RE: Teaching Mac to sighted people

2010-10-22 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi Esthre,

 I've tried this on both the mac and my windows 7 machines and I get similar
things happening.
 I don't have trouble clicking the continue button, it just wont go  to the
following / final review order page. And I can't figureout why.
 It's like I've got something wrong or missing, but I can't find anything
after going throughthe entire page link by link and edit box by edit box.

 I'm starting to question whether or not my NZ credit card can actually work
on this site.
 Do they allow for international purchases.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Esther
Sent: Friday, 22 October 2010 3:00 a.m.
Subject: Re: Teaching Mac to sighted people

Hi Simon,

When you have entered your credit card information, route your mouse to the
"Continue" button (with VO-Command-F5, if you do not have your mouse cursor
set to track your VoiceOver cursor) and use VO-Shift- Space to click the
button.  You'll be taken to a "Confirm Order" page which should contain your
STANZACAT discount, if you entered the coupon code earlier.  Click the
"Finish Order" button to complete your transaction.

If you ever encounter a situation where a button press does not seem to
"take" with VO-Space, try clicking the button. Technically, VO- Space should
perform the default action for any situation, which in this case is to click
the button. There are some cases where VO-Shift- Space (which I refer to as
a "software click") does not work, but where clicking with your trackpad or
mouse button ("hardware clicks") will work.  Remember to first route your
mouse cursor to your VoiceOver cursor before you press your trackpad key (or
the whole trackpad in recent MacBook models) or mouse button to click, if
you have not set your mouse cursor to track your VoiceOver cursor in
VoiceOver Utility.  Pressing the "5" key on the numeric keypad with Numpad
Commander turned on also counts as a "hardware click"; it will work in those
same cases where clicking a mouse or trackpad works when VO-Shift-Space and
VO-Space do not work to click a button.

Incidentally, I've read that you can now purchase the O'Reilly eBooks in
iBooks, but I don't think that you get the DAISY and PDF versions of the
book when you do so, and I don't believe you can use any discount codes.
The eBook bundle purchases you make directly from the O'Reilly site should
also update if there are any minor revisions or corrections, or additional
eBook formats made available.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Oct 20, 2010, at 20:53, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Hi Esther or anyone else that can help.
> I'm trying to purchase a couple of ebooks from O'Reilly's ebook site 
> and keep getting a weird thing happening.
> Everytime I fill in the credit card details I hit continue and it 
> tells me that the charge will be taken from my credit card, once I 
> confirm / review my purchase in the next step. However it doesn't or 
> at least I can't get to the next step.
> And it also clears out my credit card details
> I have checked with my bank and my cards fine to use internationally, 
> I have the money in the account to cover the purchase,  But yet I 
> can't figure out wha the hells going on.
> And it wont give me an error messge to refer to either.
> Also, there is no place to put the 3 digit validation code, which a 
> lot of online payment methods require for making a purchase.
> Just wondering if anyone else has had this sort of thing happen to 
> them before and how they got through it.
> Thanks for any assistance on this, it's really starting to hack me 
> off.
> Simon f
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Esther
> Sent: Saturday, 14 August 2010 8:48 p.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: Teaching Mac to sighted people
> Hi Simon,
> You can purchase a DRM-free, ePub version of "Mac OS X Snow Leopard:
> The Missing Manual" by David Pogue from O'Reilly's eBooks.  They sell 
> their eBooks in multi-format bundles that include PDF files that you 
> can read in Preview and ePub versions that you can add to your iTunes 
> Library and read in iBooks on your iPad (or iPhone or iPod Touch under
> iOS 4).   They also have "Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual,
> Snow Leopard Edition" by the same author.  All the O'Reilly books are 
> available through, internationally, although the annual 
> subscription for users outside of the U.S. is probably the cost of 
> buying the book from O'Reilly in an eBook bundle that includes an ePub 
> version.
> Here's their web site:
> You'll need to create an account with log in for your purchases.   
> Once you
> buy the eBook bundle, you'll have access to multiple formats of the 
> book from your log in account.  They'll also tell you if the book has 
> been updated.  I'm not sur

RE: FW: Introducing the new MacBook Air.

2010-10-22 Thread Simon Fogarty
They are a great little machine, but although they can do everything,
Someone like me that wants power and portability they just aren't yet

 I would prefer the new Toshiba R700  which has similar specs but better
processor, supports more ram,similar drive size if right model. 
The only problem is it's not a mac.
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Howard Dupuis
Sent: Friday, 22 October 2010 5:44 a.m.
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: FW: Introducing the new MacBook Air.

I have the previous generation MBA -- with an SS drive. It's got plenty of
power for what I do -- mostly reading and writing -- though it might not be
the ticket for someone who is looking for all sorts of ports, etc. Depends
what you will be doing.
It really is astonishingly light. When I first had the thing, I'd sometimes
check the bag when I was heading out just to be sure the Air was actually
inside -- it's that light. At home, it is usually on my lap, so its lack of
heft is a godsend there, too. It's no more delicate than a normal Macbook,
and I suspect the new model will be quite the same in that regard.
If you don't bring your laptop anywhere and if you generally use it on a
desk, there's probably no good reason for choosing an Air. And if you've got
the need for a Firewire port or something else that the MBA doesn't have, or
if you are constantly using some application that requires blazing fast
processor speed, the Air might not be the most logical computer for you.
But this thing definitely has its place. For me, that place is right here on
my lap.
-- Howard

Robert Hooper wrote:
> It's Apple, thought I'd pass it along. Does anyone on the list have one of
these? If so, then what would be the compulsion for purchasing such other
than novelty and portability? Personally, I would be worried about it
breaking, etc.
> From: Apple []
> Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 5:23 PM
> To: Robert Hooper
> Subject: Introducing the new MacBook Air.
> Shop
Online | Find a
Store | 1-800-MY-APPLE
> [][The new MacBook Air. The 
> next generation of MacBooks.][Buy 
> now] al7BxMMHoP6jIXX7r%2FdupyNnB0m%2FK5O9cc4QxcHMbjYj6gNmtyk0vBVLinxVbEBhte
> btEp6zWq3BNsykMcyHmnz7LrLJv2vfu%2F7trYnOV8DWfAw63yDy66IPd4teKzqdty7cKS
> d9tmOtib2VA0g%3D%3D>[MacBook 
> Air] al7BxMMHoP6jIXX7r%2FfI6Wn%2BXAvH9DlUZGno3XGfdiuorXHFda0nd0x5kWbcoKJOUx
> 1%2Bfw1FTY8lKXz%2Bo1bqb8nqnhPTYtIaNzKj5%2FS%2Bxrx9M4RJ5V7dUOEuHBX8pblI
> PaI%2BrFgx17RF%2FOKzTQw%3D%3D>
> Available in 11- and 13-inch models.
> Starting at just $949 with Apple education pricing. Learn 
> more[]
> BR%2FZpQN49HX595Teo4jFRXxy4AHIS%2FaWRhawwjDvSN8jYRHPgvSNsJBEAx9FpBnOOy
> N76fSGDLwosKyvzAQLHl8qcRdQgH0JwhA53zB4maLm6R5YJYTZ7FgFAT2Gzg14WinFcnJZ
> iiMacjOLg%3D>
> []
> []
> Prices are U.S. Apple Online Store for Education prices as of October 20,
2010, do not include taxes or shipping, are subject to change, and are
listed in U.S. dollars.
> TM and copyright C 2010 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS 96-DM, Cupertino,
CA 95014.
> All Rights Reserved / Keep 
> Informed / Privacy 
> Policy / My Apple 
> ID
> If you prefer not to receive commercial email from Apple, or if you've
changed your email address, please click

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Re: ilife 11

2010-10-22 Thread Ricardo Walker

You know I have to ask. :). How do you know?  If you have used or own a copy of 
iLife, could you tell us some of the improvements?


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Oct 21, 2010, at 1:56 PM, Dean Hudson wrote:

> Yes, iLife 11 has some significant accessibility improvements across 
> Garageband, iMovie, and iPhoto.
> On Oct 21, 2010, at 2:58 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> apple is a little busy just now. they may take a while.
>> -Eric
>> On Oct 21, 2010, at 2:51 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>>> I have wrote to Apple asking if it is more accessible then the previous 
>>> one, still waiting to hear back.
>>> Chris 
>> Eric Oyen - N7ZZT
>> Phoenix Arizona
>> Geocode:
>> 33.488462  -112.234926
>> N33° 29.3077', W112° 14.0956'
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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Re: FW: Introducing the new MacBook Air.

2010-10-22 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
I have the r700 and it's great; can even take an i7 if you have the money.

On 22/10/2010, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> They are a great little machine, but although they can do everything,
> Someone like me that wants power and portability they just aren't yet
> suitable.
>  I would prefer the new Toshiba R700  which has similar specs but better
> processor, supports more ram,similar drive size if right model.
> The only problem is it's not a mac.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Howard Dupuis
> Sent: Friday, 22 October 2010 5:44 a.m.
> To: MacVisionaries
> Subject: Re: FW: Introducing the new MacBook Air.
> I have the previous generation MBA -- with an SS drive. It's got plenty of
> power for what I do -- mostly reading and writing -- though it might not be
> the ticket for someone who is looking for all sorts of ports, etc. Depends
> what you will be doing.
> It really is astonishingly light. When I first had the thing, I'd sometimes
> check the bag when I was heading out just to be sure the Air was actually
> inside -- it's that light. At home, it is usually on my lap, so its lack of
> heft is a godsend there, too. It's no more delicate than a normal Macbook,
> and I suspect the new model will be quite the same in that regard.
> If you don't bring your laptop anywhere and if you generally use it on a
> desk, there's probably no good reason for choosing an Air. And if you've got
> the need for a Firewire port or something else that the MBA doesn't have, or
> if you are constantly using some application that requires blazing fast
> processor speed, the Air might not be the most logical computer for you.
> But this thing definitely has its place. For me, that place is right here on
> my lap.
> -- Howard
> Robert Hooper wrote:
>> It's Apple, thought I'd pass it along. Does anyone on the list have one of
> these? If so, then what would be the compulsion for purchasing such other
> than novelty and portability? Personally, I would be worried about it
> breaking, etc.
>> From: Apple []
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 5:23 PM
>> To: Robert Hooper
>> Subject: Introducing the new MacBook Air.
>> Shop
> Online xMMHoP6jIXX7r%2FftPynffHhUDmBMLrf1bvyh90C9P%2FKJvifG5CmtmeblVDvSN8jYRHPgvSNs
> JBEAx9FpBnOOyN76fSGDLwosKyvzAQLHl8qcRdQgH0JwhA53zB4maLm6R5YJYTZ7FgFAT2Gzg14W
> inFcnJZiiMacjOLg%3D> | Find a
> Store MMHoP6jIXX7r%2FU64JVOGZG81%2F8HQRuaLKAlhkRyBf4cl0gvzuTokLRD%2FDvSN8jYRHPgvSN
> sJBEAx9FpBnOOyN76fSGDLwosKyvzAQLHl8qcRdQgH0JwhA53zB4maLm6R5YJYTZ7FgFAT2Gzg14
> WinFcnJZiiMacjOLg%3D> | 1-800-MY-APPLE
>> [][The new MacBook Air. The
>> next generation of MacBooks.][Buy
>> now]> al7BxMMHoP6jIXX7r%2FdupyNnB0m%2FK5O9cc4QxcHMbjYj6gNmtyk0vBVLinxVbEBhte
>> btEp6zWq3BNsykMcyHmnz7LrLJv2vfu%2F7trYnOV8DWfAw63yDy66IPd4teKzqdty7cKS
>> d9tmOtib2VA0g%3D%3D>[MacBook
>> Air]> al7BxMMHoP6jIXX7r%2FfI6Wn%2BXAvH9DlUZGno3XGfdiuorXHFda0nd0x5kWbcoKJOUx
>> 1%2Bfw1FTY8lKXz%2Bo1bqb8nqnhPTYtIaNzKj5%2FS%2Bxrx9M4RJ5V7dUOEuHBX8pblI
>> PaI%2BrFgx17RF%2FOKzTQw%3D%3D>
>> Available in 11- and 13-inch models.
>> Starting at just $949 with Apple education pricing. Learn
>> more[]>
>> BR%2FZpQN49HX595Teo4jFRXxy4AHIS%2FaWRhawwjDvSN8jYRHPgvSNsJBEAx9FpBnOOy
>> N76fSGDLwosKyvzAQLHl8qcRdQgH0JwhA53zB4maLm6R5YJYTZ7FgFAT2Gzg14WinFcnJZ
>> iiMacjOLg%3D>
>> []
>> []
>> Prices are U.S. Apple Online Store for Education prices as of October 20,
> 2010, do not include taxes or shipping, are subject to change, and are
> listed in U.S. dollars.
>> TM and copyright C 2010 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, MS 96-DM, Cupertino,
> CA 95014.
>> All Rights Reserved / Keep
>> Informed / Privacy
>> Policy / My Apple
>> ID
>> If you prefer not to receive commercial email from Apple, or if you've
> changed your email address, please click
> here OUAnw9ZNyY6akSzsP%2BV0dKealZqorStSM4wQ%2FMLfD0kta%2FeHkKTFGMtwg5rvQeWa4bIFuG
> ZSYstT80IOkBzh0C3DTkcHiZoubpHlglhNnsWAUBPYbODXhaKcVyclmKIxpyM4uA%3D%3D>.
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to macvisionar...@googlegr

Re: HELP! Corrupted iTunes library in Windows!

2010-10-22 Thread David Hole

I'm using XP.
Yes, I've been looking into the music folder since I'm also using 

There is weird folder and file-names as described in my first mail.
Den 22.10.2010 08:10, skrev James Mannion:

Have you investigated if you go to your music folder in windows, not
sure if you are using windows xp or windows 7 or something else. Under
vista based systems like win 7, if you type music in the windows start
menu search box it should bring up your music library. Under there
should be an itunes folder. Within the itunes folder there are several
sub folders, but the one labeled itunes media or something with the
word media in it should have subfolders for all of your stuff. There
are also some other folders at the same level as the media folder that
may be useful. Under XP I think it would be under my documents and my
music under there where you would find the itunes stuff.

On 10/21/10, David Hole  wrote:

Hi folks
I need help here!
About 12 hours ago, I had to reboot my windows-machine.
Fter that I fired up iTunes.
In itunes there were a bunch of music that had lost their tags...
Everything from album and artist names and titles. All track-numbers and
album-numbers seemed to be there.
I don't know if the music it-self is somehow corrupted, but I hope
not... Maybe someone can say anything about this...?
Since the tags and stuff is messed up, also the folder and file-names
are totally messed up.
Is it possible in some ways to revert to something that works?

I'd like to add that I have a huge music library, and I've heard that
iTunes is bad at handling large libraries at all.

Hope that someone can help me out...
I'd be very pleased if so.
Kind regards David

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Re: Introducing the new MacBook Air.

2010-10-22 Thread Scott Howell
The funny part of this discussion is the camp that needs more power. I used to 
think that faster processor and more ram was the ticket. I do not believe this 
is the case any longer. Where I believe the new Air will shine is in the SSD. I 
believe if your going to do any audio editing or run a couple VMs, you will 
need ram for sure, but I suspect the 2.33Ghz processor will be sufficient for 
most tasks. Storage of course will be an issue if you have a lot of data, but 
remember these machines are notebooks and not desktops. True most people are 
using their notebooks as desktops and I am one of those; however, for what I 
do, my machine is more than capable. In fact I would say my machine is over 
capable. I have a MBP with a 2.8Ghz processor, 4Gb ram, and 500Gb storage. I 
can run without any problems, the Mac OS, VMWare Fusion running xp for some 
coursework, a Linux VM, and on the Mac OS I am using AUdiobook Builder to 
convert books to a format suitable to play on my iPhone, surf the web, reading 
e-mail, and streaming/playing local audio within iTUnes and my machine is 
really not working all that hard. Well AUdiobook Builder does seem to make it 
sweat a little, but I notice no lag at all. So, I would suspect the Air at 2.33 
would likely do pretty well.
The thing to remember is where all the choke points are. The data shuffling 
in/out of the processor and hard disk reads and writes. If you speed up all the 
choke-points, I think you would find all of this becomes less of an issue. Does 
this make sense? I am not familiar with the other brands of machines some have 
mentioned, but are you truly comparing like hardware? DO these other machines 
have an SSD and is the architecture  the same? If your just comparing physical 
size, then you are not truly comparing like machines.


On Oct 22, 2010, at 3:42 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> They are a great little machine, but although they can do everything,
> Someone like me that wants power and portability they just aren't yet
> suitable.
> I would prefer the new Toshiba R700  which has similar specs but better
> processor, supports more ram,similar drive size if right model. 
> The only problem is it's not a mac.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Howard Dupuis
> Sent: Friday, 22 October 2010 5:44 a.m.
> To: MacVisionaries
> Subject: Re: FW: Introducing the new MacBook Air.
> I have the previous generation MBA -- with an SS drive. It's got plenty of
> power for what I do -- mostly reading and writing -- though it might not be
> the ticket for someone who is looking for all sorts of ports, etc. Depends
> what you will be doing.
> It really is astonishingly light. When I first had the thing, I'd sometimes
> check the bag when I was heading out just to be sure the Air was actually
> inside -- it's that light. At home, it is usually on my lap, so its lack of
> heft is a godsend there, too. It's no more delicate than a normal Macbook,
> and I suspect the new model will be quite the same in that regard.
> If you don't bring your laptop anywhere and if you generally use it on a
> desk, there's probably no good reason for choosing an Air. And if you've got
> the need for a Firewire port or something else that the MBA doesn't have, or
> if you are constantly using some application that requires blazing fast
> processor speed, the Air might not be the most logical computer for you.
> But this thing definitely has its place. For me, that place is right here on
> my lap.
> -- Howard
> Robert Hooper wrote:
>> It's Apple, thought I'd pass it along. Does anyone on the list have one of
> these? If so, then what would be the compulsion for purchasing such other
> than novelty and portability? Personally, I would be worried about it
> breaking, etc.
>> From: Apple []
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 5:23 PM
>> To: Robert Hooper
>> Subject: Introducing the new MacBook Air.
>> Shop
> Online xMMHoP6jIXX7r%2FftPynffHhUDmBMLrf1bvyh90C9P%2FKJvifG5CmtmeblVDvSN8jYRHPgvSNs
> JBEAx9FpBnOOyN76fSGDLwosKyvzAQLHl8qcRdQgH0JwhA53zB4maLm6R5YJYTZ7FgFAT2Gzg14W
> inFcnJZiiMacjOLg%3D> | Find a
> Store MMHoP6jIXX7r%2FU64JVOGZG81%2F8HQRuaLKAlhkRyBf4cl0gvzuTokLRD%2FDvSN8jYRHPgvSN
> sJBEAx9FpBnOOyN76fSGDLwosKyvzAQLHl8qcRdQgH0JwhA53zB4maLm6R5YJYTZ7FgFAT2Gzg14
> WinFcnJZiiMacjOLg%3D> | 1-800-MY-APPLE
>> [][The new MacBook Air. The 
>> next generation of MacBooks.][Buy 
>> now]> al7BxMMHoP6jIXX7r%2FdupyNnB0m%2FK5O9cc4QxcHMbjYj6gNmtyk0vBVLinxVbEBhte
>> btEp6zWq3BNsykMcyHmnz7LrLJv2vfu%2F7trYnOV8DWfAw63yDy66IPd4teKzqdty7cKS
>> d9tmOtib2VA0g%3D%3D>[MacBook 
>> Air]

Re: ilife 11

2010-10-22 Thread Scott Howell
You know he just might have. You  would be amazed at what this gent knows.

On Oct 22, 2010, at 4:17 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Ok,
> You know I have to ask. :). How do you know?  If you have used or own a copy 
> of iLife, could you tell us some of the improvements?
> Thanks
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Oct 21, 2010, at 1:56 PM, Dean Hudson wrote:
>> Yes, iLife 11 has some significant accessibility improvements across 
>> Garageband, iMovie, and iPhoto.
>> On Oct 21, 2010, at 2:58 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>>> apple is a little busy just now. they may take a while.
>>> -Eric
>>> On Oct 21, 2010, at 2:51 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
 I have wrote to Apple asking if it is more accessible then the previous 
 one, still waiting to hear back.
>>> Eric Oyen - N7ZZT
>>> Phoenix Arizona
>>> Geocode:
>>> 33.488462  -112.234926
>>> N33° 29.3077', W112° 14.0956'
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: Introducing the new MacBook Air.

2010-10-22 Thread Courtney Curran
And the fact that the Toshiba one isn't mac is a huge problem to me, (Smiley).

On 22/10/2010, at 3:42 in the morning, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> They are a great little machine, but although they can do everything,
> Someone like me that wants power and portability they just aren't yet
> suitable.
> I would prefer the new Toshiba R700  which has similar specs but better
> processor, supports more ram,similar drive size if right model. 
> The only problem is it's not a mac.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Howard Dupuis
> Sent: Friday, 22 October 2010 5:44 a.m.
> To: MacVisionaries
> Subject: Re: FW: Introducing the new MacBook Air.
> I have the previous generation MBA -- with an SS drive. It's got plenty of
> power for what I do -- mostly reading and writing -- though it might not be
> the ticket for someone who is looking for all sorts of ports, etc. Depends
> what you will be doing.
> It really is astonishingly light. When I first had the thing, I'd sometimes
> check the bag when I was heading out just to be sure the Air was actually
> inside -- it's that light. At home, it is usually on my lap, so its lack of
> heft is a godsend there, too. It's no more delicate than a normal Macbook,
> and I suspect the new model will be quite the same in that regard.
> If you don't bring your laptop anywhere and if you generally use it on a
> desk, there's probably no good reason for choosing an Air. And if you've got
> the need for a Firewire port or something else that the MBA doesn't have, or
> if you are constantly using some application that requires blazing fast
> processor speed, the Air might not be the most logical computer for you.
> But this thing definitely has its place. For me, that place is right here on
> my lap.
> -- Howard
> Robert Hooper wrote:
>> It's Apple, thought I'd pass it along. Does anyone on the list have one of
> these? If so, then what would be the compulsion for purchasing such other
> than novelty and portability? Personally, I would be worried about it
> breaking, etc.
>> From: Apple []
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 5:23 PM
>> To: Robert Hooper
>> Subject: Introducing the new MacBook Air.
>> Shop
> Online xMMHoP6jIXX7r%2FftPynffHhUDmBMLrf1bvyh90C9P%2FKJvifG5CmtmeblVDvSN8jYRHPgvSNs
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more pages in a document with FineReader

2010-10-22 Thread Jonathan Chacón

I've got FineReader express in my macBook with Snow leopard.

I can scan a page to a document file but I don't know how can I add new scanned 
pages to the same documment.
How can I add pages to the same document in aBBYY FinneReader express for mac?


Jonathan Chacón Barbero
  Accessibility, usability and new technologies consultant

Phone: +34 679953948
Skype: Tyflos_
Ping for iPhone: jchacon

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VO will not speak, possibly related to Audio Hijack Pro

2010-10-22 Thread Nothingvutlime
Hi all,
I launched Audio Hijack Pro while on Skype with someone yesterday and hijacked 
system audio. Vo was having issues with pretty much any program I went into. It 
was saying busy every time I tried to VO around. So I force quit AHP. VO 
stopped working, so I restarted. I heard my Skype and Adium sounds, signaling 
that both   programs had been launched successfully. I invoked screen curtain, 
and I could see that it was on. But no peep from VO, not even to say it was 
muted. I tried VO-f10, which I believe mutes and unmutes VO, but that didn't 
work. I'm honestly stuck. I force quit a few programs, no other ones which I 
remember by name. This is the only one I remember and the only one I think 
could have caused this mess.   My theory is that VO is still going to Sound 
Flour, and I don't know how to tell it to  stop. I can always ssh or sftp in 
and nuke my VO prefs. I'm pretty sure they're in Library. But I'm afraid of 
this having harmful affects. Any help would be appreciated.

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: VO will not speak, possibly related to Audio Hijack Pro

2010-10-22 Thread Colin M
Hi there!
see if command+f5 will start vo agian for you
On 22 Oct 2010, at 15:10, Nothingvutlime wrote:

> Hi all,
> I launched Audio Hijack Pro while on Skype with someone yesterday and 
> hijacked system audio. Vo was having issues with pretty much any program I 
> went into. It was saying busy every time I tried to VO around. So I force 
> quit AHP. VO stopped working, so I restarted. I heard my Skype and Adium 
> sounds, signaling that both   programs had been launched successfully. I 
> invoked screen curtain, and I could see that it was on. But no peep from VO, 
> not even to say it was muted. I tried VO-f10, which I believe mutes and 
> unmutes VO, but that didn't work. I'm honestly stuck. I force quit a few 
> programs, no other ones which I remember by name. This is the only one I 
> remember and the only one I think could have caused this mess.   My theory is 
> that VO is still going to Sound Flour, and I don't know how to tell it to  
> stop. I can always ssh or sftp in and nuke my VO prefs. I'm pretty sure 
> they're in Library. But I'm afraid of this having harmful affects. Any help 
> would be appreciated.
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Re: VO will not speak, possibly related to Audio Hijack Pro

2010-10-22 Thread Nothingvutlime
I can get vo loaded. It just won't speak.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 22, 2010, at 10:37 AM, Colin M  wrote:

> Hi there!
> see if command+f5 will start vo agian for you
> Colin
> On 22 Oct 2010, at 15:10, Nothingvutlime wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I launched Audio Hijack Pro while on Skype with someone yesterday and 
>> hijacked system audio. Vo was having issues with pretty much any program I 
>> went into. It was saying busy every time I tried to VO around. So I force 
>> quit AHP. VO stopped working, so I restarted. I heard my Skype and Adium 
>> sounds, signaling that both   programs had been launched successfully. I 
>> invoked screen curtain, and I could see that it was on. But no peep from VO, 
>> not even to say it was muted. I tried VO-f10, which I believe mutes and 
>> unmutes VO, but that didn't work. I'm honestly stuck. I force quit a few 
>> programs, no other ones which I remember by name. This is the only one I 
>> remember and the only one I think could have caused this mess.   My theory 
>> is that VO is still going to Sound Flour, and I don't know how to tell it to 
>>  stop. I can always ssh or sftp in and nuke my VO prefs. I'm pretty sure 
>> they're in Library. But I'm afraid of this having harmful affects. Any help 
>> would be appreciated.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Teaching Mac to sighted people

2010-10-22 Thread Jonathan Cohn
Perhaps there is a feedback or contact us link on the site?  I met Tim
once, and I can't imagine he would restrict NZ from access.

On 22/10/2010, Simon Fogarty  wrote:
> Hi Esthre,
>  I've tried this on both the mac and my windows 7 machines and I get similar
> things happening.
>  I don't have trouble clicking the continue button, it just wont go  to the
> following / final review order page. And I can't figureout why.
>  It's like I've got something wrong or missing, but I can't find anything
> after going throughthe entire page link by link and edit box by edit box.
>  I'm starting to question whether or not my NZ credit card can actually work
> on this site.
>  Do they allow for international purchases.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Esther
> Sent: Friday, 22 October 2010 3:00 a.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: Teaching Mac to sighted people
> Hi Simon,
> When you have entered your credit card information, route your mouse to the
> "Continue" button (with VO-Command-F5, if you do not have your mouse cursor
> set to track your VoiceOver cursor) and use VO-Shift- Space to click the
> button.  You'll be taken to a "Confirm Order" page which should contain your
> STANZACAT discount, if you entered the coupon code earlier.  Click the
> "Finish Order" button to complete your transaction.
> If you ever encounter a situation where a button press does not seem to
> "take" with VO-Space, try clicking the button. Technically, VO- Space should
> perform the default action for any situation, which in this case is to click
> the button. There are some cases where VO-Shift- Space (which I refer to as
> a "software click") does not work, but where clicking with your trackpad or
> mouse button ("hardware clicks") will work.  Remember to first route your
> mouse cursor to your VoiceOver cursor before you press your trackpad key (or
> the whole trackpad in recent MacBook models) or mouse button to click, if
> you have not set your mouse cursor to track your VoiceOver cursor in
> VoiceOver Utility.  Pressing the "5" key on the numeric keypad with Numpad
> Commander turned on also counts as a "hardware click"; it will work in those
> same cases where clicking a mouse or trackpad works when VO-Shift-Space and
> VO-Space do not work to click a button.
> Incidentally, I've read that you can now purchase the O'Reilly eBooks in
> iBooks, but I don't think that you get the DAISY and PDF versions of the
> book when you do so, and I don't believe you can use any discount codes.
> The eBook bundle purchases you make directly from the O'Reilly site should
> also update if there are any minor revisions or corrections, or additional
> eBook formats made available.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Oct 20, 2010, at 20:53, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> Hi Esther or anyone else that can help.
>> I'm trying to purchase a couple of ebooks from O'Reilly's ebook site
>> and keep getting a weird thing happening.
>> Everytime I fill in the credit card details I hit continue and it
>> tells me that the charge will be taken from my credit card, once I
>> confirm / review my purchase in the next step. However it doesn't or
>> at least I can't get to the next step.
>> And it also clears out my credit card details
>> I have checked with my bank and my cards fine to use internationally,
>> I have the money in the account to cover the purchase,  But yet I
>> can't figure out wha the hells going on.
>> And it wont give me an error messge to refer to either.
>> Also, there is no place to put the 3 digit validation code, which a
>> lot of online payment methods require for making a purchase.
>> Just wondering if anyone else has had this sort of thing happen to
>> them before and how they got through it.
>> Thanks for any assistance on this, it's really starting to hack me
>> off.
>> Simon f
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Esther
>> Sent: Saturday, 14 August 2010 8:48 p.m.
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Teaching Mac to sighted people
>> Hi Simon,
>> You can purchase a DRM-free, ePub version of "Mac OS X Snow Leopard:
>> The Missing Manual" by David Pogue from O'Reilly's eBooks.  They sell
>> their eBooks in multi-format bundles that include PDF files that you
>> can read in Preview and ePub versions that you can add to your iTunes
>> Library and read in iBooks on your iPad (or iPhone or iPod Touch under
>> iOS 4).   They also have "Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual,
>> Snow Leopard Edition" by the same author.  All the O'Reilly books are
>> available through, internationally, although the annual
>> subscription for users outside of the U.S. is probably the cost of
>> buying the book from O'Reilly in an eBook bundle that includes an ePub
>> version.
>> He

Re: VO will not speak, possibly related to Audio Hijack Pro

2010-10-22 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi there,

THis happened when I forgot to quit Audio Hijack Pro. THe only way I could get 
VO to relaunch itself was to create another account. Since my Mac wasn't full 
of things at the time, this didn't  matter and wasn't a problem. The apple 
support team was stumped as to why this occurred. Now, every time I use Audio 
Hijack, after I finish recording, I end my  session, I always wait a few 
seconds, check the recordings in my docks, which is the folder I have all my AH 
stuff in, and then hit command Q while I'm in AH. I hope this helps. I have 
never had another problem with VO and AH again. Have a wonderful day and good 
luck getting this resolved. Please let me know if there is anything I  can do 
to help.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Oct 22, 2010, at 10:10 AM, Nothingvutlime wrote:

> Hi all,
> I launched Audio Hijack Pro while on Skype with someone yesterday and 
> hijacked system audio. Vo was having issues with pretty much any program I 
> went into. It was saying busy every time I tried to VO around. So I force 
> quit AHP. VO stopped working, so I restarted. I heard my Skype and Adium 
> sounds, signaling that both   programs had been launched successfully. I 
> invoked screen curtain, and I could see that it was on. But no peep from VO, 
> not even to say it was muted. I tried VO-f10, which I believe mutes and 
> unmutes VO, but that didn't work. I'm honestly stuck. I force quit a few 
> programs, no other ones which I remember by name. This is the only one I 
> remember and the only one I think could have caused this mess.   My theory is 
> that VO is still going to Sound Flour, and I don't know how to tell it to  
> stop. I can always ssh or sftp in and nuke my VO prefs. I'm pretty sure 
> they're in Library. But I'm afraid of this having harmful affects. Any help 
> would be appreciated.
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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removing voice memmos from the phone

2010-10-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello all. I have tried this and forgot how to do it. How do I remove the voice 
memos from my phone? I cleared them from my library and hit sync but they are 
still there. I even tried unchecking voice memmos under music and syncing but 
they are still there. I have manually manage music off as I will not be able to 
sync my epub books that way. A bit of help please?


Sarah Alawami

face book:
Mobile site for podcast:

The early bird gets the worm. The late worm gets to live. 

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Re: VO will not speak, possibly related to Audio Hijack Pro

2010-10-22 Thread Nothingvutlime
HHmmm. I hadn't thought of creating another account. I will get Mom or Dad to 
help me with that later. One quick question though. When you had this issue, 
did you try loading vo from cd? Because that didn't work for me either. I'm 
wondering if there's a bigger problem.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 22, 2010, at 12:40 PM, Allison Manzino  wrote:

> Hi there,
> THis happened when I forgot to quit Audio Hijack Pro. THe only way I could 
> get VO to relaunch itself was to create another account. Since my Mac wasn't 
> full of things at the time, this didn't  matter and wasn't a problem. The 
> apple support team was stumped as to why this occurred. Now, every time I use 
> Audio Hijack, after I finish recording, I end my  session, I always wait a 
> few seconds, check the recordings in my docks, which is the folder I have all 
> my AH stuff in, and then hit command Q while I'm in AH. I hope this helps. I 
> have never had another problem with VO and AH again. Have a wonderful day and 
> good luck getting this resolved. Please let me know if there is anything I  
> can do to help.
> Musically,
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Oct 22, 2010, at 10:10 AM, Nothingvutlime wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I launched Audio Hijack Pro while on Skype with someone yesterday and 
>> hijacked system audio. Vo was having issues with pretty much any program I 
>> went into. It was saying busy every time I tried to VO around. So I force 
>> quit AHP. VO stopped working, so I restarted. I heard my Skype and Adium 
>> sounds, signaling that both   programs had been launched successfully. I 
>> invoked screen curtain, and I could see that it was on. But no peep from VO, 
>> not even to say it was muted. I tried VO-f10, which I believe mutes and 
>> unmutes VO, but that didn't work. I'm honestly stuck. I force quit a few 
>> programs, no other ones which I remember by name. This is the only one I 
>> remember and the only one I think could have caused this mess.   My theory 
>> is that VO is still going to Sound Flour, and I don't know how to tell it to 
>>  stop. I can always ssh or sftp in and nuke my VO prefs. I'm pretty sure 
>> they're in Library. But I'm afraid of this having harmful affects. Any help 
>> would be appreciated.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: VO will not speak, possibly related to Audio Hijack Pro

2010-10-22 Thread Ricardo Walker

The problem isn't VO relaunching.  VO is actually running.  The same thing 
happen to me earlier in the week.  The problem is your sounds are still being 
routed through soundflower.  To fix, go to system preferences/sounds.  Then 
press the output tab.  Then in the table of output options arrow up to the 
first choice.  Here are the exact steps if you need to do this with no feedback 
from voiceover.  Go to the menu bar with control F2 then press enter.  Now 
press the letter twice and press enter again.  Then tab once, and type in the 
word sound and press VO spacebar.  Now, press VO right arrow twice to go to the 
output tab and press VO spacebar.  After that, press VO command T to take you 
to the output table.  Now all you need to do is press the up arrow a few times 
to make sure your on the first item in the table.  Your sound should return at 
this point.


Ricardo Walker
Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Oct 22, 2010, at 12:40 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi there,
> THis happened when I forgot to quit Audio Hijack Pro. THe only way I could 
> get VO to relaunch itself was to create another account. Since my Mac wasn't 
> full of things at the time, this didn't  matter and wasn't a problem. The 
> apple support team was stumped as to why this occurred. Now, every time I use 
> Audio Hijack, after I finish recording, I end my  session, I always wait a 
> few seconds, check the recordings in my docks, which is the folder I have all 
> my AH stuff in, and then hit command Q while I'm in AH. I hope this helps. I 
> have never had another problem with VO and AH again. Have a wonderful day and 
> good luck getting this resolved. Please let me know if there is anything I  
> can do to help.
> Musically,
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Oct 22, 2010, at 10:10 AM, Nothingvutlime wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I launched Audio Hijack Pro while on Skype with someone yesterday and 
>> hijacked system audio. Vo was having issues with pretty much any program I 
>> went into. It was saying busy every time I tried to VO around. So I force 
>> quit AHP. VO stopped working, so I restarted. I heard my Skype and Adium 
>> sounds, signaling that both   programs had been launched successfully. I 
>> invoked screen curtain, and I could see that it was on. But no peep from VO, 
>> not even to say it was muted. I tried VO-f10, which I believe mutes and 
>> unmutes VO, but that didn't work. I'm honestly stuck. I force quit a few 
>> programs, no other ones which I remember by name. This is the only one I 
>> remember and the only one I think could have caused this mess.   My theory 
>> is that VO is still going to Sound Flour, and I don't know how to tell it to 
>>  stop. I can always ssh or sftp in and nuke my VO prefs. I'm pretty sure 
>> they're in Library. But I'm afraid of this having harmful affects. Any help 
>> would be appreciated.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> -- 
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Changing the function keys to work with voice over.

2010-10-22 Thread Chenelle Hancock
Hi everyone, for the last four days I  have been trying to use my vo keys along 
with myfunction keys. Exertions I  would use them together it say that my 
brightness level would go up or down. I tried the fm  key with vo keys and it 
did not work. Thank you so much sincerely, chenelle.

Sent from my iPhone

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Re: Changing the function keys to work with voice over.

2010-10-22 Thread Colin M
Hi Chenelle!
If you go to system prefs then keyboard button open with vo+space bar then 
scroll right until you get to use f1 f2 f3 as standard and check it vo+space 
then you should be done!
hth Colin
On 22 Oct 2010, at 19:29, Chenelle Hancock wrote:

> Hi everyone, for the last four days I  have been trying to use my vo keys 
> along with my function keys. Exertions I  would use them together it say that 
> my brightness level would go up or down. I tried the fm  key with vo keys and 
> it did not work. Thank you so much sincerely, chenelle.
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Standard Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts

2010-10-22 Thread RvR
Hello there,
I remember some discussion about using the quote normal quote shortcuts of
OS X and if there was a list of them available. Didn't read too many
messages last couple of days so don't know if someone provided this already,
but if not here is a page from Apple with lots of standard OS X shortcuts:
Talk soon,

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Re: VO will not speak, possibly related to Audio Hijack Pro

2010-10-22 Thread Allison Manzino

No I hadn't thought of loading VO from the CD, I like RIcardo's info, and will 
save it for future reference. My Mom had to help me create another account, I 
didn't do it all by myself. Couldn't have done it without her, smile. I hope 
you get this rectified.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Oct 22, 2010, at 2:02 PM, Nothingvutlime wrote:

> HHmmm. I hadn't thought of creating another account. I will get Mom or Dad to 
> help me with that later. One quick question though. When you had this issue, 
> did you try loading vo from cd? Because that didn't work for me either. I'm 
> wondering if there's a bigger problem.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 22, 2010, at 12:40 PM, Allison Manzino  wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> THis happened when I forgot to quit Audio Hijack Pro. THe only way I could 
>> get VO to relaunch itself was to create another account. Since my Mac wasn't 
>> full of things at the time, this didn't  matter and wasn't a problem. The 
>> apple support team was stumped as to why this occurred. Now, every time I 
>> use Audio Hijack, after I finish recording, I end my  session, I always wait 
>> a few seconds, check the recordings in my docks, which is the folder I have 
>> all my AH stuff in, and then hit command Q while I'm in AH. I hope this 
>> helps. I have never had another problem with VO and AH again. Have a 
>> wonderful day and good luck getting this resolved. Please let me know if 
>> there is anything I  can do to help.
>> Musically,
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Oct 22, 2010, at 10:10 AM, Nothingvutlime wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I launched Audio Hijack Pro while on Skype with someone yesterday and 
>>> hijacked system audio. Vo was having issues with pretty much any program I 
>>> went into. It was saying busy every time I tried to VO around. So I force 
>>> quit AHP. VO stopped working, so I restarted. I heard my Skype and Adium 
>>> sounds, signaling that both   programs had been launched successfully. I 
>>> invoked screen curtain, and I could see that it was on. But no peep from 
>>> VO, not even to say it was muted. I tried VO-f10, which I believe mutes and 
>>> unmutes VO, but that didn't work. I'm honestly stuck. I force quit a few 
>>> programs, no other ones which I remember by name. This is the only one I 
>>> remember and the only one I think could have caused this mess.   My theory 
>>> is that VO is still going to Sound Flour, and I don't know how to tell it 
>>> to  stop. I can always ssh or sftp in and nuke my VO prefs. I'm pretty sure 
>>> they're in Library. But I'm afraid of this having harmful affects. Any help 
>>> would be appreciated.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: ilife 11

2010-10-22 Thread Kevin Reeves
Is there a comprehensive list of enhancements to garageband beyond the 4 
selling points on their store page? Would love to see all release notes if it 
is available.
On Oct 22, 2010, at 4:28 AM, Scott Howell wrote:

> You know he just might have. You  would be amazed at what this gent knows.
> On Oct 22, 2010, at 4:17 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Ok,
>> You know I have to ask. :). How do you know?  If you have used or own a copy 
>> of iLife, could you tell us some of the improvements?
>> Thanks
>> Ricardo Walker
>> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Oct 21, 2010, at 1:56 PM, Dean Hudson wrote:
>>> Yes, iLife 11 has some significant accessibility improvements across 
>>> Garageband, iMovie, and iPhoto.
>>> On Oct 21, 2010, at 2:58 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:
 apple is a little busy just now. they may take a while.
 On Oct 21, 2010, at 2:51 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
> I have wrote to Apple asking if it is more accessible then the previous 
> one, still waiting to hear back.
> Chris 
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Messed up my Itunes library

2010-10-22 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
While importing some new items into Itunes, I accidentally re-categorized a lot 
of songs as being by the wrong artist.  How can I undo this and give the songs 
back their correct artist and title categories? any ideas?


 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
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Re: RE: Teaching Mac to sighted people

2010-10-22 Thread Esther

Hi Simon, 

O'Reilly should definitely take international credit cards.  

The only issue with VoiceOver that I ran into was that if I used VO-Space on the 
"Continue" button instead of clicking with VO-Shift-Space, the web page would wipe out my 
credit card entries as though I had made a mistake or omitted a field.  This was very reproducible. 
 As long as I clicked with VO-Shift-Space I was able to go through the purchase, and all the fields 
were filled in on the page for me to confirm my order.  They didn't ask for my credit card 
confirmation code.  I haven't applied all the most recent software updates.  However, I also tried 
this on another Mac (not my own), and started from scratch (didn't log in until prompted in the 
order process).  Again, the only place where I had any difficulty was if I used VO-Space on the 
"Continue" button instead of routing my mouse cursor with VO-Command-F5 and then clicking 
with VO-Shift-Space.  When I clicked with VO-Shift-Space, I was taken to the final page, where the 
only other thing I could have done was click the final button to complete the purchase and have my 
credit card charged.  If your credit card was one of the ones listed for selection, I see no reason 
why you should not be able to make your purchase.



On Oct 21, 2010, Simon Fogarty wrote:

Hi Esthre,

I've tried this on both the mac and my windows 7 machines and I get similar
things happening.
I don't have trouble clicking the continue button, it just wont go to the
following / final review order page. And I can't figureout why.
It's like I've got something wrong or missing, but I can't find anything
after going throughthe entire page link by link and edit box by edit box.

I'm starting to question whether or not my NZ credit card can actually work
on this site.
Do they allow for international purchases.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Esther
Sent: Friday, 22 October 2010 3:00 a.m.
Subject: Re: Teaching Mac to sighted people

Hi Simon,

When you have entered your credit card information, route your mouse to the
"Continue" button (with VO-Command-F5, if you do not have your mouse cursor
set to track your VoiceOver cursor) and use VO-Shift- Space to click the
button. You'll be taken to a "Confirm Order" page which should contain your
STANZACAT discount, if you entered the coupon code earlier. Click the
"Finish Order" button to complete your transaction.

If you ever encounter a situation where a button press does not seem to
"take" with VO-Space, try clicking the button. Technically, VO- Space should
perform the default action for any situation, which in this case is to click
the button. There are some cases where VO-Shift- Space (which I refer to as
a "software click") does not work, but where clicking with your trackpad or
mouse button ("hardware clicks") will work. Remember to first route your
mouse cursor to your VoiceOver cursor before you press your trackpad key (or
the whole trackpad in recent MacBook models) or mouse button to click, if
you have not set your mouse cursor to track your VoiceOver cursor in
VoiceOver Utility. Pressing the "5" key on the numeric keypad with Numpad
Commander turned on also counts as a "hardware click"; it will work in those
same cases where clicking a mouse or trackpad works when VO-Shift-Space and
VO-Space do not work to click a button.

Incidentally, I've read that you can now purchase the O'Reilly eBooks in
iBooks, but I don't think that you get the DAISY and PDF versions of the
book when you do so, and I don't believe you can use any discount codes.
The eBook bundle purchases you make directly from the O'Reilly site should
also update if there are any minor revisions or corrections, or additional
eBook formats made available.

HTH. Cheers,


On Oct 20, 2010, at 20:53, Simon Fogarty wrote:

Hi Esther or anyone else that can help.

I'm trying to purchase a couple of ebooks from O'Reilly's ebook site 
and keep getting a weird thing happening.

Everytime I fill in the credit card details I hit continue and it 
tells me that the charge will be taken from my credit card, once I 
confirm / review my purchase in the next step. However it doesn't or 
at least I can't get to the next step.

And it also clears out my credit card details

I have checked with my bank and my cards fine to use internationally, 
I have the money in the account to cover the purchase, But yet I 
can't figure out wha the hells going on.

And it wont give me an error messge to refer to either.

Also, there is no place to put the 3 digit validation code, which a 
lot of online payment methods require for making a purchase.

Just wondering if anyone else has had this sort of thing happen to 
them before and how they got through it.

Thanks for any assistance on this, it's really starting to hack me 

Simon f

-Original Message-
From: m

Re: Messed up my Itunes library

2010-10-22 Thread Isaac Obie

Hi Mark,
How about restoring it from your backups? I'd think that would be the 
easiest way to do that.

- Original Message - 
From: "Mark BurningHawk Baxter" 

Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 5:40 PM
Subject: Messed up my Itunes library

While importing some new items into Itunes, I accidentally re-categorized a 
lot of songs as being by the wrong artist.  How can I undo this and give the 
songs back their correct artist and title categories? any ideas?


• Mark BurningHawk Baxter
• AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
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WEb Cam for Mac mini

2010-10-22 Thread patricia solis
Hello Everyone,
I would like to purchase  a web cam  for my mac mini to be able  to use skype.  
As you all know  the mac mini doesn't  have one so my question is. For any  
suggestions on what type  to buy?
Thanks in advance Patricia

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Re: Messed up my Itunes library

2010-10-22 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Not sure how to restore a single folder from a Time Machine backup, but I did 
think of that.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
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restoring single folder from TIme Machine backup

2010-10-22 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Mark and all,

I think I know how to restore a single folder from a time machine backup, the 
operative word being think. I think that all you have to do is access the drive 
you have your time machine backup on and open it, then you should be able to 
see the folders contained within your backup. I think all you need to do is 
command C to copy the folder and command v to paste the folder. I cannot take 
credit for this, as I think Ester posted this a few weeks back. I hope this 
helps. Have a wonderful evening.


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Re: WEb Cam for Mac mini

2010-10-22 Thread Eric Oyen
I used an Sirius USB 2.0 in the previous version of OS X, unfortunately, its no 
longer supported as of 10.6. Instead, I now use a sony handicap dcr-hc52 as my 
camera of choice (plugged in via firewire). its ironic that i, a totally blind 
person, still uses a video camera, but I like to tape stuff I hear. 

anyway, if you need to Skype me, my Skype name is technomage-hawke.


On Oct 22, 2010, at 4:27 PM, patricia solis wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I would like to purchase  a web cam  for my mac mini to be able  to use 
> skype.  As you all know  the mac mini doesn't  have one so my question is. 
> For any  suggestions on what type  to buy?
> Thanks in advance Patricia
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Re: VO will not speak, possibly related to Audio Hijack Pro

2010-10-22 Thread Nothingvutlime
Wow, this is wonderful info. I've accidentally had audio going to sound flour 
quite a few times and needed sighted help to fix it. Now I don't have to do 
that anymore. But I don't think that problem you described is the one I'm 
facing. I can hear Adium and Skype sounds, just not VO, as stated before. I 
know Voiceover is running, because I can see the screen dim when I turn screen 
curtain on and off. I think I'm going to try Alison's trick and hope for the 

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 22, 2010, at 2:03 PM, Ricardo Walker  wrote:

> Hi,
> The problem isn't VO relaunching.  VO is actually running.  The same thing 
> happen to me earlier in the week.  The problem is your sounds are still being 
> routed through soundflower.  To fix, go to system preferences/sounds.  Then 
> press the output tab.  Then in the table of output options arrow up to the 
> first choice.  Here are the exact steps if you need to do this with no 
> feedback from voiceover.  Go to the menu bar with control F2 then press 
> enter.  Now press the letter twice and press enter again.  Then tab once, and 
> type in the word sound and press VO spacebar.  Now, press VO right arrow 
> twice to go to the output tab and press VO spacebar.  After that, press VO 
> command T to take you to the output table.  Now all you need to do is press 
> the up arrow a few times to make sure your on the first item in the table.  
> Your sound should return at this point.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter & Skype: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Oct 22, 2010, at 12:40 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> THis happened when I forgot to quit Audio Hijack Pro. THe only way I could 
>> get VO to relaunch itself was to create another account. Since my Mac wasn't 
>> full of things at the time, this didn't  matter and wasn't a problem. The 
>> apple support team was stumped as to why this occurred. Now, every time I 
>> use Audio Hijack, after I finish recording, I end my  session, I always wait 
>> a few seconds, check the recordings in my docks, which is the folder I have 
>> all my AH stuff in, and then hit command Q while I'm in AH. I hope this 
>> helps. I have never had another problem with VO and AH again. Have a 
>> wonderful day and good luck getting this resolved. Please let me know if 
>> there is anything I  can do to help.
>> Musically,
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Oct 22, 2010, at 10:10 AM, Nothingvutlime wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I launched Audio Hijack Pro while on Skype with someone yesterday and 
>>> hijacked system audio. Vo was having issues with pretty much any program I 
>>> went into. It was saying busy every time I tried to VO around. So I force 
>>> quit AHP. VO stopped working, so I restarted. I heard my Skype and Adium 
>>> sounds, signaling that both   programs had been launched successfully. I 
>>> invoked screen curtain, and I could see that it was on. But no peep from 
>>> VO, not even to say it was muted. I tried VO-f10, which I believe mutes and 
>>> unmutes VO, but that didn't work. I'm honestly stuck. I force quit a few 
>>> programs, no other ones which I remember by name. This is the only one I 
>>> remember and the only one I think could have caused this mess.   My theory 
>>> is that VO is still going to Sound Flour, and I don't know how to tell it 
>>> to  stop. I can always ssh or sftp in and nuke my VO prefs. I'm pretty sure 
>>> they're in Library. But I'm afraid of this having harmful affects. Any help 
>>> would be appreciated.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: [Bulk] Re: Messed up my Itunes library

2010-10-22 Thread Ray Foret Jr

Just open your disk where the time machine backups are stored.  Then, navigate 
to the disk image and open it.  Inside here, you'll see all your time machien 
backups.  Open the backup you want.  Inside the backup, you'll find that you'll 
see exactly what your Mac hard drive looked like at the time of the backup.  
Open this and you will be able to navigate directly to the folder you want just 
exactly as if it had been on your actual drive.  Copy and paste as usual from 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Oct 22, 2010, at 6:30 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Not sure how to restore a single folder from a Time Machine backup, but I did 
> think of that.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
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Re: restoring single folder from TIme Machine backup

2010-10-22 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Actually, I think I posted it and ester also posted it.  that guess is exactly 

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Oct 22, 2010, at 7:21 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Mark and all,
> I think I know how to restore a single folder from a time machine backup, the 
> operative word being think. I think that all you have to do is access the 
> drive you have your time machine backup on and open it, then you should be 
> able to see the folders contained within your backup. I think all you need to 
> do is command C to copy the folder and command v to paste the folder. I 
> cannot take credit for this, as I think Ester posted this a few weeks back. I 
> hope this helps. Have a wonderful evening.
> Musically,
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> -- 
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Re: restoring single folder from TIme Machine backup

2010-10-22 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Yes, you can do that, but with the Itunes Music folder, I'm not sure if you can 
do that without re-choosing the Itunes library or some such procedure.  I fixed 
the Itunes screwup I made manually by renaming all the tracks to (roughly) 
their correct designations. :)

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
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handytech Braillino and Iphone

2010-10-22 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi everyone,

I wanted to tell you that I finally received my Braillino yesterday afternoon. 
I was able to successfully pair it with my Macbook, but I cannot pair it with 
the Iphone. Does anyone have any suggestions? I go in to accessibility and 
VoiceOver on the Iphone tap Braille and it starts searching for devices, but 
doesn't find the Braillino. Any suggestions and tips would be most welcome. If 
this is the wrong list to post this to, I apologize to the moderators in 


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

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Re: [Bulk] Re: Messed up my Itunes library

2010-10-22 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
Thanks; I'm ware of this procedure, but didn't know if you could do that 
without importing it via Itunes into the library, which was complicated and 
chancy.  I didn't know you could just paste folders into the Itunes Music 
folder and have them show up in Itunes.

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
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 • My home page:

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Re: handytech Braillino and Iphone

2010-10-22 Thread Scott Howell
Please be sure to send a note to I am having a problem 
pairing the Brailliant 40 (the most recent model, the one with only the USB 
port). The previous versions of the HumanWare Brailliant, which has the USB, AC 
power socket, and serial connection port works fine with the iPHone and Mac.

On Oct 22, 2010, at 9:03 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I wanted to tell you that I finally received my Braillino yesterday 
> afternoon. I was able to successfully pair it with my Macbook, but I cannot 
> pair it with the Iphone. Does anyone have any suggestions? I go in to 
> accessibility and VoiceOver on the Iphone tap Braille and it starts searching 
> for devices, but doesn't find the Braillino. Any suggestions and tips would 
> be most welcome. If this is the wrong list to post this to, I apologize to 
> the moderators in advance.
> Happily,
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
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Anyone try the iPod 6th gen?

2010-10-22 Thread rayna424
Hey all,

My sighted boyfriend just got the 6th generation nano and holy cow is
it tiny haha! Thought I'd ask ya'll if you've gotten one and how you
like it? Did a search here but just came up with podcasts. I'd like to
know what you think.


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Re: handytech Braillino and Iphone

2010-10-22 Thread Claus Thøgersen


i know  nothing about the Braillino but maybe you can search for the Iphone 
from the Brailino?


- Original Message - 
From: "Allison Manzino" 

To: "Mac Visionaries" 
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2010 3:03 AM
Subject: handytech Braillino and Iphone

Hi everyone,

I wanted to tell you that I finally received my Braillino yesterday 
afternoon. I was able to successfully pair it with my Macbook, but I cannot 
pair it with the Iphone. Does anyone have any suggestions? I go in to 
accessibility and VoiceOver on the Iphone tap Braille and it starts 
searching for devices, but doesn't find the Braillino. Any suggestions and 
tips would be most welcome. If this is the wrong list to post this to, I 
apologize to the moderators in advance.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

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Re: handytech Braillino and Iphone

2010-10-22 Thread Mary Otten
I believe I read here earlier that the braillino is not supported in IOS. 


Mary Otten

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Re: handytech Braillino and Iphone

2010-10-22 Thread Isaac Obie

It won't work! Braillino is not listed on the iphone list of devices. We 
tried it in class! No go!

- Original Message - 
From: "Allison Manzino" 

To: "Mac Visionaries" 
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 9:03 PM
Subject: handytech Braillino and Iphone

Hi everyone,

I wanted to tell you that I finally received my Braillino yesterday 
afternoon. I was able to successfully pair it with my Macbook, but I cannot 
pair it with the Iphone. Does anyone have any suggestions? I go in to 
accessibility and VoiceOver on the Iphone tap Braille and it starts 
searching for devices, but doesn't find the Braillino. Any suggestions and 
tips would be most welcome. If this is the wrong list to post this to, I 
apologize to the moderators in advance.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

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Re: Anyone try the iPod 6th gen?

2010-10-22 Thread James Mannion
I checked it out in the store and thought it was super cool. Am sort
of tempted to buy one, but can't really justify it yet. Sure the
IPhone can do everything the nano can and more, but for just using the
nano for things you would not have to worry about breaking anything.
You virtually would nto have to be concerned about doing anything to
the nano. It would fit in anything too. Unfortunate it can't network
stream things or do anything with bluetooth either.

On 10/22/10, rayna424  wrote:
> Hey all,
> My sighted boyfriend just got the 6th generation nano and holy cow is
> it tiny haha! Thought I'd ask ya'll if you've gotten one and how you
> like it? Did a search here but just came up with podcasts. I'd like to
> know what you think.
> Thanks!
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Re: [Bulk] Re: Messed up my Itunes library

2010-10-22 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Just need to make very certain that you drop the old folders in to the places 
they origianlly were and you shoul dbe good to go.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!

Skype Name:

On Oct 22, 2010, at 8:05 PM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

> Thanks; I'm ware of this procedure, but didn't know if you could do that 
> without importing it via Itunes into the library, which was complicated and 
> chancy.  I didn't know you could just paste folders into the Itunes Music 
> folder and have them show up in Itunes.
> • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
> • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
> • MSN:
> • My home page:
> •
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Re: handytech Braillino and Iphone

2010-10-22 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Allison:
If I remember correctly, the Braillino might not be supported yet by the 
iPhone.  I'll try to confir this with a contact at Handytech, if I can.

Carolyn Haas

On Oct 22, 2010, at 7:03 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I wanted to tell you that I finally received my Braillino yesterday 
> afternoon. I was able to successfully pair it with my Macbook, but I cannot 
> pair it with the Iphone. Does anyone have any suggestions? I go in to 
> accessibility and VoiceOver on the Iphone tap Braille and it starts searching 
> for devices, but doesn't find the Braillino. Any suggestions and tips would 
> be most welcome. If this is the wrong list to post this to, I apologize to 
> the moderators in advance.
> Happily,
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
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Re: Anyone try the iPod 6th gen?

2010-10-22 Thread Scott Granados
I don't have the nano but I do have the latest IPod touch and it's absolutely 
the bomb!

I use it every day and even haven't used my radio since switching over.  I 
combined it with a Sprint Overdrive and it makes a great mobile internet 

On Oct 22, 2010, at 6:22 PM, rayna424 wrote:

> Hey all,
> My sighted boyfriend just got the 6th generation nano and holy cow is
> it tiny haha! Thought I'd ask ya'll if you've gotten one and how you
> like it? Did a search here but just came up with podcasts. I'd like to
> know what you think.
> Thanks!
> -- 
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Re: Anyone try the iPod 6th gen?

2010-10-22 Thread Isaac Obie

can you elaborate on how it makes a great internet platform and why you 
haven't used your radio since? And that sprint overdrive must cost a fortune 
a month! I think about sixty bucks if I remember correctly.

- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Granados" 

Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2010 12:03 AM
Subject: Re: Anyone try the iPod 6th gen?

I don't have the nano but I do have the latest IPod touch and it's 
absolutely the bomb!

I use it every day and even haven't used my radio since switching over.  I 
combined it with a Sprint Overdrive and it makes a great mobile internet 

On Oct 22, 2010, at 6:22 PM, rayna424 wrote:

Hey all,

My sighted boyfriend just got the 6th generation nano and holy cow is
it tiny haha! Thought I'd ask ya'll if you've gotten one and how you
like it? Did a search here but just came up with podcasts. I'd like to
know what you think.


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Re: Anyone try the iPod 6th gen?

2010-10-22 Thread Scott Granados
Hi Isaac,

Sure first, the Sprint overdrive is about 60 per month.  That's pretty 
reasonable especially if you're in a 4G enabled city.  The plan has unlimited 
4G service so no cap, 3G is capped at 5GB per month.

I commute over an hour each way every day so to me this is valuable time.  If 
you don't travel much and already have broadband you might not be able to 
justify the cost.  I really like the device though and get a lot of milage out 
of it.

As for the IPod, I love the interface.  The touch screen is very intuitive to 
use once you get the hang of it.  Tracking of the movements is very good and it 
is easy to use one handed unlike many phones.
With apps like live365, iI-Heart-Radio and many others you can stream 
all the audio you want in clean stereo audio instead of over the air.  I also 
find I listen to a lot of content not available on the air either because it's 
treamed only or because it's outside the local area.  The only thing I've used 
my standard radio for recently is listening to John Miller on the Giants radio 
network.:)  My understanding is I can get an MLB app and get the same audio, I 
assume there's a fee for that.  I have not tried this personally but plan on it 
next year.

Things like the web browser are pretty good and most apps are accessible.

How's that?

On Oct 22, 2010, at 9:29 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:

> Scott
> can you elaborate on how it makes a great internet platform and why you 
> haven't used your radio since? And that sprint overdrive must cost a fortune 
> a month! I think about sixty bucks if I remember correctly.
> Isaac
> - Original Message - From: "Scott Granados" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2010 12:03 AM
> Subject: Re: Anyone try the iPod 6th gen?
>> I don't have the nano but I do have the latest IPod touch and it's 
>> absolutely the bomb!
>> I use it every day and even haven't used my radio since switching over.  I 
>> combined it with a Sprint Overdrive and it makes a great mobile internet 
>> platform.
>> On Oct 22, 2010, at 6:22 PM, rayna424 wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> My sighted boyfriend just got the 6th generation nano and holy cow is
>>> it tiny haha! Thought I'd ask ya'll if you've gotten one and how you
>>> like it? Did a search here but just came up with podcasts. I'd like to
>>> know what you think.
>>> Thanks!
>>> -- 
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Re: Anyone try the iPod 6th gen?

2010-10-22 Thread Isaac Obie

That is excellent! thank you for that. I am thinking of doing the ipod touch 
after I learn itunes. I'd like something portable and something that I can 
do with a braille display since I am hard of hearing. I doubt the ipod'd 
have the power to be loud enough for my needs. I know very little about 
gestures. What's your take on this? Will the ipod touch be useful to me? I 
have a 12 cell braille display. Thanks.

- Original Message - 
From: "Scott Granados" 

Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2010 12:52 AM
Subject: Re: Anyone try the iPod 6th gen?

Hi Isaac,

Sure first, the Sprint overdrive is about 60 per month.  That's pretty 
reasonable especially if you're in a 4G enabled city.  The plan has 
unlimited 4G service so no cap, 3G is capped at 5GB per month.

I commute over an hour each way every day so to me this is valuable time. 
If you don't travel much and already have broadband you might not be able to 
justify the cost.  I really like the device though and get a lot of milage 
out of it.

As for the IPod, I love the interface.  The touch screen is very intuitive 
to use once you get the hang of it.  Tracking of the movements is very good 
and it is easy to use one handed unlike many phones.
With apps like live365, iI-Heart-Radio and many others you can stream all 
the audio you want in clean stereo audio instead of over the air.  I also 
find I listen to a lot of content not available on the air either because 
it's treamed only or because it's outside the local area.  The only thing 
I've used my standard radio for recently is listening to John Miller on the 
Giants radio network.:)  My understanding is I can get an MLB app and get 
the same audio, I assume there's a fee for that.  I have not tried this 
personally but plan on it next year.

Things like the web browser are pretty good and most apps are accessible.

How's that?

On Oct 22, 2010, at 9:29 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:

can you elaborate on how it makes a great internet platform and why you 
haven't used your radio since? And that sprint overdrive must cost a 
fortune a month! I think about sixty bucks if I remember correctly.

- Original Message - From: "Scott Granados" 

Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2010 12:03 AM
Subject: Re: Anyone try the iPod 6th gen?

I don't have the nano but I do have the latest IPod touch and it's 
absolutely the bomb!

I use it every day and even haven't used my radio since switching over. 
I combined it with a Sprint Overdrive and it makes a great mobile 
internet platform.

On Oct 22, 2010, at 6:22 PM, rayna424 wrote:

Hey all,

My sighted boyfriend just got the 6th generation nano and holy cow is
it tiny haha! Thought I'd ask ya'll if you've gotten one and how you
like it? Did a search here but just came up with podcasts. I'd like to
know what you think.


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Re: Anyone try the iPod 6th gen?

2010-10-22 Thread Scott Granados
I haven't used a braille display so maybe someone who has can speak up.

I do think it would be useful though.  Most of the apps aren't even music 
related or sound related at all.  There are all sorts of tools that you can use 
online ranging from simply checking the weather or stocks on up to the full web 
browser or restaurant finders and everything  inbetween.  Even OCR software 
although I personally have not used this.  
All the built in features are accessible unlike windows mobile devices. 
 Even the camera is useful.  Apple has done a very good job with the product.

On Oct 22, 2010, at 10:12 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:

> Scott
> That is excellent! thank you for that. I am thinking of doing the ipod touch 
> after I learn itunes. I'd like something portable and something that I can do 
> with a braille display since I am hard of hearing. I doubt the ipod'd have 
> the power to be loud enough for my needs. I know very little about gestures. 
> What's your take on this? Will the ipod touch be useful to me? I have a 12 
> cell braille display. Thanks.
> Isaac
> - Original Message - From: "Scott Granados" 
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2010 12:52 AM
> Subject: Re: Anyone try the iPod 6th gen?
> Hi Isaac,
> Sure first, the Sprint overdrive is about 60 per month.  That's pretty 
> reasonable especially if you're in a 4G enabled city.  The plan has unlimited 
> 4G service so no cap, 3G is capped at 5GB per month.
> I commute over an hour each way every day so to me this is valuable time. If 
> you don't travel much and already have broadband you might not be able to 
> justify the cost.  I really like the device though and get a lot of milage 
> out of it.
> As for the IPod, I love the interface.  The touch screen is very intuitive to 
> use once you get the hang of it.  Tracking of the movements is very good and 
> it is easy to use one handed unlike many phones.
> With apps like live365, iI-Heart-Radio and many others you can stream all the 
> audio you want in clean stereo audio instead of over the air.  I also find I 
> listen to a lot of content not available on the air either because it's 
> treamed only or because it's outside the local area.  The only thing I've 
> used my standard radio for recently is listening to John Miller on the Giants 
> radio network.:)  My understanding is I can get an MLB app and get the same 
> audio, I assume there's a fee for that.  I have not tried this personally but 
> plan on it next year.
> Things like the web browser are pretty good and most apps are accessible.
> How's that?
> On Oct 22, 2010, at 9:29 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:
>> Scott
>> can you elaborate on how it makes a great internet platform and why you 
>> haven't used your radio since? And that sprint overdrive must cost a fortune 
>> a month! I think about sixty bucks if I remember correctly.
>> Isaac
>> - Original Message - From: "Scott Granados" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2010 12:03 AM
>> Subject: Re: Anyone try the iPod 6th gen?
>>> I don't have the nano but I do have the latest IPod touch and it's 
>>> absolutely the bomb!
>>> I use it every day and even haven't used my radio since switching over. I 
>>> combined it with a Sprint Overdrive and it makes a great mobile internet 
>>> platform.
>>> On Oct 22, 2010, at 6:22 PM, rayna424 wrote:
 Hey all,
 My sighted boyfriend just got the 6th generation nano and holy cow is
 it tiny haha! Thought I'd ask ya'll if you've gotten one and how you
 like it? Did a search here but just came up with podcasts. I'd like to
 know what you think.
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