select Trash 

Note: when you do this, the folder the Macintosh was using for trash will 
appear in your folder list, so you want to go into that folder and delete 

A note on Google..  Google does not have a true idea of folders, and it is 
possible that moving items into the trash will not do exactly what you want.  
This is because Google is using only one copy of your message no matter how 
many folders it appears in.  There is or was an option to indicate how 
deletions occur. But the entire process is convuluted, because Google thinks 
youwant to keep everything and because IMAP has an idea of deleting that does 
not use a trash folder.  The article previously mentioned from tidbits does a 
much better description then I can of how to get these to mesh correctly.


Jonathan C. Cohn

On Apr 28, 2012, at 3:20 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:

> Try moving them to [Gmail]/Trash instead.  That's what I do.
> See my other mail about deleting. You could follow that route for a while and 
> then go into that folder of deleted messages and move them to [Gmail]/Trash.  
> Too bad we can't write a macro for Apple Mail to do this. That's what I do 
> when I use mutt to read and manage email.
> On Apr 28, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Caitlyn Furness wrote:
>> Yeah, this is the strangest thing!  It didn't do this before I had to 
>> reinstall Lion a couple of weeks ago.
>> It does seem like if I actually go in and read the message, it does stay 
>> deleted, but if I don't choose to read it, it comes back like the plague!
>> Totally annoying!
>> Cait and Nicky
>> On 2012-04-28, at 2:59 PM, Veronica Elsea wrote:
>>> Caitlin, I have my account set the same way and it won't delete my messages 
>>> either. I'm just as puzzled about this as you are. Sorry, no answers here 
>>> yet. 
>>> Veronica
>>> Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing the Star-spangled Banner at 
>>> Then find more music from The Guide Dog Glee Club and Veronica Elsea at 
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>>> Santa Cruz, California
>>> Phone: 831-429-6407
>>> On Apr 28, 2012, at 1:07 PM, Caitlyn Furness wrote:
 I hope somebody has some suggestions about my mail problem.
 After a reinstall of Lion a couple weeks ago, I of course had to reinput 
 my mail account.  I am using my gmail account.  Now,, mail isn't deleting 
 my messages after I read them.  The next time I reopen mail, the same 
 messages are back again!
 In mail preferences, I have it set to delete the trash when quitting mail, 
 and to not leave things on the server.
 What am I doing wrong?
 Before I had to reinstall Lion, my gamil account didn't act like this!
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Re: web navigation?

2012-04-29 Thread Ricardo Walker

I haven't had much luck with chrome vox.  All it does is crash chrome on my 
machine.  If you want to just navigate with arrows, you should just turn on 
quick nav by pressing the left and right arrow keys at the same time.


Ricardo Walker

On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:52 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I've heard of Chromevox and I even tried it a while back, but I found it 
> confusing and difficult to work with. Still, if I can arrow around, it might 
> be worth looking into again. Are there any podcasts on it?
> On 29 Apr 2012, at 20:49, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>> You might want to try using chrome vox.  If you hit the command key twice 
>> while in chromevox then all the shortcuts are able to be done without 
>> holding down command-control.  Chrome Vox does do things a bit different for 
>> arrows. Up/Down is your primary navigator and left / right navigates at a 
>> smaller incrment.
>> So if up/down is reading sentences then left / right will navigate by word.  
>> In a table however all four arrow keys while in Object navigation will  
>> navigate by table cell.
>> I am not sure if dom/group works in Chomebox. In  Safari and Webkit, DOM 
>> mode navigates much like a windows browser with speech. Group mode combines 
>> major clusters of information and will navigate as things are layed out on 
>> the screen to the most part.  
>> Jonathan C. Cohn
>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:21 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am using Chrome for a web browser, and I have a few questions about 
>>> reading and navigating web pages.
>>> 1. In the vo utility, you can choose either DOM order or grouping. Which is 
>>> better?
>>> 2. Is there a way to disable the web rotor, so the arrows will act like 
>>> they do in text reading or editing? With letter navigation, I see the web 
>>> rotor as redundant and I'd rather use the arrow keys in the usual text 
>>> navigation way.
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: inserting files into the body of an email

2012-04-29 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
With a bit of effort I was able to create a signature in Snow Leopard, but then 
it is even more effort to associate the signature with an email accout.  Try 
turning off cursor tracking Vo-Shift-F3 and you might have some luck.

Best wishes,


Jonathan C. Cohn

On Apr 29, 2012, at 1:18 PM, Stacey Robinson wrote:

> Oh, that's simple enough.
> Thanks,
> Blessings,
> Stacey and Geb dog Chesley
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 12:17 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Oh.
>> just copy and paste then.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 1:16 PM, Stacey Robinson  wrote:
>>> Ricardo, I don't want to attach.
>>> I want to insert text directly in to my message.
>>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 12:14 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 to add an attachment to an e-mail, open the e-mail and press command shift 
 A to bring up the filed browser.  Find the file and press enter and it 
 will be attached.
 Ricardo Walker
 On Apr 29, 2012, at 1:01 PM, Stacey Robinson  
> Hi all,
> I've reported this to apple accessibility.
> Anyway, on to my question.
> If I've created a signature file in text edit, and I want to put it into 
> my message is there a way to insert a file into a message?
> Apple accessibility says that there's a bug in SnowLeopard that causes 
> mail to get stuck when creating a signature in preferences. This is what 
> happens with me.
> Each time I've created a signature I get mail busy until I force quit the 
> app.
> This is why I was wondering if there's a way to insert files from text 
> edit into an email message.
> Thanks,
> Blessings,
> Stacey and Geb dog Chesley
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Re: web navigation?

2012-04-29 Thread Alex Hall
I have quick nav on. However, the left/right arrows don't seem to
navigate reliably (I ended up at the bottom of a page, and you can't
read by smaller chunks inside, say, a paragraph of text). Say you're
reading an article and aren't sure how an oddly spoken phrase is
spelled. On Windows, or in an edit area on Mac, you'd arrow to the
line, then move word by word to the phrase, then read word by word or
character by character. How would you do this (efficiently, not by
moving the rotor all over the place and hoping you don't hit the wrong
key and jump out of the entire article) in Chrome or Safari? Even the
"lines" setting on the rotor is not very useful - I still have no idea
what it thinks a "line" is, and it never seems to move me anywhere.

On 4/29/12, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Hi,
> I haven't had much luck with chrome vox.  All it does is crash chrome on my
> machine.  If you want to just navigate with arrows, you should just turn on
> quick nav by pressing the left and right arrow keys at the same time.
> JMO.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:52 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> I've heard of Chromevox and I even tried it a while back, but I found it
>> confusing and difficult to work with. Still, if I can arrow around, it
>> might be worth looking into again. Are there any podcasts on it?
>> On 29 Apr 2012, at 20:49, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>>> You might want to try using chrome vox.  If you hit the command key twice
>>> while in chromevox then all the shortcuts are able to be done without
>>> holding down command-control.  Chrome Vox does do things a bit different
>>> for arrows. Up/Down is your primary navigator and left / right navigates
>>> at a smaller incrment.
>>> So if up/down is reading sentences then left / right will navigate by
>>> word.  In a table however all four arrow keys while in Object navigation
>>> will  navigate by table cell.
>>> I am not sure if dom/group works in Chomebox. In  Safari and Webkit, DOM
>>> mode navigates much like a windows browser with speech. Group mode
>>> combines major clusters of information and will navigate as things are
>>> layed out on the screen to the most part.
>>> Jonathan C. Cohn
>>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:21 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am using Chrome for a web browser, and I have a few questions about
 reading and navigating web pages.

 1. In the vo utility, you can choose either DOM order or grouping. Which
 is better?
 2. Is there a way to disable the web rotor, so the arrows will act like
 they do in text reading or editing? With letter navigation, I see the
 web rotor as redundant and I'd rather use the arrow keys in the usual
 text navigation way.
 Thanks in advance.

 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: web navigation?

2012-04-29 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
It has its own tutorial builtin right now.  Was that the case when you tried it?


Jonathan C. Cohn

On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:52 PM, Alex Hall wrote:

> I've heard of Chromevox and I even tried it a while back, but I found it 
> confusing and difficult to work with. Still, if I can arrow around, it might 
> be worth looking into again. Are there any podcasts on it?
> On 29 Apr 2012, at 20:49, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>> You might want to try using chrome vox.  If you hit the command key twice 
>> while in chromevox then all the shortcuts are able to be done without 
>> holding down command-control.  Chrome Vox does do things a bit different for 
>> arrows. Up/Down is your primary navigator and left / right navigates at a 
>> smaller incrment.
>> So if up/down is reading sentences then left / right will navigate by word.  
>> In a table however all four arrow keys while in Object navigation will  
>> navigate by table cell.
>> I am not sure if dom/group works in Chomebox. In  Safari and Webkit, DOM 
>> mode navigates much like a windows browser with speech. Group mode combines 
>> major clusters of information and will navigate as things are layed out on 
>> the screen to the most part.  
>> Jonathan C. Cohn
>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:21 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am using Chrome for a web browser, and I have a few questions about 
>>> reading and navigating web pages.
>>> 1. In the vo utility, you can choose either DOM order or grouping. Which is 
>>> better?
>>> 2. Is there a way to disable the web rotor, so the arrows will act like 
>>> they do in text reading or editing? With letter navigation, I see the web 
>>> rotor as redundant and I'd rather use the arrow keys in the usual text 
>>> navigation way.
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: web navigation?

2012-04-29 Thread Alex Hall
Perhaps, but, if it was there, I couldn't figure out how to use it
(the tutorial) and couldn't remember everything it threw at me. I know
I managed ot pull up a help file once, but am not sure where that was.
I eventually gave up on it as it was so confusing and didn't work any
better. However, I now have a monitor, making performance immensely
better, and Chromevox has had time to update, so who knows...

On 4/29/12, Jonathan C. Cohn  wrote:
> It has its own tutorial builtin right now.  Was that the case when you tried
> it?
> Jonathan
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:52 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> I've heard of Chromevox and I even tried it a while back, but I found it
>> confusing and difficult to work with. Still, if I can arrow around, it
>> might be worth looking into again. Are there any podcasts on it?
>> On 29 Apr 2012, at 20:49, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
>>> You might want to try using chrome vox.  If you hit the command key twice
>>> while in chromevox then all the shortcuts are able to be done without
>>> holding down command-control.  Chrome Vox does do things a bit different
>>> for arrows. Up/Down is your primary navigator and left / right navigates
>>> at a smaller incrment.
>>> So if up/down is reading sentences then left / right will navigate by
>>> word.  In a table however all four arrow keys while in Object navigation
>>> will  navigate by table cell.
>>> I am not sure if dom/group works in Chomebox. In  Safari and Webkit, DOM
>>> mode navigates much like a windows browser with speech. Group mode
>>> combines major clusters of information and will navigate as things are
>>> layed out on the screen to the most part.
>>> Jonathan C. Cohn
>>> On Apr 29, 2012, at 8:21 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am using Chrome for a web browser, and I have a few questions about
 reading and navigating web pages.

 1. In the vo utility, you can choose either DOM order or grouping. Which
 is better?
 2. Is there a way to disable the web rotor, so the arrows will act like
 they do in text reading or editing? With letter navigation, I see the
 web rotor as redundant and I'd rather use the arrow keys in the usual
 text navigation way.
 Thanks in advance.

 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini);

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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Have a great day,
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Re: mail weirdness

2012-04-29 Thread Steve Holmes
Thanks so much Robert, for that article link.  I had no idea you could do all 
that with Mail but after reading the post and following most of the steps he 
outlined, I have Apple Mail working the way I want now.  I even have the mail 
boxes organized nicely now.  At least everything is going to Trash the way I 
want and I can let gmail cycle out the Trash like it has been doing all along.

Thanks again.

On Apr 29, 2012, at 6:23 AM, Robert Carter wrote:

> Hi Steve,
> You can tell Apple mail to use the gmail trash mailbox instead of its trash 
> mailbox. Here is a link to a TidBits article which will show you how to 
> configure apple mail to work with gmail's imap implementation. Gmail has 
> changed some since the article was written but you should be able to figure 
> it out.
> Robert Carter
> On Apr 28, 2012, at 9:12 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> When I went into gmail settings, I could not find anything to enable 
>> immediate deletion of messages.  I recall some time ago when there was an 
>> option in Google Labs supporting an option to make gmail's IMAP emulation 
>> work like normal IMAP servers but I haven't heard anything more on this 
>> since then.
>> In the mean time, the messages I delete with the delete key are now placing 
>> messages into a folder called Deleted messages.  I guess I will have to go 
>> this route for now and use Mutt email client to go in and move them all over 
>> to [Gmail]/Trash from time to time.  Or just go back to moving them to Trash 
>> manually each time I wish to delete stuff.  Frankly, the the delete function 
>> in Apple Mail for Lion is not doing the job the way I want it to.  It might 
>> work well for POP or standard IMAP but not for gmail IMAP.
>> On Apr 28, 2012, at 1:00 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>>> Hello Caitlyn et al, 
>>> I read your message very carefully.  
>>> Currently, I have several G Mail iMap accounts that I access with Apple
>>> Mail.  I have no problems at all in deleting messages from any of them; I
>>> have re-installed Lion several times since its release without having ever
>>> experienced the problem you and others are currently reporting.  
>>> When I wish to delete a message from either a conversation or the delete the
>>> entire thread, in Standard view, I simply press the BackSpace key on the
>>> keyboard.
>>> Now, before exiting Mail, I use the key combo Command+Shift+Backspace in
>>> order to empty the messages currently marked for deletion.  I answer yes, in
>>> the confirmation Dialog box and they are permanently deleted.  
>>> Now you may be saying, "Yes, Mark, I do this as well yet it does not work."
>>> To which I will reply,  I understand.  
>>> The problem is that there is a setting that must be configured from within
>>> your G Mail account, itself, on the web to enable the client to have access
>>> in order to permanently delete the mail.
>>> It's been a while since I set this up but, go to your G Mail web account.
>>> Somewhere in the Options, you will see something that reads like "Delete
>>> Messages Immediately".  This will be unchecked.  You must place a checkmark
>>> in this option.  Then, if all goes well and "the water don't rise," as the
>>> saying goes (smile) you should be in business.
>>> While you're in that area of your G Mail account, review all of the message
>>> options in case I am, most likely, forgetting something else.  
>>> One more thing, I have my G Mail account setup so that, when using either
>>> Apple Mail or Microsoft Outlook, I can quickly and easily undelete any
>>> message marked for deletion (before the purge), by using key-combo Command+Z
>>> on the Mac or Control+Z in Windows 7.  If you would like to know how to
>>> configure this for your G Mail account, check out episode 70 of the Candle
>>> Shore podcast.
>>> Good Luck,
>>> Mark
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Caitlyn Furness
>>> Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2012 11:08 AM
>>> To:
>>> Cc: Caitlyn Furness
>>> Subject: mail weirdness
>>> Hi,
>>> I hope somebody has some suggestions about my mail problem.
>>> After a reinstall of Lion a couple weeks ago, I of course had to reinput my
>>> mail account.  I am using my gmail account.  Now,, mail isn't deleting my
>>> messages after I read them.  The next time I reopen mail, the same messages
>>> are back again!
>>> In mail preferences, I have it set to delete the trash when quitting mail,
>>> and to not leave things on the server.
>>> What am I doing wrong?
>>> Before I had to reinstall Lion, my gamil account didn't act like this!
>>> thanks,
>>> Caitlyn
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Re: mail weirdness

2012-04-29 Thread Steve Holmes
Yes, I had no idea of this functionality in Mail; that article set it all 
strait for me.  I already understood the Google concepts concerning IMAP but I 
originally had trouble getting Mail to get totally into the groove so to speak. 
 This idea of linking or using folders as mail box is interesting but not 
strait forward to anyone new to this application.  The IOS versions of Mail do 
it strait away by just changing the Archive button to Delete and it 
automatically goes to the right folder.  I checked this out last night and that 
part is all good.  It now appears to be good in Apple mail for me too.

On Apr 29, 2012, at 6:02 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> You can tell Apple's IMAP client to make any folder the "trash" folder.
> 1. Select the folder you  want to be the trash folder.
> 2. go to the mailbox menu and find the "Use this mailbox for" sub menu.
> 3. Select Trash 
> Note: when you do this, the folder the Macintosh was using for trash will 
> appear in your folder list, so you want to go into that folder and delete 
> everything.
> A note on Google..  Google does not have a true idea of folders, and it is 
> possible that moving items into the trash will not do exactly what you want.  
> This is because Google is using only one copy of your message no matter how 
> many folders it appears in.  There is or was an option to indicate how 
> deletions occur. But the entire process is convuluted, because Google thinks 
> youwant to keep everything and because IMAP has an idea of deleting that does 
> not use a trash folder.  The article previously mentioned from tidbits does a 
> much better description then I can of how to get these to mesh correctly.
> Jonathan
> Jonathan C. Cohn
> On Apr 28, 2012, at 3:20 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> Try moving them to [Gmail]/Trash instead.  That's what I do.
>> See my other mail about deleting. You could follow that route for a while 
>> and then go into that folder of deleted messages and move them to 
>> [Gmail]/Trash.  Too bad we can't write a macro for Apple Mail to do this. 
>> That's what I do when I use mutt to read and manage email.
>> On Apr 28, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Caitlyn Furness wrote:
>>> Yeah, this is the strangest thing!  It didn't do this before I had to 
>>> reinstall Lion a couple of weeks ago.
>>> It does seem like if I actually go in and read the message, it does stay 
>>> deleted, but if I don't choose to read it, it comes back like the plague!
>>> Totally annoying!
>>> Cait and Nicky
>>> On 2012-04-28, at 2:59 PM, Veronica Elsea wrote:
 Caitlin, I have my account set the same way and it won't delete my 
 messages either. I'm just as puzzled about this as you are. Sorry, no 
 answers here yet. 
 Watch and hear The Guide Dog Glee Club sing the Star-spangled Banner at
 Then find more music from The Guide Dog Glee Club and Veronica Elsea at
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 Phone: 831-429-6407
 On Apr 28, 2012, at 1:07 PM, Caitlyn Furness wrote:
> Hi,
> I hope somebody has some suggestions about my mail problem.
> After a reinstall of Lion a couple weeks ago, I of course had to reinput 
> my mail account.  I am using my gmail account.  Now,, mail isn't deleting 
> my messages after I read them.  The next time I reopen mail, the same 
> messages are back again!
> In mail preferences, I have it set to delete the trash when quitting 
> mail, and to not leave things on the server.
> What am I doing wrong?
> Before I had to reinstall Lion, my gamil account didn't act like this!
> thanks,
> Caitlyn
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growl help

2012-04-29 Thread Venkatesh Potluri
Hi listers.
I have installed growl 1.3.3. it it working fine, but I am unable to
figure out how to have the notifications spoken... could any one tell
me what to do?
Thank you in advance
Venkatesh Potluri

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Re: growl help

2012-04-29 Thread Jenny Keller
You're doing better than me.  I think I have to reinstall it on my machine 
because it wasn't behaving very well at all.

After I do that, I'll let you know how it goes.  

However, I'd like to know the answer to this question too for when it is 
installed on my machine again and hopefully behaves itself.

On Apr 29, 2012, at 9:50 PM, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:

> Hi listers.
> I have installed growl 1.3.3. it it working fine, but I am unable to
> figure out how to have the notifications spoken... could any one tell
> me what to do?
> Thank you in advance
> Cheers
> Venkatesh Potluri
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Re: growl help

2012-04-29 Thread Venkatesh Potluri
Thanks :)
good luck with your installation :D
What exactly is going wrong?
Venkatesh Potluri

On 4/30/12, Jenny Keller  wrote:
> You're doing better than me.  I think I have to reinstall it on my machine
> because it wasn't behaving very well at all.
> After I do that, I'll let you know how it goes.
> However, I'd like to know the answer to this question too for when it is
> installed on my machine again and hopefully behaves itself.
> Jenny
> On Apr 29, 2012, at 9:50 PM, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:
>> Hi listers.
>> I have installed growl 1.3.3. it it working fine, but I am unable to
>> figure out how to have the notifications spoken... could any one tell
>> me what to do?
>> Thank you in advance
>> Cheers
>> Venkatesh Potluri
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Re: growl help

2012-04-29 Thread AZ

You'd better use for Growl different voices, not same as for VoiceOver, 
maybe from Acapela

30.04.2012 6:50, Venkatesh Potluri wrote:

Hi listers.
I have installed growl 1.3.3. it it working fine, but I am unable to
figure out how to have the notifications spoken... could any one tell
me what to do?
Thank you in advance
Venkatesh Potluri

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Re: web navigation?

2012-04-29 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Alex,

Even with Quick Nav on, you can still use the normal VO commands to navigate by 
character, word, line, sentence, etc. You can also lock the VO keys to minimise 
the number of keys to be pressed.



On 30 Apr 2012, at 03:15, Alex Hall wrote:

> I have quick nav on. However, the left/right arrows don't seem to
> navigate reliably (I ended up at the bottom of a page, and you can't
> read by smaller chunks inside, say, a paragraph of text). Say you're
> reading an article and aren't sure how an oddly spoken phrase is
> spelled. On Windows, or in an edit area on Mac, you'd arrow to the
> line, then move word by word to the phrase, then read word by word or
> character by character. How would you do this (efficiently, not by
> moving the rotor all over the place and hoping you don't hit the wrong
> key and jump out of the entire article) in Chrome or Safari? Even the
> "lines" setting on the rotor is not very useful - I still have no idea
> what it thinks a "line" is, and it never seems to move me anywhere.

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