Re: Spotify on the IPhone

2011-12-24 Thread Charlie Doremus
Lynn I would like to take a few moments of your time to explain just how
Spotify works. You can us the service in conjuncion with Face book but that
seen to lead you into a jumble of low quality pressings of re-recorded
vinyl discs with very pool audio and track arrangements of albums you
thought you knew and others you've never heard of on you life.
With Spotify you are forced to listen to ads from other artists promo their
own music right in the middle of you two of your favorite cuts.
Given that a large percentage of the music Spotify is bootleg material and
audio quality is lacking.

I am of the understanding that if you upgrade to their premium service the
pesky ads vanish but the low quality will not change. I wonder if ad free
bootlegged music is worth $120.00 a year.

I would be more then happy to discuss this issue in more detail (off list)
at a time of your choosing.

'Tis the season, have a great celebration.

On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 8:41 PM, Lynn Schneider wrote:

> Kevin, am I correct that you need a Facebook account to use Spotify?  I
> don't have one, but I'm finding the selection on Pandora a bit lacking
> these days, so have toyed with the idea of creating an account on Facebook
> just for the purpose of using Spotify.
> On Dec 24, 2011, at 12:16 AM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
> > I downloaded it on my Mac Mini and the accessibility was certainly
> lacking a lot. I decided to try it on my IPhone 4S and I have to say it is
> awesome. If you want a really good program for listening to music (at a
> cost) Spotify on the IPhone is great.
> >
> > Kev
> >
> > --
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Check out our web site,
& purchase our book "You Might Be A Moron"

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Re: Spotify on the IPhone

2011-12-24 Thread Ricardo Walker

To some it is.  I honestly thing they are getting there moneys worth anyway.  
Artists basically give away there music on streaming services.  a song has to 
stream 100 times for the artist to get payed a dollar.  So, for a penny a 
listen, it is what it is.  Don't get me wrong, the record industry had a blank 
check for decades.  But very little of that money trickled down to the artists 
even when business was booming.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Dec 24, 2011, at 5:03 AM, Charlie Doremus wrote:

> Lynn I would like to take a few moments of your time to explain just how 
> Spotify works. You can us the service in conjuncion with Face book but that 
> seen to lead you into a jumble of low quality pressings of re-recorded vinyl 
> discs with very pool audio and track arrangements of albums you thought you 
> knew and others you've never heard of on you life. 
> With Spotify you are forced to listen to ads from other artists promo their 
> own music right in the middle of you two of your favorite cuts. 
> Given that a large percentage of the music Spotify is bootleg material and 
> audio quality is lacking. 
> I am of the understanding that if you upgrade to their premium service the 
> pesky ads vanish but the low quality will not change. I wonder if ad free 
> bootlegged music is worth $120.00 a year. 
> I would be more then happy to discuss this issue in more detail (off list) at 
> a time of your choosing.
> 'Tis the season, have a great celebration. 
> On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 8:41 PM, Lynn Schneider  wrote:
> Kevin, am I correct that you need a Facebook account to use Spotify?  I don't 
> have one, but I'm finding the selection on Pandora a bit lacking these days, 
> so have toyed with the idea of creating an account on Facebook just for the 
> purpose of using Spotify.
> On Dec 24, 2011, at 12:16 AM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
> > I downloaded it on my Mac Mini and the accessibility was certainly lacking 
> > a lot. I decided to try it on my IPhone 4S and I have to say it is awesome. 
> > If you want a really good program for listening to music (at a cost) 
> > Spotify on the IPhone is great.
> >
> > Kev
> >
> > --
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> > "MacVisionaries" group.
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> >
> > For more options, visit this group at 
> >
> >
> --
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> -- 
> Check out our web site,
> & purchase our book "You Might Be A Moron" 
> -- 
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Re: My thoughts regarding the latest "VoiceOver On" podcast

2011-12-24 Thread f10r14n
Hello Vic,

Well thought out message you have there. Let me comment on it a bit,

Victor Tsaran wrote:
> Hello "VoiceOver On" guys and everyone else on the list,
> First of all, I'll start by saying that I am not a Mac fan or anything-one 
> else's, for that matter. I am only a fan of myself, .
> I just wanted to share a couple of my thoughts regarding the latest 
> "VoiceOver On" podcast because, unfortunately, Twitter's 140-character limit 
> is way too limiting for my taste and for the purpose of this message. :)
> 1. I think you are correct in saying that many people forget to ask 
> themselves what they want to do with the computer. This often leads to 
> uninformed decisions and, subsequently, unjustified or unnecessary purchases. 
> We all in some ways affected by our friends's opinions, buzz words and 
> commercials. Regardless, we need to learn to ask those questions so we do not 
> regret our technology choices that will only slow us down and make less 
> productive. After all, a computer with an operating system on it are just 
> tools to help us live our lives like everyone else does .

// very healthy way of living, that. It is indeed true that mac has
been quite the hipe when it comes to visually impaired computer users.
Rightfully so in some cases, blatantly not so in others.
> 2. Is VoiceOver a bad screen reader? Not at all, IMHO. Is it the best? Of 
> course, not. At times VO feels like a work-around altogether, while at other 
> time sit feels like the most innovative screen reader on the market. It 
> really has both.
// This is quite true. It is however the distribution of the two that
has irked us, the workarounds being in the areas we need and the
innovative features  appearing in areas we consider secondary.

> Pros:
> - VoiceOver has a pretty good built-in help which most users probably never 
> read.
// True. The same can be said about pretty much any SR on the market.

> - VO is a pretty flexible screen reader, especially on Lion, EG through the 
> "Activities" feature.
// true, to a degree. Windows screenreaders have a number of ways to
interact with the content on screen. Be it through the object model,
accessibile descriptions, MSAA, the java access bridge etc. Scripting
capabilities of these screenreaders can force these programs to prefer
one method over another or even provide custom ways of reading the
screen if the standard ways do not work. A prime example of this is
the hotspotClicker project. In VoiceOver, it is either accessible, or
it is not. True, you can script VoiceOver using AppleScript but I am
not sure how extensive these capabilities are at this point, mainly
due to a complete lack of documentation on this matter.

> - Good support for Mail, chat, Calendar, basic text editing with TextEdit, 
> Webkit-based browsers (Chrome, Safari, Lightning, iCab etc).
// Again, true to a degree. It should be expected that a screenreader
covers  the basic apps the OS comes bundled with. This has been a
lacking point of most notably android, where the stock mail and
webbrowser apps were not accessible until the release of ICS. In
safari however, you interact with a webpage completely different then
a sighted user. The page is divided into ' blocks' if you will,
probably defined by HTML tags behind the scenes. Although this does
give you a better idea of the structure of a page, which can be
beneficial in some cases, it can slow you down when you are reading a
long HTML document. Imagine this : Some blog post lacks the proper 
tags, meaning the entire blog post is read in one fell swoop. Then,
imagine you have Growl set up to give you voice alerts. You will be
reading the post, some Growl alert pops up. The alert will be spoken
and VoiceOver stops speaking, causing you to have to start from the
Yes, you can interact with the text in these cases, but it is another
extra step you have to take if you want to properly read a text. Of
course this whole scenario is because of the offending blog not using
HTML right, but you wouldn't have this problem using something like
A second point is the in the podcast covered issue of being virtualy
unable to select blocks of text on a webpage. Something that is as
good as instantaneous with a windows screenreader. In my line of study
this is quite an important feature I use at least daily, if not more.
VO is ok at the basics, but I think these comments do not miss their
mark. Feel free to disagree, I don't mind a bit of discussion.

> - A consistent support for applications that are designed wit accessibility 
> in mind, EG "YoruFukurou Twitter client" and many others.
// That is because Apple has given their standard components the
correct accessibility properties. The same can be said for .net apps
on Windows, the wxPython library, the Java SWT, win32 MSAA
support ..

> Cons:
> - Too complicated system of shortcuts. However, Quicknav and Trackpad 
> navigation eliminates the need for many of of those shor

pretty advanced bootcamp question

2011-12-24 Thread f10r14n

Perhaps any of you guys have done something similar to this and may
have some insights.

Here's the situation:
- I started off with a mac OSX partition, windows partition, the
always existing EFI partition and the recovery partition, detailing 4.
- I shrunk the HFS (mac OSX) partition to make more space available to
Windows, only to find out that disk utility, and pretty much no other
program I've tried, can enlarge NTFS partitions reliably and
accessibly. So I ended up creating a new partition using the free
available space with the FAT filesystem so it would be writeable and
modifiable by boh mac and windows.
- Then, as some may already guess, Windows stopped booting.
- I later found out this is because of the MBR and GPT tables going
out of sync. There is a linux/unix utility called GPTSync, which comes
with the rEFIt bootloader, to fix this problem.
- I ended up having to use a vinux live CD because mac OS wouldn't let
me modify the RDISK0 while I was on it, and the MBR and GPT now appear
to be in sync. HOWEVER
- Since MBR is limited to 4 partitions and I essentially created my
data partition between the shrunken HFS+ and the NTFS partition, it
became partition 4 instead of partition 5. What has happened now, I
think, is that the actual windows NTLDR partition, which is now
partition 5, was not put in the MBR table. Rather, the empty dat a
partition, partition 4, has been used. Of course, booting from this
won't make a lot of fireworks flash so I am sort of stuck.
- I can do two things:
- I can delete the data partition, leaving me with 70 gigs of
unallocated space, resync the tables. This will most likely give me my
Windows back, but I will be back where I started.
- I have to alter the partition order, so 5 becomes 4 and vice verza.
I have no idea how.

Any help apreciated.

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Re: pretty advanced bootcamp question

2011-12-24 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
Hi there,

OK, if you're constructing a multi boot platform as you seem to be, you have 
another option to explore. this is the firewire boot to external HDD to run 
another OS.

I do this on certain occasions where necessary as I don't like having windows 
on my macbook pro. I'd rather have windows on a pure windows machine, that way 
if something goes wrong, at least my mac isn't harmed.

The way to go about something like this is to prepare an external firewire or 
USB HDD system (2.5" is a good idea as it's small and doesn't take space if 
you're a laptop user, or if you're a desktop user, then a 3.5" drive system 
would be best. When formatting, ensure you create the boot support.

from your bot loader, use the external drive as a bootable environment to 
install to.

that way you don't screw up the GUID and boot records etc for the mac drive. 
the boot system on macs is a little sensitive and should be handled with care.

I've not had the excuse to create this exact situation which you've gone 
through on a mac but ther than the advice I have offered, don't think I'm much 

merry christmas and a happy new year to all.


On 24 Dec 2011, at 12:08, f10r14n wrote:

> Hi,
> Perhaps any of you guys have done something similar to this and may
> have some insights.
> Here's the situation:
> - I started off with a mac OSX partition, windows partition, the
> always existing EFI partition and the recovery partition, detailing 4.
> - I shrunk the HFS (mac OSX) partition to make more space available to
> Windows, only to find out that disk utility, and pretty much no other
> program I've tried, can enlarge NTFS partitions reliably and
> accessibly. So I ended up creating a new partition using the free
> available space with the FAT filesystem so it would be writeable and
> modifiable by boh mac and windows.
> - Then, as some may already guess, Windows stopped booting.
> - I later found out this is because of the MBR and GPT tables going
> out of sync. There is a linux/unix utility called GPTSync, which comes
> with the rEFIt bootloader, to fix this problem.
> - I ended up having to use a vinux live CD because mac OS wouldn't let
> me modify the RDISK0 while I was on it, and the MBR and GPT now appear
> to be in sync. HOWEVER
> - Since MBR is limited to 4 partitions and I essentially created my
> data partition between the shrunken HFS+ and the NTFS partition, it
> became partition 4 instead of partition 5. What has happened now, I
> think, is that the actual windows NTLDR partition, which is now
> partition 5, was not put in the MBR table. Rather, the empty dat a
> partition, partition 4, has been used. Of course, booting from this
> won't make a lot of fireworks flash so I am sort of stuck.
> - I can do two things:
> - I can delete the data partition, leaving me with 70 gigs of
> unallocated space, resync the tables. This will most likely give me my
> Windows back, but I will be back where I started.
> - I have to alter the partition order, so 5 becomes 4 and vice verza.
> I have no idea how.
> Any help apreciated.
> Florian
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

Mr. L. Alexander.
Free Macs For The Blind.
Direct line: 07936 877500
Twitter: @macsfortheblind

Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working apple 
macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR FREE!

Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc or a 
copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get in touch.

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here to help 
anybody disabled with anything Apple!

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Re: pretty advanced bootcamp question

2011-12-24 Thread Gavin

Hi Florian,

Firstly, and forgive me for going slightly off topic, but how were you able 
to boot a Vinux live CD on your Mac and have sound? When I tried that on 
mine, the system booted perfectly, but no sound would work.

Second, regarding your Windows partition, my suggestion is that, if there 
isn't anything on the FAT partition yet, reinstall Windows on that 
partition, then copy your data over from your previous Windows install and 
reformat partition 5 as FAT to use for data. This should solve your problem.



- Original Message - 
From: "f10r14n" 

To: "MacVisionaries" 
Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2011 4:08 AM
Subject: pretty advanced bootcamp question


Perhaps any of you guys have done something similar to this and may
have some insights.

Here's the situation:
- I started off with a mac OSX partition, windows partition, the
always existing EFI partition and the recovery partition, detailing 4.
- I shrunk the HFS (mac OSX) partition to make more space available to
Windows, only to find out that disk utility, and pretty much no other
program I've tried, can enlarge NTFS partitions reliably and
accessibly. So I ended up creating a new partition using the free
available space with the FAT filesystem so it would be writeable and
modifiable by boh mac and windows.
- Then, as some may already guess, Windows stopped booting.
- I later found out this is because of the MBR and GPT tables going
out of sync. There is a linux/unix utility called GPTSync, which comes
with the rEFIt bootloader, to fix this problem.
- I ended up having to use a vinux live CD because mac OS wouldn't let
me modify the RDISK0 while I was on it, and the MBR and GPT now appear
to be in sync. HOWEVER
- Since MBR is limited to 4 partitions and I essentially created my
data partition between the shrunken HFS+ and the NTFS partition, it
became partition 4 instead of partition 5. What has happened now, I
think, is that the actual windows NTLDR partition, which is now
partition 5, was not put in the MBR table. Rather, the empty dat a
partition, partition 4, has been used. Of course, booting from this
won't make a lot of fireworks flash so I am sort of stuck.
- I can do two things:
- I can delete the data partition, leaving me with 70 gigs of
unallocated space, resync the tables. This will most likely give me my
Windows back, but I will be back where I started.
- I have to alter the partition order, so 5 becomes 4 and vice verza.
I have no idea how.

Any help apreciated.

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Re: pretty advanced bootcamp question

2011-12-24 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
just a thought on this..

what version of windows are you installing? if it's windows XP and above then 
using the fat partition, convert it to NTFS through the DOS installer method. 
that may require sighted assistance.

if it's anything above XP, not sure. my experience doesn't hover over vista or 
7 yet. still using windows 2000 / xp  / 2003 depending on certain work.

primarily mac lol.

On 24 Dec 2011, at 13:33, Gavin wrote:

> Hi Florian,
> Firstly, and forgive me for going slightly off topic, but how were you able 
> to boot a Vinux live CD on your Mac and have sound? When I tried that on 
> mine, the system booted perfectly, but no sound would work.
> Second, regarding your Windows partition, my suggestion is that, if there 
> isn't anything on the FAT partition yet, reinstall Windows on that partition, 
> then copy your data over from your previous Windows install and reformat 
> partition 5 as FAT to use for data. This should solve your problem.
> Regards,
> Gavin
> - Original Message - From: "f10r14n" 
> To: "MacVisionaries" 
> Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2011 4:08 AM
> Subject: pretty advanced bootcamp question
>> Hi,
>> Perhaps any of you guys have done something similar to this and may
>> have some insights.
>> Here's the situation:
>> - I started off with a mac OSX partition, windows partition, the
>> always existing EFI partition and the recovery partition, detailing 4.
>> - I shrunk the HFS (mac OSX) partition to make more space available to
>> Windows, only to find out that disk utility, and pretty much no other
>> program I've tried, can enlarge NTFS partitions reliably and
>> accessibly. So I ended up creating a new partition using the free
>> available space with the FAT filesystem so it would be writeable and
>> modifiable by boh mac and windows.
>> - Then, as some may already guess, Windows stopped booting.
>> - I later found out this is because of the MBR and GPT tables going
>> out of sync. There is a linux/unix utility called GPTSync, which comes
>> with the rEFIt bootloader, to fix this problem.
>> - I ended up having to use a vinux live CD because mac OS wouldn't let
>> me modify the RDISK0 while I was on it, and the MBR and GPT now appear
>> to be in sync. HOWEVER
>> - Since MBR is limited to 4 partitions and I essentially created my
>> data partition between the shrunken HFS+ and the NTFS partition, it
>> became partition 4 instead of partition 5. What has happened now, I
>> think, is that the actual windows NTLDR partition, which is now
>> partition 5, was not put in the MBR table. Rather, the empty dat a
>> partition, partition 4, has been used. Of course, booting from this
>> won't make a lot of fireworks flash so I am sort of stuck.
>> - I can do two things:
>> - I can delete the data partition, leaving me with 70 gigs of
>> unallocated space, resync the tables. This will most likely give me my
>> Windows back, but I will be back where I started.
>> - I have to alter the partition order, so 5 becomes 4 and vice verza.
>> I have no idea how.
>> Any help apreciated.
>> Florian
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

Mr. L. Alexander.
Free Macs For The Blind.
Direct line: 07936 877500
Twitter: @macsfortheblind

Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working apple 
macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR FREE!

Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc or a 
copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get in touch.

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here to help 
anybody disabled with anything Apple!

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Re: My thoughts regarding the latest "VoiceOver On" podcast

2011-12-24 Thread William Windels
Hello all,
I global , I find mac and voiceover very nice to work with, more stable then a 
windows-system and jaws or window-eyes  and indeed, a lot of the programs are 
useful: twitter, textedit, vmware, iTunes, garageband (I don't use it at the 
moment), pages , a little bit numbers and key note but that isn't very useful 
for productivity I think.
Further: pear note, to take notes in combination with the record of the notes 
and perhaps some other programs I forgot.
Also, the trackpad with vo, time-machine, are great tools.
But , there are also some disadvantages:
- a slow way of updating : 1 big update in 2 years.
(the braille bug in the beginning of safari5 was solved after some months)
but, braille in global on the mac is worse than with most screen readers I 
I mean: adjusting controls with a custom braille label, moving around the 
screen without any limitation.
The most windows-screemreaders are doing faster...
-  tables in pages  aren't still accessible after asking for a long time by 
many people.
(this means that you need sometimes sighted assistance or a windows computer 
with screenreader).
- also , tables in safari aren't not always very confortable to work with.
- selecting  text on safari: there is no way that always works I think while on 
windows with a screenreader, it's the shift-key +arrow keys.
- the drag and drop function in Lion was presented as a new feature for 
voiceover users while it was introduced in 10.6 but it has never worked.
In my opinion, that's not a new feature but a bug fix and after a long time...
- the problems with the voices of nuance in Lion aren't still solved and are 
true for different languages.

Of course, this is all for free but it's also the only screenreader available 
on the mac.

It would be a good idea I think if :
apple should come with more faster updates with new functions (not necessary 
for free.
If another screenreader should come on the mac with other advantages.

This are my opinions.

Kind regards,
Op 24-dec.-2011, om 02:39 heeft Missy Hoppe het volgende geschreven:

> This is a very well-worded message, and I really appreciate your words of 
> wisdom. I agree completely with nearly everything
> you've said. Every once in a while, I still find myself wondering if my 
> macbook was a wise investment, but I do find myself
> enjoying it a little more with every passing week, and am now to the point 
> where I will turn it on at least once a day, even
> if it's only to check for software updates. I'm a bit frustrated that there 
> aren't any really good word processing options;
> even text edit is a bit more complicated than I'd like, but I agree with you 
> about twitter, saphari, etc. I think that at
> heart, I'm always going to be a windows gal, but that's mostly because I've 
> had well over20 years experience in windows, DOS,
> etc, and I've only been using a mac since June of this year. So while I might 
> always be more inclined towards using my PC,
> I'm beginning to appreciate the mac and am having fun learning how to use it.
> Thanks for such a great message, and I hope that you're having a great day!
> Missy
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Victor Tsaran
> Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 8:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: My thoughts regarding the latest "VoiceOver On" podcast
> Hello "VoiceOver On" guys and everyone else on the list, First of all, I'll 
> start by saying that I am not a Mac fan or
> anything-one else's, for that matter. I am only a fan of myself,  kidding>.
> I just wanted to share a couple of my thoughts regarding the latest 
> "VoiceOver On" podcast because, unfortunately, Twitter's
> 140-character limit is way too limiting for my taste and for the purpose of 
> this message. :)
> 1. I think you are correct in saying that many people forget to ask 
> themselves what they want to do with the computer. This
> often leads to uninformed decisions and, subsequently, unjustified or 
> unnecessary purchases. We all in some ways affected by
> our friends's opinions, buzz words and commercials. Regardless, we need to 
> learn to ask those questions so we do not regret
> our technology choices that will only slow us down and make less productive. 
> After all, a computer with an operating system
> on it are just tools to help us live our lives like everyone else does .
> 2. Is VoiceOver a bad screen reader? Not at all, IMHO. Is it the best? Of 
> course, not. At times VO feels like a work-around
> altogether, while at other time sit feels like the most innovative screen 
> reader on the market. It really has both.
> Pros:
> - VoiceOver has a pretty good built-in help which most users probably never 
> read.
> - VO is a pretty flexible screen reader, especially on Lion, EG through the 
> "Activities" feature.
> - Good support for Mail, chat, Calendar, basic text editing with TextEdi

Re: Spotify on the IPhone

2011-12-24 Thread Kevin Mattingly
Song writers are the ones who hurt more from services like this. They do pay 
royalties but like Ricardo says, they aren't making much. The quality of the 
stuff I've been listening to is pretty darn good and the selection is huge. You 
can listen to a song as much as you like, so its just like purchasing the music 
for a lower price in the long term. 

It asked me to sign in using my facebook account but I chose not to share and 
so on with friends. That will keep the noise down. There is a 48 hour trial 
that I decided to use and I've been impressed.

On Dec 24, 2011, at 5:23 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> lol,
> To some it is.  I honestly thing they are getting there moneys worth anyway.  
> Artists basically give away there music on streaming services.  a song has to 
> stream 100 times for the artist to get payed a dollar.  So, for a penny a 
> listen, it is what it is.  Don't get me wrong, the record industry had a 
> blank check for decades.  But very little of that money trickled down to the 
> artists even when business was booming.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Dec 24, 2011, at 5:03 AM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>> Lynn I would like to take a few moments of your time to explain just how 
>> Spotify works. You can us the service in conjuncion with Face book but that 
>> seen to lead you into a jumble of low quality pressings of re-recorded vinyl 
>> discs with very pool audio and track arrangements of albums you thought you 
>> knew and others you've never heard of on you life. 
>> With Spotify you are forced to listen to ads from other artists promo their 
>> own music right in the middle of you two of your favorite cuts. 
>> Given that a large percentage of the music Spotify is bootleg material and 
>> audio quality is lacking. 
>> I am of the understanding that if you upgrade to their premium service the 
>> pesky ads vanish but the low quality will not change. I wonder if ad free 
>> bootlegged music is worth $120.00 a year. 
>> I would be more then happy to discuss this issue in more detail (off list) 
>> at a time of your choosing.
>> 'Tis the season, have a great celebration. 
>> On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 8:41 PM, Lynn Schneider  wrote:
>> Kevin, am I correct that you need a Facebook account to use Spotify?  I 
>> don't have one, but I'm finding the selection on Pandora a bit lacking these 
>> days, so have toyed with the idea of creating an account on Facebook just 
>> for the purpose of using Spotify.
>> On Dec 24, 2011, at 12:16 AM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
>>> I downloaded it on my Mac Mini and the accessibility was certainly lacking 
>>> a lot. I decided to try it on my IPhone 4S and I have to say it is awesome. 
>>> If you want a really good program for listening to music (at a cost) 
>>> Spotify on the IPhone is great.
>>> Kev
>>> --
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>> -- 
>> Check out our web site,
>> & purchase our book "You Might Be A Moron" 
>> -- 
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Re: My thoughts regarding the latest "VoiceOver On" podcast

2011-12-24 Thread Scott Howell

Very well stated. This is an intelligent post that captures what I have been 
saying for years. I find way to many messages on this and other lists that 
blame VoiceOver for all matter of problems and rarely do I ever see any 
comments about the application itself. Nothing is perfect no matter what folks 
think and that is exactly where folks need to start. When people switch to the 
Mac they must have done so for a reason and probably one of those reasons is 
accessibility to applications or problems with applications under WIndows.
Good job Vic.

On Dec 23, 2011, at 8:25 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:

> Hello "VoiceOver On" guys and everyone else on the list,
> First of all, I'll start by saying that I am not a Mac fan or anything-one 
> else's, for that matter. I am only a fan of myself, .
> I just wanted to share a couple of my thoughts regarding the latest 
> "VoiceOver On" podcast because, unfortunately, Twitter's 140-character limit 
> is way too limiting for my taste and for the purpose of this message. :)
> 1. I think you are correct in saying that many people forget to ask 
> themselves what they want to do with the computer. This often leads to 
> uninformed decisions and, subsequently, unjustified or unnecessary purchases. 
> We all in some ways affected by our friends's opinions, buzz words and 
> commercials. Regardless, we need to learn to ask those questions so we do not 
> regret our technology choices that will only slow us down and make less 
> productive. After all, a computer with an operating system on it are just 
> tools to help us live our lives like everyone else does .
> 2. Is VoiceOver a bad screen reader? Not at all, IMHO. Is it the best? Of 
> course, not. At times VO feels like a work-around altogether, while at other 
> time sit feels like the most innovative screen reader on the market. It 
> really has both.
> Pros:
> - VoiceOver has a pretty good built-in help which most users probably never 
> read.
> - VO is a pretty flexible screen reader, especially on Lion, EG through the 
> "Activities" feature.
> - Good support for Mail, chat, Calendar, basic text editing with TextEdit, 
> Webkit-based browsers (Chrome, Safari, Lightning, iCab etc).
> - A consistent support for applications that are designed wit accessibility 
> in mind, EG "YoruFukurou Twitter client" and many others.
> Cons:
> - Too complicated system of shortcuts. However, Quicknav and Trackpad 
> navigation eliminates the need for many of of those shortcuts.
> - Does not provide efficient environment with production applications like 
> Pages, Keynote and Numbers.
> - Apple doesn't do a good job of promoting VoiceOver and/or interface with 
> the the end-user.
> If I had to pick one of the most innovative features of VoiceOver that will 
> have a profound impact on how blind people interact with technology in the 
> near future, it would be the "Trackpad Commander". I understand this 
> particular tool may not appeal to the generation of users who are fairly firm 
> in their computing habits but those young and adventurous should be taught to 
> give up their keyboards, especially for exploration purposes.
> 3. So, what's the problem and why VoiceOver doesn't let me be productive?
> This is where I feel the podcast participants lead us down the wrong path of 
> thinking. Instead of blaming everything on VoiceOver, we should instead 
> concentrate our efforts on applications themselves.
> A good example would be the following: Pages and Keynote are not accessible 
> because of VoiceOver but primarily because their developers, yes, Apple, did 
> not expose the right accessibility interface to VoiceOver. If you removed all 
> the JAWS scripts from the JAWS application directory, you would, to your 
> surprise, quickly find out that most of the Windows applications you thought 
> were accessible actually are not.
> I know that NVDA developers expressed a similar  concern on several 
> occasions, namely, that blind users tend to blame their screen reader first 
> before they blame the application itself.
> And you know what? I completely understand why users do this. A regular user 
> does not have any insights into what makes their computing experience 
> accessible. Since they interface with the computer via a screen reader, if 
> something goes wrong, the screen reader is to blame.
> So, we simply need more education. And this is where I wish the podcast 
> authors could spend more time and energy.
> In summary, it is correct to say that newcomers to technology should first 
> familiarize themselves wit choices available on the market and decide which 
> ones are the most suitable to their needs.
> It is , however, totally wrong to blame everything on VoiceOver and blame the 
> lack of productivity tools on the screen reader at hand.
> Just FYI, here is what I use my Mac for and the kinds of apps that serve me 
> well.
> - YoruFukurou client for Twitter.
> - Textedit for wordprocessing

Re: My thoughts regarding the latest "VoiceOver On" podcast

2011-12-24 Thread Gigi
Hi folks.
This user, who is neither a programmer, developer, or anything techy like that 
would like the KISS system. You know, the Keep It Simple System! 

The reason I switched to the Mac was that I was getting tired of updaes it 
seemed like every five minutes, updates I had to get my sighted Windows techy 
husband to review before I would let my computer do it. Almost a year ago, in 
the middle of my email and trying to work, I had my computer updated itself, 
killing off Jaws at the same time. When it was all said and done, I had a 
partially inaccessible computer, complete with those stupid ribbon things for 
Word and Excel, and also complete with an email program that worked fine until 
they got through with the update. I had, to make things simpler, to buy Outlook 
for $101.65, and I resented every penny. What was really frustrating is that I 
couldn't figure out who to contact to tell them how much I didn't appreciate 
having my computer messed up. I contacted Freedom Scientific, of course, but 
naturally they didn't know about it since Jaws 12 had come out that very day. 

The second time this happend to me was later in the year, but it wasn't quite 
as bad. Therefore, no matter who comes up with a third party screen reader for 
the Mac, I don't want it. At least this way, I know who did it and I know who 
to write to about it. 


Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 24, 2011, at 9:12 AM, William Windels  wrote:

> Hello all,
> I global , I find mac and voiceover very nice to work with, more stable then 
> a windows-system and jaws or window-eyes  and indeed, a lot of the programs 
> are useful: twitter, textedit, vmware, iTunes, garageband (I don't use it at 
> the moment), pages , a little bit numbers and key note but that isn't very 
> useful for productivity I think.
> Further: pear note, to take notes in combination with the record of the notes 
> and perhaps some other programs I forgot.
> Also, the trackpad with vo, time-machine, are great tools.
> But , there are also some disadvantages:
> - a slow way of updating : 1 big update in 2 years.
> (the braille bug in the beginning of safari5 was solved after some months)
> but, braille in global on the mac is worse than with most screen readers I 
> think.
> I mean: adjusting controls with a custom braille label, moving around the 
> screen without any limitation.
> The most windows-screemreaders are doing faster...
> -  tables in pages  aren't still accessible after asking for a long time by 
> many people.
> (this means that you need sometimes sighted assistance or a windows computer 
> with screenreader).
> - also , tables in safari aren't not always very confortable to work with.
> - selecting  text on safari: there is no way that always works I think while 
> on windows with a screenreader, it's the shift-key +arrow keys.
> - the drag and drop function in Lion was presented as a new feature for 
> voiceover users while it was introduced in 10.6 but it has never worked.
> In my opinion, that's not a new feature but a bug fix and after a long 
> time
> - the problems with the voices of nuance in Lion aren't still solved and are 
> true for different languages.
> Of course, this is all for free but it's also the only screenreader available 
> on the mac.
> It would be a good idea I think if :
> apple should come with more faster updates with new functions (not necessary 
> for free.
> If another screenreader should come on the mac with other advantages.
> This are my opinions.

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Re: My thoughts regarding the latest "VoiceOver On" podcast

2011-12-24 Thread Mr. L. Alexander

I totally agree with you there.

as I speak, I'm refurbishing a HP Proliant G3 server which is taking some time, 
some vicious system hacking and a heck of a lot of patience to do. The mac to 
me is my tool and weapon of choice for all my IT work and I love it. I couldn't 
move back to a windows system. I couldn't even entertain the thought of jaws in 
all honesty. my brain would do a force quit if it had to remember windows and 
jaws commands.

coming from the days when I first worked on a mac back in 1995, then windows 
back in 2001 for a couple of years, then coming back to the mac, it was the 
only way. so I'm relieved that voiceover is my system screen reader of choice. 
OK there's some bugs in 10.7 with voiceover so I'm sticking with 10.6 on my 
notebook (macbook pro) and 10.7 on mum's iMac.



On 24 Dec 2011, at 16:46, Gigi wrote:

> Hi folks.
> This user, who is neither a programmer, developer, or anything techy like 
> that would like the KISS system. You know, the Keep It Simple System! 
> The reason I switched to the Mac was that I was getting tired of updaes it 
> seemed like every five minutes, updates I had to get my sighted Windows techy 
> husband to review before I would let my computer do it. Almost a year ago, in 
> the middle of my email and trying to work, I had my computer updated itself, 
> killing off Jaws at the same time. When it was all said and done, I had a 
> partially inaccessible computer, complete with those stupid ribbon things for 
> Word and Excel, and also complete with an email program that worked fine 
> until they got through with the update. I had, to make things simpler, to buy 
> Outlook for $101.65, and I resented every penny. What was really frustrating 
> is that I couldn't figure out who to contact to tell them how much I didn't 
> appreciate having my computer messed up. I contacted Freedom Scientific, of 
> course, but naturally they didn't know about it since Jaws 12 had come out 
> that very day. 
> The second time this happend to me was later in the year, but it wasn't quite 
> as bad. Therefore, no matter who comes up with a third party screen reader 
> for the Mac, I don't want it. At least this way, I know who did it and I know 
> who to write to about it. 
> Regards,
> Gigi
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 24, 2011, at 9:12 AM, William Windels  
> wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I global , I find mac and voiceover very nice to work with, more stable then 
>> a windows-system and jaws or window-eyes  and indeed, a lot of the programs 
>> are useful: twitter, textedit, vmware, iTunes, garageband (I don't use it at 
>> the moment), pages , a little bit numbers and key note but that isn't very 
>> useful for productivity I think.
>> Further: pear note, to take notes in combination with the record of the 
>> notes and perhaps some other programs I forgot.
>> Also, the trackpad with vo, time-machine, are great tools.
>> But , there are also some disadvantages:
>> - a slow way of updating : 1 big update in 2 years.
>> (the braille bug in the beginning of safari5 was solved after some months)
>> but, braille in global on the mac is worse than with most screen readers I 
>> think.
>> I mean: adjusting controls with a custom braille label, moving around the 
>> screen without any limitation.
>> The most windows-screemreaders are doing faster...
>> -  tables in pages  aren't still accessible after asking for a long time by 
>> many people.
>> (this means that you need sometimes sighted assistance or a windows computer 
>> with screenreader).
>> - also , tables in safari aren't not always very confortable to work with.
>> - selecting  text on safari: there is no way that always works I think while 
>> on windows with a screenreader, it's the shift-key +arrow keys.
>> - the drag and drop function in Lion was presented as a new feature for 
>> voiceover users while it was introduced in 10.6 but it has never worked.
>> In my opinion, that's not a new feature but a bug fix and after a long 
>> time
>> - the problems with the voices of nuance in Lion aren't still solved and are 
>> true for different languages.
>> Of course, this is all for free but it's also the only screenreader 
>> available on the mac.
>> It would be a good idea I think if :
>> apple should come with more faster updates with new functions (not necessary 
>> for free.
>> If another screenreader should come on the mac with other advantages.
>> This are my opinions.
> -- 
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Mr. L. Alexander.
Free Macs For The Blind.
Direct line: 07936 877500

Re: Spotify on the IPhone

2011-12-24 Thread Charlie Doremus
It all comes down to choice, i guess. It's great that we live in a time
where all these options are offered. Im old enough (and damn proud of it)
to have owned and played records that spun at 78rpm and if you dropped them
you were screwed. At one point I owned the entire Rolling Stones catalogue
save one disc, "Their Satanic Majesties Request" with the hologram cover.
Never my home stood a small, dust record store with bins and bins of
records ranging from 45's, 33's to 78's, (sorry no Edison cylinders). In
this record lover's paradise stood a huge Stones section. I dove in like a
kid at a candy pool only to discover that the majority of the recording
were bootleg or from companies like Rhino Records. I have nothing against
Rhino Records, the press great Stan Freberg stuff, but when it comes to The
Rolling Stones not so much.
As I've said, it is a matter of choice and if Spotify fits your needs play
on. I still listen to the service from time to time but not as a main
outlet for my music.
I am proud to say that I found the hologram album I was looking for and it
is still sealed and in a safe place some 40+ years later.
I guess what I am saying here is for a purist Spotify is a nice place to
vist but I would't want to live there.
Happy Christmas to all, my present awaits NFL saturday? oh well, peace.

On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 5:18 AM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:

> Song writers are the ones who hurt more from services like this. They do
> pay royalties but like Ricardo says, they aren't making much. The quality
> of the stuff I've been listening to is pretty darn good and the selection
> is huge. You can listen to a song as much as you like, so its just like
> purchasing the music for a lower price in the long term.
> It asked me to sign in using my facebook account but I chose not to share
> and so on with friends. That will keep the noise down. There is a 48 hour
> trial that I decided to use and I've been impressed.
> Kev
> On Dec 24, 2011, at 5:23 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> > lol,
> >
> > To some it is.  I honestly thing they are getting there moneys worth
> anyway.  Artists basically give away there music on streaming services.  a
> song has to stream 100 times for the artist to get payed a dollar.  So, for
> a penny a listen, it is what it is.  Don't get me wrong, the record
> industry had a blank check for decades.  But very little of that money
> trickled down to the artists even when business was booming.
> >
> > Ricardo Walker
> >
> > Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> >
> >
> > On Dec 24, 2011, at 5:03 AM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
> >
> >> Lynn I would like to take a few moments of your time to explain just
> how Spotify works. You can us the service in conjuncion with Face book but
> that seen to lead you into a jumble of low quality pressings of re-recorded
> vinyl discs with very pool audio and track arrangements of albums you
> thought you knew and others you've never heard of on you life.
> >> With Spotify you are forced to listen to ads from other artists promo
> their own music right in the middle of you two of your favorite cuts.
> >> Given that a large percentage of the music Spotify is bootleg material
> and audio quality is lacking.
> >>
> >> I am of the understanding that if you upgrade to their premium service
> the pesky ads vanish but the low quality will not change. I wonder if ad
> free bootlegged music is worth $120.00 a year.
> >>
> >> I would be more then happy to discuss this issue in more detail (off
> list) at a time of your choosing.
> >>
> >> 'Tis the season, have a great celebration.
> >>
> >> On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 8:41 PM, Lynn Schneider 
> wrote:
> >> Kevin, am I correct that you need a Facebook account to use Spotify?  I
> don't have one, but I'm finding the selection on Pandora a bit lacking
> these days, so have toyed with the idea of creating an account on Facebook
> just for the purpose of using Spotify.
> >>
> >>
> >> On Dec 24, 2011, at 12:16 AM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
> >>
> >>> I downloaded it on my Mac Mini and the accessibility was certainly
> lacking a lot. I decided to try it on my IPhone 4S and I have to say it is
> awesome. If you want a really good program for listening to music (at a
> cost) Spotify on the IPhone is great.
> >>>
> >>> Kev
> >>>
> >>> --
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> >>>
> >>
> >> --
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iPhone and Mac question

2011-12-24 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Hi all:
I've purchased my Dad a Macbook Pro for Christmas. Shh. Don't tell. He always 
connects his iPhone to his Windows machine. What do I need to do to connect it 
to the Mac, and not lose his data?

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Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

2011-12-24 Thread Jessica

Oh cool, how exactly do you use the ap itself?
- Original Message - 
From: "Anne Robertson" 

Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 12:17 AM
Subject: Re: Looktel Money Reader For Macintosh (OSX)

Hello Jessica,

The camera is located in the screen surround at the centre of the top. It 
feels like a tiny shiny round insert about 4 mm across.



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Re: accessible facebook chatting applications for mac?

2011-12-24 Thread Jessica
I'd like to figure out how to use IChat as well, so if anyone could give me 
some tips, I'd really appreciate it.
- Original Message - 
From: "Blake Hardin" 

Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 2:30 AM
Subject: accessible facebook chatting applications for mac?

Hi, well as I don't use the actual facebook site to chat is there a
program I can use to get it to work? I tried I-chat and it does work
but I can't seem to read the messages when I get them. Anything a
little easier? Or am I just not doing something right?

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Re: iPhone and Mac question

2011-12-24 Thread James Scholes
On the Windows side, copy the contents of %UserProfile%\My Music\iTunes 
(Windows XP/Windows 7) or %UserProfile%\Music\iTunes (Windows Vista) to 
~/Music/iTunes on the Mac.

Note: If the iTunes library on the Windows computer references files not in the 
iTunes folder, you'll need to open Edit > Preferences > Advanced and check the 
two boxes labelled "Keep iTunes Media Folder Organized" and "Copy Files To 
iTunes Media Folder When Adding To Library."  Then, open File > > Library > 
Organize Library, check the "Consolidate Files" option and click OK.
James Scholes

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Re: accessible facebook chatting applications for mac?

2011-12-24 Thread Jessica
Can we talk off list about that?  I haven't been able to get that to connect 
with anything aside from my Aim acount which I rarely use anymore, and I 
know I've typed my password correctly, so don't under stand what's wrong 
with it.
- Original Message - 
From: "Eric Oyen" 

Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 8:19 AM
Subject: Re: accessible facebook chatting applications for mac?

I Use Adium here. its fully accessible and comes with a helper app called 
growl. I setup growl to automatically intercept incoming chat messages and 
it speaks them even if the app isn't focused. works like a charm.


On Dec 23, 2011, at 3:30 AM, Blake Hardin wrote:

Hi, well as I don't use the actual facebook site to chat is there a
program I can use to get it to work? I tried I-chat and it does work
but I can't seem to read the messages when I get them. Anything a
little easier? Or am I just not doing something right?

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Re: accessible facebook chatting applications for mac?

2011-12-24 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Jessica!
This should be what you need to do to get Facebook chatting!
hth Colin
1. go to and go to your account!
2. open account settings and select change user name [ even if you do not have 
3. Facebook should give you some options and just after them will be a more 
link select it!
4. Now after the options Facebook gives you [I did not  like the suggestions 
for me] there is a edit box where you can put your own name!
There is a see if name is available button after you put your choice, if it is 
available you can have it!
If not try another or add a number to the end! [ it might help]
5. When your happy come out of Facebook and open Adium!
6. In Adium on your contacts window open vo+m and go to the file menu!
7. Scroll down to add new account sub menu and arrow right, go down to Jabber 
and select it!
8. In the new account window is where you'll find those tabs, the first one 
should be selected just scroll past until you get to where you put your new 
user name!
When you've entered it the next field is your Facebook password!
9. After filling those in go back to the options tab select and scroll to where 
you put the server name and enter it!
10. go to register new account button and press it!
And you should be done! :]
On 24 Dec 2011, at 18:58, Jessica wrote:

> Can we talk off list about that?  I haven't been able to get that to connect 
> with anything aside from my Aim account which I rarely use anymore, and I 
> know I've typed my password correctly, so don't under stand what's wrong with 
> it.
> - Original Message - From: "Eric Oyen" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 8:19 AM
> Subject: Re: accessible facebook chatting applications for mac?
>> I Use Adium here. its fully accessible and comes with a helper app called 
>> growl. I setup growl to automatically intercept incoming chat messages and 
>> it speaks them even if the app isn't focused. works like a charm.
>> -eric
>> On Dec 23, 2011, at 3:30 AM, Blake Hardin wrote:
>>> Hi, well as I don't use the actual facebook site to chat is there a
>>> program I can use to get it to work? I tried I-chat and it does work
>>> but I can't seem to read the messages when I get them. Anything a
>>> little easier? Or am I just not doing something right?
>>> -- 
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Re: iPhone and Mac question

2011-12-24 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Thanks James. Hopefully that will be pretty easy. I'm hoping he has an easy 
time learning the Mac.
On Dec 24, 2011, at 12:28 PM, James Scholes wrote:

> On the Windows side, copy the contents of %UserProfile%\My Music\iTunes 
> (Windows XP/Windows 7) or %UserProfile%\Music\iTunes (Windows Vista) to 
> ~/Music/iTunes on the Mac.
> Note: If the iTunes library on the Windows computer references files not in 
> the iTunes folder, you'll need to open Edit > Preferences > Advanced and 
> check the two boxes labelled "Keep iTunes Media Folder Organized" and "Copy 
> Files To iTunes Media Folder When Adding To Library."  Then, open File > > 
> Library > Organize Library, check the "Consolidate Files" option and click OK.
> -- 
> James Scholes
> -- 
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Re: Another Dictation Breakthrough

2011-12-24 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
If anyone has managed to download the Air Dictate receiver, please let me know 
as the link will not open on my Mac.  I will e-mail the developer.
On 24 Dec 2011, at 07:04, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Brett,  
> Your question is an excellent one and, by the way, thank you for alerting
> the developers of the VoiceOver challenges.  
> I want you to know that I encountered all of the obstacles you described.
> In fact, I was almost ready to give up on the app in then I had the idea to
> close the application by removing it via the App switcher, then, without
> restarting the phone, launch the App again and, low and behold, the Dictate
> button worked beautifully.  For the record, I continue to use the 2-finger
> double-tap to end the dictation just as I do when using Siri to end my
> dictation.  
> Also, the reason you sometimes hear a keyboard style VoiceOver feedback is
> because, underneath the Air dictate screen which simply displays the Dictate
> and Done buttons, respectively, is because, they are using their interface
> on top of a normal virtual keyboard input screen.  
> Please also be aware that, even for non-VoiceOver users, the App is not
> consistently stable; I am convinced, however, that it can be made completely
> accessible with VoiceOver if enough of us contact the developers.  
> One more thing, should you find that the App becomes unresponsive, just
> close the App and restart.  I think this has something to do with the
> display not keeping up with VoiceOver or vice versa.  
> To Everyone, in case you would like to learn more about that which Brett and
> I are discussing, go to the following site:
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Brett Campbell
> Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 10:49 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Another Dictation Breakthrough
> Hello Mark,
> This news is good to hear, yet perplexing. I installed Air Dictate on my
> phone, along with the software for my Mac earlier today. I found the iPhone
> app to be unresponsive with VoiceOver. I couldn't activate the prompt to
> connect my phone with the Mac. With VoiceOver off, sighted assistance
> performed the connection instantly. Following the connection, I activated
> VoiceOver again. As I felt around the screen, it sounded like a keyboard was
> present, but my borrowed eyes said there was not a keyboard present. I
> managed to find the mic button, and completed one dictation. After that, the
> mic button was allusive, and when I managed to come across it, it was
> unresponsive.
> Please share how you found success with this app. I've contacted the dev,
> and they opened a ticket. They said perhaps it can be made VO accessible in
> the future.
> Thanks,
> Brett C.
> On Dec 23, 2011, at 10:05 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hello everyone, I just want you all to know that I am dictating this
> message on my MacBook Pro, using my iPhone 4S. I'm using a program called
> Air dictate. Will the wonders never cease? Mark. 
>> PS
>> I want you to know that I downloaded the program from the Apple App Store
> for 99 fcents for my iPhone. 
>> -- 
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Re: Another Dictation Breakthrough

2011-12-24 Thread Brett C.
Hi, if you haven't already, check your downloads folder. The link didn't appear 
to do anything when I clicked on it, but a download did take place. I hope this 
is the same for you.

Brett C.

On Dec 24, 2011, at 12:40 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> If anyone has managed to download the Air Dictate receiver, please let me 
> know as the link will not open on my Mac.  I will e-mail the developer.
> On 24 Dec 2011, at 07:04, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hello Brett,  
>> Your question is an excellent one and, by the way, thank you for alerting
>> the developers of the VoiceOver challenges.  
>> I want you to know that I encountered all of the obstacles you described.
>> In fact, I was almost ready to give up on the app in then I had the idea to
>> close the application by removing it via the App switcher, then, without
>> restarting the phone, launch the App again and, low and behold, the Dictate
>> button worked beautifully.  For the record, I continue to use the 2-finger
>> double-tap to end the dictation just as I do when using Siri to end my
>> dictation.  
>> Also, the reason you sometimes hear a keyboard style VoiceOver feedback is
>> because, underneath the Air dictate screen which simply displays the Dictate
>> and Done buttons, respectively, is because, they are using their interface
>> on top of a normal virtual keyboard input screen.  
>> Please also be aware that, even for non-VoiceOver users, the App is not
>> consistently stable; I am convinced, however, that it can be made completely
>> accessible with VoiceOver if enough of us contact the developers.  
>> One more thing, should you find that the App becomes unresponsive, just
>> close the App and restart.  I think this has something to do with the
>> display not keeping up with VoiceOver or vice versa.  
>> To Everyone, in case you would like to learn more about that which Brett and
>> I are discussing, go to the following site:
>> Mark
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Brett Campbell
>> Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 10:49 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Another Dictation Breakthrough
>> Hello Mark,
>> This news is good to hear, yet perplexing. I installed Air Dictate on my
>> phone, along with the software for my Mac earlier today. I found the iPhone
>> app to be unresponsive with VoiceOver. I couldn't activate the prompt to
>> connect my phone with the Mac. With VoiceOver off, sighted assistance
>> performed the connection instantly. Following the connection, I activated
>> VoiceOver again. As I felt around the screen, it sounded like a keyboard was
>> present, but my borrowed eyes said there was not a keyboard present. I
>> managed to find the mic button, and completed one dictation. After that, the
>> mic button was allusive, and when I managed to come across it, it was
>> unresponsive.
>> Please share how you found success with this app. I've contacted the dev,
>> and they opened a ticket. They said perhaps it can be made VO accessible in
>> the future.
>> Thanks,
>> Brett C.
>> On Dec 23, 2011, at 10:05 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>>> Hello everyone, I just want you all to know that I am dictating this
>> message on my MacBook Pro, using my iPhone 4S. I'm using a program called
>> Air dictate. Will the wonders never cease? Mark. 
>>> PS
>>> I want you to know that I downloaded the program from the Apple App Store
>> for 99 fcents for my iPhone. 
>>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: Another Dictation Breakthrough

2011-12-24 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
You will see I got sent the file and reply.
On 24 Dec 2011, at 20:20, Brett C. wrote:

> Hi, if you haven't already, check your downloads folder. The link didn't 
> appear to do anything when I clicked on it, but a download did take place. I 
> hope this is the same for you.
> Brett C.
> On Dec 24, 2011, at 12:40 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> If anyone has managed to download the Air Dictate receiver, please let me 
>> know as the link will not open on my Mac.  I will e-mail the developer.
>> On 24 Dec 2011, at 07:04, M. Taylor wrote:
>>> Hello Brett,  
>>> Your question is an excellent one and, by the way, thank you for alerting
>>> the developers of the VoiceOver challenges.  
>>> I want you to know that I encountered all of the obstacles you described.
>>> In fact, I was almost ready to give up on the app in then I had the idea to
>>> close the application by removing it via the App switcher, then, without
>>> restarting the phone, launch the App again and, low and behold, the Dictate
>>> button worked beautifully.  For the record, I continue to use the 2-finger
>>> double-tap to end the dictation just as I do when using Siri to end my
>>> dictation.  
>>> Also, the reason you sometimes hear a keyboard style VoiceOver feedback is
>>> because, underneath the Air dictate screen which simply displays the Dictate
>>> and Done buttons, respectively, is because, they are using their interface
>>> on top of a normal virtual keyboard input screen.  
>>> Please also be aware that, even for non-VoiceOver users, the App is not
>>> consistently stable; I am convinced, however, that it can be made completely
>>> accessible with VoiceOver if enough of us contact the developers.  
>>> One more thing, should you find that the App becomes unresponsive, just
>>> close the App and restart.  I think this has something to do with the
>>> display not keeping up with VoiceOver or vice versa.  
>>> To Everyone, in case you would like to learn more about that which Brett and
>>> I are discussing, go to the following site:
>>> Mark
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Brett Campbell
>>> Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 10:49 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Another Dictation Breakthrough
>>> Hello Mark,
>>> This news is good to hear, yet perplexing. I installed Air Dictate on my
>>> phone, along with the software for my Mac earlier today. I found the iPhone
>>> app to be unresponsive with VoiceOver. I couldn't activate the prompt to
>>> connect my phone with the Mac. With VoiceOver off, sighted assistance
>>> performed the connection instantly. Following the connection, I activated
>>> VoiceOver again. As I felt around the screen, it sounded like a keyboard was
>>> present, but my borrowed eyes said there was not a keyboard present. I
>>> managed to find the mic button, and completed one dictation. After that, the
>>> mic button was allusive, and when I managed to come across it, it was
>>> unresponsive.
>>> Please share how you found success with this app. I've contacted the dev,
>>> and they opened a ticket. They said perhaps it can be made VO accessible in
>>> the future.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brett C.
>>> On Dec 23, 2011, at 10:05 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
 Hello everyone, I just want you all to know that I am dictating this
>>> message on my MacBook Pro, using my iPhone 4S. I'm using a program called
>>> Air dictate. Will the wonders never cease? Mark. 
 I want you to know that I downloaded the program from the Apple App Store
>>> for 99 fcents for my iPhone. 
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>> For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: My thoughts regarding the latest "VoiceOver On" podcast

2011-12-24 Thread Mike Arrigo
I guess it depends on what you want to do. Before I got my first mac, I was a 
dos windows user as well, when I got my first mac, I used them both, now I no 
longer have a pc and have no desire to get another one. I use windows for a 
couple things, only because I have to, and I use windows at work. However, for 
my every day tasks, using itunes, web surfing, email, word processing, it's mac 
all the way. There are several accessible word processing choices, text edit 
works well. Pages is also useable, there is another one called nesus writer, 
not sure if I am spelling that right, and open office also works, although it 
takes some getting used to.
On Dec 23, 2011, at 7:39 PM, Missy Hoppe wrote:

> This is a very well-worded message, and I really appreciate your words of 
> wisdom. I agree completely with nearly everything
> you've said. Every once in a while, I still find myself wondering if my 
> macbook was a wise investment, but I do find myself
> enjoying it a little more with every passing week, and am now to the point 
> where I will turn it on at least once a day, even
> if it's only to check for software updates. I'm a bit frustrated that there 
> aren't any really good word processing options;
> even text edit is a bit more complicated than I'd like, but I agree with you 
> about twitter, saphari, etc. I think that at
> heart, I'm always going to be a windows gal, but that's mostly because I've 
> had well over20 years experience in windows, DOS,
> etc, and I've only been using a mac since June of this year. So while I might 
> always be more inclined towards using my PC,
> I'm beginning to appreciate the mac and am having fun learning how to use it.
> Thanks for such a great message, and I hope that you're having a great day!
> Missy
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Victor Tsaran
> Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 8:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: My thoughts regarding the latest "VoiceOver On" podcast
> Hello "VoiceOver On" guys and everyone else on the list, First of all, I'll 
> start by saying that I am not a Mac fan or
> anything-one else's, for that matter. I am only a fan of myself,  kidding>.
> I just wanted to share a couple of my thoughts regarding the latest 
> "VoiceOver On" podcast because, unfortunately, Twitter's
> 140-character limit is way too limiting for my taste and for the purpose of 
> this message. :)
> 1. I think you are correct in saying that many people forget to ask 
> themselves what they want to do with the computer. This
> often leads to uninformed decisions and, subsequently, unjustified or 
> unnecessary purchases. We all in some ways affected by
> our friends's opinions, buzz words and commercials. Regardless, we need to 
> learn to ask those questions so we do not regret
> our technology choices that will only slow us down and make less productive. 
> After all, a computer with an operating system
> on it are just tools to help us live our lives like everyone else does .
> 2. Is VoiceOver a bad screen reader? Not at all, IMHO. Is it the best? Of 
> course, not. At times VO feels like a work-around
> altogether, while at other time sit feels like the most innovative screen 
> reader on the market. It really has both.
> Pros:
> - VoiceOver has a pretty good built-in help which most users probably never 
> read.
> - VO is a pretty flexible screen reader, especially on Lion, EG through the 
> "Activities" feature.
> - Good support for Mail, chat, Calendar, basic text editing with TextEdit, 
> Webkit-based browsers (Chrome, Safari, Lightning,
> iCab etc).
> - A consistent support for applications that are designed wit accessibility 
> in mind, EG "YoruFukurou Twitter client" and many
> others.
> Cons:
> - Too complicated system of shortcuts. However, Quicknav and Trackpad 
> navigation eliminates the need for many of of those
> shortcuts.
> - Does not provide efficient environment with production applications like 
> Pages, Keynote and Numbers.
> - Apple doesn't do a good job of promoting VoiceOver and/or interface with 
> the the end-user.
> If I had to pick one of the most innovative features of VoiceOver that will 
> have a profound impact on how blind people
> interact with technology in the near future, it would be the "Trackpad 
> Commander". I understand this particular tool may not
> appeal to the generation of users who are fairly firm in their computing 
> habits but those young and adventurous should be
> taught to give up their keyboards, especially for exploration purposes.
> 3. So, what's the problem and why VoiceOver doesn't let me be productive?
> This is where I feel the podcast participants lead us down the wrong path of 
> thinking. Instead of blaming everything on
> VoiceOver, we should instead concentrate our efforts on applications 
> themselves.
> A good example would be the following: Pages and Keynote ar


2011-12-24 Thread ezzie bueno

Hello List,

Which app do you all use for posting on WordPress? Posting online 
has become somewhat unaccessible.

Ezzie Ez Bueno
Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
Skype: sillyez
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Re: WordPress

2011-12-24 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
i use mars editor; but i'm a mac user.  it cost about 20 dollars, but  
its a one time purchase.  the set up was very simple too.  take care,  

On Dec 24, 2011, at 2:53 PM, ezzie bueno wrote:

Hello List,

Which app do you all use for posting on WordPress? Posting online  
has become somewhat unaccessible.

Ezzie Ez Bueno
Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
Skype: sillyez
Google Talk:
Google Plus:

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Re: My thoughts regarding the latest "VoiceOver On" podcast

2011-12-24 Thread Massimo Vettoretti
In data Sabato 24 Dicembre 2011 21.42.45, Mike Arrigo 
 ha scritto:

However, for my every day tasks, using itunes, web surfing, email, word 
processing, it's mac all the way. There are several accessible word processing 
choices, text edit works well. Pages is also useable, there is another one 
called nesus writer, not sure if I am spelling that right, and open office also 
works, although it takes some getting used to.
Mike, I wouldn't talk about "accessible word processing choice". A 
better statement might be "basic word pprocessing choice". Advanced word 
processing involves tables, footnotes and end notes management and many 
other things that, right now, there is no way to do under MacOSX. It's 
sad, but it is just the way it is right now.

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Re: My thoughts regarding the latest "VoiceOver On" podcast

2011-12-24 Thread Mr. L. Alexander
if open office could receive some much loved care in terms of stability tweaks, 
voiceover functionality, etc we would be laughing. If I could fit in time, I'd 
love to team up with open office devs and give them a much loved kick lol but 
time's money lol.

I'm surprised that we haven't had any leverage on iwork 09. you'd think at 
least by now we'd have a new version rolled out. taking as an example iLife 11 
which rilled out this year if I recall.

oh well I suppose santa claus didn't yet grant our wish lol.

take care all and have a very merry christmas.

it's late and still working n this VERY LOUD Server and it's starting to drain 

On 24 Dec 2011, at 22:10, Massimo Vettoretti wrote:

> In data Sabato 24 Dicembre 2011 21.42.45, Mike Arrigo  ha 
> scritto:
>> However, for my every day tasks, using itunes, web surfing, email, word 
>> processing, it's mac all the way. There are several accessible word 
>> processing choices, text edit works well. Pages is also useable, there is 
>> another one called nesus writer, not sure if I am spelling that right, and 
>> open office also works, although it takes some getting used to.
> Mike, I wouldn't talk about "accessible word processing choice". A better 
> statement might be "basic word pprocessing choice". Advanced word processing 
> involves tables, footnotes and end notes management and many other things 
> that, right now, there is no way to do under MacOSX. It's sad, but it is just 
> the way it is right now.
> -- 
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Mr. L. Alexander.
Free Macs For The Blind.
Direct line: 07936 877500
Twitter: @macsfortheblind

Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working apple 
macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR FREE!

Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc or a 
copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get in touch.

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here to help 
anybody disabled with anything Apple!

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Merry Christmas

2011-12-24 Thread Gavin
Hi guys

Just writing to wish you all a very merry Christmas all the way from sunny 
South Africa. It's about half past midnight on Christmas morning here. Hope you 
all have a good one!



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New I-phone owner needs some startup help please?

2011-12-24 Thread Johnny Angel!
Hi and a blessed Merry Christmas to everyone!

I'm wondering if someone on the list can give me a few pointers as a VO user of 
a new IPhone 4S.  How do I change the timer for the auto locking mechanism.  
Right now it seems to go into lock mode in less then 30 seconds.  Also, is 
there a way to set up touch typing for sending a typed message to someone?  I 
don't as yet understand how to get Siri to receive a dictation to send in a 

Thank you and God bless,

Johnny Chilelli
Johnny Angel!

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Re: New I-phone owner needs some startup help please?

2011-12-24 Thread Gavin
Hi Jonny,

You can disable autolock entirely if this is what you want, or you can change 
the amount of time the phone waits before locking itself. To do this, open 
Settings, go to General, and double-tap Autolock. There, you will be given the 
following options: 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes, and 
Never. Just move to the one you want and double-tap.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Johnny Angel! 
  Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2011 3:32 PM
  Subject: New I-phone owner needs some startup help please?

  Hi and a blessed Merry Christmas to everyone!

  I'm wondering if someone on the list can give me a few pointers as a VO user 
of a new IPhone 4S.  How do I change the timer for the auto locking mechanism.  
Right now it seems to go into lock mode in less then 30 seconds.  Also, is 
there a way to set up touch typing for sending a typed message to someone?  I 
don't as yet understand how to get Siri to receive a dictation to send in a 

  Thank you and God bless,

  Johnny Chilelli

  Johnny Angel!

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Re: New I-phone owner needs some startup help please?

2011-12-24 Thread James Scholes
Johnny Angel! wrote:
> How do I change the timer for the auto locking mechanism.  Right now it seems 
> to go into lock mode in less then 30 seconds.
Open Settings > General > Auto-Lock.  Once there, you'll be able to choose to 
have the phone auto-lock after 1 to 5 minutes or never.
> Also, is there a way to set up touch typing for sending a typed message to 
> someone?
Touch Typing is one of the typing modes in VoiceOver, but it is not active by 
default.  To activate it, use the rotor jesture, turning it right or left until 
you hear "Typing Mode," then flick up or down to change it.
James Scholes

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Re: New I-phone owner needs some startup help please?

2011-12-24 Thread Scott Bresnahan


The autolock setting can be found in Settings, General Autolock.

If you enable Siri via the Siri Settings, then you'll see (hear) a 
"Dictate" icon to the left of the space bar on the standard keyboard. 
Simple double tap this item, and use a two finger double tap to stop. 
At which point, under most situations, you'll hear Siri say, 
I"Inserted The stuff you spoke".  Do note, you need an internet 
connection, and often, you'll hear no feedback and Siri failed for 
some unknown reason.  It happens far more often than it should.

Happy secular Christmas.

Hi and a blessed Merry Christmas to everyone!

I'm wondering if someone on the list can give me a few pointers as a 
VO user of a new IPhone 4S.  How do I change the timer for the auto 
locking mechanism.  Right now it seems to go into lock mode in less 
then 30 seconds.  Also, is there a way to set up touch typing for 
sending a typed message to someone?  I don't as yet understand how to 
get Siri to receive a dictation to send in a message.

Thank you and God bless,

Johnny Chilelli

Johnny Angel!

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Re: Merry Christmas

2011-12-24 Thread CJ Daniel

Thank you very much & the same to you.  I hope the Lord blesses you & that 
Santa stops by…LOL.  

Merry Christmas,


On Dec 24, 2011, at 3:33 PM, Gavin wrote:

> Hi guys
> Just writing to wish you all a very merry Christmas all the way from sunny 
> South Africa. It's about half past midnight on Christmas morning here. Hope 
> you all have a good one!
> Regards,
> Gavin
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Re: Merry Christmas

2011-12-24 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi all! :]
And a even better New Year!

On 25 Dec 2011, at 00:29, CJ Daniel wrote:

> Gavin,
> Thank you very much & the same to you.  I hope the Lord blesses you & that 
> Santa stops by…LOL.  
> Merry Christmas,
> CJ
> On Dec 24, 2011, at 3:33 PM, Gavin wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> Just writing to wish you all a very merry Christmas all the way from sunny 
>> South Africa. It's about half past midnight on Christmas morning here. Hope 
>> you all have a good one!
>> Regards,
>> Gavin
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Using Siri with dictation withRe: Another Dictation Breakthrough

2011-12-24 Thread Johnny Angel!
Hi all,

How does one use Siri to produce a dictation message on the IPhone?

Thanks much!

Johnny Angel

On Dec 24, 2011, at 2:04 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Brett,  
> Your question is an excellent one and, by the way, thank you for alerting
> the developers of the VoiceOver challenges.  
> I want you to know that I encountered all of the obstacles you described.
> In fact, I was almost ready to give up on the app in then I had the idea to
> close the application by removing it via the App switcher, then, without
> restarting the phone, launch the App again and, low and behold, the Dictate
> button worked beautifully.  For the record, I continue to use the 2-finger
> double-tap to end the dictation just as I do when using Siri to end my
> dictation.  
> Also, the reason you sometimes hear a keyboard style VoiceOver feedback is
> because, underneath the Air dictate screen which simply displays the Dictate
> and Done buttons, respectively, is because, they are using their interface
> on top of a normal virtual keyboard input screen.  
> Please also be aware that, even for non-VoiceOver users, the App is not
> consistently stable; I am convinced, however, that it can be made completely
> accessible with VoiceOver if enough of us contact the developers.  
> One more thing, should you find that the App becomes unresponsive, just
> close the App and restart.  I think this has something to do with the
> display not keeping up with VoiceOver or vice versa.  
> To Everyone, in case you would like to learn more about that which Brett and
> I are discussing, go to the following site:
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Brett Campbell
> Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 10:49 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Another Dictation Breakthrough
> Hello Mark,
> This news is good to hear, yet perplexing. I installed Air Dictate on my
> phone, along with the software for my Mac earlier today. I found the iPhone
> app to be unresponsive with VoiceOver. I couldn't activate the prompt to
> connect my phone with the Mac. With VoiceOver off, sighted assistance
> performed the connection instantly. Following the connection, I activated
> VoiceOver again. As I felt around the screen, it sounded like a keyboard was
> present, but my borrowed eyes said there was not a keyboard present. I
> managed to find the mic button, and completed one dictation. After that, the
> mic button was allusive, and when I managed to come across it, it was
> unresponsive.
> Please share how you found success with this app. I've contacted the dev,
> and they opened a ticket. They said perhaps it can be made VO accessible in
> the future.
> Thanks,
> Brett C.
> On Dec 23, 2011, at 10:05 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hello everyone, I just want you all to know that I am dictating this
> message on my MacBook Pro, using my iPhone 4S. I'm using a program called
> Air dictate. Will the wonders never cease? Mark. 
>> PS
>> I want you to know that I downloaded the program from the Apple App Store
> for 99 fcents for my iPhone. 
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Johnny Angel!

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Re: New I-phone owner needs some startup help please?

2011-12-24 Thread Johnny Angel!
Hi Gavin,

That did it.  Thanks so much for the help.

On Dec 24, 2011, at 6:37 PM, Gavin wrote:

> Hi Jonny,
> You can disable autolock entirely if this is what you want, or you can change 
> the amount of time the phone waits before locking itself. To do this, open 
> Settings, go to General, and double-tap Autolock. There, you will be given 
> the following options: 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes, 
> and Never. Just move to the one you want and double-tap.
> Regards,
> Gavin
> - Original Message -
> From: Johnny Angel!
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2011 3:32 PM
> Subject: New I-phone owner needs some startup help please?
> Hi and a blessed Merry Christmas to everyone!
> I'm wondering if someone on the list can give me a few pointers as a VO user 
> of a new IPhone 4S.  How do I change the timer for the auto locking 
> mechanism.  Right now it seems to go into lock mode in less then 30 seconds.  
> Also, is there a way to set up touch typing for sending a typed message to 
> someone?  I don't as yet understand how to get Siri to receive a dictation to 
> send in a message.
> Thank you and God bless,
> Johnny Chilelli
> Johnny Angel!
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Johnny Angel!

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Re: New I-phone owner needs some startup help please?

2011-12-24 Thread Johnny Angel!
Hi Scott,

Thanks for the Siri help.  I can't wait to try it out!


On Dec 24, 2011, at 6:49 PM, Scott Bresnahan wrote:

> Hi,
> The autolock setting can be found in Settings, General Autolock.
> If you enable Siri via the Siri Settings, then you'll see (hear) a "Dictate" 
> icon to the left of the space bar on the standard keyboard. Simple double tap 
> this item, and use a two finger double tap to stop. At which point, under 
> most situations, you'll hear Siri say, I"Inserted The stuff you spoke".  Do 
> note, you need an internet connection, and often, you'll hear no feedback and 
> Siri failed for some unknown reason.  It happens far more often than it 
> should.
> Happy secular Christmas.
> --Scott
> Hi and a blessed Merry Christmas to everyone!
> I'm wondering if someone on the list can give me a few pointers as a VO user 
> of a new IPhone 4S.  How do I change the timer for the auto locking 
> mechanism.  Right now it seems to go into lock mode in less then 30 seconds.  
> Also, is there a way to set up touch typing for sending a typed message to 
> someone?  I don't as yet understand how to get Siri to receive a dictation to 
> send in a message.
> Thank you and God bless,
> Johnny Chilelli
> Johnny Angel!
> --
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> -- 
> --Scott
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Johnny Angel!

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