Re: accsessable desk top face book cliant for mac?

2010-07-20 Thread Chris Moore
I am not aware of any, but if you are finding the main facebook site tricky to 
use, You could always point your web browser at - this is a 
stripped down non javescript version

You can also connect to facebook chat via Adium, aol instant Messenger or iChat 


On 20 Jul 2010, at 03:08, trahern culver wrote:

> hey all does any one know of any accsessable desk top face book
> cliants for mac os10?
> your help with this question would be most welcom!!!
> kind regards trahern.
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Question about webkit

2010-07-20 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hello all,

I just downloaded webkit and I notice it looks like and even says safari.  I 
was wondering if I needed to actually open webkit to be using it?  I mean, so 
when I open safari it won't be running the latest build of webkit right?  I 
hope my question makes sense. :).  Not really sure how to explain myself 

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Entering braille from a braille keyboard

2010-07-20 Thread Tom Dekker
Hello folks,
Here I am, yet another Mac newby, though I seem to be making a lot
more progress lately. It all started when the Windows machine was in
the shop for two weeks. 

I have a BrailleConnect 40 which is absolutely woofderful, but I'm
wondering where one can find a listing of how to type in all the
characters such as: at sign, greater than, less than, etc. Though I
haven't actually tried it on the mac yet, I can tell you that typing a
dot 4 to get an at sign, with braille display connected to iPhone,
gets me a whole string of weirdness that I can't really even describe.
So, I'm obviously doing something wrong.

Also, if writing to me, to also send it directly to my email:, since I still find navigating and exploring
these groups to be an extremely confusing and time-consuming process.
I'm sure someone could give me some hints on how to speed up the
process. I tried having summaries delivered by email. But somehow,
when I click on the links that give "subject, with x number of
replies", there's no reaction. Are they really links? The mac says so.

Yours confusedly,

WMTusing my iPhone, the

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Re: Entering braille from a braille keyboard

2010-07-20 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi tom,

On my mbp braille entry is only 8 dot computer braille.  The at sign is dots 4, 
7.  I think it might be possible to get grade two entry through a third party 
language pack, but I haven't had time to play.


Erik Burggraaf
User support consultant,
Toll-free: 888-255-5194

On 2010-07-20, at 7:56 AM, Tom Dekker wrote:


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Re: Window Eyes under Fusion

2010-07-20 Thread Peter Durieux
Hi Garry,

I don't use we myself in a virtual machine.
but there is a script for Window-Eyes that remaps the insert key to the 
capslock key.
Maybe something usefull for you. 

Hope this helps,

Kind regards.


Op 19-jul-2010, om 22:40 heeft Garry Turkington het volgende geschreven:

> Hi,
> I've seen many people are using Windows VMs under Fusion -- it's great
> to see virtualisation aiding accessibility.
> Most people seem to be using Jaws though, anyone using Window Eyes in
> a Fusion VM?  If so any comments on any issues?  I presume for
> starters I'd need do some key mapping.
> Thanks,
> Garry
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Re: youtube to mp3 converter

2010-07-20 Thread annelie robledo
Thanks this is a really cool trick. By the wash you can use an app called mpeg 
stream clip to extract audio. Will do flv to aac. 
On Jul 19, 2010, at 9:20 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> Ahh, I tried it again and apparently Gazzump wants you to register after you 
> download one file. I'm not a big fan of giving away my personal information 
> so I guess I'm back to the manual process I previously described. So I did 
> notice one thing was that you get mp4 files more often if you are using the 
> html5 interface. To switch to that go to and click the Join 
> HTML5 Beta link. After that it will try to use the html5 player instead of 
> Flash when possible and download mp4 files instead of flv. I've heard that 
> the flv files are just a wrapper around mpeg4 anyway so most videos should be 
> available in mp4 except some early uploads. Your Libre example came down in 
> mp4 after switching to html5 on youtube. That said, I was able to download 
> the flv version by opting back out of the html5 beta but the flv still loaded 
> up fine in QT Player and I was able to export the AIFF audio-only version 
> which I can then bring into iTunes to mp3 encode. 
> CB
> Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> When I hit the convert button it said that the video was only available to 
>> premium members. and I chose mp3.
>> for those who want to try that site cris mentioned here is the link to the 
>> vid I was trying to convert.
>> a beautiful piece if you ask me. lol!
>> S
>> On Jul 16, 2010, at 1:25 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:
>>> You're saying the gazzump site didn't work? I just tried it before I sent 
>>> the email.
>>> CB
>>> Sarah Alawami wrote:
 Unfortunately the link I tried said it was only available for premium 
 members and i tried to download it as an mp3. Um? did the site change?
 On Jul 16, 2010, at 11:57 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
> If you have the video loaded on the youtube page in Safari, open up the 
> activity monitor with option-apple-a. That is the list of all the pieces 
> that make up the page in a table. If you hunt through there there should 
> be one very large item (size is the second column) which is the video 
> file itself. For example, here is one:
> It was 21.8MB while everything else was 100KB or less. Copy that URL, go 
> to the download manager, command-option-l, then paste the URL. It should 
> now download the video file to your desktop.
> I noticed that not all video files are mp4, but most seems to be. While I 
> was hunting around I also found this site which seems to do all this and 
> make an mp3 file much easier:
> You paste in the youtube url, such as this:
> and click the download button. On the next page find the Choose a Format 
> popup and select MP3 then VO right to the Convert button. After that you 
> have to wait while they download and convert the file. After that you 
> should find a "Click here to download YouTube- 'Star Wars (John Williams 
> Is The Man)' medley - Corey Vidal and Moosebutter - a cappella tribute" 
> or whatever video you did link. Clicking that should drop an mp3 on your 
> desktop.
> CB
> Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Well, there is something called Tooble which will allow you to download 
>> YouTube videos. Unfortunately, when you preview the application seems 
>> prone to crashing quite frequently, and the developer is not responding 
>> or fixing this issue even though it is being continuously updated. Also, 
>> the button called "Audio only" does not only make it into audio, but 
>> still downloads the video as well as makes an audio file. THis applies 
>> to either button, whether it is "Download" or "Audio only". 
>> Unfortunately, for some weird reason, it uses .wav format but, if you 
>> can deal with that, you can just convert.
>> To download, however, you will need to purchase Tooble Pro which is $5 I 
>> believe. That is the only one I was able to find, and I'm actually 
>> pretty happy with it as it allows you to download videos, search, and 
>> brows your subscriptions on your YouTube account. Despite its 
>> shortcomings, it works

Re: youtube to mp3 converter

2010-07-20 Thread Chris Blouch

Nice. That's much easier.


annelie robledo wrote:
Thanks this is a really cool trick. By the wash you can use an app 
called mpeg stream clip to extract audio. Will do flv to aac. 
On Jul 19, 2010, at 9:20 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

Ahh, I tried it again and apparently Gazzump wants you to register 
after you download one file. I'm not a big fan of giving away my 
personal information so I guess I'm back to the manual process I 
previously described. So I did notice one thing was that you get mp4 
files more often if you are using the html5 interface. To switch to 
that go to  and click the 
Join HTML5 Beta link. After that it will try to use the html5 player 
instead of Flash when possible and download mp4 files instead of flv. 
I've heard that the flv files are just a wrapper around mpeg4 anyway 
so most videos should be available in mp4 except some early uploads. 
Your Libre example came down in mp4 after switching to html5 on 
youtube. That said, I was able to download the flv version by opting 
back out of the html5 beta but the flv still loaded up fine in QT 
Player and I was able to export the AIFF audio-only version which I 
can then bring into iTunes to mp3 encode.


Sarah Alawami wrote:

When I hit the convert button it said that the video was only available to 
premium members. and I chose mp3.

for those who want to try that site cris mentioned here is the link to the vid 
I was trying to convert.

a beautiful piece if you ask me. lol!

On Jul 16, 2010, at 1:25 PM, Chris Blouch wrote:


You're saying the gazzump site didn't work? I just tried it before I sent the 


Sarah Alawami wrote:

Unfortunately the link I tried said it was only available for premium members 
and i tried to download it as an mp3. Um? did the site change?

On Jul 16, 2010, at 11:57 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:



If you have the video loaded on the youtube page in Safari, open up the 
activity monitor with option-apple-a. That is the list of all the pieces that 
make up the page in a table. If you hunt through there there should be one very 
large item (size is the second column) which is the video file itself. For 
example, here is one:

It was 21.8MB while everything else was 100KB or less. Copy that URL, go to the 
download manager, command-option-l, then paste the URL. It should now download 
the video file to your desktop.

I noticed that not all video files are mp4, but most seems to be. While I was 
hunting around I also found this site which seems to do all this and make an 
mp3 file much easier:

You paste in the youtube url, such as this:

and click the download button. On the next page find the Choose a Format popup and select 
MP3 then VO right to the Convert button. After that you have to wait while they download 
and convert the file. After that you should find a "Click here to download YouTube- 
'Star Wars (John Williams Is The Man)' medley - Corey Vidal and Moosebutter - a cappella 
tribute" or whatever video you did link. Clicking that should drop an mp3 on your 


Nicolai Svendsen wrote:


Well, there is something called Tooble which will allow you to download YouTube videos. Unfortunately, when 
you preview the application seems prone to crashing quite frequently, and the developer is not responding or 
fixing this issue even though it is being continuously updated. Also, the button called "Audio 
only" does not only make it into audio, but still downloads the video as well as makes an audio file. 
THis applies to either button, whether it is "Download" or "Audio only". Unfortunately, 
for some weird reason, it uses .wav format but, if you can deal with that, you can just convert.

To download, however, you will need to purchase Tooble Pro which is $5 I 
believe. That is the only one I was able to find, and I'm actually pretty happy 
with it as it allows you to download videos, search, and brows your 
subscriptions on your YouTube account. Despite its shortcomings, it works 
nicely when it wants to.

Mobile Me:


Skype: Kvalme
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AIM: cincinster

On Jul 16, 2010, at 6:34 PM, joseph wrote:



hi list members

is there any voice over friendly version of the mentioned above?

thank you in advance

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Re: Question about webkit

2010-07-20 Thread Chris Blouch
Webkit is a render engine so it uses Safari as the shell but under the 
hood it's webkit.


Ricardo Walker wrote:

Hello all,

I just downloaded webkit and I notice it looks like and even says safari.  I was wondering if I needed to actually open webkit to be using it?  I mean, so when I open safari it won't be running the latest build of webkit right?  I hope my question makes sense. :).  Not really sure how to explain myself better.  


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Re: dvd ripper

2010-07-20 Thread Chris Blouch
RipIt is another tool you might want to try out. At a minimum it will 
get your DVD copied to your hard drive and from there you can process it 
down to something else. At the same time, disk space is cheap so 
(assuming you still want the video) why not just leave it in the 
original mpeg2 flavor?


Chris Snyder wrote:

Hi guys,
I'm looking for an accessible dvd ripper that will turn the dvd into an Divx 
avi or xvid or something. Ripping to mp4 would be ok. I want to continue the 
work I started in windows a long time ago. I want to digitize all of my dvds.



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Re: itunes store

2010-07-20 Thread Chris Blouch

Apple has instructions here:


chad baker wrote:

Hi i'm going to be getting a ipod touch 32 gb.
I'm trying to create a itunes account i don't have a credit card.
All i will be doing is downloading the free apps.
Do i need to do it from the ipod when i get it or can i create it in itunes?


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Re: Seeing shared folders on other computers?

2010-07-20 Thread Chris Blouch
If you do command-K to Conenct to a server (also located under the Go 
menu) you can just use the server address:


where server_name is the DNS or IP address of the Windows box with file 
serving available. After hitting the Connect button you should get 
prompted for the username and password and then it will give you a list 
of available shares on that box.


Kevin Mattingly wrote:

Can I look at shared folders on a windows machine on my mac and if so, where 
would I look at that?



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Re: Genealogy-software on the Mac

2010-07-20 Thread Chris Blouch

Well, there is the online, but I think the whole UI is Flash.


clarence griffin wrote:

I wouldn't mind this either. My mother does this and is also interested in 
getting a mac, so this would be kind of cool to find her something to use.


On Jul 5, 2010, at 2:59 PM, David Hole wrote:


Hi folks.
A short little question here.
Does anyone here know of any good genealogy-software for the Mac?
Something that's just easy to use, and saves to/or export to Gedcon-files, so 
it can be used in other software?
Kind regards David

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RE: DVD ripper

2010-07-20 Thread Kliphton.A.M
Why not try DVD to AVI?  This is a program that I use, not only does it make
it smaller than a GIG, but it automatically removes the copy right
protection.  It's only 20 bucks, and well worth the dollar.  Here's the

Look for the 1 that says DVD to AVI.  It has a lot of other stuff, but this
is the one I use.  I have over 1200 movies, on a external hard drive that is
a terabyte.  And it works wonders.  I was able to get rid of the DVD clutter
in my house, and still keep my movies.  Good luck.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: dvd ripper

RipIt is another tool you might want to try out. At a minimum it will 
get your DVD copied to your hard drive and from there you can process it 
down to something else. At the same time, disk space is cheap so 
(assuming you still want the video) why not just leave it in the 
original mpeg2 flavor?


Chris Snyder wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm looking for an accessible dvd ripper that will turn the dvd into an
Divx avi or xvid or something. Ripping to mp4 would be ok. I want to
continue the work I started in windows a long time ago. I want to digitize
all of my dvds.
> Thanks.
> Friendly,
> Chris

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Re: web kit

2010-07-20 Thread Chris Blouch
Webkit is the render engine that powers Safari, Chrome, iCab, OmniWeb 
and many mobile browsers. When you get the 'nightly build' you are 
getting an advanced newer version of the engine which usually has a lot 
more bugs fixed, but could also have new bugs. Generally it works pretty 
well and has a number of accessibility fixes in it so some people like 
to use the webkit nightly builds instead of Safari, which usually lags 
the nightly builds by a few months. The engine still uses the same 
Safari 'shell' so it's usually hard to tell them apart.


Kliphton.A.M wrote:

What does the web kitt do?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Carolyn
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2010 10:55 PM
Subject: web kit

Ok, think I have the file as a zip file.  How do I get it installed, Pleas?
Thak you.



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2010-07-20 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
How do you see all of your podcast feeds in iTunes? I go to podcasts in 
sources, playlist browser, but do not see all feeds listed. If I manually 
searched for something, I can find the episodes, but I want to see all 
subscribed feeds in the list browser.

Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal Come join me on

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Re: podcasts

2010-07-20 Thread Sarah Alawami
You should be able to. just expand the podcast feed with vo backslash and down 
arrow to the feed ep you want.

Take care.

On Jul 20, 2010, at 11:43 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> How do you see all of your podcast feeds in iTunes? I go to podcasts in 
> sources, playlist browser, but do not see all feeds listed. If I manually 
> searched for something, I can find the episodes, but I want to see all 
> subscribed feeds in the list browser.
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal Come join me on
> -- 
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Re: podcasts

2010-07-20 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Sarai,

You go to podcasts in the playlist and then go passed there to where VO says 
podcasts scroll area. Then you should be able to interact with it and see all 
your podcasts. It will list them in alphabetical order. I hope that helps.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:43 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> How do you see all of your podcast feeds in iTunes? I go to podcasts in 
> sources, playlist browser, but do not see all feeds listed. If I manually 
> searched for something, I can find the episodes, but I want to see all 
> subscribed feeds in the list browser.
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal Come join me on
> -- 
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quickly erasing individual markers in amadeus Pro

2010-07-20 Thread Ray Foret Jr
To those of y'all who use Amadeus Pro, is there a fast way to erase individual 
markers?  I don't want to have to remove all markers and then just put back the 
ones I want for file division.  Thanks.

The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!

rforetjr at comcast dot net
Skype Name:

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Re: quickly erasing individual markers in amadeus Pro

2010-07-20 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Ray,

THe only way I know of to erase individual markers is to go to markers in the 
menu bar and you can see a list of all the markers and then just click delete 
on the ones you want. You have to do this for each one you want to delete.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Jul 20, 2010, at 4:12 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> To those of y'all who use Amadeus Pro, is there a fast way to erase 
> individual markers?  I don't want to have to remove all markers and then just 
> put back the ones I want for file division.  Thanks.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> E-Mail:
> rforetjr at comcast dot net
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> -- 
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Re: USB drives in VM Fusion

2010-07-20 Thread Chris Snyder
Hi Simon,
Sadly, while I saw an option that said connect the Seagate Portable RSS under 
USB, no acknowledgement was made by the XP virtual machine of its existence.
Have you any other ideas?


On Jul 8, 2010, at 3:12 AM, Simon F wrote:

> Ok If it's connecting to the mac, dis connect (eject ) it from the mac, but
> leave it actually plugged in to the machine. And then go into the virtual
> machine menu of the vm fusion software and find the USB devices option in
> the menu and make sure the USB drive is enabled within vm fusion.
> Hope that helps.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Chris Snyder
> Sent: Wednesday, 7 July 2010 8:17 p.m.
> To:
> Subject: USB drives in VM Fusion
> Hi guys,
> I seem to be having difficulty attaching an NTFS usb drive to the XP virtual
> machine in VM fusion. It does appear on the Mac desktop, but it doesn't seem
> to want to attach in Fusion. Any ideas?
> Friendly,
> Chris
> -- 
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Re: DVD ripper

2010-07-20 Thread Chris Snyder
Sounds like just what I'm looking for. Thanks.

On Jul 20, 2010, at 8:31 AM, Kliphton.A.M wrote:

> Why not try DVD to AVI?  This is a program that I use, not only does it make
> it smaller than a GIG, but it automatically removes the copy right
> protection.  It's only 20 bucks, and well worth the dollar.  Here's the
> link.
> Look for the 1 that says DVD to AVI.  It has a lot of other stuff, but this
> is the one I use.  I have over 1200 movies, on a external hard drive that is
> a terabyte.  And it works wonders.  I was able to get rid of the DVD clutter
> in my house, and still keep my movies.  Good luck.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
> Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 10:03 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: dvd ripper
> RipIt is another tool you might want to try out. At a minimum it will 
> get your DVD copied to your hard drive and from there you can process it 
> down to something else. At the same time, disk space is cheap so 
> (assuming you still want the video) why not just leave it in the 
> original mpeg2 flavor?
> CB
> Chris Snyder wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I'm looking for an accessible dvd ripper that will turn the dvd into an
> Divx avi or xvid or something. Ripping to mp4 would be ok. I want to
> continue the work I started in windows a long time ago. I want to digitize
> all of my dvds.
>> Thanks.
>> Friendly,
>> Chris
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Re: DVD ripper

2010-07-20 Thread Chris Snyder
Hi Again,
I downloaded the trial version to check out the interface, and all I'm getting 
via voiceover is "Unknown, unknown, unknown" across the screen. Are you using 
this with voiceover? I really need a program that can convert the video to avi, 
be it Divx or Xvid. I have a media machine where I keep all of my movies and tv 

On Jul 20, 2010, at 8:31 AM, Kliphton.A.M wrote:

> Why not try DVD to AVI?  This is a program that I use, not only does it make
> it smaller than a GIG, but it automatically removes the copy right
> protection.  It's only 20 bucks, and well worth the dollar.  Here's the
> link.
> Look for the 1 that says DVD to AVI.  It has a lot of other stuff, but this
> is the one I use.  I have over 1200 movies, on a external hard drive that is
> a terabyte.  And it works wonders.  I was able to get rid of the DVD clutter
> in my house, and still keep my movies.  Good luck.
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
> Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 10:03 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: dvd ripper
> RipIt is another tool you might want to try out. At a minimum it will 
> get your DVD copied to your hard drive and from there you can process it 
> down to something else. At the same time, disk space is cheap so 
> (assuming you still want the video) why not just leave it in the 
> original mpeg2 flavor?
> CB
> Chris Snyder wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I'm looking for an accessible dvd ripper that will turn the dvd into an
> Divx avi or xvid or something. Ripping to mp4 would be ok. I want to
> continue the work I started in windows a long time ago. I want to digitize
> all of my dvds.
>> Thanks.
>> Friendly,
>> Chris
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Re: quickly erasing individual markers in amadeus Pro

2010-07-20 Thread Sarah Alawami
I  never saw that list in the markers menu. Um? that's a bit odd?
On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:30 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Ray,
> THe only way I know of to erase individual markers is to go to markers in the 
> menu bar and you can see a list of all the markers and then just click delete 
> on the ones you want. You have to do this for each one you want to delete.
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Jul 20, 2010, at 4:12 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> To those of y'all who use Amadeus Pro, is there a fast way to erase 
>> individual markers?  I don't want to have to remove all markers and then 
>> just put back the ones I want for file division.  Thanks.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> E-Mail:
>> rforetjr at comcast dot net
>> Skype Name:
>> barefootedray
>> -- 
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Re: quickly erasing individual markers in amadeus Pro

2010-07-20 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Ray, 
Let me see where it is exactly. 
It's in a menu called window and it's right under repair center. THere is an 
option that says  markers you just hit enter on it. If you need help I can make 
you an audio file.

My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Jul 20, 2010, at 6:38 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> I  never saw that list in the markers menu. Um? that's a bit odd?
> On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:30 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi Ray,
>> THe only way I know of to erase individual markers is to go to markers in 
>> the menu bar and you can see a list of all the markers and then just click 
>> delete on the ones you want. You have to do this for each one you want to 
>> delete.
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Jul 20, 2010, at 4:12 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>> To those of y'all who use Amadeus Pro, is there a fast way to erase 
>>> individual markers?  I don't want to have to remove all markers and then 
>>> just put back the ones I want for file division.  Thanks.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>> E-Mail:
>>> rforetjr at comcast dot net
>>> Skype Name:
>>> barefootedray
>>> -- 
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Re: DVD ripper

2010-07-20 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Chris,

If you're using dvd ripper yes, you will get unknown you have to download DVD 
Remaster which can be downloaded from:

I also have a podcast on it which can be found at:

I hope that helps.

My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Jul 20, 2010, at 6:36 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:

> Hi Again,
> I downloaded the trial version to check out the interface, and all I'm 
> getting via voiceover is "Unknown, unknown, unknown" across the screen. Are 
> you using this with voiceover? I really need a program that can convert the 
> video to avi, be it Divx or Xvid. I have a media machine where I keep all of 
> my movies and tv shows. 
> Friendly,
> Chris
> On Jul 20, 2010, at 8:31 AM, Kliphton.A.M wrote:
>> Why not try DVD to AVI?  This is a program that I use, not only does it make
>> it smaller than a GIG, but it automatically removes the copy right
>> protection.  It's only 20 bucks, and well worth the dollar.  Here's the
>> link.
>> Look for the 1 that says DVD to AVI.  It has a lot of other stuff, but this
>> is the one I use.  I have over 1200 movies, on a external hard drive that is
>> a terabyte.  And it works wonders.  I was able to get rid of the DVD clutter
>> in my house, and still keep my movies.  Good luck.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Chris Blouch
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 10:03 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: dvd ripper
>> RipIt is another tool you might want to try out. At a minimum it will 
>> get your DVD copied to your hard drive and from there you can process it 
>> down to something else. At the same time, disk space is cheap so 
>> (assuming you still want the video) why not just leave it in the 
>> original mpeg2 flavor?
>> CB
>> Chris Snyder wrote:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> I'm looking for an accessible dvd ripper that will turn the dvd into an
>> Divx avi or xvid or something. Ripping to mp4 would be ok. I want to
>> continue the work I started in windows a long time ago. I want to digitize
>> all of my dvds.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Friendly,
>>> Chris
>> -- 
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usb mixer and vm fusion

2010-07-20 Thread joseph
hi list members

i am running windows 7 using parallel desktop.  the problem is, i can
not choose to use my usb mixer with mac or windows whenever i want
without sited help.  can i do so independently with vm fusion?

your help is appreciated.


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Friendly Hello And Introduction

2010-07-20 Thread Kevin Shaw
Greetings fellow Mac users,

My name is Kevin Shaw and I've just joined the MV list. I've got a Macbook Pro, 
an iPhone and iMac and I'm really enjoying being back on the Mac platform after 
swimming for years in shark-infested waters.

I've just completed a Masters thesis on using Voiceover and ProTools to record 
a five piece rock band. You can expect to hear more about this once I defend my 
research in August. 

I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys and learning about some things 
on the Mac, such as AppleScript and possibly some more advanced programming 

Thanks and see you around.

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Re: podcasts

2010-07-20 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I don't have a "podcasts scrole area.
On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:04 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Sarai,
> You go to podcasts in the playlist and then go passed there to where VO says 
> podcasts scroll area. Then you should be able to interact with it and see all 
> your podcasts. It will list them in alphabetical order. I hope that helps.
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:43 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi:
>> How do you see all of your podcast feeds in iTunes? I go to podcasts in 
>> sources, playlist browser, but do not see all feeds listed. If I manually 
>> searched for something, I can find the episodes, but I want to see all 
>> subscribed feeds in the list browser.
>> Sarai Bucciarelli
>> Personal Come join me on
>> -- 
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Re: Friendly Hello And Introduction

2010-07-20 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Welcome Kevin. Nice analogy. LOL. I'm a new Mac user myself. It's been a wild, 
but fun ride!
On Jul 20, 2010, at 7:05 PM, Kevin Shaw wrote:

> Greetings fellow Mac users,
> My name is Kevin Shaw and I've just joined the MV list. I've got a Macbook 
> Pro, an iPhone and iMac and I'm really enjoying being back on the Mac 
> platform after swimming for years in shark-infested waters.
> I've just completed a Masters thesis on using Voiceover and ProTools to 
> record a five piece rock band. You can expect to hear more about this once I 
> defend my research in August. 
> I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys and learning about some 
> things on the Mac, such as AppleScript and possibly some more advanced 
> programming features.
> Thanks and see you around.
> Kevin
> -- 
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2010-07-20 Thread Jonathan Cohn
I am not sure exactly what you are asking  I do want to put one
word of caution out there.  If somebody replys to a message, and then
changes the subject the message will usually still show in the
original thread.  This is because there are headers in the e-mail that
are used for the threading ("In-reply-to" & Reference should be the
exact headers)Most mail tools us e these headers, but GMAIL does

Best regards,


On 19/07/2010, Sarah Alawami  wrote:
> I jsut hit enter on the msg  I was on last.
> Take care.
> S
> On Jul 19, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>> Hi All.
>> I now read my messages in threaded view as I prefer it.
>> However I have one question.
>> Once you have replied to a message your message appears at the end of all
>> the messages you've read.
>> However, if you just want to read your message without opening the thread
>> again, how do you do that please?
>> Kawal.
>> Kawal Gucukoglu
>> (E-mail/MSN):
>> (Skype ID):
>> kawalgucukoglu
>> (Mobile/Text):
>> +447905618396
>> +447576240421
>> --
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Re: Safari troubles, when navigating to a previous page

2010-07-20 Thread Jonathan Cohn
There is an option to go to top of page on new web sites...  perhaps
this is causing  your concerns?  I have not attempted to uncheck this
and see what the behavior is.  I do on occasion use VO-command-1 for
this functionality.  This would however be a little limiting.

On 19/07/2010, Alfredo  wrote:
> I will try the pressing Enter+Control key, to open a link in a new
> tab, then closing the tab will get me back to I was previously.  I
> will also send an email to apple about this problem.  I do navigate
> header by header to bypass all the advertisements.  Recently I have
> adapted to using the quick nav features, which makes navigating on
> websites so much easier.  I have used the item rotor to filter links
> and forms controls whcih makes navigating easier if quick nav does not
> do the job.  I do need to be or like to be back tot he palce I was in
> the previous webpage, though.
> Alfredo
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Re: quickly erasing individual markers in amadeus Pro

2010-07-20 Thread Sarah Alawami
Ah is that where it is? I'll take a look.


On Jul 20, 2010, at 4:31 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Ray, 
> Let me see where it is exactly. 
> It's in a menu called window and it's right under repair center. THere is an 
> option that says  markers you just hit enter on it. If you need help I can 
> make you an audio file.
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Jul 20, 2010, at 6:38 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> I  never saw that list in the markers menu. Um? that's a bit odd?
>> On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:30 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>>> Hi Ray,
>>> THe only way I know of to erase individual markers is to go to markers in 
>>> the menu bar and you can see a list of all the markers and then just click 
>>> delete on the ones you want. You have to do this for each one you want to 
>>> delete.
>>> Allison
>>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>>> On Jul 20, 2010, at 4:12 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
 To those of y'all who use Amadeus Pro, is there a fast way to erase 
 individual markers?  I don't want to have to remove all markers and then 
 just put back the ones I want for file division.  Thanks.
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
 rforetjr at comcast dot net
 Skype Name:
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: podcasts

2010-07-20 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Sarai,

Hmm, what Sarah told you might work better than. How many podcasts do you have 
in Itunes? I have Sarah's podcast the Marrie podcast, NPR songs, Malynne's 
slice of life and so on. I say all of this because every time I want to see if 
the podcast feeds have been updated, I go to the podcasts on the sources table, 
and then VO right arrow until I hear Podcast scroll area or maybe it's just a 
podcast button. You may have to do this a few times. If it helps, I can record 
how I do it.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Jul 20, 2010, at 9:05 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> I don't have a "podcasts scrole area.
> On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:04 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi Sarai,
>> You go to podcasts in the playlist and then go passed there to where VO says 
>> podcasts scroll area. Then you should be able to interact with it and see 
>> all your podcasts. It will list them in alphabetical order. I hope that 
>> helps.
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:43 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> How do you see all of your podcast feeds in iTunes? I go to podcasts in 
>>> sources, playlist browser, but do not see all feeds listed. If I manually 
>>> searched for something, I can find the episodes, but I want to see all 
>>> subscribed feeds in the list browser.
>>> Sarai Bucciarelli
>>> Personal Come join me on
>>> -- 
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Re: Friendly Hello And Introduction

2010-07-20 Thread Slau Halatyn
Hey Kevin,

Have you joined the Pro Tools Access email list at googleGroups already? If you 
haven't, just wanted to make sure you knew about it.

On Jul 20, 2010, at 8:05 PM, Kevin Shaw wrote:

> Greetings fellow Mac users,
> My name is Kevin Shaw and I've just joined the MV list. I've got a Macbook 
> Pro, an iPhone and iMac and I'm really enjoying being back on the Mac 
> platform after swimming for years in shark-infested waters.
> I've just completed a Masters thesis on using Voiceover and ProTools to 
> record a five piece rock band. You can expect to hear more about this once I 
> defend my research in August. 
> I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys and learning about some 
> things on the Mac, such as AppleScript and possibly some more advanced 
> programming features.
> Thanks and see you around.
> Kevin
> -- 
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Re: quickly erasing individual markers in amadeus Pro

2010-07-20 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Ray,

Yup that's where it is, sorry about the markers menu before oops.


My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Jul 20, 2010, at 10:26 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Ah is that where it is? I'll take a look.
> Thanks.
> S
> On Jul 20, 2010, at 4:31 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi Ray, 
>> Let me see where it is exactly. 
>> It's in a menu called window and it's right under repair center. THere is an 
>> option that says  markers you just hit enter on it. If you need help I can 
>> make you an audio file.
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Jul 20, 2010, at 6:38 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> I  never saw that list in the markers menu. Um? that's a bit odd?
>>> On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:30 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
 Hi Ray,
 THe only way I know of to erase individual markers is to go to markers in 
 the menu bar and you can see a list of all the markers and then just click 
 delete on the ones you want. You have to do this for each one you want to 
 My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
 On Jul 20, 2010, at 4:12 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> To those of y'all who use Amadeus Pro, is there a fast way to erase 
> individual markers?  I don't want to have to remove all markers and then 
> just put back the ones I want for file division.  Thanks.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> E-Mail:
> rforetjr at comcast dot net
> Skype Name:
> barefootedray
> -- 
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Friendly Hello And Introduction

2010-07-20 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Kevin,

I'm Allison. It's nice to meet you. I recently switched to the Mac in April 
when I got one too many viruses on my HP desktop. 
I recently purchased an Iphone as well, so I'm really new to the world of Macs. 
Wow, I didn't even know protools was accessible. How cool. Have a great day!

My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Jul 20, 2010, at 8:05 PM, Kevin Shaw wrote:

> Greetings fellow Mac users,
> My name is Kevin Shaw and I've just joined the MV list. I've got a Macbook 
> Pro, an iPhone and iMac and I'm really enjoying being back on the Mac 
> platform after swimming for years in shark-infested waters.
> I've just completed a Masters thesis on using Voiceover and ProTools to 
> record a five piece rock band. You can expect to hear more about this once I 
> defend my research in August. 
> I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys and learning about some 
> things on the Mac, such as AppleScript and possibly some more advanced 
> programming features.
> Thanks and see you around.
> Kevin
> -- 
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Excell on the mac?

2010-07-20 Thread Carolyn
Hi everyone:Ok, after my training today, I decided to   recommit to Mac and 
Alex.  Kind of like a walk in faith when things like Safari start to crash and 
get unusable.  But we were able to get it behaving better, and it seems webkit 
just sort of took care of itself and is doing a good job of setting Safari 
straight most of the time.
My question then is this:
I'm helping someone with a form and it's in excell.  While I could easily pull 
it up on the PC, I want to know is this doable on the Mac?  And what will I 
need to read and/or enter data into the table?
Thanks in advance.


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Re: Excell on the mac?

2010-07-20 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Carolyn,

I think Numbers is the Excel app on the Mac. BUt I'm unsure how to use it. I've 
never had to enter data in a spreadsheet before. I've only used Iwork for 
writing stories. I don't know how much help I've been :) 

My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!

On Jul 20, 2010, at 11:38 PM, Carolyn wrote:

> Hi everyone:Ok, after my training today, I decided to recommit to Mac 
> and Alex.  Kind of like a walk in faith when things like Safari start to 
> crash and get unusable.  But we were able to get it behaving better, and it 
> seems webkit just sort of took care of itself and is doing a good job of 
> setting Safari straight most of the time.
> My question then is this:
> I'm helping someone with a form and it's in excell.  While I could easily 
> pull it up on the PC, I want to know is this doable on the Mac?  And what 
> will I need to read and/or enter data into the table?
> Thanks in advance.
> Carolyn
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Re: Excell on the mac?

2010-07-20 Thread Carolyn
Thanks AllisonI know now more than I kew before, so I guess you were helpful:)
Hey am I  the only one that think it's cute how Alex can interpret the 
colon/parenthesis as a smiley?:)
Are there any other ones VO interprets?

On Jul 20, 2010, at 9:49 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Carolyn,
> I think Numbers is the Excel app on the Mac. BUt I'm unsure how to use it. 
> I've never had to enter data in a spreadsheet before. I've only used Iwork 
> for writing stories. I don't know how much help I've been :) 
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Jul 20, 2010, at 11:38 PM, Carolyn wrote:
>> Hi everyone:Ok, after my training today, I decided torecommit to Mac 
>> and Alex.  Kind of like a walk in faith when things like Safari start to 
>> crash and get unusable.  But we were able to get it behaving better, and it 
>> seems webkit just sort of took care of itself and is doing a good job of 
>> setting Safari straight most of the time.
>> My question then is this:
>> I'm helping someone with a form and it's in excell.  While I could easily 
>> pull it up on the PC, I want to know is this doable on the Mac?  And what 
>> will I need to read and/or enter data into the table?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Carolyn
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Re: Friendly Hello And Introduction

2010-07-20 Thread Justin Kauflin
Kevin, good to "meet" you, and looking forward to hearing your thesis
work.  Very good stuff that Pro Tools.
> On Jul 20, 2010, at 8:05 PM, Kevin Shaw wrote:
> > Greetings fellow Mac users,
> > My name is Kevin Shaw and I've just joined the MV list. I've got a Macbook 
> > Pro, an iPhone and iMac and I'm really enjoying being back on the Mac 
> > platform after swimming for years in shark-infested waters.
> > I've just completed a Masters thesis on using Voiceover and ProTools to 
> > record a five piece rock band. You can expect to hear more about this once 
> > I defend my research in August.
> > I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys and learning about some 
> > things on the Mac, such as AppleScript and possibly some more advanced 
> > programming features.
> > Thanks and see you around.
> > Kevin
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Re: podcasts

2010-07-20 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
I don't have any scroll areas is the problem. I'm subscribed to about 10 or 12 
On Jul 20, 2010, at 10:18 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Sarai,
> Hmm, what Sarah told you might work better than. How many podcasts do you 
> have in Itunes? I have Sarah's podcast the Marrie podcast, NPR songs, 
> Malynne's slice of life and so on. I say all of this because every time I 
> want to see if the podcast feeds have been updated, I go to the podcasts on 
> the sources table, and then VO right arrow until I hear Podcast scroll area 
> or maybe it's just a podcast button. You may have to do this a few times. If 
> it helps, I can record how I do it.
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Jul 20, 2010, at 9:05 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I don't have a "podcasts scrole area.
>> On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:04 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>>> Hi Sarai,
>>> You go to podcasts in the playlist and then go passed there to where VO 
>>> says podcasts scroll area. Then you should be able to interact with it and 
>>> see all your podcasts. It will list them in alphabetical order. I hope that 
>>> helps.
>>> Allison
>>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>>> On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:43 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
 How do you see all of your podcast feeds in iTunes? I go to podcasts in 
 sources, playlist browser, but do not see all feeds listed. If I manually 
 searched for something, I can find the episodes, but I want to see all 
 subscribed feeds in the list browser.
 Sarai Bucciarelli
 Personal Come join me on
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Erasing podcasts

2010-07-20 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Hi guys:
I have my podcasts to download all, and to keep all episodes. When I choose a 
Podcast, in the songs list, I see all episodes, some stats say unplayed, 
undownloaded, etc. I've listened to everything, pressed command a to select 
all, and trashed all; however when I do this, somehow, I erase the feed 
subscription. When the feed has all content erased, It won't download anymore 
podcasts. I have to resubscribe. Anyway I can fix this? I still don't see the 
scroll area that shows the list of subscribed feeds.

Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal Come join me on

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Re: podcasts

2010-07-20 Thread John André Netland
Hi Sarai,

What you should look for depends on the view setting in iTunes. If you press 
option-command-3 you are in list view, and should look for the Song list and 
interact with it. If you press option-command-4 you are in grid mode and should 
look for the Podcasts scroll area. If you press option-command-5 you are in 
cover flow mode and should look for the Song list.
You will find the view options at the top of the View menu in iTunes.

Take care,
John André

On 21. juli 2010, at 06.29, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> I don't have any scroll areas is the problem. I'm subscribed to about 10 or 
> 12 podcasts.
> On Jul 20, 2010, at 10:18 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi Sarai,
>> Hmm, what Sarah told you might work better than. How many podcasts do you 
>> have in Itunes? I have Sarah's podcast the Marrie podcast, NPR songs, 
>> Malynne's slice of life and so on. I say all of this because every time I 
>> want to see if the podcast feeds have been updated, I go to the podcasts on 
>> the sources table, and then VO right arrow until I hear Podcast scroll area 
>> or maybe it's just a podcast button. You may have to do this a few times. If 
>> it helps, I can record how I do it.
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Jul 20, 2010, at 9:05 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> I don't have a "podcasts scrole area.
>>> On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:04 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
 Hi Sarai,
 You go to podcasts in the playlist and then go passed there to where VO 
 says podcasts scroll area. Then you should be able to interact with it and 
 see all your podcasts. It will list them in alphabetical order. I hope 
 that helps.
 My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
 On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:43 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
> Hi:
> How do you see all of your podcast feeds in iTunes? I go to podcasts in 
> sources, playlist browser, but do not see all feeds listed. If I manually 
> searched for something, I can find the episodes, but I want to see all 
> subscribed feeds in the list browser.
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal Come join me on
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Re: podcasts

2010-07-20 Thread Sarah Alawami
Mine is a table actually. just switch to list view, no it's the first view. I 
forgot what it was. sorry.
On Jul 20, 2010, at 8:18 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Sarai,
> Hmm, what Sarah told you might work better than. How many podcasts do you 
> have in Itunes? I have Sarah's podcast the Marrie podcast, NPR songs, 
> Malynne's slice of life and so on. I say all of this because every time I 
> want to see if the podcast feeds have been updated, I go to the podcasts on 
> the sources table, and then VO right arrow until I hear Podcast scroll area 
> or maybe it's just a podcast button. You may have to do this a few times. If 
> it helps, I can record how I do it.
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Jul 20, 2010, at 9:05 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I don't have a "podcasts scrole area.
>> On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:04 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>>> Hi Sarai,
>>> You go to podcasts in the playlist and then go passed there to where VO 
>>> says podcasts scroll area. Then you should be able to interact with it and 
>>> see all your podcasts. It will list them in alphabetical order. I hope that 
>>> helps.
>>> Allison
>>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>>> On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:43 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
 How do you see all of your podcast feeds in iTunes? I go to podcasts in 
 sources, playlist browser, but do not see all feeds listed. If I manually 
 searched for something, I can find the episodes, but I want to see all 
 subscribed feeds in the list browser.
 Sarai Bucciarelli
 Personal Come join me on
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Re: quickly erasing individual markers in amadeus Pro

2010-07-20 Thread Sarah Alawami
I'll have to play with that then.

On Jul 20, 2010, at 8:19 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi Ray,
> Yup that's where it is, sorry about the markers menu before oops.
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Jul 20, 2010, at 10:26 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Ah is that where it is? I'll take a look.
>> Thanks.
>> S
>> On Jul 20, 2010, at 4:31 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>>> Hi Ray, 
>>> Let me see where it is exactly. 
>>> It's in a menu called window and it's right under repair center. THere is 
>>> an option that says  markers you just hit enter on it. If you need help I 
>>> can make you an audio file.
>>> Allison
>>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>>> On Jul 20, 2010, at 6:38 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
 I  never saw that list in the markers menu. Um? that's a bit odd?
 On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:30 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
> Hi Ray,
> THe only way I know of to erase individual markers is to go to markers in 
> the menu bar and you can see a list of all the markers and then just 
> click delete on the ones you want. You have to do this for each one you 
> want to delete.
> Allison
> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
> On Jul 20, 2010, at 4:12 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> To those of y'all who use Amadeus Pro, is there a fast way to erase 
>> individual markers?  I don't want to have to remove all markers and then 
>> just put back the ones I want for file division.  Thanks.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> E-Mail:
>> rforetjr at comcast dot net
>> Skype Name:
>> barefootedray
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Re: podcasts

2010-07-20 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

Just to clarify.

If you switch to "Grid View" you will get the scroll area which shows all the 
podcasts you currently have, listing the number of episodes as you scroll 
through your list. TO bring up a list of podcast episodes for that particular 
podcast, simply VO-space on the button for the podcast you would like.

For "List View" however, this is a bitt different. When you go to the  
"Podcasts" source in the "Sources" table, another table will appear. This is 
your usual "Songs" table, listing all podcasts in one huge table rather than 
listing them as buttons, then having to press a button for a particular podcast 
to appear in the very same table. The difference here as well is that, when 
browsing through them, they will probably all be expanded. This is like a tree 
view. You can, of course, collapse the podcasts you do not want to view at that 
time so that your list does not get cluttered.

As for "Cover Flow View"  I can't say I have messed with that one too much.

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On Jul 21, 2010, at 8:25 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Mine is a table actually. just switch to list view, no it's the first view. I 
> forgot what it was. sorry.
> On Jul 20, 2010, at 8:18 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
>> Hi Sarai,
>> Hmm, what Sarah told you might work better than. How many podcasts do you 
>> have in Itunes? I have Sarah's podcast the Marrie podcast, NPR songs, 
>> Malynne's slice of life and so on. I say all of this because every time I 
>> want to see if the podcast feeds have been updated, I go to the podcasts on 
>> the sources table, and then VO right arrow until I hear Podcast scroll area 
>> or maybe it's just a podcast button. You may have to do this a few times. If 
>> it helps, I can record how I do it.
>> Allison
>> My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
>> On Jul 20, 2010, at 9:05 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> I don't have a "podcasts scrole area.
>>> On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:04 PM, Allison Manzino wrote:
 Hi Sarai,
 You go to podcasts in the playlist and then go passed there to where VO 
 says podcasts scroll area. Then you should be able to interact with it and 
 see all your podcasts. It will list them in alphabetical order. I hope 
 that helps.
 My birds are winged blessings, they help me soar!
 On Jul 20, 2010, at 2:43 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
> Hi:
> How do you see all of your podcast feeds in iTunes? I go to podcasts in 
> sources, playlist browser, but do not see all feeds listed. If I manually 
> searched for something, I can find the episodes, but I want to see all 
> subscribed feeds in the list browser.
> Sarai Bucciarelli
> Personal Come join me on
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Re: USB drives in VM Fusion

2010-07-20 Thread Chris Snyder
Ah ha! I figured this out. 
So one thing that you might have to do in Fusion at least if you're running XP 
is to go to the add new hardware wizard in control panel and add your USB host 
controller. This will make the drives pop up quite nicely. Then you can deal 
with those obnoxious NTFS drives.
Just putting it out there if anyone runs into the same problem.


On Jul 20, 2010, at 3:03 PM, Chris Snyder wrote:

> Hi Simon,
> Sadly, while I saw an option that said connect the Seagate Portable RSS under 
> USB, no acknowledgement was made by the XP virtual machine of its existence.
> Have you any other ideas?
> Friendly,
> Chris
> On Jul 8, 2010, at 3:12 AM, Simon F wrote:
>> Ok If it's connecting to the mac, dis connect (eject ) it from the mac, but
>> leave it actually plugged in to the machine. And then go into the virtual
>> machine menu of the vm fusion software and find the USB devices option in
>> the menu and make sure the USB drive is enabled within vm fusion.
>> Hope that helps.
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Chris Snyder
>> Sent: Wednesday, 7 July 2010 8:17 p.m.
>> To:
>> Subject: USB drives in VM Fusion
>> Hi guys,
>> I seem to be having difficulty attaching an NTFS usb drive to the XP virtual
>> machine in VM fusion. It does appear on the Mac desktop, but it doesn't seem
>> to want to attach in Fusion. Any ideas?
>> Friendly,
>> Chris
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