Hi Nic, Sarah, and other Send spaced out Mac users,

Thanks for the explanation, however after some testing I may be able to 
simplify it a bit.

The following assumes that you're running the current version of the wizard 
(1.2.14) and and extended voiceOver compatibility enabled under the options 
menu, and of course that you are logging in properly upon start up and 
previously uploaded some files or folders.

1. Start the Wizard -- focus is on the tool bar.
2. Press option-r to get to remote file view (alternatively its located under 
menu -> options -> focus).
3. interact with the table.
4. VO-up/downArrow to the file for which you want to obtain the URL.
5. Verify that the trackpad commander is disabled.
6. Press vo-command-f5 to route the mouse (optionally verify via vo-f5).
7. Press control while clicking the left mouse button.
8. The menu appears.

I don't know whether this is attributable to my  skipping the steps about 
interacting with the various unknown controls, but so far my mouse pointer has 
always routed to my desired file or folder correctly.  If it ever  doesn't I 
will followNic's suggestion and route to the tool bar first.

Very troubling that I can not display the contents of folders.  I wonder 
whether this limitation is specific to VO users, or is folder support not 
implemented in the Mac version? 
Thanks again to everyone who responded!

On Sep 22, 2010, at 3:30 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:

> Hi Geoff!
> I'll do these steps as I explain them here, just to see that they still 
> should work for everybody. I'll do all of these steps in the same order I am 
> writing them down so everyone can follow along.
> 1. Open the Sendspace Wizard. That's a given, of course. :)
> 2. After logging into your Sendspace account, interact with the first unknown 
> item after the toolbar.
> 3. Now, find the first unknown after all of the buttons which enable you to 
> add a link for download. This is also the only unknown within this area, so 
> it'll be the only one you'll see. It is also at the very bottom right if you 
> use the trackpad commander.
> 4. Here, you will have two unknown items. I will explain what each of those 
> do.
> The first one is for local items- This means that you can arrow to a file you 
> would like to upload, then move to the "remote" part which is the second 
> unknown within the unknown you interacted with. I know this probably gets a 
> bit confusing. When you upload a file, you have to choose a folder that you 
> would like to upload to on your remote location (which is your account). You 
> can use the command F8 to upload the file you have chosen in your local view.
> Remote simply allows you to download and display folders and files on your 
> current Sendspace account. Now, I will mention that I have not actually found 
> a way to open folders within Sendspace, as the conventional commands don't 
> appear to work for me.
> So, let's continue.
> 5. When you interact within the second unknown (which is remote), you can use 
> F7 to download folders. This is where I have not found  a way to download 
> specific files. Control-click still works, however, as long as you remember 
> to route the mouse. Mouse racking does not work in this Wizard, which is very 
> important to remember.
> 6. Now you just route the mouse to the area within the table you would like 
> to download or copy the link location for. You will have to use VoiceOVer 
> keys here after interacting with the table, then route the mouse with 
> VO-Command-F5 then do a control-click. The command do copy a link is 
> Command-l, though. I can briefly make a  list of the available commands 
> below. They seem to work consistently, as long as you remember to actually 
> move all the cursors. I've always found that I always bring up the menus to 
> be on the safe side, regardless of consistency.
> FOllowing that, I have briefly made a list containing the commands for 
> Sendspace, though whether you dare to use them is your choice.
> When in the "Remote" section, the following commands are available:
> New Folder - Command-F
> Download File - F7
> Rename - F2
> Copy Link Location - Command-L
> Cut - COmmand-X
> Paste - Command-V
> Delete - Forward Delete
> Properties - Option-Return
> Send Folder Link - Command-E
> Refresh - F5
> When in the "local" section, the following commands are available:
> New Folder - COmmand-F
> Upload file - F8
> Rename - F2
> Delete - Forward-Delete
> Properties - Option-Return
> Refresh - Command-F5
> If anyone would like me to demonstrate, I will, but you may have to wait a 
> couple of hours before I am able to do so. I hope this helped somebody.
> Also, just a hint. If you found your mouse focus does not route when using 
> VO-Command-F5, try going all the way to the toolbar by stopping all 
> interaction, then checking its position with VO-F5. This should fix the issue 
> temporarily.
> Regards,
> Nic
> Mobile Me: nic2...@me.com
> GoogleTalk: chojiro1...@gmail.com
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> Twitter
> Skype: Kvalme
> MSN Messenger: nico...@home3.gvdnet.dk
> Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
> AIM: cincinster
> On Sep 22, 2010, at 7:38 AM, GEOFF WAALER wrote:
>> Hi Sarah and list,
>> Thanks much for the suggestion; before posting I read a thread in the 
>> archives where Nicolai Svendsen recommended that vary remedy.  As indicated 
>> in my initial post I tried control-click with and without the trackpad 
>> commander enabled.  More over, moving the mouse to the file or folder of 
>> interest (vo-command-F5) before pressing control-click had no affect.
>> Thanks again Carolyn and Sarah, but there must be another step I'm missing.
>> Geoff
>> On Sep 21, 2010, at 10:53 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> I don't think you can do that from the sendspace wizard. You can do that 
>>> from the site but not th e wizard.
>>> Good luck.
>>> On Sep 21, 2010, at 7:35 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>>>> Hi Geoff:
>>>> Sometimes when all else fails, I use command shift and arrows or vo+arrows 
>>>> to select the url, command C to copy, and command V to paste.  Otherwise, 
>>>> attempt to use the data detector menu (vo-shift-m) to bring up choices.
>>>> HTH
>>>> Carolyn
>>>> On Sep 21, 2010, at 11:14 AM, GEOFF WAALER wrote:
>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>> Nic S once posted that one can copy a link in the SS Wizard by pressing 
>>>>> control while physically clicking the mouse, and the resulting menu would 
>>>>> show command+l as the shortcut.
>>>>> I first tried command+l and when that failed I turned off trackpad 
>>>>> commander and routed the mouse via VO+Command+F5 before pressing 
>>>>> control+physicalDoubleClick, but have not yet seen a way to copy the file 
>>>>> URL.  What am I missing?
>>>>> TIA for any suggestions.
>>>>> Geoff
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