Re: The continuing adventures of David eagle and his Apple Mac computer. this time it's about Sendspace.

2011-10-05 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello everyone. Thanks for sharing this with us Esther. I have a folder I 
access every day. How can I turn this command into a shortcut or place it on 
the doc?

Thanks so much.
On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:05 AM, Esther wrote:

> Hello Alex, 
> To answer your question, yes, you can simply type a path to the folder for 
> any file in Finder.  Use the shortcut key sequence Command-Shift-G for "Go to 
> folder" when you're in Finder or in any dialog window that asks you for a 
> file.  In the text box type or paste in the path you want to use and press 
> return.  This path can be to a folder on a mounted external disk, a system 
> library, another user's account, etc.  For example, if I have a file named 
> "my_paper.doc" in a sub-folder of "Documents" named "Papers" on a Crucial USB 
> memory stick that in plugged into the USB port on my computer, I can navigate 
> to that folder with Command-Shift-G and type in a path like:
> /Volumes/Crucial/Documents/Papers
> and press "Return".  This will point Finder to this folder, and I can then 
> navigate to the file I want, for example, by typing the first few letters of 
> the file name.  If I press Command-Down Arrow when I am on that file I will 
> open it with the default application (e.g., TextEdit for a text file, Preview 
> for a PDF file, etc.). If I navigated to an application, then pressing 
> Command-Down Arrow launches the application.
> However, most applications will be in either the Applications folder or the 
> Utilities subfolder of the Applications folder, and there are separate 
> shortcuts to move to those folders (Command-Shift-A for "Applications"; and 
> Command-Shift-U for "Utilities").
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Oct 4, 2011, at 17:12, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Here's what I have found by just experimenting...
>> 1. The list and sidebar are both important. The sidebar is where you
>> select your location, and the list (after the vertical splitter) shows
>> the contents of what you have selected.
>> 2. Cmd up closes a folder in a tree, and cmd down opens one.
>> 3. It is easiest to hit cmd-3 when in the finder. In this mode, right
>> arrow opens folders and left arrow closes them, just like trees in
>> windows.
>> Again, this is what I have found while playing around so I could be
>> wrong. By the way, has anyone found a way to just type a path? In
>> windows, I nearly always just open up the run box and type the path to
>> where I want to go, but I'm not sure if finder has a way to do that.
>> Sometimes I just want to fire up bash and forget the rest of the
>> interface exists!
>> On 10/4/11, Marcia Yale  wrote:
>>> I can definitely relate--Finder is one of the most confusing aps and I agree
>>> it takes much longer to find files for me than it does on my Windows
>>> machine. I find both Finder and ITunes confusing in the way they are laid
>>> out and would welcome any tutorials on either one of these aps. I have
>>> already read the Apple 101 tutorial for ITunes but found it sadly lacking as
>>> it didn't have any information relating to VoiceOver.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of David Eagle
>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2011 4:32 PM
>>> To: macvisionaries
>>> Subject: The continuing adventures of David eagle and his Apple Mac
>>> computer. this time it's about Sendspace.
>>> Hi, here we go again. Every time I switch on my Mac I take a deep breath. I
>>> think about all the amazing reviews I’ve read about these computers and
>>> assume that perhaps, this time, I will finally have a really positive
>>> experience. Today’s task was uploading something to sendspace. Things
>>> started off so well. loaded no problem; I found the select
>>> file button no problem/ when I clicked on it, I got a window opening for me
>>> to choose my file. I’m not saying this is the fault of the Mac; it’s
>>> probably me and my stubbornness after years of using windows, but it took me
>>> ages to find the file I wanted. Did I have to interact with the sidebar or
>>> the thing that was called list. There was also a popup menu with a folder
>>> selected.
>>> Choices choices. After a few minutes of pressing buttons I found the file.
>>> The process seemed to have some level of cohesion to it, but I’m not sure
>>> what exactly it was. I’m sure it’s very clever and much simpler than the
>>> windows way of doing things. In windows I could have found my file in three
>>> seconds, rather than four minutes.
>>> Anyway, I accept that this is probably just something I need to learn and
>>> practise. Fine. I found my file and went to upload. I pressed the upload
>>> button and I got: “Safari busy. Busy. Busy. Busy”. After a half a minute I
>>> eventually heard “safari, ready”. Hurrah, I can finally check to see if my
>>> file is uploading. I pressed VO right arrow and heard to my dismay “Safari
>>> busy. Busy. Busy”. I quit sa

Re: Option-click

2011-10-05 Thread Krister Ekstrom
That is the problem with all screen readers regardless of system, unless 
something has happened in later years that i'm not aware of, that there's no 
way of shift-, alt-, option- or control-clicking things. Apple might have 
solved the problem of dragging with modifiers down in the new Lion drag and 
drop feature, but to my knowledge you can't modifyer click without using the 
physical mouse or track pad. If i'm wrong here, please correct me.

5 okt 2011 kl. 06:54 skrev Austin Seraphin:

> I searched and found someone asked this before. How do you option-click a 
> button? Ricardo mentioned turning the Trackpad commander off and clicking 
> while holding down the option. I tried that and just got the desktop, or more 
> likely whatever random object over which my finger sat. So does anyone know 
> how to option-click a button? Thanks.
> - Austin
> -- 
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Re: ChromeVox is now on the Chrome Web Store!

2011-10-05 Thread Krister Ekstrom
As i said before, Chromevox has promise but their navigation key strokes need 
to be improved. Especially the table navigation key strokes are clumcy and time 
consuming when you only have control key on one side of the keyboard and no way 
of using an insert key cause there is none on the bluetooth keyboard that comes 
with the newer Imacs.

4 okt 2011 kl. 20:17 skrev David Hole:

> This is awwwsome!
> I've just installed it, and it was easy as H!
> Søren, ChromeVox is a javascript based screen reader for Chrome and Chrome OS.
> Try it out, and see how good it works in for example gMail! Just remember to 
> turn off VO since it disturbs you when using.
> -David
> Den 04.10.2011 18:32, skrev �:
>> Sorry, what is Chromevox?
>> Best regards:
>> S�ren Jensen
>> Mail&  MSN:
>> Website:
>> Den 04/10/2011 kl. 04.54 skrev Kevin Chao:
>>> This is wonderful, fantastic, and awesome! It will resolve 99.99% of
>>> installation/initial setup issues.
>>> -- Forwarded message --
>>> From: rshearer
>>> Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 17:23:53 -0700 (PDT)
>>> Subject: ChromeVox is now on the Chrome Web Store!
>>> To:
>>> Hi everybody,
>>> I've mentioned this on a couple threads already, but I thought I would make
>>> an announcement to the group...
>>> We just added ChromeVox to the Chrome Web Store! Hooray!
>>> Here are some of the advantages to installing ChromeVox from the Web Store:
>>> - You'll get automatic updates
>>> - Version numbers mean something
>>> - We have a fancy new icon :)
>>> I updated the Installation Instructions here:
>>> and they
>>> describe how to download it from the Web Store.
>>> Here is the quick version:
>>> 1) Make sure you're running Chrome 14 or higher
>>> 2) Uninstall any previous version of ChromeVox
>>> 3) Go to the ChromeVox page in the Chrome Web Store:
>>> 4) Click on the "Add to Chrome" button
>>> 5) A dialog should pop up titled "Confirm Installation" that lists the
>>> permissions that ChromeVox needs. We have a wiki page now about why we need
>>> these permissions if you're interested:
>>> . Click on
>>> the "Install" button to complete the installation process.
>>> 6) Yay, ChromeVox is now installed!
>>> --
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accessing instant message while in a voice chat in skype

2011-10-05 Thread Gerry Cook
Hi everyone!

When i'm in a voice chatt in Skype, and someone sends me a n instant message in 
Skype, how do i navigate to the chat window 
Gerry Cook
cheers gerry

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Re: accessing instant message while in a voice chat in skype

2011-10-05 Thread Patrick Neazer
Good morning Gerry and all:

I am certain that you will receive faster and possibly better ways to do this 
one. However, an effective way to do this is to navigate to the table to the 
left of the contacts list. If you interact with the table and arrow down you 
will hear something that says recents. Below that will be a list of recent 
activities. More to the point, the names of the persons you have had recent 
activity with. If you stop interacting with the table and continue moving to 
the left you will see the edit box and then you will come across the HTML 
content. Interact there and you will find the conversation. I have to use dom 
order instead of grouping to read the thread in an orderly manner.

Hopefully I have not confused you to the point of collapse :).

Let us know how it goes.

Take good care and I wish you enough.
On Oct 5, 2011, at 6:11 AM, Gerry Cook wrote:

> Hi everyone!
> When i'm in a voice chatt in Skype, and someone sends me a n instant message 
> in Skype, how do i navigate to the chat window 
> Gerry Cook
> cheers gerry
> -- 
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Voice Over And Safari

2011-10-05 Thread Michael Dailey
I am using Lion on an iMac.

How do I get Voice Over not to start reading everything on a page, and just 
move along when I TAB?

The VO curser starts jumping all over the screen, and I can't figure out how to 
get it back to where I want it.



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Am I a Member of this group?

2011-10-05 Thread Michael Dailey
I went to the discussion page, and it said I could not post because I was not a 

I am getting email updates daily, I filled out the application.  Am I suppose 
to log in somewhere?


Mike Dailey

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Re: Am I a Member of this group?

2011-10-05 Thread Paul Erkens
Michael Dailey,
Yes you seem to be a member. Your message got through to this list.
On Oct 5, 2011, at 1:31 PM, Michael Dailey wrote:

> I went to the discussion page, and it said I could not post because I was not 
> a member.
> I am getting email updates daily, I filled out the application.  Am I suppose 
> to log in somewhere?
> Thanks,
> Mike Dailey
> -- 
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Re: The continuing adventures of David eagle and his Apple Mac computer. this time it's about Sendspace.

2011-10-05 Thread Alex Hall
Thanks for the cmd-shift-g command, that will really make a difference!

On 10/5/11, Paul Hunt  wrote:
> Hello everyone. Thanks for sharing this with us Esther. I have a folder I
> access every day. How can I turn this command into a shortcut or place it on
> the doc?
> Thanks so much.
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:05 AM, Esther wrote:
>> Hello Alex,
>> To answer your question, yes, you can simply type a path to the folder for
>> any file in Finder.  Use the shortcut key sequence Command-Shift-G for "Go
>> to folder" when you're in Finder or in any dialog window that asks you for
>> a file.  In the text box type or paste in the path you want to use and
>> press return.  This path can be to a folder on a mounted external disk, a
>> system library, another user's account, etc.  For example, if I have a
>> file named "my_paper.doc" in a sub-folder of "Documents" named "Papers" on
>> a Crucial USB memory stick that in plugged into the USB port on my
>> computer, I can navigate to that folder with Command-Shift-G and type in a
>> path like:
>> /Volumes/Crucial/Documents/Papers
>> and press "Return".  This will point Finder to this folder, and I can then
>> navigate to the file I want, for example, by typing the first few letters
>> of the file name.  If I press Command-Down Arrow when I am on that file I
>> will open it with the default application (e.g., TextEdit for a text file,
>> Preview for a PDF file, etc.). If I navigated to an application, then
>> pressing Command-Down Arrow launches the application.
>> However, most applications will be in either the Applications folder or
>> the Utilities subfolder of the Applications folder, and there are separate
>> shortcuts to move to those folders (Command-Shift-A for "Applications";
>> and Command-Shift-U for "Utilities").
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Oct 4, 2011, at 17:12, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Here's what I have found by just experimenting...
>>> 1. The list and sidebar are both important. The sidebar is where you
>>> select your location, and the list (after the vertical splitter) shows
>>> the contents of what you have selected.
>>> 2. Cmd up closes a folder in a tree, and cmd down opens one.
>>> 3. It is easiest to hit cmd-3 when in the finder. In this mode, right
>>> arrow opens folders and left arrow closes them, just like trees in
>>> windows.
>>> Again, this is what I have found while playing around so I could be
>>> wrong. By the way, has anyone found a way to just type a path? In
>>> windows, I nearly always just open up the run box and type the path to
>>> where I want to go, but I'm not sure if finder has a way to do that.
>>> Sometimes I just want to fire up bash and forget the rest of the
>>> interface exists!
>>> On 10/4/11, Marcia Yale  wrote:
 I can definitely relate--Finder is one of the most confusing aps and I
 it takes much longer to find files for me than it does on my Windows
 machine. I find both Finder and ITunes confusing in the way they are
 out and would welcome any tutorials on either one of these aps. I have
 already read the Apple 101 tutorial for ITunes but found it sadly
 lacking as
 it didn't have any information relating to VoiceOver.

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of David Eagle
 Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2011 4:32 PM
 To: macvisionaries
 Subject: The continuing adventures of David eagle and his Apple Mac
 computer. this time it's about Sendspace.

 Hi, here we go again. Every time I switch on my Mac I take a deep
 breath. I
 think about all the amazing reviews I’ve read about these computers and
 assume that perhaps, this time, I will finally have a really positive
 experience. Today’s task was uploading something to sendspace. Things
 started off so well. loaded no problem; I found the select
 file button no problem/ when I clicked on it, I got a window opening for
 to choose my file. I’m not saying this is the fault of the Mac; it’s
 probably me and my stubbornness after years of using windows, but it
 took me
 ages to find the file I wanted. Did I have to interact with the sidebar
 the thing that was called list. There was also a popup menu with a
 Choices choices. After a few minutes of pressing buttons I found the
 The process seemed to have some level of cohesion to it, but I’m not
 what exactly it was. I’m sure it’s very clever and much simpler than the
 windows way of doing things. In windows I could have found my file in
 seconds, rather than four minutes.

 Anyway, I accept that this is probably just something I need to learn
 practise. Fine. I found my file and went to upload. I pressed the upload
 button and I got: “Safari busy. Bus

Re: Am I a Member of this group?

2011-10-05 Thread Mike Dailey
Never mind, I was not signed into Google.

On Oct 5, 7:31 am, Michael Dailey  wrote:
> I went to the discussion page, and it said I could not post because I was not 
> a member.
> I am getting email updates daily, I filled out the application.  Am I suppose 
> to log in somewhere?
> Thanks,
> Mike Dailey

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Selecting in safari

2011-10-05 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hey all.
I have important information on a facebook message and I need to select 
everything from it. For some reason however, this isn't seeming possible and 
I'm frustrated about it. If anyone could give me a hand with this please let me 
know. Thanks.

Sent from my macbook pro

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Re: accessing instant message while in a voice chat in skype

2011-10-05 Thread Vítor Oliveira
Hi: To do it more easily, press vo plus J. The first time you do it you jump to 
sidebar tab, the second you will jump to html content. Just interact with it 
and press vo plus end to go to the last line. To return to the editing area, 
just press vo plus J again. Regards.

Vítor Oliveira

A 05/10/2011, às 11:24, Patrick Neazer escreveu:

> Good morning Gerry and all:
> I am certain that you will receive faster and possibly better ways to do this 
> one. However, an effective way to do this is to navigate to the table to the 
> left of the contacts list. If you interact with the table and arrow down you 
> will hear something that says recents. Below that will be a list of recent 
> activities. More to the point, the names of the persons you have had recent 
> activity with. If you stop interacting with the table and continue moving to 
> the left you will see the edit box and then you will come across the HTML 
> content. Interact there and you will find the conversation. I have to use dom 
> order instead of grouping to read the thread in an orderly manner.
> Hopefully I have not confused you to the point of collapse :).
> Let us know how it goes.
> Take good care and I wish you enough.
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 6:11 AM, Gerry Cook wrote:
>> Hi everyone!
>> When i'm in a voice chatt in Skype, and someone sends me a n instant message 
>> in Skype, how do i navigate to the chat window 
>> Gerry Cook
>> cheers gerry
>> -- 
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> -- 
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Re: Selecting in safari

2011-10-05 Thread Alex Hall
The way I've found to do it is:
1. Interact with the text and move to the start of the desired selection.
2. Hit vo-enter.
3. Use normal commands to move from the start to the end of the selection.
4. Hit vo-enter again, then cmd-c to copy.

There's probably an easier way, but that is all I could find on Google
when I tried selecting the other day.

On 10/5/11, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
> Hey all.
> I have important information on a facebook message and I need to select
> everything from it. For some reason however, this isn't seeming possible and
> I'm frustrated about it. If anyone could give me a hand with this please let
> me know. Thanks.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> --
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: Option-click

2011-10-05 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Austin and Christer,
Option clicking and control clicking something, can indeed be done using the 
trackpad, and it isn't a problem for voiceover users, although it is, with some 
other screen readers. 
1. With the vo cursor, find the element that you want to option or control 
click on.
2. Now, tell voiceover to get the mouse pointer over to this spot on the 
screen, using command vo f5. vo is the same as control option. So, the complete 
command to get the mouse pointer to where your voiceover cursor is, is to hold 
down 3 keys, being option, control and command, and then pressing f5.
3. Once the mouse is there, Perform the control, or the option click, as 
follows. First hold down either option or control, depending on what you need, 
and then press on the lower left corner of the trackpad to make the click 

If a sighted user wants to click on something, they do it with the mouse 
button. The left one, in windows. To do the same thing in voiceover, with the 
voiceover cursor on an object, we can hit vo space to perform the normal click. 
However, voiceover does not have a built-in command for an option click or a 
control click. That is why we need to do the same thing as a sighted user 
would, rather than having a dedicated voiceover command for it. Bring the mouse 
pointer to the spot, hold control or option, and while holding it, click the 
mouse, or the trackpad.
On Oct 5, 2011, at 6:54 AM, Austin Seraphin wrote:

> I searched and found someone asked this before. How do you option-click a 
> button? Ricardo mentioned turning the Trackpad commander off and clicking 
> while holding down the option. I tried that and just got the desktop, or more 
> likely whatever random object over which my finger sat. So does anyone know 
> how to option-click a button? Thanks.
> - Austin
> -- 
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Re: Voice Over And Safari

2011-10-05 Thread David Griffith
I think lyon can amend this behaviour by going to the Voiceover Utility 
settings navigating down to web and then pressing tab to get to 
 tab settings. Vo right until you ghet to page loading and then uncheck the 
section which gets Voiceover to automatically read web pages.On 5 Oct 2011, 
at 12:19, Michael Dailey wrote:

> I am using Lion on an iMac.
> How do I get Voice Over not to start reading everything on a page, and just 
> move along when I TAB?
> The VO curser starts jumping all over the screen, and I can't figure out how 
> to get it back to where I want it.
> Thanks,
> Mike
> -- 
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Re: Selecting in safari

2011-10-05 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi Alex, I just tried, and VO didn't speak anything when I was selecting 
things. Then I hit command C and it didn't work. Not sure why though.
Thanks for the response.

Sent from my macbook pro

On 2011-10-05, at 8:24 AM, Alex Hall wrote:

> The way I've found to do it is:
> 1. Interact with the text and move to the start of the desired selection.
> 2. Hit vo-enter.
> 3. Use normal commands to move from the start to the end of the selection.
> 4. Hit vo-enter again, then cmd-c to copy.
> There's probably an easier way, but that is all I could find on Google
> when I tried selecting the other day.
> On 10/5/11, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>> Hey all.
>> I have important information on a facebook message and I need to select
>> everything from it. For some reason however, this isn't seeming possible and
>> I'm frustrated about it. If anyone could give me a hand with this please let
>> me know. Thanks.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> --
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>> For more options, visit this group at
> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> -- 
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Re: Selecting in safari

2011-10-05 Thread Alex Hall
Did you interact with the text? I also got no speech and nothing
selected, but it was because I hadn't interacted with what I wanted to

On 10/5/11, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
> Hi Alex, I just tried, and VO didn't speak anything when I was selecting
> things. Then I hit command C and it didn't work. Not sure why though.
> Thanks for the response.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> On 2011-10-05, at 8:24 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> The way I've found to do it is:
>> 1. Interact with the text and move to the start of the desired selection.
>> 2. Hit vo-enter.
>> 3. Use normal commands to move from the start to the end of the selection.
>> 4. Hit vo-enter again, then cmd-c to copy.
>> There's probably an easier way, but that is all I could find on Google
>> when I tried selecting the other day.
>> On 10/5/11, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>>> Hey all.
>>> I have important information on a facebook message and I need to select
>>> everything from it. For some reason however, this isn't seeming possible
>>> and
>>> I'm frustrated about it. If anyone could give me a hand with this please
>>> let
>>> me know. Thanks.
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
>>> --
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>> --
>> Have a great day,
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Have a great day,
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Re: Selecting in safari

2011-10-05 Thread Matt Dierckens
Yep, interacted with the text, it said selecting, then I selected what I wanted 
to, and hit VO enter and hit command c and it dinged at me.
Sent from my macbook pro

On 2011-10-05, at 8:35 AM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Did you interact with the text? I also got no speech and nothing
> selected, but it was because I hadn't interacted with what I wanted to
> copy.
> On 10/5/11, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>> Hi Alex, I just tried, and VO didn't speak anything when I was selecting
>> things. Then I hit command C and it didn't work. Not sure why though.
>> Thanks for the response.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> On 2011-10-05, at 8:24 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> The way I've found to do it is:
>>> 1. Interact with the text and move to the start of the desired selection.
>>> 2. Hit vo-enter.
>>> 3. Use normal commands to move from the start to the end of the selection.
>>> 4. Hit vo-enter again, then cmd-c to copy.
>>> There's probably an easier way, but that is all I could find on Google
>>> when I tried selecting the other day.
>>> On 10/5/11, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
 Hey all.
 I have important information on a facebook message and I need to select
 everything from it. For some reason however, this isn't seeming possible
 I'm frustrated about it. If anyone could give me a hand with this please
 me know. Thanks.
 Sent from my macbook pro
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: ChromeVox is now on the Chrome Web Store!

2011-10-05 Thread Garth Humphreys
Hi Kevin

Thanks for the instructions for deleting the extension prior to reinstalling 
from the web store. It worked perfectly.  Do I understand correctly that one 
benefit of changing to the web store version is that the extension will auto 
update in the same way that Chrome does?

On 05/10/2011, at 12:06 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:

> Which version of Chrome are you running> GO to Chrome Menu>About and
> copy that info and paste it into an email message. Before installing
> ChromeVox from Chrome Web Store, did you uninstall the previous
> version?
> Omnibar: Chrome://extensions/
> TAB to uninstall, RETURN, and OK.
> now, you can install ChromeVox from Chrome Web Store.
> Kevin
> On 10/4/11, Jim Fettgather  wrote:
>> I had downloaded and installed Chrome, have gone to the Chrome store,
>> and installed Chromebox, but when starting Chrome, and turning off
>> Voiceover, still no speech.
>> I just get the typical bong sound when using Control option  right arrow
>> or down arrow, so not sure how to ensure that everything is installed
>> properly.
>> Thanks for any tips.
>> On 10/4/2011 1:17 PM, David Hole wrote:
>>> This is awwwsome!
>>> I've just installed it, and it was easy as H!
>>> Søren, ChromeVox is a javascript based screen reader for Chrome and
>>> Chrome OS.
>>> Try it out, and see how good it works in for example gMail! Just
>>> remember to turn off VO since it disturbs you when using.
>>> -David
>>> Den 04.10.2011 18:32, skrev �:
 Sorry, what is Chromevox?
 Best regards:
 S�ren Jensen
 Mail&  MSN:
 Den 04/10/2011 kl. 04.54 skrev Kevin Chao:
> This is wonderful, fantastic, and awesome! It will resolve 99.99% of
> installation/initial setup issues.
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: rshearer
> Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 17:23:53 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: ChromeVox is now on the Chrome Web Store!
> To:
> Hi everybody,
> I've mentioned this on a couple threads already, but I thought I
> would make
> an announcement to the group...
> We just added ChromeVox to the Chrome Web Store! Hooray!
> Here are some of the advantages to installing ChromeVox from the Web
> Store:
> - You'll get automatic updates
> - Version numbers mean something
> - We have a fancy new icon :)
> I updated the Installation Instructions here:
> and they
> describe how to download it from the Web Store.
> Here is the quick version:
> 1) Make sure you're running Chrome 14 or higher
> 2) Uninstall any previous version of ChromeVox
> 3) Go to the ChromeVox page in the Chrome Web Store:
> 4) Click on the "Add to Chrome" button
> 5) A dialog should pop up titled "Confirm Installation" that lists the
> permissions that ChromeVox needs. We have a wiki page now about why
> we need
> these permissions if you're interested:
> .
> Click on
> the "Install" button to complete the installation process.
> 6) Yay, ChromeVox is now installed!
> --
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Re: Selecting in safari

2011-10-05 Thread Alex Hall
Once you interact, press vo-enter before selecting, then use normal
navigation (not holding down shift) to move to the end and hit
vo-enter again.

On 10/5/11, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
> Yep, interacted with the text, it said selecting, then I selected what I
> wanted to, and hit VO enter and hit command c and it dinged at me.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> On 2011-10-05, at 8:35 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Did you interact with the text? I also got no speech and nothing
>> selected, but it was because I hadn't interacted with what I wanted to
>> copy.
>> On 10/5/11, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>>> Hi Alex, I just tried, and VO didn't speak anything when I was selecting
>>> things. Then I hit command C and it didn't work. Not sure why though.
>>> Thanks for the response.
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
>>> On 2011-10-05, at 8:24 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
 The way I've found to do it is:
 1. Interact with the text and move to the start of the desired
 2. Hit vo-enter.
 3. Use normal commands to move from the start to the end of the
 4. Hit vo-enter again, then cmd-c to copy.

 There's probably an easier way, but that is all I could find on Google
 when I tried selecting the other day.

 On 10/5/11, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
> Hey all.
> I have important information on a facebook message and I need to select
> everything from it. For some reason however, this isn't seeming
> possible
> and
> I'm frustrated about it. If anyone could give me a hand with this
> please
> let
> me know. Thanks.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> --
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 Have a great day,
 Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: Selecting in safari

2011-10-05 Thread Matthew Campbell
Hey Matt.
One thing that you might want to try is this.
First, get VO to where the text is you want to copy
Then, press VO shift C to copy the last phrase to the clipboard.
Finally, go to text edit or where ever and paste
Just keep doing that over and over until you have all that you want. It's kind 
of annoying way to do it but...
One thing to keep in mind is that when VO reads text in safari, it's reading 
paragraph by paragraph.

On 2011-10-05, at 8:33 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

> Hi Alex, I just tried, and VO didn't speak anything when I was selecting 
> things. Then I hit command C and it didn't work. Not sure why though.
> Thanks for the response.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> On 2011-10-05, at 8:24 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> The way I've found to do it is:
>> 1. Interact with the text and move to the start of the desired selection.
>> 2. Hit vo-enter.
>> 3. Use normal commands to move from the start to the end of the selection.
>> 4. Hit vo-enter again, then cmd-c to copy.
>> There's probably an easier way, but that is all I could find on Google
>> when I tried selecting the other day.
>> On 10/5/11, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>>> Hey all.
>>> I have important information on a facebook message and I need to select
>>> everything from it. For some reason however, this isn't seeming possible and
>>> I'm frustrated about it. If anyone could give me a hand with this please let
>>> me know. Thanks.
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
>>> --
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>> -- 
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>> -- 
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Re: Selecting in safari

2011-10-05 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hey, that worked. Thanks for that. Kind of sucks that you can't just do select 
all and copy. Ah well.

Sent from my macbook pro

On 2011-10-05, at 8:49 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hey Matt.
> One thing that you might want to try is this.
> First, get VO to where the text is you want to copy
> Then, press VO shift C to copy the last phrase to the clipboard.
> Finally, go to text edit or where ever and paste
> Just keep doing that over and over until you have all that you want. It's 
> kind of annoying way to do it but...
> One thing to keep in mind is that when VO reads text in safari, it's reading 
> paragraph by paragraph.
> HTH.
> On 2011-10-05, at 8:33 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>> Hi Alex, I just tried, and VO didn't speak anything when I was selecting 
>> things. Then I hit command C and it didn't work. Not sure why though.
>> Thanks for the response.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> On 2011-10-05, at 8:24 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> The way I've found to do it is:
>>> 1. Interact with the text and move to the start of the desired selection.
>>> 2. Hit vo-enter.
>>> 3. Use normal commands to move from the start to the end of the selection.
>>> 4. Hit vo-enter again, then cmd-c to copy.
>>> There's probably an easier way, but that is all I could find on Google
>>> when I tried selecting the other day.
>>> On 10/5/11, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
 Hey all.
 I have important information on a facebook message and I need to select
 everything from it. For some reason however, this isn't seeming possible 
 I'm frustrated about it. If anyone could give me a hand with this please 
 me know. Thanks.
 Sent from my macbook pro
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Selecting in safari

2011-10-05 Thread Alex Hall
What about vo-shift-a? I seem to recall that copying the chunk of text
last spoken, not just the phrase.

On 10/5/11, Matthew Campbell  wrote:
> Hey Matt.
> One thing that you might want to try is this.
> First, get VO to where the text is you want to copy
> Then, press VO shift C to copy the last phrase to the clipboard.
> Finally, go to text edit or where ever and paste
> Just keep doing that over and over until you have all that you want. It's
> kind of annoying way to do it but...
> One thing to keep in mind is that when VO reads text in safari, it's reading
> paragraph by paragraph.
> HTH.
> On 2011-10-05, at 8:33 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>> Hi Alex, I just tried, and VO didn't speak anything when I was selecting
>> things. Then I hit command C and it didn't work. Not sure why though.
>> Thanks for the response.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> On 2011-10-05, at 8:24 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> The way I've found to do it is:
>>> 1. Interact with the text and move to the start of the desired selection.
>>> 2. Hit vo-enter.
>>> 3. Use normal commands to move from the start to the end of the
>>> selection.
>>> 4. Hit vo-enter again, then cmd-c to copy.
>>> There's probably an easier way, but that is all I could find on Google
>>> when I tried selecting the other day.
>>> On 10/5/11, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
 Hey all.
 I have important information on a facebook message and I need to select
 everything from it. For some reason however, this isn't seeming possible
 I'm frustrated about it. If anyone could give me a hand with this please
 me know. Thanks.

 Sent from my macbook pro

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>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Have a great day,
Alex (msg sent from GMail website);

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Re: update on searching mailbox for specific messages in lion

2011-10-05 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Ioana,

I'm using Apple mail on Lion in the new look, classic view off. I tried the 
suggestion, but when on the message table, without any interacting, it won't 
work. Each key press of the search text sends a bang from the speakers. Could 
it be that you are reading mail in classic view? 

Regarding the work around: I didn't know about that feature but if you are 
looking for specific messages it's not too big a deal to temporarily turn on 
classic view. Thanks for the idea. I'm hoping that outside classic view, 
there's a solution as well. I tried moving the mouse over to the message table, 
but that doesn't seem to make a difference either. I think I'll drop a line about it. 
On Oct 5, 2011, at 2:39 AM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just checked with apple and discovered that the search mailbox is too smart 
> for its own good. If you type let's say >june> in the search field it assumes 
> you are looking for a date and will not let you look in other fields easily. 
> One of these instances  where it thinks it knows what you want and is wrong.
> I found an interesting workaround for the time.
> If in the message table and not interacting with it you can type the text you 
> are looking for and it will find the first occurrence of the text in what 
> ever field it is. If you want the next occurrence you type the text again and 
> it finds it. Not ideal but works.
> HOpe they fix this.
> Best,
> Ioana
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Re: Question about Conversation View in YoruFukurou

2011-10-05 Thread Robert Carter
Hi Mark,

You can fix this problem by clicking the zoom button.

Robert Carter
On Oct 4, 2011, at 7:36 PM, Marc Workman wrote:

> Hi,
> If I press command 3 on a tweet that is part of a conversation, it takes me 
> to the conversation view.  The problem I have is that, when arrowing up and 
> down through the conversation, only part of each tweet is read by voiceover.  
> It might say the first three or four words, but that's it.  I can see the 
> entire tweet by going into the drawer, but I'm wondering if there is an 
> easier way to read the tweets in a conversation.
> Thanks in advance for any assistance.
> Cheers,
> Marc
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Re: The continuing adventures of David eagle and his Apple Mac computer. this time it's about Sendspace.

2011-10-05 Thread Garth Humphreys
Hi David 

As another new user to the Mac I can certainly understand your frustration. The 
Safari busy busy thing is seriously annoying. Stronger words would, of course, 
be called for if we weren't in polite company :) 

As for Finder, at first I called it Loser as I couldn't use it to find a thing. 
Now however after about 3 weeks it seems completely fine and I can be just as 
efficient in it as on Win 7 / XP. I pretty much ignore the side bar. It can be 
useful however the key board shortcuts seem quicker to me.  As someone else has 
said try using column view. Command+3 will get you into this view. When in this 
view you can navigate through folders in a standard tree structure. You need to 
make sure you have quick nab off. The up & down arrows will take through the 
folders at a given level and the left and right arrows can be used to collapse 
and expand folders.  Combine this with some keyboard shortcuts and all is good, 
at least in my opinion.
Command+shift+C will take you to the top computer level where you can see the 
various drives and network. 
Command+shift+H will take you to your home folder, i.e., inside the users 
Command+shift+A will take you to your Applications folder. 
Command+Option+L will take you into your downloads folder. I'm not sure but 
maybe this is supposed to be the exception that proves the rule :) 
Command+shift+O will take you to your documents 
Command+shift+D will go to your desktop.

There are of course others as well.

anyway I hope this helps a bit. You certainly aren't alone with your 
frustrations. I am still glad I have windows at work where I need to get work 
So far I haven't found Safari on the Mac as good as it is on IOS, especially on 
the iPad where I think it is fantastic. Then again I got my iPad 1 on the day 
it was first released and I have only been using OSX for a few weeks.

Good luck 

On 05/10/2011, at 6:32 AM, David Eagle wrote:

> Hi, here we go again. Every time I switch on my Mac I take a deep
> breath. I think about all the amazing reviews I’ve read about these
> computers and assume that perhaps, this time, I will finally have a
> really positive experience. Today’s task was uploading something to
> sendspace. Things started off so well. loaded no
> problem; I found the select file button no problem/ when I clicked on
> it, I got a window opening for me to choose my file. I’m not saying
> this is the fault of the Mac; it’s probably me and my stubbornness
> after years of using windows, but it took me ages to find the file I
> wanted. Did I have to interact with the sidebar or the thing that was
> called list. There was also a popup menu with a folder selected.
> Choices choices. After a few minutes of pressing buttons I found the
> file. The process seemed to have some level of cohesion to it, but I’m
> not sure what exactly it was. I’m sure it’s very clever and much
> simpler than the windows way of doing things. In windows I could have
> found my file in three seconds, rather than four minutes.
> Anyway, I accept that this is probably just something I need to learn
> and practise. Fine. I found my file and went to upload. I pressed the
> upload button and I got: “Safari busy. Busy. Busy. Busy”. After a half
> a minute I eventually heard “safari, ready”. Hurrah, I can finally
> check to see if my file is uploading. I pressed VO right arrow and
> heard to my dismay “Safari busy. Busy. Busy”. I quit safari and tried
> again. But I got the same problem. Yet again I shut down my Mac and
> booted up my windows machine. Within two minutes my file was happily
> uploading to send space. While it uploaded I checked my emails using
> another instance of Internet explorer. The file has now finished
> uploading and I am going to email it to my friends. Windows hasn’t
> said “busy” at me once. And what really gets me about this is that the
> netbook cost £150 and I’m using the free screen reader NVDA.
> How is it possible? I really want to know. I’ve got way more am than
> my windows machine, and my Mac cost fifteen times more than my
> netbook. How come I have to keep turning off my Mac and turning on my
> windows machine? The mac looks great; it’s fast; it’s really quiet –
> very little fan noise. But it can’t do things. It’s ten times faster
> than my windows computer, but that only means it can do much more to
> annoy me in a far shorter period of time than my windows computer.
> I want to join the Mac party. You all seem so elated by your Macs. Is
> there a magic button to press that starts making it behave. I know I’m
> ranting again but surely you can see my point. Is my experience so
> anomalous? I read about all these people who say they bought a Mac and
> now never use windows. But if I didn’t have a windows computer then
> I’d achieve nothing.
> I know this isn’t’ VO specific. I know it may even annoy some of you.
> I know it’s not a particularly productive email. But if you do find
> this ema

THank you, Esther

2011-10-05 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Esther,

Thank you for your helpful post about my query with Itunes. I really appreciate 
all your help and instructions. It worked like a charm. Have a great day.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

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Re: Selecting in safari

2011-10-05 Thread Matthew Campbell
According to the keyboard help, VO shift A only slects it. However, I've never 
tried it before.

On 2011-10-05, at 8:55 AM, Alex Hall wrote:

> What about vo-shift-a? I seem to recall that copying the chunk of text
> last spoken, not just the phrase.
> On 10/5/11, Matthew Campbell  wrote:
>> Hey Matt.
>> One thing that you might want to try is this.
>> First, get VO to where the text is you want to copy
>> Then, press VO shift C to copy the last phrase to the clipboard.
>> Finally, go to text edit or where ever and paste
>> Just keep doing that over and over until you have all that you want. It's
>> kind of annoying way to do it but...
>> One thing to keep in mind is that when VO reads text in safari, it's reading
>> paragraph by paragraph.
>> HTH.
>> On 2011-10-05, at 8:33 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>>> Hi Alex, I just tried, and VO didn't speak anything when I was selecting
>>> things. Then I hit command C and it didn't work. Not sure why though.
>>> Thanks for the response.
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
>>> On 2011-10-05, at 8:24 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
 The way I've found to do it is:
 1. Interact with the text and move to the start of the desired selection.
 2. Hit vo-enter.
 3. Use normal commands to move from the start to the end of the
 4. Hit vo-enter again, then cmd-c to copy.
 There's probably an easier way, but that is all I could find on Google
 when I tried selecting the other day.
 On 10/5/11, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
> Hey all.
> I have important information on a facebook message and I need to select
> everything from it. For some reason however, this isn't seeming possible
> and
> I'm frustrated about it. If anyone could give me a hand with this please
> let
> me know. Thanks.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
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 Alex (msg sent from GMail website);
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: Selecting in safari

2011-10-05 Thread Søren Jensen

You can do the following which might work:
Use the latest version of webkit.
1: Find the text you wanna copy
2: press Vo command f5
3: press Vo command shift space to hold down the mouse button
4: Hold down shift and press the down arrow to  select the text you want.
6: Press command c to copy
7. Press Vo command shift space again to release the mouse button.
Hope that will work for you.
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:

Den 05/10/2011 kl. 16.08 skrev Matthew Campbell:

> Hi.
> According to the keyboard help, VO shift A only slects it. However, I've 
> never tried it before.
> On 2011-10-05, at 8:55 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> What about vo-shift-a? I seem to recall that copying the chunk of text
>> last spoken, not just the phrase.
>> On 10/5/11, Matthew Campbell  wrote:
>>> Hey Matt.
>>> One thing that you might want to try is this.
>>> First, get VO to where the text is you want to copy
>>> Then, press VO shift C to copy the last phrase to the clipboard.
>>> Finally, go to text edit or where ever and paste
>>> Just keep doing that over and over until you have all that you want. It's
>>> kind of annoying way to do it but...
>>> One thing to keep in mind is that when VO reads text in safari, it's reading
>>> paragraph by paragraph.
>>> HTH.
>>> On 2011-10-05, at 8:33 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
 Hi Alex, I just tried, and VO didn't speak anything when I was selecting
 things. Then I hit command C and it didn't work. Not sure why though.
 Thanks for the response.
 Sent from my macbook pro
 On 2011-10-05, at 8:24 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> The way I've found to do it is:
> 1. Interact with the text and move to the start of the desired selection.
> 2. Hit vo-enter.
> 3. Use normal commands to move from the start to the end of the
> selection.
> 4. Hit vo-enter again, then cmd-c to copy.
> There's probably an easier way, but that is all I could find on Google
> when I tried selecting the other day.
> On 10/5/11, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>> Hey all.
>> I have important information on a facebook message and I need to select
>> everything from it. For some reason however, this isn't seeming possible
>> and
>> I'm frustrated about it. If anyone could give me a hand with this please
>> let
>> me know. Thanks.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> --
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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>> -- 
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Chris Blouch
So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video of 
several use cases of people interacting with their phones purly through 


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Safari in SL and popup windows

2011-10-05 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav
Hi All,

Please forgive me if this has been picked up on previously...

I had originally thought this was the fault of one web developer who had 
adjusted something which had broke accessibility, but am now not so sure...

Using my iMac, which I've kept on SL for the time being, I have now found a 
reasonable number of sites which have had some issues with popup windows in the 
past few months or so.

One site has a popup which appears when you click delete on a message, the 
popup springs up, asking if you are sure you wish to delete the message. this 
used to work just fine on the iMac in Safari with VO, but now sends VO into a 
spin, with it constantly saying, busy, busy, busy, until finally, after about 2 
minutes or so of this, it brakes free and I can use the arrow keys to navigate 
to OK in the popup... and I'm free to continue to use the site.

What's interesting about this issue, is that it only seems to affect Safari, I 
can command/tab to another running application and VO works just fine, command 
tab back to Safari, busy, busy, busy... with me going, grrr, grrr, grrr.

then today, I was selling my old iPHone 4s on a web-site ready for next week 
when our new ones arrive, and I had to print a confirmation page, there was an 
in page link to click to trigger the print popup, rather than me having to 
print the actual Safari page itself... so it was an in page print link, I 
pressed it, and boom, busy, busy, busy, grrr, grrr, grrr.

this time though the busy did not stop for over three hours, when my daughter 
walked in, moved the mouse to the print button, left clicked once, and bang, 
back to useable... it was as if Safari and VO were in lock, but if I were 
sighted there'd have been no issue whatsoever.

anyone any ideas?



Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

URL: -
e-mail: -
Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

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Re: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Traci
Holy wow!  That was cool!  I'm really looking forward to this.

Thanks for sharing,

Sent by Macbook Air Mail

On Oct 5, 2011, at 8:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video of several 
> use cases of people interacting with their phones purly through speech.
> CB
> -- 
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Re: update on searching mailbox for specific messages in lion

2011-10-05 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
I am using classic view indeed. Really dislike it downloading and marking 
messages as read as I scroll through them.


On Oct 5, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Ioana,
> I'm using Apple mail on Lion in the new look, classic view off. I tried the 
> suggestion, but when on the message table, without any interacting, it won't 
> work. Each key press of the search text sends a bang from the speakers. Could 
> it be that you are reading mail in classic view? 
> Regarding the work around: I didn't know about that feature but if you are 
> looking for specific messages it's not too big a deal to temporarily turn on 
> classic view. Thanks for the idea. I'm hoping that outside classic view, 
> there's a solution as well. I tried moving the mouse over to the message 
> table, but that doesn't seem to make a difference either. I think I'll drop 
> a line about it. 
> Paul.
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 2:39 AM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just checked with apple and discovered that the search mailbox is too 
>> smart for its own good. If you type let's say >june> in the search field it 
>> assumes you are looking for a date and will not let you look in other fields 
>> easily. One of these instances  where it thinks it knows what you want and 
>> is wrong.
>> I found an interesting workaround for the time.
>> If in the message table and not interacting with it you can type the text 
>> you are looking for and it will find the first occurrence of the text in 
>> what ever field it is. If you want the next occurrence you type the text 
>> again and it finds it. Not ideal but works.
>> HOpe they fix this.
>> Best,
>> Ioana
>> -- 
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Re: The continuing adventures of David eagle and his Apple Mac computer. this time it's about Sendspace.

2011-10-05 Thread David Eagle
Well everyone, I am so glad that my rant has actually managed to prove
productive. So many great tips, thank you.
To make a short cut to a folder on your desktop: find the file and
press Command L to make an Alius. Then copy the Alius and paste it to
your desktop. YOu can then delete the Alius in the folder you copied
it from if you like.
I am a fan of the column browser which makes searching a lot easier. I
was a bit confused about Command Shift G when I first discovered it
because I thought you could type the first few letters of a folder
somewhere on your computer and it would find the folder. So for
instance to get my Podcasts folder in iTunes I could just press podc
and then enter and it would take me straight there without having to
go into Music, ITunes, ITunes Media, podcasts. Now I know it's for
file paths.

I have used Saphari on a friends IPad and it worked brilliantly, but I
wasn't uploading anything to sends pace. Thank god for my dropbox
which makes sending files so much easier, when it's not full.

Thanks for all the tips and for being so sympathetic towards my ranting.

On 05/10/2011, Garth Humphreys  wrote:
> Hi David
> As another new user to the Mac I can certainly understand your frustration.
> The Safari busy busy thing is seriously annoying. Stronger words would, of
> course, be called for if we weren't in polite company :)
> As for Finder, at first I called it Loser as I couldn't use it to find a
> thing. Now however after about 3 weeks it seems completely fine and I can be
> just as efficient in it as on Win 7 / XP. I pretty much ignore the side bar.
> It can be useful however the key board shortcuts seem quicker to me.  As
> someone else has said try using column view. Command+3 will get you into
> this view. When in this view you can navigate through folders in a standard
> tree structure. You need to make sure you have quick nab off. The up & down
> arrows will take through the folders at a given level and the left and right
> arrows can be used to collapse and expand folders.  Combine this with some
> keyboard shortcuts and all is good, at least in my opinion.
> Command+shift+C will take you to the top computer level where you can see
> the various drives and network.
> Command+shift+H will take you to your home folder, i.e., inside the users
> folder.
> Command+shift+A will take you to your Applications folder.
> Command+Option+L will take you into your downloads folder. I'm not sure but
> maybe this is supposed to be the exception that proves the rule :)
> Command+shift+O will take you to your documents
> Command+shift+D will go to your desktop.
> There are of course others as well.
> anyway I hope this helps a bit. You certainly aren't alone with your
> frustrations. I am still glad I have windows at work where I need to get
> work done.
> So far I haven't found Safari on the Mac as good as it is on IOS, especially
> on the iPad where I think it is fantastic. Then again I got my iPad 1 on the
> day it was first released and I have only been using OSX for a few weeks.
> Good luck
> Garth
> On 05/10/2011, at 6:32 AM, David Eagle wrote:
>> Hi, here we go again. Every time I switch on my Mac I take a deep
>> breath. I think about all the amazing reviews I’ve read about these
>> computers and assume that perhaps, this time, I will finally have a
>> really positive experience. Today’s task was uploading something to
>> sendspace. Things started off so well. loaded no
>> problem; I found the select file button no problem/ when I clicked on
>> it, I got a window opening for me to choose my file. I’m not saying
>> this is the fault of the Mac; it’s probably me and my stubbornness
>> after years of using windows, but it took me ages to find the file I
>> wanted. Did I have to interact with the sidebar or the thing that was
>> called list. There was also a popup menu with a folder selected.
>> Choices choices. After a few minutes of pressing buttons I found the
>> file. The process seemed to have some level of cohesion to it, but I’m
>> not sure what exactly it was. I’m sure it’s very clever and much
>> simpler than the windows way of doing things. In windows I could have
>> found my file in three seconds, rather than four minutes.
>> Anyway, I accept that this is probably just something I need to learn
>> and practise. Fine. I found my file and went to upload. I pressed the
>> upload button and I got: “Safari busy. Busy. Busy. Busy”. After a half
>> a minute I eventually heard “safari, ready”. Hurrah, I can finally
>> check to see if my file is uploading. I pressed VO right arrow and
>> heard to my dismay “Safari busy. Busy. Busy”. I quit safari and tried
>> again. But I got the same problem. Yet again I shut down my Mac and
>> booted up my windows machine. Within two minutes my file was happily
>> uploading to send space. While it uploaded I checked my emails using
>> another instance of Internet explorer. The file has now finished
>> uploading and I am

Re: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Austin Seraphin
Yeah also, the last example shows a blind woman, the one who receives a spoken 
text. Pretty cool! I wrote an article about it:

 - Austin

On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:15 PM, Traci wrote:

> Holy wow!  That was cool!  I'm really looking forward to this.
> Thanks for sharing,
> Traci
> Sent by Macbook Air Mail
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 8:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video of several 
>> use cases of people interacting with their phones purly through speech.
>> CB
>> -- 
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Re: update on searching mailbox for specific messages in lion

2011-10-05 Thread Paul Erkens
I haven't found a way around this either. When I come across a conversation and 
I go over the headers, everything is marked as read. My preview pane is 0 
lines, off. Has anyone written apple accessibility about this? I thought it was 
something I didn't understand about apple mail, but I'll write them about it 
and see what I get back.
On Oct 5, 2011, at 6:20 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

> I am using classic view indeed. Really dislike it downloading and marking 
> messages as read as I scroll through them.
> Best,
> Ioana
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi Ioana,
>> I'm using Apple mail on Lion in the new look, classic view off. I tried the 
>> suggestion, but when on the message table, without any interacting, it won't 
>> work. Each key press of the search text sends a bang from the speakers. 
>> Could it be that you are reading mail in classic view? 
>> Regarding the work around: I didn't know about that feature but if you are 
>> looking for specific messages it's not too big a deal to temporarily turn on 
>> classic view. Thanks for the idea. I'm hoping that outside classic view, 
>> there's a solution as well. I tried moving the mouse over to the message 
>> table, but that doesn't seem to make a difference either. I think I'll drop 
>> a line about it. 
>> Paul.
>> On Oct 5, 2011, at 2:39 AM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I just checked with apple and discovered that the search mailbox is too 
>>> smart for its own good. If you type let's say >june> in the search field it 
>>> assumes you are looking for a date and will not let you look in other 
>>> fields easily. One of these instances  where it thinks it knows what you 
>>> want and is wrong.
>>> I found an interesting workaround for the time.
>>> If in the message table and not interacting with it you can type the text 
>>> you are looking for and it will find the first occurrence of the text in 
>>> what ever field it is. If you want the next occurrence you type the text 
>>> again and it finds it. Not ideal but works.
>>> HOpe they fix this.
>>> Best,
>>> Ioana
>>> -- 
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Re: Safari in SL and popup windows

2011-10-05 Thread Paul Erkens
I would turn voiceover off and on to see if it helps, because it does, 
On Oct 5, 2011, at 6:01 PM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

> Hi All,
> Please forgive me if this has been picked up on previously...
> I had originally thought this was the fault of one web developer who had 
> adjusted something which had broke accessibility, but am now not so sure...
> Using my iMac, which I've kept on SL for the time being, I have now found a 
> reasonable number of sites which have had some issues with popup windows in 
> the past few months or so.
> One site has a popup which appears when you click delete on a message, the 
> popup springs up, asking if you are sure you wish to delete the message. this 
> used to work just fine on the iMac in Safari with VO, but now sends VO into a 
> spin, with it constantly saying, busy, busy, busy, until finally, after about 
> 2 minutes or so of this, it brakes free and I can use the arrow keys to 
> navigate to OK in the popup... and I'm free to continue to use the site.
> What's interesting about this issue, is that it only seems to affect Safari, 
> I can command/tab to another running application and VO works just fine, 
> command tab back to Safari, busy, busy, busy... with me going, grrr, grrr, 
> grrr.
> then today, I was selling my old iPHone 4s on a web-site ready for next week 
> when our new ones arrive, and I had to print a confirmation page, there was 
> an in page link to click to trigger the print popup, rather than me having to 
> print the actual Safari page itself... so it was an in page print link, I 
> pressed it, and boom, busy, busy, busy, grrr, grrr, grrr.
> this time though the busy did not stop for over three hours, when my daughter 
> walked in, moved the mouse to the print button, left clicked once, and bang, 
> back to useable... it was as if Safari and VO were in lock, but if I were 
> sighted there'd have been no issue whatsoever.
> anyone any ideas?
> thanks.
> Regards,
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> Twitter @neilbarnfather
> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
> URL: -
> e-mail: -
> Phone: - +44  844 999 4199
> -- 
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2011-10-05 Thread Becky Knaub
Hi all,
Do Focus 40 Blue braille displays work with the MAC?
If they do as I think they do Could anyone tell me how to make My MBP detect 
the display when its plugged in the USB port? It won't detect the display 
either way ad I have tried everything I can think of.
Since I really need the display to work so I can edit my papers for school I 
would appreciate if anyone could help.

Second Is it possible to play ogg files on the mac and if so what version of 
the software would I need to get for an MBP with Lion on it?

Thanks ,


On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:41 AM, wrote:

>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group:
> Selecting in safari [11 Updates]
> THank you, Esther [1 Update]
> The continuing adventures of David eagle and his Apple Mac computer. this 
> time it's about Sendspace. [2 Updates]
> Question about Conversation View in YoruFukurou [1 Update]
> update on searching mailbox for specific messages in lion [1 Update]
> ChromeVox is now on the Chrome Web Store! [1 Update]
> Voice Over And Safari [2 Updates]
> Option-click [1 Update]
> accessing instant message while in a voice chat in skype [1 Update]
> Am I a Member of this group? [3 Updates]
> I can't download anything all of a sudden [1 Update]
>  Topic: Selecting in safari
> Matt Dierckens  Oct 05 08:06AM -0400 ^
> Hey all.
> I have important information on a facebook message and I need to select 
> everything from it. For some reason however, this isn't seeming possible and 
> I'm frustrated about it. If anyone could give me a hand with this please let 
> me know. Thanks.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> Alex Hall  Oct 05 08:24AM -0400 ^
> The way I've found to do it is:
> 1. Interact with the text and move to the start of the desired selection.
> 2. Hit vo-enter.
> 3. Use normal commands to move from the start to the end of the selection.
> 4. Hit vo-enter again, then cmd-c to copy.
> There's probably an easier way, but that is all I could find on Google
> when I tried selecting the other day.
> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> Matt Dierckens  Oct 05 08:33AM -0400 ^
> Hi Alex, I just tried, and VO didn't speak anything when I was selecting 
> things. Then I hit command C and it didn't work. Not sure why though.
> Thanks for the response.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> On 2011-10-05, at 8:24 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Alex Hall  Oct 05 08:35AM -0400 ^
> Did you interact with the text? I also got no speech and nothing
> selected, but it was because I hadn't interacted with what I wanted to
> copy.
> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> Matt Dierckens  Oct 05 08:39AM -0400 ^
> Yep, interacted with the text, it said selecting, then I selected what I 
> wanted to, and hit VO enter and hit command c and it dinged at me.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> On 2011-10-05, at 8:35 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Alex Hall  Oct 05 08:44AM -0400 ^
> Once you interact, press vo-enter before selecting, then use normal
> navigation (not holding down shift) to move to the end and hit
> vo-enter again.
> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> Matthew Campbell  Oct 05 08:49AM -0400 ^
> Hey Matt.
> One thing that you might want to try is this.
> First, get VO to where the text is you want to copy
> Then, press VO shift C to copy the last phrase to the clipboard.
> Finally, go to text edit or where ever and paste
> Just keep doing that over and over until you have all that you want. It's 
> kind of annoying way to do it but...
> One thing to keep in mind is that when VO reads text in safari, it's reading 
> paragraph by paragraph.
> HTH.
> On 2011-10-05, at 8:33 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
> Matt Dierckens  Oct 05 08:54AM -0400 ^
> Hey, that worked. Thanks for that. Kind of sucks that you can't just do 
> select all and copy. Ah well.
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> On 2011-10-05, at 8:49 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
> Alex Hall  Oct 05 08:55AM -0400 ^
> What about vo-shift-a? I seem to recall that copying the chunk of text
> last spoken, not just the phrase.
> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
> Matthew Campbell  Oct 05 10:08AM -0400 ^
> Hi.
> According to the keyboard help, VO shift A only slects it. However, I've 
> never tried it before.
> On 2011-10-05, at 8:55 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> "Søren Jensen"  Oct 05 04:17PM +0200 ^
> Hi.
> You can do the following which might work:
> Use the latest version of webkit.
> 1: Find the text you wanna copy
> 2: press Vo command f5
> 3: press Vo command shift sp

Re: Safari in SL and popup windows

2011-10-05 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav
I did try that, but interestingly have had a reply from Apple Accessibility 
about this, and would urge anyone else experiencing this issue to write and ask 
about this too, as they need to know its quite a significant thing if they 
don't hurry along and find a resolution.

Accessibility told me...

Thank you for your email. Safari 5.1 is available for Mac OS X 10.6, it was 
available through Software Updates. Due to changes in WebKit to bring it more 
in line with web standards if a single element on a webpage has an automatic 
refresh and does not report that correctly, Safari will continue to report 
“busy” to VoiceOver. Apple is investigating the issue, we are unable to comment 
on when it may be resolved. 

Apple Accessibility

Of course this does make the point that technically its the fault of the 
web-site developers in question, but they seem to accept that the problem 
wasn't there before they, so to speak, fixed it... :).


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

URL: -
e-mail: -
Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

On 5 Oct 2011, at 17:59, Paul Erkens wrote:

I would turn voiceover off and on to see if it helps, because it does, 
On Oct 5, 2011, at 6:01 PM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

> Hi All,
> Please forgive me if this has been picked up on previously...
> I had originally thought this was the fault of one web developer who had 
> adjusted something which had broke accessibility, but am now not so sure...
> Using my iMac, which I've kept on SL for the time being, I have now found a 
> reasonable number of sites which have had some issues with popup windows in 
> the past few months or so.
> One site has a popup which appears when you click delete on a message, the 
> popup springs up, asking if you are sure you wish to delete the message. this 
> used to work just fine on the iMac in Safari with VO, but now sends VO into a 
> spin, with it constantly saying, busy, busy, busy, until finally, after about 
> 2 minutes or so of this, it brakes free and I can use the arrow keys to 
> navigate to OK in the popup... and I'm free to continue to use the site.
> What's interesting about this issue, is that it only seems to affect Safari, 
> I can command/tab to another running application and VO works just fine, 
> command tab back to Safari, busy, busy, busy... with me going, grrr, grrr, 
> grrr.
> then today, I was selling my old iPHone 4s on a web-site ready for next week 
> when our new ones arrive, and I had to print a confirmation page, there was 
> an in page link to click to trigger the print popup, rather than me having to 
> print the actual Safari page itself... so it was an in page print link, I 
> pressed it, and boom, busy, busy, busy, grrr, grrr, grrr.
> this time though the busy did not stop for over three hours, when my daughter 
> walked in, moved the mouse to the print button, left clicked once, and bang, 
> back to useable... it was as if Safari and VO were in lock, but if I were 
> sighted there'd have been no issue whatsoever.
> anyone any ideas?
> thanks.
> Regards,
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> Twitter @neilbarnfather
> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
> URL: -
> e-mail: -
> Phone: - +44  844 999 4199
> -- 
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Re: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
yes, but the seri feature is only available if you have internet  
access; so the key to this feature's useability will be the cost of  
data plans.  I'm with sprint.  currently, the offer a completely  
unlimited plan, but the roomer sites are all saying its just a matter  
of time before they do away with that or cap it or exclude the iphone  
from it.  anyone have any hard info on that question?  thanks, max

On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video of  
several use cases of people interacting with their phones purly  
through speech.


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lion and safari really irritating me

2011-10-05 Thread Cody
Ok guys,

I've been using Safari on my mac pro with lion 10.7.1. Browsing is quite 
irritating, I use the arrow keys for the web rooter to navigate via links and 
headings and so forth.. I constantly get Safari busy busy busy etc. sometimes 
I'll see the html content but when I try to interact with it it just beeps at 
me. Then if the pad finally loads, and try to use my up and down arrows to just 
between elements it's set to, voiceover just reads the title of the webpage. 
close safari and turning off vo and starting both again, sometimes doesn't 
work, and I get a lot of busys. It seems like web browsing in lion is just more 
of a pain in the ass than anything, and snow leopard was a lot better, a lot 
more responsive. Anyone have any input?


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Re: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Cody
if sprint offers unlimited, jump on it, and you'll be grandfathered in later 
once they stop it...
On Oct 5, 2011, at 1:38 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> yes, but the seri feature is only available if you have internet access; so 
> the key to this feature's useability will be the cost of data plans.  I'm 
> with sprint.  currently, the offer a completely unlimited plan, but the 
> roomer sites are all saying its just a matter of time before they do away 
> with that or cap it or exclude the iphone from it.  anyone have any hard info 
> on that question?  thanks, max
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video of several 
>> use cases of people interacting with their phones purly through speech.
>> CB
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Re: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
When I saw the commercials for that $79 unlimited data plan, I thought yo had 
to buy four phones, or at least more than one, in order to qualify for that.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
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Re: update on searching mailbox for specific messages in lion

2011-10-05 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
I talked to them on the phone and they said it is impossible to not mark them 
as read but they put in the feature request.
In classic layout with preview turned off it works like a charm and the 
messages stay unread until you open them.


On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:56 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> I haven't found a way around this either. When I come across a conversation 
> and I go over the headers, everything is marked as read. My preview pane is 0 
> lines, off. Has anyone written apple accessibility about this? I thought it 
> was something I didn't understand about apple mail, but I'll write them about 
> it and see what I get back.
> Paul.
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 6:20 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>> I am using classic view indeed. Really dislike it downloading and marking 
>> messages as read as I scroll through them.
>> Best,
>> Ioana
>> On Oct 5, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>>> Hi Ioana,
>>> I'm using Apple mail on Lion in the new look, classic view off. I tried the 
>>> suggestion, but when on the message table, without any interacting, it 
>>> won't work. Each key press of the search text sends a bang from the 
>>> speakers. Could it be that you are reading mail in classic view? 
>>> Regarding the work around: I didn't know about that feature but if you are 
>>> looking for specific messages it's not too big a deal to temporarily turn 
>>> on classic view. Thanks for the idea. I'm hoping that outside classic view, 
>>> there's a solution as well. I tried moving the mouse over to the message 
>>> table, but that doesn't seem to make a difference either. I think I'll drop 
>>> a line about it. 
>>> Paul.
>>> On Oct 5, 2011, at 2:39 AM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
 Hi all,
 I just checked with apple and discovered that the search mailbox is too 
 smart for its own good. If you type let's say >june> in the search field 
 it assumes you are looking for a date and will not let you look in other 
 fields easily. One of these instances  where it thinks it knows what you 
 want and is wrong.
 I found an interesting workaround for the time.
 If in the message table and not interacting with it you can type the text 
 you are looking for and it will find the first occurrence of the text in 
 what ever field it is. If you want the next occurrence you type the text 
 again and it finds it. Not ideal but works.
 HOpe they fix this.
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Re: lion and safari really irritating me

2011-10-05 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav

watch this, I'm having a similar issue, its Safari v5.1 not Lion per say, I'm 
in the middle of talking with Apple to see if I can go back to Safari's 
previous version, and not be plagued to death about updating it...

and to avoid software update constantly trying to re-install v5.1

so watch this space.


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

URL: -
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Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

On 5 Oct 2011, at 18:43, Cody wrote:

Ok guys,

I've been using Safari on my mac pro with lion 10.7.1. Browsing is quite 
irritating, I use the arrow keys for the web rooter to navigate via links and 
headings and so forth.. I constantly get Safari busy busy busy etc. sometimes 
I'll see the html content but when I try to interact with it it just beeps at 
me. Then if the pad finally loads, and try to use my up and down arrows to just 
between elements it's set to, voiceover just reads the title of the webpage. 
close safari and turning off vo and starting both again, sometimes doesn't 
work, and I get a lot of busys. It seems like web browsing in lion is just more 
of a pain in the ass than anything, and snow leopard was a lot better, a lot 
more responsive. Anyone have any input?


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Re: editing html code

2011-10-05 Thread Ioana Gandrabur

Thanks for your answer. Could you outline the steps to take? I downloaded the 
html file. I opened it in textedit. Then I went to format and selected plane 
text. I saved and got a .txt file but still could not see the code.

On Oct 4, 2011, at 11:22 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, Ioana,
> I'd think TextEdit would work well for this. I used to use Notepad for this 
> very same thing. I haven't tried this with TextEdit, but I'm sure it would 
> work. Just be sure you save it as a text file and don't have any formatting 
> in it. Then you could save another version as html and view it in Safari to 
> check the results.
> HTH,
> Teresa
> On Oct 4, 2011, at 6:05 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> In windows I would sometimes use notepad to make simple additions to my news 
>> section of my web page.
>> I have downloaded the html file and was wondering what best to use to add 
>> more entries. I basically need to see the code exactly to replicate it for 
>> the new entries. Hope this explanation makes sense.
>> Thanks for your help,
>> Ioana
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|What am I missing?

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saving textedit in subfolder of documents folder

2011-10-05 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
Hi all,

I cannot for the world figure   out how to save a document in a subfolder of 
documents. I see the save where menu and press it and find options like idisk 
or pictures or etc but don't know how to go in subfolders.

Thanks for our clarifications.


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Lion Growl no longer free

2011-10-05 Thread Chris Blouch
So I just had somebody ping me about upgrading to Lion and how they 
would need to update Growl but now it was $2 instead of free. This got 
me wondering. For many chat apps, or at least the ones I use often like 
Skype, AIM and Adium, Growl is the common way to get incoming messages 
read. If it's no longer a free solution for these otherwise free apps, 
should these chat apps now go back and start adding self-voicing to 
their incoming messages? I know AIM has this feature today but others 
got a bit of a pass because Growl could take care of it.


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Re: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Traci
Woah, I didn't realize this.  You mean Siri even for sending a message depends 
on the web?  Interesting.


Sent by Macbook Air Mail

On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:45 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> When I saw the commercials for that $79 unlimited data plan, I thought yo had 
> to buy four phones, or at least more than one, in order to qualify for that.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
well, i could be wrong, but that's what it sounded like when i read  
it.  please correct me if I'm wrong.  thanks, max

On Oct 5, 2011, at 1:58 PM, Traci wrote:

Woah, I didn't realize this.  You mean Siri even for sending a  
message depends on the web?  Interesting.


Sent by Macbook Air Mail

On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:45 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

When I saw the commercials for that $79 unlimited data plan, I  
thought yo had to buy four phones, or at least more than one, in  
order to qualify for that.

• Mark BurningHawk Baxter
• AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
• MSN:
• My home page:

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Re: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Chris Blouch
Interesting. So it's like the Dragon iOS approach where they encode an 
audio snippet, send it off and the real work is done on some cloud 
processor? So what was all the claims about using the new A5 chip and 
being 4S only because of compute requirements? Maybe it's just compute 
intensive to quickly encode the audio snippet.

That said, spoken word audio is pretty small. 64 or 128kbs is only 8 or 
16 K per second. A typical command is probably only 5 seconds or 80K at 
the higher data rate. So just 1MB would handle about 12 transactions. So 
a 200MB a month plan would handle some 2500 Siri commands. Twice that or 
more if they are able to compress 64kpbs or lower and/or if the commands 
are less than 5 seconds.

All that said, there is a brewing storm over mobile data caps because 
all the new cloud, sync, mobile innovation is going to hit a wall soon. 
While I got grandfathered in on an unlimited plan for my iPhone, my wife 
has the paltry 200MB plan on hers and we've already been dinged once for 
$15 when she went over. Caps on home cable/dsl plans are much more 
liberal but today's expansive pipe is tomorrow's soda straw. It's a 
cycle that's happened a dozen times or so and I do recall the days when 
300 baud modems were 'fast' and who would need anything faster? Then it 
was 1200, then 2400, then 9600, then 14.4, then 28.8 then 56kpb then 
128, 256, 512, 1Mbps and today it's multiple Mbps. Difference is that 
back then when you bought a 256kbps DSL connection it was expected that 
you could use it all you want. Today you can get 25Mbps or higher but 
there is a cap. What good will new faster 4G networks be when you can 
consume your entire plan allotment in a day? This will start to get ugly 


On 10/5/11 1:38 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
yes, but the seri feature is only available if you have internet 
access; so the key to this feature's useability will be the cost of 
data plans.  I'm with sprint.  currently, the offer a completely 
unlimited plan, but the roomer sites are all saying its just a matter 
of time before they do away with that or cap it or exclude the iphone 
from it.  anyone have any hard info on that question?  thanks, max

On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video of 
several use cases of people interacting with their phones purly 
through speech.


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Re: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Mika Pyyhkala
I wouldn't really worry a lot about an unlimited data plan.  Even the
capped plans at 2GB a month, you'd be hard pressed to use 2GB of 3G
data in a month.

Some of the time you'll be using WiFi in most circumstances so the
WiFi use does not count against your data cap.

If you had say a 2GB or a 4GB data plan, I'm not sure e.g. how long
you would have to stream video to get close to the cap.

Of course unlimited is "better," but I know I've never gotten close to
2GB in a 30 day period and I do use the phone a lot mostly for data
related activities.

I'm currently grandfathered on the AT&T unlimited data, which by the
way, they've recently announced that if you exceed some usage meter
they will begin throttling down your "unlimited" data speed.  I
believe Verizon also throttles back users on unlimited plans that
reach some threshold.


On 10/5/11, Traci  wrote:
> Woah, I didn't realize this.  You mean Siri even for sending a message
> depends on the web?  Interesting.
> Traci
> Sent by Macbook Air Mail
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:45 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:
>> When I saw the commercials for that $79 unlimited data plan, I thought yo
>> had to buy four phones, or at least more than one, in order to qualify for
>> that.
>> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
>> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
>> • MSN:
>> • My home page:
>> •
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Re: Safari in SL and popup windows

2011-10-05 Thread Chris Blouch
This could explain some busy behavior I've experienced with web-based 
chat apps since the browser has to poll the server repeatedly to get 
incoming events.


On 10/5/11 1:35 PM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

I did try that, but interestingly have had a reply from Apple Accessibility 
about this, and would urge anyone else experiencing this issue to write and ask 
about this too, as they need to know its quite a significant thing if they 
don't hurry along and find a resolution.

Accessibility told me...

Thank you for your email. Safari 5.1 is available for Mac OS X 10.6, it was 
available through Software Updates. Due to changes in WebKit to bring it more 
in line with web standards if a single element on a webpage has an automatic 
refresh and does not report that correctly, Safari will continue to report 
“busy” to VoiceOver. Apple is investigating the issue, we are unable to comment 
on when it may be resolved.

Apple Accessibility

Of course this does make the point that technically its the fault of the 
web-site developers in question, but they seem to accept that the problem 
wasn't there before they, so to speak, fixed it... :).


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

URL: -
e-mail: -
Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

On 5 Oct 2011, at 17:59, Paul Erkens wrote:

I would turn voiceover off and on to see if it helps, because it does, 
On Oct 5, 2011, at 6:01 PM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:

Hi All,

Please forgive me if this has been picked up on previously...

I had originally thought this was the fault of one web developer who had 
adjusted something which had broke accessibility, but am now not so sure...

Using my iMac, which I've kept on SL for the time being, I have now found a 
reasonable number of sites which have had some issues with popup windows in the 
past few months or so.

One site has a popup which appears when you click delete on a message, the 
popup springs up, asking if you are sure you wish to delete the message. this 
used to work just fine on the iMac in Safari with VO, but now sends VO into a 
spin, with it constantly saying, busy, busy, busy, until finally, after about 2 
minutes or so of this, it brakes free and I can use the arrow keys to navigate 
to OK in the popup... and I'm free to continue to use the site.

What's interesting about this issue, is that it only seems to affect Safari, I 
can command/tab to another running application and VO works just fine, command 
tab back to Safari, busy, busy, busy... with me going, grrr, grrr, grrr.

then today, I was selling my old iPHone 4s on a web-site ready for next week 
when our new ones arrive, and I had to print a confirmation page, there was an 
in page link to click to trigger the print popup, rather than me having to 
print the actual Safari page itself... so it was an in page print link, I 
pressed it, and boom, busy, busy, busy, grrr, grrr, grrr.

this time though the busy did not stop for over three hours, when my daughter 
walked in, moved the mouse to the print button, left clicked once, and bang, 
back to useable... it was as if Safari and VO were in lock, but if I were 
sighted there'd have been no issue whatsoever.

anyone any ideas?



Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

URL: -
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Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

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authentication bizzy at lion log in screen?

2011-10-05 Thread trahern culver
hey all a friend and i notest that authentication is quite offen bizzy
at the lion log in screen when the mac starts also at the log in
screen on start up when you turn voice over on off then back on agane
it doesn't speek does any one know how to solv these problems? and are
they officially recognised bugs?

thanks for your help

kind regards trahern.

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Re: Questions

2011-10-05 Thread David Eagle
When you plug it in it should automatically show something on the
display. Mine said Battery Charging. To get it to show you what's
appearing on your computer though, press one of the cursor routing
buttons. The two rows above your display. This works fine for me.

On 05/10/2011, Becky Knaub  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Do Focus 40 Blue braille displays work with the MAC?
> If they do as I think they do Could anyone tell me how to make My MBP detect
> the display when its plugged in the USB port? It won't detect the display
> either way ad I have tried everything I can think of.
> Since I really need the display to work so I can edit my papers for school I
> would appreciate if anyone could help.
> Second Is it possible to play ogg files on the mac and if so what version of
> the software would I need to get for an MBP with Lion on it?
> Thanks ,
> Becky
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:41 AM, wrote:
>>   Today's Topic Summary
>> Group:
>> Selecting in safari [11 Updates]
>> THank you, Esther [1 Update]
>> The continuing adventures of David eagle and his Apple Mac computer. this
>> time it's about Sendspace. [2 Updates]
>> Question about Conversation View in YoruFukurou [1 Update]
>> update on searching mailbox for specific messages in lion [1 Update]
>> ChromeVox is now on the Chrome Web Store! [1 Update]
>> Voice Over And Safari [2 Updates]
>> Option-click [1 Update]
>> accessing instant message while in a voice chat in skype [1 Update]
>> Am I a Member of this group? [3 Updates]
>> I can't download anything all of a sudden [1 Update]
>>  Topic: Selecting in safari
>> Matt Dierckens  Oct 05 08:06AM -0400 ^
>> Hey all.
>> I have important information on a facebook message and I need to select
>> everything from it. For some reason however, this isn't seeming possible
>> and I'm frustrated about it. If anyone could give me a hand with this
>> please let me know. Thanks.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> Alex Hall  Oct 05 08:24AM -0400 ^
>> The way I've found to do it is:
>> 1. Interact with the text and move to the start of the desired selection.
>> 2. Hit vo-enter.
>> 3. Use normal commands to move from the start to the end of the selection.
>> 4. Hit vo-enter again, then cmd-c to copy.
>> There's probably an easier way, but that is all I could find on Google
>> when I tried selecting the other day.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>> Matt Dierckens  Oct 05 08:33AM -0400 ^
>> Hi Alex, I just tried, and VO didn't speak anything when I was selecting
>> things. Then I hit command C and it didn't work. Not sure why though.
>> Thanks for the response.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> On 2011-10-05, at 8:24 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Alex Hall  Oct 05 08:35AM -0400 ^
>> Did you interact with the text? I also got no speech and nothing
>> selected, but it was because I hadn't interacted with what I wanted to
>> copy.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>> Matt Dierckens  Oct 05 08:39AM -0400 ^
>> Yep, interacted with the text, it said selecting, then I selected what I
>> wanted to, and hit VO enter and hit command c and it dinged at me.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> On 2011-10-05, at 8:35 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Alex Hall  Oct 05 08:44AM -0400 ^
>> Once you interact, press vo-enter before selecting, then use normal
>> navigation (not holding down shift) to move to the end and hit
>> vo-enter again.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>> Matthew Campbell  Oct 05 08:49AM -0400 ^
>> Hey Matt.
>> One thing that you might want to try is this.
>> First, get VO to where the text is you want to copy
>> Then, press VO shift C to copy the last phrase to the clipboard.
>> Finally, go to text edit or where ever and paste
>> Just keep doing that over and over until you have all that you want. It's
>> kind of annoying way to do it but...
>> One thing to keep in mind is that when VO reads text in safari, it's
>> reading paragraph by paragraph.
>> HTH.
>> On 2011-10-05, at 8:33 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>> Matt Dierckens  Oct 05 08:54AM -0400 ^
>> Hey, that worked. Thanks for that. Kind of sucks that you can't just do
>> select all and copy. Ah well.
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> On 2011-10-05, at 8:49 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Alex Hall  Oct 05 08:55AM -0400 ^
>> What about vo-shift-a? I seem to recall that copying the chunk of text
>> last spoken, not just the phrase.
>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>> Matthew Campbell  Oct 05 10:08AM -0400 ^
>> Hi.
>> According to t

Re: Safari in SL and popup windows

2011-10-05 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav
yes, I find it rather frustrating that Apple Accessibility appears to have been 
rather quiet about this, despite me asking them a few times over... still, 
perhaps they only have recently found out what is causing the issue.

the actual fault presumably lies with the web-site developers, as Apple point 
out that they have simply updated Safari to better keep in line with 
established practice and standard's in the industry... yet, they accept that 
for sites not doing this, it will apparently cause Voice Over to go crazy.

So for me, I've done the following, flattened my Mac, and when software update 
comes up, I'm going to simply not install the Safari updates for now.

I'll get on to the two sites I've had the issue with and ask them to fix their 
issues, and then update later.


Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit

URL: -
e-mail: -
Phone: - +44  844 999 4199

On 5 Oct 2011, at 20:28, Chris Blouch wrote:

This could explain some busy behavior I've experienced with web-based chat apps 
since the browser has to poll the server repeatedly to get incoming events.


On 10/5/11 1:35 PM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
> I did try that, but interestingly have had a reply from Apple Accessibility 
> about this, and would urge anyone else experiencing this issue to write and 
> ask about this too, as they need to know its quite a significant thing if 
> they don't hurry along and find a resolution.
> Accessibility told me...
> Thank you for your email. Safari 5.1 is available for Mac OS X 10.6, it was 
> available through Software Updates. Due to changes in WebKit to bring it more 
> in line with web standards if a single element on a webpage has an automatic 
> refresh and does not report that correctly, Safari will continue to report 
> “busy” to VoiceOver. Apple is investigating the issue, we are unable to 
> comment on when it may be resolved.
> Apple Accessibility
> Of course this does make the point that technically its the fault of the 
> web-site developers in question, but they seem to accept that the problem 
> wasn't there before they, so to speak, fixed it... :).
> Regards,
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> Twitter @neilbarnfather
> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries visit
> URL: -
> e-mail: -
> Phone: - +44  844 999 4199
> On 5 Oct 2011, at 17:59, Paul Erkens wrote:
> Neil,
> I would turn voiceover off and on to see if it helps, because it does, 
> sometimes.
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 6:01 PM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Please forgive me if this has been picked up on previously...
>> I had originally thought this was the fault of one web developer who had 
>> adjusted something which had broke accessibility, but am now not so sure...
>> Using my iMac, which I've kept on SL for the time being, I have now found a 
>> reasonable number of sites which have had some issues with popup windows in 
>> the past few months or so.
>> One site has a popup which appears when you click delete on a message, the 
>> popup springs up, asking if you are sure you wish to delete the message. 
>> this used to work just fine on the iMac in Safari with VO, but now sends VO 
>> into a spin, with it constantly saying, busy, busy, busy, until finally, 
>> after about 2 minutes or so of this, it brakes free and I can use the arrow 
>> keys to navigate to OK in the popup... and I'm free to continue to use the 
>> site.
>> What's interesting about this issue, is that it only seems to affect Safari, 
>> I can command/tab to another running application and VO works just fine, 
>> command tab back to Safari, busy, busy, busy... with me going, grrr, grrr, 
>> grrr.
>> then today, I was selling my old iPHone 4s on a web-site ready for next week 
>> when our new ones arrive, and I had to print a confirmation page, there was 
>> an in page link to click to trigger the print popup, rather than me having 
>> to print the actual Safari page itself... so it was an in page print link, I 
>> pressed it, and boom, busy, busy, busy, grrr, grrr, grrr.
>> this time though the busy did not stop for over three hours, when my 
>> daughter walked in, moved the mouse to the print button, left clicked once, 
>> and bang, back to useable... it was as if Safari and VO were in lock, but if 
>> I were sighted there'd have been no issue whatsoever.
>> anyone any ideas?
>> thanks.
>> Regards,
>> Neil Barnfather
>> Talks List Administrator
>> Twitter @neilbarnfather
>> TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
>> accessible phone, PDA and GPS related enquiries v

Re: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
my brother has tried to ease my worries about the data usage by  
reminding me that the iphone is very good at switching from your  
cellular network to wifi when one is available.  I'm still concerned.   
take care, max

On Oct 5, 2011, at 2:26 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Interesting. So it's like the Dragon iOS approach where they encode  
an audio snippet, send it off and the real work is done on some  
cloud processor? So what was all the claims about using the new A5  
chip and being 4S only because of compute requirements? Maybe it's  
just compute intensive to quickly encode the audio snippet.

That said, spoken word audio is pretty small. 64 or 128kbs is only 8  
or 16 K per second. A typical command is probably only 5 seconds or  
80K at the higher data rate. So just 1MB would handle about 12  
transactions. So a 200MB a month plan would handle some 2500 Siri  
commands. Twice that or more if they are able to compress 64kpbs or  
lower and/or if the commands are less than 5 seconds.

All that said, there is a brewing storm over mobile data caps  
because all the new cloud, sync, mobile innovation is going to hit a  
wall soon. While I got grandfathered in on an unlimited plan for my  
iPhone, my wife has the paltry 200MB plan on hers and we've already  
been dinged once for $15 when she went over. Caps on home cable/dsl  
plans are much more liberal but today's expansive pipe is tomorrow's  
soda straw. It's a cycle that's happened a dozen times or so and I  
do recall the days when 300 baud modems were 'fast' and who would  
need anything faster? Then it was 1200, then 2400, then 9600, then  
14.4, then 28.8 then 56kpb then 128, 256, 512, 1Mbps and today it's  
multiple Mbps. Difference is that back then when you bought a  
256kbps DSL connection it was expected that you could use it all you  
want. Today you can get 25Mbps or higher but there is a cap. What  
good will new faster 4G networks be when you can consume your entire  
plan allotment in a day? This will start to get ugly soon.


On 10/5/11 1:38 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
yes, but the seri feature is only available if you have internet  
access; so the key to this feature's useability will be the cost of  
data plans.  I'm with sprint.  currently, the offer a completely  
unlimited plan, but the roomer sites are all saying its just a  
matter of time before they do away with that or cap it or exclude  
the iphone from it.  anyone have any hard info on that question?   
thanks, max

On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video  
of several use cases of people interacting with their phones purly  
through speech.


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Re: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Matt Dierckens
Iz this just a feature of the IPhone 4S? or is it an IOS thing? Hmmm
Sent from my macbook pro

On 2011-10-05, at 1:38 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> yes, but the seri feature is only available if you have internet access; so 
> the key to this feature's useability will be the cost of data plans.  I'm 
> with sprint.  currently, the offer a completely unlimited plan, but the 
> roomer sites are all saying its just a matter of time before they do away 
> with that or cap it or exclude the iphone from it.  anyone have any hard info 
> on that question?  thanks, max
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video of several 
>> use cases of people interacting with their phones purly through speech.
>> CB
>> -- 
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Re: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
the only thing i read that sounded definite is that the seri digital  
assistant will only be available on the iphone 4's. take care, max

On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:41 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

Iz this just a feature of the IPhone 4S? or is it an IOS thing? Hmmm
Sent from my macbook pro

On 2011-10-05, at 1:38 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

yes, but the seri feature is only available if you have internet  
access; so the key to this feature's useability will be the cost of  
data plans.  I'm with sprint.  currently, the offer a completely  
unlimited plan, but the roomer sites are all saying its just a  
matter of time before they do away with that or cap it or exclude  
the iphone from it.  anyone have any hard info on that question?   
thanks, max

On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video  
of several use cases of people interacting with their phones purly  
through speech.


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Re: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Chris Blouch
Apparently the kids watching Sprout TV on her phone while away from a 
wifi network was the cause of overages in our case. Still, 200MB is 
pretty tiny by today's media standards. Of course that used to suffice 
quite well running the $15/month data plan. For $25/month we could have 
gone for the 2GB plan but it would mostly be wasted. Really should be a 
1, 2 and 4GB plan tier but I know they want to push people to a higher 
cost sooner.


On 10/5/11 3:57 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
my brother has tried to ease my worries about the data usage by 
reminding me that the iphone is very good at switching from your 
cellular network to wifi when one is available.  I'm still concerned.  
take care, max

On Oct 5, 2011, at 2:26 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Interesting. So it's like the Dragon iOS approach where they encode 
an audio snippet, send it off and the real work is done on some cloud 
processor? So what was all the claims about using the new A5 chip and 
being 4S only because of compute requirements? Maybe it's just 
compute intensive to quickly encode the audio snippet.

That said, spoken word audio is pretty small. 64 or 128kbs is only 8 
or 16 K per second. A typical command is probably only 5 seconds or 
80K at the higher data rate. So just 1MB would handle about 12 
transactions. So a 200MB a month plan would handle some 2500 Siri 
commands. Twice that or more if they are able to compress 64kpbs or 
lower and/or if the commands are less than 5 seconds.

All that said, there is a brewing storm over mobile data caps because 
all the new cloud, sync, mobile innovation is going to hit a wall 
soon. While I got grandfathered in on an unlimited plan for my 
iPhone, my wife has the paltry 200MB plan on hers and we've already 
been dinged once for $15 when she went over. Caps on home cable/dsl 
plans are much more liberal but today's expansive pipe is tomorrow's 
soda straw. It's a cycle that's happened a dozen times or so and I do 
recall the days when 300 baud modems were 'fast' and who would need 
anything faster? Then it was 1200, then 2400, then 9600, then 14.4, 
then 28.8 then 56kpb then 128, 256, 512, 1Mbps and today it's 
multiple Mbps. Difference is that back then when you bought a 256kbps 
DSL connection it was expected that you could use it all you want. 
Today you can get 25Mbps or higher but there is a cap. What good will 
new faster 4G networks be when you can consume your entire plan 
allotment in a day? This will start to get ugly soon.


On 10/5/11 1:38 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
yes, but the seri feature is only available if you have internet 
access; so the key to this feature's useability will be the cost of 
data plans.  I'm with sprint.  currently, the offer a completely 
unlimited plan, but the roomer sites are all saying its just a 
matter of time before they do away with that or cap it or exclude 
the iphone from it.  anyone have any hard info on that question?  
thanks, max

On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video 
of several use cases of people interacting with their phones purly 
through speech.


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Re: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Greg Aikens
I thought the Siri app already existed for iPhone.  How is this different?

On Oct 5, 2011, at 3:06 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

> the only thing i read that sounded definite is that the seri digital 
> assistant will only be available on the iphone 4's. take care, max  
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:41 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>> Iz this just a feature of the IPhone 4S? or is it an IOS thing? Hmmm
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> On 2011-10-05, at 1:38 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>>> yes, but the seri feature is only available if you have internet access; so 
>>> the key to this feature's useability will be the cost of data plans.  I'm 
>>> with sprint.  currently, the offer a completely unlimited plan, but the 
>>> roomer sites are all saying its just a matter of time before they do away 
>>> with that or cap it or exclude the iphone from it.  anyone have any hard 
>>> info on that question?  thanks, max
>>> On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
 So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video of 
 several use cases of people interacting with their phones purly through 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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Re: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Chris Blouch
The original Siri iPhone App, before Apple bought them, ran on iPhone 
3GS or better:

They were also going to make Android and Blackberry versions. Dunno if 
they ever did.


On 10/5/11 4:06 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
the only thing i read that sounded definite is that the seri digital 
assistant will only be available on the iphone 4's. take care, max

On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:41 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

Iz this just a feature of the IPhone 4S? or is it an IOS thing? Hmmm
Sent from my macbook pro

On 2011-10-05, at 1:38 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

yes, but the seri feature is only available if you have internet 
access; so the key to this feature's useability will be the cost of 
data plans.  I'm with sprint.  currently, the offer a completely 
unlimited plan, but the roomer sites are all saying its just a 
matter of time before they do away with that or cap it or exclude 
the iphone from it.  anyone have any hard info on that question? 
 thanks, max

On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video 
of several use cases of people interacting with their phones purly 
through speech.


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Re: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Maxwell Ivey Jr.
main reason why i'm not already signed up to buy one too much that no  
one knows for sure.  please correct any misunderstandings for me.   
thank you, max

On Oct 5, 2011, at 3:23 PM, Greg Aikens wrote:

I thought the Siri app already existed for iPhone.  How is this  

On Oct 5, 2011, at 3:06 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

the only thing i read that sounded definite is that the seri  
digital assistant will only be available on the iphone 4's. take  
care, max

On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:41 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

Iz this just a feature of the IPhone 4S? or is it an IOS thing? Hmmm
Sent from my macbook pro

On 2011-10-05, at 1:38 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

yes, but the seri feature is only available if you have internet  
access; so the key to this feature's useability will be the cost  
of data plans.  I'm with sprint.  currently, the offer a  
completely unlimited plan, but the roomer sites are all saying  
its just a matter of time before they do away with that or cap it  
or exclude the iphone from it.  anyone have any hard info on that  
question?  thanks, max

On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a  
video of several use cases of people interacting with their  
phones purly through speech.


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solved viewing html code in text edit

2011-10-05 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
HI all,

Here is how to view html code in textedit:
1. open  htm file
2 go to textedit preferences 
3. go to open and save tab
4. check the disregard Rich text format checkbox. 
5. close and Reopen the file.



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Re: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Doug Lawlor
>From what I understand Siri is doing all processing on the phone, hense the 
>reason for only running on the 4s only. It needs the A5 processor. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 2011-10-05, at 6:01 PM, "Maxwell Ivey Jr."  wrote:

> main reason why i'm not already signed up to buy one too much that no one 
> knows for sure.  please correct any misunderstandings for me.  thank you, max 
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 3:23 PM, Greg Aikens wrote:
>> I thought the Siri app already existed for iPhone.  How is this different?
>> On Oct 5, 2011, at 3:06 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>>> the only thing i read that sounded definite is that the seri digital 
>>> assistant will only be available on the iphone 4's. take care, max  
>>> On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:41 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
 Iz this just a feature of the IPhone 4S? or is it an IOS thing? Hmmm
 Sent from my macbook pro
 On 2011-10-05, at 1:38 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
> yes, but the seri feature is only available if you have internet access; 
> so the key to this feature's useability will be the cost of data plans.  
> I'm with sprint.  currently, the offer a completely unlimited plan, but 
> the roomer sites are all saying its just a matter of time before they do 
> away with that or cap it or exclude the iphone from it.  anyone have any 
> hard info on that question?  thanks, max
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video of 
>> several use cases of people interacting with their phones purly through 
>> speech.
>> CB
>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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RE: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Allison Mervis
It's only going to be available on the iPhone 4S due to the hardware
requirements needed to run it.



[] On Behalf Of Matt Dierckens
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: iPhone 4s and Siri


Iz this just a feature of the IPhone 4S? or is it an IOS thing? Hmmm


Sent from my macbook pro


On 2011-10-05, at 1:38 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

yes, but the seri feature is only available if you have internet access; so
the key to this feature's useability will be the cost of data plans.  I'm
with sprint.  currently, the offer a completely unlimited plan, but the
roomer sites are all saying its just a matter of time before they do away
with that or cap it or exclude the iphone from it.  anyone have any hard
info on that question?  thanks, max
On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video of several
use cases of people interacting with their phones purly through speech.





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Re: saving textedit in subfolder of documents folder

2011-10-05 Thread Esther
Hi Ioana,

There are Finder shortcuts that you can use to go to specific folders, and 
these work in the dialog windows as well.  One useful shortcut that I posted 
about yesterday is Command-Shift-G, which stands for "Go to Folder".  This can 
be used to specify a path to a folder on any mounted device, with any number of 
subfolders in the path.  It can be a folder under the main System directory, a 
subfolder on an external disk drive or one on an attached USB memory stick.  
For the case you outline of saving to a subfolder of Documents I would first 
press  Command-S to save, and then in the dialog window I would press 
Command-Shift-G.  In the text box I would type:
That's an initial tilde symbol (by pressing the Shift key in combination with 
the accent key at the far left of the row of number keys on an English language 
input keyboard), to indicate the present user's home directory, followed by a 
slash, followed by the word "Documents", followed by another slash, followed by 
the name of the subfolder, which is "Papers" in the current example.

The other way you could navigate to the folder if, for example, you didn't 
remember its name, or if you wanted to check the file names in the subfolder to 
use consistent naming syntax, is to navigate past the text field for the file 
name in the "Save as" dialog to the check box for "Disclosure" and activate 
this (with VO-Space, or by pressing the Up and Down arrow keys simultaneously 
if you are in QuickNav mode, or by double tapping on the TrackPad in you are 
navigating with TrackPad Commander).  This will expand to show you a window 
like the regular full, Finder windows where you can navigate through the 
contents of the selected folder.  So, if you are in the Documents folder (as 
noted by the pop up menu button selection), you can navigate (VO-Right arrow, 
using the arrow keys of QuickNav, or with right flicks on the TrackPad with 
TrackPad Commander) to the file browser and interact.  The view of Finder that 
you see here can be selected with Command-1 (icon view), Command-2 (list view), 
or Command-3 (column view) just as it can with Finder.  I use list view if I 
want information on the modification date, because I can easily navigate to 
that column and sort (with VO-Shift-Backslash on an English input keyboard -- 
for other languages you can use VO-H-H to bring up the Commands Window, 
navigate to "Tables" and select the entry for "Sort column").  This lists the 
files in modification date order instead of alphabetically by name, and is a 
quick way to find the most recently modified files.  Actually, you can sort on 
any column of information that is displayed in list view mode.  (Sorting is a 
toggle action, and when applied a second time will reverse the order of the 
sort.)  You can use column view mode display if you want to easily view and 
navigate to subfolders.  In all of these modes, you can navigate down folders.  
Then, when you save the file with specified name, it will be stored in your 
selected folder.

Incidentally, in the first example, after using Command-Shift-G, typing in the 
folder path, and with the name of the  file correctly filled in, I just press 
the Return key to commit the selections in the save action instead of 
navigating to "Save" buttons in the menu. Similarly, if I want to cancel an 
action, I press the Escape key instead of navigating to a "Cancel" button.  
This works more efficiently in many dialog windows, provided you are familiar 
with the menu contents.

In general, if you want to read up on Finder menu shortcuts, and many VoiceOver 
tips and tricks, a good place to check is Tim Kilburn's VoiceOver pages:

This is a great source of information about the general layout of apps.  Look 
at his keyboard shortcuts link for the information I gave above.  The pages are 
written for Snow Leopard, Leopard, and Tiger.  I'm not sure whether everything 
is up to date, because Tim was away from the list for quite a while between 
Leopard and the release of Snow Leopard, and started updating for Snow Leopard 
when he came back some months ago.  I haven't seen many posts from him 
recently, but his information is excellent when he has a chance to post.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Oct 5, 2011, at 08:37, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

> Hi all,
> I cannot for the world figure   out how to save a document in a subfolder of 
> documents. I see the save where menu and press it and find options like idisk 
> or pictures or etc but don't know how to go in subfolders.
> Thanks for our clarifications.
> Ioana

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Re: ChromeVox is now on the Chrome Web Store!

2011-10-05 Thread Kevin Chao
In Chrome preferences, there are three different settings that one can
select from that affect what happens when you open Chrome:
* default: open start page
* open home page
* open tabs/windows from previous session (this option is what I have selected)

For various feedback, such as suggestions, bugs, etc. I strongly
encourage communicating with Google accessibility who is very open,
interactive, and very rapid about addressing feedback.
Please use Google accessibility feedback page:

Yes, one of many benefits of using ChromeVox from Chrome web store
(aside from a newer version with several improvements) is that it will
like all Google products/services silently auto-update in the


On 10/5/11, Garth Humphreys  wrote:
> Hi Kevin
> Thanks for the instructions for deleting the extension prior to reinstalling
> from the web store. It worked perfectly.  Do I understand correctly that one
> benefit of changing to the web store version is that the extension will auto
> update in the same way that Chrome does?
> Garth
> On 05/10/2011, at 12:06 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:
>> Which version of Chrome are you running> GO to Chrome Menu>About and
>> copy that info and paste it into an email message. Before installing
>> ChromeVox from Chrome Web Store, did you uninstall the previous
>> version?
>> Omnibar: Chrome://extensions/
>> TAB to uninstall, RETURN, and OK.
>> now, you can install ChromeVox from Chrome Web Store.
>> Kevin
>> On 10/4/11, Jim Fettgather  wrote:
>>> I had downloaded and installed Chrome, have gone to the Chrome store,
>>> and installed Chromebox, but when starting Chrome, and turning off
>>> Voiceover, still no speech.
>>> I just get the typical bong sound when using Control option  right arrow
>>> or down arrow, so not sure how to ensure that everything is installed
>>> properly.
>>> Thanks for any tips.
>>> On 10/4/2011 1:17 PM, David Hole wrote:
 This is awwwsome!
 I've just installed it, and it was easy as H!
 Søren, ChromeVox is a javascript based screen reader for Chrome and
 Chrome OS.
 Try it out, and see how good it works in for example gMail! Just
 remember to turn off VO since it disturbs you when using.
 Den 04.10.2011 18:32, skrev �:
> Sorry, what is Chromevox?
> Best regards:
> S�ren Jensen
> Mail&  MSN:
> Website:
> Den 04/10/2011 kl. 04.54 skrev Kevin Chao:
>> This is wonderful, fantastic, and awesome! It will resolve 99.99% of
>> installation/initial setup issues.
>> -- Forwarded message --
>> From: rshearer
>> Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 17:23:53 -0700 (PDT)
>> Subject: ChromeVox is now on the Chrome Web Store!
>> To:
>> Hi everybody,
>> I've mentioned this on a couple threads already, but I thought I
>> would make
>> an announcement to the group...
>> We just added ChromeVox to the Chrome Web Store! Hooray!
>> Here are some of the advantages to installing ChromeVox from the Web
>> Store:
>> - You'll get automatic updates
>> - Version numbers mean something
>> - We have a fancy new icon :)
>> I updated the Installation Instructions here:
>> and they
>> describe how to download it from the Web Store.
>> Here is the quick version:
>> 1) Make sure you're running Chrome 14 or higher
>> 2) Uninstall any previous version of ChromeVox
>> 3) Go to the ChromeVox page in the Chrome Web Store:
>> 4) Click on the "Add to Chrome" button
>> 5) A dialog should pop up titled "Confirm Installation" that lists the
>> permissions that ChromeVox needs. We have a wiki page now about why
>> we need
>> these permissions if you're interested:
>> .
>> Click on
>> the "Install" button to complete the installation process.
>> 6) Yay, ChromeVox is now installed!
>> --
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Re: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Christine Grassman
OK, I'm confused now -- does this mean that those with iPhone 3GS's and 4's can 
still get the sIRI app?
On Oct 5, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> The original Siri iPhone App, before Apple bought them, ran on iPhone 3GS or 
> better:
> They were also going to make Android and Blackberry versions. Dunno if they 
> ever did.
> CB
> On 10/5/11 4:06 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>> the only thing i read that sounded definite is that the seri digital 
>> assistant will only be available on the iphone 4's. take care, max  
>> On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:41 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>>> Iz this just a feature of the IPhone 4S? or is it an IOS thing? Hmmm
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
>>> On 2011-10-05, at 1:38 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
 yes, but the seri feature is only available if you have internet access; 
 so the key to this feature's useability will be the cost of data plans.  
 I'm with sprint.  currently, the offer a completely unlimited plan, but 
 the roomer sites are all saying its just a matter of time before they do 
 away with that or cap it or exclude the iphone from it.  anyone have any 
 hard info on that question?  thanks, max
 On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video of 
> several use cases of people interacting with their phones purly through 
> speech.
> CB
> -- 
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Re: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Chris Blouch
Nope. Apple bought the company then everything fell silent until 
yesterday. All links and such that used to point to the app or the 
company now redirect to Apple's Siri pages. That's why my URL had to use 
google's webcache to pull up the original page before it got redirected. 
So I was just saying that after Apple bought it the app suddenly 
required only the latest hardware to operate. That said, it seems to be 
quite a slick and well integrated solution.


On 10/5/11 5:30 PM, Christine Grassman wrote:
OK, I'm confused now -- does this mean that those with iPhone 3GS's 
and 4's can still get the sIRI app?

On Oct 5, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

The original Siri iPhone App, before Apple bought them, ran on iPhone 
3GS or better:

They were also going to make Android and Blackberry versions. Dunno 
if they ever did.


On 10/5/11 4:06 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
the only thing i read that sounded definite is that the seri digital 
assistant will only be available on the iphone 4's. take care, max

On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:41 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

Iz this just a feature of the IPhone 4S? or is it an IOS thing? Hmmm
Sent from my macbook pro

On 2011-10-05, at 1:38 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

yes, but the seri feature is only available if you have internet 
access; so the key to this feature's useability will be the cost 
of data plans.  I'm with sprint.  currently, the offer a 
completely unlimited plan, but the roomer sites are all saying its 
just a matter of time before they do away with that or cap it or 
exclude the iphone from it.  anyone have any hard info on that 
question?  thanks, max

On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video 
of several use cases of people interacting with their phones 
purly through speech.


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Re: Questions

2011-10-05 Thread Teresa Cochran
You might want to use it with Bluetooth only. There is a bug that doesn't allow 
it to utilize the USB properly. I can get the USB to work, but only after the 
display has been idle for about fifteen minutes. Also, in USB mode, the whiz 
wheels do not function.

On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:47 PM, David Eagle wrote:

> When you plug it in it should automatically show something on the
> display. Mine said Battery Charging. To get it to show you what's
> appearing on your computer though, press one of the cursor routing
> buttons. The two rows above your display. This works fine for me.
> On 05/10/2011, Becky Knaub  wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Do Focus 40 Blue braille displays work with the MAC?
>> If they do as I think they do Could anyone tell me how to make My MBP detect
>> the display when its plugged in the USB port? It won't detect the display
>> either way ad I have tried everything I can think of.
>> Since I really need the display to work so I can edit my papers for school I
>> would appreciate if anyone could help.
>> Second Is it possible to play ogg files on the mac and if so what version of
>> the software would I need to get for an MBP with Lion on it?
>> Thanks ,
>> Becky
>> On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:41 AM, wrote:
>>>  Today's Topic Summary
>>> Group:
>>> Selecting in safari [11 Updates]
>>> THank you, Esther [1 Update]
>>> The continuing adventures of David eagle and his Apple Mac computer. this
>>> time it's about Sendspace. [2 Updates]
>>> Question about Conversation View in YoruFukurou [1 Update]
>>> update on searching mailbox for specific messages in lion [1 Update]
>>> ChromeVox is now on the Chrome Web Store! [1 Update]
>>> Voice Over And Safari [2 Updates]
>>> Option-click [1 Update]
>>> accessing instant message while in a voice chat in skype [1 Update]
>>> Am I a Member of this group? [3 Updates]
>>> I can't download anything all of a sudden [1 Update]
>>> Topic: Selecting in safari
>>> Matt Dierckens  Oct 05 08:06AM -0400 ^
>>> Hey all.
>>> I have important information on a facebook message and I need to select
>>> everything from it. For some reason however, this isn't seeming possible
>>> and I'm frustrated about it. If anyone could give me a hand with this
>>> please let me know. Thanks.
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
>>> Alex Hall  Oct 05 08:24AM -0400 ^
>>> The way I've found to do it is:
>>> 1. Interact with the text and move to the start of the desired selection.
>>> 2. Hit vo-enter.
>>> 3. Use normal commands to move from the start to the end of the selection.
>>> 4. Hit vo-enter again, then cmd-c to copy.
>>> There's probably an easier way, but that is all I could find on Google
>>> when I tried selecting the other day.
>>> --
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>>> Matt Dierckens  Oct 05 08:33AM -0400 ^
>>> Hi Alex, I just tried, and VO didn't speak anything when I was selecting
>>> things. Then I hit command C and it didn't work. Not sure why though.
>>> Thanks for the response.
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
>>> On 2011-10-05, at 8:24 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Alex Hall  Oct 05 08:35AM -0400 ^
>>> Did you interact with the text? I also got no speech and nothing
>>> selected, but it was because I hadn't interacted with what I wanted to
>>> copy.
>>> --
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>>> Matt Dierckens  Oct 05 08:39AM -0400 ^
>>> Yep, interacted with the text, it said selecting, then I selected what I
>>> wanted to, and hit VO enter and hit command c and it dinged at me.
>>> Matt
>>> Sent from my macbook pro
>>> On 2011-10-05, at 8:35 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Alex Hall  Oct 05 08:44AM -0400 ^
>>> Once you interact, press vo-enter before selecting, then use normal
>>> navigation (not holding down shift) to move to the end and hit
>>> vo-enter again.
>>> --
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
>>> Matthew Campbell  Oct 05 08:49AM -0400 ^
>>> Hey Matt.
>>> One thing that you might want to try is this.
>>> First, get VO to where the text is you want to copy
>>> Then, press VO shift C to copy the last phrase to the clipboard.
>>> Finally, go to text edit or where ever and paste
>>> Just keep doing that over and over until you have all that you want. It's
>>> kind of annoying way to do it but...
>>> One thing to keep in mind is that when VO reads text in safari, it's
>>> reading paragraph by paragraph.
>>> HTH.
>>> On 2011-10-05, at 8:33 AM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>>> Matt Dierckens  Oct 05 08:54AM -0400 ^
>>> Hey, that worked. Thanks for that. Kind of sucks that you

Re: editing html code

2011-10-05 Thread Teresa Cochran
in order to see the results of your markup, you'll have to open the HTML in 
Safari. As you edit your text file, save it also as an HTML file and open that 
in Safari. You could simply save these over the previous one so youjust have 
two files with the same name, one with a txt and one with an hTML extension.

On Oct 5, 2011, at 11:02 AM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:

> HI,
> Thanks for your answer. Could you outline the steps to take? I downloaded the 
> html file. I opened it in textedit. Then I went to format and selected plane 
> text. I saved and got a .txt file but still could not see the code.
> w
> On Oct 4, 2011, at 11:22 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, Ioana,
>> I'd think TextEdit would work well for this. I used to use Notepad for this 
>> very same thing. I haven't tried this with TextEdit, but I'm sure it would 
>> work. Just be sure you save it as a text file and don't have any formatting 
>> in it. Then you could save another version as html and view it in Safari to 
>> check the results.
>> HTH,
>> Teresa
>> On Oct 4, 2011, at 6:05 PM, Ioana Gandrabur wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> In windows I would sometimes use notepad to make simple additions to my 
>>> news section of my web page.
>>> I have downloaded the html file and was wondering what best to use to add 
>>> more entries. I basically need to see the code exactly to replicate it for 
>>> the new entries. Hope this explanation makes sense.
>>> Thanks for your help,
>>> Ioana
>>> -- 
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> |What am I missing?
> -- 
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RE: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Allison Mervis
Yes, you can still get the app on the 3GS or 4,  but from what I gather, it
doesn't do as many things as the built-in voice assistant on the 4S.



[] On Behalf Of Christine Grassman
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: iPhone 4s and Siri


OK, I'm confused now -- does this mean that those with iPhone 3GS's and 4's
can still get the sIRI app?


On Oct 5, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

The original Siri iPhone App, before Apple bought them, ran on iPhone 3GS or


They were also going to make Android and Blackberry versions. Dunno if they
ever did.


On 10/5/11 4:06 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote: 

the only thing i read that sounded definite is that the seri digital
assistant will only be available on the iphone 4's. take care, max  

On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:41 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

Iz this just a feature of the IPhone 4S? or is it an IOS thing? Hmmm


Sent from my macbook pro


On 2011-10-05, at 1:38 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

yes, but the seri feature is only available if you have internet access; so
the key to this feature's useability will be the cost of data plans.  I'm
with sprint.  currently, the offer a completely unlimited plan, but the
roomer sites are all saying its just a matter of time before they do away
with that or cap it or exclude the iphone from it.  anyone have any hard
info on that question?  thanks, max
On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video of several
use cases of people interacting with their phones purly through speech.





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RE: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Allison Mervis
Oh goodness, I didn't realize they had pulled the app. I apologize for the
misinformation in my previous post.



[] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: iPhone 4s and Siri


Nope. Apple bought the company then everything fell silent until yesterday.
All links and such that used to point to the app or the company now redirect
to Apple's Siri pages. That's why my URL had to use google's webcache to
pull up the original page before it got redirected. So I was just saying
that after Apple bought it the app suddenly required only the latest
hardware to operate. That said, it seems to be quite a slick and well
integrated solution.


On 10/5/11 5:30 PM, Christine Grassman wrote: 

OK, I'm confused now -- does this mean that those with iPhone 3GS's and 4's
can still get the sIRI app? 


On Oct 5, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

The original Siri iPhone App, before Apple bought them, ran on iPhone 3GS or


They were also going to make Android and Blackberry versions. Dunno if they
ever did.


On 10/5/11 4:06 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote: 

the only thing i read that sounded definite is that the seri digital
assistant will only be available on the iphone 4's. take care, max  

On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:41 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

Iz this just a feature of the IPhone 4S? or is it an IOS thing? Hmmm


Sent from my macbook pro


On 2011-10-05, at 1:38 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

yes, but the seri feature is only available if you have internet access; so
the key to this feature's useability will be the cost of data plans.  I'm
with sprint.  currently, the offer a completely unlimited plan, but the
roomer sites are all saying its just a matter of time before they do away
with that or cap it or exclude the iphone from it.  anyone have any hard
info on that question?  thanks, max
On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video of several
use cases of people interacting with their phones purly through speech.





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R. I. steve Jobs!

2011-10-05 Thread Karen Lewellen

It is with deep sadness that I share that Steve Jobs has died at the age 
of 56.
May his talent and legasy live on in the tools we use to rock the world 
in our own way.


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Steve Jobs has died!!

2011-10-05 Thread Charlie Doremus
I thought that this was a really bad joke 'till I tuned to CNN
The man and his little machines changed our world, the Mac world will miss him. 



Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click 
the off the bookshelf link 

On Oct 5, 2011, at 1:30 PM, "Allison Mervis"  wrote:

> Yes, you can still get the app on the 3GS or 4,  but from what I gather, it 
> doesn't do as many things as the built-in voice assistant on the 4S.
> Allison
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Christine Grassman
> Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 2:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: iPhone 4s and Siri
> OK, I'm confused now -- does this mean that those with iPhone 3GS's and 4's 
> can still get the sIRI app?
> Christine
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> The original Siri iPhone App, before Apple bought them, ran on iPhone 3GS or 
> better:
> They were also going to make Android and Blackberry versions. Dunno if they 
> ever did.
> CB
> On 10/5/11 4:06 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
> the only thing i read that sounded definite is that the seri digital 
> assistant will only be available on the iphone 4's. take care, max  
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:41 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
> Iz this just a feature of the IPhone 4S? or is it an IOS thing? Hmmm
> Matt
> Sent from my macbook pro
> On 2011-10-05, at 1:38 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
> yes, but the seri feature is only available if you have internet access; so 
> the key to this feature's useability will be the cost of data plans.  I'm 
> with sprint.  currently, the offer a completely unlimited plan, but the 
> roomer sites are all saying its just a matter of time before they do away 
> with that or cap it or exclude the iphone from it.  anyone have any hard info 
> on that question?  thanks, max
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video of several 
> use cases of people interacting with their phones purly through speech.
>> CB
>> --
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[Mac-cessibility News] Steve Jobs Passes Away

2011-10-05 Thread Maccessibility
Steve Jobs Passes Away

It is with the utmost sadness that  we must report the news of Apple Inc.
co-founder Steve Jobs's passing today, just six weeks after he stepped down as
CEO of the company he helped found over thirty years ago.
Those of us who work to provide content for Mac-cessibility are only a small
number of [...]

You can read the rest of this news item at:

The Mac-cessibility Network
"'s all within our reach..."

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Re: R.I.P. steve Jobs!

2011-10-05 Thread Red.Falcon
Rest in piece Steve!

On 6 Oct 2011, at 00:51, Karen Lewellen wrote:

> All,
> It is with deep sadness that I share that Steve Jobs has died at the age of 
> 56.
> May his talent and legacy live on in the tools we use to rock the world in 
> our own way.
> Karen
> -- 
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RE: authentication busy at lion log in screen?

2011-10-05 Thread Robert Hooper
Hello list:

I frequently experience this bug as well on my mid-2010 MacBook Pro. Sometimes 
it will never be "free" (as opposed to "busy") and I will be forced to just 
turn off the computer (as it can grow quite warm if I leave it on at this 
point). Any other takers? Solutions?

Robert Hooper
The Ohio State University
0653 Buckeye-Cuyahoga CT
653 Cuyahoga Court
Columbus, Ohio 43210
(740) 856-8195

-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of trahern culver
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 3:40 PM
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: authentication bizzy at lion log in screen?

hey all a friend and i notest that authentication is quite offen bizzy at the 
lion log in screen when the mac starts also at the log in screen on start up 
when you turn voice over on off then back on agane it doesn't speek does any 
one know how to solv these problems? and are they officially recognised bugs?

thanks for your help

kind regards trahern.

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RE: Steve Jobs has died!!

2011-10-05 Thread Allison Mervis
How sad, although unfortunately given his recent resignation from Apple, not
entirely unexpected. I wonder if there will be any kind of broadcast
memorial service.



[] On Behalf Of Charlie Doremus
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 4:53 PM
Subject: Steve Jobs has died!!


I thought that this was a really bad joke 'till I tuned to CNN

The man and his little machines changed our world, the Mac world will miss





Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click
the off the bookshelf link 



On Oct 5, 2011, at 1:30 PM, "Allison Mervis"  wrote:

Yes, you can still get the app on the 3GS or 4,  but from what I gather, it
doesn't do as many things as the built-in voice assistant on the 4S.



[] On Behalf Of Christine Grassman
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: iPhone 4s and Siri


OK, I'm confused now -- does this mean that those with iPhone 3GS's and 4's
can still get the sIRI app?


On Oct 5, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

The original Siri iPhone App, before Apple bought them, ran on iPhone 3GS or


They were also going to make Android and Blackberry versions. Dunno if they
ever did.


On 10/5/11 4:06 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote: 

the only thing i read that sounded definite is that the seri digital
assistant will only be available on the iphone 4's. take care, max  

On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:41 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

Iz this just a feature of the IPhone 4S? or is it an IOS thing? Hmmm


Sent from my macbook pro


On 2011-10-05, at 1:38 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

yes, but the seri feature is only available if you have internet access; so
the key to this feature's useability will be the cost of data plans.  I'm
with sprint.  currently, the offer a completely unlimited plan, but the
roomer sites are all saying its just a matter of time before they do away
with that or cap it or exclude the iphone from it.  anyone have any hard
info on that question?  thanks, max
On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video of several
use cases of people interacting with their phones purly through speech.





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RE: iPhone 4s and Siri

2011-10-05 Thread Robert Hooper
Hello Greg:

The iPhone 5 has the features of Siri integrated into the operating system, 
whereas the App available for the iPhone 4 requires one to be in the 
application. For example, if I were to somehow obtain an iPhone 5 by selling 
all my worldly possessions, I could hold down the home button, and, much like 
the "voice control" feature present on the current iPhone model, I could say 
"send a message to Greg professing my love", and it would send a message to 
Greg, after pausing for an awkward moment. The difference is the integration, 
which is nice. I will resist my urge to endure absolute poverty and wait for my 
next upgrade (October of next year). I will then acquire the next model of 
iPhone (if the arrival of such is imminent). The features of the new iPhone are 
nice, but they don't make me drool with desire or anything. I have my eye on 
the LTE version, whenever that may be.

Robert Hooper
The Ohio State University
0653 Buckeye-Cuyahoga CT
653 Cuyahoga Court
Columbus, Ohio 43210
(740) 856-8195

From: [] 
On Behalf Of Greg Aikens
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 4:24 PM
Subject: Re: iPhone 4s and Siri

I thought the Siri app already existed for iPhone.  How is this different?

On Oct 5, 2011, at 3:06 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

the only thing i read that sounded definite is that the seri digital assistant 
will only be available on the iphone 4's. take care, max
On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:41 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:

Iz this just a feature of the IPhone 4S? or is it an IOS thing? Hmmm
Sent from my macbook pro

On 2011-10-05, at 1:38 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:

yes, but the seri feature is only available if you have internet access; so the 
key to this feature's useability will be the cost of data plans.  I'm with 
sprint.  currently, the offer a completely unlimited plan, but the roomer sites 
are all saying its just a matter of time before they do away with that or cap 
it or exclude the iphone from it.  anyone have any hard info on that question?  
thanks, max
On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video of several 
use cases of people interacting with their phones purly through speech.


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Re: Lion Growl no longer free

2011-10-05 Thread erik burggraaf
If it's 2 bucks I'm gonna pay and be happy to have the service.  It's so useful 
that apple should just buy it and build it into the OS.

Erik Burggraaf
This month in Ebony Promos: Two new gps systems for demo. Mac OS Lion When will 
it be supported?  Ebony Consulting at accessibility Unconference Toronto. To 
read more and subscribe, Visit:
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2011-10-05, at 2:49 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> So I just had somebody ping me about upgrading to Lion and how they would 
> need to update Growl but now it was $2 instead of free. This got me 
> wondering. For many chat apps, or at least the ones I use often like Skype, 
> AIM and Adium, Growl is the common way to get incoming messages read. If it's 
> no longer a free solution for these otherwise free apps, should these chat 
> apps now go back and start adding self-voicing to their incoming messages? I 
> know AIM has this feature today but others got a bit of a pass because Growl 
> could take care of it.
> CB
> -- 
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a change in the way samples are handled?

2011-10-05 Thread Ray Foret Jr

Anybody here noticed what appears to be a major recoding in the way 
samples are handled?  Now, it looks like that when you go to:

and find a sample, the link is coded so that Voice Over can see and use it.  IF 
you have click to Flash installed, you will need to press return to play the 
sample.  IF not, just press VO+space to hear a sample.  You can only pause and 
play but not move forward and backward within a sample.  Anybody else noticed 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


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Re: listening to and using loops in Garage Band?

2011-10-05 Thread CJ Daniel

Any chance of downloading the Garage Band tutorials from some where, before the 
Mobile Access site is up & running again?  I'd really appreciate it, if it is 
possible.  I was hoping to get started with my learning curve, now that I have 
Lion installed.



On Aug 31, 2011, at 5:44 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> you should check out the audio tutorials I did on Garageband.  I cover this 
> and a whole lot more.  Go to and on the site, do a 
> search for garageband. 
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I recently downloaded the 1.2gb pack of Apple instruments and loops and all 
>> that.  I then enabled the loop browser and was looking at the table of drum 
>> loops (in column view).  The help tag says to click a loop to hear it, or 
>> drag it to use it in the project.  However, selecting a table row (vo-space, 
>> up-down, mouse click) will not play the loop.  How do I get a loop to play? 
>> How, if I decide to use a loop, do I "drag" it to my song in order to use 
>> it, as the tag says? As always, thanks for all your help!
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
>> -- 
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Re: listening to and using loops in Garage Band?

2011-10-05 Thread Ricardo Walker

Here goes the links.

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

And the bonus episode.

I hope you find them useful.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:39 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:

> Ricardo,
> Any chance of downloading the Garage Band tutorials from some where, before 
> the Mobile Access site is up & running again?  I'd really appreciate it, if 
> it is possible.  I was hoping to get started with my learning curve, now that 
> I have Lion installed.
> Thanks,
> CJ
> On Aug 31, 2011, at 5:44 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> you should check out the audio tutorials I did on Garageband.  I cover this 
>> and a whole lot more.  Go to and on the site, do a 
>> search for garageband. 
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> On Aug 31, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I recently downloaded the 1.2gb pack of Apple instruments and loops and all 
>>> that.  I then enabled the loop browser and was looking at the table of drum 
>>> loops (in column view).  The help tag says to click a loop to hear it, or 
>>> drag it to use it in the project.  However, selecting a table row 
>>> (vo-space, up-down, mouse click) will not play the loop.  How do I get a 
>>> loop to play? How, if I decide to use a loop, do I "drag" it to my song in 
>>> order to use it, as the tag says? As always, thanks for all your help!
>>> Have a great day,
>>> Alex (msg sent from BrailleNote
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: a change in the way samples are handled?

2011-10-05 Thread Ricardo Walker

Its been this way for me for about a year now with click to flash installed.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:28 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Say,
> Anybody here noticed what appears to be a major recoding in the way 
> samples are handled?  Now, it looks like that when you go to:
> and find a sample, the link is coded so that Voice Over can see and use it.  
> IF you have click to Flash installed, you will need to press return to play 
> the sample.  IF not, just press VO+space to hear a sample.  You can only 
> pause and play but not move forward and backward within a sample.  Anybody 
> else noticed that?
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> -- 
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Re: Steve Jobs has died!!

2011-10-05 Thread Teresa Cochran
I regret that I didn't write him a letter about how much his work has changed 
my life. Thanks, Steve. R.I.P.

On Oct 5, 2011, at 6:01 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:

> How sad, although unfortunately given his recent resignation from Apple, not 
> entirely unexpected. I wonder if there will be any kind of broadcast memorial 
> service.
> Allison
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Charlie Doremus
> Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 4:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: Steve Jobs has died!!
> I thought that this was a really bad joke 'till I tuned to CNN
> The man and his little machines changed our world, the Mac world will miss 
> him. 
> Aloha, 
> Charlie
> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at click 
> the off the bookshelf link 
> On Oct 5, 2011, at 1:30 PM, "Allison Mervis"  wrote:
>> Yes, you can still get the app on the 3GS or 4,  but from what I gather, it 
>> doesn't do as many things as the built-in voice assistant on the 4S.
>> Allison
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Christine Grassman
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 2:30 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: iPhone 4s and Siri
>> OK, I'm confused now -- does this mean that those with iPhone 3GS's and 4's 
>> can still get the sIRI app?
>> Christine
>> On Oct 5, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> The original Siri iPhone App, before Apple bought them, ran on iPhone 3GS or 
>> better:
>> They were also going to make Android and Blackberry versions. Dunno if they 
>> ever did.
>> CB
>> On 10/5/11 4:06 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>> the only thing i read that sounded definite is that the seri digital 
>> assistant will only be available on the iphone 4's. take care, max  
>> On Oct 5, 2011, at 12:41 PM, Matt Dierckens wrote:
>> Iz this just a feature of the IPhone 4S? or is it an IOS thing? Hmmm
>> Matt
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> On 2011-10-05, at 1:38 PM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>> yes, but the seri feature is only available if you have internet access; so 
>> the key to this feature's useability will be the cost of data plans.  I'm 
>> with sprint.  currently, the offer a completely unlimited plan, but the 
>> roomer sites are all saying its just a matter of time before they do away 
>> with that or cap it or exclude the iphone from it.  anyone have any hard 
>> info on that question?  thanks, max
>> On Oct 5, 2011, at 10:17 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> So in case you haven't already found this, Apple released a video of several 
>> use cases of people interacting with their phones purly through speech.
>>> CB
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My Tribute to Steve Jobs

2011-10-05 Thread Austin Seraphin
I figured I should write something.

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Steve Jobs Passes Away Aged 56

2011-10-05 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav
Dear All,

Many of you may already be aware of the sad news of Steve Jobs passing, for 
those of you who are not, sadly, Steve has lost his ongoing battle against 

May I personally say that whilst the work involving Voice Over may not per-say 
have been under his direct control and influence, I'm sure that his overriding 
philosophies, expectations and essence shall have played a part, and made their 
unique way into the product that many of us use today.

A truly remarkable, visionary and pioneer has been lost to us all on this day.

Rest in peace Steve...

Steve Jobs 1955 - 2011

Neil Barnfather

Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather

TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, for all your
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