Re: OLd School ClarisWorks Translator

2010-07-31 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Kevin,

The best way to deal with your ClarisWorks documents while keeping the 
formatting is to get hold of AppleWorks and open them with that. Although 
AppleWorks 6 is not accessible to VoiceOver, you just have to Save As filename 
in AppleWorks 6 format and the documents can then be opened in iWork09. This 
will work for text documents and spread sheets, but not for other types of 
ClarisWorks documents.

Alternatively, if you don't mind sifting through the rubbish, TextEdit can open 
ClarisWorks documents, but you'll find lots of extraneous material in there.

If you need any more help on this, feel free to contact me off list at:



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Re: VMWare issue

2010-07-31 Thread Dan Eickmeier
John, is this Disc a full install of XP?  OR just an upgrade disc?  THat could 
be your issue right there, as a full instalation disc is required.
On Jul 30, 2010, at 3:00 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:

> Hi list.
> I recently installed VMWare fusion on my MacBook so I can run Windows XP if I 
> ever need to.  Installing VMWare was easy enough. I then located an XP 
> install CD in my basement. I'm not sure how long we've had it kicking around 
> here, but from all I could tell the disk was in working order.
> I inserted the Disk and brought up Fusion. It seemed to be working perfectly 
> until I hit save.  Then the CD drive did its thing for a minute before VMWare 
> yelled at me that there was no bootable media detected.
> Help?
> -- 
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Re: word processing and spred sheets on ipad

2010-07-31 Thread Chris Moore
If you have a mobile me account, can you not save the documents to iDisk?
On 30 Jul 2010, at 18:46, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Simon, it is usable, but you may not actually want to use it.  I had an iPad, 
> and I tried this stuff, but I didn't do it a lot, and I haven't tried it in a 
> while, so I'll probably make some mistakes in my description. There will 
> undoubtedly be some iPad people that tell me that I overlooked something. 
> That's fine, but here is the general idea.
> So, you want to put a file on your iPad to edit while you're away from home. 
> You know that you can't just hook up the iPad to the computer and copy the 
> file over, as the iPad security doesn't allow that.
> Here is what you must do. You must add the file to iTunes, including, I 
> think, marking it for sync. Then, you must start a sync of your iPad with 
> iTunes. When that completes, you need to go in to the iWork program on the 
> iPad that you want to use, like Pages, and locate the document. Except, you 
> can't use it right away. You must import the document in to Pages (I think it 
> converts it or something).
> Now, you can edit all you want.
> However, when you get back home, and want to print it, you must go through 
> the process in reverse. You have to go in to Pages on the iPad, load your 
> document, export it to a regular document, hook up to the Mac, sync with 
> iTunes, and then get it back in to your Word Processor.
> Basically, while iPad and iPhone programs can save and load files, they only 
> have access to the files that they specifically create, or that are brought 
> in to them through a sync with iTunes or over the Internet. Programs on the 
> iPad and iPhone can't access any file that was created by another program on 
> the same device, nor can they share their files with other iPad/iPhone 
> programs. You also can't access any documents or files that a program makes 
> from a computer, unless that program is authorized to sync through iTunes. 
> That's why programs like the Daisy book reader can't let you transfer books 
> directly to your device. They must waste time with built-in FTP servers or 
> store files remotely on a server somewhere. For the most part, I don't need 
> to do the sort of things with a phone to where this is a big enough of a pain 
> to me, and so I use an iPhone. However, for most computing tasks, this is way 
> too much of a lock down. I mean, if Apple wants to lock up the programs, 
> that's one thing, but they should at least have a common place on the 
> iPhone/iPad where programs can store and share files with each other. Like I 
> said, if I can only get a voice memo out of the voice memo recording program 
> by using its built-in function to e-mail it to me, then I'll deal, but trying 
> to undertake large projects on one of these devices is a frustrating activity 
> that I'd never recommend. These devices just are not made for producing 
> content. They're meant to be very nice Internet terminals.
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Simon Fogarty
> Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 5:16 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: word processing and spred sheets on ipad
> And it's useable with VO on  the iPad?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Shaw
> Sent: Tuesday, 27 July 2010 1:26 a.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: word processing and spred sheets on ipad
> The full iWorks suite is available specifically; for iPad. This includes 
> Pages, Numbers and Keynote. 
> Good luck,
> Kevin
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accessibel navigation app for the iphone

2010-07-31 Thread joseph
hi listers

does anyone know of any accessible navigation app for the iphone?

thank you in advance


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Re: accessibel navigation app for the iphone

2010-07-31 Thread Jeff Berwick
I am using a program called Navigon.  It works quite well.  I believe it is 
about $50 in the iTunes store right now.

On 2010-07-31, at 5:32 AM, joseph wrote:

> hi listers
> does anyone know of any accessible navigation app for the iphone?
> thank you in advance
> best
> -- 
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Suggestion for making a great VO feature even better.

2010-07-31 Thread Michael Busboom
Hello everyone,
Before submitting this feature request to the accessibility team at Apple, I 
was curious if (1) it is implemented already and (2) what others thought.

I work in a multilingual context daily.  I am very satisfied with my 
text-to-speech software, too.  However, I occasionally have this annoying 
problem that wouldn't be a problem if one of VO's features could be enhanced 
just a bit.

Whenever I type, I keep all keyboard echo features turned off.  This means that 
I only hear text when I move the arrow keys or invoke a VO function that causes 
something to be spoken.  I find that I make a lot more mistakes when writing if 
there is any feedback whatsoever when I am typing.  One of the really cool 
things about VO, however, is that whenever the Caps Lock is invoked VO beeps 
each time a key is pressed.  I like this a lot.  I also very much appreciate 
the fact that whenever a word I encounter while listening to a text is 
mis-spelled, VO sends an error beep.

What I would like to see is an extension to this feature wherein VO beeped on a 
mis-spelled word, even if the keyboard is silent.  I don't know how many times 
I started to write a text in English, only to realize later that I was still 
using a German keyboard.  I would save a lot of time and hassle if, immediately 
after the first mis-spelled word was encountered, I could switch the keyboard 
to the appropriate language.

I would also use this feature extensively, even if I were in a monolingual 

Your thoughts?

Have a great day,


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aol messenger question

2010-07-31 Thread chad baker
Hi on aol messenger is there a way for to read messages automatically?
not sure if its possible.

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Re: Suggestion for making a great VO feature even better.

2010-07-31 Thread Scott Howell
Please file this as a request. I think this is a very good idea and one that 
needs to be implemented. I for one would like it and I will also make the 
request again. :)

On Jul 31, 2010, at 8:07 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Before submitting this feature request to the accessibility team at Apple, I 
> was curious if (1) it is implemented already and (2) what others thought.
> I work in a multilingual context daily.  I am very satisfied with my 
> text-to-speech software, too.  However, I occasionally have this annoying 
> problem that wouldn't be a problem if one of VO's features could be enhanced 
> just a bit.
> Whenever I type, I keep all keyboard echo features turned off.  This means 
> that I only hear text when I move the arrow keys or invoke a VO function that 
> causes something to be spoken.  I find that I make a lot more mistakes when 
> writing if there is any feedback whatsoever when I am typing.  One of the 
> really cool things about VO, however, is that whenever the Caps Lock is 
> invoked VO beeps each time a key is pressed.  I like this a lot.  I also very 
> much appreciate the fact that whenever a word I encounter while listening to 
> a text is mis-spelled, VO sends an error beep.
> What I would like to see is an extension to this feature wherein VO beeped on 
> a mis-spelled word, even if the keyboard is silent.  I don't know how many 
> times I started to write a text in English, only to realize later that I was 
> still using a German keyboard.  I would save a lot of time and hassle if, 
> immediately after the first mis-spelled word was encountered, I could switch 
> the keyboard to the appropriate language.
> I would also use this feature extensively, even if I were in a monolingual 
> context.
> Your thoughts?
> Have a great day,
> Mike
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Re: accessibel navigation app for the iphone

2010-07-31 Thread joseph
Hi Jeff

I've used navigon but since they updated it about a month ago, like
many users, the app is crashing when i select an address to navigate
too.  I emailed the company with this problem, but no reply so far.
Any other suggestion?


Jeff Berwick wrote:
> I am using a program called Navigon.  It works quite well.  I believe it is 
> about $50 in the iTunes store right now.
> Jeff
> On 2010-07-31, at 5:32 AM, joseph wrote:
> > hi listers
> >
> > does anyone know of any accessible navigation app for the iphone?
> >
> > thank you in advance
> >
> > best
> >
> > --
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Bluetooth keyboards and the IPhone

2010-07-31 Thread Kevin Mattingly
are there navigation keys for the bluetooth keyboard on the IPhone? Can you 
copen or lose an app, move to the next control and so on?


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Re: Bluetooth keyboards and the IPhone

2010-07-31 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Kev,
I don't have a bt keyboard on my IPod. But from what others who do have them 
have said, the answer to your question about navigation on the IPhone is no. 
The keyboard's functionality seems to be limited to working within a text edit 
area and some media functionality. You can't move from app to app, control to 
control within an app etc.

Mary Otten

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RE: accessibel navigation app for the iphone

2010-07-31 Thread Bryan Smart
I know that this doesn't help you, but I use it routinely on the iPhone 4, and 
it is working fine, at least on this model.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of joseph
Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2010 9:15 AM
To: MacVisionaries
Subject: Re: accessibel navigation app for the iphone

Hi Jeff

I've used navigon but since they updated it about a month ago, like many users, 
the app is crashing when i select an address to navigate too.  I emailed the 
company with this problem, but no reply so far.
Any other suggestion?


Jeff Berwick wrote:
> I am using a program called Navigon.  It works quite well.  I believe it is 
> about $50 in the iTunes store right now.
> Jeff
> On 2010-07-31, at 5:32 AM, joseph wrote:
> > hi listers
> >
> > does anyone know of any accessible navigation app for the iphone?
> >
> > thank you in advance
> >
> > best
> >
> > --
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> >
> >

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RE: Bluetooth keyboards and the IPhone

2010-07-31 Thread Aman Singer
In my experience, with several keyboards, the answer is no. You can
navigate through text, but cannot navigate either between apps or between
controls, to the best of my knowledge. If anyone has better information and
instructions on how to do any such navigation in the phone itself rather
than through text I, for one, would be grateful to hear of it. 
Note that braille displays do allow navigation through the iPhone
interface itself.

-Original Message
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2010 10:46 AM
Subject: Bluetooth keyboards and the IPhone

are there navigation keys for the bluetooth keyboard on the IPhone? Can you
copen or lose an app, move to the next control and so on?


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Re: Bluetooth keyboards and the IPhone

2010-07-31 Thread Kevin Mattingly
It my be prohibitive to add the functionality but it sure would be awesome. 

I wonder if the IPad and the bluetooth keyboards are just as limited.

On Jul 31, 2010, at 11:52 AM, Aman Singer wrote:

> Hello.
>   In my experience, with several keyboards, the answer is no. You can
> navigate through text, but cannot navigate either between apps or between
> controls, to the best of my knowledge. If anyone has better information and
> instructions on how to do any such navigation in the phone itself rather
> than through text I, for one, would be grateful to hear of it. 
>   Note that braille displays do allow navigation through the iPhone
> interface itself.
> HTH.
> Aman  
> -Original Message
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
> Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2010 10:46 AM
> To:
> Subject: Bluetooth keyboards and the IPhone
> are there navigation keys for the bluetooth keyboard on the IPhone? Can you
> copen or lose an app, move to the next control and so on?
> Kev
> --
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RE: word processing and spred sheets on ipad

2010-07-31 Thread Bryan Smart
I can not say with certainty, but I thought that I read that it isn't possible.

I know that, with apps like Drop Box, you can certainly view and open your 
files on the remote server for viewing on your iPhone/iPad, but you're really 
just opening them inside the Drop Box app, using its own built-in viewers. Just 
like other apps, Drop Box can access files over the Internet, and can even 
download them in to its private sandbox on the iPhone/iPad, but it can't give 
other applications on the device access to the files.

The flash memory on the iPhone isn't so much of a disk or hard drive, as it is 
a kind of temporary cache memory. The way the iPhone works, all of the real 
storage of data and heavy processing is supposed to happen on a server that is 
reached via the Internet. The flash memory is mainly there so that the iPhone 
can hold a local temporary copy of data that would be too slow or large to 
constantly stream from the net connection, like program code, sounds and 
graphics that make up an app's interface, etc.

Apple didn't plan to let anyone make native programs for the iPhone in the 
beginning, so I guess they thought that this wouldn't matter. Later, when 
people started to make apps, they held on to this model, because, by preventing 
programs from accessing each other, they thought that they could prevent people 
from gaining access to protected content.

Now, they want the iPad to be able to be used for desktop-like tasks, but, with 
all of the app isolation, you must jump through hoops to share data that has 
been created on the device itself.

Apple's design choices are usually centered around making computing tasks 
simple by removing unnecessary choices in order to streamline a task. You lose 
flexibility, but the result is that, for most people, the program does what 
they want, with a minimum amount of fuss, and with little or no tech 
understanding required. They've done such a great job with the App Store, 
simplifying the processes of paying for, and installing software, down to the 
point where a complete tecnophobe could do it. iTunes and the iPod simplify the 
tasks of organizing and working with a music library. However, I find it very 
funny that, due to their choices, something as fundamental to a computer as 
word processing, requires all sorts of explanations regarding how to 
import/export between native format, how to selectively sync content, and how 
to put documents in to, and take them out of, iTunes on the Mac. Not that there 
is anything that could help the situation right now, given how locked down the 
iOS devices are. Anything that requires that you get data from your own 
devices, rather than a server somewhere, is profoundly frustrating. Think of 
the people making the Daisy players for iOS. Most players need only that you 
copy a book from your computer to a memory card, and put that card in to the 
player. With iOS devices, it is necessary to explain to people about how they 
must get both devices on to the same Wi-Fi network, but not just any public 
wi-fi network, but a private wi-fi network that allows intra-client 
communication. Then, they need to download, install, and learn to use an FTP 
client, connecting to the iOS device using a long code (an IP address), that 
they must listen to on the device and type in to their computer. That isn't too 
bad for tech types. For most people that buy an iOS device for its simplicity, 
and have no problem accomplishing most tasks, talking about special wi-fi 
networks, ftp clients, IP addresses, and other junk is enough to make them say 
"why bother. I'll get a Victor Reader or Book Sense". In these cases, the iOS 
device is losing out because it is too complicated.

While I know that the main motivation for the iOS devices working this way is 
for security, the conspiracy theorist in me says that this inability to easily 
use your own content is not such an accident. It makes everyone a lot more 
money if you must pay to get what you want from the cloud, rather than using 
what you already have. Of course, techy users can find ways to partially use 
their content on the new devices, but non-techy users will often decide that it 
is just too complicated, and that they'd rather be doing other things with 
their time. Also, some of us wouldn't need to keep and maintain so many huge 
personal collections, if we could get what we want from the cloud.


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Chris Moore
Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2010 4:59 AM
Subject: Re: word processing and spred sheets on ipad

If you have a mobile me account, can you not save the documents to iDisk?
On 30 Jul 2010, at 18:46, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Simon, it is usable, but you may not actually want to use it.  I had an iPad, 
> and I tried this stuff, but I didn't do it a lot, and I haven't tried it in a 
> while, so I'll probabl

RE: Is there a blind mac programmers list?

2010-07-31 Thread Bryan Smart
There is a Google group. It's called "mv-dev".


-Original Message-
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Doug Lawlor
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 4:33 PM
Subject: Is there a blind mac programmers list?

Hello list,
Is there a blind mac programmers list? I thought I heard of one mentioned 
sometime ago but can't remember the name of it. 


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Re: VMWare issue

2010-07-31 Thread John D. Lipsey
It's a full install.  I tripple-checked that before I even tried running Fusion.

This problem is weird, and as far as I know nobody's been able to duplicate it.

On Jul 31, 2010, at 2:09 AM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

> John, is this Disc a full install of XP?  OR just an upgrade disc?  THat 
> could be your issue right there, as a full instalation disc is required.
> On Jul 30, 2010, at 3:00 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:
>> Hi list.
>> I recently installed VMWare fusion on my MacBook so I can run Windows XP if 
>> I ever need to.  Installing VMWare was easy enough. I then located an XP 
>> install CD in my basement. I'm not sure how long we've had it kicking around 
>> here, but from all I could tell the disk was in working order.
>> I inserted the Disk and brought up Fusion. It seemed to be working perfectly 
>> until I hit save.  Then the CD drive did its thing for a minute before 
>> VMWare yelled at me that there was no bootable media detected.
>> Help?
>> -- 
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Tactile feedback update

2010-07-31 Thread Yuma Antoine Decaux
Hi list,

Just an update on a technology i follow very closely which will provide tactile 
feedback to the touchscreens to come:

The whole concept is awesome, and it makes me lack sleep because i keep 
thinking of ideas and applications to go with it.

Just imagine feeling like you are touching the bark on a tree on your iphone's 
screen or ipad for that matter.

Couple it with a very distinct 3D audio environment laid out in classic 3D and 
a few very good storylines and you have a great 3D audio game specifically for 
the blind.

My dream since the start of my blind adventure has been to convert classic 
titles such as Secret of monkey island to such a platform.

Tests are still very heavy at our studio like integrating acapella libraries 
into a 3rd party 3d engine for the iphone/ipad, but we have gone pretty far 
with the script, and if this above technology with haptics can be realised 
soon, its a step closer :)

"Light has no value without darkness"

Tel: +64 210 22 77 190 

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Re: Bluetooth keyboards and the IPhone

2010-07-31 Thread Sarah Alawami
I believe you can navagate through edit fields but you cannot navagate through 
or too apps. You cannot use vo commands but editing is much easier. I just 
about hurt myself pinching the crap out of about 5 lines as I kept turning the 
router. lol!

On Jul 31, 2010, at 8:52 AM, Aman Singer wrote:

> Hello.
>   In my experience, with several keyboards, the answer is no. You can
> navigate through text, but cannot navigate either between apps or between
> controls, to the best of my knowledge. If anyone has better information and
> instructions on how to do any such navigation in the phone itself rather
> than through text I, for one, would be grateful to hear of it. 
>   Note that braille displays do allow navigation through the iPhone
> interface itself.
> HTH.
> Aman  
> -Original Message
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
> Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2010 10:46 AM
> To:
> Subject: Bluetooth keyboards and the IPhone
> are there navigation keys for the bluetooth keyboard on the IPhone? Can you
> copen or lose an app, move to the next control and so on?
> Kev
> --
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Re: Bluetooth keyboards and the IPhone

2010-07-31 Thread Sarah Alawami
They are. Sighteed people can look at the screen and touch what they want and 
then move there hand back to the keyboard to continu typing. I'm not sure 
contacting apple accessibility is a good idea about this.

On Jul 31, 2010, at 9:00 AM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:

> It my be prohibitive to add the functionality but it sure would be awesome. 
> I wonder if the IPad and the bluetooth keyboards are just as limited.
> Kev
> On Jul 31, 2010, at 11:52 AM, Aman Singer wrote:
>> Hello.
>>  In my experience, with several keyboards, the answer is no. You can
>> navigate through text, but cannot navigate either between apps or between
>> controls, to the best of my knowledge. If anyone has better information and
>> instructions on how to do any such navigation in the phone itself rather
>> than through text I, for one, would be grateful to hear of it. 
>>  Note that braille displays do allow navigation through the iPhone
>> interface itself.
>> HTH.
>> Aman  
>> -Original Message
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
>> Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2010 10:46 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Bluetooth keyboards and the IPhone
>> are there navigation keys for the bluetooth keyboard on the IPhone? Can you
>> copen or lose an app, move to the next control and so on?
>> Kev
>> --
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Re: blue tooth on iPad

2010-07-31 Thread Esther

Hi Simon,

Most of the discussion about Bluetooth headsets for the iPhone and  
other idevices has taken place on the viphone list.  I have an iPod  
Touch and iPad, but followed with interest the earlier list discussion  
at the end of last year about the firmware upgradability of the  
BlueAnt Q1 headset to support stereo A2DP, which allows both VoiceOver  
to be heard, as well as turn-by-turn direction announcements in GPS  
navigation apps that use this feature.  So I set up a BlueAnt Q1  
headset last November for someone who was not using an Apple iPhone,  
but was thinking that he might get one at a later date.  The Q1 is  
another single ear headset, and a successor to the V1, which was  
BlueAnt's first voice controlled Bluetooth headset.  They made the  
design more ergonomic with a slightly curved shape instead of the  
straight bar of the V1, and also introduced a few small improvements  
in the Voice Control menus -- mainly for speed dialing.  However, the  
major difference was designing the Q1 so that it could take firmware  
upgrades, and then giving it support for A2DP through the upgrade.   
There is also now a BlueAnt T1 headset, which also takes firmware  
upgrades, and which has A2DP built in.  One warning is that the  
software updates must all currently be done under Windows -- the Mac  
version of the firmware update has shown up as being in the works for  
about 8 months now.

My guess is that when the iPad update is released for OS 4 (or iOS 4,  
as the version for the iPhone and iPod Touch is called), your BlueAnt  
V1 might be recognized by the iPad, but without VoiceOver, so you  
could use it for Skype calls then.  The software update is supposed to  
come out in September.

I did some searching to check whether the Jawbone Icon that Scott  
Howell uses for his iPhone (with the new A2DP update) would work on  
the iPad.  Here's what I found in the Jawbone support forums, where  
most people seemed to like the A2DP update for iPhone use, but said  
this could be improved or added to for use with the iPad and other  

Thanks for the update with A2DP. NIce feature but is not complete yet  
in my opinion. This function its working only with the phones.

 I did some tests with a
laptop : works very fine without the new update A2DP especially with  
windows 7 (same features like a phone when you use VOIP). I used  
skype. The situation changed when I did the update: the volume  
decreased, quality low, press and hold it doesn't work .
iphone : works very fine with the new update A2DP and it's an  
improvement. Sound is a little bit low but it can be increased with  
press and hold, but is stereo .
iPad apple : it doesn't  work without the A2DP update (it's not  
pairing and it doesn't see the icon on dicovery mode). After the  
update it's working but the sound is low and press and hold is not  
working. The ipad also doesn't recognize the mic so you can't talk  
direct to icon. However you can listen music when you navigate on web  
and it's stereo.

I didn't try it on a Mac , because i dont have it yet.

There was a later software update, and the recent comments:

The icon seems to work with the iPad but now won't pair to my  
phone. :-(

Duh Got it to pair - but now I'd like to add my name to the volume  
and pause requests! Need more volume and PLEASE enable the ability to  
pause playback... My other bluetooth headset works w/pause but I'd  
like to retire it for the Jawbone..

So, it sounds to me as though on of the BlueAnt headsets (Q1 or T1)  
might be a better choice for your iPad.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Jul 30, 2010, Simon Fogarty wrote:

Esther, is the q1, also a single ear head phone, or is it both ears?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Esther
Sent: Saturday, 31 July 2010 9:31 a.m.
Subject: Re: blue tooth on iPad

Hi Simon,

I'm not sure why the BlueAnt V1 isn't picked up by the iPad; the  
BlueAnt Q1
can pair to the iPad and also relay VoiceOver (with the Firmware  
support of A2DP).  A Jawbone Icon without the Firmware upgrade to  

A2DP wasn't seen by the iPad, so maybe the iPad requires A2DP for its
Bluetooth devices?  I know that the iPad does support the A2DP stereo
Bluetooth profile, but not the HandsFree Bluetooth profile used by the
iPhone for dealing with calls.

Did you get the iPad Camera Connection Kit?  You might be able to  
use a USB
headset with the USB to dock connector, although I haven't tried  
this.  I am
able to record directly to apps by connecting an iMic to the USB to  

connector component of the Camera Connection Kit.



On Jul 28, 2010, Simon Fogarty wrote:

Don't think so, it just seems that the blue ant isn't seen by the
ipad.  And it's only 6 months old the blue ant,

So can only assume that they aren't going to play nice. The v1 works
fine on

RE: blue tooth on iPad

2010-07-31 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi esther,

 Thanks a lot for this information, it's greatly appreciated.

 I had been looking at different things about the blueant q1, but couldn't
find a lot on using it with the pad and skype. Especially with skype.

 but this information, I had gotten the impression the q1 was the device to
focus on more. So I'll look at tracking one down I think. Although they
don't appear to be available here in nz yet.

 Much thanks gain for the info.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Esther
Sent: Sunday, 1 August 2010 10:09 a.m.
Subject: Re: blue tooth on iPad

Hi Simon,

Most of the discussion about Bluetooth headsets for the iPhone and other
idevices has taken place on the viphone list.  I have an iPod Touch and
iPad, but followed with interest the earlier list discussion at the end of
last year about the firmware upgradability of the BlueAnt Q1 headset to
support stereo A2DP, which allows both VoiceOver to be heard, as well as
turn-by-turn direction announcements in GPS navigation apps that use this
feature.  So I set up a BlueAnt Q1 headset last November for someone who was
not using an Apple iPhone, but was thinking that he might get one at a later
date.  The Q1 is another single ear headset, and a successor to the V1,
which was BlueAnt's first voice controlled Bluetooth headset.  They made the
design more ergonomic with a slightly curved shape instead of the straight
bar of the V1, and also introduced a few small improvements in the Voice
Control menus -- mainly for speed dialing.  However, the major difference
was designing the Q1 so that it could take firmware  
upgrades, and then giving it support for A2DP through the upgrade.   
There is also now a BlueAnt T1 headset, which also takes firmware upgrades,
and which has A2DP built in.  One warning is that the software updates must
all currently be done under Windows -- the Mac version of the firmware
update has shown up as being in the works for about 8 months now.

My guess is that when the iPad update is released for OS 4 (or iOS 4, as the
version for the iPhone and iPod Touch is called), your BlueAnt
V1 might be recognized by the iPad, but without VoiceOver, so you could use
it for Skype calls then.  The software update is supposed to come out in

I did some searching to check whether the Jawbone Icon that Scott Howell
uses for his iPhone (with the new A2DP update) would work on the iPad.
Here's what I found in the Jawbone support forums, where most people seemed
to like the A2DP update for iPhone use, but said this could be improved or
added to for use with the iPad and other

Thanks for the update with A2DP. NIce feature but is not complete yet in my
opinion. This function its working only with the phones.
  I did some tests with a
laptop : works very fine without the new update A2DP especially with windows
7 (same features like a phone when you use VOIP). I used skype. The
situation changed when I did the update: the volume decreased, quality low,
press and hold it doesn't work .
iphone : works very fine with the new update A2DP and it's an improvement.
Sound is a little bit low but it can be increased with press and hold, but
is stereo .
iPad apple : it doesn't  work without the A2DP update (it's not pairing and
it doesn't see the icon on dicovery mode). After the update it's working but
the sound is low and press and hold is not working. The ipad also doesn't
recognize the mic so you can't talk direct to icon. However you can listen
music when you navigate on web and it's stereo.
I didn't try it on a Mac , because i dont have it yet.

There was a later software update, and the recent comments:

The icon seems to work with the iPad but now won't pair to my phone. :-(
Duh Got it to pair - but now I'd like to add my name to the volume and
pause requests! Need more volume and PLEASE enable the ability to pause
playback... My other bluetooth headset works w/pause but I'd like to retire
it for the Jawbone..

So, it sounds to me as though on of the BlueAnt headsets (Q1 or T1) might be
a better choice for your iPad.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Jul 30, 2010, Simon Fogarty wrote:

> Esther, is the q1, also a single ear head phone, or is it both ears?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Esther
> Sent: Saturday, 31 July 2010 9:31 a.m.
> To:
> Subject: Re: blue tooth on iPad
> Hi Simon,
> I'm not sure why the BlueAnt V1 isn't picked up by the iPad; the 
> BlueAnt Q1 can pair to the iPad and also relay VoiceOver (with the 
> Firmware upgrade support of A2DP).  A Jawbone Icon without the 
> Firmware upgrade to support A2DP wasn't seen by the iPad, so maybe the 
> iPad requires A2DP for its Bluetooth devices?  I know that the iPad 
> does support the A2DP stereo Bluetoot

Mail and Gmail

2010-07-31 Thread Linda Adams
> Hi everyone,
> There was a posting yesterday from Thomas saying:
> "It depends on your Gmail settings.  If you have archiving turned off 
> on the given Gmail account you should be able to go to accounts in 
> preferences select the given account in the table if you have more 
> than one account, then I believe click the Advanced tab and there is a 
> remove from server function that you can click.
> If you have archiving turned on in your Gmail account though, you may 
> as well forget it because it's archiving and going to probably leve 
> it there unless you go in on the web."
> I went to my Gmail account on the web and looked under settings but couldn't 
> find any place to cancel the archives.  I did set Mail on the Mac as he 
> described.  I'm trying to prevent getting the same messages twice  on 2 
> different computers.  Where can I stop the archiving on my Gmail page?
> TIA,
> Linda

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Re: Mail and Gmail

2010-07-31 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Linda,

I have Gmail also. I don't know if this helps, but isn't there a setting when 
you set up your Gmail in AppleMail that asks whether you want to keep a copy of 
the messages on the server? Maybe I'm thinking of Windows, but I thought it 
worked the same way on the Mac. I don't remember if I had archiving turned on 
or not  when I set up my Gmail account on here. I remember though that the 
messages were showing up in my inbox and then in my Gmail inbox. I deleted the 
messages from the inbox and recreated the Gmail  account. I think the setting 
you might not want to click is sync Gmail account. I think that is what does 
the archiving but I'm not sure. I'm so sorry I couldn't be of more help. Have a 
great day.

My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Jul 31, 2010, at 8:29 PM, Linda Adams wrote:

>> Hi everyone,
>> There was a posting yesterday from Thomas saying:
>> "It depends on your Gmail settings.  If you have archiving turned off 
>> on the given Gmail account you should be able to go to accounts in 
>> preferences select the given account in the table if you have more 
>> than one account, then I believe click the Advanced tab and there is a 
>> remove from server function that you can click.
>> If you have archiving turned on in your Gmail account though, you may 
>> as well forget it because it's archiving and going to probably leve 
>> it there unless you go in on the web."
>> I went to my Gmail account on the web and looked under settings but couldn't 
>> find any place to cancel the archives.  I did set Mail on the Mac as he 
>> described.  I'm trying to prevent getting the same messages twice  on 2 
>> different computers.  Where can I stop the archiving on my Gmail page?
>> TIA,
>> Linda
> -- 
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opening things from the doc

2010-07-31 Thread Nancy Badger
Hi everyone,
I am having some trouble opening a few things from the doc.  They are 
downloads, documents and apps.  when I try opening them by using VO space, 
nothing happens.  However  sighted person told me that it is opening on the 
lower right side of the screen.  However I can't get the focus to go there.  I 
hope this makes sense to someone because it makes no sense to me.  lol  What am 
I doing wrong?

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Re: opening things from the doc

2010-07-31 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello. invoke the context menu and choose open. This is the only way I have 
foudn it to work.
On Jul 31, 2010, at 6:20 PM, Nancy Badger wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I am having some trouble opening a few things from the doc.  They are 
> downloads, documents and apps.  when I try opening them by using VO space, 
> nothing happens.  However  sighted person told me that it is opening on the 
> lower right side of the screen.  However I can't get the focus to go there.  
> I hope this makes sense to someone because it makes no sense to me.  lol  
> What am I doing wrong?
> Nancy
> -- 
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Home sharing

2010-07-31 Thread 504area
Good evening 
Does anyone know if by enabling home sharing in I tunes I can transfer media 
besides or rather in addition to the purchases from I tunes?  I can only find 
info regarding purchases.  Much of my collection is not from I tunes. 
When turning on home sharing I was not able to enter account password though VO 
confirmed I was in that edit box.  
I am liking my Mac Book Pro   The learning curve is tough for me   

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Re: Home sharing

2010-07-31 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Julie,

Nice to meet you. I'm Allison. I don't know if you can share content other than 
Itunes by enabling home sharing.  I'm new to the Mac as well. I've only had 
mine since April. Were you a Windows user previously? MaybeI can help if you'd 
like offlist so the learning curve won't be so steep. Have a great day.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Jul 31, 2010, at 10:59 PM, wrote:

> Good evening 
> Does anyone know if by enabling home sharing in I tunes I can transfer media 
> besides or rather in addition to the purchases from I tunes?  I can only find 
> info regarding purchases.  Much of my collection is not from I tunes. 
> When turning on home sharing I was not able to enter account password though 
> VO confirmed I was in that edit box.  
> I am liking my Mac Book Pro   The learning curve is tough for me   
> Regards
> Julie 
> -- 
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2010-07-31 Thread Carolyn
Hi everyone:
Ok, guess I should know this, but I don't et.  What is the best way to read a 
book that is a pdf file.  I've been using preview, but Iit seems to be skipping 
pages.  Or, maybe I'mnot operating it correctly.
Is there a way to do this without preview where I can read page by page?

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Re: Home sharing

2010-07-31 Thread 504area
Nice to meet you too   All help would be greatly appreciated. Yes 15 plus years 
with a pc and JFW   
Still use them at work but a year with the I phone and a desire to support that 
out of the box access and here I am   Mac 101!!
Any hints?

- Julie 

On Jul 31, 2010, at 10:07 PM, Allison Manzino  wrote:

> Hi Julie,
> Nice to meet you. I'm Allison. I don't know if you can share content other 
> than Itunes by enabling home sharing.  I'm new to the Mac as well. I've only 
> had mine since April. Were you a Windows user previously? MaybeI can help if 
> you'd like offlist so the learning curve won't be so steep. Have a great day.
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Jul 31, 2010, at 10:59 PM, wrote:
>> Good evening 
>> Does anyone know if by enabling home sharing in I tunes I can transfer media 
>> besides or rather in addition to the purchases from I tunes?  I can only 
>> find info regarding purchases.  Much of my collection is not from I tunes. 
>> When turning on home sharing I was not able to enter account password though 
>> VO confirmed I was in that edit box.  
>> I am liking my Mac Book Pro   The learning curve is tough for me   
>> Regards
>> Julie 
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Re: Mail and Gmail

2010-07-31 Thread Darcy Burnard
Hi Linda.  Are you using imap with gmail?  If you are, I'd suggest reading this 
excellent article from tidbits.
When I was setting up gmail, it made things much clearer.

On 2010-07-31, at 8:29 PM, Linda Adams wrote:

>> Hi everyone,
>> There was a posting yesterday from Thomas saying:
>> "It depends on your Gmail settings.  If you have archiving turned off 
>> on the given Gmail account you should be able to go to accounts in 
>> preferences select the given account in the table if you have more 
>> than one account, then I believe click the Advanced tab and there is a 
>> remove from server function that you can click.
>> If you have archiving turned on in your Gmail account though, you may 
>> as well forget it because it's archiving and going to probably leve 
>> it there unless you go in on the web."
>> I went to my Gmail account on the web and looked under settings but couldn't 
>> find any place to cancel the archives.  I did set Mail on the Mac as he 
>> described.  I'm trying to prevent getting the same messages twice  on 2 
>> different computers.  Where can I stop the archiving on my Gmail page?
>> TIA,
>> Linda
> -- 
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Re: Home sharing

2010-07-31 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Julie,

Yes, I usedto use JFW also, switched to Hal and then finally Window-Eyes. I 
think the hardest thing for me to get used to is that you have to interact with 
an element in order to get more info. In my mind, I have mapped the mac keys to 
their Windows equivalents. For example, command is akin to the alt, option and 
control is equal to the Windows Logo key or menu key I think it's called. Vo 
Spacebar is the equivalent of enter, and VO shift down arrow is the equivalent 
of routing the JFW cursor. I don't know if that helps any but that's how I 
think of it. I hope I have helped. Please let me know if you need more. There 
are people on this list who are way more accomplished than I and I'm sure would 
be better equipped to help you. But I thought I'd jump in and offer my two 
cents. I also have an Iphone, not the 4, 3GS butI love it. I used to use a 
Nokia E71X with Mobile Speak. I love the Iphone so much more. Yes, I too love 
supporting Apple's accessibility out of the box, it levels the playing field 
for all of us. Have a great day!


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Aug 1, 2010, at 12:21 AM, wrote:

> Hello
> Nice to meet you too   All help would be greatly appreciated. Yes 15 plus 
> years with a pc and JFW   
> Still use them at work but a year with the I phone and a desire to support 
> that out of the box access and here I am   Mac 101!!
> Any hints?
> - Julie 
> On Jul 31, 2010, at 10:07 PM, Allison Manzino  wrote:
>> Hi Julie,
>> Nice to meet you. I'm Allison. I don't know if you can share content other 
>> than Itunes by enabling home sharing.  I'm new to the Mac as well. I've only 
>> had mine since April. Were you a Windows user previously? MaybeI can help if 
>> you'd like offlist so the learning curve won't be so steep. Have a great day.
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Jul 31, 2010, at 10:59 PM, wrote:
>>> Good evening 
>>> Does anyone know if by enabling home sharing in I tunes I can transfer 
>>> media besides or rather in addition to the purchases from I tunes?  I can 
>>> only find info regarding purchases.  Much of my collection is not from I 
>>> tunes. 
>>> When turning on home sharing I was not able to enter account password 
>>> though VO confirmed I was in that edit box.  
>>> I am liking my Mac Book Pro   The learning curve is tough for me   
>>> Regards
>>> Julie 
>>> -- 
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
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>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>> For more options, visit this group at 
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Voice over voice messed up

2010-07-31 Thread Gena Harper
Hi there,

My name is Gena.  I just jointed this group and am just learning to use a MAC.  
I somehow changed the settings on my voiceover voice so it sounds strange.  I 
did find intonation, verbosity, pitch, volumn etc. but i can't get it to sound 
the original way.  Please let me know if you know how to get it back to the 
original settings


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Re: Home sharing

2010-07-31 Thread 504area
Yes it helps.  What about the equivalent of my computer?   

- Julie 

On Aug 1, 2010, at 12:07 AM, Allison Manzino  wrote:

> Hi Julie,
> Yes, I usedto use JFW also, switched to Hal and then finally Window-Eyes. I 
> think the hardest thing for me to get used to is that you have to interact 
> with an element in order to get more info. In my mind, I have mapped the mac 
> keys to their Windows equivalents. For example, command is akin to the alt, 
> option and control is equal to the Windows Logo key or menu key I think it's 
> called. Vo Spacebar is the equivalent of enter, and VO shift down arrow is 
> the equivalent of routing the JFW cursor. I don't know if that helps any but 
> that's how I think of it. I hope I have helped. Please let me know if you 
> need more. There are people on this list who are way more accomplished than I 
> and I'm sure would be better equipped to help you. But I thought I'd jump in 
> and offer my two cents. I also have an Iphone, not the 4, 3GS butI love it. I 
> used to use a Nokia E71X with Mobile Speak. I love the Iphone so much more. 
> Yes, I too love supporting Apple's accessibility out of the box, it levels 
> the playing field for all of us. Have a great day!
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Aug 1, 2010, at 12:21 AM, wrote:
>> Hello
>> Nice to meet you too   All help would be greatly appreciated. Yes 15 plus 
>> years with a pc and JFW   
>> Still use them at work but a year with the I phone and a desire to support 
>> that out of the box access and here I am   Mac 101!!
>> Any hints?
>> - Julie 
>> On Jul 31, 2010, at 10:07 PM, Allison Manzino  wrote:
>>> Hi Julie,
>>> Nice to meet you. I'm Allison. I don't know if you can share content other 
>>> than Itunes by enabling home sharing.  I'm new to the Mac as well. I've 
>>> only had mine since April. Were you a Windows user previously? MaybeI can 
>>> help if you'd like offlist so the learning curve won't be so steep. Have a 
>>> great day.
>>> Allison
>>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>>> On Jul 31, 2010, at 10:59 PM, wrote:
 Good evening 
 Does anyone know if by enabling home sharing in I tunes I can transfer 
 media besides or rather in addition to the purchases from I tunes?  I can 
 only find info regarding purchases.  Much of my collection is not from I 
 When turning on home sharing I was not able to enter account password 
 though VO confirmed I was in that edit box.  
 I am liking my Mac Book Pro   The learning curve is tough for me   
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Re: Voice over voice messed up

2010-07-31 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Gena,

Yu can do one of two things to get back to normal. You can hit option control 
command and left arrow till you get to the voice selection menu. Or you can hit 
option control F8 and configure it in VO Utilities. I hope that helps. I did 
that too when I first got my Mac.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Aug 1, 2010, at 1:10 AM, Gena Harper wrote:

> Hi there,
> My name is Gena.  I just jointed this group and am just learning to use a 
> MAC.  I somehow changed the settings on my voiceover voice so it sounds 
> strange.  I did find intonation, verbosity, pitch, volumn etc. but i can't 
> get it to sound the original way.  Please let me know if you know how to get 
> it back to the original settings
> Thanks,
> Gena
> -- 
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Re: Home sharing

2010-07-31 Thread Allison Manzino
HI Julie,

I think the equivalent of my computer would be the finder window on the dock. 
It has all the drives and devices on it. Or you can use spotlight to search for 
things  that way as well. I listened to several podcasts on the Mac by Mike 
Arrigo, and then on the Australian Mac podcast. I think they are called Vision 
Australia. I hope that helps.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Aug 1, 2010, at 1:18 AM, wrote:

> Yes it helps.  What about the equivalent of my computer?   
> - Julie 
> On Aug 1, 2010, at 12:07 AM, Allison Manzino  wrote:
>> Hi Julie,
>> Yes, I usedto use JFW also, switched to Hal and then finally Window-Eyes. I 
>> think the hardest thing for me to get used to is that you have to interact 
>> with an element in order to get more info. In my mind, I have mapped the mac 
>> keys to their Windows equivalents. For example, command is akin to the alt, 
>> option and control is equal to the Windows Logo key or menu key I think it's 
>> called. Vo Spacebar is the equivalent of enter, and VO shift down arrow is 
>> the equivalent of routing the JFW cursor. I don't know if that helps any but 
>> that's how I think of it. I hope I have helped. Please let me know if you 
>> need more. There are people on this list who are way more accomplished than 
>> I and I'm sure would be better equipped to help you. But I thought I'd jump 
>> in and offer my two cents. I also have an Iphone, not the 4, 3GS butI love 
>> it. I used to use a Nokia E71X with Mobile Speak. I love the Iphone so much 
>> more. Yes, I too love supporting Apple's accessibility out of the box, it 
>> levels the playing field for all of us. Have a great day!
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Aug 1, 2010, at 12:21 AM, wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> Nice to meet you too   All help would be greatly appreciated. Yes 15 plus 
>>> years with a pc and JFW   
>>> Still use them at work but a year with the I phone and a desire to support 
>>> that out of the box access and here I am   Mac 101!!
>>> Any hints?
>>> - Julie 
>>> On Jul 31, 2010, at 10:07 PM, Allison Manzino  wrote:
 Hi Julie,
 Nice to meet you. I'm Allison. I don't know if you can share content other 
 than Itunes by enabling home sharing.  I'm new to the Mac as well. I've 
 only had mine since April. Were you a Windows user previously? MaybeI can 
 help if you'd like offlist so the learning curve won't be so steep. Have a 
 great day.
 My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
 On Jul 31, 2010, at 10:59 PM, wrote:
> Good evening 
> Does anyone know if by enabling home sharing in I tunes I can transfer 
> media besides or rather in addition to the purchases from I tunes?  I can 
> only find info regarding purchases.  Much of my collection is not from I 
> tunes. 
> When turning on home sharing I was not able to enter account password 
> though VO confirmed I was in that edit box.  
> I am liking my Mac Book Pro   The learning curve is tough for me   
> Regards
> Julie 
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Re: Voice over voice messed up

2010-07-31 Thread Gena Harper
Hi Allison,

Thank you for the info.  I did do the thing with the left arrow but it never 
said what normal was.  It just gave me a lot of options such as %s for each 
category and I don'tknow what the original settings are/were.

Any other thoughts, please let me know.  I appreciate it.


On Jul 31, 2010, at 10:24 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Gena,
> Yu can do one of two things to get back to normal. You can hit option control 
> command and left arrow till you get to the voice selection menu. Or you can 
> hit option control F8 and configure it in VO Utilities. I hope that helps. I 
> did that too when I first got my Mac.
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Aug 1, 2010, at 1:10 AM, Gena Harper wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> My name is Gena.  I just jointed this group and am just learning to use a 
>> MAC.  I somehow changed the settings on my voiceover voice so it sounds 
>> strange.  I did find intonation, verbosity, pitch, volumn etc. but i can't 
>> get it to sound the original way.  Please let me know if you know how to get 
>> it back to the original settings
>> Thanks,
>> Gena
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