
I have a KoL account, and I play frequently. Or I try, anyway. I'll try it 
again and let you know, since it's a little while since I did play it a lot as 
an example.

Mobile Me: nic2...@me.com
GoogleTalk: chojiro1...@gmail.com
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger: nico...@home3.gvdnet.dk
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Oct 2, 2010, at 11:18 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:

> hadn't considered growl for skype.
> as for a live chat html page, I used to be able to use them when my eyes were 
> working (even minimally as they were) without a great deal of interaction 
> (just typing and reading). I find I can't function that way given voiceover's 
> limitations. take a look at the kingdom of loathing main screen (if you don't 
> have a player in that game, its free to create one). the chat pain is live 
> chat, but I can't seem to get voiceover to behave very well on it (it ;oops 
> on "loading chat" and then won't read the last line). I am trying a new 
> method that seems to work ok with skype and adium. if it works with live chat 
> html pages, then I am gold. if not, I am not sure what else to do.
> -Eric
> On Oct 2, 2010, at 1:52 PM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I think you're getting a bit confused here. :)
>> VoiceOver isn't supposed to update itself. It actually works really well 
>> with dynamic HTML areas, even live chats. You have to go to the last item 
>> yourself because that is because you're expected to interact just as much as 
>> a sighted user would.
>> If I understand you correctly, you expect it to read automatically which 
>> isn't going to happen unless you make an AppleScript, I suppose. Or you 
>> could use Growl in Skype.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me: nic2...@me.com
>> GoogleTalk: chojiro1...@gmail.com
>> Facebook
>> Twitter
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger: nico...@home3.gvdnet.dk
>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>> AIM: cincinster
>> On Oct 2, 2010, at 10:44 PM, Eric Oyen wrote:
>>> reality check cashed.
>>> I have had a few "limitation" problems with voiceover (especially as far as 
>>> live chat sessions are concerned). part of the problem with some websites 
>>> is that they force a reload every few seconds and that trips up voiceover 
>>> (I have encountered this already). Another problem is some websites do not 
>>> use headers for their info, thus you are forced to hop from link to link to 
>>> get your info. Frames are a bit easier to handle but not always do they 
>>> work.
>>> I haven't tried the latest openoffice. I had a version or 2 back that 
>>> worked nicely with voiceover.
>>> I wish we had some more features that could be switched in for active chats 
>>> and live scrolling web pages (irc style chats).
>>> fyi, the following apps do not work with voiceover at all:
>>> mozilla thunderbird
>>> mozilla firefox
>>> virtualbox (however tts systems inside the VM work perfectly well)
>>> I still have problems with sky[pe for OS X, but I have a workaround for the 
>>> live chat screens.
>>> I simply go into the html area (VO+shift+down arrow) page down to the end, 
>>> VO+shift+F3 to turn off cursor tracking. then VO+end to read the last 
>>> message (having the skype chime on for last message received allows you to 
>>> know when a message has arrived) and then you just hit enter to type in the 
>>> edit box as normal. you will have to hit VO+end every time a new message 
>>> appears but this works.
>>> -Eric
>>> On Oct 2, 2010, at 6:02 AM, Scott Ford wrote:
>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>>    I am working on a Mac book pro in win 7.  Unfortunately I keep
>>>> finding myself having to do this.  Part is my inability to completely grasp
>>>> voice over in a really efficient way.  However I feel to a larger part I
>>>> cannot get the functionality that I find necearry to complete my work and
>>>> university assignments.  For example last night I was searching for
>>>> information on a pelit stove that I am working on.  I found a good and very
>>>> informative site, however the mouse over functions were completely crazy.
>>>> Nothing was folloing a sequence that I could replicate, finally just by
>>>> clicking on every mouse over on the page all of the information was
>>>> displayed.  I went into windows and discovered that the site was solid.
>>>> This is only one event.  I very frequently find that this is occurring even
>>>> in google of all places.  Many times the heading hot key does not function
>>>> properly.  Can you tell me if you guys are running into similar
>>>> frustrations?  I find similar troubles with the need for a good word
>>>> processor and spreadsheet application.  I will not go into details right
>>>> now, but I too am questioning how long before we can expect a bit more
>>>> stability and a solid tool for productivity?  I love the sleek design and
>>>> form factor in the mac, however I am not seeing the craze and mysticism 
>>>> that
>>>> many folks are embuing the machines with.  I have found the hardware just 
>>>> as
>>>> pron to wear and tare and failer as on a PC.  I will stop my rant and I
>>>> really appoligize if I have offended anyone, that was certainly not my
>>>> intentions.  I just want a bit of a reality check.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Scott
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>>> Eric Oyen - N7ZZT
>>> Phoenix Arizona
>>> Geocode:
>>> 33.488462  -112.234926
>>> N33° 29.3077', W112° 14.0956'
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> Eric Oyen - N7ZZT
> Phoenix Arizona
> Geocode:
> 33.488462  -112.234926
> N33° 29.3077', W112° 14.0956'
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