Printing envelopes from the Address Book [was Re: Using Drag and Drop in VoiceOver]

2010-10-02 Thread Esther

Hi Paul and Sarah,

Is there any reason why you don't want to just use the print dialog  
from Address Book to print envelopes? Unless you need to match a  
specific format template for Pages, I would just select an entry from  
my address book (or, if you want to print multiple envelopes, either  
select a group in your Address Book or do a general set of non- 
contiguous selections and create a group from the "File" menu options  
of Address Book's menu bar), then bring up the print dialog with  
Command+P and set the "Style" pop up button to "Envelopes".  Anne  
Robertson gave step by step instructions on how to do this in an  
archived list post:
(Re: Addressing envelopes with Voiceover)

You can also change the pop up button to print "Mailing Labels"  
instead.  I know this isn't an answer to how to use VoiceOver's drag  
and drop, but since I wouldn't use this to print envelopes unless the  
default method of printing envelopes were inadequate I've simply  
pointed you to instructions on how to print envelope addresses in  
general.  Note that if you want to choose specific fonts that you can  
also do that from the controls in the print dialog, so unless there is  
a very specific envelope template that you have to use in Pages, or  
you have custom designed envelope logos, etc. that can only be used in  
Pages I don't see why you are making more work for yourself.  I've  
changed the subject line (from using drag and drop to printing  
envelopes from address book) to reflect the content of this answer.   
If you have another question that requires using VoiceOver's drag and  
drop, we can return to that subject.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Oct 1, 2010, Sarah Alawami wrote:

I can't get it work at all. I read how to do it in the vo manual but  
its procedural did not work either.

On Oct 1, 2010, at 3:24 PM, Paul Hunt wrote:

Hello everyone. I would like to use the drag and drop feature to  
copy an address book card to an envelope in the envelope template  
of Pages. Does Drag and Drop work? If so, what is the procedure. If  
not, is there a keyboard work around?

Thanks so much.

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Re: some general question

2010-10-02 Thread Paul Erkens

Hi Robert,
Yup that does it. Thanks.
- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Hooper" 

Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: some general question

I have to route the mouse cursor to the VoicOver cursor by pressing 
VO+command+f5. After that, I hold down the control key and actually click 
the mouse. I hope this helps:)

Robert Hooper
On Oct 1, 2010, at 5:29 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:

Hi Robert,

How do you perform a control click? I've been looking for the answer this 
week. I now have ways to get around it but the actual control click using 
voice over still is a little mystery. How do you do it?
- Original Message - From: "Robert Hooper" 

Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 7:48 AM
Subject: some general question

I realize that some or even all of these questions may have been covered 
on this list already, but as I am the recent recipient of a Macbook Pro, I 
have come across a few things to which I would like some answers 
conveniently placed in one message:
1. How do context menus work on the mac? So far, I have been routing mouse 
to VO cursor and pressing CTRL+click. Is there a shortcut for this?
2. How do I get Voiceover to read the entire row of a table without first 
navigating to it and pressing VO+r? The reason for this is I would like 
all Mail message information spoken rather than just the date or subject 
line; and I would like it to do so without excessive arrowing.
3. DOes there exist a way to quickly check status items such as the 
date/time without first pressing ctrl+F8 and arrowing around the "extras"? 
This isn't really a huge deal, I'm just wondering.
So far this computer is working out great and I am very satisfied. I have 
my Ohio State University mail set up and it uses Exchange (which is 
Could someone explain the process of "mounting" a hardware device? I know 
this refers to connecting and making available a hardware device, but what 
exactly is going on when such is happening?
Finally, as I am new to the Mac OsX platform, what are some suggested 
programs in which I may consider investing time/money (word processors, 
spreadsheets, general computer maintenance programs, archivers, audio 
converters, anything of interest)?
So far I have had one day with my Mac and, although I still must rely on 
my dell for important work while I learn the platform, I can easily 
envision myself straying further and further from WIndows as time 
progresses. I am glad this list exists, as it is a definitive and helpful 
community regarding Apple accessibility in general and contains a wealth 
of information on such. I appreciate every one of you willing to 
contribute and I hope to one day do the same:)

RObert Hooper

P.S. This is being sent from my Mac's Mail program:)

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Re: some general question

2010-10-02 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, You wrote:

> "2. How do I get Voiceover to read the entire row of a table without first 
> navigating to it and pressing VO+r? The reason for this is I would like all 
> Mail message information spoken rather than just the date or subject line; 
> and I would like it to do so without excessive arrowing."

You can stop interacting with the messages table and use the up and down arrows 
to move between messages, hearing all the information for each message as you 
move to it.  Interacting offers some powerful features, but by it's nature 
doesn't offer a very good overview.  So, simply stop interacting and you should 
get the behavior you are looking for.
"3. DOes there exist a way to quickly check status items such as the date/time 
without first pressing ctrl+F8 and arrowing around the "extras"? This isn't 
really a huge deal, I'm just wondering."
There is, but it requires a little bit of overhead on your part.  You need to 
set up the keyboard commander and turn apple script on in voiceover.  Then you 
can assign keys to check things such as the time and date.  There's a complete 
step somewhere in the archives.

Hope this helps,

Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,

On 2010-10-01, at 1:48 AM, Robert Hooper wrote:

> I realize that some or even all of these questions may have been covered on 
> this list already, but as I am the recent recipient of a Macbook Pro, I have 
> come across a few things to which I would like some answers conveniently 
> placed in one message:
> 1. How do context menus work on the mac? So far, I have been routing mouse to 
> VO cursor and pressing CTRL+click. Is there a shortcut for this?
> 2. How do I get Voiceover to read the entire row of a table without first 
> navigating to it and pressing VO+r? The reason for this is I would like all 
> Mail message information spoken rather than just the date or subject line; 
> and I would like it to do so without excessive arrowing.
> 3. DOes there exist a way to quickly check status items such as the date/time 
> without first pressing ctrl+F8 and arrowing around the "extras"? This isn't 
> really a huge deal, I'm just wondering.
> So far this computer is working out great and I am very satisfied. I have my 
> Ohio State University mail set up and it uses Exchange (which is awesome).
> Could someone explain the process of "mounting" a hardware device? I know 
> this refers to connecting and making available a hardware device, but what 
> exactly is going on when such is happening?
> Finally, as I am new to the Mac OsX platform, what are some suggested 
> programs in which I may consider investing time/money (word processors, 
> spreadsheets, general computer maintenance programs, archivers, audio 
> converters, anything of interest)?
> So far I have had one day with my Mac and, although I still must rely on my 
> dell for important work while I learn the platform, I can easily envision 
> myself straying further and further from WIndows as time progresses. I am 
> glad this list exists, as it is a definitive and helpful community regarding 
> Apple accessibility in general and contains a wealth of information on such. 
> I appreciate every one of you willing to contribute and I hope to one day do 
> the same:)
> Sincerely,
> RObert Hooper
> P.S. This is being sent from my Mac's Mail program:)
> -- 
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Safari frusterations!

2010-10-02 Thread Scott Ford
Hello everyone,
I am working on a Mac book pro in win 7.  Unfortunately I keep
finding myself having to do this.  Part is my inability to completely grasp
voice over in a really efficient way.  However I feel to a larger part I
cannot get the functionality that I find necearry to complete my work and
university assignments.  For example last night I was searching for
information on a pelit stove that I am working on.  I found a good and very
informative site, however the mouse over functions were completely crazy.
Nothing was folloing a sequence that I could replicate, finally just by
clicking on every mouse over on the page all of the information was
displayed.  I went into windows and discovered that the site was solid.
This is only one event.  I very frequently find that this is occurring even
in google of all places.  Many times the heading hot key does not function
properly.  Can you tell me if you guys are running into similar
frustrations?  I find similar troubles with the need for a good word
processor and spreadsheet application.  I will not go into details right
now, but I too am questioning how long before we can expect a bit more
stability and a solid tool for productivity?  I love the sleek design and
form factor in the mac, however I am not seeing the craze and mysticism that
many folks are embuing the machines with.  I have found the hardware just as
pron to wear and tare and failer as on a PC.  I will stop my rant and I
really appoligize if I have offended anyone, that was certainly not my
intentions.  I just want a bit of a reality check.

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Pages accessibility

2010-10-02 Thread Paul Hunt
Hello. I am learning to use Pages. So far, I have found two accessibility
issues. First, when I use tiered numbering in a document, Voice Over doesn't
read the paragraph numbering. In order for me to see them I have to export
the document to Microsoft Word. My goal is to use Pages instead of Microsoft
Word. So can you check with the Pages team and let me know when this problem
will be addressed? Is it on their roadmap? If not, please make it happen in
the next version.

2. Tables are not accessible from within full screen view. Please make it
happen in the next version.


You have done a very nice job with accessibility but if you want Blind
people to take your products seriously you need to make the entire IWork
Suite accessible and do it quickly. Please do whatever you can to make this

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Re: Using Drag and Drop in VoiceOver Every body email Accessibility about Drag & drop being broken in Snow Leopard!!

2010-10-02 Thread Chuck Reichel

Hi Sarah,
So far here is what I have received from apple about drag & droping.
It works in Leopard I know this because I use it every day on my G5.
On my Mac Pro running Snow Leopard 10.6.4 It is currently broken. But  
I have heard of some people on the list using it in various  

 i think.
as of now for my needs its whacked out!!!

Let them know @ apple about this and may be  it will get fixed quicker.
Below is the response from apple about drag & drop.

Good morning Chuck,

I heard back from engineering this morning and they are currently  
aware of some issues when trying to drag and drop items while using  
VoiceOver, including the behavior you described. They are currently  
looking into how the behavior can be fixed and improved, but  
unfortunately we can not provide an ETA for when the changes will be  
available. It will be released as a software update to the operating  
system once it is complete. If I hear anything further or get an ETA I  
will be sure to pass that along to you.


Rhonda Hess-Beavers

On Oct 1, 2010, at 6:45 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

I can't get it work at all. I read how to do it in the vo manual but  
its procedural did not work either.

On Oct 1, 2010, at 3:24 PM, Paul Hunt wrote:

Hello everyone. I would like to use the drag and drop feature to  
copy an address book card to an envelope in the envelope template  
of Pages. Does Drag and Drop work? If so, what is the procedure. If  
not, is there a keyboard work around?

Thanks so much.

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Re: Printing envelopes from the Address Book [was Re: Using Drag and Drop in VoiceOver]

2010-10-02 Thread Sarah Alawami
I actually use the mini envelopes, the ones you can buy in bulk at office max. 
Not sure if a printer will take those especially mine because of the flap. I 
don't print many envelopes though so I might be wrong saying my printer will 
only take the 8 by 11 envelopes.

On Oct 2, 2010, at 3:40 AM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Paul and Sarah,
> Is there any reason why you don't want to just use the print dialog from 
> Address Book to print envelopes? Unless you need to match a specific format 
> template for Pages, I would just select an entry from my address book (or, if 
> you want to print multiple envelopes, either select a group in your Address 
> Book or do a general set of non-contiguous selections and create a group from 
> the "File" menu options of Address Book's menu bar), then bring up the print 
> dialog with Command+P and set the "Style" pop up button to "Envelopes".  Anne 
> Robertson gave step by step instructions on how to do this in an archived 
> list post:
> (Re: Addressing envelopes with Voiceover)
> You can also change the pop up button to print "Mailing Labels" instead.  I 
> know this isn't an answer to how to use VoiceOver's drag and drop, but since 
> I wouldn't use this to print envelopes unless the default method of printing 
> envelopes were inadequate I've simply pointed you to instructions on how to 
> print envelope addresses in general.  Note that if you want to choose 
> specific fonts that you can also do that from the controls in the print 
> dialog, so unless there is a very specific envelope template that you have to 
> use in Pages, or you have custom designed envelope logos, etc. that can only 
> be used in Pages I don't see why you are making more work for yourself.  I've 
> changed the subject line (from using drag and drop to printing envelopes from 
> address book) to reflect the content of this answer.  If you have another 
> question that requires using VoiceOver's drag and drop, we can return to that 
> subject.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Oct 1, 2010, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I can't get it work at all. I read how to do it in the vo manual but its 
>> procedural did not work either.
>> On Oct 1, 2010, at 3:24 PM, Paul Hunt wrote:
>>> Hello everyone. I would like to use the drag and drop feature to copy an 
>>> address book card to an envelope in the envelope template of Pages. Does 
>>> Drag and Drop work? If so, what is the procedure. If not, is there a 
>>> keyboard work around?
>>> Thanks so much.
> -- 
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Fixing iTunes

2010-10-02 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Hi guys:
On my Windows PC before getting iTunes, I had each artist, and album in their 
own folders. I imported the music to iTunes,  on my Mac,and my albums are all 
screwed up due to the way iTunes tags music. If I search by albums, 1 album 
could have 3 songs listed, and the other 7 could be in folders by themselves 
with different titles, I.E. individual artist, various artists, etc. There is 
no way to rip the cd's again. Is there any Mac software you can get to fix this 
tagging issue?

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switching from bootcamp to fusion

2010-10-02 Thread Chad Rohr
When I first got my mac I installed bootcamp on it. I partitioned 32 Gigs for 
it. I am now trying to switch to fusion and it is importing all of the 32 gigs 
from the bootcamp partition even though I have used only 13 gigs. Is there a 
way to change this and only import the gigs that I used or does it have to do 
all or nothing?
Thanks very much for your help

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Re: Pages accessibility

2010-10-02 Thread Colin M
Hi Paul!
Sorry mate I think you need to send this to Apple!
Unless someone on this can guide you on how to fix your problem, you need to 
make Apple aware of it!
This is not an Apple site!
just a group of fellow Mac and Iphone I pad Etc. users who pass helpful info to 
each other from fairly new people like me to people who have more experience!
And use a variety of vo braille and other things!
So ask questions and if someone can help you they will try! :-]
On 2 Oct 2010, at 15:04, Paul Hunt wrote:

> Hello. I am learning to use Pages. So far, I have found two accessibility 
> issues. First, when I use tiered numbering in a document, Voice Over doesn’t 
> read the paragraph numbering. In order for me to see them I have to export 
> the document to Microsoft Word. My goal is to use Pages instead of Microsoft 
> Word. So can you check with the Pages team and let me know when this problem 
> will be addressed? Is it on their roadmap? If not, please make it happen in 
> the next version.
> 2. Tables are not accessible from within full screen view. Please make it 
> happen in the next version.
> You have done a very nice job with accessibility but if you want Blind people 
> to take your products seriously you need to make the entire IWork Suite 
> accessible and do it quickly. Please do whatever you can to make this happen.
> -- 
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Re: switching from bootcamp to fusion

2010-10-02 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, It has to be all or nothing.  This is because using bootcamp you have 
actually physically partitioned the disk with those space allocations.  Regular 
virtual machines are just a file on your mac OS partition that shrinks or 
expands, but mostly expands, based on the needs of your guest operating system.

Hope this helps,

Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,

On 2010-10-02, at 11:25 AM, Chad Rohr wrote:

> Hello,
> When I first got my mac I installed bootcamp on it. I partitioned 32 Gigs for 
> it. I am now trying to switch to fusion and it is importing all of the 32 
> gigs from the bootcamp partition even though I have used only 13 gigs. Is 
> there a way to change this and only import the gigs that I used or does it 
> have to do all or nothing?
> Thanks very much for your help
> Chad
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splitting a file containing a full cd?

2010-10-02 Thread Krister Ekstrom
Hello there.
I have a .flac file that i want to convert from flac to .mp3, that can easily 
be done on the mac, but the file contains a full cd, and there's a cue sheet 
with the file, so that you can make cds from the file, but i want each track on 
the cd in a separate .mp3 file. Is there a tool for the mac that does this? 
neither switch or max can seem to do it.
what do you audio gurus use out there?
thanks in advance.

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Re: Fixing iTunes

2010-10-02 Thread Colin M
Hi Sarai!
If I get what you mean I've had the same thing the only suggestion I can make 
If the album has a lot of different artists and has split into different albums 
with just 1 or 2  artists you'll have to go to info [command+i ] and find the [ 
part of a compilation ] check box and check it, for each track and then press 
ok at the end of each info page!
When you have done each track it will pull them together under 1 album, under 
various artists!
Also my [ personal choice ] some of my albums have an artist on just one of the 
tracks who is not the main artist, and also gets put in there own album!
What I do there is go to info again and edit the artist field and remove the 
guest artist then scroll down and press ok then that 1 track ends up back in 
the main album!
The one missing thing is you can do multi info changes but unfortunately 
selecting part of a compilation is not one of them [ shame ] it would make life 
easier :-]
Unless someone else knows something better!
please let me know as well!
On 2 Oct 2010, at 15:54, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi guys:
> On my Windows PC before getting iTunes, I had each artist, and album in their 
> own folders. I imported the music to iTunes,  on my Mac,and my albums are all 
> screwed up due to the way iTunes tags music. If I search by albums, 1 album 
> could have 3 songs listed, and the other 7 could be in folders by themselves 
> with different titles, I.E. individual artist, various artists, etc. There is 
> no way to rip the cd's again. Is there any Mac software you can get to fix 
> this tagging issue?
> -- 
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Re: Fixing iTunes

2010-10-02 Thread Sarah Alawami
Of you can select all the tracks which are wrong and edit all info at once, I 

Take care.
On Oct 2, 2010, at 9:08 AM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Sarai!
> If I get what you mean I've had the same thing the only suggestion I can make 
> is...
> If the album has a lot of different artists and has split into different 
> albums with just 1 or 2  artists you'll have to go to info [command+i ] and 
> find the [ part of a compilation ] check box and check it, for each track and 
> then press ok at the end of each info page!
> When you have done each track it will pull them together under 1 album, under 
> various artists!
> Also my [ personal choice ] some of my albums have an artist on just one of 
> the tracks who is not the main artist, and also gets put in there own album!
> What I do there is go to info again and edit the artist field and remove the 
> guest artist then scroll down and press ok then that 1 track ends up back in 
> the main album!
> The one missing thing is you can do multi info changes but unfortunately 
> selecting part of a compilation is not one of them [ shame ] it would make 
> life easier :-]
> Unless someone else knows something better!
> please let me know as well!
> Colin
> On 2 Oct 2010, at 15:54, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi guys:
>> On my Windows PC before getting iTunes, I had each artist, and album in 
>> their own folders. I imported the music to iTunes,  on my Mac,and my albums 
>> are all screwed up due to the way iTunes tags music. If I search by albums, 
>> 1 album could have 3 songs listed, and the other 7 could be in folders by 
>> themselves with different titles, I.E. individual artist, various artists, 
>> etc. There is no way to rip the cd's again. Is there any Mac software you 
>> can get to fix this tagging issue?
>> -- 
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Re: splitting a file containing a full cd?

2010-10-02 Thread Sarah Alawami
I have not tried this but will amadeus do it? I don't have anything to test it 

Take care.
On Oct 2, 2010, at 8:45 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:

> Hello there.
> I have a .flac file that i want to convert from flac to .mp3, that can easily 
> be done on the mac, but the file contains a full cd, and there's a cue sheet 
> with the file, so that you can make cds from the file, but i want each track 
> on the cd in a separate .mp3 file. Is there a tool for the mac that does 
> this? neither switch or max can seem to do it.
> what do you audio gurus use out there?
> thanks in advance.
> /Krister
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Re: Fixing iTunes

2010-10-02 Thread Colin M
Hi Sarah!
Yes your right, but at the end of my message I said that [ part of a comp ] was 
not there [ shame ] oh well :-[
Take care your self:-]
On 2 Oct 2010, at 17:18, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Of you can select all the tracks which are wrong and edit all info at once, I 
> think? 
> Take care.
> On Oct 2, 2010, at 9:08 AM, Colin M wrote:
>> Hi Sarai!
>> If I get what you mean I've had the same thing the only suggestion I can 
>> make is...
>> If the album has a lot of different artists and has split into different 
>> albums with just 1 or 2  artists you'll have to go to info [command+i ] and 
>> find the [ part of a compilation ] check box and check it, for each track 
>> and then press ok at the end of each info page!
>> When you have done each track it will pull them together under 1 album, 
>> under various artists!
>> Also my [ personal choice ] some of my albums have an artist on just one of 
>> the tracks who is not the main artist, and also gets put in there own album!
>> What I do there is go to info again and edit the artist field and remove the 
>> guest artist then scroll down and press ok then that 1 track ends up back in 
>> the main album!
>> The one missing thing is you can do multi info changes but unfortunately 
>> selecting part of a compilation is not one of them [ shame ] it would make 
>> life easier :-]
>> Unless someone else knows something better!
>> please let me know as well!
>> Colin
>> On 2 Oct 2010, at 15:54, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi guys:
>>> On my Windows PC before getting iTunes, I had each artist, and album in 
>>> their own folders. I imported the music to iTunes,  on my Mac,and my albums 
>>> are all screwed up due to the way iTunes tags music. If I search by albums, 
>>> 1 album could have 3 songs listed, and the other 7 could be in folders by 
>>> themselves with different titles, I.E. individual artist, various artists, 
>>> etc. There is no way to rip the cd's again. Is there any Mac software you 
>>> can get to fix this tagging issue?
>>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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clcking Mouse

2010-10-02 Thread patricia solis
What are the short key commands to clicking  the mouse with the keyboard?
Thanks in advance Patricia!

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Re: clcking Mouse

2010-10-02 Thread Colin M
Hi there!
to click mouse use vo+shift+space bar
On 2 Oct 2010, at 17:38, patricia solis wrote:

> Hi,
> What are the short key commands to clicking  the mouse with the keyboard?
> Thanks in advance Patricia!
> -- 
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Re: Fixing iTunes

2010-10-02 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oops my bad. Hmm might be something to suggest int he feedback forum. makes 
sense. eh?
On Oct 2, 2010, at 9:25 AM, Colin M wrote:

> Hi Sarah!
> Yes your right, but at the end of my message I said that [ part of a comp ] 
> was not there [ shame ] oh well :-[
> Take care your self:-]
> On 2 Oct 2010, at 17:18, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Of you can select all the tracks which are wrong and edit all info at once, 
>> I think? 
>> Take care.
>> On Oct 2, 2010, at 9:08 AM, Colin M wrote:
>>> Hi Sarai!
>>> If I get what you mean I've had the same thing the only suggestion I can 
>>> make is...
>>> If the album has a lot of different artists and has split into different 
>>> albums with just 1 or 2  artists you'll have to go to info [command+i ] and 
>>> find the [ part of a compilation ] check box and check it, for each track 
>>> and then press ok at the end of each info page!
>>> When you have done each track it will pull them together under 1 album, 
>>> under various artists!
>>> Also my [ personal choice ] some of my albums have an artist on just one of 
>>> the tracks who is not the main artist, and also gets put in there own album!
>>> What I do there is go to info again and edit the artist field and remove 
>>> the guest artist then scroll down and press ok then that 1 track ends up 
>>> back in the main album!
>>> The one missing thing is you can do multi info changes but unfortunately 
>>> selecting part of a compilation is not one of them [ shame ] it would make 
>>> life easier :-]
>>> Unless someone else knows something better!
>>> please let me know as well!
>>> Colin
>>> On 2 Oct 2010, at 15:54, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
 Hi guys:
 On my Windows PC before getting iTunes, I had each artist, and album in 
 their own folders. I imported the music to iTunes,  on my Mac,and my 
 albums are all screwed up due to the way iTunes tags music. If I search by 
 albums, 1 album could have 3 songs listed, and the other 7 could be in 
 folders by themselves with different titles, I.E. individual artist, 
 various artists, etc. There is no way to rip the cd's again. Is there any 
 Mac software you can get to fix this tagging issue?
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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Re: Fixing iTunes

2010-10-02 Thread Justin Ekis
Hi Colin,

I just went through this process a few days ago, in fact I had a large number 
of compilation albums to fix in this way. It is possible to select all of the 
tracks in an album, bring up the track info dialog and set the "part of a 
compilation" checkbox. It will apply to all of the selected tracks. I didn't 
see it at first, but that was because I almost didn't notice that the setting 
was on a different tab of the dialog. It was quite easy at that point. Just 
wanted to let you know that it does work.


On Oct 2, 2010, at 9:08 AM, Colin M wrote:

Hi Sarai!
If I get what you mean I've had the same thing the only suggestion I can make 
If the album has a lot of different artists and has split into different albums 
with just 1 or 2  artists you'll have to go to info [command+i ] and find the [ 
part of a compilation ] check box and check it, for each track and then press 
ok at the end of each info page!
When you have done each track it will pull them together under 1 album, under 
various artists!
Also my [ personal choice ] some of my albums have an artist on just one of the 
tracks who is not the main artist, and also gets put in there own album!
What I do there is go to info again and edit the artist field and remove the 
guest artist then scroll down and press ok then that 1 track ends up back in 
the main album!
The one missing thing is you can do multi info changes but unfortunately 
selecting part of a compilation is not one of them [ shame ] it would make life 
easier :-]
Unless someone else knows something better!
please let me know as well!
On 2 Oct 2010, at 15:54, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi guys:
> On my Windows PC before getting iTunes, I had each artist, and album in their 
> own folders. I imported the music to iTunes,  on my Mac,and my albums are all 
> screwed up due to the way iTunes tags music. If I search by albums, 1 album 
> could have 3 songs listed, and the other 7 could be in folders by themselves 
> with different titles, I.E. individual artist, various artists, etc. There is 
> no way to rip the cd's again. Is there any Mac software you can get to fix 
> this tagging issue?
> -- 
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Re: Fixing iTunes

2010-10-02 Thread Colin M
Hi all!
Firstly sorry Sarah! It looks like you were right after all! hahahahahaha
secondly Justin your a star I wished I'd brought this up earlier my self!!
A lot less unchecking\checking boxes :-]
and finally but not least.
Sarai if you are going to go through this the multi select [part of comp ] is 
in the options tab!
On 2 Oct 2010, at 20:47, Justin Ekis wrote:

> Hi Colin,
> I just went through this process a few days ago, in fact I had a large number 
> of compilation albums to fix in this way. It is possible to select all of the 
> tracks in an album, bring up the track info dialog and set the "part of a 
> compilation" checkbox. It will apply to all of the selected tracks. I didn't 
> see it at first, but that was because I almost didn't notice that the setting 
> was on a different tab of the dialog. It was quite easy at that point. Just 
> wanted to let you know that it does work.
> Justin
> On Oct 2, 2010, at 9:08 AM, Colin M wrote:
> Hi Sarai!
> If I get what you mean I've had the same thing the only suggestion I can make 
> is...
> If the album has a lot of different artists and has split into different 
> albums with just 1 or 2  artists you'll have to go to info [command+i ] and 
> find the [ part of a compilation ] check box and check it, for each track and 
> then press ok at the end of each info page!
> When you have done each track it will pull them together under 1 album, under 
> various artists!
> Also my [ personal choice ] some of my albums have an artist on just one of 
> the tracks who is not the main artist, and also gets put in there own album!
> What I do there is go to info again and edit the artist field and remove the 
> guest artist then scroll down and press ok then that 1 track ends up back in 
> the main album!
> The one missing thing is you can do multi info changes but unfortunately 
> selecting part of a compilation is not one of them [ shame ] it would make 
> life easier :-]
> Unless someone else knows something better!
> please let me know as well!
> Colin
> On 2 Oct 2010, at 15:54, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi guys:
>> On my Windows PC before getting iTunes, I had each artist, and album in 
>> their own folders. I imported the music to iTunes,  on my Mac,and my albums 
>> are all screwed up due to the way iTunes tags music. If I search by albums, 
>> 1 album could have 3 songs listed, and the other 7 could be in folders by 
>> themselves with different titles, I.E. individual artist, various artists, 
>> etc. There is no way to rip the cd's again. Is there any Mac software you 
>> can get to fix this tagging issue?
>> -- 
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followup to the question about splitting a file containing a cd.

2010-10-02 Thread Krister Ekstrom
I tried amadeus, as someone here suggested to split the flac file containing a 
full cd into smaller files containing one file per track, but to no avail. the 
accompanying cue sheet file could be seen but not opened and the music file 
dident contain any markers.
any other suggestions?

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Re: Safari frusterations!

2010-10-02 Thread Eric Oyen
reality check cashed.
I have had a few "limitation" problems with voiceover (especially as far as 
live chat sessions are concerned). part of the problem with some websites is 
that they force a reload every few seconds and that trips up voiceover (I have 
encountered this already). Another problem is some websites do not use headers 
for their info, thus you are forced to hop from link to link to get your info. 
Frames are a bit easier to handle but not always do they work.

I haven't tried the latest openoffice. I had a version or 2 back that worked 
nicely with voiceover.

I wish we had some more features that could be switched in for active chats and 
live scrolling web pages (irc style chats).

fyi, the following apps do not work with voiceover at all:
mozilla thunderbird
mozilla firefox
virtualbox (however tts systems inside the VM work perfectly well)

I still have problems with sky[pe for OS X, but I have a workaround for the 
live chat screens.
I simply go into the html area (VO+shift+down arrow) page down to the end, 
VO+shift+F3 to turn off cursor tracking. then VO+end to read the last message 
(having the skype chime on for last message received allows you to know when a 
message has arrived) and then you just hit enter to type in the edit box as 
normal. you will have to hit VO+end every time a new message appears but this 


On Oct 2, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Scott Ford wrote:

> Hello everyone,
>   I am working on a Mac book pro in win 7.  Unfortunately I keep
> finding myself having to do this.  Part is my inability to completely grasp
> voice over in a really efficient way.  However I feel to a larger part I
> cannot get the functionality that I find necearry to complete my work and
> university assignments.  For example last night I was searching for
> information on a pelit stove that I am working on.  I found a good and very
> informative site, however the mouse over functions were completely crazy.
> Nothing was folloing a sequence that I could replicate, finally just by
> clicking on every mouse over on the page all of the information was
> displayed.  I went into windows and discovered that the site was solid.
> This is only one event.  I very frequently find that this is occurring even
> in google of all places.  Many times the heading hot key does not function
> properly.  Can you tell me if you guys are running into similar
> frustrations?  I find similar troubles with the need for a good word
> processor and spreadsheet application.  I will not go into details right
> now, but I too am questioning how long before we can expect a bit more
> stability and a solid tool for productivity?  I love the sleek design and
> form factor in the mac, however I am not seeing the craze and mysticism that
> many folks are embuing the machines with.  I have found the hardware just as
> pron to wear and tare and failer as on a PC.  I will stop my rant and I
> really appoligize if I have offended anyone, that was certainly not my
> intentions.  I just want a bit of a reality check.
> Sincerely,
> Scott
> -- 
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Eric Oyen - N7ZZT
Phoenix Arizona
33.488462  -112.234926
N33° 29.3077', W112° 14.0956'

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Re: Safari frusterations!

2010-10-02 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

I think you're getting a bit confused here. :)

VoiceOver isn't supposed to update itself. It actually works really well with 
dynamic HTML areas, even live chats. You have to go to the last item yourself 
because that is because you're expected to interact just as much as a sighted 
user would.

If I understand you correctly, you expect it to read automatically which isn't 
going to happen unless you make an AppleScript, I suppose. Or you could use 
Growl in Skype.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Oct 2, 2010, at 10:44 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> reality check cashed.
> I have had a few "limitation" problems with voiceover (especially as far as 
> live chat sessions are concerned). part of the problem with some websites is 
> that they force a reload every few seconds and that trips up voiceover (I 
> have encountered this already). Another problem is some websites do not use 
> headers for their info, thus you are forced to hop from link to link to get 
> your info. Frames are a bit easier to handle but not always do they work.
> I haven't tried the latest openoffice. I had a version or 2 back that worked 
> nicely with voiceover.
> I wish we had some more features that could be switched in for active chats 
> and live scrolling web pages (irc style chats).
> fyi, the following apps do not work with voiceover at all:
> mozilla thunderbird
> mozilla firefox
> virtualbox (however tts systems inside the VM work perfectly well)
> I still have problems with sky[pe for OS X, but I have a workaround for the 
> live chat screens.
> I simply go into the html area (VO+shift+down arrow) page down to the end, 
> VO+shift+F3 to turn off cursor tracking. then VO+end to read the last message 
> (having the skype chime on for last message received allows you to know when 
> a message has arrived) and then you just hit enter to type in the edit box as 
> normal. you will have to hit VO+end every time a new message appears but this 
> works.
> -Eric
> On Oct 2, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Scott Ford wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>>  I am working on a Mac book pro in win 7.  Unfortunately I keep
>> finding myself having to do this.  Part is my inability to completely grasp
>> voice over in a really efficient way.  However I feel to a larger part I
>> cannot get the functionality that I find necearry to complete my work and
>> university assignments.  For example last night I was searching for
>> information on a pelit stove that I am working on.  I found a good and very
>> informative site, however the mouse over functions were completely crazy.
>> Nothing was folloing a sequence that I could replicate, finally just by
>> clicking on every mouse over on the page all of the information was
>> displayed.  I went into windows and discovered that the site was solid.
>> This is only one event.  I very frequently find that this is occurring even
>> in google of all places.  Many times the heading hot key does not function
>> properly.  Can you tell me if you guys are running into similar
>> frustrations?  I find similar troubles with the need for a good word
>> processor and spreadsheet application.  I will not go into details right
>> now, but I too am questioning how long before we can expect a bit more
>> stability and a solid tool for productivity?  I love the sleek design and
>> form factor in the mac, however I am not seeing the craze and mysticism that
>> many folks are embuing the machines with.  I have found the hardware just as
>> pron to wear and tare and failer as on a PC.  I will stop my rant and I
>> really appoligize if I have offended anyone, that was certainly not my
>> intentions.  I just want a bit of a reality check.
>> Sincerely,
>> Scott
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> Eric Oyen - N7ZZT
> Phoenix Arizona
> Geocode:
> 33.488462  -112.234926
> N33° 29.3077', W112° 14.0956'
> -- 
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Re: Safari frusterations!

2010-10-02 Thread Sarah Alawami
I think what he is saying there is that sometimes vo interupts itself and you 
cannot get back to what you were reading as it will scrol and turning off 
curser tracking will prevent this.

On Oct 2, 2010, at 1:52 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi!
> I think you're getting a bit confused here. :)
> VoiceOver isn't supposed to update itself. It actually works really well with 
> dynamic HTML areas, even live chats. You have to go to the last item yourself 
> because that is because you're expected to interact just as much as a sighted 
> user would.
> If I understand you correctly, you expect it to read automatically which 
> isn't going to happen unless you make an AppleScript, I suppose. Or you could 
> use Growl in Skype.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Oct 2, 2010, at 10:44 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> reality check cashed.
>> I have had a few "limitation" problems with voiceover (especially as far as 
>> live chat sessions are concerned). part of the problem with some websites is 
>> that they force a reload every few seconds and that trips up voiceover (I 
>> have encountered this already). Another problem is some websites do not use 
>> headers for their info, thus you are forced to hop from link to link to get 
>> your info. Frames are a bit easier to handle but not always do they work.
>> I haven't tried the latest openoffice. I had a version or 2 back that worked 
>> nicely with voiceover.
>> I wish we had some more features that could be switched in for active chats 
>> and live scrolling web pages (irc style chats).
>> fyi, the following apps do not work with voiceover at all:
>> mozilla thunderbird
>> mozilla firefox
>> virtualbox (however tts systems inside the VM work perfectly well)
>> I still have problems with sky[pe for OS X, but I have a workaround for the 
>> live chat screens.
>> I simply go into the html area (VO+shift+down arrow) page down to the end, 
>> VO+shift+F3 to turn off cursor tracking. then VO+end to read the last 
>> message (having the skype chime on for last message received allows you to 
>> know when a message has arrived) and then you just hit enter to type in the 
>> edit box as normal. you will have to hit VO+end every time a new message 
>> appears but this works.
>> -Eric
>> On Oct 2, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Scott Ford wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I am working on a Mac book pro in win 7.  Unfortunately I keep
>>> finding myself having to do this.  Part is my inability to completely grasp
>>> voice over in a really efficient way.  However I feel to a larger part I
>>> cannot get the functionality that I find necearry to complete my work and
>>> university assignments.  For example last night I was searching for
>>> information on a pelit stove that I am working on.  I found a good and very
>>> informative site, however the mouse over functions were completely crazy.
>>> Nothing was folloing a sequence that I could replicate, finally just by
>>> clicking on every mouse over on the page all of the information was
>>> displayed.  I went into windows and discovered that the site was solid.
>>> This is only one event.  I very frequently find that this is occurring even
>>> in google of all places.  Many times the heading hot key does not function
>>> properly.  Can you tell me if you guys are running into similar
>>> frustrations?  I find similar troubles with the need for a good word
>>> processor and spreadsheet application.  I will not go into details right
>>> now, but I too am questioning how long before we can expect a bit more
>>> stability and a solid tool for productivity?  I love the sleek design and
>>> form factor in the mac, however I am not seeing the craze and mysticism that
>>> many folks are embuing the machines with.  I have found the hardware just as
>>> pron to wear and tare and failer as on a PC.  I will stop my rant and I
>>> really appoligize if I have offended anyone, that was certainly not my
>>> intentions.  I just want a bit of a reality check.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Scott
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> Eric Oyen - N7ZZT
>> Phoenix Arizona
>> Geocode:
>> 33.488462  -112.234926
>> N33° 29.3077', W112° 14.0956'
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> macvisionaries+un

Re: Safari frusterations!

2010-10-02 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Perhaps, though Skype doesn't scroll. The only things that will do this are 
webpages that automatically update, though that only happens in certain 
elements and not in all places. I'm not sure if Cursor tracking would fix this, 
as you have to keep in mind that VoiceOVer is the one updating the content so 
you know what's going on.

As for Mozilla applications, there's a good reason that they don't work.
The short of it is basically that they plan to add support to VoiceOver in 
future releases, though they're still working on that part.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Oct 2, 2010, at 10:58 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I think what he is saying there is that sometimes vo interupts itself and you 
> cannot get back to what you were reading as it will scrol and turning off 
> curser tracking will prevent this.
> S
> On Oct 2, 2010, at 1:52 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I think you're getting a bit confused here. :)
>> VoiceOver isn't supposed to update itself. It actually works really well 
>> with dynamic HTML areas, even live chats. You have to go to the last item 
>> yourself because that is because you're expected to interact just as much as 
>> a sighted user would.
>> If I understand you correctly, you expect it to read automatically which 
>> isn't going to happen unless you make an AppleScript, I suppose. Or you 
>> could use Growl in Skype.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> GoogleTalk:
>> Facebook
>> Twitter
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>> AIM: cincinster
>> On Oct 2, 2010, at 10:44 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>>> reality check cashed.
>>> I have had a few "limitation" problems with voiceover (especially as far as 
>>> live chat sessions are concerned). part of the problem with some websites 
>>> is that they force a reload every few seconds and that trips up voiceover 
>>> (I have encountered this already). Another problem is some websites do not 
>>> use headers for their info, thus you are forced to hop from link to link to 
>>> get your info. Frames are a bit easier to handle but not always do they 
>>> work.
>>> I haven't tried the latest openoffice. I had a version or 2 back that 
>>> worked nicely with voiceover.
>>> I wish we had some more features that could be switched in for active chats 
>>> and live scrolling web pages (irc style chats).
>>> fyi, the following apps do not work with voiceover at all:
>>> mozilla thunderbird
>>> mozilla firefox
>>> virtualbox (however tts systems inside the VM work perfectly well)
>>> I still have problems with sky[pe for OS X, but I have a workaround for the 
>>> live chat screens.
>>> I simply go into the html area (VO+shift+down arrow) page down to the end, 
>>> VO+shift+F3 to turn off cursor tracking. then VO+end to read the last 
>>> message (having the skype chime on for last message received allows you to 
>>> know when a message has arrived) and then you just hit enter to type in the 
>>> edit box as normal. you will have to hit VO+end every time a new message 
>>> appears but this works.
>>> -Eric
>>> On Oct 2, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Scott Ford wrote:
 Hello everyone,
I am working on a Mac book pro in win 7.  Unfortunately I keep
 finding myself having to do this.  Part is my inability to completely grasp
 voice over in a really efficient way.  However I feel to a larger part I
 cannot get the functionality that I find necearry to complete my work and
 university assignments.  For example last night I was searching for
 information on a pelit stove that I am working on.  I found a good and very
 informative site, however the mouse over functions were completely crazy.
 Nothing was folloing a sequence that I could replicate, finally just by
 clicking on every mouse over on the page all of the information was
 displayed.  I went into windows and discovered that the site was solid.
 This is only one event.  I very frequently find that this is occurring even
 in google of all places.  Many times the heading hot key does not function
 properly.  Can you tell me if you guys are running into similar
 frustrations?  I find similar troubles with the need for a good word
 processor and spreadsheet application.  I will not go into details right
 now, but I too am questioning how long before we can expect a bit more
 stability and a solid tool for productivity?  I love the sleek design and
 form factor in the mac, however I am not seeing the craze and mysticism 
 many folks are embuing the machines with.  I have found the hardware just 
 pron to wear and tare and failer as on a PC.  I will stop my rant and I
 really appoligize if I hav

Re: Safari frusterations!

2010-10-02 Thread Eric Oyen
hadn't considered growl for skype.

as for a live chat html page, I used to be able to use them when my eyes were 
working (even minimally as they were) without a great deal of interaction (just 
typing and reading). I find I can't function that way given voiceover's 
limitations. take a look at the kingdom of loathing main screen (if you don't 
have a player in that game, its free to create one). the chat pain is live 
chat, but I can't seem to get voiceover to behave very well on it (it ;oops on 
"loading chat" and then won't read the last line). I am trying a new method 
that seems to work ok with skype and adium. if it works with live chat html 
pages, then I am gold. if not, I am not sure what else to do.


On Oct 2, 2010, at 1:52 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi!
> I think you're getting a bit confused here. :)
> VoiceOver isn't supposed to update itself. It actually works really well with 
> dynamic HTML areas, even live chats. You have to go to the last item yourself 
> because that is because you're expected to interact just as much as a sighted 
> user would.
> If I understand you correctly, you expect it to read automatically which 
> isn't going to happen unless you make an AppleScript, I suppose. Or you could 
> use Growl in Skype.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Oct 2, 2010, at 10:44 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> reality check cashed.
>> I have had a few "limitation" problems with voiceover (especially as far as 
>> live chat sessions are concerned). part of the problem with some websites is 
>> that they force a reload every few seconds and that trips up voiceover (I 
>> have encountered this already). Another problem is some websites do not use 
>> headers for their info, thus you are forced to hop from link to link to get 
>> your info. Frames are a bit easier to handle but not always do they work.
>> I haven't tried the latest openoffice. I had a version or 2 back that worked 
>> nicely with voiceover.
>> I wish we had some more features that could be switched in for active chats 
>> and live scrolling web pages (irc style chats).
>> fyi, the following apps do not work with voiceover at all:
>> mozilla thunderbird
>> mozilla firefox
>> virtualbox (however tts systems inside the VM work perfectly well)
>> I still have problems with sky[pe for OS X, but I have a workaround for the 
>> live chat screens.
>> I simply go into the html area (VO+shift+down arrow) page down to the end, 
>> VO+shift+F3 to turn off cursor tracking. then VO+end to read the last 
>> message (having the skype chime on for last message received allows you to 
>> know when a message has arrived) and then you just hit enter to type in the 
>> edit box as normal. you will have to hit VO+end every time a new message 
>> appears but this works.
>> -Eric
>> On Oct 2, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Scott Ford wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I am working on a Mac book pro in win 7.  Unfortunately I keep
>>> finding myself having to do this.  Part is my inability to completely grasp
>>> voice over in a really efficient way.  However I feel to a larger part I
>>> cannot get the functionality that I find necearry to complete my work and
>>> university assignments.  For example last night I was searching for
>>> information on a pelit stove that I am working on.  I found a good and very
>>> informative site, however the mouse over functions were completely crazy.
>>> Nothing was folloing a sequence that I could replicate, finally just by
>>> clicking on every mouse over on the page all of the information was
>>> displayed.  I went into windows and discovered that the site was solid.
>>> This is only one event.  I very frequently find that this is occurring even
>>> in google of all places.  Many times the heading hot key does not function
>>> properly.  Can you tell me if you guys are running into similar
>>> frustrations?  I find similar troubles with the need for a good word
>>> processor and spreadsheet application.  I will not go into details right
>>> now, but I too am questioning how long before we can expect a bit more
>>> stability and a solid tool for productivity?  I love the sleek design and
>>> form factor in the mac, however I am not seeing the craze and mysticism that
>>> many folks are embuing the machines with.  I have found the hardware just as
>>> pron to wear and tare and failer as on a PC.  I will stop my rant and I
>>> really appoligize if I have offended anyone, that was certainly not my
>>> intentions.  I just want a bit of a reality check.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Scott
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send em

Re: Safari frusterations!

2010-10-02 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

I have a KoL account, and I play frequently. Or I try, anyway. I'll try it 
again and let you know, since it's a little while since I did play it a lot as 
an example.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Oct 2, 2010, at 11:18 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> hadn't considered growl for skype.
> as for a live chat html page, I used to be able to use them when my eyes were 
> working (even minimally as they were) without a great deal of interaction 
> (just typing and reading). I find I can't function that way given voiceover's 
> limitations. take a look at the kingdom of loathing main screen (if you don't 
> have a player in that game, its free to create one). the chat pain is live 
> chat, but I can't seem to get voiceover to behave very well on it (it ;oops 
> on "loading chat" and then won't read the last line). I am trying a new 
> method that seems to work ok with skype and adium. if it works with live chat 
> html pages, then I am gold. if not, I am not sure what else to do.
> -Eric
> On Oct 2, 2010, at 1:52 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I think you're getting a bit confused here. :)
>> VoiceOver isn't supposed to update itself. It actually works really well 
>> with dynamic HTML areas, even live chats. You have to go to the last item 
>> yourself because that is because you're expected to interact just as much as 
>> a sighted user would.
>> If I understand you correctly, you expect it to read automatically which 
>> isn't going to happen unless you make an AppleScript, I suppose. Or you 
>> could use Growl in Skype.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> GoogleTalk:
>> Facebook
>> Twitter
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>> AIM: cincinster
>> On Oct 2, 2010, at 10:44 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>>> reality check cashed.
>>> I have had a few "limitation" problems with voiceover (especially as far as 
>>> live chat sessions are concerned). part of the problem with some websites 
>>> is that they force a reload every few seconds and that trips up voiceover 
>>> (I have encountered this already). Another problem is some websites do not 
>>> use headers for their info, thus you are forced to hop from link to link to 
>>> get your info. Frames are a bit easier to handle but not always do they 
>>> work.
>>> I haven't tried the latest openoffice. I had a version or 2 back that 
>>> worked nicely with voiceover.
>>> I wish we had some more features that could be switched in for active chats 
>>> and live scrolling web pages (irc style chats).
>>> fyi, the following apps do not work with voiceover at all:
>>> mozilla thunderbird
>>> mozilla firefox
>>> virtualbox (however tts systems inside the VM work perfectly well)
>>> I still have problems with sky[pe for OS X, but I have a workaround for the 
>>> live chat screens.
>>> I simply go into the html area (VO+shift+down arrow) page down to the end, 
>>> VO+shift+F3 to turn off cursor tracking. then VO+end to read the last 
>>> message (having the skype chime on for last message received allows you to 
>>> know when a message has arrived) and then you just hit enter to type in the 
>>> edit box as normal. you will have to hit VO+end every time a new message 
>>> appears but this works.
>>> -Eric
>>> On Oct 2, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Scott Ford wrote:
 Hello everyone,
I am working on a Mac book pro in win 7.  Unfortunately I keep
 finding myself having to do this.  Part is my inability to completely grasp
 voice over in a really efficient way.  However I feel to a larger part I
 cannot get the functionality that I find necearry to complete my work and
 university assignments.  For example last night I was searching for
 information on a pelit stove that I am working on.  I found a good and very
 informative site, however the mouse over functions were completely crazy.
 Nothing was folloing a sequence that I could replicate, finally just by
 clicking on every mouse over on the page all of the information was
 displayed.  I went into windows and discovered that the site was solid.
 This is only one event.  I very frequently find that this is occurring even
 in google of all places.  Many times the heading hot key does not function
 properly.  Can you tell me if you guys are running into similar
 frustrations?  I find similar troubles with the need for a good word
 processor and spreadsheet application.  I will not go into details right
 now, but I too am questioning how long before we can expect a bit more
 stability and a solid tool for productivity?  I love the sleek design and
 form factor in the mac, however I am not seeing the craze and mysticism 
 many folks are e

Re: Safari frusterations!

2010-10-02 Thread Eric Oyen
 the right most pane (chat pane) is what seems to give me the most frustration. 
if I have questions, I can't ask for help in there as I can't adequately read 
any of the responses.


On Oct 2, 2010, at 2:20 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hello!
> I have a KoL account, and I play frequently. Or I try, anyway. I'll try it 
> again and let you know, since it's a little while since I did play it a lot 
> as an example.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Oct 2, 2010, at 11:18 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>> hadn't considered growl for skype.
>> as for a live chat html page, I used to be able to use them when my eyes 
>> were working (even minimally as they were) without a great deal of 
>> interaction (just typing and reading). I find I can't function that way 
>> given voiceover's limitations. take a look at the kingdom of loathing main 
>> screen (if you don't have a player in that game, its free to create one). 
>> the chat pain is live chat, but I can't seem to get voiceover to behave very 
>> well on it (it ;oops on "loading chat" and then won't read the last line). I 
>> am trying a new method that seems to work ok with skype and adium. if it 
>> works with live chat html pages, then I am gold. if not, I am not sure what 
>> else to do.
>> -Eric
>> On Oct 2, 2010, at 1:52 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I think you're getting a bit confused here. :)
>>> VoiceOver isn't supposed to update itself. It actually works really well 
>>> with dynamic HTML areas, even live chats. You have to go to the last item 
>>> yourself because that is because you're expected to interact just as much 
>>> as a sighted user would.
>>> If I understand you correctly, you expect it to read automatically which 
>>> isn't going to happen unless you make an AppleScript, I suppose. Or you 
>>> could use Growl in Skype.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Mobile Me:
>>> GoogleTalk:
>>> Facebook
>>> Twitter
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> On Oct 2, 2010, at 10:44 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
 reality check cashed.
 I have had a few "limitation" problems with voiceover (especially as far 
 as live chat sessions are concerned). part of the problem with some 
 websites is that they force a reload every few seconds and that trips up 
 voiceover (I have encountered this already). Another problem is some 
 websites do not use headers for their info, thus you are forced to hop 
 from link to link to get your info. Frames are a bit easier to handle but 
 not always do they work.
 I haven't tried the latest openoffice. I had a version or 2 back that 
 worked nicely with voiceover.
 I wish we had some more features that could be switched in for active 
 chats and live scrolling web pages (irc style chats).
 fyi, the following apps do not work with voiceover at all:
 mozilla thunderbird
 mozilla firefox
 virtualbox (however tts systems inside the VM work perfectly well)
 I still have problems with sky[pe for OS X, but I have a workaround for 
 the live chat screens.
 I simply go into the html area (VO+shift+down arrow) page down to the end, 
 VO+shift+F3 to turn off cursor tracking. then VO+end to read the last 
 message (having the skype chime on for last message received allows you to 
 know when a message has arrived) and then you just hit enter to type in 
 the edit box as normal. you will have to hit VO+end every time a new 
 message appears but this works.
 On Oct 2, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Scott Ford wrote:
> Hello everyone,
>   I am working on a Mac book pro in win 7.  Unfortunately I keep
> finding myself having to do this.  Part is my inability to completely 
> grasp
> voice over in a really efficient way.  However I feel to a larger part I
> cannot get the functionality that I find necearry to complete my work and
> university assignments.  For example last night I was searching for
> information on a pelit stove that I am working on.  I found a good and 
> very
> informative site, however the mouse over functions were completely crazy.
> Nothing was folloing a sequence that I could replicate, finally just by
> clicking on every mouse over on the page all of the information was
> displayed.  I went into windows and discovered that the site was solid.
> This is only one event.  I very frequently find that this is occurring 
> even
> in google of all places.  Many times the heading hot key does not function
> properly.  Can you tell me if you guys are running into similar
> frustrations

Speaking of Safari and Google

2010-10-02 Thread Jenny Wood
Good day all.  So I have a question concerning accessing google  
through Safari, but thought it might stray a little off topic from the  
thread currently running.  Now I am a newbie to the mac world, so this  
may be sheer ignorance on my part, but might anyone have some idea as  
to why I cannot access my search results in google?  I haven't noticed  
this problem on other websites as of yet, but when performing a search  
in google, I find that the links that would normally be available to  
me to click on are listed only as headers, followed by an unlabeled  
button, followed by the brief blurb from the website I wish to  
access.  Being I use google for most of my web search needs, this is  
highly annoying.  I don't know if there is some nifty trick I need to  
perform with voiceover to make it happen, or if my search results are  
simply inaccessible.  There is always a link present to click on  
google's cached version of the page, but not for the page itself.

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can offer!

Jenny Wood

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: Speaking of Safari and Google

2010-10-02 Thread Sarah Alawami
Just hit vo space on the link. they are links just like in othe rscreen reading 

On Oct 2, 2010, at 3:00 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:

> Good day all.  So I have a question concerning accessing google through 
> Safari, but thought it might stray a little off topic from the thread 
> currently running.  Now I am a newbie to the mac world, so this may be sheer 
> ignorance on my part, but might anyone have some idea as to why I cannot 
> access my search results in google?  I haven't noticed this problem on other 
> websites as of yet, but when performing a search in google, I find that the 
> links that would normally be available to me to click on are listed only as 
> headers, followed by an unlabeled button, followed by the brief blurb from 
> the website I wish to access.  Being I use google for most of my web search 
> needs, this is highly annoying.  I don't know if there is some nifty trick I 
> need to perform with voiceover to make it happen, or if my search results are 
> simply inaccessible.  There is always a link present to click on google's 
> cached version of the page, but not for the page itself.
> Thank you in advance for any assistance you can offer!
> Jenny Wood
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: Speaking of Safari and Google

2010-10-02 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hi Jenny!

Try hitting VO-Space on the heading. The link should be contained within the 
heading. My VoiceOVer announces "Heading Level 2 Link".

At least, that's  how Google usually should work. That way, you vcan jump from 
result to result by heading with VO-COmmand-H.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Oct 3, 2010, at 12:00 AM, Jenny Wood wrote:

> Good day all.  So I have a question concerning accessing google through 
> Safari, but thought it might stray a little off topic from the thread 
> currently running.  Now I am a newbie to the mac world, so this may be sheer 
> ignorance on my part, but might anyone have some idea as to why I cannot 
> access my search results in google?  I haven't noticed this problem on other 
> websites as of yet, but when performing a search in google, I find that the 
> links that would normally be available to me to click on are listed only as 
> headers, followed by an unlabeled button, followed by the brief blurb from 
> the website I wish to access.  Being I use google for most of my web search 
> needs, this is highly annoying.  I don't know if there is some nifty trick I 
> need to perform with voiceover to make it happen, or if my search results are 
> simply inaccessible.  There is always a link present to click on google's 
> cached version of the page, but not for the page itself.
> Thank you in advance for any assistance you can offer!
> Jenny Wood
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: Speaking of Safari and Google

2010-10-02 Thread Sarah Alawami
or if you have it set to tone, you will hear heading level 2, boys to men, tone 
for example.
On Oct 2, 2010, at 3:03 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi Jenny!
> Try hitting VO-Space on the heading. The link should be contained within the 
> heading. My VoiceOVer announces "Heading Level 2 Link".
> At least, that's  how Google usually should work. That way, you vcan jump 
> from result to result by heading with VO-COmmand-H.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Oct 3, 2010, at 12:00 AM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>> Good day all.  So I have a question concerning accessing google through 
>> Safari, but thought it might stray a little off topic from the thread 
>> currently running.  Now I am a newbie to the mac world, so this may be sheer 
>> ignorance on my part, but might anyone have some idea as to why I cannot 
>> access my search results in google?  I haven't noticed this problem on other 
>> websites as of yet, but when performing a search in google, I find that the 
>> links that would normally be available to me to click on are listed only as 
>> headers, followed by an unlabeled button, followed by the brief blurb from 
>> the website I wish to access.  Being I use google for most of my web search 
>> needs, this is highly annoying.  I don't know if there is some nifty trick I 
>> need to perform with voiceover to make it happen, or if my search results 
>> are simply inaccessible.  There is always a link present to click on 
>> google's cached version of the page, but not for the page itself.
>> Thank you in advance for any assistance you can offer!
>> Jenny Wood
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: Speaking of Safari and Google

2010-10-02 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Jenny and all,

I had this same problem till I used the web roder. i just hit VO and U and it 
displays the links. Then you can just VO space as was previously mentioned to 
access the links. I hope that helps.

My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Oct 2, 2010, at 6:00 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:

> Good day all.  So I have a question concerning accessing google through 
> Safari, but thought it might stray a little off topic from the thread 
> currently running.  Now I am a newbie to the mac world, so this may be sheer 
> ignorance on my part, but might anyone have some idea as to why I cannot 
> access my search results in google?  I haven't noticed this problem on other 
> websites as of yet, but when performing a search in google, I find that the 
> links that would normally be available to me to click on are listed only as 
> headers, followed by an unlabeled button, followed by the brief blurb from 
> the website I wish to access.  Being I use google for most of my web search 
> needs, this is highly annoying.  I don't know if there is some nifty trick I 
> need to perform with voiceover to make it happen, or if my search results are 
> simply inaccessible.  There is always a link present to click on google's 
> cached version of the page, but not for the page itself.
> Thank you in advance for any assistance you can offer!
> Jenny Wood
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Re: Speaking of Safari and Google

2010-10-02 Thread Sarah Alawami
You can do the same with headings as well. but what ever works.

Take care.
Sarah Alawami

face book:
Mobile site for podcast:

On Oct 2, 2010, at 3:38 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Jenny and all,
> I had this same problem till I used the web roder. i just hit VO and U and it 
> displays the links. Then you can just VO space as was previously mentioned to 
> access the links. I hope that helps.
> Musically,
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Oct 2, 2010, at 6:00 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>> Good day all.  So I have a question concerning accessing google through 
>> Safari, but thought it might stray a little off topic from the thread 
>> currently running.  Now I am a newbie to the mac world, so this may be sheer 
>> ignorance on my part, but might anyone have some idea as to why I cannot 
>> access my search results in google?  I haven't noticed this problem on other 
>> websites as of yet, but when performing a search in google, I find that the 
>> links that would normally be available to me to click on are listed only as 
>> headers, followed by an unlabeled button, followed by the brief blurb from 
>> the website I wish to access.  Being I use google for most of my web search 
>> needs, this is highly annoying.  I don't know if there is some nifty trick I 
>> need to perform with voiceover to make it happen, or if my search results 
>> are simply inaccessible.  There is always a link present to click on 
>> google's cached version of the page, but not for the page itself.
>> Thank you in advance for any assistance you can offer!
>> Jenny Wood
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "MacVisionaries" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
> For more options, visit this group at 

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

Use of external keypad, particularly with Fusion?

2010-10-02 Thread Garry Turkington

I've been working on getting both Linux and Windows 7 VMs working as I
want within Fusion.  I've of course hit the frustrations of keyboard
mappings due to the lack of a numeric keypad on the Macbook.

Though the work-arounds are probably going to be functional I can see
me getting frustrated during long sessions.  So I'm wondering if
anyone has used any USB or Bluetooth numeric keypads with a Mac?

Several are Mac compatible and though I'm pretty sure they'll work
fine for numeric entry I do wonder how well the key codes will be
interpreted if I'm simultaneously using the insert on the keypad as a
modifier along with keys on the keyboard.  Even more exciting when
considering this being passed to a VM.

Or do I just say screw it and buy a wireless keyboard that includes a
numeric keypad, though those seem harder to find.


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
"MacVisionaries" group.
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To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
For more options, visit this group at

jawbone icon site for updating firmware weird bhaviour

2010-10-02 Thread Yuma Decaux
Hi list,

I am trying to update my jawbone icon's firmware and i get weird behaviour from 
the jawbone site, when i try clicking on the details for installation and other 

Also, i don't know how to pair the jawbone to my mac as the pairing process 
requires something i am not aware of, though i've tried all three pairing 

And what mystifies me is that i used to hear voice over on the set on my 
previous pairing but now i get nothing out of the set when connected to my 
iphone 4 firmware 4.1 

Here  is the link to the page, in case i've got the wrong one:;jsessionid=D86D03EE45583A2250C2F7E6E53E1CA7

Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, and best 

Yuma DX®  

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Re: Speaking of Safari and Google

2010-10-02 Thread Jenny Wood
Thanks for the response.  While I am familiar with how to activate a  
link, the problem appears to be that Safari simply doesn't seem to  
recognize the area I need to activate as a link.  Therefore, using VO 
+space does nothing. I don't know, seeing as how not many people are  
familiar with this particular issue, I am beginning to wonder if it  
could have anything to do with the version of OS I am running.  This  
machine has OS 10.56, which is certainly not the latest and greatest.


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facebook chat

2010-10-02 Thread Laura Bratton
Hi All,
Is Facebook chat accessible? if so how do you use it?

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password protecting documents

2010-10-02 Thread Laura Bratton
Hi All,
Is it possible to password protect documents? In MS word I could set documents 
so that you have to have a password to open the document. IS this possible with 
the Mac?

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Re: Speaking of Safari and Google

2010-10-02 Thread Jenny Wood

Hi Nic,

Well, the odd thing is, the headers never say "link."  They do  
announce themselves as headings, but nothing more.  That is to say, it  
will say "heading level 3", followed by the name of the heading, but  
it's not clickible at all.


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jumping to next line of text with voiceover?

2010-10-02 Thread Blake Hardin
Hi all, when on the web is there a way you can jump to the next line
of text with a key like you can with jaws and windows? This would be
very handy.

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Re: facebook chat

2010-10-02 Thread Eric Oyen
I have been unable to use chat directly, but I use al alternative client called 
adium (
it works with yahoo chat, icq, facebook, google chat and others. it is also 
easy to setup and will even setup growl along with the client. This client is 
also bonjour compatible. believe me, trying to get facebook chat to work with 
voiceover is a nightmare. I highly recommend use of this third party 


On Oct 2, 2010, at 5:41 PM, Laura Bratton wrote:

> Hi All,
> Is Facebook chat accessible? if so how do you use it?
> Thanks,
> Laura 
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Re: Safari frusterations!

2010-10-02 Thread Mike Arrigo
Google works fine here, that site that ses the mouse over stuff is doable, but 
you have to root the mouse to the element, then read with the VO keys to see 
whathas changed, the best solution here is to email the web master and ask them 
to use something more accessible, using mouse over events can cause problems 
for any screen reader.
On Oct 2, 2010, at 8:02 AM, Scott Ford wrote:

> Hello everyone,
>   I am working on a Mac book pro in win 7.  Unfortunately I keep
> finding myself having to do this.  Part is my inability to completely grasp
> voice over in a really efficient way.  However I feel to a larger part I
> cannot get the functionality that I find necearry to complete my work and
> university assignments.  For example last night I was searching for
> information on a pelit stove that I am working on.  I found a good and very
> informative site, however the mouse over functions were completely crazy.
> Nothing was folloing a sequence that I could replicate, finally just by
> clicking on every mouse over on the page all of the information was
> displayed.  I went into windows and discovered that the site was solid.
> This is only one event.  I very frequently find that this is occurring even
> in google of all places.  Many times the heading hot key does not function
> properly.  Can you tell me if you guys are running into similar
> frustrations?  I find similar troubles with the need for a good word
> processor and spreadsheet application.  I will not go into details right
> now, but I too am questioning how long before we can expect a bit more
> stability and a solid tool for productivity?  I love the sleek design and
> form factor in the mac, however I am not seeing the craze and mysticism that
> many folks are embuing the machines with.  I have found the hardware just as
> pron to wear and tare and failer as on a PC.  I will stop my rant and I
> really appoligize if I have offended anyone, that was certainly not my
> intentions.  I just want a bit of a reality check.
> Sincerely,
> Scott
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Re: pairing a braillenote with the mac?

2010-10-02 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Allison:

Whzt ix z brzillino?  I'm thinking of getting an iPad, and just a braille 
display, rather than thenexpensive braille apex, which voc rehab is stalling on 
anyway.  I'm interested in finding a simple braille display, rather than 
spending the money for the pda I wouldn't necessarily need.  That is, of 
course, assuming  my iPad comes through.:)


On Sep 26, 2010, at 4:53 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Isaac,
> I'm glad I'm not the only one who is having this problem. I thought I was 
> doing something wrong. I can't wait for my Braillino. I will post if it pairs 
> easily and holds the pairing after I get it. Thank you again.
> Musically,
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Sep 26, 2010, at 5:45 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:
>> Scott,
>> We did perform these steps.. I have the braillenote mpower bt18 and it's one 
>> of the last units built. It has the updted braille display with the metal 
>> cursor routing buttons. It paired, but it didn't hold it.
>> If you want to discuss off list you need to send me your email.
>> thanks
>> Isaac
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Scott Howell
>> To:
>> Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 2:20 PM
>> Subject: Re: pairing a braillenote with the mac?
>> Isaac,
>> You can perform the pairing via SYstem Preferences as you discovered and 
>> then use the Braille tab in the VOiceOver Utility (vo-f8) to add the device 
>> via bluetooth. If you have performed these steps, please advise. In fact if 
>> you would tell me which display you have, its age, and any other details 
>> about it, I would really appreciate this information. I have had a problem 
>> paring a new Brailliant 40 and I have an open report with APple. I would 
>> like to know all the steps including the info about the display, so that I 
>> may include it if appropriate.
>> Please contact me off list if you prefer.
>> Thanks,
>> On Sep 26, 2010, at 1:10 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:
>>> Hi guys:
>>> How does one pair a braillenote with the Mac? We almost got it but we're 
>>> missing something. It says paired, then it drops the ball for some reason. 
>>> We got it to find three macs! thanks.
>>> Isaac
>>> -- 
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Re: Speaking of Safari and Google

2010-10-02 Thread Eric Oyen
that's weird.
mine does the same thing, but all are clickable. of course, I am using SL 

On Oct 2, 2010, at 5:53 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:

> Hi Nic,
> Well, the odd thing is, the headers never say "link."  They do announce 
> themselves as headings, but nothing more.  That is to say, it will say 
> "heading level 3", followed by the name of the heading, but it's not 
> clickible at all.
> Jenny
> -- 
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Re: pairing a braillenote with the mac?

2010-10-02 Thread Carolyn Haas

Could you please write off list to me about your experience with the dbc?
I am at  Thank you.


On Sep 26, 2010, at 5:38 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:

> Hi allison,
> I was wondering if because my braillenote is part of the dbc(deaf-blind 
> communicator) had anything to do with the lack of pairing. I didn't know you 
> had to put it in terminal mode. I'll try that next when the teacher and I 
> have time. He's trying to get me setup to do email now. Hopefully, we'll be 
> able to do this real soon.
> Your braillino has four nicad batteries. You can change your own batteries 
> and your own software. but you have no speech! It has an olboard manual just 
> like the braillenote, but not quite as intrusive. But you'lll enjoy it 
> probably. All the best and I'll let you know if I can pair that braillenote 
> dbc.
> Thanks.
> Isaac
> - Original Message -
> From: Allison Manzino
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 7:24 PM
> Subject: Re: pairing a braillenote with the mac?
> Hi Isaac,
> THank you so much for your reply. I found that with the BrailleNote, you need 
> to turn bluetooth on first, and then put it in to terminal mode. After that 
> is completed, try pairing it again. THis is the only way I found that works. 
> Unfortunately, the display on mine is going, and the battery is too.  It 
> requires a reset, now it won't pair at all. Some of the HumanWare  staff have 
> Macs. THey were very helpful when I called. Would you mind letting me know 
> what happens? I'd be interested to see if you get the BrailleNote to work. 
> THank you again for all the great information about the Braillino. I will 
> hopefully have mine tomorrow. Have a great evening.
> Musically,
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Sep 26, 2010, at 7:01 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:
>> Alllison,
>> My braillino pairs easily and it holds the pairing nicely! We have no 
>> trouble with that one. It's the braillenote that we have trouble with. But 
>> you know the braillino has these tripple action keys? those drive me nuts at 
>> times. I don't like them. I wanted to pair the braillenote to see how it 
>> works. I may have to call HumanWare on this one.
>> You will need to use your computer to load files on the braillino. so if you 
>> want to take it with you to the doc's office, you will have to load the 
>> files beforehand. So good luck with it!
>> Isaac
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Allison Manzino
>> To:
>> Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 6:53 PM
>> Subject: Re: pairing a braillenote with the mac?
>> Hi Isaac,
>> I'm glad I'm not the only one who is having this problem. I thought I was 
>> doing something wrong. I can't wait for my Braillino. I will post if it 
>> pairs easily and holds the pairing after I get it. Thank you again.
>> Musically,
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Sep 26, 2010, at 5:45 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:
>>> Scott,
>>> We did perform these steps.. I have the braillenote mpower bt18 and it's 
>>> one of the last units built. It has the updted braille display with the 
>>> metal cursor routing buttons. It paired, but it didn't hold it.
>>> If you want to discuss off list you need to send me your email.
>>> thanks
>>> Isaac
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Scott Howell
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 2:20 PM
>>> Subject: Re: pairing a braillenote with the mac?
>>> Isaac,
>>> You can perform the pairing via SYstem Preferences as you discovered and 
>>> then use the Braille tab in the VOiceOver Utility (vo-f8) to add the device 
>>> via bluetooth. If you have performed these steps, please advise. In fact if 
>>> you would tell me which display you have, its age, and any other details 
>>> about it, I would really appreciate this information. I have had a problem 
>>> paring a new Brailliant 40 and I have an open report with APple. I would 
>>> like to know all the steps including the info about the display, so that I 
>>> may include it if appropriate.
>>> Please contact me off list if you prefer.
>>> Thanks,
>>> On Sep 26, 2010, at 1:10 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:
 Hi guys:
 How does one pair a braillenote with the Mac? We almost got it but we're 
 missing something. It says paired, then it drops the ball for some reason. 
 We got it to find three macs! thanks.
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>>> --

Re: Speaking of Safari and Google

2010-10-02 Thread Justin Ekis
Hi Genny,

I don't know what might be different in OSX10.5, but here are some things you 
can try. This is all totally guesswork though.

I haven't seen this on google, but I have experienced other situations where 
things that should have been clickable were not, and this trick helps 
sometimes. While focused on the heading, try interacting with it. Since the 
link element is inside the header element, this older voiceover may need to 
interact with the heading to see it.

If that does not work, you could try running a nightly build of webkit. This 
will include the newer accessibility fixes that made it into the version of 
safari that came with OSX 10.6 and then some. Since it's a development version, 
there's always a chance of instability but the recent builds work fine for me. 
If it's a safari problem, this will solve it. If it's something wrong with the 
older voiceover itself then it won't help.

The address for the nightly webkit builds is

Hope you get this working.


On Oct 2, 2010, at 5:39 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:

Thanks for the response.  While I am familiar with how to activate a link, the 
problem appears to be that Safari simply doesn't seem to recognize the area I 
need to activate as a link.  Therefore, using VO+space does nothing. I don't 
know, seeing as how not many people are familiar with this particular issue, I 
am beginning to wonder if it could have anything to do with the version of OS I 
am running.  This machine has OS 10.56, which is certainly not the latest and 


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Re: pairing a braillenote with the mac?

2010-10-02 Thread Eric Oyen
you have the same problem with voc rehab that I do. only they are stalling my 
entire case (including braille instruction).  I run a mac here am I am 
currently looking for any technology I can afford that will allow me greater 
accessibility (such as an iPad or other similar PDA like device and any braille 


On Oct 2, 2010, at 6:25 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Allison:
> Whzt ix z brzillino?  I'm thinking of getting an iPad, and just a braille 
> display, rather than thenexpensive braille apex, which voc rehab is stalling 
> on anyway.  I'm interested in finding a simple braille display, rather than 
> spending the money for the pda I wouldn't necessarily need.  That is, of 
> course, assuming  my iPad comes through.:)
> Thanks.
> Carolyn   
> On Sep 26, 2010, at 4:53 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi Isaac,
>> I'm glad I'm not the only one who is having this problem. I thought I was 
>> doing something wrong. I can't wait for my Braillino. I will post if it 
>> pairs easily and holds the pairing after I get it. Thank you again.
>> Musically,
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Sep 26, 2010, at 5:45 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:
>>> Scott,
>>> We did perform these steps.. I have the braillenote mpower bt18 and it's 
>>> one of the last units built. It has the updted braille display with the 
>>> metal cursor routing buttons. It paired, but it didn't hold it.
>>> If you want to discuss off list you need to send me your email.
>>> thanks
>>> Isaac
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Scott Howell
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 2:20 PM
>>> Subject: Re: pairing a braillenote with the mac?
>>> Isaac,
>>> You can perform the pairing via SYstem Preferences as you discovered and 
>>> then use the Braille tab in the VOiceOver Utility (vo-f8) to add the device 
>>> via bluetooth. If you have performed these steps, please advise. In fact if 
>>> you would tell me which display you have, its age, and any other details 
>>> about it, I would really appreciate this information. I have had a problem 
>>> paring a new Brailliant 40 and I have an open report with APple. I would 
>>> like to know all the steps including the info about the display, so that I 
>>> may include it if appropriate.
>>> Please contact me off list if you prefer.
>>> Thanks,
>>> On Sep 26, 2010, at 1:10 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:
 Hi guys:
 How does one pair a braillenote with the Mac? We almost got it but we're 
 missing something. It says paired, then it drops the ball for some reason. 
 We got it to find three macs! thanks.
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Re: pairing a braillenote with the mac?

2010-10-02 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Carolyn,

I hope Voc Rehab comes through for you. THey will get you the Ipad or just the 
BrailleNote Apex? THe Braillino is a notetaker and Braille display combined in 
to one. Kind of like the Apex, but with less cells. It's a 20-cell, and doesn't 
have speech. It can be paired with the Mac, Ipad I'm sure, Iphone, and many 
other things. I believe it has a CD that allows you to transfer things from it 
Via USB to a computer.  If I didn't need to type so many things at work, like 
forms I would opt for the Braille display myself.  I hope that the trend will 
be Ipads, Iphones and Ipods with the Braille display hooked to them. THe 
Braillino is manufactured by Handytech. I think their website is:

Good luck with Voc Rehab. THey dragged their feet about the Braillino, but the 
BrailleNote I had died. THe display went after two years. I hope you are having 
a wonderful evening.

My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Oct 2, 2010, at 9:25 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Allison:
> Whzt ix z brzillino?  I'm thinking of getting an iPad, and just a braille 
> display, rather than thenexpensive braille apex, which voc rehab is stalling 
> on anyway.  I'm interested in finding a simple braille display, rather than 
> spending the money for the pda I wouldn't necessarily need.  That is, of 
> course, assuming  my iPad comes through.:)
> Thanks.
> Carolyn   
> On Sep 26, 2010, at 4:53 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi Isaac,
>> I'm glad I'm not the only one who is having this problem. I thought I was 
>> doing something wrong. I can't wait for my Braillino. I will post if it 
>> pairs easily and holds the pairing after I get it. Thank you again.
>> Musically,
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Sep 26, 2010, at 5:45 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:
>>> Scott,
>>> We did perform these steps.. I have the braillenote mpower bt18 and it's 
>>> one of the last units built. It has the updted braille display with the 
>>> metal cursor routing buttons. It paired, but it didn't hold it.
>>> If you want to discuss off list you need to send me your email.
>>> thanks
>>> Isaac
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: Scott Howell
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 2:20 PM
>>> Subject: Re: pairing a braillenote with the mac?
>>> Isaac,
>>> You can perform the pairing via SYstem Preferences as you discovered and 
>>> then use the Braille tab in the VOiceOver Utility (vo-f8) to add the device 
>>> via bluetooth. If you have performed these steps, please advise. In fact if 
>>> you would tell me which display you have, its age, and any other details 
>>> about it, I would really appreciate this information. I have had a problem 
>>> paring a new Brailliant 40 and I have an open report with APple. I would 
>>> like to know all the steps including the info about the display, so that I 
>>> may include it if appropriate.
>>> Please contact me off list if you prefer.
>>> Thanks,
>>> On Sep 26, 2010, at 1:10 PM, Isaac Obie wrote:
 Hi guys:
 How does one pair a braillenote with the Mac? We almost got it but we're 
 missing something. It says paired, then it drops the ball for some reason. 
 We got it to find three macs! thanks.
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> -- 

Re: Speaking of Safari and Google

2010-10-02 Thread Jenny Wood
Hi Allison.  Thanks for the suggestion.  Actually, I had tried VO+U,  
and for some reason, it still would not allow me to select the heading  
or link I desired.  Very strange animal, this mac.   But I am  
enjoying it so far for the most part.


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Re: Speaking of Safari and Google

2010-10-02 Thread Mike Arrigo
Are you using dom or group mode? This could make a difference.
On Oct 2, 2010, at 7:53 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:

> Hi Nic,
> Well, the odd thing is, the headers never say "link."  They do announce 
> themselves as headings, but nothing more.  That is to say, it will say 
> "heading level 3", followed by the name of the heading, but it's not 
> clickible at all.
> Jenny
> -- 
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Re: facebook chat

2010-10-02 Thread James Malone
Hi. I myself find facebook chat to be very accessible. Just go to your facebook 
page, and then click on the link that says that (There will probably be a 
number after the word chat)
Then just keep scrolling down, and you should find a list of your friends who 
are online. Sometimes they will read out the code of the display pictures that 
your friends have on the facebook page before they actually read out the name 
of the person you are trying to access. Give it time though, and you could use 
it. Justclick on the person's name who you wish to start a chat with, and you 
will be placed in to an edit box. Just type what you want to say and press 
enter. Once you hear a popping sound, it means someone has sent you a message. 
just go to the top of the page, and it will have all the links to the chats you 
have open. Click on the person name, and you will be placed in to the edit box. 
Have a look round nere by, and it should display heading with the dylog of the 
HTH, James.
On 03/10/2010, at 12:23 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> I have been unable to use chat directly, but I use al alternative client 
> called adium (
> it works with yahoo chat, icq, facebook, google chat and others. it is also 
> easy to setup and will even setup growl along with the client. This client is 
> also bonjour compatible. believe me, trying to get facebook chat to work with 
> voiceover is a nightmare. I highly recommend use of this third party 
> application.
> -Eric
> On Oct 2, 2010, at 5:41 PM, Laura Bratton wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Is Facebook chat accessible? if so how do you use it?
>> Thanks,
>> Laura 
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> Eric Oyen - N7ZZT
> Phoenix Arizona
> Geocode:
> 33.488462  -112.234926
> N33° 29.3077', W112° 14.0956'
> -- 
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Re: Speaking of Safari and Google

2010-10-02 Thread Jenny Wood


Thanks for taking the time to respond.  Thankfully, it looks like  
interacting with the heading does the trick.  I will need to play with  
it a bit more, but hopefully this will have taken care of the problem.

Thank you!


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Re: jumping to next line of text with voiceover?

2010-10-02 Thread Mary Otten

If you are talking about the ability to move down to the next line while 
reading continuously, then the answer is no, you can't do that with Voice Over 
so far as I am aware. It would be a nice thing to be able to do. Makes skimming 
articles sort of possible.


Mary Otten

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Re: Speaking of Safari and Google

2010-10-02 Thread Jenny Wood

I am using DOM.



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Pdf2rtf service

2010-10-02 Thread Justin Ekis
Hi all,

Recently, there was a mention of something called Word Service. I went looking 
for it and found something even more useful on the same site. It's called 
pdf2rtf service. This service allows you to open pdf files in textedit. I find 
preview to be usable, but not always very intuitive.

My professor makes notes available for each lecture as powerpoint files. I 
export them to pdf using Keynote from the iwork suite, then I open the pdf in 
textedit. Now not only do I have the notes, but I can quickly insert my own 
notes if I hear something during the lecture that I think could be important. 
I'm pretty sure you can't do that in preview.

Here's the link for the download page. Strangely, instead of just copying the 
address, if I press vo-shift-m and select copy link, it actually copies the 
original link from the site. Must have been introduced in a recent nightly. 
Hopefully it's clickable.

Download all our freeware apps and services here

Hope someone else finds this discovery useful.

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Recommendations for FTP blient for the mac?

2010-10-02 Thread Jenny Wood
Greetings again!  So basically, I am wondering what recommendations,  
if any, might be out there for FTP clients for the mac, and accessible  
with voiceover of course.

Thank you!
Jenny Wood

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2010-10-02 Thread Rafaela Freundt
Hi all,

Recently in some discutions on this list I have herd a mention of growl, I do 
have it installed on my mac but it interferes with skype when a new message 
appears, a growl dialog will pop up and won't let me read for some seconds. I 
would like to know what exactly is growl for, and if it is useful and 
accessible to us, or if it is only a bother.
thanks very much and any answer is appreciated,

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Re: Recommendations for FTP blient for the mac?

2010-10-02 Thread Buddy Brannan
Transmit ftp. Not free, but fairly accessible. Also, cyberduck, which is free 
and also reasonably accessible. 
Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: (814) 860-3194 or 888-75-BUDDY

On Oct 2, 2010, at 11:31 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:

> Greetings again!  So basically, I am wondering what recommendations, if any, 
> might be out there for FTP clients for the mac, and accessible with voiceover 
> of course.
> Thank you!
> Jenny Wood
> -- 
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Re: Speaking of Safari and Google

2010-10-02 Thread Ricardo Walker

You need to interact with the headers in order to activate the links in your 
google search.  I really recommend upgrading to Snow Leopard 10.6.  Your really 
missing out on a lot of functionality in terms of getting around the web.  It 
would be $30 well spent in my opinion.

On Oct 2, 2010, at 9:52 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:

> Justin,
> Thanks for taking the time to respond.  Thankfully, it looks like interacting 
> with the heading does the trick.  I will need to play with it a bit more, but 
> hopefully this will have taken care of the problem.
> Thank you!
> Jenny
> -- 
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Re: jumping to next line of text with voiceover?

2010-10-02 Thread Blake Hardin
So you cant jump to the next line of text at all?

On 10/2/10, Mary Otten  wrote:
> If you are talking about the ability to move down to the next line while
> reading continuously, then the answer is no, you can't do that with Voice
> Over so far as I am aware. It would be a nice thing to be able to do. Makes
> skimming articles sort of possible.
> Mary
> Mary Otten
> --
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Interested in guitar lessons? Im me at Blindboyblake1.

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Re: jumping to next line of text with voiceover?

2010-10-02 Thread Mary Otten
You can move from line to line of text, up and down a page as in a word 
processor with the arrow keys. But you can't, as far as I am aware, start 
continuous reading with vo plus a and then press a key to quit reading the line 
you are on and move to the next line and have continuous reading resume as you 
can do with Jaws and Window Eyes. Its the moving while continuous reading is in 
progress that is the sticking point here. If I'm wrong, I'd love to be 
enlightened, because this is a feature I miss on the Mac that's been around in 
the Windows screen reading environment for a while now.


Mary Otten

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2010-10-02 Thread Chris Snyder
Hi Guys,
I have a brand new Rocket Fish USB Hub, and I'm trying to use it with my mac 
book. For some reason, it won't be recognized. I hooked it up to my old PC, and 
it worked fine. The manual says it should work with the mac, but it just won't 
do it. Any ideas?


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2010-10-02 Thread Andy Baracco
Did it come with a CD?  Perhaps drivers need to be installed.

"I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chris Snyder
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2010 10:05 PM
Subject: USB Hub

Hi Guys,
I have a brand new Rocket Fish USB Hub, and I'm trying to use it with my mac
book. For some reason, it won't be recognized. I hooked it up to my old PC,
and it worked fine. The manual says it should work with the mac, but it just
won't do it. Any ideas?


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Re: password protecting documents

2010-10-02 Thread Dan Eickmeier
Hi Laura, what you could do, if you wanted to password protect a document, or a 
set of documents, is use disk utility to created an incripted .dmg file.  Disk 
utility is foun under /applications/utilities.  Open it, and you'll find 
options under a new submenu uner hte file menu for createing disk images.  YOu 
can create one from a folder, or create a blank one, and put files in it as you 
Hope this helps.  .  
On Oct 2, 2010, at 8:43 PM, Laura Bratton wrote:

> Hi All,
> Is it possible to password protect documents? In MS word I could set 
> documents so that you have to have a password to open the document. IS this 
> possible with the Mac?
> Thanks,
> Laura 
> -- 
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Re: password protecting documents

2010-10-02 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oh nice. yeah I need to incript a folder that has some info I don't want prying 
eyes to get in to.

Thanks. Will give this a try.
On Oct 2, 2010, at 10:40 PM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> Hi Laura, what you could do, if you wanted to password protect a document, or 
> a set of documents, is use disk utility to created an incripted .dmg file.  
> Disk utility is foun under /applications/utilities.  Open it, and you'll find 
> options under a new submenu uner hte file menu for createing disk images.  
> YOu can create one from a folder, or create a blank one, and put files in it 
> as you want.  
> Hope this helps.  .  
> On Oct 2, 2010, at 8:43 PM, Laura Bratton wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Is it possible to password protect documents? In MS word I could set 
>> documents so that you have to have a password to open the document. IS this 
>> possible with the Mac?
>> Thanks,
>> Laura 
>> -- 
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