Re: accepting contact request on skype

2011-03-16 Thread Antonio M. Guimaraes Jr.
thank you afaela,

I will try your method to see if it works.

I was seeing people I sent a request to, and thought the skype message to the 
effect taht the user was awating approval meant that I had to approve the 
individual, but I guess I was wrong.

Thank you though.

On Mar 15, 2011, at 8:09 PM, Rafaela Freundt wrote:

> hi,
> if you interact with the sources table, below skype and address book you'll 
> find recent. below that you'll see the date when the person added you and 
> just below that his or her name.
> stop interacting with the sources table and vo arrow right till you find the 
> accept button. it should be there.
> under recent you will always find your recent events, calls and conversations.
> hth,
> Rafaela Freundt
> E-mail/MSN:
> Skype: rafafreundt
> El 15/03/2011, a las 12:06, Antonio M. Guimaraes Jr. escribió:
>> I am using skype 5 on an iMac.
>> I have navigated, interacted, and tried all nooks and crannies I could to 
>> accept a contact request, but did not find a button or menu item to do so.
>> Any help would be appreciated by me, and the people I accept as skype 
>> friends.
>> Thanks much,
>> Antonio
>> -- 
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A new subscribers First Question.

2011-03-16 Thread ashley

Hi all,

My name is ashley; some of you may know me from the macvoiceover and BCT 
lists, the AC Tech podcast, etc. 've just joined this list; have owned a 
mac for around 2 and a bit years now. I hope to be able to share my own 
knowledge to help others as well as possibly to get some of my own 
questions answered :)!

Here is the first of those questions... Sorry if this is a little 
off-topic for this list, and sorry to those who have already received a 
similar question through macvoiceover.

I recently aquired a original Bondi Blue iMac, running OS9.2. I've been 
looking everywhere for the 'outspoken' screenreader for this macine, but 
can't seam to find it anywhere. I was wondering, does anybody have, or 
know of  somewhere I can download, a disk image of outspoken 9.2 or one 
that will run under OS9? I really don't want to pay $195 for it, as I 
got this mac for free and it's not worth spending that much on it.

If anybody can help, It would be greatly appreciated!


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Re: Is the disappearance of Voice Over a unique problem, or do others have it, too?

2011-03-16 Thread Michael Thurman
I have the problem I though tit was just a normal screw up but nw i am 
wondering  is there a comon thread t these problems such as what hardware e run 
 a friend of mine had the issues and apple replaces his 13 inch macbook pro 
with a new i 5 version.  He o longer hs the issue  I have the older 13 inch 
macbook pro with 4 gigs of memory and the issues is so bad sometimes i can't 
even scroll through my stuff on my hard drive without it crashig several times 
a day. O fcurse i am out of warrenty and could not afford to get apple care to 
extend it. i also can not empty the trash even with secure empty trash evn 
after repairing disk permissins and directory structure. a trip to appl enow 
would be expensive i'm sure. I wonder if we can how, if it is true, that this 
is a problem with specific hardware. If that is the case perhaps apple will 
decide it's int her best intrest to replace some machines. I relaly find it 
upsetting that voiceover sems to be less stable than jaws, and the problem 
seems to be getting worse

On Mar 16, 2011, at 12:05 AM, carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Andre:
> Well, I guess another plot is in order then, since Watson isn't deducing much 
> on this front.
> I'm only running with 2gig memory, and I don't know that I need a lot more.  
> I think the standard now is generally 4.  But, so far it hasn't been an 
> issue.  It does cause me to clean things up more often, just to conserve 
> space though.:) And that's not a bad thing.
> Take care
> Carolyn H
> On Mar 15, 2011, at 5:00 PM, Andre Nuno Soares wrote:
>> On Mar 15, 2011, at 1:00 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Andre:
>>> I really haven't had that issue show up, and I mostly use sleep mode for my 
>>> mbp.  So, that wouldn't support this theory.  But, I can sure empathize 
>>> with how frustrating it would be.  And, I hope the accessibility team and 
>>> the development engineers can ferret out the cause.
>> Oh man! And I already sent an email to IBM to see if Watson wanted to share 
>> a flat in Baker Street :-)
>> Seriously, that does seem to point to a different cause. The hang doesn't 
>> happen very often on my Mac, so I haven't really paid enough attention to 
>> the MacOS state when it does..
>> BTW, do you have 4 GB of RAM on your MBP or more?
>> Cheers,
>> André
>> -- 
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using older charger on my MB pro?

2011-03-16 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi all,

I'm going to be traveling the next few days, and will be staying with someone 
who has an MB pro that's about two-three years older than mine, i.e about 4-5 
years old.  Is there any reason I can't use her charger on my Macbook?

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Re: using older charger on my MB pro?

2011-03-16 Thread Zachary Kline
Hi Donna,
The cautious side of me would say that it probably isn't a good idea to use a 
charger with a machine it wasn't designed for.  I don't know much about 
variations in those components over the past few years, apart from the 
relatively recent switch to magnetic connectors on the adapter..  
ALl that being said, I don't know that you can't use the two together either.  
If it were me, I wouldn't, just to be safe.  Someone who knows better feel free 
to correct me.
SOrry I can't be more definitively helpful.
On Mar 16, 2011, at 3:21 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm going to be traveling the next few days, and will be staying with someone 
> who has an MB pro that's about two-three years older than mine, i.e about 4-5 
> years old.  Is there any reason I can't use her charger on my Macbook?
> TIA,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: A new subscribers First Question.

2011-03-16 Thread joseph
hi ashley

welcome to this list.  like you, i am a new here and i find it grate.  i hope 
you like it too.

On 16 Mar 2011, at 07:21, ashley wrote:

> Hi all,
> My name is ashley; some of you may know me from the macvoiceover and BCT 
> lists, the AC Tech podcast, etc. 've just joined this list; have owned a mac 
> for around 2 and a bit years now. I hope to be able to share my own knowledge 
> to help others as well as possibly to get some of my own questions answered 
> :)!
> Here is the first of those questions... Sorry if this is a little off-topic 
> for this list, and sorry to those who have already received a similar 
> question through macvoiceover.
> I recently aquired a original Bondi Blue iMac, running OS9.2. I've been 
> looking everywhere for the 'outspoken' screenreader for this macine, but 
> can't seam to find it anywhere. I was wondering, does anybody have, or know 
> of  somewhere I can download, a disk image of outspoken 9.2 or one that will 
> run under OS9? I really don't want to pay $195 for it, as I got this mac for 
> free and it's not worth spending that much on it.
> If anybody can help, It would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks
> Ash
> -- 
> Website:
> Twitter:
> Blog160:
> -- 
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Re: Is the disappearance of Voice Over a unique problem, or do others have it, too?

2011-03-16 Thread Christopher Peppel
Hi there,

Just a thought, would it still be worth going to the Apple Store and explaining 
the problem to see what they say?  I have heard that there are some occasions 
where Apple has made a replacement even though your Apple care is no longer 
valid.  Just thought it might be worth looking into.  Good luck.

On Mar 16, 2011, at 5:59 AM, Michael Thurman wrote:

> I have the problem I though tit was just a normal screw up but nw i am 
> wondering  is there a comon thread t these problems such as what hardware e 
> run  a friend of mine had the issues and apple replaces his 13 inch macbook 
> pro with a new i 5 version.  He o longer hs the issue  I have the older 13 
> inch macbook pro with 4 gigs of memory and the issues is so bad sometimes i 
> can't even scroll through my stuff on my hard drive without it crashig 
> several times a day. O fcurse i am out of warrenty and could not afford to 
> get apple care to extend it. i also can not empty the trash even with secure 
> empty trash evn after repairing disk permissins and directory structure. a 
> trip to appl enow would be expensive i'm sure. I wonder if we can how, if it 
> is true, that this is a problem with specific hardware. If that is the case 
> perhaps apple will decide it's int her best intrest to replace some machines. 
> I relaly find it upsetting that voiceover sems to be less stable than jaws, 
> and the problem seems to be getting worse
> On Mar 16, 2011, at 12:05 AM, carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Andre:
>> Well, I guess another plot is in order then, since Watson isn't deducing 
>> much on this front.
>> I'm only running with 2gig memory, and I don't know that I need a lot more.  
>> I think the standard now is generally 4.  But, so far it hasn't been an 
>> issue.  It does cause me to clean things up more often, just to conserve 
>> space though.:) And that's not a bad thing.
>> Take care
>> Carolyn H
>> On Mar 15, 2011, at 5:00 PM, Andre Nuno Soares Not guaranteeing anything but 
>> thought it worth the C.

>>> On Mar 15, 2011, at 1:00 PM, carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi Andre:
 I really haven't had that issue show up, and I mostly use sleep mode for 
 my mbp.  So, that wouldn't support this theory.  But, I can sure empathize 
 with how frustrating it would be.  And, I hope the accessibility team and 
 the development engineers can ferret out the cause.
>>> Oh man! And I already sent an email to IBM to see if Watson wanted to share 
>>> a flat in Baker Street :-)
>>> Seriously, that does seem to point to a different cause. The hang doesn't 
>>> happen very often on my Mac, so I haven't really paid enough attention to 
>>> the MacOS state when it does..
>>> BTW, do you have 4 GB of RAM on your MBP or more?
>>> Cheers,
>>> André
>>> -- 
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Re: using older charger on my MB pro?

2011-03-16 Thread Ricardo Walker
I totally agree,

Using a charger from a 2006 or 2007 MBP doesn't sound like something I would 
want to take a risk on.  I think those where the models with replaceable 
batteries too.  Nah Donna, better safe than sorry.  Bring your on charger.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296

On Mar 16, 2011, at 6:41 AM, Zachary Kline wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> The cautious side of me would say that it probably isn't a good idea to use a 
> charger with a machine it wasn't designed for.  I don't know much about 
> variations in those components over the past few years, apart from the 
> relatively recent switch to magnetic connectors on the adapter..  
> ALl that being said, I don't know that you can't use the two together either. 
>  If it were me, I wouldn't, just to be safe.  Someone who knows better feel 
> free to correct me.
> SOrry I can't be more definitively helpful.
> Best,
> Zack.
> On Mar 16, 2011, at 3:21 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm going to be traveling the next few days, and will be staying with 
>> someone who has an MB pro that's about two-three years older than mine, i.e 
>> about 4-5 years old.  Is there any reason I can't use her charger on my 
>> Macbook?
>> TIA,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: skype again

2011-03-16 Thread Ricardo Walker

Make sure your interacting with the list of contacs.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296

On Mar 15, 2011, at 7:20 PM, Antonio M. Guimaraes Jr. wrote:

> I can no longer activate a context menu with VOShift-m to call and perform 
> other functions for a contact.
> I am using skype 5.
> any others experiencing this change?
> Thanks,
> Antonio
> -- 
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Re: using older charger on my MB pro?

2011-03-16 Thread Bryan Jones
Hi Donna,

According to Apple, the one thing to beware of is the wattage of the mag-safe 
adapter you are using. Apple has produced mag-safe adapters in three different 
wattage levels: 85, 60 and 45. They say it is OK to use an adapter rated at a 
higher wattage but not one rated at a lower wattage than the particular macbook 
is designed for. The KB article below gives more details and includes tables of 
the various macbook models, their release dates, and their wattage 
requirements. Note this article is US-specific.


> On Mar 16, 2011, at 3:21 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> I'm going to be traveling the next few days, and will be staying with 
>> someone who has an MB pro that's about two-three years older than mine, i.e 
>> about 4-5 years old.  Is there any reason I can't use her charger on my 
>> Macbook?

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Re: about to take the pro tools plunge

2011-03-16 Thread Slau Halatyn
Hi Yuma,

#1 recommendation is to join the P T Access list by sending a blank message to


On Mar 15, 2011, at 7:51 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Hi list,
> Anyone got some extensive use of pro tools? I'm considering software only 
> exploration of the interface now, and add a control surface later on, but 
> right now my main interst would be sequencing. Has anyone gotten a usable 
> setup for this, and does midi customization work well in pro tools?
> Any insight greatly appreciated 
> Yuma 
> -- 
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Looking for feedback regarding accessibility of the apps in today's MacUpdate Promo bundle

2011-03-16 Thread Bryan Jones

Today's MacUpdate Promo appears to be a bundle of decent Apps for US $49. I've 
listed them below and am wondering if anybody here knows about the level of VO 
accessibility of any of these. I seem to recall Parallels is inaccessible while 
1 Password and DVDRemaster are accessible. The macupdate promos can be found at
Here's a list of the main applications included in the bundle:
Parallels Desktop 6
1 Password 3
DVDRemaster 7
Mac DVDRipper Pro 2
Tech Tool Pro 5
Hands Off
A Better Finder Rename 8


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What is a right pointing double arrow?

2011-03-16 Thread Howard Dupuis
On my bank's website, there's a clickable element that ends with a
"right pointing double arrow." (It changes whether you are viewing
just the past 30 days, or a longer period.) However, no matter what
kind of key command, or mouse command, or prayerful command I use,
nothing seems to happen. Is this right pointing double arrow telling
me that something different needs to be done to activate this
particular element?
-- Howard

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Re: What is a right pointing double arrow?

2011-03-16 Thread Ricardo Walker

right double pointing arrow means "Next".

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, & AIM: rwalker296

On Mar 16, 2011, at 10:40 AM, Howard Dupuis wrote:

> On my bank's website, there's a clickable element that ends with a
> "right pointing double arrow." (It changes whether you are viewing
> just the past 30 days, or a longer period.) However, no matter what
> kind of key command, or mouse command, or prayerful command I use,
> nothing seems to happen. Is this right pointing double arrow telling
> me that something different needs to be done to activate this
> particular element?
> Thanks.
> -- Howard
> -- 
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Re: What is a right pointing double arrow?

2011-03-16 Thread Teresa Cochran
Usually, this is just an image to indicate that there are a number of choices 
to be made. I haven't encountered it as a link, so if VO doesn't indicate it's 
a link, you'll most likely be able to find other more accessible ways to change 
your search criteria, etc.

On Mar 16, 2011, at 7:40 AM, Howard Dupuis wrote:

> On my bank's website, there's a clickable element that ends with a
> "right pointing double arrow." (It changes whether you are viewing
> just the past 30 days, or a longer period.) However, no matter what
> kind of key command, or mouse command, or prayerful command I use,
> nothing seems to happen. Is this right pointing double arrow telling
> me that something different needs to be done to activate this
> particular element?
> Thanks.
> -- Howard
> -- 
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Re: using older charger on my MB pro?

2011-03-16 Thread TIM KILBURN
Hi donna,

You'll need to determine if the older charger has the same wattage output.   
That is, is it a 60 watt or 85 watt unit.  Typically, if your computer uses the 
85 watt power adapter, then as long as the other is the same wattage or less, 
you'll be fine.  The problems occur if you go the opposite direction, that is, 
if your MBP uses the 60 watt power adapter, you cannot use the 85 watt one as 
it can burn out components in the charging system.  The wattage rating is 
labeled on the charger itself as well as you should be able to find this info 
on the web or within your electronic User's Guide.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

- Original Message -
From: Donna Goodin 
Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 4:15 am
Subject: using older charger on my MB pro?

> Hi all,
> I'm going to be traveling the next few days, and will be staying 
> with someone who has an MB pro that's about two-three years 
> older than mine, i.e about 4-5 years old.  Is there any 
> reason I can't use her charger on my Macbook?
> TIA,
> Donna
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the 
> Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> more options, 
> visit this group at 

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Re: Looking for feedback regarding accessibility of the apps in today's MacUpdate Promo bundle

2011-03-16 Thread Justin Ekis

I was about to send a similar message when I noticed that you can download the 
bundle and try the demos before buying. Tech Tool and Civilization IV don't 
have demonstration versions though. Here's what I've found, but it's really not 
much information. This was just a quick examination of the programs, I tried to 
look at as many screens as I could get to quickly. If anyone else has any more 
complete information about these programs I'd be interested to hear. 

I didn't try parallels today, but unless they've update it in the last 4 
months, it's inaccessible.
1 password is Very accessible. I've used the demo for a while and was waiting 
for a deal.
DVD remaster and Mac DVD ripper pro seem to be fully accessible.
It seems tech tool pro is inaccessible. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Looks 
like a great app.
I think i'm missing something with hands off, it feels inaccessible but I might 
just not be understanding the layout. Anyone?
I think App Tamer is accessible, once I understand how it works.
Same for a better finder rename, looks accessible, but I need to dig into the 
documentation to understand it better.
MacUpdate desktop is almost completely accessible. The table showing the 
download status does not read for some reason. You get a 6 month membership 
with the bundle.
The first 1 orders also get a license for a program called divvy, but it 
doesn't seem to be accessible.

I decided that even though not all of the applications are accessible, there's 
enough here to make this bundle worth the price for me. I'm especially glad to 
have DVD remaster and 1password. App tamer looks like it might be useful. 
MacUpdate Desktop is a nice bonus. If I'm not mistaken, DVD Remaster pro on 
it's own costs as much as the entire bundle. I won't even bother with the 1.7 
gb extra download of Civilization iv. That's a 3d game and I wouldn't even 
expect it to be accessible.

These are my scattered thoughts after three hours with the bundle. Maybe 
another list member has something more coherent to contribute. LOL.


On Mar 16, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Bryan Jones wrote:


Today's MacUpdate Promo appears to be a bundle of decent Apps for US $49. I've 
listed them below and am wondering if anybody here knows about the level of VO 
accessibility of any of these. I seem to recall Parallels is inaccessible while 
1 Password and DVDRemaster are accessible. The macupdate promos can be found at
Here's a list of the main applications included in the bundle:
Parallels Desktop 6
1 Password 3
DVDRemaster 7
Mac DVDRipper Pro 2
Tech Tool Pro 5
Hands Off
A Better Finder Rename 8


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Re: using older charger on my MB pro?

2011-03-16 Thread Donna Goodin

My incclination is the same as yours, but I figured it was worth asking to se 
if anyone knew for sure.  Thanks for the input.
On Mar 16, 2011, at 6:41 AM, Zachary Kline wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> The cautious side of me would say that it probably isn't a good idea to use a 
> charger with a machine it wasn't designed for.  I don't know much about 
> variations in those components over the past few years, apart from the 
> relatively recent switch to magnetic connectors on the adapter..  
> ALl that being said, I don't know that you can't use the two together either. 
>  If it were me, I wouldn't, just to be safe.  Someone who knows better feel 
> free to correct me.
> SOrry I can't be more definitively helpful.
> Best,
> Zack.
> On Mar 16, 2011, at 3:21 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm going to be traveling the next few days, and will be staying with 
>> someone who has an MB pro that's about two-three years older than mine, i.e 
>> about 4-5 years old.  Is there any reason I can't use her charger on my 
>> Macbook?
>> TIA,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: using older charger on my MB pro?

2011-03-16 Thread Ashley Cox

No, don't do it. As katy perry says... boom, boom, boom.


On 16/03/2011 10:41, Zachary Kline wrote:

Hi Donna,
The cautious side of me would say that it probably isn't a good idea to use a 
charger with a machine it wasn't designed for.  I don't know much about 
variations in those components over the past few years, apart from the 
relatively recent switch to magnetic connectors on the adapter..
ALl that being said, I don't know that you can't use the two together either.  
If it were me, I wouldn't, just to be safe.  Someone who knows better feel free 
to correct me.
SOrry I can't be more definitively helpful.
On Mar 16, 2011, at 3:21 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

Hi all,

I'm going to be traveling the next few days, and will be staying with someone 
who has an MB pro that's about two-three years older than mine, i.e about 4-5 
years old.  Is there any reason I can't use her charger on my Macbook?

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Skype 5.2 not here yet

2011-03-16 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Did someone say last night that Skype for Mac 5.2 is out of beta?  Could you 
provide a few more details on the accessibility differences there are, if any?  
And, since the update feature of Skype doesn't yet have 5.2, the direct link?


The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:


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Reaper versus other sound editors on the mac

2011-03-16 Thread Thomas Byskov Dalgaard
Hello guys!

I just ran   across the Reaper website. I haven't tested it yet due to a little 
amount of  spare time.
However, I think the idea of Reaper sounds great and I want to know if any one 
of you have given it a try? And if so, what was your experiences  with it and 
what about Voiceover accessibility? And can you perhaps compare it to other 
products like Audacity or maybe Amadeus Pro?

Thanks for your answers.

Best regards Thomas

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Re: Looking for feedback regarding accessibility of the apps in today's MacUpdate Promo bundle

2011-03-16 Thread Ashley Cox
from what I recall, Mac DVD ripper pro is niehter accessible, nore a 
godo piece of software.

parallels isn't accessible
Not sure about the others though.

On 16/03/2011 14:02, Bryan Jones wrote:


Today's MacUpdate Promo appears to be a bundle of decent Apps for US $49. I've 
listed them below and am wondering if anybody here knows about the level of VO 
accessibility of any of these. I seem to recall Parallels is inaccessible while 
1 Password and DVDRemaster are accessible. The macupdate promos can be found at
Here's a list of the main applications included in the bundle:
Parallels Desktop 6
1 Password 3
DVDRemaster 7
Mac DVDRipper Pro 2
Tech Tool Pro 5
Hands Off
A Better Finder Rename 8


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Re: Reaper versus other sound editors on the mac

2011-03-16 Thread Jes Smith
Reaper is similar to products such as pro tools on the Mac, but it's a lot 
cheaper. Unfortunately, there is really no accessibility to it for the Mac yet. 
Items such as the track list, arm status, outputs and effects used, etc, do not 
read. So, there's no point in trying it on the Mac. I've tried it on that other 
OS, Windows, and it works great, as long as you have the reaaccess bridge.


On Mar 16, 2011, at 1:07 PM, Thomas Byskov Dalgaard wrote:

> Hello guys!
> I just ran   across the Reaper website. I haven't tested it yet due to a 
> little amount of  spare time.
> However, I think the idea of Reaper sounds great and I want to know if any 
> one of you have given it a try? And if so, what was your experiences  with it 
> and what about Voiceover accessibility? And can you perhaps compare it to 
> other products like Audacity or maybe Amadeus Pro?
> Thanks for your answers.
> Best regards Thomas
> -- 
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Re: iphone3 gs problem:

2011-03-16 Thread Frank Carmickle

They told you to reset your phone because of a battery that's crapping out?  
Hard to believe that an Apple employee wouldn't know better.  I'm sorry they 
gave you bad information.  The battery is dying.  Time for a new battery.  If 
you have apple care and it's with in the two years they should give you a new 
phone for free.  If you don't have apple care then you will need to buy a new 
phone or live with this battery problem until you can get a new phone.  You 
should make sure that you are trying to keep your batteries healthy.  Make sure 
that you fully drain, use until it shuts itself off, and charge to 100% once a 
month.  Try to use the phone longer before plugging it in.  Try to let it come 
to 100% before unplugging it.  Don't leaved it plugged in after it is fully 
charged.  These are all things that will help get you a longer life out of your 


On Mar 15, 2011, at 8:06 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:

> hello all,
> i am having a  singuler  problem with my iphone 3 gs. whenever i am on the 
> phone withsomeone it could go down to fout percent  and tenafterwards it 
> would just cut itself off.  i took it to the apple store esterda and  someone 
> there fyy
> Sent f told me to  do a restore of my phone and that is what i did. i even 
> went as far as to  back up all of the information on m phone and retransmit 
> it all back to the phone and it is still  cutting off after soxty percent  of 
> my power usage. is there anone that can help me?.
> i really most  sincerely appreciate it.
> chenelle thanks a lot for your help in this matter.ytyom my iPhone
> -- 
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Re: Reaper versus other sound editors on the mac

2011-03-16 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Other people have already answered this but i want to give my opinnion about 
this, partly to start a discussion and partly because i want things to happen 
and don't know where to start to really make them happening.
The basics of Reaper are actually accessible, menus, dialogs and such stuff 
works. You can't however see the tools in the various tool boxes nor the meters 
and stuff. If this is important to you, maybe you should wait, if it's not, 
then Reaper clearly has potential. I absolutely love the scrubbing feature that 
makes it possible to audibly cue yourself to the point where a selection or 
whatever should take place, something that isn't possible in neither Audacity 
nor Amadeus pro, despite the fact that i have told the developer i want that 
The program has an extensive list of shortcuts, it seems that almost any 
operation can be done from the keyboard.
I haven't tried it so much yet, so can't say if it is usable, but i sure hope 
it will be, and here's where i need help in convincing developers etc that we 
are a growing group and that we really want to see this very competent editor 
fully accessible.
16 mar 2011 kl. 18.07 skrev Thomas Byskov Dalgaard:

> Hello guys!
> I just ran   across the Reaper website. I haven't tested it yet due to a 
> little amount of  spare time.
> However, I think the idea of Reaper sounds great and I want to know if any 
> one of you have given it a try? And if so, what was your experiences  with it 
> and what about Voiceover accessibility? And can you perhaps compare it to 
> other products like Audacity or maybe Amadeus Pro?
> Thanks for your answers.
> Best regards Thomas
> -- 
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Re: about to take the pro tools plunge

2011-03-16 Thread Yuma Decaux
Thanks for that one slaw 


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Re: Reaper versus other sound editors on the mac

2011-03-16 Thread Jes Smith
Hi Krister,

Actually, the basics of Reaper would include looking at meters, your track arm 
status, pan and volume levels, etc.
IF you want to do anything really important with Reaper, for now, you can 
forget it on the Mac side. It just isn't possible yet. As a matter of fact, the 
only reason why it's possible to do things with Reaper on Windows is because of 
the reaaccess bridge, which are essentially a bundle of scripts or set files 
that each screen reader maker has put in place. Without that, the Mac and the 
Windows versions are really the same, only offering access to dialogues, menus 
and the like. Access to the track's routing matrix, plug in presets, 
input/output routing, etc, would not be there in Windows either.

On Mar 16, 2011, at 3:39 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hi, 
> Other people have already answered this but i want to give my opinnion about 
> this, partly to start a discussion and partly because i want things to happen 
> and don't know where to start to really make them happening.
> The basics of Reaper are actually accessible, menus, dialogs and such stuff 
> works. You can't however see the tools in the various tool boxes nor the 
> meters and stuff. If this is important to you, maybe you should wait, if it's 
> not, then Reaper clearly has potential. I absolutely love the scrubbing 
> feature that makes it possible to audibly cue yourself to the point where a 
> selection or whatever should take place, something that isn't possible in 
> neither Audacity nor Amadeus pro, despite the fact that i have told the 
> developer i want that feature.
> The program has an extensive list of shortcuts, it seems that almost any 
> operation can be done from the keyboard.
> I haven't tried it so much yet, so can't say if it is usable, but i sure hope 
> it will be, and here's where i need help in convincing developers etc that we 
> are a growing group and that we really want to see this very competent editor 
> fully accessible.
> /Krister
> 16 mar 2011 kl. 18.07 skrev Thomas Byskov Dalgaard:
>> Hello guys!
>> I just ran   across the Reaper website. I haven't tested it yet due to a 
>> little amount of  spare time.
>> However, I think the idea of Reaper sounds great and I want to know if any 
>> one of you have given it a try? And if so, what was your experiences  with 
>> it and what about Voiceover accessibility? And can you perhaps compare it to 
>> other products like Audacity or maybe Amadeus Pro?
>> Thanks for your answers.
>> Best regards Thomas
>> -- 
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gmail pop problems in mail

2011-03-16 Thread matthew Dyer
Hi all,  Just the other day I started having a problem with gmail not 
downloading mail from my gmail account.  I tried deleting the account and 
recreating ite, deleting mail prefrences and starting over from scratch.  I am 
not sure what happened.  It works fine in vinux which I have in a trial version 
of fution.  It just started the other night.  I tested all the settings and 
they appear to be working.  I am able to send, but not receive.  Imap works 
fine, but don't really want to use that as I have had problems with it and i 
don't want to say what they are at this point.  Besides that I have an icon 
which does not support imap to begin with so just trying to stick with 
something that everyone will be happy with.  Thanks again for your help.  
Please write back asap.


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Re: organizing bookmarks

2011-03-16 Thread Laura Bratton
Hi Andre,
Once I have pressed command option B how  do I make the changes that
you listed?

Andre Nuno Soares wrote:
> Hello Laura,
> Command Option B displays all your bookmarks . In here you can change your 
> bookmarks display order, their name or URL, add bookmark folders,etc.
> Was this what you were looking for?
> HTH,
> André
> On Mar 15, 2011, at 10:02 PM, Laura Bratton wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > Is there  a way to organize  my  bookmarks? on my PC I could organize the 
> > bookmarks by alphabet. can that be done on the mac?
> > Thanks for the help,
> > Laura
> >
> > --
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CSUN FCC Meeting tomorrow

2011-03-16 Thread Chris Snyder
Hi Guys,
The FCC is holding a meeting on the 21st Century Communications and Video 
Programming Accessibility act of 2010 tomorrow. Is there anyone at CSUN who can 
go to this and record it for me? I'd really like to hear how it goes.
Info below.
Please let me know if you can and will record it.


>> Subject: FCC Town Hall Meeting Agenda, March 17, 2011 in San Diego
>> The FCC will be holding a Town Hall Meeting March 17th from 9:20 am - 11:40 
>> am.  This meeting is open to the public and there is no fee to attend.  The 
>> topic of the Town Hall Meeting is the 21st Century Communications & Video 
>> Programming Accessibility Act of 2010. The Town Hall Meeting will be held at 
>> the CSUN International Conference on Technology and Disability.  Address:  
>> Manchester Room, Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego, One Market Place, San 
>> Diego, California.  The agenda of the Town Hall Meeting is as follows:
>> The 21st Century Communications & Video Programming Accessibility Act of 
>> 2010 Town Hall Meeting
>> FCC Staff
>> Karen Peltz Strauss, Deputy Bureau Chief, Consumer and Governmental Affairs 
>> Bureau Pam Gregory, Director, Accessibility & Innovation Initiative Jamal 
>> Mazrui, Deputy Director, Accessibility & Innovation  Initiative
>> 9:20 - 9:50 a.m.
>> Overview of the 21st Century Communications & Video Accessibility Act
>> 9:50 - 10:45 a.m.
>> Town Hall Discussion of Title I - Communications Access
>> Suggested Questions for Discussion
>> * What is covered by advanced communications services and equipment?
>> * How is the Act different than Section 255?  What is the difference 
>> between "achievable" and "readily achievable?" 
>> * How will this result in more accessible and affordable products on the 
>> market?
>> * Will I ever have to pay anything for accessible features?
>> * Can the FCC require apps to be accessible?  Can apps that can provide 
>> accessibility achieve compliance with the Act?
>> * Does the FCC regulate software used on phones?
>> * My wireless phone has Internet access, but I can't use it.  Will the 
>> Act help?
>> * Who has the obligation to comply with Title I's requirement for 
>> advanced services and equipment?
>> * What are VoIP services?  What is the difference between 
>> "interconnected VoIP services" and "non-interconnected VoIP services"?
>> * Is real-time text covered under the Act?
>> * To what extent will the law cover video conferencing?  Will video mail 
>> be covered? Will webinars be covered under this Act?
>> * What does it mean for a device to be "usable?"  How about compatible?
>> * Why does a network need to be accessible?
>> * Will universities be required to follow the Act's requirements?  What 
>> about public libraries?  What about private entities?
>> * What kind of companies are exempt from the Act?
>> * Will the Act require retail staff to know how to respond to my 
>> accessibility needs? 
>> * How can I make an informed choice when purchasing - i.e., how will I 
>> know which products and services are right for me?
>> * How are the Access Board's functions different from the FCC's?   
>> * Does the new Act affect obligations under the ADA?  If so, how?
>> * What are my rights under this Act to access 9-1-1 emergency services?
>> * How will the FCC enforce the Act?  For example, how will the FCC know 
>> if a company has made enough of an effort to make a product accessible?
>> * How easy will it be to file complaints under the Act?
>> * Will the Act promote or stifle innovation?
>> * How will the communications accessibility landscape over the next 5-10 
>> years affect implementation of the Act?
>> 10:45 - 11:40 a.m.
>> Town Hall Discussion of Title II - Video Programming Access  
>> Suggested Questions for Discussion
>> * When will the video description rules be restored and how much 
>> description will be required and when?
>> * What are the Act's requirements for Internet captioning?
>> * Will I be able to watch personal videos on YouTube?
>> * Does the Act require Spanish captioning on the Internet?
>> * How will the FCC implement the Act's requirement to make emergency 
>> information on TV accessible to people with disabilities?
>> * Will the Act require captions or see video descriptions on small TV 
>> transmitters, such as my portable TV or my cell phone?
>> * Will the Act require programs on the Internet to have video 
>> description?
>> * How will the Act address problems with accessing captions on digital 
>> TV or through my DVR?
>> * How will the Act make activating captioning and video description 
>> features easier?
>> * Does the Act require programming guides and navigational menus 
>> provided by cable and satellite providers to be accessible?
>> * Do I have the right to ask th

Getting growl to announce incoming sms messages in skype

2011-03-16 Thread Dean Adams

Hi All,
Can anyone tell me if I install growl can I get it to 
announce incoming skype chat messages like it does with the jaws 
scripts on windows version of skype or does someone have a mac script 
that works with skype to announce incoming chat messages.

Regards Dean

!!!Thoughts become things so choose the good ones because Life's to 
short to be a grumble bum !!!

   * Email:
   * Phone: 0243206031
   * Skype: deanadams9
   * Mobile: 0428133758

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where is this in the IPhone

2011-03-16 Thread Cheree Heppe
Cheree Heppe here:

In my NetBook running Windows XP, in Outlook Express, there is a contacts 
section.  In this section, I am able to land on an E-mail address and send 
messages to that address.

When I want to send an E-mail, it allows me to start to type the E-mail address 
and it fills the rest in for me.  This is helpful when I don't remember the 
E-mail address.

Where is this feature in the IPhone?

Cheree Heppe

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Executive Products new IPhone case available

2011-03-16 Thread Cheree Heppe
Cheree Heppe here:

I get these updates because I've purchased a case or two made by Executive 
Products for Braille note takers.

The workmanship has always been very consistent and high quality.

So, I'm passing this along.

I don't know if the pictures will copy, but, that's just life.

EPI had now created a cell Case for your 4G 
We have always created and designed our cases with the sight community in mind. 
of you have e-mail us asking us to design this case, well now if you have a 4G 
3G IPhone  you can get a case made by EPI just for your IPhone.
This is a fitted case built just for you IPhone and it is produced in the U.S.A.
It is made of soft leather that fits snuggle around your 4G IPhone. The side and
top buttons of the IPhone are exposed for easy use. The case allows the user 
to the camera. Our product is extremely durable with a superior design quality. 
our cases feature the Ultra Swivel Belt Clip, a clip that is significantly 
and offers more security than anything similar on the market today. The Ultra 
can withstand pulling forces in excess of 130 pounds in any direction. We use 
but the best materials to create quality cases that protect your cell phone.
Price $27.49
•Accessibility to the camera.
•Full Screen visibility, Access to side controls, Low profile.
•Extremely durable with a superior design quality.
•Features the Ultra Swivel Belt Clip, with removable spring loaded clip.
•We use the best materials to create quality cases that protect your cell phone.
Click on link below or call us anything at 818-833-8080
Protect your unit….. Buy an EPI case.
Executive Products Inc.
12900 Bradley Ave.
Sylmar Ca. 91342.
Fax: 818-833-5890
Office: 818-833-8080
Mobile: 818-723-8444

Cheree Heppe

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2011-03-16 Thread Geoff Waaler
Greetings y'all,

I've not been able to get off square one with CopyPaste Pro.  VO repeatedly 
says: "system dialog. Interact" and no keys have any discernible affect.  I 
turned off all voiceOver verbosity, automatic interaction and cursor/mouse 
linkage features that I could find, to no avail.

It may turn out that this app will be usable once I get past the intro/license 
key entry dialogs, but without assistance I've not yet ascertained how to 
accomplish this.

I'm open to suggestions if anyone has ideas.

Best regards.

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Keynote Question

2011-03-16 Thread Ezzy Bueno
Hello Everyone,

I am trying to read the text on several Powerpoint notes. How exactly
can I have VO read them using Keynote?

Ezzy Ez Buenito
(512) 553-8553

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