They are a great little machine, but although they can do everything,
Someone like me that wants power and portability they just aren't yet

 I would prefer the new Toshiba R700  which has similar specs but better
processor, supports more ram,similar drive size if right model. 
The only problem is it's not a mac.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Howard Dupuis
Sent: Friday, 22 October 2010 5:44 a.m.
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: FW: Introducing the new MacBook Air.

I have the previous generation MBA -- with an SS drive. It's got plenty of
power for what I do -- mostly reading and writing -- though it might not be
the ticket for someone who is looking for all sorts of ports, etc. Depends
what you will be doing.
It really is astonishingly light. When I first had the thing, I'd sometimes
check the bag when I was heading out just to be sure the Air was actually
inside -- it's that light. At home, it is usually on my lap, so its lack of
heft is a godsend there, too. It's no more delicate than a normal Macbook,
and I suspect the new model will be quite the same in that regard.
If you don't bring your laptop anywhere and if you generally use it on a
desk, there's probably no good reason for choosing an Air. And if you've got
the need for a Firewire port or something else that the MBA doesn't have, or
if you are constantly using some application that requires blazing fast
processor speed, the Air might not be the most logical computer for you.
But this thing definitely has its place. For me, that place is right here on
my lap.
-- Howard

Robert Hooper wrote:
> It's Apple, thought I'd pass it along. Does anyone on the list have one of
these? If so, then what would be the compulsion for purchasing such other
than novelty and portability? Personally, I would be worried about it
breaking, etc.
> From: Apple []
> Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 5:23 PM
> To: Robert Hooper
> Subject: Introducing the new MacBook Air.
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