Re: hybrid computing

2012-04-11 Thread Lewis Alexander
windows server 2008 will allow all functions of JAWS ILM services and rules to 
be handled throughout a client interface. it does however take a bit of time to 
fine tune the behaviours of each client profile including service rules, update 
profiles, etc.


On 10 Apr 2012, at 22:20, Chris Blouch wrote:

> This is from a while ago but I did want to point out that Jaws does offer 
> something called their Internet License Manager. So you can install Jaws on 
> 1000 machines and point them to your ILM and only X numbers of copies will 
> run at any particular moment. It's similar to the idea behind the Sasafrass 
> Keyserver. You can install all you want but only launch up to the limit of 
> your licenses. Especially nice for high-cost occasional use applications in a 
> large enterprise.
> All that said, apparently OnLive ran afoul of Microsoft's concurrency license 
> rules and had to switch over to Windows Server 2008, which may or may not run 
> the latest goodies.
> CB
> On 3/5/12 3:26 AM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> the whole point of this is a net based sub operating system for sighted 
>> users. this won't support screen reader technologies for 2 reasons, firstly 
>> the compatibility of the graphics chip on the device to a system like jaws 
>> and secondly the legal ramifications concerning the installation of JAWS on 
>> the developer's hosts to then be included to each installation. this is 
>> something which would cost the developer an absolute fortune.
>> from what I have heard through a fellow techie, it is actually possible to 
>> run windows XP directly on it's own on an ipad without using a server 
>> elsewhere. it requires some tweaking and a bit of technical knowhow but from 
>> what I understand it's completely possible.
>> from my years  in the IT sector, I've worked between windows, Mac OS, linux 
>> and unix and I have to say, there's always challenges, always different ways 
>> an OS will behave, it's limitations and inclusions, etc.
>> oh well lol.
>> lew
>> On 5 Mar 2012, at 01:22, Reinhard Stebner wrote:
>>> There is just one problem, Assistive Technology such as screen readers. I 
>>> am not going to be able to access any of this stuff because I am unable to 
>>> run a screen reader on it.
>>> *From:* 
>>> []*On
>>>  Behalf Of*Cheree Heppe
>>> *Sent:*Thursday, March 01, 2012 1:32 AM
>>> *To:* 
>>> *Subject:*hybrid computing
>>> Cheree Heppe here:
>>> This sounds as if it may solve a number of problems.  See article below.
>>> N Y Times Tech news for the week of Thursday 2/23/2012
>>> Windows on the iPad, and Speedy
>>>You're probably paying something like $60 a month for high-speed
>>>Internet. I'm paying $5 a month, and my connection is 1,000 times
>>>Your [8]iPad can't play Flash videos on the Web. Mine can.
>>>Your copy of Windows needs constant updating and patching and
>>>protection against viruses and spyware. Mine is always clean and always
>>>No, I'm not some kind of smug techno-elitist; you can have all of that,
>>>too. All you have to do is sign up for a radical iPad service called
>>>OnLive Desktop Plus.
>>>It's a tiny app -- about 5 megabytes. When you open it, you see a
>>>standard Windows 7 desktop, right there on your iPad. The full, latest
>>>versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet Explorer and Adobe Reader
>>>are set up and ready to use -- no installation, no serial numbers, no
>>>pop-up balloons nagging you to update this or that. It may be the least
>>>annoying version of Windows you've ever used.
>>>That's pretty impressive -- but not as impressive as what's going on
>>>behind the scenes. The PC that's driving your iPad Windows experience
>>>is, in fact, a "farm" of computers at one of three data centers
>>>thousands of miles away. Every time you tap the screen, scroll a list
>>>or type on the on-screen keyboard, you're sending signals to those
>>>distant computers. The screen image is blasted back to your iPad with
>>>astonishingly little lag.
>>>There's an insane amount of technology behind this stunt -- 10 years in
>>>the making, according to the company's founder. (He's a veteran of
>>>Apple's original QuickTime team and Microsoft's WebTV and Xbox teams.)
>>>OnLive Desktop builds on the company's original business, a service
>>>that lets gamers play high-horsepower video games on Macs or
>>>low-powered Windows computers like netbooks.
>>>The free version of the OnLive Desktop service arrived in January. It
>>>gives you Word, Excel and PowerPoint, a few basic Windows apps (like
>>>Paint, Media Player, Notepad and Calculator), and 

Re: logic

2012-04-11 Thread Lewis Alexander
a hardware interface isn't exactly needed but is recommended for better support 
and low latency handling of multiple audio streams.


On 11 Apr 2012, at 01:01, Hank Smith wrote:

> is a hardware interface a requirement?
> On 4/10/2012 1:00 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>> lew
>> On 10 Apr 2012, at 20:58, Walter Harper wrote:
>>> what is the website
>>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:37 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
 further note...
 to road test it for a very limited time before purchase, there is a free 
 demo available on the site. you can see for yourself.
 On 10 Apr 2012, at 20:29, Walter Harper wrote:
> Ok,
> I will see if I can find protools in the app store.
> Does it have voiceover support?
> Walter
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 3:09 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>> hi.
>> I have worked with logic studio 8 and 9 with no success. it was a waste 
>> of money. it is not accessible for the most part as there is no 
>> interaction nor labeling for any objects, windows or functions in the 
>> main windows including mixer, etc. it's a waste of money and apple need 
>> to pull their finger out to fix it.
>> your best option is to go to Pro Tools 10 which is a little higher than 
>> logic in price but it's the only blind friendly pro audio system on the 
>> market at the moment for multi tracking, authoring, etc.
>> lew
>> On 10 Apr 2012, at 19:59, Walter Harper wrote:
>>> Hi all listers,
>>> I was wondering if anyone has used logic on the mac.  I am looking 
>>> something more than garageband that comes with it.
>>> Walter
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> websites:
> personal email:
> facebook:
> Klango:
> hanksmith
> Skype:
> hank.smith966
> Amateur radio call sign:
> ke7ief
> check out my Youtube video of a song I recorded in Nashville Tennessee!
> also you can find my youtube channel at:
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Re: something to make it easier for you

2012-04-11 Thread Scott Howell

Thanks for sharing the script. I have been slowly working on learning APple 
scripting along with lots of other stuff. :) I am amazed at how much can be 
done with scripting.

On Apr 11, 2012, at 12:40 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> Just wanted to drop you guys a little script i made to help you with copy and 
> pasting stuff from pdfs web or anything actually.
> The basic premise here is to copy whatever sentence paragraph or whatever 
> text you have, use the copy last phrase to clipboard command and my script 
> will automatically paste it to the end of your text editor window.
> This is very useful if you have long text that you want copied and pasted 
> from pdf files just as they are supposed to be without wasting time on 
> switching apps, reformatting etc.
> Here's the script:
> set thetext to get the clipboard
> tell application "TextEdit"
>   set theindex to every paragraph of front document
>   set thecount to count theindex
>   set thecount to thecount + 1
>   set paragraph thecount of front document to thetext
>   say "pasted to text editor"
> end tell
> Copy it all, paste it into your applescript editor which is 
> /applications/utilitiesapplescript editor
> /
> The best thing to do next is to apply a gesture to the script.
> Here is how i do this:
> I have option one finger flick down to read the next sentence
> Option tow finger flick down for next paragraph 
> Then i have option four finger flick left to copy last phrase to clipboard
> Lastly, i use option pinch out for running the script
> With this, every paragraph you want to copy is then pasted without switching 
> to the text editor and back.
> I'll make a better version later on but if you want to play with this one 
> already and test it out, be my guest :)
> I might make a short podcast to demonstrate how faast one's productivity can 
> get with this technique 
> Yuma 
> -- 
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Re: Creating a list of all the headings and links on a webpage

2012-04-11 Thread Rahul Bajaj
 VO + U does the job perfectly.
Thanks a lot, everyone!

On 11/04/2012, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
> Not exactly.
> I would use the web rotor with VO U.  then you can use left or right arrow
> to navigate through the links list, headings, buttons, etc.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 11:36 AM, Teresa Cochran 
> wrote:
>> Hi, Rahul,
>> The closest option is to use VO-i to bring up the item chooser. The
>> toolbar buttons and other window controls will also be displayed, however.
>> You can use return to go to an item or escape to exit without changes.
>> HTh,
>> Teresa
>> "Man is matter's ability to contemplate itself."--Albert Einstein
>> On Apr 10, 2012, at 8:26 AM, Rahul Bajaj wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Is there a way of creating a list of all the headings and links on a
>>> webpage with VoiceOver?
>>> I use this function with JAWS,  and it makes browsing webpages a lot
>>> easier and faster.
>>> So, please shed some light on this matter.
>>> Regards,
>>> Rahul
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RosettaStone Software: has anyone tried this?

2012-04-11 Thread Doug Lawlor
Hello list:
I'm just wondering if anyone has tried the RosettaStone language learning 
software. Looking at there FAQ pages I see that it can work on the Mac. I'm not 
sure about accessibility however. I suspect they use a cross platform 
development solution which is always not the most accessible when it comes to 
working with OS10. Again, has anyone taken a look at this? 



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Re: RosettaStone Software: has anyone tried this?

2012-04-11 Thread Lewis Alexander
this is just to state clearly that this product will not work for blind users 
using voiceover. I have been in contact with the developers of the product and 
they state that due to the method in which the product is designed (graphical 
nature), voiceover would not work within the environment, 

I was looking into this very product for my studies in Irish gaelic language as 
well as German and after long discussions with the developers, it isn't 
possible without a major redesign of the interface, plus the provision of 
adapted materials at the expense of the supplier.

sorry to break this to you but that's what it's going to be.


On 11 Apr 2012, at 12:30, Doug Lawlor wrote:

> Hello list:
> I'm just wondering if anyone has tried the RosettaStone language learning 
> software. Looking at there FAQ pages I see that it can work on the Mac. I'm 
> not sure about accessibility however. I suspect they use a cross platform 
> development solution which is always not the most accessible when it comes to 
> working with OS10. Again, has anyone taken a look at this? 
> Thanks,
> Doug
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Re: something to make it easier for you

2012-04-11 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Lew.
I don't know the first thing about scripting, but I would be willing to pay 
someone else to do some for me if what I want could be accomplished with it. 
Here's my wish list, and can you tell me whether scripting could accomplish any 
or all of these things.

First I would like the ability to turn on and off the display of control 
characters by toggling the command on and off. This would include, but not be 
limited to, the display of spaces, carriage returns, form feeds, and line 

I would also like to be able to do an automatic transformation on a file to 
change it to lower case instead of upper case. 

Next, I would love to have a program or something that would display, on 
command, the line and page numbers, both print and braille, of a given 
location. I need it for brf files. My husband write a program for Windows that 
does this job, but I would like it transferred to my Mac. He doesn't know how 
to do that. It was suggested that he learn a language for doing that, but I 
don't think he's interested. 

Can any or all of this be done, and who can do it? 


Eugenia Firth

On Apr 11, 2012, at 3:06 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Yuma,
> Thanks for sharing the script. I have been slowly working on learning APple 
> scripting along with lots of other stuff. :) I am amazed at how much can be 
> done with scripting.
> On Apr 11, 2012, at 12:40 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> Just wanted to drop you guys a little script i made to help you with copy 
>> and pasting stuff from pdfs web or anything actually.
>> The basic premise here is to copy whatever sentence paragraph or whatever 
>> text you have, use the copy last phrase to clipboard command and my script 
>> will automatically paste it to the end of your text editor window.
>> This is very useful if you have long text that you want copied and pasted 
>> from pdf files just as they are supposed to be without wasting time on 
>> switching apps, reformatting etc.
>> Here's the script:
>> set thetext to get the clipboard
>> tell application "TextEdit"
>>  set theindex to every paragraph of front document
>>  set thecount to count theindex
>>  set thecount to thecount + 1
>>  set paragraph thecount of front document to thetext
>>  say "pasted to text editor"
>> end tell
>> Copy it all, paste it into your applescript editor which is 
>> /applications/utilitiesapplescript editor
>> /
>> The best thing to do next is to apply a gesture to the script.
>> Here is how i do this:
>> I have option one finger flick down to read the next sentence
>> Option tow finger flick down for next paragraph 
>> Then i have option four finger flick left to copy last phrase to clipboard
>> Lastly, i use option pinch out for running the script
>> With this, every paragraph you want to copy is then pasted without switching 
>> to the text editor and back.
>> I'll make a better version later on but if you want to play with this one 
>> already and test it out, be my guest :)
>> I might make a short podcast to demonstrate how faast one's productivity can 
>> get with this technique 
>> Yuma 
>> -- 
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Re: something to make it easier for you

2012-04-11 Thread Lewis Alexander
you have the wrong guy lol.

scripting of these functions could be done through apple script as long as each 
function and subjected element can interact with each other. I don't do much 
apple script... well... not as much as I used to years ago. so I'd recommend 
someone more specialised in scripting environments than me to comment here. Any 
takers? And we start at £10 £10 anyone for this fine script of a thing 
doing something? Surely?.. oh well... UNSOLD. NEXT!

On 11 Apr 2012, at 12:38, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi Lew.
> I don't know the first thing about scripting, but I would be willing to pay 
> someone else to do some for me if what I want could be accomplished with it. 
> Here's my wish list, and can you tell me whether scripting could accomplish 
> any or all of these things.
> First I would like the ability to turn on and off the display of control 
> characters by toggling the command on and off. This would include, but not be 
> limited to, the display of spaces, carriage returns, form feeds, and line 
> feeds. 
> I would also like to be able to do an automatic transformation on a file to 
> change it to lower case instead of upper case. 
> Next, I would love to have a program or something that would display, on 
> command, the line and page numbers, both print and braille, of a given 
> location. I need it for brf files. My husband write a program for Windows 
> that does this job, but I would like it transferred to my Mac. He doesn't 
> know how to do that. It was suggested that he learn a language for doing 
> that, but I don't think he's interested. 
> Can any or all of this be done, and who can do it? 
> regards,
> Gigi
> Eugenia Firth
> On Apr 11, 2012, at 3:06 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Yuma,
>> Thanks for sharing the script. I have been slowly working on learning APple 
>> scripting along with lots of other stuff. :) I am amazed at how much can be 
>> done with scripting.
>> On Apr 11, 2012, at 12:40 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:
>>> Hi Guys,
>>> Just wanted to drop you guys a little script i made to help you with copy 
>>> and pasting stuff from pdfs web or anything actually.
>>> The basic premise here is to copy whatever sentence paragraph or whatever 
>>> text you have, use the copy last phrase to clipboard command and my script 
>>> will automatically paste it to the end of your text editor window.
>>> This is very useful if you have long text that you want copied and pasted 
>>> from pdf files just as they are supposed to be without wasting time on 
>>> switching apps, reformatting etc.
>>> Here's the script:
>>> set thetext to get the clipboard
>>> tell application "TextEdit"
>>> set theindex to every paragraph of front document
>>> set thecount to count theindex
>>> set thecount to thecount + 1
>>> set paragraph thecount of front document to thetext
>>> say "pasted to text editor"
>>> end tell
>>> Copy it all, paste it into your applescript editor which is 
>>> /applications/utilitiesapplescript editor
>>> /
>>> The best thing to do next is to apply a gesture to the script.
>>> Here is how i do this:
>>> I have option one finger flick down to read the next sentence
>>> Option tow finger flick down for next paragraph 
>>> Then i have option four finger flick left to copy last phrase to clipboard
>>> Lastly, i use option pinch out for running the script
>>> With this, every paragraph you want to copy is then pasted without 
>>> switching to the text editor and back.
>>> I'll make a better version later on but if you want to play with this one 
>>> already and test it out, be my guest :)
>>> I might make a short podcast to demonstrate how faast one's productivity 
>>> can get with this technique 
>>> Yuma 
>>> -- 
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Re: apple tv without a tv set

2012-04-11 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Ed.
My husband says yes. You need the right connections like HDMI or the optical 
sound connection. 


Eugenia Firth

On Apr 10, 2012, at 11:21 PM, Ed Worrell wrote:

> Hello listers, can an apple tve be used without a tv set attached? I was 
> wondering it i set up a speaker set that had digital audio support could I 
> still use the apple tv?
> Thanks Ed
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Re: something to make it easier for you

2012-04-11 Thread Donna Goodin
Thanks, Yuma.  That's cool!
On Apr 11, 2012, at 12:40 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> Just wanted to drop you guys a little script i made to help you with copy and 
> pasting stuff from pdfs web or anything actually.
> The basic premise here is to copy whatever sentence paragraph or whatever 
> text you have, use the copy last phrase to clipboard command and my script 
> will automatically paste it to the end of your text editor window.
> This is very useful if you have long text that you want copied and pasted 
> from pdf files just as they are supposed to be without wasting time on 
> switching apps, reformatting etc.
> Here's the script:
> set thetext to get the clipboard
> tell application "TextEdit"
>   set theindex to every paragraph of front document
>   set thecount to count theindex
>   set thecount to thecount + 1
>   set paragraph thecount of front document to thetext
>   say "pasted to text editor"
> end tell
> Copy it all, paste it into your applescript editor which is 
> /applications/utilitiesapplescript editor
> /
> The best thing to do next is to apply a gesture to the script.
> Here is how i do this:
> I have option one finger flick down to read the next sentence
> Option tow finger flick down for next paragraph 
> Then i have option four finger flick left to copy last phrase to clipboard
> Lastly, i use option pinch out for running the script
> With this, every paragraph you want to copy is then pasted without switching 
> to the text editor and back.
> I'll make a better version later on but if you want to play with this one 
> already and test it out, be my guest :)
> I might make a short podcast to demonstrate how faast one's productivity can 
> get with this technique 
> Yuma 
> -- 
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Re: RosettaStone Software: has anyone tried this?

2012-04-11 Thread Doug Lawlor
To be quite honest that's what I figured. They talk about using images to 
convey certain aspects of the language learning. I didn't think the cross 
platform solution, if that is what they are using, wouldn't help either.  


On 2012-04-11, at 9:04 AM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

> this is just to state clearly that this product will not work for blind users 
> using voiceover. I have been in contact with the developers of the product 
> and they state that due to the method in which the product is designed 
> (graphical nature), voiceover would not work within the environment, 
> I was looking into this very product for my studies in Irish gaelic language 
> as well as German and after long discussions with the developers, it isn't 
> possible without a major redesign of the interface, plus the provision of 
> adapted materials at the expense of the supplier.
> sorry to break this to you but that's what it's going to be.
> lew
> On 11 Apr 2012, at 12:30, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> Hello list:
>> I'm just wondering if anyone has tried the RosettaStone language learning 
>> software. Looking at there FAQ pages I see that it can work on the Mac. I'm 
>> not sure about accessibility however. I suspect they use a cross platform 
>> development solution which is always not the most accessible when it comes 
>> to working with OS10. Again, has anyone taken a look at this? 
>> Thanks,
>> Doug
>> -- 
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Re: Recording app that allows recording of audio from other apps?

2012-04-11 Thread chris hallsworth
Well, think I have found a workaround. I am trying Voxy Pro Recorder, 
but didn't use it for my podcast. Instead I used my iPod Touch and the 
audio from that recorded without loss.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 11/04/2012 05:31, Ezzie Bueno wrote:

Sorry. As far as I know, this app works on Macs. Good luck finding an app 
that'll work for you!

Ezzie Bueno
Sent from my Macbook Pro
(323) 448-0757

Check out daily jokes and more!

On Apr 10, 2012, at 2:13 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:

Is this for iOS devices? I realized I should have told you my specs, sorry 
about that. I have an iPhone 4 running iOS 5.1.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 10/04/2012 01:23, Ezzie Bueno wrote:

Hello Chris,

Try Piezo. It has worked well for me.


Ezzie Bueno
Sent from my Macbook Pro
(323) 448-0757

Check out daily jokes and more!

On Apr 9, 2012, at 8:31 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:

Hello all.
The subject says it all. I found a major bug I think with Dropvox and apps that 
plays or streams audio where part of the recording isn't included. So is there 
an app that not only helps me record my podcasts, but also allows recording 
from audio playing or streaming from other apps? I have contacted Dropvox 
support, so let's see what happens. For now though, thanks in advance for any 

Christopher Hallsworth

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Re: apple tv without a tv set

2012-04-11 Thread chris hallsworth
This Apple TV sounds so cool as I could stream my music to it, correct? 
I know it's limited here in the UK unless I am a Netflics user, but 
anyway, please stand corrected if I am wrong. Thanks!

Christopher Hallsworth

On 11/04/2012 05:21, Ed Worrell wrote:

Hello listers, can an apple tve be used without a tv set attached? I was 
wondering it i set up a speaker set that had digital audio support could I 
still use the apple tv?

Thanks Ed

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Re: RosettaStone Software: has anyone tried this?

2012-04-11 Thread Lewis Alexander
the system is designed as a universal cross platform architecture, at the same 
time, the system works by displaying images which also have language by audio, 
however as the graphics in question would need to have object links and 
descriptors for each component, besides a full rework to allow voiceover 
intergration, it would cost the developers a fortune to recode.

the other aspect is that for blind users, the use of braille (where the 
customer may be a braille user) would cost per box, a good fortune to be 
transcribed, etc as well as the option of tactile graphics to comply with 
certain areas of the language pack.

ideally, for blind users wishing to study a new language, we should be able to 
use an interface where we can navigate with voiceover in a multilingual  
capacity, have graphics described in both the parent and sub language (example: 
english first, german later) and also be able to observe not only how the 
language is spoken but how it is written, as various languages use different 
alphabets and letter forms, etc. also giving braille feedback which would be 
through voiceover itself.

something we need to look into, as language studies without the proper 
resources and support is a difficult area to study.

I go back to my school days, as I live in wales but am english, I had to learn 
welsh as part of the educational curriculum. Because of the sight loss and the 
start of my braille studies, I didn't have the support to properly handle the 
language. it's all well and good having "parrot fashion" language tuition, but 
to feel or understand how the materials are written and transcribed to then 
handle it in it's full context was impossible.


On 11 Apr 2012, at 13:20, Doug Lawlor wrote:

> To be quite honest that's what I figured. They talk about using images to 
> convey certain aspects of the language learning. I didn't think the cross 
> platform solution, if that is what they are using, wouldn't help either.  
> Doug
> On 2012-04-11, at 9:04 AM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>> this is just to state clearly that this product will not work for blind 
>> users using voiceover. I have been in contact with the developers of the 
>> product and they state that due to the method in which the product is 
>> designed (graphical nature), voiceover would not work within the 
>> environment, 
>> I was looking into this very product for my studies in Irish gaelic language 
>> as well as German and after long discussions with the developers, it isn't 
>> possible without a major redesign of the interface, plus the provision of 
>> adapted materials at the expense of the supplier.
>> sorry to break this to you but that's what it's going to be.
>> lew
>> On 11 Apr 2012, at 12:30, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>>> Hello list:
>>> I'm just wondering if anyone has tried the RosettaStone language learning 
>>> software. Looking at there FAQ pages I see that it can work on the Mac. I'm 
>>> not sure about accessibility however. I suspect they use a cross platform 
>>> development solution which is always not the most accessible when it comes 
>>> to working with OS10. Again, has anyone taken a look at this? 
>>> Thanks,
>>> Doug
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Re: apple tv without a tv set

2012-04-11 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Guys. 
How do I get the Apple TV to play the music from either the store purchased 
items or my Itunes library? When I go to music, I get a message about Itunes 
match. I didn't think I needed to do that to play what I already have through 
my TV speakers.


Eugenia Firth

On Apr 11, 2012, at 7:21 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:

> This Apple TV sounds so cool as I could stream my music to it, correct? I 
> know it's limited here in the UK unless I am a Netflics user, but anyway, 
> please stand corrected if I am wrong. Thanks!
> Christopher Hallsworth
> On 11/04/2012 05:21, Ed Worrell wrote:
>> Hello listers, can an apple tve be used without a tv set attached? I was 
>> wondering it i set up a speaker set that had digital audio support could I 
>> still use the apple tv?
>> Thanks Ed
> -- 
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Re: RosettaStone Software: has anyone tried this?

2012-04-11 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi guys,

I'm teach Spanish, so I'll admit up front to having a bias about these things.

Rosetta Stone is an inherently visual program.  It works on the premise that 
immediately and quickly associating a visual image with a word or phrase will 
help you to internalize vocabulary.  Physiologically, in terms of how we 
process information, that is very different from pairing a foreign word with 
its English counterpart.  Going from a word in your native language to a word 
in a new language is just simple translation, something I *always discourage my 
students from doing.  So for example, if I give you the Spanish word manzana, 
and show you a picture of a juicy red apple, you come to associate manzana with 
that image.  If I have to insert the word apple in order for you to get to the 
image of the big, red, juicy apple, what you're actually associating are the 
words manzana and apple, not the word manzana with the picture of the fruit.  I 
realize that for many of you this difference may seem negligible, but really it 
isn't. With that in mind, I don't believe it is even possible for Rosetta Stone 
to be made accessible, because there's no way to duplicate for us the 
experience of viewing an image without first inserting the native language into 
the mix.

Now my second point.  None of these programs will really teach you to speak a 
language, despite their claims.  If you want to learn how to say "where's the 
bathroom?"  or "I want another beer" you can probably do that, but in terms of 
really mastering a broad vocabulary, grammar, and syntax, it's not going to 
happen.  So if you want to have more than rudimentary tourist skills, go take a 
language class.  Yes, it takes more time and costs more, but like many other 
things in life, you get out of it what you put into it.
On Apr 11, 2012, at 8:55 AM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

> the system is designed as a universal cross platform architecture, at the 
> same time, the system works by displaying images which also have language by 
> audio, however as the graphics in question would need to have object links 
> and descriptors for each component, besides a full rework to allow voiceover 
> intergration, it would cost the developers a fortune to recode.
> the other aspect is that for blind users, the use of braille (where the 
> customer may be a braille user) would cost per box, a good fortune to be 
> transcribed, etc as well as the option of tactile graphics to comply with 
> certain areas of the language pack.
> ideally, for blind users wishing to study a new language, we should be able 
> to use an interface where we can navigate with voiceover in a multilingual  
> capacity, have graphics described in both the parent and sub language 
> (example: english first, german later) and also be able to observe not only 
> how the language is spoken but how it is written, as various languages use 
> different alphabets and letter forms, etc. also giving braille feedback which 
> would be through voiceover itself.
> something we need to look into, as language studies without the proper 
> resources and support is a difficult area to study.
> I go back to my school days, as I live in wales but am english, I had to 
> learn welsh as part of the educational curriculum. Because of the sight loss 
> and the start of my braille studies, I didn't have the support to properly 
> handle the language. it's all well and good having "parrot fashion" language 
> tuition, but to feel or understand how the materials are written and 
> transcribed to then handle it in it's full context was impossible.
> lew
> On 11 Apr 2012, at 13:20, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>> To be quite honest that's what I figured. They talk about using images to 
>> convey certain aspects of the language learning. I didn't think the cross 
>> platform solution, if that is what they are using, wouldn't help either.  
>> Doug
>> On 2012-04-11, at 9:04 AM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>>> this is just to state clearly that this product will not work for blind 
>>> users using voiceover. I have been in contact with the developers of the 
>>> product and they state that due to the method in which the product is 
>>> designed (graphical nature), voiceover would not work within the 
>>> environment, 
>>> I was looking into this very product for my studies in Irish gaelic 
>>> language as well as German and after long discussions with the developers, 
>>> it isn't possible without a major redesign of the interface, plus the 
>>> provision of adapted materials at the expense of the supplier.
>>> sorry to break this to you but that's what it's going to be.
>>> lew
>>> On 11 Apr 2012, at 12:30, Doug Lawlor wrote:
 Hello list:
 I'm just wondering if anyone has tried the RosettaStone language learning 
 software. Looking at there FAQ pages I see that it can work on the Mac. 
 I'm not sure about accessibility however. I suspect they use a 

Re: RosettaStone Software: has anyone tried this?

2012-04-11 Thread Lewis Alexander
Hi donna,

thanks for that.

I agree with you there. the only main area where a blind student, studying 
languages through a course would come to problems, is the written area. from a 
speech based medium which we come to rely on as our first medium, studying a 
foreign language through braille means studying from scratch, as an example. 
the welsh braille language has complexities of it's own, a primary example 
being accented letters and morphed letters as double letters, etc. so studying 
the braille version of the language means understanding a new series of 
characters, forms and short forms.

it's doable but a headache.

if you're in the UK as an example, language studies for blind users is a mine 
field, especially when it comes to adapted support and finding a tutor who is 
fluent in foreign braille standards as wel as being able to support and 
describe the various elements of the language.

exciting challenges ahead. are residents barking?


On 11 Apr 2012, at 14:37, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I'm teach Spanish, so I'll admit up front to having a bias about these things.
> Rosetta Stone is an inherently visual program.  It works on the premise that 
> immediately and quickly associating a visual image with a word or phrase will 
> help you to internalize vocabulary.  Physiologically, in terms of how we 
> process information, that is very different from pairing a foreign word with 
> its English counterpart.  Going from a word in your native language to a word 
> in a new language is just simple translation, something I *always discourage 
> my students from doing.  So for example, if I give you the Spanish word 
> manzana, and show you a picture of a juicy red apple, you come to associate 
> manzana with that image.  If I have to insert the word apple in order for you 
> to get to the image of the big, red, juicy apple, what you're actually 
> associating are the words manzana and apple, not the word manzana with the 
> picture of the fruit.  I realize that for many of you this difference may 
> seem negligible, but really it isn't. With that in mind, I don't believe it 
> is even possible for Rosetta Stone to be made accessible, because there's no 
> way to duplicate for us the experience of viewing an image without first 
> inserting the native language into the mix.
> Now my second point.  None of these programs will really teach you to speak a 
> language, despite their claims.  If you want to learn how to say "where's the 
> bathroom?"  or "I want another beer" you can probably do that, but in terms 
> of really mastering a broad vocabulary, grammar, and syntax, it's not going 
> to happen.  So if you want to have more than rudimentary tourist skills, go 
> take a language class.  Yes, it takes more time and costs more, but like many 
> other things in life, you get out of it what you put into it.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Apr 11, 2012, at 8:55 AM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>> the system is designed as a universal cross platform architecture, at the 
>> same time, the system works by displaying images which also have language by 
>> audio, however as the graphics in question would need to have object links 
>> and descriptors for each component, besides a full rework to allow voiceover 
>> intergration, it would cost the developers a fortune to recode.
>> the other aspect is that for blind users, the use of braille (where the 
>> customer may be a braille user) would cost per box, a good fortune to be 
>> transcribed, etc as well as the option of tactile graphics to comply with 
>> certain areas of the language pack.
>> ideally, for blind users wishing to study a new language, we should be able 
>> to use an interface where we can navigate with voiceover in a multilingual  
>> capacity, have graphics described in both the parent and sub language 
>> (example: english first, german later) and also be able to observe not only 
>> how the language is spoken but how it is written, as various languages use 
>> different alphabets and letter forms, etc. also giving braille feedback 
>> which would be through voiceover itself.
>> something we need to look into, as language studies without the proper 
>> resources and support is a difficult area to study.
>> I go back to my school days, as I live in wales but am english, I had to 
>> learn welsh as part of the educational curriculum. Because of the sight loss 
>> and the start of my braille studies, I didn't have the support to properly 
>> handle the language. it's all well and good having "parrot fashion" language 
>> tuition, but to feel or understand how the materials are written and 
>> transcribed to then handle it in it's full context was impossible.
>> lew
>> On 11 Apr 2012, at 13:20, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>>> To be quite honest that's what I figured. They talk about using images to 
>>> convey certain aspects of the language learning. I didn't think the cross 
>>> platform solution, if that is what

Re: apple tv without a tv set

2012-04-11 Thread Tim Kilburn

To play items from your Library, you should go under the Computers area, select 
the iTunes Library on that computer and play whatever Playlists or other items 
you wish to stream.


On 2012-04-11, at 7:26 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi Guys. 
> How do I get the Apple TV to play the music from either the store purchased 
> items or my Itunes library? When I go to music, I get a message about Itunes 
> match. I didn't think I needed to do that to play what I already have through 
> my TV speakers.
> Regards 
> Gigi 
> Eugenia Firth
> On Apr 11, 2012, at 7:21 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:
>> This Apple TV sounds so cool as I could stream my music to it, correct? I 
>> know it's limited here in the UK unless I am a Netflics user, but anyway, 
>> please stand corrected if I am wrong. Thanks!
>> Christopher Hallsworth
>> On 11/04/2012 05:21, Ed Worrell wrote:
>>> Hello listers, can an apple tve be used without a tv set attached? I was 
>>> wondering it i set up a speaker set that had digital audio support could I 
>>> still use the apple tv?
>>> Thanks Ed
>> -- 
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Re: apple tv without a tv set

2012-04-11 Thread jason lefevers
Hey Ed, first off to answer your question yes it can be done as long as you 
have a receiver with HDMI imput it should work fine. Now in saying that do you 
already have the apple tv? if so what do you planning on using it for ? do you 
plan on playing music and videos, or just music? If just music might i 
recommend just getting a airport express and hook it up to your receiver or 
powered computer speakers then just streamming music from your mac , pc, or I 
device using airplay. jason 
On Apr 11, 2012, at 12:21 AM, Ed Worrell wrote:

> Hello listers, can an apple tve be used without a tv set attached? I was 
> wondering it i set up a speaker set that had digital audio support could I 
> still use the apple tv?
> Thanks Ed
> -- 
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Re: apple tv without a tv set

2012-04-11 Thread jason lefevers
yes you can stream music and videos from  your computer or I device to the 
apple tv usingairplay. jason On Apr 11, 2012, at 8:21 AM, chris hallsworth 

> This Apple TV sounds so cool as I could stream my music to it, correct? I 
> know it's limited here in the UK unless I am a Netflics user, but anyway, 
> please stand corrected if I am wrong. Thanks!
> Christopher Hallsworth
> On 11/04/2012 05:21, Ed Worrell wrote:
>> Hello listers, can an apple tve be used without a tv set attached? I was 
>> wondering it i set up a speaker set that had digital audio support could I 
>> still use the apple tv?
>> Thanks Ed
> -- 
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Re: apple tv without a tv set

2012-04-11 Thread jason lefevers
hey there are 2 ways to play music from your apple tv with out using Itunes 
match turned on . either streaming them using airplay from your iphone, ipad , 
ipod etc, or from your computer. the only ther wway to do it is to have your 
computer running with Itunes open and having home sharing enabled , then on 
your apple tv go to where it says computers and select it your computer should 
show up then you can play all the music and other content that you have in your 
Itunes library on your computer. hope that helps. Jason ÎÎ
On Apr 11, 2012, at 9:26 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

> Hi Guys. 
> How do I get the Apple TV to play the music from either the store purchased 
> items or my Itunes library? When I go to music, I get a message about Itunes 
> match. I didn't think I needed to do that to play what I already have through 
> my TV speakers.
> Regards 
> Gigi 
> Eugenia Firth
> On Apr 11, 2012, at 7:21 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:
>> This Apple TV sounds so cool as I could stream my music to it, correct? I 
>> know it's limited here in the UK unless I am a Netflics user, but anyway, 
>> please stand corrected if I am wrong. Thanks!
>> Christopher Hallsworth
>> On 11/04/2012 05:21, Ed Worrell wrote:
>>> Hello listers, can an apple tve be used without a tv set attached? I was 
>>> wondering it i set up a speaker set that had digital audio support could I 
>>> still use the apple tv?
>>> Thanks Ed
>> -- 
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Re: apple tv without a tv set

2012-04-11 Thread chris hallsworth
Just to add if you want to stream music from programs other than iTunes 
or an Airplay compatible device then Airfoil should do the trick. You 
would select Apple TV as the output.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 11/04/2012 15:56, jason lefevers wrote:

hey there are 2 ways to play music from your apple tv with out using Itunes 
match turned on . either streaming them using airplay from your iphone, ipad , 
ipod etc, or from your computer. the only ther wway to do it is to have your 
computer running with Itunes open and having home sharing enabled , then on 
your apple tv go to where it says computers and select it your computer should 
show up then you can play all the music and other content that you have in your 
Itunes library on your computer. hope that helps. Jason 挝
On Apr 11, 2012, at 9:26 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:

Hi Guys.
How do I get the Apple TV to play the music from either the store purchased 
items or my Itunes library? When I go to music, I get a message about Itunes 
match. I didn't think I needed to do that to play what I already have through 
my TV speakers.


Eugenia Firth

On Apr 11, 2012, at 7:21 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:

This Apple TV sounds so cool as I could stream my music to it, correct? I know 
it's limited here in the UK unless I am a Netflics user, but anyway, please 
stand corrected if I am wrong. Thanks!

Christopher Hallsworth

On 11/04/2012 05:21, Ed Worrell wrote:

Hello listers, can an apple tve be used without a tv set attached? I was 
wondering it i set up a speaker set that had digital audio support could I 
still use the apple tv?

Thanks Ed

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Re: Tips for reading PDF documents on the Mac

2012-04-11 Thread Bejarano, Rafael P.
The only solution I've found is to print out the document, and then to read it 
with my Kurzweil, since it is able to read by columns.  

Good luck with your efforts, and please keep the list apprised of any 
successes.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to be able to read 
multiple-column, pdf documents on my Mac.

On Apr 10, 2012, at 5:51 PM, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:

> I haven't, but you raise a good point, I have never found it possible to read 
> PDF columns properly with Jaws and used to have to use fine reader to 
> translate into an MS Doc. The PDFs I am currently putting into Safari are 
> mainly journal articles-they have some tables and I don't think those read 
> properly, but I will try to remember to take a look at some PDFs in columns 
> and see. I think we're likely to have little success however, as it's about 
> translating graphical representation into words and a logical order to 
> people-many of whom don't have a great concept of layout and formatting. 
> On 9 Apr 2012, at 16:21, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
>> Those are very helpful suggestions.  I wonder, though: Have you ever tried 
>> reading pdf documents formatted in multiple columns?  I can do so using an 
>> old PowerPC iBook running Tiger, but I can't seem to do so with newer Macs 
>> and OSs.
>> Cordially,
>> Rafael Bejarano
>> On Apr 8, 2012, at 4:47 PM, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:
>>> Hi all, 
>>> A few weeks ago, someone asked what was the best way of reading PDFs. I 
>>> gave some vague response, and though I can't remember who asked, I know it 
>>> comes up quite often, so, below I list more specific steps. I hope they 
>>> help whoever wanted to know. 
>>> 1. Find your document in your folder system. 
>>> 2. Press VO-M and navigate to the File menu. 
>>> 3. Go down to the Open With menu. 
>>> 4. Arrow right and then down to Safari. 
>>> 5. Leave the document to open-this might take some time if it is large for 
>>> example-when it starts reading, arrow until you are in the window (rather 
>>> than in the other web functions such as add to reading list etc). 
>>> 6. Interact with the window with the VO-Down Arrow-Shift command. 
>>> 7. If you want to read line by line, try to get your reading setting to 
>>> 'navigation', otherwise when you use the down arrow, you will be reading 
>>> via character or word. 
>>> 8. Use the arrows to read up and down each line. 
>>> 9. Close or quit when you are finished. 
>>> N.B.: the default setting for PDFs is Preview, which I personally find hard 
>>> to access. 
>>> This has worked for me so far most often. 
>>> I think I said to use Google Chrome last time I emailed, but I think I 
>>> should really have said Safari, as Chrome seems not to open the document in 
>>> the same way-often saying 'empty HTML' which Safari does not. 
>>> Kind regards 
>>> Kirsten. 
>>> -- 
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Re: apple tv without a tv set

2012-04-11 Thread Ed Worrell
Actually I am going to teach at the Montana association of the blind's Summer 
program, and I want to listen to movies, and wanted to show what the apple tv 
could do. I don't have a small tv to take with, and I am totally blind so the 
tv really wouldn't be needed.


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Re: RosettaStone Software: has anyone tried this?

2012-04-11 Thread Jennifer Perdue

I tried a sample of it and it is based on visual learning.  They show you a 
picture of a ball, for example, and then say the word for ball in spanish.  If 
you don't know if the picture is a ball however, you are up a creek.

On Apr 11, 2012, at 6:30 AM, Doug Lawlor wrote:

> Hello list:
> I'm just wondering if anyone has tried the RosettaStone language learning 
> software. Looking at there FAQ pages I see that it can work on the Mac. I'm 
> not sure about accessibility however. I suspect they use a cross platform 
> development solution which is always not the most accessible when it comes to 
> working with OS10. Again, has anyone taken a look at this? 
> Thanks,
> Doug
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Re: apple tv without a tv set

2012-04-11 Thread Eugenia Firth
Say, Ed. You're just doing what I used to do All the time when there used to 
be—and and for all I know—still are—radio receives for TV. I used to have one 
back in the seventies. 

I just got not app for my iPhone which I haven't figured out all the ins and 
outs yet. It's the Apple calls Remote. When I figure it out, I'll let _ know. 
Does anybody know if that will let you play what's on Apple Tv on your iPhone? 


Eugenia Firth

On Apr 11, 2012, at 12:32 PM, Ed Worrell wrote:

> Actually I am going to teach at the Montana association of the blind's Summer 
> program, and I want to listen to movies, and wanted to show what the apple tv 
> could do. I don't have a small tv to take with, and I am totally blind so the 
> tv really wouldn't be needed.
> Ed
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Re: FaceTime

2012-04-11 Thread Ezzie Bueno
Hello all,

How can I hide the camera on my Macbook Pro when using FaceTime?

Ezzie Bueno
Sent from my Macbook Pro
(323) 448-0757

Check out daily jokes and more!

On Apr 7, 2012, at 1:22 PM, chris hallsworth wrote:

> Wow, thanks for the information regarding not showing the local camera. Very 
> useful.
> Christopher Hallsworth
> On 07/04/2012 14:58, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> I use facetime every day to talk to friends who have an iPhone or have a 
>> mac. Facetime is accessible, and I can confirm it because I use it so often. 
>> As soon as another friend of ours gets an iphone, we no longer use the 
>> regular phones anymore. Facetime sounds very good and it's a breeze to use.
>> By the way: if you have an iPhone, you use FaceTime and you don't want 
>> others to see you, although facetime is a video plus audio service, you can 
>> still turn off your local camera that sends your looks to the other party. 
>> Just press home on your iPhone. Facetime will continue to go, but from then 
>> on, you're only transmitting audio, and your receiving party will see a 
>> cross through his remote camera, which is you. It saves battery. To return 
>> to facetime, if you want to send video again, look in the status bar on the 
>> right. You'll see a button called: return to facetime. This also means that 
>> you can go to other apps, for example to look up an address for your friend 
>> if you like, and then return to facetime so you can later disconnect your 
>> call.
>> On the mac, I find the interface a little more difficult, but because 
>> facetime is on every mac and iphone, and on several other i devices, no 
>> configuration is needed. If your contact list on the phone or on the mac 
>> contains the mobile number and or the apple ID email address of your other 
>> party, then you're good to go.
>> Hth,
>> Paul.
>> On Apr 7, 2012, at 11:54 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:
>>> It also works with the iPod as well.
>>> Christopher Hallsworth
>>> On 07/04/2012 04:40, Pam Mathers wrote:
 Hi.  Yes the person you are doing facetime with must have an Iphone or an 
 Ipad.  They have to be a mac user of some kind.
 On Apr 6, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Maxwell Ivey wrote:
> hello group;  i was wondering if anyone has any experience with apple's 
> FaceTime.  it is installed on my new macbook pro.  does the person you 
> connect with have to be running the software too?  do they have to be an 
> iPhone user?  just wondering if i should try it or just skip it and 
> install Skype.  any help would be greatly appreciated.  thanks, max
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Antivirus software for the mac

2012-04-11 Thread Becky Knaub
Hi All,
Thought I sent a message out on this topic a few days ago but never got any 
response, so figure I will try again.

Does anyone know of an anti virus program that is accessible and works well?



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Re: Antivirus software for the mac

2012-04-11 Thread irid domnori
you can try sophos antivirus free for mac.

irid domnori
contatto skype: superirid

Il giorno 11/apr/2012, alle ore 22:15, Becky Knaub ha scritto:

Hi All,
Thought I sent a message out on this topic a few days ago but never got any 
response, so figure I will try again.

Does anyone know of an anti virus program that is accessible and works well?



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Re: apple tv without a tv set

2012-04-11 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello, I too have this app, it acts as a wireless remote for itunes on the 
computer and apple tv. You have to have homeshareing set up on the device you 
want to use it with. I don't like using it as a remote with apple tv, but it 
comes in handy if you need to type something in a search field. 
hth, Ed

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iTunes library question

2012-04-11 Thread Stacey Robinson
Hi all,
I want to completey redo my music in my iTunes library. How can I do this so 
files that I don't want there will go away.
What do I need to delete so my mac running snowleopard doesn't keep a record of 
what I had in there before?
I've already erased my music from my iPhone.

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Apple TV, dvd extras & chapters?

2012-04-11 Thread Traci
Hey all,

When watching a dvd via Apple TV, do I have access to the chapters and the 
extras?  If I have ripped the dvd into my mac, then stream it via Apple TV.

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hotmail and Safari

2012-04-11 Thread Eric Oyen
well folks.

it seems that I have run up against this brick wall. so I started 
troubleshooting why causes my browser to crash.
according to the error reporting console in webkit, makes several 
calls to javascripts that aren't included with Apple's JRE. this means that 
some or all of hotmail may be inaccessible at random times. I even disabled 
javascript altogether and found that the entire hotmail site displayed as a 
blank scroll area. What this means is that hotmail isn't going to be very 
usable for any future versions of javascript on OS X. 

also, I try to hit the contact us link and the browser immediately crashes here.

what oracle (owners of sun java) needs to do is enforce some standard that 
requires that everyone use supported calls to javascripts. I am so bloody tired 
of having to deal with apple centric JRE, microsoft specific java code and the 
version that I can get to work in linux (which is a full version).it seems to 
me that everyone who uses java code needs to be operating on the same 
standards. this would eliminate a lot of problems, especially for us OS X 
screen reader users. to give you guys an idea how bad it is, I can't even give 
site feedback because their javascript opens a frame that locks you in a loop 
trying to fill out the required text fields.


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Re: Apple TV, dvd extras & chapters?

2012-04-11 Thread Tim Kilburn

You'll need to rip the extra features as well if you wish access to them.  
Normally, when you rip the DVD, all that is ripped is the actual movie.  
According to Apple Discussions, if you hold down the Select button (center of 
the big circle buttons), it will bring up your chapter selections.  I've not 
tried this with VO but it does appear to work in the sighted world.



On 2012-04-11, at 3:04 PM, Traci wrote:

> Hey all,
> When watching a dvd via Apple TV, do I have access to the chapters and the 
> extras?  If I have ripped the dvd into my mac, then stream it via Apple TV.
> Thanks,
> Traci
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Mirroring a Folder

2012-04-11 Thread Marc Sutton
Hi List,
Has anyone had VoiceOver success with software to mirror a folder to a 
harddrive or the reverse? I want to keep my music folder backed up to an 
external disc. I have tried File Sync to no avail. Would love to hear people's 
recommendations. Thanks.

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Re: Apple TV, dvd extras & chapters?

2012-04-11 Thread Jasonlefevers.massage
How do you rip a DVD to your iTunes library?

Jason LeFevers 
State of Maryland Registered massage practitioner 
Call 443-570-8660 or email to schedule a 
massage today! 
Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 11, 2012, at 5:21 PM, Tim Kilburn  wrote:

> Hi,
> You'll need to rip the extra features as well if you wish access to them.  
> Normally, when you rip the DVD, all that is ripped is the actual movie.  
> According to Apple Discussions, if you hold down the Select button (center of 
> the big circle buttons), it will bring up your chapter selections.  I've not 
> tried this with VO but it does appear to work in the sighted world.
> HTH.
> Later...
> On 2012-04-11, at 3:04 PM, Traci wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> When watching a dvd via Apple TV, do I have access to the chapters and the 
>> extras?  If I have ripped the dvd into my mac, then stream it via Apple TV.
>> Thanks,
>> Traci
>> Sent by Macbook Air Mail
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Re: Signatures

2012-04-11 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
No, you can only interact with one table at a time.  Once you select the choice 
from the table you want, say "Mark's Signature for Gmail," you stop 
interacting, and move on to the next table or space where you put in the 
signature text.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
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Re: got Apple TV

2012-04-11 Thread Tim Kilburn

I do the following as my family doesn't care for VO to be on all the time 

> • Press and hold the menu button for six seconds or so to bring the ATV to 
> the Main menu.  (or press the menu button lots of times until it seems like 
> it's at the Main menu).  It should bonk at you if sounds are set up properly.
> • Press the right arrow until it bonks, which will put you on the Settings 
> item.  If yours doesn't bonk for some reason, just press it 7 or 8 times, 
> that should get you there.
> • Press the Select button twice, not a double press, just two times separated 
> by a teeny bit so it will react properly.  This will put you in the General 
> settings area.
> • Press your down arrow until it bonks, then press the up arrow four times.  
> This will place you on the Accessibility item.
> • Press the Select button twice.  Same idea as earlier, don't press them so 
> fast that it is like a double-press, just press it two times.
> VO will now be on.



On 2012-04-08, at 8:22 PM, Gigi wrote:

>> Hi guys.
> Yesterday I got the Apple TV, and I like it so far. I had to get my husband 
> to get VoiceOver started, and this brings up a question. 
> Although he has promised to leave VoiceOver alone, I know he's going to 
> forget and get impatient because of the amount of talking and decide he can't 
> take it and turn it off, then forget to turn it back on. Trust me, I know it 
> will happen sooner or later, and I'm going to find myself wanting to use it 
> some fine time when he's not home. We've been married for 27 years, and I 
> know how these things happen around here. So, is there some procedure I can 
> follow to turn VoiceOver on when that happens? 
> Regards,
> Gigi
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Finder Busy Finder Busy with Empty USB Drives!

2012-04-11 Thread Steve Holmes
I think this is similar to Bill's empty DVD problems but I'm actually
wondering what the solution is when I get into these situations.  If I
plug in a USB drive which happens to have no files yet, the finder
goes into that damn busy stuff and I can't get out of it any way, any
how.  I always end up turning off the computer and power back up.  Is
there any other way to get out of those busy loops? Unplugging the
drive did not help the situation. As soon as I copy a file on to that
empty partition, then all is fine.  What I do is go into the terminal
and use the cp command to do this.  I read Bill's message about
deleting finder settings and then it straitens out for a bit but
obviously, that doesn't sound like a good solution as his problem kept
coming back.  If I use Command O to open the drive, I also get the
dreaded "finder busy" crap so How does one get out of this loop when
you get caught in it? I could see this happening every time you stick
in a blank USB stick or SD card or something.

I sure hope Apple gets this serious bug fixed soon.

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Re: Finder Busy Finder Busy with Empty USB Drives!

2012-04-11 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Steve. 
If you are copying a file to this drive, it works quite often just to go ahead, 
and do command V, Finer Busy or not while you " also turned VoiceOver off. Wait 
until you think it's done, and then try pressing left arrow. I do left arrow 
since ÿ computer is set to column view. Then turn VoiceOver back on. I haven't 
been getting this lately, but I used to get the Finer busy a lot. I eep my 
computer updated so maybe that helped me. 

I hope this suggestion helps. 


Eugenia Firth

On Apr 11, 2012, at 5:24 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:

> I think this is similar to Bill's empty DVD problems but I'm actually
> wondering what the solution is when I get into these situations.  If I
> plug in a USB drive which happens to have no files yet, the finder
> goes into that damn busy stuff and I can't get out of it any way, any
> how.  I always end up turning off the computer and power back up.  Is
> there any other way to get out of those busy loops? Unplugging the
> drive did not help the situation. As soon as I copy a file on to that
> empty partition, then all is fine.  What I do is go into the terminal
> and use the cp command to do this.  I read Bill's message about
> deleting finder settings and then it straitens out for a bit but
> obviously, that doesn't sound like a good solution as his problem kept
> coming back.  If I use Command O to open the drive, I also get the
> dreaded "finder busy" crap so How does one get out of this loop when
> you get caught in it? I could see this happening every time you stick
> in a blank USB stick or SD card or something.
> I sure hope Apple gets this serious bug fixed soon.
> -- 
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Re: Signatures

2012-04-11 Thread Stacey Robinson
I'll give this a try, but I had no luck yesterday.

On Apr 11, 2012, at 5:08 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> No, you can only interact with one table at a time.  Once you select the 
> choice from the table you want, say "Mark's Signature for Gmail," you stop 
> interacting, and move on to the next table or space where you put in the 
> signature text.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
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Re: Signatures

2012-04-11 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I like the suggestion of using the tab key to quickly navigate between tables 
and have VO interact with them as you go.  This might make the whole thing make 
more sense.  If not, I've my computer back and if you need me, I'm around. :)

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
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Re: Tips for reading PDF documents on the Mac

2012-04-11 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
>From my investigations today, it seems that it does what most screen-readers 
>do with columns. It puts everything vertically underneath everything. Thus, 
>there are no columns. There are no differentiations between columns or cells, 
>but you seem to need to remember which heading you want and work out which bit 
>you want as a result. What I mean by this, is say, your table has 4 columns. 
>It will always start with the four headings (underneath each other of course) 
>and then you need to work through in your head, as you read and associate each 
>item to its given heading and thus column. Although this is not the best way 
>of doing it, it's better than reading half a line and half another line on one 
>line, which is often what I've found happen when pages are split into 
>undetectible columns. This causes issues because you have to try to make sense 
>of two different sets of words which are not likely to be linked and remember 
>them as you navigate line by line in order to read coherently. 
So, although this does not seem to be happening, and that is an improvement, 
I'm sorry to say there has been no amazing advancement. Tables in HTML are much 
more navigable as they have titles and a clear structure, and obvious breaks 
between columns. But when you turn a PDF into a safari-opened document, it 
doesn't have the HTML functionality and thus just reads the table as text 
rather than a separately navigable part of the page. 
I still have to invest in Fine Reader for Mac, but probably that will solve 
problems, in the mean-time, long-winded as it is, you either need to use your 
memory, or do what Rafael does and rescan a printed document. 
I wonder what it is about Kerzweil and Fine Reader that make tables possible, 
whilst VO and Jaws can't read PDF docs properly ... 
On 11 Apr 2012, at 17:51, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:

> The only solution I've found is to print out the document, and then to read 
> it with my Kurzweil, since it is able to read by columns.  
> Good luck with your efforts, and please keep the list apprised of any 
> successes.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to be able to read 
> multiple-column, pdf documents on my Mac.
> Cordially,
> Rafael
> On Apr 10, 2012, at 5:51 PM, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:
>> I haven't, but you raise a good point, I have never found it possible to 
>> read PDF columns properly with Jaws and used to have to use fine reader to 
>> translate into an MS Doc. The PDFs I am currently putting into Safari are 
>> mainly journal articles-they have some tables and I don't think those read 
>> properly, but I will try to remember to take a look at some PDFs in columns 
>> and see. I think we're likely to have little success however, as it's about 
>> translating graphical representation into words and a logical order to 
>> people-many of whom don't have a great concept of layout and formatting. 
>> On 9 Apr 2012, at 16:21, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
>>> Those are very helpful suggestions.  I wonder, though: Have you ever tried 
>>> reading pdf documents formatted in multiple columns?  I can do so using an 
>>> old PowerPC iBook running Tiger, but I can't seem to do so with newer Macs 
>>> and OSs.
>>> Cordially,
>>> Rafael Bejarano
>>> On Apr 8, 2012, at 4:47 PM, Kirsten Edmondson wrote:
 Hi all, 
 A few weeks ago, someone asked what was the best way of reading PDFs. I 
 gave some vague response, and though I can't remember who asked, I know it 
 comes up quite often, so, below I list more specific steps. I hope they 
 help whoever wanted to know. 
 1. Find your document in your folder system. 
 2. Press VO-M and navigate to the File menu. 
 3. Go down to the Open With menu. 
 4. Arrow right and then down to Safari. 
 5. Leave the document to open-this might take some time if it is large for 
 example-when it starts reading, arrow until you are in the window (rather 
 than in the other web functions such as add to reading list etc). 
 6. Interact with the window with the VO-Down Arrow-Shift command. 
 7. If you want to read line by line, try to get your reading setting to 
 'navigation', otherwise when you use the down arrow, you will be reading 
 via character or word. 
 8. Use the arrows to read up and down each line. 
 9. Close or quit when you are finished. 
 N.B.: the default setting for PDFs is Preview, which I personally find 
 hard to access. 
 This has worked for me so far most often. 
 I think I said to use Google Chrome last time I emailed, but I think I 
 should really have said Safari, as Chrome seems not to open the document 
 in the same way-often saying 'empty HTML' which Safari does not. 
 Kind regards 
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Re: hotmail and Safari

2012-04-11 Thread Teresa Cochran
I'm kind of confused. Are you referring to Javascript or Java? They are very 
different things, as far as I understand.


"Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman

On Apr 11, 2012, at 2:05 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> well folks.
> it seems that I have run up against this brick wall. so I started 
> troubleshooting why causes my browser to crash.
> according to the error reporting console in webkit, makes several 
> calls to javascripts that aren't included with Apple's JRE. this means that 
> some or all of hotmail may be inaccessible at random times. I even disabled 
> javascript altogether and found that the entire hotmail site displayed as a 
> blank scroll area. What this means is that hotmail isn't going to be very 
> usable for any future versions of javascript on OS X. 
> also, I try to hit the contact us link and the browser immediately crashes 
> here.
> what oracle (owners of sun java) needs to do is enforce some standard that 
> requires that everyone use supported calls to javascripts. I am so bloody 
> tired of having to deal with apple centric JRE, microsoft specific java code 
> and the version that I can get to work in linux (which is a full version).it 
> seems to me that everyone who uses java code needs to be operating on the 
> same standards. this would eliminate a lot of problems, especially for us OS 
> X screen reader users. to give you guys an idea how bad it is, I can't even 
> give site feedback because their javascript opens a frame that locks you in a 
> loop trying to fill out the required text fields.
> -eric
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Re: Signatures

2012-04-11 Thread Stacey Robinson
Good, I'll probably need your help.
On Apr 11, 2012, at 6:45 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> I like the suggestion of using the tab key to quickly navigate between tables 
> and have VO interact with them as you go.  This might make the whole thing 
> make more sense.  If not, I've my computer back and if you need me, I'm 
> around. :)
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Posting a picture that I took on my IPhone 4S to mhy Face Book account

2012-04-11 Thread Paul Hunt
How do I do this?

Thanks so much.

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30 great open source apps for the Mac

2012-04-11 Thread Victor Tsaran
Hey guys,
FWIW, here is a list of 30 open source applications for the Mac:
In particular, Transmission, a torrent app, is quite accessible. You will find 
other cools tuff there.

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Mail Question.

2012-04-11 Thread Matthew Campbell
Hi everyone.
I'm just wondering how to read the full header of an email message in Lion's 
messed up mail. I've got a message with a bunch of email addresses in the 
header that I'd love to grab but can't because mail only shows some of them and 
then says "and seven more."
Can anyone help with this?
Matthew Campbell.

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Infovox Ivox 3 is finally out!

2012-04-11 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey guys, just checked Assistiveware's website and you'll be happy to know that 
Infovox Ivox 3 is finally out! Enjoy the new voices like Tracy and them!


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Re: Infovox Ivox 3 is finally out!

2012-04-11 Thread Stacey Robinson
What is iVox?

On Apr 11, 2012, at 9:31 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:

> Hey guys, just checked Assistiveware's website and you'll be happy to know 
> that Infovox Ivox 3 is finally out! Enjoy the new voices like Tracy and them!
> Shawn
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Re: hotmail and Safari

2012-04-11 Thread Chris Blouch
I don't use Hotmail but I should clarify that JavaScript and Java are 
two different things which, unfortunately, share a similar name. 
Javascript is an interpreted language and the engine is baked into each 
browser so Safari uses one that is not the same as Chrome. They all 
adhere to a common standard from ECMA so some folks refer to it as 
ECMAScript. Java on the other hand is a compiled language used to build 
apps and servers. It has been used in the past to make 'applets' which 
run inside the browser but there is really little need for that anymore 
and is generally frowned upon as a waste of resources. I doubt that 
Hotmail uses any Java in their pages and you can verify this by turning 
it off in the Java Preferences utility. I suspect Hotmail, like most 
other web apps, is just a boatload of javascript.

That said, I did try logging into a hotmail account and while I found 
the navigation and UI painful, Safari didn't crash on me. This was on my 
laptop running 10.7 with all the updates. Might be something else 
throwing things for a loop. I did get a Safari Busy for about 2 seconds 
when I first went to the inbox but that might be because the test 
account had a lot of spam in it.


On 4/11/12 5:05 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

well folks.

it seems that I have run up against this brick wall. so I started 
troubleshooting why causes my browser to crash.
according to the error reporting console in webkit, makes several 
calls to javascripts that aren't included with Apple's JRE. this means that 
some or all of hotmail may be inaccessible at random times. I even disabled 
javascript altogether and found that the entire hotmail site displayed as a 
blank scroll area. What this means is that hotmail isn't going to be very 
usable for any future versions of javascript on OS X.

also, I try to hit the contact us link and the browser immediately crashes here.

what oracle (owners of sun java) needs to do is enforce some standard that 
requires that everyone use supported calls to javascripts. I am so bloody tired 
of having to deal with apple centric JRE, microsoft specific java code and the 
version that I can get to work in linux (which is a full version).it seems to 
me that everyone who uses java code needs to be operating on the same 
standards. this would eliminate a lot of problems, especially for us OS X 
screen reader users. to give you guys an idea how bad it is, I can't even give 
site feedback because their javascript opens a frame that locks you in a loop 
trying to fill out the required text fields.


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Re: Apple TV, dvd extras & chapters?

2012-04-11 Thread Chris Blouch
I think RipIt grabs everything. If you do the compress option I think it 
will drop it into iTunes but I've never tried that.


On 4/11/12 5:21 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:


You'll need to rip the extra features as well if you wish access to 
them.  Normally, when you rip the DVD, all that is ripped is the 
actual movie.  According to Apple Discussions, if you hold down the 
Select button (center of the big circle buttons), it will bring up 
your chapter selections.  I've not tried this with VO but it does 
appear to work in the sighted world.



On 2012-04-11, at 3:04 PM, Traci wrote:

Hey all,

When watching a dvd via Apple TV, do I have access to the chapters 
and the extras?  If I have ripped the dvd into my mac, then stream it 
via Apple TV.

Sent by Macbook Air Mail

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Re: hotmail and Safari

2012-04-11 Thread Eric Oyen
both. when safari (webkit) crashes, it makes references to javascripts and also 
to java archives. part of the problem is the javascript that microsoft insists 
on using that causes the local  browser and its associated java to crash. I 
don't get this problem on either yahoo or google (or is it the browser that 
runs javascripts and the site serving up java, I always get those confused).

in either case, the fault starts with microsoft and how they have the entire 
live site coded.

there are a great many other sites that have similar problems and just about 
all of them either run code specific to microsoft or they are made largely with 
flash objects (the latter is of particular trouble for me especially where my 
cell provider is concerned). what gets me is that site administrators often go 
for the eye candy (and as recent history shows) end up with greater problems 
than just accessibility issues. If these administrators (and their employers) 
would sit down and conceder how best to garner the widest possible audience, 
then accessibility would probably be considered a fairly important part of that 
policy. We, the blind (and visually impaired) are making up a greater 
percentage of the population as time goes on. there will be a moment when our 
population demographic becomes more than just marginal. it is already 
approaching non-trivial purportions as we speak. Apple's iDevices are proof of 
this. what was an unintended market (due to the emergence of a small talking 
device called the nano) has ballooned into a multi-billion dollar market. we 
will grow with time and businesses need to realize that now, if only to make 
more money. call it enlightened business practices.

On Apr 11, 2012, at 6:47 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> I'm kind of confused. Are you referring to Javascript or Java? They are very 
> different things, as far as I understand.
> Teresa
> "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. 
> Feynman
> On Apr 11, 2012, at 2:05 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> well folks.
>> it seems that I have run up against this brick wall. so I started 
>> troubleshooting why causes my browser to crash.
>> according to the error reporting console in webkit, makes 
>> several calls to javascripts that aren't included with Apple's JRE. this 
>> means that some or all of hotmail may be inaccessible at random times. I 
>> even disabled javascript altogether and found that the entire hotmail site 
>> displayed as a blank scroll area. What this means is that hotmail isn't 
>> going to be very usable for any future versions of javascript on OS X. 
>> also, I try to hit the contact us link and the browser immediately crashes 
>> here.
>> what oracle (owners of sun java) needs to do is enforce some standard that 
>> requires that everyone use supported calls to javascripts. I am so bloody 
>> tired of having to deal with apple centric JRE, microsoft specific java code 
>> and the version that I can get to work in linux (which is a full version).it 
>> seems to me that everyone who uses java code needs to be operating on the 
>> same standards. this would eliminate a lot of problems, especially for us OS 
>> X screen reader users. to give you guys an idea how bad it is, I can't even 
>> give site feedback because their javascript opens a frame that locks you in 
>> a loop trying to fill out the required text fields.
>> -eric
>> -- 
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Re: hotmail and Safari

2012-04-11 Thread Eric Oyen
I do not have the machine to support anything higher than snow leopard. I tried 
Lion here and it never got past the boot up screen. doing a -v at the boot 
prompt showed that the chipset driver was hanging. so, until I get a newer 
machine, I am rather stuck. 

what I wouldn't mind doing is get an uncompelled java runtime environment from 
oracle and compile it to replace my current packages. this would substantially 
change a number of things, including web behavior on the part of Safari. 
Unfortunately, I cannot see a way of doing this given what I know about 
programming (which is a bit outdated). I am also at the point where my ability 
to learn new things takes a bit more time than it used to (being in your late 
40's can do that to you). still, what would be the point of life without some 


On Apr 11, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> I don't use Hotmail but I should clarify that JavaScript and Java are two 
> different things which, unfortunately, share a similar name. Javascript is an 
> interpreted language and the engine is baked into each browser so Safari uses 
> one that is not the same as Chrome. They all adhere to a common standard from 
> ECMA so some folks refer to it as ECMAScript. Java on the other hand is a 
> compiled language used to build apps and servers. It has been used in the 
> past to make 'applets' which run inside the browser but there is really 
> little need for that anymore and is generally frowned upon as a waste of 
> resources. I doubt that Hotmail uses any Java in their pages and you can 
> verify this by turning it off in the Java Preferences utility. I suspect 
> Hotmail, like most other web apps, is just a boatload of javascript.
> That said, I did try logging into a hotmail account and while I found the 
> navigation and UI painful, Safari didn't crash on me. This was on my laptop 
> running 10.7 with all the updates. Might be something else throwing things 
> for a loop. I did get a Safari Busy for about 2 seconds when I first went to 
> the inbox but that might be because the test account had a lot of spam in it.
> CB
> On 4/11/12 5:05 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> well folks.
>> it seems that I have run up against this brick wall. so I started 
>> troubleshooting why causes my browser to crash.
>> according to the error reporting console in webkit, makes 
>> several calls to javascripts that aren't included with Apple's JRE. this 
>> means that some or all of hotmail may be inaccessible at random times. I 
>> even disabled javascript altogether and found that the entire hotmail site 
>> displayed as a blank scroll area. What this means is that hotmail isn't 
>> going to be very usable for any future versions of javascript on OS X.
>> also, I try to hit the contact us link and the browser immediately crashes 
>> here.
>> what oracle (owners of sun java) needs to do is enforce some standard that 
>> requires that everyone use supported calls to javascripts. I am so bloody 
>> tired of having to deal with apple centric JRE, microsoft specific java code 
>> and the version that I can get to work in linux (which is a full version).it 
>> seems to me that everyone who uses java code needs to be operating on the 
>> same standards. this would eliminate a lot of problems, especially for us OS 
>> X screen reader users. to give you guys an idea how bad it is, I can't even 
>> give site feedback because their javascript opens a frame that locks you in 
>> a loop trying to fill out the required text fields.
>> -eric
> -- 
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Re: hotmail and Safari

2012-04-11 Thread Eric Oyen
amending my last email...

I wonder if I can snag the source packages for JDK, JRE and other related 
packages from the OpenBSD project ports tree? since both OS X and OpenBSD have 
the same genetic OS roots, and the execution environments are essentially the 
same from a developer's point of view. This is something I may need to look at.


On Apr 11, 2012, at 9:27 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> I don't use Hotmail but I should clarify that JavaScript and Java are two 
> different things which, unfortunately, share a similar name. Javascript is an 
> interpreted language and the engine is baked into each browser so Safari uses 
> one that is not the same as Chrome. They all adhere to a common standard from 
> ECMA so some folks refer to it as ECMAScript. Java on the other hand is a 
> compiled language used to build apps and servers. It has been used in the 
> past to make 'applets' which run inside the browser but there is really 
> little need for that anymore and is generally frowned upon as a waste of 
> resources. I doubt that Hotmail uses any Java in their pages and you can 
> verify this by turning it off in the Java Preferences utility. I suspect 
> Hotmail, like most other web apps, is just a boatload of javascript.
> That said, I did try logging into a hotmail account and while I found the 
> navigation and UI painful, Safari didn't crash on me. This was on my laptop 
> running 10.7 with all the updates. Might be something else throwing things 
> for a loop. I did get a Safari Busy for about 2 seconds when I first went to 
> the inbox but that might be because the test account had a lot of spam in it.
> CB
> On 4/11/12 5:05 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> well folks.
>> it seems that I have run up against this brick wall. so I started 
>> troubleshooting why causes my browser to crash.
>> according to the error reporting console in webkit, makes 
>> several calls to javascripts that aren't included with Apple's JRE. this 
>> means that some or all of hotmail may be inaccessible at random times. I 
>> even disabled javascript altogether and found that the entire hotmail site 
>> displayed as a blank scroll area. What this means is that hotmail isn't 
>> going to be very usable for any future versions of javascript on OS X.
>> also, I try to hit the contact us link and the browser immediately crashes 
>> here.
>> what oracle (owners of sun java) needs to do is enforce some standard that 
>> requires that everyone use supported calls to javascripts. I am so bloody 
>> tired of having to deal with apple centric JRE, microsoft specific java code 
>> and the version that I can get to work in linux (which is a full version).it 
>> seems to me that everyone who uses java code needs to be operating on the 
>> same standards. this would eliminate a lot of problems, especially for us OS 
>> X screen reader users. to give you guys an idea how bad it is, I can't even 
>> give site feedback because their javascript opens a frame that locks you in 
>> a loop trying to fill out the required text fields.
>> -eric
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