
Interesting review.  I'd have said that the apps in this bundle were mostly 
geared to intermediate level users, though TextExpander is something that can 
work very well even for doing simple things -- like custom-defining signatures, 
or almost anything that you would spend time typing.  It's a real boon for iOS 
devices (in the form of the separate TextExapander Touch app) where you can 
minimize the amount of keyboard entry you need to do, and it's especially nice 
for typing accented character combinations in other languages.

I haven't experienced the problems you described using Pathfinder, though 
admittedly I don't use it all the time.  It came as part of another bundle 
purchase.  The nice feature about Pathfinder is the organization of folders 
separately from the files, and other configurable options.  I'm using 
MoveAddict (separate app, not in this bundle) to cut and paste files since 
MoveAddict also has the ability to merge folders when you paste in files that 
are duplicates.  I do use it in list view mode, and VoiceOver reads everything. 
 I don't recall whether I restarted my Mac after the initial install before 
using this, but I wonder whether the issue you had was that the display didn't 
update current information when it was first launched.

The Mail Act On scripts have often been mentioned in the Take Control guide on 
Apple Mail, and they're generally a good source of information.

I have Keyboard Maestro, too (from another earlier bundle purchase), but have 
only done a few things with it.  I have an older version of TextExpander, and 
didn't update because the first comments about version 3.0 were that some users 
preferred the old Preference Pane in System Preferences as being more 
accessible.  I'd been thinking about getting the bundle in lieu of just 
updating TextExpander so I could also get the Mail Act On scripts.

It would be nice if the Productive Macs bundle let you designate another 
license holder for duplicate software the way that the MacUpdate bundles let 
you do.  As you can see, over time you can acquire a lot of software that came 
from bundles that you bought mainly for one or two items.

Thanks for the review, and I'd be interested in learning whether others have 
had problems with PathFinder of the sort that you report.  (I'm running the 
most recent version).



On May 20, 2011, at 10:33, Austin Seraphin wrote:

> Hi. I just wrote a post about the Productive Macs Bundle. It includes reviews 
> of all eight programs: Textexpander, Pathfinder, Socialite, HoudahSpot, 
> Today, Blast, Keyboard Maestro, and Mail Act-On. Enjoy. I welcome comments or 
> corrections.
> http://behindthecurtain.us/2011/05/20/the-productive-macs-bundle-with-voiceover/

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