Re: Copying link in Sendspace Wizard.

2010-09-22 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hi Geoff!

I'll do these steps as I explain them here, just to see that they still should 
work for everybody. I'll do all of these steps in the same order I am writing 
them down so everyone can follow along.

1. Open the Sendspace Wizard. That's a given, of course. :)
2. After logging into your Sendspace account, interact with the first unknown 
item after the toolbar.
3. Now, find the first unknown after all of the buttons which enable you to add 
a link for download. This is also the only unknown within this area, so it'll 
be the only one you'll see. It is also at the very bottom right if you use the 
trackpad commander.
4. Here, you will have two unknown items. I will explain what each of those do.

The first one is for local items- This means that you can arrow to a file you 
would like to upload, then move to the "remote" part which is the second 
unknown within the unknown you interacted with. I know this probably gets a bit 
confusing. When you upload a file, you have to choose a folder that you would 
like to upload to on your remote location (which is your account). You can use 
the command F8 to upload the file you have chosen in your local view.

Remote simply allows you to download and display folders and files on your 
current Sendspace account. Now, I will mention that I have not actually found a 
way to open folders within Sendspace, as the conventional commands don't appear 
to work for me.
So, let's continue.

5. When you interact within the second unknown (which is remote), you can use 
F7 to download folders. This is where I have not found  a way to download 
specific files. Control-click still works, however, as long as you remember to 
route the mouse. Mouse racking does not work in this Wizard, which is very 
important to remember.
6. Now you just route the mouse to the area within the table you would like to 
download or copy the link location for. You will have to use VoiceOVer keys 
here after interacting with the table, then route the mouse with VO-Command-F5 
then do a control-click. The command do copy a link is Command-l, though. I can 
briefly make a  list of the available commands below. They seem to work 
consistently, as long as you remember to actually move all the cursors. I've 
always found that I always bring up the menus to be on the safe side, 
regardless of consistency.

FOllowing that, I have briefly made a list containing the commands for 
Sendspace, though whether you dare to use them is your choice.

When in the "Remote" section, the following commands are available:

New Folder - Command-F
Download File - F7
Rename - F2
Copy Link Location - Command-L
Cut - COmmand-X
Paste - Command-V
Delete - Forward Delete
Properties - Option-Return
Send Folder Link - Command-E
Refresh - F5

When in the "local" section, the following commands are available:

New Folder - COmmand-F
Upload file - F8
Rename - F2
Delete - Forward-Delete
Properties - Option-Return
Refresh - Command-F5

If anyone would like me to demonstrate, I will, but you may have to wait a 
couple of hours before I am able to do so. I hope this helped somebody.

Also, just a hint. If you found your mouse focus does not route when using 
VO-Command-F5, try going all the way to the toolbar by stopping all 
interaction, then checking its position with VO-F5. This should fix the issue 

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Sep 22, 2010, at 7:38 AM, GEOFF WAALER wrote:

> Hi Sarah and list,
> Thanks much for the suggestion; before posting I read a thread in the 
> archives where Nicolai Svendsen recommended that vary remedy.  As indicated 
> in my initial post I tried control-click with and without the trackpad 
> commander enabled.  More over, moving the mouse to the file or folder of 
> interest (vo-command-F5) before pressing control-click had no affect.
> Thanks again Carolyn and Sarah, but there must be another step I'm missing.
> Geoff
> On Sep 21, 2010, at 10:53 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I don't think you can do that from the sendspace wizard. You can do that 
>> from the site but not th e wizard.
>> Good luck.
>> On Sep 21, 2010, at 7:35 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi Geoff:
>>> Sometimes when all else fails, I use command shift and arrows or vo+arrows 
>>> to select the url, command C to copy, and command V to paste.  Otherwise, 
>>> attempt to use the data detector menu (vo-shift-m) to bring up choices.
>>> HTH
>>> Carolyn
>>> On Sep 21, 2010, at 11:14 AM, GEOFF WAALER wrote:
 Nic S once posted that one can copy a link in the SS Wizard by pressing 
 control while physically clicking the mouse, and the resulting menu would 
 show command+l as the shortcut.
 I first tried command+l and when that failed I turned off trackpad 
 commander and routed the mouse via VO+Comman

Re: Re:

2010-09-22 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi Mark and All.

I'm using the latest version of Fusion with windows 7 and have no issues.


Kawal Gucukoglu

On 22 Sep 2010, at 07:49 AM, "M. Taylor"  wrote:

> All I can say is that I was about to upgrade to the latest version of Fusion 
> which I believe is 3.1.1 when I did some checking on the web and discovered 
> that thousands of Fusion users are regretting having updated.  So, I decided 
> to skip this particular update; thus I am using 3.1.0 and all is well.  
> I would suggest that if you have a backup of your system before updating 
> thatyou restore to the previous version.
> Otherwise, see if you can remove and install the previous version of Fusion.  
> Doing this will not damage your Windows Virtual Machine.  Make a backup of 
> it, just in case.
> Mark
> On Sep 21, 2010, at 5:18 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:
>> Hi guys, more fusion issues. I am now getting the issue where window eyes 
>> thinks that the display drivers have been updated and constantly wants me to 
>> restart. Has anybody else experienced this issue? Is there any way to 
>> resolve this issue? I'm in the latest version of fusion. The weird thing is 
>> it's also affected my boot camp drive. Thanks for any help. Friendly, Chris
>> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Copying link in Sendspace Wizard.

2010-09-22 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Just to correct my command list for the local section. I hope you caught on to 
that right away, though.

I don't mean COmmand-F5 for Refresh, I meant F5. I'm sorry for that little 
mistake. I'm half asleep at the keyboard here and I was only very brief when 
looking at what I had written.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Sep 22, 2010, at 9:30 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi Geoff!
> I'll do these steps as I explain them here, just to see that they still 
> should work for everybody. I'll do all of these steps in the same order I am 
> writing them down so everyone can follow along.
> 1. Open the Sendspace Wizard. That's a given, of course. :)
> 2. After logging into your Sendspace account, interact with the first unknown 
> item after the toolbar.
> 3. Now, find the first unknown after all of the buttons which enable you to 
> add a link for download. This is also the only unknown within this area, so 
> it'll be the only one you'll see. It is also at the very bottom right if you 
> use the trackpad commander.
> 4. Here, you will have two unknown items. I will explain what each of those 
> do.
> The first one is for local items- This means that you can arrow to a file you 
> would like to upload, then move to the "remote" part which is the second 
> unknown within the unknown you interacted with. I know this probably gets a 
> bit confusing. When you upload a file, you have to choose a folder that you 
> would like to upload to on your remote location (which is your account). You 
> can use the command F8 to upload the file you have chosen in your local view.
> Remote simply allows you to download and display folders and files on your 
> current Sendspace account. Now, I will mention that I have not actually found 
> a way to open folders within Sendspace, as the conventional commands don't 
> appear to work for me.
> So, let's continue.
> 5. When you interact within the second unknown (which is remote), you can use 
> F7 to download folders. This is where I have not found  a way to download 
> specific files. Control-click still works, however, as long as you remember 
> to route the mouse. Mouse racking does not work in this Wizard, which is very 
> important to remember.
> 6. Now you just route the mouse to the area within the table you would like 
> to download or copy the link location for. You will have to use VoiceOVer 
> keys here after interacting with the table, then route the mouse with 
> VO-Command-F5 then do a control-click. The command do copy a link is 
> Command-l, though. I can briefly make a  list of the available commands 
> below. They seem to work consistently, as long as you remember to actually 
> move all the cursors. I've always found that I always bring up the menus to 
> be on the safe side, regardless of consistency.
> FOllowing that, I have briefly made a list containing the commands for 
> Sendspace, though whether you dare to use them is your choice.
> When in the "Remote" section, the following commands are available:
> New Folder - Command-F
> Download File - F7
> Rename - F2
> Copy Link Location - Command-L
> Cut - COmmand-X
> Paste - Command-V
> Delete - Forward Delete
> Properties - Option-Return
> Send Folder Link - Command-E
> Refresh - F5
> When in the "local" section, the following commands are available:
> New Folder - COmmand-F
> Upload file - F8
> Rename - F2
> Delete - Forward-Delete
> Properties - Option-Return
> Refresh - Command-F5
> If anyone would like me to demonstrate, I will, but you may have to wait a 
> couple of hours before I am able to do so. I hope this helped somebody.
> Also, just a hint. If you found your mouse focus does not route when using 
> VO-Command-F5, try going all the way to the toolbar by stopping all 
> interaction, then checking its position with VO-F5. This should fix the issue 
> temporarily.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 7:38 AM, GEOFF WAALER wrote:
>> Hi Sarah and list,
>> Thanks much for the suggestion; before posting I read a thread in the 
>> archives where Nicolai Svendsen recommended that vary remedy.  As indicated 
>> in my initial post I tried control-click with and without the trackpad 
>> commander enabled.  More over, moving the mouse to the file or folder of 
>> interest (vo-command-F5) before pressing control-click had no affect.
>> Thanks again Carolyn and Sarah, but there must be another step I'm missing.
>> Geoff
>> On Sep 21, 2010, at 10:53 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> I don't think you can do that from the sendspace wizard. You can do that 
>>> from the site but not th e wizard.
>>> Good lu

Re: ABBYY OCR Software

2010-09-22 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Scott,

Abbyy FineReader does a great job from TIFF files. I scan books a double page 
at a time, using VueScan, and it gets everything in the right order. It can 
also handle more than one language within the same document.

It occasionally has a fit and screws up a few words beyond all recognition, but 
this is rare. There are no preferences so you can't tweak it.

ReadIris 12, on the other hand, is dreadful. It's much worse than ReadIris 11. 
It is also more expensive than Abbyy FineReader.



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A Quick Question About The Multi-Touch Trackpad

2010-09-22 Thread M. Taylor
Hello Everyone,

This may be obvious to some but...

I find that I'm using my TrackPad more and more to interact with Apple Mail.

All works wonderfully well except I cannot seem to open emails with the
TrackPad.  Can this be done?

Please keep in mind that I do not use the Preview Pane, thus, VoiceOver+J is
not an option.  

Presently, I press the [ENTER] key on my keyboard to open threaded

I've tried pressing down on the TrackPad when the Message is selected but
this does not cause the thread to open.  

Thank you in advance,  


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Re: ABBYY OCR Software

2010-09-22 Thread Justin Thornton
could someone be so kind as to explain how to actually set up abby reader
I have a canon mp 620 wireless printer/scanner/copier
I would love to be able to scan documents with the mac and VO
thanks take care

On Sep 21, 2010, at 1:54 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> Yes, ABBYY will OCR from a file.  I'll paste in part of an off-list post 
> reply to a question about how to OCR an mailed PDF (image) file, which 
> outlines how you can do this with ABBYY FineReader:
>> What I do in the Quick Tasks window is Navigate (VO-Right Arrow) to set Get 
>> Images From: "File" (pop up button you VO-Space on -- usually set to a 
>> specific scanner), and then VO-Right past Document Language of "English" to 
>> the "Convert to Text" button option (first of the options).  Then a dialogue 
>> window opens and I navigate to the PDF document I want. You can use all the 
>> usual finder shortcuts for Command-Shift-H your home directory, 
>> Command-Shift-D for desktop, Command-Shift-O for Documents, etc. You're 
>> prompted for where you want to save the output, and whether you want to open 
>> the document when the OCR is completed.
> The downloadable 15-day trial of ABBYY FineReader Express is available from:
> Anne's had more experience with scanner software, including ReadIris (which I 
> think is at version 12), and maybe she can comment.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Sep 21, 2010, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Folks,
>> I was curious if anyone has used the most recent subject software. In 
>> particular does it do well with scanning the text out of a tiff, jpeg, or 
>> pdf? I have a network scanner and previously ABBYY did not work with this 
>> type of arrangement. However, I understand it will perform OCR on files, 
>> which would be find for my purposes. There also was an issue with the 
>> software in terms of setting up the preferences. If this is not the best 
>> solution, can someone recommend one? I did get Readiris with the scanner, 
>> but it is 11.0 and only works with HP scanners. I suspect this version is 
>> not only old, but might be completely inaccessible, so no point in 
>> installing junk.
>> Thanks,
> -- 
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Re: A Quick Question About The Multi-Touch Trackpad

2010-09-22 Thread Kevin Shaw
Hi mark,

Yes, you can easily open threads with the trackpad. Interact with the messages 
table and then navigate to the disclosure triangle for the thread. Double tap 
and the threaded messages will appear. 

Double tap the thread triangle again to close.


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RE: ABBYY OCR Software

2010-09-22 Thread Andy Baracco
What is Bluescan?  Are you saying that you need a program in addition to
Abby in order to scan and recognize?


"I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 12:52 AM
Subject: Re: ABBYY OCR Software

Hello Scott,

Abbyy FineReader does a great job from TIFF files. I scan books a double
page at a time, using VueScan, and it gets everything in the right order. It
can also handle more than one language within the same document.

It occasionally has a fit and screws up a few words beyond all recognition,
but this is rare. There are no preferences so you can't tweak it.

ReadIris 12, on the other hand, is dreadful. It's much worse than ReadIris
11. It is also more expensive than Abbyy FineReader.



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Basic syrinx question

2010-09-22 Thread Ricardo Walker

How do you send a tweet or direct message with syrinx?  I don't see any send 


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Re: Copying link in Sendspace Wizard.

2010-09-22 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Nic:
Thanks for this.  I've simply shied away from sendspace on the Mac mostly due 
to my own ignorance.  Thank you for giving me the tools to try it.:)

On Sep 22, 2010, at 1:30 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi Geoff!
> I'll do these steps as I explain them here, just to see that they still 
> should work for everybody. I'll do all of these steps in the same order I am 
> writing them down so everyone can follow along.
> 1. Open the Sendspace Wizard. That's a given, of course. :)
> 2. After logging into your Sendspace account, interact with the first unknown 
> item after the toolbar.
> 3. Now, find the first unknown after all of the buttons which enable you to 
> add a link for download. This is also the only unknown within this area, so 
> it'll be the only one you'll see. It is also at the very bottom right if you 
> use the trackpad commander.
> 4. Here, you will have two unknown items. I will explain what each of those 
> do.
> The first one is for local items- This means that you can arrow to a file you 
> would like to upload, then move to the "remote" part which is the second 
> unknown within the unknown you interacted with. I know this probably gets a 
> bit confusing. When you upload a file, you have to choose a folder that you 
> would like to upload to on your remote location (which is your account). You 
> can use the command F8 to upload the file you have chosen in your local view.
> Remote simply allows you to download and display folders and files on your 
> current Sendspace account. Now, I will mention that I have not actually found 
> a way to open folders within Sendspace, as the conventional commands don't 
> appear to work for me.
> So, let's continue.
> 5. When you interact within the second unknown (which is remote), you can use 
> F7 to download folders. This is where I have not found  a way to download 
> specific files. Control-click still works, however, as long as you remember 
> to route the mouse. Mouse racking does not work in this Wizard, which is very 
> important to remember.
> 6. Now you just route the mouse to the area within the table you would like 
> to download or copy the link location for. You will have to use VoiceOVer 
> keys here after interacting with the table, then route the mouse with 
> VO-Command-F5 then do a control-click. The command do copy a link is 
> Command-l, though. I can briefly make a  list of the available commands 
> below. They seem to work consistently, as long as you remember to actually 
> move all the cursors. I've always found that I always bring up the menus to 
> be on the safe side, regardless of consistency.
> FOllowing that, I have briefly made a list containing the commands for 
> Sendspace, though whether you dare to use them is your choice.
> When in the "Remote" section, the following commands are available:
> New Folder - Command-F
> Download File - F7
> Rename - F2
> Copy Link Location - Command-L
> Cut - COmmand-X
> Paste - Command-V
> Delete - Forward Delete
> Properties - Option-Return
> Send Folder Link - Command-E
> Refresh - F5
> When in the "local" section, the following commands are available:
> New Folder - COmmand-F
> Upload file - F8
> Rename - F2
> Delete - Forward-Delete
> Properties - Option-Return
> Refresh - Command-F5
> If anyone would like me to demonstrate, I will, but you may have to wait a 
> couple of hours before I am able to do so. I hope this helped somebody.
> Also, just a hint. If you found your mouse focus does not route when using 
> VO-Command-F5, try going all the way to the toolbar by stopping all 
> interaction, then checking its position with VO-F5. This should fix the issue 
> temporarily.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 7:38 AM, GEOFF WAALER wrote:
>> Hi Sarah and list,
>> Thanks much for the suggestion; before posting I read a thread in the 
>> archives where Nicolai Svendsen recommended that vary remedy.  As indicated 
>> in my initial post I tried control-click with and without the trackpad 
>> commander enabled.  More over, moving the mouse to the file or folder of 
>> interest (vo-command-F5) before pressing control-click had no affect.
>> Thanks again Carolyn and Sarah, but there must be another step I'm missing.
>> Geoff
>> On Sep 21, 2010, at 10:53 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> I don't think you can do that from the sendspace wizard. You can do that 
>>> from the site but not th e wizard.
>>> Good luck.
>>> On Sep 21, 2010, at 7:35 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi Geoff:
 Sometimes when all else fails, I use command shift and arrows or vo+arrows 
 to select the url, command C to copy, and command V to paste.  Otherwise, 
 attempt to use the data detector menu (vo-shift-m) to bring up choices.

special request

2010-09-22 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi guys:
I'd like to request that we make some indication in message subject lines what 
we are writing about.  If for example, someone's discussing the use of bootcamp 
and fusion, and I don't happen to use those, I'd rather not spend the time 
going through that thread.  Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day.:)


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Re: Copying link in Sendspace Wizard.

2010-09-22 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hi Carolyn,

I do think the Sendspace Wizard does work quite well, despite its shortcomings. 
They're really not that bad when you look at it. There is always a workaround, 
except when it comes to opening folders it would seem. You may not always want 
to download the entire folder, so that'd be nice if it could be fixed.

If anyone needs more help, though, you can just feel free to contact me via the 
information in my signature. Otherwise, I wouldn't have it in my e-mails. :). I 
hope some of this was at least somewhat helpful, and I wish you all good luck 
with it.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Sep 22, 2010, at 2:57 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi Nic:
> Thanks for this.  I've simply shied away from sendspace on the Mac mostly due 
> to my own ignorance.  Thank you for giving me the tools to try it.:)
> Carolyn
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 1:30 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi Geoff!
>> I'll do these steps as I explain them here, just to see that they still 
>> should work for everybody. I'll do all of these steps in the same order I am 
>> writing them down so everyone can follow along.
>> 1. Open the Sendspace Wizard. That's a given, of course. :)
>> 2. After logging into your Sendspace account, interact with the first 
>> unknown item after the toolbar.
>> 3. Now, find the first unknown after all of the buttons which enable you to 
>> add a link for download. This is also the only unknown within this area, so 
>> it'll be the only one you'll see. It is also at the very bottom right if you 
>> use the trackpad commander.
>> 4. Here, you will have two unknown items. I will explain what each of those 
>> do.
>> The first one is for local items- This means that you can arrow to a file 
>> you would like to upload, then move to the "remote" part which is the second 
>> unknown within the unknown you interacted with. I know this probably gets a 
>> bit confusing. When you upload a file, you have to choose a folder that you 
>> would like to upload to on your remote location (which is your account). You 
>> can use the command F8 to upload the file you have chosen in your local view.
>> Remote simply allows you to download and display folders and files on your 
>> current Sendspace account. Now, I will mention that I have not actually 
>> found a way to open folders within Sendspace, as the conventional commands 
>> don't appear to work for me.
>> So, let's continue.
>> 5. When you interact within the second unknown (which is remote), you can 
>> use F7 to download folders. This is where I have not found  a way to 
>> download specific files. Control-click still works, however, as long as you 
>> remember to route the mouse. Mouse racking does not work in this Wizard, 
>> which is very important to remember.
>> 6. Now you just route the mouse to the area within the table you would like 
>> to download or copy the link location for. You will have to use VoiceOVer 
>> keys here after interacting with the table, then route the mouse with 
>> VO-Command-F5 then do a control-click. The command do copy a link is 
>> Command-l, though. I can briefly make a  list of the available commands 
>> below. They seem to work consistently, as long as you remember to actually 
>> move all the cursors. I've always found that I always bring up the menus to 
>> be on the safe side, regardless of consistency.
>> FOllowing that, I have briefly made a list containing the commands for 
>> Sendspace, though whether you dare to use them is your choice.
>> When in the "Remote" section, the following commands are available:
>> New Folder - Command-F
>> Download File - F7
>> Rename - F2
>> Copy Link Location - Command-L
>> Cut - COmmand-X
>> Paste - Command-V
>> Delete - Forward Delete
>> Properties - Option-Return
>> Send Folder Link - Command-E
>> Refresh - F5
>> When in the "local" section, the following commands are available:
>> New Folder - COmmand-F
>> Upload file - F8
>> Rename - F2
>> Delete - Forward-Delete
>> Properties - Option-Return
>> Refresh - Command-F5
>> If anyone would like me to demonstrate, I will, but you may have to wait a 
>> couple of hours before I am able to do so. I hope this helped somebody.
>> Also, just a hint. If you found your mouse focus does not route when using 
>> VO-Command-F5, try going all the way to the toolbar by stopping all 
>> interaction, then checking its position with VO-F5. This should fix the 
>> issue temporarily.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> GoogleTalk:
>> Facebook
>> Twitter
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>> AIM: cincinster
>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 7:38 AM, GEOFF WAALER wrote:
>>> Hi Sarah and list,
>>> Thanks much for the suggestion; before posting I read a thread in 

Re: A Quick Question About The Multi-Touch Trackpad

2010-09-22 Thread Carolyn Haas
I believe you can do this by double tapping on the left side of the screen in 
the middle.  At least that worked yesterday for me:)


On Sep 22, 2010, at 1:57 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> This may be obvious to some but...
> I find that I'm using my TrackPad more and more to interact with Apple Mail.
> All works wonderfully well except I cannot seem to open emails with the
> TrackPad.  Can this be done?
> Please keep in mind that I do not use the Preview Pane, thus, VoiceOver+J is
> not an option.  
> Presently, I press the [ENTER] key on my keyboard to open threaded
> messaging.  
> I've tried pressing down on the TrackPad when the Message is selected but
> this does not cause the thread to open.  
> Thank you in advance,  
> Mark
> -- 
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BT Keyboard from

2010-09-22 Thread Dave Taylor
Hi, I finally received the keyboard I ordered through, they
just call the Mini Bluetooth Keyboard. This is the one with the arrows on
the A, S, D, and W keys. I must say, the reviews on all the lists have been
really helpful, this is a great keyboard and I'm very impressed. I didn't
think such a small keyboard would be this easy to type on. Think I must have
every possible angle covered for my iPhone now lol!


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correction: opening mail on trackpad

2010-09-22 Thread Carolyn Haas
I sit corredted, please excuse my error.  If you find an email you want on the 
trackpad, with your finger over the subject, (asuming you've interacted with 
messages) do a control-click.  This will land you in the body of the message.
Sorry about the bad directions.  (More coffee, please?):)


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Re: Basic syrinx question

2010-09-22 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hi Ricardo!

Just hit the enter key. That's all you need to do to send any tweet.

If you want to send a tweet, simply go to the edit field. You can either locate 
this by hitting tab from the table containing tweets, or using VO-right arrow. 
Type in your tweet, then hit enter. If you want to see how many characters are 
left, you can simply VO-right to find it. It is passed the first progress 
indicator. Of course, it will count down as you type. Syrinx will also ding at 
you if you have typed two many characters when you attempt to send your tweet.

TO send a direct message, you can hit COmmand-Shift-D on  any user in the 
timeline. If they are not following you Syrinx will attempt to warn you about 
this, however it may sometimes be a faulty warning and you can simply ignore 
this. You will be placed in the very same edit field you send any tweet from, 
however it places a d then the user ID in the field for you so you can just 
type away.

To send a mention, you can  hit COmmand-Shift-R on a tweet you wish to reply 
to. This will place you in the edit field again automatically, with the cursor 
after the prefix for a mention.

You can hit COmmand-Shift-T to retweet something. Depending on your 
preferences, Syrinx may simply send this without allowing you to edit. To 
change this, go to Syrinx' preferences and select the "Application" tab. 
VO-right to the checkbox that says "Enable editable Retweets".

Good luck!

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Sep 22, 2010, at 2:47 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> How do you send a tweet or direct message with syrinx?  I don't see any send 
> button.
> -- 
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Re: ABBYY OCR Software

2010-09-22 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Andy,

Some scanners work directly with ABBYY FineReader, but my two Canon scanners do 
not. This is why I use VueScan, something I've been doing for a number of years 
now and I'm too old to change my ways!

I create a TIFF file with VueScan and set all TIFF files to open with ABBYY 
FineReader. I don't use TIFF files for anything other than scanned text.



On 22 Sep 2010, at 14:17, Andy Baracco wrote:

> What is Bluescan?  Are you saying that you need a program in addition to
> Abby in order to scan and recognize?

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Re: ABBYY OCR Software

2010-09-22 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Justin,

I'm pretty sure your scanner won't work directly with ABBYY FineReader. 
However, you can use Image Capture which is in your Applications folder, or 
purchase VueScan, which is what I use.

Whichever method you choose, you open the resulting file with ABBYY FineReader 
where you select the type of output you want, what to call it, and where to put 

ABBYY FineReader is self-explanatory when you use it.



On 22 Sep 2010, at 12:11, Justin Thornton wrote:

> hi
> could someone be so kind as to explain how to actually set up abby reader
> I have a canon mp 620 wireless printer/scanner/copier
> I would love to be able to scan documents with the mac and VO
> thanks take care

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Re: BT Keyboard from

2010-09-22 Thread Ian McNamara
sounds good mate think i might be going to the eyephone when i can next 

Ian McNamara.

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Re: Basic syrinx question

2010-09-22 Thread Ricardo Walker

So simple that I didn't even think to try that.  Lol.
On Sep 22, 2010, at 9:14 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi Ricardo!
> Just hit the enter key. That's all you need to do to send any tweet.
> If you want to send a tweet, simply go to the edit field. You can either 
> locate this by hitting tab from the table containing tweets, or using 
> VO-right arrow. Type in your tweet, then hit enter. If you want to see how 
> many characters are left, you can simply VO-right to find it. It is passed 
> the first progress indicator. Of course, it will count down as you type. 
> Syrinx will also ding at you if you have typed two many characters when you 
> attempt to send your tweet.
> TO send a direct message, you can hit COmmand-Shift-D on  any user in the 
> timeline. If they are not following you Syrinx will attempt to warn you about 
> this, however it may sometimes be a faulty warning and you can simply ignore 
> this. You will be placed in the very same edit field you send any tweet from, 
> however it places a d then the user ID in the field for you so you can just 
> type away.
> To send a mention, you can  hit COmmand-Shift-R on a tweet you wish to reply 
> to. This will place you in the edit field again automatically, with the 
> cursor after the prefix for a mention.
> You can hit COmmand-Shift-T to retweet something. Depending on your 
> preferences, Syrinx may simply send this without allowing you to edit. To 
> change this, go to Syrinx' preferences and select the "Application" tab. 
> VO-right to the checkbox that says "Enable editable Retweets".
> Good luck!
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 2:47 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> How do you send a tweet or direct message with syrinx?  I don't see any send 
>> button.
>> TIA
>> -- 
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Re: How to get rid of the preview pain in mail

2010-09-22 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hmmm, this actually worked for me. I did have to use the actual physical mouse 
to double-click on the splitter. By the way, I don't know if the pun in the 
subject line was intentional, but I like it. :)


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A Clarification Regarding my TrackPad Question

2010-09-22 Thread M. Taylor
Thank you Carolyn and Kevin for attempting to answer my question.

I am reposting the question because  i don't think I  was  clear in what I seek.

First, lets forget about the threaded component.

Second, what I want to do it to merely use the the Multi-Touch TrackPad, on my 
MacBook Pro to open an email in the Apple Mail Message viewer.

Keep in mind that I do not wish to jump from one area of the Inbox to a preview 

My Message viewer is configured so that when I am in any mailbox's Inbox, all I 
see on the Message list with which I interact is the Status, From, Subject, and 
Date of the message.

It is in this message list view that I currently select a message in the list 
by using the arrow key, followed by tapping the Enter Key in order to open the 
message in its own separate Window.

So, my question is based on my desire to no longer press the Enter key but use 
my TrackPad to "open" the message viewer in its own separate window.

I'm hoping someone out there knows how to do this.

Thank you all, once again.

Using the Control key in combination with pressing the TrackPad did not result 
in opening a message.

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Re: ABBYY OCR Software

2010-09-22 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi everyone,

I don't know if this question has been asked on the list before. So if it has, 
I apologize in advance. Can Abby Fine Reader be used to  scan documents? Is it 
like Kurzweil 1000? Thank you for any assistance you can provide.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Sep 22, 2010, at 8:17 AM, Andy Baracco wrote:

> What is Bluescan?  Are you saying that you need a program in addition to
> Abby in order to scan and recognize?
> Andy
> "I'm pretty good at drinkin beer."
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
> Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 12:52 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: ABBYY OCR Software
> Hello Scott,
> Abbyy FineReader does a great job from TIFF files. I scan books a double
> page at a time, using VueScan, and it gets everything in the right order. It
> can also handle more than one language within the same document.
> It occasionally has a fit and screws up a few words beyond all recognition,
> but this is rare. There are no preferences so you can't tweak it.
> ReadIris 12, on the other hand, is dreadful. It's much worse than ReadIris
> 11. It is also more expensive than Abbyy FineReader.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> --
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Re: ABBYY OCR Software

2010-09-22 Thread Jenny Wood
Good day all.  My name is Jenny, and I am new to the list.  I have  
just recently acquired a used mac running OS 10.56, and am still  
learning my way around.  I look forward to learning a lot from this  
list, and hope to contribute something of use myself in the future.  
  I am also working toward the purchase of either a mac mini or  
macbook pro down the road, but as for now, this machine will serve as  
a good launching pad.
With regard to Abby Reader, I would also like to ask for  
recommendation on where one might obtain this program?  I am very  
interested in obtaining pricing information as well.



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Re: A Clarification Regarding my TrackPad Question

2010-09-22 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Mark:
Ok, I just closed and reopened your email, based on the scenario you descripbe. 
 I have the messages status, date, received etc showing, on the trackpad.  Now, 
I want to answer your quetion, so I find your email, based on subject, and then 
touch control-and-click the trackpad.  Your message is then read.


On Sep 22, 2010, at 8:41 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Thank you Carolyn and Kevin for attempting to answer my question.
> I am reposting the question because  i don't think I  was  clear in what I 
> seek.
> First, lets forget about the threaded component.
> Second, what I want to do it to merely use the the Multi-Touch TrackPad, on 
> my MacBook Pro to open an email in the Apple Mail Message viewer.
> Keep in mind that I do not wish to jump from one area of the Inbox to a 
> preview pane.
> My Message viewer is configured so that when I am in any mailbox's Inbox, all 
> I see on the Message list with which I interact is the Status, From, Subject, 
> and Date of the message.
> It is in this message list view that I currently select a message in the list 
> by using the arrow key, followed by tapping the Enter Key in order to open 
> the message in its own separate Window.
> So, my question is based on my desire to no longer press the Enter key but 
> use my TrackPad to "open" the message viewer in its own separate window.
> I'm hoping someone out there knows how to do this.
> Thank you all, once again.
> Mark
> PS
> Using the Control key in combination with pressing the TrackPad did not 
> result in opening a message.
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: ABBYY OCR Software

2010-09-22 Thread Justin Thornton
how would I go about using immage capture
I have never really used it before
and also how could I do this over my wireless network
On Sep 22, 2010, at 9:30 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Justin,
> I'm pretty sure your scanner won't work directly with ABBYY FineReader. 
> However, you can use Image Capture which is in your Applications folder, or 
> purchase VueScan, which is what I use.
> Whichever method you choose, you open the resulting file with ABBYY 
> FineReader where you select the type of output you want, what to call it, and 
> where to put it.
> ABBYY FineReader is self-explanatory when you use it.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 22 Sep 2010, at 12:11, Justin Thornton wrote:
>> hi
>> could someone be so kind as to explain how to actually set up abby reader
>> I have a canon mp 620 wireless printer/scanner/copier
>> I would love to be able to scan documents with the mac and VO
>> thanks take care
> -- 
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Re: A Clarification Regarding my TrackPad Question

2010-09-22 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Mark,

Hope all is well with you.  I have found that the only way to do what you ask 
is to do a control left click like Carolyn suggested.  This is done by holding 
down the control key and pressing the bottom left corner of the trackpad.  This 
brings up a context menu in which open is the first option in the list.  double 
tap on open and your good to go.  This being said, it's quicker just to press 
enter on the message via the keyboard.

On Sep 22, 2010, at 10:41 AM, M. Taylor wrote

> Thank you Carolyn and Kevin for attempting to answer my question.
> I am reposting the question because  i don't think I  was  clear in what I 
> seek.
> First, lets forget about the threaded component.
> Second, what I want to do it to merely use the the Multi-Touch TrackPad, on 
> my MacBook Pro to open an email in the Apple Mail Message viewer.
> Keep in mind that I do not wish to jump from one area of the Inbox to a 
> preview pane.
> My Message viewer is configured so that when I am in any mailbox's Inbox, all 
> I see on the Message list with which I interact is the Status, From, Subject, 
> and Date of the message.
> It is in this message list view that I currently select a message in the list 
> by using the arrow key, followed by tapping the Enter Key in order to open 
> the message in its own separate Window.
> So, my question is based on my desire to no longer press the Enter key but 
> use my TrackPad to "open" the message viewer in its own separate window.
> I'm hoping someone out there knows how to do this.
> Thank you all, once again.
> Mark
> PS
> Using the Control key in combination with pressing the TrackPad did not 
> result in opening a message.
> -- 
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Re: ABBYY OCR Software

2010-09-22 Thread Frank Carmickle
Well howdy stranger!

On Sep 22, 2010, at 12:03 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:

> Good day all.  My name is Jenny, and I am new to the list.  I have just 
> recently acquired a used mac running OS 10.56, and am still learning my way 
> around.  I look forward to learning a lot from this list, and hope to 
> contribute something of use myself in the future.   I am also

An intel or a ppc?  If it is an intel you can update to 10.6 for $30.  Probably 
something worth doing.  

Take care

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Re: A Clarification Regarding my TrackPad Question

2010-09-22 Thread Carolyn Haas
This is intetresting.  When I have my finger on the subject on the trackpad, I 
press ctl and press that finger down and the email's open.  Haven't seen a menu 
as you describe.  That's the mac, all right.  Full of mystery!!!:)

CarolynOn Sep 22, 2010, at 10:45 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> Hope all is well with you.  I have found that the only way to do what you ask 
> is to do a control left click like Carolyn suggested.  This is done by 
> holding down the control key and pressing the bottom left corner of the 
> trackpad.  This brings up a context menu in which open is the first option in 
> the list.  double tap on open and your good to go.  This being said, it's 
> quicker just to press enter on the message via the keyboard.
> hth
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 10:41 AM, M. Taylor wrote
>> Thank you Carolyn and Kevin for attempting to answer my question.
>> I am reposting the question because  i don't think I  was  clear in what I 
>> seek.
>> First, lets forget about the threaded component.
>> Second, what I want to do it to merely use the the Multi-Touch TrackPad, on 
>> my MacBook Pro to open an email in the Apple Mail Message viewer.
>> Keep in mind that I do not wish to jump from one area of the Inbox to a 
>> preview pane.
>> My Message viewer is configured so that when I am in any mailbox's Inbox, 
>> all I see on the Message list with which I interact is the Status, From, 
>> Subject, and Date of the message.
>> It is in this message list view that I currently select a message in the 
>> list by using the arrow key, followed by tapping the Enter Key in order to 
>> open the message in its own separate Window.
>> So, my question is based on my desire to no longer press the Enter key but 
>> use my TrackPad to "open" the message viewer in its own separate window.
>> I'm hoping someone out there knows how to do this.
>> Thank you all, once again.
>> Mark
>> PS
>> Using the Control key in combination with pressing the TrackPad did not 
>> result in opening a message.
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: A Clarification Regarding my TrackPad Question

2010-09-22 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Carolyn,

Hmm,  Do you have the preview pane showing in Apple Mail?  I do and the gesture 
your doing is the jump to linked iTem gesture.  When you leave your finger on 
the subject and press control the gesture I just mentioned is being performed.  
Try holding control down first without touching the trackpad.  Now press the 
bottom left or right of the trackpad.  This will perform the control click I 
was referring to that open the context menu.  Then double tapping on open in 
the menu will make a new window open up displaying the message instead of just 
moving you over to the preview pane like I think happened with you.  Let me 
know what happens.

On Sep 22, 2010, at 1:06 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Ricardo:
> This is interesting.  When I have my finger on the subject on the trackpad, I 
> press ctl and press that finger down and the email's open.  Haven't seen a 
> menu as you describe.  That's the mac, all right.  Full of mystery!!!:)
> CarolynOn Sep 22, 2010, at 10:45 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> Hope all is well with you.  I have found that the only way to do what you 
>> ask is to do a control left click like Carolyn suggested.  This is done by 
>> holding down the control key and pressing the bottom left corner of the 
>> trackpad.  This brings up a context menu in which open is the first option 
>> in the list.  double tap on open and your good to go.  This being said, it's 
>> quicker just to press enter on the message via the keyboard.
>> hth
>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 10:41 AM, M. Taylor wrote
>>> Thank you Carolyn and Kevin for attempting to answer my question.
>>> I am reposting the question because  i don't think I  was  clear in what I 
>>> seek.
>>> First, lets forget about the threaded component.
>>> Second, what I want to do it to merely use the the Multi-Touch TrackPad, on 
>>> my MacBook Pro to open an email in the Apple Mail Message viewer.
>>> Keep in mind that I do not wish to jump from one area of the Inbox to a 
>>> preview pane.
>>> My Message viewer is configured so that when I am in any mailbox's Inbox, 
>>> all I see on the Message list with which I interact is the Status, From, 
>>> Subject, and Date of the message.
>>> It is in this message list view that I currently select a message in the 
>>> list by using the arrow key, followed by tapping the Enter Key in order to 
>>> open the message in its own separate Window.
>>> So, my question is based on my desire to no longer press the Enter key but 
>>> use my TrackPad to "open" the message viewer in its own separate window.
>>> I'm hoping someone out there knows how to do this.
>>> Thank you all, once again.
>>> Mark
>>> PS
>>> Using the Control key in combination with pressing the TrackPad did not 
>>> result in opening a message.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>> For more options, visit this group at 
> -- 
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: A Clarification Regarding my TrackPad Question

2010-09-22 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Ricardo:
Well, actually I think I must have preview panes disabled.  I either get the 
status info, or the message itself.  And I rather like it that way, in spite of 
all the caviats about opening mail:).

I'll experiment more with this and learn more.
On Sep 22, 2010, at 11:20 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi Carolyn,
> Hmm,  Do you have the preview pane showing in Apple Mail?  I do and the 
> gesture your doing is the jump to linked iTem gesture.  When you leave your 
> finger on the subject and press control the gesture I just mentioned is being 
> performed.  Try holding control down first without touching the trackpad.  
> Now press the bottom left or right of the trackpad.  This will perform the 
> control click I was referring to that open the context menu.  Then double 
> tapping on open in the menu will make a new window open up displaying the 
> message instead of just moving you over to the preview pane like I think 
> happened with you.  Let me know what happens.
> Thanks.  
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 1:06 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Ricardo:
>> This is interesting.  When I have my finger on the subject on the trackpad, 
>> I press ctl and press that finger down and the email's open.  Haven't seen a 
>> menu as you describe.  That's the mac, all right.  Full of mystery!!!:)
>> CarolynOn Sep 22, 2010, at 10:45 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> Hi Mark,
>>> Hope all is well with you.  I have found that the only way to do what you 
>>> ask is to do a control left click like Carolyn suggested.  This is done by 
>>> holding down the control key and pressing the bottom left corner of the 
>>> trackpad.  This brings up a context menu in which open is the first option 
>>> in the list.  double tap on open and your good to go.  This being said, 
>>> it's quicker just to press enter on the message via the keyboard.
>>> hth
>>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 10:41 AM, M. Taylor wrote
 Thank you Carolyn and Kevin for attempting to answer my question.
 I am reposting the question because  i don't think I  was  clear in what I 
 First, lets forget about the threaded component.
 Second, what I want to do it to merely use the the Multi-Touch TrackPad, 
 on my MacBook Pro to open an email in the Apple Mail Message viewer.
 Keep in mind that I do not wish to jump from one area of the Inbox to a 
 preview pane.
 My Message viewer is configured so that when I am in any mailbox's Inbox, 
 all I see on the Message list with which I interact is the Status, From, 
 Subject, and Date of the message.
 It is in this message list view that I currently select a message in the 
 list by using the arrow key, followed by tapping the Enter Key in order to 
 open the message in its own separate Window.
 So, my question is based on my desire to no longer press the Enter key but 
 use my TrackPad to "open" the message viewer in its own separate window.
 I'm hoping someone out there knows how to do this.
 Thank you all, once again.
 Using the Control key in combination with pressing the TrackPad did not 
 result in opening a message.
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Re: Copying link in Sendspace Wizard.

2010-09-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hmm I tried all of that but it still takes me to my mail program I wonder if I 
changed something in the vo prefs themselves but I dunno.

Take care.

On Sep 22, 2010, at 12:30 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi Geoff!
> I'll do these steps as I explain them here, just to see that they still 
> should work for everybody. I'll do all of these steps in the same order I am 
> writing them down so everyone can follow along.
> 1. Open the Sendspace Wizard. That's a given, of course. :)
> 2. After logging into your Sendspace account, interact with the first unknown 
> item after the toolbar.
> 3. Now, find the first unknown after all of the buttons which enable you to 
> add a link for download. This is also the only unknown within this area, so 
> it'll be the only one you'll see. It is also at the very bottom right if you 
> use the trackpad commander.
> 4. Here, you will have two unknown items. I will explain what each of those 
> do.
> The first one is for local items- This means that you can arrow to a file you 
> would like to upload, then move to the "remote" part which is the second 
> unknown within the unknown you interacted with. I know this probably gets a 
> bit confusing. When you upload a file, you have to choose a folder that you 
> would like to upload to on your remote location (which is your account). You 
> can use the command F8 to upload the file you have chosen in your local view.
> Remote simply allows you to download and display folders and files on your 
> current Sendspace account. Now, I will mention that I have not actually found 
> a way to open folders within Sendspace, as the conventional commands don't 
> appear to work for me.
> So, let's continue.
> 5. When you interact within the second unknown (which is remote), you can use 
> F7 to download folders. This is where I have not found  a way to download 
> specific files. Control-click still works, however, as long as you remember 
> to route the mouse. Mouse racking does not work in this Wizard, which is very 
> important to remember.
> 6. Now you just route the mouse to the area within the table you would like 
> to download or copy the link location for. You will have to use VoiceOVer 
> keys here after interacting with the table, then route the mouse with 
> VO-Command-F5 then do a control-click. The command do copy a link is 
> Command-l, though. I can briefly make a  list of the available commands 
> below. They seem to work consistently, as long as you remember to actually 
> move all the cursors. I've always found that I always bring up the menus to 
> be on the safe side, regardless of consistency.
> FOllowing that, I have briefly made a list containing the commands for 
> Sendspace, though whether you dare to use them is your choice.
> When in the "Remote" section, the following commands are available:
> New Folder - Command-F
> Download File - F7
> Rename - F2
> Copy Link Location - Command-L
> Cut - COmmand-X
> Paste - Command-V
> Delete - Forward Delete
> Properties - Option-Return
> Send Folder Link - Command-E
> Refresh - F5
> When in the "local" section, the following commands are available:
> New Folder - COmmand-F
> Upload file - F8
> Rename - F2
> Delete - Forward-Delete
> Properties - Option-Return
> Refresh - Command-F5
> If anyone would like me to demonstrate, I will, but you may have to wait a 
> couple of hours before I am able to do so. I hope this helped somebody.
> Also, just a hint. If you found your mouse focus does not route when using 
> VO-Command-F5, try going all the way to the toolbar by stopping all 
> interaction, then checking its position with VO-F5. This should fix the issue 
> temporarily.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 7:38 AM, GEOFF WAALER wrote:
>> Hi Sarah and list,
>> Thanks much for the suggestion; before posting I read a thread in the 
>> archives where Nicolai Svendsen recommended that vary remedy.  As indicated 
>> in my initial post I tried control-click with and without the trackpad 
>> commander enabled.  More over, moving the mouse to the file or folder of 
>> interest (vo-command-F5) before pressing control-click had no affect.
>> Thanks again Carolyn and Sarah, but there must be another step I'm missing.
>> Geoff
>> On Sep 21, 2010, at 10:53 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> I don't think you can do that from the sendspace wizard. You can do that 
>>> from the site but not th e wizard.
>>> Good luck.
>>> On Sep 21, 2010, at 7:35 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi Geoff:
 Sometimes when all else fails, I use command shift and arrows or vo+arrows 
 to select the url, command C to copy, and command V to paste.  Otherwise, 
 attempt to use the data detector menu (vo-shift-m) to bring up choices.

Re: Copying link in Sendspace Wizard.

2010-09-22 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

It's because you haven't focussed the mouse. Remember the tip I told you? Go to 
the toolbar if it doesn't focus, then see if it doesn't  refocus on the Wizard. 
If your mouse is focussed correctly, that won't happen.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Sep 22, 2010, at 7:28 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Hmm I tried all of that but it still takes me to my mail program I wonder if 
> I changed something in the vo prefs themselves but I dunno.
> Take care.
> S
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 12:30 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi Geoff!
>> I'll do these steps as I explain them here, just to see that they still 
>> should work for everybody. I'll do all of these steps in the same order I am 
>> writing them down so everyone can follow along.
>> 1. Open the Sendspace Wizard. That's a given, of course. :)
>> 2. After logging into your Sendspace account, interact with the first 
>> unknown item after the toolbar.
>> 3. Now, find the first unknown after all of the buttons which enable you to 
>> add a link for download. This is also the only unknown within this area, so 
>> it'll be the only one you'll see. It is also at the very bottom right if you 
>> use the trackpad commander.
>> 4. Here, you will have two unknown items. I will explain what each of those 
>> do.
>> The first one is for local items- This means that you can arrow to a file 
>> you would like to upload, then move to the "remote" part which is the second 
>> unknown within the unknown you interacted with. I know this probably gets a 
>> bit confusing. When you upload a file, you have to choose a folder that you 
>> would like to upload to on your remote location (which is your account). You 
>> can use the command F8 to upload the file you have chosen in your local view.
>> Remote simply allows you to download and display folders and files on your 
>> current Sendspace account. Now, I will mention that I have not actually 
>> found a way to open folders within Sendspace, as the conventional commands 
>> don't appear to work for me.
>> So, let's continue.
>> 5. When you interact within the second unknown (which is remote), you can 
>> use F7 to download folders. This is where I have not found  a way to 
>> download specific files. Control-click still works, however, as long as you 
>> remember to route the mouse. Mouse racking does not work in this Wizard, 
>> which is very important to remember.
>> 6. Now you just route the mouse to the area within the table you would like 
>> to download or copy the link location for. You will have to use VoiceOVer 
>> keys here after interacting with the table, then route the mouse with 
>> VO-Command-F5 then do a control-click. The command do copy a link is 
>> Command-l, though. I can briefly make a  list of the available commands 
>> below. They seem to work consistently, as long as you remember to actually 
>> move all the cursors. I've always found that I always bring up the menus to 
>> be on the safe side, regardless of consistency.
>> FOllowing that, I have briefly made a list containing the commands for 
>> Sendspace, though whether you dare to use them is your choice.
>> When in the "Remote" section, the following commands are available:
>> New Folder - Command-F
>> Download File - F7
>> Rename - F2
>> Copy Link Location - Command-L
>> Cut - COmmand-X
>> Paste - Command-V
>> Delete - Forward Delete
>> Properties - Option-Return
>> Send Folder Link - Command-E
>> Refresh - F5
>> When in the "local" section, the following commands are available:
>> New Folder - COmmand-F
>> Upload file - F8
>> Rename - F2
>> Delete - Forward-Delete
>> Properties - Option-Return
>> Refresh - Command-F5
>> If anyone would like me to demonstrate, I will, but you may have to wait a 
>> couple of hours before I am able to do so. I hope this helped somebody.
>> Also, just a hint. If you found your mouse focus does not route when using 
>> VO-Command-F5, try going all the way to the toolbar by stopping all 
>> interaction, then checking its position with VO-F5. This should fix the 
>> issue temporarily.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> GoogleTalk:
>> Facebook
>> Twitter
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>> AIM: cincinster
>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 7:38 AM, GEOFF WAALER wrote:
>>> Hi Sarah and list,
>>> Thanks much for the suggestion; before posting I read a thread in the 
>>> archives where Nicolai Svendsen recommended that vary remedy.  As indicated 
>>> in my initial post I tried control-click with and without the trackpad 
>>> commander enabled.  More over, moving the mouse to the file or folder of 
>>> interest (vo-command-F5) before pressing control-click had no affect.
>>> Thanks again Carolyn and Sarah, but th

Re: strange problem with my MPB15

2010-09-22 Thread Chris Blouch
 If re-seating doesn't fix it then maybe it's time to do that memory 
upgrade you've been dreaming about, assuming it isn't already maxed out. 
I've used AppleCare twice to ship a macbook for repairs and the process 
was quite good. They fedex a special box, you put it in and they pick it 
up again and then ship it back fixed. Of course a local Apple store 
would be a tad easier.


On 9/21/10 1:48 PM, Bryan Jones wrote:

Hi Mark -- Can you tell us the year and model of your macbook pro? On most 
models the RAM is relatively easy to access and we might be able to do some 
standard troubleshooting steps such as reseating the RAM modules. Of course, if 
your book is still under warranty and you live near an apple store or 
authorized service dealer you might want to get it in their hands instead.


On Sep 21, 2010, at 11:31 AM, Mark BurningHawk Baxter wrote:

No technical reason; I lost my disks on a recent move and Leopard is what I have for the 
moment until I get new ones.  Apple Cares cannot, it seems, find me in their base.  I 
found an article at which claims that three successive beeps, a five 
second pause and three successive beeps means, "RAM did not pass data integrity 
check."  Apparently, I have a faulty RAM chip somewhere.  I have NO clue what to do 
about this, as I've never had to take this MBP15 apart.  I guess it can happen at amy 
moment with no warning, depending on when that particular RAM is addressed.  I'm confused 
as to how to fix it.

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Re: Adding printer in Fusion

2010-09-22 Thread Chris Blouch
 I had this happen on mine before and had to restart the Windows 
services related to shared printing. VMWare has the steps documented here:


On 9/21/10 1:30 PM, Scott Howell wrote:

I have VMWare FUsion installed and I want to add a network printer. I 
configured Fusion to use the default printer on the Mac. However, XP (yes I am 
forced to use it grin) will not see the printer. THis is an HP CM2320NF 
networked printer. Any thoughts appreciated. Previously Fusion did allow xp to 
see the OfficeJet I had installed, but that printer is no longer available. So, 
what to do?


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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Copying link in Sendspace Wizard.

2010-09-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
yeah I press cmd vo f5 and it keeps saying mail is under the mouse no matter 
what i do. I'll keep trying though.
On Sep 22, 2010, at 10:36 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi!
> It's because you haven't focussed the mouse. Remember the tip I told you? Go 
> to the toolbar if it doesn't focus, then see if it doesn't  refocus on the 
> Wizard. If your mouse is focussed correctly, that won't happen.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 7:28 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hmm I tried all of that but it still takes me to my mail program I wonder if 
>> I changed something in the vo prefs themselves but I dunno.
>> Take care.
>> S
>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 12:30 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi Geoff!
>>> I'll do these steps as I explain them here, just to see that they still 
>>> should work for everybody. I'll do all of these steps in the same order I 
>>> am writing them down so everyone can follow along.
>>> 1. Open the Sendspace Wizard. That's a given, of course. :)
>>> 2. After logging into your Sendspace account, interact with the first 
>>> unknown item after the toolbar.
>>> 3. Now, find the first unknown after all of the buttons which enable you to 
>>> add a link for download. This is also the only unknown within this area, so 
>>> it'll be the only one you'll see. It is also at the very bottom right if 
>>> you use the trackpad commander.
>>> 4. Here, you will have two unknown items. I will explain what each of those 
>>> do.
>>> The first one is for local items- This means that you can arrow to a file 
>>> you would like to upload, then move to the "remote" part which is the 
>>> second unknown within the unknown you interacted with. I know this probably 
>>> gets a bit confusing. When you upload a file, you have to choose a folder 
>>> that you would like to upload to on your remote location (which is your 
>>> account). You can use the command F8 to upload the file you have chosen in 
>>> your local view.
>>> Remote simply allows you to download and display folders and files on your 
>>> current Sendspace account. Now, I will mention that I have not actually 
>>> found a way to open folders within Sendspace, as the conventional commands 
>>> don't appear to work for me.
>>> So, let's continue.
>>> 5. When you interact within the second unknown (which is remote), you can 
>>> use F7 to download folders. This is where I have not found  a way to 
>>> download specific files. Control-click still works, however, as long as you 
>>> remember to route the mouse. Mouse racking does not work in this Wizard, 
>>> which is very important to remember.
>>> 6. Now you just route the mouse to the area within the table you would like 
>>> to download or copy the link location for. You will have to use VoiceOVer 
>>> keys here after interacting with the table, then route the mouse with 
>>> VO-Command-F5 then do a control-click. The command do copy a link is 
>>> Command-l, though. I can briefly make a  list of the available commands 
>>> below. They seem to work consistently, as long as you remember to actually 
>>> move all the cursors. I've always found that I always bring up the menus to 
>>> be on the safe side, regardless of consistency.
>>> FOllowing that, I have briefly made a list containing the commands for 
>>> Sendspace, though whether you dare to use them is your choice.
>>> When in the "Remote" section, the following commands are available:
>>> New Folder - Command-F
>>> Download File - F7
>>> Rename - F2
>>> Copy Link Location - Command-L
>>> Cut - COmmand-X
>>> Paste - Command-V
>>> Delete - Forward Delete
>>> Properties - Option-Return
>>> Send Folder Link - Command-E
>>> Refresh - F5
>>> When in the "local" section, the following commands are available:
>>> New Folder - COmmand-F
>>> Upload file - F8
>>> Rename - F2
>>> Delete - Forward-Delete
>>> Properties - Option-Return
>>> Refresh - Command-F5
>>> If anyone would like me to demonstrate, I will, but you may have to wait a 
>>> couple of hours before I am able to do so. I hope this helped somebody.
>>> Also, just a hint. If you found your mouse focus does not route when using 
>>> VO-Command-F5, try going all the way to the toolbar by stopping all 
>>> interaction, then checking its position with VO-F5. This should fix the 
>>> issue temporarily.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Mobile Me:
>>> GoogleTalk:
>>> Facebook
>>> Twitter
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 7:38 AM, GEOFF WAALER wrote:
 Hi Sarah and list,
 Thanks much for the suggestion; before posting I read a thread in the 
 archives where Nicolai Svendsen recomme

Re: Copying link in Sendspace Wizard.

2010-09-22 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

It may not do it automatically, that's random in a way. Try routing if you 

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Sep 22, 2010, at 8:08 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> yeah I press cmd vo f5 and it keeps saying mail is under the mouse no matter 
> what i do. I'll keep trying though.
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 10:36 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi!
>> It's because you haven't focussed the mouse. Remember the tip I told you? Go 
>> to the toolbar if it doesn't focus, then see if it doesn't  refocus on the 
>> Wizard. If your mouse is focussed correctly, that won't happen.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> GoogleTalk:
>> Facebook
>> Twitter
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>> AIM: cincinster
>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 7:28 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> Hmm I tried all of that but it still takes me to my mail program I wonder 
>>> if I changed something in the vo prefs themselves but I dunno.
>>> Take care.
>>> S
>>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 12:30 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
 Hi Geoff!
 I'll do these steps as I explain them here, just to see that they still 
 should work for everybody. I'll do all of these steps in the same order I 
 am writing them down so everyone can follow along.
 1. Open the Sendspace Wizard. That's a given, of course. :)
 2. After logging into your Sendspace account, interact with the first 
 unknown item after the toolbar.
 3. Now, find the first unknown after all of the buttons which enable you 
 to add a link for download. This is also the only unknown within this 
 area, so it'll be the only one you'll see. It is also at the very bottom 
 right if you use the trackpad commander.
 4. Here, you will have two unknown items. I will explain what each of 
 those do.
 The first one is for local items- This means that you can arrow to a file 
 you would like to upload, then move to the "remote" part which is the 
 second unknown within the unknown you interacted with. I know this 
 probably gets a bit confusing. When you upload a file, you have to choose 
 a folder that you would like to upload to on your remote location (which 
 is your account). You can use the command F8 to upload the file you have 
 chosen in your local view.
 Remote simply allows you to download and display folders and files on your 
 current Sendspace account. Now, I will mention that I have not actually 
 found a way to open folders within Sendspace, as the conventional commands 
 don't appear to work for me.
 So, let's continue.
 5. When you interact within the second unknown (which is remote), you can 
 use F7 to download folders. This is where I have not found  a way to 
 download specific files. Control-click still works, however, as long as 
 you remember to route the mouse. Mouse racking does not work in this 
 Wizard, which is very important to remember.
 6. Now you just route the mouse to the area within the table you would 
 like to download or copy the link location for. You will have to use 
 VoiceOVer keys here after interacting with the table, then route the mouse 
 with VO-Command-F5 then do a control-click. The command do copy a link is 
 Command-l, though. I can briefly make a  list of the available commands 
 below. They seem to work consistently, as long as you remember to actually 
 move all the cursors. I've always found that I always bring up the menus 
 to be on the safe side, regardless of consistency.
 FOllowing that, I have briefly made a list containing the commands for 
 Sendspace, though whether you dare to use them is your choice.
 When in the "Remote" section, the following commands are available:
 New Folder - Command-F
 Download File - F7
 Rename - F2
 Copy Link Location - Command-L
 Cut - COmmand-X
 Paste - Command-V
 Delete - Forward Delete
 Properties - Option-Return
 Send Folder Link - Command-E
 Refresh - F5
 When in the "local" section, the following commands are available:
 New Folder - COmmand-F
 Upload file - F8
 Rename - F2
 Delete - Forward-Delete
 Properties - Option-Return
 Refresh - Command-F5
 If anyone would like me to demonstrate, I will, but you may have to wait a 
 couple of hours before I am able to do so. I hope this helped somebody.
 Also, just a hint. If you found your mouse focus does not route when using 
 VO-Command-F5, try going all the way to the toolbar by stopping all 
 interaction, then checking its position with VO-F5. This should fix the 
 issue temporarily.

Moving from one pane to another in iPad

2010-09-22 Thread mani
What gesture would one use to move from one pane to anohter?  A right
flick does not seem to work.  So for example, in Settings, I have all
the categories on the left pane and I choose and tap on one.  Then I
want to move the next pane where all the subcategories are listed.

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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Copying link in Sendspace Wizard.

2010-09-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
so wourt to the tool batr and see if it will then try routing tot he table 
On Sep 22, 2010, at 11:10 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi,
> It may not do it automatically, that's random in a way. Try routing if you 
> haven't.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 8:08 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> yeah I press cmd vo f5 and it keeps saying mail is under the mouse no matter 
>> what i do. I'll keep trying though.
>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 10:36 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> It's because you haven't focussed the mouse. Remember the tip I told you? 
>>> Go to the toolbar if it doesn't focus, then see if it doesn't  refocus on 
>>> the Wizard. If your mouse is focussed correctly, that won't happen.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Mobile Me:
>>> GoogleTalk:
>>> Facebook
>>> Twitter
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 7:28 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Hmm I tried all of that but it still takes me to my mail program I wonder 
 if I changed something in the vo prefs themselves but I dunno.
 Take care.
 On Sep 22, 2010, at 12:30 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi Geoff!
> I'll do these steps as I explain them here, just to see that they still 
> should work for everybody. I'll do all of these steps in the same order I 
> am writing them down so everyone can follow along.
> 1. Open the Sendspace Wizard. That's a given, of course. :)
> 2. After logging into your Sendspace account, interact with the first 
> unknown item after the toolbar.
> 3. Now, find the first unknown after all of the buttons which enable you 
> to add a link for download. This is also the only unknown within this 
> area, so it'll be the only one you'll see. It is also at the very bottom 
> right if you use the trackpad commander.
> 4. Here, you will have two unknown items. I will explain what each of 
> those do.
> The first one is for local items- This means that you can arrow to a file 
> you would like to upload, then move to the "remote" part which is the 
> second unknown within the unknown you interacted with. I know this 
> probably gets a bit confusing. When you upload a file, you have to choose 
> a folder that you would like to upload to on your remote location (which 
> is your account). You can use the command F8 to upload the file you have 
> chosen in your local view.
> Remote simply allows you to download and display folders and files on 
> your current Sendspace account. Now, I will mention that I have not 
> actually found a way to open folders within Sendspace, as the 
> conventional commands don't appear to work for me.
> So, let's continue.
> 5. When you interact within the second unknown (which is remote), you can 
> use F7 to download folders. This is where I have not found  a way to 
> download specific files. Control-click still works, however, as long as 
> you remember to route the mouse. Mouse racking does not work in this 
> Wizard, which is very important to remember.
> 6. Now you just route the mouse to the area within the table you would 
> like to download or copy the link location for. You will have to use 
> VoiceOVer keys here after interacting with the table, then route the 
> mouse with VO-Command-F5 then do a control-click. The command do copy a 
> link is Command-l, though. I can briefly make a  list of the available 
> commands below. They seem to work consistently, as long as you remember 
> to actually move all the cursors. I've always found that I always bring 
> up the menus to be on the safe side, regardless of consistency.
> FOllowing that, I have briefly made a list containing the commands for 
> Sendspace, though whether you dare to use them is your choice.
> When in the "Remote" section, the following commands are available:
> New Folder - Command-F
> Download File - F7
> Rename - F2
> Copy Link Location - Command-L
> Cut - COmmand-X
> Paste - Command-V
> Delete - Forward Delete
> Properties - Option-Return
> Send Folder Link - Command-E
> Refresh - F5
> When in the "local" section, the following commands are available:
> New Folder - COmmand-F
> Upload file - F8
> Rename - F2
> Delete - Forward-Delete
> Properties - Option-Return
> Refresh - Command-F5
> If anyone would like me to demonstrate, I will, but you may have to wait 
> a couple of hours before I am able to do so. I hope this helped s

Advice on Archiving and Retrieving old Mail Messages

2010-09-22 Thread Michael Busboom
Hi Listers,

Quite soon, I will need to archive all of my mailboxes and, in the future, 
refer to messages within the archive.  The server that I keep my messages on is 
an IMAP server, and it is getting full.

What I would like to do is archive all of the messages that I have sent and 
received, maintain the mailbox structure and then later refer to the archive, 
go to a specific message within the archive and, if necessary, respond to it at 
a later date.

I will soon need to erase everything on my current server, so this is important 
to me.

Is there a knowledge base article on doing this, and can an archive of an 
entire account's mailboxes be easily accomplished using the archive feature of 
the Mail program that comes with the Mac?

Thanks so much,


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Re: -- Re: Using Mail on an Ipod Touch Question

2010-09-22 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi guys:
I'm clearing old info, and ran across something interesting.  I would like to 
find out how to delete emails from server automatically.  Acording to this old 
post, one can do so in advanced under mail preferences.  However, I don't find 
an advanced tab there.  How silly is that?  Am I looking in the wrong place?  
There appears to be general, accounts, viewing, composing etc, but no advanced.
Any help appreciated.

On Jan 30, 2010, at 7:57 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> I did as you said, and sure enough it was set to one week.  I changed it to 
> immediately.  I'll bet this fixes it.  Thanks!
> On Jan 30, 2010, at 9:08 PM, David McLean wrote:
>> There are a couple of things you need to do:
>> Go to mail preferences, advanced tab, then check the box that says delete 
>> messages from server, below that is another pop up that asks how often to 
>> delete the messages.  The default isn't immediately so if that's what you 
>> want change that setting also.
>> It's not enough just to check delete messages from server.
>> Not sure why Apple thinks you'd want to keep the messages on the server but 
>> that's the way it's set up.
>> On Jan 30, 2010, at 8:22 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>>> I have a similar problem, except that it has to do with my Macbook Pro.  If 
>>> I check my E-mail on the Macbook, then go to my PC laptop, I get the same 
>>> E-mail messages all over again.  I have the Macbook set to delete messages 
>>> from the server, but it appears as though this does not happen.  Anybody 
>>> have  any thoughts, ideas?  
>>> On Jan 30, 2010, at 4:34 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Go into settings, then select Mail, Contacts and Calendar.  You will find 
 that setting in there.  Be warned though, some times it works, and 
 sometimes it doesn't.
 On Jan 30, 2010, at 4:17 PM, David McLean wrote:
> Hello, Does anyone know if there is a setting on the Ipod Touch to have 
> messages deleted from the server when they are downloaded to the Ipod?
> I'd have thought that setting would have  been copied from Itunes when I 
> copied the other mail settings but that doesn't seem to have happened.
> Thanks for any help.
> -- 
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Re: ABBYY OCR Software

2010-09-22 Thread Jenny Wood
Well howdy right back atcha!  Good to run into you again!  So now I am  
plunging head-first into the world of mac, and so far, I am loving  
it.  Then again, I nearly always enjoying new things, especially as  
they relate to computers.  Having said that, it has been too long  
since I have had the time or energy to play with new operating systems  
and programs, and I am looking forward to the experience.  I have only  
had this parrticular mac for less than a day, and have made great  
strides.  Thanks to some excellent podcasts I have stumbled across, as  
well as general exploration, I am making progress.  Now, if only I can  
locate the user guide. LOL  I would love to find something with a  
wealth of info regarding voiceover commands.  My playtime and ability  
to spend time researching is rather broken and limited these days, but  
I do what I can.  As I said before, I think this list will be a very  
useful resource.


On Sep 22, 2010, at 11:51 AM, Frank Carmickle wrote:

Well howdy stranger!

On Sep 22, 2010, at 12:03 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:

Good day all.  My name is Jenny, and I am new to the list.  I have  
just recently acquired a used mac running OS 10.56, and am still  
learning my way around.  I look forward to learning a lot from this  
list, and hope to contribute something of use myself in the future.  
  I am also

An intel or a ppc?  If it is an intel you can update to 10.6 for  
$30.  Probably something worth doing.

Take care

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Groups "MacVisionaries" group.

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Jenny Wood

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Re: Copying link in Sendspace Wizard.

2010-09-22 Thread Nicolai Svendsen
Hi Sarah,

That's right. Go to the toolbar and route the mouse and see if it routes. If it 
routes properly, try going to the table and perform the same trick. This should 
work. If it does not, you may want to try turning on the feature to read what 
is under the mouse. You will find this in the VoiceOver Utility under 
Verbosity>Announcements tab. The checkbox is labeled "Speak text under mouse 
after delay". It is recommended to set it to 0.4 seconds to get the fastest 
result. You can then try dragging around to locate the Sendspace Wizard window 
with the mouse and click it.

This feature is actually quite robust for a situation like this and usually 

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Sep 22, 2010, at 8:44 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> so wourt to the tool batr and see if it will then try routing tot he table 
> right?
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 11:10 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It may not do it automatically, that's random in a way. Try routing if you 
>> haven't.
>> Regards,
>> Nic
>> Mobile Me:
>> GoogleTalk:
>> Facebook
>> Twitter
>> Skype: Kvalme
>> MSN Messenger:
>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>> AIM: cincinster
>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 8:08 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> yeah I press cmd vo f5 and it keeps saying mail is under the mouse no 
>>> matter what i do. I'll keep trying though.
>>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 10:36 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
 It's because you haven't focussed the mouse. Remember the tip I told you? 
 Go to the toolbar if it doesn't focus, then see if it doesn't  refocus on 
 the Wizard. If your mouse is focussed correctly, that won't happen.
 Mobile Me:
 Skype: Kvalme
 MSN Messenger:
 Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
 AIM: cincinster
 On Sep 22, 2010, at 7:28 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Hmm I tried all of that but it still takes me to my mail program I wonder 
> if I changed something in the vo prefs themselves but I dunno.
> Take care.
> S
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 12:30 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi Geoff!
>> I'll do these steps as I explain them here, just to see that they still 
>> should work for everybody. I'll do all of these steps in the same order 
>> I am writing them down so everyone can follow along.
>> 1. Open the Sendspace Wizard. That's a given, of course. :)
>> 2. After logging into your Sendspace account, interact with the first 
>> unknown item after the toolbar.
>> 3. Now, find the first unknown after all of the buttons which enable you 
>> to add a link for download. This is also the only unknown within this 
>> area, so it'll be the only one you'll see. It is also at the very bottom 
>> right if you use the trackpad commander.
>> 4. Here, you will have two unknown items. I will explain what each of 
>> those do.
>> The first one is for local items- This means that you can arrow to a 
>> file you would like to upload, then move to the "remote" part which is 
>> the second unknown within the unknown you interacted with. I know this 
>> probably gets a bit confusing. When you upload a file, you have to 
>> choose a folder that you would like to upload to on your remote location 
>> (which is your account). You can use the command F8 to upload the file 
>> you have chosen in your local view.
>> Remote simply allows you to download and display folders and files on 
>> your current Sendspace account. Now, I will mention that I have not 
>> actually found a way to open folders within Sendspace, as the 
>> conventional commands don't appear to work for me.
>> So, let's continue.
>> 5. When you interact within the second unknown (which is remote), you 
>> can use F7 to download folders. This is where I have not found  a way to 
>> download specific files. Control-click still works, however, as long as 
>> you remember to route the mouse. Mouse racking does not work in this 
>> Wizard, which is very important to remember.
>> 6. Now you just route the mouse to the area within the table you would 
>> like to download or copy the link location for. You will have to use 
>> VoiceOVer keys here after interacting with the table, then route the 
>> mouse with VO-Command-F5 then do a control-click. The command do copy a 
>> link is Command-l, though. I can briefly make a  list of the available 
>> commands below. They seem to work consistently, as long as you remember 
>> to actually move all the cursors. I've always found th

Re: Copying link in Sendspace Wizard.

2010-09-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
Nope that didn't work at all. it routed to a prefence button someware and then 
a zip archive someware else I think in my finder. I'll try that other trick.

On Sep 22, 2010, at 11:55 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi Sarah,
> That's right. Go to the toolbar and route the mouse and see if it routes. If 
> it routes properly, try going to the table and perform the same trick. This 
> should work. If it does not, you may want to try turning on the feature to 
> read what is under the mouse. You will find this in the VoiceOver Utility 
> under Verbosity>Announcements tab. The checkbox is labeled "Speak text under 
> mouse after delay". It is recommended to set it to 0.4 seconds to get the 
> fastest result. You can then try dragging around to locate the Sendspace 
> Wizard window with the mouse and click it.
> This feature is actually quite robust for a situation like this and usually 
> helps.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 8:44 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> so wourt to the tool batr and see if it will then try routing tot he table 
>> right?
>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 11:10 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> It may not do it automatically, that's random in a way. Try routing if you 
>>> haven't.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Mobile Me:
>>> GoogleTalk:
>>> Facebook
>>> Twitter
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 8:08 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 yeah I press cmd vo f5 and it keeps saying mail is under the mouse no 
 matter what i do. I'll keep trying though.
 On Sep 22, 2010, at 10:36 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi!
> It's because you haven't focussed the mouse. Remember the tip I told you? 
> Go to the toolbar if it doesn't focus, then see if it doesn't  refocus on 
> the Wizard. If your mouse is focussed correctly, that won't happen.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 7:28 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hmm I tried all of that but it still takes me to my mail program I 
>> wonder if I changed something in the vo prefs themselves but I dunno.
>> Take care.
>> S
>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 12:30 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi Geoff!
>>> I'll do these steps as I explain them here, just to see that they still 
>>> should work for everybody. I'll do all of these steps in the same order 
>>> I am writing them down so everyone can follow along.
>>> 1. Open the Sendspace Wizard. That's a given, of course. :)
>>> 2. After logging into your Sendspace account, interact with the first 
>>> unknown item after the toolbar.
>>> 3. Now, find the first unknown after all of the buttons which enable 
>>> you to add a link for download. This is also the only unknown within 
>>> this area, so it'll be the only one you'll see. It is also at the very 
>>> bottom right if you use the trackpad commander.
>>> 4. Here, you will have two unknown items. I will explain what each of 
>>> those do.
>>> The first one is for local items- This means that you can arrow to a 
>>> file you would like to upload, then move to the "remote" part which is 
>>> the second unknown within the unknown you interacted with. I know this 
>>> probably gets a bit confusing. When you upload a file, you have to 
>>> choose a folder that you would like to upload to on your remote 
>>> location (which is your account). You can use the command F8 to upload 
>>> the file you have chosen in your local view.
>>> Remote simply allows you to download and display folders and files on 
>>> your current Sendspace account. Now, I will mention that I have not 
>>> actually found a way to open folders within Sendspace, as the 
>>> conventional commands don't appear to work for me.
>>> So, let's continue.
>>> 5. When you interact within the second unknown (which is remote), you 
>>> can use F7 to download folders. This is where I have not found  a way 
>>> to download specific files. Control-click still works, however, as long 
>>> as you remember to route the mouse. Mouse racking does not work in this 
>>> Wizard, which is very important to remember.
>>> 6. Now you just route the mouse to the area within the table you would 
>>> like to download or copy the link location for. You will have to use 
>>> VoiceOVer 

Re: Copying link in Sendspace Wizard.

2010-09-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yeah on further examination the thing never gets to the table it will root to 
the tool bar but even if I grt to the table it goes back to the finder, the 
mouse does anyways. This si very odd.

On Sep 22, 2010, at 11:55 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi Sarah,
> That's right. Go to the toolbar and route the mouse and see if it routes. If 
> it routes properly, try going to the table and perform the same trick. This 
> should work. If it does not, you may want to try turning on the feature to 
> read what is under the mouse. You will find this in the VoiceOver Utility 
> under Verbosity>Announcements tab. The checkbox is labeled "Speak text under 
> mouse after delay". It is recommended to set it to 0.4 seconds to get the 
> fastest result. You can then try dragging around to locate the Sendspace 
> Wizard window with the mouse and click it.
> This feature is actually quite robust for a situation like this and usually 
> helps.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 8:44 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> so wourt to the tool batr and see if it will then try routing tot he table 
>> right?
>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 11:10 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> It may not do it automatically, that's random in a way. Try routing if you 
>>> haven't.
>>> Regards,
>>> Nic
>>> Mobile Me:
>>> GoogleTalk:
>>> Facebook
>>> Twitter
>>> Skype: Kvalme
>>> MSN Messenger:
>>> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
>>> AIM: cincinster
>>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 8:08 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 yeah I press cmd vo f5 and it keeps saying mail is under the mouse no 
 matter what i do. I'll keep trying though.
 On Sep 22, 2010, at 10:36 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi!
> It's because you haven't focussed the mouse. Remember the tip I told you? 
> Go to the toolbar if it doesn't focus, then see if it doesn't  refocus on 
> the Wizard. If your mouse is focussed correctly, that won't happen.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:
> GoogleTalk:
> Facebook
> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger:
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 7:28 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hmm I tried all of that but it still takes me to my mail program I 
>> wonder if I changed something in the vo prefs themselves but I dunno.
>> Take care.
>> S
>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 12:30 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>>> Hi Geoff!
>>> I'll do these steps as I explain them here, just to see that they still 
>>> should work for everybody. I'll do all of these steps in the same order 
>>> I am writing them down so everyone can follow along.
>>> 1. Open the Sendspace Wizard. That's a given, of course. :)
>>> 2. After logging into your Sendspace account, interact with the first 
>>> unknown item after the toolbar.
>>> 3. Now, find the first unknown after all of the buttons which enable 
>>> you to add a link for download. This is also the only unknown within 
>>> this area, so it'll be the only one you'll see. It is also at the very 
>>> bottom right if you use the trackpad commander.
>>> 4. Here, you will have two unknown items. I will explain what each of 
>>> those do.
>>> The first one is for local items- This means that you can arrow to a 
>>> file you would like to upload, then move to the "remote" part which is 
>>> the second unknown within the unknown you interacted with. I know this 
>>> probably gets a bit confusing. When you upload a file, you have to 
>>> choose a folder that you would like to upload to on your remote 
>>> location (which is your account). You can use the command F8 to upload 
>>> the file you have chosen in your local view.
>>> Remote simply allows you to download and display folders and files on 
>>> your current Sendspace account. Now, I will mention that I have not 
>>> actually found a way to open folders within Sendspace, as the 
>>> conventional commands don't appear to work for me.
>>> So, let's continue.
>>> 5. When you interact within the second unknown (which is remote), you 
>>> can use F7 to download folders. This is where I have not found  a way 
>>> to download specific files. Control-click still works, however, as long 
>>> as you remember to route the mouse. Mouse racking does not work in this 
>>> Wizard, which is very important to remember.
>>> 6. Now you just route the mouse to the area within the table you would 
>>> like to download or copy the link location for. You

Re: -- Re: Using Mail on an Ipod Touch Question

2010-09-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
That's under accounts section. go to accounts and then go to advanced.

Good luck.
On Sep 22, 2010, at 11:48 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Hi guys:
> I'm clearing old info, and ran across something interesting.  I would like to 
> find out how to delete emails from server automatically.  Acording to this 
> old post, one can do so in advanced under mail preferences.  However, I don't 
> find an advanced tab there.  How silly is that?  Am I looking in the wrong 
> place?  There appears to be general, accounts, viewing, composing etc, but no 
> advanced.
> Any help appreciated.
> Carolyn
> On Jan 30, 2010, at 7:57 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>> I did as you said, and sure enough it was set to one week.  I changed it to 
>> immediately.  I'll bet this fixes it.  Thanks!
>> On Jan 30, 2010, at 9:08 PM, David McLean wrote:
>>> There are a couple of things you need to do:
>>> Go to mail preferences, advanced tab, then check the box that says delete 
>>> messages from server, below that is another pop up that asks how often to 
>>> delete the messages.  The default isn't immediately so if that's what you 
>>> want change that setting also.
>>> It's not enough just to check delete messages from server.
>>> Not sure why Apple thinks you'd want to keep the messages on the server but 
>>> that's the way it's set up.
>>> On Jan 30, 2010, at 8:22 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
 I have a similar problem, except that it has to do with my Macbook Pro.  
 If I check my E-mail on the Macbook, then go to my PC laptop, I get the 
 same E-mail messages all over again.  I have the Macbook set to delete 
 messages from the server, but it appears as though this does not happen.  
 Anybody have  any thoughts, ideas?  
 On Jan 30, 2010, at 4:34 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> David,
> Go into settings, then select Mail, Contacts and Calendar.  You will find 
> that setting in there.  Be warned though, some times it works, and 
> sometimes it doesn't.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Jan 30, 2010, at 4:17 PM, David McLean wrote:
>> Hello, Does anyone know if there is a setting on the Ipod Touch to have 
>> messages deleted from the server when they are downloaded to the Ipod?
>> I'd have thought that setting would have  been copied from Itunes when I 
>> copied the other mail settings but that doesn't seem to have happened.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: -- Re: Using Mail on an Ipod Touch Question

2010-09-22 Thread Carolyn Haas
Ok idea, but I din't find advanced on there.  Strange mbp is mine:)

On Sep 22, 2010, at 1:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> That's under accounts section. go to accounts and then go to advanced.
> Good luck.
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 11:48 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Hi guys:
>> I'm clearing old info, and ran across something interesting.  I would like 
>> to find out how to delete emails from server automatically.  Acording to 
>> this old post, one can do so in advanced under mail preferences.  However, I 
>> don't find an advanced tab there.  How silly is that?  Am I looking in the 
>> wrong place?  There appears to be general, accounts, viewing, composing etc, 
>> but no advanced.
>> Any help appreciated.
>> Carolyn
>> On Jan 30, 2010, at 7:57 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>>> I did as you said, and sure enough it was set to one week.  I changed it to 
>>> immediately.  I'll bet this fixes it.  Thanks!
>>> On Jan 30, 2010, at 9:08 PM, David McLean wrote:
 There are a couple of things you need to do:
 Go to mail preferences, advanced tab, then check the box that says delete 
 messages from server, below that is another pop up that asks how often to 
 delete the messages.  The default isn't immediately so if that's what you 
 want change that setting also.
 It's not enough just to check delete messages from server.
 Not sure why Apple thinks you'd want to keep the messages on the server 
 but that's the way it's set up.
 On Jan 30, 2010, at 8:22 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
> I have a similar problem, except that it has to do with my Macbook Pro.  
> If I check my E-mail on the Macbook, then go to my PC laptop, I get the 
> same E-mail messages all over again.  I have the Macbook set to delete 
> messages from the server, but it appears as though this does not happen.  
> Anybody have  any thoughts, ideas?  
> On Jan 30, 2010, at 4:34 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> David,
>> Go into settings, then select Mail, Contacts and Calendar.  You will 
>> find that setting in there.  Be warned though, some times it works, and 
>> sometimes it doesn't.
>> Best,
>> Donna
>> On Jan 30, 2010, at 4:17 PM, David McLean wrote:
>>> Hello, Does anyone know if there is a setting on the Ipod Touch to have 
>>> messages deleted from the server when they are downloaded to the Ipod?
>>> I'd have thought that setting would have  been copied from Itunes when 
>>> I copied the other mail settings but that doesn't seem to have happened.
>>> Thanks for any help.
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> -- 
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>> macvisio

help with reading text.

2010-09-22 Thread Ian McNamara
hello is ther a way i can make voice over read from where i want it to in a 
document forinanstance i have found the place in my text where i finnished the 
night before but i want to carry on reading it from there and just let voice 
over read the text to me if i do vo a it reads from the top and i just want it 
to read from where i got to. 

thanks very much for any help. 

Ian McNamara 

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Re: ABBYY OCR Software

2010-09-22 Thread Mary Otten

Abbyy fine reader express can be used directly with some scanners. the problem 
is, how to know which scanners those are prior to purchase and finding out 
yours isn't one such. And you can't adjust the settings for brightness etc. For 
these and a host of other reasons, no, it is not like Kurzweil 1000. It also 
doesn't cost as much.


Mary Otten

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Re: help with reading text.

2010-09-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. activate the track pad and do a 2 finger swipe right and a 2 finger 
swipe down. Tha'ts the only way I know how to do it.

Good luck.
On Sep 22, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Ian McNamara wrote:

> hello is ther a way i can make voice over read from where i want it to in a 
> document forinanstance i have found the place in my text where i finnished 
> the night before but i want to carry on reading it from there and just let 
> voice over read the text to me if i do vo a it reads from the top and i just 
> want it to read from where i got to. 
> thanks very much for any help. 
> Ian McNamara 
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Re: help with reading text.

2010-09-22 Thread Ricardo Walker
It will read from where you left off if you interact with the text first then 
press VO A.

On Sep 22, 2010, at 4:44 PM, Ian McNamara wrote:

> hello is ther a way i can make voice over read from where i want it to in a 
> document forinanstance i have found the place in my text where i finnished 
> the night before but i want to carry on reading it from there and just let 
> voice over read the text to me if i do vo a it reads from the top and i just 
> want it to read from where i got to. 
> thanks very much for any help. 
> Ian McNamara 
> -- 
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Re: -- Re: Using Mail on an Ipod Touch Question

2010-09-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hmm try this. 1. cmd ca-ma in to mail prefs.

2. tab or shift tab to accounts and activate it.

3. choose the account you want from the pop menu or table.

4. vo right to advanced and activate it.

Good luck.

On Sep 22, 2010, at 1:08 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:

> Sarah:
> Ok idea, but I din't find advanced on there.  Strange mbp is mine:)
> Carolyn
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 1:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> That's under accounts section. go to accounts and then go to advanced.
>> Good luck.
>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 11:48 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>> Hi guys:
>>> I'm clearing old info, and ran across something interesting.  I would like 
>>> to find out how to delete emails from server automatically.  Acording to 
>>> this old post, one can do so in advanced under mail preferences.  However, 
>>> I don't find an advanced tab there.  How silly is that?  Am I looking in 
>>> the wrong place?  There appears to be general, accounts, viewing, composing 
>>> etc, but no advanced.
>>> Any help appreciated.
>>> Carolyn
>>> On Jan 30, 2010, at 7:57 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
 I did as you said, and sure enough it was set to one week.  I changed it 
 to immediately.  I'll bet this fixes it.  Thanks!
 On Jan 30, 2010, at 9:08 PM, David McLean wrote:
> There are a couple of things you need to do:
> Go to mail preferences, advanced tab, then check the box that says delete 
> messages from server, below that is another pop up that asks how often to 
> delete the messages.  The default isn't immediately so if that's what you 
> want change that setting also.
> It's not enough just to check delete messages from server.
> Not sure why Apple thinks you'd want to keep the messages on the server 
> but that's the way it's set up.
> On Jan 30, 2010, at 8:22 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>> I have a similar problem, except that it has to do with my Macbook Pro.  
>> If I check my E-mail on the Macbook, then go to my PC laptop, I get the 
>> same E-mail messages all over again.  I have the Macbook set to delete 
>> messages from the server, but it appears as though this does not happen. 
>>  Anybody have  any thoughts, ideas?  
>> On Jan 30, 2010, at 4:34 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> David,
>>> Go into settings, then select Mail, Contacts and Calendar.  You will 
>>> find that setting in there.  Be warned though, some times it works, and 
>>> sometimes it doesn't.
>>> Best,
>>> Donna
>>> On Jan 30, 2010, at 4:17 PM, David McLean wrote:
 Hello, Does anyone know if there is a setting on the Ipod Touch to 
 have messages deleted from the server when they are downloaded to the 
 I'd have thought that setting would have  been copied from Itunes when 
 I copied the other mail settings but that doesn't seem to have 
 Thanks for any help.
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Re: help with reading text.

2010-09-22 Thread Chris Blouch
 Is there a way to re-read a line it just read? For example, if I'm 
reading a long document and just want to go back a bit because I was 
busy taking some notes for a moment.


On 9/22/10 5:06 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

It will read from where you left off if you interact with the text first then 
press VO A.

On Sep 22, 2010, at 4:44 PM, Ian McNamara wrote:

hello is ther a way i can make voice over read from where i want it to in a 
document forinanstance i have found the place in my text where i finnished the 
night before but i want to carry on reading it from there and just let voice 
over read the text to me if i do vo a it reads from the top and i just want it 
to read from where i got to.

thanks very much for any help.

Ian McNamara

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Re: help with reading text.

2010-09-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
I believe th ecurser moves so you just need to stop and reread. I notice though 
that if i interact with the text it will read the line below where I am.

Take care.
On Sep 22, 2010, at 2:12 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Is there a way to re-read a line it just read? For example, if I'm reading a 
> long document and just want to go back a bit because I was busy taking some 
> notes for a moment.
> CB
> On 9/22/10 5:06 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> It will read from where you left off if you interact with the text first 
>> then press VO A.
>> hth
>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 4:44 PM, Ian McNamara wrote:
>>> hello is ther a way i can make voice over read from where i want it to in a 
>>> document forinanstance i have found the place in my text where i finnished 
>>> the night before but i want to carry on reading it from there and just let 
>>> voice over read the text to me if i do vo a it reads from the top and i 
>>> just want it to read from where i got to.
>>> thanks very much for any help.
>>> Ian McNamara
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Re: Basic syrinx question

2010-09-22 Thread Chantel Cuddemi
Tod snd a dm, use command shift d. 
On Sep 22, 2010, at 8:47 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> How do you send a tweet or direct message with syrinx?  I don't see any send 
> button.
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Re: ABBYY OCR Software

2010-09-22 Thread Scott Howell
Thanks Anne. I decided to go with ABBYY and I was very pleasantly surprised to 
find it could scan directly from my HP CM3320NF scanner/printer device. Just 
took a quick test with it and seemed to do ok. I am not sure though if it was 
having issues with the text or there was foreign language on the same page, so 
going to check with my wife, but the words I could recognize seemed fine. 
On Sep 22, 2010, at 3:51 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Scott,
> Abbyy FineReader does a great job from TIFF files. I scan books a double page 
> at a time, using VueScan, and it gets everything in the right order. It can 
> also handle more than one language within the same document.
> It occasionally has a fit and screws up a few words beyond all recognition, 
> but this is rare. There are no preferences so you can't tweak it.
> ReadIris 12, on the other hand, is dreadful. It's much worse than ReadIris 
> 11. It is also more expensive than Abbyy FineReader.
> Cheers,
> Anne
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Re: Adding printer in Fusion

2010-09-22 Thread Scott Howell
Thanks I wil give this a shot. I did have it working, so surely should be able 
to do so again. One day it didn't work, next it did, and now a new printer and 
it's back to not. :)
On Sep 22, 2010, at 1:52 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> I had this happen on mine before and had to restart the Windows services 
> related to shared printing. VMWare has the steps documented here:
> CB
> On 9/21/10 1:30 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> I have VMWare FUsion installed and I want to add a network printer. I 
>> configured Fusion to use the default printer on the Mac. However, XP (yes I 
>> am forced to use it grin) will not see the printer. THis is an HP CM2320NF 
>> networked printer. Any thoughts appreciated. Previously Fusion did allow xp 
>> to see the OfficeJet I had installed, but that printer is no longer 
>> available. So, what to do?
>> THanks,
> -- 
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Re: help with reading text.

2010-09-22 Thread Colin M
Hi CB!
There's a vo command to repeat the last phrase spoken!
I do not know if this is what your after but here goes!
Press control+option+z
That will say the last phrase spoken hth!
On 22 Sep 2010, at 22:12, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Is there a way to re-read a line it just read? For example, if I'm reading a 
> long document and just want to go back a bit because I was busy taking some 
> notes for a moment.
> CB
> On 9/22/10 5:06 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> It will read from where you left off if you interact with the text first 
>> then press VO A.
>> hth
>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 4:44 PM, Ian McNamara wrote:
>>> hello is there a way i can make voice over read from where i want it to in 
>>> a document for instance i have found the place in my text where i finished 
>>> the night before but i want to carry on reading it from there and just let 
>>> voice over read the text to me if i do vo a it reads from the top and i 
>>> just want it to read from where i got to.
>>> thanks very much for any help.
>>> Ian McNamara
>>> -- 
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Re: ABBYY OCR Software

2010-09-22 Thread Colin M
Hi Jenny!
I'd just like to welcome you to the list!
It's helped me and others a lot!
So I hope you'll enjoy being here!
On 22 Sep 2010, at 19:51, Jenny Wood wrote:

> Well howdy right back atcha!  Good to run into you again!  So now I am 
> plunging head-first into the world of mac, and so far, I am loving it.  Then 
> again, I nearly always enjoying new things, especially as they relate to 
> computers.  Having said that, it has been too long since I have had the time 
> or energy to play with new operating systems and programs, and I am looking 
> forward to the experience.  I have only had this particular mac for less than 
> a day, and have made great strides.  Thanks to some excellent podcasts I have 
> stumbled across, as well as general exploration, I am making progress.  Now, 
> if only I can locate the user guide. LOL  I would love to find something with 
> a wealth of info regarding voiceover commands.  My playtime and ability to 
> spend time researching is rather broken and limited these days, but I do what 
> I can.  As I said before, I think this list will be a very useful resource.
> Jenny
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 11:51 AM, Frank Carmickle wrote:
>> Well howdy stranger!
>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 12:03 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>>> Good day all.  My name is Jenny, and I am new to the list.  I have just 
>>> recently acquired a used mac running OS 10.56, and am still learning my way 
>>> around.  I look forward to learning a lot from this list, and hope to 
>>> contribute something of use myself in the future.   I am also
>> An intel or a ppc?  If it is an intel you can update to 10.6 for $30.  
>> Probably something worth doing.
>> Take care
>> --FC
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> Jenny Wood
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Re: A Quick Question About The Multi-Touch Trackpad

2010-09-22 Thread Mike Arrigo
I don't think double tapping the track pad will open the message, to do that, 
just press enter and then use command w to close the window and return to the 
in box.
On Sep 22, 2010, at 2:57 AM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> This may be obvious to some but...
> I find that I'm using my TrackPad more and more to interact with Apple Mail.
> All works wonderfully well except I cannot seem to open emails with the
> TrackPad.  Can this be done?
> Please keep in mind that I do not use the Preview Pane, thus, VoiceOver+J is
> not an option.  
> Presently, I press the [ENTER] key on my keyboard to open threaded
> messaging.  
> I've tried pressing down on the TrackPad when the Message is selected but
> this does not cause the thread to open.  
> Thank you in advance,  
> Mark
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transferring ms outllok mail to apple mail

2010-09-22 Thread denise avant
Hello all,

I want to move my e-mail from my windows machine to the mac. Has anyone done
this with outlook, specifically 2007. If so, can you explain what you did?


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A warm welcome for Jenny

2010-09-22 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Jenny.

I'm Allison. I'd like to welcome you to this list. You will love it here. I 
have found after joining a few months ago, how warm and supportive this 
community  is. i have learned more from reading posts on this list, and 
whenever I ask a question, I'm always sure to get responses that will help me. 
I wish you luck with the Mac, and hope you can save up to by a new one really 
soon. I love my Macbook and have done several podcasts on it. Mike Arigo has 
podcasts along with Dane up on Blind Cool Tech. I think his name is Dane. Well, 
welcome to this list and have a wonderful time.

My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

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Re: transferring ms outllok mail to apple mail

2010-09-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
don't laugh but what I did was the following

1. downloaded thunderbird and transfered all of my mail in there and then 
exported it in to the approprate formats. 2. uploaded these using dropbox or 
coppying them to another drive.

3. went to apple mail and imported and then transfered all of my imported 
messages in to mail and created the folders. that matched the import.

On Sep 22, 2010, at 5:05 PM, denise avant wrote:

> Hello all,
> I want to move my e-mail from my windows machine to the mac. Has anyone done 
> this with outlook, specifically 2007. If so, can you explain what you did? 
> Thanks.
> -- 
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Re: A warm welcome for Jenny

2010-09-22 Thread Jenny Wood


Thank you for the welcome!  I have enjoyed what I have read so far,  
and look forward to the day when I can contribute something useful  
myself. :-)  I will have to browse through blindcooltech again for any  
mac-related podcasts.  I have found some very helpful podcasts  
already, and am always looking for more.


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Re: ABBYY OCR Software

2010-09-22 Thread Jenny Wood
Thanks, Colin!  I have enjoyed the list so far, and look forward to  
learning lots over the coming weeks.


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an ftp app for iphone?

2010-09-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. I saw some good looking ftp apps for  the iphone but not sure if they 
would serve my purpose.

I'm planning on uploading my convention podcasts right away to my podcast site 
or what I can of them and doing it right there from the convention next year. 
If the hotel does not have free wifi I'm thinking of transferring my finished 
files to itunes on my phone and using an ftp program on the iphone to upload 
directly to my podcast server and editing the show notes on the iphone if i 
can. Will the ftp programs let me brows my itunes library on my iphone so I can 
do this or am I screwed?



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exporting and importing contacts in adium

2010-09-22 Thread Rafaela Freundt
hi all,

I am wondering if you guys know how to export my contacts list from a msn 
account and import it into another msn account using adium? mine got a virus so 
I'm changing it, but I haven't been able to find this option.
any suggestions will be apreciated,


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losing my place in preview

2010-09-22 Thread Greg Aikens
Hi everyone,
Is there something I can set so that I do not lose my place in Preview every 
time I shift away from the Priview window? Whenever I CMD+Tab back It takes me 
to the top of the page or document. I put Priview in 2 page mode so that at the 
worst I'm only 2 pages away from where I want to be but its really annoying. 

Any suggestions would be great. 


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Re: -- Re: Using Mail on an Ipod Touch Question

2010-09-22 Thread Carolyn Haas
Hi Sarah:
Ok got it now.  Thanks
On Sep 22, 2010, at 3:06 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Hmm try this. 1. cmd ca-ma in to mail prefs.
> 2. tab or shift tab to accounts and activate it.
> 3. choose the account you want from the pop menu or table.
> 4. vo right to advanced and activate it.
> Good luck.
> S
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 1:08 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Sarah:
>> Ok idea, but I din't find advanced on there.  Strange mbp is mine:)
>> Carolyn
>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 1:40 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> That's under accounts section. go to accounts and then go to advanced.
>>> Good luck.
>>> On Sep 22, 2010, at 11:48 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
 Hi guys:
 I'm clearing old info, and ran across something interesting.  I would like 
 to find out how to delete emails from server automatically.  Acording to 
 this old post, one can do so in advanced under mail preferences.  However, 
 I don't find an advanced tab there.  How silly is that?  Am I looking in 
 the wrong place?  There appears to be general, accounts, viewing, 
 composing etc, but no advanced.
 Any help appreciated.
 On Jan 30, 2010, at 7:57 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
> I did as you said, and sure enough it was set to one week.  I changed it 
> to immediately.  I'll bet this fixes it.  Thanks!
> On Jan 30, 2010, at 9:08 PM, David McLean wrote:
>> There are a couple of things you need to do:
>> Go to mail preferences, advanced tab, then check the box that says 
>> delete messages from server, below that is another pop up that asks how 
>> often to delete the messages.  The default isn't immediately so if 
>> that's what you want change that setting also.
>> It's not enough just to check delete messages from server.
>> Not sure why Apple thinks you'd want to keep the messages on the server 
>> but that's the way it's set up.
>> On Jan 30, 2010, at 8:22 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>>> I have a similar problem, except that it has to do with my Macbook Pro. 
>>>  If I check my E-mail on the Macbook, then go to my PC laptop, I get 
>>> the same E-mail messages all over again.  I have the Macbook set to 
>>> delete messages from the server, but it appears as though this does not 
>>> happen.  Anybody have  any thoughts, ideas?  
>>> On Jan 30, 2010, at 4:34 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 Go into settings, then select Mail, Contacts and Calendar.  You will 
 find that setting in there.  Be warned though, some times it works, 
 and sometimes it doesn't.
 On Jan 30, 2010, at 4:17 PM, David McLean wrote:
> Hello, Does anyone know if there is a setting on the Ipod Touch to 
> have messages deleted from the server when they are downloaded to the 
> Ipod?
> I'd have thought that setting would have  been copied from Itunes 
> when I copied the other mail settings but that doesn't seem to have 
> happened.
> Thanks for any help.
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Re: losing my place in preview

2010-09-22 Thread Sarah Alawami
I think you have to set a hotspot but other then that I don't know as I have 
the same trouble.

On Sep 22, 2010, at 8:21 PM, Greg Aikens wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Is there something I can set so that I do not lose my place in Preview every 
> time I shift away from the Priview window? Whenever I CMD+Tab back It takes 
> me to the top of the page or document. I put Priview in 2 page mode so that 
> at the worst I'm only 2 pages away from where I want to be but its really 
> annoying. 
> Any suggestions would be great. 
> Greg
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Re: Copying link in Sendspace Wizard.

2010-09-22 Thread GEOFF WAALER
Hi Nic, Sarah, and other Send spaced out Mac users,

Thanks for the explanation, however after some testing I may be able to 
simplify it a bit.

The following assumes that you're running the current version of the wizard 
(1.2.14) and and extended voiceOver compatibility enabled under the options 
menu, and of course that you are logging in properly upon start up and 
previously uploaded some files or folders.

1. Start the Wizard -- focus is on the tool bar.
2. Press option-r to get to remote file view (alternatively its located under 
menu -> options -> focus).
3. interact with the table.
4. VO-up/downArrow to the file for which you want to obtain the URL.
5. Verify that the trackpad commander is disabled.
6. Press vo-command-f5 to route the mouse (optionally verify via vo-f5).
7. Press control while clicking the left mouse button.
8. The menu appears.

I don't know whether this is attributable to my  skipping the steps about 
interacting with the various unknown controls, but so far my mouse pointer has 
always routed to my desired file or folder correctly.  If it ever  doesn't I 
will followNic's suggestion and route to the tool bar first.

Very troubling that I can not display the contents of folders.  I wonder 
whether this limitation is specific to VO users, or is folder support not 
implemented in the Mac version? 
Thanks again to everyone who responded!

On Sep 22, 2010, at 3:30 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi Geoff!
> I'll do these steps as I explain them here, just to see that they still 
> should work for everybody. I'll do all of these steps in the same order I am 
> writing them down so everyone can follow along.
> 1. Open the Sendspace Wizard. That's a given, of course. :)
> 2. After logging into your Sendspace account, interact with the first unknown 
> item after the toolbar.
> 3. Now, find the first unknown after all of the buttons which enable you to 
> add a link for download. This is also the only unknown within this area, so 
> it'll be the only one you'll see. It is also at the very bottom right if you 
> use the trackpad commander.
> 4. Here, you will have two unknown items. I will explain what each of those 
> do.
> The first one is for local items- This means that you can arrow to a file you 
> would like to upload, then move to the "remote" part which is the second 
> unknown within the unknown you interacted with. I know this probably gets a 
> bit confusing. When you upload a file, you have to choose a folder that you 
> would like to upload to on your remote location (which is your account). You 
> can use the command F8 to upload the file you have chosen in your local view.
> Remote simply allows you to download and display folders and files on your 
> current Sendspace account. Now, I will mention that I have not actually found 
> a way to open folders within Sendspace, as the conventional commands don't 
> appear to work for me.
> So, let's continue.
> 5. When you interact within the second unknown (which is remote), you can use 
> F7 to download folders. This is where I have not found  a way to download 
> specific files. Control-click still works, however, as long as you remember 
> to route the mouse. Mouse racking does not work in this Wizard, which is very 
> important to remember.
> 6. Now you just route the mouse to the area within the table you would like 
> to download or copy the link location for. You will have to use VoiceOVer 
> keys here after interacting with the table, then route the mouse with 
> VO-Command-F5 then do a control-click. The command do copy a link is 
> Command-l, though. I can briefly make a  list of the available commands 
> below. They seem to work consistently, as long as you remember to actually 
> move all the cursors. I've always found that I always bring up the menus to 
> be on the safe side, regardless of consistency.
> FOllowing that, I have briefly made a list containing the commands for 
> Sendspace, though whether you dare to use them is your choice.
> When in the "Remote" section, the following commands are available:
> New Folder - Command-F
> Download File - F7
> Rename - F2
> Copy Link Location - Command-L
> Cut - COmmand-X
> Paste - Command-V
> Delete - Forward Delete
> Properties - Option-Return
> Send Folder Link - Command-E
> Refresh - F5
> When in the "local" section, the following commands are available:
> New Folder - COmmand-F
> Upload file - F8
> Rename - F2
> Delete - Forward-Delete
> Properties - Option-Return
> Refresh - Command-F5
> If anyone would like me to demonstrate, I will, but you may have to wait a 
> couple of hours before I am able to do so. I hope this helped somebody.
> Also, just a hint. If you found your mouse focus does not route when using 
> VO-Command-F5, try going all the way to the toolbar by stopping all 
> interaction, then checking its position with VO-F5. This should fix the issue 
> temporarily.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me:

Re: A Quick Question About The Multi-Touch Trackpad

2010-09-22 Thread M. Taylor
Hi Mike.

Yes, I have come to that same conclusion.  I don't know, it seemed that since 
one can do so many things from the TrackPad actually opening an email message 
should be one of them.

On Sep 22, 2010, at 4:41 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> I don't think double tapping the track pad will open the message, to do that, 
> just press enter and then use command w to close the window and return to the 
> in box.
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 2:57 AM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> This may be obvious to some but...
>> I find that I'm using my TrackPad more and more to interact with Apple Mail.
>> All works wonderfully well except I cannot seem to open emails with the
>> TrackPad.  Can this be done?
>> Please keep in mind that I do not use the Preview Pane, thus, VoiceOver+J is
>> not an option.  
>> Presently, I press the [ENTER] key on my keyboard to open threaded
>> messaging.  
>> I've tried pressing down on the TrackPad when the Message is selected but
>> this does not cause the thread to open.  
>> Thank you in advance,  
>> Mark
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Re: Copying link in Sendspace Wizard.

2010-09-22 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

You know, for some reason I never thought to check the menus for shortcuts. :) 
THanks for that. I've always just been using it without shortcuts, and since I 
had no trouble I never thought to look.

Mobile Me:
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On Sep 23, 2010, at 7:27 AM, GEOFF WAALER wrote:

> Hi Nic, Sarah, and other Send spaced out Mac users,
> Thanks for the explanation, however after some testing I may be able to 
> simplify it a bit.
> The following assumes that you're running the current version of the wizard 
> (1.2.14) and and extended voiceOver compatibility enabled under the options 
> menu, and of course that you are logging in properly upon start up and 
> previously uploaded some files or folders.
> 1. Start the Wizard -- focus is on the tool bar.
> 2. Press option-r to get to remote file view (alternatively its located under 
> menu -> options -> focus).
> 3. interact with the table.
> 4. VO-up/downArrow to the file for which you want to obtain the URL.
> 5. Verify that the trackpad commander is disabled.
> 6. Press vo-command-f5 to route the mouse (optionally verify via vo-f5).
> 7. Press control while clicking the left mouse button.
> 8. The menu appears.
> I don't know whether this is attributable to my  skipping the steps about 
> interacting with the various unknown controls, but so far my mouse pointer 
> has always routed to my desired file or folder correctly.  If it ever  
> doesn't I will followNic's suggestion and route to the tool bar first.
> Very troubling that I can not display the contents of folders.  I wonder 
> whether this limitation is specific to VO users, or is folder support not 
> implemented in the Mac version? 
> Thanks again to everyone who responded!
> Geoff
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 3:30 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi Geoff!
>> I'll do these steps as I explain them here, just to see that they still 
>> should work for everybody. I'll do all of these steps in the same order I am 
>> writing them down so everyone can follow along.
>> 1. Open the Sendspace Wizard. That's a given, of course. :)
>> 2. After logging into your Sendspace account, interact with the first 
>> unknown item after the toolbar.
>> 3. Now, find the first unknown after all of the buttons which enable you to 
>> add a link for download. This is also the only unknown within this area, so 
>> it'll be the only one you'll see. It is also at the very bottom right if you 
>> use the trackpad commander.
>> 4. Here, you will have two unknown items. I will explain what each of those 
>> do.
>> The first one is for local items- This means that you can arrow to a file 
>> you would like to upload, then move to the "remote" part which is the second 
>> unknown within the unknown you interacted with. I know this probably gets a 
>> bit confusing. When you upload a file, you have to choose a folder that you 
>> would like to upload to on your remote location (which is your account). You 
>> can use the command F8 to upload the file you have chosen in your local view.
>> Remote simply allows you to download and display folders and files on your 
>> current Sendspace account. Now, I will mention that I have not actually 
>> found a way to open folders within Sendspace, as the conventional commands 
>> don't appear to work for me.
>> So, let's continue.
>> 5. When you interact within the second unknown (which is remote), you can 
>> use F7 to download folders. This is where I have not found  a way to 
>> download specific files. Control-click still works, however, as long as you 
>> remember to route the mouse. Mouse racking does not work in this Wizard, 
>> which is very important to remember.
>> 6. Now you just route the mouse to the area within the table you would like 
>> to download or copy the link location for. You will have to use VoiceOVer 
>> keys here after interacting with the table, then route the mouse with 
>> VO-Command-F5 then do a control-click. The command do copy a link is 
>> Command-l, though. I can briefly make a  list of the available commands 
>> below. They seem to work consistently, as long as you remember to actually 
>> move all the cursors. I've always found that I always bring up the menus to 
>> be on the safe side, regardless of consistency.
>> FOllowing that, I have briefly made a list containing the commands for 
>> Sendspace, though whether you dare to use them is your choice.
>> When in the "Remote" section, the following commands are available:
>> New Folder - Command-F
>> Download File - F7
>> Rename - F2
>> Copy Link Location - Command-L
>> Cut - COmmand-X
>> Paste - Command-V
>> Delete - Forward Delete
>> Properties - Option-Return
>> Send Folder Link - Command-E
>> Refresh - F5
>> When in the "local" section, the following commands are available:
>> New Folder - COmm