Re: Moing Emails To A Different Mailbox

2012-02-28 Thread Steve Holmes
What I do quite often in Lion / mail, is when I have a message I want
to move, I press Shift-VO-m to open a context menu; most of the way
down that menu, there are copy and move commands with sub menus; the
various folders on your system are in those sub menus.  I use that all
the time to move messages to Trash on my gmail accounts.

I should note importantly that I use IMAP to my gmail accounts and the
only way to truely delete mail is to move it to Trash; this removes
all labels from the message and gets it out of the All Mail folder
too.  I couldn't get Mail's delete function to quite work for me
without dumping messages into another folder either on gmail or my
local machine.  If you're not careful with gmail and IMAP you could
end up with all the messages you intended to delete being left in the
All Mail folder.

On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 04:26:19PM -1000, Esther wrote:
> Hi Gigi and Ezzie,
> Is Ezzie using Snow Leopard?  Under Lion my Inbox got installed as a 
> "Favorite Mailbox", so I can automatically move selected messages, including 
> "junk" emails to my Inbox by pressing Command-Control-1, which is listed 
> under the options of the "Mailbox" menu on Mail's menu bar.  Cut and paste 
> also works, but I think under Snow Leopard there was an option for moving 
> your selection to another mailbox, too, similar to how it's done in iOS.  
> It's not something I used very often, so I don't remember the sequence off 
> the top of my head.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Feb 26, 2012, at 3:59 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> > Hi Ezzie.
> > I don't know if this work with snow kitty, but in Lion, If you go to the 
> > table of your messages, you should be able to select them with shift down 
> > arrow. Then press command X to cut them. Then go to the folder title where 
> > you want them to go and press command V. 
> > 
> > Regards
> > Gigi
> > 
> > On Feb 26, 2012, at 3:49 PM, Ezzie Bueno wrote:
> > 
> >>> Hello list,
> >>> 
> >>> Several of my emails have been marked "JUNK" and are in my junk folder. 
> >>> How can I move these emails to my regular inbox?
> >>> 
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> Ezzie Bueno
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >> 
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Re: I too have problems with Mail

2012-02-28 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I have my mail in threaded conversation biew and it does that.


On 28 Feb 2012, at 03:11 AM, Gerard Doody  wrote:

> Hi all, I am having this issue as well as I have updated lion and hear the 
> email address read.  Another mail issue is when I am reading an email, and 
> wish to move by character, the reading starts from the top of the email no 
> matter where I am in it.  this goes away when I reply and interact with the 
> edit text.  
> I am a more recent Mac user, and have purchased a macbook pro in december of 
> last year.  I am truly loving most of my new explorations but mail has been 
> problematic.  I have my mail in "classical view" Jerry 
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Re: Another Annoying issue in mail.

2012-02-28 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Because it was the weekend and your air was complaining.


On 28 Feb 2012, at 12:39 AM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:

> It seems like the Mail bugs are a little inconsistent.  I don't have the 
> issue Kawal mentions.  And,  I didn't have the problem with VO not reading 
> the read status, till Saturday, and I have no idea 1, why I didn't have it 
> before, and 2, why it started on Saturday.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Funny, I have not noticed this myself.
>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Hello All.
>>> Don't know if any one has noticed since the update of Lion, when ever you 
>>> open a mail, Voice Over is always reading the person's e-mail address 
>>> before the message.  I prefer the old way where it just read the message.
>>> Kawal.
>>> -- 
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2 more questions about the mac mini

2012-02-28 Thread Jamil Zuleta
hey all. i have two more questions about the mac mini. 1. how do i
play avi videos on my mac? 2. i have lion so when i download a file
such a db book when i go to the download folder it will say the title
of the folder and it will say image. but when i go to finder and go to
users and my name and then go to download the folder or file is their
but with no image. is their a way that i can just go to my downloads
folder without having to go to finder user and my name? sorry if this
is confusing. thanks for all the help in advanced. Jamil

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Re: Another Annoying issue in mail.

2012-02-28 Thread Goodin, Donna
So what? Now my air is going to start expecting time off and health benefits? 


On Feb 28, 2012, at 6:22 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Because it was the weekend and your air was complaining.
> Kawal.
> On 28 Feb 2012, at 12:39 AM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:
>> It seems like the Mail bugs are a little inconsistent.  I don't have the 
>> issue Kawal mentions.  And,  I didn't have the problem with VO not reading 
>> the read status, till Saturday, and I have no idea 1, why I didn't have it 
>> before, and 2, why it started on Saturday.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Funny, I have not noticed this myself.
>>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
 Hello All.
 Don't know if any one has noticed since the update of Lion, when ever you 
 open a mail, Voice Over is always reading the person's e-mail address 
 before the message.  I prefer the old way where it just read the message.
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Podcast creation (recording and editing)

2012-02-28 Thread Chris McCausland
Hi everyone.

Does anybody have any tips or guides on the best or simplest way to create and 
edit podcasts using a Mac with Voiceover.  Find Garageband very confusing for 
what I need.  Got no experience of music production so probably a little over 
the top for my requirements.

Any help, suggestions or links would be appreciated.


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Re: Another Annoying issue in mail.

2012-02-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

It might not be bugs but, I see some inaccessibility in IOS mail.  For example, 
voiceover doesn't read the preview of the message like you can do on the Mac.

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:30 PM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:

> I think the better question is, given that we don't have bugs in iPhone mail, 
> why do we have them in Mail on the Mac? :)
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:29 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Mail is so simple to read using the I phone 4S if you have a bluetooth 
>> keyboard for convienience sake to reply with, at least you know you've 
>> replied to an e-mail.  Why do we not have bugs in the I phone mail?
>> Kawal.
>> On 27 Feb 2012, at 10:09 PM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:
>>> Hey Kawal,
>>> I'm starting to wonder if my Mac is possessed. lol  I don't have the 
>>> problem you describe at all.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
 Hello All.
 Don't know if any one has noticed since the update of Lion, when ever you 
 open a mail, Voice Over is always reading the person's e-mail address 
 before the message.  I prefer the old way where it just read the message.
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Re: Another Annoying issue in mail.

2012-02-28 Thread Ricardo Walker
Why didn't you just go back to Mails classic layout then?

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:56 PM, Kimberly thurman  wrote:

> I updated to Lion a few weeks ago.  Mail was awful under Lion, which is why I 
> was not terribly upset this weekend when my Macbook Pro crashed completely 
> for the first time ever in the 27 months I've owned it.  I had to erase and 
> reinstall from the Snow Leopard disk that came with the Macbook, and I hadn't 
> run a Time Machine backup since before I installed Lion, so I just restored 
> that backup.  My Macbook runs so much better over all with Snow Leopard than 
> it did in the few weeks I had Lion, and mail works flawlessly.  None of that 
> busy stuff.  I just think mail under Lion is plain clunky.  
> On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:30 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>> I think the better question is, given that we don't have bugs in iPhone 
>> mail, why do we have them in Mail on the Mac? :)
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:29 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Mail is so simple to read using the I phone 4S if you have a bluetooth 
>>> keyboard for convienience sake to reply with, at least you know you've 
>>> replied to an e-mail.  Why do we not have bugs in the I phone mail?
>>> Kawal.
>>> On 27 Feb 2012, at 10:09 PM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:
 Hey Kawal,
 I'm starting to wonder if my Mac is possessed. lol  I don't have the 
 problem you describe at all.
 On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Hello All.
> Don't know if any one has noticed since the update of Lion, when ever you 
> open a mail, Voice Over is always reading the person's e-mail address 
> before the message.  I prefer the old way where it just read the message.
> Kawal.
> -- 
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Re: Another Annoying issue in mail.

2012-02-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

you can just close the preview pain so you need to press enter on the message 
to view it in a different window.  This will then mark the message as read.  
Are more accurately, unmark the message as unread.

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:20 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:

> I still find for the fastest and most efficient way to read my e-mail
> is to use mutt on my Linux box.  That's hardly the right answer for a
> Mac users list though.  When I am in Apple's Mail, the only complaint
> I have right now other than general GUI clunkiness, is the problem
> with VO not reading the read/unread status.
> I'm quite sure I know why these statuses aren't being read by VO
> however.  Every time you cursor down the list of messages, The
> adjacent window containing the selected message is opened, thus the
> status changes to 'read' and AFAIK, there is no symbol present for VO
> to speak once it is read.  I forgot how to keep the message from being
> opened even in classic view so I went back to the newer presentation
> and if I really want to see the statuses, I just turn VO tracking off
> and then look down the list of messages with VO-arrow keys and this
> way, the messages don't get selected nor opened.  All I need now would
> be a single hot key to bring the application cursor down to where the
> VO cursor is.  We have a command to go the other way but not this way.
> I could be mistaken with some of these observations because I'm stil
> one of those "new guys."
> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 07:39:07PM -0500, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>> It seems like the Mail bugs are a little inconsistent.  I don't have the 
>> issue Kawal mentions.  And,  I didn't have the problem with VO not reading 
>> the read status, till Saturday, and I have no idea 1, why I didn't have it 
>> before, and 2, why it started on Saturday.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Funny, I have not noticed this myself.
>>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
 Hello All.
 Don't know if any one has noticed since the update of Lion, when ever you 
 open a mail, Voice Over is always reading the person's e-mail address 
 before the message.  I prefer the old way where it just read the message.
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Re: Another Annoying issue in mail.

2012-02-28 Thread Goodin, Donna

Do you remember how to do this?  I remember doing it when I first got my Mac, 
and it seemed to involve magical incantations, dancing in a circle around a 
bonfire under the full moon, etc.  lol  It took me forever to actually do it.

On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> you can just close the preview pain so you need to press enter on the message 
> to view it in a different window.  This will then mark the message as read.  
> Are more accurately, unmark the message as unread.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:20 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
>> I still find for the fastest and most efficient way to read my e-mail
>> is to use mutt on my Linux box.  That's hardly the right answer for a
>> Mac users list though.  When I am in Apple's Mail, the only complaint
>> I have right now other than general GUI clunkiness, is the problem
>> with VO not reading the read/unread status.
>> I'm quite sure I know why these statuses aren't being read by VO
>> however.  Every time you cursor down the list of messages, The
>> adjacent window containing the selected message is opened, thus the
>> status changes to 'read' and AFAIK, there is no symbol present for VO
>> to speak once it is read.  I forgot how to keep the message from being
>> opened even in classic view so I went back to the newer presentation
>> and if I really want to see the statuses, I just turn VO tracking off
>> and then look down the list of messages with VO-arrow keys and this
>> way, the messages don't get selected nor opened.  All I need now would
>> be a single hot key to bring the application cursor down to where the
>> VO cursor is.  We have a command to go the other way but not this way.
>> I could be mistaken with some of these observations because I'm stil
>> one of those "new guys."
>> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 07:39:07PM -0500, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>>> It seems like the Mail bugs are a little inconsistent.  I don't have the 
>>> issue Kawal mentions.  And,  I didn't have the problem with VO not reading 
>>> the read status, till Saturday, and I have no idea 1, why I didn't have it 
>>> before, and 2, why it started on Saturday.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
 Funny, I have not noticed this myself.
 On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Hello All.
> Don't know if any one has noticed since the update of Lion, when ever you 
> open a mail, Voice Over is always reading the person's e-mail address 
> before the message.  I prefer the old way where it just read the message.
> Kawal.
> -- 
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Re: 2 more questions about the mac mini

2012-02-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

from the finder, press command option L to go straight into your downloads 

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 28, 2012, at 6:56 AM, Jamil Zuleta  wrote:

> hey all. i have two more questions about the mac mini. 1. how do i
> play avi videos on my mac? 2. i have lion so when i download a file
> such a db book when i go to the download folder it will say the title
> of the folder and it will say image. but when i go to finder and go to
> users and my name and then go to download the folder or file is their
> but with no image. is their a way that i can just go to my downloads
> folder without having to go to finder user and my name? sorry if this
> is confusing. thanks for all the help in advanced. Jamil
> -- 
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Re: Another Annoying issue in mail.

2012-02-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

Its not that bad.  There is a vertical splitter that separates the messages 
column group which contains the messages table and the message content area 
which is the preview pane.  Just make sure your mouse cursor is focused on this 
vertical splitter and double click with your trackpad or mouse.  If using a 
trackpad, make sure VO's trackpad commander is off.  

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:25 AM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:

> Ricardo,
> Do you remember how to do this?  I remember doing it when I first got my Mac, 
> and it seemed to involve magical incantations, dancing in a circle around a 
> bonfire under the full moon, etc.  lol  It took me forever to actually do it.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> you can just close the preview pain so you need to press enter on the 
>> message to view it in a different window.  This will then mark the message 
>> as read.  Are more accurately, unmark the message as unread.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:20 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
>>> I still find for the fastest and most efficient way to read my e-mail
>>> is to use mutt on my Linux box.  That's hardly the right answer for a
>>> Mac users list though.  When I am in Apple's Mail, the only complaint
>>> I have right now other than general GUI clunkiness, is the problem
>>> with VO not reading the read/unread status.
>>> I'm quite sure I know why these statuses aren't being read by VO
>>> however.  Every time you cursor down the list of messages, The
>>> adjacent window containing the selected message is opened, thus the
>>> status changes to 'read' and AFAIK, there is no symbol present for VO
>>> to speak once it is read.  I forgot how to keep the message from being
>>> opened even in classic view so I went back to the newer presentation
>>> and if I really want to see the statuses, I just turn VO tracking off
>>> and then look down the list of messages with VO-arrow keys and this
>>> way, the messages don't get selected nor opened.  All I need now would
>>> be a single hot key to bring the application cursor down to where the
>>> VO cursor is.  We have a command to go the other way but not this way.
>>> I could be mistaken with some of these observations because I'm stil
>>> one of those "new guys."
>>> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 07:39:07PM -0500, Goodin, Donna wrote:
 It seems like the Mail bugs are a little inconsistent.  I don't have the 
 issue Kawal mentions.  And,  I didn't have the problem with VO not reading 
 the read status, till Saturday, and I have no idea 1, why I didn't have it 
 before, and 2, why it started on Saturday.
 On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Funny, I have not noticed this myself.
> On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hello All.
>> Don't know if any one has noticed since the update of Lion, when ever 
>> you open a mail, Voice Over is always reading the person's e-mail 
>> address before the message.  I prefer the old way where it just read the 
>> message.
>> Kawal.
>> -- 
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Re: Moing Emails To A Different Mailbox

2012-02-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

its even easier if you take advantage of the favorites bar in Lion.  Here all 
you need to do is press control command and the number of the folder or inbox 
you want to move the message to.  I explain this in a podcast I did when Lion 
first came out.

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 28, 2012, at 3:11 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:

> What I do quite often in Lion / mail, is when I have a message I want
> to move, I press Shift-VO-m to open a context menu; most of the way
> down that menu, there are copy and move commands with sub menus; the
> various folders on your system are in those sub menus.  I use that all
> the time to move messages to Trash on my gmail accounts.
> I should note importantly that I use IMAP to my gmail accounts and the
> only way to truely delete mail is to move it to Trash; this removes
> all labels from the message and gets it out of the All Mail folder
> too.  I couldn't get Mail's delete function to quite work for me
> without dumping messages into another folder either on gmail or my
> local machine.  If you're not careful with gmail and IMAP you could
> end up with all the messages you intended to delete being left in the
> All Mail folder.
> On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 04:26:19PM -1000, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Gigi and Ezzie,
>> Is Ezzie using Snow Leopard?  Under Lion my Inbox got installed as a 
>> "Favorite Mailbox", so I can automatically move selected messages, including 
>> "junk" emails to my Inbox by pressing Command-Control-1, which is listed 
>> under the options of the "Mailbox" menu on Mail's menu bar.  Cut and paste 
>> also works, but I think under Snow Leopard there was an option for moving 
>> your selection to another mailbox, too, similar to how it's done in iOS.  
>> It's not something I used very often, so I don't remember the sequence off 
>> the top of my head.
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Feb 26, 2012, at 3:59 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>>> Hi Ezzie.
>>> I don't know if this work with snow kitty, but in Lion, If you go to the 
>>> table of your messages, you should be able to select them with shift down 
>>> arrow. Then press command X to cut them. Then go to the folder title where 
>>> you want them to go and press command V. 
>>> Regards
>>> Gigi
>>> On Feb 26, 2012, at 3:49 PM, Ezzie Bueno wrote:
> Hello list,
> Several of my emails have been marked "JUNK" and are in my junk folder. 
> How can I move these emails to my regular inbox?
> Thanks,
> Ezzie Bueno
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Re: Another Annoying issue in mail.

2012-02-28 Thread Chris Moore
To be honest I have switched back to the classic layout.  Only because I like 
being able to interact with the columns so I can just whizz up and down the 
subjects.  Makes it much quicker when you get so much mail to red.

I do find this version of mail more buggy and less responsive than the Snow 
Leopard version though, so let's hope that get's addressed in time.  It is a 
million times better than Windows Live Mail or Outlook Express :)
On 28 Feb 2012, at 13:19, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Why didn't you just go back to Mails classic layout then?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:56 PM, Kimberly thurman  
> wrote:
>> I updated to Lion a few weeks ago.  Mail was awful under Lion, which is why 
>> I was not terribly upset this weekend when my Macbook Pro crashed completely 
>> for the first time ever in the 27 months I've owned it.  I had to erase and 
>> reinstall from the Snow Leopard disk that came with the Macbook, and I 
>> hadn't run a Time Machine backup since before I installed Lion, so I just 
>> restored that backup.  My Macbook runs so much better over all with Snow 
>> Leopard than it did in the few weeks I had Lion, and mail works flawlessly.  
>> None of that busy stuff.  I just think mail under Lion is plain clunky.  
>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:30 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>>> I think the better question is, given that we don't have bugs in iPhone 
>>> mail, why do we have them in Mail on the Mac? :)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:29 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
 Mail is so simple to read using the I phone 4S if you have a bluetooth 
 keyboard for convienience sake to reply with, at least you know you've 
 replied to an e-mail.  Why do we not have bugs in the I phone mail?
 On 27 Feb 2012, at 10:09 PM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:
> Hey Kawal,
> I'm starting to wonder if my Mac is possessed. lol  I don't have the 
> problem you describe at all.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hello All.
>> Don't know if any one has noticed since the update of Lion, when ever 
>> you open a mail, Voice Over is always reading the person's e-mail 
>> address before the message.  I prefer the old way where it just read the 
>> message.
>> Kawal.
>> -- 
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Re: Another Annoying issue in mail.

2012-02-28 Thread Goodin, Donna
No, I just tried that and it didn't work.  And I did check to make sure it was 
under the mouse cursor and trackpad commander was off.

On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:34 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> lol,
> Its not that bad.  There is a vertical splitter that separates the messages 
> column group which contains the messages table and the message content area 
> which is the preview pane.  Just make sure your mouse cursor is focused on 
> this vertical splitter and double click with your trackpad or mouse.  If 
> using a trackpad, make sure VO's trackpad commander is off.  
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:25 AM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:
>> Ricardo,
>> Do you remember how to do this?  I remember doing it when I first got my 
>> Mac, and it seemed to involve magical incantations, dancing in a circle 
>> around a bonfire under the full moon, etc.  lol  It took me forever to 
>> actually do it.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> you can just close the preview pain so you need to press enter on the 
>>> message to view it in a different window.  This will then mark the message 
>>> as read.  Are more accurately, unmark the message as unread.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:20 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
 I still find for the fastest and most efficient way to read my e-mail
 is to use mutt on my Linux box.  That's hardly the right answer for a
 Mac users list though.  When I am in Apple's Mail, the only complaint
 I have right now other than general GUI clunkiness, is the problem
 with VO not reading the read/unread status.
 I'm quite sure I know why these statuses aren't being read by VO
 however.  Every time you cursor down the list of messages, The
 adjacent window containing the selected message is opened, thus the
 status changes to 'read' and AFAIK, there is no symbol present for VO
 to speak once it is read.  I forgot how to keep the message from being
 opened even in classic view so I went back to the newer presentation
 and if I really want to see the statuses, I just turn VO tracking off
 and then look down the list of messages with VO-arrow keys and this
 way, the messages don't get selected nor opened.  All I need now would
 be a single hot key to bring the application cursor down to where the
 VO cursor is.  We have a command to go the other way but not this way.
 I could be mistaken with some of these observations because I'm stil
 one of those "new guys."
 On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 07:39:07PM -0500, Goodin, Donna wrote:
> It seems like the Mail bugs are a little inconsistent.  I don't have the 
> issue Kawal mentions.  And,  I didn't have the problem with VO not 
> reading the read status, till Saturday, and I have no idea 1, why I 
> didn't have it before, and 2, why it started on Saturday.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Funny, I have not noticed this myself.
>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Hello All.
>>> Don't know if any one has noticed since the update of Lion, when ever 
>>> you open a mail, Voice Over is always reading the person's e-mail 
>>> address before the message.  I prefer the old way where it just read 
>>> the message.
>>> Kawal.
>>> -- 
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Re: Another Annoying issue in mail.

2012-02-28 Thread Jenny Keller
I don't know if this will help but I fI find it easier to use the VO J command 
whitch takes me to the mail list then to the message body and so on. 

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Feb 28, 2012, at 7:25 AM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:

> Ricardo,
> Do you remember how to do this?  I remember doing it when I first got my Mac, 
> and it seemed to involve magical incantations, dancing in a circle around a 
> bonfire under the full moon, etc.  lol  It took me forever to actually do it.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> you can just close the preview pain so you need to press enter on the 
>> message to view it in a different window.  This will then mark the message 
>> as read.  Are more accurately, unmark the message as unread.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:20 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
>>> I still find for the fastest and most efficient way to read my e-mail
>>> is to use mutt on my Linux box.  That's hardly the right answer for a
>>> Mac users list though.  When I am in Apple's Mail, the only complaint
>>> I have right now other than general GUI clunkiness, is the problem
>>> with VO not reading the read/unread status.
>>> I'm quite sure I know why these statuses aren't being read by VO
>>> however.  Every time you cursor down the list of messages, The
>>> adjacent window containing the selected message is opened, thus the
>>> status changes to 'read' and AFAIK, there is no symbol present for VO
>>> to speak once it is read.  I forgot how to keep the message from being
>>> opened even in classic view so I went back to the newer presentation
>>> and if I really want to see the statuses, I just turn VO tracking off
>>> and then look down the list of messages with VO-arrow keys and this
>>> way, the messages don't get selected nor opened.  All I need now would
>>> be a single hot key to bring the application cursor down to where the
>>> VO cursor is.  We have a command to go the other way but not this way.
>>> I could be mistaken with some of these observations because I'm stil
>>> one of those "new guys."
>>> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 07:39:07PM -0500, Goodin, Donna wrote:
 It seems like the Mail bugs are a little inconsistent.  I don't have the 
 issue Kawal mentions.  And,  I didn't have the problem with VO not reading 
 the read status, till Saturday, and I have no idea 1, why I didn't have it 
 before, and 2, why it started on Saturday.
 On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Funny, I have not noticed this myself.
> On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hello All.
>> Don't know if any one has noticed since the update of Lion, when ever 
>> you open a mail, Voice Over is always reading the person's e-mail 
>> address before the message.  I prefer the old way where it just read the 
>> message.
>> Kawal.
>> -- 
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> mac

the mystery is solved! (was Another Annoying issue in mail)

2012-02-28 Thread Goodin, Donna
Hi all,

Whoever posted that having the preview pane open was what was causing the read 
status not to be spoken was absolutely correct.  This explains why I didn't 
start seeing this till Saturday, I had had the preview pane turned off, and 
somehow managed to get it visible again.

Anyway, follow Ricardo's instructions below to disable preview pane, and you 
will hear the read status spoken.  One note: make sure you perform the mouse 
click from the track pad.  If you try and do it from the keyboard it won't work.

Glad we've got at least one mail issue solved. :)

On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:34 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> lol,
> Its not that bad.  There is a vertical splitter that separates the messages 
> column group which contains the messages table and the message content area 
> which is the preview pane.  Just make sure your mouse cursor is focused on 
> this vertical splitter and double click with your trackpad or mouse.  If 
> using a trackpad, make sure VO's trackpad commander is off.  
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:25 AM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:
>> Ricardo,
>> Do you remember how to do this?  I remember doing it when I first got my 
>> Mac, and it seemed to involve magical incantations, dancing in a circle 
>> around a bonfire under the full moon, etc.  lol  It took me forever to 
>> actually do it.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> you can just close the preview pain so you need to press enter on the 
>>> message to view it in a different window.  This will then mark the message 
>>> as read.  Are more accurately, unmark the message as unread.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:20 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
 I still find for the fastest and most efficient way to read my e-mail
 is to use mutt on my Linux box.  That's hardly the right answer for a
 Mac users list though.  When I am in Apple's Mail, the only complaint
 I have right now other than general GUI clunkiness, is the problem
 with VO not reading the read/unread status.
 I'm quite sure I know why these statuses aren't being read by VO
 however.  Every time you cursor down the list of messages, The
 adjacent window containing the selected message is opened, thus the
 status changes to 'read' and AFAIK, there is no symbol present for VO
 to speak once it is read.  I forgot how to keep the message from being
 opened even in classic view so I went back to the newer presentation
 and if I really want to see the statuses, I just turn VO tracking off
 and then look down the list of messages with VO-arrow keys and this
 way, the messages don't get selected nor opened.  All I need now would
 be a single hot key to bring the application cursor down to where the
 VO cursor is.  We have a command to go the other way but not this way.
 I could be mistaken with some of these observations because I'm stil
 one of those "new guys."
 On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 07:39:07PM -0500, Goodin, Donna wrote:
> It seems like the Mail bugs are a little inconsistent.  I don't have the 
> issue Kawal mentions.  And,  I didn't have the problem with VO not 
> reading the read status, till Saturday, and I have no idea 1, why I 
> didn't have it before, and 2, why it started on Saturday.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Funny, I have not noticed this myself.
>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Hello All.
>>> Don't know if any one has noticed since the update of Lion, when ever 
>>> you open a mail, Voice Over is always reading the person's e-mail 
>>> address before the message.  I prefer the old way where it just read 
>>> the message.
>>> Kawal.
>>> -- 
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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Re: Moing Emails To A Different Mailbox

2012-02-28 Thread Michael Malarsie
What is the name of that podcast?

Mike Malarsie 
On Feb 28, 2012, at 7:37 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> its even easier if you take advantage of the favorites bar in Lion.  Here all 
> you need to do is press control command and the number of the folder or inbox 
> you want to move the message to.  I explain this in a podcast I did when Lion 
> first came out.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 3:11 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
>> What I do quite often in Lion / mail, is when I have a message I want
>> to move, I press Shift-VO-m to open a context menu; most of the way
>> down that menu, there are copy and move commands with sub menus; the
>> various folders on your system are in those sub menus.  I use that all
>> the time to move messages to Trash on my gmail accounts.
>> I should note importantly that I use IMAP to my gmail accounts and the
>> only way to truely delete mail is to move it to Trash; this removes
>> all labels from the message and gets it out of the All Mail folder
>> too.  I couldn't get Mail's delete function to quite work for me
>> without dumping messages into another folder either on gmail or my
>> local machine.  If you're not careful with gmail and IMAP you could
>> end up with all the messages you intended to delete being left in the
>> All Mail folder.
>> On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 04:26:19PM -1000, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Gigi and Ezzie,
>>> Is Ezzie using Snow Leopard?  Under Lion my Inbox got installed as a 
>>> "Favorite Mailbox", so I can automatically move selected messages, 
>>> including "junk" emails to my Inbox by pressing Command-Control-1, which is 
>>> listed under the options of the "Mailbox" menu on Mail's menu bar.  Cut and 
>>> paste also works, but I think under Snow Leopard there was an option for 
>>> moving your selection to another mailbox, too, similar to how it's done in 
>>> iOS.  It's not something I used very often, so I don't remember the 
>>> sequence off the top of my head.
>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Feb 26, 2012, at 3:59 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
 Hi Ezzie.
 I don't know if this work with snow kitty, but in Lion, If you go to the 
 table of your messages, you should be able to select them with shift down 
 arrow. Then press command X to cut them. Then go to the folder title where 
 you want them to go and press command V. 
 On Feb 26, 2012, at 3:49 PM, Ezzie Bueno wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> Several of my emails have been marked "JUNK" and are in my junk folder. 
>> How can I move these emails to my regular inbox?
>> Thanks,
>> Ezzie Bueno
>>> -- 
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LookTel Recognizer

2012-02-28 Thread Michael Malarsie
Here is a link to some info on a new app called the LookTel Recognizer
This app, once set up, will give you the ability to use your iPhone to 
identify objects that are in your database. So in theory you could load all 
your shirts and put a clear description of each one then when you come back 
later you aim the camera at whatever shirt you pick and it will tell you which 
one it is.
I haven't downloaded this app yes since it is $10 and I am always 
cautious about buting things like this but it sounds like it could be pretty 
helpful. Just throwing it out there.

Mike Malarsie 

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Re: Continuous Reading in Ibooks on iPhone 4S

2012-02-28 Thread Chris Blouch
Odd. Do you have something special set up that might make it think you 
want the Australian store? I know some US folks found changing to 
English (Australia) gave a different intonation that they found more 
understandable, but I don't think that does anything anymore, although 
picking British English from the Languages is an interesting change of 


On 2/27/12 8:46 PM, Mike Busboom wrote:

Hello Esther and others,

I would like to thank you all very much for your input regarding my question 
about continuous reading of a book in the iBook application.  As you stated, 
Esther, a two-finger flick down from within the text did the trick.  And yes, I 
agree that upon more thought, this makes sense.

Now to my next question: Is it a reasonable expectation that most 
commercially-done, contemporary novels found in the bookstore will be 

Even though I am currently in the U.S., I am still taken to the Austrian App 
Store, though manually switching isn't a problem.

Kindest regards and thanks once again for your assistance,


On 26,Feb,2012, at 12:59 PM, Esther wrote:

Hi Mike,

Just to expand on my comment about issuing the two-finger flick down from the text area 
of the book to get continuous reading going in iBooks. Since this gesture is meant to 
"read all" on the current page, starting from your present position, if you 
wanted to find out about the page chooser at the bottom of the screen the first time you 
checked the layout of controls in iBooks, and were starting from the buttons for Library 
and table of contents, you wouldn't want VoiceOver to keep reading to the end of the book 
before telling you that there were additional controls at the bottom of the page.

So what happens is that a two-finger flick down initiated from the area with button 
controls at the top of the screen just reads the text that is on the current page, then 
goes on to read the controls at the bottom of the screen.  But if you initiate the 
two-finger flick down from within the text area, your "read all from present 
point" gesture continues to read through the text area, only, and will automatically 
go on to the next page.

This originally confused me, too, the first time I encountered it and didn't 
have VO read the rest of the page.  But then it made sense that it would work 
that way.

Most people touch the center of the screen when they do their two-finger flick 
down, so that's why they automatically get the continuous reading.

You'll still notice a slight pause when you reach the end of the current page.  That's 
because iBooks does a simulated page turn graphic.  This annoyed the heck out of some 
early reviewers (who were not visually impaired. Andy Ihnatko wrote in his initial, 
otherwise positive, review of iBooks for the Chicago Sun: "I do wish I could disable 
the fancy page-curl animation. On an iPhone 3GS, at least, there’s a slight, but 
annoying, additional pause as the app does a whole lot of math.")  If this really 
annoys you, changing the font size to be small will put a lot more text on the screen 
before you get that slight pause.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Feb 26, 2012, at 10:35 AM, Esther wrote:

Hi Mike,

Try doing the two-finger flick down from the middle of the text page.  For 
example, if you're reading in the page, do a two-finger tap to stop. Then do a 
two-finger flick down.  Usually when you're in the text area this will work for 
continuous reading.  Or you can try to touch the center of the screen for the 
text area first, then do the two finger flick down.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Feb 26, 2012, at 10:31 AM, Mike Busboom wrote:

Hello Jane,

That's the problem. A two-finger flick down reads the current page, but reading 
is halted at the end of the page.  I have been unsuccessful at having 
continuous read to work.  I am read the current page from start to finish, but 
then VO stops reading, i.e. the next page isn't turned to, nor is reading 


On 26,Feb,2012, at 11:56 AM, Jane wrote:


Tru a two-finger-flick-down. That'll start it reading and will turn pages.


On Feb 26, 2012, at 2:41 PM, Mike Busboom wrote:

Hello everyone,

A couple of weeks ago, I downloaded the book on Siri and have started to read 
it.  The navigation works reasonably well, i.e. I can go to specific pages and 
read a page in its entirety.  Where I am having a problem, however, is getting 
VoiceOver to read continuously.  At present, at least with the approach that 
seems to be working for me, I have to go to the page chooser and flick to the 
next page..

Is there a way to get iBooks to do continuous scrolling or get VoiceOver to automatically 
"turn pages and thus ensure continuous reading," as it were?  I am staying with 
a friend who has an iPad and he tells me that he is able to get this to work.  He puts 
his iPad in Landscape mode and can see two pages at a time.  Would putting my iPhone in 
Landscape Mode yield the same results?  I tried,but was

Re: 2 more questions about the mac mini

2012-02-28 Thread Chris Blouch
As far as the AVIs go, it depends. AVI is a container like Quicktime 
which can contain any number of tracks encoded in any number of formats. 
So some AVIs you can play with QuickTime and some might have proprietary 
codecs you'll never be able to play. One add-on I use called Perian 
allows Quicktime to handle a raft of other codecs like Xiph Vorbis, Divx 
and Indeo:

I would start with that. While you're at it you should probably get 
Flip4Mac which allows QT to play Windows Media if it isn't DRMed:

look for the Free Download Link.


On 2/28/12 3:56 AM, Jamil Zuleta wrote:

hey all. i have two more questions about the mac mini. 1. how do i
play avi videos on my mac? 2. i have lion so when i download a file
such a db book when i go to the download folder it will say the title
of the folder and it will say image. but when i go to finder and go to
users and my name and then go to download the folder or file is their
but with no image. is their a way that i can just go to my downloads
folder without having to go to finder user and my name? sorry if this
is confusing. thanks for all the help in advanced. Jamil

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Re: Continuous Reading in Ibooks on iPhone 4S

2012-02-28 Thread Jane

every book I've gotten so far is accessible.  I have yet to find an 
inaccessible novel.


On Feb 27, 2012, at 11:46 PM, Mike Busboom wrote:

> Hello Esther and others,
> I would like to thank you all very much for your input regarding my question 
> about continuous reading of a book in the iBook application.  As you stated, 
> Esther, a two-finger flick down from within the text did the trick.  And yes, 
> I agree that upon more thought, this makes sense.
> Now to my next question: Is it a reasonable expectation that most 
> commercially-done, contemporary novels found in the bookstore will be 
> accessible?
> Even though I am currently in the U.S., I am still taken to the Austrian App 
> Store, though manually switching isn't a problem.
> Kindest regards and thanks once again for your assistance,
> Mike
> On 26,Feb,2012, at 12:59 PM, Esther wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> Just to expand on my comment about issuing the two-finger flick down from 
>> the text area of the book to get continuous reading going in iBooks. Since 
>> this gesture is meant to "read all" on the current page, starting from your 
>> present position, if you wanted to find out about the page chooser at the 
>> bottom of the screen the first time you checked the layout of controls in 
>> iBooks, and were starting from the buttons for Library and table of 
>> contents, you wouldn't want VoiceOver to keep reading to the end of the book 
>> before telling you that there were additional controls at the bottom of the 
>> page.
>> So what happens is that a two-finger flick down initiated from the area with 
>> button controls at the top of the screen just reads the text that is on the 
>> current page, then goes on to read the controls at the bottom of the screen. 
>>  But if you initiate the two-finger flick down from within the text area, 
>> your "read all from present point" gesture continues to read through the 
>> text area, only, and will automatically go on to the next page.
>> This originally confused me, too, the first time I encountered it and didn't 
>> have VO read the rest of the page.  But then it made sense that it would 
>> work that way.  
>> Most people touch the center of the screen when they do their two-finger 
>> flick down, so that's why they automatically get the continuous reading.
>> You'll still notice a slight pause when you reach the end of the current 
>> page.  That's because iBooks does a simulated page turn graphic.  This 
>> annoyed the heck out of some early reviewers (who were not visually 
>> impaired. Andy Ihnatko wrote in his initial, otherwise positive, review of 
>> iBooks for the Chicago Sun: "I do wish I could disable the fancy page-curl 
>> animation. On an iPhone 3GS, at least, there’s a slight, but annoying, 
>> additional pause as the app does a whole lot of math.")  If this really 
>> annoys you, changing the font size to be small will put a lot more text on 
>> the screen before you get that slight pause.
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Feb 26, 2012, at 10:35 AM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Mike,
>>> Try doing the two-finger flick down from the middle of the text page.  For 
>>> example, if you're reading in the page, do a two-finger tap to stop. Then 
>>> do a two-finger flick down.  Usually when you're in the text area this will 
>>> work for continuous reading.  Or you can try to touch the center of the 
>>> screen for the text area first, then do the two finger flick down.
>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Feb 26, 2012, at 10:31 AM, Mike Busboom wrote:
 Hello Jane,
 That's the problem. A two-finger flick down reads the current page, but 
 reading is halted at the end of the page.  I have been unsuccessful at 
 having continuous read to work.  I am read the current page from start to 
 finish, but then VO stops reading, i.e. the next page isn't turned to, nor 
 is reading continued.
 On 26,Feb,2012, at 11:56 AM, Jane wrote:
> Hi.
> Tru a two-finger-flick-down. That'll start it reading and will turn pages.
> Jane
> On Feb 26, 2012, at 2:41 PM, Mike Busboom wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> A couple of weeks ago, I downloaded the book on Siri and have started to 
>> read it.  The navigation works reasonably well, i.e. I can go to 
>> specific pages and read a page in its entirety.  Where I am having a 
>> problem, however, is getting VoiceOver to read continuously.  At 
>> present, at least with the approach that seems to be working for me, I 
>> have to go to the page chooser and flick to the next page..
>> Is there a way to get iBooks to do continuous scrolling or get VoiceOver 
>> to automatically "turn pages and thus ensure continuous reading," as it 
>> were?  I am staying with a friend who has an iPad and he tells me that 
>> he is abl

Re: Tip: Facebook Tagging Seems to Work Best With Cursor tracking Off

2012-02-28 Thread Teresa Cochran
That's even easier! I saw something about that on Facebook, but they didn't 
specifically indicate pressing the enter key. Webbl, that definitely makes life 
easier. Thanks for this.


Winging its way from my iPod

On Feb 27, 2012, at 10:37 PM, Ezzie Bueno  wrote:

> Hello Teresa And All,
> I've been tagging people in a bit of a different way. I type the @ symbol 
> followed by the first few letters of a person's name. I then proceed with the 
> press of the ENTER key and the rest of the person's name is completed.
> HTH,
> Ezzie
> Ezzie Bueno
> Sent from my Macbook Pro
> (323) 448-0757
> Check out daily jokes and more!
> Facebook:
> Twitter:
> On Feb 27, 2012, at 9:35 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, all,
>> When using the Facebook full site, I've tried tagging with cursor tracking 
>> on with no effect. However, it seems to work quite consistently with cursor 
>> tracking off.
>> when I want to tag someone in my status, I type the @ symbol, immediately 
>> followed by the beginning of a person's name. I then turn cursor tracking 
>> off with VO-Shift-f3, then press VO-shift-end to go to the end of the spoken 
>> webpage content. I VO-left from there until I reach the name I want, then 
>> VO-space on it. I can then edit it, for example taking the last name out (as 
>> in, "Mike showed me this the other day and I thought I'd share it." Then I 
>> post as usual.
>> I am using DOM order with the full site. I haven't tried this on the mobile 
>> site, and I haven't tried it with the IPod Touch in either the app or the 
>> website.
>> HTH,
>> Teresa
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Re: Office Productivity on the Mac

2012-02-28 Thread Chris Blouch
You could also give OpenOffice and/or LibreOffice a whirl. Seems that 
both have broken VO support with Lion but previous versions of OSX 
worked pretty well with OpenOffice. I still had issues getting their 
spreadsheet to announce rows and columns but many other things were 
accessible. Worth a try since they are both free.


On 2/25/12 1:07 PM, Sean Murphy wrote:


The requirements you have in relation to office application is related to your 
skill level or what features you require to use.

Tables within Pages o not work. I am aware of many discussions on work arounds. 
But pages doesn't work with tables. There  are other text based Unix 
applications that do work. In a Business world, you don't use those tools 
because everyone else uses Gui word processes. Sharing documents becomes far 
more complex, even if it is possible.

Spreadsheets when I played with them called Numbers was really painful. I just 
could not get around the spreadsheet and things were either double speaking or 

Presentation tools I found not accessible at all.

All above apps are for iWork's. So Apple do have a lot of work to improve. 
Pages appears to be the most accessible. But there are a lot of features of 
Word Processing that isn't accessible.


On 24/02/2012, at 8:01 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

Hello Paul,

On 23 Feb 2012, at 21:38, Paul Hunt wrote:

do you mean that I should turn off the tracking with vu=shift+f3 in order to 
use pages efficiently?

No. I mean in VoiceOver Utility, in the Navigation category, where you have 
things like Initial position of VoiceOver cursor, for Mouse pointer: you should 
have the Mouse pointer: pop up button set to Ignores VoiceOver cursor. I find 
VO to be more stable this way.



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Re: Voiceover text edit Save As bug

2012-02-28 Thread accessibility
Please include the line below in follow-up emails for this request.

Follow-up:  190997538


Thank you for your email. We appreciate the feedback and wanted to let you know 
that Apple is currently investigating this issue. Unfortunately we cannot 
comment on when it may be resolved. 

Apple Accessibility

There is a bug where saving a file with a non-default extension pops a 
verification modal dialog but Voiceover does not announce this and focus 
can't be moved to it. Discovered on OSX 10.7 latest public patch level. 
Reproduced on multiple machines.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Turn on Voiceover

2. Launch TextEdit

3. Type some text

4. Save As...

5. Name the document something with an extension such as test.html

TextEdit pops a dialog saying that I can't save the document with .html 
as it needs to be .rtf. Or if I have set things up for plaintext it pops 
a similar dialog asking if I would like a .txt extension instead.

Expected Behavior
Focus should move to the modal dialog and announce the message and 
available buttons

Actual behavior
Focus remains on the initial file save as pane, users can continue to 
interact with it such as continuing to change the file name and action 
the Save button. There is no indication of a modal popup requiring 
action to continue and there is no way to move focus to the modal even 
if the VO user knew it was there.

Please advise when this will be fixed.


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AVI Videos (was Re: 2 more questions about the mac mini)

2012-02-28 Thread Jacob Schmude
I've never seen an AVI with a modern proprietary codec. DivX sure, but DivX can 
be played by just about anything these days. If you want to be able to play 
just about any unencrypted audio or video format out there, grab vlc from
It's always been accessible on the Mac and the new interface with version 2.0 
is even more so.

On Feb 28, 2012, at 7:21 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> As far as the AVIs go, it depends. AVI is a container like Quicktime which 
> can contain any number of tracks encoded in any number of formats. So some 
> AVIs you can play with QuickTime and some might have proprietary codecs 
> you'll never be able to play. One add-on I use called Perian allows Quicktime 
> to handle a raft of other codecs like Xiph Vorbis, Divx and Indeo:
> I would start with that. While you're at it you should probably get Flip4Mac 
> which allows QT to play Windows Media if it isn't DRMed:
> look for the Free Download Link.
> CB
> On 2/28/12 3:56 AM, Jamil Zuleta wrote:
>> hey all. i have two more questions about the mac mini. 1. how do i
>> play avi videos on my mac? 2. i have lion so when i download a file
>> such a db book when i go to the download folder it will say the title
>> of the folder and it will say image. but when i go to finder and go to
>> users and my name and then go to download the folder or file is their
>> but with no image. is their a way that i can just go to my downloads
>> folder without having to go to finder user and my name? sorry if this
>> is confusing. thanks for all the help in advanced. Jamil
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Re: text edit and braille margins

2012-02-28 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Chris,
Man that's just awesome. Some to read, and a fix that works instantly. Thanks a 
On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:04 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> This is a perfect example of the kind of stuff you can do in the unix shell 
> of terminal. Save a text file somewhere handy like your desktop. I called 
> mine  test.txt. Then open terminal and cd to wherever you have the file. So 
> for me I did
> cd ~/Desktop
> then use the fold command which breaks text files into fixed length lines 
> like this:
> fold -w30 -s test.txt
> The -s parameter says to break lines on spaces. If you don't mind it breaking 
> in the middle of a word you can leave that out. If you someday splurge on a 
> 40 cell display just change the 30 to a 40. That at least gets you partway 
> there. The shell has the idea of a pipe written as "|" where the output of 
> one command becomes the input to the next. So we can pipe the output from 
> fold to the input of the "pr" command which lets us insert page breaks like 
> this:
> fold -w30 -s test.txt | pr -tF -l27
> the pr command normally adds headers and such to each page which we suppress 
> with the -t option. The F option says to output real pagrebreaks rather than 
> a bunch of extra newlines. The L parameter, as you can guess, is how many 
> lines before a pagebreak.
> To learn more about the fold or pr commands just type "man" followed by the 
> command to get more details from the manual pages. man man tells you about 
> the manual itself. Of course you probably want to write all this good stuff 
> back out to a file. To do that we want to redirect the output to a file 
> instead of the terminal. To do that we add a redirect using the ">" and then 
> a  filename to the end of the recipe like this:
> fold -w30 -s test.txt | pr -tF -l27 > fixed.txt
> and you should find a fixed.txt file on your desktop all nicely formatted. 
> Welcome to the dark underbelly of OSX where great power and capability lie, 
> if you can just find the right man page :)
> CB
> On 2/27/12 6:47 AM, John Sanfilippo wrote:
>> Oo, I have much the same concern, so I'm looking forward to hearing more 
>> about this.
>> js
>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 9:42 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Dear listers,
>> I have an old braille printer that is not attached to my mac. To emboss 
>> something, all I have to do is create simple plain text files with 27 lines 
>> per page, and no more than 30 characters per line. Looking at how text edit 
>> handles printing however, that works with inches or centimeters, and in 
>> general, with a bitmap, the size of the paper you choose to print on. 
>> Characters, lines and the whole page can be scaled.
>> However, what I need for my braille printer is to ignore scaling, and tell 
>> text edit to wrap to the next line after 30 characters max, and a page break 
>> after 27 lines, no matter which font size etc I choose, because fonts etc 
>> are not important in braille.
>> Once a text document has been loaded in text edit, how do I reformat it, so 
>> that it writes a carriage return line feed pair at the end of each line of 
>> 30 characters most, and a page break, control l, at the end of 27 lines? 
>> Very interested. I'm now doing it all by hand, but since I received 8 songs 
>> from my choir all at once, I'm hoping to learn an easier way to reformat 
>> typed text into something my braille printer can handle. That braille 
>> printer is on windows, but I'd rather do all the preparations in text edit, 
>> than on a windows machine. Is it possible to make text edit do what I need 
>> here?
>> Paul.
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Re: the mystery is solved! (was Another Annoying issue in mail)

2012-02-28 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Now, if we can only solve the read by thread issue.  That's the one plegueing 
me at the moment.  Can't use the right arrow key to expand a thread so I have 
to use control+tab.  The only way to resolve this is to restart my machine.  
Pressing enter on a calapsed thread usually crashes my mail.

PS.  Damn, can't type today.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:12 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:

> Hi all,
> Whoever posted that having the preview pane open was what was causing the 
> read status not to be spoken was absolutely correct.  This explains why I 
> didn't start seeing this till Saturday, I had had the preview pane turned 
> off, and somehow managed to get it visible again.
> Anyway, follow Ricardo's instructions below to disable preview pane, and you 
> will hear the read status spoken.  One note: make sure you perform the mouse 
> click from the track pad.  If you try and do it from the keyboard it won't 
> work.
> Glad we've got at least one mail issue solved. :)
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:34 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> lol,
>> Its not that bad.  There is a vertical splitter that separates the messages 
>> column group which contains the messages table and the message content area 
>> which is the preview pane.  Just make sure your mouse cursor is focused on 
>> this vertical splitter and double click with your trackpad or mouse.  If 
>> using a trackpad, make sure VO's trackpad commander is off.  
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:25 AM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:
>>> Ricardo,
>>> Do you remember how to do this?  I remember doing it when I first got my 
>>> Mac, and it seemed to involve magical incantations, dancing in a circle 
>>> around a bonfire under the full moon, etc.  lol  It took me forever to 
>>> actually do it.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 you can just close the preview pain so you need to press enter on the 
 message to view it in a different window.  This will then mark the message 
 as read.  Are more accurately, unmark the message as unread.
 Ricardo Walker
 On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:20 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
> I still find for the fastest and most efficient way to read my e-mail
> is to use mutt on my Linux box.  That's hardly the right answer for a
> Mac users list though.  When I am in Apple's Mail, the only complaint
> I have right now other than general GUI clunkiness, is the problem
> with VO not reading the read/unread status.
> I'm quite sure I know why these statuses aren't being read by VO
> however.  Every time you cursor down the list of messages, The
> adjacent window containing the selected message is opened, thus the
> status changes to 'read' and AFAIK, there is no symbol present for VO
> to speak once it is read.  I forgot how to keep the message from being
> opened even in classic view so I went back to the newer presentation
> and if I really want to see the statuses, I just turn VO tracking off
> and then look down the list of messages with VO-arrow keys and this
> way, the messages don't get selected nor opened.  All I need now would
> be a single hot key to bring the application cursor down to where the
> VO cursor is.  We have a command to go the other way but not this way.
> I could be mistaken with some of these observations because I'm stil
> one of those "new guys."
> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 07:39:07PM -0500, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>> It seems like the Mail bugs are a little inconsistent.  I don't have the 
>> issue Kawal mentions.  And,  I didn't have the problem with VO not 
>> reading the read status, till Saturday, and I have no idea 1, why I 
>> didn't have it before, and 2, why it started on Saturday.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Funny, I have not noticed this myself.
>>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
 Hello All.
 Don't know if any one has noticed since the update of Lion, when ever 
 you open a mail, Voice Over is always reading the person's e-mail 
 address before the message.  I prefer the old way where it just read 
 the message.
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Re: the mystery is solved! (was Another Annoying issue in mail)

2012-02-28 Thread matthew Dyer
Hi all.  If I had a usb mouse would I still be able to disable the message 
pain?  Just wondered.


On Feb 28, 2012, at 9:12 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:

> Hi all,
> Whoever posted that having the preview pane open was what was causing the 
> read status not to be spoken was absolutely correct.  This explains why I 
> didn't start seeing this till Saturday, I had had the preview pane turned 
> off, and somehow managed to get it visible again.
> Anyway, follow Ricardo's instructions below to disable preview pane, and you 
> will hear the read status spoken.  One note: make sure you perform the mouse 
> click from the track pad.  If you try and do it from the keyboard it won't 
> work.
> Glad we've got at least one mail issue solved. :)
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:34 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> lol,
>> Its not that bad.  There is a vertical splitter that separates the messages 
>> column group which contains the messages table and the message content area 
>> which is the preview pane.  Just make sure your mouse cursor is focused on 
>> this vertical splitter and double click with your trackpad or mouse.  If 
>> using a trackpad, make sure VO's trackpad commander is off.  
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:25 AM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:
>>> Ricardo,
>>> Do you remember how to do this?  I remember doing it when I first got my 
>>> Mac, and it seemed to involve magical incantations, dancing in a circle 
>>> around a bonfire under the full moon, etc.  lol  It took me forever to 
>>> actually do it.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 you can just close the preview pain so you need to press enter on the 
 message to view it in a different window.  This will then mark the message 
 as read.  Are more accurately, unmark the message as unread.
 Ricardo Walker
 On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:20 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
> I still find for the fastest and most efficient way to read my e-mail
> is to use mutt on my Linux box.  That's hardly the right answer for a
> Mac users list though.  When I am in Apple's Mail, the only complaint
> I have right now other than general GUI clunkiness, is the problem
> with VO not reading the read/unread status.
> I'm quite sure I know why these statuses aren't being read by VO
> however.  Every time you cursor down the list of messages, The
> adjacent window containing the selected message is opened, thus the
> status changes to 'read' and AFAIK, there is no symbol present for VO
> to speak once it is read.  I forgot how to keep the message from being
> opened even in classic view so I went back to the newer presentation
> and if I really want to see the statuses, I just turn VO tracking off
> and then look down the list of messages with VO-arrow keys and this
> way, the messages don't get selected nor opened.  All I need now would
> be a single hot key to bring the application cursor down to where the
> VO cursor is.  We have a command to go the other way but not this way.
> I could be mistaken with some of these observations because I'm stil
> one of those "new guys."
> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 07:39:07PM -0500, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>> It seems like the Mail bugs are a little inconsistent.  I don't have the 
>> issue Kawal mentions.  And,  I didn't have the problem with VO not 
>> reading the read status, till Saturday, and I have no idea 1, why I 
>> didn't have it before, and 2, why it started on Saturday.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Funny, I have not noticed this myself.
>>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
 Hello All.
 Don't know if any one has noticed since the update of Lion, when ever 
 you open a mail, Voice Over is always reading the person's e-mail 
 address before the message.  I prefer the old way where it just read 
 the message.
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Re: Podcast creation (recording and editing)

2012-02-28 Thread Egbert
Hi Chris,
i work a week with amadeus pro and think that software will suit you fine.
on there site you can get a 30 days demo.
You should try it.
have fun,
Op 28 feb. 2012, om 14:07 heeft Chris McCausland het volgende geschreven:

> Hi everyone.
> Does anybody have any tips or guides on the best or simplest way to create 
> and edit podcasts using a Mac with Voiceover.  Find Garageband very confusing 
> for what I need.  Got no experience of music production so probably a little 
> over the top for my requirements.
> Any help, suggestions or links would be appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Chris.
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Re: the mystery is solved! (was Another Annoying issue in mail)

2012-02-28 Thread Steve Holmes
I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing or not.  I didn't
think the message area was a preview pane.  I'm now using the standard
or modern view; I find it easier than the classic view; frankly, I
couldn't keep the message window from opening even in that view any
way.  Now with the newer format, I can arrow up and down the list of
messages and then hit VO-J to jump to the message area and hit the
same key again to get back to the list.  If I were to eliminate that
window, I probably wouldn't be able to open that message, would I?

As for collapsing and expanding threads, I have never had any issues;
I just be sure quick nav is off and then use right arrow to open the
thread and left to close.  VO will announc how many new rows are added
to the table when expanded.  I also configured Mail not to mark all
messages as read when expanding threads.  that extra bit does help.  I
haven't had any actual crashes of Mail since I started using it.

On 2/28/12, matthew Dyer  wrote:
> Hi all.  If I had a usb mouse would I still be able to disable the message
> pain?  Just wondered.
> Matthew
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 9:12 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Whoever posted that having the preview pane open was what was causing the
>> read status not to be spoken was absolutely correct.  This explains why I
>> didn't start seeing this till Saturday, I had had the preview pane turned
>> off, and somehow managed to get it visible again.
>> Anyway, follow Ricardo's instructions below to disable preview pane, and
>> you will hear the read status spoken.  One note: make sure you perform the
>> mouse click from the track pad.  If you try and do it from the keyboard it
>> won't work.
>> Glad we've got at least one mail issue solved. :)
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:34 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> lol,
>>> Its not that bad.  There is a vertical splitter that separates the
>>> messages column group which contains the messages table and the message
>>> content area which is the preview pane.  Just make sure your mouse cursor
>>> is focused on this vertical splitter and double click with your trackpad
>>> or mouse.  If using a trackpad, make sure VO's trackpad commander is off.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:25 AM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:

 Do you remember how to do this?  I remember doing it when I first got my
 Mac, and it seemed to involve magical incantations, dancing in a circle
 around a bonfire under the full moon, etc.  lol  It took me forever to
 actually do it.

 On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> you can just close the preview pain so you need to press enter on the
> message to view it in a different window.  This will then mark the
> message as read.  Are more accurately, unmark the message as unread.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:20 AM, Steve Holmes 
> wrote:
>> I still find for the fastest and most efficient way to read my e-mail
>> is to use mutt on my Linux box.  That's hardly the right answer for a
>> Mac users list though.  When I am in Apple's Mail, the only complaint
>> I have right now other than general GUI clunkiness, is the problem
>> with VO not reading the read/unread status.
>> I'm quite sure I know why these statuses aren't being read by VO
>> however.  Every time you cursor down the list of messages, The
>> adjacent window containing the selected message is opened, thus the
>> status changes to 'read' and AFAIK, there is no symbol present for VO
>> to speak once it is read.  I forgot how to keep the message from being
>> opened even in classic view so I went back to the newer presentation
>> and if I really want to see the statuses, I just turn VO tracking off
>> and then look down the list of messages with VO-arrow keys and this
>> way, the messages don't get selected nor opened.  All I need now would
>> be a single hot key to bring the application cursor down to where the
>> VO cursor is.  We have a command to go the other way but not this way.
>> I could be mistaken with some of these observations because I'm stil
>> one of those "new guys."
>> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 07:39:07PM -0500, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>>> It seems like the Mail bugs are a little inconsistent.  I don't have
>>> the issue Kawal mentions.  And,  I didn't have the problem with VO
>>> not reading the read status, till Saturday, and I have no idea 1, why
>>> I didn't have it before, and 2, why it started on Saturday.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

IOS there a decent OCR app for the I phone 3GS?

2012-02-28 Thread Jenny Keller
The subject asks it all. Just curious about my options.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:49 AM, Michael Malarsie  

> Here is a link to some info on a new app called the LookTel Recognizer
>This app, once set up, will give you the ability to use your iPhone to 
> identify objects that are in your database. So in theory you could load all 
> your shirts and put a clear description of each one then when you come back 
> later you aim the camera at whatever shirt you pick and it will tell you 
> which one it is.
>I haven't downloaded this app yes since it is $10 and I am always cautious 
> about buting things like this but it sounds like it could be pretty helpful. 
> Just throwing it out there.
> Mike Malarsie 
> -- 
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Amadeus accessibility?

2012-02-28 Thread Michael Malarsie
So I have a few questions about that program Amadeus.
I don't remember  who recommended it but this is something that  I very 
interested in. I have listened to some videos about the features and functions 
but before I download I figure I will jsut ask the people who use it already.
Is there any way I can get some more info on how it works and how 
accessible it is? I really appreciate it!

Mike Malarsie 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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Re: Another Annoying issue in mail.

2012-02-28 Thread Kimberly thurman
Ricardo, I did use the classic view, and it was still clunky.  I haven't had 
one busy in mail since I went back to Snow Leopard.  My whole system was just 
clunky under Lion, and maybe it's because I just ran the update and didn't 
install it fresh and then import my stuff, I don't know.  I run Windows 7 in a 
virtual machine under Fusion.  Don't know if that made it more clunky.  

The whole machine just runs so much smoother under Snow Leopard, and I didn't 
see any glaring feature of Lion that makes we want to go running back.  *smiles*
On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:19 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Why didn't you just go back to Mails classic layout then?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:56 PM, Kimberly thurman  
> wrote:
>> I updated to Lion a few weeks ago.  Mail was awful under Lion, which is why 
>> I was not terribly upset this weekend when my Macbook Pro crashed completely 
>> for the first time ever in the 27 months I've owned it.  I had to erase and 
>> reinstall from the Snow Leopard disk that came with the Macbook, and I 
>> hadn't run a Time Machine backup since before I installed Lion, so I just 
>> restored that backup.  My Macbook runs so much better over all with Snow 
>> Leopard than it did in the few weeks I had Lion, and mail works flawlessly.  
>> None of that busy stuff.  I just think mail under Lion is plain clunky.  
>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:30 PM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>>> I think the better question is, given that we don't have bugs in iPhone 
>>> mail, why do we have them in Mail on the Mac? :)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:29 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
 Mail is so simple to read using the I phone 4S if you have a bluetooth 
 keyboard for convienience sake to reply with, at least you know you've 
 replied to an e-mail.  Why do we not have bugs in the I phone mail?
 On 27 Feb 2012, at 10:09 PM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:
> Hey Kawal,
> I'm starting to wonder if my Mac is possessed. lol  I don't have the 
> problem you describe at all.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hello All.
>> Don't know if any one has noticed since the update of Lion, when ever 
>> you open a mail, Voice Over is always reading the person's e-mail 
>> address before the message.  I prefer the old way where it just read the 
>> message.
>> Kawal.
>> -- 
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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: the mystery is solved! (was Another Annoying issue in mail)

2012-02-28 Thread Kimberly thurman
Yeah, I use threaded messages all the time and this did not work right at all 
under Lion.  It would appear messages were from the wrong person all the time.  
On Feb 28, 2012, at 11:15 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Now, if we can only solve the read by thread issue.  That's the one plegueing 
> me at the moment.  Can't use the right arrow key to expand a thread so I have 
> to use control+tab.  The only way to resolve this is to restart my machine.  
> Pressing enter on a calapsed thread usually crashes my mail.
> PS.  Damn, can't type today.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:12 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Whoever posted that having the preview pane open was what was causing the 
>> read status not to be spoken was absolutely correct.  This explains why I 
>> didn't start seeing this till Saturday, I had had the preview pane turned 
>> off, and somehow managed to get it visible again.
>> Anyway, follow Ricardo's instructions below to disable preview pane, and you 
>> will hear the read status spoken.  One note: make sure you perform the mouse 
>> click from the track pad.  If you try and do it from the keyboard it won't 
>> work.
>> Glad we've got at least one mail issue solved. :)
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:34 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> lol,
>>> Its not that bad.  There is a vertical splitter that separates the messages 
>>> column group which contains the messages table and the message content area 
>>> which is the preview pane.  Just make sure your mouse cursor is focused on 
>>> this vertical splitter and double click with your trackpad or mouse.  If 
>>> using a trackpad, make sure VO's trackpad commander is off.  
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:25 AM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:
 Do you remember how to do this?  I remember doing it when I first got my 
 Mac, and it seemed to involve magical incantations, dancing in a circle 
 around a bonfire under the full moon, etc.  lol  It took me forever to 
 actually do it.
 On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> you can just close the preview pain so you need to press enter on the 
> message to view it in a different window.  This will then mark the 
> message as read.  Are more accurately, unmark the message as unread.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:20 AM, Steve Holmes  
> wrote:
>> I still find for the fastest and most efficient way to read my e-mail
>> is to use mutt on my Linux box.  That's hardly the right answer for a
>> Mac users list though.  When I am in Apple's Mail, the only complaint
>> I have right now other than general GUI clunkiness, is the problem
>> with VO not reading the read/unread status.
>> I'm quite sure I know why these statuses aren't being read by VO
>> however.  Every time you cursor down the list of messages, The
>> adjacent window containing the selected message is opened, thus the
>> status changes to 'read' and AFAIK, there is no symbol present for VO
>> to speak once it is read.  I forgot how to keep the message from being
>> opened even in classic view so I went back to the newer presentation
>> and if I really want to see the statuses, I just turn VO tracking off
>> and then look down the list of messages with VO-arrow keys and this
>> way, the messages don't get selected nor opened.  All I need now would
>> be a single hot key to bring the application cursor down to where the
>> VO cursor is.  We have a command to go the other way but not this way.
>> I could be mistaken with some of these observations because I'm stil
>> one of those "new guys."
>> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 07:39:07PM -0500, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>>> It seems like the Mail bugs are a little inconsistent.  I don't have 
>>> the issue Kawal mentions.  And,  I didn't have the problem with VO not 
>>> reading the read status, till Saturday, and I have no idea 1, why I 
>>> didn't have it before, and 2, why it started on Saturday.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:08 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
 Funny, I have not noticed this myself.
 On Feb 27, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Hello All.
> Don't know if any one has noticed since the update of Lion, when ever 
> you open a mail, Voice Over is always reading the person's e-mail 

Re: Amadeus accessibility?

2012-02-28 Thread Egbert
Hi mike,
i use it myself and for what i know i am gladly to help.
Becourse i live in holland, maybe skype is a good way to share?
skype is: Syoss2012 
maybe i see you there.
Op 28 feb. 2012, om 17:59 heeft Michael Malarsie het volgende geschreven:

> So I have a few questions about that program Amadeus.
>   I don't remember  who recommended it but this is something that  I very 
> interested in. I have listened to some videos about the features and 
> functions but before I download I figure I will jsut ask the people who use 
> it already.
>   Is there any way I can get some more info on how it works and how 
> accessible it is? I really appreciate it!
> Mike Malarsie 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: the mystery is solved! (was Another Annoying issue in mail)

2012-02-28 Thread Steve Holmes
I'm on Lion 10.7.3 and started out with 10.7.2 before that for a brief
period.  I never had any problems with threaded messages I us this
approach with all mailers I work with on all platforms.  My only
complaint right now with Mail is the message getting marked read when
you highlight it on the message list.  I like being able to hop back
and forth with VO-J but that comes with the baggage of marking the
message as read by merely selecting.  I guess I can't have both ways
at the same time .  Everything else seems to be OK from what
I've dealt with so far.

On 2/28/12, Kimberly thurman  wrote:
> Yeah, I use threaded messages all the time and this did not work right at
> all under Lion.  It would appear messages were from the wrong person all the
> time.  Ugh!
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 11:15 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Now, if we can only solve the read by thread issue.  That's the one
>> plegueing me at the moment.  Can't use the right arrow key to expand a
>> thread so I have to use control+tab.  The only way to resolve this is to
>> restart my machine.  Pressing enter on a calapsed thread usually crashes
>> my mail.
>> PS.  Damn, can't type today.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:12 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Whoever posted that having the preview pane open was what was causing the
>>> read status not to be spoken was absolutely correct.  This explains why I
>>> didn't start seeing this till Saturday, I had had the preview pane turned
>>> off, and somehow managed to get it visible again.
>>> Anyway, follow Ricardo's instructions below to disable preview pane, and
>>> you will hear the read status spoken.  One note: make sure you perform
>>> the mouse click from the track pad.  If you try and do it from the
>>> keyboard it won't work.
>>> Glad we've got at least one mail issue solved. :)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Donna
>>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:34 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

 Its not that bad.  There is a vertical splitter that separates the
 messages column group which contains the messages table and the message
 content area which is the preview pane.  Just make sure your mouse
 cursor is focused on this vertical splitter and double click with your
 trackpad or mouse.  If using a trackpad, make sure VO's trackpad
 commander is off.

 Ricardo Walker

 On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:25 AM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:

> Ricardo,
> Do you remember how to do this?  I remember doing it when I first got
> my Mac, and it seemed to involve magical incantations, dancing in a
> circle around a bonfire under the full moon, etc.  lol  It took me
> forever to actually do it.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> you can just close the preview pain so you need to press enter on the
>> message to view it in a different window.  This will then mark the
>> message as read.  Are more accurately, unmark the message as unread.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:20 AM, Steve Holmes 
>> wrote:
>>> I still find for the fastest and most efficient way to read my e-mail
>>> is to use mutt on my Linux box.  That's hardly the right answer for a
>>> Mac users list though.  When I am in Apple's Mail, the only complaint
>>> I have right now other than general GUI clunkiness, is the problem
>>> with VO not reading the read/unread status.
>>> I'm quite sure I know why these statuses aren't being read by VO
>>> however.  Every time you cursor down the list of messages, The
>>> adjacent window containing the selected message is opened, thus the
>>> status changes to 'read' and AFAIK, there is no symbol present for VO
>>> to speak once it is read.  I forgot how to keep the message from
>>> being
>>> opened even in classic view so I went back to the newer presentation
>>> and if I really want to see the statuses, I just turn VO tracking off
>>> and then look down the list of messages with VO-arrow keys and this
>>> way, the messages don't get selected nor opened.  All I need now
>>> would
>>> be a single hot key to bring the application cursor down to where the
>>> VO cursor is.  We have a command to go the other way but not this
>>> way.
>>> I could be mistaken with some of these observations because I'm stil
>>> one of those "new guys."
>>> On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 07:39:07PM -0500, Goodin, Donna wrote:
 It seems like the Mail bugs are

Re: Apple ID issues on the IPhone.

2012-02-28 Thread Alex Hall
Of course I only had to do this once, but I think I ended up getting
sighted help. What you could do is call apple care and see if they
will create the account for you. I imagine they would, especially if
your apple product is less than a year old.

On 2/28/12, Jessica  wrote:
> I've just recently tried to fill in the info for my Apple ID in order to
> download the Viz Wiz ap, filled in every field I could possibly find on
> there from my name down to my phone number, and it still keeps telling me
> some field is missing, even though I can't seem to find it.
>   I've filled in my ID, password, securety Q&A, creditcard info, name,
> address and phone number, and all the info for my date of birth, and can't
> find anything else after that, so I don't know what else they want from me.
> This is really beyond frustrating to me, considering the fact that I've
> tried to do this multiple times, and have gotten nowhere with it, so could
> really use some help with it, sense I'd really love to try this ap, along
> with some other's.
> Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a good
> income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case then come
> check out Tmi wireless!
> We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of items
> including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know, and you're
> payed a comission from every sale you make!
> Check out
> and learn how to make money doing something you already do daily!
> to learn more, visit:
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> For more options, visit this group at

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: IOS there a decent OCR app for the I phone 3GS?

2012-02-28 Thread chris hallsworth
Not really as the camera is low quality compared to the ones on the 4 
and the 4s.

Christopher H

On 28/02/2012 16:59, Jenny Keller wrote:

The subject asks it all. Just curious about my options.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:49 AM, Michael Malarsie  

Here is a link to some info on a new app called the LookTel Recognizer
This app, once set up, will give you the ability to use your iPhone to 
identify objects that are in your database. So in theory you could load all 
your shirts and put a clear description of each one then when you come back 
later you aim the camera at whatever shirt you pick and it will tell you which 
one it is.
I haven't downloaded this app yes since it is $10 and I am always cautious 
about buting things like this but it sounds like it could be pretty helpful. 
Just throwing it out there.

Mike Malarsie

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Apple ID issues on the IPhone.

2012-02-28 Thread Jessica
I already have one, and was trying to sign in with it.  They were wanting my 
creditcard info in case I was wanting to buy aps from them.
- Original Message - 
From: "Alex Hall" 

Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: Apple ID issues on the IPhone.

Of course I only had to do this once, but I think I ended up getting
sighted help. What you could do is call apple care and see if they
will create the account for you. I imagine they would, especially if
your apple product is less than a year old.

On 2/28/12, Jessica  wrote:

I've just recently tried to fill in the info for my Apple ID in order to
download the Viz Wiz ap, filled in every field I could possibly find on
there from my name down to my phone number, and it still keeps telling me
some field is missing, even though I can't seem to find it.
  I've filled in my ID, password, securety Q&A, creditcard info, name,
address and phone number, and all the info for my date of birth, and 
find anything else after that, so I don't know what else they want from 

This is really beyond frustrating to me, considering the fact that I've
tried to do this multiple times, and have gotten nowhere with it, so 

really use some help with it, sense I'd really love to try this ap, along
with some other's.
Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a 
income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case then 

check out Tmi wireless!
We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of 

including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know, and you're
payed a comission from every sale you make!
Check out

and learn how to make money doing something you already do daily!
to learn more, visit:

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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.

To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: the mystery is solved! (was Another Annoying issue in mail)

2012-02-28 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Steve,

With Mail in classic view and having got rid of the preview pane, the messages 
appear as a list on the right-hand side of the screen, with the mailboxes as a 
list on the left.

In Conversation view, you expand a thread by pressing right arrow and all the 
messages in that thread appear below the first one. Left arrow collapses the 
thread again.

To open a message you press Return and the message is read automatically. To 
close a message, you press Cmd-w since opened messages appear each in their own 

If a message has been read, VO says nothingm, but it does say "Unread", 
"Message was forwarded", etc.

This way of viewing mail could be what you're looking for.



On 28 Feb 2012, at 18:11, Steve Holmes wrote:

> I'm on Lion 10.7.3 and started out with 10.7.2 before that for a brief
> period.  I never had any problems with threaded messages I us this
> approach with all mailers I work with on all platforms.  My only
> complaint right now with Mail is the message getting marked read when
> you highlight it on the message list.  I like being able to hop back
> and forth with VO-J but that comes with the baggage of marking the
> message as read by merely selecting.  I guess I can't have both ways
> at the same time .  Everything else seems to be OK from what
> I've dealt with so far.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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Re: Apple ID issues on the IPhone.

2012-02-28 Thread Alex Hall
Even easier. I still think apple care can help you with this over the
phone. Failing that, find a bored sighted person and have them give
you a hand. I know the point of apple is to not need to do that, but
sometimes it is necessary even today.

On 2/28/12, Jessica  wrote:
> I already have one, and was trying to sign in with it.  They were wanting my
> creditcard info in case I was wanting to buy aps from them.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Alex Hall" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 9:14 AM
> Subject: Re: Apple ID issues on the IPhone.
>> Of course I only had to do this once, but I think I ended up getting
>> sighted help. What you could do is call apple care and see if they
>> will create the account for you. I imagine they would, especially if
>> your apple product is less than a year old.
>> On 2/28/12, Jessica  wrote:
>>> I've just recently tried to fill in the info for my Apple ID in order to
>>> download the Viz Wiz ap, filled in every field I could possibly find on
>>> there from my name down to my phone number, and it still keeps telling me
>>> some field is missing, even though I can't seem to find it.
>>>   I've filled in my ID, password, securety Q&A, creditcard info, name,
>>> address and phone number, and all the info for my date of birth, and
>>> can't
>>> find anything else after that, so I don't know what else they want from
>>> me.
>>> This is really beyond frustrating to me, considering the fact that I've
>>> tried to do this multiple times, and have gotten nowhere with it, so
>>> could
>>> really use some help with it, sense I'd really love to try this ap, along
>>> with some other's.
>>> Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a
>>> good
>>> income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case then
>>> come
>>> check out Tmi wireless!
>>> We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of
>>> items
>>> including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know, and you're
>>> payed a comission from every sale you make!
>>> Check out
>>> and learn how to make money doing something you already do daily!
>>> to learn more, visit:
>>> --
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: Apple ID issues on the IPhone.

2012-02-28 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there!
I know you mentioned quite a lot of the fields!
But was one of them the [miss, Mr. Mrs.] and so on field!
If I remember right this does not speak and you might have to select something 
and see what it says after!
And if it is the wrong item go again until you find the right one!
For a while I was Miss Colin xx!

On 28 Feb 2012, at 17:46, Alex Hall wrote:

> Even easier. I still think apple care can help you with this over the
> phone. Failing that, find a bored sighted person and have them give
> you a hand. I know the point of apple is to not need to do that, but
> sometimes it is necessary even today.
> On 2/28/12, Jessica  wrote:
>> I already have one, and was trying to sign in with it.  They were wanting my
>> creditcard info in case I was wanting to buy aps from them.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Alex Hall" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 9:14 AM
>> Subject: Re: Apple ID issues on the IPhone.
>>> Of course I only had to do this once, but I think I ended up getting
>>> sighted help. What you could do is call apple care and see if they
>>> will create the account for you. I imagine they would, especially if
>>> your apple product is less than a year old.
>>> On 2/28/12, Jessica  wrote:
 I've just recently tried to fill in the info for my Apple ID in order to
 download the Viz Wiz ap, filled in every field I could possibly find on
 there from my name down to my phone number, and it still keeps telling me
 some field is missing, even though I can't seem to find it.
  I've filled in my ID, password, securety Q&A, creditcard info, name,
 address and phone number, and all the info for my date of birth, and
 find anything else after that, so I don't know what else they want from
 This is really beyond frustrating to me, considering the fact that I've
 tried to do this multiple times, and have gotten nowhere with it, so
 really use some help with it, sense I'd really love to try this ap, along
 with some other's.
 Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a
 income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case then
 check out Tmi wireless!
 We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of
 including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know, and you're
 payed a comission from every sale you make!
 Check out
 and learn how to make money doing something you already do daily!
 to learn more, visit:
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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 For more options, visit this group at
>>> --
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>>> --
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> -- 
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Re: Apple ID issues on the IPhone.

2012-02-28 Thread Jessica

It was, I didn't know it was a "must," that I fill that in.
- Original Message - 
From: "Red.Falcon" 

Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: Apple ID issues on the IPhone.

Hi there!
I know you mentioned quite a lot of the fields!
But was one of them the [miss, Mr. Mrs.] and so on field!
If I remember right this does not speak and you might have to select 
something and see what it says after!

And if it is the wrong item go again until you find the right one!
For a while I was Miss Colin xx!

On 28 Feb 2012, at 17:46, Alex Hall wrote:

Even easier. I still think apple care can help you with this over the
phone. Failing that, find a bored sighted person and have them give
you a hand. I know the point of apple is to not need to do that, but
sometimes it is necessary even today.

On 2/28/12, Jessica  wrote:
I already have one, and was trying to sign in with it.  They were 
wanting my

creditcard info in case I was wanting to buy aps from them.
- Original Message -
From: "Alex Hall" 
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: Apple ID issues on the IPhone.

Of course I only had to do this once, but I think I ended up getting
sighted help. What you could do is call apple care and see if they
will create the account for you. I imagine they would, especially if
your apple product is less than a year old.

On 2/28/12, Jessica  wrote:
I've just recently tried to fill in the info for my Apple ID in order 
download the Viz Wiz ap, filled in every field I could possibly find 
there from my name down to my phone number, and it still keeps telling 

some field is missing, even though I can't seem to find it.
 I've filled in my ID, password, securety Q&A, creditcard info, name,
address and phone number, and all the info for my date of birth, and
find anything else after that, so I don't know what else they want 

This is really beyond frustrating to me, considering the fact that 

tried to do this multiple times, and have gotten nowhere with it, so
really use some help with it, sense I'd really love to try this ap, 

with some other's.
Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you 

income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case then
check out Tmi wireless!
We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of
including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know, and 

payed a comission from every sale you make!
Check out

and learn how to make money doing something you already do daily!
to learn more, visit:

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: LookTel Recognizer

2012-02-28 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
I have been alpha testing this app for a while.  Here are some of the uses to 
which I have put the app:

1.  At grocery stores, have someone sighted who may be helping you shop snap a 
picture of each item and record the info associated with the pic; then when you 
get home, scan items with phone so you know what 's what.

2.  Same as above for my wine collection.

3.  Same as above to recognize CD's, etc.

4.  Snap pic of a series of clothes, record descriptions to go with each pic 
and scan clothes with phone.

5.  Have somebody snap a pic of signs at the mall identifying this shop or 
that, then use the app as a sort of internal where am I system.

These are the same folks who brought us the money reader, and without giving 
too much away, they have another cool app on the way.

On Feb 28, 2012, at 6:49 AM, Michael Malarsie wrote:

Here is a link to some info on a new app called the LookTel Recognizer
This app, once set up, will give you the ability to use your iPhone to 
identify objects that are in your database. So in theory you could load all 
your shirts and put a clear description of each one then when you come back 
later you aim the camera at whatever shirt you pick and it will tell you which 
one it is.
I haven't downloaded this app yes since it is $10 and I am always 
cautious about buting things like this but it sounds like it could be pretty 
helpful. Just throwing it out there.

Mike Malarsie 

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any colour identifier apps for the iphone?

2012-02-28 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
Hi guys.

sorry for my short lived disappearance, had moved to another email address and 
as google groups doesn't allow quick switching, I had to unsubscribe from my 
old email to this one and await approval.

anyway that's no problem.

Does anyone know of any good colour identifier apps for the iphone? I ask as 
every so often I have to do some rewiring and testing and it would be handy for 
my iphone to help me out. any software around that could do that? ideally free 
if possible, or if not then don't mind covering the cost.


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Re: LookTel Recognizer

2012-02-28 Thread Alex Hall
How is it with colored objects? Specifically, I am thinking of it as a
way to differentiate between the different colors of dress shirts I
have. The shirts are all the same style, but differ in color, so I
can't tell most of them apart by feel. Will the app know my white
shirt from my green one from my yellow one? What about perspective? If
you walk up to a store from the left and take the picture, then you
approach from the right, will it still work?

On 2/28/12, Marlaina Lieberg <> wrote:
> I have been alpha testing this app for a while.  Here are some of the uses
> to which I have put the app:
> 1.  At grocery stores, have someone sighted who may be helping you shop snap
> a picture of each item and record the info associated with the pic; then
> when you get home, scan items with phone so you know what 's what.
> 2.  Same as above for my wine collection.
> 3.  Same as above to recognize CD's, etc.
> 4.  Snap pic of a series of clothes, record descriptions to go with each pic
> and scan clothes with phone.
> 5.  Have somebody snap a pic of signs at the mall identifying this shop or
> that, then use the app as a sort of internal where am I system.
> These are the same folks who brought us the money reader, and without giving
> too much away, they have another cool app on the way.
> Marlaina
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 6:49 AM, Michael Malarsie wrote:
> Here is a link to some info on a new app called the LookTel Recognizer
>   This app, once set up, will give you the ability to use your iPhone to
> identify objects that are in your database. So in theory you could load all
> your shirts and put a clear description of each one then when you come back
> later you aim the camera at whatever shirt you pick and it will tell you
> which one it is.
>   I haven't downloaded this app yes since it is $10 and I am always 
> cautious
> about buting things like this but it sounds like it could be pretty helpful.
> Just throwing it out there.
> Mike Malarsie
> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: LookTel Recognizer

2012-02-28 Thread Marlaina Lieberg
No no you don't understand.  It associates the picture with the voice recording 
you make after each picture is snapped.  So, if the person taking the pic 
records that your shirt is pink but it's really black, it's going to say pink.  
The pic and the recording are matched.  Does that help?
On Feb 28, 2012, at 10:38 AM, Alex Hall wrote:

How is it with colored objects? Specifically, I am thinking of it as a
way to differentiate between the different colors of dress shirts I
have. The shirts are all the same style, but differ in color, so I
can't tell most of them apart by feel. Will the app know my white
shirt from my green one from my yellow one? What about perspective? If
you walk up to a store from the left and take the picture, then you
approach from the right, will it still work?

On 2/28/12, Marlaina Lieberg <> wrote:
> I have been alpha testing this app for a while.  Here are some of the uses
> to which I have put the app:
> 1.  At grocery stores, have someone sighted who may be helping you shop snap
> a picture of each item and record the info associated with the pic; then
> when you get home, scan items with phone so you know what 's what.
> 2.  Same as above for my wine collection.
> 3.  Same as above to recognize CD's, etc.
> 4.  Snap pic of a series of clothes, record descriptions to go with each pic
> and scan clothes with phone.
> 5.  Have somebody snap a pic of signs at the mall identifying this shop or
> that, then use the app as a sort of internal where am I system.
> These are the same folks who brought us the money reader, and without giving
> too much away, they have another cool app on the way.
> Marlaina
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 6:49 AM, Michael Malarsie wrote:
> Here is a link to some info on a new app called the LookTel Recognizer
>   This app, once set up, will give you the ability to use your iPhone to
> identify objects that are in your database. So in theory you could load all
> your shirts and put a clear description of each one then when you come back
> later you aim the camera at whatever shirt you pick and it will tell you
> which one it is.
>   I haven't downloaded this app yes since it is $10 and I am always 
> cautious
> about buting things like this but it sounds like it could be pretty helpful.
> Just throwing it out there.
> Mike Malarsie
> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: Continuous Reading in Ibooks on iPhone 4S

2012-02-28 Thread Mike Busboom
My situation is somewhat different.  I live in Austria and have lived there for 
over 35 years.  I am just visiting family and friends in the States now.  Thus 
far, I have been able to get everything I wanted from the Austrian App store.  

However, since I am physically present in the States right now, I have to 
intentionally load the Austrian App store before making purchases.  My Mac 
automatically loads the US store since I am here right now.  I was going to put 
some money on an App store card while here, but I'm not sure if the gods in 
Cupertino will let me do this. :)


On 28,Feb,2012, at 7:05 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Odd. Do you have something special set up that might make it think you want 
> the Australian store? I know some US folks found changing to English 
> (Australia) gave a different intonation that they found more understandable, 
> but I don't think that does anything anymore, although picking British 
> English from the Languages is an interesting change of cadence.
> CB
> On 2/27/12 8:46 PM, Mike Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Esther and others,
>> I would like to thank you all very much for your input regarding my question 
>> about continuous reading of a book in the iBook application.  As you stated, 
>> Esther, a two-finger flick down from within the text did the trick.  And 
>> yes, I agree that upon more thought, this makes sense.
>> Now to my next question: Is it a reasonable expectation that most 
>> commercially-done, contemporary novels found in the bookstore will be 
>> accessible?
>> Even though I am currently in the U.S., I am still taken to the Austrian App 
>> Store, though manually switching isn't a problem.
>> Kindest regards and thanks once again for your assistance,
>> Mike
>> On 26,Feb,2012, at 12:59 PM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Mike,
>>> Just to expand on my comment about issuing the two-finger flick down from 
>>> the text area of the book to get continuous reading going in iBooks. Since 
>>> this gesture is meant to "read all" on the current page, starting from your 
>>> present position, if you wanted to find out about the page chooser at the 
>>> bottom of the screen the first time you checked the layout of controls in 
>>> iBooks, and were starting from the buttons for Library and table of 
>>> contents, you wouldn't want VoiceOver to keep reading to the end of the 
>>> book before telling you that there were additional controls at the bottom 
>>> of the page.
>>> So what happens is that a two-finger flick down initiated from the area 
>>> with button controls at the top of the screen just reads the text that is 
>>> on the current page, then goes on to read the controls at the bottom of the 
>>> screen.  But if you initiate the two-finger flick down from within the text 
>>> area, your "read all from present point" gesture continues to read through 
>>> the text area, only, and will automatically go on to the next page.
>>> This originally confused me, too, the first time I encountered it and 
>>> didn't have VO read the rest of the page.  But then it made sense that it 
>>> would work that way.
>>> Most people touch the center of the screen when they do their two-finger 
>>> flick down, so that's why they automatically get the continuous reading.
>>> You'll still notice a slight pause when you reach the end of the current 
>>> page.  That's because iBooks does a simulated page turn graphic.  This 
>>> annoyed the heck out of some early reviewers (who were not visually 
>>> impaired. Andy Ihnatko wrote in his initial, otherwise positive, review of 
>>> iBooks for the Chicago Sun: "I do wish I could disable the fancy page-curl 
>>> animation. On an iPhone 3GS, at least, there’s a slight, but annoying, 
>>> additional pause as the app does a whole lot of math.")  If this really 
>>> annoys you, changing the font size to be small will put a lot more text on 
>>> the screen before you get that slight pause.
>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Feb 26, 2012, at 10:35 AM, Esther wrote:
 Hi Mike,
 Try doing the two-finger flick down from the middle of the text page.  For 
 example, if you're reading in the page, do a two-finger tap to stop. Then 
 do a two-finger flick down.  Usually when you're in the text area this 
 will work for continuous reading.  Or you can try to touch the center of 
 the screen for the text area first, then do the two finger flick down.
 HTH.  Cheers,
 On Feb 26, 2012, at 10:31 AM, Mike Busboom wrote:
> Hello Jane,
> That's the problem. A two-finger flick down reads the current page, but 
> reading is halted at the end of the page.  I have been unsuccessful at 
> having continuous read to work.  I am read the current page from start to 
> finish, but then VO stops reading, i.e. the next page isn't turned to, 
> nor is reading continued.
> Mike

Re: any colour identifier apps for the iphone?

2012-02-28 Thread chris hallsworth

Try Colour Reader which is free.

Christopher H

On 28/02/2012 18:27, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:

Hi guys.

sorry for my short lived disappearance, had moved to another email address and 
as google groups doesn't allow quick switching, I had to unsubscribe from my 
old email to this one and await approval.

anyway that's no problem.

Does anyone know of any good colour identifier apps for the iphone? I ask as 
every so often I have to do some rewiring and testing and it would be handy for 
my iphone to help me out. any software around that could do that? ideally free 
if possible, or if not then don't mind covering the cost.


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Re: Apple ID issues on the IPhone.

2012-02-28 Thread chris hallsworth
If you have a computer and iTunes you could always create the account 
there and sign in on both the computer and the device.

Christopher H

On 28/02/2012 17:07, Jessica wrote:

I've just recently tried to fill in the info for my Apple ID in order to
download the Viz Wiz ap, filled in every field I could possibly find on
there from my name down to my phone number, and it still keeps telling
me some field is missing, even though I can't seem to find it.
I've filled in my ID, password, securety Q&A, creditcard info, name,
address and phone number, and all the info for my date of birth, and
can't find anything else after that, so I don't know what else they want
from me. This is really beyond frustrating to me, considering the fact
that I've tried to do this multiple times, and have gotten nowhere with
it, so could really use some help with it, sense I'd really love to try
this ap, along with some other's.
Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a
good income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case
then come check out Tmi wireless!
We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of
items including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know, and
you're payed a comission from every sale you make!
Check out

and learn how to make money doing something you already do daily!
to learn more, visit:

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Re: Amadeus accessibility?

2012-02-28 Thread Michael Malarsie
Skype will work great. What time is best for you?
My username is just michael.malarsie. I appreciate the help!

Mike Malarsie 
On Feb 28, 2012, at 11:10 AM, Egbert wrote:

> Hi mike,
> i use it myself and for what i know i am gladly to help.
> Becourse i live in holland, maybe skype is a good way to share?
> skype is: Syoss2012 
> maybe i see you there.
> Egbert 
> Op 28 feb. 2012, om 17:59 heeft Michael Malarsie het volgende geschreven:
>> So I have a few questions about that program Amadeus.
>>  I don't remember  who recommended it but this is something that  I very 
>> interested in. I have listened to some videos about the features and 
>> functions but before I download I figure I will jsut ask the people who use 
>> it already.
>>  Is there any way I can get some more info on how it works and how 
>> accessible it is? I really appreciate it!
>> Mike Malarsie 
>> -- 
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Color reader

2012-02-28 Thread Michael Malarsie
There is an app called color reader, original I know.
It works fairly well. It gets dark colors confused a lot though and 
jsut calls them gray. It is better than nothing though.

Mike Malarsie 

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Text Attributes for Specific Items?

2012-02-28 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, all,

I'm wondering if there's a keystroke that can be used when focussed on a 
particular item, without turning on attributes verbosity in VO utility?



"Man is matter's ability to contemplate itself."--Albert Einstein

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Can you download IOS with yourr phone?

2012-02-28 Thread Jenny Keller
Want to download a ringtone but I tunes says I have to download new IOS first 
bbut don't have access to my Mac. Can I do it wi fI?

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Feb 28, 2012, at 11:07 AM, "Jessica"  wrote:

> I've just recently tried to fill in the info for my Apple ID in order to 
> download the Viz Wiz ap, filled in every field I could possibly find on there 
> from my name down to my phone number, and it still keeps telling me some 
> field is missing, even though I can't seem to find it.
>   I've filled in my ID, password, securety Q&A, creditcard info, name, 
> address and phone number, and all the info for my date of birth, and can't 
> find anything else after that, so I don't know what else they want from me.  
> This is really beyond frustrating to me, considering the fact that I've tried 
> to do this multiple times, and have gotten nowhere with it, so could really 
> use some help with it, sense I'd really love to try this ap, along with some 
> other's.
> Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a good 
> income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case then come 
> check out Tmi wireless!
> We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of items 
> including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know, and you're 
> payed a comission from every sale you make!
> Check out 
> and learn how to make money doing something you already do daily!
> to learn more, visit:
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Re: Text Attributes for Specific Items?

2012-02-28 Thread Esther
Hi Teresa,
Can't you just highlight the text item and use VO-T? For example, I just tried 
this on selected text  and got:  "15 point Arial, a shade of Gray 3".

HTH.  Cheers,


On Feb 28, 2012, at 9:13 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I'm wondering if there's a keystroke that can be used when focussed on a 
> particular item, without turning on attributes verbosity in VO utility?
> Thanks,
> Teresa

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Re: any colour identifier apps for the iphone?

2012-02-28 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
cheers. that's great. is this on the app store or somewhere else?


On 28 Feb 2012, at 18:56, chris hallsworth wrote:

> Try Colour Reader which is free.
> Christopher H
> On 28/02/2012 18:27, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> Hi guys.
>> sorry for my short lived disappearance, had moved to another email address 
>> and as google groups doesn't allow quick switching, I had to unsubscribe 
>> from my old email to this one and await approval.
>> anyway that's no problem.
>> Does anyone know of any good colour identifier apps for the iphone? I ask as 
>> every so often I have to do some rewiring and testing and it would be handy 
>> for my iphone to help me out. any software around that could do that? 
>> ideally free if possible, or if not then don't mind covering the cost.
>> lew
> -- 
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Re: IOS there a decent OCR app for the I phone 3GS?

2012-02-28 Thread Jenny Keller
Thanks good to know. I'll wait till I upgrade this summer.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Feb 28, 2012, at 11:16 AM, chris hallsworth  wrote:

> Not really as the camera is low quality compared to the ones on the 4 and the 
> 4s.
> Christopher H
> On 28/02/2012 16:59, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> The subject asks it all. Just curious about my options.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:49 AM, Michael Malarsie  
>> wrote:
>>> Here is a link to some info on a new app called the LookTel Recognizer
>>>This app, once set up, will give you the ability to use your iPhone to 
>>> identify objects that are in your database. So in theory you could load all 
>>> your shirts and put a clear description of each one then when you come back 
>>> later you aim the camera at whatever shirt you pick and it will tell you 
>>> which one it is.
>>>I haven't downloaded this app yes since it is $10 and I am always 
>>> cautious about buting things like this but it sounds like it could be 
>>> pretty helpful. Just throwing it out there.
>>> Mike Malarsie
>>> --
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Never Mind, Was Re: Text Attributes for Specific Items?

2012-02-28 Thread Teresa Cochran
I found the keystroke, VO-T. It had just slipped my mind, and I knew I had used 
it a few times before.


On Feb 28, 2012, at 11:13 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, all,
> I'm wondering if there's a keystroke that can be used when focussed on a 
> particular item, without turning on attributes verbosity in VO utility?
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> "Man is matter's ability to contemplate itself."--Albert Einstein

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Re: IOS there a decent OCR app for the I phone 3GS?

2012-02-28 Thread Jacob Schmude
Have a look at Prizmo. It'll do a decent job but, as one poster has already 
pointed out, the 3gs' camera is only 3 mp and so will never yield as good a 
result as the 4 or 4S no matter which app you use. With some practice, and as 
long as the room is well-lit, I've been able to get quite decent results with 
Prizmo even with my 3gs' camera. You will have to do it several times to get 
the hang of it, but once you do, you'll love it.
On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:59 AM, Jenny Keller wrote:

> The subject asks it all. Just curious about my options.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:49 AM, Michael Malarsie  
> wrote:
>> Here is a link to some info on a new app called the LookTel Recognizer
>>   This app, once set up, will give you the ability to use your iPhone to 
>> identify objects that are in your database. So in theory you could load all 
>> your shirts and put a clear description of each one then when you come back 
>> later you aim the camera at whatever shirt you pick and it will tell you 
>> which one it is.
>>   I haven't downloaded this app yes since it is $10 and I am always cautious 
>> about buting things like this but it sounds like it could be pretty helpful. 
>> Just throwing it out there.
>> Mike Malarsie 
>> -- 
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Re: Text Attributes for Specific Items?

2012-02-28 Thread Teresa Cochran
Thanks, Esther. Yes, I had forgotten about VO-T for some reason.


On Feb 28, 2012, at 11:19 AM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Teresa,
> Can't you just highlight the text item and use VO-T? For example, I just 
> tried this on selected text  and got:  "15 point Arial, a shade of Gray 3".
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 9:13 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, all,
>> I'm wondering if there's a keystroke that can be used when focussed on a 
>> particular item, without turning on attributes verbosity in VO utility?
>> Thanks,
>> Teresa
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Re: IOS there a decent OCR app for the I phone 3GS?

2012-02-28 Thread Jenny Keller
Thanks. I'll have to give it a shot but I think I'll wait till I upgrade this 
summer. I'm kind of trying to justify a 4s.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Feb 28, 2012, at 1:26 PM, Jacob Schmude  wrote:

> Have a look at Prizmo. It'll do a decent job but, as one poster has already 
> pointed out, the 3gs' camera is only 3 mp and so will never yield as good a 
> result as the 4 or 4S no matter which app you use. With some practice, and as 
> long as the room is well-lit, I've been able to get quite decent results with 
> Prizmo even with my 3gs' camera. You will have to do it several times to get 
> the hang of it, but once you do, you'll love it.
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:59 AM, Jenny Keller wrote:
>> The subject asks it all. Just curious about my options.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 8:49 AM, Michael Malarsie  
>> wrote:
>>> Here is a link to some info on a new app called the LookTel Recognizer
>>>  This app, once set up, will give you the ability to use your iPhone to 
>>> identify objects that are in your database. So in theory you could load all 
>>> your shirts and put a clear description of each one then when you come back 
>>> later you aim the camera at whatever shirt you pick and it will tell you 
>>> which one it is.
>>>  I haven't downloaded this app yes since it is $10 and I am always cautious 
>>> about buting things like this but it sounds like it could be pretty 
>>> helpful. Just throwing it out there.
>>> Mike Malarsie 
>>> -- 
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renaming vo activity?

2012-02-28 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
Hi all,

I duplicated a vo activity because it seamed the fastest way to create a new 
one with minimal differences from the old one but cannot find a way to change 
its name to something else than copy of the old vo activity.

Thanks for your help!


Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 

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Re: Color reader

2012-02-28 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
just had the chance to test it and like the feel of it. will do most things. as 
I'm just going to use it for wiring markups, that will do just fine.

cheers guys you're life savers.


On 28 Feb 2012, at 19:13, Michael Malarsie wrote:

> There is an app called color reader, original I know.
>   It works fairly well. It gets dark colors confused a lot though and 
> jsut calls them gray. It is better than nothing though.
> Mike Malarsie 
> -- 
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Re: any colour identifier apps for the iphone?

2012-02-28 Thread Michael Malarsie
It is in the app store. Let me know if you have trouble finding it and I will 
get you the name of the developer.

Mike Malarsie 
On Feb 28, 2012, at 1:21 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:

> cheers. that's great. is this on the app store or somewhere else?
> lew
> On 28 Feb 2012, at 18:56, chris hallsworth wrote:
>> Try Colour Reader which is free.
>> Christopher H
>> On 28/02/2012 18:27, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>> Hi guys.
>>> sorry for my short lived disappearance, had moved to another email address 
>>> and as google groups doesn't allow quick switching, I had to unsubscribe 
>>> from my old email to this one and await approval.
>>> anyway that's no problem.
>>> Does anyone know of any good colour identifier apps for the iphone? I ask 
>>> as every so often I have to do some rewiring and testing and it would be 
>>> handy for my iphone to help me out. any software around that could do that? 
>>> ideally free if possible, or if not then don't mind covering the cost.
>>> lew
>> -- 
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Re: any colour identifier apps for the iphone?

2012-02-28 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
Hi Mike, I approved your request to my contacts list. if you're online on skype 
soon, up for a chat?

just got hold of the app and it will do perfect.


On 28 Feb 2012, at 19:49, Michael Malarsie wrote:

> It is in the app store. Let me know if you have trouble finding it and I will 
> get you the name of the developer.
> Mike Malarsie 
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 1:21 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>> cheers. that's great. is this on the app store or somewhere else?
>> lew
>> On 28 Feb 2012, at 18:56, chris hallsworth wrote:
>>> Try Colour Reader which is free.
>>> Christopher H
>>> On 28/02/2012 18:27, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
 Hi guys.
 sorry for my short lived disappearance, had moved to another email address 
 and as google groups doesn't allow quick switching, I had to unsubscribe 
 from my old email to this one and await approval.
 anyway that's no problem.
 Does anyone know of any good colour identifier apps for the iphone? I ask 
 as every so often I have to do some rewiring and testing and it would be 
 handy for my iphone to help me out. any software around that could do 
 that? ideally free if possible, or if not then don't mind covering the 
>>> -- 
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Re: Can you download IOS with yourr phone?

2012-02-28 Thread chris hallsworth
If you have iOS 5 then yes you can update by going to settings, general, 
software update.

Christopher H

On 28/02/2012 19:18, Jenny Keller wrote:

Want to download a ringtone but I tunes says I have to download new IOS
first bbut don't have access to my Mac. Can I do it wi fI?

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks

On Feb 28, 2012, at 11:07 AM, "Jessica">> wrote:

I've just recently tried to fill in the info for my Apple ID in order
to download the Viz Wiz ap, filled in every field I could possibly
find on there from my name down to my phone number, and it still keeps
telling me some field is missing, even though I can't seem to find it.
I've filled in my ID, password, securety Q&A, creditcard info, name,
address and phone number, and all the info for my date of birth, and
can't find anything else after that, so I don't know what else they
want from me. This is really beyond frustrating to me, considering the
fact that I've tried to do this multiple times, and have gotten
nowhere with it, so could really use some help with it, sense I'd
really love to try this ap, along with some other's.
Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you
a good income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the
case then come check out Tmi wireless!
We're an internet sales and marketing company that sells a variety of
items including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know,
and you're payed a comission from every sale you make!
Check out

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Amadeus Pro accessibility for Mike

2012-02-28 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Mike,

Firstly, I want to thank you for your service to our country. Thank you for 
your sacrifices as well, it truly touches my heart. Now I will try my very best 
to help you with Amadeus. I love it and use it on a regular  basis to record 
and edit my podcasts as well as professional recordings. You can do many things 
with it, such as: place markers in your file, so you can skip forward or back 
to specific portions. Safe in multiple formats as wav, mp3, create ringtones, 
etc. You can add multiple tracks such as guitar, vocals etc as well as control 
volume levels, name the tracks, pan left and right and so forth. I don't know 
if I have helped. There is a great podcast by a member on this list Eric Caron 
on amadeus Pro. This is where I got my start to using the program. I'm not 
affiliated with herisoft in any way. I just love Amadeus. YOu can also add VST 
plug ins, I have a reverb plug in I use everyday. I hope I have helped. We can 
talk on Skype if you wish. I'm thinking about recording another podcast on 
amadeus and the many uses for it.

Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our 
breath away

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Re: Amadeus accessibility?

2012-02-28 Thread Garth Humphreys
Hi Mike

I have just purchased Amadeus pro and loving it. There's a couple of podcasts 
by Eric karon on blindcooltech which will teach some of the basics. 

Sent from my iPhone

On 29/02/2012, at 2:59 AM, Michael Malarsie  wrote:

> So I have a few questions about that program Amadeus.
>I don't remember  who recommended it but this is something that  I very 
> interested in. I have listened to some videos about the features and 
> functions but before I download I figure I will jsut ask the people who use 
> it already.
>Is there any way I can get some more info on how it works and how 
> accessible it is? I really appreciate it!
> Mike Malarsie 
> -- 
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Re: Amadeus Pro accessibility for Mike

2012-02-28 Thread Egbert
Hi alison and mike.
i d like to talk to you on skype.
I live in Holland so my times are a bit dfferent, but just when i am on line, 
try to reach me and things will work out.
I am a night person.
Have fun,
Op 28 feb. 2012, om 21:38 heeft Allison Manzino het volgende geschreven:

> Hi Mike,
> Firstly, I want to thank you for your service to our country. Thank you for 
> your sacrifices as well, it truly touches my heart. Now I will try my very 
> best to help you with Amadeus. I love it and use it on a regular  basis to 
> record and edit my podcasts as well as professional recordings. You can do 
> many things with it, such as: place markers in your file, so you can skip 
> forward or back to specific portions. Safe in multiple formats as wav, mp3, 
> create ringtones, etc. You can add multiple tracks such as guitar, vocals etc 
> as well as control volume levels, name the tracks, pan left and right and so 
> forth. I don't know if I have helped. There is a great podcast by a member on 
> this list Eric Caron on amadeus Pro. This is where I got my start to using 
> the program. I'm not affiliated with herisoft in any way. I just love 
> Amadeus. YOu can also add VST plug ins, I have a reverb plug in I use 
> everyday. I hope I have helped. We can talk on Skype if you wish. I'm 
> thinking about recording another podcast on amadeus and the many uses for it.
> Allison
> Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our 
> breath away
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Re: Dropbox ishu

2012-02-28 Thread Egbert
Hi Garth,

well, the dropbox here seems to work a bit strange.
Folders that i have added are not vissible on my mac, but are on my iPhone and 
When i stand on a file and copy it to the clipboard, i cannot paste that file 
into a folder in my dropbox.
It simply won't work.
the tip about VO shift and m was very good, i didnot know that.
but my problems are not over with that smile.
hope you have a better picture now?
Op 28 feb. 2012, om 03:34 heeft Garth Humphreys het volgende geschreven:

> Hi 
> Sorry if I don't understand the issue here, I missed the beginning of the 
> thread. When I focus on a file in Finder in the public folder of my dropbox 
> and bring up the contextual menu with VO+Shift+M, I get the option to copy 
> the public link. 
> Are you saying that this is not happening for you.
> I just tested it and here is a link for a podcast I have just recorded on 
> selecting text in IOS without a keyboard. I haven't tested the link but it 
> looks as it should to me
> I am not sure if I have done anything different to have this working. Onc 
> again, sorry if I don't understand the issue.
> Garth
> @BlindTechMusing
> On 28/02/2012, at 5:19 AM, Egbert wrote:
>> Hi,
>> that may be all possible, but why so f… difficult?
>> Dropbox and windows have a far more better relation.
>> I think its a bad deal how dropbox and apple work now, if we talk about the 
>> mac.
>> Egbert 
>> Op 27 feb. 2012, om 20:10 heeft Esther het volgende geschreven:
>>> Hi John,
>>> Instead of memorizing your dropbox public folder address, why don't you 
>>> take advantage of Lion's text expansion capability and define a shortcut 
>>> for the prefix string giving your dropbox public folder address?  For 
>>> example, you could set a character string named "dbpf" to expand to 
>>> "http://dl.dropbox/u/12345678/"; whenever you typed it in Mail or TextEdit.
>>> Since Michael just pointed Ezzie to a YouTube video with instructions on 
>>> how to do this yesterday, in order to set a string that gets expanded for 
>>> signatures, I can just paste in his text giving the link:
>>> Ok here is the link. Let me know if you need me to clarify anything. It 
>>> should be clear enough if my memory hasn't failed me. Enjoy!
>>> Very briefly, you go to the System Preferences > Language & Text menu and 
>>> select the "Text" tab.  Then you press the "Add" button to enter a new 
>>> entry to the "Substitutions" table, and type in the string you want 
>>> expanded (e.g., "dbpf" in the above example), and the replacement string 
>>> (e.g."http://dl.dropbox/u/12345678/";).
>>> Then, in the applications that support such expansion substitution, like 
>>> Mail and TextEdit, you navigate to the "Edit" menu on the menu bar, and 
>>> arrow down to the "Substitutions" menu, then right arrow to the submenu and 
>>> navigate to "Substitutions" to check this option.
>>> That should save you some typing and memorization.
>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 2:19 AM, John Sanfilippo wrote:
 You can find the dropbox contextual menu but I find it hard to describe 
 doing that.
 I found it to be such a kludge that I simply resorted to memorizing my 
 drobpox public folder address:
 O yeah and make sure to name files without spaces to cut down having to 
 type %20 for each space.
 Smile, of course I occasionally make a typo so folks write back and 
 complain that they can't access the file.
 Also, be sure that you allow time for the transfer to take place after 
 you've copied files into the dropbox folder.
 John S
 On Feb 27, 2012, at 3:31 AM, Egbert wrote:
 Hi and good morning!
 i try to add some material in my dropbox, but whatever i try, it does  not 
 work There is also the fact that not every folder in my dropbox is 
 detected by my macbook.
 In my IPhone are more folderds then on the dropbox on my Mac.
 In windows i had the possibilaty to send people a link when i wanted to 
 share some things, macwhise, i don't see that option.
 Any tips or tricks?
 Egbert .
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Re: the mystery is solved! (was Another Annoying issue in mail)

2012-02-28 Thread Steve Holmes
Concerning getting rid of the preview pane, Which suggestion is the best?
Clicking on the horrizontal bar between message list and message area
or the one on the other side.  I think VO said Horizontal.  I also saw
reference to a vertical bar; now I'm not sure totally what I heard and
won't know til I get home tonight.  My other question is if one gets
rid of the preview pane this way, how can you get it back?  I get the
idea that whatever procedure was followed for ridding oneself of the
preview pane hasn't always worked.  Could you clarify a good reliable
procedure to follow to remove preview completely?

On 2/28/12, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Steve,
> With Mail in classic view and having got rid of the preview pane, the
> messages appear as a list on the right-hand side of the screen, with the
> mailboxes as a list on the left.
> In Conversation view, you expand a thread by pressing right arrow and all
> the messages in that thread appear below the first one. Left arrow collapses
> the thread again.
> To open a message you press Return and the message is read automatically. To
> close a message, you press Cmd-w since opened messages appear each in their
> own window.
> If a message has been read, VO says nothingm, but it does say "Unread",
> "Message was forwarded", etc.
> This way of viewing mail could be what you're looking for.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 28 Feb 2012, at 18:11, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> I'm on Lion 10.7.3 and started out with 10.7.2 before that for a brief
>> period.  I never had any problems with threaded messages I us this
>> approach with all mailers I work with on all platforms.  My only
>> complaint right now with Mail is the message getting marked read when
>> you highlight it on the message list.  I like being able to hop back
>> and forth with VO-J but that comes with the baggage of marking the
>> message as read by merely selecting.  I guess I can't have both ways
>> at the same time .  Everything else seems to be OK from what
>> I've dealt with so far.
> --
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Re: any colour identifier apps for the iphone?

2012-02-28 Thread Jessica
I Hear there actually is a free ap called Color ID that's available, and am 
in the process of downloading and trying it.  However, it's been a pain in 
the kneck to try to weed through all the search results in the ap store to 
try to find it, so haven't managed to download it yet, but will let you know 
what I find.
- Original Message - 
From: "Mr. L. Alexander" 

Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:27 AM
Subject: any colour identifier apps for the iphone?

Hi guys.

sorry for my short lived disappearance, had moved to another email address 
and as google groups doesn't allow quick switching, I had to unsubscribe 
from my old email to this one and await approval.

anyway that's no problem.

Does anyone know of any good colour identifier apps for the iphone? I ask as 
every so often I have to do some rewiring and testing and it would be handy 
for my iphone to help me out. any software around that could do that? 
ideally free if possible, or if not then don't mind covering the cost.


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Re: Apple ID issues on the IPhone.

2012-02-28 Thread Jessica
I finally managed to do it, I think it turned out that they, for some weird 
reason, needed a title from me, which didn't make sense, but they got one, 
so now they're satisfied, and I was able to download the program.  Now it's 
just a matter of all the hits and misses of using the program lol.
- Original Message - 
From: "chris hallsworth" 

Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 11:07 AM
Subject: Re: Apple ID issues on the IPhone.

If you have a computer and iTunes you could always create the account 
there and sign in on both the computer and the device.

Christopher H

On 28/02/2012 17:07, Jessica wrote:

I've just recently tried to fill in the info for my Apple ID in order to
download the Viz Wiz ap, filled in every field I could possibly find on
there from my name down to my phone number, and it still keeps telling
me some field is missing, even though I can't seem to find it.
I've filled in my ID, password, securety Q&A, creditcard info, name,
address and phone number, and all the info for my date of birth, and
can't find anything else after that, so I don't know what else they want
from me. This is really beyond frustrating to me, considering the fact
that I've tried to do this multiple times, and have gotten nowhere with
it, so could really use some help with it, sense I'd really love to try
this ap, along with some other's.
Are you looking for a free home based business that will also pay you a
good income? Most likely, the answer is "yes," so if that is the case
then come check out Tmi wireless!
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items including cel phones and plans with carriers you already know, and
you're payed a comission from every sale you make!
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to learn more, visit:

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Voxer iPhone app

2012-02-28 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello listers, I just downloaded the voxer app. I have some questions about it, 
or better yet a question. How do you listen to a message? Do you just double 
tap on the time of the message? I guess that was two questions. Oh, well.


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Re: the mystery is solved! (was Another Annoying issue in mail)

2012-02-28 Thread Goodin, Donna
Hi Steve,

You want the horizontal scroll bar to the right of the messages list.  If you 
do it with your mouse  or trackpad, it should work fine.  Someone told me that 
you have to interact with it first and take it down to zero.  I don't know if 
that's true, but I did it.

As for bringing preview back, I'm not sure, I've never wanted to do that. :)

On Feb 28, 2012, at 4:24 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:

> Concerning getting rid of the preview pane, Which suggestion is the best?
> Clicking on the horrizontal bar between message list and message area
> or the one on the other side.  I think VO said Horizontal.  I also saw
> reference to a vertical bar; now I'm not sure totally what I heard and
> won't know til I get home tonight.  My other question is if one gets
> rid of the preview pane this way, how can you get it back?  I get the
> idea that whatever procedure was followed for ridding oneself of the
> preview pane hasn't always worked.  Could you clarify a good reliable
> procedure to follow to remove preview completely?
> On 2/28/12, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello Steve,
>> With Mail in classic view and having got rid of the preview pane, the
>> messages appear as a list on the right-hand side of the screen, with the
>> mailboxes as a list on the left.
>> In Conversation view, you expand a thread by pressing right arrow and all
>> the messages in that thread appear below the first one. Left arrow collapses
>> the thread again.
>> To open a message you press Return and the message is read automatically. To
>> close a message, you press Cmd-w since opened messages appear each in their
>> own window.
>> If a message has been read, VO says nothingm, but it does say "Unread",
>> "Message was forwarded", etc.
>> This way of viewing mail could be what you're looking for.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 28 Feb 2012, at 18:11, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>> I'm on Lion 10.7.3 and started out with 10.7.2 before that for a brief
>>> period.  I never had any problems with threaded messages I us this
>>> approach with all mailers I work with on all platforms.  My only
>>> complaint right now with Mail is the message getting marked read when
>>> you highlight it on the message list.  I like being able to hop back
>>> and forth with VO-J but that comes with the baggage of marking the
>>> message as read by merely selecting.  I guess I can't have both ways
>>> at the same time .  Everything else seems to be OK from what
>>> I've dealt with so far.
>> --
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: any colour identifier apps for the iphone?

2012-02-28 Thread Michael Malarsie
Sounds good. Any time you see that I am on feel to call and I will answer as 
long as I am not talking to someone else. Take care!
On Feb 28, 2012, at 1:50 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:

> Hi Mike, I approved your request to my contacts list. if you're online on 
> skype soon, up for a chat?
> just got hold of the app and it will do perfect.
> lew
> On 28 Feb 2012, at 19:49, Michael Malarsie wrote:
>> It is in the app store. Let me know if you have trouble finding it and I 
>> will get you the name of the developer.
>> Mike Malarsie 
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 1:21 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>> cheers. that's great. is this on the app store or somewhere else?
>>> lew
>>> On 28 Feb 2012, at 18:56, chris hallsworth wrote:
 Try Colour Reader which is free.
 Christopher H
 On 28/02/2012 18:27, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
> Hi guys.
> sorry for my short lived disappearance, had moved to another email 
> address and as google groups doesn't allow quick switching, I had to 
> unsubscribe from my old email to this one and await approval.
> anyway that's no problem.
> Does anyone know of any good colour identifier apps for the iphone? I ask 
> as every so often I have to do some rewiring and testing and it would be 
> handy for my iphone to help me out. any software around that could do 
> that? ideally free if possible, or if not then don't mind covering the 
> cost.
> lew
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: Amadeus accessibility?

2012-02-28 Thread Michael Malarsie
Hey Garth,
What is the podcast called? I have tried to search a few things and 
haven't found it yet.
I am sending a request on Skype to syoss2012 very shortly so that will 
help as well.

Mike Malarsie 
On Feb 28, 2012, at 2:54 PM, Garth Humphreys wrote:

> Hi Mike
> I have just purchased Amadeus pro and loving it. There's a couple of podcasts 
> by Eric karon on blindcooltech which will teach some of the basics. 
> Garth 
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 29/02/2012, at 2:59 AM, Michael Malarsie  
> wrote:
>> So I have a few questions about that program Amadeus.
>>   I don't remember  who recommended it but this is something that  I very 
>> interested in. I have listened to some videos about the features and 
>> functions but before I download I figure I will jsut ask the people who use 
>> it already.
>>   Is there any way I can get some more info on how it works and how 
>> accessible it is? I really appreciate it!
>> Mike Malarsie 
>> -- 
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Re: the mystery is solved! (was Another Annoying issue in mail)

2012-02-28 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
It's annoying, this does not work for me!  I even put the splitter down to 0.

On 28 Feb 2012, at 21:44, Goodin, Donna wrote:

> Hi Steve,
> You want the horizontal scroll bar to the right of the messages list.  If you 
> do it with your mouse  or trackpad, it should work fine.  Someone told me 
> that you have to interact with it first and take it down to zero.  I don't 
> know if that's true, but I did it.
> As for bringing preview back, I'm not sure, I've never wanted to do that. :)
> Best,
> Donna
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 4:24 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> Concerning getting rid of the preview pane, Which suggestion is the best?
>> Clicking on the horrizontal bar between message list and message area
>> or the one on the other side.  I think VO said Horizontal.  I also saw
>> reference to a vertical bar; now I'm not sure totally what I heard and
>> won't know til I get home tonight.  My other question is if one gets
>> rid of the preview pane this way, how can you get it back?  I get the
>> idea that whatever procedure was followed for ridding oneself of the
>> preview pane hasn't always worked.  Could you clarify a good reliable
>> procedure to follow to remove preview completely?
>> On 2/28/12, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>>> Hello Steve,
>>> With Mail in classic view and having got rid of the preview pane, the
>>> messages appear as a list on the right-hand side of the screen, with the
>>> mailboxes as a list on the left.
>>> In Conversation view, you expand a thread by pressing right arrow and all
>>> the messages in that thread appear below the first one. Left arrow collapses
>>> the thread again.
>>> To open a message you press Return and the message is read automatically. To
>>> close a message, you press Cmd-w since opened messages appear each in their
>>> own window.
>>> If a message has been read, VO says nothingm, but it does say "Unread",
>>> "Message was forwarded", etc.
>>> This way of viewing mail could be what you're looking for.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 28 Feb 2012, at 18:11, Steve Holmes wrote:
 I'm on Lion 10.7.3 and started out with 10.7.2 before that for a brief
 period.  I never had any problems with threaded messages I us this
 approach with all mailers I work with on all platforms.  My only
 complaint right now with Mail is the message getting marked read when
 you highlight it on the message list.  I like being able to hop back
 and forth with VO-J but that comes with the baggage of marking the
 message as read by merely selecting.  I guess I can't have both ways
 at the same time .  Everything else seems to be OK from what
 I've dealt with so far.
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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I found a table I can read in pages

2012-02-28 Thread Greg Aikens
Hello all,
It has been my experience that tables are completely inaccessible in pages.  
However, recently I have come across a couple of files that have table objects 
in them that I can navigate and interact with.  They show up after the body and 
before the footer, at least on the two files I have seen.  Has anyone else 
encountered this?  I can't figure out why the tables would work in these 
specific files.  It would be nice to figure out though because I would like to 
make files containing these objects.  I'll be honest that I haven't dedicated 
too much time to figuring this one out.  

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Re: the mystery is solved! (was Another Annoying issue in mail)

2012-02-28 Thread Goodin, Donna
Hi Kawal,

did you check to make sure the splitter was under the mouse?  I know it may 
sound like a stupid question, but thought I'd ask. :)
Donna Goodin, Ph.D.
Academic and ADHD Coach
Services for Students with Disabilities
Lecturer I, Spanish
Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
University of Michigan
Phone: 734-763-3000

On Feb 28, 2012, at 5:07 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> It's annoying, this does not work for me!  I even put the splitter down to 0.
> Kawal.
> On 28 Feb 2012, at 21:44, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> You want the horizontal scroll bar to the right of the messages list.  If 
>> you do it with your mouse  or trackpad, it should work fine.  Someone told 
>> me that you have to interact with it first and take it down to zero.  I 
>> don't know if that's true, but I did it.
>> As for bringing preview back, I'm not sure, I've never wanted to do that. :)
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 4:24 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>> Concerning getting rid of the preview pane, Which suggestion is the best?
>>> Clicking on the horrizontal bar between message list and message area
>>> or the one on the other side.  I think VO said Horizontal.  I also saw
>>> reference to a vertical bar; now I'm not sure totally what I heard and
>>> won't know til I get home tonight.  My other question is if one gets
>>> rid of the preview pane this way, how can you get it back?  I get the
>>> idea that whatever procedure was followed for ridding oneself of the
>>> preview pane hasn't always worked.  Could you clarify a good reliable
>>> procedure to follow to remove preview completely?
>>> On 2/28/12, Anne Robertson  wrote:
 Hello Steve,
 With Mail in classic view and having got rid of the preview pane, the
 messages appear as a list on the right-hand side of the screen, with the
 mailboxes as a list on the left.
 In Conversation view, you expand a thread by pressing right arrow and all
 the messages in that thread appear below the first one. Left arrow 
 the thread again.
 To open a message you press Return and the message is read automatically. 
 close a message, you press Cmd-w since opened messages appear each in their
 own window.
 If a message has been read, VO says nothingm, but it does say "Unread",
 "Message was forwarded", etc.
 This way of viewing mail could be what you're looking for.
 On 28 Feb 2012, at 18:11, Steve Holmes wrote:
> I'm on Lion 10.7.3 and started out with 10.7.2 before that for a brief
> period.  I never had any problems with threaded messages I us this
> approach with all mailers I work with on all platforms.  My only
> complaint right now with Mail is the message getting marked read when
> you highlight it on the message list.  I like being able to hop back
> and forth with VO-J but that comes with the baggage of marking the
> message as read by merely selecting.  I guess I can't have both ways
> at the same time .  Everything else seems to be OK from what
> I've dealt with so far.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Re: the mystery is solved! (was Another Annoying issue in mail)

2012-02-28 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Yes I did with vo number 5 and it said horrizontal splitter.  Is that right?

On 28 Feb 2012, at 10:15 PM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:

> Hi Kawal,
> did you check to make sure the splitter was under the mouse?  I know it may 
> sound like a stupid question, but thought I'd ask. :)
> Best,
> Donna
> Donna Goodin, Ph.D.
> Academic and ADHD Coach
> Services for Students with Disabilities
> Lecturer I, Spanish
> Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
> University of Michigan
> Phone: 734-763-3000
> Email:
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 5:07 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> It's annoying, this does not work for me!  I even put the splitter down to 0.
>> Kawal.
>> On 28 Feb 2012, at 21:44, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>>> Hi Steve,
>>> You want the horizontal scroll bar to the right of the messages list.  If 
>>> you do it with your mouse  or trackpad, it should work fine.  Someone told 
>>> me that you have to interact with it first and take it down to zero.  I 
>>> don't know if that's true, but I did it.
>>> As for bringing preview back, I'm not sure, I've never wanted to do that. :)
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 4:24 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
 Concerning getting rid of the preview pane, Which suggestion is the best?
 Clicking on the horrizontal bar between message list and message area
 or the one on the other side.  I think VO said Horizontal.  I also saw
 reference to a vertical bar; now I'm not sure totally what I heard and
 won't know til I get home tonight.  My other question is if one gets
 rid of the preview pane this way, how can you get it back?  I get the
 idea that whatever procedure was followed for ridding oneself of the
 preview pane hasn't always worked.  Could you clarify a good reliable
 procedure to follow to remove preview completely?
 On 2/28/12, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Steve,
> With Mail in classic view and having got rid of the preview pane, the
> messages appear as a list on the right-hand side of the screen, with the
> mailboxes as a list on the left.
> In Conversation view, you expand a thread by pressing right arrow and all
> the messages in that thread appear below the first one. Left arrow 
> collapses
> the thread again.
> To open a message you press Return and the message is read automatically. 
> To
> close a message, you press Cmd-w since opened messages appear each in 
> their
> own window.
> If a message has been read, VO says nothingm, but it does say "Unread",
> "Message was forwarded", etc.
> This way of viewing mail could be what you're looking for.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 28 Feb 2012, at 18:11, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> I'm on Lion 10.7.3 and started out with 10.7.2 before that for a brief
>> period.  I never had any problems with threaded messages I us this
>> approach with all mailers I work with on all platforms.  My only
>> complaint right now with Mail is the message getting marked read when
>> you highlight it on the message list.  I like being able to hop back
>> and forth with VO-J but that comes with the baggage of marking the
>> message as read by merely selecting.  I guess I can't have both ways
>> at the same time .  Everything else seems to be OK from what
>> I've dealt with so far.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: the mystery is solved! (was Another Annoying issue in mail)

2012-02-28 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I meant with vo function 5 rather than number 5.
On 28 Feb 2012, at 22:29, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Yes I did with vo number 5 and it said horrizontal splitter.  Is that right?
> On 28 Feb 2012, at 10:15 PM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:
>> Hi Kawal,
>> did you check to make sure the splitter was under the mouse?  I know it may 
>> sound like a stupid question, but thought I'd ask. :)
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> Donna Goodin, Ph.D.
>> Academic and ADHD Coach
>> Services for Students with Disabilities
>> Lecturer I, Spanish
>> Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
>> University of Michigan
>> Phone: 734-763-3000
>> Email:
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 5:07 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> It's annoying, this does not work for me!  I even put the splitter down to 
>>> 0.
>>> Kawal.
>>> On 28 Feb 2012, at 21:44, Goodin, Donna wrote:
 Hi Steve,
 You want the horizontal scroll bar to the right of the messages list.  If 
 you do it with your mouse  or trackpad, it should work fine.  Someone told 
 me that you have to interact with it first and take it down to zero.  I 
 don't know if that's true, but I did it.
 As for bringing preview back, I'm not sure, I've never wanted to do that. 
 On Feb 28, 2012, at 4:24 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
> Concerning getting rid of the preview pane, Which suggestion is the best?
> Clicking on the horrizontal bar between message list and message area
> or the one on the other side.  I think VO said Horizontal.  I also saw
> reference to a vertical bar; now I'm not sure totally what I heard and
> won't know til I get home tonight.  My other question is if one gets
> rid of the preview pane this way, how can you get it back?  I get the
> idea that whatever procedure was followed for ridding oneself of the
> preview pane hasn't always worked.  Could you clarify a good reliable
> procedure to follow to remove preview completely?
> On 2/28/12, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello Steve,
>> With Mail in classic view and having got rid of the preview pane, the
>> messages appear as a list on the right-hand side of the screen, with the
>> mailboxes as a list on the left.
>> In Conversation view, you expand a thread by pressing right arrow and all
>> the messages in that thread appear below the first one. Left arrow 
>> collapses
>> the thread again.
>> To open a message you press Return and the message is read 
>> automatically. To
>> close a message, you press Cmd-w since opened messages appear each in 
>> their
>> own window.
>> If a message has been read, VO says nothingm, but it does say "Unread",
>> "Message was forwarded", etc.
>> This way of viewing mail could be what you're looking for.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 28 Feb 2012, at 18:11, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>> I'm on Lion 10.7.3 and started out with 10.7.2 before that for a brief
>>> period.  I never had any problems with threaded messages I us this
>>> approach with all mailers I work with on all platforms.  My only
>>> complaint right now with Mail is the message getting marked read when
>>> you highlight it on the message list.  I like being able to hop back
>>> and forth with VO-J but that comes with the baggage of marking the
>>> message as read by merely selecting.  I guess I can't have both ways
>>> at the same time .  Everything else seems to be OK from what
>>> I've dealt with so far.
>> --
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Re: the mystery is solved! (was Another Annoying issue in mail)

2012-02-28 Thread Goodin, Donna
sounds right to me.
Donna Goodin, Ph.D.
Academic and ADHD Coach
Services for Students with Disabilities
Lecturer I, Spanish
Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
University of Michigan
Phone: 734-763-3000

On Feb 28, 2012, at 5:29 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Yes I did with vo number 5 and it said horrizontal splitter.  Is that right?
> On 28 Feb 2012, at 10:15 PM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:
>> Hi Kawal,
>> did you check to make sure the splitter was under the mouse?  I know it may 
>> sound like a stupid question, but thought I'd ask. :)
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> Donna Goodin, Ph.D.
>> Academic and ADHD Coach
>> Services for Students with Disabilities
>> Lecturer I, Spanish
>> Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
>> University of Michigan
>> Phone: 734-763-3000
>> Email:
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 5:07 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> It's annoying, this does not work for me!  I even put the splitter down to 
>>> 0.
>>> Kawal.
>>> On 28 Feb 2012, at 21:44, Goodin, Donna wrote:
 Hi Steve,
 You want the horizontal scroll bar to the right of the messages list.  If 
 you do it with your mouse  or trackpad, it should work fine.  Someone told 
 me that you have to interact with it first and take it down to zero.  I 
 don't know if that's true, but I did it.
 As for bringing preview back, I'm not sure, I've never wanted to do that. 
 On Feb 28, 2012, at 4:24 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
> Concerning getting rid of the preview pane, Which suggestion is the best?
> Clicking on the horrizontal bar between message list and message area
> or the one on the other side.  I think VO said Horizontal.  I also saw
> reference to a vertical bar; now I'm not sure totally what I heard and
> won't know til I get home tonight.  My other question is if one gets
> rid of the preview pane this way, how can you get it back?  I get the
> idea that whatever procedure was followed for ridding oneself of the
> preview pane hasn't always worked.  Could you clarify a good reliable
> procedure to follow to remove preview completely?
> On 2/28/12, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello Steve,
>> With Mail in classic view and having got rid of the preview pane, the
>> messages appear as a list on the right-hand side of the screen, with the
>> mailboxes as a list on the left.
>> In Conversation view, you expand a thread by pressing right arrow and all
>> the messages in that thread appear below the first one. Left arrow 
>> collapses
>> the thread again.
>> To open a message you press Return and the message is read 
>> automatically. To
>> close a message, you press Cmd-w since opened messages appear each in 
>> their
>> own window.
>> If a message has been read, VO says nothingm, but it does say "Unread",
>> "Message was forwarded", etc.
>> This way of viewing mail could be what you're looking for.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 28 Feb 2012, at 18:11, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>> I'm on Lion 10.7.3 and started out with 10.7.2 before that for a brief
>>> period.  I never had any problems with threaded messages I us this
>>> approach with all mailers I work with on all platforms.  My only
>>> complaint right now with Mail is the message getting marked read when
>>> you highlight it on the message list.  I like being able to hop back
>>> and forth with VO-J but that comes with the baggage of marking the
>>> message as read by merely selecting.  I guess I can't have both ways
>>> at the same time .  Everything else seems to be OK from what
>>> I've dealt with so far.
>> --
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Re: I found a table I can read in pages

2012-02-28 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello Greg. Yes you can read and edit the tables because they are separate 
objects. However, it's difficult to determine where they appear in the 

On Feb 28, 2012, at 4:08 PM, Greg Aikens  wrote:

> Hello all,
> It has been my experience that tables are completely inaccessible in pages.  
> However, recently I have come across a couple of files that have table 
> objects in them that I can navigate and interact with.  They show up after 
> the body and before the footer, at least on the two files I have seen.  Has 
> anyone else encountered this?  I can't figure out why the tables would work 
> in these specific files.  It would be nice to figure out though because I 
> would like to make files containing these objects.  I'll be honest that I 
> haven't dedicated too much time to figuring this one out.  
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> -Greg
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Re: the mystery is solved! (was Another Annoying issue in mail)

2012-02-28 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Can't see any difference.
On 28 Feb 2012, at 22:41, Goodin, Donna wrote:

> sounds right to me.
> Donna
> Donna Goodin, Ph.D.
> Academic and ADHD Coach
> Services for Students with Disabilities
> Lecturer I, Spanish
> Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
> University of Michigan
> Phone: 734-763-3000
> Email:
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 5:29 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Yes I did with vo number 5 and it said horrizontal splitter.  Is that right?
>> On 28 Feb 2012, at 10:15 PM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:
>>> Hi Kawal,
>>> did you check to make sure the splitter was under the mouse?  I know it may 
>>> sound like a stupid question, but thought I'd ask. :)
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> Donna Goodin, Ph.D.
>>> Academic and ADHD Coach
>>> Services for Students with Disabilities
>>> Lecturer I, Spanish
>>> Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
>>> University of Michigan
>>> Phone: 734-763-3000
>>> Email:
>>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 5:07 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
 It's annoying, this does not work for me!  I even put the splitter down to 
 On 28 Feb 2012, at 21:44, Goodin, Donna wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> You want the horizontal scroll bar to the right of the messages list.  If 
> you do it with your mouse  or trackpad, it should work fine.  Someone 
> told me that you have to interact with it first and take it down to zero. 
>  I don't know if that's true, but I did it.
> As for bringing preview back, I'm not sure, I've never wanted to do that. 
> :)
> Best,
> Donna
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 4:24 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> Concerning getting rid of the preview pane, Which suggestion is the best?
>> Clicking on the horrizontal bar between message list and message area
>> or the one on the other side.  I think VO said Horizontal.  I also saw
>> reference to a vertical bar; now I'm not sure totally what I heard and
>> won't know til I get home tonight.  My other question is if one gets
>> rid of the preview pane this way, how can you get it back?  I get the
>> idea that whatever procedure was followed for ridding oneself of the
>> preview pane hasn't always worked.  Could you clarify a good reliable
>> procedure to follow to remove preview completely?
>> On 2/28/12, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>>> Hello Steve,
>>> With Mail in classic view and having got rid of the preview pane, the
>>> messages appear as a list on the right-hand side of the screen, with the
>>> mailboxes as a list on the left.
>>> In Conversation view, you expand a thread by pressing right arrow and 
>>> all
>>> the messages in that thread appear below the first one. Left arrow 
>>> collapses
>>> the thread again.
>>> To open a message you press Return and the message is read 
>>> automatically. To
>>> close a message, you press Cmd-w since opened messages appear each in 
>>> their
>>> own window.
>>> If a message has been read, VO says nothingm, but it does say "Unread",
>>> "Message was forwarded", etc.
>>> This way of viewing mail could be what you're looking for.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 28 Feb 2012, at 18:11, Steve Holmes wrote:
 I'm on Lion 10.7.3 and started out with 10.7.2 before that for a brief
 period.  I never had any problems with threaded messages I us this
 approach with all mailers I work with on all platforms.  My only
 complaint right now with Mail is the message getting marked read when
 you highlight it on the message list.  I like being able to hop back
 and forth with VO-J but that comes with the baggage of marking the
 message as read by merely selecting.  I guess I can't have both ways
 at the same time .  Everything else seems to be OK from what
 I've dealt with so far.
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> You

Re: Voxer iPhone app

2012-02-28 Thread Gerard Doody
Hi Ed,  
I have been using Voxer for a while.  Double-tap on the name of the sender.  
You will hear the message.  if you tap a few messages back on the percentage 
below the name you will hear the whole conversation.  take care, Jerry Doody 

On Feb 28, 2012, at 4:43 PM, Ed Worrell wrote:

Hello listers, I just downloaded the voxer app. I have some questions about it, 
or better yet a question. How do you listen to a message? Do you just double 
tap on the time of the message? I guess that was two questions. Oh, well.


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Re: I found a table I can read in pages

2012-02-28 Thread Cheree Heppe
Cheree Heppe here:
Why not send examples of files that can and cannot be accessed, along with 
explanations to the cadre responsible for Pages design and find out if it can 
be made more accessible?
We could all benefit from a truly accessible non-Windows based word 
processing/spreadsheet program.

Cheree Heppe

Sent from my iPhone

On 28/02/2012, at 14:42, Paul Hunt  wrote:

> Hello Greg. Yes you can read and edit the tables because they are separate 
> objects. However, it's difficult to determine where they appear in the 
> documents.  
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 4:08 PM, Greg Aikens  wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> It has been my experience that tables are completely inaccessible in pages.  
>> However, recently I have come across a couple of files that have table 
>> objects in them that I can navigate and interact with.  They show up after 
>> the body and before the footer, at least on the two files I have seen.  Has 
>> anyone else encountered this?  I can't figure out why the tables would work 
>> in these specific files.  It would be nice to figure out though because I 
>> would like to make files containing these objects.  I'll be honest that I 
>> haven't dedicated too much time to figuring this one out.  
>> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
>> -Greg
>> -- 
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Command For the Mac

2012-02-28 Thread Christine Pierce
Hi, If I am in mail, and I want to go to my desktop on my iMac, what
is the command to do this? Thanks, Christine

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Re: Amadeus accessibility?

2012-02-28 Thread Emrah
Mike, Amadeus is a great piece of software. 
If you have a little scope of work in mind, I'd be happy to help you get on 
track, literally. Hahaha

I've done some casual edits and Voice Over recordings for radio ads in French 
speaking Switzerland. Amadeus was my companion and I love it.

Good luck ma man, I'll add you on Skype as well.
On Feb 28, 2012, at 11:59 AM, Michael Malarsie wrote:

> So I have a few questions about that program Amadeus.
>   I don't remember  who recommended it but this is something that  I very 
> interested in. I have listened to some videos about the features and 
> functions but before I download I figure I will jsut ask the people who use 
> it already.
>   Is there any way I can get some more info on how it works and how 
> accessible it is? I really appreciate it!
> Mike Malarsie 
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command for moving to desktop

2012-02-28 Thread Gerard Doody
Hi folks the command to move from your mail to desktop is "control option shift 
d" its the same as moving to the dock while holding down the shift.  In my mac, 
it did not work while I was reading a message.  hth Jerry Doody

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Re: Voxer iPhone app

2012-02-28 Thread Ed Worrell
Thanks for the timely reply 

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Re: Command For the Mac

2012-02-28 Thread Scott Howell
On Feb 28, 2012, at 6:47 PM, Christine Pierce wrote:

> Hi, If I am in mail, and I want to go to my desktop on my iMac, what
> is the command to do this? Thanks, Christine
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Re: Continuous Reading in Ibooks on iPhone 4S

2012-02-28 Thread Cheree Heppe
Cheree Heppe here:
Nearly every book I have downloaded from IBooks has read correctly and has been 
The only exception that I recall now are books produced by a group called 
"Instructables."  They put out cookbooks, craft how-to books, a survival manual 
where they have doagrams about the skills/tasks one is supposed to be learning 
and such.  These I don't even try now because they don't work with VoiceOver.
They, fortunately for VoiceOver users, are a drop in the ocean of accessible 
books.  I have a lot of books now from IBooks and love being able to read a 
newly published work at the same moment as my sighted colleagues.

Cheree Heppe

Sent from my iPhone

On 28/02/2012, at 7:22, Jane  wrote:

> every book I've gotten so far is accessible.  I have yet to find an 
> inaccessible novel.
> Jane
> On Feb 27, 2012, at 11:46 PM, Mike Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Esther and others,
>> I would like to thank you all very much for your input regarding my question 
>> about continuous reading of a book in the iBook application.  As you stated, 
>> Esther, a two-finger flick down from within the text did the trick.  And 
>> yes, I agree that upon more thought, this makes sense.
>> Now to my next question: Is it a reasonable expectation that most 
>> commercially-done, contemporary novels found in the bookstore will be 
>> accessible?
>> Even though I am currently in the U.S., I am still taken to the Austrian App 
>> Store, though manually switching isn't a problem.
>> Kindest regards and thanks once again for your assistance,
>> Mike
>> On 26,Feb,2012, at 12:59 PM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Mike,
>>> Just to expand on my comment about issuing the two-finger flick down from 
>>> the text area of the book to get continuous reading going in iBooks. Since 
>>> this gesture is meant to "read all" on the current page, starting from your 
>>> present position, if you wanted to find out about the page chooser at the 
>>> bottom of the screen the first time you checked the layout of controls in 
>>> iBooks, and were starting from the buttons for Library and table of 
>>> contents, you wouldn't want VoiceOver to keep reading to the end of the 
>>> book before telling you that there were additional controls at the bottom 
>>> of the page.
>>> So what happens is that a two-finger flick down initiated from the area 
>>> with button controls at the top of the screen just reads the text that is 
>>> on the current page, then goes on to read the controls at the bottom of the 
>>> screen.  But if you initiate the two-finger flick down from within the text 
>>> area, your "read all from present point" gesture continues to read through 
>>> the text area, only, and will automatically go on to the next page.
>>> This originally confused me, too, the first time I encountered it and 
>>> didn't have VO read the rest of the page.  But then it made sense that it 
>>> would work that way.  
>>> Most people touch the center of the screen when they do their two-finger 
>>> flick down, so that's why they automatically get the continuous reading.
>>> You'll still notice a slight pause when you reach the end of the current 
>>> page.  That's because iBooks does a simulated page turn graphic.  This 
>>> annoyed the heck out of some early reviewers (who were not visually 
>>> impaired. Andy Ihnatko wrote in his initial, otherwise positive, review of 
>>> iBooks for the Chicago Sun: "I do wish I could disable the fancy page-curl 
>>> animation. On an iPhone 3GS, at least, there’s a slight, but annoying, 
>>> additional pause as the app does a whole lot of math.")  If this really 
>>> annoys you, changing the font size to be small will put a lot more text on 
>>> the screen before you get that slight pause.
>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Feb 26, 2012, at 10:35 AM, Esther wrote:
 Hi Mike,
 Try doing the two-finger flick down from the middle of the text page.  For 
 example, if you're reading in the page, do a two-finger tap to stop. Then 
 do a two-finger flick down.  Usually when you're in the text area this 
 will work for continuous reading.  Or you can try to touch the center of 
 the screen for the text area first, then do the two finger flick down.
 HTH.  Cheers,
 On Feb 26, 2012, at 10:31 AM, Mike Busboom wrote:
> Hello Jane,
> That's the problem. A two-finger flick down reads the current page, but 
> reading is halted at the end of the page.  I have been unsuccessful at 
> having continuous read to work.  I am read the current page from start to 
> finish, but then VO stops reading, i.e. the next page isn't turned to, 
> nor is reading continued.
> Mike
> On 26,Feb,2012, at 11:56 AM, Jane wrote:
>> Hi.
>> Tru a two-finger-flick-down. That'll start it reading and will turn 
>> pa

Re: command for moving to desktop

2012-02-28 Thread Scott Howell
I just executed this command while reading your e-mail and I had no problem 
getting to the desktop, so not sure what the issue may be.

On Feb 28, 2012, at 6:55 PM, Gerard Doody wrote:

> Hi folks the command to move from your mail to desktop is "control option 
> shift d" its the same as moving to the dock while holding down the shift.  In 
> my mac, it did not work while I was reading a message.  hth Jerry Doody
> -- 
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Re: Moing Emails To A Different Mailbox

2012-02-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

Its Apple to the core episode 3.  You can find it at


Ricardo Walker

On Feb 28, 2012, at 9:37 AM, Michael Malarsie  

> Ricardo,
>   What is the name of that podcast?
> Mike Malarsie 
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 7:37 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> its even easier if you take advantage of the favorites bar in Lion.  Here 
>> all you need to do is press control command and the number of the folder or 
>> inbox you want to move the message to.  I explain this in a podcast I did 
>> when Lion first came out.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 3:11 AM, Steve Holmes  wrote:
>>> What I do quite often in Lion / mail, is when I have a message I want
>>> to move, I press Shift-VO-m to open a context menu; most of the way
>>> down that menu, there are copy and move commands with sub menus; the
>>> various folders on your system are in those sub menus.  I use that all
>>> the time to move messages to Trash on my gmail accounts.
>>> I should note importantly that I use IMAP to my gmail accounts and the
>>> only way to truely delete mail is to move it to Trash; this removes
>>> all labels from the message and gets it out of the All Mail folder
>>> too.  I couldn't get Mail's delete function to quite work for me
>>> without dumping messages into another folder either on gmail or my
>>> local machine.  If you're not careful with gmail and IMAP you could
>>> end up with all the messages you intended to delete being left in the
>>> All Mail folder.
>>> On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 04:26:19PM -1000, Esther wrote:
 Hi Gigi and Ezzie,
 Is Ezzie using Snow Leopard?  Under Lion my Inbox got installed as a 
 "Favorite Mailbox", so I can automatically move selected messages, 
 including "junk" emails to my Inbox by pressing Command-Control-1, which 
 is listed under the options of the "Mailbox" menu on Mail's menu bar.  Cut 
 and paste also works, but I think under Snow Leopard there was an option 
 for moving your selection to another mailbox, too, similar to how it's 
 done in iOS.  It's not something I used very often, so I don't remember 
 the sequence off the top of my head.
 HTH.  Cheers,
 On Feb 26, 2012, at 3:59 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> Hi Ezzie.
> I don't know if this work with snow kitty, but in Lion, If you go to the 
> table of your messages, you should be able to select them with shift down 
> arrow. Then press command X to cut them. Then go to the folder title 
> where you want them to go and press command V. 
> Regards
> Gigi
> On Feb 26, 2012, at 3:49 PM, Ezzie Bueno wrote:
>>> Hello list,
>>> Several of my emails have been marked "JUNK" and are in my junk folder. 
>>> How can I move these emails to my regular inbox?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ezzie Bueno
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Re: the mystery is solved! (was Another Annoying issue in mail)

2012-02-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

your looking for a vertical splitter.


Ricardo Walker

On Feb 28, 2012, at 5:41 PM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:

> sounds right to me.
> Donna
> Donna Goodin, Ph.D.
> Academic and ADHD Coach
> Services for Students with Disabilities
> Lecturer I, Spanish
> Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
> University of Michigan
> Phone: 734-763-3000
> Email:
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 5:29 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Yes I did with vo number 5 and it said horrizontal splitter.  Is that right?
>> On 28 Feb 2012, at 10:15 PM, "Goodin, Donna"  wrote:
>>> Hi Kawal,
>>> did you check to make sure the splitter was under the mouse?  I know it may 
>>> sound like a stupid question, but thought I'd ask. :)
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> Donna Goodin, Ph.D.
>>> Academic and ADHD Coach
>>> Services for Students with Disabilities
>>> Lecturer I, Spanish
>>> Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
>>> University of Michigan
>>> Phone: 734-763-3000
>>> Email:
>>> On Feb 28, 2012, at 5:07 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
 It's annoying, this does not work for me!  I even put the splitter down to 
 On 28 Feb 2012, at 21:44, Goodin, Donna wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> You want the horizontal scroll bar to the right of the messages list.  If 
> you do it with your mouse  or trackpad, it should work fine.  Someone 
> told me that you have to interact with it first and take it down to zero. 
>  I don't know if that's true, but I did it.
> As for bringing preview back, I'm not sure, I've never wanted to do that. 
> :)
> Best,
> Donna
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 4:24 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
>> Concerning getting rid of the preview pane, Which suggestion is the best?
>> Clicking on the horrizontal bar between message list and message area
>> or the one on the other side.  I think VO said Horizontal.  I also saw
>> reference to a vertical bar; now I'm not sure totally what I heard and
>> won't know til I get home tonight.  My other question is if one gets
>> rid of the preview pane this way, how can you get it back?  I get the
>> idea that whatever procedure was followed for ridding oneself of the
>> preview pane hasn't always worked.  Could you clarify a good reliable
>> procedure to follow to remove preview completely?
>> On 2/28/12, Anne Robertson  wrote:
>>> Hello Steve,
>>> With Mail in classic view and having got rid of the preview pane, the
>>> messages appear as a list on the right-hand side of the screen, with the
>>> mailboxes as a list on the left.
>>> In Conversation view, you expand a thread by pressing right arrow and 
>>> all
>>> the messages in that thread appear below the first one. Left arrow 
>>> collapses
>>> the thread again.
>>> To open a message you press Return and the message is read 
>>> automatically. To
>>> close a message, you press Cmd-w since opened messages appear each in 
>>> their
>>> own window.
>>> If a message has been read, VO says nothingm, but it does say "Unread",
>>> "Message was forwarded", etc.
>>> This way of viewing mail could be what you're looking for.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 28 Feb 2012, at 18:11, Steve Holmes wrote:
 I'm on Lion 10.7.3 and started out with 10.7.2 before that for a brief
 period.  I never had any problems with threaded messages I us this
 approach with all mailers I work with on all platforms.  My only
 complaint right now with Mail is the message getting marked read when
 you highlight it on the message list.  I like being able to hop back
 and forth with VO-J but that comes with the baggage of marking the
 message as read by merely selecting.  I guess I can't have both ways
 at the same time .  Everything else seems to be OK from what
 I've dealt with so far.
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Re: Voxer iPhone app

2012-02-28 Thread Michael Malarsie
Is Voxer like talk Box? they sounds the same.

Mike Malarsie 
On Feb 28, 2012, at 5:40 PM, Gerard Doody wrote:

> Hi Ed,  
> I have been using Voxer for a while.  Double-tap on the name of the sender.  
> You will hear the message.  if you tap a few messages back on the percentage 
> below the name you will hear the whole conversation.  take care, Jerry Doody 
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 4:43 PM, Ed Worrell wrote:
> Hello listers, I just downloaded the voxer app. I have some questions about 
> it, or better yet a question. How do you listen to a message? Do you just 
> double tap on the time of the message? I guess that was two questions. Oh, 
> well.
> Ed
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Re: Command For the Mac

2012-02-28 Thread Mike Arrigo
There may be a built in mac command for this, but the voice over command is 
control option shift d
On Feb 28, 2012, at 5:47 PM, Christine Pierce wrote:

> Hi, If I am in mail, and I want to go to my desktop on my iMac, what
> is the command to do this? Thanks, Christine
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Re: Command For the Mac

2012-02-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

I just press F11 on Lion.

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 28, 2012, at 7:35 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:

> There may be a built in mac command for this, but the voice over command is 
> control option shift d
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 5:47 PM, Christine Pierce wrote:
>> Hi, If I am in mail, and I want to go to my desktop on my iMac, what
>> is the command to do this? Thanks, Christine
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