Re: Recording both external mic and a system input on the Macbook Pro

2011-01-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. Look up audio hijack pro. I love this piece of software and use it every 
day if I can.
On Jan 28, 2011, at 11:00 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:

> Hello all,
> Does anyone know if there is a utility for Snow Leopard that would allow me 
> to access "system input" and external mic input" at the same time for 
> recording purposes? I know that some commercial software, like SnapZ Pro, is 
> capable of doing that.
> Just to clarify things... I am using one of those Apple headsets that come 
> with iPhone.
> Thanks for any advice.
> Vic
> -- 
> Check out my new album on iTunes at
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-29 Thread Scott Granados
Oh come on, you know the 5 is going to be the bees knees.

The best gadget is always the next gadget.:)

On Jan 28, 2011, at 5:17 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> I don't think it's such a weak position.  Remember, I didn't upgrade to the 
> iPhone 4 last year.  My 3gs has served me fine.  I'm just not sure that the 
> iphone 4 is going to be instantly obsolete like you suggest.  I think people 
> will have to evaluate the new features of the iphone, and then make a 
> decision as to whether it's worth it to upgrade to the 5.  Personally, I may 
> well hang on to my VZ iphone until a model with lte does come out.
> Donna
> On Jan 28, 2011, at 8:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> Nope.  I understand that piece to the puzzle.  Its really not a piece at all 
>> in my opinion.  I don't think the iPhone 5 will have 4 g anyway.  And if it 
>> did, what your saying is still a weak position I think.  For example, Lets 
>> say you buy an iPhone 4 on VZ.  The iPhone 5 comes out in June, and it 
>> happens to have LTE.  Its ok because there is no coverage in your area.  
>> Cool.  Your not missing anything.  But what if your area has LTE in 
>> September?  Or October?  You will still have your 3g iPhone 4.  Verizon 
>> would really start rolling out LTE at a blistering pace if the iPhone 5 was 
>> a LTE handset.   But of course, there is a lot of if and buts in there. lol. 
>>  I was just referring to people who would not have bought an iPhone 4 on 
>> verizon now plunking down the cash just to have unlimited data.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 28, 2011, at 7:47 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Yeah, but Ricardo, you're missing a big piece here.  Last week I was asking 
>>> about figuring out whether my area has LTE.  I got my answer to that 
>>> question, and it doesn't.  So, yes, there'll be a newer version of the 
>>> iPhone released shortly after I buy the VZ iPhone.  But if I don't have LTE 
>>> here, it doesn't really matter.  True, I'll be left out of some of the new 
>>> features, but I figure I'll get a year out of the iPhone 4, and then when 
>>> we have LTE out here, I'll get the iphone 5.  I think the picture is really 
>>> different for those of us who don't live in New York, California, etc.
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> On Jan 28, 2011, at 1:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 I must applaud Verizon for this hustle.  Its freaking genius.  They have 
 found the ultimate carrot to entice people to by out dated, soon to be 
 obsolete, hardware.  lol.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
 On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:29 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:
> Hi Donna, 
> I spoke with a rep at Verizon today and also checked the Verizon wireless 
> site, and noted the limited time $29.99 data plan.  This is a major 
> reason I'm gong for the iPhone now rather than waiting, because I'll bet 
> by the time iPhone 5 comes out, the price will have risen.  As my wife 
> and I are both getting the iPhone, I want to lock in that price now.
> Les
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Careful there.  According to the article, there will be a limited data 
>> plan for $39, but for a short time, an unlimited option will be 
>> available for $29.99.  At least, that's how I read it.
>> Donna
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Sarah:
>>> Thanks for doing the math on that one.:)  I kind of figured at&t would 
>>> have to do something better and stronger to have let Verizon get it's 
>>> paws on the iPhone.:)
>>> I've come to like at&t better anyway, and I don't plan to jump ship any 
>>> time soon.:)
>>> Carolyn H
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 lol. Has anyone managed to read the article? I f you add up VZ's 
 prices and then add up at&t's prices I believe if I did my math right 
 at&t will be a bit cheaper in the end.
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
> Aloha yourself. We all make errors. My partners says I'm to picky at 
> times. Guess the writer in me is my downfall. 
> Aloha, 
> Charlie
> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at 
> click the off the bookshelf link 
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:45 PM, "Carolyn"  wrote:
>> Hi Charlie, or rather, aloha:
>> Yes, I realize after I asked what is "chaper that I wrote "chapter" 
>> So, I had no room to grumble.:)
>> In any case, it reminds me that we could most of us spend a little 
>> time proofing before hitting send.:)

Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-29 Thread Scott Granados
Scott, I read HSPA+ is a possibility though.  I Believe that can take you way 
up in to the tens of megabytes.

I think Apple has to release a 4G device because there are way to many good 
ones out there now from other companies.  If I were sited I very well might go 
android especially do to it's opensource nature.

On Jan 28, 2011, at 5:06 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> Ricardo,
> From all the stuff I have read, I do not believe the iPhone 5 will have LTE 
> capabilities. I have read that it may have the ability to be used on both GSM 
> and CDMA carriers. It will be interesting to see how all this develops, but 
> even if LTE is possible, seems carriers are going to charge quite a bit for 
> the access. I believe VZW is charging $80 for 5Gb per month.
> Scott
> On Jan 28, 2011, at 8:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi Donna,
>> Nope.  I understand that piece to the puzzle.  Its really not a piece at all 
>> in my opinion.  I don't think the iPhone 5 will have 4 g anyway.  And if it 
>> did, what your saying is still a weak position I think.  For example, Lets 
>> say you buy an iPhone 4 on VZ.  The iPhone 5 comes out in June, and it 
>> happens to have LTE.  Its ok because there is no coverage in your area.  
>> Cool.  Your not missing anything.  But what if your area has LTE in 
>> September?  Or October?  You will still have your 3g iPhone 4.  Verizon 
>> would really start rolling out LTE at a blistering pace if the iPhone 5 was 
>> a LTE handset.   But of course, there is a lot of if and buts in there. lol. 
>>  I was just referring to people who would not have bought an iPhone 4 on 
>> verizon now plunking down the cash just to have unlimited data.
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 28, 2011, at 7:47 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Yeah, but Ricardo, you're missing a big piece here.  Last week I was asking 
>>> about figuring out whether my area has LTE.  I got my answer to that 
>>> question, and it doesn't.  So, yes, there'll be a newer version of the 
>>> iPhone released shortly after I buy the VZ iPhone.  But if I don't have LTE 
>>> here, it doesn't really matter.  True, I'll be left out of some of the new 
>>> features, but I figure I'll get a year out of the iPhone 4, and then when 
>>> we have LTE out here, I'll get the iphone 5.  I think the picture is really 
>>> different for those of us who don't live in New York, California, etc.
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> On Jan 28, 2011, at 1:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
 I must applaud Verizon for this hustle.  Its freaking genius.  They have 
 found the ultimate carrot to entice people to by out dated, soon to be 
 obsolete, hardware.  lol.
 Ricardo Walker
 Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
 Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
 On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:29 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:
> Hi Donna, 
> I spoke with a rep at Verizon today and also checked the Verizon wireless 
> site, and noted the limited time $29.99 data plan.  This is a major 
> reason I'm gong for the iPhone now rather than waiting, because I'll bet 
> by the time iPhone 5 comes out, the price will have risen.  As my wife 
> and I are both getting the iPhone, I want to lock in that price now.
> Les
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Careful there.  According to the article, there will be a limited data 
>> plan for $39, but for a short time, an unlimited option will be 
>> available for $29.99.  At least, that's how I read it.
>> Donna
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Sarah:
>>> Thanks for doing the math on that one.:)  I kind of figured at&t would 
>>> have to do something better and stronger to have let Verizon get it's 
>>> paws on the iPhone.:)
>>> I've come to like at&t better anyway, and I don't plan to jump ship any 
>>> time soon.:)
>>> Carolyn H
>>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 lol. Has anyone managed to read the article? I f you add up VZ's 
 prices and then add up at&t's prices I believe if I did my math right 
 at&t will be a bit cheaper in the end.
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
> Aloha yourself. We all make errors. My partners says I'm to picky at 
> times. Guess the writer in me is my downfall. 
> Aloha, 
> Charlie
> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at 
> click the off the bookshelf link 
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:45 PM, "Carolyn"  wrote:
>> Hi Charlie, or rather, aloha:
>> Yes, I realize after I asked what is "chaper that I wrote "chapter" 

Re: [acb-l] Read2Go App for Reading Bookshare books on "Apple devices

2011-01-29 Thread brandt
Almost half the price of a years bookshare membership for software to read 
on an iOS device? I don't think so, buddy.

I'll rather use my windows machine to convert to either EPub or PDf and read 
for free in iBooks, thanks.


Brandt Steenkamp

MSN/Windows live:

Google talk:


Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
- Original Message - 
From: "Zachary Kline" 

Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 5:18 AM
Subject: Re: [acb-l] Read2Go App for Reading Bookshare books on "Apple 

As do I.  Bookshare is promising a lot, and I hope they can deliver.  My 
natural impatience is unleashed, for sure.
By the way, am I the only one who tried to sign up for the notification list 
and received absolutely no confirmation that I'd done so?  ?  The page just 
dropped me back to the form without even a "Thank you."  I'm not sure what 
to think of that.  I just hope they do indeed notify us when it's released.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:35 PM, Greg Aikens wrote:

Pretty cool.  I'm looking forward to this.  Hope its worth the $20.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 10:12 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

Hi everyone:

Since we've been talking about bookshare, I thought perhaps some might be 
interested in this information I received about this app.

Carolyn H

Benetech Announces New Accessible e-Book Reader for Apple iOS devices -
iPad, iPhone,
and iPod touch Users Can Read Bookshare Books with Read2Go
Media Contact: Kristen Timmers
Media Contact: Valerie Chernek
January 26, 2011, Orlando, FL - At the 2011 ATIA (Assistive Technology
Industry Association)
conference in Orlando, Florida,
, the parent nonprofit for
, announced Read2Go, a new accessible e-book application (app) 
developed in

with Shinano Kenshi Co., Ltd, known for its PLEXTALK
R brand of digital talking book players.
Read2Go is the most full-featured, accessible DAISY reader for the 

device market.
This very easy-to-use app for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch connects
to Bookshare for immediate on-the-go reading.  From within the app,
individual users
and schools supporting students can search, download, and read 

books and
periodicals and manage their books in a bookshelf.  In addition, 

reads DAISY
2.02 and 3.0 materials from some other sources.
Based on reading preferences, users will have a wide range of options 

font size,
color and background color.  Word-by-word highlighting with 
simultaneous text

speech enables multi-modal reading.  The app includes high-quality 

for highly natural narration.  Users will have options to turn the
on and off and adjust the rate to their personal preferences.  Further,
Read2Go supports
all levels of DAISY navigation that are included in the structure of 

"The Read2Go app is so exciting for so many reasons," said Valerie 

my husband and daughter have been loyal Bookshare users for years and 

for the release of an app that would let us read Bookshare books on the
iPad.  The
app should attract a large audience, the entire population with print
around the globe!"
"For many students who are blind, physically, or learning disabled, 

their iPad,
iPhone, or iPod touch means much more than access to the books they 
need for

It means they can read the same books as their peers on the same 

said long-time
Bookshare advocate Deborah Armstrong, Alternate Media Specialist for 

in Cupertino, California.  "The Read2Go app will offer many advantages 

who are blind as well as those who have physical or learning 

many features not available on other DAISY readers for Apple devices; 

fact that
Benetech is releasing this app is a very good thing."
"This new app furthers our Benetech Literacy goal of making printed 

to individuals with print disabilities however and wherever they want 

With Read2Go,
we're offering a mobile reading solution based on strong demand from 

said Betsy Beaumon, Vice President and General Manager of the Literacy
Program at
Benetech, the nonprofit organization that operates Bookshare.  "The
built-in to iOS devices and their widespread and growing use highlight 

to help close the gap for students and other individuals with print
Read2Go will be available this quarter in the iTunes App store and will 

$19.99.  Interested users who would like immediate notification when 
the app

is available
can provide contact information on a secure
list.  Additional features, such as study tools, images, and multiple
will become be available in the coming months.
For access to

Re: [acb-l] Read2Go App for Reading Bookshare books on "Apple devices

2011-01-29 Thread Ricardo Walker

I guess its a question of convenience.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 29, 2011, at 4:37 AM, brandt wrote:

> Almost half the price of a years bookshare membership for software to read on 
> an iOS device? I don't think so, buddy.
> I'll rather use my windows machine to convert to either EPub or PDf and read 
> for free in iBooks, thanks.
> Regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> MSN/Windows live:
> Google talk:
> AIM:
> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
> - Original Message - From: "Zachary Kline" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 5:18 AM
> Subject: Re: [acb-l] Read2Go App for Reading Bookshare books on "Apple devices
> As do I.  Bookshare is promising a lot, and I hope they can deliver.  My 
> natural impatience is unleashed, for sure.
> By the way, am I the only one who tried to sign up for the notification list 
> and received absolutely no confirmation that I'd done so?  ?  The page just 
> dropped me back to the form without even a "Thank you."  I'm not sure what to 
> think of that.  I just hope they do indeed notify us when it's released.
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:35 PM, Greg Aikens wrote:
>> Pretty cool.  I'm looking forward to this.  Hope its worth the $20.
>> Greg
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 10:12 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi everyone:
>>> Since we've been talking about bookshare, I thought perhaps some might be 
>>> interested in this information I received about this app.
>>> Carolyn H
> Benetech Announces New Accessible e-Book Reader for Apple iOS devices -
> iPad, iPhone,
> and iPod touch Users Can Read Bookshare Books with Read2Go
> Media Contact: Kristen Timmers
> 408-571-8826
> Media Contact: Valerie Chernek
> 410-871-2670
> January 26, 2011, Orlando, FL - At the 2011 ATIA (Assistive Technology
> Industry Association)
> conference in Orlando, Florida,
> Benetech
> R
> , the parent nonprofit for
> Bookshare
> R
> , announced Read2Go, a new accessible e-book application (app) developed 
> in
> partnership
> with Shinano Kenshi Co., Ltd, known for its PLEXTALK
> R brand of digital talking book players.
> Read2Go is the most full-featured, accessible DAISY reader for the Apple
> device market.
> This very easy-to-use app for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch connects
> directly
> to Bookshare for immediate on-the-go reading.  From within the app,
> individual users
> and schools supporting students can search, download, and read Bookshare
> books and
> periodicals and manage their books in a bookshelf.  In addition, Read2Go
> reads DAISY
> 2.02 and 3.0 materials from some other sources.
> Based on reading preferences, users will have a wide range of options for
> font size,
> color and background color.  Word-by-word highlighting with simultaneous 
> text
> and
> speech enables multi-modal reading.  The app includes high-quality Acapela
> voices
> for highly natural narration.  Users will have options to turn the
> text-to-speech
> on and off and adjust the rate to their personal preferences.  Further,
> Read2Go supports
> all levels of DAISY navigation that are included in the structure of the
> book.
> "The Read2Go app is so exciting for so many reasons," said Valerie Maples.
> "Both
> my husband and daughter have been loyal Bookshare users for years and have
> waited
> for the release of an app that would let us read Bookshare books on the
> iPad.  The
> app should attract a large audience, the entire population with print
> disabilities
> around the globe!"
> "For many students who are blind, physically, or learning disabled, using
> their iPad,
> iPhone, or iPod touch means much more than access to the books they need 
> for
> classes.
> It means they can read the same books as their peers on the same devices,"
> said long-time
> Bookshare advocate Deborah Armstrong, Alternate Media Specialist for 
> DeAnza
> College
> in Cupertino, California.  "The Read2Go app will offer many advantages for
> people
> who are blind as well as those who have physical or learning disabilities,
> including
> many features not available on other DAISY readers for Apple devices; the
> fact that
> Benetech is releasing this app is a very good thing."
> "This new app furthers our Benetech Literacy goal of making printed 
> content
> accessible
> to individuals with print disabilities however and wherever they want it.
> With Read2Go,
> we're offering a mobile reading solution b

Re: dvd to ipod

2011-01-29 Thread Massimo
In data Venerdì 28 Gennaio 2011 3.04.01, Stephanie Mitchell 
 ha scritto:
I have a set of 16 dvds i want to put on my ipod touch.  Is this 
possi? if so, how?
You'll need some software. Maybe you can consider using DVD Remaster in 
conjunction with firemount.


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To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: MoveAddict still vaporware.

2011-01-29 Thread Rose Morales
I didn't get a dmg when I installed MoveAddict. I just got one .app file in my 
Applications folder. When I run it, MoveAddict crashes. Any suggestions?
On Jan 28, 2011, at 1:25 PM, Randy Stegall wrote:

> Glad you have it working!
> Randy Stegall
> Sent from my Mac Mini.
> On Jan 28, 2011, at 3:09 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
>> Thanks Randy, Esther, and Chuck,
>> I now have it working, though after what amounted to three installs I could 
>> have sure done a lot of copying and deleting and saved the five bucks :) 
>> I initially attempted to follow Esther's instructions, but cut had no 
>> affect.  I then hid MoveAddict from both the doc and status menu.  This 
>> apparently caused a warning to display which precluded going into the 
>> dialog.  I tried rebooting, to no avail.
>> I then tried the suggestion I received from the support group, which was to 
>> launch the terminal app and enter:
>> "defaults delete com.kapeli.moveaddict".  This time it appeared to be 
>> successful (without any additional parms) since it was necessary to reenter 
>> my registration.
>> I then took the following steps over both "unknown" fields:
>> 1. Interact:
>> 2. Even though Mouse is configured to follow VO I pressed vo-command-f5 for 
>> good measure.
>> 3. Confirmed that the mouse was in the field (vo-f5).
>> 4. Press the desired shortcut key (i.g. command-x for cut).
>> 5. Stop interacting.
>> As Chuck observed, the fields still show "unknown", but I am now able to 
>> cut/paste.
>> Best regards.
>> Geoff
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 7:20 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:
>>> Hi Geoff,
>>> What moveAddict tech  support told me is that the standard mac key commands 
>>> for cut and paste are actually in the  invisible part of the preferences.
>>> "Keyboard shortcuts window;
 Cut keyboard shortcut unknown
 paste keyboard shortcut unknown"
>>> when I asked how I enter a key command for cut and paste they said that the 
>>> default is the standard mac commands! They could at least make these 
>>> visible using VoiceOver!
>>> Talk soon
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
 Since the moveAddict support group is apparently ignoring my notes, I 
 decided after reading Esther's post to reinstall moveAddict version 2.24.  
 To that end I deleted both files from the apps folder and the prefferences 
 file "com.kapeli.moveaddict.plist" from directory "/Library/Preferences/
 This action cured the problem where moveAddict rendered it impossible to 
 navigate with the arrow keys by causing VO to emit the message "one file 
 cut", however, it still does not function.
 I have the following set in the moveAddictPreferences.appfile:
 Start at login is checked
 Show in doc not checked
 Show in menu bar checked.
 Keyboard shortcuts:
 Cut keyboard shortcut unknown
 paste keyboard shortcut unknown
 I went through all other items in the toolbar but did not alter the 
 defaults as none of the options seemed applicable to my problem.
 The main issue appears to be that I can not set the cut and paste shortcut 
 keys.  I tried pressing command-x an x without the command key but vo 
 emits the "character deleted" sound and the field is unchanged.  I tried 
 interacting and checking for a context menu to no avail.
 In case they already had the conventional defaults set and supressed the 
 option to alter them I tried cutting and pasting from one folder to 
 another via command-x and command-v but this had no affect.  Since I 
 apparently can not count on any support from the auther, I thought I'd 
 check here for any suggestions.
 TIA and best regards.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit th

Re: MoveAddict still vaporware.

2011-01-29 Thread Geoff Waaler
Hi Rose,

The file you should have downloaded is named moveAddict.dmg.  It contains an 
accessibility folder as Esther described earlier.

I got it from URL: " "
, but if you continue to get a corrupted download from there I would be happy 
to upload it to sendSpace?

Take care.

On Jan 29, 2011, at 6:48 AM, Rose Morales wrote:

> I didn't get a dmg when I installed MoveAddict. I just got one .app file in 
> my Applications folder. When I run it, MoveAddict crashes. Any suggestions?
> On Jan 28, 2011, at 1:25 PM, Randy Stegall wrote:
>> Glad you have it working!
>> Randy Stegall
>> Sent from my Mac Mini.
>> On Jan 28, 2011, at 3:09 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
>>> Thanks Randy, Esther, and Chuck,
>>> I now have it working, though after what amounted to three installs I could 
>>> have sure done a lot of copying and deleting and saved the five bucks :) 
>>> I initially attempted to follow Esther's instructions, but cut had no 
>>> affect.  I then hid MoveAddict from both the doc and status menu.  This 
>>> apparently caused a warning to display which precluded going into the 
>>> dialog.  I tried rebooting, to no avail.
>>> I then tried the suggestion I received from the support group, which was to 
>>> launch the terminal app and enter:
>>> "defaults delete com.kapeli.moveaddict".  This time it appeared to be 
>>> successful (without any additional parms) since it was necessary to reenter 
>>> my registration.
>>> I then took the following steps over both "unknown" fields:
>>> 1. Interact:
>>> 2. Even though Mouse is configured to follow VO I pressed vo-command-f5 for 
>>> good measure.
>>> 3. Confirmed that the mouse was in the field (vo-f5).
>>> 4. Press the desired shortcut key (i.g. command-x for cut).
>>> 5. Stop interacting.
>>> As Chuck observed, the fields still show "unknown", but I am now able to 
>>> cut/paste.
>>> Best regards.
>>> Geoff
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 7:20 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:
 Hi Geoff,
 What moveAddict tech  support told me is that the standard mac key 
 commands for cut and paste are actually in the  invisible part of the 
 "Keyboard shortcuts window;
> Cut keyboard shortcut unknown
> paste keyboard shortcut unknown"
 when I asked how I enter a key command for cut and paste they said that 
 the default is the standard mac commands! They could at least make these 
 visible using VoiceOver!
 Talk soon
 On Jan 27, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
> Greetings,
> Since the moveAddict support group is apparently ignoring my notes, I 
> decided after reading Esther's post to reinstall moveAddict version 2.24. 
>  To that end I deleted both files from the apps folder and the 
> prefferences file "com.kapeli.moveaddict.plist" from directory 
> "/Library/Preferences/
> This action cured the problem where moveAddict rendered it impossible to 
> navigate with the arrow keys by causing VO to emit the message "one file 
> cut", however, it still does not function.
> I have the following set in the moveAddictPreferences.appfile:
> General:
> Startup
> Start at login is checked
> Show in doc not checked
> Show in menu bar checked.
> Keyboard shortcuts:
> Cut keyboard shortcut unknown
> paste keyboard shortcut unknown
> I went through all other items in the toolbar but did not alter the 
> defaults as none of the options seemed applicable to my problem.
> The main issue appears to be that I can not set the cut and paste 
> shortcut keys.  I tried pressing command-x an x without the command key 
> but vo emits the "character deleted" sound and the field is unchanged.  I 
> tried interacting and checking for a context menu to no avail.
> In case they already had the conventional defaults set and supressed the 
> option to alter them I tried cutting and pasting from one folder to 
> another via command-x and command-v but this had no affect.  Since I 
> apparently can not count on any support from the auther, I thought I'd 
> check here for any suggestions.
> TIA and best regards.
> Geoff
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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Re: MoveAddict still vaporware.

2011-01-29 Thread Rose Morales
Hi Jeff,
I downloaded the paid version from the Mac app store. I thought about 
downloading it directly from the web, but I don't want to have to pay again. 
And who's to say I wouldn't just get the same .app file instead of the dmg I'm 
supposed to be getting? I'm still a bit lost.
On Jan 29, 2011, at 7:00 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:

> Hi Rose,
> The file you should have downloaded is named moveAddict.dmg.  It contains an 
> accessibility folder as Esther described earlier.
> I got it from URL: " "
> , but if you continue to get a corrupted download from there I would be happy 
> to upload it to sendSpace?
> Take care.
> Geoff
> On Jan 29, 2011, at 6:48 AM, Rose Morales wrote:
>> I didn't get a dmg when I installed MoveAddict. I just got one .app file in 
>> my Applications folder. When I run it, MoveAddict crashes. Any suggestions?
>> On Jan 28, 2011, at 1:25 PM, Randy Stegall wrote:
>>> Glad you have it working!
>>> Randy Stegall
>>> Sent from my Mac Mini.
>>> On Jan 28, 2011, at 3:09 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
 Thanks Randy, Esther, and Chuck,
 I now have it working, though after what amounted to three installs I 
 could have sure done a lot of copying and deleting and saved the five 
 bucks :) 
 I initially attempted to follow Esther's instructions, but cut had no 
 affect.  I then hid MoveAddict from both the doc and status menu.  This 
 apparently caused a warning to display which precluded going into the 
 dialog.  I tried rebooting, to no avail.
 I then tried the suggestion I received from the support group, which was 
 to launch the terminal app and enter:
 "defaults delete com.kapeli.moveaddict".  This time it appeared to be 
 successful (without any additional parms) since it was necessary to 
 reenter my registration.
 I then took the following steps over both "unknown" fields:
 1. Interact:
 2. Even though Mouse is configured to follow VO I pressed vo-command-f5 
 for good measure.
 3. Confirmed that the mouse was in the field (vo-f5).
 4. Press the desired shortcut key (i.g. command-x for cut).
 5. Stop interacting.
 As Chuck observed, the fields still show "unknown", but I am now able to 
 Best regards.
 On Jan 27, 2011, at 7:20 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:
> Hi Geoff,
> What moveAddict tech  support told me is that the standard mac key 
> commands for cut and paste are actually in the  invisible part of the 
> preferences.
> "Keyboard shortcuts window;
>> Cut keyboard shortcut unknown
>> paste keyboard shortcut unknown"
> when I asked how I enter a key command for cut and paste they said that 
> the default is the standard mac commands! They could at least make these 
> visible using VoiceOver!
> Talk soon
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> Since the moveAddict support group is apparently ignoring my notes, I 
>> decided after reading Esther's post to reinstall moveAddict version 
>> 2.24.  To that end I deleted both files from the apps folder and the 
>> prefferences file "com.kapeli.moveaddict.plist" from directory 
>> "/Library/Preferences/
>> This action cured the problem where moveAddict rendered it impossible to 
>> navigate with the arrow keys by causing VO to emit the message "one file 
>> cut", however, it still does not function.
>> I have the following set in the moveAddictPreferences.appfile:
>> General:
>> Startup
>> Start at login is checked
>> Show in doc not checked
>> Show in menu bar checked.
>> Keyboard shortcuts:
>> Cut keyboard shortcut unknown
>> paste keyboard shortcut unknown
>> I went through all other items in the toolbar but did not alter the 
>> defaults as none of the options seemed applicable to my problem.
>> The main issue appears to be that I can not set the cut and paste 
>> shortcut keys.  I tried pressing command-x an x without the command key 
>> but vo emits the "character deleted" sound and the field is unchanged.  
>> I tried interacting and checking for a context menu to no avail.
>> In case they already had the conventional defaults set and supressed the 
>> option to alter them I tried cutting and pasting from one folder to 
>> another via command-x and command-v but this had no affect.  Since I 
>> apparently can not count on any support from the auther, I thought I'd 
>> check here for any suggestions.
>> TIA and best regards.
>> Geoff
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Re: Facebook Fopa

2011-01-29 Thread Keith Watson
> What's not true? That we cannot access Captcha's or that Facebook is going to 
> implement this as a security measure? Well I will give you the Captcha access 
> having a work around, if it were a normal Captcha. We could then go through 
> the hoops of sending it off to a service to have some sighted person tell us 
> what it is then put it in. Or listen to some convoluted audio crap that 
> someone with any hearing difficulty at all can make neither heads nor tales 
> of. But in this case the Captcha schema that Facebook HAS, note the caps on 
> that "HAS", implemented is not of this type. They are using pictures of 
> people that you have friended as the Captcha. How is someone that you don't 
> know going to tell you who that picture of Scott Howell picking his nose is? 
> And don't give me the line about just ask someone sighted in your house to 
> assist. Some of us live alone and do not wish to rely on sightlings for help.

Above I capitalized the word has. I did this because last night I again caught 
the Friday edition of TNT and a caller verified that Facebook was already 
rolling out this schema. I have not yet run into it, but am just waiting for 
the first time that I do. Will probably be the last time I use Facebook.



On Jan 27, 2011, at 5:54 PM, Maurice Mines wrote:

> not true. 
>   On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:03 AM, Thomas Watson wrote:
>> Tom,
>> Caught your story yesterday about Facebook adding Captcha to the users
>> login. Those of us who are visually challenged are not able to access
>> Captcha's in any way. So this means that we will no longer be able to
>> log into our Facebook accounts if this measure is implemented. I would
>> think that adding some sort of question and answer schema would be
>> just as secure and still allow the blind community to access their
>> social media.
>> Hopefully this venue and my other emails to various lists will bring
>> light to an already dark situation.
>> Love the show.
>> Keith Watson
>> 813-760-1381
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>   Maurice Mines
> -- 
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Re: Facebook Fopa

2011-01-29 Thread Keith Watson
Guess I did not explain the issue that Facebook is trying to solve. Apparently 
Facebook accounts have been hacked. Zuckerberg's account was one of the first 
and someone posted something to his wall that was not really bad, but it was 
there. So in order to keep our accounts safe from hackers they are implementing 
a Captcha schema so that their users have to pick from one of 6 or so pictures 
of their friends in order to gain access to their accounts. This is going to be 
implemented across the board. Doesn't matter how you access their site you will 
have to pick from a random set of pictures of whoever and a friend. This gives 
you a 1 in 6 chance to guess the right one. Not odds I would like to take to 

Get it now? Hear the fear in my voice? If this is done fully without regard to 
our community it could mean the the most popular social medium for staying in 
touch with family and friends becomes totally inaccessible to us. Hope I am 
wrong and I intend to do some other sourcing of this action, but from last 
nights TNT it looks as though it's already being rolled out.


On Jan 28, 2011, at 1:20 AM, brandt wrote:

> Then, thank goodness for the facebook app on the iPod. I hate capchas, due to 
> making a mistake, webvisum no longer works on the windows side of things.
> Regards,
> Brandt Steenkamp
> MSN/Windows live:
> Google talk:
> AIM:
> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
> - Original Message - From: "Keith Watson" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 12:50 AM
> Subject: Re: Facebook Fopa
> Actually I am not sure how they will do it, but Facebook has said that they 
> are going to implement Captcha for all access. I am assuming that this will 
> include all three sites, m dot, lite and the regular site. This is why I 
> wrote back to Tom Merritt the host of tech news today on the twit network.
> Keith
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:27 PM, brandt wrote:
>> Well, if you're using instead of you'd be 
>> fine.
>> Regards,
>> Brandt Steenkamp
>> MSN/Windows live:
>> Google talk:
>> AIM:
>> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
>> - Original Message - From: "Thomas Watson" 
>> To: 
>> Cc: 
>> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 5:03 PM
>> Subject: Facebook Fopa
>>> Tom,
>>> Caught your story yesterday about Facebook adding Captcha to the users
>>> login. Those of us who are visually challenged are not able to access
>>> Captcha's in any way. So this means that we will no longer be able to
>>> log into our Facebook accounts if this measure is implemented. I would
>>> think that adding some sort of question and answer schema would be
>>> just as secure and still allow the blind community to access their
>>> social media.
>>> Hopefully this venue and my other emails to various lists will bring
>>> light to an already dark situation.
>>> Love the show.
>>> Keith Watson
>>> 813-760-1381
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> -- 
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Re: Facebook Fopa

2011-01-29 Thread Ricardo Walker

When I heard about this earlier in the week, I had the exact same concerns.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 29, 2011, at 7:46 AM, Keith Watson wrote:

> Guess I did not explain the issue that Facebook is trying to solve. 
> Apparently Facebook accounts have been hacked. Zuckerberg's account was one 
> of the first and someone posted something to his wall that was not really 
> bad, but it was there. So in order to keep our accounts safe from hackers 
> they are implementing a Captcha schema so that their users have to pick from 
> one of 6 or so pictures of their friends in order to gain access to their 
> accounts. This is going to be implemented across the board. Doesn't matter 
> how you access their site you will have to pick from a random set of pictures 
> of whoever and a friend. This gives you a 1 in 6 chance to guess the right 
> one. Not odds I would like to take to Vegas.
> Get it now? Hear the fear in my voice? If this is done fully without regard 
> to our community it could mean the the most popular social medium for staying 
> in touch with family and friends becomes totally inaccessible to us. Hope I 
> am wrong and I intend to do some other sourcing of this action, but from last 
> nights TNT it looks as though it's already being rolled out.
> Keith
> On Jan 28, 2011, at 1:20 AM, brandt wrote:
>> Then, thank goodness for the facebook app on the iPod. I hate capchas, due 
>> to making a mistake, webvisum no longer works on the windows side of things.
>> Regards,
>> Brandt Steenkamp
>> MSN/Windows live:
>> Google talk:
>> AIM:
>> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
>> - Original Message - From: "Keith Watson" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 12:50 AM
>> Subject: Re: Facebook Fopa
>> Actually I am not sure how they will do it, but Facebook has said that they 
>> are going to implement Captcha for all access. I am assuming that this will 
>> include all three sites, m dot, lite and the regular site. This is why I 
>> wrote back to Tom Merritt the host of tech news today on the twit network.
>> Keith
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:27 PM, brandt wrote:
>>> Well, if you're using instead of you'd be 
>>> fine.
>>> Regards,
>>> Brandt Steenkamp
>>> MSN/Windows live:
>>> Google talk:
>>> AIM:
>>> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
>>> - Original Message - From: "Thomas Watson" 
>>> To: 
>>> Cc: 
>>> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 5:03 PM
>>> Subject: Facebook Fopa
 Caught your story yesterday about Facebook adding Captcha to the users
 login. Those of us who are visually challenged are not able to access
 Captcha's in any way. So this means that we will no longer be able to
 log into our Facebook accounts if this measure is implemented. I would
 think that adding some sort of question and answer schema would be
 just as secure and still allow the blind community to access their
 social media.
 Hopefully this venue and my other emails to various lists will bring
 light to an already dark situation.
 Love the show.
 Keith Watson
 Sent from my iPhone
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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 For more options, visit this group at
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Re: Gmail via Pop?

2011-01-29 Thread Keith Watson
Actually imap has been around longer than pop and is actually more stable than 
pop. Your issue is not an imap issue it's a google issue. They have your inbox 
set to not show you anything from yourself. You wrote it and know what you said 
so why in the world would you want to know that it posted to a list? Just 
another example of big brother holding your hand. Tied behind your back in my 

If you do like other listers have suggested and create a label for your lists 
and move all traffic from that list into that folder then you will begin to see 
your own posts. At least that's the way I solved it.



On Jan 28, 2011, at 8:49 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> I really didn't intentionally set any labels. I saw and still see that
> the message is from "me", but it doesn't show up in the labels as
> "me". I haven't gotten my own messages since I joined the list last
> spring. Until I switched to pop. Go figure. There could be a number of
> factors involved. Who knows. IMAP in Google seemed more unstable to me
> than pop as well.
> Teresa
> On Jan 28, 1:38 pm, Colin M  wrote:
>> Hi Teresa!
>> Do you not want to or do you not know about setting your own card in your 
>> address book!
>> Then you can set mail to cc yourself and from then on any emails you send 
>> you will get a copy!
>> If you do not want to use this then fare enough!
>> Colin
>> Qapla!
>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
>> On 28 Jan 2011, at 21:15, Jane wrote:
>>> I did this, but then I switched to iMap for all my email accounts, except 
>>> for one.
>>> Jane
>>> On Jan 28, 2011, at 3:12 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
 Anyone tried this? It seems to be working. I'll soon find out if I receive 
 copies of my own messages to the list, too, which I would like.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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>>> --
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Facebook Fopa

2011-01-29 Thread Scott Howell
Yeah, just stop using FaceBook, which in my opinion has proven to be a 
nefarious  organization at best. Flame away boys and girls, but I calls them as 
I's sees them. 
It is what it is and those who use the service will have to wait and see how 
this security will be implemented.


On Jan 29, 2011, at 7:36 AM, Keith Watson wrote:

>> What's not true? That we cannot access Captcha's or that Facebook is going 
>> to implement this as a security measure? Well I will give you the Captcha 
>> access having a work around, if it were a normal Captcha. We could then go 
>> through the hoops of sending it off to a service to have some sighted person 
>> tell us what it is then put it in. Or listen to some convoluted audio crap 
>> that someone with any hearing difficulty at all can make neither heads nor 
>> tales of. But in this case the Captcha schema that Facebook HAS, note the 
>> caps on that "HAS", implemented is not of this type. They are using pictures 
>> of people that you have friended as the Captcha. How is someone that you 
>> don't know going to tell you who that picture of Scott Howell picking his 
>> nose is? And don't give me the line about just ask someone sighted in your 
>> house to assist. Some of us live alone and do not wish to rely on sightlings 
>> for help.
> Above I capitalized the word has. I did this because last night I again 
> caught the Friday edition of TNT and a caller verified that Facebook was 
> already rolling out this schema. I have not yet run into it, but am just 
> waiting for the first time that I do. Will probably be the last time I use 
> Facebook.
> Thoughts?
> Keith
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 5:54 PM, Maurice Mines wrote:
>> not true.
>>  On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:03 AM, Thomas Watson wrote:
>>> Tom,
>>> Caught your story yesterday about Facebook adding Captcha to the users
>>> login. Those of us who are visually challenged are not able to access
>>> Captcha's in any way. So this means that we will no longer be able to
>>> log into our Facebook accounts if this measure is implemented. I would
>>> think that adding some sort of question and answer schema would be
>>> just as secure and still allow the blind community to access their
>>> social media.
>>> Hopefully this venue and my other emails to various lists will bring
>>> light to an already dark situation.
>>> Love the show.
>>> Keith Watson
>>> 813-760-1381
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>  Maurice Mines
>> -- 
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Re: Facebook Fopa

2011-01-29 Thread Scott Howell
Ah by the way from what I have heard even sighted people are having a lot of 
difficulty with identifying some of these pictures. It is not like you have 
control over the pictures presented entirely from my understanding.

On Jan 29, 2011, at 7:46 AM, Keith Watson wrote:

> Guess I did not explain the issue that Facebook is trying to solve. 
> Apparently Facebook accounts have been hacked. Zuckerberg's account was one 
> of the first and someone posted something to his wall that was not really 
> bad, but it was there. So in order to keep our accounts safe from hackers 
> they are implementing a Captcha schema so that their users have to pick from 
> one of 6 or so pictures of their friends in order to gain access to their 
> accounts. This is going to be implemented across the board. Doesn't matter 
> how you access their site you will have to pick from a random set of pictures 
> of whoever and a friend. This gives you a 1 in 6 chance to guess the right 
> one. Not odds I would like to take to Vegas.
> Get it now? Hear the fear in my voice? If this is done fully without regard 
> to our community it could mean the the most popular social medium for staying 
> in touch with family and friends becomes totally inaccessible to us. Hope I 
> am wrong and I intend to do some other sourcing of this action, but from last 
> nights TNT it looks as though it's already being rolled out.
> Keith
> On Jan 28, 2011, at 1:20 AM, brandt wrote:
>> Then, thank goodness for the facebook app on the iPod. I hate capchas, due 
>> to making a mistake, webvisum no longer works on the windows side of things.
>> Regards,
>> Brandt Steenkamp
>> MSN/Windows live:
>> Google talk:
>> AIM:
>> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
>> - Original Message - From: "Keith Watson" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 12:50 AM
>> Subject: Re: Facebook Fopa
>> Actually I am not sure how they will do it, but Facebook has said that they 
>> are going to implement Captcha for all access. I am assuming that this will 
>> include all three sites, m dot, lite and the regular site. This is why I 
>> wrote back to Tom Merritt the host of tech news today on the twit network.
>> Keith
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:27 PM, brandt wrote:
>>> Well, if you're using instead of you'd be 
>>> fine.
>>> Regards,
>>> Brandt Steenkamp
>>> MSN/Windows live:
>>> Google talk:
>>> AIM:
>>> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
>>> - Original Message - From: "Thomas Watson" 
>>> To: 
>>> Cc: 
>>> Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 5:03 PM
>>> Subject: Facebook Fopa
 Caught your story yesterday about Facebook adding Captcha to the users
 login. Those of us who are visually challenged are not able to access
 Captcha's in any way. So this means that we will no longer be able to
 log into our Facebook accounts if this measure is implemented. I would
 think that adding some sort of question and answer schema would be
 just as secure and still allow the blind community to access their
 social media.
 Hopefully this venue and my other emails to various lists will bring
 light to an already dark situation.
 Love the show.
 Keith Watson
 Sent from my iPhone
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> -- 
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>> For mo

Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-29 Thread Scott Howell
That perhaps will be true, but we'll have to wait and see. What I read 
indicated something different, but of course not all 4G seems to be created 
equally either or so it seems. I cannot recall the two competing technologies, 
but I would certainly not mind if Apple did introduce a phone capable of GSM 
and CDMA and would work on LTE. :)


On Jan 29, 2011, at 4:36 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Scott, I read HSPA+ is a possibility though.  I Believe that can take you way 
> up in to the tens of megabytes.
> I think Apple has to release a 4G device because there are way to many good 
> ones out there now from other companies.  If I were sited I very well might 
> go android especially do to it's opensource nature.
> On Jan 28, 2011, at 5:06 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Ricardo,
>> From all the stuff I have read, I do not believe the iPhone 5 will have LTE 
>> capabilities. I have read that it may have the ability to be used on both 
>> GSM and CDMA carriers. It will be interesting to see how all this develops, 
>> but even if LTE is possible, seems carriers are going to charge quite a bit 
>> for the access. I believe VZW is charging $80 for 5Gb per month.
>> Scott
>> On Jan 28, 2011, at 8:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi Donna,
>>> Nope.  I understand that piece to the puzzle.  Its really not a piece at 
>>> all in my opinion.  I don't think the iPhone 5 will have 4 g anyway.  And 
>>> if it did, what your saying is still a weak position I think.  For example, 
>>> Lets say you buy an iPhone 4 on VZ.  The iPhone 5 comes out in June, and it 
>>> happens to have LTE.  Its ok because there is no coverage in your area.  
>>> Cool.  Your not missing anything.  But what if your area has LTE in 
>>> September?  Or October?  You will still have your 3g iPhone 4.  Verizon 
>>> would really start rolling out LTE at a blistering pace if the iPhone 5 was 
>>> a LTE handset.   But of course, there is a lot of if and buts in there. 
>>> lol.  I was just referring to people who would not have bought an iPhone 4 
>>> on verizon now plunking down the cash just to have unlimited data.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Jan 28, 2011, at 7:47 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Yeah, but Ricardo, you're missing a big piece here.  Last week I was 
 asking about figuring out whether my area has LTE.  I got my answer to 
 that question, and it doesn't.  So, yes, there'll be a newer version of 
 the iPhone released shortly after I buy the VZ iPhone.  But if I don't 
 have LTE here, it doesn't really matter.  True, I'll be left out of some 
 of the new features, but I figure I'll get a year out of the iPhone 4, and 
 then when we have LTE out here, I'll get the iphone 5.  I think the 
 picture is really different for those of us who don't live in New York, 
 California, etc.
 On Jan 28, 2011, at 1:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> I must applaud Verizon for this hustle.  Its freaking genius.  They have 
> found the ultimate carrot to entice people to by out dated, soon to be 
> obsolete, hardware.  lol.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:29 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> Hi Donna, 
>> I spoke with a rep at Verizon today and also checked the Verizon 
>> wireless site, and noted the limited time $29.99 data plan.  This is a 
>> major reason I'm gong for the iPhone now rather than waiting, because 
>> I'll bet by the time iPhone 5 comes out, the price will have risen.  As 
>> my wife and I are both getting the iPhone, I want to lock in that price 
>> now.
>> Les
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Careful there.  According to the article, there will be a limited data 
>>> plan for $39, but for a short time, an unlimited option will be 
>>> available for $29.99.  At least, that's how I read it.
>>> Donna
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi Sarah:
 Thanks for doing the math on that one.:)  I kind of figured at&t would 
 have to do something better and stronger to have let Verizon get it's 
 paws on the iPhone.:)
 I've come to like at&t better anyway, and I don't plan to jump ship 
 any time soon.:)
 Carolyn H
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> lol. Has anyone managed to read the article? I f you add up VZ's 
> prices and then add up at&t's prices I believe if I did my math right 
> at&t will be a bit cheaper in the end.
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>> Aloha yourself. W

Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-29 Thread Donna Goodin
Well, this is true.  We'll see how long my determination holds out. :)
On Jan 29, 2011, at 4:34 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Oh come on, you know the 5 is going to be the bees knees.
> The best gadget is always the next gadget.:)
> On Jan 28, 2011, at 5:17 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> I don't think it's such a weak position.  Remember, I didn't upgrade to the 
>> iPhone 4 last year.  My 3gs has served me fine.  I'm just not sure that the 
>> iphone 4 is going to be instantly obsolete like you suggest.  I think people 
>> will have to evaluate the new features of the iphone, and then make a 
>> decision as to whether it's worth it to upgrade to the 5.  Personally, I may 
>> well hang on to my VZ iphone until a model with lte does come out.
>> Donna
>> On Jan 28, 2011, at 8:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi Donna,
>>> Nope.  I understand that piece to the puzzle.  Its really not a piece at 
>>> all in my opinion.  I don't think the iPhone 5 will have 4 g anyway.  And 
>>> if it did, what your saying is still a weak position I think.  For example, 
>>> Lets say you buy an iPhone 4 on VZ.  The iPhone 5 comes out in June, and it 
>>> happens to have LTE.  Its ok because there is no coverage in your area.  
>>> Cool.  Your not missing anything.  But what if your area has LTE in 
>>> September?  Or October?  You will still have your 3g iPhone 4.  Verizon 
>>> would really start rolling out LTE at a blistering pace if the iPhone 5 was 
>>> a LTE handset.   But of course, there is a lot of if and buts in there. 
>>> lol.  I was just referring to people who would not have bought an iPhone 4 
>>> on verizon now plunking down the cash just to have unlimited data.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Jan 28, 2011, at 7:47 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Yeah, but Ricardo, you're missing a big piece here.  Last week I was 
 asking about figuring out whether my area has LTE.  I got my answer to 
 that question, and it doesn't.  So, yes, there'll be a newer version of 
 the iPhone released shortly after I buy the VZ iPhone.  But if I don't 
 have LTE here, it doesn't really matter.  True, I'll be left out of some 
 of the new features, but I figure I'll get a year out of the iPhone 4, and 
 then when we have LTE out here, I'll get the iphone 5.  I think the 
 picture is really different for those of us who don't live in New York, 
 California, etc.
 On Jan 28, 2011, at 1:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> I must applaud Verizon for this hustle.  Its freaking genius.  They have 
> found the ultimate carrot to entice people to by out dated, soon to be 
> obsolete, hardware.  lol.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:29 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> Hi Donna, 
>> I spoke with a rep at Verizon today and also checked the Verizon 
>> wireless site, and noted the limited time $29.99 data plan.  This is a 
>> major reason I'm gong for the iPhone now rather than waiting, because 
>> I'll bet by the time iPhone 5 comes out, the price will have risen.  As 
>> my wife and I are both getting the iPhone, I want to lock in that price 
>> now.
>> Les
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Careful there.  According to the article, there will be a limited data 
>>> plan for $39, but for a short time, an unlimited option will be 
>>> available for $29.99.  At least, that's how I read it.
>>> Donna
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:45 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi Sarah:
 Thanks for doing the math on that one.:)  I kind of figured at&t would 
 have to do something better and stronger to have let Verizon get it's 
 paws on the iPhone.:)
 I've come to like at&t better anyway, and I don't plan to jump ship 
 any time soon.:)
 Carolyn H
 On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> lol. Has anyone managed to read the article? I f you add up VZ's 
> prices and then add up at&t's prices I believe if I did my math right 
> at&t will be a bit cheaper in the end.
> On Jan 26, 2011, at 3:56 PM, Charlie Doremus wrote:
>> Aloha yourself. We all make errors. My partners says I'm to picky at 
>> times. Guess the writer in me is my downfall. 
>> Aloha, 
>> Charlie
>> Our new book "YOU MIGHT BE A MORON" is on sale at 
>> click the off the bookshelf link 
>> On Jan 26, 2011, at 1:45 PM, "Carolyn"  wrote:
>>> Hi Charlie, or rather, aloha

Re: Facebook Fopa

2011-01-29 Thread Colin M
Hi all!
Yes I can see where there would be a problem!
A lot of people just add someone as a friend just to make up there numbers!
So if facebook picks one of your friends and it is one you've just added for ad 
dings sake you might not no what they look like!
But if they are going to make a system [cough cough cough] for vi blind people 
it will be interesting to see what they come up with!
Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak

On 29 Jan 2011, at 13:11, Scott Howell wrote:

> Ah by the way from what I have heard even sighted people are having a lot of 
> difficulty with identifying some of these pictures. It is not like you have 
> control over the pictures presented entirely from my understanding.
> Scott
> On Jan 29, 2011, at 7:46 AM, Keith Watson wrote:
>> Guess I did not explain the issue that Facebook is trying to solve. 
>> Apparently Facebook accounts have been hacked. Zuckerberg's account was one 
>> of the first and someone posted something to his wall that was not really 
>> bad, but it was there. So in order to keep our accounts safe from hackers 
>> they are implementing a Captcha schema so that their users have to pick from 
>> one of 6 or so pictures of their friends in order to gain access to their 
>> accounts. This is going to be implemented across the board. Doesn't matter 
>> how you access their site you will have to pick from a random set of 
>> pictures of whoever and a friend. This gives you a 1 in 6 chance to guess 
>> the right one. Not odds I would like to take to Vegas.
>> Get it now? Hear the fear in my voice? If this is done fully without regard 
>> to our community it could mean the the most popular social medium for 
>> staying in touch with family and friends becomes totally inaccessible to us. 
>> Hope I am wrong and I intend to do some other sourcing of this action, but 
>> from last nights TNT it looks as though it's already being rolled out.
>> Keith
>> On Jan 28, 2011, at 1:20 AM, brandt wrote:
>>> Then, thank goodness for the facebook app on the iPod. I hate capchas, due 
>>> to making a mistake, webvisum no longer works on the windows side of things.
>>> Regards,
>>> Brandt Steenkamp
>>> MSN/Windows live:
>>> Google talk:
>>> AIM:
>>> Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
>>> - Original Message - From: "Keith Watson" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 12:50 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Facebook Fopa
>>> Actually I am not sure how they will do it, but Facebook has said that they 
>>> are going to implement Captcha for all access. I am assuming that this will 
>>> include all three sites, m dot, lite and the regular site. This is why I 
>>> wrote back to Tom Merritt the host of tech news today on the twit network.
>>> Keith
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:27 PM, brandt wrote:
 Well, if you're using instead of you'd be 
 Brandt Steenkamp
 MSN/Windows live:
 Google talk:
 Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
 - Original Message - From: "Thomas Watson" 
 Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 5:03 PM
 Subject: Facebook Fopa
> Tom,
> Caught your story yesterday about Facebook adding Captcha to the users
> login. Those of us who are visually challenged are not able to access
> Captcha's in any way. So this means that we will no longer be able to
> log into our Facebook accounts if this measure is implemented. I would
> think that adding some sort of question and answer schema would be
> just as secure and still allow the blind community to access their
> social media.
> Hopefully this venue and my other emails to various lists will bring
> light to an already dark situation.
> Love the show.
> Keith Watson
> 813-760-1381
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Re: Gmail via Pop?

2011-01-29 Thread Teresa Cochran
Um, huh? We're just talking simple personal preference here, not a political 
discussion. I like to have a simple way of knowing my messages have posted to 
the list. I've waited for days sometimes before I realize my messages haven't 
even posted to lists for some reason or other. Anyhow, that's that. Personal 
preference is simply personal preference.

On Jan 29, 2011, at 4:59 AM, Keith Watson wrote:

> Actually imap has been around longer than pop and is actually more stable 
> than pop. Your issue is not an imap issue it's a google issue. They have your 
> inbox set to not show you anything from yourself. You wrote it and know what 
> you said so why in the world would you want to know that it posted to a list? 
> Just another example of big brother holding your hand. Tied behind your back 
> in my opinion.
> If you do like other listers have suggested and create a label for your lists 
> and move all traffic from that list into that folder then you will begin to 
> see your own posts. At least that's the way I solved it.
> Keith
> On Jan 28, 2011, at 8:49 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> I really didn't intentionally set any labels. I saw and still see that
>> the message is from "me", but it doesn't show up in the labels as
>> "me". I haven't gotten my own messages since I joined the list last
>> spring. Until I switched to pop. Go figure. There could be a number of
>> factors involved. Who knows. IMAP in Google seemed more unstable to me
>> than pop as well.
>> Teresa
>> On Jan 28, 1:38 pm, Colin M  wrote:
>>> Hi Teresa!
>>> Do you not want to or do you not know about setting your own card in your 
>>> address book!
>>> Then you can set mail to cc yourself and from then on any emails you send 
>>> you will get a copy!
>>> If you do not want to use this then fare enough!
>>> Colin
>>> Qapla!
>>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
>>> On 28 Jan 2011, at 21:15, Jane wrote:
 I did this, but then I switched to iMap for all my email accounts, except 
 for one.
 On Jan 28, 2011, at 3:12 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Anyone tried this? It seems to be working. I'll soon find out if I 
> receive copies of my own messages to the list, too, which I would like.
> Teresa
> --
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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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>> -- 
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Re: MoveAddict still vaporware.

2011-01-29 Thread Geoff Waaler
Hi Rose,

I've not yet purchased from the Mac app store; did they give you a key, or is 
it the iOS scheme where the file is specific to your device?  If The former, 
and you have version 2 you would be safe downloading the current version and 
copying the and moveAddict files to your 
applications folder,.  Overwriting these files would not kill your registration 
as this information is stored in the property list file 
(com.kapeli.moveaddict).  To reiterate, this is only applicable if the Mac app 
store did not alter the packaging and like me you still have a key which you 
can get your hands on.


On Jan 29, 2011, at 7:22 AM, Rose Morales wrote:

> Hi Jeff,
> I downloaded the paid version from the Mac app store. I thought about 
> downloading it directly from the web, but I don't want to have to pay again. 
> And who's to say I wouldn't just get the same .app file instead of the dmg 
> I'm supposed to be getting? I'm still a bit lost.
> Sorry!
> Rose
> On Jan 29, 2011, at 7:00 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
>> Hi Rose,
>> The file you should have downloaded is named moveAddict.dmg.  It contains an 
>> accessibility folder as Esther described earlier.
>> I got it from URL: " "
>> , but if you continue to get a corrupted download from there I would be 
>> happy to upload it to sendSpace?
>> Take care.
>> Geoff
>> On Jan 29, 2011, at 6:48 AM, Rose Morales wrote:
>>> I didn't get a dmg when I installed MoveAddict. I just got one .app file in 
>>> my Applications folder. When I run it, MoveAddict crashes. Any suggestions?
>>> On Jan 28, 2011, at 1:25 PM, Randy Stegall wrote:
 Glad you have it working!
 Randy Stegall
 Sent from my Mac Mini.
 On Jan 28, 2011, at 3:09 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
> Thanks Randy, Esther, and Chuck,
> I now have it working, though after what amounted to three installs I 
> could have sure done a lot of copying and deleting and saved the five 
> bucks :) 
> I initially attempted to follow Esther's instructions, but cut had no 
> affect.  I then hid MoveAddict from both the doc and status menu.  This 
> apparently caused a warning to display which precluded going into the 
> dialog.  I tried rebooting, to no avail.
> I then tried the suggestion I received from the support group, which was 
> to launch the terminal app and enter:
> "defaults delete com.kapeli.moveaddict".  This time it appeared to be 
> successful (without any additional parms) since it was necessary to 
> reenter my registration.
> I then took the following steps over both "unknown" fields:
> 1. Interact:
> 2. Even though Mouse is configured to follow VO I pressed vo-command-f5 
> for good measure.
> 3. Confirmed that the mouse was in the field (vo-f5).
> 4. Press the desired shortcut key (i.g. command-x for cut).
> 5. Stop interacting.
> As Chuck observed, the fields still show "unknown", but I am now able to 
> cut/paste.
> Best regards.
> Geoff
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 7:20 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:
>> Hi Geoff,
>> What moveAddict tech  support told me is that the standard mac key 
>> commands for cut and paste are actually in the  invisible part of the 
>> preferences.
>> "Keyboard shortcuts window;
>>> Cut keyboard shortcut unknown
>>> paste keyboard shortcut unknown"
>> when I asked how I enter a key command for cut and paste they said that 
>> the default is the standard mac commands! They could at least make these 
>> visible using VoiceOver!
>> Talk soon
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> Since the moveAddict support group is apparently ignoring my notes, I 
>>> decided after reading Esther's post to reinstall moveAddict version 
>>> 2.24.  To that end I deleted both files from the apps folder and the 
>>> prefferences file "com.kapeli.moveaddict.plist" from directory 
>>> "/Library/Preferences/
>>> This action cured the problem where moveAddict rendered it impossible 
>>> to navigate with the arrow keys by causing VO to emit the message "one 
>>> file cut", however, it still does not function.
>>> I have the following set in the moveAddictPreferences.appfile:
>>> General:
>>> Startup
>>> Start at login is checked
>>> Show in doc not checked
>>> Show in menu bar checked.
>>> Keyboard shortcuts:
>>> Cut keyboard shortcut unknown
>>> paste keyboard shortcut unknown
>>> I went through all other items in the toolbar but did not alter the 
>>> defaults as none of the options seemed applicable to my problem.
>>> The main issue appears to be that I can not set 

Re: MoveAddict still vaporware.

2011-01-29 Thread Rose Morales
The Mac app store uses the same scheme as the iOS one. I can delete and 
redownload all I want, but I still get just this one .app file. I don't have a 
key. I know the app is only $5, but I want to get my money's worth.
On Jan 29, 2011, at 10:10 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:

> Hi Rose,
> I've not yet purchased from the Mac app store; did they give you a key, or is 
> it the iOS scheme where the file is specific to your device?  If The former, 
> and you have version 2 you would be safe downloading the current version and 
> copying the and moveAddict files to your 
> applications folder,.  Overwriting these files would not kill your 
> registration as this information is stored in the property list file 
> (com.kapeli.moveaddict).  To reiterate, this is only applicable if the Mac 
> app store did not alter the packaging and like me you still have a key which 
> you can get your hands on.
> HTH,
> Geoff
> On Jan 29, 2011, at 7:22 AM, Rose Morales wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> I downloaded the paid version from the Mac app store. I thought about 
>> downloading it directly from the web, but I don't want to have to pay again. 
>> And who's to say I wouldn't just get the same .app file instead of the dmg 
>> I'm supposed to be getting? I'm still a bit lost.
>> Sorry!
>> Rose
>> On Jan 29, 2011, at 7:00 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
>>> Hi Rose,
>>> The file you should have downloaded is named moveAddict.dmg.  It contains 
>>> an accessibility folder as Esther described earlier.
>>> I got it from URL: " "
>>> , but if you continue to get a corrupted download from there I would be 
>>> happy to upload it to sendSpace?
>>> Take care.
>>> Geoff
>>> On Jan 29, 2011, at 6:48 AM, Rose Morales wrote:
 I didn't get a dmg when I installed MoveAddict. I just got one .app file 
 in my Applications folder. When I run it, MoveAddict crashes. Any 
 On Jan 28, 2011, at 1:25 PM, Randy Stegall wrote:
> Glad you have it working!
> Randy Stegall
> Sent from my Mac Mini.
> On Jan 28, 2011, at 3:09 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
>> Thanks Randy, Esther, and Chuck,
>> I now have it working, though after what amounted to three installs I 
>> could have sure done a lot of copying and deleting and saved the five 
>> bucks :) 
>> I initially attempted to follow Esther's instructions, but cut had no 
>> affect.  I then hid MoveAddict from both the doc and status menu.  This 
>> apparently caused a warning to display which precluded going into the 
>> dialog.  I tried rebooting, to no avail.
>> I then tried the suggestion I received from the support group, which was 
>> to launch the terminal app and enter:
>> "defaults delete com.kapeli.moveaddict".  This time it appeared to be 
>> successful (without any additional parms) since it was necessary to 
>> reenter my registration.
>> I then took the following steps over both "unknown" fields:
>> 1. Interact:
>> 2. Even though Mouse is configured to follow VO I pressed vo-command-f5 
>> for good measure.
>> 3. Confirmed that the mouse was in the field (vo-f5).
>> 4. Press the desired shortcut key (i.g. command-x for cut).
>> 5. Stop interacting.
>> As Chuck observed, the fields still show "unknown", but I am now able to 
>> cut/paste.
>> Best regards.
>> Geoff
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 7:20 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:
>>> Hi Geoff,
>>> What moveAddict tech  support told me is that the standard mac key 
>>> commands for cut and paste are actually in the  invisible part of the 
>>> preferences.
>>> "Keyboard shortcuts window;
 Cut keyboard shortcut unknown
 paste keyboard shortcut unknown"
>>> when I asked how I enter a key command for cut and paste they said that 
>>> the default is the standard mac commands! They could at least make 
>>> these visible using VoiceOver!
>>> Talk soon
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
 Since the moveAddict support group is apparently ignoring my notes, I 
 decided after reading Esther's post to reinstall moveAddict version 
 2.24.  To that end I deleted both files from the apps folder and the 
 prefferences file "com.kapeli.moveaddict.plist" from directory 
 This action cured the problem where moveAddict rendered it impossible 
 to navigate with the arrow keys by causing VO to emit the message "one 
 file cut", however, it still does not function.
 I have the following set in the moveAddictPreferences.appfile:

Copy rented films to iPhone

2011-01-29 Thread Jürgen Fleger
Hi All,

could anyone please tell me how to copy a rented film in iTunes from my Mac to 
my iPhone? CMD + C didn't work as well as to open the context menue. I handle 
synchronisations manually.

Thanks and regards

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Re: Dropbox accessibility

2011-01-29 Thread Jes Smith
Louis, if you wouldn't mind, would you please take your pesimistic attitude off 
this list? We're all trying to change drop box accessibility for the better, 
and frankly your pesimism is a stumbling block to a lot of us.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 9:36 PM, louie wrote:

> Been there did that.
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 6:33 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi Louie:
>> Just a thought: I would be a new dropbox user if it weren't fraught with so 
>> many issues.  There is some strength in numbers.  So, it's possible to have 
>> some effect if more people try to get their attention.  The other thing to 
>> do is ask the Apple accessibility team to contact the developers.  It can't 
>> hurt.
>> Carolyn H
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:57 PM, louie wrote:
>>> I have e-mailed them many times with out any results.
>>> Some developers don't care they don't need to.
>>> I have been a dropbox user for a very long time.
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
 Hello Louie.
 Don't mean to be rude but with that kind of attitude then there sure isn't 
 anything going to be happening on the Dropbox accessibility front.
 If enough people want the accessibility supported, then they should let 
 Dropbox know and maybe something could be done.
 On 2011-01-27, at 2:05 PM, louie wrote:
> They don't care they don't half to.
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hello mac users.
>> Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the 
>> lack of accessibility within they're mac application.
>> If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, 
>> send them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the 
>> feedback link from the links area.
>> Thanks.
>> Copied text to Dropbox
>> Hello Dropbox team.
>> I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my self.
>> This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for mac 
>> application.
>> When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in 
>> screen reading software on the mac.
>> VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac and 
>> Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an application 
>> can be made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
>> Thanks for reading.
>> Matthew Campbell.
>> -- 
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> louie
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>>> louie
>>> -- 
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>> -- 
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> louie
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Apologies To Keith, Was

2011-01-29 Thread Teresa Cochran
Oops, I read the message and missed the irony before I'd had my coffee. Really 
sorry about that. I will consider labels for Gmail, actually, that sounds very 
useful in a lot of ways.

On Jan 29, 2011, at 4:59 AM, Keith Watson wrote:

> Actually imap has been around longer than pop and is actually more stable 
> than pop. Your issue is not an imap issue it's a google issue. They have your 
> inbox set to not show you anything from yourself. You wrote it and know what 
> you said so why in the world would you want to know that it posted to a list? 
> Just another example of big brother holding your hand. Tied behind your back 
> in my opinion.
> If you do like other listers have suggested and create a label for your lists 
> and move all traffic from that list into that folder then you will begin to 
> see your own posts. At least that's the way I solved it.
> Keith
> On Jan 28, 2011, at 8:49 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> I really didn't intentionally set any labels. I saw and still see that
>> the message is from "me", but it doesn't show up in the labels as
>> "me". I haven't gotten my own messages since I joined the list last
>> spring. Until I switched to pop. Go figure. There could be a number of
>> factors involved. Who knows. IMAP in Google seemed more unstable to me
>> than pop as well.
>> Teresa
>> On Jan 28, 1:38 pm, Colin M  wrote:
>>> Hi Teresa!
>>> Do you not want to or do you not know about setting your own card in your 
>>> address book!
>>> Then you can set mail to cc yourself and from then on any emails you send 
>>> you will get a copy!
>>> If you do not want to use this then fare enough!
>>> Colin
>>> Qapla!
>>> Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
>>> On 28 Jan 2011, at 21:15, Jane wrote:
 I did this, but then I switched to iMap for all my email accounts, except 
 for one.
 On Jan 28, 2011, at 3:12 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Anyone tried this? It seems to be working. I'll soon find out if I 
> receive copies of my own messages to the list, too, which I would like.
> Teresa
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word processor for the itouch?

2011-01-29 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi guys, I need a word processor for the ITouch and don't have all day to 
fiddle with different ones.  For right right now I just need the ability to 
type up 3 lines of notes for a 5 minute presentation, more so I can look the 
part of a successful access technologist than because I need pointers to keep 
me on track.

Eventually I'd like to explore something more advanced like quick office and 
would appreciate any thoughts you might have on that score.  But for now, can 
you get me up and typing so I can strap on my braille display and look cool at 
the presentation?


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Dropbox accessibility

2011-01-29 Thread Dane Trethowan
I've said before and I'll say again, there's really only one thing in Dropbox 
which isn't accessible on the Mac and that's the preferences and by default 
Dropbox preferences work just fine, not much in there to change anyway so I 
think the tag here that Dropbox isn't accessible is an outright lie as only y 
the application isn't accessible.

I've been using Dropbox for months across various platforms including Mac, my 
data syncs fine! I can retrieve files from my dropbox account on the Mac just 
fine! I can upload files to my Dropbox from my Mac just fine! I can copy public 
links from my public Dropbox folder using my Mac just fine! I can sync my 
Itunes folder from any Mac to any other computer running Dropbox in my house 
just fine! so given all that? Well I'd hardly call Dropbox inaccessible .

On 30/01/2011, at 2:45 AM, Jes Smith wrote:

> Louis, if you wouldn't mind, would you please take your pesimistic attitude 
> off this list? We're all trying to change drop box accessibility for the 
> better, and frankly your pesimism is a stumbling block to a lot of us.
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 9:36 PM, louie wrote:
>> Been there did that.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 6:33 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Louie:
>>> Just a thought: I would be a new dropbox user if it weren't fraught with so 
>>> many issues.  There is some strength in numbers.  So, it's possible to have 
>>> some effect if more people try to get their attention.  The other thing to 
>>> do is ask the Apple accessibility team to contact the developers.  It can't 
>>> hurt.
>>> Carolyn H
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:57 PM, louie wrote:
 I have e-mailed them many times with out any results.
 Some developers don't care they don't need to.
 I have been a dropbox user for a very long time.
 On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
> Hello Louie.
> Don't mean to be rude but with that kind of attitude then there sure 
> isn't anything going to be happening on the Dropbox accessibility front.
> If enough people want the accessibility supported, then they should let 
> Dropbox know and maybe something could be done.
> On 2011-01-27, at 2:05 PM, louie wrote:
>> They don't care they don't half to.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>>> Hello mac users.
>>> Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the 
>>> lack of accessibility within they're mac application.
>>> If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, 
>>> send them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the 
>>> feedback link from the links area.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Copied text to Dropbox
>>> Hello Dropbox team.
>>> I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my self.
>>> This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for 
>>> mac application.
>>> When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in 
>>> screen reading software on the mac.
>>> VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac and 
>>> Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an application 
>>> can be made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
>>> Thanks for reading.
>>> Matthew Campbell.
>>> -- 
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>> louie
>> -- 
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Re: word processor for the itouch?

2011-01-29 Thread Rose Morales
Try iNotepad GN. It's accessible, stable, simple, and cute.
It costs $2.99. Quick Office is not accessible, last I check. If you have 
dropbox, you might also consider Nebulous or Droptext. Both are accessible and 
are $0.99 each
On Jan 29, 2011, at 11:11 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi guys, I need a word processor for the ITouch and don't have all day to 
> fiddle with different ones.  For right right now I just need the ability to 
> type up 3 lines of notes for a 5 minute presentation, more so I can look the 
> part of a successful access technologist than because I need pointers to keep 
> me on track.
> Eventually I'd like to explore something more advanced like quick office and 
> would appreciate any thoughts you might have on that score.  But for now, can 
> you get me up and typing so I can strap on my braille display and look cool 
> at the presentation?
> Thanks,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
> 1-888-255-5194
> -- 
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Re: Dropbox accessibility

2011-01-29 Thread louie
What ever.

On Jan 29, 2011, at 7:45 AM, Jes Smith wrote:

> Louis, if you wouldn't mind, would you please take your pesimistic attitude 
> off this list? We're all trying to change drop box accessibility for the 
> better, and frankly your pesimism is a stumbling block to a lot of us.
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 9:36 PM, louie wrote:
>> Been there did that.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 6:33 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Louie:
>>> Just a thought: I would be a new dropbox user if it weren't fraught with so 
>>> many issues.  There is some strength in numbers.  So, it's possible to have 
>>> some effect if more people try to get their attention.  The other thing to 
>>> do is ask the Apple accessibility team to contact the developers.  It can't 
>>> hurt.
>>> Carolyn H
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:57 PM, louie wrote:
 I have e-mailed them many times with out any results.
 Some developers don't care they don't need to.
 I have been a dropbox user for a very long time.
 On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
> Hello Louie.
> Don't mean to be rude but with that kind of attitude then there sure 
> isn't anything going to be happening on the Dropbox accessibility front.
> If enough people want the accessibility supported, then they should let 
> Dropbox know and maybe something could be done.
> On 2011-01-27, at 2:05 PM, louie wrote:
>> They don't care they don't half to.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>>> Hello mac users.
>>> Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the 
>>> lack of accessibility within they're mac application.
>>> If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, 
>>> send them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the 
>>> feedback link from the links area.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Copied text to Dropbox
>>> Hello Dropbox team.
>>> I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my self.
>>> This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for 
>>> mac application.
>>> When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in 
>>> screen reading software on the mac.
>>> VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac and 
>>> Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an application 
>>> can be made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
>>> Thanks for reading.
>>> Matthew Campbell.
>>> -- 
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>> louie
>> -- 
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> -- 
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> louie
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to 

Re: word processor for the itouch?

2011-01-29 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Erik,

Why not just use the Notes app that comes with the iPod Touch?

Otherwise, if you want something that will sync with your Mac, try Simple Note 
and its other half for the Mac, Notational Velocity.



On 29 Jan 2011, at 17:11, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi guys, I need a word processor for the ITouch and don't have all day to 
> fiddle with different ones.  For right right now I just need the ability to 
> type up 3 lines of notes for a 5 minute presentation, more so I can look the 
> part of a successful access technologist than because I need pointers to keep 
> me on track.
> Eventually I'd like to explore something more advanced like quick office and 
> would appreciate any thoughts you might have on that score.  But for now, can 
> you get me up and typing so I can strap on my braille display and look cool 
> at the presentation?
> Thanks,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
> 1-888-255-5194
> -- 
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Getting Mac app store version of Moveaddict to work, was Re: MoveAddict still vaporware.

2011-01-29 Thread Rose Morales
I don't know if anyone had this problem, but if your app store version of 
Moveaddict did not come with a preferences app, this file should get your 
Moveaddict working. All I needed to do was run this app, configure any 
preferences I wished, and cut and paste to my heart's content. I highly 
recommend at least checking the run at login checkbox in the general tab.
I hope someone finds this useful.
On Jan 29, 2011, at 10:10 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:

> Hi Rose,
> I've not yet purchased from the Mac app store; did they give you a key, or is 
> it the iOS scheme where the file is specific to your device?  If The former, 
> and you have version 2 you would be safe downloading the current version and 
> copying the and moveAddict files to your 
> applications folder,.  Overwriting these files would not kill your 
> registration as this information is stored in the property list file 
> (com.kapeli.moveaddict).  To reiterate, this is only applicable if the Mac 
> app store did not alter the packaging and like me you still have a key which 
> you can get your hands on.
> HTH,
> Geoff
> On Jan 29, 2011, at 7:22 AM, Rose Morales wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> I downloaded the paid version from the Mac app store. I thought about 
>> downloading it directly from the web, but I don't want to have to pay again. 
>> And who's to say I wouldn't just get the same .app file instead of the dmg 
>> I'm supposed to be getting? I'm still a bit lost.
>> Sorry!
>> Rose
>> On Jan 29, 2011, at 7:00 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
>>> Hi Rose,
>>> The file you should have downloaded is named moveAddict.dmg.  It contains 
>>> an accessibility folder as Esther described earlier.
>>> I got it from URL: " "
>>> , but if you continue to get a corrupted download from there I would be 
>>> happy to upload it to sendSpace?
>>> Take care.
>>> Geoff
>>> On Jan 29, 2011, at 6:48 AM, Rose Morales wrote:
 I didn't get a dmg when I installed MoveAddict. I just got one .app file 
 in my Applications folder. When I run it, MoveAddict crashes. Any 
 On Jan 28, 2011, at 1:25 PM, Randy Stegall wrote:
> Glad you have it working!
> Randy Stegall
> Sent from my Mac Mini.
> On Jan 28, 2011, at 3:09 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
>> Thanks Randy, Esther, and Chuck,
>> I now have it working, though after what amounted to three installs I 
>> could have sure done a lot of copying and deleting and saved the five 
>> bucks :) 
>> I initially attempted to follow Esther's instructions, but cut had no 
>> affect.  I then hid MoveAddict from both the doc and status menu.  This 
>> apparently caused a warning to display which precluded going into the 
>> dialog.  I tried rebooting, to no avail.
>> I then tried the suggestion I received from the support group, which was 
>> to launch the terminal app and enter:
>> "defaults delete com.kapeli.moveaddict".  This time it appeared to be 
>> successful (without any additional parms) since it was necessary to 
>> reenter my registration.
>> I then took the following steps over both "unknown" fields:
>> 1. Interact:
>> 2. Even though Mouse is configured to follow VO I pressed vo-command-f5 
>> for good measure.
>> 3. Confirmed that the mouse was in the field (vo-f5).
>> 4. Press the desired shortcut key (i.g. command-x for cut).
>> 5. Stop interacting.
>> As Chuck observed, the fields still show "unknown", but I am now able to 
>> cut/paste.
>> Best regards.
>> Geoff
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 7:20 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:
>>> Hi Geoff,
>>> What moveAddict tech  support told me is that the standard mac key 
>>> commands for cut and paste are actually in the  invisible part of the 
>>> preferences.
>>> "Keyboard shortcuts window;
 Cut keyboard shortcut unknown
 paste keyboard shortcut unknown"
>>> when I asked how I enter a key command for cut and paste they said that 
>>> the default is the standard mac commands! They could at least make 
>>> these visible using VoiceOver!
>>> Talk soon
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 10:15 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
 Since the moveAddict support group is apparently ignoring my notes, I 
 decided after reading Esther's post to reinstall moveAddict version 
 2.24.  To that end I deleted both files from the apps folder and the 
 prefferences file "com.kapeli.moveaddict.plist" from directory 
 This action cured the problem where moveAddict rendered it impossible 
 to navigate with the

Re: dvd ripper for mac.

2011-01-29 Thread Nektarios Mallas
Hi there. Thanks for the reply. 
I will try mac the ripper to see how it works. 
Unfortunately, handbreak, although very accessible, it doesn't remove the copy 
protection of DVDS, and is unable to rip when copy protection is present. 
I will continue the search.


On Jan 27, 2011, at 3:31 PM, Matthew Alvernaz wrote:

> Hi, there is a program called mac the ripper that might do the job, although 
> I'm not sure if it rips to iso.  Another program I know of called hand break 
> will rip it directly to a video format as long as you have VLC media player.  
> Other than those two options, which are mostly accessible, I'm not really 
> sure.
> Hope that helped!
> Thanks, Matthew
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 3:54 AM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:
>> Hi guys. As I am trying to get rid of windows and use my mac for all my 
>> activities, I am searching for an accessible dvd ripper for my mac. 
>> I want to be able to rip dvd to an ISO file and remove the copy protection 
>> if present. 
>> I am not in to piracy or anything like that, I just want to place ISO images 
>> on my network drive, to play them on my media center. 
>> Are there any options out there for voice over users? 
>> Thanks.
>> Nektarios.
>> -- 
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Re: dvd ripper for mac.

2011-01-29 Thread Nektarios Mallas
Ok, that's great info.
I will certainly try this program and probably go for it. 
I also like to give my money to those who conceder accessibility and do 
something about it. 
I will let you all know about the results, and join the mac-access list. 


On Jan 27, 2011, at 6:46 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Nektarios,
> If you are willing to consider DVD ripper programs that are not freeware, you 
> might try the pro version of Metakine's DVDRemaster ($49.99; standard version 
> is $39.99):
> This commercial software is accessible with VoiceOver, and will run about 
> three times faster than Handbrake, as well as providing other features, such 
> as encoding separate audio tracks, and handling multiple language tracks, 
> etc. You could download the trial version and experiment with this for 
> yourself.  I'm not much of a DVD movie user myself, but DVDRemaster Pro is 
> the preferred solution for some users on the mac-access list who have 
> converted their DVDs to keep the media on their computers as you outline 
> here.  (This includes the list owner of mac-access, who provided feedback to 
> the developer to improve accessibility of what was already a pretty 
> accessible product to start out with.) If you have questions about the 
> program, you could join the mac-access list and pose them directly. Here's 
> the web page that describes the mailing lists and signup procedure for 
> HTH. Cheers,
> Esther
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 03:31, Matthew Alvernaz wrote:
>> Hi, there is a program called mac the ripper that might do the job, although 
>> I'm not sure if it rips to iso.  Another program I know of called hand break 
>> will rip it directly to a video format as long as you have VLC media player. 
>>  Other than those two options, which are mostly accessible, I'm not really 
>> sure.
>> Hope that helped!
>> Thanks, Matthew
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 3:54 AM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:
>>> Hi guys. As I am trying to get rid of windows and use my mac for all my 
>>> activities, I am searching for an accessible dvd ripper for my mac. 
>>> I want to be able to rip dvd to an ISO file and remove the copy protection 
>>> if present. 
>>> I am not in to piracy or anything like that, I just want to place ISO 
>>> images on my network drive, to play them on my media center. 
>>> Are there any options out there for voice over users? 
>>> Thanks.
>>> Nektarios.
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Re: word processor for the itouch?

2011-01-29 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi Ann,  It seems the notes application is hiding in my finance folder.  That 
must have happened when I first got the thing.  Kinda like the way my mac is 
registered to eerik urggraaf, because I hadn't mastered the trick of editing on 
the mac yet.  Good times.  

I've actually bought INotepad and quite like it.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-01-29, at 12:40 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Erik,
> Why not just use the Notes app that comes with the iPod Touch?
> Otherwise, if you want something that will sync with your Mac, try Simple 
> Note and its other half for the Mac, Notational Velocity.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 29 Jan 2011, at 17:11, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi guys, I need a word processor for the ITouch and don't have all day to 
>> fiddle with different ones.  For right right now I just need the ability to 
>> type up 3 lines of notes for a 5 minute presentation, more so I can look the 
>> part of a successful access technologist than because I need pointers to 
>> keep me on track.
>> Eventually I'd like to explore something more advanced like quick office and 
>> would appreciate any thoughts you might have on that score.  But for now, 
>> can you get me up and typing so I can strap on my braille display and look 
>> cool at the presentation?
>> Thanks,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> User support consultant,
>> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
>> 1-888-255-5194
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: word processor for the itouch?

2011-01-29 Thread erik burggraaf
Thanks rose, Inotepad worked great.  Only a couple of things bemuse me and 
maybe they are a result of lack of proficiency with IOS.

1, I can't find the open button.  I've got save, email, and some other goodies 
but no open.  So, if I save 3 or 4 things and want to go back and look at 
something other than the last file I edited, how do I go about that?  I know it 
will bring up the last file I was working on automatically when I open the app.

I notice that if I double tap and hold I get a popup menu with things like 
select, select all, cut and copy, but when I double tap one, the menu goes away 
with no apparent effect.  What am I missing?


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-01-29, at 11:52 AM, Rose Morales wrote:

> Try iNotepad GN. It's accessible, stable, simple, and cute.
> It costs $2.99. Quick Office is not accessible, last I check. If you have 
> dropbox, you might also consider Nebulous or Droptext. Both are accessible 
> and are $0.99 each
> Hth,
> Rose.
> On Jan 29, 2011, at 11:11 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi guys, I need a word processor for the ITouch and don't have all day to 
>> fiddle with different ones.  For right right now I just need the ability to 
>> type up 3 lines of notes for a 5 minute presentation, more so I can look the 
>> part of a successful access technologist than because I need pointers to 
>> keep me on track.
>> Eventually I'd like to explore something more advanced like quick office and 
>> would appreciate any thoughts you might have on that score.  But for now, 
>> can you get me up and typing so I can strap on my braille display and look 
>> cool at the presentation?
>> Thanks,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> User support consultant,
>> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
>> 1-888-255-5194
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: word processor for the itouch?

2011-01-29 Thread Jane
I'm using Notesy, not sure of exact spelling, and it works pretty well


On Jan 29, 2011, at 1:05 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi Ann,  It seems the notes application is hiding in my finance folder.  That 
> must have happened when I first got the thing.  Kinda like the way my mac is 
> registered to eerik urggraaf, because I hadn't mastered the trick of editing 
> on the mac yet.  Good times.  
> I've actually bought INotepad and quite like it.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2011-01-29, at 12:40 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Erik,
>> Why not just use the Notes app that comes with the iPod Touch?
>> Otherwise, if you want something that will sync with your Mac, try Simple 
>> Note and its other half for the Mac, Notational Velocity.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 29 Jan 2011, at 17:11, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Hi guys, I need a word processor for the ITouch and don't have all day to 
>>> fiddle with different ones.  For right right now I just need the ability to 
>>> type up 3 lines of notes for a 5 minute presentation, more so I can look 
>>> the part of a successful access technologist than because I need pointers 
>>> to keep me on track.
>>> Eventually I'd like to explore something more advanced like quick office 
>>> and would appreciate any thoughts you might have on that score.  But for 
>>> now, can you get me up and typing so I can strap on my braille display and 
>>> look cool at the presentation?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> User support consultant,
>>> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
>>> 1-888-255-5194
>>> -- 
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Re: dvd ripper for mac.

2011-01-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
I've had dvds thought where you have to use dvd shrink as hand break would not 
see it. I was trying to put the dvds on my ipod andI could not do it until dvd 
shrink had done what ever it does for this to work. Now if dvd shrink would be 
made for the mac that would be nice!

On Jan 27, 2011, at 5:31 AM, Matthew Alvernaz wrote:

> Hi, there is a program called mac the ripper that might do the job, although 
> I'm not sure if it rips to iso.  Another program I know of called hand break 
> will rip it directly to a video format as long as you have VLC media player.  
> Other than those two options, which are mostly accessible, I'm not really 
> sure.
> Hope that helped!
> Thanks, Matthew
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 3:54 AM, Nektarios Mallas wrote:
>> Hi guys. As I am trying to get rid of windows and use my mac for all my 
>> activities, I am searching for an accessible dvd ripper for my mac. 
>> I want to be able to rip dvd to an ISO file and remove the copy protection 
>> if present. 
>> I am not in to piracy or anything like that, I just want to place ISO images 
>> on my network drive, to play them on my media center. 
>> Are there any options out there for voice over users? 
>> Thanks.
>> Nektarios.
>> -- 
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Re: Dropbox accessibility

2011-01-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
Well I contacted them and they told me the same thing as last year. We are 
aware of the problem and we are working on it. They came out wiht an update for 
windows a few month ago bot not as far as I know an update for the mac so I 
really won't believe that they are aware of the problem until I myself see some 
changes. I pointed them to my youtube vid I made so hopefully that gets the 
ball roling a bit more.

On Jan 29, 2011, at 7:45 AM, Jes Smith wrote:

> Louis, if you wouldn't mind, would you please take your pesimistic attitude 
> off this list? We're all trying to change drop box accessibility for the 
> better, and frankly your pesimism is a stumbling block to a lot of us.
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 9:36 PM, louie wrote:
>> Been there did that.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 6:33 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Louie:
>>> Just a thought: I would be a new dropbox user if it weren't fraught with so 
>>> many issues.  There is some strength in numbers.  So, it's possible to have 
>>> some effect if more people try to get their attention.  The other thing to 
>>> do is ask the Apple accessibility team to contact the developers.  It can't 
>>> hurt.
>>> Carolyn H
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:57 PM, louie wrote:
 I have e-mailed them many times with out any results.
 Some developers don't care they don't need to.
 I have been a dropbox user for a very long time.
 On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
> Hello Louie.
> Don't mean to be rude but with that kind of attitude then there sure 
> isn't anything going to be happening on the Dropbox accessibility front.
> If enough people want the accessibility supported, then they should let 
> Dropbox know and maybe something could be done.
> On 2011-01-27, at 2:05 PM, louie wrote:
>> They don't care they don't half to.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>>> Hello mac users.
>>> Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the 
>>> lack of accessibility within they're mac application.
>>> If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, 
>>> send them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the 
>>> feedback link from the links area.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Copied text to Dropbox
>>> Hello Dropbox team.
>>> I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my self.
>>> This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for 
>>> mac application.
>>> When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in 
>>> screen reading software on the mac.
>>> VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac and 
>>> Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an application 
>>> can be made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
>>> Thanks for reading.
>>> Matthew Campbell.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> louie
>> -- 
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>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to macvision

Re: Dropbox accessibility

2011-01-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
Except the fact that  you have to access the status of the files using a very 
odd work around if you are a beginner mac user like I am but that's not the 
fault of dropbox I don't think. If apple could make all the icons visible int 
he status menu then we would not have to use the track pad. As for the prefs I 
like to change them to meet my needs and right now I cannot do that. There is 
no way for example to change the bandwith for example to unlimited or a way to 
tell it to take all of my bandwith Not with out sighted help.

On Jan 29, 2011, at 8:37 AM, Dane Trethowan wrote:

> I've said before and I'll say again, there's really only one thing in Dropbox 
> which isn't accessible on the Mac and that's the preferences and by default 
> Dropbox preferences work just fine, not much in there to change anyway so I 
> think the tag here that Dropbox isn't accessible is an outright lie as only y 
> the application isn't accessible.
> I've been using Dropbox for months across various platforms including Mac, my 
> data syncs fine! I can retrieve files from my dropbox account on the Mac just 
> fine! I can upload files to my Dropbox from my Mac just fine! I can copy 
> public links from my public Dropbox folder using my Mac just fine! I can sync 
> my Itunes folder from any Mac to any other computer running Dropbox in my 
> house just fine! so given all that? Well I'd hardly call Dropbox inaccessible 
> .
> On 30/01/2011, at 2:45 AM, Jes Smith wrote:
>> Louis, if you wouldn't mind, would you please take your pesimistic attitude 
>> off this list? We're all trying to change drop box accessibility for the 
>> better, and frankly your pesimism is a stumbling block to a lot of us.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 9:36 PM, louie wrote:
>>> Been there did that.
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 6:33 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi Louie:
 Just a thought: I would be a new dropbox user if it weren't fraught with 
 so many issues.  There is some strength in numbers.  So, it's possible to 
 have some effect if more people try to get their attention.  The other 
 thing to do is ask the Apple accessibility team to contact the developers. 
  It can't hurt.
 Carolyn H
 On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:57 PM, louie wrote:
> I have e-mailed them many times with out any results.
> Some developers don't care they don't need to.
> I have been a dropbox user for a very long time.
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hello Louie.
>> Don't mean to be rude but with that kind of attitude then there sure 
>> isn't anything going to be happening on the Dropbox accessibility front.
>> If enough people want the accessibility supported, then they should let 
>> Dropbox know and maybe something could be done.
>> On 2011-01-27, at 2:05 PM, louie wrote:
>>> They don't care they don't half to.
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
 Hello mac users.
 Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the 
 lack of accessibility within they're mac application.
 If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, 
 send them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the 
 feedback link from the links area.
 Copied text to Dropbox
 Hello Dropbox team.
 I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my 
 This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for 
 mac application.
 When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in 
 screen reading software on the mac.
 VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac 
 and Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an 
 application can be made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
 Thanks for reading.
 Matthew Campbell.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> louie
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>> htt

Re: Apologies To Keith, Was

2011-01-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
the funny tung is before I created filters I didn't see my own posts and I did 
have l labels. Now that I created the filters on gamil I see my own posts and I 
hate that. What I do is go thorugh all the folders using a find and except for 
sent and trash, clear my emails every day if I remember. lol!
On Jan 29, 2011, at 7:51 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Oops, I read the message and missed the irony before I'd had my coffee. 
> Really sorry about that. I will consider labels for Gmail, actually, that 
> sounds very useful in a lot of ways.
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> On Jan 29, 2011, at 4:59 AM, Keith Watson wrote:
>> Actually imap has been around longer than pop and is actually more stable 
>> than pop. Your issue is not an imap issue it's a google issue. They have 
>> your inbox set to not show you anything from yourself. You wrote it and know 
>> what you said so why in the world would you want to know that it posted to a 
>> list? Just another example of big brother holding your hand. Tied behind 
>> your back in my opinion.
>> If you do like other listers have suggested and create a label for your 
>> lists and move all traffic from that list into that folder then you will 
>> begin to see your own posts. At least that's the way I solved it.
>> HTH
>> Keith
>> On Jan 28, 2011, at 8:49 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> I really didn't intentionally set any labels. I saw and still see that
>>> the message is from "me", but it doesn't show up in the labels as
>>> "me". I haven't gotten my own messages since I joined the list last
>>> spring. Until I switched to pop. Go figure. There could be a number of
>>> factors involved. Who knows. IMAP in Google seemed more unstable to me
>>> than pop as well.
>>> Teresa
>>> On Jan 28, 1:38 pm, Colin M  wrote:
 Hi Teresa!
 Do you not want to or do you not know about setting your own card in your 
 address book!
 Then you can set mail to cc yourself and from then on any emails you send 
 you will get a copy!
 If you do not want to use this then fare enough!
 Chegh chew jaj Vam jaj Kak
 On 28 Jan 2011, at 21:15, Jane wrote:
> I did this, but then I switched to iMap for all my email accounts, except 
> for one.
> Jane
> On Jan 28, 2011, at 3:12 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Anyone tried this? It seems to be working. I'll soon find out if I 
>> receive copies of my own messages to the list, too, which I would like.
>> Teresa
>> --
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>>> -- 
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Dropbox Software Accessibility

2011-01-29 Thread Dane Trethowan
There was an update to the Dropbox software for Mac just recently though no 
change in accessibility of the system preferences but again, a minor issue.

On 30/01/2011, at 5:56 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Well I contacted them and they told me the same thing as last year. We are 
> aware of the problem and we are working on it. They came out wiht an update 
> for windows a few month ago bot not as far as I know an update for the mac so 
> I really won't believe that they are aware of the problem until I myself see 
> some changes. I pointed them to my youtube vid I made so hopefully that gets 
> the ball roling a bit more.
> S
> On Jan 29, 2011, at 7:45 AM, Jes Smith wrote:
>> Louis, if you wouldn't mind, would you please take your pesimistic attitude 
>> off this list? We're all trying to change drop box accessibility for the 
>> better, and frankly your pesimism is a stumbling block to a lot of us.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 9:36 PM, louie wrote:
>>> Been there did that.
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 6:33 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi Louie:
 Just a thought: I would be a new dropbox user if it weren't fraught with 
 so many issues.  There is some strength in numbers.  So, it's possible to 
 have some effect if more people try to get their attention.  The other 
 thing to do is ask the Apple accessibility team to contact the developers. 
  It can't hurt.
 Carolyn H
 On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:57 PM, louie wrote:
> I have e-mailed them many times with out any results.
> Some developers don't care they don't need to.
> I have been a dropbox user for a very long time.
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>> Hello Louie.
>> Don't mean to be rude but with that kind of attitude then there sure 
>> isn't anything going to be happening on the Dropbox accessibility front.
>> If enough people want the accessibility supported, then they should let 
>> Dropbox know and maybe something could be done.
>> On 2011-01-27, at 2:05 PM, louie wrote:
>>> They don't care they don't half to.
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
 Hello mac users.
 Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the 
 lack of accessibility within they're mac application.
 If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, 
 send them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the 
 feedback link from the links area.
 Copied text to Dropbox
 Hello Dropbox team.
 I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my 
 This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for 
 mac application.
 When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in 
 screen reading software on the mac.
 VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac 
 and Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an 
 application can be made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
 Thanks for reading.
 Matthew Campbell.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> louie
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> louie
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Facebook Fopa

2011-01-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
Any word that  they will have it on fb mobile as well? if so we really need to 
write to facebook accessibility. I have there email if anyone wants it.

On Jan 29, 2011, at 4:36 AM, Keith Watson wrote:

>> What's not true? That we cannot access Captcha's or that Facebook is going 
>> to implement this as a security measure? Well I will give you the Captcha 
>> access having a work around, if it were a normal Captcha. We could then go 
>> through the hoops of sending it off to a service to have some sighted person 
>> tell us what it is then put it in. Or listen to some convoluted audio crap 
>> that someone with any hearing difficulty at all can make neither heads nor 
>> tales of. But in this case the Captcha schema that Facebook HAS, note the 
>> caps on that "HAS", implemented is not of this type. They are using pictures 
>> of people that you have friended as the Captcha. How is someone that you 
>> don't know going to tell you who that picture of Scott Howell picking his 
>> nose is? And don't give me the line about just ask someone sighted in your 
>> house to assist. Some of us live alone and do not wish to rely on sightlings 
>> for help.
> Above I capitalized the word has. I did this because last night I again 
> caught the Friday edition of TNT and a caller verified that Facebook was 
> already rolling out this schema. I have not yet run into it, but am just 
> waiting for the first time that I do. Will probably be the last time I use 
> Facebook.
> Thoughts?
> Keith
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 5:54 PM, Maurice Mines wrote:
>> not true.
>>  On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:03 AM, Thomas Watson wrote:
>>> Tom,
>>> Caught your story yesterday about Facebook adding Captcha to the users
>>> login. Those of us who are visually challenged are not able to access
>>> Captcha's in any way. So this means that we will no longer be able to
>>> log into our Facebook accounts if this measure is implemented. I would
>>> think that adding some sort of question and answer schema would be
>>> just as secure and still allow the blind community to access their
>>> social media.
>>> Hopefully this venue and my other emails to various lists will bring
>>> light to an already dark situation.
>>> Love the show.
>>> Keith Watson
>>> 813-760-1381
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> -- 
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>>  Maurice Mines
>> -- 
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Re: Dropbox Software Accessibility

2011-01-29 Thread Sarah Alawami
Well, we'll see what happens. I have contacted he dev and asked if he would 
except blind beta testers so as to get things straightned faster but no 
responce as of yet. I can't remember whenI sent that btw that was a wile ago.
On Jan 29, 2011, at 11:13 AM, Dane Trethowan wrote:

> There was an update to the Dropbox software for Mac just recently though no 
> change in accessibility of the system preferences but again, a minor issue.
> On 30/01/2011, at 5:56 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Well I contacted them and they told me the same thing as last year. We are 
>> aware of the problem and we are working on it. They came out wiht an update 
>> for windows a few month ago bot not as far as I know an update for the mac 
>> so I really won't believe that they are aware of the problem until I myself 
>> see some changes. I pointed them to my youtube vid I made so hopefully that 
>> gets the ball roling a bit more.
>> S
>> On Jan 29, 2011, at 7:45 AM, Jes Smith wrote:
>>> Louis, if you wouldn't mind, would you please take your pesimistic attitude 
>>> off this list? We're all trying to change drop box accessibility for the 
>>> better, and frankly your pesimism is a stumbling block to a lot of us.
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 9:36 PM, louie wrote:
 Been there did that.
 On Jan 27, 2011, at 6:33 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi Louie:
> Just a thought: I would be a new dropbox user if it weren't fraught with 
> so many issues.  There is some strength in numbers.  So, it's possible to 
> have some effect if more people try to get their attention.  The other 
> thing to do is ask the Apple accessibility team to contact the 
> developers.  It can't hurt.
> Carolyn H
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 12:57 PM, louie wrote:
>> I have e-mailed them many times with out any results.
>> Some developers don't care they don't need to.
>> I have been a dropbox user for a very long time.
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:31 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
>>> Hello Louie.
>>> Don't mean to be rude but with that kind of attitude then there sure 
>>> isn't anything going to be happening on the Dropbox accessibility front.
>>> If enough people want the accessibility supported, then they should let 
>>> Dropbox know and maybe something could be done.
>>> On 2011-01-27, at 2:05 PM, louie wrote:
 They don't care they don't half to.
 On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
> Hello mac users.
> Copied below is a message I just recently sent to Drop box about the 
> lack of accessibility within they're mac application.
> If you, like me, feel that the Dropbox app should be made accessible, 
> send them a message by opening your web item rotor and choosing the 
> feedback link from the links area.
> Thanks.
> Copied text to Dropbox
> Hello Dropbox team.
> I'd like to report a problem that I would class as a bug report my 
> self.
> This has to do with the lack of accessibility within the Dropbox for 
> mac application.
> When I launch the Dropbox app, I get no feedback from the built in 
> screen reading software on the mac.
> VoiceOver is the free screen reading solution built in to every mac 
> and Apple's developer documentation makes reference on how an 
> application can be made to be accessible while using VoiceOver.
> Thanks for reading.
> Matthew Campbell.
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
 Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, 

Re: scanning

2011-01-29 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi,  The EyePal is a band-aid solution at this point, a very platinum band-aid 
if I may say so.  I'm recommending it to clients because it's easy and it works 
and they won't have to pick up the tab for most of it.  My clients are for the 
most part either elderly and fearful or studentish and in need of something 
quick and effective.  The EyePal serves in both regards.  If it had true mac 
software I'd have no reservations.  As it is, it's fast, portable, effective, 
nice-looking on a desk, easy to use and easy to teach.  And the price is slowly 
coming down.  Doubtful it will ever be as cheep as an off the shelf product, 
but I've never seen an off the shelf product do what EyePal does.  Some one 
prove it to me.  I'd love to see it, and I'll be right there on the bandwagon 
as soon as it happens, but til then it's the eyepal.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-01-28, at 1:06 PM, Kaare Dehard wrote:

> Hi, just to add to your contribution, eyepal, anyone tried the mac version, 
> and with what resault? I'm in a hurry to get a solution, and am not sure I'm 
> fond of buying two programs, also, which scanners work best these days. As I 
> understand things things do shift from time to time depending on product 
> availability.
> On 2011-01-28, at 12:45 PM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
>> Greetings Ann and others,
>> Okay, so I gather the reason to get both VUEScan and FineReader is that the 
>> former will run the scanner and the latter provides a much better OCR 
>> result.  Does finereader resolve the orientation?  There are eight ways to 
>> put a page on the scanner and only one is correct.  One would not need to 
>> run through all four iterations for the blank side, but for many items which 
>> are not always printed lengthwise, it could take as many as four scans to 
>> get it right.  Mean time, when the orientation is not correct, it takes much 
>> longer to recognize, and you end up with a garbage result.
>> So I will probably download VUEScan and see for myself but thought I'd ask 
>> here, because if ABBYY cannot determine orientation, I will stick with K1000 
>> for the foreseeable future.
>> Best regards.
>> Geoff
>> all four 
>> On Jan 28, 2011, at 10:29 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Erik,
>>> I can get ABBYY FineReader to recognise my Canon Lide 700F portable USB 
>>> scanner, but it's a bit fiddly. I find it much easier and more effective to 
>>> use VueScan to do the scanning and FineReader to do the OCR.
>>> VueScan produces beautiful images and FineReader does an almost perfect job 
>>> with OCR.
>>> I set VueScan to produce TIFF files and set TIFF files to always open with 
>>> ABBYY FineReader.
>>> In this way, I launch VueScan, scan as many pages as I need, then 
>>> FineReader is launched automatically. I've set a shortcut for "Convert to 
>>> Text Document", so all I then have to do is enter the file name and where 
>>> to put it.
>>> It all sounds much more complicated than it really is.
>>> I've demonstrated this scanning procedure to very sceptical Windows users 
>>> and they were impressed by its quality and efficiency.
>>> I'll send you my user guide off list so you can see for yourself.
>>> cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> -- 
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Re: scanning

2011-01-29 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi Ann,

I would love to see the tutorial.  I've looked at some other documentation 
prepared by others on this list, and while it worked out for them, it doesn't 
meet the needs of my clients.  An off the shelf solution that really works 
would be a huge asset.

Thanks and have a relaxing weekend,

Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,

On 2011-01-28, at 10:29 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Erik,
> I can get ABBYY FineReader to recognise my Canon Lide 700F portable USB 
> scanner, but it's a bit fiddly. I find it much easier and more effective to 
> use VueScan to do the scanning and FineReader to do the OCR.
> VueScan produces beautiful images and FineReader does an almost perfect job 
> with OCR.
> I set VueScan to produce TIFF files and set TIFF files to always open with 
> ABBYY FineReader.
> In this way, I launch VueScan, scan as many pages as I need, then FineReader 
> is launched automatically. I've set a shortcut for "Convert to Text 
> Document", so all I then have to do is enter the file name and where to put 
> it.
> It all sounds much more complicated than it really is.
> I've demonstrated this scanning procedure to very sceptical Windows users and 
> they were impressed by its quality and efficiency.
> I'll send you my user guide off list so you can see for yourself.
> cheers,
> Anne
> -- 
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Alarm clock for Ipad

2011-01-29 Thread Dane Trethowan

As the Ipad doesn't have one of these as part of its suite of built-in apps can 
anyone recommend an alarm clock for the Ipad?

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Re: scanning

2011-01-29 Thread Kaare Dehard
right, I need something quick,not exactly clean but reliable when running. Now 
thinking vuescan/abby combo and some decent scanner, any recommendations for 
nice workable rugged scanners that don't have a printer or fax or a million 
other things that they're part of?

On 2011-01-29, at 2:47 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi,  The EyePal is a band-aid solution at this point, a very platinum 
> band-aid if I may say so.  I'm recommending it to clients because it's easy 
> and it works and they won't have to pick up the tab for most of it.  My 
> clients are for the most part either elderly and fearful or studentish and in 
> need of something quick and effective.  The EyePal serves in both regards.  
> If it had true mac software I'd have no reservations.  As it is, it's fast, 
> portable, effective, nice-looking on a desk, easy to use and easy to teach.  
> And the price is slowly coming down.  Doubtful it will ever be as cheep as an 
> off the shelf product, but I've never seen an off the shelf product do what 
> EyePal does.  Some one prove it to me.  I'd love to see it, and I'll be right 
> there on the bandwagon as soon as it happens, but til then it's the eyepal.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
> 1-888-255-5194
> On 2011-01-28, at 1:06 PM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
>> Hi, just to add to your contribution, eyepal, anyone tried the mac version, 
>> and with what resault? I'm in a hurry to get a solution, and am not sure I'm 
>> fond of buying two programs, also, which scanners work best these days. As I 
>> understand things things do shift from time to time depending on product 
>> availability.
>> On 2011-01-28, at 12:45 PM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
>>> Greetings Ann and others,
>>> Okay, so I gather the reason to get both VUEScan and FineReader is that the 
>>> former will run the scanner and the latter provides a much better OCR 
>>> result.  Does finereader resolve the orientation?  There are eight ways to 
>>> put a page on the scanner and only one is correct.  One would not need to 
>>> run through all four iterations for the blank side, but for many items 
>>> which are not always printed lengthwise, it could take as many as four 
>>> scans to get it right.  Mean time, when the orientation is not correct, it 
>>> takes much longer to recognize, and you end up with a garbage result.
>>> So I will probably download VUEScan and see for myself but thought I'd ask 
>>> here, because if ABBYY cannot determine orientation, I will stick with 
>>> K1000 for the foreseeable future.
>>> Best regards.
>>> Geoff
>>> all four 
>>> On Jan 28, 2011, at 10:29 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
 Hello Erik,
 I can get ABBYY FineReader to recognise my Canon Lide 700F portable USB 
 scanner, but it's a bit fiddly. I find it much easier and more effective 
 to use VueScan to do the scanning and FineReader to do the OCR.
 VueScan produces beautiful images and FineReader does an almost perfect 
 job with OCR.
 I set VueScan to produce TIFF files and set TIFF files to always open with 
 ABBYY FineReader.
 In this way, I launch VueScan, scan as many pages as I need, then 
 FineReader is launched automatically. I've set a shortcut for "Convert to 
 Text Document", so all I then have to do is enter the file name and where 
 to put it.
 It all sounds much more complicated than it really is.
 I've demonstrated this scanning procedure to very sceptical Windows users 
 and they were impressed by its quality and efficiency.
 I'll send you my user guide off list so you can see for yourself.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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Re: Facebook Fopa

2011-01-29 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
This was done for Tunisia where the goverment sstole peoples identity and then 
erased accounts.  There is an article about this in The Atlantic.  When 
Facebook discovered that a large store of accounts had their passwords stolen 
because they were sending them in clear text, they did 2 things

1. Create a query asking who is this person for anybody whose account had been 
comprimised by the goverenment.
2. Enabled HTTPS for facebook so that passwords could not be stolen.

So if the entire reason for the queries is to ensure your account has not been 
hijacked, then just using the HTTPS should be sufficient.


On Jan 29, 2011, at 7:36 AM, Keith Watson wrote:

>> What's not true? That we cannot access Captcha's or that Facebook is going 
>> to implement this as a security measure? Well I will give you the Captcha 
>> access having a work around, if it were a normal Captcha. We could then go 
>> through the hoops of sending it off to a service to have some sighted person 
>> tell us what it is then put it in. Or listen to some convoluted audio crap 
>> that someone with any hearing difficulty at all can make neither heads nor 
>> tales of. But in this case the Captcha schema that Facebook HAS, note the 
>> caps on that "HAS", implemented is not of this type. They are using pictures 
>> of people that you have friended as the Captcha. How is someone that you 
>> don't know going to tell you who that picture of Scott Howell picking his 
>> nose is? And don't give me the line about just ask someone sighted in your 
>> house to assist. Some of us live alone and do not wish to rely on sightlings 
>> for help.
> Above I capitalized the word has. I did this because last night I again 
> caught the Friday edition of TNT and a caller verified that Facebook was 
> already rolling out this schema. I have not yet run into it, but am just 
> waiting for the first time that I do. Will probably be the last time I use 
> Facebook.
> Thoughts?
> Keith
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 5:54 PM, Maurice Mines wrote:
>> not true.
>>  On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:03 AM, Thomas Watson wrote:
>>> Tom,
>>> Caught your story yesterday about Facebook adding Captcha to the users
>>> login. Those of us who are visually challenged are not able to access
>>> Captcha's in any way. So this means that we will no longer be able to
>>> log into our Facebook accounts if this measure is implemented. I would
>>> think that adding some sort of question and answer schema would be
>>> just as secure and still allow the blind community to access their
>>> social media.
>>> Hopefully this venue and my other emails to various lists will bring
>>> light to an already dark situation.
>>> Love the show.
>>> Keith Watson
>>> 813-760-1381
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>>  Maurice Mines
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: scanning

2011-01-29 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn
There is a take control of your paperless office book that is a bit  down on my 
reading list, but probably a good idea for other folks on this list.

I heard an interview with Joe Kissle who wrote the book, and one point he made 
is that the flat bed scanners that are so popular are not greate for OCR.  He 
seems to like the Fujitsu line of scanners that can scan both sides of a sheet 
of paper and cost around $300 US.

If anybody has some free cycles and would like to review the book here I would 
appreciate the knowledge.  

Best regards,


On Jan 29, 2011, at 3:30 PM, Kaare Dehard wrote:

> right, I need something quick,not exactly clean but reliable when running. 
> Now thinking vuescan/abby combo and some decent scanner, any recommendations 
> for nice workable rugged scanners that don't have a printer or fax or a 
> million other things that they're part of?
> Thanks.
> On 2011-01-29, at 2:47 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi,  The EyePal is a band-aid solution at this point, a very platinum 
>> band-aid if I may say so.  I'm recommending it to clients because it's easy 
>> and it works and they won't have to pick up the tab for most of it.  My 
>> clients are for the most part either elderly and fearful or studentish and 
>> in need of something quick and effective.  The EyePal serves in both 
>> regards.  If it had true mac software I'd have no reservations.  As it is, 
>> it's fast, portable, effective, nice-looking on a desk, easy to use and easy 
>> to teach.  And the price is slowly coming down.  Doubtful it will ever be as 
>> cheep as an off the shelf product, but I've never seen an off the shelf 
>> product do what EyePal does.  Some one prove it to me.  I'd love to see it, 
>> and I'll be right there on the bandwagon as soon as it happens, but til then 
>> it's the eyepal.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> User support consultant,
>> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
>> 1-888-255-5194
>> On 2011-01-28, at 1:06 PM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
>>> Hi, just to add to your contribution, eyepal, anyone tried the mac version, 
>>> and with what resault? I'm in a hurry to get a solution, and am not sure 
>>> I'm fond of buying two programs, also, which scanners work best these days. 
>>> As I understand things things do shift from time to time depending on 
>>> product availability.
>>> On 2011-01-28, at 12:45 PM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
 Greetings Ann and others,
 Okay, so I gather the reason to get both VUEScan and FineReader is that 
 the former will run the scanner and the latter provides a much better OCR 
 result.  Does finereader resolve the orientation?  There are eight ways to 
 put a page on the scanner and only one is correct.  One would not need to 
 run through all four iterations for the blank side, but for many items 
 which are not always printed lengthwise, it could take as many as four 
 scans to get it right.  Mean time, when the orientation is not correct, it 
 takes much longer to recognize, and you end up with a garbage result.
 So I will probably download VUEScan and see for myself but thought I'd ask 
 here, because if ABBYY cannot determine orientation, I will stick with 
 K1000 for the foreseeable future.
 Best regards.
 all four 
 On Jan 28, 2011, at 10:29 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Erik,
> I can get ABBYY FineReader to recognise my Canon Lide 700F portable USB 
> scanner, but it's a bit fiddly. I find it much easier and more effective 
> to use VueScan to do the scanning and FineReader to do the OCR.
> VueScan produces beautiful images and FineReader does an almost perfect 
> job with OCR.
> I set VueScan to produce TIFF files and set TIFF files to always open 
> with ABBYY FineReader.
> In this way, I launch VueScan, scan as many pages as I need, then 
> FineReader is launched automatically. I've set a shortcut for "Convert to 
> Text Document", so all I then have to do is enter the file name and where 
> to put it.
> It all sounds much more complicated than it really is.
> I've demonstrated this scanning procedure to very sceptical Windows users 
> and they were impressed by its quality and efficiency.
> I'll send you my user guide off list so you can see for yourself.
> cheers,
> Anne
> -- 
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Trackpad gestures on the macbook?

2011-01-29 Thread Neil James
Greetings all. A friend who is looking to buy a macbook asked me this and 
rather then speculating as to the answer, I thought I'd ask here. Does the 
current line of macbooks support the use of gestures like on the iPhone via the 
trackpad or is this only possible with the macbook pro line? Thanks much.


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Re: Facebook Fopa

2011-01-29 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hopefully there will be a way to "opt out" of these periodic captchas, such as 
verifying a mobile device or some other such thing.

On Jan 29, 2011, at 12:36 PM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

> This was done for Tunisia where the goverment sstole peoples identity and 
> then erased accounts.  There is an article about this in The Atlantic.  When 
> Facebook discovered that a large store of accounts had their passwords stolen 
> because they were sending them in clear text, they did 2 things
> 1. Create a query asking who is this person for anybody whose account had 
> been comprimised by the goverenment.
> 2. Enabled HTTPS for facebook so that passwords could not be stolen.
> So if the entire reason for the queries is to ensure your account has not 
> been hijacked, then just using the HTTPS should be sufficient.
> Jon
> On Jan 29, 2011, at 7:36 AM, Keith Watson wrote:
>>> What's not true? That we cannot access Captcha's or that Facebook is going 
>>> to implement this as a security measure? Well I will give you the Captcha 
>>> access having a work around, if it were a normal Captcha. We could then go 
>>> through the hoops of sending it off to a service to have some sighted 
>>> person tell us what it is then put it in. Or listen to some convoluted 
>>> audio crap that someone with any hearing difficulty at all can make neither 
>>> heads nor tales of. But in this case the Captcha schema that Facebook HAS, 
>>> note the caps on that "HAS", implemented is not of this type. They are 
>>> using pictures of people that you have friended as the Captcha. How is 
>>> someone that you don't know going to tell you who that picture of Scott 
>>> Howell picking his nose is? And don't give me the line about just ask 
>>> someone sighted in your house to assist. Some of us live alone and do not 
>>> wish to rely on sightlings for help.
>> Above I capitalized the word has. I did this because last night I again 
>> caught the Friday edition of TNT and a caller verified that Facebook was 
>> already rolling out this schema. I have not yet run into it, but am just 
>> waiting for the first time that I do. Will probably be the last time I use 
>> Facebook.
>> Thoughts?
>> Keith
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 5:54 PM, Maurice Mines wrote:
>>> not true.   
>>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:03 AM, Thomas Watson wrote:
 Caught your story yesterday about Facebook adding Captcha to the users
 login. Those of us who are visually challenged are not able to access
 Captcha's in any way. So this means that we will no longer be able to
 log into our Facebook accounts if this measure is implemented. I would
 think that adding some sort of question and answer schema would be
 just as secure and still allow the blind community to access their
 social media.
 Hopefully this venue and my other emails to various lists will bring
 light to an already dark situation.
 Love the show.
 Keith Watson
 Sent from my iPhone
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> Maurice Mines
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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> -- 
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Re: Solona nearly never available lately

2011-01-29 Thread Thomas
Trust me, your hearing doesn't have to be compromised to screw those  
things up, mine's pretty good, but a certain large searchengine and  
it's e-mail service is just bad because of all of the backwards junk  
they play with it.Wouldn't say my hearing is great but by the  
numbers it's average and do have a pretty good ability to zone out a  
lot of noise and focus on what I need to hear, but some of those as I  
said are just bad.

On Jan 26, 2011, at 8:43 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

How about some of these so-called brilliant people who depend on  
capchias to block 'bots or fake entries being required to provide  
the solution.  I wonder how quickly things would change if any  
website using them was required to provide an accessible means of  
getting them solved.  I also don't understand the purpose of  
screwing up the audio so that those of us with compromised hearing  
don't even have a chance?

Carolyn H

On Jan 25, 2011, at 11:41 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

Not quite sure what to make of that idea myself;  I mean helping  
the poor pitiful blind to the point that sickness results.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Jan 25, 2011, at 11:06 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

Your kidding right?

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 25, 2011, at 8:14 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:

Hello Ray,,,
the reason Solona is almost never available is because the guy  
who ran it has been very sick. this was established on another  
list. this guy dedicated himself to helping blind people to the  
point where it made him sick.

- Original Message - From: "Ray Foret Jr"  

Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 7:25 PM
Subject: Solona nearly never available lately


Has anybody here noticed that Solona seems never to be  
available during the past two months or so?  Every single time  
I log on or tried to use it or just check to see if it's  
available, it always reports not available. That, I guess, is  
one of the drawbacks to a human based solution like this, but,  
just kind of wondering what's going on?

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

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Re: scanning

2011-01-29 Thread Anne Robertson

My Canon Lide 700F portable USB scanner does a beautiful job with VueScan and 
ABBYY FineReader. When scanning books, I flatten out the book as best I can, 
then press down on the lid of the scanner to stop the book jumping up and 
ruining the scan. It works great and the scanner hasn't complained yet.

Of course, if you can bear to cut the book apart first, you don't need to apply 
pressure to the lid of the scanner.

Let me know if you need my set up instructions for VueScan.



On 29 Jan 2011, at 21:30, Kaare Dehard wrote:

> right, I need something quick,not exactly clean but reliable when running. 
> Now thinking vuescan/abby combo and some decent scanner, any recommendations 
> for nice workable rugged scanners that don't have a printer or fax or a 
> million other things that they're part of?
> Thanks.

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Re: scanning

2011-01-29 Thread Karen Lewellen

just wondering, are there book-edge scanners that are compatible?
The idea of cutting up a book made me flinch lol.

On Sat, 29 Jan 2011, Anne Robertson wrote:


My Canon Lide 700F portable USB scanner does a beautiful job with VueScan and 
ABBYY FineReader. When scanning books, I flatten out the book as best I can, 
then press down on the lid of the scanner to stop the book jumping up and 
ruining the scan. It works great and the scanner hasn't complained yet.

Of course, if you can bear to cut the book apart first, you don't need to apply 
pressure to the lid of the scanner.

Let me know if you need my set up instructions for VueScan.



On 29 Jan 2011, at 21:30, Kaare Dehard wrote:

right, I need something quick,not exactly clean but reliable when running. Now 
thinking vuescan/abby combo and some decent scanner, any recommendations for 
nice workable rugged scanners that don't have a printer or fax or a million 
other things that they're part of?


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Re: scanning

2011-01-29 Thread Mary Otten
There are mac beta drivers for the plusteck opticbook 3600 bookedge scanner. 
Last time I looked, they were in to beta 2, and that was a bit ago, so it is 
possible the driver is now out. But whether it is the sort of fully twain 
compliant driver that FR express needs, I haven't a clue. Given that their 
windows driver is apparently not exactly standard, I'd doubt it, but one never 
knows. The 3600 and its more recently released, more expensive and faster 
cousin the 4600 are wonderful book edge scanners. No pressing down on books 

Mary Otten

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Re: scanning

2011-01-29 Thread Les Kriegler
I recently read that with the latest patch to the K1000 allows that software to 
be run with the EyePal.  One of course would need to run Windows on the Mac, 
but that would seem to be a viable option for those of us with an EyePal.
On Jan 29, 2011, at 4:44 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:

> just wondering, are there book-edge scanners that are compatible?
> The idea of cutting up a book made me flinch lol.
> Karen
> On Sat, 29 Jan 2011, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello,
>> My Canon Lide 700F portable USB scanner does a beautiful job with VueScan 
>> and ABBYY FineReader. When scanning books, I flatten out the book as best I 
>> can, then press down on the lid of the scanner to stop the book jumping up 
>> and ruining the scan. It works great and the scanner hasn't complained yet.
>> Of course, if you can bear to cut the book apart first, you don't need to 
>> apply pressure to the lid of the scanner.
>> Let me know if you need my set up instructions for VueScan.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 29 Jan 2011, at 21:30, Kaare Dehard wrote:
>>> right, I need something quick,not exactly clean but reliable when running. 
>>> Now thinking vuescan/abby combo and some decent scanner, any 
>>> recommendations for nice workable rugged scanners that don't have a printer 
>>> or fax or a million other things that they're part of?
>>> Thanks.
>> -- 
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Re: Apple's online store reveals Verizon iPhone voice plans starting at $39.99

2011-01-29 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Ricardo,

I'm also concerned aboug the cost for the data plans going up before the next 
iPhone comes out.  Remember, at least for Verizon customers, a data plan is 
required ven if one has wiFI.  It's my understanding that the data plan, at 
least for a limited time will be $29.99 for unimited access, and that's 
appealing.  It's a tough call, I'll acknowledge that.  I just don't like the 
unknown factors here.

On Jan 28, 2011, at 8:42 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Right,
> Its not upgrading or not upgrading.  Its the reasons one might use to do 
> either.  If you get terrible AT&T service like you do, it sounds very 
> sensible to me to grab an iPhone 4.  Or if your phone is falling apart.  I 
> just urge people, especially blind people, to try to keep current with 
> hardware if they can.  It could mean enhanced accessibility, and or, 
> productivity.  For example, the addition of LED flash, a faster processor, 
> and a better camera, probably leads to better and faster results using an app 
> like oMoby, and aid colors.  Just running voiceover or zoom takes a way from 
> the devices resources that sighted people don't need to compensate for.  In 
> the case of the limited offering of the unlimited data plan from VZ, I think 
> people should think long and hard about this.  Do you have reliable wifi 
> access at home, work, school, or other places you spend a lot of time?  Does 
> your usage now, 
> comes
> anywhere near lets say 2GB of data a month?  Depending on the answers, you 
> might not even need an unlimited data plan.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 28, 2011, at 8:17 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> I don't think it's such a weak position.  Remember, I didn't upgrade to the 
>> iPhone 4 last year.  My 3gs has served me fine.  I'm just not sure that the 
>> iphone 4 is going to be instantly obsolete like you suggest.  I think people 
>> will have to evaluate the new features of the iphone, and then make a 
>> decision as to whether it's worth it to upgrade to the 5.  Personally, I may 
>> well hang on to my VZ iphone until a model with lte does come out.
>> Donna
>> On Jan 28, 2011, at 8:01 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi Donna,
>>> Nope.  I understand that piece to the puzzle.  Its really not a piece at 
>>> all in my opinion.  I don't think the iPhone 5 will have 4 g anyway.  And 
>>> if it did, what your saying is still a weak position I think.  For example, 
>>> Lets say you buy an iPhone 4 on VZ.  The iPhone 5 comes out in June, and it 
>>> happens to have LTE.  Its ok because there is no coverage in your area.  
>>> Cool.  Your not missing anything.  But what if your area has LTE in 
>>> September?  Or October?  You will still have your 3g iPhone 4.  Verizon 
>>> would really start rolling out LTE at a blistering pace if the iPhone 5 was 
>>> a LTE handset.   But of course, there is a lot of if and buts in there. 
>>> lol.  I was just referring to people who would not have bought an iPhone 4 
>>> on verizon now plunking down the cash just to have unlimited data.
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>>> On Jan 28, 2011, at 7:47 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Yeah, but Ricardo, you're missing a big piece here.  Last week I was 
 asking about figuring out whether my area has LTE.  I got my answer to 
 that question, and it doesn't.  So, yes, there'll be a newer version of 
 the iPhone released shortly after I buy the VZ iPhone.  But if I don't 
 have LTE here, it doesn't really matter.  True, I'll be left out of some 
 of the new features, but I figure I'll get a year out of the iPhone 4, and 
 then when we have LTE out here, I'll get the iphone 5.  I think the 
 picture is really different for those of us who don't live in New York, 
 California, etc.
 On Jan 28, 2011, at 1:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> I must applaud Verizon for this hustle.  Its freaking genius.  They have 
> found the ultimate carrot to entice people to by out dated, soon to be 
> obsolete, hardware.  lol.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Jan 27, 2011, at 8:29 PM, Les Kriegler wrote:
>> Hi Donna, 
>> I spoke with a rep at Verizon today and also checked the Verizon 
>> wireless site, and noted the limited time $29.99 data plan.  This is a 
>> major reason I'm gong for the iPhone now rather than waiting, because 
>> I'll bet by the time iPhone 5 comes out, the price will have risen.  As 
>> my wife and I are both getting the iPhone, I want to lock in that price 
>> now.
>> Les
>> On Jan 27, 2011, at 11:51 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> Careful there

Re: Alarm clock for Ipad

2011-01-29 Thread Scott Howell
WOuld Alarmed work for you? I know it runs on the iPhone and iPod, so assume 
the iPad as well.

On Jan 29, 2011, at 2:50 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote:

> Hi!
> As the Ipad doesn't have one of these as part of its suite of built-in apps 
> can anyone recommend an alarm clock for the Ipad?
> -- 
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Re: scanning

2011-01-29 Thread Thomas
What happens when you push the scan button the machine itself?   
That's what I do, then open the saved imagewith Abby then do my  
conversions, but my Kodak has a fairly accessible scangear, so I can  
interact with it and tell it where to save it and what file type I  
want which I now have them as defaults so the only thing I need to do  
with that is to just name the file, or leave it's on there.  Push the  
button on machine and computer starts talking and I am still using  
Tiger, so your later aditions should work, the only thing I can't  
actually do is to fax something, part of that is missing since again  
I have Tiger here.

Save up for a new machine I guess, maybe before the year is up can  
have me a new cat around here barring some sort of house repair,  
which I'm sure this place will come up with some for me to have to  
fix and pay for this year *lol.*

On Jan 28, 2011, at 3:19 AM, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:

There isn't anything else apart from file that I can tell.  How do  
i get my scanner to work? i'm using a printer and scanner in one.   
The printer works fine withthe mac, so how do i get the scanning to  


- Original Message -
From: Geoff Waaler I too am using tthe tryal version of FineReader express and have  
never gotten it to work, so this suggestion may be worth every  
penny you paid for it :).

Disclaimer aside, I believe you need to select your scanner in the  
menu associated with "get images from".  If your only choice is  
"file" then either you don't have a Twane scanner, or the software  
supporting your scanner is not recognized by ABBYY.  Once your  
scanner is selected, pressing a button such as: "convert to text  
document" should activate your scanner.  Except on my system where  
it consistently hangs up even though I have a twane compatible device.

Hope you get further than I have so far.

On Jan 27, 2011, at 9:59 PM, Stephanie Mitchell wrote:

Hi again,
Sorry for all the questions but i am a new user.  I got abbyy  
working but can't find a scan button.  There are convert options,  
and a thing to ask where to get the immage from.  It is set to file  
and there are other options in the menu that pops up when i click  
it.  but vo won't read the items.  What's the easist way to scan a  


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Re: Gmail via Pop?

2011-01-29 Thread Thomas
Works pretty good most of the time.  If you want to see copies of  
messages going out you may wish to modifyyour user name in the acount  
description.  check below will have it isolated for you.

So the eddited user name you will see your mail you send to lists,  
because it doesn't always work based on alone.  It's a  
gmail thing works with Mozilla Thunderbird on windows too.  In fact  
heard about it on another list which is deffinitly predominantly  
windows users, but also worked here too.  It will send you all you  
send out from that acount but then you know it went out.

You should be able to do that simply by finding the acount in the  
table, clicking back to acount description or general tag, not  
mailbox behaviors or advance and eddit it in there in the user name,  
and should be good to go.

On Jan 28, 2011, at 2:12 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

Anyone tried this? It seems to be working. I'll soon find out if I  
receive copies of my own messages to the list, too, which I would  


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Re: word processor for the itouch?

2011-01-29 Thread Ricardo Walker
Why not use notes?

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 29, 2011, at 11:11 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi guys, I need a word processor for the ITouch and don't have all day to 
> fiddle with different ones.  For right right now I just need the ability to 
> type up 3 lines of notes for a 5 minute presentation, more so I can look the 
> part of a successful access technologist than because I need pointers to keep 
> me on track.
> Eventually I'd like to explore something more advanced like quick office and 
> would appreciate any thoughts you might have on that score.  But for now, can 
> you get me up and typing so I can strap on my braille display and look cool 
> at the presentation?
> Thanks,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
> 1-888-255-5194
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Re: word processor for the itouch?

2011-01-29 Thread Ricardo Walker

I would like to throw out Microsoft's 1 Note.  It seems to be 100% accessible.  
It might be worth it to those with hotmail/windows live accounts.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 29, 2011, at 1:20 PM, Jane wrote:

> I'm using Notesy, not sure of exact spelling, and it works pretty well
> Jane
> On Jan 29, 2011, at 1:05 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>> Hi Ann,  It seems the notes application is hiding in my finance folder.  
>> That must have happened when I first got the thing.  Kinda like the way my 
>> mac is registered to eerik urggraaf, because I hadn't mastered the trick of 
>> editing on the mac yet.  Good times.  
>> I've actually bought INotepad and quite like it.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> User support consultant,
>> Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
>> 1-888-255-5194
>> On 2011-01-29, at 12:40 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:
>>> Hello Erik,
>>> Why not just use the Notes app that comes with the iPod Touch?
>>> Otherwise, if you want something that will sync with your Mac, try Simple 
>>> Note and its other half for the Mac, Notational Velocity.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On 29 Jan 2011, at 17:11, erik burggraaf wrote:
 Hi guys, I need a word processor for the ITouch and don't have all day to 
 fiddle with different ones.  For right right now I just need the ability 
 to type up 3 lines of notes for a 5 minute presentation, more so I can 
 look the part of a successful access technologist than because I need 
 pointers to keep me on track.
 Eventually I'd like to explore something more advanced like quick office 
 and would appreciate any thoughts you might have on that score.  But for 
 now, can you get me up and typing so I can strap on my braille display and 
 look cool at the presentation?
 Erik Burggraaf
 User support consultant,
 Now posting occasionally on twitter at eburggraaf,
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[Mac-cessibility News] Apps for Children with Communication Difficulties by Smarty-Ears

2011-01-29 Thread Maccessibility
Apps for Children with Communication Difficulties by Smarty-Ears

We've recently been made aware of an assistive  technology software company
named Smarty-Ears LLC., which develops a range of iOS apps to assist children
with language or communication difficulties. Smarty-Ears' apps are designed to
improve communication skills in fluency, articulation, language, and more.
Smarty-Ears was founded by Barbara Fernandes, a practicing Speech and Language
Pathologist. [...]

You can read the rest of this news item at:

The Mac-cessibility Network
"'s all within our reach..."

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Re: Trackpad gestures on the macbook?

2011-01-29 Thread Ricardo Walker

Yes it does support this feature.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 29, 2011, at 3:48 PM, Neil James wrote:

> Greetings all. A friend who is looking to buy a macbook asked me this and 
> rather then speculating as to the answer, I thought I'd ask here. Does the 
> current line of macbooks support the use of gestures like on the iPhone via 
> the trackpad or is this only possible with the macbook pro line? Thanks much.
> Neil
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Re: Alarm clock for Ipad

2011-01-29 Thread Dane Trethowan
I've not tried that one so thanks for that.

On 30/01/2011, at 11:04 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> WOuld Alarmed work for you? I know it runs on the iPhone and iPod, so assume 
> the iPad as well.
> Scott
> On Jan 29, 2011, at 2:50 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
>> Hi!
>> As the Ipad doesn't have one of these as part of its suite of built-in apps 
>> can anyone recommend an alarm clock for the Ipad?
>> -- 
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Re: Alarm clock for Ipad

2011-01-29 Thread Jane
Here's one!  It's free.  Um, I don't know if you are in the US; don't have a 
link for other countires.

Here's the link:

Or just do a search for Alarmed in the iTunes store.  It says 
Alarmed~reminders.  That's how it sounds anyhow.


On Jan 29, 2011, at 2:50 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote:

> Hi!
> As the Ipad doesn't have one of these as part of its suite of built-in apps 
> can anyone recommend an alarm clock for the Ipad?
> -- 
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Re: scanning

2011-01-29 Thread heather kd5cbl
That's cool, I have to find them because, I have that scanner!  I was thinking 
would have to put windows on my mac but, if this true, I won't! Heather 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Mary Otten 
  Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 3:50 PM
  Subject: Re: scanning

  There are mac beta drivers for the plusteck opticbook 3600 bookedge scanner. 
Last time I looked, they were in to beta 2, and that was a bit ago, so it is 
possible the driver is now out. But whether it is the sort of fully twain 
compliant driver that FR express needs, I haven't a clue. Given that their 
windows driver is apparently not exactly standard, I'd doubt it, but one never 
knows. The 3600 and its more recently released, more expensive and faster 
cousin the 4600 are wonderful book edge scanners. No pressing down on books 

  Mary Otten

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prom registering vuescan

2011-01-29 Thread Stephanie Mitchell
I just purchassed vuescan.  However, I have a prom.  I can't seem 
to enter the details such as my serial number etc.  I go to the 
"edit text" but when i enter the numbers, it's still blank.  So 
how do I register?


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Jailbreaking and some solutions?

2011-01-29 Thread James Malone
Hi guys. Recently I Jailbroke my phone, but have run into an issue. I tried to 
start Cidia so I could go grab an app, but Voiceover doesn't seem to like it. 
Suggestions have been made to get Icy, but everything seems to point in the 
direction of downloading it with Cidia. Besides, Icy isn't being made anymore 
either, so I've heard. Can anyone suggest what I should do? If worse comes to 
worsed, I'll grab some sighted asistance. But still, something that was made by 
the apple Dev team really should be accessible. Anyway, thanks guys.

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