Re: What is RSS and Usenet

2010-08-30 Thread Jude DaShiell
The rss information was a little incomplete because rss can also contain 
enclosures to podcasts as well as articles.  Podcasts people subscribe to 
with rss as part of their url are actually carried by the rss protocol 
through enclosures.On Fri, 23 Apr 2010, Chris Blouch wrote: The site isn't charging extra for usenet access and has a pretty good 
selection of feeds too.
USENET News is a very old service where folks can read and reply to messages 
in a thread using NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol). The discussions are 
broken down into topic and sub topics with dots inbetween such as or the like. Adding or removing topics is done through a 
moderation process and every post to a newsgroup server in one location is 
replicated to all the other ones. The content is generally not moderated so 
in recent years the topic areas have become rife with porn, spam and pirated 
software. Because of this, and the large volume of data on the comp.binaries 
branch, some service providers have decided to discontinue their usenet news 
servers or charge an additional fee for access. A newsgroup reader 
application allows your mac to 'subscribe' to one or more discussion branches 
so you can post or reply to messages, if you have access to a  newsfeed 

An RSS feed reader is something else. A site can choose to publish a summary 
of changed articles in a specialized XML format, usually RSS or Atom. This 
file usually contains a time-ordered list of article titles and summaries to 
which you can subscribe. Any time the site adds a new article, a new entry is 
made in the 'feed' and your feed reader polls the site to let you know when 
there are updates. In theory the site could put the entire content of the 
article in the feed but usually the intent is to snack and click through to 
anything interesting. The feeds can also do pruning such as keeping only the 
latest 30 items in the feed or offering multiple feeds covering different 
areas on their site.

Hope this helps.


marie Howarth wrote:

 I have no idea what the difference is.

 On 23 Apr 2010, at 16:56, william lomas wrote:

>  that is not a newsgorup reader though?
>  On 23 Apr 2010, at 16:43, marie Howarth wrote:
> >  Hi,
> > 
> >  Some people have been asking for an accessible RSS reader on the mac. 
> >  The mail app obviously gives some functionality with rSS but the app I 
> >  just found is pretty much amazing. You can share links with your 
> >  social networks, read the articles where you like, and overall is 
> >  pretty awesome. Very responsive with VO.
> > 
> >  It is in beta but I have just emailed the creators and congratulated 
> >  them on the level of accessibility.
> > 
> >  What you need
> > 
> >  Your mac

> >  Your safari
> >  Your internet
> >  and a google account.
> > 
> >  OK, before anyone starts jumping down my throat. You only need to sign 
> >  in with a google account. You do not need to go to the web to 
> >  subscribe or whatever. You can but subscriptions or cancelling can all 
> >  be done within the app.
> > 
> >  Download the app from the website and once you've ran the dMG file, 
> >  enter your google account and off you go.
> > 
> >  It's called Gruml and I like it a lot. Here's the link. Any questions 
> >  feel free to email me.
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> >  twitter:
> >  AIM: phoenixfire1807 live journal site: 
> > my website: 
> >
> >  facebook: writer's twitter: 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  -- 
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> > 
>  william lomas

>  follow me on twitter:
>  billbow_baggins
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RE: get iphone 3gs or iphone 4?

2010-08-30 Thread Simon Fogarty
Speed, better / smoother use of VO, and the possibly beneficial apps like
say text. Which works ok on the iphone 4, but as yet haven't had any luck on
the 3gs.
  Having played with both, I'd say wait till the 4 comes out. The speed
alone is worth while with vo.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Paul Erkens
Sent: Sunday, 29 August 2010 5:41 a.m.
Subject: get iphone 3gs or iphone 4?

Hi list,

As the iphone 4 is now in the market, I'm wondering which to buy. The 3gs
has become tremendously cheap these days, and the iphone 4 is 5 weeks
waiting over here in the Netherlands.

Are there any good reasons for a blindy to wait for the iphone 4, or can I
just get myself a 3gs without sacrificing much functionality? Some of you
listers will know, so I'm looking forward to hearing from you about this. Is
a 4 better for us than a 3gs? 

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Re: bookshare books

2010-08-30 Thread Scott Howell
Hi Merlinda,

I was curious what you meant by "We will also
add the speed adjustment and navigation by page features". The books are read 
using VoiceOver, so are you referring to the speed at which VoiceOver reads or 
speed at which the text flows across the screen? Are you all planning to add a 
separate text to speech option for InDaisy to read the text instead of 
I just wanted to understand what you meant.

On Aug 29, 2010, at 9:01 PM, Merlinda wrote:

> We will also
> add the speed adjustment and navigation by page features

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Re: get iphone 3gs or iphone 4?

2010-08-30 Thread Ricardo Walker

I recommend waiting and getting an iPhone 4.  I don't think it makes much sense 
to purchase something running last years technology unless you do so because of 
financial restraints.  The iPhone 4 has double the  RAM of a 3gs, a 38% faster 
processor, and a better battery.  I think those are good enough reasons to go 
for the iPhone 4.

On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:40 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi list,
> As the iphone 4 is now in the market, I'm wondering which to buy. The 3gs has 
> become tremendously cheap these days, and the iphone 4 is 5 weeks waiting 
> over here in the Netherlands.
> Are there any good reasons for a blindy to wait for the iphone 4, or can I 
> just get myself a 3gs without sacrificing much functionality? Some of you 
> listers will know, so I'm looking forward to hearing from you about this. Is 
> a 4 better for us than a 3gs? 
> -- 
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Re: Pandora on the Mac

2010-08-30 Thread Scott E. Ford
Hi Mary,
I have changed the slection or artist once and screwed it up once.  I 
do not listen real often so I just leave it alone.  As was mentioned in 
previous posts there is no real support for vo on the pandora site.

On Aug 29, 2010, at 11:34 PM, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> When you go to the Pandora site on your Mac, and something starts playing, 
> can you make new stations etc? Or do you just have whatever station your 
> sighted friend set up? I have this station link that opens and plays in 
> pandora, but I haven't been able to do anything else once I'm in there. 
> Mary
> Mary Otten
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Bluetooth setup assistant

2010-08-30 Thread Corey Knapp
Hi everyone,
I was wondering how to get rid of the bluetooth setup assistant everytime I
start my macminny.  I looked in the bluetooth preferences but I couldn't
figure out how to turn it off.
Thanks in advance for any help.

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Re: bookshare books

2010-08-30 Thread Merlinda
Hi Rafaela,

If you don't mind, please kindly send me the name of the book and I'll
work with Bookshare to resolve the issue.

- Merlinda

On Aug 29, 11:42 pm, Rafaela Freundt  wrote:
> Hi Merlinda,
> thanks for your help. I actually figured this out yesterday. But I seem to be 
> having a problem.
> sometimes when I use the voiceover gesture to read all, to read the book 
> continuously, it does OK. but sometimes it takes me back to the content 
> window and I can't read it like that.
> do you know what could be happening?
> Thanks a lot,
> Rafaela
> El 29/08/2010, a las 20:01, Merlinda escribió:
> > Hi Rafaela,
> > My name is Merlinda, and I am a sighted software developer located in
> > Ottawa, Canada. I am also part of the InDaisy Reader software
> > development team. I see that some of you are discussing how to use
> > InDaisy Reader to read books from Bookshare. Here is just a short
> > description on how to do so:
> > For encrypted Daisy books from Bookshare, unzip the downloaded zip
> > file with your password and then re-zip it again without any password.
> > Use iTunes File Sharing to transfer your rezipped Daisy book into
> > InDaisy Reader.
> > For unencrypted Daisy books from Bookshare, the downloaded zip file
> > can directly be transferred into InDaisy Reader using iTunes File
> > Sharing.
> > Please use VoiceOver to read out the text of the book. The auto-resume
> > and navigation capability
> > for text-only Daisy books, still needs to be improved. We will also
> > add the speed adjustment and navigation by page features into future
> > release of InDaisy Reader.
> > Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.
> > Regards,
> > - Merlinda
> > On Aug 28, 1:21 am, Rafaela Freundt  wrote:
> >> i'll have to figure out how indaycy works and hope it helps.
> >> talking about bookshare books, do you guys know if the only way to read 
> >> them on the mac is using safari?
> >> thanks,
> >> Rafaela
> >> El 27/08/2010, a las 14:37, Sarah Alawami escribió:
> >>> OH nice! I hope htey come out wiht something. and let's hope RFBD is in 
> >>> the cueue next but I doubt it.
> >>> On Aug 27, 2010, at 3:51 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>  There is Book Worm and InDaisy. I gather InDaisy supports the Daisy 3 
>  standard. Although apparently there is a possibility Book Share may be 
>  doing something as well. COnsidering they recently conducted a survey 
>  asking about such an app for various mobile platforms.
>  On Aug 27, 2010, at 6:43 AM, Justin Thornton wrote:
> > what is the new daisy player called for the iphone?
> > On Aug 26, 2010, at 7:56 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> >> Oh no I was talking about another app on  the iphone.that is a new one 
> >> only for now supports dasi 2. they said it would support 3 this month 
> >> but it has not happened yet. and you would have to get a key from RFBD 
> >> and NLS does not support any software.
> >> Take care.
> >> Sarah Alawami
> >> MSN:
> >> aim:
> >> website:
> >> youtube:
> >> Podcast:
> >> On Aug 26, 2010, at 3:45 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> >>> Sara, perhaps you need to check your facts before posting. InDaisy 
> >>> does support Daisy 2 and 3 at least for audio playback.
> >>> On Aug 25, 2010, at 9:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>  Nope. they are in dasi 3.0 while the dasi reader on the apps store 
>  only supports dasi 2.0. Sorry to be the barrer of bad news but it is 
>  what it is.
>  Sarah Alawami
>  MSN:
>  aim:
>  website:
>  youtube:
>  Podcast:
>  On Aug 25, 2010, at 5:22 PM, Rafaela Freundt wrote:
> > Hi list,
> > I was just wandering if it is possible to read bookshare books on 
> > the iPod touch.
> > any suggestions are appreciated.
> > Thanks all,
> > Rafaela
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Re: bookshare books

2010-08-30 Thread Merlinda
Hi Scott,

Thanks for asking. We plan to add narration speed adjustment for Daisy
books that contains audio. This is because a number of people are
requesting for it.
We are also considering adding a separate text to speech option, as
this can work with synchronized text highlighting of text only Daisy
books. It would be good for people who needs it.

- Merlinda

On Aug 30, 4:54 am, Scott Howell  wrote:
> Hi Merlinda,
> I was curious what you meant by "We will also
> add the speed adjustment and navigation by page features". The books are read 
> using VoiceOver, so are you referring to the speed at which VoiceOver reads 
> or speed at which the text flows across the screen? Are you all planning to 
> add a separate text to speech option for InDaisy to read the text instead of 
> VoiceOver?
> I just wanted to understand what you meant.
> Thanks,
> On Aug 29, 2010, at 9:01 PM, Merlinda wrote:
> > We will also
> > add the speed adjustment and navigation by page features

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Re: New Pages (iWork '09) support for creation of ePub documents

2010-08-30 Thread Peggy Fleischer
I used my ipad for skype for the first time today. I didn't use  headphones or 
a keyboard just the ipad. It worked great. The built in  in the pad did fine. I 
was totally amazed.

Peggy Fleischer

On Aug 30, 2010, at 1:51 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Hi esther,
> Thanks for that. I plugged my ipad in lastnight and ran the updates. So it
> should now be up to date with  with both apps and os.
>  Now I'm just waiting on my blueant q1 to arrive and  I'll be able to use
> the ipad for skype.
>  Chers 
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell
> Sent: Saturday, 28 August 2010 9:32 p.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: New Pages (iWork '09) support for creation of ePub documents
> Simon, the update comes by way of Software Update. So, once you run Software
> Update, you will get this update along with any other updates and unless you
> have turned this off, it should notify you when updates are available.
> On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:54 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
>> So esther,
>> If you own a copy of pages on your ipad, then you should get this up 
>> date for free I'm assuming?
>> Or is it a buy update situation?
>> Cheers
>> Simon f
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Esther
>> Sent: Saturday, 28 August 2010 1:58 a.m.
>> To:;
>> Subject: New Pages (iWork '09) support for creation of ePub documents
>> Hi All,
>> For Mac users of iWorks '09, especially those who are using iBooks to 
>> read ePub documents on their iPhones, iPod Touches, and iPads, the 
>> latest software update to Pages has added an option to export as ePub.  
>> Further, Apple has issue a document outlining the best practices for 
>> creating ePub files for reading in iBooks with Pages, which also links 
>> to an "ePub Best Practices" sample document.
>> The installer for the new feature will automatically show up if you 
>> have iWorks '09 if you run Software Update.  The link to the Apple 
>> Support document on Creating ePub files with Pages is:
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> --
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Re: bookshare books

2010-08-30 Thread Scott Howell
Hi Merlinda,

Thank you for your response and it sounds like you all have some very good 
ideas in the hopper. I will be watching development of the few DAISY offerings 
out there before I choose to purchase one. However, at this point, it sounds 
like InDaisy is working very well for folks.

On Aug 30, 2010, at 10:23 AM, Merlinda wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> Thanks for asking. We plan to add narration speed adjustment for Daisy
> books that contains audio. This is because a number of people are
> requesting for it.
> We are also considering adding a separate text to speech option, as
> this can work with synchronized text highlighting of text only Daisy
> books. It would be good for people who needs it.
> Regards,
> - Merlinda
> On Aug 30, 4:54 am, Scott Howell  wrote:
>> Hi Merlinda,
>> I was curious what you meant by "We will also
>> add the speed adjustment and navigation by page features". The books are 
>> read using VoiceOver, so are you referring to the speed at which VoiceOver 
>> reads or speed at which the text flows across the screen? Are you all 
>> planning to add a separate text to speech option for InDaisy to read the 
>> text instead of VoiceOver?
>> I just wanted to understand what you meant.
>> Thanks,
>> On Aug 29, 2010, at 9:01 PM, Merlinda wrote:
>>> We will also
>>> add the speed adjustment and navigation by page features
> -- 
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I bought an ipad over the weekend

2010-08-30 Thread Peggy Fleischer

I bought myself an ipad this past weekend so now I am learning to use it. I 
have had an iphone for the past year so the concepts are similar but I am 
finding that I like having more physical screen space. I have an Apple wireless 
keyboardd that works well with my phone, ipad and mac. It's wonderful to have 
all these devices accessible. 
Please pass along to me any good tips for working with an ipad. It's trial and 
error learning for me around here.

Peggy Fleischer

 Psalm 90 12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto 

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Re: I bought an ipad over the weekend

2010-08-30 Thread Scott Granados
Please tell how you like the IPad over time and whether it remains useful.  
I've been thinking about one but I'm just not convinced.  I've just made the 
Mac switch though so definitely could be talked in to an IPad.

On Aug 30, 2010, at 7:36 AM, Peggy Fleischer wrote:

> Hi:
> I bought myself an ipad this past weekend so now I am learning to use it. I 
> have had an iphone for the past year so the concepts are similar but I am 
> finding that I like having more physical screen space. I have an Apple 
> wireless keyboardd that works well with my phone, ipad and mac. It's 
> wonderful to have all these devices accessible. 
> Please pass along to me any good tips for working with an ipad. It's trial 
> and error learning for me around here.
> Peggy Fleischer
>  Psalm 90 12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts 
> unto wisdom.
> -- 
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Re: Bluetooth setup assistant

2010-08-30 Thread focus
Hi Corey!
I had a look for you!
And here's what I got for you!
1, enter system preference's and select bluetooth button,
2, In the bluetooth menu scroll right until you get to advanced button,
3, vo space bar the button and in there the 1st option is to check on\off 
bluetooth assistant so uncheck this and your problem should be solved!
Just exit all the way!
hth Colin

Skype focus_66
On 30 Aug 2010, at 13:41, Corey Knapp wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I was wondering how to get rid of the bluetooth setup assistant every time I
> start my macminny.  I looked in the bluetooth preferences but I couldn't
> figure out how to turn it off.
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Corey
> -- 
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copying and pasting to SD card for VR stream

2010-08-30 Thread Nancy Badger
Hi everyone,
I just went to the web site and read all the previous messages about the VR 
stream and how it is supposed to work with Itunes.  I am having a lot of 
trouble copying and pasting to my SD card.  I am going to ve very specific 
about what I am doing in the hopes that someone can help.  Here goes:

1.  I put my SD card in the card reader on my mac book pro
2.  I opened Itunes and went to the playlist I wanted to copy.  I interacted 
with the source side bar and made sure it selected the right playlist.
3.  I uninteracted with the side bar and moved to the table.  I interacted with 
the table and hit command A for select all.  After the files were selected, I 
hit command c for copy.  Voice over said "copy."
4.  I went to the finder and found my SD card and the VRstream files in it.  I 
found the VR music file and opened it with command O.  Then I navigated through 
the files on it and found the one I wanted to paste the new files in. 
5.  I opened it with command o.  I interacted with the table and voice over 
said "empty table"  while I was in the table I hit comand V for paste.  Nothing 
happened.  I hit vo m for the menu and went to edit.  I found that cut, copy, 
and paste were all dimmed.  

Does anyone have a clue what I am doing wrong?  I am getting extremely 
frustrated! lol

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RE: Bluetooth setup assistant

2010-08-30 Thread Corey Knapp
Hi Thanks so much that worked great.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of focus
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 12:25 PM
Cc: focus
Subject: Re: Bluetooth setup assistant

Hi Corey!
I had a look for you!
And here's what I got for you!
1, enter system preference's and select bluetooth button, 2, In the
bluetooth menu scroll right until you get to advanced button, 3, vo space
bar the button and in there the 1st option is to check on\off bluetooth
assistant so uncheck this and your problem should be solved!
Just exit all the way!
hth Colin

Skype focus_66
On 30 Aug 2010, at 13:41, Corey Knapp wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I was wondering how to get rid of the bluetooth setup assistant every 
> time I start my macminny.  I looked in the bluetooth preferences but I 
> couldn't figure out how to turn it off.
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Corey
> --
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RE: Bluetooth setup assistant

2010-08-30 Thread Corey Knapp
Hi Thanks so much that worked great.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of focus
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 12:25 PM
Cc: focus
Subject: Re: Bluetooth setup assistant

Hi Corey!
I had a look for you!
And here's what I got for you!
1, enter system preference's and select bluetooth button, 2, In the
bluetooth menu scroll right until you get to advanced button, 3, vo space
bar the button and in there the 1st option is to check on\off bluetooth
assistant so uncheck this and your problem should be solved!
Just exit all the way!
hth Colin

Skype focus_66
On 30 Aug 2010, at 13:41, Corey Knapp wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I was wondering how to get rid of the bluetooth setup assistant every 
> time I start my macminny.  I looked in the bluetooth preferences but I 
> couldn't figure out how to turn it off.
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> Corey
> --
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Re: copying and pasting to SD card for VR stream

2010-08-30 Thread focus
Hi Nancy!
I don't know if this will work for what you are trying to do but it might!
when you are in Itunes select the 1st track of the playlist that you have, then 
press command r and if it works it will open in finder!
when it is in finder it will be a list that you can open, then select all there 
and then copy!
then you can go to that folder and command v to paste in there!
hope it works!
it does for a normal playlist!!
hth Colin
Skype focus_66
On 30 Aug 2010, at 18:18, Nancy Badger wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I just went to the web site and read all the previous messages about the VR 
> stream and how it is supposed to work with Itunes.  I am having a lot of 
> trouble copying and pasting to my SD card.  I am going to ve very specific 
> about what I am doing in the hopes that someone can help.  Here goes:
> 1.  I put my SD card in the card reader on my mac book pro
> 2.  I opened Itunes and went to the playlist I wanted to copy.  I interacted 
> with the source side bar and made sure it selected the right playlist.
> 3.  I uninteracted with the side bar and moved to the table.  I interacted 
> with the table and hit command A for select all.  After the files were 
> selected, I hit command c for copy.  Voice over said "copy."
> 4.  I went to the finder and found my SD card and the VRstream files in it.  
> I found the VR music file and opened it with command O.  Then I navigated 
> through the files on it and found the one I wanted to paste the new files in. 
> 5.  I opened it with command o.  I interacted with the table and voice over 
> said "empty table"  while I was in the table I hit comand V for paste.  
> Nothing happened.  I hit vo m for the menu and went to edit.  I found that 
> cut, copy, and paste were all dimmed.  
> Does anyone have a clue what I am doing wrong?  I am getting extremely 
> frustrated! lol
> Nancy
> -- 
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Dropbox app with VO

2010-08-30 Thread Corey Knapp
Hi I am trying to use the dropbox app with VO it keeps saying busy does
anyone know how to fix it?

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Re: the unix shell and mac terminal

2010-08-30 Thread Keith Watson
No, speakup is in the debian repository. I use a stock kernel and just install 
the modules. Works great. I haven't cooked a kernel in a few years.


On Aug 29, 2010, at 10:14 AM, Ryan Mann wrote:

> Did you have to recompile the kernel to install Speakup?  For some reason, I 
> thought that Speakup wasn't available as Debian packages.
> On Aug 29, 2010, at 8:52 AM, Keith Watson wrote:
>> Actually I just googled debian vmware and appliance. I can't remember the 
>> name of the image, but that should get you something. After getting the 
>> image and booting it I had to ssh to it from my MAC terminal and update it 
>> to sid, then install speakup. It was fairly painless.
>> I suppose that if there is enough interest I could put together a generic 
>> version of my image with speakup installed and make it available to the 
>> public.
>> Keith
>> On Aug 29, 2010, at 2:01 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> Do you have a pointer to a good image?
>>> On Aug 28, 2010, at 6:29 PM, Keith Watson wrote:
 All well and good to have these tools available on the MAC. The only 
 problem is that VO access to the terminal is cumbersome at best. My 
 solution to this is to run a Debian VM and use speakup. Much better access 
 to it's term there, and if I need to do anything on my MAC i just ssh over 
 and take care of it that way.
 Just my 2 cents.
 On Aug 28, 2010, at 3:15 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
> Yes, you have telnet, ssh, ftp and all the standard clients you'd expect. 
>  I'm sure you could enable daemons to accept connections as well although 
> consider the security implications of doing that please.:)
> On Aug 28, 2010, at 5:58 AM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
>> excuse my nose here, but in theory would that let you say tellnet to a 
>> site or service that itself is shell associated?
>> sorry if I am over guessing what one might do with that sort of bash. 
>> still I would think you could run programs that way?
>> Karen
>> On Sat, 28 Aug 2010, Dave Taylor wrote:
>>> I don't know anything about this side of using a Mac at all. Is there a 
>>> good
>>> place to learn about it, right from scratch? I'll probably hardly need 
>>> it,
>>> but would certainly like to know just in case.
>>> Cheers
>>> Dave
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Josh Kennedy
>>> Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 10:36 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: the unix shell and mac terminal
>>> Hi
>>> Over the past few weeks I have been running vinux 3.0 lucid in a virtual
>>> machine and have been playing with it. And then recently I went into the
>>> terminal on my mac in snow leopard and typed some commands and 
>>> surprisingly
>>> I find that most of the commands I can perform in vinux I can also do 
>>> with
>>> the terminal or the mac's unix shell. It's really cool. The only 
>>> difference
>>> I can see in the mac is that it uses the darwin kernel while vinux uses 
>>> the
>>> linux kernel. Oh and guys if you go into a terminal in your mac and 
>>> type:
>>> man ls
>>> you can even read the unix man pages there. The only thing that doesn't 
>>> work
>>> is apt-get command. I'm not sure if dpkg works or not, I haven't tried 
>>> it.
>>> I'll try right now. Well guys dpkg also does not work. The mac's shell
>>> reminds me very much of vinux 3.0 lucid though.
>>> If you type
>>> uname -a
>>> it will tell you the kernel version among other things.
>>> If you type:
>>> man ls
>>> it will bring up the man page for the ls list directory command. to 
>>> quit the
>>> man pages just press the letter q,. To close terminal hit command q. 
>>> You can
>>> even hit tab and it will autocomplete commands for you. I imagine the 
>>> unix
>>> shell is very powerful, even on the mac. And I'm glad mac uses the bash
>>> shell. Vinux uses it too. I doubt voxin would work on the mac since 
>>> voxin I
>>> think is compiled for the linux kernel and not the darwin version10 
>>> kernel.
>>> Josh Kennedy
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Re: downloading/reading bookshare books

2010-08-30 Thread Mike Arrigo
For some reason, the built in archive utility does not support password 
protected zip files. Do a search for a program called the unarchiver. It will 
handle these kinds of files. After extracting the files, you can copy the book 
to a device, or open the xml file in your browser.
On Aug 29, 2010, at 10:35 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:

> Hi all,
> I just tried to grab a book from using webkit.  The zip file 
> downloaded just fine, but I can't seem to get a password prompt when I go to 
> unzip the file.  It just tells me that it failed to extract.
> Also, when I used windows I would just open the .xml file from daisy books in 
> IE and read them that way.  Can I open them with webkit/safari and read them 
> the same way?
> Thanks in advance for any assistance in this matter.
> -- 
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Re: Keyboard issues with fusion, suggestions? How do I get F9 through F 12 keys in windows?

2010-08-30 Thread Kimberly thurman
Scott, I downloaded and installed Sharp Keys.  in windows under fusion  don't 
have the link handy, but I got it by googling.  Sharp Keys has two lists with 
all the keys possibly on a keyboard listed.  You can move through all the 
controls with tab and shift tab.  

The first thing you do is find the add button.  Enter or space on this.  The 
two lists will then be presented.  

You arrow down the first list until you find the key you want to map to the key 
you will arrow down and find in the next list.  When you have these chosen, 
press the OK button.  You will then be placed back in the dialog where your 
first selection will be presented, along with the add button you previously 
used, a delete button and a button that says something like save to registry.  
In order to map another key, you press the add button and do the mapping step 
again followed by OK.  When you have finished mapping all the keys you wish, 
press the save to registry button and you will be prompted to restart your 
computer for these to take effect.  Here's a suggestion for mapping of keys 
that will cause the accent key, left of number 1, to become your insert key and 
will put your alt keys and windows key in the correct places on the left.  You 
will also have an applications key to the right of the space bar.  I can't 
remember whether it ends up being the one closest to the space bar or the key 
further to the right.  Below are the mapping instructions Kawal posted here a 
couple of days ago, which resulted in the above.

Here are my Sharpkes mappings
Grave (which is called the accent key in Sharp Keys) to Special Caps Lock
Left Alt to Left Windows
Left Windows to Left Alt
Right Windows to Applications

 On Aug 29, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Scott Granados wrote:

> would you mind detailing how you did it?
> On Aug 28, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>> I finally got it.  I used Sharp Keys and now have a Jaws key and an 
>> applications key.  Yea  I still can't get F9 through F12.  Anybody have 
>> an idea about this?
>> On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Hi Scott and all those who have problems with insert key with JFW.
>>> I saved a post which helped me enormously and I hope that Marshall will not 
>>> mind me sending it.  I just hope I got your name right.
>>> Kawal.
>>> Begin forwarded message:
> Hi,
> Here are my Sharpkes mappings
> Grave to Special Caps Lock
> Left Alt to Left Windows
> Left Windows to Left Alt
> Right Windows to Applications
> After I get these keys remapped I switch to the Laptop layout in JAWS.  
> This seems to solve the JAWS/Insert Key problem.  It also fixes the 
> "reversal" of the Windows and Alt Keys.  Note that the Keypad layout on 
> the Mac is different from the keypad layout on a Windows machine.  Things 
> like the Route PC to JAWS and Route JAWS to PC are in different locations 
> on the Mac keyboard but you can learn the new locations by using JAWS 
> keyboard help.
> As far as the sound goes, I Launch the VIrtual Machine and then turn off 
> Voiceover.  After I login to the Windows machine, I press Control-Command 
> to move to the Mac and turn Voiceover back on.  I then use Command-G to 
> return to the Windows machine.  I can then switch back and forth by using 
> Control-Command and Command-G.
> I hope this helps.
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>>> Kawal Gucukoglu
>>> (E-mail/MSN):
>>> (Skype ID):
>>> kawalgucukoglu
>>> (Mobile/text):
>>> +447905618396
>>> +447576240421
>>> -- 
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Re: Keyboard issues with fusion, suggestions?

2010-08-30 Thread Kimberly thurman
Kawal and Scott, I think I tried to over think this whole process at first and 
made it more difficult than it ultimately was.  Scott, I think I had to jump 
back to the Mac side and unzip the Sharp Keys Program with the Unarchiver for 
Mac, because I didn't have an applications key, but I really don't remember.  I 
must have gotten it unzipped some how.  :)
On Aug 29, 2010, at 11:39 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> I have a Mac Book Pro.  No USB keyboard.
> Follow the instructions in the post if you can, start the sharp key program 
> in your virtual machine.  Remember to unzip it first.  Then there is the 
> first list where you select the key to change. i.e. the grave key.  Then in 
> the next column which you select by tabbing, find the special caps lock key.  
> then write it to registry.  Then go through the list of keys in the post 
> doing the same thing which I have exampled, always remembering that the first 
> column list of keys is the keys you select whilst the second list is what 
> you'd like the key to be.  When you have done and written all the changes to 
> the registry, restart the virtual machine and you should have an windows key, 
> an alt key and so on.  Just remember that the left alt key will only work if 
> there is something to open like for my instance, windows mobile centre, or a 
> page to close like the internet and then you can use the left alt key.  Not 
> sure why everything works like that in my instance but I have the Mac Book 
> Pro which I bought from the USA.  If you still have problems, add me to your 
> Skype and we can chat and I'll be happy to help you with it.  It took me a 
> while to work it all out as it was new to me.  Skype ID is kawalgucukoglu but 
> I'm no wizard on the Mac yet!
> Kawal.
> On 28 Aug 2010, at 23:34, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>> Kawal, do you use a USB keyboard with the MBP, JAWS and Fusion, or do you 
>> just use the MBP?  Will these adjustments in Sharp Keys give the Macbook 
>> Pro's keyboard an insert key and cause the windows keys and alt keys to 
>> change position?  Sorry to be so dense, but I'm really having trouble 
>> getting my head around this.  Win 7 does work great under Fusion though, but 
>> an insert key and an applications key would be fantastic!  
>> On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Hi Scott and all those who have problems with insert key with JFW.
>>> I saved a post which helped me enormously and I hope that Marshall will not 
>>> mind me sending it.  I just hope I got your name right.
>>> Kawal.
>>> Begin forwarded message:
> Hi,
> Here are my Sharpkes mappings
> Grave to Special Caps Lock
> Left Alt to Left Windows
> Left Windows to Left Alt
> Right Windows to Applications
> After I get these keys remapped I switch to the Laptop layout in JAWS.  
> This seems to solve the JAWS/Insert Key problem.  It also fixes the 
> "reversal" of the Windows and Alt Keys.  Note that the Keypad layout on 
> the Mac is different from the keypad layout on a Windows machine.  Things 
> like the Route PC to JAWS and Route JAWS to PC are in different locations 
> on the Mac keyboard but you can learn the new locations by using JAWS 
> keyboard help.
> As far as the sound goes, I Launch the VIrtual Machine and then turn off 
> Voiceover.  After I login to the Windows machine, I press Control-Command 
> to move to the Mac and turn Voiceover back on.  I then use Command-G to 
> return to the Windows machine.  I can then switch back and forth by using 
> Control-Command and Command-G.
> I hope this helps.
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>>> Kawal Gucukoglu
>>> (E-mail/MSN):
>>> (Skype ID):
>>> kawalgucukoglu
>>> (Mobile/text):
>>> +447905618396
>>> +447576240421
>>> -- 
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Re: copying and pasting to SD card for VR stream

2010-08-30 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
What format are the files in? If they are iTunes format, make sure you are 
running 3.02 of the Stream firmware, and you have the Softpak installed to your 
Stream. Check and make sure the lock switch is in the down position on your SD 

Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal Come join me on

On Aug 30, 2010, at 12:18 PM, Nancy Badger wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I just went to the web site and read all the previous messages about the VR 
> stream and how it is supposed to work with Itunes.  I am having a lot of 
> trouble copying and pasting to my SD card.  I am going to ve very specific 
> about what I am doing in the hopes that someone can help.  Here goes:
> 1.  I put my SD card in the card reader on my mac book pro
> 2.  I opened Itunes and went to the playlist I wanted to copy.  I interacted 
> with the source side bar and made sure it selected the right playlist.
> 3.  I uninteracted with the side bar and moved to the table.  I interacted 
> with the table and hit command A for select all.  After the files were 
> selected, I hit command c for copy.  Voice over said "copy."
> 4.  I went to the finder and found my SD card and the VRstream files in it.  
> I found the VR music file and opened it with command O.  Then I navigated 
> through the files on it and found the one I wanted to paste the new files in. 
> 5.  I opened it with command o.  I interacted with the table and voice over 
> said "empty table"  while I was in the table I hit comand V for paste.  
> Nothing happened.  I hit vo m for the menu and went to edit.  I found that 
> cut, copy, and paste were all dimmed.  
> Does anyone have a clue what I am doing wrong?  I am getting extremely 
> frustrated! lol
> Nancy
> -- 
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Re: Keyboard issues with fusion, suggestions? How do I get F9 through F 12 keys in windows?

2010-08-30 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
I'm pleased that at least it's working for you Kimberly.
On 31 Aug 2010, at 01:16, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> Scott, I downloaded and installed Sharp Keys.  in windows under fusion  don't 
> have the link handy, but I got it by googling.  Sharp Keys has two lists with 
> all the keys possibly on a keyboard listed.  You can move through all the 
> controls with tab and shift tab.  
> The first thing you do is find the add button.  Enter or space on this.  The 
> two lists will then be presented.  
> You arrow down the first list until you find the key you want to map to the 
> key you will arrow down and find in the next list.  When you have these 
> chosen, press the OK button.  You will then be placed back in the dialog 
> where your first selection will be presented, along with the add button you 
> previously used, a delete button and a button that says something like save 
> to registry.  In order to map another key, you press the add button and do 
> the mapping step again followed by OK.  When you have finished mapping all 
> the keys you wish, press the save to registry button and you will be prompted 
> to restart your computer for these to take effect.  Here's a suggestion for 
> mapping of keys that will cause the accent key, left of number 1, to become 
> your insert key and will put your alt keys and windows key in the correct 
> places on the left.  You will also have an applications key to the right of 
> the space bar.  I can't remember whether it ends up being the one closest to 
> the space bar or the key further to the right.  Below are the mapping 
> instructions Kawal posted here a couple of days ago, which resulted in the 
> above.
> Here are my Sharpkes mappings
> Grave (which is called the accent key in Sharp Keys) to Special Caps Lock
> Left Alt to Left Windows
> Left Windows to Left Alt
> Right Windows to Applications
> On Aug 29, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> would you mind detailing how you did it?
>> On Aug 28, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>>> I finally got it.  I used Sharp Keys and now have a Jaws key and an 
>>> applications key.  Yea  I still can't get F9 through F12.  Anybody have 
>>> an idea about this?
>>> On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
 Hi Scott and all those who have problems with insert key with JFW.
 I saved a post which helped me enormously and I hope that Marshall will 
 not mind me sending it.  I just hope I got your name right.
 Begin forwarded message:
>> Hi,
>> Here are my Sharpkes mappings
>> Grave to Special Caps Lock
>> Left Alt to Left Windows
>> Left Windows to Left Alt
>> Right Windows to Applications
>> After I get these keys remapped I switch to the Laptop layout in JAWS.  
>> This seems to solve the JAWS/Insert Key problem.  It also fixes the 
>> "reversal" of the Windows and Alt Keys.  Note that the Keypad layout on 
>> the Mac is different from the keypad layout on a Windows machine.  
>> Things like the Route PC to JAWS and Route JAWS to PC are in different 
>> locations on the Mac keyboard but you can learn the new locations by 
>> using JAWS keyboard help.
>> As far as the sound goes, I Launch the VIrtual Machine and then turn off 
>> Voiceover.  After I login to the Windows machine, I press 
>> Control-Command to move to the Mac and turn Voiceover back on.  I then 
>> use Command-G to return to the Windows machine.  I can then switch back 
>> and forth by using Control-Command and Command-G.
>> I hope this helps.
> Marshall
> -- 
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 Kawal Gucukoglu
 (Skype ID):
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
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 For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> To u

Re: Keyboard issues with fusion, suggestions? How do I get F9 through F 12 keys in windows?

2010-08-30 Thread Kimberly thurman
Thank you for all your help!  I wouldn't have been successful without it.  :)
On Aug 30, 2010, at 9:19 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> I'm pleased that at least it's working for you Kimberly.
> On 31 Aug 2010, at 01:16, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>> Scott, I downloaded and installed Sharp Keys.  in windows under fusion  
>> don't have the link handy, but I got it by googling.  Sharp Keys has two 
>> lists with all the keys possibly on a keyboard listed.  You can move through 
>> all the controls with tab and shift tab.  
>> The first thing you do is find the add button.  Enter or space on this.  The 
>> two lists will then be presented.  
>> You arrow down the first list until you find the key you want to map to the 
>> key you will arrow down and find in the next list.  When you have these 
>> chosen, press the OK button.  You will then be placed back in the dialog 
>> where your first selection will be presented, along with the add button you 
>> previously used, a delete button and a button that says something like save 
>> to registry.  In order to map another key, you press the add button and do 
>> the mapping step again followed by OK.  When you have finished mapping all 
>> the keys you wish, press the save to registry button and you will be 
>> prompted to restart your computer for these to take effect.  Here's a 
>> suggestion for mapping of keys that will cause the accent key, left of 
>> number 1, to become your insert key and will put your alt keys and windows 
>> key in the correct places on the left.  You will also have an applications 
>> key to the right of the space bar.  I can't remember whether it ends up 
>> being the one closest to the space bar or the key further to the right.  
>> Below are the mapping instructions Kawal posted here a couple of days ago, 
>> which resulted in the above.
>> Here are my Sharpkes mappings
>> Grave (which is called the accent key in Sharp Keys) to Special Caps Lock
>> Left Alt to Left Windows
>> Left Windows to Left Alt
>> Right Windows to Applications
>> On Aug 29, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>>> would you mind detailing how you did it?
>>> On Aug 28, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
 I finally got it.  I used Sharp Keys and now have a Jaws key and an 
 applications key.  Yea  I still can't get F9 through F12.  Anybody 
 have an idea about this?
 On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Hi Scott and all those who have problems with insert key with JFW.
> I saved a post which helped me enormously and I hope that Marshall will 
> not mind me sending it.  I just hope I got your name right.
> Kawal.
> Begin forwarded message:
>>> Hi,
>>> Here are my Sharpkes mappings
>>> Grave to Special Caps Lock
>>> Left Alt to Left Windows
>>> Left Windows to Left Alt
>>> Right Windows to Applications
>>> After I get these keys remapped I switch to the Laptop layout in JAWS.  
>>> This seems to solve the JAWS/Insert Key problem.  It also fixes the 
>>> "reversal" of the Windows and Alt Keys.  Note that the Keypad layout on 
>>> the Mac is different from the keypad layout on a Windows machine.  
>>> Things like the Route PC to JAWS and Route JAWS to PC are in different 
>>> locations on the Mac keyboard but you can learn the new locations by 
>>> using JAWS keyboard help.
>>> As far as the sound goes, I Launch the VIrtual Machine and then turn 
>>> off Voiceover.  After I login to the Windows machine, I press 
>>> Control-Command to move to the Mac and turn Voiceover back on.  I then 
>>> use Command-G to return to the Windows machine.  I can then switch back 
>>> and forth by using Control-Command and Command-G.
>>> I hope this helps.
>> Marshall
>> -- 
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> Kawal Gucukoglu
> (E-mail/MSN):
> (Skype ID):
> kawalgucukoglu
> (Mobile/text):
> +447905618396
> +447576240421
> -- 
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reading tables in pages

2010-08-30 Thread Greg Aikens
Hello all,
I am having trouble reading tables using pages. The tables I am trying to read 
are in word documents. When I get to the area where the table is, my cursor 
gets sent to the end of the file, skipping the table and everything after it. 
Any suggestions would be helpful. 


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MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-30 Thread Scott Granados
I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  It seems 
to have buttons available but for example viewing new messages or replying / 
responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here or should I just use office 
under windows?  My reason for using office is I need to have access to an 
outlook exchange server and all your protocols like IMAP and POP are disabled.



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Re: Keyboard issues with fusion, suggestions? How do I get F9 through F 12 keys in windows?

2010-08-30 Thread Scott Granados
Great, thanks for the detailed explaination.

I'll give this a shot.

On Aug 30, 2010, at 5:16 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:

> Scott, I downloaded and installed Sharp Keys.  in windows under fusion  don't 
> have the link handy, but I got it by googling.  Sharp Keys has two lists with 
> all the keys possibly on a keyboard listed.  You can move through all the 
> controls with tab and shift tab.  
> The first thing you do is find the add button.  Enter or space on this.  The 
> two lists will then be presented.  
> You arrow down the first list until you find the key you want to map to the 
> key you will arrow down and find in the next list.  When you have these 
> chosen, press the OK button.  You will then be placed back in the dialog 
> where your first selection will be presented, along with the add button you 
> previously used, a delete button and a button that says something like save 
> to registry.  In order to map another key, you press the add button and do 
> the mapping step again followed by OK.  When you have finished mapping all 
> the keys you wish, press the save to registry button and you will be prompted 
> to restart your computer for these to take effect.  Here's a suggestion for 
> mapping of keys that will cause the accent key, left of number 1, to become 
> your insert key and will put your alt keys and windows key in the correct 
> places on the left.  You will also have an applications key to the right of 
> the space bar.  I can't remember whether it ends up being the one closest to 
> the space bar or the key further to the right.  Below are the mapping 
> instructions Kawal posted here a couple of days ago, which resulted in the 
> above.
> Here are my Sharpkes mappings
> Grave (which is called the accent key in Sharp Keys) to Special Caps Lock
> Left Alt to Left Windows
> Left Windows to Left Alt
> Right Windows to Applications
> On Aug 29, 2010, at 2:00 AM, Scott Granados wrote:
>> would you mind detailing how you did it?
>> On Aug 28, 2010, at 7:07 PM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>>> I finally got it.  I used Sharp Keys and now have a Jaws key and an 
>>> applications key.  Yea  I still can't get F9 through F12.  Anybody have 
>>> an idea about this?
>>> On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
 Hi Scott and all those who have problems with insert key with JFW.
 I saved a post which helped me enormously and I hope that Marshall will 
 not mind me sending it.  I just hope I got your name right.
 Begin forwarded message:
>> Hi,
>> Here are my Sharpkes mappings
>> Grave to Special Caps Lock
>> Left Alt to Left Windows
>> Left Windows to Left Alt
>> Right Windows to Applications
>> After I get these keys remapped I switch to the Laptop layout in JAWS.  
>> This seems to solve the JAWS/Insert Key problem.  It also fixes the 
>> "reversal" of the Windows and Alt Keys.  Note that the Keypad layout on 
>> the Mac is different from the keypad layout on a Windows machine.  
>> Things like the Route PC to JAWS and Route JAWS to PC are in different 
>> locations on the Mac keyboard but you can learn the new locations by 
>> using JAWS keyboard help.
>> As far as the sound goes, I Launch the VIrtual Machine and then turn off 
>> Voiceover.  After I login to the Windows machine, I press 
>> Control-Command to move to the Mac and turn Voiceover back on.  I then 
>> use Command-G to return to the Windows machine.  I can then switch back 
>> and forth by using Control-Command and Command-G.
>> I hope this helps.
> Marshall
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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
Office as far as I hear is not accessible. I've contacted MS about this 2 or 3 
years ago with no results.

Take care.  
Sarah Alawami

mobile site for podcast:

On Aug 30, 2010, at 7:20 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Hi,
> I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  It seems 
> to have buttons available but for example viewing new messages or replying / 
> responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here or should I just use office 
> under windows?  My reason for using office is I need to have access to an 
> outlook exchange server and all your protocols like IMAP and POP are disabled.
> Comments?
> Thanks
> Scott
> -- 
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RE: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-30 Thread Cameron
Hi.  Office on the mac is not vo accessible.  Office, if you must use it,
will work fine on the windows side.

Can apple mail not deal with exchange yet?  I know you can use pop3 and


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:20 PM
Subject: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  It
seems to have buttons available but for example viewing new messages or
replying / responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here or should I just
use office under windows?  My reason for using office is I need to have
access to an outlook exchange server and all your protocols like IMAP and
POP are disabled.



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Re: I bought an ipad over the weekend

2010-08-30 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Peggy,

Congratulations on your purchase.  I purchased an iPad this weekend as well and 
it's also trial and error for me as well.  I did go into settings, universal 
access and VoiceOver to set home triple click to turn VO off and on.  Very 
handy as one can use a physical button to toggle VO on and off.  Have fun 
exploring your iPad.


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Re: Gizmodo: Giz Explains: How Blind People See the Internet

2010-08-30 Thread Dan Roy
Also, we don't want to forget, if your using Safari 5 or Webkit, you can simply 
hit command-shift-R and the darned thing will just read it to you.  this, 
unfortunately, doesn't work on all sites, but, it seems to work on that 1 ok!

On Aug 25, 2010, at 6:55 AM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:

> If you do a search for "your eyes" without the quotes, it will take
> you to the first line of the article there by skipping all the rubbish
> thats before it.
> It's a pretty interesting read, although I don't really agree with the
> hole most iPhone apps are inaccessible thing. Also, did anyone notice
> that they hadn't described the picture at the end of the post?
> On 25/08/2010, Isaac Obie  wrote:
>> Jerry,
>> How do I find the article listed in this email? I went online but I can't
>> find the article? What might I be doing wrong or not doing? thanks
>> Isaac
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Brett Campbell" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 5:51 PM
>> Subject: Gizmodo: Giz Explains: How Blind People See the Internet
>>> I thought some in the group might find this article interesting.
>>> Gizmodo: Giz Explains: How Blind People See the Internet
>>> Brett C.
>>> --
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is kapten GPS for Iphone accessible?

2010-08-30 Thread John J Herzog
Hi listers, 
I'm a current wayfinder access user, but since they're shutting down soon I 
need a new GPS. Has anybody played with Kapten GPS for the IPhone? Supposedly, 
it has routes for pedestrians, biking, and automobiles. This GPS also claims to 
tell you where the nearest public transportation stop is, and where to go via 
train and bus to get to your final destination. 
The page where you can have a look at this is

This would be really cool if it worked. My understanding is that this also 
stores the maps locally, so there wouldn't be any outrageous data charges. It 
also means IPod touch owners can use this too. 
Any thoughts are appreciated. 


John J Herzog 

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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-30 Thread Scott Granados
Ok, that works.

There's always open office as well.  I have VM Fusion working correctly though 
so that's a good solution.

On Aug 30, 2010, at 7:32 PM, Cameron wrote:

> Hi.  Office on the mac is not vo accessible.  Office, if you must use it,
> will work fine on the windows side.
> Can apple mail not deal with exchange yet?  I know you can use pop3 and
> imap.
> Cameron.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:20 PM
> To:
> Subject: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
> Hi,
> I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  It
> seems to have buttons available but for example viewing new messages or
> replying / responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here or should I just
> use office under windows?  My reason for using office is I need to have
> access to an outlook exchange server and all your protocols like IMAP and
> POP are disabled.
> Comments?
> Thanks
> Scott
> -- 
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Re: Gizmodo: Giz Explains: How Blind People See the Internet

2010-08-30 Thread Teresa Cochran
I'm only slightly disappointed that Safari Reader doesn't seem to work with 
Braille, or I can't get it to, anyway. I interact with it till I'm blue in the 
face, and no go. Ah, well, I do read with it with speech only at times, and I 
really like it.

On Aug 30, 2010, at 8:56 PM, Dan Roy wrote:

> Also, we don't want to forget, if your using Safari 5 or Webkit, you can 
> simply hit command-shift-R and the darned thing will just read it to you.  
> this, unfortunately, doesn't work on all sites, but, it seems to work on that 
> 1 ok!
> On Aug 25, 2010, at 6:55 AM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
>> If you do a search for "your eyes" without the quotes, it will take
>> you to the first line of the article there by skipping all the rubbish
>> thats before it.
>> It's a pretty interesting read, although I don't really agree with the
>> hole most iPhone apps are inaccessible thing. Also, did anyone notice
>> that they hadn't described the picture at the end of the post?
>> On 25/08/2010, Isaac Obie  wrote:
>>> Jerry,
>>> How do I find the article listed in this email? I went online but I can't
>>> find the article? What might I be doing wrong or not doing? thanks
>>> Isaac
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Brett Campbell" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 5:51 PM
>>> Subject: Gizmodo: Giz Explains: How Blind People See the Internet
 I thought some in the group might find this article interesting.
 Gizmodo: Giz Explains: How Blind People See the Internet
 Brett C.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
 "MacVisionaries" group.
 To post to this group, send email to
 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
 For more options, visit this group at
>>> --
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Re: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively

2010-08-30 Thread Sarah Alawami
OPen office is pretty good except you can't, or I can't get the mail merge 
working. I cover that in my podcast on editing software.
On Aug 30, 2010, at 10:47 PM, Scott Granados wrote:

> Ok, that works.
> There's always open office as well.  I have VM Fusion working correctly 
> though so that's a good solution.
> On Aug 30, 2010, at 7:32 PM, Cameron wrote:
>> Hi.  Office on the mac is not vo accessible.  Office, if you must use it,
>> will work fine on the windows side.
>> Can apple mail not deal with exchange yet?  I know you can use pop3 and
>> imap.
>> Cameron.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Scott Granados
>> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 10:20 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: MS Office accessibility on the mac natively
>> Hi,
>> I have installed the mac version of MS Office.  Is this accessable?  It
>> seems to have buttons available but for example viewing new messages or
>> replying / responding seems problematic.  Any tricks here or should I just
>> use office under windows?  My reason for using office is I need to have
>> access to an outlook exchange server and all your protocols like IMAP and
>> POP are disabled.
>> Comments?
>> Thanks
>> Scott
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Re: reading tables in pages

2010-08-30 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Greg,

Currently, you can't read tables in Pages. You have to select the table, which 
shows up to VO as a space, and copy it into a Numbers document where it can be 
read or modified as you please.

I hope this gets fixed in the next version of iWork.



On 31 Aug 2010, at 03:58, Greg Aikens wrote:

> Hello all,
> I am having trouble reading tables using pages. The tables I am trying to 
> read are in word documents. When I get to the area where the table is, my 
> cursor gets sent to the end of the file, skipping the table and everything 
> after it. Any suggestions would be helpful. 
> -Greg
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Re: is kapten GPS for Iphone accessible?

2010-08-30 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello John,

Kapten GPS for iPhone is accessible and does work for planning routes using 
public transport in many cities, but apparently not all.

It works for me here, on the fringes of the Paris region. I've used it to plan 
routes to various parts of the Ile-de-France.



On 31 Aug 2010, at 07:14, John J Herzog wrote:

> Hi listers, 
> I'm a current wayfinder access user, but since they're shutting down soon I 
> need a new GPS. Has anybody played with Kapten GPS for the IPhone? 
> Supposedly, it has routes for pedestrians, biking, and automobiles. This GPS 
> also claims to tell you where the nearest public transportation stop is, and 
> where to go via train and bus to get to your final destination. 
> The page where you can have a look at this is 
> This would be really cool if it worked. My understanding is that this also 
> stores the maps locally, so there wouldn't be any outrageous data charges. It 
> also means IPod touch owners can use this too. 
> Any thoughts are appreciated. 
> Sincerely,
> John J Herzog 
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