Kawal and Scott, I think I tried to over think this whole process at first and 
made it more difficult than it ultimately was.  Scott, I think I had to jump 
back to the Mac side and unzip the Sharp Keys Program with the Unarchiver for 
Mac, because I didn't have an applications key, but I really don't remember.  I 
must have gotten it unzipped some how.  :)
On Aug 29, 2010, at 11:39 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> I have a Mac Book Pro.  No USB keyboard.
> Follow the instructions in the post if you can, start the sharp key program 
> in your virtual machine.  Remember to unzip it first.  Then there is the 
> first list where you select the key to change. i.e. the grave key.  Then in 
> the next column which you select by tabbing, find the special caps lock key.  
> then write it to registry.  Then go through the list of keys in the post 
> doing the same thing which I have exampled, always remembering that the first 
> column list of keys is the keys you select whilst the second list is what 
> you'd like the key to be.  When you have done and written all the changes to 
> the registry, restart the virtual machine and you should have an windows key, 
> an alt key and so on.  Just remember that the left alt key will only work if 
> there is something to open like for my instance, windows mobile centre, or a 
> page to close like the internet and then you can use the left alt key.  Not 
> sure why everything works like that in my instance but I have the Mac Book 
> Pro which I bought from the USA.  If you still have problems, add me to your 
> Skype and we can chat and I'll be happy to help you with it.  It took me a 
> while to work it all out as it was new to me.  Skype ID is kawalgucukoglu but 
> I'm no wizard on the Mac yet!
> Kawal.
> On 28 Aug 2010, at 23:34, Kimberly thurman wrote:
>> Kawal, do you use a USB keyboard with the MBP, JAWS and Fusion, or do you 
>> just use the MBP?  Will these adjustments in Sharp Keys give the Macbook 
>> Pro's keyboard an insert key and cause the windows keys and alt keys to 
>> change position?  Sorry to be so dense, but I'm really having trouble 
>> getting my head around this.  Win 7 does work great under Fusion though, but 
>> an insert key and an applications key would be fantastic!  
>> On Aug 28, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Hi Scott and all those who have problems with insert key with JFW.
>>> I saved a post which helped me enormously and I hope that Marshall will not 
>>> mind me sending it.  I just hope I got your name right.
>>> Kawal.
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Here are my Sharpkes mappings
>>>>> Grave to Special Caps Lock
>>>>> Left Alt to Left Windows
>>>>> Left Windows to Left Alt
>>>>> Right Windows to Applications
>>>>> After I get these keys remapped I switch to the Laptop layout in JAWS.  
>>>>> This seems to solve the JAWS/Insert Key problem.  It also fixes the 
>>>>> "reversal" of the Windows and Alt Keys.  Note that the Keypad layout on 
>>>>> the Mac is different from the keypad layout on a Windows machine.  Things 
>>>>> like the Route PC to JAWS and Route JAWS to PC are in different locations 
>>>>> on the Mac keyboard but you can learn the new locations by using JAWS 
>>>>> keyboard help.
>>>>> As far as the sound goes, I Launch the VIrtual Machine and then turn off 
>>>>> Voiceover.  After I login to the Windows machine, I press Control-Command 
>>>>> to move to the Mac and turn Voiceover back on.  I then use Command-G to 
>>>>> return to the Windows machine.  I can then switch back and forth by using 
>>>>> Control-Command and Command-G.
>>>>> I hope this helps.
>>>> Marshall
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>>> ____
>>> Kawal Gucukoglu
>>> (E-mail/MSN):
>>> kawal_gucuko...@sent.com
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>>> kawalgucukoglu
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>>> +447905618396
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> ____
> Kawal Gucukoglu
> (E-mail/MSN):
> kawal_gucuko...@sent.com
> (Skype ID):
> kawalgucukoglu
> (Mobile/text):
> +447905618396
> +447576240421
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