deleting stuff in mail

2011-09-13 Thread Anouk Radix
Hi everyone,
Is it possible to delete stuff in mail without interacting with the mail boxes?
I have only one email account but it still does not seem easy to delete read 
and deleted stuff.
Greetings, Anouk,

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Re: deleting stuff in mail

2011-09-13 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Anouk,
Each time you have read a message, once back in the message table, hit 
backspace. To clean up trash folder, hit command shift backspace and answer the 
On Sep 13, 2011, at 9:01 AM, Anouk Radix wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Is it possible to delete stuff in mail without interacting with the mail 
> boxes?
> I have only one email account but it still does not seem easy to delete read 
> and deleted stuff.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> -- 
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Re: simulating double mouselcick (doubleclick)

2011-09-13 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Anouk,
Route the mouse over to the vo cursor with command vo f5, check to see that the 
mouse is indeed on the spot you want with vo f5, then perform a physical double 
click by pressing the lower left corner of the track pad twice in quick 
On Sep 13, 2011, at 5:46 AM, Anouk Radix wrote:

> Hi, I need to copy some text from an application that does not reside within 
> an edit field. The application tells me the text will be copied to the 
> clipboard if I doubleclick with the mouse on it.
> I have all my cursors routed together so I know when my cursor is on the 
> right place but how do I simulate a double click with vo?
> Thanks, Greetings, Anouk,
> -- 
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Re: Tax Program

2011-09-13 Thread Scott Howell
I have used for several years. It takes a little getting used too, 
but it does get the job done. Of course when it automatically imports previous 
year tax information is a really big time saver. Of course E-filing was the 
reason I chose the service years ago. 
On Sep 12, 2011, at 5:27 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Anyone try It's web based (no download/install) so it might work 
> well.
> CB
> On 9/11/11 10:07 PM, Jon Cohn wrote:
>> I reviewed some of our taxes in Turbo Tax last year using VoiceOver.  I  did 
>> very little data entry, so I am not sure about how well that works, but 
>> TurboTax 2010 certainly was navigatable using VoiceOver, and our family will 
>> be using the 2011 version too, so I can report back on that in a few months.
>> Jonathan
>> On Sep 11, 2011, at 3:52 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
>>> Hi Guys.
>>> I am planning for next year's taxes. Maybe I am doing something wrong, but 
>>> those pdf files the IRS puts up under those accessible tax forms don't seem 
>>> to be working so well with Preview. I have several on my computer. Does 
>>> anyone I'm going to have a somewhat complicated return this year, so I 
>>> thought I'd do some preparation. know if Turbo Tax for the Mac, for 
>>> instance, is accessible?
>>> Regards,
>>> Gigi
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Re: Weather / Temperature Apple Script

2011-09-13 Thread Keith Watson
Nice. Glad to hear that you got a work around going.

I am playing with removing the say part of that string and setting all that up 
as variables in the Apple Script itself. Seems to run a little faster.


On Sep 12, 2011, at 5:00 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Just tried is on Snow Leopard and got an error on the -r argument so it must 
> be new to Lion. For non-lion users I managed to prepending the rate command 
> to the text using sed which worked fine:
> curl -s 
> | 
> grep -A 2 tempActual | textutil -convert txt -stdin -stdout -format html | 
> sed "s/^/[[rate 900]]/" | say
> CB
> On 9/11/11 5:43 PM, Keith Watson wrote:
>> Ester,
>> I did not know that the rate switch was not available in earlier versions of 
>> OSX. I actually found it by…wait for it…RTFMing. . Doing a man on say 
>> gave me all that info. The value for the rate is in words per minute 
>> according to the man page. Quite frankly I think they are full of it because 
>> I set it to 1000 and was able to understand every word. Maybe Alex tops out 
>> at around 600 or so.
>> Anyway, having fun playing around with all this myself. Now if only I could 
>> get Tessa to cook me a nice dinner I would be in heaven.
>> Keith
>> On Sep 11, 2011, at 1:19 PM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Keith,
>>> I'll just add that if you want the say command in your AppleScript to 
>>> announce the temperature in another voice, you can also set that as an 
>>> argument and use any of your installed system voices (including the InfoVox 
>>> voices if you have them).  For example, if you're a French user in Snow 
>>> Leopard with the InfoVox French voice you could change the last part of 
>>> that shell script to a pipe to  "say -v Alice", for example, or other valid 
>>> voice on your system.  It looks as though there's an extra argument to the 
>>> "say" command in Lion that is not in Snow Leopard.  Does the "r" switch 
>>> allow you to specify a speech rate?  (That's not something you can do in 
>>> earlier versions of Mac OS X.)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Esther
>>> On Sep 11, 2011, at 05:27, Keith Watson wrote:
 Like Scott said, this was an exercise in learning Apple Script and to 
 facilitate the request of another list member. They did not want all the 
 information that the weather widget gave. All they wanted was the outside 
 temperature. If the weather widget works for you then by all means 
 continue to use it and ignore this thread. I could really give a crap if 
 you like or dislike the way myself or others wish to garner our 
 So with that said, I have found that there is a way to do this with curl. 
 Open your Apple Script editor and copy the following line into it. With 
 this code you do not have to install Xcode or Mac Ports. And in the 
 interest of full disclosure, I am also going to post the original Mac 
 Hints snippet in case anyone is interested in whether or not it's going to 
 be hotter today than yesterday. Oh and as before, make sure you substitute 
 33617 with your own zip  code.
 *** Code starts on next line ***
 do shell script "curl -s | 
 grep -A 2 tempActual | textutil -convert txt -stdin -stdout -format html | 
 say -r 400"
 *** Code ends here ***
 Original Mac Hints code, with a pipe to say added by me.
 *** Code starts on next line. ***
 do shell script "curl -s | 
 awk '/Today is/ || /Tomorrow is/' | textutil -convert txt -stdin -stdout 
 -format html | say -r 400"
 *** Code ends here. ***
 If you have any problems or suggestions, please don;t hesitate to ask or 
 criticize. I personally find that this method is slower than the other 
 way, but it does not require any additional installs.
 Have fun.
 On Sep 11, 2011, at 8:20 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Donna, you are making the assumption that someone would always have that 
> widget always in focus. This may be a lot of work for you, but the ends 
> justifies the means. Your entitled to your opinion of course; however, 
> aside from the learning opportunity, you still are assuming that this 
> widget is always going to be in focus. FOr me I always have the calendar 
> available. Another point here to keep in mind is that you cannot control 
> the sources of the weather widget; however, this script could conceivably 
> be used to pull weather data from nearly any source. In fact you could 
> even have your own weather station and use such a script to capture the 
> information from that weather station.
> On Sep 11, 2011, at 8:1

Update made things better!

2011-09-13 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi All!
I'm not sure and maybe some of you can confirm this !
Since I updated the security things seem to be working better!
I'm still on snow leopard and pages in safari are back to loading properly and 
I can hear as I type in google fields again!
Has anyone else noticed this!

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Re: simulating double mouselcick (doubleclick)

2011-09-13 Thread Anouk Radix
Hi, I have the trackpad commander turned on, wont this negate normal trackpad 
I know i can simulate 1 mouse lcick by vo+shift+space, i will have to 
experiment with this
Greetings, Anouk,
On Sep 13, 2011, at 10:14 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Anouk,
> Route the mouse over to the vo cursor with command vo f5, check to see that 
> the mouse is indeed on the spot you want with vo f5, then perform a physical 
> double click by pressing the lower left corner of the track pad twice in 
> quick succession.
> Hth,
> Paul.
> On Sep 13, 2011, at 5:46 AM, Anouk Radix wrote:
>> Hi, I need to copy some text from an application that does not reside within 
>> an edit field. The application tells me the text will be copied to the 
>> clipboard if I doubleclick with the mouse on it.
>> I have all my cursors routed together so I know when my cursor is on the 
>> right place but how do I simulate a double click with vo?
>> Thanks, Greetings, Anouk,
>> -- 
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Re: simulating double mouselcick (doubleclick)

2011-09-13 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Anouk.
I got this to work, but I found sometimes I had to do it more than once. When 
you get the cursor where you want it, you have to do VO-shift-space twice 
quickly. I tried locking my VO keys because I had trouble doing this twice fast 


On Sep 12, 2011, at 10:46 PM, Anouk Radix wrote:

> Hi, I need to copy some text from an application that does not reside within 
> an edit field. The application tells me the text will be copied to the 
> clipboard if I doubleclick with the mouse on it.
> I have all my cursors routed together so I know when my cursor is on the 
> right place but how do I simulate a double click with vo?
> Thanks, Greetings, Anouk,
> -- 
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Laptop / Bluetooth vs. Standard Keyboard

2011-09-13 Thread Keith Watson
Hi all,

Just a quick question about how you MBP / MBA / Bluetooth Keyboard
owners deal with not having your VO keys on the right hand side of the
keyboard. I was updating my daughters MB last night and found it to be
a pain in the butt not having them available.


Keith Watson
Sent from my iPhone

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Re: simulating double mouselcick (doubleclick)

2011-09-13 Thread Ricardo Walker

VO shift spacebar performs a mouse click.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Sep 12, 2011, at 11:46 PM, Anouk Radix wrote:

> Hi, I need to copy some text from an application that does not reside within 
> an edit field. The application tells me the text will be copied to the 
> clipboard if I doubleclick with the mouse on it.
> I have all my cursors routed together so I know when my cursor is on the 
> right place but how do I simulate a double click with vo?
> Thanks, Greetings, Anouk,
> -- 
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Re: deleting stuff in mail

2011-09-13 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi again anouk. 
I did it last night. When I was on the mailbox I wanted, I did command-a to 
select all of them and then pressed command-drete. It worked great. 


On Sep 13, 2011, at 2:01 AM, Anouk Radix wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Is it possible to delete stuff in mail without interacting with the mail 
> boxes?
> I have only one email account but it still does not seem easy to delete read 
> and deleted stuff.
> Greetings, Anouk,
> -- 
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Re: Amazon Subscribe and Save Weirdness

2011-09-13 Thread Rachel magario
Dan I was using snow, let me try with lion and I get back with you.
oh and the up and down is when you are with quick naves and it says for example 
crea new and save I have to use the up or down arrow because when I am going 
side ways it says create new adn save, but if I use up arrown it will tell me 
just save or just create new and then I can click by using both up and down at 
hope it make sense!

On Sep 12, 2011, at 11:17 PM, Dan Roy wrote:

> I tried quick nab but, I don't understand the arrow up and down thing?
> clicking the links with quicknav on had no effect at all.
> On Sep 12, 2011, at 7:19 AM, Rachel magario wrote:
>> dan,
>> I am not sure if this will work, but when I run in to this problems, usually 
>> it is  two  links that is set up at the same level and vo cannot focus in 
>> either.
>> What works for me, is instead of just navigating through the vo u rotor or 
>> the regular navigation. I turn on the quick nav key and navigate the link or 
>> button or whatever it is with the arrow keys and once I find the one I want, 
>> just press on it with up and down arrow key together.
>> Hope this helps you too.
>> Rachel.
>> On Sep 11, 2011, at 11:59 PM, Dan Roy wrote:
>>> Ok, this is odd indeed.
>>> I am using Lion 7.1.
>>> when I go to amazon subscribe and save, I can't change or edit any of my 
>>> orders.   The links are there, but, when I attempt to click on change, edit 
>>> billing and or shipping info etc.  nothing happens.  However, if I turn off 
>>> VO, then, they work just fine.  So, I turn off VO, hit enter to click on 
>>> change, then, turn VO back on and it works fine.  The other links on 
>>> amazon, at least, as far as I know work just fine.
>>> I have tried, just enter, VO-spacebar and even vo-shift-spacebar.
>>> Any ideas on this weird behavior.  This happens on both Safari and the 
>>> latest build of Webkit.
>>> Any ideas or suggestions would be most helpful, thanks.
>>> -- 
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Re: solving visual captchas with mac and safari

2011-09-13 Thread Chris Blouch
Wonder how that holds up to a speech recognition like Dragon? If it's 
easy for you it might be easy for an algorithm.


On 9/12/11 11:05 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:

Personally, I don't think that audio captchas aren't that bad. For example, 
when I used the OS whose name we can't say, when I wanted to demo the Acapela 
voices, they gave me both a visual and audio captcha to choose from. The Audio 
Captcha used Acapela Heather to speak the numbers so I could easily solve the 
puzzle and begin my demo. I think more and more companies should use a speech 
synthesizer like Acapela does to solve their captchas, though I'm pretty sure 
that it's all about money. Oh well.


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Re: Laptop / Bluetooth vs. Standard Keyboard

2011-09-13 Thread Ishe Chinyoka
Here I just got used to it. I switched to Mac and started using Macbook, so I 
have no problem with it. In fact, I make use of the Trackpad heavily in cases 
where the need for VO keys is called for.

On 13 Sep,2011, at 3:03 PM, Keith Watson wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just a quick question about how you MBP / MBA / Bluetooth Keyboard
> owners deal with not having your VO keys on the right hand side of the
> keyboard. I was updating my daughters MB last night and found it to be
> a pain in the butt not having them available.
> Thanks,
> Keith Watson
> 813-760-1381
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: solving visual captchas with mac and safari

2011-09-13 Thread Rachel magario
Hmm, I think it would be. That would bridge some security issues.
Does everyone have issue with the numbers that have backgrownd sound, such as 
the ones google uses?
I have to change  and request a different file, but I notice the same happens 
with sighted people, loads of time an image is to complicated and they have to 
request a different one to get it right. I guess that is the whole point, it is 
not suppose to be easy! :)
It would be interesting to do some research of the most effective sounds for us 
and also difficult enough for machines to crack.

On Sep 13, 2011, at 8:36 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Wonder how that holds up to a speech recognition like Dragon? If it's easy 
> for you it might be easy for an algorithm.
> CB
> On 9/12/11 11:05 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:
>> Personally, I don't think that audio captchas aren't that bad. For example, 
>> when I used the OS whose name we can't say, when I wanted to demo the 
>> Acapela voices, they gave me both a visual and audio captcha to choose from. 
>> The Audio Captcha used Acapela Heather to speak the numbers so I could 
>> easily solve the puzzle and begin my demo. I think more and more companies 
>> should use a speech synthesizer like Acapela does to solve their captchas, 
>> though I'm pretty sure that it's all about money. Oh well.
>> Shawn
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Re: Laptop / Bluetooth vs. Standard Keyboard

2011-09-13 Thread Rachel magario
I think it is just what you get used too. I never had a standard keyboard 
before and at work even the iMacs all have laptop bluetooth ones too.
The track pad does help a lot and make life so much better free of so much 
keyboard short cuts.

On Sep 13, 2011, at 8:51 AM, Ishe Chinyoka wrote:

> Here I just got used to it. I switched to Mac and started using Macbook, so I 
> have no problem with it. In fact, I make use of the Trackpad heavily in cases 
> where the need for VO keys is called for.
> On 13 Sep,2011, at 3:03 PM, Keith Watson wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just a quick question about how you MBP / MBA / Bluetooth Keyboard
>> owners deal with not having your VO keys on the right hand side of the
>> keyboard. I was updating my daughters MB last night and found it to be
>> a pain in the butt not having them available.
>> Thanks,
>> Keith Watson
>> 813-760-1381
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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choosing items to a play list

2011-09-13 Thread Rachel magario
Hi everyone,

I can create a play list in itunes, but I don't find how to choose the music 
for my play list. any help?

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mail on lion

2011-09-13 Thread Rachel magario
Ok, I need help. My mail in lion is going crazy.
I can no longer tab to my mail boxes, to interact with messages and see just 
the collum of subject, or date, or from.
I can only see all at once who sent subject and time then when I navigate with 
arrows or tab I change to the message content and then back to the message 
list. This is all I get with either tabs or arrows. I can no longer find the 
search field, the notes, to do mail activity and so on.
Any body had the same issue and how did you solve it?
Thanks for any help.

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Re: is this a script guys?

2011-09-13 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Chris Blouche,

That worked like a charm. Thank you very much. This was my very first 
successful experience in terminal and this gives me the feeling that I might 
start to like it when I study the possibilities. I've been a command line user 
because I grew up with ms dos 2.0, and I stayed with it until dos 6.22. I love 
being able to tweak things the way I want them, overcoming the most oftenly 
wanted settings in a gui.

This helped. Thanks again. The old driver stuff is gone and the new one will 
now install perfectly.
On Sep 12, 2011, at 11:13 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Looks like a shell script. You should be able to run it from the terminal. 
> Mmight have to set permissions on it before it will let you. So if the file 
> is on your desktop and named uninstall.txt then from terminal you would do 
> something like:
> cd Desktop
> chmod a+x uninstall.txt
> ./uninstall.txt
> Hope that works. It might prompt you for your root password since it's 
> running the sudo command (super user do).
> CB
> On 9/12/11 10:46 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I was once using a usb dongle modem to connect to 3g to have wireless 
>> internet. But no more. However, I would like to uninstall the driver for 
>> this modem. I got a text file with it, but can I run this, or what should I 
>> do with this one? Here is the file. Interested to see if you know how to 
>> handle it.
>> #Uninstaller of ZTE Datacard Drver in Mac OS X
>> #Copyright ZTE Corporation 2006 - 2010
>> echo "Welcome to use ZTE Datacard."
>> echo "Now, begining to uninstall ZTE Datacard driver.."
>> sudo kextunload -v /System/Library/Extensions/ZTEUSBCDCACMData.kext
>> sudo kextunload -v /System/Library/Extensions/ZTEUSBCDCACMControl.kext
>> sudo rm -r -f /Library/Modem\ Scripts/ZTE\ USB\ MODEM
>> sudo rm -r -f /Application/MiniUI
>> sudo rm -r -f /System/Library/Extensions/ZTEUSBCDCACMData.kext
>> sudo rm -r -f /System/Library/Extensions/ZTEUSBCDCACMControl.kext
>> sudo rm -r -f /System/Library/Extensions.kextcache
>> sudo rm -r -f /System/Library/Extensions.mkext
>> sudo rm -r -f /System/Library/Caches/
>> sudo rm -r -f /Library/Receipts/ZTEDatacardDriverInstaller.pkg
>> echo "..ZTE Datacard driver has Uninstalled successfully."
>> Greetings and thanks a lot for possible help.
>> Paul.
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moving mail messages to new system

2011-09-13 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi listers,
Is there a way to restore my mail messages from a full macintosh hd backup? I 
have Lion newly installed and I'd like to get my mail base back. Is there 
something I can simply copy in, or is it more complicated?

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Re: choosing items to a play list

2011-09-13 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Rachel!
When in your list of tunes!
Select the ones to add to one of your play lists and open vo+shift+m and in 
there is a add to play list sub menu arrow into that and pick which play list 
you want and vo space on it and they'll be added!
Also you can make a new play list by selecting tracks and then use 
command+shift+N and then you name it and that will be another list for you!

On 13 Sep 2011, at 15:26, Rachel magario wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I can create a play list in itunes, but I don't find how to choose the music 
> for my play list. any help?
> Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: moving mail messages to new system

2011-09-13 Thread Jon Cohn
On Snow Leopard, the mail messages are stored in the "~/Library/Mail"  folder.  
This folder defintately has all of the e-mail messages and I am fairly certain 
that the Database that indexes the folders is also stored there.  If it is not, 
then it would be in the folder that "Application Data" folder in your Library 
folder.  Some programs use sequences like "" as their names.  

Best wishes,


On Sep 13, 2011, at 10:54 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi listers,
> Is there a way to restore my mail messages from a full macintosh hd backup? I 
> have Lion newly installed and I'd like to get my mail base back. Is there 
> something I can simply copy in, or is it more complicated?
> -- 
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Re: is this a script guys?

2011-09-13 Thread Chris Blouch
Glad it worked. The unix shell of OSX is much more powerful than the DOS 
shell of yore. If you liked that you'll really like what you can do with 
unix. It can be a bit daunting because you're no longer in the hotel 
lobby with the comfy chairs but rather down in the basement with the 
plumbing and wires. You can do many things easily but also wreck still 
quickly. rm -r for remove all recursivly has wiped out whole file 
systems when run from the wrong location. man is your friend. You can 
start with man man to get the manual page about the manual page. I also 
like man -k which lets you search the man page for a keyword and not 
just a specific command.


On 9/13/11 5:48 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

Hi Chris Blouche,

That worked like a charm. Thank you very much. This was my very first 
successful experience in terminal and this gives me the feeling that I might 
start to like it when I study the possibilities. I've been a command line user 
because I grew up with ms dos 2.0, and I stayed with it until dos 6.22. I love 
being able to tweak things the way I want them, overcoming the most oftenly 
wanted settings in a gui.

This helped. Thanks again. The old driver stuff is gone and the new one will 
now install perfectly.
On Sep 12, 2011, at 11:13 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Looks like a shell script. You should be able to run it from the terminal. 
Mmight have to set permissions on it before it will let you. So if the file is 
on your desktop and named uninstall.txt then from terminal you would do 
something like:

cd Desktop
chmod a+x uninstall.txt

Hope that works. It might prompt you for your root password since it's running 
the sudo command (super user do).


On 9/12/11 10:46 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

Hi list,

I was once using a usb dongle modem to connect to 3g to have wireless internet. 
But no more. However, I would like to uninstall the driver for this modem. I 
got a text file with it, but can I run this, or what should I do with this one? 
Here is the file. Interested to see if you know how to handle it.
#Uninstaller of ZTE Datacard Drver in Mac OS X
#Copyright ZTE Corporation 2006 - 2010
echo "Welcome to use ZTE Datacard."
echo "Now, begining to uninstall ZTE Datacard driver.."

sudo kextunload -v /System/Library/Extensions/ZTEUSBCDCACMData.kext
sudo kextunload -v /System/Library/Extensions/ZTEUSBCDCACMControl.kext

sudo rm -r -f /Library/Modem\ Scripts/ZTE\ USB\ MODEM
sudo rm -r -f /Application/MiniUI
sudo rm -r -f /System/Library/Extensions/ZTEUSBCDCACMData.kext
sudo rm -r -f /System/Library/Extensions/ZTEUSBCDCACMControl.kext

sudo rm -r -f /System/Library/Extensions.kextcache
sudo rm -r -f /System/Library/Extensions.mkext
sudo rm -r -f /System/Library/Caches/
sudo rm -r -f /Library/Receipts/ZTEDatacardDriverInstaller.pkg

echo "..ZTE Datacard driver has Uninstalled successfully."

Greetings and thanks a lot for possible help.

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Re: solving visual captchas with mac and safari

2011-09-13 Thread Chris Blouch
Yup, no reason to not let folks know there is an issue, just understand 
that nobody else seems to know how to fix it either. Friend of mine 
worked on the captcha used on AOL where they layer up two voices which 
isn't all that hard to decipher but I think would be difficult for 
something like Dragon to pick apart. There is a running conversation in 
the background while the 'good' letters are spoken over top. You can 
hear him as the lower male voice on some letters.


On 9/12/11 5:55 PM, Rachel magario wrote:

I second that. We cannot nearly request that security be lowered for our sake. 
I believe your explanations are very educative, specially to those who are not 
aware of the difficulties developers face. However, I feel there is a place 
also for the expression of the frustrations with in reason, because is from 
those frustrations that designers can understand unmet needs. The ideas and 
potential solutions can only spring from good conversations such as the one we 
are having.! I love this list. Never seen more civilize people working together.
Only harmony can bring productive results, and I think it is awesome having 
awesome knowledge as everyone here with their experiences. Thanks Chris and 
every one. Keep your comments coming!
Cheer up,
On Sep 12, 2011, at 2:39 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

It all comes down to the purpose of captcha. It is a cognitive test by 
supplying a puzzle that would be difficult for a computer to solve to try and 
prove you're not a bot. Today there are very few of those kinds of puzzles. 
Image and audio recognition are about the only two that haven't been cracked 
and it's turned into an arms race. Eventually the algorithms will be 
sophisticated enough that they will either mimic human behavior undetectably or 
the cognitive load to solve the captchas will increase to the point where real 
people can't solve them (already happening). Either scenario ends badly for 
those trying to protect the integrity of their content sites. In the meantime, 
just saying the current stuff doesn't work doesn't help because nobody has come 
up with a better solution. Anything that lowers the puzzle difficulty also 
makes it easier for the algorithms to solve.

Some previous discussions on this list:


On 9/12/11 4:04 AM, Adie wrote:


I am fed up of audio captcha. My Member of Parliament currently has a
question in to the UK Prime Minister about use of audio capcha on
government websites. I know it's a drag, but we need to challenge
these things every time we come across them. I was on a site the other
day which had a simple equation instead of an audio captcha. It was a

BTW, I love the bit where it says the audio captcha is to test whether
or not you are a human being. I always write to them saying that,
despite the fact that I can't see, I am nevertheless a human.


On Sep 11, 9:05 pm, Eric Oyen   wrote:

I find that rather interesting. now why would the general public (and business 
professionals) get the impression that mozilla was the most accessible web 
browser for any OS? sure it works well with windoweeyes and jaws in the windows 
platform. it also works mostly with orca in linux. it does not work at all in 
OS X with voiceover (and I have even tried growl with it and still had a lot of 

I have sent more than a few emails over the last few years and all I get back 
is nothing but a load of crapola and finger pointing. now I know we can't 
prevail upon a bunch of volunteer code monkeys and still have them do the work. 
if they were paid and we wrote the checks, that would certainly be a different 

On Sep 11, 2011, at 12:43 AM, Rachel magario wrote:>   the sad part is that 
loads of programers think firefox is the most accessible browser out there. They 
get shocked to find it does not work on the mac. I recall a programer at my work 
insisted that I should use mozilla. Only after he tried using it  with  vo by him 
self,  was when the message got across!

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Re: getting pictures from iPhone to mac

2011-09-13 Thread Chris Blouch
I think iPhoto should just come up when you plug your phone into your 
mac. After gemonjulating for a while it will eventually bring up an 
import screen with an Import All button. You can then pull an images you 
want from the Photos folder. There should be a file called iPhoto 
Library which you can do a contextual menu on (VO-shift-M) and choose 
show package contents. Inside there will be a number of folders 
including one called Masters. In there you will find all your photos 
organized into folders named by year. Within a year are folders for each 
month and within each month is a folder for each day that you imported 
something. Within a day folder will be some weird named folder like 
20110913-114743 which is really the date and time all run together. In 
this case it is 2011 09 13 (today) at 11:47 and 43 seconds AM which is 
the last time I imported images from my phone. Inside there will be all 
the JPEG and Movie files from your last import. those are just numbered 
files which increment each time a new image or movie is created.

Hope this helps.


On 9/12/11 6:22 AM, Anouk Radix wrote:

Hello, I am not too familiar or wellversed in itunes. On the pc I let someone 
make pictures with my iphone and transported them to the pc with the scanner 
and camera wizard htat could put them all in a folder with your desired name of 
choice. Is something like this also possible with the mac or will I have to use 
itunes for this?

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Re: creating extended journal encrypted partition on ntfs drive

2011-09-13 Thread Chris Blouch
Not sure I would risk changing the partition on this drive unless you 
have a backup. Just too many layers of stuff going on here to know if it 
will work for sure. Back in the day (before Vista was even heard of) 
partition magic was the Windows tool of choice to change partition sizes 
but Norton has since discontinued it. Other discussion forums now point 
to Acronis Disk Director


On 9/11/11 5:19 PM, Dan Roy wrote:

Even if you by the commercial driver, I am fairly sure that you can resize an 
NTFS partition with the built in drive utility, after all, this is a mac!  You 
might be able to do it with a third party program, I am not sure about that.

On Sep 11, 2011, at 4:13 PM, Anouk Radix wrote:

/Hi, unfortunately I downloaded 800gig of data for that drive beforeI got my 
mac. I want to save that and dont have any other disk to do it on, so I either 
buy the commercial ntfs driver, or get a program that can shrink an ntfs 
Greetings, Anouk,
On Sep 11, 2011, at 11:00 PM, Dan Roy wrote:

Nope, you can't resize an NTF partition.  However, if you don't have anything 
of value on that drive yet, you can create 2 partitions, 1 being NTFS and the 
other being Journal if you wish too!

Yes, you will loose any data on that drive, but, you will only have to do it 

On Sep 11, 2011, at 6:54 AM, Anouk Radix wrote:

Hi, well now that you mention it, i will try looking in disk utility again. But 
i realized that my external disk has 1 partition on it that spans the whole 
disk and is ntfs. I suppose i cant just shrink that partition and create a new 
one, because disk utility does not support ntfs natively. Is there something 
like partition magic for the mac that I might use for this instead?
Thanks for all the quick replies everyone,
Greetings, Anouk,
On Sep 11, 2011, at 3:51 AM, Jon Cohn wrote:

Does disk utility not understand the partition map, or can you not find the 
option to partition the disk?

Usually disks have 2 or more icons in Disk Utility, and only the first one has 
a tap to modify the partition table.

Best wishes,


On Sep 10, 2011, at 3:06 AM, Anouk Radix wrote:

Hi everyone,
I have installed macfuse and the tuxera for mac driver so now I can read and 
write to ntfs drives. I want to make a superduper backup of my encrypted hd 
though and would like to make a partition for this on the external hard drive 
because i want that partition to be extended journal encrypted as is my macs 
hard drive. I cant seem to create a new partition with disk utility though. Is 
there a program I could use for this?
Greetings, Anouk,

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Re: VO reading message list?

2011-09-13 Thread Traci
Hello, thank you for this, however I'm unsuccessful so far.

Is it possible, it is because I'm using Lion?

I'll keep playing around.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Jon Cohn 
  Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2011 6:12 PM
  Subject: Re: VO reading message list?

  Some Snow Leopard folks actually deleted all the fields in the messages table 
and then re-added them in order they wanted.  Tables including this one have a 
column header that a sighted person can see, and that VO's trackpad commander 
can access if you go to the top of the column with a single finger.  When you 
are in the column headings you should be able to drag and drop them in the 
order you want. I would try drop before / drop after commands. VO- less and VO 
greater respectively.)

  Best wishes,


  On Sep 8, 2011, at 5:29 PM, Traci wrote:

Hi all,

How do I go about changing the way VO reads inside my message list in mail?

I'd like to hear the subject before hearing sender.

Thank you,

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Questionabout Super Doopper and external drives

2011-09-13 Thread Bill Holton
I have a 2 tarabyte drive on its way, and I have a few questions about Mac
First, as I seem to recall, with Superdooper you can create a backup in a
format you can actually boot from, if the system becomes trashed?  Is this
correct?  Is SuperDooper the only package that allows this,or does time
Machine, also?
Second question:  How would I configure the drive so I can use it to back up
my Mac, but also swap it out to my PC to back it up?  Guessing I'll need to
create two partitions?  If so, how do I create the correct two using Tiger?

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Re: adium

2011-09-13 Thread Chris Blouch
If you're just using AIM, the AOL client has a checkbox in 
Preferencecs-> Sounds to "Speak incoming messages using System Voice" 
which works pretty nice. Haven't tried it but I think it also hooks into 
Facebook and Google chat.


On 9/11/11 2:13 PM, Anouk Radix wrote:

Hi, A friend told me that there is a new prerelease version of adium that is a 
lot more accessible where groups are concerned then the current one and htat it 
also leaves out the empty stuff you get before each contact.
Can someone tell me how I can get my hands on adium prerelease versions?
Greetings, Anouk,
On Sep 11, 2011, at 6:02 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

I have never gotten Growl to announce the contents of messages in Skype as they come in; 
all I can coax from the events pane is an announcement of status changes or message 
arrivals.  However, Growl WILL speak the contents of messages for Adium, and I prefer to 
use this app for texts and Skype for telephony just for this reason.  So, if someone 
*does* have Alex speaking the body of incoming messages as they arrive, I'd appreciate 
the "for dummies," explanation of this.
Thanks! :)

• Mark BurningHawk Baxter
• AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
• MSN:
• My home page:

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Re: VO reading message list?

2011-09-13 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi Tracie.
I had this happen to me. I almost went crazy with my e-mail. The new update 
seems VoiceOver behave better. 1@ cut my computer down, closing all the 
windows. Then I went into full screen. Sometimes I have found it shows me 
things I didn't find before. Now I have my mailbox list where I can go down it 
and use command-x to move files if I need to. I don't understand it, but 
sometimes full screen gets me things I trouble getting to before. 


On Sep 13, 2011, at 11:29 AM, Traci wrote:

> Hello, thank you for this, however I'm unsuccessful so far.
> Is it possible, it is because I'm using Lion?
> I'll keep playing around.
> Traci
> - Original Message -
> From: Jon Cohn
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2011 6:12 PM
> Subject: Re: VO reading message list?
> Some Snow Leopard folks actually deleted all the fields in the messages table 
> and then re-added them in order they wanted.  Tables including this one have 
> a column header that a sighted person can see, and that VO's trackpad 
> commander can access if you go to the top of the column with a single finger. 
>  When you are in the column headings you should be able to drag and drop them 
> in the order you want. I would try drop before / drop after commands. VO- 
> less and VO greater respectively.)
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan
> On Sep 8, 2011, at 5:29 PM, Traci wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> How do I go about changing the way VO reads inside my message list in mail?
>> I'd like to hear the subject before hearing sender.
>> Thank you,
>> Traci
>> -- 
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Re: getting pictures from iPhone to mac

2011-09-13 Thread Anouk Radix
Hi Chris,
Thanks for all this info. What is the difference between using image capture 
and iphoto, do you know?
Greetings, Anouk,
On Sep 13, 2011, at 5:55 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> I think iPhoto should just come up when you plug your phone into your mac. 
> After gemonjulating for a while it will eventually bring up an import screen 
> with an Import All button. You can then pull an images you want from the 
> Photos folder. There should be a file called iPhoto Library which you can do 
> a contextual menu on (VO-shift-M) and choose show package contents. Inside 
> there will be a number of folders including one called Masters. In there you 
> will find all your photos organized into folders named by year. Within a year 
> are folders for each month and within each month is a folder for each day 
> that you imported something. Within a day folder will be some weird named 
> folder like 20110913-114743 which is really the date and time all run 
> together. In this case it is 2011 09 13 (today) at 11:47 and 43 seconds AM 
> which is the last time I imported images from my phone. Inside there will be 
> all the JPEG and Movie files from your last import. those are just numbered 
> files which increment each time a new image or movie is created.
> Hope this helps.
> CB
> On 9/12/11 6:22 AM, Anouk Radix wrote:
>> Hello, I am not too familiar or wellversed in itunes. On the pc I let 
>> someone make pictures with my iphone and transported them to the pc with the 
>> scanner and camera wizard htat could put them all in a folder with your 
>> desired name of choice. Is something like this also possible with the mac or 
>> will I have to use itunes for this?
>> Thanks,
>> Greetings,
> -- 
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Re: getting pictures from iPhone to mac

2011-09-13 Thread Rachel magario

Also if you use drop box, I use pic box is an application and that gets my 
iphone camera row to my drop box, then I just use it on my computer too.
Lots of choices! 

On Sep 13, 2011, at 11:50 AM, Anouk Radix wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> Thanks for all this info. What is the difference between using image capture 
> and iphoto, do you know?
> Greetings, Anouk,
> On Sep 13, 2011, at 5:55 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>> I think iPhoto should just come up when you plug your phone into your mac. 
>> After gemonjulating for a while it will eventually bring up an import screen 
>> with an Import All button. You can then pull an images you want from the 
>> Photos folder. There should be a file called iPhoto Library which you can do 
>> a contextual menu on (VO-shift-M) and choose show package contents. Inside 
>> there will be a number of folders including one called Masters. In there you 
>> will find all your photos organized into folders named by year. Within a 
>> year are folders for each month and within each month is a folder for each 
>> day that you imported something. Within a day folder will be some weird 
>> named folder like 20110913-114743 which is really the date and time all run 
>> together. In this case it is 2011 09 13 (today) at 11:47 and 43 seconds AM 
>> which is the last time I imported images from my phone. Inside there will be 
>> all the JPEG and Movie files from your last import. those are just numbered 
>> files which increment each time a new image or movie is created.
>> Hope this helps.
>> CB
>> On 9/12/11 6:22 AM, Anouk Radix wrote:
>>> Hello, I am not too familiar or wellversed in itunes. On the pc I let 
>>> someone make pictures with my iphone and transported them to the pc with 
>>> the scanner and camera wizard htat could put them all in a folder with your 
>>> desired name of choice. Is something like this also possible with the mac 
>>> or will I have to use itunes for this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Greetings,
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Questionabout Super Doopper and external drives

2011-09-13 Thread Chris Blouch
There is also Carbon Copy Cloner but I've never used it to backup a 
non-Mac drive.


On 9/13/11 12:31 PM, Bill Holton wrote:

I have a 2 tarabyte drive on its way, and I have a few questions about Mac
First, as I seem to recall, with Superdooper you can create a backup in a
format you can actually boot from, if the system becomes trashed?  Is this
correct?  Is SuperDooper the only package that allows this,or does time
Machine, also?
Second question:  How would I configure the drive so I can use it to back up
my Mac, but also swap it out to my PC to back it up?  Guessing I'll need to
create two partitions?  If so, how do I create the correct two using Tiger?

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Re: getting pictures from iPhone to mac

2011-09-13 Thread Chris Blouch
Never used image capture but is seems to do something similar. Might be 
a bit easier since it will import to a folder and not just into iPhoto 
unless you find some of the other iPhoto issues useful (and accessible).


On 9/13/11 12:50 PM, Anouk Radix wrote:

Hi Chris,
Thanks for all this info. What is the difference between using image capture 
and iphoto, do you know?
Greetings, Anouk,
On Sep 13, 2011, at 5:55 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

I think iPhoto should just come up when you plug your phone into your mac. 
After gemonjulating for a while it will eventually bring up an import screen 
with an Import All button. You can then pull an images you want from the Photos 
folder. There should be a file called iPhoto Library which you can do a 
contextual menu on (VO-shift-M) and choose show package contents. Inside there 
will be a number of folders including one called Masters. In there you will 
find all your photos organized into folders named by year. Within a year are 
folders for each month and within each month is a folder for each day that you 
imported something. Within a day folder will be some weird named folder like 
20110913-114743 which is really the date and time all run together. In this 
case it is 2011 09 13 (today) at 11:47 and 43 seconds AM which is the last time 
I imported images from my phone. Inside there will be all the JPEG and Movie 
files from your last import. those are just numbered files which increment each 
time a new image or movie is created.

Hope this helps.


On 9/12/11 6:22 AM, Anouk Radix wrote:

Hello, I am not too familiar or wellversed in itunes. On the pc I let someone 
make pictures with my iphone and transported them to the pc with the scanner 
and camera wizard htat could put them all in a folder with your desired name of 
choice. Is something like this also possible with the mac or will I have to use 
itunes for this?

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Re: choosing items to a play list

2011-09-13 Thread Rachel magario
thanks Colin!

On Sep 13, 2011, at 10:03 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:

> Hi Rachel!
> When in your list of tunes!
> Select the ones to add to one of your play lists and open vo+shift+m and in 
> there is a add to play list sub menu arrow into that and pick which play list 
> you want and vo space on it and they'll be added!
> Also you can make a new play list by selecting tracks and then use 
> command+shift+N and then you name it and that will be another list for you!
> Colin
> On 13 Sep 2011, at 15:26, Rachel magario wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I can create a play list in itunes, but I don't find how to choose the music 
>> for my play list. any help?
>> Thanks.
>> -- 
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Re: Laptop / Bluetooth vs. Standard Keyboard

2011-09-13 Thread Ricardo Walker

you get use to it.  having quick nav, trackpad commander, and keyboard commands 

Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Sep 13, 2011, at 9:03 AM, Keith Watson wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just a quick question about how you MBP / MBA / Bluetooth Keyboard
> owners deal with not having your VO keys on the right hand side of the
> keyboard. I was updating my daughters MB last night and found it to be
> a pain in the butt not having them available.
> Thanks,
> Keith Watson
> 813-760-1381
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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RE: Questionabout Super Doopper and external drives

2011-09-13 Thread Bill Holton
Don't plan to use the mac software to back up the PC drive, just want to put
the data on the same external drive.
Will CCC allow you to boot from the external drive backup?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: Questionabout Super Doopper and external drives

There is also Carbon Copy Cloner but I've never used it to backup a 
non-Mac drive.


On 9/13/11 12:31 PM, Bill Holton wrote:
> Hi.
> I have a 2 tarabyte drive on its way, and I have a few questions about Mac
> backups.
> First, as I seem to recall, with Superdooper you can create a backup in a
> format you can actually boot from, if the system becomes trashed?  Is this
> correct?  Is SuperDooper the only package that allows this,or does time
> Machine, also?
> Second question:  How would I configure the drive so I can use it to back
> my Mac, but also swap it out to my PC to back it up?  Guessing I'll need
> create two partitions?  If so, how do I create the correct two using
> Thanks.
> Bill

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Re: Questionabout Super Doopper and external drives

2011-09-13 Thread Chris Blouch
I believe so. I used it to migrate someone's old laptop to a new laptop. 
So we put the new laptop in target disk mode and then used CCC to copy 
everything from the old laptop via Firewire to the new one and then 
booted up the new one. Much easier that Migration Assistant which kept 
complaining about duplicate account names and such.


On 9/13/11 2:04 PM, Bill Holton wrote:

Don't plan to use the mac software to back up the PC drive, just want to put
the data on the same external drive.
Will CCC allow you to boot from the external drive backup?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: Questionabout Super Doopper and external drives

There is also Carbon Copy Cloner but I've never used it to backup a
non-Mac drive.


On 9/13/11 12:31 PM, Bill Holton wrote:

I have a 2 tarabyte drive on its way, and I have a few questions about Mac
First, as I seem to recall, with Superdooper you can create a backup in a
format you can actually boot from, if the system becomes trashed?  Is this
correct?  Is SuperDooper the only package that allows this,or does time
Machine, also?
Second question:  How would I configure the drive so I can use it to back


my Mac, but also swap it out to my PC to back it up?  Guessing I'll need


create two partitions?  If so, how do I create the correct two using



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RE: mail on lion

2011-09-13 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Rachael,  


Please Click Here to
 listen to my short demonstration of using Lion Mail.  


If you still need assistance, you are welcome to contact me, off-list.









-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Rachel magario
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 7:26 AM
Subject: mail on lion


Ok, I need help. My mail in lion is going crazy.

I can no longer tab to my mail boxes, to interact with messages and see just
the collum of subject, or date, or from.

I can only see all at once who sent subject and time then when I navigate
with arrows or tab I change to the message content and then back to the
message list. This is all I get with either tabs or arrows. I can no longer
find the search field, the notes, to do mail activity and so on.

Any body had the same issue and how did you solve it?

Thanks for any help.




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Re: Laptop / Bluetooth vs. Standard Keyboard

2011-09-13 Thread Scott Howell
Gee Keith I do just fine. Its called using those undiscovered skills in being 
flexible. Of course over all the years I have known you I have tried really 
hard to scrub those undiscovered skills from your rusting brainpan. So, I 
apparently have partially succeeded.
AIn't it nice to have friends?

So, on a serious note,, how do you use the VO keys on the right side in 
conjunction with the VO commands? FOr example, can you perform a VO-l using the 
VO keys on the right side of the keyboard? If so, I am impressed.
Maybe that is not what you intended. :)

On Sep 13, 2011, at 9:03 AM, Keith Watson wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just a quick question about how you MBP / MBA / Bluetooth Keyboard
> owners deal with not having your VO keys on the right hand side of the
> keyboard. I was updating my daughters MB last night and found it to be
> a pain in the butt not having them available.
> Thanks,
> Keith Watson
> 813-760-1381
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Re: Laptop / Bluetooth vs. Standard Keyboard

2011-09-13 Thread Rachel magario
You are such a  nice friend Scott! ha ha ha I think, I might have had a friend 
like you who scrubbed mine uncovered skills too. I think I might have to hunt 
down whoever it was, to recover them!  ;)  
Now seriously, I thought the option and control in the standard were in both 
sides, correct Keith?
So we could use vo in the right or in the left depending upon the need. Am i 
right, or was just a 
dream? Please, don't judge me so hard if it was a dream. :) I never touched 
one, so I don't claim full responsibility! :) out of the tip of the finger, out 
of mind. But not free from the imagination! ha ha ha

On Sep 13, 2011, at 3:27 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Gee Keith I do just fine. Its called using those undiscovered skills in being 
> flexible. Of course over all the years I have known you I have tried really 
> hard to scrub those undiscovered skills from your rusting brainpan. So, I 
> apparently have partially succeeded.
> AIn't it nice to have friends?
> So, on a serious note,, how do you use the VO keys on the right side in 
> conjunction with the VO commands? FOr example, can you perform a VO-l using 
> the VO keys on the right side of the keyboard? If so, I am impressed.
> Maybe that is not what you intended. :)
> On Sep 13, 2011, at 9:03 AM, Keith Watson wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just a quick question about how you MBP / MBA / Bluetooth Keyboard
>> owners deal with not having your VO keys on the right hand side of the
>> keyboard. I was updating my daughters MB last night and found it to be
>> a pain in the butt not having them available.
>> Thanks,
>> Keith Watson
>> 813-760-1381
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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Installing Windows with Fusion issue

2011-09-13 Thread Bill Holton
According to the VM ware site, to install Windows 7 from an upgrade disk, a
clean install--I have a xp pro license, but you can't install xp on Lion--
you need to install windows without entering the key
   Then you slip in the disk, run setup and do an anytime upgrade to the
same windows version, and at that time you enter your license code.  I got
Windows installed under VM using an ISO disk, but I couldn't get Fusion to
read the iso, so I burned it onto a CD.  I can access the disk on my PC, all
the files are there, but when I run Fusion, call up windows and slip the
disk into the Superdrive it churns for awhile, then spits it out.  Windows
shows the drive, so I'm guessing Fusion is recognizing it.  Anyone have
suggestions?  Thanks.

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Re: Laptop / Bluetooth vs. Standard Keyboard

2011-09-13 Thread Scott Howell
Hey Rachel,

Yep, me is a skill thief.:)
No, the control key is only on the left. So,not a dream, but a
nightmare and worse yet, I am not Keith. :)

Scott Howell
Sent from my iPad

On Sep 13, 2011, at 17:23, Rachel magario  wrote:

> You are such a  nice friend Scott! ha ha ha I think, I might have had a 
> friend like you who scrubbed mine uncovered skills too. I think I might have 
> to hunt down whoever it was, to recover them!  ;)
> Now seriously, I thought the option and control in the standard were in both 
> sides, correct Keith?
> So we could use vo in the right or in the left depending upon the need. Am i 
> right, or was just a
> dream? Please, don't judge me so hard if it was a dream. :) I never touched 
> one, so I don't claim full responsibility! :) out of the tip of the finger, 
> out of mind. But not free from the imagination! ha ha ha
> RM
> On Sep 13, 2011, at 3:27 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Gee Keith I do just fine. Its called using those undiscovered skills in 
>> being flexible. Of course over all the years I have known you I have tried 
>> really hard to scrub those undiscovered skills from your rusting brainpan. 
>> So, I apparently have partially succeeded.
>> AIn't it nice to have friends?
>> So, on a serious note,, how do you use the VO keys on the right side in 
>> conjunction with the VO commands? FOr example, can you perform a VO-l using 
>> the VO keys on the right side of the keyboard? If so, I am impressed.
>> Maybe that is not what you intended. :)
>> On Sep 13, 2011, at 9:03 AM, Keith Watson wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Just a quick question about how you MBP / MBA / Bluetooth Keyboard
>>> owners deal with not having your VO keys on the right hand side of the
>>> keyboard. I was updating my daughters MB last night and found it to be
>>> a pain in the butt not having them available.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Keith Watson
>>> 813-760-1381
>>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: moving mail messages to new system

2011-09-13 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Johnathan,
It works. In the tilde slash library folder, you have a mail volder. Inside it 
is a v2 folder. In it, all of mail's stuff is stored. I just restored 
everything perfectly. The rules are in place, the accounts are all there. Only 
thing is, that you will have to enter all passwords for pop, imap and smtp 
servers again, because in a fresh lion install, they will not yet be in your 
key chain. Also, some general mail settings do not stick but that is no 
problem. Just go over the mail prefs and it's all set. Wonderful.
On Sep 13, 2011, at 5:31 PM, Jon Cohn wrote:

> On Snow Leopard, the mail messages are stored in the "~/Library/Mail"  
> folder.  This folder defintately has all of the e-mail messages and I am 
> fairly certain that the Database that indexes the folders is also stored 
> there.  If it is not, then it would be in the folder that "Application Data" 
> folder in your Library folder.  Some programs use sequences like 
> "" as their names.  
> Best wishes,
> Jonathan
> On Sep 13, 2011, at 10:54 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi listers,
>> Is there a way to restore my mail messages from a full macintosh hd backup? 
>> I have Lion newly installed and I'd like to get my mail base back. Is there 
>> something I can simply copy in, or is it more complicated?
>> -- 
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Re: Amazon Subscribe and Save Weirdness

2011-09-13 Thread Dan Roy
Thanks for the help, let me know.

On Sep 13, 2011, at 8:30 AM, Rachel magario wrote:

> Dan I was using snow, let me try with lion and I get back with you.
> oh and the up and down is when you are with quick naves and it says for 
> example crea new and save I have to use the up or down arrow because when I 
> am going side ways it says create new adn save, but if I use up arrown it 
> will tell me just save or just create new and then I can click by using both 
> up and down at once.
> hope it make sense!
> On Sep 12, 2011, at 11:17 PM, Dan Roy wrote:
>> I tried quick nab but, I don't understand the arrow up and down thing?
>> clicking the links with quicknav on had no effect at all.
>> On Sep 12, 2011, at 7:19 AM, Rachel magario wrote:
>>> dan,
>>> I am not sure if this will work, but when I run in to this problems, 
>>> usually it is  two  links that is set up at the same level and vo cannot 
>>> focus in either.
>>> What works for me, is instead of just navigating through the vo u rotor or 
>>> the regular navigation. I turn on the quick nav key and navigate the link 
>>> or button or whatever it is with the arrow keys and once I find the one I 
>>> want, just press on it with up and down arrow key together.
>>> Hope this helps you too.
>>> Rachel.
>>> On Sep 11, 2011, at 11:59 PM, Dan Roy wrote:
 Ok, this is odd indeed.
 I am using Lion 7.1.
 when I go to amazon subscribe and save, I can't change or edit any of my 
 orders.   The links are there, but, when I attempt to click on change, 
 edit billing and or shipping info etc.  nothing happens.  However, if I 
 turn off VO, then, they work just fine.  So, I turn off VO, hit enter to 
 click on change, then, turn VO back on and it works fine.  The other links 
 on amazon, at least, as far as I know work just fine.
 I have tried, just enter, VO-spacebar and even vo-shift-spacebar.
 Any ideas on this weird behavior.  This happens on both Safari and the 
 latest build of Webkit.
 Any ideas or suggestions would be most helpful, thanks.
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Re: Questionabout Super Doopper and external drives

2011-09-13 Thread Mike Arrigo
Time machine does not make a bootable backup, although you can boot off of the 
system dvd or the lion recovery and restore your entire system. Another program 
that will make a bootable backup is carbon copy cloner, this is the one I tend 
to use, but super duper is also a great program, and I haveno problems 
reccomending it.
On Sep 13, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Bill Holton wrote:

> Hi.
> I have a 2 tarabyte drive on its way, and I have a few questions about Mac
> backups.
> First, as I seem to recall, with Superdooper you can create a backup in a
> format you can actually boot from, if the system becomes trashed?  Is this
> correct?  Is SuperDooper the only package that allows this,or does time
> Machine, also?
> Second question:  How would I configure the drive so I can use it to back up
> my Mac, but also swap it out to my PC to back it up?  Guessing I'll need to
> create two partitions?  If so, how do I create the correct two using Tiger?
> Thanks.
> Bill
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Re: Questionabout Super Doopper and external drives

2011-09-13 Thread james Walton
as far as accessibility what would you recommend mike?
ccc or super duper
i find ccc  great but was wondering if super duper is better

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Re: Laptop / Bluetooth vs. Standard Keyboard

2011-09-13 Thread Rachel magario
Hey Scott, haha The joke was for you! but the Question for Keith, I was asking 
about his type of keyboard. I am also an MBP user! :) So I am glad my nightmare 
was short! :) 
On Sep 13, 2011, at 5:18 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Hey Rachel,
> Yep, me is a skill thief.:)
> No, the control key is only on the left. So,not a dream, but a
> nightmare and worse yet, I am not Keith. :)
> Scott Howell
> Sent from my iPad
> On Sep 13, 2011, at 17:23, Rachel magario  wrote:
>> You are such a  nice friend Scott! ha ha ha I think, I might have had a 
>> friend like you who scrubbed mine uncovered skills too. I think I might have 
>> to hunt down whoever it was, to recover them!  ;)
>> Now seriously, I thought the option and control in the standard were in both 
>> sides, correct Keith?
>> So we could use vo in the right or in the left depending upon the need. Am i 
>> right, or was just a
>> dream? Please, don't judge me so hard if it was a dream. :) I never touched 
>> one, so I don't claim full responsibility! :) out of the tip of the finger, 
>> out of mind. But not free from the imagination! ha ha ha
>> RM
>> On Sep 13, 2011, at 3:27 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Gee Keith I do just fine. Its called using those undiscovered skills in 
>>> being flexible. Of course over all the years I have known you I have tried 
>>> really hard to scrub those undiscovered skills from your rusting brainpan. 
>>> So, I apparently have partially succeeded.
>>> AIn't it nice to have friends?
>>> So, on a serious note,, how do you use the VO keys on the right side in 
>>> conjunction with the VO commands? FOr example, can you perform a VO-l using 
>>> the VO keys on the right side of the keyboard? If so, I am impressed.
>>> Maybe that is not what you intended. :)
>>> On Sep 13, 2011, at 9:03 AM, Keith Watson wrote:
 Hi all,
 Just a quick question about how you MBP / MBA / Bluetooth Keyboard
 owners deal with not having your VO keys on the right hand side of the
 keyboard. I was updating my daughters MB last night and found it to be
 a pain in the butt not having them available.
 Keith Watson
 Sent from my iPhone
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 "MacVisionaries" group.
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Finding a downloded dmg file

2011-09-13 Thread Johnny Angel!
Hi all,

Two questions:

1. how do I invoke spotlight?
2. or How do I find a downloaded dmg file?  i finally was able to download 
Bento but i don't know where it went on my Macbook pro.


Johnny Angel!

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Re: Finding a downloded dmg file

2011-09-13 Thread Ricardo Walker

by default, downloads will go to your download folder.  From the finder, press 
command option L to open your downloads folder.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296

On Sep 14, 2011, at 1:42 AM, Johnny Angel! wrote:

> Hi all,
> Two questions:
> 1. how do I invoke spotlight?
> 2. or How do I find a downloaded dmg file?  i finally was able to download 
> Bento but i don't know where it went on my Macbook pro.
> Thanks,
> johnny
> Johnny Angel!
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Re: Finding a downloded dmg file

2011-09-13 Thread Rachel magario
> 1. how do I invoke spotlight?
press command space or vo m 3 times.

> 2. or How do I find a downloaded dmg file?
how Ricardo suggested or go to finder, command shift h then write download and 
it will get your down load folder up and you do command o to open it.

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