And the fact that the Toshiba one isn't mac is a huge problem to me, (Smiley).

On 22/10/2010, at 3:42 in the morning, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> They are a great little machine, but although they can do everything,
> Someone like me that wants power and portability they just aren't yet
> suitable.
> I would prefer the new Toshiba R700  which has similar specs but better
> processor, supports more ram,similar drive size if right model. 
> The only problem is it's not a mac.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Howard Dupuis
> Sent: Friday, 22 October 2010 5:44 a.m.
> To: MacVisionaries
> Subject: Re: FW: Introducing the new MacBook Air.
> I have the previous generation MBA -- with an SS drive. It's got plenty of
> power for what I do -- mostly reading and writing -- though it might not be
> the ticket for someone who is looking for all sorts of ports, etc. Depends
> what you will be doing.
> It really is astonishingly light. When I first had the thing, I'd sometimes
> check the bag when I was heading out just to be sure the Air was actually
> inside -- it's that light. At home, it is usually on my lap, so its lack of
> heft is a godsend there, too. It's no more delicate than a normal Macbook,
> and I suspect the new model will be quite the same in that regard.
> If you don't bring your laptop anywhere and if you generally use it on a
> desk, there's probably no good reason for choosing an Air. And if you've got
> the need for a Firewire port or something else that the MBA doesn't have, or
> if you are constantly using some application that requires blazing fast
> processor speed, the Air might not be the most logical computer for you.
> But this thing definitely has its place. For me, that place is right here on
> my lap.
> -- Howard
> Robert Hooper wrote:
>> It's Apple, thought I'd pass it along. Does anyone on the list have one of
> these? If so, then what would be the compulsion for purchasing such other
> than novelty and portability? Personally, I would be worried about it
> breaking, etc.
>> From: Apple [mailto:n...@insideapple.apple.com]
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 5:23 PM
>> To: Robert Hooper
>> Subject: Introducing the new MacBook Air.
>> Shop
> Online<http://insideapple.apple.com/redir/cbx-cgi.do?v=2&la=en&lc=&a=BYZal7B
> xMMHoP6jIXX7r%2FftPynffHhUDmBMLrf1bvyh90C9P%2FKJvifG5CmtmeblVDvSN8jYRHPgvSNs
> JBEAx9FpBnOOyN76fSGDLwosKyvzAQLHl8qcRdQgH0JwhA53zB4maLm6R5YJYTZ7FgFAT2Gzg14W
> inFcnJZiiMacjOLg%3D>     |     Find a
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> sJBEAx9FpBnOOyN76fSGDLwosKyvzAQLHl8qcRdQgH0JwhA53zB4maLm6R5YJYTZ7FgFAT2Gzg14
> WinFcnJZiiMacjOLg%3D>     |     1-800-MY-APPLE
>> [http://images.apple.com/dm/us/10/0789/t.gif][The new MacBook Air. The 
>> next generation of MacBooks.][Buy 
>> now]<http://insideapple.apple.com/redir/cbx-cgi.do?v=2&la=en&lc=&a=BYZ
>> al7BxMMHoP6jIXX7r%2FdupyNnB0m%2FK5O9cc4QxcHMbjYj6gNmtyk0vBVLinxVbEBhte
>> btEp6zWq3BNsykMcyHmnz7LrLJv2vfu%2F7trYnOV8DWfAw63yDy66IPd4teKzqdty7cKS
>> d9tmOtib2VA0g%3D%3D>[MacBook 
>> Air]<http://insideapple.apple.com/redir/cbx-cgi.do?v=2&la=en&lc=&a=BYZ
>> al7BxMMHoP6jIXX7r%2FfI6Wn%2BXAvH9DlUZGno3XGfdiuorXHFda0nd0x5kWbcoKJOUx
>> 1%2Bfw1FTY8lKXz%2Bo1bqb8nqnhPTYtIaNzKj5%2FS%2Bxrx9M4RJ5V7dUOEuHBX8pblI
>> PaI%2BrFgx17RF%2FOKzTQw%3D%3D>
>> Available in 11- and 13-inch models.
>> Starting at just $949 with Apple education pricing. Learn 
>> more[http://images.apple.com/dm/us/10/0789/a.gif]<http://insideapple.a
>> pple.com/redir/cbx-cgi.do?v=2&la=en&lc=&a=BYZal7BxMMHoP6jIXX7r%2FZYXzZ
>> BR%2FZpQN49HX595Teo4jFRXxy4AHIS%2FaWRhawwjDvSN8jYRHPgvSNsJBEAx9FpBnOOy
>> N76fSGDLwosKyvzAQLHl8qcRdQgH0JwhA53zB4maLm6R5YJYTZ7FgFAT2Gzg14WinFcnJZ
>> iiMacjOLg%3D>
>> [http://images.apple.com/dm/us/10/0789/m_b.jpg]
>> [http://images.apple.com/dm/us/10/0789/b.gif]
>> Prices are U.S. Apple Online Store for Education prices as of October 20,
> 2010, do not include taxes or shipping, are subject to change, and are
> listed in U.S. dollars.
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