Re: Effectively navigating through edit fields on iPhone with Bluetooth keyboards

2012-01-28 Thread Michael Busboom
Hello Ricardo,

Were what you wrote truly the case.  What you wrote presupposes that one can 
easily invoke VO commands on one's particular keyboard.  The keyboard which, 
regrettably, I purchased did not have a dedicated Option Key, so for me, 
invoking VO commands has never been easy.  From now on, and before purchasing 
any new keyboard, I will make sure that the Command, Option and Control keys 
are readily accessible and that all three of these keys can be comfortably 
pressed simultaneously.  We live and learn.

Best regards,

On 27,Jan,2012, at 10:44 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> These don't apply to any one keyboard.  They are universal commands.  
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Jan 27, 2012, at 3:22 PM, Dan Rathburn wrote:
>> Colin,
>> Thanks for posting this information.  Could you tell me which model of 
>> keyboard you are referring to?
>> Thanks,
>> Dan
>> From: Red.Falcon
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 4:18 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Effectively navigating through edit fields on iPhone with 
>> Bluetooth keyboards
>> Hi Michael!
>> hth Colin
>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
>> General navigation
>> Keys
>> Action
>> VO + left or right
>> Select previous or next item
>> VO + up or down
>> Preforms or move to the selected rotor option
>> VO + Space
>> Activate the selected item. (open app, press button)
>> VO + H
>> Go to home screen
>> VO + H 2 times
>> Open/close multitask pane
>> Escape
>> Go back, cancel, close pop-up
>> Cmd + Tab
>> Switch to next app or hold Shift for previous
>> VO + A
>> Read all from first object in selected area
>> VO + B
>> Read all from selected item
>> VO + M
>> Move to status bar
>> VO + I
>> Open Item Chooser for current area
>> VO + F
>> Search and go to match with Enter
>> VO + G
>> Next search match, hold Shift for previous
>> Handling VoiceOver
>> Keys
>> Action
>> Control
>> Pause/resume speech
>> VO + S
>> Toggle speech off/on
>> VO + Shift + S
>> Toggle Screen Curtain on/off
>> VO + Cmd + up or down
>> Adjust the selected speech rotor option
>> VO + Cmd + left or right
>> Change the speech rotor setting
>> VO + /
>> Add label to selected item
>> VO + K
>> Start VoiceOver training, Escape to exit
>> Quick Nav Commands
>> Turn on "Quick Nav" to use these commands by pressing left + right
>> Keys
>> Action
>> up + down
>> Activate the selected item. (open app, press button)
>> left or right
>> Selects the previous or next item
>> up or down
>> Preforms or move to the selected rotor option
>> up + left or right
>> Change to next or previous rotor setting
>> Option + left or right
>> Move to next or previous horizontal screen/page
>> Option + up or down
>> Move/scroll up or down the screen/page
>> Control + up or down
>> Select the first or last item in the area
>> Control + left or right
>> Go to next or previous container/area
>> Safari Web Shortcuts
>> Hold Shift for previous
>> Keys
>> Action
>> H
>> Next heading
>> 1 to 6
>> Next respective heading level 1–6
>> L
>> Next link
>> S
>> Next text element
>> W
>> Next landmark
>> R
>> Next text field
>> X
>> Next list
>> T
>> Next table
>> M
>> Next element of same type
>> I
>> Next image
>> B
>> Next button
>> C
>> Next form element
>> Text Field Commands
>> You must have "Quick Nav" off to use these commands.
>> When moving cursor, hold Shift to select/deselect text
>> Keys
>> Action
>> left or right
>> Move cursor by character
>> up or down
>> Move cursor by row
>> Option+ left or right
>> Move cursor by word
>> Control or Cmd + left or right
>> Move cursor by phrase
>> Cmd + A
>> Select all
>> Cmd + C
>> Copy selection
>> Cmd + X
>> Cut selection
>> Cmd + V
>> Paste
>> Cmd + Z
>> Undo. Note: you can also shake the device
>> Cmd + Shift + Z
>> Redo. Note: you can also shake the device
>> Eject
>> Show/hide screen keyboard
>> Other Keyboard Action
>> Keys
>> Action
>> VO + -
>> Preforms special action
>> Cmd + Space
>> Change language keyboard layout
>> F1
>> Decrease screen brightness
>> F2
>> Increase screen brightness
>> F7
>> Previous song
>> F8
>> Pause/resume song
>> F9
>> Next song
>> F10
>> Mute sound
>> F11
>> Decrease volume
>> F12
>> Increase volume
>> On 10 Jan 2012, at 20:21, Michael Busboom wrote:
>>> I have recently acquired a Bluetooth keyboard with a tiny docking station 
>>> to use with my iPhone 4 running IOS5.
>>> While it is easy enough to enter text into an edit field, via the Bluetooth 
>>> keyboard, I have been unable to cursor or arrow through a text that I am 
>>> creating in order to insert or delete characters.  Thus far, I have 
>>> accomplished this task by moving the insertion point using the VoiceOver 
>>> commands on the touch screen.  I am wondering if there is a way to move 
>>> through an edit field, character-by-character using the right and left 

Re: Effectively navigating through edit fields on iPhone with Bluetooth keyboards

2012-01-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

Good point.  lol.  You want to make sure the necessary keys are on the 
keyboard.  But, if the keys are there, the commands are the same on all the 

Ricardo Walker

On Jan 28, 2012, at 4:26 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hello Ricardo,
> Were what you wrote truly the case.  What you wrote presupposes that one can 
> easily invoke VO commands on one's particular keyboard.  The keyboard which, 
> regrettably, I purchased did not have a dedicated Option Key, so for me, 
> invoking VO commands has never been easy.  From now on, and before purchasing 
> any new keyboard, I will make sure that the Command, Option and Control keys 
> are readily accessible and that all three of these keys can be comfortably 
> pressed simultaneously.  We live and learn.
> Best regards,
> Mike
> On 27,Jan,2012, at 10:44 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> These don't apply to any one keyboard.  They are universal commands.  
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>> On Jan 27, 2012, at 3:22 PM, Dan Rathburn wrote:
>>> Colin,
>>> Thanks for posting this information.  Could you tell me which model of 
>>> keyboard you are referring to?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dan
>>> From: Red.Falcon
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 4:18 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Effectively navigating through edit fields on iPhone with 
>>> Bluetooth keyboards
>>> Hi Michael!
>>> hth Colin
>>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
>>> General navigation
>>> Keys
>>> Action
>>> VO + left or right
>>> Select previous or next item
>>> VO + up or down
>>> Preforms or move to the selected rotor option
>>> VO + Space
>>> Activate the selected item. (open app, press button)
>>> VO + H
>>> Go to home screen
>>> VO + H 2 times
>>> Open/close multitask pane
>>> Escape
>>> Go back, cancel, close pop-up
>>> Cmd + Tab
>>> Switch to next app or hold Shift for previous
>>> VO + A
>>> Read all from first object in selected area
>>> VO + B
>>> Read all from selected item
>>> VO + M
>>> Move to status bar
>>> VO + I
>>> Open Item Chooser for current area
>>> VO + F
>>> Search and go to match with Enter
>>> VO + G
>>> Next search match, hold Shift for previous
>>> Handling VoiceOver
>>> Keys
>>> Action
>>> Control
>>> Pause/resume speech
>>> VO + S
>>> Toggle speech off/on
>>> VO + Shift + S
>>> Toggle Screen Curtain on/off
>>> VO + Cmd + up or down
>>> Adjust the selected speech rotor option
>>> VO + Cmd + left or right
>>> Change the speech rotor setting
>>> VO + /
>>> Add label to selected item
>>> VO + K
>>> Start VoiceOver training, Escape to exit
>>> Quick Nav Commands
>>> Turn on "Quick Nav" to use these commands by pressing left + right
>>> Keys
>>> Action
>>> up + down
>>> Activate the selected item. (open app, press button)
>>> left or right
>>> Selects the previous or next item
>>> up or down
>>> Preforms or move to the selected rotor option
>>> up + left or right
>>> Change to next or previous rotor setting
>>> Option + left or right
>>> Move to next or previous horizontal screen/page
>>> Option + up or down
>>> Move/scroll up or down the screen/page
>>> Control + up or down
>>> Select the first or last item in the area
>>> Control + left or right
>>> Go to next or previous container/area
>>> Safari Web Shortcuts
>>> Hold Shift for previous
>>> Keys
>>> Action
>>> H
>>> Next heading
>>> 1 to 6
>>> Next respective heading level 1–6
>>> L
>>> Next link
>>> S
>>> Next text element
>>> W
>>> Next landmark
>>> R
>>> Next text field
>>> X
>>> Next list
>>> T
>>> Next table
>>> M
>>> Next element of same type
>>> I
>>> Next image
>>> B
>>> Next button
>>> C
>>> Next form element
>>> Text Field Commands
>>> You must have "Quick Nav" off to use these commands.
>>> When moving cursor, hold Shift to select/deselect text
>>> Keys
>>> Action
>>> left or right
>>> Move cursor by character
>>> up or down
>>> Move cursor by row
>>> Option+ left or right
>>> Move cursor by word
>>> Control or Cmd + left or right
>>> Move cursor by phrase
>>> Cmd + A
>>> Select all
>>> Cmd + C
>>> Copy selection
>>> Cmd + X
>>> Cut selection
>>> Cmd + V
>>> Paste
>>> Cmd + Z
>>> Undo. Note: you can also shake the device
>>> Cmd + Shift + Z
>>> Redo. Note: you can also shake the device
>>> Eject
>>> Show/hide screen keyboard
>>> Other Keyboard Action
>>> Keys
>>> Action
>>> VO + -
>>> Preforms special action
>>> Cmd + Space
>>> Change language keyboard layout
>>> F1
>>> Decrease screen brightness
>>> F2
>>> Increase screen brightness
>>> F7
>>> Previous song
>>> F8
>>> Pause/resume song
>>> F9
>>> Next song
>>> F10
>>> Mute sound
>>> F11
>>> Decrease volume
>>> F12
>>> Increase volume
>>> On 10 Jan 2012, at 20:21, Michael Busboom wrote:
 I have recently acquired a Bluetooth keyboard with a t

Re: Effectively navigating through edit fields on iPhone with Bluetooth keyboards

2012-01-28 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

I have been looking for your keyboard but can't find it unless it can be 
imported from the US?  Could you send me the information off list please?

On 28 Jan 2012, at 09:39, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> Good point.  lol.  You want to make sure the necessary keys are on the 
> keyboard.  But, if the keys are there, the commands are the same on all the 
> keyboards.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Jan 28, 2012, at 4:26 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>> Hello Ricardo,
>> Were what you wrote truly the case.  What you wrote presupposes that one can 
>> easily invoke VO commands on one's particular keyboard.  The keyboard which, 
>> regrettably, I purchased did not have a dedicated Option Key, so for me, 
>> invoking VO commands has never been easy.  From now on, and before 
>> purchasing any new keyboard, I will make sure that the Command, Option and 
>> Control keys are readily accessible and that all three of these keys can be 
>> comfortably pressed simultaneously.  We live and learn.
>> Best regards,
>> Mike
>> On 27,Jan,2012, at 10:44 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> These don't apply to any one keyboard.  They are universal commands.  
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Jan 27, 2012, at 3:22 PM, Dan Rathburn wrote:
 Thanks for posting this information.  Could you tell me which model of 
 keyboard you are referring to?
 From: Red.Falcon
 Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 4:18 PM
 Subject: Re: Effectively navigating through edit fields on iPhone with 
 Bluetooth keyboards
 Hi Michael!
 hth Colin
 Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
 General navigation
 VO + left or right
 Select previous or next item
 VO + up or down
 Preforms or move to the selected rotor option
 VO + Space
 Activate the selected item. (open app, press button)
 VO + H
 Go to home screen
 VO + H 2 times
 Open/close multitask pane
 Go back, cancel, close pop-up
 Cmd + Tab
 Switch to next app or hold Shift for previous
 VO + A
 Read all from first object in selected area
 VO + B
 Read all from selected item
 VO + M
 Move to status bar
 VO + I
 Open Item Chooser for current area
 VO + F
 Search and go to match with Enter
 VO + G
 Next search match, hold Shift for previous
 Handling VoiceOver
 Pause/resume speech
 VO + S
 Toggle speech off/on
 VO + Shift + S
 Toggle Screen Curtain on/off
 VO + Cmd + up or down
 Adjust the selected speech rotor option
 VO + Cmd + left or right
 Change the speech rotor setting
 VO + /
 Add label to selected item
 VO + K
 Start VoiceOver training, Escape to exit
 Quick Nav Commands
 Turn on "Quick Nav" to use these commands by pressing left + right
 up + down
 Activate the selected item. (open app, press button)
 left or right
 Selects the previous or next item
 up or down
 Preforms or move to the selected rotor option
 up + left or right
 Change to next or previous rotor setting
 Option + left or right
 Move to next or previous horizontal screen/page
 Option + up or down
 Move/scroll up or down the screen/page
 Control + up or down
 Select the first or last item in the area
 Control + left or right
 Go to next or previous container/area
 Safari Web Shortcuts
 Hold Shift for previous
 Next heading
 1 to 6
 Next respective heading level 1–6
 Next link
 Next text element
 Next landmark
 Next text field
 Next list
 Next table
 Next element of same type
 Next image
 Next button
 Next form element
 Text Field Commands
 You must have "Quick Nav" off to use these commands.
 When moving cursor, hold Shift to select/deselect text
 left or right
 Move cursor by character
 up or down
 Move cursor by row
 Option+ left or right
 Move cursor by word
 Control or Cmd + left or right
 Move cursor by phrase
 Cmd + A
 Select all
 Cmd + C
 Copy selection
 Cmd + X
 Cut selection
 Cmd + V
 Cmd + Z
 Undo. Note: you can also shake the device
 Cmd + Shift + Z
 Redo. Note: you can also shake the device
 Show/hide screen keyboard
 Other Keyboard Action
 VO + -

Re: Audacity or amadeus pro?

2012-01-28 Thread Ewoud
Hi Erik. Thx ill try and let you know how it goes. Ewoud. 

Op 28 jan. 2012 om 04:45 heeft Eric Caron  het volgende 

> Hi Ewoud,
>There is a lite version and full version of Amadeus Pro in the App store.  
> I would recommend going with the Full version.  As you develop your skills 
> you will want more of the functions.
> I found Amadeus Pro to be a solid reliable program and it was easier to use 
> then Audacity on either the Mac or PC platform.  Both programs are good but 
> Amadeus Pro is much easier to use with Voice Over, the functions such as 
> labeling tracks is much easier, and more of the advanced functions are 
> accessible.   I hope this recommendation helps.
> Eric Caron  
> On Jan 26, 2012, at 12:36 AM, Ewoud wrote:
>> Its in the appstore. 
>> Op 26 jan. 2012 om 04:38 heeft Eric Oyen  het volgende 
>> geschreven:
>>> I found the download site just fine, but I can't seem to find out what the 
>>> purchase price is.
>>> -eric (the other eric)
>>> On Jan 25, 2012, at 8:24 PM, Ewoud wrote:
 Hi eric. Thx. Can you be a litle more specific? Ewoud 
 Op 26 jan. 2012 om 02:47 heeft Eric Caron  het 
 volgende geschreven:
> Hi Ewoud,
>  I have used both.  I also used Audacity on the PC before I changed to 
> Mac.  Amadeus Pro is the way to go.  
> Eric Caron 
> On Jan 25, 2012, at 7:53 AM, Ewoud wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>> since a mo th i have my MacBook.
>> Profesionaly and for fun i do a lot audio, before this new periode, that 
>> happened in windows.
>> Now Apple is here, I feel a bit lost. What programm should i use?
>> is there a big gap between the free audacity or the payed version of 
>> amadeus pro?
>> Can anyone of you tell me more, or perhaps advice what to use and buy?
>> The money is not the subject, its more about putting energie into 
>> something compaired with the fact that VoiceOver is still not really my 
>> cup of tea.
>> Eventually, it will smile.
>> Hope to hear from yo.
>> Dutch greets.
>> Ewoud 
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Re: good news for Drop box users!!

2012-01-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

This is a good way to get voiceover to announce 3rd party app icons in the 
status menu.  But, the dropbox preferences window is still inaccessible for me. 
 I get the usual, dropbox has no windows although I can see the window on my 

Ricardo Walker

On Jan 27, 2012, at 10:30 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Okay.  I have some good news for those of y'all wondering when Drop Box would 
> improve their accessibility.  Under Lion, it is actually possible now to 
> fully access the Drop box prefs menu and windows.  Here's what you need to do.
> 1.  In the Voice Over Utilities, make sure you set your mouse to announce 
> when ever it enters a new window.
> 2.  Now, press control+F8 or other wise access the universal prefs window.
> 3.  Now, you want to rout the mouse to the Universal prefs window by using 
> VO+command+F5.
> 4.  Now, move the mouse directly in a straight line leftward until you hear, 
> "Entering Drop Box".  Click right there.
> 5.  Now, arrow down till you hear "preferences".  Press return here.
> HTH.
> Note, this works with the latest version of Drop box which is 2.51.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> -- 
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Re: google imap issue in mail app

2012-01-28 Thread Scott Howell

I agree there are issues with Gmail's implementation of imap or just something 
with Google in general. I have also seen that all my messages are retained; 
however, I was lead to believe the messages are deleted after 30 days if you do 
nothing. I'm not entirely sure about that either. I have also seen strange 
cases where some messages that are a part of an entire thread are not kept with 
the thread. THis seems to occur with certain e-mail lists, so not sure if this 
is a specific Gmail issue or not.
Yep, odd stuff going on.

On Jan 27, 2012, at 8:08 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Hey list,
> I thought for a while that this was a lion issue, but after checking my web 
> gmail, i found all of the messages i supposedly deleted on my mac as being 
> stored in its gmail server counterpart. I've set everything so that no copies 
> are stored on the server, but this doesnt change a thing, as locally gmail is 
> becoming a real drag, messages being repeated by voice over all the time as 
> there are lags between when i delete a message locally and the same response 
> on the server, etc etc. The experience is getting nightmarish and random.
> Has anyone experienced this issue?
> Best regards,
> Yuma 
> -- 
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Re: Lion Server

2012-01-28 Thread Scott Howell

Thanks for the info. I am having a bit of trouble trying to get people 
associated with a particular group, which may just be something I'm doing 
wrong, but I suspect it is more the interface. :) I did find the Workgroup 
Manager Remote app, but there seems to be a couple of Server Admin apps, so 
I'll track the correct one down.
Oh on a completely different note, have you ever done business with a 
Certificate Authority and if so which? I was looking at SSL certs and seems you 
can either do self signing or pay some amount to have one certified. I'm not 
sure it makes much difference or is completely necessary to have a certified 
cert for personal use.


On Jan 27, 2012, at 7:46 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Hey Scott,
> Yes both server admin and workgroup manager are available as 3rd party 
> iphone/ipad apps from which you can monitor, configure limited ammounts of 
> settings (for server admin) and most importantly quickly and easily create 
> users and groups in the workgroup manager app. This way all is pretty much 
> done remotely and pairing it with server admin on your mac client you 
> basically don't need anything on your server like peripherals.
> On 28/01/2012, at 1:22 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Oh and one other thing I meant to ask you is about your note below. Are you 
>> saying that third-party apps exist for the iOS platform that allow for 
>> managing users and groups? That is quite interesting if that is the case or 
>> perhaps I misunderstood and you are saying that you can use WGM to manage 
>> such.
>> Thanks,
>> On Jan 21, 2012, at 8:43 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>>> Oh yes, i forgot that important part :) Server admin and WGM are your 
>>> companions there for many basic configs for all services. They also work 
>>> pretty well on the IOS version though being developed by a third party.
>> -- 
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Re: Lion Server

2012-01-28 Thread Scott Howell
Hey Yuma the drag and drop ain't working, so I might just have to try that app. 
:) That or bug my wife into helping, but that is not a solution. I did discover 
that someone at APple mislabeled a couple of buttons in the WGM application. :) 


On Jan 27, 2012, at 7:43 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Hey Scott,
> There was a method for specifically opening the users and groups pop up 
> window and select them around but i haven't used it since i use the workgroup 
> manager app on my iphone.
> However you can probably try voice over's drag and drop?
> Best regards,
> Yuma 
> On 28/01/2012, at 1:20 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Hey Yuma,
>> Is there an easy way to add users to a group? I cannot drag users or groups, 
>> so there surely is an easier way and any info appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> -- 
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Re: Lion Server

2012-01-28 Thread Yuma Decaux

Haven't gone through certification authorities myself as i find them too 
expensive so far for the services i am broadcasting.

Not really of use unless you're encrypting banking stuff, personal e-commerce 
pages with paypal or other financing options etc. Or your data is worth 


On 28/01/2012, at 11:33 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Yuma,
> Thanks for the info. I am having a bit of trouble trying to get people 
> associated with a particular group, which may just be something I'm doing 
> wrong, but I suspect it is more the interface. :) I did find the Workgroup 
> Manager Remote app, but there seems to be a couple of Server Admin apps, so 
> I'll track the correct one down.
> Oh on a completely different note, have you ever done business with a 
> Certificate Authority and if so which? I was looking at SSL certs and seems 
> you can either do self signing or pay some amount to have one certified. I'm 
> not sure it makes much difference or is completely necessary to have a 
> certified cert for personal use.
> Thanks,
> On Jan 27, 2012, at 7:46 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>> Hey Scott,
>> Yes both server admin and workgroup manager are available as 3rd party 
>> iphone/ipad apps from which you can monitor, configure limited ammounts of 
>> settings (for server admin) and most importantly quickly and easily create 
>> users and groups in the workgroup manager app. This way all is pretty much 
>> done remotely and pairing it with server admin on your mac client you 
>> basically don't need anything on your server like peripherals.
>> On 28/01/2012, at 1:22 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Oh and one other thing I meant to ask you is about your note below. Are you 
>>> saying that third-party apps exist for the iOS platform that allow for 
>>> managing users and groups? That is quite interesting if that is the case or 
>>> perhaps I misunderstood and you are saying that you can use WGM to manage 
>>> such.
>>> Thanks,
>>> On Jan 21, 2012, at 8:43 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
 Oh yes, i forgot that important part :) Server admin and WGM are your 
 companions there for many basic configs for all services. They also work 
 pretty well on the IOS version though being developed by a third party.
>>> -- 
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Re: Lion Server

2012-01-28 Thread Yuma Decaux
Yep they did mislabel users and groups editing buttons. The issue here is taht 
wgm as a server admin tool probably got discontinued since they want it all 
through their crashy all in one server app which i wish i would never use, but 
not the case.

The wgm app is pretty good, efficient and all. Just make sure your dns is set 
up right and you're cool doing stuff on your server from wherever 


On 28/01/2012, at 11:38 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Hey Yuma the drag and drop ain't working, so I might just have to try that 
> app. :) That or bug my wife into helping, but that is not a solution. I did 
> discover that someone at APple mislabeled a couple of buttons in the WGM 
> application. :) 
> Best,
> Scott
> On Jan 27, 2012, at 7:43 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>> Hey Scott,
>> There was a method for specifically opening the users and groups pop up 
>> window and select them around but i haven't used it since i use the 
>> workgroup manager app on my iphone.
>> However you can probably try voice over's drag and drop?
>> Best regards,
>> Yuma 
>> On 28/01/2012, at 1:20 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Hey Yuma,
>>> Is there an easy way to add users to a group? I cannot drag users or 
>>> groups, so there surely is an easier way and any info appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -- 
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Re: about the workgroup manager app message for Tim

2012-01-28 Thread Scott Howell

Thanks for asking since I'm still not sure if TIm is getting my messages.


On Jan 28, 2012, at 1:02 AM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> You previously mentioned a method to access user preferences in Workgroup 
> manager, which would probably be helpful to SCott's home server endeavor.
> Can you give us a short how-to? I can't remember the one that was suggested 
> for adding users to groups etc as i now use the iphone app.
> Best regards,
> Yuma 
> -- 
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Re: about the workgroup manager app message for Tim

2012-01-28 Thread Scott Howell

THanks for sharing and this is absolutely ridiculous  that you have to jump 
through such hoops. I know you complained, but I'm going to complain as well. 
After all this is probably one of the more accessible commercial server 
packages available. I can't speak to windows server products.


On Jan 28, 2012, at 2:38 AM, TIM KILBURN wrote:

> Hi Yuma/Scott,
>> 1.  For adding Users  to Groups in WGM, it works in either direction.  That 
>> is, adding the users to the Group or adding Group membership to the specific 
>> user.  In each situation, use the SL drag and drop method and things work 
>> properly, I haven't had much success with the Lion method in WGM.
>> I usually do it from the Group prospective when adding users to a Group as I 
>> find it easier to manage.  Here's my best recollection as I'm out of town 
>> right now and doing this from memory.
>> • Select the Groups tab.
>> • Select the Members tab.
>> • Interact with the Groups table and select the Group you wish to add 
>> members to.
>> • check the Add button.
>> This should open the Users Drawer for you..  The Users Drawer appears way up 
>> by the Toolbar so I usually just press VO-home to get me quickly to the 
>> Toolbar then VO-right to the Drawer.
>> • Interact with the Drawer.
>> • Interact with the Table and navigate to the user you wish to add.
>> • Turn off cursor tracking and mouse down on the user to pick it up.
>> • Stop Interacting with the Table, as well as  the Drawer and navigate to 
>> the membership Table.
>> • Interact with it then mouse up to drop the User there.
>> If you have multiple users to do this to, just use whatever multiple 
>> selection method works in your situation, contiguous or non-contiguous 
>> selecting.
>> 2.  For accessing the User or Group Preferences in WGM, I first had to 
>> figure out the following placement of the various Preference items.  I put 
>> this list into a TextEdit file in case I forget.  They are set up in rows of 
>> three in this manner:
>> Applications - Classic - Dock
>> Finder - Login - Media Access
>> Mobility - Network - Parental
>> Printing - Software Updates - System Preferences
>> Universal Access
>> Each item brings up an accessible pane for setting User/Group/Computer 
>> preferences.  The problem is that these are not visible to VO at all, nor 
>> can you use HotSpots to locate them.  So I've just used mouse keys instead.  
>> There may be another way but I got so used to using mouse keys that I'm 
>> stuck with it so far.  Here's what I do.
>> • Select Preferences in the toolbar.
>> • Select the Users, Groups or Machines tab depending on what I wish to 
>> control.
>> • Select the User or Group from the Table.
>> • Stop Interacting with the Table and VO-left where it says something about 
>> "Select one or more Accounts...".
>> • I then press VO-cmd-f5 to make sure my mouse is where the VO-cursor just 
>> read.
>> • Press the Option key five times to turn mouse keys on.  (You set this up 
>> in the Universal Access pane of System Prefs).
>> • Press the "2" key on the number pad 60 times to go down to the first row, 
>> 125 for the second, 190 for the third and 250 for the fourth.
>> This will land you on the middle item of the row of three and, yes, I lose 
>> count sometimes and have to start over.  That's probably why I've complained 
>> to Apple about it to no avail.  You don't have to be exact but if you go too 
>> far down, you'll end up in the next row and have to start over anyway.
>> • If you want the first item, like Applications, move left 140 times with 
>> the "4" key on the numPad or if you wish the right most item in the row, use 
>> the "6" key 140 times to land on it.
>> • When you suspect that you're on the correct item, just press the "5" key 
>> for the mouse press.
>> Voila, all the inaccessible stuff now becomes accessible.  You can set which 
>> apps are allowed, which printers are available, what's on the users Dock, 
>> how they access Software Updates, restrict the Internet and lots of other 
>> things.  You can always have control, sometimes (which means set it up the 
>> first time then let them do whatever afterwards), or never control that 
>> preference.  If you really want to dig deep, you can play with MCX 
>> Preference Manifests in the Details tab of WGM.  This sort of detail allows 
>> you to specifically control the state of specific preference items like 
>> homepage in Safari, whether Word Auto-Saves and much more.
>> Hope this is clear.  If I've messed up at all, let me know and I'll look at 
>> WGM when I get home after this weekend and fix the steps I may have missed. 
>> Otherwise, have fun but be careful, you do have the power to mess things up.
>> Later..
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 27, 2012, at 11:02 PM, Yuma Decaux  wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> You previously mentioned a method to access user preferences in Workgroup 
>> manager, which would

Re: Lion Server

2012-01-28 Thread Scott Howell
Thanks and that is pretty much what I thought as well. I think I can trust 
myself for the most part. :)


On Jan 28, 2012, at 5:40 AM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Scott,
> Haven't gone through certification authorities myself as i find them too 
> expensive so far for the services i am broadcasting.
> Not really of use unless you're encrypting banking stuff, personal e-commerce 
> pages with paypal or other financing options etc. Or your data is worth 
> platinum.
> Yuma
> On 28/01/2012, at 11:33 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Yuma,
>> Thanks for the info. I am having a bit of trouble trying to get people 
>> associated with a particular group, which may just be something I'm doing 
>> wrong, but I suspect it is more the interface. :) I did find the Workgroup 
>> Manager Remote app, but there seems to be a couple of Server Admin apps, so 
>> I'll track the correct one down.
>> Oh on a completely different note, have you ever done business with a 
>> Certificate Authority and if so which? I was looking at SSL certs and seems 
>> you can either do self signing or pay some amount to have one certified. I'm 
>> not sure it makes much difference or is completely necessary to have a 
>> certified cert for personal use.
>> Thanks,
>> On Jan 27, 2012, at 7:46 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>>> Hey Scott,
>>> Yes both server admin and workgroup manager are available as 3rd party 
>>> iphone/ipad apps from which you can monitor, configure limited ammounts of 
>>> settings (for server admin) and most importantly quickly and easily create 
>>> users and groups in the workgroup manager app. This way all is pretty much 
>>> done remotely and pairing it with server admin on your mac client you 
>>> basically don't need anything on your server like peripherals.
>>> On 28/01/2012, at 1:22 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
 Oh and one other thing I meant to ask you is about your note below. Are 
 you saying that third-party apps exist for the iOS platform that allow for 
 managing users and groups? That is quite interesting if that is the case 
 or perhaps I misunderstood and you are saying that you can use WGM to 
 manage such.
 On Jan 21, 2012, at 8:43 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
> Oh yes, i forgot that important part :) Server admin and WGM are your 
> companions there for many basic configs for all services. They also work 
> pretty well on the IOS version though being developed by a third party.
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Re: Lion Server

2012-01-28 Thread Scott Howell
Hey Yuma, I have not had any problems with the Server app crashing yet. I did 
find a really weird problem when trying to edit the host name of my machine and 
setup the interface. Trying to click apply caused that button and the cancel 
button to go dim and I could not do a damned thing. Server did not crash, but 
it sure as hell got stuck and had to be force quit.
So, hopefully they will improve things. I ended up calling APple about the 
problem and they spent a really long time trying to figure out the problem and 
eventually decided they did not know. However, they helped fix the problem in 
the end. I have to give them credit, they really do try to help to the best of 
their ability and they actually know their stuff. So, it is hard to say if 
there is a bug here or something completely different.


On Jan 28, 2012, at 5:42 AM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Haha,
> Yep they did mislabel users and groups editing buttons. The issue here is 
> taht wgm as a server admin tool probably got discontinued since they want it 
> all through their crashy all in one server app which i wish i would never 
> use, but not the case.
> The wgm app is pretty good, efficient and all. Just make sure your dns is set 
> up right and you're cool doing stuff on your server from wherever 
> Yuma 
> On 28/01/2012, at 11:38 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Hey Yuma the drag and drop ain't working, so I might just have to try that 
>> app. :) That or bug my wife into helping, but that is not a solution. I did 
>> discover that someone at APple mislabeled a couple of buttons in the WGM 
>> application. :) 
>> Best,
>> Scott
>> On Jan 27, 2012, at 7:43 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>>> Hey Scott,
>>> There was a method for specifically opening the users and groups pop up 
>>> window and select them around but i haven't used it since i use the 
>>> workgroup manager app on my iphone.
>>> However you can probably try voice over's drag and drop?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Yuma 
>>> On 28/01/2012, at 1:20 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
 Hey Yuma,
 Is there an easy way to add users to a group? I cannot drag users or 
 groups, so there surely is an easier way and any info appreciated.
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Re: good news for Drop box users!!

2012-01-28 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi there.
Thanks for the tip.
This has been working for quite a while, reaching the menus by way of using the 
mouse to get to the status menu or what you might call it, but are you actually 
saying that the preferences dialog is now visible and workable with Voiceover, 
something that's been impossible before?

28 jan 2012 kl. 04:30 skrev Ray Foret Jr:

> Okay.  I have some good news for those of y'all wondering when Drop Box would 
> improve their accessibility.  Under Lion, it is actually possible now to 
> fully access the Drop box prefs menu and windows.  Here's what you need to do.
> 1.  In the Voice Over Utilities, make sure you set your mouse to announce 
> when ever it enters a new window.
> 2.  Now, press control+F8 or other wise access the universal prefs window.
> 3.  Now, you want to rout the mouse to the Universal prefs window by using 
> VO+command+F5.
> 4.  Now, move the mouse directly in a straight line leftward until you hear, 
> "Entering Drop Box".  Click right there.
> 5.  Now, arrow down till you hear "preferences".  Press return here.
> HTH.
> Note, this works with the latest version of Drop box which is 2.51.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> -- 
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Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this

2012-01-28 Thread Søren Jensen
I use the app called Tweetlist which I think works much better than the 
original twitter app.
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

Den 27/01/2012 kl. 17.42 skrev Jennifer Perdue:

> Thanks for the information.  Is there a particular app you use for twitter or 
> do you just you the site itself?  
> Thanks for your help.
> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
> On Jan 27, 2012, at 9:57 AM, Søren Jensen wrote:
>> Well, the point of Facebook is the same as the point of Twitter: Sharing 
>> what you're doing and keep in touch with your friends. :)
>> I don't  like Facebook for lots and lots of reason, but I really like 
>> Twitter cause it's simple and accessible. I love how my Mac and iPhone works 
>> together with twitter, and I like the fast way to read the news. I haven't 
>> got used to all twitters features yet though.
>> If Facebook was more accessible, I might use it just a bit, since all people 
>> here in my country use it all the time. Some peoples life is even stored on 
>> Facebook and they can't live without it. I wish people here would switch to 
>> Twitter or something more accessible, but Facebook is what people enjoy 
>> here, because all their friends are on Facebook and just because others 
>> enjoy it without many reasons.
>> Best regards:
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> Website:
>> Den 27/01/2012 kl. 16.47 skrev Missy Hoppe:
>>> I agree with you a zillion percent regarding facebook. I never 
>>> understood the point of it, and especially when one factors in the 
>>> accessability issues, it's just a complete waste of time in my opinion. I 
>>> have an account, but haven't logged in for ages. I think I should just 
>>> delete it and never give it a second thought. I do like twitter, though. 
>>> It's a fun way to communicate, especially for someone like me who isn't 
>>> particularly social and just wants to communicate the "essentials."
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Mr. L. Alexander
>>> Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 10:29 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Can someone teach me about twitter, I am a little new to this
>>> My sympathy is with you good friend.
>>> All I can say is to be strong and treat each day as the last day, do 
>>> whatever you can and achieve a positive way of life.
>>> keep smiling and enjoy life.
>>> lew
>>> On 27 Jan 2012, at 15:26, Jennifer Perdue wrote:
 I agree with you Lou.  The only reason that I participate on Facebook at 
 all is to watch from afar, my thirteen-year-old son who lives in a 
 different city and who was adopted by my parents.  They bullied me into 
 the adoption and now treat me as if I was just the "uterus" from which he 
 came.  I have no contact with him so all I can do is watch from afar and 
 pray that he is all right.  Not the best situation but it's the best i can 
 Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
 On Jan 26, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
> I never understood the point of facebook either. Still don't. OK there's 
> a business use to it and a marketing resource to it but other than that 
> it's a dangerous tool designed for people with dangerous minds who are 
> capable of inflicting harm on others. It's sad to live in a world where 
> the  internet is the latest weapon  in oppression and torture. Why 
> can't people just be reasonable? 
> I openly refuse to use facebook as it's just a waste of time and it's 
> open to abuse.
> as an example, if I advertised my project on facebook, I'd be open to 
> attacks, spam and much more. so it's something I don't need in life where 
> more important things take precedence including the care of my mum who 
> was diagnosed with cancer and the running of my IT services, training  
> sector and the freemacs for the blind project.
> just my £2.50 + VAT worth lol
> lew
> On 26 Jan 2012, at 21:11, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> I find Face book and the whole social network boring as I can't imagine 
>> any one being interested in my little life.
>> On 26 Jan 2012, at 08:09 PM, Jennifer Perdue  wrote:
>>> I thought it was just me:)  I hardly understand Facebook but I'm trying 
>>> it out for the time being.  I  kind of think it's stupid so 
>>> far.  Oh well.  I guess I'm just boring.
>>> Jenny and my goofy guide Brooks
>>> On Jan 26, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
 I do not understand the purpose of Twitter either or what to do with 
 On 26 Jan 2012, at 03:50 PM, Jennifer Perdue  
> Hi,

Re: good news for Drop box users!!

2012-01-28 Thread matthew Dyer
Hey Ray,

I have drop box ibnstalled here on this machine running sl.  I have some files 
which I want to get the links for.  How do you do this in sl.  I tried vo shift 
m and I don't see a drop box menu to get the link.


On Jan 27, 2012, at 10:30 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Okay.  I have some good news for those of y'all wondering when Drop Box would 
> improve their accessibility.  Under Lion, it is actually possible now to 
> fully access the Drop box prefs menu and windows.  Here's what you need to do.
> 1.  In the Voice Over Utilities, make sure you set your mouse to announce 
> when ever it enters a new window.
> 2.  Now, press control+F8 or other wise access the universal prefs window.
> 3.  Now, you want to rout the mouse to the Universal prefs window by using 
> VO+command+F5.
> 4.  Now, move the mouse directly in a straight line leftward until you hear, 
> "Entering Drop Box".  Click right there.
> 5.  Now, arrow down till you hear "preferences".  Press return here.
> HTH.
> Note, this works with the latest version of Drop box which is 2.51.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> -- 
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Re: OCR on the mac

2012-01-28 Thread Doug Lawlor
I would love to see a version of Kursweil 1000 for the Mac. I have a lot of 
stuff in Kursweil format that I'd like to access. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 2012-01-28, at 6:18 AM, "Lisa Salinger"  wrote:

> Hello,
> For what it's worth, you do have the option to save your scans to Serotek's
> server, but you can also save them to your computer.
> Lisa
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Paul Henrichsen
> Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 1:14 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: OCR on the mac
> Yes; but I don't like the fact that everything you scan gets uploaded to
> seretek's server.
> On Jan 26, 2012, at 6:19 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> Docuscan plus works very well.
>> On Jan 26, 2012, at 10:37 AM, Angie Giltinan wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I want to find a good scanning solution for my mac.
>>> I will purchase a flat bed scanner, but not sure which one you all
> recommend, and what software you think would be best.
>>> I thought of using DocuScan  but the need to have an internet connection
> all the time is a bit off putting for me.
>>> Thoughts and suggestions are appreciated!
>>> -- 
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Help with reading mail by thread in Lion. (New Lion user)

2012-01-28 Thread Kimberly thurman
Hello all:

I just updated my Mac Book Pro to Lion, and am a little baffled by mail.  I 
have mine in threaded by conversation view, but it does not react like it did 
under SN.  I'm trying to figure out how to read all the messages in a 
multimessage thread.  I know there is some setting I should probably change, 
but I have no idea which one.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  


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Re: good news for Drop box users!!

2012-01-28 Thread Nektarios Mallas
Hi Ray. That's cool. 
It actually works here as you described. I don't have a mouse, but I managed to 
do this using the trackpad. It requires a little fiddling around a bit but I 
found the dropbox menu.


On Jan 28, 2012, at 5:30 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Okay.  I have some good news for those of y'all wondering when Drop Box would 
> improve their accessibility.  Under Lion, it is actually possible now to 
> fully access the Drop box prefs menu and windows.  Here's what you need to do.
> 1.  In the Voice Over Utilities, make sure you set your mouse to announce 
> when ever it enters a new window.
> 2.  Now, press control+F8 or other wise access the universal prefs window.
> 3.  Now, you want to rout the mouse to the Universal prefs window by using 
> VO+command+F5.
> 4.  Now, move the mouse directly in a straight line leftward until you hear, 
> "Entering Drop Box".  Click right there.
> 5.  Now, arrow down till you hear "preferences".  Press return here.
> HTH.
> Note, this works with the latest version of Drop box which is 2.51.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> -- 
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iBooks Author

2012-01-28 Thread Keith Watson
Hi guys,

I am attempting to figure out the iBooks Author App. Not going so well. Have 
any of you tried it? There are a few unlabeled buttons from what I can tell and 
the interface is a bit confusing. Any help would be welcomed.



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Re: good news for Drop box users!!

2012-01-28 Thread Ricardo Walker
You need to interact first.

Ricardo Walker

On Jan 28, 2012, at 10:25 AM, matthew Dyer wrote:

> Hey Ray,
> I have drop box ibnstalled here on this machine running sl.  I have some 
> files which I want to get the links for.  How do you do this in sl.  I tried 
> vo shift m and I don't see a drop box menu to get the link.
> Matthew
> On Jan 27, 2012, at 10:30 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Okay.  I have some good news for those of y'all wondering when Drop Box 
>> would improve their accessibility.  Under Lion, it is actually possible now 
>> to fully access the Drop box prefs menu and windows.  Here's what you need 
>> to do.
>> 1.  In the Voice Over Utilities, make sure you set your mouse to announce 
>> when ever it enters a new window.
>> 2.  Now, press control+F8 or other wise access the universal prefs window.
>> 3.  Now, you want to rout the mouse to the Universal prefs window by using 
>> VO+command+F5.
>> 4.  Now, move the mouse directly in a straight line leftward until you hear, 
>> "Entering Drop Box".  Click right there.
>> 5.  Now, arrow down till you hear "preferences".  Press return here.
>> HTH.
>> Note, this works with the latest version of Drop box which is 2.51.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> -- 
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Re: good news for Drop box users!!

2012-01-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

Just to be clear, you guys can actually access the window with dropbox 
preferences?  Again, this isn't working for me.

Ricardo Walker

On Jan 28, 2012, at 11:42 AM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:

> Hi Ray. That's cool. 
> It actually works here as you described. I don't have a mouse, but I managed 
> to do this using the trackpad. It requires a little fiddling around a bit but 
> I found the dropbox menu.
> Thanks
> Nektarios.
> On Jan 28, 2012, at 5:30 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Okay.  I have some good news for those of y'all wondering when Drop Box 
>> would improve their accessibility.  Under Lion, it is actually possible now 
>> to fully access the Drop box prefs menu and windows.  Here's what you need 
>> to do.
>> 1.  In the Voice Over Utilities, make sure you set your mouse to announce 
>> when ever it enters a new window.
>> 2.  Now, press control+F8 or other wise access the universal prefs window.
>> 3.  Now, you want to rout the mouse to the Universal prefs window by using 
>> VO+command+F5.
>> 4.  Now, move the mouse directly in a straight line leftward until you hear, 
>> "Entering Drop Box".  Click right there.
>> 5.  Now, arrow down till you hear "preferences".  Press return here.
>> HTH.
>> Note, this works with the latest version of Drop box which is 2.51.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> -- 
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Facebook and twitter app

2012-01-28 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello listers, I am looking for an app that will handle Facebook, Twitter, 
Linked-In, Tumblr, and any other social networking sites, and is easy to use. 
Does anyone know of one of these mythical apps?

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Re: good news for Drop box users!!

2012-01-28 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi,  You have to be interacting with the files table and navigate to the exact 
file you want using voiceover before control option shift m will show you the 
dropbox menu.

Hope this helps.

Erik Burggraaf
Currently on ebony promos: Ebony consulting on android accessibility, New drive 
imaging services available.  To read more and subscribe, visit 
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2012-01-28, at 10:25 AM, matthew Dyer wrote:

> Hey Ray,
> I have drop box ibnstalled here on this machine running sl.  I have some 
> files which I want to get the links for.  How do you do this in sl.  I tried 
> vo shift m and I don't see a drop box menu to get the link.
> Matthew
> On Jan 27, 2012, at 10:30 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Okay.  I have some good news for those of y'all wondering when Drop Box 
>> would improve their accessibility.  Under Lion, it is actually possible now 
>> to fully access the Drop box prefs menu and windows.  Here's what you need 
>> to do.
>> 1.  In the Voice Over Utilities, make sure you set your mouse to announce 
>> when ever it enters a new window.
>> 2.  Now, press control+F8 or other wise access the universal prefs window.
>> 3.  Now, you want to rout the mouse to the Universal prefs window by using 
>> VO+command+F5.
>> 4.  Now, move the mouse directly in a straight line leftward until you hear, 
>> "Entering Drop Box".  Click right there.
>> 5.  Now, arrow down till you hear "preferences".  Press return here.
>> HTH.
>> Note, this works with the latest version of Drop box which is 2.51.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: good news for Drop box users!!

2012-01-28 Thread Ray Foret Jr
You need to make sure your Mac is synching with the server.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Jan 28, 2012, at 9:25 AM, matthew Dyer wrote:

> Hey Ray,
> I have drop box ibnstalled here on this machine running sl.  I have some 
> files which I want to get the links for.  How do you do this in sl.  I tried 
> vo shift m and I don't see a drop box menu to get the link.
> Matthew
> On Jan 27, 2012, at 10:30 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Okay.  I have some good news for those of y'all wondering when Drop Box 
>> would improve their accessibility.  Under Lion, it is actually possible now 
>> to fully access the Drop box prefs menu and windows.  Here's what you need 
>> to do.
>> 1.  In the Voice Over Utilities, make sure you set your mouse to announce 
>> when ever it enters a new window.
>> 2.  Now, press control+F8 or other wise access the universal prefs window.
>> 3.  Now, you want to rout the mouse to the Universal prefs window by using 
>> VO+command+F5.
>> 4.  Now, move the mouse directly in a straight line leftward until you hear, 
>> "Entering Drop Box".  Click right there.
>> 5.  Now, arrow down till you hear "preferences".  Press return here.
>> HTH.
>> Note, this works with the latest version of Drop box which is 2.51.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: good news for Drop box users!!

2012-01-28 Thread Ray Foret Jr
The ansewr is yes.  You can actually gain access to the prefs menu.  You might 
perhaps want to uninstall your copy of Drop Box and go to the site and click 
the install link.  that will ensure you have the version that works for you.  
Then, I'd open the disk image, from there, I'd focus on the and 
open the shortcut menu.  From that point, I'd click on show package contents 
and then click on the Mac folder.  Install from that point.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Jan 28, 2012, at 11:08 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> So,
> Just to be clear, you guys can actually access the window with dropbox 
> preferences?  Again, this isn't working for me.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Jan 28, 2012, at 11:42 AM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:
>> Hi Ray. That's cool. 
>> It actually works here as you described. I don't have a mouse, but I managed 
>> to do this using the trackpad. It requires a little fiddling around a bit 
>> but I found the dropbox menu.
>> Thanks
>> Nektarios.
>> On Jan 28, 2012, at 5:30 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> Okay.  I have some good news for those of y'all wondering when Drop Box 
>>> would improve their accessibility.  Under Lion, it is actually possible now 
>>> to fully access the Drop box prefs menu and windows.  Here's what you need 
>>> to do.
>>> 1.  In the Voice Over Utilities, make sure you set your mouse to announce 
>>> when ever it enters a new window.
>>> 2.  Now, press control+F8 or other wise access the universal prefs window.
>>> 3.  Now, you want to rout the mouse to the Universal prefs window by using 
>>> VO+command+F5.
>>> 4.  Now, move the mouse directly in a straight line leftward until you 
>>> hear, "Entering Drop Box".  Click right there.
>>> 5.  Now, arrow down till you hear "preferences".  Press return here.
>>> HTH.
>>> Note, this works with the latest version of Drop box which is 2.51.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>>> Skype name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> Facebook:
>>> -- 
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Re: OCR on the mac

2012-01-28 Thread David Tanner
Yes, and you can always delete the copy on the server as soon as you save it 
on your computer.  That being the case it would only need to be there for a 
few seconds until you saved it on your computer.

- Original Message - 
From: "Doug Lawlor" 

Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: OCR on the mac

I would love to see a version of Kursweil 1000 for the Mac. I have a lot of 
stuff in Kursweil format that I'd like to access.


Sent from my iPhone

On 2012-01-28, at 6:18 AM, "Lisa Salinger"  wrote:

For what it's worth, you do have the option to save your scans to 

server, but you can also save them to your computer.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Paul Henrichsen
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 1:14 AM
Subject: Re: OCR on the mac

Yes; but I don't like the fact that everything you scan gets uploaded to
seretek's server.

On Jan 26, 2012, at 6:19 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

Docuscan plus works very well.
On Jan 26, 2012, at 10:37 AM, Angie Giltinan wrote:

Hi all,
I want to find a good scanning solution for my mac.
I will purchase a flat bed scanner, but not sure which one you all

recommend, and what software you think would be best.
I thought of using DocuScan  but the need to have an internet 

all the time is a bit off putting for me.

Thoughts and suggestions are appreciated!

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Mini and sound source

2012-01-28 Thread Bill Holton

Usually, when I plug headphones or a set of powered speakers into my Mini's
headphone jack the sound goes through those sources.  But this is the second
time this has happened.  All of a sudden the headphones/speakers I have
connected do not grab the sound and the Mini is silent.  If I pull the cable
the Mini resumes sound through the internal sp eaker.  Plug in the headphone
or speakers set, silence.  Not sure what the settings are that are suddenly
changing and how I can change them back while the headphones/speakers are
connected and the Mini is without sound.  Any suggestions appreciated.


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Re: Lion Server

2012-01-28 Thread Yuma Decaux
Ok, sounds like calling is a good alternative.

I figured that isolating the culprit by identifying its process and deleteing 
the relevant plist helps a great deal each time. If you can't isolate it, you 
can also delete all the preferences, however that means everything would have 
to be reconfigured to your liking.

Thinlking of doing a do shell script that restores all preferences but i'm on 
other stuff right now :)

On 28/01/2012, at 11:52 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Hey Yuma, I have not had any problems with the Server app crashing yet. I did 
> find a really weird problem when trying to edit the host name of my machine 
> and setup the interface. Trying to click apply caused that button and the 
> cancel button to go dim and I could not do a damned thing. Server did not 
> crash, but it sure as hell got stuck and had to be force quit.
> So, hopefully they will improve things. I ended up calling APple about the 
> problem and they spent a really long time trying to figure out the problem 
> and eventually decided they did not know. However, they helped fix the 
> problem in the end. I have to give them credit, they really do try to help to 
> the best of their ability and they actually know their stuff. So, it is hard 
> to say if there is a bug here or something completely different.
> Scott
> On Jan 28, 2012, at 5:42 AM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>> Haha,
>> Yep they did mislabel users and groups editing buttons. The issue here is 
>> taht wgm as a server admin tool probably got discontinued since they want it 
>> all through their crashy all in one server app which i wish i would never 
>> use, but not the case.
>> The wgm app is pretty good, efficient and all. Just make sure your dns is 
>> set up right and you're cool doing stuff on your server from wherever 
>> Yuma 
>> On 28/01/2012, at 11:38 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Hey Yuma the drag and drop ain't working, so I might just have to try that 
>>> app. :) That or bug my wife into helping, but that is not a solution. I did 
>>> discover that someone at APple mislabeled a couple of buttons in the WGM 
>>> application. :) 
>>> Best,
>>> Scott
>>> On Jan 27, 2012, at 7:43 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
 Hey Scott,
 There was a method for specifically opening the users and groups pop up 
 window and select them around but i haven't used it since i use the 
 workgroup manager app on my iphone.
 However you can probably try voice over's drag and drop?
 Best regards,
 On 28/01/2012, at 1:20 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Hey Yuma,
> Is there an easy way to add users to a group? I cannot drag users or 
> groups, so there surely is an easier way and any info appreciated.
> Thanks,
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Drop Box with Voice Over

2012-01-28 Thread Scott Rumery
Hello, I am trying to use Drop Box with my Mac Mini but when I open the program 
all that I hear is "Drop Box has no Windows".  Is there any way to use Drop Box 
with Voice Over?  I saw an earlier thread on this topic, but I still couldn't 
get it to work.


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RE: Help with reading mail by thread in Lion. (New Lion user)

2012-01-28 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Kimberly and welcome to OSX Lion.


Episode 98 of the Candle Shore Podcast describes how to navigate in the Lion
version of the Mail client using threaded view.  


After the episode, Apple updated the OS and VoiceOver's behavior changed
slightly; thus, in the podcast when I state that one can use the Tab key to
quickly switch between various panes, update this to using the
key-combination of either Tab+Left Control or Tab+Right Command+Right
Control key.  That is to say, currently, one cannot reliably use only the
Tab key to switch between panes.


 Click Here to go to the article containing the link to the


Good Luck, 





-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kimberly thurman
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2012 8:00 AM
Subject: Help with reading mail by thread in Lion. (New Lion user)


Hello all:


I just updated my Mac Book Pro to Lion, and am a little baffled by mail.  I
have mine in threaded by conversation view, but it does not react like it
did under SN.  I'm trying to figure out how to read all the messages in a
multimessage thread.  I know there is some setting I should probably change,
but I have no idea which one.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  





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SpellCheck in Pages

2012-01-28 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Everyone,  

Despite having Pages Preferences set to "check spelling as you type"
enabled, VoiceOver does not seem to announce said spelling errors as it does
in Text Edit or the Mail Client.  

Has this been confirmed by any of you?  

Thank you.


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A Question About Using The TrackPad when Navigating Text in Text Edit, Pages, etc

2012-01-28 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Everyone,  

I am currently running the latest version of OSX Lion on my MacBook Pro.

The following is from Braille page 217 of the Mac OSX Snow Leopard VoiceOver
User Guide describing methods for reading text:


"Change how VoiceOver reads text [by word, line, sentence, or paragraph)
Press the Command key while touching a finger on the trackPad."

Now, when I do this, VoiceOver does switch between the above stated
selections; however, I cannot seem to figure out how to use the setting once
it has been changed.  That is to say, after hearing that sentence is
selected, I attempt to navigate, by sentence, by simply single-finger
swiping up, down, left, or right on the trackPad but it does not navigate by
sentence.  Further, after hearing that Sentence is selected, I continue to
hold the Command key down while performing the above mentioned gestures to
no avail.  

What am I doing wrong?  Is this a bug?  I would be happy to use the Rotor to
set my choice to sentence but sentence is not an option on the Rotor.  

All comments welcomed.


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Re: Drop Box with Voice Over

2012-01-28 Thread Ray Foret Jr
First make sure you do in fact have the latest version of drop box.  The thing 
you need to understand is that Drop Box occurs on the menu bar, but, it's got 
no direct hook for Voice Over.  Therefore, You need to find and click on the 
menu item with the mouse or track pad.  This can be done after you go in to the 
universal menu using control+F8.  From there, use VO+command+F5 to rout the 
mouse pointer to the VO curser.  Now, if using a track pad, you might find it 
most helpful to place one finger at the very up right corner and move in a 
straight line directly left until you hear "entering drop box".  OF course, 
this assumes that you have Voice Over set so that when the mouse enters a new 
window, it speaks.  This is what you want to happen.

Now, the instent you hear "entering Drop box", stop moving your finger and 
click the pad.  This will open a menu for Drop box and the preferences menu is 
within this window.  arrow to and press return on this option and the general 
preferences window will pop open.  Use the tool bar to select other tabs inside 
here.  HTH.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Jan 28, 2012, at 4:44 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:

> Hello, I am trying to use Drop Box with my Mac Mini but when I open the 
> program all that I hear is "Drop Box has no Windows".  Is there any way to 
> use Drop Box with Voice Over?  I saw an earlier thread on this topic, but I 
> still couldn't get it to work.
> ScottÎ
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Re: SpellCheck in Pages

2012-01-28 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hello Mark.

I can confirm your finding with regards to pages.


On 28 Jan 2012, at 11:22 PM, "M. Taylor"  wrote:

> Hello Everyone,  
> Despite having Pages Preferences set to "check spelling as you type"
> enabled, VoiceOver does not seem to announce said spelling errors as it does
> in Text Edit or the Mail Client.  
> Has this been confirmed by any of you?  
> Thank you.
> Mark 
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Re: A Question About Using The TrackPad when Navigating Text in Text Edit, Pages, etc

2012-01-28 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
This has never worked for me Mark even in Snow lepard.  Do not know if its a 
bug or if I've been doing something wrong.


On 28 Jan 2012, at 11:38 PM, "M. Taylor"  wrote:

> Hello Everyone,  
> I am currently running the latest version of OSX Lion on my MacBook Pro.
> The following is from Braille page 217 of the Mac OSX Snow Leopard VoiceOver
> User Guide describing methods for reading text:
> Text:
> "Change how VoiceOver reads text [by word, line, sentence, or paragraph)
> Press the Command key while touching a finger on the trackPad."
> Now, when I do this, VoiceOver does switch between the above stated
> selections; however, I cannot seem to figure out how to use the setting once
> it has been changed.  That is to say, after hearing that sentence is
> selected, I attempt to navigate, by sentence, by simply single-finger
> swiping up, down, left, or right on the trackPad but it does not navigate by
> sentence.  Further, after hearing that Sentence is selected, I continue to
> hold the Command key down while performing the above mentioned gestures to
> no avail.  
> What am I doing wrong?  Is this a bug?  I would be happy to use the Rotor to
> set my choice to sentence but sentence is not an option on the Rotor.  
> All comments welcomed.
> Mark
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Re: A Question About Using The TrackPad when Navigating Text in Text Edit, Pages, etc

2012-01-28 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi there!
Well I can help here!
It is not clear but I found out by accident!
What you have to do is keep your finger on the track pad and tap the key up and 
down to change the setting!
But the way most people think the instruction means is to hold the key down and 
tap the track pad and then think it does not work!
So try the other way to change settings!
hth Colin

On 28 Jan 2012, at 23:58, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> This has never worked for me Mark even in Snow leopard.  Do not know if its a 
> bug or if I've been doing something wrong.
> Kawal.
> On 28 Jan 2012, at 11:38 PM, "M. Taylor"  wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,  
>> I am currently running the latest version of OSX Lion on my MacBook Pro.
>> The following is from Braille page 217 of the Mac OSX Snow Leopard VoiceOver
>> User Guide describing methods for reading text:
>> Text:
>> "Change how VoiceOver reads text [by word, line, sentence, or paragraph)
>> Press the Command key while touching a finger on the trackPad."
>> Now, when I do this, VoiceOver does switch between the above stated
>> selections; however, I cannot seem to figure out how to use the setting once
>> it has been changed.  That is to say, after hearing that sentence is
>> selected, I attempt to navigate, by sentence, by simply single-finger
>> swiping up, down, left, or right on the trackPad but it does not navigate by
>> sentence.  Further, after hearing that Sentence is selected, I continue to
>> hold the Command key down while performing the above mentioned gestures to
>> no avail.  
>> What am I doing wrong?  Is this a bug?  I would be happy to use the Rotor to
>> set my choice to sentence but sentence is not an option on the Rotor.  
>> All comments welcomed.
>> Mark
>> -- 
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Right clicking links on a web page?

2012-01-28 Thread Doug Lawlor
Hello list:
I am trying to do the equivalent of right clicking the mouse on a link so I can 
save the pdf files that these links point to. My problem is I can't seem to get 
the menu with the save as option in it. I get a menu for the current page I am 
viewing. How does one save a file from a web page? The page in question is:

Thanks in advance, 


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Re: Right clicking links on a web page?

2012-01-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

Bringing up the context menu isn't even necessary.  Just press option enter 
when on the link.  But if you do want the context menu anyway, press VO shift M.


Ricardo Walker

On Jan 28, 2012, at 7:14 PM, Doug Lawlor wrote:

> Hello list:
> I am trying to do the equivalent of right clicking the mouse on a link so I 
> can save the pdf files that these links point to. My problem is I can't seem 
> to get the menu with the save as option in it. I get a menu for the current 
> page I am viewing. How does one save a file from a web page? The page in 
> question is: 
> Thanks in advance, 
> Doug
> -- 
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Re: Drop Box with Voice Over

2012-01-28 Thread Ricardo Walker

You lost me at the end.  What toolbar are you talking about?

Ricardo Walker

On Jan 28, 2012, at 6:38 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> First make sure you do in fact have the latest version of drop box.  The 
> thing you need to understand is that Drop Box occurs on the menu bar, but, 
> it's got no direct hook for Voice Over.  Therefore, You need to find and 
> click on the menu item with the mouse or track pad.  This can be done after 
> you go in to the universal menu using control+F8.  From there, use 
> VO+command+F5 to rout the mouse pointer to the VO curser.  Now, if using a 
> track pad, you might find it most helpful to place one finger at the very up 
> right corner and move in a straight line directly left until you hear 
> "entering drop box".  OF course, this assumes that you have Voice Over set so 
> that when the mouse enters a new window, it speaks.  This is what you want to 
> happen.
> Now, the instent you hear "entering Drop box", stop moving your finger and 
> click the pad.  This will open a menu for Drop box and the preferences menu 
> is within this window.  arrow to and press return on this option and the 
> general preferences window will pop open.  Use the tool bar to select other 
> tabs inside here.  HTH.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> On Jan 28, 2012, at 4:44 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:
>> Hello, I am trying to use Drop Box with my Mac Mini but when I open the 
>> program all that I hear is "Drop Box has no Windows".  Is there any way to 
>> use Drop Box with Voice Over?  I saw an earlier thread on this topic, but I 
>> still couldn't get it to work.
>> ScottÎ
>> -- 
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Re: Lion Server

2012-01-28 Thread Scott Howell
Hmmm, now that is a rather interesting idea. Blowing everything away sounds 
like it would take a little work since I'm sure there is stuff scatter in a few 
places. :)
ALthough a fine idea to get things sorted. WGM is certainly working a bit 
better for me. Btw, the WGM REmote app you referred to. I see it is for 10.5 
and 10.6, but does not mention 10.7, so does it work well for 10.7?

On Jan 28, 2012, at 3:33 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Ok, sounds like calling is a good alternative.
> I figured that isolating the culprit by identifying its process and deleteing 
> the relevant plist helps a great deal each time. If you can't isolate it, you 
> can also delete all the preferences, however that means everything would have 
> to be reconfigured to your liking.
> Thinlking of doing a do shell script that restores all preferences but i'm on 
> other stuff right now :)
> On 28/01/2012, at 11:52 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Hey Yuma, I have not had any problems with the Server app crashing yet. I 
>> did find a really weird problem when trying to edit the host name of my 
>> machine and setup the interface. Trying to click apply caused that button 
>> and the cancel button to go dim and I could not do a damned thing. Server 
>> did not crash, but it sure as hell got stuck and had to be force quit.
>> So, hopefully they will improve things. I ended up calling APple about the 
>> problem and they spent a really long time trying to figure out the problem 
>> and eventually decided they did not know. However, they helped fix the 
>> problem in the end. I have to give them credit, they really do try to help 
>> to the best of their ability and they actually know their stuff. So, it is 
>> hard to say if there is a bug here or something completely different.
>> Scott
>> On Jan 28, 2012, at 5:42 AM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>>> Haha,
>>> Yep they did mislabel users and groups editing buttons. The issue here is 
>>> taht wgm as a server admin tool probably got discontinued since they want 
>>> it all through their crashy all in one server app which i wish i would 
>>> never use, but not the case.
>>> The wgm app is pretty good, efficient and all. Just make sure your dns is 
>>> set up right and you're cool doing stuff on your server from wherever 
>>> Yuma 
>>> On 28/01/2012, at 11:38 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
 Hey Yuma the drag and drop ain't working, so I might just have to try that 
 app. :) That or bug my wife into helping, but that is not a solution. I 
 did discover that someone at APple mislabeled a couple of buttons in the 
 WGM application. :) 
 On Jan 27, 2012, at 7:43 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
> Hey Scott,
> There was a method for specifically opening the users and groups pop up 
> window and select them around but i haven't used it since i use the 
> workgroup manager app on my iphone.
> However you can probably try voice over's drag and drop?
> Best regards,
> Yuma 
> On 28/01/2012, at 1:20 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Hey Yuma,
>> Is there an easy way to add users to a group? I cannot drag users or 
>> groups, so there surely is an easier way and any info appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> -- 
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Re: Lion Server

2012-01-28 Thread Yuma Decaux
Well actually, if you tried it on a system that's been running for a while, 
you'll see that a lot of little things fix themselves and the speed is 
relatively increased. Downside being restoring all the preferences to your 
like, especially voice over prefs which to me are the majority. Also, any 
licensed application you might have baught requires re entering the license key.

In the event though that you might end up in a chinese head twister, don't try 
to fix it, blow it off and restart fresh.

To make the process less painful, you can save the important preferences 
provided they aren't corrupt and restore them after wipeout and reboot.

Your preferences are on two folders on the system:


And ~/Library/Preferences including the byhost folder.

So say you backup and some others you might want to 
keep and it's all good. Once reloaded, license keys entered etc, which can be 
done via keeping the plists of the with the important difference that all your 
keychains, network prefs, mail accounts, itunes etc are all kept safely as they 
were beforehand.
Except said applications, the system is running just as if it was deployed 
brand new from a netboot image.

A do shell script to facilitate the backing up and restoring is easy to write, 
you just need to know and isolate those plists that you want backed up and 

On 29/01/2012, at 1:35 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Hmmm, now that is a rather interesting idea. Blowing everything away sounds 
> like it would take a little work since I'm sure there is stuff scatter in a 
> few places. :)
> ALthough a fine idea to get things sorted. WGM is certainly working a bit 
> better for me. Btw, the WGM REmote app you referred to. I see it is for 10.5 
> and 10.6, but does not mention 10.7, so does it work well for 10.7?
> Thanks,
> On Jan 28, 2012, at 3:33 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>> Ok, sounds like calling is a good alternative.
>> I figured that isolating the culprit by identifying its process and 
>> deleteing the relevant plist helps a great deal each time. If you can't 
>> isolate it, you can also delete all the preferences, however that means 
>> everything would have to be reconfigured to your liking.
>> Thinlking of doing a do shell script that restores all preferences but i'm 
>> on other stuff right now :)
>> On 28/01/2012, at 11:52 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Hey Yuma, I have not had any problems with the Server app crashing yet. I 
>>> did find a really weird problem when trying to edit the host name of my 
>>> machine and setup the interface. Trying to click apply caused that button 
>>> and the cancel button to go dim and I could not do a damned thing. Server 
>>> did not crash, but it sure as hell got stuck and had to be force quit.
>>> So, hopefully they will improve things. I ended up calling APple about the 
>>> problem and they spent a really long time trying to figure out the problem 
>>> and eventually decided they did not know. However, they helped fix the 
>>> problem in the end. I have to give them credit, they really do try to help 
>>> to the best of their ability and they actually know their stuff. So, it is 
>>> hard to say if there is a bug here or something completely different.
>>> Scott
>>> On Jan 28, 2012, at 5:42 AM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
 Yep they did mislabel users and groups editing buttons. The issue here is 
 taht wgm as a server admin tool probably got discontinued since they want 
 it all through their crashy all in one server app which i wish i would 
 never use, but not the case.
 The wgm app is pretty good, efficient and all. Just make sure your dns is 
 set up right and you're cool doing stuff on your server from wherever 
 On 28/01/2012, at 11:38 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Hey Yuma the drag and drop ain't working, so I might just have to try 
> that app. :) That or bug my wife into helping, but that is not a 
> solution. I did discover that someone at APple mislabeled a couple of 
> buttons in the WGM application. :) 
> Best,
> Scott
> On Jan 27, 2012, at 7:43 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>> Hey Scott,
>> There was a method for specifically opening the users and groups pop up 
>> window and select them around but i haven't used it since i use the 
>> workgroup manager app on my iphone.
>> However you can probably try voice over's drag and drop?
>> Best regards,
>> Yuma 
>> On 28/01/2012, at 1:20 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Hey Yuma,
>>> Is there an easy way to add users to a group? I cannot drag users or 
>>> groups, so there surely is an easier way and any info appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Grou

Re: Lion Server

2012-01-28 Thread Scott Howell
Outstanding Yuma and very good info. I'd say overall things are running pretty 
smooth considering I did a partial migration. I did not pull everything over 
and I'm seeing fewer "busy" messages. Well except with Server Admin, but I 
think it is actually doing something albeit a bit slow. :)

On Jan 28, 2012, at 7:58 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Well actually, if you tried it on a system that's been running for a while, 
> you'll see that a lot of little things fix themselves and the speed is 
> relatively increased. Downside being restoring all the preferences to your 
> like, especially voice over prefs which to me are the majority. Also, any 
> licensed application you might have baught requires re entering the license 
> key.
> In the event though that you might end up in a chinese head twister, don't 
> try to fix it, blow it off and restart fresh.
> To make the process less painful, you can save the important preferences 
> provided they aren't corrupt and restore them after wipeout and reboot.
> Your preferences are on two folders on the system:
> /Library/Preferences/
> And ~/Library/Preferences including the byhost folder.
> So say you backup and some others you might want to 
> keep and it's all good. Once reloaded, license keys entered etc, which can be 
> done via keeping the plists of the with the important difference that all 
> your keychains, network prefs, mail accounts, itunes etc are all kept safely 
> as they were beforehand.
> Except said applications, the system is running just as if it was deployed 
> brand new from a netboot image.
> A do shell script to facilitate the backing up and restoring is easy to 
> write, you just need to know and isolate those plists that you want backed up 
> and voilà.
> On 29/01/2012, at 1:35 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Hmmm, now that is a rather interesting idea. Blowing everything away sounds 
>> like it would take a little work since I'm sure there is stuff scatter in a 
>> few places. :)
>> ALthough a fine idea to get things sorted. WGM is certainly working a bit 
>> better for me. Btw, the WGM REmote app you referred to. I see it is for 10.5 
>> and 10.6, but does not mention 10.7, so does it work well for 10.7?
>> Thanks,
>> On Jan 28, 2012, at 3:33 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>>> Ok, sounds like calling is a good alternative.
>>> I figured that isolating the culprit by identifying its process and 
>>> deleteing the relevant plist helps a great deal each time. If you can't 
>>> isolate it, you can also delete all the preferences, however that means 
>>> everything would have to be reconfigured to your liking.
>>> Thinlking of doing a do shell script that restores all preferences but i'm 
>>> on other stuff right now :)
>>> On 28/01/2012, at 11:52 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
 Hey Yuma, I have not had any problems with the Server app crashing yet. I 
 did find a really weird problem when trying to edit the host name of my 
 machine and setup the interface. Trying to click apply caused that button 
 and the cancel button to go dim and I could not do a damned thing. Server 
 did not crash, but it sure as hell got stuck and had to be force quit.
 So, hopefully they will improve things. I ended up calling APple about the 
 problem and they spent a really long time trying to figure out the problem 
 and eventually decided they did not know. However, they helped fix the 
 problem in the end. I have to give them credit, they really do try to help 
 to the best of their ability and they actually know their stuff. So, it is 
 hard to say if there is a bug here or something completely different.
 On Jan 28, 2012, at 5:42 AM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
> Haha,
> Yep they did mislabel users and groups editing buttons. The issue here is 
> taht wgm as a server admin tool probably got discontinued since they want 
> it all through their crashy all in one server app which i wish i would 
> never use, but not the case.
> The wgm app is pretty good, efficient and all. Just make sure your dns is 
> set up right and you're cool doing stuff on your server from wherever 
> Yuma 
> On 28/01/2012, at 11:38 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Hey Yuma the drag and drop ain't working, so I might just have to try 
>> that app. :) That or bug my wife into helping, but that is not a 
>> solution. I did discover that someone at APple mislabeled a couple of 
>> buttons in the WGM application. :) 
>> Best,
>> Scott
>> On Jan 27, 2012, at 7:43 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>>> Hey Scott,
>>> There was a method for specifically opening the users and groups pop up 
>>> window and select them around but i haven't used it since i use the 
>>> workgroup manager app on my iphone.

Re: River Bible

2012-01-28 Thread Angie Giltinan
Hi, If you go to the app store, search for river, it wil be the second or third 
I would tell you how much it cost, but when I went to look to see,  of course 
it wouldn't tell me, as I'd already bought it.
It might have been free, but a quick peek in the app store will soon answer 
your question.
I'm still getting used to it, but it is pretty good, 
The only thing I don't like about it is that you can only use a few 
I wish I could even buy more or something.
On Jan 27, 2012, at 8:22 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:

> Angie,
> How much was the River Bible?
> Thanks,
> CJ
> On Jan 27, 2012, at 10:36 AM, Angie Giltinan wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> In my quest to find a good bible app that I felt comfortable with, I have 
>> found River Bible. 
>> It has a simple interface, that allows you to search, read a selected book, 
>> or write journal entries.
>> I'm still playing with it and learning, but it seems nice.
>> I got it from the app store.
>> -- 
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Re: Drop Box with Voice Over

2012-01-28 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Once you do all the steps I outlined and land inside the actual preferences 
menu of Drop Box, you will find yourself in the general tab.  If you look just 
to the left, in the usual spot, you will see the tool bar.  Interact with this 
and you can get to the various tabs available.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On Jan 28, 2012, at 6:31 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> You lost me at the end.  What toolbar are you talking about?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Jan 28, 2012, at 6:38 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> First make sure you do in fact have the latest version of drop box.  The 
>> thing you need to understand is that Drop Box occurs on the menu bar, but, 
>> it's got no direct hook for Voice Over.  Therefore, You need to find and 
>> click on the menu item with the mouse or track pad.  This can be done after 
>> you go in to the universal menu using control+F8.  From there, use 
>> VO+command+F5 to rout the mouse pointer to the VO curser.  Now, if using a 
>> track pad, you might find it most helpful to place one finger at the very up 
>> right corner and move in a straight line directly left until you hear 
>> "entering drop box".  OF course, this assumes that you have Voice Over set 
>> so that when the mouse enters a new window, it speaks.  This is what you 
>> want to happen.
>> Now, the instent you hear "entering Drop box", stop moving your finger and 
>> click the pad.  This will open a menu for Drop box and the preferences menu 
>> is within this window.  arrow to and press return on this option and the 
>> general preferences window will pop open.  Use the tool bar to select other 
>> tabs inside here.  HTH.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> On Jan 28, 2012, at 4:44 PM, Scott Rumery wrote:
>>> Hello, I am trying to use Drop Box with my Mac Mini but when I open the 
>>> program all that I hear is "Drop Box has no Windows".  Is there any way to 
>>> use Drop Box with Voice Over?  I saw an earlier thread on this topic, but I 
>>> still couldn't get it to work.
>>> ScottÎ
>>> -- 
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