I also reported the nuance pitch issue a while back. Another issue is that when 
the mouse pointer is in the menus, pressing VO F5 does not report the item 
under the mouse.
On Feb 19, 2012, at 10:18 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi,
> My nuance voices also go up and down in pitch. Although it's a bit annoying 
> at times, i can live with it, however i want to know, out of curiosity, do 
> your nuance danish voice have trouble pronouncing certain letter as you type 
> them? My Swedish voices have problems pronouncing some letters such as "G" 
> and "N" and the letter "V" isn't pronounced at all. This happens if i type 
> the letters or if i go over them with arrow keys, but in some cirkumstances 
> the letters are pronounced as they should. I wrote to Apple about this, but 
> have yet to hear anything from them or have a fix for it. I wonder where the 
> problem lies if it's in Lion or the nuance voices themselves.
> /Krister
> 19 feb 2012 kl. 16:17 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
>> Hi Christer.
>> Yes they work, I have not thought that the problem could be in the accapella 
>> voices. I will try to figure out why. My problem with the voices from nuance 
>> is that they are going up and down in pitch all the time, therefore I 
>> continued to use Mette and Heather. That was a mistake i have done.
>> I think we will need to change the subject lines, if we are continuing this.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> Den Feb 19, 2012 kl. 2:28 PM skrev Krister Ekstrom:
>>> Interesting that Acapela voices don't work propperly. How about the nuance 
>>> voices do they work as promised?
>>> /Krister
>>> 19 feb 2012 kl. 14:09 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
>>>> Hi Christer.
>>>> Ok you are wright.
>>>> But I will have to inform you about the possibility to change the 
>>>> VoiceOver speaking, on my mac the only thing that I can move to another 
>>>> sound device are the sound effects. But I have just figured out what has 
>>>> been wrong, I am using accapellas Heather and Mette, and they do not work, 
>>>> but the built in voices work with that function.
>>>> Best regards Annie.
>>>> Best regards Annie.
>>>> Den Feb 18, 2012 kl. 11:46 AM skrev Krister Ekstrom:
>>>>> 17 feb 2012 kl. 23:39 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
>>>>>> I would also like to see a function, so that I can choose where I would 
>>>>>> like my VoiceOver voice to play, in my external soundcard, a USB headset 
>>>>>> or the built in speakers. It is really annoying to hear my mac speeking 
>>>>>> in my living room speakers, when I am hearing music through my external 
>>>>>> speakers.
>>>>> This function is already here. In Lion, under the voiceover utility in 
>>>>> the speech settings tab there's a popup menu where you can choose what 
>>>>> sound card you want Voiceover to go through.
>>>>> Also the function with adding shortcut keys has been present since at 
>>>>> least Leopard. It's in system preferences/keyboard i think.
>>>>> And now, something for the rest of the list. I don't know about you, but 
>>>>> i personally hate it when people especially when it comes to things they 
>>>>> want to see or have changed, speak for all the blind. Subjects like "we 
>>>>> want these or those features" are in my not so humble opinion not so 
>>>>> good. What if i totally disagree with suggestions that someone claims 
>>>>> "the blind community" wants? A more appropriate subject in my opinion 
>>>>> would be something like "what features *I* would..." etc. This reflects 
>>>>> more what you and possibly your friends want and people can agree or 
>>>>> disagree how they want. I am no moderator however, and i'm sorry if i 
>>>>> sound like some kind of cop here, so i can't and won't force a change of 
>>>>> subject. I'm merely expressing an opinion that happens to be mine.
>>>>> /Krister
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