Re: any games in the app store that are accessible?

2012-02-19 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey Donna and Jürgen. I don't know of any accessible games for Mac in the App 
Store but have you tried RS Games? It's a bunch of pretty good games. You can 
download it from


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Re: suggestions for updating to lion

2012-02-19 Thread Scott Howell

ALthough a fresh install has its advantages, I have found very few problems 
upgrading. Most problems upgrading have been the result of an application. Not 
everyone wants to go through the nuke and pave option. An upgrade is more 
likely to be successful when your system is already in a stable state.

On Feb 19, 2012, at 12:30 AM, John Panarese wrote:

>I would do a clean install, first of all.  This is better than an upgrade. 
>  Make sure your system has the latest firmware updates prior to doing the 
> clean install, back up your current system with Time Machine or something 
> like, Super  Duper, on an external drive, and after you install Lion for the 
> first time, get the combo updater from the Apple Support page to go to 10.7.3.
> I restored all my settings and material manual step by step.  However, 
> you can always migrate from the backup you make.  This is entirely up to you. 
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Feb 18, 2012, at 4:21 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Ok, now that I have a short break from school I think it's time to play with 
>> Lion. Any tips and tricks that I should know or do before I upgrade?
>> All help would be appreciated.
>> May and Prince Noah
>> cell: 613-863-5845 or 1-888-778-2544
>> email:
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Re: Messages beta question

2012-02-19 Thread Scott Howell
Option-enter in fact will insert a return, so there is the solution. :)

On Feb 18, 2012, at 10:12 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> I haven't tried this app but the usual Mac convention is to use option+enter 
> to add a new line instead of doing some action.
> CB
> On 2/18/12 7:30 PM, Eric Caron wrote:
>> Hi Scott and others,
>> I like putting in blank lines in messages but of course when I press enter 
>> it sends the message.  Is there a way to move down a line when typing a 
>> message?
>> Eric Caron
>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 5:00 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Just press enter
>>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 4:45 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
 Stupid question, but once you’ve written a message in the beta, how do you 
 send it?  I have not used iChat, so not familiar with the conventions.  
 Seems like it should be command s for send or shift command D like sending 
 email.  Help appreciated.
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Re: new version of motion gps drive

2012-02-19 Thread Jennifer Perdue
Hi Mike,

Can you tell me what Motion does that navigon doesn't?  I have never used 
either one but I have Navigon on my phone.  What makes Motion worth the 
upgrade.  I'm moving to another neighborhood in a few weeks and I would love to 
have a GPS app that would prove helpful.  Could you give me the play by play 
lowdown please?

Thanks in advance.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Feb 19, 2012, at 12:39 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> There is no way to get older versions, the current version of navigon worked 
> fine for me, used it earlier today on a short root, I still like motion gps 
> better because entering addresses is much easier.
> On Feb 18, 2012, at 10:33 AM, Mike Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Anne,
>> Thanks for responding.  I downloaded Ariadne this morning, but I have been 
>> told that the most recent version of Navigon is no longer accessible.  If 
>> this is true, do you know if it is possible to download older iterations of 
>> a program from the iStore?  If ordering older versions works, which version 
>> should I grab?
>> Thanks for all the times you have assisted me!
>> Mike
>> On 18,Feb,2012, at 5:07 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Mike,
>>> This app does not work in Europe. I like the combination of Navigon and 
>>> Ariadne GPS. You might also find MyWay Classic useful for marking out 
>>> routes that are off the beaten track.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 18 Feb 2012, at 16:50, Michael Busboom wrote:
 Hello Mike,
 Do you know if this App works at all in Europe?  Since I still am an 
 expatriate American and get to the States occasionally, I'll probably buy 
 it, but knowing that it worked in Europe as well would make it even more 
 Kindest regards,
 P.S. Your podcasts on the Mac did much to inspire me to buy my first 
 MacBook, and I don't regret that decision one little bit.  Thank you.
 On 18,Feb,2012, at 4:46 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> Hey everyone, motion gps has just released version 13 for the iphone, if 
> you live in the United States or Canada, it's well worth checking out. 
> They have fixed the unlabeled buttons and provided very good 
> accessibility for voiceover users. I think this app is now by far the 
> best one for blind users, navigon was the best choice for a while but I 
> think it has lost the top spot, especially in the newest versions.
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Re: any games in the app store that are accessible?

2012-02-19 Thread Goodin, Donna
Hi Jurgen,

Thanks.  I have lots of games on my iPhone, and yes, Papa Sangre was a great 
one.  I was just on my Mac at the moment, and it occurred to me that it would 
be nice to have a game to play.

On Feb 19, 2012, at 2:15 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> an interesting question. I don't know an answer but I'm also interested in 
> accessible games. 
> Just to mentioned it: On the iPhone is Papa Sangre highly interesting and 
> nicely produced.
> All the best
> Jürgen
> Am 18.02.2012 um 23:48 schrieb Goodin, Donna:
>> Hey all,
>> I pulled a muscle in my back so am spending the weekend convalescing.  
>> Anyone know of any games in the app store that are accessible on the Mac?
>> TIA,
>> Donna
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Re: help with Growl

2012-02-19 Thread Jennifer Perdue
Universal access, I'm sorry but I'm not sure exactly what that is?  Could you 
explain what that is and how to get to it please.  All I know is that when I am 
sitting on growl and I use command , it goes straight to the OS 10 preferences 
and if I use the VO m command for the apple menu to go to preferences it jumps 
to another apple menu entirely.

thanks for your help.
Jenny and my goofy guideBrooks
On Feb 18, 2012, at 1:13 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi there!
> Can you get to the growl in system pref's!
> And see if there is anything you need to do in there!
> It should be after universal access [well it is in mine]
> hth Colin
> On 18 Feb 2012, at 18:19, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Thanks,
>> OK, when I am on Growl and I use my VO m key, it reverts back to whatever I 
>> was using before growl like, for instance, mail.  Oh Lord this is confusing. 
>>  I must've really screwed the setup of that things up.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Feb 18, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>>> Hi there. I'm on my way out, but try this:  When you open Growl and it says 
>>> it's running in the background, go to the menu bar with VO M, then over to 
>>> the Growl menu, then arrow down and see if you can open preferences from 
>>> there.  That might work better, or it might not... Hope this helps.
>>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>>> • MSN:
>>> • My home page:
>>> •
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Re: any games in the app store that are accessible?

2012-02-19 Thread Goodin, Donna
Hi Shawn,

I hadn't heard of these.  thanks, I'll try them out!

On Feb 19, 2012, at 4:34 AM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:

> Hey Donna and Jürgen. I don't know of any accessible games for Mac in the App 
> Store but have you tried RS Games? It's a bunch of pretty good games. You can 
> download it from
> Shawn
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Re: Vo Support for Brailliant 40?

2012-02-19 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

I do not know, why apple has not included new drivers and also some corrections 
in braille in the last update for the mac, it is very disappointing. I think 
Brailliant will be supported in the next IOS update. I think we will see that 
in martz. Please send apple a mail about your problem, it often helps.

The mailaddress is:

Best regards Annie.
Den Feb 15, 2012 kl. 7:01 PM skrev Matt Dierckens:

> Hi Shana,
> My best bet is to just wait until we hear something from apple about this.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> On 2012-02-14, at 11:25 AM, Shanna Stichler wrote:
>> I did that, yes. VO can't seem to detect the display, even though if I pair 
>> it as I would any other bluetooth device, my computer has no problems. Also, 
>> my IPhone will not find the device at all.
>> Shanna
>> -Original Message- From: chris hallsworth
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2012 7:37 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Vo Support for Brailliant 40?
>> Did you go to settings, general, accessibility, VoiceOver, Braille? This
>> is the place to pair Braille displays, and not via settings, general,
>> bluetooth.
>> Christopher H
>> On 14/02/2012 12:57, Shanna Stichler wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I recently acquired a Brailliant 40 BI display. My distributor told me
>>> that this product would pair with IOS devices and my MacBook, however
>>> this does not appear to be the case. I have no problems using the
>>> Brailliant with a Windows machine, but so far have had absolutely no
>>> luck with anything Apple.
>>> I have done my own research, and it seems that this particular display
>>> is not yet supported with VO, but I thought I’d check on this list. Has
>>> anyone had luck with one of these things. I really hope so, because I
>>> absolutely fell in love with the display, and I’d love to keep it.
>>> Shanna
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Re: Messages beta question

2012-02-19 Thread Ricardo Walker

But why would anyone want to put a empty line in  a text message?  That sounds 
a bit much.  If I was sighted, and reading a text on a phone like that, it 
would definitely make me scratch my head. lol.  But to each their own. :)

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 19, 2012, at 5:58 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Option-enter in fact will insert a return, so there is the solution. :)
> On Feb 18, 2012, at 10:12 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> I haven't tried this app but the usual Mac convention is to use option+enter 
>> to add a new line instead of doing some action.
>> CB
>> On 2/18/12 7:30 PM, Eric Caron wrote:
>>> Hi Scott and others,
>>> I like putting in blank lines in messages but of course when I press enter 
>>> it sends the message.  Is there a way to move down a line when typing a 
>>> message?
>>> Eric Caron
>>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 5:00 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
 Just press enter
 On Feb 17, 2012, at 4:45 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
> Stupid question, but once you’ve written a message in the beta, how do 
> you send it?  I have not used iChat, so not familiar with the 
> conventions.  Seems like it should be command s for send or shift command 
> D like sending email.  Help appreciated.
> -- 
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Re: Bluetooth Braille Display Randomly Getting Stuck with Most Recent Lion?

2012-02-19 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

I had that problem too. I figured out to add the display in bluetooth on the 
mac, and then add it again in VoiceOver, that solved the problem.

Best regards Annie.
Den Feb 14, 2012 kl. 6:53 PM skrev Teresa Cochran:

> Hi, all,
> Is anyone else experiencing this one? Ever since I upgraded to the current 
> version of Lion, I have occasional unresponsiveness of my Focus 40. Bluetooth 
> status menu says it's connected, but it takes a reboot of my Mac mini to 
> resolve the issue.
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> "On the other hand, there are different fingers."
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Re: help with Growl

2012-02-19 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Jennifer!
Well hope this is useful!
Open the main menu with either vo+m or control+f2 then when sitting on the 
Apple menu scroll down to system pref's and vo+space or return!
In the next window you will have to just arrow once to the preference pain and 
interact with it!
And in there is lots of selections for you to go into if needed!
I.E. keyboard, accounts, Bluetooth and others!
usually the last one is universal access but Growl should be after this under 
the heading of [others] and it should say growl button!
vo+space on that and you should get into growl to see what you can do!
If you have not had much use of system pref's there is things you might want to 
look at in there!
And do not forget the only dumb question is one that is not asked! :]
People will try to help if they can!

On 19 Feb 2012, at 12:31, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> Universal access, I'm sorry but I'm not sure exactly what that is?  Could you 
> explain what that is and how to get to it please.  All I know is that when I 
> am sitting on growl and I use command , it goes straight to the OS 10 
> preferences and if I use the VO m command for the apple menu to go to 
> preferences it jumps to another apple menu entirely.
> thanks for your help.
> Jenny and my goofy guideBrooks
> On Feb 18, 2012, at 1:13 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>> Hi there!
>> Can you get to the growl in system pref's!
>> And see if there is anything you need to do in there!
>> It should be after universal access [well it is in mine]
>> hth Colin
>> On 18 Feb 2012, at 18:19, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>>> Thanks,
>>> OK, when I am on Growl and I use my VO m key, it reverts back to whatever I 
>>> was using before growl like, for instance, mail.  Oh Lord this is 
>>> confusing.  I must've really screwed the setup of that things up.
>>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>>> On Feb 18, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
 Hi there. I'm on my way out, but try this:  When you open Growl and it 
 says it's running in the background, go to the menu bar with VO M, then 
 over to the Growl menu, then arrow down and see if you can open 
 preferences from there.  That might work better, or it might not... Hope 
 this helps.
 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:
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Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-19 Thread Ricardo Walker

Who writes or, calls a company telling them they do not have to fix a problem.  
That would be a bit, well, over the top, no?

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 18, 2012, at 2:04 PM, David Tanner wrote:

> That is not acceptable.  Converting to text files may destroy the formating 
> and make getting the correct information from a table difficult or 
> impossible.  This is a serious problem, and has been a known problem often 
> and repeatedly reported to Apple.  I sincerely hope you are not someone 
> telling Apple that they don't need to fix the problem.  If so, please let 
> them know that it needs fixing if Apple is to be seriously considered by 
> folks it is absolutely necessary that a person be able to read and edit 
> tables, and do advanced editing or it is not going to work for a lot of 
> people.  Simple text editing is not good enough.
> David Tanner - Host
> MainMenu
> Technology from a blindness perspective!
> - Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 9:46 AM
> Subject: Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.
> I also have no problems navigating tables. The one place where this can be a 
> problem is in word processor documents, but these can easily be read by 
> converting them to plain text.
> On Feb 17, 2012, at 6:44 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Tables?
>> I find navigating tables to be perfectly fine.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 5:39 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> One thing that would be very wellcome here is if tables could be more 
>>> accessible. That is a major problem, in a way not for me, because I hate 
>>> tables, but I know that here in Denmark it is one of the major reasons not 
>>> to recommend mac.
>>> I would also like to see a function, so that I can choose where I would 
>>> like my VoiceOver voice to play, in my external soundcard, a USB headset or 
>>> the built in speakers. It is really annoying to hear my mac speeking in my 
>>> living room speakers, when I am hearing music through my external speakers.
>>> Then I have a thing that in my opinion is hanging back. I think you have 
>>> guessed what it is. Wright it is braille. There are a lot of apples choices 
>>> i simply do not understand. Why are we not allowed as users to modify 
>>> apples braille tables, there are really many bugs. I would also like to see 
>>> a function, so that we can add hotkeys to mac commands not only VOICEOver 
>>> commands.
>>> Best regards Annie.
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Re: Braille editing/translation software for Mac?

2012-02-19 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

I have tried for half a year to get that to work, even with a USB printer it is 
not possible to solve that problem, I have also tried in VMWare, with the same 
result. It seems as if the printer needs a driver.

If any of you have a solution, so that the brailleprinter will work in windows 
in VMWare, I would love to hear about it.

Best regards Annie.
Den Feb 13, 2012 kl. 9:10 PM skrev Philippa Woodcraft:

> I hope there is an easy solution to this problem. i have thought about
> doing the VM fusion option, but prism i'd have to put jaws or some
> such thing on the windows bit, and i'm not keen on doing that just for
> 1 program. my embosser is old, but works! its got one of those serial
> to USB adapters. its all installed i just have no software to
> translate or emboss with. any ideas? tried lewy and iBraille. do
> duxbury do anything for mac? many thanks. Philippa
> On Feb 13, 1:45 pm, Søren Jensen  wrote:
>> Does your printer have any USB connection? I hear that the serial adapters 
>> doesn't work well. Otherwise I don't know how to connect the device to your 
>> Mac. If it does have any usb connection, I might have a solution for you 
>> which works in Windows.
>> Best regards:
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> Den 13/02/2012 kl. 12.59 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
>>> Hi Søren.
>>> I have a 4*4 pro from indexbraille.
>>> I will recommend the new braillebox, if you are going to get a braille 
>>> printer.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> Den Feb 13, 2012 kl. 9:16 AM skrev Søren Jensen:
 Hi Anni.
 What Braille printer do you have?
 Best regards:
 Søren Jensen
 Mail & MSN:
 Den 12/02/2012 kl. 00.21 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
> Hi Philippa.
> I am having the same question. I have contacted indexbraille, and they 
> told me, that there hopefully would be a solution in about six month. I 
> have a lot of problems with my braille printer. I only have a mac now. I 
> have tried with vmware running windows, , but I can not get any braille 
> solution to work that way too.
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Feb 11, 2012 kl. 5:17 PM skrev Philippa Woodcraft:
>> hi. sorry if this question has already been asked, but does anyone know 
>> of a good braille translating/editing software for Mac? i have tried 
>> Lewy and tried to download iBraille but niether are very up to date and 
>> lewy won't work. i am running Lion on a MacBook Air. was just wondering 
>> if you have any reckomendations and what you all use? many thanks. 
>> Philippa
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Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-19 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Christer.

Ok you are wright.

But I will have to inform you about the possibility to change the VoiceOver 
speaking, on my mac the only thing that I can move to another sound device are 
the sound effects. But I have just figured out what has been wrong, I am using 
accapellas Heather and Mette, and they do not work, but the built in voices 
work with that function.

Best regards Annie.

Best regards Annie.
Den Feb 18, 2012 kl. 11:46 AM skrev Krister Ekstrom:

> 17 feb 2012 kl. 23:39 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
>> I would also like to see a function, so that I can choose where I would like 
>> my VoiceOver voice to play, in my external soundcard, a USB headset or the 
>> built in speakers. It is really annoying to hear my mac speeking in my 
>> living room speakers, when I am hearing music through my external speakers.
> This function is already here. In Lion, under the voiceover utility in the 
> speech settings tab there's a popup menu where you can choose what sound card 
> you want Voiceover to go through.
> Also the function with adding shortcut keys has been present since at least 
> Leopard. It's in system preferences/keyboard i think.
> And now, something for the rest of the list. I don't know about you, but i 
> personally hate it when people especially when it comes to things they want 
> to see or have changed, speak for all the blind. Subjects like "we want these 
> or those features" are in my not so humble opinion not so good. What if i 
> totally disagree with suggestions that someone claims "the blind community" 
> wants? A more appropriate subject in my opinion would be something like "what 
> features *I* would..." etc. This reflects more what you and possibly your 
> friends want and people can agree or disagree how they want. I am no 
> moderator however, and i'm sorry if i sound like some kind of cop here, so i 
> can't and won't force a change of subject. I'm merely expressing an opinion 
> that happens to be mine.
> /Krister
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RE: Braille editing/translation software for Mac?

2012-02-19 Thread Yolanda
Have you tried using the generic text only printer driver?  That should work
under your virtual windows.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Annie Skov Nielsen
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2012 6:02 AM
Subject: Re: Braille editing/translation software for Mac?


I have tried for half a year to get that to work, even with a USB printer it
is not possible to solve that problem, I have also tried in VMWare, with the
same result. It seems as if the printer needs a driver.

If any of you have a solution, so that the brailleprinter will work in
windows in VMWare, I would love to hear about it.

Best regards Annie.
Den Feb 13, 2012 kl. 9:10 PM skrev Philippa Woodcraft:

> I hope there is an easy solution to this problem. i have thought about 
> doing the VM fusion option, but prism i'd have to put jaws or some 
> such thing on the windows bit, and i'm not keen on doing that just for
> 1 program. my embosser is old, but works! its got one of those serial 
> to USB adapters. its all installed i just have no software to 
> translate or emboss with. any ideas? tried lewy and iBraille. do 
> duxbury do anything for mac? many thanks. Philippa
> On Feb 13, 1:45 pm, Søren Jensen  wrote:
>> Does your printer have any USB connection? I hear that the serial
adapters doesn't work well. Otherwise I don't know how to connect the device
to your Mac. If it does have any usb connection, I might have a solution for
you which works in Windows.
>> Best regards:
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> Den 13/02/2012 kl. 12.59 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
>>> Hi Søren.
>>> I have a 4*4 pro from indexbraille.
>>> I will recommend the new braillebox, if you are going to get a braille
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> Den Feb 13, 2012 kl. 9:16 AM skrev Søren Jensen:
 Hi Anni.
 What Braille printer do you have?
 Best regards:
 Søren Jensen
 Mail & MSN:
 Den 12/02/2012 kl. 00.21 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
> Hi Philippa.
> I am having the same question. I have contacted indexbraille, and they
told me, that there hopefully would be a solution in about six month. I have
a lot of problems with my braille printer. I only have a mac now. I have
tried with vmware running windows, , but I can not get any braille solution
to work that way too.
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Feb 11, 2012 kl. 5:17 PM skrev Philippa Woodcraft:
>> hi. sorry if this question has already been asked, but does 
>> anyone know of a good braille translating/editing software for 
>> Mac? i have tried Lewy and tried to download iBraille but niether 
>> are very up to date and lewy won't work. i am running Lion on a 
>> MacBook Air. was just wondering if you have any reckomendations 
>> and what you all use? many thanks. Philippa
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Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-19 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Interesting that Acapela voices don't work propperly. How about the nuance 
voices do they work as promised?

19 feb 2012 kl. 14:09 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:

> Hi Christer.
> Ok you are wright.
> But I will have to inform you about the possibility to change the VoiceOver 
> speaking, on my mac the only thing that I can move to another sound device 
> are the sound effects. But I have just figured out what has been wrong, I am 
> using accapellas Heather and Mette, and they do not work, but the built in 
> voices work with that function.
> Best regards Annie.
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Feb 18, 2012 kl. 11:46 AM skrev Krister Ekstrom:
>> 17 feb 2012 kl. 23:39 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
>>> I would also like to see a function, so that I can choose where I would 
>>> like my VoiceOver voice to play, in my external soundcard, a USB headset or 
>>> the built in speakers. It is really annoying to hear my mac speeking in my 
>>> living room speakers, when I am hearing music through my external speakers.
>> This function is already here. In Lion, under the voiceover utility in the 
>> speech settings tab there's a popup menu where you can choose what sound 
>> card you want Voiceover to go through.
>> Also the function with adding shortcut keys has been present since at least 
>> Leopard. It's in system preferences/keyboard i think.
>> And now, something for the rest of the list. I don't know about you, but i 
>> personally hate it when people especially when it comes to things they want 
>> to see or have changed, speak for all the blind. Subjects like "we want 
>> these or those features" are in my not so humble opinion not so good. What 
>> if i totally disagree with suggestions that someone claims "the blind 
>> community" wants? A more appropriate subject in my opinion would be 
>> something like "what features *I* would..." etc. This reflects more what you 
>> and possibly your friends want and people can agree or disagree how they 
>> want. I am no moderator however, and i'm sorry if i sound like some kind of 
>> cop here, so i can't and won't force a change of subject. I'm merely 
>> expressing an opinion that happens to be mine.
>> /Krister
>> -- 
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Re: any games in the app store that are accessible?

2012-02-19 Thread elena brescacin
May i suggest a funny game?
Bop it, from electronic arts
or zany touch
they are funny coordination games
to play them, it is needed to turn voiceover off.
Bopit has an interactive demo tuttorial inside it, that helps you to learn 
gestures and movement

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Re: any games in the app store that are accessible?

2012-02-19 Thread Goodin, Donna
Hi Elena,

I hadn't heard about these games for the Mac.  But they're fun, I've played 
Zaney Touch on my iphone.  thanks for the suggestion.

On Feb 19, 2012, at 9:10 AM, elena brescacin wrote:

> May i suggest a funny game?
> Bop it, from electronic arts
> or zany touch
> they are funny coordination games
> to play them, it is needed to turn voiceover off.
> Bopit has an interactive demo tuttorial inside it, that helps you to learn 
> gestures and movement
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Re: Question about a monitor on my mac mini

2012-02-19 Thread matthew Dyer
I had it connected before I turned it on.


On Feb 18, 2012, at 11:49 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Best thing is to have the monitor connected before the Mac is powered on 
> since the detect process seems to happen at bootup. I think it might be a 
> cold boot thing so you might need to fully shut down, not just do a reboot.
> CB
> On 2/17/12 3:21 PM, matthew Dyer wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just connected a monitor to my mac mini and while my mac sees it there is 
>> nothing showing on the screen.  I know it works as it was tested.  Is there 
>> something I need to change in display settings?  Thanks.  Just wondering.
>> Matthew
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Re: help with Growl

2012-02-19 Thread Jennifer Perdue
When I try to use the arrows with VO to navigate the preference pains and then 
click on other it doesn't click on the correct thing even though I interact 
with it.  I am not sure what I'm doing wrong.  I checked out universal access 
and that didn't seem to get me what I needed either.  Should I uninstall Growl 
at this point?  If so, how do I reinstall it since it is an app?  I'm really 
confused as to why it won't let me get into its own preferences.  I just says 
it's funning in the background and won't let me get to its preferences at all 
no matter which methods I use.

Thanks for your help again.

Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
On Feb 19, 2012, at 6:56 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi Jennifer!
> Well hope this is useful!
> Open the main menu with either vo+m or control+f2 then when sitting on the 
> Apple menu scroll down to system pref's and vo+space or return!
> In the next window you will have to just arrow once to the preference pain 
> and interact with it!
> And in there is lots of selections for you to go into if needed!
> I.E. keyboard, accounts, Bluetooth and others!
> usually the last one is universal access but Growl should be after this under 
> the heading of [others] and it should say growl button!
> vo+space on that and you should get into growl to see what you can do!
> If you have not had much use of system pref's there is things you might want 
> to look at in there!
> And do not forget the only dumb question is one that is not asked! :]
> People will try to help if they can!
> Colin
> On 19 Feb 2012, at 12:31, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Universal access, I'm sorry but I'm not sure exactly what that is?  Could 
>> you explain what that is and how to get to it please.  All I know is that 
>> when I am sitting on growl and I use command , it goes straight to the OS 10 
>> preferences and if I use the VO m command for the apple menu to go to 
>> preferences it jumps to another apple menu entirely.
>> thanks for your help.
>> Jenny and my goofy guideBrooks
>> On Feb 18, 2012, at 1:13 PM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>>> Hi there!
>>> Can you get to the growl in system pref's!
>>> And see if there is anything you need to do in there!
>>> It should be after universal access [well it is in mine]
>>> hth Colin
>>> On 18 Feb 2012, at 18:19, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
 OK, when I am on Growl and I use my VO m key, it reverts back to whatever 
 I was using before growl like, for instance, mail.  Oh Lord this is 
 confusing.  I must've really screwed the setup of that things up.
 Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
 On Feb 18, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
> Hi there. I'm on my way out, but try this:  When you open Growl and it 
> says it's running in the background, go to the menu bar with VO M, then 
> over to the Growl menu, then arrow down and see if you can open 
> preferences from there.  That might work better, or it might not... Hope 
> this helps.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-19 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Christer.

Yes they work, I have not thought that the problem could be in the accapella 
voices. I will try to figure out why. My problem with the voices from nuance is 
that they are going up and down in pitch all the time, therefore I continued to 
use Mette and Heather. That was a mistake i have done.

I think we will need to change the subject lines, if we are continuing this.

Best regards Annie.
Den Feb 19, 2012 kl. 2:28 PM skrev Krister Ekstrom:

> Interesting that Acapela voices don't work propperly. How about the nuance 
> voices do they work as promised?
> /Krister
> 19 feb 2012 kl. 14:09 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
>> Hi Christer.
>> Ok you are wright.
>> But I will have to inform you about the possibility to change the VoiceOver 
>> speaking, on my mac the only thing that I can move to another sound device 
>> are the sound effects. But I have just figured out what has been wrong, I am 
>> using accapellas Heather and Mette, and they do not work, but the built in 
>> voices work with that function.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Den Feb 18, 2012 kl. 11:46 AM skrev Krister Ekstrom:
>>> 17 feb 2012 kl. 23:39 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
 I would also like to see a function, so that I can choose where I would 
 like my VoiceOver voice to play, in my external soundcard, a USB headset 
 or the built in speakers. It is really annoying to hear my mac speeking in 
 my living room speakers, when I am hearing music through my external 
>>> This function is already here. In Lion, under the voiceover utility in the 
>>> speech settings tab there's a popup menu where you can choose what sound 
>>> card you want Voiceover to go through.
>>> Also the function with adding shortcut keys has been present since at least 
>>> Leopard. It's in system preferences/keyboard i think.
>>> And now, something for the rest of the list. I don't know about you, but i 
>>> personally hate it when people especially when it comes to things they want 
>>> to see or have changed, speak for all the blind. Subjects like "we want 
>>> these or those features" are in my not so humble opinion not so good. What 
>>> if i totally disagree with suggestions that someone claims "the blind 
>>> community" wants? A more appropriate subject in my opinion would be 
>>> something like "what features *I* would..." etc. This reflects more what 
>>> you and possibly your friends want and people can agree or disagree how 
>>> they want. I am no moderator however, and i'm sorry if i sound like some 
>>> kind of cop here, so i can't and won't force a change of subject. I'm 
>>> merely expressing an opinion that happens to be mine.
>>> /Krister
>>> -- 
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Re: any games in the app store that are accessible?

2012-02-19 Thread elena brescacin
sorry for the misunderstanding
these games are for iDevices
I do not know any game for macbook, I am looking for them either

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Re: new version of motion gps drive

2012-02-19 Thread Mike Arrigo
It's much easier to enter addresses on the motion app, just type it, no need to 
use 2 or 3 different screens to do this, also I think motion is a bit faster.
On Feb 19, 2012, at 6:04 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> Can you tell me what Motion does that navigon doesn't?  I have never used 
> either one but I have Navigon on my phone.  What makes Motion worth the 
> upgrade.  I'm moving to another neighborhood in a few weeks and I would love 
> to have a GPS app that would prove helpful.  Could you give me the play by 
> play lowdown please?
> Thanks in advance.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Feb 19, 2012, at 12:39 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> There is no way to get older versions, the current version of navigon worked 
>> fine for me, used it earlier today on a short root, I still like motion gps 
>> better because entering addresses is much easier.
>> On Feb 18, 2012, at 10:33 AM, Mike Busboom wrote:
>>> Hello Anne,
>>> Thanks for responding.  I downloaded Ariadne this morning, but I have been 
>>> told that the most recent version of Navigon is no longer accessible.  If 
>>> this is true, do you know if it is possible to download older iterations of 
>>> a program from the iStore?  If ordering older versions works, which version 
>>> should I grab?
>>> Thanks for all the times you have assisted me!
>>> Mike
>>> On 18,Feb,2012, at 5:07 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
 Hello Mike,
 This app does not work in Europe. I like the combination of Navigon and 
 Ariadne GPS. You might also find MyWay Classic useful for marking out 
 routes that are off the beaten track.
 On 18 Feb 2012, at 16:50, Michael Busboom wrote:
> Hello Mike,
> Do you know if this App works at all in Europe?  Since I still am an 
> expatriate American and get to the States occasionally, I'll probably buy 
> it, but knowing that it worked in Europe as well would make it even more 
> interesting.
> Kindest regards,
> Mike
> P.S. Your podcasts on the Mac did much to inspire me to buy my first 
> MacBook, and I don't regret that decision one little bit.  Thank you.
> On 18,Feb,2012, at 4:46 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> Hey everyone, motion gps has just released version 13 for the iphone, if 
>> you live in the United States or Canada, it's well worth checking out. 
>> They have fixed the unlabeled buttons and provided very good 
>> accessibility for voiceover users. I think this app is now by far the 
>> best one for blind users, navigon was the best choice for a while but I 
>> think it has lost the top spot, especially in the newest versions.
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voice quirks was Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-19 Thread Krister Ekstrom
My nuance voices also go up and down in pitch. Although it's a bit annoying at 
times, i can live with it, however i want to know, out of curiosity, do your 
nuance danish voice have trouble pronouncing certain letter as you type them? 
My Swedish voices have problems pronouncing some letters such as "G" and "N" 
and the letter "V" isn't pronounced at all. This happens if i type the letters 
or if i go over them with arrow keys, but in some cirkumstances the letters are 
pronounced as they should. I wrote to Apple about this, but have yet to hear 
anything from them or have a fix for it. I wonder where the problem lies if 
it's in Lion or the nuance voices themselves.

19 feb 2012 kl. 16:17 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:

> Hi Christer.
> Yes they work, I have not thought that the problem could be in the accapella 
> voices. I will try to figure out why. My problem with the voices from nuance 
> is that they are going up and down in pitch all the time, therefore I 
> continued to use Mette and Heather. That was a mistake i have done.
> I think we will need to change the subject lines, if we are continuing this.
> Best regards Annie.
> Den Feb 19, 2012 kl. 2:28 PM skrev Krister Ekstrom:
>> Interesting that Acapela voices don't work propperly. How about the nuance 
>> voices do they work as promised?
>> /Krister
>> 19 feb 2012 kl. 14:09 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
>>> Hi Christer.
>>> Ok you are wright.
>>> But I will have to inform you about the possibility to change the VoiceOver 
>>> speaking, on my mac the only thing that I can move to another sound device 
>>> are the sound effects. But I have just figured out what has been wrong, I 
>>> am using accapellas Heather and Mette, and they do not work, but the built 
>>> in voices work with that function.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> Den Feb 18, 2012 kl. 11:46 AM skrev Krister Ekstrom:
 17 feb 2012 kl. 23:39 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
> I would also like to see a function, so that I can choose where I would 
> like my VoiceOver voice to play, in my external soundcard, a USB headset 
> or the built in speakers. It is really annoying to hear my mac speeking 
> in my living room speakers, when I am hearing music through my external 
> speakers.
 This function is already here. In Lion, under the voiceover utility in the 
 speech settings tab there's a popup menu where you can choose what sound 
 card you want Voiceover to go through.
 Also the function with adding shortcut keys has been present since at 
 least Leopard. It's in system preferences/keyboard i think.
 And now, something for the rest of the list. I don't know about you, but i 
 personally hate it when people especially when it comes to things they 
 want to see or have changed, speak for all the blind. Subjects like "we 
 want these or those features" are in my not so humble opinion not so good. 
 What if i totally disagree with suggestions that someone claims "the blind 
 community" wants? A more appropriate subject in my opinion would be 
 something like "what features *I* would..." etc. This reflects more what 
 you and possibly your friends want and people can agree or disagree how 
 they want. I am no moderator however, and i'm sorry if i sound like some 
 kind of cop here, so i can't and won't force a change of subject. I'm 
 merely expressing an opinion that happens to be mine.
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Re: any games in the app store that are accessible?

2012-02-19 Thread Goodin, Donna
Thanks, Elena.  I wondered how the gestures would have been implemented on the 
Mac. :)

On Feb 19, 2012, at 10:31 AM, elena brescacin wrote:

> sorry for the misunderstanding
> these games are for iDevices
> I do not know any game for macbook, I am looking for them either
> -- 
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VLC 2.0 is out. Some small accessibility issues

2012-02-19 Thread Matthew Campbell
Hi all.
Just updated to the new version of VLC Media Player.
First of all, it's got a new rather iTunes like interface with a table of 
sources on the left, and a bunch of unlabelled buttons on the right.
The buttons can be dealt with if you label them you're self. They've all got 
help tags and it only took me less than a minute to label them all.
Haven't actually played any media in it yet but I don't see that there will be 
any issues.
Just thought I'd bring this to you'r attention.
Have a good Sunday,
Matthew Campbell.

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Re: any games in the app store that are accessible?

2012-02-19 Thread Ricardo Walker
It would be cool if you could use the trackpad on the Macbooks to play one of 
these games.

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 19, 2012, at 11:31 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:

> Thanks, Elena.  I wondered how the gestures would have been implemented on 
> the Mac. :)
> Best,
> Donna
> On Feb 19, 2012, at 10:31 AM, elena brescacin wrote:
>> sorry for the misunderstanding
>> these games are for iDevices
>> I do not know any game for macbook, I am looking for them either
>> -- 
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Re: any games in the app store that are accessible?

2012-02-19 Thread Goodin, Donna
I assumed that's what they did when I thought she was talking about the Mac.

On Feb 19, 2012, at 11:35 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> It would be cool if you could use the trackpad on the Macbooks to play one of 
> these games.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 19, 2012, at 11:31 AM, Goodin, Donna wrote:
>> Thanks, Elena.  I wondered how the gestures would have been implemented on 
>> the Mac. :)
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Feb 19, 2012, at 10:31 AM, elena brescacin wrote:
>>> sorry for the misunderstanding
>>> these games are for iDevices
>>> I do not know any game for macbook, I am looking for them either
>>> -- 
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transfering n.l.s. books to the mac:

2012-02-19 Thread Chenelle Hancock
hi everyone,
i wanted to reply to the individuals for who wanted to transfer n.l.s. books 
from their s.d. cards onto their mac's. could you just go to the app store and 
download i-book application onto your mac and then just  get your books from 
there or even use blio! as a back up. would that be easier for you to use. or 
is it just that you enjoy using the n.l.s. format?. as for me!  i just use the 
i-book application on my i-phone 4.s.  or blio to read my books. it takes not 
as much time to download  then to transfer the  book from you s.d. card onto 
the mac. That's just for me! and what i prefer. 
sincerely, chenelle

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: voice quirks was Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-19 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

I have also problems with some danish letters the 3 last æ ø and å. I have also 
reported these bugs to apple, but they have not solved the problems yet.

Best regards Annie. 
Den Feb 19, 2012 kl. 5:18 PM skrev Krister Ekstrom:

> Hi,
> My nuance voices also go up and down in pitch. Although it's a bit annoying 
> at times, i can live with it, however i want to know, out of curiosity, do 
> your nuance danish voice have trouble pronouncing certain letter as you type 
> them? My Swedish voices have problems pronouncing some letters such as "G" 
> and "N" and the letter "V" isn't pronounced at all. This happens if i type 
> the letters or if i go over them with arrow keys, but in some cirkumstances 
> the letters are pronounced as they should. I wrote to Apple about this, but 
> have yet to hear anything from them or have a fix for it. I wonder where the 
> problem lies if it's in Lion or the nuance voices themselves.
> /Krister
> 19 feb 2012 kl. 16:17 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
>> Hi Christer.
>> Yes they work, I have not thought that the problem could be in the accapella 
>> voices. I will try to figure out why. My problem with the voices from nuance 
>> is that they are going up and down in pitch all the time, therefore I 
>> continued to use Mette and Heather. That was a mistake i have done.
>> I think we will need to change the subject lines, if we are continuing this.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Den Feb 19, 2012 kl. 2:28 PM skrev Krister Ekstrom:
>>> Interesting that Acapela voices don't work propperly. How about the nuance 
>>> voices do they work as promised?
>>> /Krister
>>> 19 feb 2012 kl. 14:09 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
 Hi Christer.
 Ok you are wright.
 But I will have to inform you about the possibility to change the 
 VoiceOver speaking, on my mac the only thing that I can move to another 
 sound device are the sound effects. But I have just figured out what has 
 been wrong, I am using accapellas Heather and Mette, and they do not work, 
 but the built in voices work with that function.
 Best regards Annie.
 Best regards Annie.
 Den Feb 18, 2012 kl. 11:46 AM skrev Krister Ekstrom:
> 17 feb 2012 kl. 23:39 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
>> I would also like to see a function, so that I can choose where I would 
>> like my VoiceOver voice to play, in my external soundcard, a USB headset 
>> or the built in speakers. It is really annoying to hear my mac speeking 
>> in my living room speakers, when I am hearing music through my external 
>> speakers.
> This function is already here. In Lion, under the voiceover utility in 
> the speech settings tab there's a popup menu where you can choose what 
> sound card you want Voiceover to go through.
> Also the function with adding shortcut keys has been present since at 
> least Leopard. It's in system preferences/keyboard i think.
> And now, something for the rest of the list. I don't know about you, but 
> i personally hate it when people especially when it comes to things they 
> want to see or have changed, speak for all the blind. Subjects like "we 
> want these or those features" are in my not so humble opinion not so 
> good. What if i totally disagree with suggestions that someone claims 
> "the blind community" wants? A more appropriate subject in my opinion 
> would be something like "what features *I* would..." etc. This reflects 
> more what you and possibly your friends want and people can agree or 
> disagree how they want. I am no moderator however, and i'm sorry if i 
> sound like some kind of cop here, so i can't and won't force a change of 
> subject. I'm merely expressing an opinion that happens to be mine.
> /Krister
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Changing Sounds in Apple Mail

2012-02-19 Thread Emilio Hernandez
Hello folks,

I am curious if anyone has been successful at changing other sounds in apple 
I have changed the default new mail notification, but I want to change the 
swoosh sent mail sound to something else. I have the .aiff file, but not sure 
how to go about replacing the original sent mail sound. Any help would be 
greatly appreciated - thanks.

Sent from my iMac
Twitter: TheOrangeCircle

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re: what keyboard or i-phone case do you use?

2012-02-19 Thread Chenelle Hancock
hi everyone,
i have used for the past 2 and a half years an apple wireless keyboard with my 
i[phone 3.g.s. and my new i-phone 4.s. which i truly do love at the moment etc. 
i also have a case with it and it is a hard cover case. i also have a wallet 
size case that has a  clip on it  so i can clip it onto my my pants if i want 
to etc... you  just place it into the  case and  close the  like like a wallet 
and that's it!.  i used it for my  3.g.s.  so i  then continued to use it for 
my 4.s. as well saying that i paid about 32 dollars for it at the time that i 
purchased my 3.g.s. over  three years ago.  i enjoy my wireless keyboard a 
great deal i just place it into my over size purse  and  go. i can take it out 
and use it along with my  i-phone 4.s.  and  i do not have to bring my mb pro 
with me. because everything is there inside of my  i-phone 4.s. it takes  up 
less space and it is  incredably lighter to carry around so that is why i like 
it. i cannot  wait to get me an i-pad when the new i-pad 3 comes out later this 
sincerely, chenelle

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can you use a romeo imbosser on the mac?

2012-02-19 Thread Chenelle Hancock
hi everyone,
i wanted to know if you could use a romeo embosser on the mac with  duxbury?
thansk a log for your help.
sincerely, chenelle

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: can you use a romeo imbosser on the mac?

2012-02-19 Thread erik burggraaf
Well, you can't use it with duxbury, but you should be able to use it with 
louis as long as it has serial or bluetooth.  It's been so long since I've seen 
a romeo that I don't know whether it still has serial or not.


Erik Burggraaf
Currently on ebony promos: Ebony consulting on android accessibility, New drive 
imaging services available.  To read more and subscribe, visit 
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2012-02-19, at 11:54 AM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:

> hi everyone,
> i wanted to know if you could use a romeo embosser on the mac with  duxbury?
> thansk a log for your help.
> sincerely, chenelle
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: suggestions for updating to lion

2012-02-19 Thread John Panarese
Hi Scott,
   I've heard mixed reviews.  Obviously, if you don't want to go through the 
whole nine yards, then that is fine.  In a lot of cases, I have heard this has 
been all right.

However, in other cases, I have read and heard about a lot of different 
issues.  Yes, it's often related to third party apps, which is why, if you are 
going to just upgrade and not do the clean install, you should take the time to 
research if your third party apps are compatible with Lion or if there are new 
versions that are needed to be downloaded.

If you are going to simply upgrade from Snow Leopard, be sure to run 
software update first and check the firmware versions of your system to be sure 
there have been no updates you have missed (You can see this info in About This 
Macfrom the Apple menu and VO spacing on the More Info, button).  There is info 
on Apple's support pages about current firmware for all Mac models, and do not 
under estimate the importance of this factor when updating from SL to Lion or 
Leopard to Lion.

Also, of course, still backup your data with Time Machine or via a disk cloning 
avenue, such as Super Duper or CCC.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Feb 19, 2012, at 5:54 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> John,
> ALthough a fresh install has its advantages, I have found very few problems 
> upgrading. Most problems upgrading have been the result of an application. 
> Not everyone wants to go through the nuke and pave option. An upgrade is more 
> likely to be successful when your system is already in a stable state.
> On Feb 19, 2012, at 12:30 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>>   I would do a clean install, first of all.  This is better than an upgrade. 
>>  Make sure your system has the latest firmware updates prior to doing the 
>> clean install, back up your current system with Time Machine or something 
>> like, Super  Duper, on an external drive, and after you install Lion for the 
>> first time, get the combo updater from the Apple Support page to go to 
>> 10.7.3.
>>I restored all my settings and material manual step by step.  However, 
>> you can always migrate from the backup you make.  This is entirely up to 
>> you.  
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> On Feb 18, 2012, at 4:21 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>>> Ok, now that I have a short break from school I think it's time to play 
>>> with Lion. Any tips and tricks that I should know or do before I upgrade?
>>> All help would be appreciated.
>>> May and Prince Noah
>>> cell: 613-863-5845 or 1-888-778-2544
>>> email:
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Re: Bluetooth keyboard recomendations regarding the IPhone.

2012-02-19 Thread Jessica
True, I never actually thought of that.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Ryan Mann 
  Cc:  ; The Accessible Phones Discussion List 
  Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 7:21 PM
  Subject: Re: Bluetooth keyboard recomendations regarding the IPhone.

  I use the Apple Bluetooth keyboard with my iPhone and I love it. I've tried a 
couple of the mini bluetooth keyboards and I just don't like typing on those. I 
like being able to put my hands on the home row and you definitely can't do 
that with the mini bluetooth keyboards.

  Sent from my iPhone

  On Feb 18, 2012, at 9:47 PM, "Jessica"  wrote:

I'm looking at getting the IPhone within the next month or so, and have 
been debating over the otterbox defender case, or the keyboard buddy, which I'm 
a little hesitant about, seeing as how I'm not sure how much protection it 
offers as opposed to the otterbox cases.
  So with that being the case, what do you all use as far as 
keyboards/cases are concerned, and how are they performance-wise?
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Re: suggestions for updating to lion

2012-02-19 Thread Scott Howell

I could not agree more. It is absolutely critical to backup and run updates on 
all of your software before upgrading. Failing to do so may result in all sorts 
of problems.

On Feb 19, 2012, at 12:06 PM, John Panarese wrote:

> Hi Scott,
>   I've heard mixed reviews.  Obviously, if you don't want to go through the 
> whole nine yards, then that is fine.  In a lot of cases, I have heard this 
> has been all right.
>However, in other cases, I have read and heard about a lot of different 
> issues.  Yes, it's often related to third party apps, which is why, if you 
> are going to just upgrade and not do the clean install, you should take the 
> time to research if your third party apps are compatible with Lion or if 
> there are new versions that are needed to be downloaded.
>If you are going to simply upgrade from Snow Leopard, be sure to run 
> software update first and check the firmware versions of your system to be 
> sure there have been no updates you have missed (You can see this info in 
> About This Macfrom the Apple menu and VO spacing on the More Info, button).  
> There is info on Apple's support pages about current firmware for all Mac 
> models, and do not under estimate the importance of this factor when updating 
> from SL to Lion or Leopard to Lion.
> Also, of course, still backup your data with Time Machine or via a disk 
> cloning avenue, such as Super Duper or CCC.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Feb 19, 2012, at 5:54 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> John,
>> ALthough a fresh install has its advantages, I have found very few problems 
>> upgrading. Most problems upgrading have been the result of an application. 
>> Not everyone wants to go through the nuke and pave option. An upgrade is 
>> more likely to be successful when your system is already in a stable state.
>> On Feb 19, 2012, at 12:30 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>>>  I would do a clean install, first of all.  This is better than an upgrade. 
>>>  Make sure your system has the latest firmware updates prior to doing the 
>>> clean install, back up your current system with Time Machine or something 
>>> like, Super  Duper, on an external drive, and after you install Lion for 
>>> the first time, get the combo updater from the Apple Support page to go to 
>>> 10.7.3.
>>>   I restored all my settings and material manual step by step.  However, 
>>> you can always migrate from the backup you make.  This is entirely up to 
>>> you.  
>>> Take Care
>>> John Panarese
>>> On Feb 18, 2012, at 4:21 PM, May McDonald wrote:
 Ok, now that I have a short break from school I think it's time to play 
 with Lion. Any tips and tricks that I should know or do before I upgrade?
 All help would be appreciated.
 May and Prince Noah
 cell: 613-863-5845 or 1-888-778-2544
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: new version of motion gps drive

2012-02-19 Thread Jennifer Perdue
Thanks for the information.  It's proper total is motion GPS correct?  Does it 
have the capability of telling you where you are or is it just something you 
can just type in an address and have it give you turn by turn directions only?

I'm moving to a new neighborhood and would like to be able to know what streets 
I'm crossing and stuff.


Jenny and my goofy guideBrooks
On Feb 19, 2012, at 9:33 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> It's much easier to enter addresses on the motion app, just type it, no need 
> to use 2 or 3 different screens to do this, also I think motion is a bit 
> faster.
> On Feb 19, 2012, at 6:04 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> Can you tell me what Motion does that navigon doesn't?  I have never used 
>> either one but I have Navigon on my phone.  What makes Motion worth the 
>> upgrade.  I'm moving to another neighborhood in a few weeks and I would love 
>> to have a GPS app that would prove helpful.  Could you give me the play by 
>> play lowdown please?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Feb 19, 2012, at 12:39 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>>> There is no way to get older versions, the current version of navigon 
>>> worked fine for me, used it earlier today on a short root, I still like 
>>> motion gps better because entering addresses is much easier.
>>> On Feb 18, 2012, at 10:33 AM, Mike Busboom wrote:
 Hello Anne,
 Thanks for responding.  I downloaded Ariadne this morning, but I have been 
 told that the most recent version of Navigon is no longer accessible.  If 
 this is true, do you know if it is possible to download older iterations 
 of a program from the iStore?  If ordering older versions works, which 
 version should I grab?
 Thanks for all the times you have assisted me!
 On 18,Feb,2012, at 5:07 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Mike,
> This app does not work in Europe. I like the combination of Navigon and 
> Ariadne GPS. You might also find MyWay Classic useful for marking out 
> routes that are off the beaten track.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 18 Feb 2012, at 16:50, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Mike,
>> Do you know if this App works at all in Europe?  Since I still am an 
>> expatriate American and get to the States occasionally, I'll probably 
>> buy it, but knowing that it worked in Europe as well would make it even 
>> more interesting.
>> Kindest regards,
>> Mike
>> P.S. Your podcasts on the Mac did much to inspire me to buy my first 
>> MacBook, and I don't regret that decision one little bit.  Thank you.
>> On 18,Feb,2012, at 4:46 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>>> Hey everyone, motion gps has just released version 13 for the iphone, 
>>> if you live in the United States or Canada, it's well worth checking 
>>> out. They have fixed the unlabeled buttons and provided very good 
>>> accessibility for voiceover users. I think this app is now by far the 
>>> best one for blind users, navigon was the best choice for a while but I 
>>> think it has lost the top spot, especially in the newest versions.
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Re: VLC 2.0 is out. Some small accessibility issues

2012-02-19 Thread Søren Jensen
I've looked briefly on VLC 2.0 and it seems really awesome. I wander if text tv 
is accessible through the program? I just saw that option briefly in the 
menubar. There seems to be a lot of things to explore.
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

Den 19/02/2012 kl. 17.32 skrev Matthew Campbell:

> Hi all.
> Just updated to the new version of VLC Media Player.
> First of all, it's got a new rather iTunes like interface with a table of 
> sources on the left, and a bunch of unlabelled buttons on the right.
> The buttons can be dealt with if you label them you're self. They've all got 
> help tags and it only took me less than a minute to label them all.
> Haven't actually played any media in it yet but I don't see that there will 
> be any issues.
> Just thought I'd bring this to you'r attention.
> Have a good Sunday,
> Matthew Campbell.
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New Tech Doctor Podcast

2012-02-19 Thread Robert Carter
Hi All,

In the just published Tech Doctor podcast, Robert Carter and Allison Mervis 
discuss mainstream versus specialized technology, Allison's experience with an 
Android tablet and jail breaking iOS devices.
As always, the podcast is available at

Robert Carter

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Re: any games in the app store that are accessible?

2012-02-19 Thread elena brescacin

Il giorno 19/feb/2012, alle ore 17:35, Ricardo Walker ha scritto:

> It would be cool if you could use the trackpad on the Macbooks to play one of 
> these games.

audio-games based on trackpad, on multi touch
it would be awesome! But I suppose there are not many developers interested! I 
find iDevices more comfortable to developers thinking about the "design for 
all", there are more input/output possibilities:
accelerometer, microphone, movement, vibration, tilting, blowing on the mic, 
touch, double-touch, multi-touch and so on

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Re: suggestions for updating to lion

2012-02-19 Thread May McDonald
Ok, I have done the upgrade and everything seems to be working as it's suppose 

I do have a question though. Is there a way to get mail set back up so that it 
only lets me look at the subject lines?
On 2012-02-19, at 12:06 PM, John Panarese wrote:

> Hi Scott,
>   I've heard mixed reviews.  Obviously, if you don't want to go through the 
> whole nine yards, then that is fine.  In a lot of cases, I have heard this 
> has been all right.
>However, in other cases, I have read and heard about a lot of different 
> issues.  Yes, it's often related to third party apps, which is why, if you 
> are going to just upgrade and not do the clean install, you should take the 
> time to research if your third party apps are compatible with Lion or if 
> there are new versions that are needed to be downloaded.
>If you are going to simply upgrade from Snow Leopard, be sure to run 
> software update first and check the firmware versions of your system to be 
> sure there have been no updates you have missed (You can see this info in 
> About This Macfrom the Apple menu and VO spacing on the More Info, button).  
> There is info on Apple's support pages about current firmware for all Mac 
> models, and do not under estimate the importance of this factor when updating 
> from SL to Lion or Leopard to Lion.
> Also, of course, still backup your data with Time Machine or via a disk 
> cloning avenue, such as Super Duper or CCC.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Feb 19, 2012, at 5:54 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> John,
>> ALthough a fresh install has its advantages, I have found very few problems 
>> upgrading. Most problems upgrading have been the result of an application. 
>> Not everyone wants to go through the nuke and pave option. An upgrade is 
>> more likely to be successful when your system is already in a stable state.
>> On Feb 19, 2012, at 12:30 AM, John Panarese wrote:
>>>  I would do a clean install, first of all.  This is better than an upgrade. 
>>>  Make sure your system has the latest firmware updates prior to doing the 
>>> clean install, back up your current system with Time Machine or something 
>>> like, Super  Duper, on an external drive, and after you install Lion for 
>>> the first time, get the combo updater from the Apple Support page to go to 
>>> 10.7.3.
>>>   I restored all my settings and material manual step by step.  However, 
>>> you can always migrate from the backup you make.  This is entirely up to 
>>> you.  
>>> Take Care
>>> John Panarese
>>> On Feb 18, 2012, at 4:21 PM, May McDonald wrote:
 Ok, now that I have a short break from school I think it's time to play 
 with Lion. Any tips and tricks that I should know or do before I upgrade?
 All help would be appreciated.
 May and Prince Noah
 cell: 613-863-5845 or 1-888-778-2544
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May and Prince Noah
cell: 613-863-5845 or 1-888-778-2544

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Re: suggestions for updating to lion

2012-02-19 Thread John Panarese
Just switch to Classic View in Mail preferences from the View pane.  That 
will get Mail to act like it did in Snow Leopard.  However, I would recommend 
trying the new view and working with it.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Feb 19, 2012, at 2:48 PM, May McDonald wrote:

> Ok, I have done the upgrade and everything seems to be working as it's 
> suppose to. 
> I do have a question though. Is there a way to get mail set back up so that 
> it only lets me look at the subject lines?
> On 2012-02-19, at 12:06 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>>  I've heard mixed reviews.  Obviously, if you don't want to go through the 
>> whole nine yards, then that is fine.  In a lot of cases, I have heard this 
>> has been all right.
>>   However, in other cases, I have read and heard about a lot of different 
>> issues.  Yes, it's often related to third party apps, which is why, if you 
>> are going to just upgrade and not do the clean install, you should take the 
>> time to research if your third party apps are compatible with Lion or if 
>> there are new versions that are needed to be downloaded.
>>   If you are going to simply upgrade from Snow Leopard, be sure to run 
>> software update first and check the firmware versions of your system to be 
>> sure there have been no updates you have missed (You can see this info in 
>> About This Macfrom the Apple menu and VO spacing on the More Info, button).  
>> There is info on Apple's support pages about current firmware for all Mac 
>> models, and do not under estimate the importance of this factor when 
>> updating from SL to Lion or Leopard to Lion.
>> Also, of course, still backup your data with Time Machine or via a disk 
>> cloning avenue, such as Super Duper or CCC.
>> Take Care
>> John Panarese
>> On Feb 19, 2012, at 5:54 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> John,
>>> ALthough a fresh install has its advantages, I have found very few problems 
>>> upgrading. Most problems upgrading have been the result of an application. 
>>> Not everyone wants to go through the nuke and pave option. An upgrade is 
>>> more likely to be successful when your system is already in a stable state.
>>> On Feb 19, 2012, at 12:30 AM, John Panarese wrote:
 I would do a clean install, first of all.  This is better than an upgrade. 
  Make sure your system has the latest firmware updates prior to doing the 
 clean install, back up your current system with Time Machine or something 
 like, Super  Duper, on an external drive, and after you install Lion for 
 the first time, get the combo updater from the Apple Support page to go to 
  I restored all my settings and material manual step by step.  However, 
 you can always migrate from the backup you make.  This is entirely up to 
 Take Care
 John Panarese
 On Feb 18, 2012, at 4:21 PM, May McDonald wrote:
> Ok, now that I have a short break from school I think it's time to play 
> with Lion. Any tips and tricks that I should know or do before I upgrade?
> All help would be appreciated.
> May and Prince Noah
> cell: 613-863-5845 or 1-888-778-2544
> email:
> -- 
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> May and Prince

Re: any games in the app store that are accessible?

2012-02-19 Thread Jürgen Fleger
I'm sure you know about chess on your Mac. If not, you can find it in the 
programs folder.

All the best

Am 19.02.2012 um 13:28 schrieb Goodin, Donna:

> Hi Jurgen,
> Thanks.  I have lots of games on my iPhone, and yes, Papa Sangre was a great 
> one.  I was just on my Mac at the moment, and it occurred to me that it would 
> be nice to have a game to play.
> Cheers,
> Donna
> On Feb 19, 2012, at 2:15 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> an interesting question. I don't know an answer but I'm also interested in 
>> accessible games. 
>> Just to mentioned it: On the iPhone is Papa Sangre highly interesting and 
>> nicely produced.
>> All the best
>> Jürgen
>> Am 18.02.2012 um 23:48 schrieb Goodin, Donna:
>>> Hey all,
>>> I pulled a muscle in my back so am spending the weekend convalescing.  
>>> Anyone know of any games in the app store that are accessible on the Mac?
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
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Re: suggestions for updating to lion

2012-02-19 Thread May McDonald
Thanks. Guess I overlooked it when I was going through what things looked like 

Will take some getting use to.
On 2012-02-19, at 2:56 PM, John Panarese wrote:

>Just switch to Classic View in Mail preferences from the View pane.  That 
> will get Mail to act like it did in Snow Leopard.  However, I would recommend 
> trying the new view and working with it.
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Feb 19, 2012, at 2:48 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Ok, I have done the upgrade and everything seems to be working as it's 
>> suppose to. 
>> I do have a question though. Is there a way to get mail set back up so that 
>> it only lets me look at the subject lines?
>> On 2012-02-19, at 12:06 PM, John Panarese wrote:
>>> Hi Scott,
>>> I've heard mixed reviews.  Obviously, if you don't want to go through the 
>>> whole nine yards, then that is fine.  In a lot of cases, I have heard this 
>>> has been all right.
>>>  However, in other cases, I have read and heard about a lot of different 
>>> issues.  Yes, it's often related to third party apps, which is why, if you 
>>> are going to just upgrade and not do the clean install, you should take the 
>>> time to research if your third party apps are compatible with Lion or if 
>>> there are new versions that are needed to be downloaded.
>>>  If you are going to simply upgrade from Snow Leopard, be sure to run 
>>> software update first and check the firmware versions of your system to be 
>>> sure there have been no updates you have missed (You can see this info in 
>>> About This Macfrom the Apple menu and VO spacing on the More Info, button). 
>>>  There is info on Apple's support pages about current firmware for all Mac 
>>> models, and do not under estimate the importance of this factor when 
>>> updating from SL to Lion or Leopard to Lion.
>>> Also, of course, still backup your data with Time Machine or via a disk 
>>> cloning avenue, such as Super Duper or CCC.
>>> Take Care
>>> John Panarese
>>> On Feb 19, 2012, at 5:54 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
 ALthough a fresh install has its advantages, I have found very few 
 problems upgrading. Most problems upgrading have been the result of an 
 application. Not everyone wants to go through the nuke and pave option. An 
 upgrade is more likely to be successful when your system is already in a 
 stable state.
 On Feb 19, 2012, at 12:30 AM, John Panarese wrote:
> I would do a clean install, first of all.  This is better than an 
> upgrade.  Make sure your system has the latest firmware updates prior to 
> doing the clean install, back up your current system with Time Machine or 
> something like, Super  Duper, on an external drive, and after you install 
> Lion for the first time, get the combo updater from the Apple Support 
> page to go to 10.7.3.
> I restored all my settings and material manual step by step.  However, 
> you can always migrate from the backup you make.  This is entirely up to 
> you.  
> Take Care
> John Panarese
> On Feb 18, 2012, at 4:21 PM, May McDonald wrote:
>> Ok, now that I have a short break from school I think it's time to play 
>> with Lion. Any tips and tricks that I should know or do before I upgrade?
>> All help would be appreciated.
>> May and Prince Noah
>> cell: 613-863-5845 or 1-888-778-2544
>> email:
>> -- 
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Re: any games in the app store that are accessible?

2012-02-19 Thread Goodin, Donna
Hi there,

I  know this sounds dumb, but honestly, I completely forgot about chess. lol  
Thanks for the reminder.

On Feb 19, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:

> I'm sure you know about chess on your Mac. If not, you can find it in the 
> programs folder.
> All the best
> Jürgen
> Am 19.02.2012 um 13:28 schrieb Goodin, Donna:
>> Hi Jurgen,
>> Thanks.  I have lots of games on my iPhone, and yes, Papa Sangre was a great 
>> one.  I was just on my Mac at the moment, and it occurred to me that it 
>> would be nice to have a game to play.
>> Cheers,
>> Donna
>> On Feb 19, 2012, at 2:15 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
>>> Hi Donna,
>>> an interesting question. I don't know an answer but I'm also interested in 
>>> accessible games. 
>>> Just to mentioned it: On the iPhone is Papa Sangre highly interesting and 
>>> nicely produced.
>>> All the best
>>> Jürgen
>>> Am 18.02.2012 um 23:48 schrieb Goodin, Donna:
 Hey all,
 I pulled a muscle in my back so am spending the weekend convalescing.  
 Anyone know of any games in the app store that are accessible on the Mac?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-19 Thread David Tanner
Well, believe it or not I have seen people tell a company that their 
suggested solution for solving an accessibility problem with their software 
really wasn't necessary because people could get along without any changes. 
This gets done because the individual saying that usually doesn't have to 
use the part of the software that is causing the problem, so they don't 
really think it is that big of a deal even though it may mean that another 
person really couldn't use the software effectively for what they needed to 
do with that software.

This kind of thing happens a lot more often than you would want to believe 
that it does, and usually has to do with the individual really not knowing 
the software as well as they should.  I know betatesters for certain 
companies who make assistive technology software who report that they see no 
problems with a particular beta when there are other betatesters finding a 
lot of problems.  This again happens because some betatesters don't take 
their job seriously enough.

David Tanner - Host
Technology from a blindness perspective!

- Original Message - 
From: "Ricardo Walker" 

Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2012 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.


Who writes or, calls a company telling them they do not have to fix a 
problem.  That would be a bit, well, over the top, no?

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 18, 2012, at 2:04 PM, David Tanner wrote:

That is not acceptable.  Converting to text files may destroy the 
formating and make getting the correct information from a table difficult 
or impossible.  This is a serious problem, and has been a known problem 
often and repeatedly reported to Apple.  I sincerely hope you are not 
someone telling Apple that they don't need to fix the problem.  If so, 
please let them know that it needs fixing if Apple is to be seriously 
considered by folks it is absolutely necessary that a person be able to 
read and edit tables, and do advanced editing or it is not going to work 
for a lot of people.  Simple text editing is not good enough.

David Tanner - Host
Technology from a blindness perspective!

- Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" 
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 9:46 AM
Subject: Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

I also have no problems navigating tables. The one place where this can be 
a problem is in word processor documents, but these can easily be read by 
converting them to plain text.

On Feb 17, 2012, at 6:44 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:


I find navigating tables to be perfectly fine.

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 17, 2012, at 5:39 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:


One thing that would be very wellcome here is if tables could be more 
accessible. That is a major problem, in a way not for me, because I hate 
tables, but I know that here in Denmark it is one of the major reasons 
not to recommend mac.
I would also like to see a function, so that I can choose where I would 
like my VoiceOver voice to play, in my external soundcard, a USB headset 
or the built in speakers. It is really annoying to hear my mac speeking 
in my living room speakers, when I am hearing music through my external 

Then I have a thing that in my opinion is hanging back. I think you have 
guessed what it is. Wright it is braille. There are a lot of apples 
choices i simply do not understand. Why are we not allowed as users to 
modify apples braille tables, there are really many bugs. I would also 
like to see a function, so that we can add hotkeys to mac commands not 
only VOICEOver commands.

Best regards Annie.

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Re: Mac OSX 10.8 Moutain Lion

2012-02-19 Thread Dan Roy
has anyone used the messages beta, I tried here, but, after composing, can't 
figure out how to send the message, I know, I am quite ignorant here!

On Feb 16, 2012, at 8:39 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi folks,
> Apple has given us a sneak peek at Mountain Lion do out this summer.  They 
> have released messages beta.  Its basically like iMessage on IOS.  M Lion 
> sounds like there going full steam ahead with IOS/Mac osx intergration.  
> Mountain Lion will be adding Messages, Reminders, game center and 
> notifications.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> -- 
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Re: Remoting two Macs

2012-02-19 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hi. Ok, so if removing two macs will be a problem, does anyone know if Dropbox 
became accessible as of yet? The last I heard about that, you needed sighted 
help to install it onto your Mac. Is that still the case? I'm trying to help 
her get Skype on her Mac but when she goes to and tries to download 
it, it doesn't show up in her downloads folder.


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Bug With Message Beta

2012-02-19 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey guys. I've noticed that in the Messages beta Voiceover doesn't 
automatically read messages that a person has typed. Has anyone found a work 
around for this?


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Re: Mac OSX 10.8 Moutain Lion

2012-02-19 Thread Brett C.
To send your message, just press enter.


On Feb 19, 2012, at 3:50 PM, Dan Roy wrote:

> has anyone used the messages beta, I tried here, but, after composing, can't 
> figure out how to send the message, I know, I am quite ignorant here!
> On Feb 16, 2012, at 8:39 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> Apple has given us a sneak peek at Mountain Lion do out this summer.  They 
>> have released messages beta.  Its basically like iMessage on IOS.  M Lion 
>> sounds like there going full steam ahead with IOS/Mac osx intergration.  
>> Mountain Lion will be adding Messages, Reminders, game center and 
>> notifications.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> -- 
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Re: Messages beta question

2012-02-19 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

I always put enter in my messages for blank lines just like an e-mail, but not 
sure why!


On 19 Feb 2012, at 12:55 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Cool.
> But why would anyone want to put a empty line in  a text message?  That 
> sounds a bit much.  If I was sighted, and reading a text on a phone like 
> that, it would definitely make me scratch my head. lol.  But to each their 
> own. :)
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 19, 2012, at 5:58 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Option-enter in fact will insert a return, so there is the solution. :)
>> On Feb 18, 2012, at 10:12 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> I haven't tried this app but the usual Mac convention is to use 
>>> option+enter to add a new line instead of doing some action.
>>> CB
>>> On 2/18/12 7:30 PM, Eric Caron wrote:
 Hi Scott and others,
 I like putting in blank lines in messages but of course when I press enter 
 it sends the message.  Is there a way to move down a line when typing a 
 Eric Caron
 On Feb 17, 2012, at 5:00 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Just press enter
> On Feb 17, 2012, at 4:45 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
>> Stupid question, but once you’ve written a message in the beta, how do 
>> you send it?  I have not used iChat, so not familiar with the 
>> conventions.  Seems like it should be command s for send or shift 
>> command D like sending email.  Help appreciated.
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Re: Bug With Message Beta

2012-02-19 Thread John Panarese
   It should.  It's using the iChat interface.  Look in settings under alerts 
and make sure it is configured to do so.  I have had no problems with alerts.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Feb 19, 2012, at 6:17 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:

> Hey guys. I've noticed that in the Messages beta Voiceover doesn't 
> automatically read messages that a person has typed. Has anyone found a work 
> around for this?
> Shawn
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Re: help with Growl

2012-02-19 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey Jennifer and others. I just remembered that someone was having troubles 
with Growl and that someone said that the preferences for it were in System 
Preferences. If you have the latest version of growl, the preferences for it 
are not in system prefs. To access Growl's preferences, go to your apps folder 
in finder and open Growl as if you were going to launch it. There you will find 
the preferences. HTH.


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Re: voice quirks was Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-19 Thread Mike Arrigo
I also reported the nuance pitch issue a while back. Another issue is that when 
the mouse pointer is in the menus, pressing VO F5 does not report the item 
under the mouse.
On Feb 19, 2012, at 10:18 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi,
> My nuance voices also go up and down in pitch. Although it's a bit annoying 
> at times, i can live with it, however i want to know, out of curiosity, do 
> your nuance danish voice have trouble pronouncing certain letter as you type 
> them? My Swedish voices have problems pronouncing some letters such as "G" 
> and "N" and the letter "V" isn't pronounced at all. This happens if i type 
> the letters or if i go over them with arrow keys, but in some cirkumstances 
> the letters are pronounced as they should. I wrote to Apple about this, but 
> have yet to hear anything from them or have a fix for it. I wonder where the 
> problem lies if it's in Lion or the nuance voices themselves.
> /Krister
> 19 feb 2012 kl. 16:17 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
>> Hi Christer.
>> Yes they work, I have not thought that the problem could be in the accapella 
>> voices. I will try to figure out why. My problem with the voices from nuance 
>> is that they are going up and down in pitch all the time, therefore I 
>> continued to use Mette and Heather. That was a mistake i have done.
>> I think we will need to change the subject lines, if we are continuing this.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Den Feb 19, 2012 kl. 2:28 PM skrev Krister Ekstrom:
>>> Interesting that Acapela voices don't work propperly. How about the nuance 
>>> voices do they work as promised?
>>> /Krister
>>> 19 feb 2012 kl. 14:09 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
 Hi Christer.
 Ok you are wright.
 But I will have to inform you about the possibility to change the 
 VoiceOver speaking, on my mac the only thing that I can move to another 
 sound device are the sound effects. But I have just figured out what has 
 been wrong, I am using accapellas Heather and Mette, and they do not work, 
 but the built in voices work with that function.
 Best regards Annie.
 Best regards Annie.
 Den Feb 18, 2012 kl. 11:46 AM skrev Krister Ekstrom:
> 17 feb 2012 kl. 23:39 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
>> I would also like to see a function, so that I can choose where I would 
>> like my VoiceOver voice to play, in my external soundcard, a USB headset 
>> or the built in speakers. It is really annoying to hear my mac speeking 
>> in my living room speakers, when I am hearing music through my external 
>> speakers.
> This function is already here. In Lion, under the voiceover utility in 
> the speech settings tab there's a popup menu where you can choose what 
> sound card you want Voiceover to go through.
> Also the function with adding shortcut keys has been present since at 
> least Leopard. It's in system preferences/keyboard i think.
> And now, something for the rest of the list. I don't know about you, but 
> i personally hate it when people especially when it comes to things they 
> want to see or have changed, speak for all the blind. Subjects like "we 
> want these or those features" are in my not so humble opinion not so 
> good. What if i totally disagree with suggestions that someone claims 
> "the blind community" wants? A more appropriate subject in my opinion 
> would be something like "what features *I* would..." etc. This reflects 
> more what you and possibly your friends want and people can agree or 
> disagree how they want. I am no moderator however, and i'm sorry if i 
> sound like some kind of cop here, so i can't and won't force a change of 
> subject. I'm merely expressing an opinion that happens to be mine.
> /Krister
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Re: new version of motion gps drive

2012-02-19 Thread Mike Arrigo
There is a screen that will tell you the address you are closest to, but it 
will not announce up coming streets or places you pass, for that, the best app 
is sendero look around I think. Motion will give you driving or walking 
instructions very similar to what navigon offers, I think motion's interface is 
a bit easier to use, especially now that everything is well labeled.
On Feb 19, 2012, at 12:09 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:

> Thanks for the information.  It's proper total is motion GPS correct?  Does 
> it have the capability of telling you where you are or is it just something 
> you can just type in an address and have it give you turn by turn directions 
> only?
> I'm moving to a new neighborhood and would like to be able to know what 
> streets I'm crossing and stuff.
> thanks,
> Jenny and my goofy guideBrooks
> On Feb 19, 2012, at 9:33 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> It's much easier to enter addresses on the motion app, just type it, no need 
>> to use 2 or 3 different screens to do this, also I think motion is a bit 
>> faster.
>> On Feb 19, 2012, at 6:04 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>>> Hi Mike,
>>> Can you tell me what Motion does that navigon doesn't?  I have never used 
>>> either one but I have Navigon on my phone.  What makes Motion worth the 
>>> upgrade.  I'm moving to another neighborhood in a few weeks and I would 
>>> love to have a GPS app that would prove helpful.  Could you give me the 
>>> play by play lowdown please?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>>> On Feb 19, 2012, at 12:39 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
 There is no way to get older versions, the current version of navigon 
 worked fine for me, used it earlier today on a short root, I still like 
 motion gps better because entering addresses is much easier.
 On Feb 18, 2012, at 10:33 AM, Mike Busboom wrote:
> Hello Anne,
> Thanks for responding.  I downloaded Ariadne this morning, but I have 
> been told that the most recent version of Navigon is no longer 
> accessible.  If this is true, do you know if it is possible to download 
> older iterations of a program from the iStore?  If ordering older 
> versions works, which version should I grab?
> Thanks for all the times you have assisted me!
> Mike
> On 18,Feb,2012, at 5:07 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Mike,
>> This app does not work in Europe. I like the combination of Navigon and 
>> Ariadne GPS. You might also find MyWay Classic useful for marking out 
>> routes that are off the beaten track.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 18 Feb 2012, at 16:50, Michael Busboom wrote:
>>> Hello Mike,
>>> Do you know if this App works at all in Europe?  Since I still am an 
>>> expatriate American and get to the States occasionally, I'll probably 
>>> buy it, but knowing that it worked in Europe as well would make it even 
>>> more interesting.
>>> Kindest regards,
>>> Mike
>>> P.S. Your podcasts on the Mac did much to inspire me to buy my first 
>>> MacBook, and I don't regret that decision one little bit.  Thank you.
>>> On 18,Feb,2012, at 4:46 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
 Hey everyone, motion gps has just released version 13 for the iphone, 
 if you live in the United States or Canada, it's well worth checking 
 out. They have fixed the unlabeled buttons and provided very good 
 accessibility for voiceover users. I think this app is now by far the 
 best one for blind users, navigon was the best choice for a while but 
 I think it has lost the top spot, especially in the newest versions.
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Re: 1password usage tips please

2012-02-19 Thread Gary
Not sure if you had a better response yet, but try this
go to the login area of the 1password application, and place the cursor on the 
login you want to open, and press option + command + Enter. This will open the 
sign in link and fill in your information, on safari.  It will not log you in, 
but all you need to do is click on the login button.
Hope this helps.

On Jan 31, 2012, at 3:49 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

> Hi,
> I have had 1password for a time. It learns my logins but I cannot find a way 
> to have it fill out info on pages. 
> I press command \ and get a popover but this is as far as I get.
> Thanks,
> Ioana
> Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
> stores.
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Re: new version of motion gps drive

2012-02-19 Thread Daniela Rubio
Does Motion GPS have maps for Europe available? Spain to be exact?
Thanks so much!

 EN TWITTER: @macneticos

El 19/02/2012, a las 19:27, Mike Arrigo escribió:

> There is a screen that will tell you the address you are closest to, but it 
> will not announce up coming streets or places you pass, for that, the best 
> app is sendero look around I think. Motion will give you driving or walking 
> instructions very similar to what navigon offers, I think motion's interface 
> is a bit easier to use, especially now that everything is well labeled.
> On Feb 19, 2012, at 12:09 PM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Thanks for the information.  It's proper total is motion GPS correct?  Does 
>> it have the capability of telling you where you are or is it just something 
>> you can just type in an address and have it give you turn by turn directions 
>> only?
>> I'm moving to a new neighborhood and would like to be able to know what 
>> streets I'm crossing and stuff.
>> thanks,
>> Jenny and my goofy guideBrooks
>> On Feb 19, 2012, at 9:33 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>>> It's much easier to enter addresses on the motion app, just type it, no 
>>> need to use 2 or 3 different screens to do this, also I think motion is a 
>>> bit faster.
>>> On Feb 19, 2012, at 6:04 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
 Hi Mike,
 Can you tell me what Motion does that navigon doesn't?  I have never used 
 either one but I have Navigon on my phone.  What makes Motion worth the 
 upgrade.  I'm moving to another neighborhood in a few weeks and I would 
 love to have a GPS app that would prove helpful.  Could you give me the 
 play by play lowdown please?
 Thanks in advance.
 Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
 On Feb 19, 2012, at 12:39 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> There is no way to get older versions, the current version of navigon 
> worked fine for me, used it earlier today on a short root, I still like 
> motion gps better because entering addresses is much easier.
> On Feb 18, 2012, at 10:33 AM, Mike Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Anne,
>> Thanks for responding.  I downloaded Ariadne this morning, but I have 
>> been told that the most recent version of Navigon is no longer 
>> accessible.  If this is true, do you know if it is possible to download 
>> older iterations of a program from the iStore?  If ordering older 
>> versions works, which version should I grab?
>> Thanks for all the times you have assisted me!
>> Mike
>> On 18,Feb,2012, at 5:07 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Mike,
>>> This app does not work in Europe. I like the combination of Navigon and 
>>> Ariadne GPS. You might also find MyWay Classic useful for marking out 
>>> routes that are off the beaten track.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 18 Feb 2012, at 16:50, Michael Busboom wrote:
 Hello Mike,
 Do you know if this App works at all in Europe?  Since I still am an 
 expatriate American and get to the States occasionally, I'll probably 
 buy it, but knowing that it worked in Europe as well would make it 
 even more interesting.
 Kindest regards,
 P.S. Your podcasts on the Mac did much to inspire me to buy my first 
 MacBook, and I don't regret that decision one little bit.  Thank you.
 On 18,Feb,2012, at 4:46 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> Hey everyone, motion gps has just released version 13 for the iphone, 
> if you live in the United States or Canada, it's well worth checking 
> out. They have fixed the unlabeled buttons and provided very good 
> accessibility for voiceover users. I think this app is now by far the 
> best one for blind users, navigon was the best choice for a while but 
> I think it has lost the top spot, especially in the newest versions.
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Re: Mac OSX 10.8 Moutain Lion

2012-02-19 Thread joseph
can anyone send me the direct link to download message bata please?

On 19 Feb 2012, at 23:20, Brett C. wrote:

> To send your message, just press enter.
> BC
> On Feb 19, 2012, at 3:50 PM, Dan Roy wrote:
>> has anyone used the messages beta, I tried here, but, after composing, can't 
>> figure out how to send the message, I know, I am quite ignorant here!
>> On Feb 16, 2012, at 8:39 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Apple has given us a sneak peek at Mountain Lion do out this summer.  They 
>>> have released messages beta.  Its basically like iMessage on IOS.  M Lion 
>>> sounds like there going full steam ahead with IOS/Mac osx intergration.  
>>> Mountain Lion will be adding Messages, Reminders, game center and 
>>> notifications.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
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Any issues with MenuTab?

2012-02-19 Thread Traci
Hi all,

I updated MenuTab yesterday, and it seems to be acting oddly now.  I'm having a 
hard time interacting with it via VO.  First, I had to take it out of the auto 
start in login, because that wasn't working for me.  If you navigate away from 
the app, I can't figure out how to get back over to it.

Any ideas here?  I use to be able to start the app up, and vo would 
automatically begin reading the first button in the MenuTab app.

Sent by Macbook Air Mail

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chrome vox

2012-02-19 Thread Wayne Coles
 change and if so can some body please tell me the new controls thanks in 
waynehello list has anybody had the latest update for chrome box and did there 

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Re: transfering n.l.s. books to the mac:

2012-02-19 Thread Gigi
Well, I guess I do it all. I do so my books, but I do read a lot of NLS books. 
I always have. I guess us old folks just have a problem making changes 
sometimes. I've been doing it since 1962, so who knows if I can make the change 
I also like Whimbreel, although I haven't used it lately. I do too much braille 
reading all my job, so I want to relax with my books.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 19, 2012, at 10:22 AM, Chenelle Hancock  

> hi everyone,
> i wanted to reply to the individuals for who wanted to transfer n.l.s. books 
> from their s.d. cards onto their mac's. could you just go to the app store 
> and download i-book application onto your mac and then just  get your books 
> from there or even use blio! as a back up. would that be easier for you to 
> use. or is it just that you enjoy using the n.l.s. format?. as for me!  i 
> just use the i-book application on my i-phone 4.s.  or blio to read my books. 
> it takes not as much time to download  then to transfer the  book from you 
> s.d. card onto the mac. That's just for me! and what i prefer. 
> sincerely, chenelle
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: any games in the app store that are accessible?

2012-02-19 Thread Jessica
I wish there were a Spider Solitare game available, unless someone knows 
something I don't yet.  I love playing that on my windows machine, and am 
pretty much adicted to it, and would miss it when I have to part with it, 
but I'm not wanting to put Windows on my macbook pro just to play Spider 
Solitare lol.
- Original Message - 
From: "Goodin, Donna" 

Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2012 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: any games in the app store that are accessible?

Hi there,

I  know this sounds dumb, but honestly, I completely forgot about chess. lol 
Thanks for the reminder.


On Feb 19, 2012, at 2:59 PM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:

I'm sure you know about chess on your Mac. If not, you can find it in the 
programs folder.

All the best

Am 19.02.2012 um 13:28 schrieb Goodin, Donna:

Hi Jurgen,

Thanks.  I have lots of games on my iPhone, and yes, Papa Sangre was a 
great one.  I was just on my Mac at the moment, and it occurred to me 
that it would be nice to have a game to play.


On Feb 19, 2012, at 2:15 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:

Hi Donna,

an interesting question. I don't know an answer but I'm also interested 
in accessible games.

Just to mentioned it: On the iPhone is Papa Sangre highly interesting 
and nicely produced.

All the best
Am 18.02.2012 um 23:48 schrieb Goodin, Donna:

Hey all,

I pulled a muscle in my back so am spending the weekend convalescing. 
Anyone know of any games in the app store that are accessible on the 


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Re: help with Growl

2012-02-19 Thread Gigi
R hi Jennifer
I ended up having to restart my computer. I guess I really should say that I 
shut it down taking out all the windows. When I started my computer back up, 
growl brought up the preferences when I call up the program. You might try that 
and see if that helps. It did help mine. I still haven't completely got growled 
away I want it, but it's better than it was.

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 19, 2012, at 9:06 AM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:

> When I try to use the arrows with VO to navigate the preference pains and 
> then click on other it doesn't click on the correct thing even though I 
> interact with it.  I am not sure what I'm doing wrong.  I checked out 
> universal access and that didn't seem to get me what I needed either.  Should 
> I uninstall Growl at this point?  If so, how do I reinstall it since it is an 
> app?  I'm really confused as to why it won't let me get into its own 
> preferences.  I just says it's funning in the background and won't let me get 
> to its preferences at all no matter which methods I use.
> Thanks for your help again.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Feb 19, 2012, at 6:56 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>> Hi Jennifer!
>> Well hope this is useful!
>> Open the main menu with either vo+m or control+f2 then when sitting on the 
>> Apple menu scroll down to system pref's and vo+space or return!
>> In the next window you will have to just arrow once to the preference pain 
>> and interact with it!
>> And in there is lots of selections for you to go into if needed!
>> I.E. keyboard, accounts, Bluetooth and others!
>> usually the last one is universal access but Growl should be after this 
>> under the heading of [others] and it should say growl button!
>> vo+space on that and you should get into growl to see what you can do!
>> If you have not had much use of system pref's there is things you might want 
>> to look at in there!
>> And do not forget the only dumb question is one that is not asked! :]
>> People will try to help if they can!
>> Colin
>> On 19 Feb 2012, at 12:31, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>>> Universal access, I'm sorry but I'm not sure exactly what that is?  Could 
>>> you explain what that is and how to get to it please.  All I know is that 
>>> when I am sitting on growl and I use command , it goes straight to the OS 
>>> 10 preferences and if I use the VO m command for the apple menu to go to 
>>> preferences it jumps to another apple menu entirely.
>>> thanks for your help.

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Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.

2012-02-19 Thread Ricardo Walker

But there is no solution at this point. lol.  So in essence, the person would 
be calling and saying, you don't need to bother with something that doesn't 
even exist.  That would take incredible forethought IMO.  But, I guess their 
can be such a creature among us. :)

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 19, 2012, at 3:52 PM, David Tanner wrote:

> Well, believe it or not I have seen people tell a company that their 
> suggested solution for solving an accessibility problem with their software 
> really wasn't necessary because people could get along without any changes. 
> This gets done because the individual saying that usually doesn't have to use 
> the part of the software that is causing the problem, so they don't really 
> think it is that big of a deal even though it may mean that another person 
> really couldn't use the software effectively for what they needed to do with 
> that software.
> This kind of thing happens a lot more often than you would want to believe 
> that it does, and usually has to do with the individual really not knowing 
> the software as well as they should.  I know betatesters for certain 
> companies who make assistive technology software who report that they see no 
> problems with a particular beta when there are other betatesters finding a 
> lot of problems.  This again happens because some betatesters don't take 
> their job seriously enough.
> David Tanner - Host
> MainMenu
> Technology from a blindness perspective!
> - Original Message - From: "Ricardo Walker" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2012 6:58 AM
> Subject: Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.
> lol,
> Who writes or, calls a company telling them they do not have to fix a 
> problem.  That would be a bit, well, over the top, no?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Feb 18, 2012, at 2:04 PM, David Tanner wrote:
>> That is not acceptable.  Converting to text files may destroy the formating 
>> and make getting the correct information from a table difficult or 
>> impossible.  This is a serious problem, and has been a known problem often 
>> and repeatedly reported to Apple.  I sincerely hope you are not someone 
>> telling Apple that they don't need to fix the problem.  If so, please let 
>> them know that it needs fixing if Apple is to be seriously considered by 
>> folks it is absolutely necessary that a person be able to read and edit 
>> tables, and do advanced editing or it is not going to work for a lot of 
>> people.  Simple text editing is not good enough.
>> David Tanner - Host
>> MainMenu
>> Technology from a blindness perspective!
>> - Original Message - From: "Mike Arrigo" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2012 9:46 AM
>> Subject: Re: Mountain lion and what we would love to be changed.
>> I also have no problems navigating tables. The one place where this can be a 
>> problem is in word processor documents, but these can easily be read by 
>> converting them to plain text.
>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 6:44 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Tables?
>>> I find navigating tables to be perfectly fine.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 5:39 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
 One thing that would be very wellcome here is if tables could be more 
 accessible. That is a major problem, in a way not for me, because I hate 
 tables, but I know that here in Denmark it is one of the major reasons not 
 to recommend mac.
 I would also like to see a function, so that I can choose where I would 
 like my VoiceOver voice to play, in my external soundcard, a USB headset 
 or the built in speakers. It is really annoying to hear my mac speeking in 
 my living room speakers, when I am hearing music through my external 
 Then I have a thing that in my opinion is hanging back. I think you have 
 guessed what it is. Wright it is braille. There are a lot of apples 
 choices i simply do not understand. Why are we not allowed as users to 
 modify apples braille tables, there are really many bugs. I would also 
 like to see a function, so that we can add hotkeys to mac commands not 
 only VOICEOver commands.
 Best regards Annie.
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Re: Messages beta question

2012-02-19 Thread Ricardo Walker

this is generally not done being there is a character limit with text messages. 
 Why waste a character on a blank line?

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 19, 2012, at 6:48 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Ricardo,
> I always put enter in my messages for blank lines just like an e-mail, but 
> not sure why!
> Kawal.
> On 19 Feb 2012, at 12:55 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:
>> Cool.
>> But why would anyone want to put a empty line in  a text message?  That 
>> sounds a bit much.  If I was sighted, and reading a text on a phone like 
>> that, it would definitely make me scratch my head. lol.  But to each their 
>> own. :)
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Feb 19, 2012, at 5:58 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Option-enter in fact will insert a return, so there is the solution. :)
>>> On Feb 18, 2012, at 10:12 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
 I haven't tried this app but the usual Mac convention is to use 
 option+enter to add a new line instead of doing some action.
 On 2/18/12 7:30 PM, Eric Caron wrote:
> Hi Scott and others,
> I like putting in blank lines in messages but of course when I press 
> enter it sends the message.  Is there a way to move down a line when 
> typing a message?
> Eric Caron
> On Feb 17, 2012, at 5:00 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Just press enter
>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 4:45 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
>>> Stupid question, but once you’ve written a message in the beta, how do 
>>> you send it?  I have not used iChat, so not familiar with the 
>>> conventions.  Seems like it should be command s for send or shift 
>>> command D like sending email.  Help appreciated.
>>> -- 
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Re: Bug With Message Beta

2012-02-19 Thread Ricardo Walker

in messages/preferences, go to alerts.  Choose received messages from the pop 
up  and check speak an announcement.


Ricardo Walker

On Feb 19, 2012, at 6:17 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:

> Hey guys. I've noticed that in the Messages beta Voiceover doesn't 
> automatically read messages that a person has typed. Has anyone found a work 
> around for this?
> Shawn
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Re: Remoting two Macs

2012-02-19 Thread Ricardo Walker

If you already have dropbox on your machine, you can just drop skype in your 
public folder and e-mail her the link.

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 19, 2012, at 6:15 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:

> Hi. Ok, so if removing two macs will be a problem, does anyone know if 
> Dropbox became accessible as of yet? The last I heard about that, you needed 
> sighted help to install it onto your Mac. Is that still the case? I'm trying 
> to help her get Skype on her Mac but when she goes to and tries to 
> download it, it doesn't show up in her downloads folder.
> Shawn
> -- 
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From The Keyboard On iOS Devices.

2012-02-19 Thread Georges Zaynoun


How do I select text to be deleted or copied and pasted somewhere else 
on the iphone or the ipad when using a apple bluetooth keyboard?

Also, how to switch keyboard layout, say I  have English, Swedish and 
Arabic, how to select the one I want to input with?


Georges Zeinoun
Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
Tel: +46500201623, +46500482929
Mobile: +46707567315

Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit to learn more about accessibility anywhere.

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Re: From The Keyboard On iOS Devices.

2012-02-19 Thread Ricardo Walker

the text edit commands are the same as on the Mac.  For example, command A to 
select all, command C to copy, Command V to paste, etc.

To select different keyboard layouts, go to 
settings/general/keyboard/international keyboards/add new keyboard.


Ricardo Walker

On Feb 19, 2012, at 10:46 PM, Georges Zaynoun wrote:

> Hi!
> How do I select text to be deleted or copied and pasted somewhere else on the 
> iphone or the ipad when using a apple bluetooth keyboard?
> Also, how to switch keyboard layout, say I  have English, Swedish and Arabic, 
> how to select the one I want to input with?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Georges Zeinoun
> Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
> Tel: +46500201623, +46500482929
> Mobile: +46707567315
> E-mail:
> Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network.  Visit 
> to learn more about accessibility anywhere.
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Bluetooth on MBP caused voiceover to stop speaking need help: was: Re: blue tooth and hims onhand

2012-02-19 Thread h B Beefcakes
Sorry I can't help you with your problem but I need help urgently with 
voiceover stopping speaking. I tried to pair a Motorola S305 with my MacBook 
Pro and I turned the hardware Bluetooth on and now voiceover does not speak. I 
need someone to tell me step by step on how to turn Bluetooth hardware off on 
my MacBook Pro so I can get voiceover turned on again I need help thank you, 


On Feb 13, 2012, at 11:59 PM, "nstevens"  wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm so close to pairing the on hand with my Mac book pro. Would someone be 
> able to send details on how to pair the two devices. I can find the on hand 
> and it seems to recognize it but then when I try to type in a password I'm 
> not sure what the final step is.
> Thanks for any help.
> Nancy
> -- 
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Re: Question about a monitor on my mac mini

2012-02-19 Thread Chris Blouch
Hmmm. In System Preferences > Displays at the very end of the dialog is 
a button called Detect Displays. Try hitting that and maybe it will 
notice your screen correctly.


On 2/19/12 9:49 AM, matthew Dyer wrote:

I had it connected before I turned it on.


On Feb 18, 2012, at 11:49 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Best thing is to have the monitor connected before the Mac is powered on since 
the detect process seems to happen at bootup. I think it might be a cold boot 
thing so you might need to fully shut down, not just do a reboot.


On 2/17/12 3:21 PM, matthew Dyer wrote:

Hi all,

I just connected a monitor to my mac mini and while my mac sees it there is 
nothing showing on the screen.  I know it works as it was tested.  Is there 
something I need to change in display settings?  Thanks.  Just wondering.


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Re: Messages beta question

2012-02-19 Thread Chris Blouch
Sometimes its easier for stuff somebody might want to copy/paste to put 
it on a line by itself, such as a link. That way I can just go to the 
beginning of the link and then shift-down arrow to select everything to 
the end of the line. Otherwise I have to pick out the stuff in the 
middle of a string of text. Also nice for log type entries where each 
line might be a new topic or dated entry.


On 2/19/12 7:55 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:


But why would anyone want to put a empty line in  a text message?  That sounds 
a bit much.  If I was sighted, and reading a text on a phone like that, it 
would definitely make me scratch my head. lol.  But to each their own. :)

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 19, 2012, at 5:58 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

Option-enter in fact will insert a return, so there is the solution. :)

On Feb 18, 2012, at 10:12 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

I haven't tried this app but the usual Mac convention is to use option+enter to 
add a new line instead of doing some action.


On 2/18/12 7:30 PM, Eric Caron wrote:

Hi Scott and others,

I like putting in blank lines in messages but of course when I press enter it 
sends the message.  Is there a way to move down a line when typing a message?

Eric Caron

On Feb 17, 2012, at 5:00 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

Just press enter

On Feb 17, 2012, at 4:45 PM, Bill Holton wrote:

Stupid question, but once you’ve written a message in the beta, how do you send 
it?  I have not used iChat, so not familiar with the conventions.  Seems like 
it should be command s for send or shift command D like sending email.  Help 

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Re: a probably silly question about the IPhone

2012-02-19 Thread Jeffrey Wheatley
This sounds very useful, but I have been unsuccessful getting it to work.
I want to get a caps-lock effect so I can tap multiple capital letters in a row.

When I am in touch typing mode, I touch the Shift key with one finger, keep my 
finger in place, and then use another finger to tap twice.  My taps only toggle 
the shift on/off and does not cause a caps-lock result.  I tried various speeds 
for the double tap with the second finger, with no change in results.

I did the same in standard typing mode, and got the same result.  I also tried 
double-tap & hold on the shift, and then tapping with a second finger.  No good.

What am I missing?

Much thanks and regards, Jeff

On Feb 17, 2012, at 10:13 AM, Jean-Claude Provost wrote:

> Hi Ann (& y'all),
> Yeh thanks, it finally worked.  I tried triple-tapping & quad-tapping:-) to 
> no avail.  The split-tapping was indeed the ticket…
> Thanks for the info…  On the subject of IPhone-related questions appearing on 
> this list, maybe it's a trend that will continue, given the foreseen 
> symbiosis between Mountain Lion & IOS.
> Thanks again for extricating me from my ignorance .
> Cheers,
> Jean-Claude Provost
> On 2012-02-15, at 10:23 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Jean-Claude,
>> To put the shift lock on, place one finger on Shift and tap twice with 
>> another finger. To take the shift lock off again, place one finger on Shift 
>> and tap once with another finger. I'm in touchtyping mode.
>> A un de ces quatre,
>> Anne
>> On 15 Feb 2012, at 15:58, Jean-Claude Provost wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I hope the moderators will forgive my slightly off-topic question on this 
>>> list…  In my defence, I don't do this often:-)
>>> How does one toggle the caps-lock function.  The user guide says to tap 
>>> shift twice but, obviously, this can't work when using VoiceOver.
>>> Thanks in advance for your answer…
>>> Cheers to y'all!
>>> JC
>>> Jean-Claude Provost
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Mail verbosity

2012-02-19 Thread Bill Holton
I have found the  setting in  verbosity to turn off VO saying disclosure 
triangle before each group of messages.  But is there also a setting that will 
turn off or shorten the three message conversation, two message conversation, 
etc.?  Thanks.

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Re: Mail verbosity

2012-02-19 Thread Traci
Boy, I'd love to know this as well. I don't feel like I can zip through my mail 
on the Mac.

Sent by Macbook Air Mail

On Feb 19, 2012, at 9:24 PM, Bill Holton wrote:

> Hi.
> I have found the  setting in  verbosity to turn off VO saying disclosure 
> triangle before each group of messages.  But is there also a setting that 
> will turn off or shorten the three message conversation, two message 
> conversation, etc.?  Thanks.
> Bill
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Re: Mail verbosity

2012-02-19 Thread Esther
Hi Bill,

I'm only recently upgraded to Lion, so it's possible that I don't know what 
you're talking about when you speak of the three-message conversation and the 
two-message conversation.  But if you are using Mail in Lion and not in the 
Classic view, then there are check boxes in the Mail Preferences pane that let 
you change the number of lines that are displayed.  Use Command-comma to bring 
up Preferences, then Control-F5 to move to the title bar.  Navigate to the 
"Viewing" button and press to select.  I do this by tabbing and then VO-Space 
on "Viewing", so I can continue to tab into the selected pane without having to 
stop interacting. Navigate past the unchecked box for "Use classic layout".  
After "List Preview:" there is a pop up menu button that you can change from 
the default value of "2 lines" to "None".  Close the window with Command-W when 
you're done.

Is this the setting you're talking about?  I'm still mostly using Classic view 
for mail. Also, are you using Activities to set different verbosity levels for 
your applications?  I haven't experimented with that yet.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Feb 19, 2012, at 7:24 PM, Bill Holton wrote:

> Hi.
> I have found the  setting in  verbosity to turn off VO saying disclosure 
> triangle before each group of messages.  But is there also a setting that 
> will turn off or shorten the three message conversation, two message 
> conversation, etc.?  Thanks.
> Bill

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Re: Mail verbosity

2012-02-19 Thread Traci
Hello Esther,

I believe he means in the new mail view, in the messages table, when a message 
is a conversation.  VO says 3 message conversation, meaning 3 messages inside 
that thread.

I just played around further with my verbosity settings, and changed the speech 
to low.  Unfortunately, this only changed unread button, to unread.  Lol, 
taking the word button off wasn't enough to me.

Hopefully, we can figure something out.  :)
Sent by Macbook Air Mail

On Feb 19, 2012, at 9:46 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Bill,
> I'm only recently upgraded to Lion, so it's possible that I don't know what 
> you're talking about when you speak of the three-message conversation and the 
> two-message conversation.  But if you are using Mail in Lion and not in the 
> Classic view, then there are check boxes in the Mail Preferences pane that 
> let you change the number of lines that are displayed.  Use Command-comma to 
> bring up Preferences, then Control-F5 to move to the title bar.  Navigate to 
> the "Viewing" button and press to select.  I do this by tabbing and then 
> VO-Space on "Viewing", so I can continue to tab into the selected pane 
> without having to stop interacting. Navigate past the unchecked box for "Use 
> classic layout".  After "List Preview:" there is a pop up menu button that 
> you can change from the default value of "2 lines" to "None".  Close the 
> window with Command-W when you're done.
> Is this the setting you're talking about?  I'm still mostly using Classic 
> view for mail. Also, are you using Activities to set different verbosity 
> levels for your applications?  I haven't experimented with that yet.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Feb 19, 2012, at 7:24 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I have found the  setting in  verbosity to turn off VO saying disclosure 
>> triangle before each group of messages.  But is there also a setting that 
>> will turn off or shorten the three message conversation, two message 
>> conversation, etc.?  Thanks.
>> Bill
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Re: Messages beta question

2012-02-19 Thread Ricardo Walker

usually, when someone puts a link in a text, its separated from the rest of the 
text automatically.  At least thats how it is on the iPhone. as far as log type 
entries, I guess.  But I would assume one is more likely to send something like 
that in an e-mail, not a text message.  But like I said, its whatever. :)

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 19, 2012, at 10:58 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Sometimes its easier for stuff somebody might want to copy/paste to put it on 
> a line by itself, such as a link. That way I can just go to the beginning of 
> the link and then shift-down arrow to select everything to the end of the 
> line. Otherwise I have to pick out the stuff in the middle of a string of 
> text. Also nice for log type entries where each line might be a new topic or 
> dated entry.
> CB
> On 2/19/12 7:55 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Cool.
>> But why would anyone want to put a empty line in  a text message?  That 
>> sounds a bit much.  If I was sighted, and reading a text on a phone like 
>> that, it would definitely make me scratch my head. lol.  But to each their 
>> own. :)
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Feb 19, 2012, at 5:58 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Option-enter in fact will insert a return, so there is the solution. :)
>>> On Feb 18, 2012, at 10:12 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
 I haven't tried this app but the usual Mac convention is to use 
 option+enter to add a new line instead of doing some action.
 On 2/18/12 7:30 PM, Eric Caron wrote:
> Hi Scott and others,
> I like putting in blank lines in messages but of course when I press 
> enter it sends the message.  Is there a way to move down a line when 
> typing a message?
> Eric Caron
> On Feb 17, 2012, at 5:00 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Just press enter
>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 4:45 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
>>> Stupid question, but once you’ve written a message in the beta, how do 
>>> you send it?  I have not used iChat, so not familiar with the 
>>> conventions.  Seems like it should be command s for send or shift 
>>> command D like sending email.  Help appreciated.
>>> -- 
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Re: a probably silly question about the IPhone

2012-02-19 Thread Ricardo Walker

Just triple tap the shift button.  It will stay active until you double tap it 
to turn it off.

Ricardo Walker

On Feb 20, 2012, at 12:18 AM, Jeffrey Wheatley wrote:

> This sounds very useful, but I have been unsuccessful getting it to work.
> I want to get a caps-lock effect so I can tap multiple capital letters in a 
> row.
> When I am in touch typing mode, I touch the Shift key with one finger, keep 
> my finger in place, and then use another finger to tap twice.  My taps only 
> toggle the shift on/off and does not cause a caps-lock result.  I tried 
> various speeds for the double tap with the second finger, with no change in 
> results.
> I did the same in standard typing mode, and got the same result.  I also 
> tried double-tap & hold on the shift, and then tapping with a second finger.  
> No good.
> What am I missing?
> Much thanks and regards, Jeff
> On Feb 17, 2012, at 10:13 AM, Jean-Claude Provost wrote:
>> Hi Ann (& y'all),
>> Yeh thanks, it finally worked.  I tried triple-tapping & quad-tapping:-) to 
>> no avail.  The split-tapping was indeed the ticket…
>> Thanks for the info…  On the subject of IPhone-related questions appearing 
>> on this list, maybe it's a trend that will continue, given the foreseen 
>> symbiosis between Mountain Lion & IOS.
>> Thanks again for extricating me from my ignorance .
>> Cheers,
>> Jean-Claude Provost
>> On 2012-02-15, at 10:23 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Jean-Claude,
>>> To put the shift lock on, place one finger on Shift and tap twice with 
>>> another finger. To take the shift lock off again, place one finger on Shift 
>>> and tap once with another finger. I'm in touchtyping mode.
>>> A un de ces quatre,
>>> Anne
>>> On 15 Feb 2012, at 15:58, Jean-Claude Provost wrote:
 Hi all,
 I hope the moderators will forgive my slightly off-topic question on this 
 list…  In my defence, I don't do this often:-)
 How does one toggle the caps-lock function.  The user guide says to tap 
 shift twice but, obviously, this can't work when using VoiceOver.
 Thanks in advance for your answer…
 Cheers to y'all!
 Jean-Claude Provost
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Re: new version of motion gps drive

2012-02-19 Thread Les Kriegler
When I type in addresses in Navigon, I use Navigon Now which allows for typing 
in addresses on one line and then launch Navigon from the Now App.

On Feb 19, 2012, at 10:33 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> It's much easier to enter addresses on the motion app, just type it, no need 
> to use 2 or 3 different screens to do this, also I think motion is a bit 
> faster.
> On Feb 19, 2012, at 6:04 AM, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> Can you tell me what Motion does that navigon doesn't?  I have never used 
>> either one but I have Navigon on my phone.  What makes Motion worth the 
>> upgrade.  I'm moving to another neighborhood in a few weeks and I would love 
>> to have a GPS app that would prove helpful.  Could you give me the play by 
>> play lowdown please?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>> On Feb 19, 2012, at 12:39 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>>> There is no way to get older versions, the current version of navigon 
>>> worked fine for me, used it earlier today on a short root, I still like 
>>> motion gps better because entering addresses is much easier.
>>> On Feb 18, 2012, at 10:33 AM, Mike Busboom wrote:
 Hello Anne,
 Thanks for responding.  I downloaded Ariadne this morning, but I have been 
 told that the most recent version of Navigon is no longer accessible.  If 
 this is true, do you know if it is possible to download older iterations 
 of a program from the iStore?  If ordering older versions works, which 
 version should I grab?
 Thanks for all the times you have assisted me!
 On 18,Feb,2012, at 5:07 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Mike,
> This app does not work in Europe. I like the combination of Navigon and 
> Ariadne GPS. You might also find MyWay Classic useful for marking out 
> routes that are off the beaten track.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 18 Feb 2012, at 16:50, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Mike,
>> Do you know if this App works at all in Europe?  Since I still am an 
>> expatriate American and get to the States occasionally, I'll probably 
>> buy it, but knowing that it worked in Europe as well would make it even 
>> more interesting.
>> Kindest regards,
>> Mike
>> P.S. Your podcasts on the Mac did much to inspire me to buy my first 
>> MacBook, and I don't regret that decision one little bit.  Thank you.
>> On 18,Feb,2012, at 4:46 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>>> Hey everyone, motion gps has just released version 13 for the iphone, 
>>> if you live in the United States or Canada, it's well worth checking 
>>> out. They have fixed the unlabeled buttons and provided very good 
>>> accessibility for voiceover users. I think this app is now by far the 
>>> best one for blind users, navigon was the best choice for a while but I 
>>> think it has lost the top spot, especially in the newest versions.
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