multiple user on ipad

2011-08-06 Thread Joanne Chua
hi all,

it sounds like stupid and dump question but, is that a way to create a
multiple user mode on ipad?


Joanne (AU)

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partitioning question

2011-08-06 Thread chad baker
hi quick question how do i resize a partition
it says resize control
i had sl on it want to resize it
not sure how to do it
also there's another one saying free space

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Re: multiple user on ipad

2011-08-06 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose

This would probably get more answers on the viPhone list, but to
answer your question, yes, this is meant to be possible if you
jailbreak your iPad.
Note that I haven't tried the program that is meant to make this work
so I can't really comment on its accessibility, but it *should* be ok.


On 06/08/2011, Joanne Chua  wrote:
> hi all,
> it sounds like stupid and dump question but, is that a way to create a
> multiple user mode on ipad?
> thanks
> cheers
> Joanne (AU)
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Re: partitioning question

2011-08-06 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Chad,
If it is disk utility in Lion that you are talking about, then here's what you 
can do. Indeed there is a disk resize control, but interacting with it won't 
let you adjust it. However, a bit over to the right is an edit text box, where 
you will find the current size of the partition, and even if it is the startup 
disk, macintosh hd in this case, you can adjust it, by simply typing a new 
number here. Of course, you cannot have a partition larger than your drive, but 
if you want a new partition, in place of free space on macintosh hd, then 
simply lower the number in this text box and hit apply. You will get a dialog, 
stating that none of your partitions will be erased. Rather, their sizes will 
only be adjusted. As a former windows user, I found this partitioning feature 
which is part of the operating system, rather innovative. HTH.


On Aug 6, 2011, at 10:24 AM, chad baker wrote:

> hi quick question how do i resize a partition
> it says resize control
> i had sl on it want to resize it
> not sure how to do it
> also there's another one saying free space
> thanks
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Re: Looking for an accessible DVD ripper

2011-08-06 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Chris,
Thanks for your response. When I insert a dvd into my machine with irip open, 
something else happens. Unfortunately it is not what you achieved and reported. 
On my machine, all that happens is that dvd player starts up. The irip window 
remains open, but even after closing the dvd player manually, it seems that 
irip doesn't see the disk in the drive. Do you have any idea if this is 
something I can correct?

>From holland,
On Aug 5, 2011, at 9:12 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Sorry for the delay, had to find a DVD to try this with as it's been a while. 
> Generally the buttons you need appear in the window after a DVD has been 
> inserted and mounted. The first thing will be the name of the folder which is 
> usually the name of the DVD. You can rename this to anything you want. Next 
> will be a RIP button, followed by an unlabeled button which is eject. After 
> that is the compress button which shows up twice, first as an unlabeled 
> button and then again as a button called Compress. Both do the same thing. I 
> haven't played with Compress.
> CB
> On 8/4/11 1:58 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> I just downloaded and ran irip. Getting out of the registration dialog that 
>> you land in at first, is a matter of going into the window menu and clicking 
>> the main window to focus it. However, how did you work with the rest? The 
>> toolbar gives no buttons. It's just an empty control that you can interact 
>> with, but then one can't do anything there. The rest of the interface looks 
>> really simple and promising though. The rest of the screen is uncluttered 
>> and barely contains anything more than a progress indicator. How do you rip 
>> a dvd yourself with it?  Interested to hear.
>> Regards,
>> Paul.
>> On Aug 4, 2011, at 5:07 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> The one is better which does what you want :) RipIt's web site claims a 
>>> that it is guaranteed to work and they will even go out and buy a DVD to 
>>> test if you have trouble with getting one to rip. Their focus is on simple 
>>> so it's not going to do all kinds of fancy conversions or copy only 
>>> selected parts, but it will get the DVD dumped to your hard drive and from 
>>> there you have all kinds of options. Their site also says that using the 
>>> Compress options makes a fiel playable in iOS devices and iTunes. Give the 
>>> demo a try and if it does what you want you can buy it.
>>> CB
>>> On 8/4/11 12:53 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
 Thanks. Got it. It's half the price of DVD Remaster pro.
  I wonder which is better?
 On Aug 1, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> Might want to give RipIt a try. They have a free demo version to download 
> which lets you do a couple rips before you have to buy it. Purchase cost 
> is $25. It's main thing is to copy protected disks but it will also do 
> compression to create versions for ipods and such.
> CB
> On 8/1/11 1:08 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
>> Hi, Doug. Will it work with commercial DVD's as far as making a backup 
>> copy?
>> Also, will it allow you to create an m4v file to put onto your iPad or 
>> iPhone?
>> Thanks.
>> On Jul 29, 2011, at 10:03 AM, Doug Lawlor wrote:
>>> Hi Paul,
>>> Check out dvd remaster. This program should do what you want and is 
>>> very accessible. I'm not sure how much it is because when I bought the 
>>> program it was on sale for 90% off the list price.
>>> Doug
>>> On 2011-07-29, at 1:42 PM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
 Hi, guys. I am looking for an accessible DVD cloning program like 
 Handbrake. I want to convert DVD's to m4v files I can copy to my 
 If handbrake is accessible, that's great; but is there a better one?
 I'd also like a program which will clone the DVD so I can have a 
 backup and put the original away for safe keeping.
 I have clone DVD and Clone DVD mobile along with Any DVD HD from 
 slysoft for windows, but they are totally inaccessible under windows.
 Is there something similar to the slysoft programs that is accessible 
 on the mac?
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Re: favorites bar in lion mail

2011-08-06 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Teresa and list,

That is clear so far. How would you go about removing an item from the 
favorites bar? I spent some time yesterday, trying to figure it out, but while 
making an alias to a mailbox inside the favorites bar is easy now that I know 
how to do it, it is not as easy to undo that. Any idea how that can be done? 
I'm asking because the favorites bar has a few items by default, that I want to 

On Aug 5, 2011, at 7:17 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, Paul,
> The favorites bar contains shortcuts or "aliases" to the actual mailboxes. 
> What you will want to do is use VO drag-and drop. Move the item from the 
> favorites bar to the mailbox list with VO-comma and VO-period to drag and 
> drop respectively.
> HTH,
> Teresa
> On Aug 5, 2011, at 10:05 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi Brian and list,
>> I managed to drag my private inbox to the favorites bar, so that it is 
>> easily reachable. I learned how to do that on this list. It is very useful, 
>> given the command 1 etc options. But now, is it possible to remove an item 
>> present in the favorites bar? There is an aggregate inbox that I'd like to 
>> get rid of, and also the sent items item is of little use to me in the 
>> favorites bar. Here's what I tried so far.
>> 1. Delete and fn delete, with the v o cursor on the mailbox to remove, in 
>> the favorites bar. . However, since mail cannot know where the voiceover 
>> cursor is, this won't do it.
>> 2. I moved the mouse to the favorites bar and to the mailbox I wanted to 
>> remove. V o command f5 gets the mouse pointer over to where the v o cursor 
>> is. I checked the mouse position with v o f5. Then, I held down control and 
>> pressed down the bottom left corner of the trackpad. This won't remove the 
>> mailbox intended, from the favorites bar though. Option click won't either.
>> 3. Having the mouse on the mailbox name I want to remove from the favorites 
>> bar, clicking the mouse and attempting a context menu with v o shift m, 
>> won't do the job either.
>> So, I think one should drag the mailbox off of the favorites bar to get rid 
>> of it there. Is that true? Where would a sighted person drop it on the 
>> screen? Can we get to an empty spot on the lion mail screen using voiceover? 
>> Interested to know.
>> Paul.
>> On Aug 5, 2011, at 6:04 PM, Bryan Jones wrote:
>>> Hello Paul,
>>> Whichever mailbox is reported as "checked" is the mailbox you will find 
>>> when you navigate to your message list. I believe the checkboxes on Mail's 
>>> Favorites bar would actually be better described as radio buttons because 
>>> you can only have one selected at a time. You'll notice if you navigate 
>>> between the items on the favorites bar, pressing VO+spacebar on one item 
>>> will "uncheck" whichever other item was previously "checked.".
>>> Regarding your second question: Yes, one of the functions of the favorites 
>>> bar is to allow access to mailboxes if the mailbox list is closed. In 
>>> addition, it also provides a nice set of shortcuts to selected mailboxes 
>>> via the Command+1,2,3,etc keystrokes. The favorites bar can be used whether 
>>> the mailbox list is opened or closed.
>>> HTH,
>>> Bryan
>>> On Aug 5, 2011, at 11:35 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
 In the favorites bar that Teresa wrote about in Lion mail, there are 
 checkboxes in front of the mailboxes I see there. What do these do? Also, 
 am I correct in assuming that the favorites bar is there, so that one can 
 switch mailboxes, even though the list of mailboxes is not opened?
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Re: favorites bar in lion mail

2011-08-06 Thread André Nuno Soares
Hello Paul,

I was only able to drag a folder away from the favorites bar using the old drag 
and drop method:
Move the VO cursor over to the folder you want to remove, in the Favorites bar.
Move the mouse cursor to where the VO cursor is with VO Command F5
Press the mouse button down with VO Command space bar
Stop interacting with the Favorites bar and move the VO cursor to the Mailboxes 
Move again the mouse cursor to the VO cursor with VO Command F5
Release the down mouse button with VO Command Space bar.

And that's it. 

Hope it helps,

On Aug 6, 2011, at 11:24 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Teresa and list,
> That is clear so far. How would you go about removing an item from the 
> favorites bar? I spent some time yesterday, trying to figure it out, but 
> while making an alias to a mailbox inside the favorites bar is easy now that 
> I know how to do it, it is not as easy to undo that. Any idea how that can be 
> done? I'm asking because the favorites bar has a few items by default, that I 
> want to remove.
> Paul.
> On Aug 5, 2011, at 7:17 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, Paul,
>> The favorites bar contains shortcuts or "aliases" to the actual mailboxes. 
>> What you will want to do is use VO drag-and drop. Move the item from the 
>> favorites bar to the mailbox list with VO-comma and VO-period to drag and 
>> drop respectively.
>> HTH,
>> Teresa
>> On Aug 5, 2011, at 10:05 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>>> Hi Brian and list,
>>> I managed to drag my private inbox to the favorites bar, so that it is 
>>> easily reachable. I learned how to do that on this list. It is very useful, 
>>> given the command 1 etc options. But now, is it possible to remove an item 
>>> present in the favorites bar? There is an aggregate inbox that I'd like to 
>>> get rid of, and also the sent items item is of little use to me in the 
>>> favorites bar. Here's what I tried so far.
>>> 1. Delete and fn delete, with the v o cursor on the mailbox to remove, in 
>>> the favorites bar. . However, since mail cannot know where the voiceover 
>>> cursor is, this won't do it.
>>> 2. I moved the mouse to the favorites bar and to the mailbox I wanted to 
>>> remove. V o command f5 gets the mouse pointer over to where the v o cursor 
>>> is. I checked the mouse position with v o f5. Then, I held down control and 
>>> pressed down the bottom left corner of the trackpad. This won't remove the 
>>> mailbox intended, from the favorites bar though. Option click won't either.
>>> 3. Having the mouse on the mailbox name I want to remove from the favorites 
>>> bar, clicking the mouse and attempting a context menu with v o shift m, 
>>> won't do the job either.
>>> So, I think one should drag the mailbox off of the favorites bar to get rid 
>>> of it there. Is that true? Where would a sighted person drop it on the 
>>> screen? Can we get to an empty spot on the lion mail screen using 
>>> voiceover? Interested to know.
>>> Paul.
>>> On Aug 5, 2011, at 6:04 PM, Bryan Jones wrote:
 Hello Paul,
 Whichever mailbox is reported as "checked" is the mailbox you will find 
 when you navigate to your message list. I believe the checkboxes on Mail's 
 Favorites bar would actually be better described as radio buttons because 
 you can only have one selected at a time. You'll notice if you navigate 
 between the items on the favorites bar, pressing VO+spacebar on one item 
 will "uncheck" whichever other item was previously "checked.".
 Regarding your second question: Yes, one of the functions of the favorites 
 bar is to allow access to mailboxes if the mailbox list is closed. In 
 addition, it also provides a nice set of shortcuts to selected mailboxes 
 via the Command+1,2,3,etc keystrokes. The favorites bar can be used 
 whether the mailbox list is opened or closed.
 On Aug 5, 2011, at 11:35 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
> In the favorites bar that Teresa wrote about in Lion mail, there are 
> checkboxes in front of the mailboxes I see there. What do these do? Also, 
> am I correct in assuming that the favorites bar is there, so that one can 
> switch mailboxes, even though the list of mailboxes is not opened?
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Viewing Music by Albums in ITunes 10.4

2011-08-06 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello everyone. When I look at my music in ITunes 10.4 I just have a list of
songs. I would like them grouped by album. I turned on the browser and
checked the album in the view menu but I still get a list of songs. How can
I view by album, artist, etc.


Thanks so much. I hope you have a nice weekend.



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Trillian - a new kid on the IM block

2011-08-06 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hi folks.
>I am testing out an app that could or couldn't be an alternative to Adium. The 
>name of the program is Trillian and it's available from the Mac App store. 
>It's free, but apparently there is a pro version ov it as well, though i 
>haven't tested that one.
This app has a whole lot of goodies, like facebook, twitter, and the most 
common Instant messaging services like Aim, Icq and MSN and more.
The facebook plugin actually lets you not only chat, but also lets you read and 
write posts, like and comment on others posts and see friends and so on. In the 
Twitter part, you can see following and followers. The IM part works like 
Adium, it has an edit box for you to type your message in, and a html area 
where the answer appears. Both are very accessible, although the bug where in 
groups mode you can't see more than one page is there.
On the whole, Trillian seems at least to me to be accessible, however there are 
some tips and tricks one should be aware of: In the facebook part, if you want 
to comment on a certain message, you have to find it and then route the mouse 
to it (vo+cmd+f5) then you'll have to click the mouse (vo+shift+spacebar) to 
highlight the message. After this, you can right click on the message 
(vo+shift+m) and from the popup menu, decide what to do.
Trillian works with Growl so it's actually possible to have Trillian speak the 
incoming chat messages, however that seems to be true only when the app is in 
the back ground.
The biggest issue this app has is that when in the Facebook or twitter part of 
the app, you can't send your own posts to the services. There's an edit box to 
type in your message, but there's no send button that VO can see and the 
shortcuts for sending don't seem to work. I have filed a bug at the Cerulian 
studios bug tracker, so let's see if this gets fixed soon.
Over all, i think Trillian is a nice experience, and hadn't it been for the 
fact that i can't send posts to facebook or Twitter, i might actually switch 
from Adium to Trillian.

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reaper 4 and vo

2011-08-06 Thread baker420
hi i tried both 32 and 64 bit versions of reaper
i'm finding real sluggish when moving through the window
i'm running 10.7 with 2 gb of ram on my macbook

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Re: reaper 4 and vo

2011-08-06 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I have no problems with sluggishness in Reaper V4. It looks quite nice, i'd 
say. Haven't done any recordings with it, but i have tried editing a little and 
sorta gotten it to work.
I don't know, but maybe more memory in your Macbook would be a good idea. I 
have 8 Gb on my IMac, but you could try with 4 GB.

6 aug 2011 kl. 14:46 skrev baker420:

> hi i tried both 32 and 64 bit versions of reaper
> i'm finding real sluggish when moving through the window
> i'm running 10.7 with 2 gb of ram on my macbook
> thanks
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Re: Resizing BootCamp Partition.

2011-08-06 Thread Cody
That guide was because Win Clone won't work under lion and that is a work 
around. if you've got leopard or snow leopard, you should be fine. but win 
clone will not make an unattended install for you. WC will only take a snapshot 
image and allow you to delta the bc partition and recreate it and then reimage 
the bc partition. outside of this, there aren't many other options…..
On Aug 6, 2011, at 2:42 AM, Georges Zaynoun wrote:

>> From where to get the winclone utility?
> Is it possible to whipe the entire hard disk, make a windows unattended 
> install on the mac then clone with winclone, reinstall lion on the entire hd 
> deleting all what is windows, create a bootcamp partition in the size we want 
> and finally use winclone to get windows back on that partition?
> Why this very long and convoluted method?  Simply because I don't want 
> sighted help and want to use bootcamp not fusion.
> Original message:
>> Hi,
>> I recently covered this in an article I wrote and also posted to the mac
>> visionaries list, and if you go here, you may find some use in this guide
>> depending on what version of OSX you are using
>> HTH
>> Cody
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Georges Zaynoun" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 9:38 AM
>> Subject: Resizing BootCamp Partition.
>> Hi!
>> I wonder if it is possible after windows install to resize the bootcamp
>> partition to be either smaller or larger, I know this should affect the
>> macintosh hd partition consequently as well but this is what I am
>> thinking of at the time, resizing after installation is done, thanks.
>> --
>> Georges Zeinoun
>> Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
>> Tel: +46500201623, +46500482929
>> Mobile: +46707567315
>> E-mail:
> -- 
> Georges Zeinoun
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Re: favorites bar in lion mail

2011-08-06 Thread Teresa Cochran
Sorry, guys; I couldn't remember which drag-and-drop method I'd used to do 
this. I'm pretty sure it was indeed the older method. Yesterday I had to use 
that method to add a folder to the favorites bar, and the new one was finding 
neither the draggable item nor the place to drop it.

On Aug 6, 2011, at 4:42 AM, André Nuno Soares wrote:

> Hello Paul,
> I was only able to drag a folder away from the favorites bar using the old 
> drag and drop method:
> Move the VO cursor over to the folder you want to remove, in the Favorites 
> bar.
> Move the mouse cursor to where the VO cursor is with VO Command F5
> Press the mouse button down with VO Command space bar
> Stop interacting with the Favorites bar and move the VO cursor to the 
> Mailboxes table.
> Move again the mouse cursor to the VO cursor with VO Command F5
> Release the down mouse button with VO Command Space bar.
> And that's it. 
> Hope it helps,
> André
> On Aug 6, 2011, at 11:24 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi Teresa and list,
>> That is clear so far. How would you go about removing an item from the 
>> favorites bar? I spent some time yesterday, trying to figure it out, but 
>> while making an alias to a mailbox inside the favorites bar is easy now that 
>> I know how to do it, it is not as easy to undo that. Any idea how that can 
>> be done? I'm asking because the favorites bar has a few items by default, 
>> that I want to remove.
>> Paul.
>> On Aug 5, 2011, at 7:17 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> Hi, Paul,
>>> The favorites bar contains shortcuts or "aliases" to the actual mailboxes. 
>>> What you will want to do is use VO drag-and drop. Move the item from the 
>>> favorites bar to the mailbox list with VO-comma and VO-period to drag and 
>>> drop respectively.
>>> HTH,
>>> Teresa
>>> On Aug 5, 2011, at 10:05 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
 Hi Brian and list,
 I managed to drag my private inbox to the favorites bar, so that it is 
 easily reachable. I learned how to do that on this list. It is very 
 useful, given the command 1 etc options. But now, is it possible to remove 
 an item present in the favorites bar? There is an aggregate inbox that I'd 
 like to get rid of, and also the sent items item is of little use to me in 
 the favorites bar. Here's what I tried so far.
 1. Delete and fn delete, with the v o cursor on the mailbox to remove, in 
 the favorites bar. . However, since mail cannot know where the voiceover 
 cursor is, this won't do it.
 2. I moved the mouse to the favorites bar and to the mailbox I wanted to 
 remove. V o command f5 gets the mouse pointer over to where the v o cursor 
 is. I checked the mouse position with v o f5. Then, I held down control 
 and pressed down the bottom left corner of the trackpad. This won't remove 
 the mailbox intended, from the favorites bar though. Option click won't 
 3. Having the mouse on the mailbox name I want to remove from the 
 favorites bar, clicking the mouse and attempting a context menu with v o 
 shift m, won't do the job either.
 So, I think one should drag the mailbox off of the favorites bar to get 
 rid of it there. Is that true? Where would a sighted person drop it on the 
 screen? Can we get to an empty spot on the lion mail screen using 
 voiceover? Interested to know.
 On Aug 5, 2011, at 6:04 PM, Bryan Jones wrote:
> Hello Paul,
> Whichever mailbox is reported as "checked" is the mailbox you will find 
> when you navigate to your message list. I believe the checkboxes on 
> Mail's Favorites bar would actually be better described as radio buttons 
> because you can only have one selected at a time. You'll notice if you 
> navigate between the items on the favorites bar, pressing VO+spacebar on 
> one item will "uncheck" whichever other item was previously "checked.".
> Regarding your second question: Yes, one of the functions of the 
> favorites bar is to allow access to mailboxes if the mailbox list is 
> closed. In addition, it also provides a nice set of shortcuts to selected 
> mailboxes via the Command+1,2,3,etc keystrokes. The favorites bar can be 
> used whether the mailbox list is opened or closed.
> HTH,
> Bryan
> On Aug 5, 2011, at 11:35 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> In the favorites bar that Teresa wrote about in Lion mail, there are 
>> checkboxes in front of the mailboxes I see there. What do these do? 
>> Also, am I correct in assuming that the favorites bar is there, so that 
>> one can switch mailboxes, even though the list of mailboxes is not 
>> opened?
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What's a Menu Pop-up Link?

2011-08-06 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, all,

Voiceover has changed some of its terminology with, the Lion release. What is a 
"menu-pop-up link"? I'm guessing it's a expandable menu on a webpage, but I'm 
not entirely sure. I found some examples on the Google Plus site.

Perhaps a related question: I notice that the keystroke VO-shift-J will "go to 
pop-up item". I can't for the life of me find an example of a context in which 
to use this particular command.


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checkup for Mac

2011-08-06 Thread Mary Otten
Has anybody used this application? It is half price via macupdate right now, 
and it sounds like a great application if it is accessible. It is suppose to 
monitor all aspects of your mac, from processor and other hardware to data and 
applications and easily lets you uninstall applications and their associated 
settings and data. 

Mary Otten

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checkup addendum

2011-08-06 Thread Mary Otten
Oops. The discount is 39% not half off, but that's still pretty hefty.


Mary Otten

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Google Chrome Web Browser

2011-08-06 Thread Kevin Chao
Please, I would like to know if OS X Lion Voiceover users have tried
Google Chrome web browser? If so, what are people's experience with
it, especially the accessibility or inaccessibility of it. If there
are features or aspects that are very accessible or inaccessible,
please do share those details.



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Re: where do the new voices go?

2011-08-06 Thread Lynn Schneider
Hi Mike and others.  I totally love some of these new voices.  I always thought 
Alex and I would have a monogamous relationship, but, well, you know, I have to 
confess that I've been cheating on him these days since more exciting things 
have come along.  LOL.  Actually, I love the idea that I can change up once in 
a while.  Now, I am totally crazy about these higher quality voices and would 
like to get more of them, although I know they will not be free.  I would say 
that you do need a fairly good computer to download and run some of these 
voices, but my iMac seems to like them just fine.  I sure wish I could get some 
different voices on my iPhone now.

On Aug 2, 2011, at 8:34 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> I just checked, the voics are definitely there. You may not want to just 
> delete them though, if the system still thinks they are there, it may cause 
> problems. I think if you uncheck the option for each voice, it may uninstall 
> them, not sure on that though. The premium voices definitely use a large 
> speech print, which is good, Apple choe to use the highest quality possible. 
> While smaller speech prints take less space, the quality of the speech 
> definitely suffers as a result.
> On Aug 2, 2011, at 5:19 AM, Red.Falcon wrote:
>> Hi Ricardo!
>> Someone on the other list suggested that you might find them in
>> /System/Library/Speech/Voices.
>> And be able to delete from there!
>> Colin
>> On 2 Aug 2011, at 01:27, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hello list,
>>> I was wondering, when you download the new voices found in Lion, where do 
>>> they go?  I ask because what if you wish to delete them?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
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Re: Garageband success again

2011-08-06 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Ed Worrel,
I'm trying to open your song by clicking the link in your email, but it won't 
play. Could it be that you moved or removed your song? There's a play button on 
the website, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Interested to hear your garage 
band creation. Do you know why it won't play?
On Jul 27, 2011, at 7:05 PM, Ed Worrell wrote:

> Hello listers, sorry if this is off topic I just wanted to share My new 
> creation with you all. I have created a new song with Garageband and I am 
> very proud of it. I would love it if you could give me a little feedback, 
> please email me at with comments. So her is the link to 
> My sound cloud page, the song is called The Suspect
> Thanks ED
> P.S. here is the link to my Soundcloud profile
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Re: partitioning question

2011-08-06 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Paul,

Just as an F Y I, One can also create and resize disc partitions in Windows 7 
without losing any data.  This feature is part of the Windows 7 OS.

On Aug 6, 2011, at 3:12 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
In fact, I used this feature a month ago and it works flawlessly.

> Hi Chad,
> If it is disk utility in Lion that you are talking about, then here's what 
> you can do. Indeed there is a disk resize control, but interacting with it 
> won't let you adjust it. However, a bit over to the right is an edit text 
> box, where you will find the current size of the partition, and even if it is 
> the startup disk, macintosh hd in this case, you can adjust it, by simply 
> typing a new number here. Of course, you cannot have a partition larger than 
> your drive, but if you want a new partition, in place of free space on 
> macintosh hd, then simply lower the number in this text box and hit apply. 
> You will get a dialog, stating that none of your partitions will be erased. 
> Rather, their sizes will only be adjusted. As a former windows user, I found 
> this partitioning feature which is part of the operating system, rather 
> innovative. HTH.
> Paul.
> On Aug 6, 2011, at 10:24 AM, chad baker wrote:
>> hi quick question how do i resize a partition
>> it says resize control
>> i had sl on it want to resize it
>> not sure how to do it
>> also there's another one saying free space
>> thanks
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Re: partitioning question

2011-08-06 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Mark,
This is getting off topic, but I was referring to good old win xp when I said 
that this o s did not come with prefab repartitioning. Because I'm not a win7 
user yet, I didn't know that win 7 now can do the same repartitioning trick as 
a mac. Learned something yet again. Thanks.
On Aug 6, 2011, at 8:01 PM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Paul,
> Just as an F Y I, One can also create and resize disc partitions in Windows 7 
> without losing any data.  This feature is part of the Windows 7 OS.
> Mark
> On Aug 6, 2011, at 3:12 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
> In fact, I used this feature a month ago and it works flawlessly.
> Mark
>> Hi Chad,
>> If it is disk utility in Lion that you are talking about, then here's what 
>> you can do. Indeed there is a disk resize control, but interacting with it 
>> won't let you adjust it. However, a bit over to the right is an edit text 
>> box, where you will find the current size of the partition, and even if it 
>> is the startup disk, macintosh hd in this case, you can adjust it, by simply 
>> typing a new number here. Of course, you cannot have a partition larger than 
>> your drive, but if you want a new partition, in place of free space on 
>> macintosh hd, then simply lower the number in this text box and hit apply. 
>> You will get a dialog, stating that none of your partitions will be erased. 
>> Rather, their sizes will only be adjusted. As a former windows user, I found 
>> this partitioning feature which is part of the operating system, rather 
>> innovative. HTH.
>> Paul.
>> On Aug 6, 2011, at 10:24 AM, chad baker wrote:
>>> hi quick question how do i resize a partition
>>> it says resize control
>>> i had sl on it want to resize it
>>> not sure how to do it
>>> also there's another one saying free space
>>> thanks
>>> -- 
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Re: Conversations and Threads

2011-08-06 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Teresa, Interesting, the difference you mention between threads and 
conversations. When mail organizes messages by either, what are the differences 
in criteria that mail relies on to do the job? Do you happen to know? I'm 
asking because it looked like you do. See message below.
On Jul 27, 2011, at 3:31 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> That's the neat thing about conversations versus threads: they rely on more 
> than the subject line, so that in most cases, you can change it, and still 
> have messages within the conversation.
> Teresa
> On Jul 27, 2011, at 6:24 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> With the improved functioning of threads in Lion, it occurs to me that valid 
>> subject lines are going to be more important than ever now.  BTW, I just 
>> changed the subject line to reflect what I wished to discuss.
>> Les
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mac fusion and windows audio editing and recording

2011-08-06 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi list,
Has any of you experienced the following?
1. When in windows xp under fusion, if you use an audio recording app to record 
from the microphone, then the recording starts too late. I.e.: starting the 
recording and immediately counting from 1 to 5, the first 2 or 3 counts, all 
the length of approx. a second, are not in the recording. Using the same audio 
recorder, cool edit v1.2a in my case, on a regular old xp computer, does the 
same job very well, not leaving out any of the material that should have been 
2. When listening to audio, stopping playback, and then cutting a section from 
the audio file, results in a section too early to be cut. Does any of you 
recognize this?

Because this windows audio editor behaves normally under native xp and 
strangely in this respect under fusion, I suspect that fusion is the problem. 
If you think so too, it might be worth reporting this to VMware. So 
technically, I hope some of you recognizes this problem. Maybe you even already 
found a solution?

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Re: Google Chrome Web Browser

2011-08-06 Thread Bryan Jones
Hello Kevin,

I'm currently running Chrome 13.0.782.109 beta on Lion. It has some flaws but 
is mostly accessible and doesn't suffer from the VO lag still present in Opera. 
I still do most of my surfing in the nightly builds of Webkit, but when I come 
across an issue on a particular page I appreciate now having Chrome as a 
useable alternative to help with troubleshooting. Sorry I don't have time to 
write a more detailed report at the moment, but I'll try later. I highly 
recommend giving the chrome 13 beta a whirl, and if you're like me and don't 
mind tweaking and troubleshooting, you might want to give the "Canary" version 
a try. It's their bleeding edge build and can be installed and run side-by-side 
without screwing up other settings.


On Aug 6, 2011, at 1:38 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:

> Please, I would like to know if OS X Lion Voiceover users have tried
> Google Chrome web browser? If so, what are people's experience with
> it, especially the accessibility or inaccessibility of it. If there
> are features or aspects that are very accessible or inaccessible,
> please do share those details.

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Re: sorting folders in favorites of mail, help needed pls

2011-08-06 Thread Paul Erkens
I don't know if you got the answer yet, but I got it in another thread here. 
The checkboxes next to the mailbox names in the lion mail favorites bar, will, 
when ticked, show that mailbox contents in the message list column. These 
checkboxes could better be described as being radio buttons, because that's 
what they react like. If you push one, the others deactivate. Using the 
favorites bar's checkboxes, you can easily view that mailbox. Of course, if the 
mailbox names were buttons instead, the same functionality would have been 
On Jul 26, 2011, at 3:19 PM, William Windels wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was finally able to put folders in the favorites of the mail in classic 
> view.
> But, I don't understand the context there:
> what is the meaning of the checkboxes next to each folder-alias?
> How can I re-order the folders in the favorites?
> And finally, to remove pre-defined folders there with mouse click up/down 
> like described here before, seems not to work.
> Any hints would be very appreciated.
> best regards,
> William 
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Question about what I am typing not being spoken in edit boxes

2011-08-06 Thread Christine Grassman
Since I updated SL a few days ago, I have noticed that when I input text into 
an edit box of any kind: status on FB, a Tweet, a search box on Google, what I 
am typing is not being spoken.  Also, if I interact with the text, it is not 
reading, so I cannot edit. I've resorted to writing in my e-mail, fixing 
mistakes if any, then copying into the boxes. Annoying. Anyone know what might 
be going on? This is the only time this happens.

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Re: Garageband success again

2011-08-06 Thread Ed Worrell
Hello Paul, I am not sure why It won't play for you. You can try this link

This link will take you to my main page and you can find all my songs on this 
page. I  just checked the page and it worked on this end. The song is still out 
there, so I am not sure why you are having the issues, sorry I can't help you 
hth ED

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Re: Google Chrome Web Browser

2011-08-06 Thread Oriol Gómez
What is webkit? :S

On 8/6/11, Bryan Jones  wrote:
> Hello Kevin,
> I'm currently running Chrome 13.0.782.109 beta on Lion. It has some flaws
> but is mostly accessible and doesn't suffer from the VO lag still present in
> Opera. I still do most of my surfing in the nightly builds of Webkit, but
> when I come across an issue on a particular page I appreciate now having
> Chrome as a useable alternative to help with troubleshooting. Sorry I don't
> have time to write a more detailed report at the moment, but I'll try later.
> I highly recommend giving the chrome 13 beta a whirl, and if you're like me
> and don't mind tweaking and troubleshooting, you might want to give the
> "Canary" version a try. It's their bleeding edge build and can be installed
> and run side-by-side without screwing up other settings.
> HTH,
> Bryan
> On Aug 6, 2011, at 1:38 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:
>> Please, I would like to know if OS X Lion Voiceover users have tried
>> Google Chrome web browser? If so, what are people's experience with
>> it, especially the accessibility or inaccessibility of it. If there
>> are features or aspects that are very accessible or inaccessible,
>> please do share those details.
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RS Games Under Lion

2011-08-06 Thread Jeff Berwick
Has anybody solved the problem of not being able to play Monopoly or Yatchzee 
in RS Games under Lion?


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VO speech rate in Lion mail

2011-08-06 Thread John Chilelli
Hi all!

Can someone please tell me what I need to do to speed up the speech rate in 
mail?  Using the VO hot quick keys, ctrl+opt+cmd and the arrow keys speeds up 
speech for menus and ;the like, but does nothing for reading mail or typing 



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Re: Getting to the top or bottom of a list

2011-08-06 Thread John Chilelli
Hi Doug and all,

I own a Mac Book Pro 13" laptop  Does anyone know the commands for home and end 
on this little puppy?


On Aug 3, 2011, at 11:49 PM, Doug Lowlier wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> You must interact with the messages column then interact with the messages 
> table. When you interact with the messages column you see two items, Sort by 
> date and messages. Just interact with the messages table then go+shift+home 
> will take you to the top and go+shift+end will take you to the bottom.  
> Doug
> On 2011-08-04, at 1:08 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
>> How does one get to the top of a list of email messages? VO shift home puts 
>> me on the sort item. 
>> Thanks. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Google Chrome Web Browser

2011-08-06 Thread Bryan Jones
Hello Oriol,

Go to for a thorough explanation and download links for Webkit. 
My quick and dirty definition is Webkit is the base upon which Safari, Chrome 
and several other browsers are built. When folks are having problems with 
Apple's Safari browser, it is often recommended they try running Webkit as it 
receives updates almost nightly where Safari's updates tend to be distributed 
by Apple less frequently. Webkit can be installed and run in parallel with 


On Aug 6, 2011, at 3:18 PM, Oriol Gómez wrote:
> What is webkit? :S

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Re: Getting to the top or bottom of a list

2011-08-06 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
sure.  fn+up and fn+down are your home and end keys.  but, if you're trying 
to do this in a list as the subject line infers, then you need to actually 
do vo+shift+fn+up and down arrows.  Up to go to the top, and down to go to 
the bottom.

Be aware that if you're in a table, this'll only work once interacting with 
the table, plus, it also will move you to the far left most column of the 
top row, or the far most right column of the bottom row, so you might have 
to then either stop interacting and use just your plain arrow keys up and 
down to get feedback, or you'll have to possibly use vo+left and right 
arrows to move to the different columns on that table row.  Same goes with 
list boxes, I think.


- Original Message - 
From: "John Chilelli" 

Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2011 6:33 PM
Subject: Re: Getting to the top or bottom of a list

Hi Doug and all,

I own a Mac Book Pro 13" laptop  Does anyone know the commands for home and 
end on this little puppy?


On Aug 3, 2011, at 11:49 PM, Doug Lowlier wrote:

Hi Paul,
You must interact with the messages column then interact with the messages 
table. When you interact with the messages column you see two items, Sort 
by date and messages. Just interact with the messages table then 
go+shift+home will take you to the top and go+shift+end will take you to 
the bottom.


On 2011-08-04, at 1:08 AM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:

How does one get to the top of a list of email messages? VO shift home 
puts me on the sort item.


Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Google Chrome Web Browser

2011-08-06 Thread Christopher-Mark Gilland
Wait a second.  Is Google Chrome accessible with Voiceover?  I didn't think 
it was, is it?


- Original Message - 
From: "Bryan Jones" 

Sent: Saturday, August 06, 2011 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: Google Chrome Web Browser

Hello Oriol,

Go to for a thorough explanation and download links for 
Webkit. My quick and dirty definition is Webkit is the base upon which 
Safari, Chrome and several other browsers are built. When folks are having 
problems with Apple's Safari browser, it is often recommended they try 
running Webkit as it receives updates almost nightly where Safari's updates 
tend to be distributed by Apple less frequently. Webkit can be installed and 
run in parallel with Safari.


On Aug 6, 2011, at 3:18 PM, Oriol Gómez wrote:

What is webkit? :S

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Where to use VO+Shift+J [Was, Re: What's a Menu Pop-up Link?]

2011-08-06 Thread Bryan Jones
Hello Teresa,

I can try to answer your question regarding the use of VO+Shift+J to navigate 
pop-up items in Lion. First let me say that I'm still not sure I have this 
feature totally figured out myself, but hopefully this will make sense and will 
shed at least some light on the feature. To start with, here's the official one 
line definition from Apple's Lion VO quick start guide just in case you haven't 
seen it yet:  "Jump from the current location to any displayed 
input method or auto correction panel, and then jump back to the original 
location." .

Here's what I've found while trying to figure this feature out in more detail. 
I forget if you have n i-Device, but if you do you might recognize a small 
"blip" sound that is sometimes made in IOS when a popup list of spelling 
corrections is presented. Lion now has the ability to mimic that same behavior 
and the same sound when a misspelling is encountered. When you hear that sound, 
you can press VO+Shift+J and the VO cursor will move to the pop-up list of 
spelling choices where you can then use VO+left / right arrow to navigate the 
choices and VO will read them to you. While you are navigating that list, VO 
will speak the currently highlighted word, will tell you the number of possible 
choices in the list, and if you let the VO cursor sit on a highlighted word for 
a second it will spell the selection out loud.

As an example, if I misspell the word "the" as "ths" I will hear the little 
blip sound and VO will announce "six suggested corrections." If I then press 
VO+Shift+J VO will announce, "the, suggested correction one of six, t-h-e." If 
I then proceed to VO-right arrow I will hear the same thing repeated for the 
other suggested words in the list: "the, this, thus, these, and those." When 
I've highlighted the word I want to use, I can press Enter and it will replace 
the misspelled word.

Now, here are a few things I still haven't figured out about this feature.
1. I'm not sure exactly what options need to be turned on or off for this to 
work in Lion, but I'm pretty sure the "Correct Spelling Automatically" feature 
needs to be turned on either globally or in the current application. For 
example, while I'm typing this message in Mail, the feature is working if I 
have "Correct Spelling Automatically" checked in Mail's Edit menu / Spelling 
and Grammar. However, if I uncheck that option the spelling popup and 
associated blip don't seem to appear. Note that I have "correct spelling 
automatically" unchecked in System Prefs / Language and Text / Text.
2. Sometimes the blip and popup will happen before I finish typing a word, as 
if it's acting as a sort of auto-complete feature.
3. Sometimes I can misspell a word and nothing happens, but if I left arrow 
back to the word I will then hear the blip and get the popup. It almost seems 
like I'm typing too fast for the spell checker to keep up, but I guarantee you 
I type slow enough for a turtle to easily keep up. .
4. I'm not sure if VO+Shift+J gives access to any other sort of popup. I 
haven't found any yet, but also haven't really looked around much.

If you have any questions or thoughts about this, please email me off-list as 
I'm unsubscribing.


On Aug 6, 2011, at 11:28 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Perhaps a related question: I notice that the keystroke VO-shift-J will "go 
> to pop-up item". I can't for the life of me find an example of a context in 
> which to use this particular command.

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Re: RS Games Under Lion

2011-08-06 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi. It's a known issue, and they're working on it, according to bulletin 

On Aug 6, 2011, at 2:25 PM, Jeff Berwick wrote:

> Has anybody solved the problem of not being able to play Monopoly or Yatchzee 
> in RS Games under Lion?
> Thx,
> Jeff
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Re: Google Chrome Web Browser

2011-08-06 Thread Scott Howell
Bryan, does Chrome now handle tables? This was a real problem in the early 
versions and why I removed it from my system. ALl tables showed as being empty.
On Aug 6, 2011, at 2:30 PM, Bryan Jones wrote:

> Hello Kevin,
> I'm currently running Chrome 13.0.782.109 beta on Lion. It has some flaws but 
> is mostly accessible and doesn't suffer from the VO lag still present in 
> Opera. I still do most of my surfing in the nightly builds of Webkit, but 
> when I come across an issue on a particular page I appreciate now having 
> Chrome as a useable alternative to help with troubleshooting. Sorry I don't 
> have time to write a more detailed report at the moment, but I'll try later. 
> I highly recommend giving the chrome 13 beta a whirl, and if you're like me 
> and don't mind tweaking and troubleshooting, you might want to give the 
> "Canary" version a try. It's their bleeding edge build and can be installed 
> and run side-by-side without screwing up other settings.
> HTH,
> Bryan
> On Aug 6, 2011, at 1:38 PM, Kevin Chao wrote:
>> Please, I would like to know if OS X Lion Voiceover users have tried
>> Google Chrome web browser? If so, what are people's experience with
>> it, especially the accessibility or inaccessibility of it. If there
>> are features or aspects that are very accessible or inaccessible,
>> please do share those details.
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Re: Conversations and Threads

2011-08-06 Thread Teresa Cochran
I don't know specifics, but I do know that Mail uses more header criteria to 
group messages by conversation than by thread. I would imagine it takes the 
domain-related headers into account, but this is just a semi-educated guess. 
You can, for example, change the subject line in the middle of a thread, and it 
is still grouped into the original conversation.

On Aug 6, 2011, at 11:14 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Teresa, Interesting, the difference you mention between threads and 
> conversations. When mail organizes messages by either, what are the 
> differences in criteria that mail relies on to do the job? Do you happen to 
> know? I'm asking because it looked like you do. See message below.
> Paul.
> On Jul 27, 2011, at 3:31 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> That's the neat thing about conversations versus threads: they rely on more 
>> than the subject line, so that in most cases, you can change it, and still 
>> have messages within the conversation.
>> Teresa
>> On Jul 27, 2011, at 6:24 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>>> With the improved functioning of threads in Lion, it occurs to me that 
>>> valid subject lines are going to be more important than ever now.  BTW, I 
>>> just changed the subject line to reflect what I wished to discuss.
>>> Les
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Focus jumps to the top of the list in mail

2011-08-06 Thread John Chilelli
Hi folks,

I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing the following:

Your on row 29.  You read a post and then you delete the message.  Mail moves 
VO focus to the first message every time you do this.  Is there a fix for this? 
 I wish to stay where I am currently in the list.  Help needed indeed!



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Re: Making an Install Flash Drive for Lion: Tutorial Link

2011-08-06 Thread Matthew Campbell
Hello everybody.
Did we ever end up solving the VO dragging and dropping of the flash drive on 
the the destination field in disc utility? I'm trying to make a Lion drive 
right now and am having this issue.
Thanks all.

On 2011-07-24, at 6:00 PM, Dan wrote:

> Hello,
> I followed the instructions in Disc utility and as far as the drag and drop, 
> I got as far as setting the drive to be drug, but it never completed the 
> drag. Then once I got it to complete, but then it became the source 
> destination.
> This whole drag and drop thing is really iffy at best.
> I have Lion on a DVD, but for what ever reason, I am totally unable to get 
> the dmg file to properly be placed on the flash drive. I have never had any 
> problem with dealing with image files and using disk utility.
> Does any one have any suggestions for doing the whole process of putting the 
> install dmg file on the flash drive as a bootable drive, I don't mean the 
> part about creating the partition and stuff, I mean the restore part, it just 
> isn't working at all. So again, instructions for VO only would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Dan
> On Jul 24, 2011, at 1:38 PM, Courtney Currant wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I partitioned a 32 gb flash drive, then I went to the restore tab in disc 
>> utility. I chose the .dmg file as my source, but how can I choose my 
>> destination as the flash drive?
>> Thanks,
>> Courtney
>> On Jul 24, 2011, at 5:53 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
>>> Hi Teresa and list,
>>> Am 24.07.2011 um 08:03 schrieb Teresa Cochran:
 I saw a few questions on this list about this, so I looked it up. Here's a 
 link. Note that it's geared more toward sighted users, but basically it 
 involves taking the .dmg file and working with it in Disc Utility.
>>> Quite interesting. The only issue: There is no Lion file in my application 
>>> folder. Do you have an idea what to do then?
>>> Thanks and 
>>> all the best
>>> Jürgen
>>> -- 
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Re: Making an Install Flash Drive for Lion: Tutorial Link

2011-08-06 Thread Kristyn Leigh
The answer is ctrl+mouse click. Robert Carter made a podcast explaining the 
whole process.  His directions are very clear.

I just burned the disk image to a DVD instead of a USB drive. 

On Aug 6, 2011, at 9:36 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hello everybody.
> Did we ever end up solving the VO dragging and dropping of the flash drive on 
> the the destination field in disc utility? I'm trying to make a Lion drive 
> right now and am having this issue.
> Thanks all.
> On 2011-07-24, at 6:00 PM, Dan wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I followed the instructions in Disc utility and as far as the drag and drop, 
>> I got as far as setting the drive to be drug, but it never completed the 
>> drag. Then once I got it to complete, but then it became the source 
>> destination.
>> This whole drag and drop thing is really iffy at best.
>> I have Lion on a DVD, but for what ever reason, I am totally unable to get 
>> the dmg file to properly be placed on the flash drive. I have never had any 
>> problem with dealing with image files and using disk utility.
>> Does any one have any suggestions for doing the whole process of putting the 
>> install dmg file on the flash drive as a bootable drive, I don't mean the 
>> part about creating the partition and stuff, I mean the restore part, it 
>> just isn't working at all. So again, instructions for VO only would be 
>> appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Dan
>> On Jul 24, 2011, at 1:38 PM, Courtney Currant wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I partitioned a 32 gb flash drive, then I went to the restore tab in disc 
>>> utility. I chose the .dmg file as my source, but how can I choose my 
>>> destination as the flash drive?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Courtney
>>> On Jul 24, 2011, at 5:53 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
 Hi Teresa and list,
 Am 24.07.2011 um 08:03 schrieb Teresa Cochran:
> I saw a few questions on this list about this, so I looked it up. Here's 
> a link. Note that it's geared more toward sighted users, but basically it 
> involves taking the .dmg file and working with it in Disc Utility.
 Quite interesting. The only issue: There is no Lion file in my application 
 folder. Do you have an idea what to do then?
 Thanks and 
 all the best
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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Not another question from this guy!

2011-08-06 Thread John Chilelli
Hi everyone,

Sorry about all the questions about mail, but I'm banking on your kind 
understanding as I am a new Mac user and I need you guys to help me get my head 
around the Apple Lion mail way of doing things.  I wish to save a message and 
place it in a newly created mailbox.  I went to the message menu, down arrowed 
to the move sub-menu, downarrowed to the new mailbox and hit enter.  Aback in 
the list view, I am still seeing the same post I wanted to move.  i also tried 
hitting the spacebar on the new mailbox name, but still no go.  What am I doing 



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Copying files frone one drive to another.

2011-08-06 Thread Paul Henrichsen
Is there a way to copy from one external drive to another?

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Copying files frone one drive to another.

2011-08-06 Thread Cody
open the first drive, interact with the area where your files area, press 
command C, then navigate to your destination folder in the finder and press 
command V

On Aug 6, 2011, at 9:55 PM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:

> Is there a way to copy from one external drive to another?
> Thanks. 
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Making an Install Flash Drive for Lion: Tutorial Link

2011-08-06 Thread Matthew Campbell
Where might I find this podcast? I don't see it on the tek doctor site.
On 2011-08-06, at 9:43 PM, Kristyn Leigh wrote:

> The answer is ctrl+mouse click. Robert Carter made a podcast explaining the 
> whole process.  His directions are very clear.
> I just burned the disk image to a DVD instead of a USB drive. 
> Kristyn
> On Aug 6, 2011, at 9:36 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hello everybody.
>> Did we ever end up solving the VO dragging and dropping of the flash drive 
>> on the the destination field in disc utility? I'm trying to make a Lion 
>> drive right now and am having this issue.
>> Thanks all.
>> On 2011-07-24, at 6:00 PM, Dan wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I followed the instructions in Disc utility and as far as the drag and 
>>> drop, I got as far as setting the drive to be drug, but it never completed 
>>> the drag. Then once I got it to complete, but then it became the source 
>>> destination.
>>> This whole drag and drop thing is really iffy at best.
>>> I have Lion on a DVD, but for what ever reason, I am totally unable to get 
>>> the dmg file to properly be placed on the flash drive. I have never had any 
>>> problem with dealing with image files and using disk utility.
>>> Does any one have any suggestions for doing the whole process of putting 
>>> the install dmg file on the flash drive as a bootable drive, I don't mean 
>>> the part about creating the partition and stuff, I mean the restore part, 
>>> it just isn't working at all. So again, instructions for VO only would be 
>>> appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dan
>>> On Jul 24, 2011, at 1:38 PM, Courtney Currant wrote:
 I partitioned a 32 gb flash drive, then I went to the restore tab in disc 
 utility. I chose the .dmg file as my source, but how can I choose my 
 destination as the flash drive?
 On Jul 24, 2011, at 5:53 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
> Hi Teresa and list,
> Am 24.07.2011 um 08:03 schrieb Teresa Cochran:
>> I saw a few questions on this list about this, so I looked it up. Here's 
>> a link. Note that it's geared more toward sighted users, but basically 
>> it involves taking the .dmg file and working with it in Disc Utility.
> Quite interesting. The only issue: There is no Lion file in my 
> application folder. Do you have an idea what to do then?
> Thanks and 
> all the best
> Jürgen
> -- 
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Re: Making an Install Flash Drive for Lion: Tutorial Link

2011-08-06 Thread Mike Arrigo
Here's how to get around the issue, click the restore tab, then in the list of 
disks, control click the flash drive and choose set as destination. You need to 
move the mouse to the item, and control click it, doing VO shift m won't work, 
which is probably a bug in disk utility. Once that's done, select the disk 
image for the source in the usual way
On Aug 6, 2011, at 8:36 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

> Hello everybody.
> Did we ever end up solving the VO dragging and dropping of the flash drive on 
> the the destination field in disc utility? I'm trying to make a Lion drive 
> right now and am having this issue.
> Thanks all.
> On 2011-07-24, at 6:00 PM, Dan wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I followed the instructions in Disc utility and as far as the drag and drop, 
>> I got as far as setting the drive to be drug, but it never completed the 
>> drag. Then once I got it to complete, but then it became the source 
>> destination.
>> This whole drag and drop thing is really iffy at best.
>> I have Lion on a DVD, but for what ever reason, I am totally unable to get 
>> the dmg file to properly be placed on the flash drive. I have never had any 
>> problem with dealing with image files and using disk utility.
>> Does any one have any suggestions for doing the whole process of putting the 
>> install dmg file on the flash drive as a bootable drive, I don't mean the 
>> part about creating the partition and stuff, I mean the restore part, it 
>> just isn't working at all. So again, instructions for VO only would be 
>> appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Dan
>> On Jul 24, 2011, at 1:38 PM, Courtney Currant wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I partitioned a 32 gb flash drive, then I went to the restore tab in disc 
>>> utility. I chose the .dmg file as my source, but how can I choose my 
>>> destination as the flash drive?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Courtney
>>> On Jul 24, 2011, at 5:53 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
 Hi Teresa and list,
 Am 24.07.2011 um 08:03 schrieb Teresa Cochran:
> I saw a few questions on this list about this, so I looked it up. Here's 
> a link. Note that it's geared more toward sighted users, but basically it 
> involves taking the .dmg file and working with it in Disc Utility.
 Quite interesting. The only issue: There is no Lion file in my application 
 folder. Do you have an idea what to do then?
 Thanks and 
 all the best
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Making an Install Flash Drive for Lion: Tutorial Link

2011-08-06 Thread Courtney Curran
How do you control click?
On Aug 6, 2011, at 10:16 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> Here's how to get around the issue, click the restore tab, then in the list 
> of disks, control click the flash drive and choose set as destination. You 
> need to move the mouse to the item, and control click it, doing VO shift m 
> won't work, which is probably a bug in disk utility. Once that's done, select 
> the disk image for the source in the usual way
> On Aug 6, 2011, at 8:36 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hello everybody.
>> Did we ever end up solving the VO dragging and dropping of the flash drive 
>> on the the destination field in disc utility? I'm trying to make a Lion 
>> drive right now and am having this issue.
>> Thanks all.
>> On 2011-07-24, at 6:00 PM, Dan wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I followed the instructions in Disc utility and as far as the drag and 
>>> drop, I got as far as setting the drive to be drug, but it never completed 
>>> the drag. Then once I got it to complete, but then it became the source 
>>> destination.
>>> This whole drag and drop thing is really iffy at best.
>>> I have Lion on a DVD, but for what ever reason, I am totally unable to get 
>>> the dmg file to properly be placed on the flash drive. I have never had any 
>>> problem with dealing with image files and using disk utility.
>>> Does any one have any suggestions for doing the whole process of putting 
>>> the install dmg file on the flash drive as a bootable drive, I don't mean 
>>> the part about creating the partition and stuff, I mean the restore part, 
>>> it just isn't working at all. So again, instructions for VO only would be 
>>> appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dan
>>> On Jul 24, 2011, at 1:38 PM, Courtney Currant wrote:
 I partitioned a 32 gb flash drive, then I went to the restore tab in disc 
 utility. I chose the .dmg file as my source, but how can I choose my 
 destination as the flash drive?
 On Jul 24, 2011, at 5:53 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:
> Hi Teresa and list,
> Am 24.07.2011 um 08:03 schrieb Teresa Cochran:
>> I saw a few questions on this list about this, so I looked it up. Here's 
>> a link. Note that it's geared more toward sighted users, but basically 
>> it involves taking the .dmg file and working with it in Disc Utility.
> Quite interesting. The only issue: There is no Lion file in my 
> application folder. Do you have an idea what to do then?
> Thanks and 
> all the best
> Jürgen
> -- 
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Moving mesage to other mailboxRe: Not another question from this guy!

2011-08-06 Thread John Sanfilippo
Hi, Johnny

We've all got questions at one time or other.

Here's what I do with this:

With the message you wanna move in focus, and not from within the message, 
press control option shift m for a list of options,
up arrow to move, being sure to go past move again.
On move to, press right arrow,
up or down arrow thru  the list of mailboxes,
press enter on the one you want.
Your original message should disappear from where it was.

Next time you do this, you'll probably find that move to now has the name of 
the mailbox you previously used.

Of course, there's a copy option as well.

Hope this helps.
John S

On Aug 6, 2011, at 9:49 PM, John Chilelli wrote:

Hi everyone,

Sorry about all the questions about mail, but I'm banking on your kind 
understanding as I am a new Mac user and I need you guys to help me get my head 
around the Apple Lion mail way of doing things.  I wish to save a message and 
place it in a newly created mailbox.  I went to the message menu, down arrowed 
to the move sub-menu, downarrowed to the new mailbox and hit enter.  Aback in 
the list view, I am still seeing the same post I wanted to move.  i also tried 
hitting the spacebar on the new mailbox name, but still no go.  What am I doing 



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Re: Resizing BootCamp Partition.

2011-08-06 Thread Georges Zaynoun
I know that sir, one uses windows unattended way of setup but because 
that wipes the hard disk hence comes the question of installing windows 
before lion then doing the rest.

Original message:
That guide was because Win Clone won't work under lion and that is a 
work around. if you've got leopard or snow leopard, you should be fine. 
but win clone will not make an unattended install for you. WC will only 
take a snapshot image and allow you to delta the bc partition and 
recreate it and then reimage the bc partition. outside of this, there 
aren't many other options…..

On Aug 6, 2011, at 2:42 AM, Georges Zaynoun wrote:

From where to get the winclone utility?
Is it possible to whipe the entire hard disk, make a windows unattended 
install on the mac then clone with winclone, reinstall lion on the 
entire hd deleting all what is windows, create a bootcamp partition in 
the size we want and finally use winclone to get windows back on that 

Why this very long and convoluted method?  Simply because I don't want 
sighted help and want to use bootcamp not fusion.

Original message:


I recently covered this in an article I wrote and also posted to the mac
visionaries list, and if you go here, you may find some use in this guide
depending on what version of OSX you are using

- Original Message -
From: "Georges Zaynoun" 
Sent: Friday, August 05, 2011 9:38 AM
Subject: Resizing BootCamp Partition.


I wonder if it is possible after windows install to resize the bootcamp
partition to be either smaller or larger, I know this should affect the
macintosh hd partition consequently as well but this is what I am
thinking of at the time, resizing after installation is done, thanks.

Georges Zeinoun
Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
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Georges Zeinoun
Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
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login trouble

2011-08-06 Thread louie
Hi all,
I just got lion installed. I have a small problem. When I start my puter the 
login windows comes up as it should. The problem is it will only let me choose 
one account using VO + shift+ down arrow to activate the list of accounts. I 
have four accounts and the only way can I get to the account that I want to 
login is to use the item choicer menu.
Thank you for any help.


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2011-08-06 Thread
Does anyone have the download info for growl?  I tried to google  it, but every 
page I go to says this product has been moved to a different developer.  Thanks.

Kliphton SR
(twitter&Skype) kliphton72
(Marriage Blog)
(Marriage group)

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Re: login trouble

2011-08-06 Thread Tim Kilburn

Use VO-right or left arrow instead of the up/down arrows and you should hear 
the other account choices.


On 2011-08-06, at 9:29 PM, louie wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just got lion installed. I have a small problem. When I start my puter the 
> login windows comes up as it should. The problem is it will only let me 
> choose one account using VO + shift+ down arrow to activate the list of 
> accounts. I have four accounts and the only way can I get to the account that 
> I want to login is to use the item choicer menu.
> Thank you for any help.
> louie
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: login trouble

2011-08-06 Thread louie
Tim me lad you did it again. Why in hell did they change the way you navigate 
the list?
On Aug 6, 2011, at 8:47 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi,
> Use VO-right or left arrow instead of the up/down arrows and you should hear 
> the other account choices.
> Later…
> On 2011-08-06, at 9:29 PM, louie wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just got lion installed. I have a small problem. When I start my puter the 
>> login windows comes up as it should. The problem is it will only let me 
>> choose one account using VO + shift+ down arrow to activate the list of 
>> accounts. I have four accounts and the only way can I get to the account 
>> that I want to login is to use the item choicer menu.
>> Thank you for any help.
>> louie
>> -- 
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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Re: login trouble

2011-08-06 Thread Tim Kilburn

I should have also mentioned that the Login Window behaves similarly to the 
iTunes 10.4 complaints.  That is, you can enter the first letter or letters of 
the item you wish selected within the Login window and the item will be 
selected, VO just won't tell you.  So, in this case, once the Login window 
appears, press "l" for Louie, then press return and the password field will 
come up.  Enter your password for this account, press return and you will login 
just the same as usual.


On 2011-08-06, at 9:47 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi,
> Use VO-right or left arrow instead of the up/down arrows and you should hear 
> the other account choices.
> Later…
> On 2011-08-06, at 9:29 PM, louie wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just got lion installed. I have a small problem. When I start my puter the 
>> login windows comes up as it should. The problem is it will only let me 
>> choose one account using VO + shift+ down arrow to activate the list of 
>> accounts. I have four accounts and the only way can I get to the account 
>> that I want to login is to use the item choicer menu.
>> Thank you for any help.
>> louie
>> -- 
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: login trouble

2011-08-06 Thread Tim Kilburn
Not sure Louie.  It had me confused the first time or two as well.  I hate it 
when things change.  I just get used to doing things a certain way then they 
change on me.  That's hard on us old guys.  There's probably some rationale 
that Apple's developers had for this but they didn't tell me.

Anyway, I've got used to it now so I'm OK.


On 2011-08-06, at 9:56 PM, louie wrote:

> Tim me lad you did it again. Why in hell did they change the way you navigate 
> the list?
> T
> On Aug 6, 2011, at 8:47 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Use VO-right or left arrow instead of the up/down arrows and you should hear 
>> the other account choices.
>> Later…
>> On 2011-08-06, at 9:29 PM, louie wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I just got lion installed. I have a small problem. When I start my puter 
>>> the login windows comes up as it should. The problem is it will only let me 
>>> choose one account using VO + shift+ down arrow to activate the list of 
>>> accounts. I have four accounts and the only way can I get to the account 
>>> that I want to login is to use the item choicer menu.
>>> Thank you for any help.
>>> louie
>>> -- 
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>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> louie
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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Re: Making an Install Flash Drive for Lion: Tutorial Link

2011-08-06 Thread Georges Zaynoun
I simply accomplished this task by using CCC instead of disk utility, 
that is much easier and it yielded same result in the end, a bootable 
flash drive.

Original message:
Here's how to get around the issue, click the restore tab, then in the 
list of disks, control click the flash drive and choose set as 
destination. You need to move the mouse to the item, and control click 
it, doing VO shift m won't work, which is probably a bug in disk 
utility. Once that's done, select the disk image for the source in the 
usual way

On Aug 6, 2011, at 8:36 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote:

Hello everybody.
Did we ever end up solving the VO dragging and dropping of the flash 
drive on the the destination field in disc utility? I'm trying to make 
a Lion drive right now and am having this issue.

Thanks all.

On 2011-07-24, at 6:00 PM, Dan wrote:

I followed the instructions in Disc utility and as far as the drag and 
drop, I got as far as setting the drive to be drug, but it never 
completed the drag. Then once I got it to complete, but then it became 
the source destination.

This whole drag and drop thing is really iffy at best.
I have Lion on a DVD, but for what ever reason, I am totally unable to 
get the dmg file to properly be placed on the flash drive. I have never 
had any problem with dealing with image files and using disk utility.
Does any one have any suggestions for doing the whole process of 
putting the install dmg file on the flash drive as a bootable drive, I 
don't mean the part about creating the partition and stuff, I mean the 
restore part, it just isn't working at all. So again, instructions for 
VO only would be appreciated.



On Jul 24, 2011, at 1:38 PM, Courtney Currant wrote:

I partitioned a 32 gb flash drive, then I went to the restore tab in 
disc utility. I chose the .dmg file as my source, but how can I choose 
my destination as the flash drive?

On Jul 24, 2011, at 5:53 AM, Jürgen Fleger wrote:

Hi Teresa and list,

Am 24.07.2011 um 08:03 schrieb Teresa Cochran:

I saw a few questions on this list about this, so I looked it up. 
Here's a link. Note that it's geared more toward sighted users, but 
basically it involves taking the .dmg file and working with it in Disc Utility.

Quite interesting. The only issue: There is no Lion file in my 
application folder. Do you have an idea what to do then?

Thanks and
all the best

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Georges Zeinoun
Timmerv. 6A, SE54163 SKÖVDE
Tel: +46500201623, +46500482929
Mobile: +46707567315

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Re: login trouble

2011-08-06 Thread louie
Tanks Tim. How old is old?

On Aug 6, 2011, at 8:57 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Louie,
> I should have also mentioned that the Login Window behaves similarly to the 
> iTunes 10.4 complaints.  That is, you can enter the first letter or letters 
> of the item you wish selected within the Login window and the item will be 
> selected, VO just won't tell you.  So, in this case, once the Login window 
> appears, press "l" for Louie, then press return and the password field will 
> come up.  Enter your password for this account, press return and you will 
> login just the same as usual.
> Later…
> On 2011-08-06, at 9:47 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Use VO-right or left arrow instead of the up/down arrows and you should hear 
>> the other account choices.
>> Later…
>> On 2011-08-06, at 9:29 PM, louie wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I just got lion installed. I have a small problem. When I start my puter 
>>> the login windows comes up as it should. The problem is it will only let me 
>>> choose one account using VO + shift+ down arrow to activate the list of 
>>> accounts. I have four accounts and the only way can I get to the account 
>>> that I want to login is to use the item choicer menu.
>>> Thank you for any help.
>>> louie
>>> -- 
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>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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Re: Copying files frone one drive to another.

2011-08-06 Thread Kevin Gibbs
Any way to move files from one place to another?  Not copy, but move.

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Re: Copying files frone one drive to another.

2011-08-06 Thread Cody
Finder can't natively do it, but there is a command in voiceover if you press 
command c on a file then go to where you want to move it press command option v 
to move it…try that should work
On Aug 7, 2011, at 12:48 AM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> Any way to move files from one place to another?  Not copy, but move.
> -- 
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Re: Copying files frone one drive to another.

2011-08-06 Thread Paul Henrichsen
Use command option V and files will be moved.

On Aug 6, 2011, at 9:48 PM, Kevin Gibbs wrote:

> Any way to move files from one place to another?  Not copy, but move.
> -- 
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Re: Copying files frone one drive to another.

2011-08-06 Thread Paul Henrichsen
It appears you can't copy files from a Mac to a passport NTFS drive. It must 
first be formatted to Mac extended journal.
I was hoping to copy files to the NTFS drive so I could retrieve them on either 
Mac or windows.
You can retrieve files from an NTFS drive, but it doesn't appear you can copy 
to it from a Mac.

On Aug 6, 2011, at 6:57 PM, Cody wrote:

> open the first drive, interact with the area where your files area, press 
> command C, then navigate to your destination folder in the finder and press 
> command V
> hth,
> Cody
> On Aug 6, 2011, at 9:55 PM, Paul Henrichsen wrote:
>> Is there a way to copy from one external drive to another?
>> Thanks. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Trillian - a new kid on the IM block

2011-08-06 Thread Ollie
Yeah, the issues do seem to still be there. I do like it though. It
seems that it's cut out a lot of the rubbish from my newsfeed too.
There is a button that says comment after I comment on someones post
but I'm not sure if that is working. I'll send them an email too after
I've had a bit more of a play.

Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> Hi folks.
> >I am testing out an app that could or couldn't be an alternative to Adium. 
> >The name of the program is Trillian and it's available from the Mac App 
> >store. It's free, but apparently there is a pro version ov it as well, 
> >though i haven't tested that one.
> This app has a whole lot of goodies, like facebook, twitter, and the most 
> common Instant messaging services like Aim, Icq and MSN and more.
> The facebook plugin actually lets you not only chat, but also lets you read 
> and write posts, like and comment on others posts and see friends and so on. 
> In the Twitter part, you can see following and followers. The IM part works 
> like Adium, it has an edit box for you to type your message in, and a html 
> area where the answer appears. Both are very accessible, although the bug 
> where in groups mode you can't see more than one page is there.
> On the whole, Trillian seems at least to me to be accessible, however there 
> are some tips and tricks one should be aware of: In the facebook part, if you 
> want to comment on a certain message, you have to find it and then route the 
> mouse to it (vo+cmd+f5) then you'll have to click the mouse 
> (vo+shift+spacebar) to highlight the message. After this, you can right click 
> on the message (vo+shift+m) and from the popup menu, decide what to do.
> Trillian works with Growl so it's actually possible to have Trillian speak 
> the incoming chat messages, however that seems to be true only when the app 
> is in the back ground.
> The biggest issue this app has is that when in the Facebook or twitter part 
> of the app, you can't send your own posts to the services. There's an edit 
> box to type in your message, but there's no send button that VO can see and 
> the shortcuts for sending don't seem to work. I have filed a bug at the 
> Cerulian studios bug tracker, so let's see if this gets fixed soon.
> Over all, i think Trillian is a nice experience, and hadn't it been for the 
> fact that i can't send posts to facebook or Twitter, i might actually switch 
> from Adium to Trillian.
> /Krister

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