Re: multiple personality ipod shuffle

2011-05-20 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hi Jorge, that male voice you hear when you sink the shuffle to the Mac is 
called Alex. Unfortunately that voice is only available when you sink it to the 
Mac. When sinked to a PC, you hear that female voice you speak of. There's a 
youtube video that explains that entitled MS Sam Vs. Mac Alex. There are 2 
episodes, and the first episode has 2 parts to it. Wish the author would make 
more episodes. Here's the link if you want to check it out.


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Nisus writer pro 2 is out.

2011-05-20 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi all.

Nisus writer pro 2 is out.

It seems rather accessible. There is a lot of new functions, it has been made 
easier to make a table of content, save it as epub or HTML.

One interesting thing that has been added is a function in the spell checker 
that lets you correct all.

I will recommend you to download the trial for free, and try it. You can use 
the program for free for 14 days.

Best regards Annie.

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Re: what is up with the Facebook mobile site?

2011-05-20 Thread Kestrell
Facebook changes it's interface pretty regularly: in my experience, about 
the length of time it takes a blind computer user to become familiar with 
the previous incarnation of the interface. Actually, my sighted friends 
complain about these constant changes, also.


- Original Message - 
From: "Kimberly thurman" 

Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 9:59 PM
Subject: Re: what is up with the Facebook mobile site?

Ray, I think they're always messing with the mobile site.  It has gotten so 
bad that I use internet Explorer in-windows in my virtual machine for 
Facebook now.  I hate too, but I got sick of the Safari busy crap all the 
time.  I love my Mac, but the web browsing gets on my last nerve now and 

On May 19, 2011, at 9:47 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

Anybody else noticing changes to the Facebook mobile site?  I mean it's 
flat rediculous.  I can't do anything in there now.  Every thing says, 
"photo photo photo photo" and so on.  can't click on like or comments and 
can't get to my privicy settings at all.  The regular site is a nightmare. 
Any suggestions?

OH, I do have the latest version of the nightly build of Web Kit.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


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Internal Virus Database is out of date.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 8.0.173 / Virus Database: 270.8.1/1733 - Release Date: 10/19/2008 
6:02 PM

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Re: Nisus writer pro 2 is out.

2011-05-20 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
What is that Annie?

Sent from my iPhone

On 20 May 2011, at 12:02 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen  

> Hi all.
> Nisus writer pro 2 is out.
> It seems rather accessible. There is a lot of new functions, it has been made 
> easier to make a table of content, save it as epub or HTML.
> One interesting thing that has been added is a function in the spell checker 
> that lets you correct all.
> I will recommend you to download the trial for free, and try it. You can use 
> the program for free for 14 days.
> Best regards Annie.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

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Re: what is up with the Facebook mobile site?

2011-05-20 Thread Colin M
Hi all!
Ok I do not know how many of you have use m.facebook on your phones!
So I was wondering could you set that link on the phone and then when you go to 
it on your Mac you should be ok!
If this is one of those things that change back after logging out!
Then that wouldn't be much help either!
But if this works and it stays in place try it!

On 20 May 2011, at 12:44, Kestrell wrote:

> Facebook changes it's interface pretty regularly: in my experience, about the 
> length of time it takes a blind computer user to become familiar with the 
> previous incarnation of the interface. Actually, my sighted friends complain 
> about these constant changes, also.
> Kes
> - Original Message - From: "Kimberly thurman" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 9:59 PM
> Subject: Re: what is up with the Facebook mobile site?
> Ray, I think they're always messing with the mobile site.  It has gotten so 
> bad that I use internet Explorer in-windows in my virtual machine for 
> Facebook now.  I hate too, but I got sick of the Safari busy crap all the 
> time.  I love my Mac, but the web browsing gets on my last nerve now and then.
> On May 19, 2011, at 9:47 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Anybody else noticing changes to the Facebook mobile site?  I mean it's flat 
>> ridiculous.  I can't do anything in there now.  Every thing says, "photo 
>> photo photo photo" and so on.  can't click on like or comments and can't get 
>> to my privacy settings at all.  The regular site is a nightmare. Any 
>> suggestions?
>> OH, I do have the latest version of the nightly build of Web Kit.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
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> For more options, visit this group at 
> Internal Virus Database is out of date.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 8.0.173 / Virus Database: 270.8.1/1733 - Release Date: 10/19/2008 
> 6:02 PM
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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ProTools 9 first look

2011-05-20 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Found this free in the App store, when I was trying to find out how much 
ProTools 9 would cost, which I still don't know--anyone? ... Doesn't seem to 
work with VO at all, so I'm wondering if anyone else's gotten anything out of 


 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: Nisus writer pro 2 is out.

2011-05-20 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen

It is a wordprocessor. It was the first wordprocessor I bought for the mac, and 
the wordprocessor that I like best. In my opinion most functions are easy to 

Another thing is that nisus writer pro can handle really many formats, that I 
often have difficulties with e.g. in pages.

Best regards Annie. 
On May 20, 2011, at 1:46 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> What is that Annie?
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 20 May 2011, at 12:02 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen  
> wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Nisus writer pro 2 is out.
>> It seems rather accessible. There is a lot of new functions, it has been 
>> made easier to make a table of content, save it as epub or HTML.
>> One interesting thing that has been added is a function in the spell checker 
>> that lets you correct all.
>> I will recommend you to download the trial for free, and try it. You can use 
>> the program for free for 14 days.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Nisus writer pro 2 is out.

2011-05-20 Thread Thomas Byskov Dalgaard
Hi Annie!

Has this program a function for making references to sources? Like I wrote 
about for a cpouple of days  ago regarding Pages?
I seriously need this tool, since it would make some of my papers so much 
easier to handle.
Best regards

Mail & MSN:

Den 20/05/2011 kl. 13.02 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:

> Hi all.
> Nisus writer pro 2 is out.
> It seems rather accessible. There is a lot of new functions, it has been made 
> easier to make a table of content, save it as epub or HTML.
> One interesting thing that has been added is a function in the spell checker 
> that lets you correct all.
> I will recommend you to download the trial for free, and try it. You can use 
> the program for free for 14 days.
> Best regards Annie.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

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Re: Nisus writer pro 2 is out.

2011-05-20 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Thomas.

I think you should install the demo, and we can try to figure it out together. 
I would suggest you to send the question about references in apa standard, that 
I do not know much about to the nisus team.

Best regards Annie.
On May 20, 2011, at 2:35 PM, Thomas Byskov Dalgaard wrote:

> Hi Annie!
> Has this program a function for making references to sources? Like I wrote 
> about for a cpouple of days  ago regarding Pages?
> I seriously need this tool, since it would make some of my papers so much 
> easier to handle.
> Best regards
> Thomas
> Mail & MSN:
> website:
> blog:
> Skype:
> thomas_dalgaard
> Den 20/05/2011 kl. 13.02 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
>> Hi all.
>> Nisus writer pro 2 is out.
>> It seems rather accessible. There is a lot of new functions, it has been 
>> made easier to make a table of content, save it as epub or HTML.
>> One interesting thing that has been added is a function in the spell checker 
>> that lets you correct all.
>> I will recommend you to download the trial for free, and try it. You can use 
>> the program for free for 14 days.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Question about using Adium

2011-05-20 Thread Dawn Benbow
Hi everyone,

Someone  recommended Adium to me for a chat program. I installed it with no 
problems. My question is, how do you get VO to read you messages? 


Dawn Benbow
Twitter:  DawnAndBaskin

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My Itunes question

2011-05-20 Thread Dawn Benbow
With all this talk about adding files to itunes I thought i would mention the 
little problem I'm having doing that. Maybe you guys have some ideas how I can 
fix it. I had a *large* music collection, about 35 GB at the moment, and always 
growing. I moved it into an external TB drive that we have on our wireless home 
network. When I got my Mac, I just copied and pasted my music into a new 
subfolder under "music" from the network drive, to my Mac. then I copy and 
pasted it into the empty music selection table in itunes. Not all of it copied 
over though. I have at least 12 gigs missing. I have no idea why. I've deleted 
the music from Itunes completely and re copy and pasted it several times. I've 
tried pasting the "transferred music" folder directly in the itunes media music 
sub folder and nothing seems to work! I'm always just getting the same 22 gigs 
of music and it's over looking at least 12 gigs of other music and I can't 
figure out a way to fix this. Any ideas are welcome. 

thank ou very much for any ideas. 

On May 19, 2011, at 10:42 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Carolyn
> On May 19, 2011, at 16:24, carolyn Haas wrote:
>> So, Esther now I'm curious:
>> Why not simply open the file in iTunes from the start, since it should land 
>> there anyway?  Sometimes, the flexibility of this OS makes it more 
>> daunting.:))
>> Carolyn
> Well, the basic problem is that I don't really know what Chris wants to do, 
> since his subject line is about "converting" (my emphasis) files to iTunes. I 
> figured that if I told him how to QuickLook the file he could listen to the 
> track and check that it is really one he wants to import into iTunes.   The 
> files at this repository have names like: "cubs-cyl3768d.mp3" so if he is 
> downloading in bulk, it can be hard to keep track of titles.  The one good 
> thing is that they are correctly tagged, so when they show up in iTunes they 
> have names and artists.  (The example track was a fiddle tune named "Birlin' 
> Reels" that was recorded in 1910 and played by an artist named James Scott 
> Skinner.)  Also, since a lot of people read the list for related information, 
> a question that we often get from people is how to Preview tracks without 
> opening them and adding them to iTunes -- especially how to avoid adding them 
> multiple times!  So I figured that new users, especially, would find the 
> QuickLook feature of interest.  Incidentally, you can QuickLook PDF files, 
> jpegs, and many other types of files, and you can QuickLook attachments to 
> mail posts that you receive to decide whether you want to save them.  It's a 
> quick way of "playing" the file content.  You can't edit or do detailed 
> navigation within the file (like jumping to a certain point in a PDF or music 
> file) to play out of sequence, because you haven't "opened" the file in an 
> application.  However, it is very low profile usage and convenient.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
>> On May 19, 2011, at 8:02 PM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> I'm a little confused about what you are trying to do here.  I went to the 
>>> Cylinder Preservation web site (found with Google), and browsed their web 
>>> site.  They appear to have tracks stored as mp3 files.  Since there is no 
>>> "right click" on the Mac, I assume you are trying to bring up a contextual 
>>> menu (VO-Shift-M), or else you just want to directly download the files to 
>>> your computer, instead of playing them in your browser.  If you want to 
>>> download the linked file directly, you can press Option+Return when you are 
>>> on the link you want, and you'll automatically force a download without 
>>> having to find the option to "Save Linked File" in your context menu (or 
>>> bring up the context menu at all).  In this case, it will go to your 
>>> default location for Safari Downloads which, if you have not changed the 
>>> location in your Safari Preferences, is a folder named "Downloads" under 
>>> your home directory. Depending on how your Mac is set up, you might have a 
>>> "Downloads" folder in your dock, or you can check your Safari Downloads 
>>> window by pressing Command-Option-L. If you navigate to the bottom of the 
>>> window (VO-Fn-Right Arrow on the laptop), and interact with the group 
>>> (VO-Shift-Down Arrow), you can monitor the size and progress of the 
>>> download, and also VO-Space on "Show in Finder" once the Download is 
>>> complete to bring up a Finder window with your downloaded file selected.  
>>> If you want to play the file without necessarily adding it to your iTunes 
>>> library, just press space bar to QuickLook the file, and be able to review 
>>> the title information tags, etc.  If you just open the file, it will 
>>> automatically be added to iTunes.  In case you are not sure where the file 
>>> has been placed in your iTunes Music library, you can always navigate to 
>>> the "Recently Added" smart playlist in your iTunes sources table, and be 
>>> able to fi

Re: My Itunes question

2011-05-20 Thread Ashley Cox

1. is any of it in WMA?
2. Instead of copy and pasting it, do the following:
Delete the itunes folders form your music and/or home folder, so there 
are no libraries left.

startup iTunes, follow the prompts to create a new empty library
when iTunes is running, go to file>add to library...
find the folder with your music and press return.
it should be added
note that iTunes for windows doesn't support wma files.
On 20/05/2011 17:05, Dawn Benbow wrote:

With all this talk about adding files to itunes I thought i would mention the little problem I'm 
having doing that. Maybe you guys have some ideas how I can fix it. I had a *large* music 
collection, about 35 GB at the moment, and always growing. I moved it into an external TB drive 
that we have on our wireless home network. When I got my Mac, I just copied and pasted my music 
into a new subfolder under "music" from the network drive, to my Mac. then I copy and 
pasted it into the empty music selection table in itunes. Not all of it copied over though. I have 
at least 12 gigs missing. I have no idea why. I've deleted the music from Itunes completely and re 
copy and pasted it several times. I've tried pasting the "transferred music" folder 
directly in the itunes media music sub folder and nothing seems to work! I'm always just getting 
the same 22 gigs of music and it's over looking at least 12 gigs of other music and I can't figure 
out a way to fix this. Any ideas are welcome.

thank ou very much for any ideas.

On May 19, 2011, at 10:42 PM, Esther wrote:

Hi Carolyn
On May 19, 2011, at 16:24, carolyn Haas wrote:

So, Esther now I'm curious:
Why not simply open the file in iTunes from the start, since it should land 
there anyway?  Sometimes, the flexibility of this OS makes it more daunting.:))


Well, the basic problem is that I don't really know what Chris wants to do, since his subject line is about 
"converting" (my emphasis) files to iTunes. I figured that if I told him how to QuickLook the file he could listen to 
the track and check that it is really one he wants to import into iTunes.   The files at this repository have names like: 
"cubs-cyl3768d.mp3" so if he is downloading in bulk, it can be hard to keep track of titles.  The one good thing is 
that they are correctly tagged, so when they show up in iTunes they have names and artists.  (The example track was a fiddle tune 
named "Birlin' Reels" that was recorded in 1910 and played by an artist named James Scott Skinner.)  Also, since a lot 
of people read the list for related information, a question that we often get from people is how to Preview tracks without 
opening them and adding them to iTunes -- especially how to avoid adding them multiple times!  So I figured that new users, 
especially, would find the QuickLook feature of interest.  Incidentally, you can QuickLook PDF files, jpegs, and many other types 
of files, and you can QuickLook attachments to mail posts that you receive to decide whether you want to save them.  It's a quick 
way of "playing" the file content.  You can't edit or do detailed navigation within the file (like jumping to a certain 
point in a PDF or music file) to play out of sequence, because you haven't "opened" the file in an application.  
However, it is very low profile usage and convenient.

HTH.  Cheers,


On May 19, 2011, at 8:02 PM, Esther wrote:

Hi Chris,

I'm a little confused about what you are trying to do here.  I went to the Cylinder Preservation web site (found with Google), and browsed 
their web site.  They appear to have tracks stored as mp3 files.  Since there is no "right click" on the Mac, I assume you are 
trying to bring up a contextual menu (VO-Shift-M), or else you just want to directly download the files to your computer, instead of 
playing them in your browser.  If you want to download the linked file directly, you can press Option+Return when you are on the link you 
want, and you'll automatically force a download without having to find the option to "Save Linked File" in your context menu (or 
bring up the context menu at all).  In this case, it will go to your default location for Safari Downloads which, if you have not changed 
the location in your Safari Preferences, is a folder named "Downloads" under your home directory. Depending on how your Mac is 
set up, you might have a "Downloads" folder in your dock, or you can check your Safari Downloads window by pressing 
Command-Option-L. If you navigate to the bottom of the window (VO-Fn-Right Arrow on the laptop), and interact with the group (VO-Shift-Down 
Arrow), you can monitor the size and progress of the download, and also VO-Space on "Show in Finder" once the Download is 
complete to bring up a Finder window with your downloaded file selected.  If you want to play the file without necessarily adding it to 
your iTunes library, just press space bar to QuickLook the file, and be able to review the title information tags, etc.  If you just open 

Re: My Itunes question

2011-05-20 Thread Dawn Benbow

Some of them are WMA files. 

On May 20, 2011, at 12:23 PM, Ashley Cox wrote:

> 1. is any of it in WMA?
> 2. Instead of copy and pasting it, do the following:
> Delete the itunes folders form your music and/or home folder, so there are no 
> libraries left.
> startup iTunes, follow the prompts to create a new empty library
> when iTunes is running, go to file>add to library...
> find the folder with your music and press return.
> it should be added
> note that iTunes for windows doesn't support wma files.
> ash
> On 20/05/2011 17:05, Dawn Benbow wrote:
>> With all this talk about adding files to itunes I thought i would mention 
>> the little problem I'm having doing that. Maybe you guys have some ideas how 
>> I can fix it. I had a *large* music collection, about 35 GB at the moment, 
>> and always growing. I moved it into an external TB drive that we have on our 
>> wireless home network. When I got my Mac, I just copied and pasted my music 
>> into a new subfolder under "music" from the network drive, to my Mac. then I 
>> copy and pasted it into the empty music selection table in itunes. Not all 
>> of it copied over though. I have at least 12 gigs missing. I have no idea 
>> why. I've deleted the music from Itunes completely and re copy and pasted it 
>> several times. I've tried pasting the "transferred music" folder directly in 
>> the itunes media music sub folder and nothing seems to work! I'm always just 
>> getting the same 22 gigs of music and it's over looking at least 12 gigs of 
>> other music and I can't figure out a way to fix this. Any ideas are welcome.
>> thank ou very much for any ideas.
>> On May 19, 2011, at 10:42 PM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Carolyn
>>> On May 19, 2011, at 16:24, carolyn Haas wrote:
 So, Esther now I'm curious:
 Why not simply open the file in iTunes from the start, since it should 
 land there anyway?  Sometimes, the flexibility of this OS makes it more 
>>> Well, the basic problem is that I don't really know what Chris wants to do, 
>>> since his subject line is about "converting" (my emphasis) files to iTunes. 
>>> I figured that if I told him how to QuickLook the file he could listen to 
>>> the track and check that it is really one he wants to import into iTunes.   
>>> The files at this repository have names like: "cubs-cyl3768d.mp3" so if he 
>>> is downloading in bulk, it can be hard to keep track of titles.  The one 
>>> good thing is that they are correctly tagged, so when they show up in 
>>> iTunes they have names and artists.  (The example track was a fiddle tune 
>>> named "Birlin' Reels" that was recorded in 1910 and played by an artist 
>>> named James Scott Skinner.)  Also, since a lot of people read the list for 
>>> related information, a question that we often get from people is how to 
>>> Preview tracks without opening them and adding them to iTunes -- especially 
>>> how to avoid adding them multiple times!  So I figured that new users, 
>>> especially, would find the QuickLook feature of interest.  Incidentally, 
>>> you can QuickLook PDF files, jpegs, and many other types of files, and you 
>>> can QuickLook attachments to mail posts that you receive to decide whether 
>>> you want to save them.  It's a quick way of "playing" the file content.  
>>> You can't edit or do detailed navigation within the file (like jumping to a 
>>> certain point in a PDF or music file) to play out of sequence, because you 
>>> haven't "opened" the file in an application.  However, it is very low 
>>> profile usage and convenient.
>>> HTH.  Cheers,
>>> Esther
 On May 19, 2011, at 8:02 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> I'm a little confused about what you are trying to do here.  I went to 
> the Cylinder Preservation web site (found with Google), and browsed their 
> web site.  They appear to have tracks stored as mp3 files.  Since there 
> is no "right click" on the Mac, I assume you are trying to bring up a 
> contextual menu (VO-Shift-M), or else you just want to directly download 
> the files to your computer, instead of playing them in your browser.  If 
> you want to download the linked file directly, you can press 
> Option+Return when you are on the link you want, and you'll automatically 
> force a download without having to find the option to "Save Linked File" 
> in your context menu (or bring up the context menu at all).  In this 
> case, it will go to your default location for Safari Downloads which, if 
> you have not changed the location in your Safari Preferences, is a folder 
> named "Downloads" under your home directory. Depending on how your Mac is 
> set up, you might have a "Downloads" folder in your dock, or you can 
> check your Safari Downloads window by pressing Command-Option-L. If you 
> navigate to the bottom of the window (VO-Fn-Right Arrow on the laptop), 

terminal and voice over

2011-05-20 Thread Paul Erkens

Hi Ester,

When entering terminal mode, I'm having problems with VoiceOver focusing on 
where my cursor is. Would you say terminal is accessible? If it is, then 
what am I missing that makes operating it so difficult? I'm a starter in 
terminal mode on the mac, but I do know of complex command line syntaxes 
from my DOS years. The cmd shell in windows is still my friend. What do I do 
to work nicely in terminal? Any usability suggestions? I'm very interested 
to start off with it.


On Aug 26, 2010, at 9:08 PM, Esther wrote:

Hi Scott,

Your Mac has SSH and SFTP, and other server functions built in.  You can 
access them directly from the command line in the Terminal app.  I use 
Terminal so frequently that I have it as one of the default apps in my 
dock.  (The dock can be useful as a quick way to navigate to apps that 
you use frequently -- you can customize it to remove the apps that you 
don't often use, and add ones that you do.)

The Terminal app is located, not in the applications folder (which you 
can reach in Finder with the shortcut of Command+Shift+A), but in the 
Utilities folder, which is a sub-folder of Applications, and which you 
can reach with Command+Shift+U.  Then press "T" to navigate to "Terminal" 
and launch/open the app.  I use Command+Down arrow to do this.

By default you'll be using the bash shell.  To use ssh, to log into your 
account on another system you can simply type:

ssh AT

for example, if your login account name is "scott" and the machine name 
is "computer.", you can type:

ssh and press return

or you can use the IP address in place of the domain following the AT 

ssh scott@  and press return

then type in your password.

Use a similar syntax for sftp.  Macs use "Open SSH" as the protocol.

If you have some Unix/Linux background, there's an old web site: "Top Ten 
Mac OS X Hints for Unix Geeks":


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Re: Question about using Adium

2011-05-20 Thread Thomas Byskov Dalgaard

After you have received a message you can press vo-left arrow once. Here it  
should say: Uknown. Interact with this area and go to the bottom of the window. 
Depending on your Mac you can press shift-FN-vo-right arrow, if you have a 
laptop. If you got a desktop then press vo-shift-end instead. Then you can read 
your message.

Best regards

Mail & MSN:

Den 20/05/2011 kl. 17.23 skrev Dawn Benbow:

> Hi everyone,
> Someone  recommended Adium to me for a chat program. I installed it with no 
> problems. My question is, how do you get VO to read you messages? 
> Thanks,
> Dawn
> Dawn Benbow
> Messanger:
> Messanger:
> Twitter:  DawnAndBaskin
> Skype:
> -- 
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pages the program and columns

2011-05-20 Thread richard watson
Hi Listers,
This one is for all of you pages experts out there. I have recently
gotten a mac and love it for email and the web!. I am a converting
windows user and usually use ms office. Some of my documents require
columns (I am a pastor and need this feature when doing church
bulletins.) Unfortunately textedit doesn't offer this one. How well
does pages do that and how accessible is that feature. Such as can I
know when I am in column 1 or column 2?
Are there any free and accessible word processing programs which offer
such formatting. Thanks in advance for all of your suggestions.


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Re: terminal and voice over

2011-05-20 Thread Jon Cohn
First note that the terminal gives you a UNIX shell and accepts most BSD UNIX 
commands with no major issues.

In terms of cursor tracking as long as you "interact" with the text you should 
not have many problems especially if you read my note from last week.

Best regards,


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Re: Nisus writer pro 2 is out.

2011-05-20 Thread William Windels
Hello Annie and others,

I have just downloaded the demo to give it a try but:
Why should I use this while pages has nearly the same features, or is this 
And, about tables, if voiceover is not supporting this, we can not use it in 
the program?

Thx for your answers,

best regards,
Op 20-mei-2011, om 15:01 heeft Annie Skov Nielsen het volgende geschreven:

> Hi Thomas.
> I think you should install the demo, and we can try to figure it out 
> together. I would suggest you to send the question about references in apa 
> standard, that I do not know much about to the nisus team.
> Best regards Annie.
> On May 20, 2011, at 2:35 PM, Thomas Byskov Dalgaard wrote:
>> Hi Annie!
>> Has this program a function for making references to sources? Like I wrote 
>> about for a cpouple of days  ago regarding Pages?
>> I seriously need this tool, since it would make some of my papers so much 
>> easier to handle.
>> Best regards
>> Thomas
>> Mail & MSN:
>> website:
>> blog:
>> Skype:
>> thomas_dalgaard
>> Den 20/05/2011 kl. 13.02 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
>>> Hi all.
>>> Nisus writer pro 2 is out.
>>> It seems rather accessible. There is a lot of new functions, it has been 
>>> made easier to make a table of content, save it as epub or HTML.
>>> One interesting thing that has been added is a function in the spell 
>>> checker that lets you correct all.
>>> I will recommend you to download the trial for free, and try it. You can 
>>> use the program for free for 14 days.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> -- 
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Re: terminal and voice over

2011-05-20 Thread Esther
Hi Paul,

First, you might want to read Jonathan Cohn's reply from last week on terminal 
On May 13, 2011,  Jon Cohn wrote:

> Two   more notes on terminal. 
> by default terminal does not clear out scrollback items, so your entire 
> terminal session will be in both the terminal window and the VoiceOver text 
> block.  You can change this in the preference panels or by hitting command-K  
> when you are about to start something new..  For example: I often will pipe a 
> man command to cat and but hit command-K to clear the scroll-back before 
> hitting enter. Three finger swipes will let you page through the text, and 
> VO-shift-J followed by VO-shift-uparrow (or shift+numpad 8 in numpad 
> commander mode) will get you to the top. I bet you can guess how to get to 
> the bottom.
> In terms of cursor tracking, I usually have it off in command-line mode and 
> on  incurses mode. Any function that will move the terminal cursor will then 
> cause the VO cursor to track it, but not the other way around.

Secondly, the best single detailed post I've read outlining using Terminal with 
VoiceOver is one that Travis Siegel wrote on the Mac-Access list last October.  
He lists his preference configurations as part of the post.  From the 
Mac-Access list archives, here's the link to his post on "Hints on using 

There's also a link on the bottom of each of the archived posts with more 
information about the Mac-Access mailing list for anyone who wants to join it.  
Apart from the settings issues for VoiceOver, probably the best introduction 
for new users to using terminal is the guide in the Take Control series of 
downloadable eBooks: "Take Control of the Mac Command Line with Terminal".  
Here's the link to the description from the Take Control web pages:

HTH.  Cheers,

On May 20, 2011, at 06:55, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Ester,
> When entering terminal mode, I'm having problems with VoiceOver focusing on 
> where my cursor is. Would you say terminal is accessible? If it is, then what 
> am I missing that makes operating it so difficult? I'm a starter in terminal 
> mode on the mac, but I do know of complex command line syntaxes from my DOS 
> years. The cmd shell in windows is still my friend. What do I do to work 
> nicely in terminal? Any usability suggestions? I'm very interested to start 
> off with it.
> Kindly,
> Paul.
>> On Aug 26, 2010, at 9:08 PM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi Scott,
>>> Your Mac has SSH and SFTP, and other server functions built in.  You can 
>>> access them directly from the command line in the Terminal app.  I use 
>>> Terminal so frequently that I have it as one of the default apps in my 
>>> dock.  (The dock can be useful as a quick way to navigate to apps that you 
>>> use frequently -- you can customize it to remove the apps that you don't 
>>> often use, and add ones that you do.)
>>> The Terminal app is located, not in the applications folder (which you can 
>>> reach in Finder with the shortcut of Command+Shift+A), but in the Utilities 
>>> folder, which is a sub-folder of Applications, and which you can reach with 
>>> Command+Shift+U.  Then press "T" to navigate to "Terminal" and launch/open 
>>> the app.  I use Command+Down arrow to do this.
>>> By default you'll be using the bash shell.  To use ssh, to log into your 
>>> account on another system you can simply type:
>>> ssh AT
>>> for example, if your login account name is "scott" and the machine name is 
>>> "computer.", you can type:
>>> ssh and press return
>>> or you can use the IP address in place of the domain following the AT sign:
>>> ssh scott@  and press return
>>> then type in your password.
>>> Use a similar syntax for sftp.  Macs use "Open SSH" as the protocol.
>>> If you have some Unix/Linux background, there's an old web site: "Top Ten 
>>> Mac OS X Hints for Unix Geeks":
>>> http://www.macdevcenter

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Re: what is up with the Facebook mobile site?

2011-05-20 Thread Christina
On the first night that I encountered the big change with FaceBook I got lucky 
and noticed the having trouble go to the nontouch site link.  So, it works as 
it used to for me.  

Someone posted a suggestion for the busy busy busy problem and it has worked 
wonderfully for me and in fact I prefer to do it this way because I can much 
easier go back to the place where I left off.  I was doing the turning VO on 
and off again but that was extremely frustrating for me.  So, what I do now is 
when I'm on a link be it to comment or see more stories, I access the context 
menu and select open in new window.  Then I add my comment or read the page.  
When I'm done with that window, I simply close it.  This works great when I 
just want to make a quick comment and after I close the window I am back where 
I left off on the last page of posts I was reading.  As far as the "like" 
button I just vo space that since I do not need to go to a new page.

Have a super day and I hope you all can find the "nontouch" link.  Have you all 
tried the item chooser and seeing if VO can find that link and navigate to it?


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Re: terminal and voice over

2011-05-20 Thread Paul Erkens

Hi Esther,
It feels like the terminal is way more technical than DOS used to be, but 
wanting to get to know it means I'll have to start somewhere. The post from 
Jon doesn't make that much sense to me at this time. Hopefully, you can 
explain some about the following things:
1. What are scroll back items? I assume this Is your own command history 
with the command outputs. True?
2. What is the VoiceOver text block? Is it the item in the VoiceOver cursor 
or something else?
3. Why does Jon make a difference between the terminal window contents and 
the VoiceOver text block? In other words, if I clear screen my terminal 
window, could VoiceOver still be reporting things that are already gone for 
sighted folks?

4. What is curses mode?

- Original Message - 
From: "Esther" 

Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: terminal and voice over

Hi Paul,

First, you might want to read Jonathan Cohn's reply from last week on 
terminal usability:

On May 13, 2011,  Jon Cohn wrote:

Two   more notes on terminal.

by default terminal does not clear out scrollback items, so your entire 
terminal session will be in both the terminal window and the VoiceOver 
text block.  You can change this in the preference panels or by hitting 
command-K  when you are about to start something new..  For example: I 
often will pipe a man command to cat and but hit command-K to clear the 
scroll-back before hitting enter. Three finger swipes will let you page 
through the text, and VO-shift-J followed by VO-shift-uparrow (or 
shift+numpad 8 in numpad commander mode) will get you to the top. I bet 
you can guess how to get to the bottom.
In terms of cursor tracking, I usually have it off in command-line mode 
and on  incurses mode. Any function that will move the terminal cursor 
will then cause the VO cursor to track it, but not the other way around.

Secondly, the best single detailed post I've read outlining using Terminal 
with VoiceOver is one that Travis Siegel wrote on the Mac-Access list last 
October.  He lists his preference configurations as part of the post.  From 
the Mac-Access list archives, here's the link to his post on "Hints on using 

There's also a link on the bottom of each of the archived posts with more 
information about the Mac-Access mailing list for anyone who wants to join 
it.  Apart from the settings issues for VoiceOver, probably the best 
introduction for new users to using terminal is the guide in the Take 
Control series of downloadable eBooks: "Take Control of the Mac Command Line 
with Terminal".  Here's the link to the description from the Take Control 
web pages:

HTH.  Cheers,


On May 20, 2011, at 06:55, Paul Erkens wrote:

Hi Ester,

When entering terminal mode, I'm having problems with VoiceOver focusing 
on where my cursor is. Would you say terminal is accessible? If it is, 
then what am I missing that makes operating it so difficult? I'm a starter 
in terminal mode on the mac, but I do know of complex command line 
syntaxes from my DOS years. The cmd shell in windows is still my friend. 
What do I do to work nicely in terminal? Any usability suggestions? I'm 
very interested to start off with it.


On Aug 26, 2010, at 9:08 PM, Esther wrote:

Hi Scott,

Your Mac has SSH and SFTP, and other server functions built in.  You can 
access them directly from the command line in the Terminal app.  I use 
Terminal so frequently that I have it as one of the default apps in my 
dock.  (The dock can be useful as a quick way to navigate to apps that 
you use frequently -- you can customize it to remove the apps that you 
don't often use, and add ones that you do.)

The Terminal app is located, not in the applications folder (which you 
can reach in Finder with the shortcut of Command+Shift+A), but in the 
Utilities folder, which is a sub-folder of Applications, and which you 
can reach with Command+Shift+U.  Then press "T" to navigate to 
"Terminal" and launch/open the app.  I use Command+Down arrow to do 

By default you'll be using the bash shell.  To use ssh, to log into your 
account on another system you can simply type:

ssh AT

for example, if your login account name is "scott" and the machine name 
is "computer.", you can type:

ssh and press return

or you can use the IP address in place of the domain following the AT 

ssh scott@  and press return

then type in your password.

Use a similar syntax for sftp.  Macs use "Open SSH" as the protocol.

If you have some Unix/Linux background, there's an old web site: "Top 
Ten Mac OS X Hints for Unix Geeks":


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Re: Nisus writer pro 2 is out.

2011-05-20 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi William.

I think it depends of your needs. I am not using tables much. I am not quite 
sure if tables is not supported in the new version.

Best regards Annie.
On May 20, 2011, at 7:52 PM, William Windels wrote:

> Hello Annie and others,
> I have just downloaded the demo to give it a try but:
> Why should I use this while pages has nearly the same features, or is this 
> wrong?
> And, about tables, if voiceover is not supporting this, we can not use it in 
> the program?
> Thx for your answers,
> best regards,
> William 
> Op 20-mei-2011, om 15:01 heeft Annie Skov Nielsen het volgende geschreven:
>> Hi Thomas.
>> I think you should install the demo, and we can try to figure it out 
>> together. I would suggest you to send the question about references in apa 
>> standard, that I do not know much about to the nisus team.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> On May 20, 2011, at 2:35 PM, Thomas Byskov Dalgaard wrote:
>>> Hi Annie!
>>> Has this program a function for making references to sources? Like I wrote 
>>> about for a cpouple of days  ago regarding Pages?
>>> I seriously need this tool, since it would make some of my papers so much 
>>> easier to handle.
>>> Best regards
>>> Thomas
>>> Mail & MSN:
>>> website:
>>> blog:
>>> Skype:
>>> thomas_dalgaard
>>> Den 20/05/2011 kl. 13.02 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
 Hi all.
 Nisus writer pro 2 is out.
 It seems rather accessible. There is a lot of new functions, it has been 
 made easier to make a table of content, save it as epub or HTML.
 One interesting thing that has been added is a function in the spell 
 checker that lets you correct all.
 I will recommend you to download the trial for free, and try it. You can 
 use the program for free for 14 days.
 Best regards Annie.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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Re: Nisus writer pro 2 is out.

2011-05-20 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi again.

I see now that your are right, tables is not supported, I will write it to 
nisus, and hopefully they will fix it.

Best regards Annie.
On May 20, 2011, at 7:52 PM, William Windels wrote:

> Hello Annie and others,
> I have just downloaded the demo to give it a try but:
> Why should I use this while pages has nearly the same features, or is this 
> wrong?
> And, about tables, if voiceover is not supporting this, we can not use it in 
> the program?
> Thx for your answers,
> best regards,
> William 
> Op 20-mei-2011, om 15:01 heeft Annie Skov Nielsen het volgende geschreven:
>> Hi Thomas.
>> I think you should install the demo, and we can try to figure it out 
>> together. I would suggest you to send the question about references in apa 
>> standard, that I do not know much about to the nisus team.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> On May 20, 2011, at 2:35 PM, Thomas Byskov Dalgaard wrote:
>>> Hi Annie!
>>> Has this program a function for making references to sources? Like I wrote 
>>> about for a cpouple of days  ago regarding Pages?
>>> I seriously need this tool, since it would make some of my papers so much 
>>> easier to handle.
>>> Best regards
>>> Thomas
>>> Mail & MSN:
>>> website:
>>> blog:
>>> Skype:
>>> thomas_dalgaard
>>> Den 20/05/2011 kl. 13.02 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
 Hi all.
 Nisus writer pro 2 is out.
 It seems rather accessible. There is a lot of new functions, it has been 
 made easier to make a table of content, save it as epub or HTML.
 One interesting thing that has been added is a function in the spell 
 checker that lets you correct all.
 I will recommend you to download the trial for free, and try it. You can 
 use the program for free for 14 days.
 Best regards Annie.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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Tables in nisus writer pro.

2011-05-20 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi all.

I will encourage you to send the feedback to nisus, that we need tables to be 
accessible. I have just done it myself.

The way I did it was to download the program, and go into the help section, 
there you have a send feedback option.

You can also do it on their website
Best regards Annie.

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Re: Nisus writer pro 2 is out.

2011-05-20 Thread Christina
Is this more accessible than pages?  Why do you prefer it over pages?

Thanks so very much,
Christina who is considering purchasing a word processor as my needs extend 
past text edit.  I'm wondering which to buy.  :) 

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Re: terminal and voice over

2011-05-20 Thread Jon Cohn

As I mentioned in the last post, the terminal gives you access to commands in a 
UNIX shell.  Except for the addition of Mac control commands like default s and 
open mostly what you can do in the terminal is the same as on Linux or BSD 
UNIX>  Ester's book reference is quite good.

In the Terminal a sighted person sees about 23 lines of text.  On the Macintosh 
in the default terminal configuration the computer will keep the output of 
every command in the terminal session to be scrolled back to.  So if you have 
thousands of lines stored up then it makes finding a more recent item 
difficult.  The VO system does not specifically indicate  with Keyboard 
commands what is visible.  The trackpad commander does provide this feedback if 
you are interacting at the lowest level (text).When you start a terminal 
session the voice over cursor contains the entire contents of the text buffer 
both visible and scrolled off screen.  If you "Interact" with a two finger 
swipe right or control-option-shift-down  you will then be able to view the 
text line by line or word by word.

You also asked about curses...  Curses is a UNIX library that allows programs 
to take advantage of the entire screen of a terminal no matter what brand of 
terminal is in use.  (Remember that UNIX is 40 years old and there were not 
many graphical computers then.)  So with the curses library programmers did not 
have to write code for every terminal, they just gave  calls like clear screen 
or move cursor to line 5 column 30 , and curses would do it the most efficient 
way for that terminal.  THis was also important when most connections to 
computers were 1.2 kbps.  Most text editors and terminal based chat programs 
use the curses library.
On May 20, 2011, at 2:55 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Esther,
> It feels like the terminal is way more technical than DOS used to be, but 
> wanting to get to know it means I'll have to start somewhere. The post from 
> Jon doesn't make that much sense to me at this time. Hopefully, you can 
> explain some about the following things:
> 1. What are scroll back items? I assume this Is your own command history with 
> the command outputs. True?
> 2. What is the VoiceOver text block? Is it the item in the VoiceOver cursor 
> or something else?
> 3. Why does Jon make a difference between the terminal window contents and 
> the VoiceOver text block? In other words, if I clear screen my terminal 
> window, could VoiceOver still be reporting things that are already gone for 
> sighted folks?
> 4. What is curses mode?
> Kindly,
> Paul.
> - Original Message - From: "Esther" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 8:05 PM
> Subject: Re: terminal and voice over
> Hi Paul,
> First, you might want to read Jonathan Cohn's reply from last week on 
> terminal usability:
> On May 13, 2011,  Jon Cohn wrote:
>> Two   more notes on terminal.
>> by default terminal does not clear out scrollback items, so your entire 
>> terminal session will be in both the terminal window and the VoiceOver text 
>> block.  You can change this in the preference panels or by hitting command-K 
>>  when you are about to start something new..  For example: I often will pipe 
>> a man command to cat and but hit command-K to clear the scroll-back before 
>> hitting enter. Three finger swipes will let you page through the text, and 
>> VO-shift-J followed by VO-shift-uparrow (or shift+numpad 8 in numpad 
>> commander mode) will get you to the top. I bet you can guess how to get to 
>> the bottom.
>> In terms of cursor tracking, I usually have it off in command-line mode and 
>> on  incurses mode. Any function that will move the terminal cursor will then 
>> cause the VO cursor to track it, but not the other way around.
> Secondly, the best single detailed post I've read outlining using Terminal 
> with VoiceOver is one that Travis Siegel wrote on the Mac-Access list last 
> October.  He lists his preference configurations as part of the post.  From 
> the Mac-Access list archives, here's the link to his post on "Hints on using 
> terminal":
> There's also a link on the bottom of each of the archived posts with more 
> information about the Mac-Access mailing list for anyone who wants to join 
> it.  Apart from the settings issues for VoiceOver, probably the best 
> introduction for new users to using terminal is the guide in the Take Control 
> series of downloadable eBooks: "Take Control of the Mac Command Line with 
> Terminal".  Here's the link to the description from the Take Control web 
> pages:
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On May 20, 2011, at 06:55, Paul Erkens wrote:
>> Hi Ester,
>> When entering terminal mode, I'm having problems with VoiceOver focusing on 
>> where my cursor is. Would you say terminal is accessible? If it is, then 
>> what am I missing that make

Re: Question about using Adium

2011-05-20 Thread Dawn Benbow
Thanks very much. *grin* It worked! Now I'm just trying to figure out why my 
windows live/   accounts don't want to connect, and how to use the twitter 
feature. *smile*

On May 20, 2011, at 1:01 PM, Thomas Byskov Dalgaard wrote:

> Hello!
> After you have received a message you can press vo-left arrow once. Here it  
> should say: Uknown. Interact with this area and go to the bottom of the 
> window. Depending on your Mac you can press shift-FN-vo-right arrow, if you 
> have a laptop. If you got a desktop then press vo-shift-end instead. Then you 
> can read your message.
> Best regards
> Thomas
> Mail & MSN:
> website:
> blog:
> Skype:
> thomas_dalgaard
> Den 20/05/2011 kl. 17.23 skrev Dawn Benbow:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Someone  recommended Adium to me for a chat program. I installed it with no 
>> problems. My question is, how do you get VO to read you messages? 
>> Thanks,
>> Dawn
>> Dawn Benbow
>> Messanger:
>> Messanger:
>> Twitter:  DawnAndBaskin
>> Skype:
>> -- 
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Dawn Benbow
Twitter:  DawnAndBaskin

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Re: terminal and voice over

2011-05-20 Thread Esther
Hi Paul,

I'm going to let Jon respond to some of these points, but some of the details 
you reference are in response to a previous question and not specific to your 
question.  Terminal configuration will make more sense if you read Travis' post 
(that I linked) and go through setting up your preferences (Command+comma), 
with the "Settings" menu selected from the preferences title bar menu, and the 
various tabs ("Text", "Window", "Shell", etc.) set up with the parameters that 
Travis recommends.  You probably want to change your terminal emulation under 
the "Advanced" menu from "xterm-color" to something like vt100 or vt102, but 
there's a whole list of setup options, which is why I sent you the link.

Scrollback refers to the fact that the Terminal window is a scrolling window 
that by default keeps an unlimited number of rows.  It's different from your 
"History", which in the unix and linux sense is a list of the commands that you 
issued, since the Terminal window also contains the system's response, which is 
what you surmised in your question 1.   Command-K clears the window of previous 
text. Presumably, when you issue a command, you only want to read off the 
information that comes back, and not the entire scrolling window, with the 
previous commands, hence the distinction about the VoiceOver text block. 
VoiceOver will not be reporting things that are already gone if you clear the 
window.  Curses is a terminal control library for unix-like systems.  If you 
were a programmer constructing text user interface applications you might use 
this.  Sorry, but most of the questions we get about Terminal are usually 
either from people with a linux or unix background, or people who work in 
Information Technology.  I'm not an IT professional or programmer myself, so 
you'll probably get better answers on some of these details from others.  And 
even in Travis' post you can skip over the first paragraph, since it's in 
answer to programmer specific questions about emacs and gcc (loosely speaking, 
an editor -- with a lot of other capabilities, and a compiler collection).  
Just start reading the specifics about the terminal setup.

HTH.  Cheers,


On May 20, 2011, at 08:55, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Esther,
> It feels like the terminal is way more technical than DOS used to be, but 
> wanting to get to know it means I'll have to start somewhere. The post from 
> Jon doesn't make that much sense to me at this time. Hopefully, you can 
> explain some about the following things:
> 1. What are scroll back items? I assume this Is your own command history with 
> the command outputs. True?
> 2. What is the VoiceOver text block? Is it the item in the VoiceOver cursor 
> or something else?
> 3. Why does Jon make a difference between the terminal window contents and 
> the VoiceOver text block? In other words, if I clear screen my terminal 
> window, could VoiceOver still be reporting things that are already gone for 
> sighted folks?
> 4. What is curses mode?
> Kindly,
> Paul.
> - Original Message - From: "Esther" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, May 20, 2011 8:05 PM
> Subject: Re: terminal and voice over
> Hi Paul,
> First, you might want to read Jonathan Cohn's reply from last week on 
> terminal usability:
> On May 13, 2011,  Jon Cohn wrote:
>> Two   more notes on terminal.
>> by default terminal does not clear out scrollback items, so your entire 
>> terminal session will be in both the terminal window and the VoiceOver text 
>> block.  You can change this in the preference panels or by hitting command-K 
>>  when you are about to start something new..  For example: I often will pipe 
>> a man command to cat and but hit command-K to clear the scroll-back before 
>> hitting enter. Three finger swipes will let you page through the text, and 
>> VO-shift-J followed by VO-shift-uparrow (or shift+numpad 8 in numpad 
>> commander mode) will get you to the top. I bet you can guess how to get to 
>> the bottom.
>> In terms of cursor tracking, I usually have it off in command-line mode and 
>> on  incurses mode. Any function that will move the terminal cursor will then 
>> cause the VO cursor to track it, but not the other way around.
> Secondly, the best single detailed post I've read outlining using Terminal 
> with VoiceOver is one that Travis Siegel wrote on the Mac-Access list last 
> October.  He lists his preference configurations as part of the post.  From 
> the Mac-Access list archives, here's the link to his post on "Hints on using 
> terminal":
> There's also a link on the bottom of each of the archived posts with more 
> information about the Mac-Access mailing list for anyone who wants to join 
> it.  Apart from the settings issues for VoiceOver, probably the best 
> introduction for new users to using terminal is the guide in the Take Control 
> series of downloadable eBooks: "Take Control of the Mac Com

The Productive Macs Bundle

2011-05-20 Thread Austin Seraphin
Hi. I just wrote a post about the Productive Macs Bundle. It includes reviews 
of all eight programs: Textexpander, Pathfinder, Socialite, HoudahSpot, Today, 
Blast, Keyboard Maestro, and Mail Act-On. Enjoy. I welcome comments or 

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Re: what is up with the Facebook mobile site?

2011-05-20 Thread Jenny Wood
Thanks, Christina, for this suggestion.  Actually, I rather like it.  Since the 
big change to their page, I still cannot comment or "like" statuses if nobody 
else has, even with going through the context menu to open a new window.  There 
simply is no link to open, even if I go directly to the person's page.  I will 
keep poking around at it though and see what I can come up with.  I do think I 
will continue to utilize the idea you shared.  It really does make it easier to 
get back to your original position, and definitely eliminates the "Safari busy" 
message.  Thank you! 


Jenny Wood
Phone:  (972) 989-3894
Facebook/Twitter/Skype: kc5gni

On May 20, 2011, at 1:33 PM, Christina wrote:

> On the first night that I encountered the big change with FaceBook I got 
> lucky and noticed the having trouble go to the nontouch site link.  So, it 
> works as it used to for me.  
> Someone posted a suggestion for the busy busy busy problem and it has worked 
> wonderfully for me and in fact I prefer to do it this way because I can much 
> easier go back to the place where I left off.  I was doing the turning VO on 
> and off again but that was extremely frustrating for me.  So, what I do now 
> is when I'm on a link be it to comment or see more stories, I access the 
> context menu and select open in new window.  Then I add my comment or read 
> the page.  When I'm done with that window, I simply close it.  This works 
> great when I just want to make a quick comment and after I close the window I 
> am back where I left off on the last page of posts I was reading.  As far as 
> the "like" button I just vo space that since I do not need to go to a new 
> page.
> Have a super day and I hope you all can find the "nontouch" link.  Have you 
> all tried the item chooser and seeing if VO can find that link and navigate 
> to it?
> Christina
> -- 
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Scrivener 2 for writing documents with references.

2011-05-20 Thread Jon Cohn

On May 20, 2011, at 8:35 AM, Thomas Byskov Dalgaard wrote:

> Hi Annie!
> Has this program a function for making references to sources? Like I wrote 
> about for a cpouple of days  ago regarding Pages?
> I seriously need this tool, since it would make some of my papers so much 
> easier to handle.
> Best regards
> Thomas
 minutes) did not yeald good results.  However, they do have a feedback area on 
their website and you can get a30  days actual use trial from the website.

Have a great weekend!


Thought after reading TIdbits article "New Take Control Book Explains Scrivener 
2" that this might be the tool for you.  Unfortunately a quick test (5
> Mail & MSN:
> website:
> blog:
> Skype:
> thomas_dalgaard
> Den 20/05/2011 kl. 13.02 skrev Annie Skov Nielsen:
>> Hi all.
>> Nisus writer pro 2 is out.
>> It seems rather accessible. There is a lot of new functions, it has been 
>> made easier to make a table of content, save it as epub or HTML.
>> One interesting thing that has been added is a function in the spell checker 
>> that lets you correct all.
>> I will recommend you to download the trial for free, and try it. You can use 
>> the program for free for 14 days.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> -- 
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Re: The Productive Macs Bundle

2011-05-20 Thread Esther

Interesting review.  I'd have said that the apps in this bundle were mostly 
geared to intermediate level users, though TextExpander is something that can 
work very well even for doing simple things -- like custom-defining signatures, 
or almost anything that you would spend time typing.  It's a real boon for iOS 
devices (in the form of the separate TextExapander Touch app) where you can 
minimize the amount of keyboard entry you need to do, and it's especially nice 
for typing accented character combinations in other languages.

I haven't experienced the problems you described using Pathfinder, though 
admittedly I don't use it all the time.  It came as part of another bundle 
purchase.  The nice feature about Pathfinder is the organization of folders 
separately from the files, and other configurable options.  I'm using 
MoveAddict (separate app, not in this bundle) to cut and paste files since 
MoveAddict also has the ability to merge folders when you paste in files that 
are duplicates.  I do use it in list view mode, and VoiceOver reads everything. 
 I don't recall whether I restarted my Mac after the initial install before 
using this, but I wonder whether the issue you had was that the display didn't 
update current information when it was first launched.

The Mail Act On scripts have often been mentioned in the Take Control guide on 
Apple Mail, and they're generally a good source of information.

I have Keyboard Maestro, too (from another earlier bundle purchase), but have 
only done a few things with it.  I have an older version of TextExpander, and 
didn't update because the first comments about version 3.0 were that some users 
preferred the old Preference Pane in System Preferences as being more 
accessible.  I'd been thinking about getting the bundle in lieu of just 
updating TextExpander so I could also get the Mail Act On scripts.

It would be nice if the Productive Macs bundle let you designate another 
license holder for duplicate software the way that the MacUpdate bundles let 
you do.  As you can see, over time you can acquire a lot of software that came 
from bundles that you bought mainly for one or two items.

Thanks for the review, and I'd be interested in learning whether others have 
had problems with PathFinder of the sort that you report.  (I'm running the 
most recent version).



On May 20, 2011, at 10:33, Austin Seraphin wrote:

> Hi. I just wrote a post about the Productive Macs Bundle. It includes reviews 
> of all eight programs: Textexpander, Pathfinder, Socialite, HoudahSpot, 
> Today, Blast, Keyboard Maestro, and Mail Act-On. Enjoy. I welcome comments or 
> corrections.

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german to english converter

2011-05-20 Thread louie
Hi all,
I have a document written in german and I want to convert it to english. Is 
there a voice over friendly way of doing this conversion?

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Re: Nisus writer pro 2 is out.

2011-05-20 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi Christina.

I simply can not figure out to use pages. To me nisus is much more easy to use. 
I know that is different from person to person.

Another thing that nisus has made in the new release is a function, so you 
easily can navigate between items in your toc, that is great. You can setup a 
hotkey that lets you navigate to the next iten in the table of contents.

It is very easy to make a epub book, that I also use much.

 It is annoying with the lack of accessibility in tables. If that worked I 
would never use other wordprocessors.

Best regards Annie. 
On May 20, 2011, at 10:14 PM, Christina wrote:

> Is this more accessible than pages?  Why do you prefer it over pages?
> Thanks so very much,
> Christina who is considering purchasing a word processor as my needs extend 
> past text edit.  I'm wondering which to buy.  :) 
> -- 
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Re: what is up with the Facebook mobile site?

2011-05-20 Thread Christina
Has anyone tried teh item chooser to see if that non touch option shows up on 
there.  That really stinks that it was there one day and now it's gone.  I just 
got lucky and it was right after the see more stories link.
On May 20, 2011, at 1:36 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:

> Thanks, Christina, for this suggestion.  Actually, I rather like it.  Since 
> the big change to their page, I still cannot comment or "like" statuses if 
> nobody else has, even with going through the context menu to open a new 
> window.  There simply is no link to open, even if I go directly to the 
> person's page.  I will keep poking around at it though and see what I can 
> come up with.  I do think I will continue to utilize the idea you shared.  It 
> really does make it easier to get back to your original position, and 
> definitely eliminates the "Safari busy" message.  Thank you! 
> --
> Jenny Wood
> Phone:(972) 989-3894
> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:   kc5gni
> On May 20, 2011, at 1:33 PM, Christina wrote:
>> On the first night that I encountered the big change with FaceBook I got 
>> lucky and noticed the having trouble go to the nontouch site link.  So, it 
>> works as it used to for me.  
>> Someone posted a suggestion for the busy busy busy problem and it has worked 
>> wonderfully for me and in fact I prefer to do it this way because I can much 
>> easier go back to the place where I left off.  I was doing the turning VO on 
>> and off again but that was extremely frustrating for me.  So, what I do now 
>> is when I'm on a link be it to comment or see more stories, I access the 
>> context menu and select open in new window.  Then I add my comment or read 
>> the page.  When I'm done with that window, I simply close it.  This works 
>> great when I just want to make a quick comment and after I close the window 
>> I am back where I left off on the last page of posts I was reading.  As far 
>> as the "like" button I just vo space that since I do not need to go to a new 
>> page.
>> Have a super day and I hope you all can find the "nontouch" link.  Have you 
>> all tried the item chooser and seeing if VO can find that link and navigate 
>> to it?
>> Christina
>> -- 
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Re: what is up with the Facebook mobile site?

2011-05-20 Thread Jenny Wood
I have definitely tried the item chooser a number of times, and there is no 
such link, unfortunately.  In fact, there are no other links available after 
the last status update and associated options.  


Jenny Wood
Phone:  (972) 989-3894
Facebook/Twitter/Skype: kc5gni

On May 20, 2011, at 5:02 PM, Christina wrote:

> Has anyone tried teh item chooser to see if that non touch option shows up on 
> there.  That really stinks that it was there one day and now it's gone.  I 
> just got lucky and it was right after the see more stories link.
> On May 20, 2011, at 1:36 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>> Thanks, Christina, for this suggestion.  Actually, I rather like it.  Since 
>> the big change to their page, I still cannot comment or "like" statuses if 
>> nobody else has, even with going through the context menu to open a new 
>> window.  There simply is no link to open, even if I go directly to the 
>> person's page.  I will keep poking around at it though and see what I can 
>> come up with.  I do think I will continue to utilize the idea you shared.  
>> It really does make it easier to get back to your original position, and 
>> definitely eliminates the "Safari busy" message.  Thank you! 
>> --
>> Jenny Wood
>> Phone:   (972) 989-3894
>> Email:
>> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:  kc5gni
>> On May 20, 2011, at 1:33 PM, Christina wrote:
>>> On the first night that I encountered the big change with FaceBook I got 
>>> lucky and noticed the having trouble go to the nontouch site link.  So, it 
>>> works as it used to for me.  
>>> Someone posted a suggestion for the busy busy busy problem and it has 
>>> worked wonderfully for me and in fact I prefer to do it this way because I 
>>> can much easier go back to the place where I left off.  I was doing the 
>>> turning VO on and off again but that was extremely frustrating for me.  So, 
>>> what I do now is when I'm on a link be it to comment or see more stories, I 
>>> access the context menu and select open in new window.  Then I add my 
>>> comment or read the page.  When I'm done with that window, I simply close 
>>> it.  This works great when I just want to make a quick comment and after I 
>>> close the window I am back where I left off on the last page of posts I was 
>>> reading.  As far as the "like" button I just vo space that since I do not 
>>> need to go to a new page.
>>> Have a super day and I hope you all can find the "nontouch" link.  Have you 
>>> all tried the item chooser and seeing if VO can find that link and navigate 
>>> to it?
>>> Christina
>>> -- 
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Re: what is up with the Facebook mobile site?

2011-05-20 Thread Colin M
Hi there!
I suggested to have a look on the site with your phones!
Someone rightly said it was made for phones!
So could that link show up better on the phone?
I do not have a Iphone and the layout could be different than my nokia!
If you already tried this then I'm stuck!
I'll have to try your suggestion to open a new window!
But as yet I've not had the same issues could it be different for the UK!

On 20 May 2011, at 23:31, Jenny Wood wrote:

> I have definitely tried the item chooser a number of times, and there is no 
> such link, unfortunately.  In fact, there are no other links available after 
> the last status update and associated options.  
> --
> Jenny Wood
> Phone:(972) 989-3894
> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:   kc5gni
> On May 20, 2011, at 5:02 PM, Christina wrote:
>> Has anyone tried the item chooser to see if that non touch option shows up 
>> on there.  That really stinks that it was there one day and now it's gone.  
>> I just got lucky and it was right after the see more stories link.
>> On May 20, 2011, at 1:36 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>>> Thanks, Christina, for this suggestion.  Actually, I rather like it.  Since 
>>> the big change to their page, I still cannot comment or "like" statuses if 
>>> nobody else has, even with going through the context menu to open a new 
>>> window.  There simply is no link to open, even if I go directly to the 
>>> person's page.  I will keep poking around at it though and see what I can 
>>> come up with.  I do think I will continue to utilise the idea you shared.  
>>> It really does make it easier to get back to your original position, and 
>>> definitely eliminates the "Safari busy" message.  Thank you! 
>>> --
>>> Jenny Wood
>>> Phone:  (972) 989-3894
>>> Email:
>>> Facebook/Twitter/Skype: kc5gni
>>> On May 20, 2011, at 1:33 PM, Christina wrote:
 On the first night that I encountered the big change with FaceBook I got 
 lucky and noticed the having trouble go to the non touch site link.  So, 
 it works as it used to for me.  
 Someone posted a suggestion for the busy busy busy problem and it has 
 worked wonderfully for me and in fact I prefer to do it this way because I 
 can much easier go back to the place where I left off.  I was doing the 
 turning VO on and off again but that was extremely frustrating for me.  
 So, what I do now is when I'm on a link be it to comment or see more 
 stories, I access the context menu and select open in new window.  Then I 
 add my comment or read the page.  When I'm done with that window, I simply 
 close it.  This works great when I just want to make a quick comment and 
 after I close the window I am back where I left off on the last page of 
 posts I was reading.  As far as the "like" button I just vo space that 
 since I do not need to go to a new page.
 Have a super day and I hope you all can find the "non touch" link.  Have 
 you all tried the item chooser and seeing if VO can find that link and 
 navigate to it?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: what is up with the Facebook mobile site?

2011-05-20 Thread Ray Foret Jr
It aint there. 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!

Skype name:


On May 20, 2011, at 5:02 PM, Christina wrote:

> Has anyone tried teh item chooser to see if that non touch option shows up on 
> there.  That really stinks that it was there one day and now it's gone.  I 
> just got lucky and it was right after the see more stories link.
> On May 20, 2011, at 1:36 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>> Thanks, Christina, for this suggestion.  Actually, I rather like it.  Since 
>> the big change to their page, I still cannot comment or "like" statuses if 
>> nobody else has, even with going through the context menu to open a new 
>> window.  There simply is no link to open, even if I go directly to the 
>> person's page.  I will keep poking around at it though and see what I can 
>> come up with.  I do think I will continue to utilize the idea you shared.  
>> It really does make it easier to get back to your original position, and 
>> definitely eliminates the "Safari busy" message.  Thank you! 
>> --
>> Jenny Wood
>> Phone:   (972) 989-3894
>> Email:
>> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:  kc5gni
>> On May 20, 2011, at 1:33 PM, Christina wrote:
>>> On the first night that I encountered the big change with FaceBook I got 
>>> lucky and noticed the having trouble go to the nontouch site link.  So, it 
>>> works as it used to for me.  
>>> Someone posted a suggestion for the busy busy busy problem and it has 
>>> worked wonderfully for me and in fact I prefer to do it this way because I 
>>> can much easier go back to the place where I left off.  I was doing the 
>>> turning VO on and off again but that was extremely frustrating for me.  So, 
>>> what I do now is when I'm on a link be it to comment or see more stories, I 
>>> access the context menu and select open in new window.  Then I add my 
>>> comment or read the page.  When I'm done with that window, I simply close 
>>> it.  This works great when I just want to make a quick comment and after I 
>>> close the window I am back where I left off on the last page of posts I was 
>>> reading.  As far as the "like" button I just vo space that since I do not 
>>> need to go to a new page.
>>> Have a super day and I hope you all can find the "nontouch" link.  Have you 
>>> all tried the item chooser and seeing if VO can find that link and navigate 
>>> to it?
>>> Christina
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Question about using Adium

2011-05-20 Thread Mike Arrigo
Adium has the ability to automatically speak messages, you will find it in 
preferences, I think it's in the events section, you can configure it to speak 
events, messages being one of them.
On May 20, 2011, at 10:23 AM, Dawn Benbow wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Someone  recommended Adium to me for a chat program. I installed it with no 
> problems. My question is, how do you get VO to read you messages? 
> Thanks,
> Dawn
> Dawn Benbow
> Messanger:
> Messanger:
> Twitter:  DawnAndBaskin
> Skype:
> -- 
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issue with Skype 5 during phone calls

2011-05-20 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
I'm running the latest everything.  When making a Skype call out to a phone 
line, or when receiving one, about five minutes or so into the call, the person 
I'm talking to reports that I start breaking up with an intermittent, regular 
clicking sound.  Has anyone else experienced this or know what might be causing 

Thanks; have a great weekend! :)

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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Re: abby fine reader express question

2011-05-20 Thread Kimberly thurman
Actually, I didn't think it took terribly long to process, but I just don't 
know if I want to drop $299 on it right now.  I just wish there was another 
solution on the Mac that didn't require using to applications to get a scanned 
document, as is the case with needing to use Vuscan and then ABBYY Fine Reader. 

Isn't ABBYY Fine Reader $99?  I wasn't successful getting it to work during the 
trial period, but I kind of put it asside and forgot about it.  Now, I'm loathe 
to put down $99 for it, and then find out I still can't get it to work.  

My desktop PC I was using to scan with an old Dell all-in-one and ABBYY Fine 
Reader version 5 has just died, and I don't have a scanning solution at all at 
the moment.  I do have a sighted husband, so it is not terribly urgent.  Guess 
I"m just biding my time here.  Maybe Serotech will put Docuscan on sale?  :)
On May 19, 2011, at 10:58 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:

> Personally, I think Docuscan works rather well with a flatbed scanner.  My 
> only hangup with it is the "cloud-only issue and the time in which it takes 
> to process a single page.  
> --
> Jenny Wood
> Phone:(972) 989-3894
> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:   kc5gni
> On May 19, 2011, at 8:50 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Ricardo:
>> Thanks for the tip.  I didn't realize it would work with a scanner.
>> On May 19, 2011, at 7:16 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> The cloud issue is valid but, you don't need a camera.  My photo smart all 
>>> in one worked just fine.
>>> hth
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> On May 19, 2011, at 7:34 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
 I haven't yet.  I'm a lousy shot with a camera, and I thought that one 
 needed to use one.:)
 And then there's the issue of the cloud for doing the interpreting.  I 
 think it's easy enough for my stuff to get compromised without sending 
 mail to the cloud for perusal.:)
 On May 19, 2011, at 1:39 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> Have you tried docuscan?
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> On May 19, 2011, at 12:20 AM, carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Jenny:
>> I have a canon mp160, and an hp photosmart d10.  My canon scans far 
>> faster than the HP, which surprised me. That was using Openbook.  
>> Working with Vuescan was very slow with both scanners I used up my trial 
>> of Abbyy before I could do much with it.  But, I hear it's pretty 
>> persnickety about which  scanners it will work with.  I'm looking for 
>> scan times under 30 seconds, and I sure didn't have that with 
>> vuescan.'It's been disappointing to have to go back to that other OS for 
>> serious bouts of scanning.:)
>> But, so far, that's the most efficient way to get things done.
>> Take care
>> Carolyn
>> On May 18, 2011, at 1:32 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>>> Hi Carolyn,
>>> Just out of curiosity, what type of scanner do you have?  I think you 
>>> may have told me before, but I think I need a refresher. :-)  I will 
>>> say that as a follow-up to our docuscan discussion, I really started 
>>> digging further into scanning possibilities for my mac.  I tried a 
>>> program called Exactscan Pro, which was sort of okay, but I was 
>>> disappointed with the quality of the recognition.  However, I also 
>>> downloaded a trial version of Abby Fine Reader, and I actually wound up 
>>> purchasing it within the first couple of days.  I am very impressed 
>>> with the recognition, and it works very well with my scanner and 
>>> scanner software.  My only complaint at all about this program, is 
>>> simply the fact I have to launch the scanner software separately to 
>>> begin the scanning process, and that Abby asks you to save the file 
>>> before reviewing it.  Having said that, it really comes down to an 
>>> extra button push or two difference from what I might get out of K1000. 
>>>  I have used it intensely since having bought it.  I intend to continue 
>>> using it even once I get Fusion up and running.  I will use K1000 
>>> primarily for larger scanning projects, since it will allow me to scan 
>>> repeatedly without necessarily having to save anything.  As far as 
>>> going through the daily mail or random papers around the house, Abby 
>>> does the job perfectly.
>>> --
>>> Jenny Wood
>>> Phone:  (972) 989-3894
>>> Email:
>>> Facebook/Twitter/Skype: kc5gni
>>> On May 18, 2011, at 1:52 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi John:
 That's on

Re: issue with Skype 5 during phone calls

2011-05-20 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Mark.

By the way, you have a superior first name, if I do say so myself.  (Smile)

I have not experienced any degradation in my Skype calls with the latest 
version of Skype.

On May 20, 2011, at 5:16 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> I'm running the latest everything.  When making a Skype call out to a phone 
> line, or when receiving one, about five minutes or so into the call, the 
> person I'm talking to reports that I start breaking up with an intermittent, 
> regular clicking sound.  Has anyone else experienced this or know what might 
> be causing it?
> Thanks; have a great weekend! :)
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: what is up with the Facebook mobile site?

2011-05-20 Thread Kimberly thurman
Facebook is starting to remind me of my mother-in-law. Every time I visited, 
she had moved the furniture around.  lol

Seriously, Facebook would be a lost cause for me right now if not for the 
windows running in the virtual machine.  It works pretty well on the iPhone 
On May 20, 2011, at 7:44 AM, Kestrell wrote:

> Facebook changes it's interface pretty regularly: in my experience, about the 
> length of time it takes a blind computer user to become familiar with the 
> previous incarnation of the interface. Actually, my sighted friends complain 
> about these constant changes, also.
> Kes
> - Original Message - From: "Kimberly thurman" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 9:59 PM
> Subject: Re: what is up with the Facebook mobile site?
> Ray, I think they're always messing with the mobile site.  It has gotten so 
> bad that I use internet Explorer in-windows in my virtual machine for 
> Facebook now.  I hate too, but I got sick of the Safari busy crap all the 
> time.  I love my Mac, but the web browsing gets on my last nerve now and then.
> On May 19, 2011, at 9:47 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Anybody else noticing changes to the Facebook mobile site?  I mean it's flat 
>> rediculous.  I can't do anything in there now.  Every thing says, "photo 
>> photo photo photo" and so on.  can't click on like or comments and can't get 
>> to my privicy settings at all.  The regular site is a nightmare. Any 
>> suggestions?
>> OH, I do have the latest version of the nightly build of Web Kit.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype name:
>> barefootedray
>> Facebook:
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> Internal Virus Database is out of date.
> Checked by AVG -
> Version: 8.0.173 / Virus Database: 270.8.1/1733 - Release Date: 10/19/2008 
> 6:02 PM
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: abby fine reader express question

2011-05-20 Thread carolyn Haas
Hi Kimberly:
Melissa, my Apple partner is going to get a copy of Abby, trial version and 
check it out for me.  I did the same thing you did and lost my trial.  I don't 
mind paying  for a good scan/OCR program, but I don't consider the mac 
solutions offered to be worth it.  To pay for an internet dependent program, or 
link two programs together seems like not such a great deal to me.  Before I'd 
do that, I'd probably upgrade to iPhone 4 and work with one of the scan apps 
offered for the iDevices.
I had to write because you hit a nerve when you said your pc is no longer 
available to scan with.:)  I'm constantly worried about my old Dell giving up 
the ghost.:)

Take care.  

On May 20, 2011, at 6:27 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> Actually, I didn't think it took terribly long to process, but I just don't 
> know if I want to drop $299 on it right now.  I just wish there was another 
> solution on the Mac that didn't require using to applications to get a 
> scanned document, as is the case with needing to use Vuscan and then ABBYY 
> Fine Reader.  
> Isn't ABBYY Fine Reader $99?  I wasn't successful getting it to work during 
> the trial period, but I kind of put it asside and forgot about it.  Now, I'm 
> loathe to put down $99 for it, and then find out I still can't get it to 
> work.  
> My desktop PC I was using to scan with an old Dell all-in-one and ABBYY Fine 
> Reader version 5 has just died, and I don't have a scanning solution at all 
> at the moment.  I do have a sighted husband, so it is not terribly urgent.  
> Guess I"m just biding my time here.  Maybe Serotech will put Docuscan on 
> sale?  :)
> On May 19, 2011, at 10:58 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>> Personally, I think Docuscan works rather well with a flatbed scanner.  My 
>> only hangup with it is the "cloud-only issue and the time in which it takes 
>> to process a single page.  
>> --
>> Jenny Wood
>> Phone:   (972) 989-3894
>> Email:
>> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:  kc5gni
>> On May 19, 2011, at 8:50 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Ricardo:
>>> Thanks for the tip.  I didn't realize it would work with a scanner.
>>> On May 19, 2011, at 7:16 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 The cloud issue is valid but, you don't need a camera.  My photo smart all 
 in one worked just fine.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 On May 19, 2011, at 7:34 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
> I haven't yet.  I'm a lousy shot with a camera, and I thought that one 
> needed to use one.:)
> And then there's the issue of the cloud for doing the interpreting.  I 
> think it's easy enough for my stuff to get compromised without sending 
> mail to the cloud for perusal.:)
> Carolyn
> On May 19, 2011, at 1:39 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Have you tried docuscan?
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> On May 19, 2011, at 12:20 AM, carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Jenny:
>>> I have a canon mp160, and an hp photosmart d10.  My canon scans far 
>>> faster than the HP, which surprised me. That was using Openbook.  
>>> Working with Vuescan was very slow with both scanners I used up my 
>>> trial of Abbyy before I could do much with it.  But, I hear it's pretty 
>>> persnickety about which  scanners it will work with.  I'm looking for 
>>> scan times under 30 seconds, and I sure didn't have that with 
>>> vuescan.'It's been disappointing to have to go back to that other OS 
>>> for serious bouts of scanning.:)
>>> But, so far, that's the most efficient way to get things done.
>>> Take care
>>> Carolyn
>>> On May 18, 2011, at 1:32 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
 Hi Carolyn,
 Just out of curiosity, what type of scanner do you have?  I think you 
 may have told me before, but I think I need a refresher. :-)  I will 
 say that as a follow-up to our docuscan discussion, I really started 
 digging further into scanning possibilities for my mac.  I tried a 
 program called Exactscan Pro, which was sort of okay, but I was 
 disappointed with the quality of the recognition.  However, I also 
 downloaded a trial version of Abby Fine Reader, and I actually wound 
 up purchasing it within the first couple of days.  I am very impressed 
 with the recognition, and it works very well with my scanner and 
 scanner software.  My only complaint at all about this program, is 
 simply the fact I have to launch the scanner software separately to 
 begin the scanning process, and that Abby asks you to save the f

Re: abby fine reader express question

2011-05-20 Thread Jenny Wood
Yes, Abby Fine Reader is $99.  Hmmm, what type of problem were you having with 
it?  I am assuming you already have the correct driver and software installed 
for your scanner?  And you're right, it would be ideal to have access to a 
program that would allow you to scan, recognize and read all in one.  
Unfortunately, other than Docuscan, I don't know of any such program just yet.  
I have been rather impressed with the scan quality of Abby so far though. :-) 


Jenny Wood
Phone:  (972) 989-3894
Facebook/Twitter/Skype: kc5gni

On May 20, 2011, at 7:27 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> Actually, I didn't think it took terribly long to process, but I just don't 
> know if I want to drop $299 on it right now.  I just wish there was another 
> solution on the Mac that didn't require using to applications to get a 
> scanned document, as is the case with needing to use Vuscan and then ABBYY 
> Fine Reader.  
> Isn't ABBYY Fine Reader $99?  I wasn't successful getting it to work during 
> the trial period, but I kind of put it asside and forgot about it.  Now, I'm 
> loathe to put down $99 for it, and then find out I still can't get it to 
> work.  
> My desktop PC I was using to scan with an old Dell all-in-one and ABBYY Fine 
> Reader version 5 has just died, and I don't have a scanning solution at all 
> at the moment.  I do have a sighted husband, so it is not terribly urgent.  
> Guess I"m just biding my time here.  Maybe Serotech will put Docuscan on 
> sale?  :)
> On May 19, 2011, at 10:58 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>> Personally, I think Docuscan works rather well with a flatbed scanner.  My 
>> only hangup with it is the "cloud-only issue and the time in which it takes 
>> to process a single page.  
>> --
>> Jenny Wood
>> Phone:   (972) 989-3894
>> Email:
>> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:  kc5gni
>> On May 19, 2011, at 8:50 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Ricardo:
>>> Thanks for the tip.  I didn't realize it would work with a scanner.
>>> On May 19, 2011, at 7:16 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 The cloud issue is valid but, you don't need a camera.  My photo smart all 
 in one worked just fine.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 On May 19, 2011, at 7:34 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
> I haven't yet.  I'm a lousy shot with a camera, and I thought that one 
> needed to use one.:)
> And then there's the issue of the cloud for doing the interpreting.  I 
> think it's easy enough for my stuff to get compromised without sending 
> mail to the cloud for perusal.:)
> Carolyn
> On May 19, 2011, at 1:39 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Have you tried docuscan?
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> On May 19, 2011, at 12:20 AM, carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Jenny:
>>> I have a canon mp160, and an hp photosmart d10.  My canon scans far 
>>> faster than the HP, which surprised me. That was using Openbook.  
>>> Working with Vuescan was very slow with both scanners I used up my 
>>> trial of Abbyy before I could do much with it.  But, I hear it's pretty 
>>> persnickety about which  scanners it will work with.  I'm looking for 
>>> scan times under 30 seconds, and I sure didn't have that with 
>>> vuescan.'It's been disappointing to have to go back to that other OS 
>>> for serious bouts of scanning.:)
>>> But, so far, that's the most efficient way to get things done.
>>> Take care
>>> Carolyn
>>> On May 18, 2011, at 1:32 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
 Hi Carolyn,
 Just out of curiosity, what type of scanner do you have?  I think you 
 may have told me before, but I think I need a refresher. :-)  I will 
 say that as a follow-up to our docuscan discussion, I really started 
 digging further into scanning possibilities for my mac.  I tried a 
 program called Exactscan Pro, which was sort of okay, but I was 
 disappointed with the quality of the recognition.  However, I also 
 downloaded a trial version of Abby Fine Reader, and I actually wound 
 up purchasing it within the first couple of days.  I am very impressed 
 with the recognition, and it works very well with my scanner and 
 scanner software.  My only complaint at all about this program, is 
 simply the fact I have to launch the scanner software separately to 
 begin the scanning process, and that Abby asks you to save the file 
 before reviewing it.  Having said that, it really comes down to an 
 extra button push or two difference from 

Re: abby fine reader express question

2011-05-20 Thread Kimberly thurman
Honestly Jenny, I don't really remember what my issue was with ABBYY Fine 
Reader.  I was under the impression you needed to scan with Vuscan, and then 
open the file in ABBYY Fine Reader to do the OCR on it.  Is this correct?
On May 20, 2011, at 9:07 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:

> Yes, Abby Fine Reader is $99.  Hmmm, what type of problem were you having 
> with it?  I am assuming you already have the correct driver and software 
> installed for your scanner?  And you're right, it would be ideal to have 
> access to a program that would allow you to scan, recognize and read all in 
> one.  Unfortunately, other than Docuscan, I don't know of any such program 
> just yet.  I have been rather impressed with the scan quality of Abby so far 
> though. :-) 
> --
> Jenny Wood
> Phone:(972) 989-3894
> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:   kc5gni
> On May 20, 2011, at 7:27 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>> Actually, I didn't think it took terribly long to process, but I just don't 
>> know if I want to drop $299 on it right now.  I just wish there was another 
>> solution on the Mac that didn't require using to applications to get a 
>> scanned document, as is the case with needing to use Vuscan and then ABBYY 
>> Fine Reader.  
>> Isn't ABBYY Fine Reader $99?  I wasn't successful getting it to work during 
>> the trial period, but I kind of put it asside and forgot about it.  Now, I'm 
>> loathe to put down $99 for it, and then find out I still can't get it to 
>> work.  
>> My desktop PC I was using to scan with an old Dell all-in-one and ABBYY Fine 
>> Reader version 5 has just died, and I don't have a scanning solution at all 
>> at the moment.  I do have a sighted husband, so it is not terribly urgent.  
>> Guess I"m just biding my time here.  Maybe Serotech will put Docuscan on 
>> sale?  :)
>> On May 19, 2011, at 10:58 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>>> Personally, I think Docuscan works rather well with a flatbed scanner.  My 
>>> only hangup with it is the "cloud-only issue and the time in which it takes 
>>> to process a single page.  
>>> --
>>> Jenny Wood
>>> Phone:  (972) 989-3894
>>> Email:
>>> Facebook/Twitter/Skype: kc5gni
>>> On May 19, 2011, at 8:50 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
 Thanks for the tip.  I didn't realize it would work with a scanner.
 On May 19, 2011, at 7:16 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> The cloud issue is valid but, you don't need a camera.  My photo smart 
> all in one worked just fine.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> On May 19, 2011, at 7:34 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
>> I haven't yet.  I'm a lousy shot with a camera, and I thought that one 
>> needed to use one.:)
>> And then there's the issue of the cloud for doing the interpreting.  I 
>> think it's easy enough for my stuff to get compromised without sending 
>> mail to the cloud for perusal.:)
>> Carolyn
>> On May 19, 2011, at 1:39 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Have you tried docuscan?
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> On May 19, 2011, at 12:20 AM, carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi Jenny:
 I have a canon mp160, and an hp photosmart d10.  My canon scans far 
 faster than the HP, which surprised me. That was using Openbook.  
 Working with Vuescan was very slow with both scanners I used up my 
 trial of Abbyy before I could do much with it.  But, I hear it's 
 pretty persnickety about which  scanners it will work with.  I'm 
 looking for scan times under 30 seconds, and I sure didn't have that 
 with vuescan.'It's been disappointing to have to go back to that other 
 OS for serious bouts of scanning.:)
 But, so far, that's the most efficient way to get things done.
 Take care
 On May 18, 2011, at 1:32 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
> Hi Carolyn,
> Just out of curiosity, what type of scanner do you have?  I think you 
> may have told me before, but I think I need a refresher. :-)  I will 
> say that as a follow-up to our docuscan discussion, I really started 
> digging further into scanning possibilities for my mac.  I tried a 
> program called Exactscan Pro, which was sort of okay, but I was 
> disappointed with the quality of the recognition.  However, I also 
> downloaded a trial version of Abby Fine Reader, and I actually wound 
> up purchasing it within the first couple of days.  I am very 

Re: BrailleSense with iphone

2011-05-20 Thread David Tanner
Glad to hear that.  I am going to be working on my project this weekend.  I 
hope I have just as good luck.

- Original Message - 
From: "Donna Goodin" 

Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: BrailleSense with iphone

Hi David,

Well, good news.  I re-paired it again this afternoon, and now all is well. 
Not really sure what happened yesterday, but at this point all is working as 


On May 19, 2011, at 10:11 PM, David Tanner wrote:

Oh no, let us hope that our friend from Texas can help here.  He has been 
using Braille Sense for a long time, so hopefully he'll have the right 

- Original Message - From: "Donna Goodin" 
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 5:27 AM
Subject: Re: BrailleSense with iphone

Hmm.  New upgrade is out.  It's easier to pair, but then once you do, the 
keyboard doesn't seem to work at all.


On May 18, 2011, at 9:54 PM, David Tanner wrote:

My understanding from Hems was that it was almost impossible to bond and 
that a new upgrade was coming out the end of April that was suppose to 
fix the problem.  I just got in a new Braille Sense today for a client, 
and it needs to be setup for use with a iPod.  So, if I have any kind of 
good luck I'll pass it along.

- Original Message - From: "Donna Goodin" 
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2011 11:52 AM
Subject: BrailleSense with iphone

Hi all,

If memory serves there are a couple of you on this list pairing a BSP 
with an iphone.  I've been trying to do this with only limited success. 
The BSP works fine as a display, but I am completely unable to control 
the iphone from the BSP.  I thought I had had better luck with this a 
couple of months back.  Anyone have any suggestions?


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Re: abby fine reader express question

2011-05-20 Thread carolyn Haas
If I remember correctly, people often used a different program to scan because 
Abbyy is not good at making friends with a lot of scanners.  So, people find it 
easier to scan with iPhoto or Vuescan and use baby for it's superior OCR and 
multi-lingual capabilities.


On May 20, 2011, at 7:16 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> Honestly Jenny, I don't really remember what my issue was with ABBYY Fine 
> Reader.  I was under the impression you needed to scan with Vuscan, and then 
> open the file in ABBYY Fine Reader to do the OCR on it.  Is this correct?
> On May 20, 2011, at 9:07 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>> Yes, Abby Fine Reader is $99.  Hmmm, what type of problem were you having 
>> with it?  I am assuming you already have the correct driver and software 
>> installed for your scanner?  And you're right, it would be ideal to have 
>> access to a program that would allow you to scan, recognize and read all in 
>> one.  Unfortunately, other than Docuscan, I don't know of any such program 
>> just yet.  I have been rather impressed with the scan quality of Abby so far 
>> though. :-) 
>> --
>> Jenny Wood
>> Phone:   (972) 989-3894
>> Email:
>> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:  kc5gni
>> On May 20, 2011, at 7:27 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>>> Actually, I didn't think it took terribly long to process, but I just don't 
>>> know if I want to drop $299 on it right now.  I just wish there was another 
>>> solution on the Mac that didn't require using to applications to get a 
>>> scanned document, as is the case with needing to use Vuscan and then ABBYY 
>>> Fine Reader.  
>>> Isn't ABBYY Fine Reader $99?  I wasn't successful getting it to work during 
>>> the trial period, but I kind of put it asside and forgot about it.  Now, 
>>> I'm loathe to put down $99 for it, and then find out I still can't get it 
>>> to work.  
>>> My desktop PC I was using to scan with an old Dell all-in-one and ABBYY 
>>> Fine Reader version 5 has just died, and I don't have a scanning solution 
>>> at all at the moment.  I do have a sighted husband, so it is not terribly 
>>> urgent.  Guess I"m just biding my time here.  Maybe Serotech will put 
>>> Docuscan on sale?  :)
>>> On May 19, 2011, at 10:58 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
 Personally, I think Docuscan works rather well with a flatbed scanner.  My 
 only hangup with it is the "cloud-only issue and the time in which it 
 takes to process a single page.  
 Jenny Wood
 Phone: (972) 989-3894
 On May 19, 2011, at 8:50 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
> Ricardo:
> Thanks for the tip.  I didn't realize it would work with a scanner.
> On May 19, 2011, at 7:16 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> The cloud issue is valid but, you don't need a camera.  My photo smart 
>> all in one worked just fine.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> On May 19, 2011, at 7:34 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> I haven't yet.  I'm a lousy shot with a camera, and I thought that one 
>>> needed to use one.:)
>>> And then there's the issue of the cloud for doing the interpreting.  I 
>>> think it's easy enough for my stuff to get compromised without sending 
>>> mail to the cloud for perusal.:)
>>> Carolyn
>>> On May 19, 2011, at 1:39 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 Have you tried docuscan?
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 On May 19, 2011, at 12:20 AM, carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi Jenny:
> I have a canon mp160, and an hp photosmart d10.  My canon scans far 
> faster than the HP, which surprised me. That was using Openbook.  
> Working with Vuescan was very slow with both scanners I used up my 
> trial of Abbyy before I could do much with it.  But, I hear it's 
> pretty persnickety about which  scanners it will work with.  I'm 
> looking for scan times under 30 seconds, and I sure didn't have that 
> with vuescan.'It's been disappointing to have to go back to that 
> other OS for serious bouts of scanning.:)
> But, so far, that's the most efficient way to get things done.
> Take care
> Carolyn
> On May 18, 2011, at 1:32 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>> Hi Carolyn,
>> Just out of curiosity, what type of scanner do you have?  I think 
>> you may have told me before, but I think I need a refresher. :-)  I 
>> will say tha