Re: VoiceOver 4.0

2010-06-27 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

No offense, but some of this just sounds like nitpicking. :)

Firstly, with phone numbers, for example. There are a lot of different formats 
for phone numbers, depending on what your location is. I don't really think 
it's really necessary for the VoiceOver people to implement this, as you can 
just read it manually. And, even so, a lot of people tend to pre-format phone 

How do you expect VoiceOver to be able to tell you what the image is? This one 
confuses me.

7.  JAWS has the ability through scripting to make unaccessible 
applications accessible.  This is not an ideal long term solution but it is a 
temporary fix and the ability to share these scripts with others etc would make 
the likes of Microsoft Office etc accessible until they finally get around to 
following Apple's accessibility guidelines.

What? I see scripts as being more potentially damaging than anything, actually, 
and we already have various solutions that cover this as opposed to Microsoft 
Office on the Mac. I didn't understand what you wanted here at first, but I'm 
assuming you want Apple to implement a language that makes the interface 

As for the key to read battery status, make an AppleScript. :) Or do it the 
old-fashioned way with Control-F8, then move left twice.

A language rotor would be nice, but we already have the voices attribute. Just 
select from there, seems simple enough. It does what you already need. Now, an 
option to filter voices from the attribute would definitely be welcome. Of 
course, as you switch voices the voice you previously used is put below the one 
you are using, so I guess they are still easy to choose quickly. That way, you 
can order them by preferred voices.

There are some things I would love to see, but those are mostly Mac OS X 
specific, actually, and not really anything to do with VoiceOver at all.

Have a wonderful morning, everyone.

Mobile Me:
Skype: Kvalme
MSN Messenger:
Yahoo! Messenger: cin368
AIM: cincinster

On Jun 27, 2010, at 7:22 AM, Pete Nalda wrote:

> Oh, and have speak text under mouse available in Mail also.
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 11:57 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> Well guys now the iPhone 4.0 is out of he way, I think the next thing we 
>> should start looking forward to is the next Mac OS.  10.7 (lion maybe?). 
>> so I was wondering what features/ improvements you would like implemented 
>> into VoiceOver 4.0 and hopefully Apple are listening.
>> i will get the ball rolling ...
>> 1.   Intelligent number reading.  if voiceover encounters numbers then it 
>> can only be set to read them as words or numbers.  It would be neat if 
>> VoiceOver knew when it was more appropriate to say the numbers as digits or 
>> words.  For example if the word year appeared after 26 (digits) voiceover 
>> knew in this instance to read two six as twenty six years.  Another example 
>> would be a phone number, if the word tel: or mobile: etc appears before 
>> numbers beginning with either + or 0 then to read this out as digits and not 
>> some huge number containing millions and thousands.  The same could be said 
>> for time and measurements etc.
>> 2.   In mail it would be more useful if voiceover did not read blank blank 
>> on every line on the message viewer if there was nothing in that cell.  yes 
>> I know you can turn buddies off and move columns around etc to get around 
>> this, but really voiceover should only read out what is relevant unless the 
>> user wishes to interact with the item in more detail. I think it would also 
>> be useful to know if the email has an attachment before opening it.
>> 3.   An additional voice.  Alex is wonderful and plays great fast and slow, 
>> the other voices that come with the mac have been there since the year dot 
>> and probably sounded impressive in the 80s or 90s but now I wonder why they 
>> are still there.  I would like to see an additional voice added to 
>> complement Alex, maybe a female voice.  This would be useful for reading 
>> events as some of us have to purchase an additional voice for this task.
>> 4.   Portable document image , when using adium or the weather widget I get 
>> infuriated when I hear the graphic image read out as portable document 
>> image.  Why can't voiceover simply say oh its a picture of the sun or a 
>> cloud or its a smiley or sad face etc.
>> 5.   The ability to change the speech rate etc within iChat for when you 
>> have events set up so new messages or buddies online are read out., as 
>> currently the default is very slow and there is no way to speed them up.
>> 6.   The ability to remember hotspots and web hot spots (by website basis) 
>> after turning the mac off would be very useful.  Landmarks has been added to 
>> the iPhone, perhaps this could be added to the Mac too?
>> 7.   JAWS has the ability through scripting to make u

Ichat and voice over

2010-06-27 Thread Nik Petersson
Hey, not sure when this happened, but ICHat used to read very well with VO.  
You just had to navigate to the HTML section and there was your chat session.  
Now, you navigate to the HTML part of the Ichat window and interact and all you 
see is the time stamp for each chat message.  YOu can then interact with 
"unknown" and then you can read the message.  Functional, but very, very 
unusable.  Anyone find a fix for this or sent an message to Appel about this?


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Re: iphone4 podcast now up

2010-06-27 Thread Cody Hurst
That is a strange thing, sometimes it will not create a folder, like if you 
moved the messages app somewhere else it may not  create the folder. I think 
what you'll have to do is drag your icons to the empty spot and then go from 
On Jun 27, 2010, at 2:07 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Hi Cody. . I enjoyed your podcast. Good job on it.
> One bit that I'm not clear about with iOS 4 and folders, though, is how the 
> dragging behavior to create folders affects the way that VO users rearrange 
> apps on a single screen. For example, , before iOS 4, you would tap and hold 
> on the app to move, drag to a new position, and release your finger. your app 
> would drop in to that position, and the other apps would be pushed over to 
> make room. If you did that now, though, you'd create a folder that contained 
> both the app that you were dragging, and the app that was located at the 
> point where you released your finger.
> So, how do you move apps now without creating folders?
> Bryan 
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Cody Hurst
> Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 9:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: iphone4 podcast now up
> Hi list,
> My iPhone 4 review is now up on my site and soon to be on bct. I talk about 
> the design of the phone, and go over some voiceover features. I recorded and 
> edited this in amadeus so thanks for all the tips given to me. Note, yes, 
> high voice but I'm not a woman/I will slap you if you call me a woman
> Enjoy!
> Cody
> --
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Re: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone

2010-06-27 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi all,

I have managed to scan a few things with sighted assistance. I will do a 
podcast tomorrow on it. I think you have to wait for a minute or two for 
Digit-eyes to come back with a positive ID.  I  didn't know the ID Mate had a 
lazar camera that makes sense why it's so expensive. there is  a trick with 
Digit-Eyes according to my Mom. You have to hold the phone on it's side and 
make sure the screen curtain is turned off. If you hold it a few inches away 
from the item you're trying to scan you will get better results that way or so 
I've found with the few things I tried.


On Jun 27, 2010, at 2:29 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> No not really, it is tricky, if you have a enough sight to see where the 
> barcode is then you have a bit more success. It has been hit and miss with me 
> and to be honest by the time I have managed to get it to read a barcode I 
> have placed the item under my iPal Solo to have it read instead.  I I have 
> not used the ID mate in person, but I guess the 3D camera would explain its 
> hight price. 
> If you have no vision at all it is very difficult to locate the barcode, so 
> this solution is not ideal, unless there was a ruling to say where barcodes 
> can always be found.  Let's hope the OCR solutions for the iPhone are more 
> successful.  But the barcode reader is not totally useless as I did manage to 
> scan some things.
> On 27 Jun 2010, at 07:16, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> With Digit-Eyes, how do you find the bar code? When I was involved with the 
>> development of an accessible bar code system a few years back, cameras 
>> didn't do a good job. For the bar code recognition to work, the camera 
>> couldn't face the bar code at an angle, at it had to be right-side-up. Of 
>> course, a blind person doesn't necessarily know where on the box, can, or 
>> bottle the bar code is to be found, so that creates a challenge. That's 
>> partly why the ID Mate is so expensive. They must use a 3D laser scanner, 
>> like is used in the check-out line at a grocery store. Those perform an 
>> active scan, and can register bar codes at any angle, and even on curved 
>> surfaces. You can basically hold up the scanner and turn the container in 
>> front of the camera, and it will automatically scan the bar code as soon as 
>> it's visible, regardless of the bar code's orientation.
>> My thoughts were that the iPhone app would be like trying to read a bar code 
>> with a CCD scanner. Yes, it would work but only if you knew where to find 
>> the bar code, which way was right-side-up, and only if the bar code was on a 
>> flat surface. Is it better than that?
>> Bryan 
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Allison Manzino
>> Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 10:03 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone
>> Hi Bryan and all,
>> I can say with certainty that the camera on the 3GS works well for the new 
>> bar code reader that Josh Lioncourt was talking about the other day 
>> Digit-Eyes. I have downloaded it and it works well. Not having any 
>> experience with the Iphone 4, I can't say about the cameras. I know it has 
>> two according to Cara Quin's podcast. Have a great day.
>> Allison
>> On Jun 26, 2010, at 5:41 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>>> Bryan,
>>> From what I have heard, the 3GS camera will do the job even if it is not as 
>>> good as the new iPhone 4. I will be very interested in how this application 
>>> performs despite the limitations of the 3GS.
>>> On Jun 26, 2010, at 2:52 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:
 The iPhone 4 should do a great job with this app. The 5 megapixel camera 
 provides the level of resolution that assisted KNFB Reader so much. With 
 the lower quality cameras, the DPI of scanned images is too low.
 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
 Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 11:30 PM
 Subject: Re: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone
 The iPod touch doesn't have a camera.
 On Jun 25, 2010, at 11:26 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
> Hi,
> Will this work with the Ipod Touch also?
> Courtney
> On Jun 25, 2010, at 11:20 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don't think it's out yet.
>> I couldn't find it in the app store.
>> hth
>> On Jun 25, 2010, at 9:15 PM, John J Herzog wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I just got this link from a friend of mine. Apparently, this app is 
>>> free, and it performs OCR using the new IPhone. It's different from the 
>>> one that emails your image to a server and then gives you back text. 
>>> This one actually performs OCR on the phone.
>>> Furthermore, it au

Re: Answering a few questions about Daisy Bookworm for iPhone

2010-06-27 Thread Scott Howell
In the end Bryan it will come down to need. If a software program can be 
developed for less and still accomplish basically the  same functions, people 
will buy it. I am not sure if what you say is absolutely correct and it really 
does not matter. I could easily purchase one of the Victor Streams if I wanted, 
but honestly, I do not have a need. I have no doubt it is a fine device and if 
I could have that as a software program for my iPHone, that would be great and 
for obvious reasons. The point in my mind is the possibility exists and there 
is no reason not to try and make it happen. However, again, it will  come down 
to need for most people and for me the level of need is so low that waiting for 
another month or another year is not an issue. When the level of need exceeds 
the level of waiting, then I will purchase a Victor Stream.

On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:36 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Well, a Windows user might say that they can purchase a computer, far more 
> powerful than your Mac, and for less money, so why waste money on a Mac? Or 
> many people wonder why people bother buying iPhones, when the new Android 
> phones far outclass the iPhone in terms of specs and open operation? Cost 
> isn't always the point, though.
> I don't want to sound like I'm down on them making this program. I might buy 
> it. Actually, I wonder why I'm arguing this on a listserv, anyway. I know 
> that many blind tech people are rightly down on some of the over-priced 
> specialized blindness gadgets. But, seriously, this isn't a $5,000 note 
> taker. Most of the book  readers aren't much more than $300. That is damn 
> cheap for a device that is optimized to be controlled with buttons and speech 
> feedback, rather than using touch-screen gestures to review and control a 
> visually-optimized interface. You're waiting for NLS support, which they may 
> never provide. Meanwhile, the Stream works with NLS, RFB&D, newsline, 
> practically all other major talking book libraries in the world, DVS movies 
> from places like SamNet, plays Daisy audio books in both MP3 and 3GP audio 
> formats (which this probably won't ever play, so probably no NLS support), 
> plays commercial audio books (including Audible), plays books that you rip 
> from CD yourself as books with all book features (bookmarks, notes, 
> highlighting, etc) still in effect (not just loading MP3s in to a media 
> player), reads Daisy books in text format, reads HTML and plane text with 
> full book navigation and note taking features, plays MP3, OGG, and 
> uncompressed music, and a bunch of other stuff, for 15+ hours at a stretch 
> (no add-on battery pack required), for $300. And it operates so simply that 
> you don't need hardly any sort of instruction to use it, and, without even 
> using this app, I can state with certainty that no iPhone app is ever going 
> to allow me to zip through menus like I can on a dedicated device. I can work 
> it half asleep, which I often do. These little devices are really something 
> for $300. So, just like getting a Mac instead of Windows, or an iPhone 
> instead of a Droid, you're buying it not because it's the rock-bottom option 
> in terms of cost, but because of the optimized user experience, and the fact 
> that it just works.
> Anyway, all this to make the point that, regardless of software, my 
> prediction is that, with no dedicated hardware for decrypting books, and no 
> hardware support for decoding the audio formats that some of them use, all of 
> that will be running in software, constantly running the CPU at max, sucking 
> down battery power, and you'll be lucky to get 4 hours out of a stock battery 
> before the phone goes from full charge to fully dead. Maybe a battery pack 
> could stretch it to 8. Even so, it will support far less content, and the 
> interface will be far slower to operate. I don't think that translates in to 
> a good book player. I hope that they can prove me wrong.
> I'd probably be willing to trade off some of the stream's long run-time and 
> sacrifice its great interface, if the iPhone app would actually do more than 
> a digital book player. Right now it does less in every regard. What I'd like 
> to see is this app become a blind version of Netflix, offering content on 
> demand. If you could start this reader app, and browse/stream content from 
> various providers like the talking book libraries, Bookshare, etc, then I'd 
> consider it superior. That would also get rid of the whole overhead of having 
> to make sure your phone and computer are on the same Wi-Fi network (this 
> isn't always possible), and upload books to your phone over FTP. Basically, 
> these guys should stop trying to think about how to port a desktop Daisy book 
> reader to the iPhone, which is what they've done so far, and start thinking 
> of this like a rich client, which is how most all of the other media apps on 
> the iPhone operate. Just imagine how not fun Netflix would be if you had t

Re: Answering a few questions about Daisy Bookworm for iPhone

2010-06-27 Thread Scott Howell
You are correct, the Android phone is not superior to the iPhone any longer and 
the os is not at all on the same level as iOS. Android will appeal more to 
those who like the open source model and like to tinker. A friend of mine has 
developed iPhone apps and is working on developing something for Android and he 
became frustrated by the Android requirements and so forth. However, you use 
what works best for your situation despite what I or anyone else thinks.
On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:56 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> I could not agree more.  I am just starting to look into talking books and 
> all these different formats and libraries is  confusing..
> I don't want FTP I just want something I can drag and drop files to in any 
> format or have a built in store where I can buy or rent books similar 
> experience to the iTunes store.  Maybe iBooks will be the way forward?  But I 
> was also thinking about the user interface, they do need to make it slick and 
> easy and take advantage of gestures too.
> Mind you in respect of Android phones, it might be open source but personally 
> I found the device inferior to the iPhone and even worse on accessiblity, 
> just feels clumsy and a bit like a jig saw.
> On 27 Jun 2010, at 06:36, Bryan Smart wrote:
>> Well, a Windows user might say that they can purchase a computer, far more 
>> powerful than your Mac, and for less money, so why waste money on a Mac? Or 
>> many people wonder why people bother buying iPhones, when the new Android 
>> phones far outclass the iPhone in terms of specs and open operation? Cost 
>> isn't always the point, though.
>> I don't want to sound like I'm down on them making this program. I might buy 
>> it. Actually, I wonder why I'm arguing this on a listserv, anyway. I know 
>> that many blind tech people are rightly down on some of the over-priced 
>> specialized blindness gadgets. But, seriously, this isn't a $5,000 note 
>> taker. Most of the book  readers aren't much more than $300. That is damn 
>> cheap for a device that is optimized to be controlled with buttons and 
>> speech feedback, rather than using touch-screen gestures to review and 
>> control a visually-optimized interface. You're waiting for NLS support, 
>> which they may never provide. Meanwhile, the Stream works with NLS, RFB&D, 
>> newsline, practically all other major talking book libraries in the world, 
>> DVS movies from places like SamNet, plays Daisy audio books in both MP3 and 
>> 3GP audio formats (which this probably won't ever play, so probably no NLS 
>> support), plays commercial audio books (including Audible), plays books that 
>> you rip from CD yourself as books with all book features (bookmarks, notes, 
>> highlighting, etc) still in effect (not just loading MP3s in to a media 
>> player), reads Daisy books in text format, reads HTML and plane text with 
>> full book navigation and note taking features, plays MP3, OGG, and 
>> uncompressed music, and a bunch of other stuff, for 15+ hours at a stretch 
>> (no add-on battery pack required), for $300. And it operates so simply that 
>> you don't need hardly any sort of instruction to use it, and, without even 
>> using this app, I can state with certainty that no iPhone app is ever going 
>> to allow me to zip through menus like I can on a dedicated device. I can 
>> work it half asleep, which I often do. These little devices are really 
>> something for $300. So, just like getting a Mac instead of Windows, or an 
>> iPhone instead of a Droid, you're buying it not because it's the rock-bottom 
>> option in terms of cost, but because of the optimized user experience, and 
>> the fact that it just works.
>> Anyway, all this to make the point that, regardless of software, my 
>> prediction is that, with no dedicated hardware for decrypting books, and no 
>> hardware support for decoding the audio formats that some of them use, all 
>> of that will be running in software, constantly running the CPU at max, 
>> sucking down battery power, and you'll be lucky to get 4 hours out of a 
>> stock battery before the phone goes from full charge to fully dead. Maybe a 
>> battery pack could stretch it to 8. Even so, it will support far less 
>> content, and the interface will be far slower to operate. I don't think that 
>> translates in to a good book player. I hope that they can prove me wrong.
>> I'd probably be willing to trade off some of the stream's long run-time and 
>> sacrifice its great interface, if the iPhone app would actually do more than 
>> a digital book player. Right now it does less in every regard. What I'd like 
>> to see is this app become a blind version of Netflix, offering content on 
>> demand. If you could start this reader app, and browse/stream content from 
>> various providers like the talking book libraries, Bookshare, etc, then I'd 
>> consider it superior. That would also get rid of the whole overhead of 
>> having to make sure your phone and computer are on the s

ACB Convention

2010-06-27 Thread Chris Snyder
Hi ladies and gentlemen,
I am one of the people who is unfortunate enough to live in the hottest state 
in the US which I lovingly refer to as Arid Zona. Anyway, I am wondering if any 
of you fine visionaries are planning to attend the ACB convention in my hot 
city. If so, it might be fun to take a break from our safari, gather round the 
firewire, and have some toast. Since it's hot though, perhaps we might want to 
meet up on the dock and iChat over java and cookies. I would have tried to come 
up with more mac programs, but not many deal with food. lol


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Re: diget-eyes

2010-06-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
To my  knoledge, the bar code can be upside down and slightly crocked. it I 
think emits a click to let yo now if you are getting clode to it and you just 
have to look for it but  once you know where the bar code  is on many products 
you are fine.

On Jun 26, 2010, at 11:16 PM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> With Digit-Eyes, how do you find the bar code? When I was involved with the 
> development of an accessible bar code system a few years back, cameras didn't 
> do a good job. For the bar code recognition to work, the camera couldn't face 
> the bar code at an angle, at it had to be right-side-up. Of course, a blind 
> person doesn't necessarily know where on the box, can, or bottle the bar code 
> is to be found, so that creates a challenge. That's partly why the ID Mate is 
> so expensive. They must use a 3D laser scanner, like is used in the check-out 
> line at a grocery store. Those perform an active scan, and can register bar 
> codes at any angle, and even on curved surfaces. You can basically hold up 
> the scanner and turn the container in front of the camera, and it will 
> automatically scan the bar code as soon as it's visible, regardless of the 
> bar code's orientation.
> My thoughts were that the iPhone app would be like trying to read a bar code 
> with a CCD scanner. Yes, it would work but only if you knew where to find the 
> bar code, which way was right-side-up, and only if the bar code was on a flat 
> surface. Is it better than that?
> Bryan 
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Allison Manzino
> Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 10:03 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone
> Hi Bryan and all,
> I can say with certainty that the camera on the 3GS works well for the new 
> bar code reader that Josh Lioncourt was talking about the other day 
> Digit-Eyes. I have downloaded it and it works well. Not having any experience 
> with the Iphone 4, I can't say about the cameras. I know it has two according 
> to Cara Quin's podcast. Have a great day.
> Allison
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 5:41 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Bryan,
>> From what I have heard, the 3GS camera will do the job even if it is not as 
>> good as the new iPhone 4. I will be very interested in how this application 
>> performs despite the limitations of the 3GS.
>> On Jun 26, 2010, at 2:52 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:
>>> The iPhone 4 should do a great job with this app. The 5 megapixel camera 
>>> provides the level of resolution that assisted KNFB Reader so much. With 
>>> the lower quality cameras, the DPI of scanned images is too low.
>>> Bryan
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker
>>> Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 11:30 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone
>>> No,
>>> The iPod touch doesn't have a camera.
>>> On Jun 25, 2010, at 11:26 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
 Will this work with the Ipod Touch also?
 On Jun 25, 2010, at 11:20 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't think it's out yet.
> I couldn't find it in the app store.
> hth
> On Jun 25, 2010, at 9:15 PM, John J Herzog wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just got this link from a friend of mine. Apparently, this app is 
>> free, and it performs OCR using the new IPhone. It's different from the 
>> one that emails your image to a server and then gives you back text. 
>> This one actually performs OCR on the phone.
>> Furthermore, it automatically takes pictures once the camera is aligned 
>> with the center of the document.
>> Check out this link for more information.
>> Can someone let me know how it works?
>> John
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Re: iphone4 podcast now up

2010-06-27 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Bryan,

You move slightly to the left or right of an app to just move it's position.  
For example, if I have my mail app in the top left of the screen row 1 column 
1, and the app next to it is my camera app in row 1 column 2 and I wanted them 
to switch positions I would double tap the mail app and hold.  Then slide my 
finger slowly to the right.  First I will here voiceover announce when I'm over 
the camera app.  If I leave my finger there for about 2 seconds it will create 
a folder.  If I don't stop and keep moving to the right voiceover will say r 
now in row 1 column 2.  Then I just lift my finger up and my mail app will have 
switched positions with my camera app.  If your moving to the right the row and 
column is announced to the right of the apps you move passed.  If   If moving 
to the left the row and column is announced to the left of the app your moving 

I hope that wasn't too confusing.  lol   
On Jun 27, 2010, at 2:07 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Hi Cody. . I enjoyed your podcast. Good job on it.
> One bit that I'm not clear about with iOS 4 and folders, though, is how the 
> dragging behavior to create folders affects the way that VO users rearrange 
> apps on a single screen. For example, , before iOS 4, you would tap and hold 
> on the app to move, drag to a new position, and release your finger. your app 
> would drop in to that position, and the other apps would be pushed over to 
> make room. If you did that now, though, you'd create a folder that contained 
> both the app that you were dragging, and the app that was located at the 
> point where you released your finger.
> So, how do you move apps now without creating folders?
> Bryan 
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Cody Hurst
> Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 9:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: iphone4 podcast now up
> Hi list,
> My iPhone 4 review is now up on my site and soon to be on bct. I talk about 
> the design of the phone, and go over some voiceover features. I recorded and 
> edited this in amadeus so thanks for all the tips given to me. Note, yes, 
> high voice but I'm not a woman/I will slap you if you call me a woman
> Enjoy!
> Cody
> --
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Re: Ichat and voice over

2010-06-27 Thread Chris Westbrook
I think it has something to do with safari five.  I wrote apple accessibility 
and they said they are aware of it but didn't say anything more than that.…
On Jun 27, 2010, at 3:46 AM, Nik Petersson wrote:

> Hey, not sure when this happened, but ICHat used to read very well with VO.  
> You just had to navigate to the HTML section and there was your chat session. 
>  Now, you navigate to the HTML part of the Ichat window and interact and all 
> you see is the time stamp for each chat message.  YOu can then interact with 
> "unknown" and then you can read the message.  Functional, but very, very 
> unusable.  Anyone find a fix for this or sent an message to Appel about this?
> Nik
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Re: Ichat and voice over

2010-06-27 Thread Chris Moore
Yup, my iChat died after the Safari 5 update, I used to connect to Facebook 
chat with it.  Now all I get is jibberish.  I also reported it to Apple, wonder 
when we might see a fix?  I am now trying to connect to FB chat via Adium, but 
it does not seem to accept my password and I know it is correct.  Guess I am 
stuck using AIM for this purpose for now.
On 27 Jun 2010, at 12:37, Chris Westbrook wrote:

> I think it has something to do with safari five.  I wrote apple accessibility 
> and they said they are aware of it but didn't say anything more than that.…
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 3:46 AM, Nik Petersson wrote:
>> Hey, not sure when this happened, but ICHat used to read very well with VO.  
>> You just had to navigate to the HTML section and there was your chat 
>> session.  Now, you navigate to the HTML part of the Ichat window and 
>> interact and all you see is the time stamp for each chat message.  YOu can 
>> then interact with "unknown" and then you can read the message.  Functional, 
>> but very, very unusable.  Anyone find a fix for this or sent an message to 
>> Appel about this?
>> Nik
>> -- 
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Re: Pages09

2010-06-27 Thread Paul
Hello Anne. I like to create agendas for meetings. In addition, I like
to write legal documents with outlined numbering like 1. 1.1 1.1.1 2.0
2.1 2.2. etc. I also like to use tables in my documents and to write
letters and memos. Finally, I like to create address lists that I can
translate into
Braille. In these situations I would like to use mail merge
facilities. Finally, are their more templates available for pages09
that are not in the template chooser? Do you also use numbers?

Thanks so much.

On Jun 26, 8:11 am, Anne Robertson  wrote:
> Hello Paul,
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 10:09 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:
> > am a new Mac user and new to this group. I am transitioning
> > from Microsoft office applications to the IWork suite. My goal is to be able
> > to do all of my work in the IWork suite but save it in Microsoft compatible
> > formats so that I can share it with others. My first step is to deal with
> > pages09. Is it accessible with Voice Over?
> Yes, it is accessible with VoiceOver.
> > Is there anything I absolutely
> > cannot do with Voice Over?
> You cannot recognise the presence and colour of background highlighting. 
> However, TextEdit will recognise background colour, so if it's a case of 
> knowing it's there, TextEdit will solve the problem.
> There are other minor irritations, but on the whole, the iWork09 suite works 
> well. I use it all the time to work on documents created with MS Office and 
> to export them to the Office equivalent.
> If you can be more specific about the kinds of documents you need to use, I 
> should be able to help you.
> Cheers,
> Anne

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Re: Bookmarks Bar in Safari [was Re: Safari question and first post from Mac]

2010-06-27 Thread Alfredo
I hope i am typing this ont he forums and not as a personal message.
Thanks, ester I will try that out tomorrow .  Alfredo

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Re: ACB Convention

2010-06-27 Thread Slau Halatyn
Hey Chris,

I'll be presenting a workshop on Pro Tools at the convention on Monday 
afternoon. It'll be great to catch up again.


On Jun 27, 2010, at 6:43 AM, Chris Snyder wrote:

> Hi ladies and gentlemen,
> I am one of the people who is unfortunate enough to live in the hottest state 
> in the US which I lovingly refer to as Arid Zona. Anyway, I am wondering if 
> any of you fine visionaries are planning to attend the ACB convention in my 
> hot city. If so, it might be fun to take a break from our safari, gather 
> round the firewire, and have some toast. Since it's hot though, perhaps we 
> might want to meet up on the dock and iChat over java and cookies. I would 
> have tried to come up with more mac programs, but not many deal with food. lol
> Friendly,
> Chris
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Safari, best way to navigate between multiple webpages

2010-06-27 Thread Alfredo
After working with safari and its tabs I have come to the conclusion
that it is best to bring up web pages in new windows and not new
tabs.  My reasoning is that when you switch between tabs with control
+ tab, you are not given the name of the website that is inside that
tab, VO only reads, “HTML content”.  I believe that you cannot do this
even when switching between windows with command + tab, if you have
safari open links in new windows.  You just hear the name of the
program that you are tabbing to when using, command + tab, you do not
get the name of the website.  For example, if you have the finder, and
safari opened with multiple windows, voice over speaks only “Safari”
when pressing command + tab, and only “finder”, when pressing command
+ tab again.  You do not get, “Safari, Gmail”, or “Safari, NFL”, or
“Safari, “Mac Visionaries”, when using command tab.  However, if you
open links in new windows, the default setting, instead of new tabs,
you can switch between the windows and get the website that is inside
that window by using the window chooser.  You get to this by VO+F2+F2,
and then click the up and down arrow to select the window that you
want to have focus.  My question is, is there a better way to navigate
between WebPages in safari hen the method of switching between windows
with VO+F2+F2?  I have disable the option to have a webpage read
automatically when it loads if that helps.  Any help would be greatly

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Itunes help please?

2010-06-27 Thread kary johns
Hi list,
Can someone give me some pointer's on using itunes on the mac?
 Specifically,  adding things to the library on the Mac  from my
windows laptop  including iphone and ipad apps and sinking an iphone
and ipad to itunes with out loosing what I already have on the
I'm new to the mac,  so I'm  getting really lost with this, so any
help is very appreciated.

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Re: Safari, best way to navigate between multiple webpages

2010-06-27 Thread Chris Moore
it would be useful if safari did read out tabs whilst cycling between them, 
have you emailed regarding this issue? If not, then 
send Apple some feedback on this.
On 27 Jun 2010, at 13:37, Alfredo wrote:

> After working with safari and its tabs I have come to the conclusion
> that it is best to bring up web pages in new windows and not new
> tabs.  My reasoning is that when you switch between tabs with control
> + tab, you are not given the name of the website that is inside that
> tab, VO only reads, “HTML content”.  I believe that you cannot do this
> even when switching between windows with command + tab, if you have
> safari open links in new windows.  You just hear the name of the
> program that you are tabbing to when using, command + tab, you do not
> get the name of the website.  For example, if you have the finder, and
> safari opened with multiple windows, voice over speaks only “Safari”
> when pressing command + tab, and only “finder”, when pressing command
> + tab again.  You do not get, “Safari, Gmail”, or “Safari, NFL”, or
> “Safari, “Mac Visionaries”, when using command tab.  However, if you
> open links in new windows, the default setting, instead of new tabs,
> you can switch between the windows and get the website that is inside
> that window by using the window chooser.  You get to this by VO+F2+F2,
> and then click the up and down arrow to select the window that you
> want to have focus.  My question is, is there a better way to navigate
> between WebPages in safari hen the method of switching between windows
> with VO+F2+F2?  I have disable the option to have a webpage read
> automatically when it loads if that helps.  Any help would be greatly
> appreciated,
> Alfredo
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Re: Running Windows

2010-06-27 Thread Kevin Mattingly
Fusion is a pretty reasonable price through

On Jun 27, 2010, at 2:10 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:

> Yep. VMWare Fusion is the only virtual machine software that works. Parallels 
> and Virtual Box aren't accessible at all. Fusion costs about $80, unless 
> they're running one of their frequent specials.
> Bryan 
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Cody Hurst
> Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 10:48 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Running Windows
> from what I have heard and read, fusion is much more friendly.
> hth
> Cody
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 10:37 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> I recently bought parallels desktop 5 with the view to run a demo version of 
>> JAWS.  I already have Windows XP installed via BootCamp.
>> Anyway I got parallels up and running 9with sighted assistance).  I am 
>> finding it is not very VoiceOver friendly.  Even the preferences window 
>> can't even be used with VoiceOver (well you can select tabs)  I noticed 
>> there were tabs for speech and iPhone, not sure what they do though.
>> My question is this, have I bought the wrong product? Should I have bought 
>> Fusion?  Is Fusion more VoiceOver friendly?
>> cHRIS
>> --
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Re: Itunes help please?

2010-06-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
I have a podcast for beginners from a beginner but it covers some of what you 
want. Check i tout at and look for a heading with 
itunes in it. actually look for 2.

Good luck.

On Jun 27, 2010, at 5:51 AM, kary johns wrote:

> Hi list,
> Can someone give me some pointer's on using itunes on the mac?
> Specifically,  adding things to the library on the Mac  from my
> windows laptop  including iphone and ipad apps and sinking an iphone
> and ipad to itunes with out loosing what I already have on the
> iphone-ipad.
> I'm new to the mac,  so I'm  getting really lost with this, so any
> help is very appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Kari.
> -- 
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Re: VoiceOver 4.0

2010-06-27 Thread Alfredo
I would like to get the webpage name spoken by voice ofver when I am
tabbing  through safari windows.   Better yet, I would like tog et the
webpage name spoken by voice over when tabbing between tabs in a
safari window.  This feature would make browsing multiple pages, which
many of us do, much more efficient.  I might be nickpicking on having
the webpage name spoken when tabbing between multiple windows, as with
VO+F2+F2, you get a list of application witht he webpae name that you
can select to go to that window.  Still I have become accustomed to
just switching between windows with Alt+Tab in windows and getting the
application ame and file name or webpage spoken to me out loud by the
screen reader.

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Re: Safari, best way to navigate between multiple webpages

2010-06-27 Thread Alfredo
Yes, I have, I mail them about 2 times about diffrent issues that
would make the mac experience better for all Voice over users.  I will
send them a copy of the Voice over 4 thread when it ends also.  I will
keep sending them suggestions and concerns as issues arise.  Alfredo

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Re: Running Windows

2010-06-27 Thread Mike Arrigo
Voiceover does not work well with paralels, if you're going to run windows in a 
virtual machine, fusion is the way to go.
On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:37 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> I recently bought parallels desktop 5 with the view to run a demo version of 
> JAWS.  I already have Windows XP installed via BootCamp.
> Anyway I got parallels up and running 9with sighted assistance).  I am 
> finding it is not very VoiceOver friendly.  Even the preferences window can't 
> even be used with VoiceOver (well you can select tabs)  I noticed there were 
> tabs for speech and iPhone, not sure what they do though.
> My question is this, have I bought the wrong product? Should I have bought 
> Fusion?  Is Fusion more VoiceOver friendly?
> cHRIS 
> ___
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Question about

2010-06-27 Thread Kevin Mattingly
It may've been posted before but has anyone had luck with the site? 
It crashes on me everytime I try to go to the main page.


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cyberduck question

2010-06-27 Thread Cody Hurst
So I'm using cyberduck and when I log onto my server I see the table but when I 
expand folders all I see are file sizes also after uploading that podcast 
everyone else can play it but I can't seem to get it to play in safari. 
everything else will play, like podcasts on bct or any other files on my site, 
but this doesn't seem to play just by typing in the link into safari. the page 
must load because it's all black and I know that is the media player but VO 
just reports empty html content. any thoughts?


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Re: Question about

2010-06-27 Thread Chris Moore
Some users have downloaded the updated webkit for Safari which seems to fix the 
On 27 Jun 2010, at 15:06, Kevin Mattingly wrote:

> It may've been posted before but has anyone had luck with the 
> site? It crashes on me everytime I try to go to the main page.
> Kev
> -- 
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Re: Running Windows

2010-06-27 Thread Chris Moore
I wish I had of known this before I bought Parallels! Wonder if they will let 
me trade in?  Currently downloading the 30 day trail of Fusion ...
On 27 Jun 2010, at 14:58, Mike Arrigo wrote:

> Voiceover does not work well with paralels, if you're going to run windows in 
> a virtual machine, fusion is the way to go.
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:37 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> I recently bought parallels desktop 5 with the view to run a demo version of 
>> JAWS.  I already have Windows XP installed via BootCamp.
>> Anyway I got parallels up and running 9with sighted assistance).  I am 
>> finding it is not very VoiceOver friendly.  Even the preferences window 
>> can't even be used with VoiceOver (well you can select tabs)  I noticed 
>> there were tabs for speech and iPhone, not sure what they do though.
>> My question is this, have I bought the wrong product? Should I have bought 
>> Fusion?  Is Fusion more VoiceOver friendly?
>> cHRIS 
>> ___
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>> You can find an archive of all messages posted since 12 April 2010 to the 
>> Mac-Access forum at:
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>> Please remember to update your membership options periodically by visiting 
>> the list website at:
> ___
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Re: Question about

2010-06-27 Thread Kevin Mattingly
Thanks for the suggestion. That fixed it.

On Jun 27, 2010, at 10:10 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Some users have downloaded the updated webkit for Safari which seems to fix 
> the problem 
> On 27 Jun 2010, at 15:06, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
>> It may've been posted before but has anyone had luck with the 
>> site? It crashes on me everytime I try to go to the main page.
>> Kev
>> -- 
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Re: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone

2010-06-27 Thread Keith Watson
It's not a laser camera. It's just a laser barcode reader, and in my opinion 
they over charge for the thing. I am not going to commit to anything here. But 
if I can get ahold of a bluetooth barcode reader, the laser type, I would like 
to port an app that I wrote for the Icon/Braille Plus that does exactly the 
same thing. The issue is that a BT reader usually runs around $300 and that 
price point is still too high in my opinion. I would really like for the entry 
point to be in the 100 to 150 dollar range.

I have been wondering why the Digit-Eyes folks haven't considered this 
approach. It would not be very difficult to make it a setting to either use the 
camera or the scanner to grab the barcode and then query their database. Hell, 
I would even contemplate the $30 cost of the software and the $300 cost of a 
scanner if it had that functionality.

Just my thoughts.


But if I can find 
On Jun 27, 2010, at 4:42 AM, Allison Manzino wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have managed to scan a few things with sighted assistance. I will do a 
> podcast tomorrow on it. I think you have to wait for a minute or two for 
> Digit-eyes to come back with a positive ID.  I  didn't know the ID Mate had a 
> lazar camera that makes sense why it's so expensive. there is  a trick with 
> Digit-Eyes according to my Mom. You have to hold the phone on it's side and 
> make sure the screen curtain is turned off. If you hold it a few inches away 
> from the item you're trying to scan you will get better results that way or 
> so I've found with the few things I tried.
> Allison
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 2:29 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> No not really, it is tricky, if you have a enough sight to see where the 
>> barcode is then you have a bit more success. It has been hit and miss with 
>> me and to be honest by the time I have managed to get it to read a barcode I 
>> have placed the item under my iPal Solo to have it read instead.  I I have 
>> not used the ID mate in person, but I guess the 3D camera would explain its 
>> hight price. 
>> If you have no vision at all it is very difficult to locate the barcode, so 
>> this solution is not ideal, unless there was a ruling to say where barcodes 
>> can always be found.  Let's hope the OCR solutions for the iPhone are more 
>> successful.  But the barcode reader is not totally useless as I did manage 
>> to scan some things.
>> On 27 Jun 2010, at 07:16, Bryan Smart wrote:
>>> With Digit-Eyes, how do you find the bar code? When I was involved with the 
>>> development of an accessible bar code system a few years back, cameras 
>>> didn't do a good job. For the bar code recognition to work, the camera 
>>> couldn't face the bar code at an angle, at it had to be right-side-up. Of 
>>> course, a blind person doesn't necessarily know where on the box, can, or 
>>> bottle the bar code is to be found, so that creates a challenge. That's 
>>> partly why the ID Mate is so expensive. They must use a 3D laser scanner, 
>>> like is used in the check-out line at a grocery store. Those perform an 
>>> active scan, and can register bar codes at any angle, and even on curved 
>>> surfaces. You can basically hold up the scanner and turn the container in 
>>> front of the camera, and it will automatically scan the bar code as soon as 
>>> it's visible, regardless of the bar code's orientation.
>>> My thoughts were that the iPhone app would be like trying to read a bar 
>>> code with a CCD scanner. Yes, it would work but only if you knew where to 
>>> find the bar code, which way was right-side-up, and only if the bar code 
>>> was on a flat surface. Is it better than that?
>>> Bryan 
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: 
>>> [] On Behalf Of Allison Manzino
>>> Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 10:03 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: saytext: new OCR app for IPhone
>>> Hi Bryan and all,
>>> I can say with certainty that the camera on the 3GS works well for the new 
>>> bar code reader that Josh Lioncourt was talking about the other day 
>>> Digit-Eyes. I have downloaded it and it works well. Not having any 
>>> experience with the Iphone 4, I can't say about the cameras. I know it has 
>>> two according to Cara Quin's podcast. Have a great day.
>>> Allison
>>> On Jun 26, 2010, at 5:41 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
 From what I have heard, the 3GS camera will do the job even if it is not 
 as good as the new iPhone 4. I will be very interested in how this 
 application performs despite the limitations of the 3GS.
 On Jun 26, 2010, at 2:52 AM, Bryan Smart wrote:
> The iPhone 4 should do a great job with this app. The 5 megapixel camera 
> provides the level of resolution that assisted KNFB Reader so much. With 
> the lower quality cameras, the DPI of scanned images is too low.
> Bryan
> --

Re: Question about

2010-06-27 Thread Olivia Norman
How does webkit work?  Is it another web browser, or what?  Do I run it instead 
of, or in conjunction with, safari?
Thanks, Olivia
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower", Steve Jobs

On Jun 27, 2010, at 7:10 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Some users have downloaded the updated webkit for Safari which seems to fix 
> the problem 
> On 27 Jun 2010, at 15:06, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
>> It may've been posted before but has anyone had luck with the 
>> site? It crashes on me everytime I try to go to the main page.
>> Kev
>> -- 
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Re: Question about

2010-06-27 Thread Kevin Mattingly
Its the base engine for Safari. You install it and run it instead of Safari. 
Worked like a charm.

On Jun 27, 2010, at 12:23 PM, Olivia Norman wrote:

> How does webkit work?  Is it another web browser, or what?  Do I run it 
> instead of, or in conjunction with, safari?
> Thanks, Olivia
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower", Steve Jobs
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 7:10 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> Some users have downloaded the updated webkit for Safari which seems to fix 
>> the problem 
>> On 27 Jun 2010, at 15:06, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
>>> It may've been posted before but has anyone had luck with the 
>>> site? It crashes on me everytime I try to go to the main page.
>>> Kev
>>> -- 
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Re: help voice over is broke

2010-06-27 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu

I've had this problem too.  The only thing I did to overcome it was to stop 
interacting and then start interacting with the same again.

Hope this helps.

On Jun 26, 2010, at 11:26 AM, chad baker wrote:

> Hi i ran into a strange problem this morning with vo.
> I can't read through lists with my arrow keys.
> The only way i can do it is with the tab key.
> All i did before this happened was i interacted with an item on safari it was 
> html content and it said to interact with it.
> -- 
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Re: dvds and the mac

2010-06-27 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Where is the mouse button please is it on the Track pad?  Sorry for asking a 
stupid question.

On Jun 26, 2010, at 1:22 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> The same eject button works on windows too if you are using boot camp or some 
> sort of virtual machine, if the disc does not eject just hold the mouse 
> button down as you turn the mac on, this will force all drives to eject.
> On 26 Jun 2010, at 13:07, Josh wrote:
>> Hi
>> If I boot my mac into windows and put a cd in, how do I take the disk out or 
>> eject the disk while the mac is  running windows7? Is there a button that I 
>> can press that also ejects disks?
>> -- 
>> Josh Kennedy
>> -- 
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Re: Question about

2010-06-27 Thread Chris Moore
Webkit is the open source engine that runs underneath Safari, it is also used 
by Nokia and Google etc  These are nightly builds which are more up to date 
then the Safari 5 engine but still could contain bugs or even new ones.  Its 
the best we have until Apple update Safari itself with a stable build.  You 
don't have to do anything to Safari as this is the the engine that runs 
underneath it.
On 27 Jun 2010, at 17:23, Olivia Norman wrote:

> How does webkit work?  Is it another web browser, or what?  Do I run it 
> instead of, or in conjunction with, safari?
> Thanks, Olivia
> "Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower", Steve Jobs
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 7:10 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> Some users have downloaded the updated webkit for Safari which seems to fix 
>> the problem 
>> On 27 Jun 2010, at 15:06, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
>>> It may've been posted before but has anyone had luck with the 
>>> site? It crashes on me everytime I try to go to the main page.
>>> Kev
>>> -- 
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Re: dvds and the mac

2010-06-27 Thread Chris Moore
Yes, hold this in, is your cd stuck? you should have an a eject key on the top 
right of your keyboard.
On 27 Jun 2010, at 17:46, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Where is the mouse button please is it on the Track pad?  Sorry for asking a 
> stupid question.
> Kawal.
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 1:22 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> The same eject button works on windows too if you are using boot camp or 
>> some sort of virtual machine, if the disc does not eject just hold the mouse 
>> button down as you turn the mac on, this will force all drives to eject.
>> On 26 Jun 2010, at 13:07, Josh wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> If I boot my mac into windows and put a cd in, how do I take the disk out 
>>> or eject the disk while the mac is  running windows7? Is there a button 
>>> that I can press that also ejects disks?
>>> -- 
>>> Josh Kennedy
>>> -- 
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> Kawal Gucukoglu
> (E-mail/MSN):
> (Skype ID):
> kawalgucukoglu
> (Mobile/Text):
> +447905618396
> +447576240421
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deleting apps on iphone 4?

2010-06-27 Thread Donna Goodin
this gesture appears to have changed.  Tapping and holding now seems to allow 
you to move an app, but not to delete it.  I've checked the links to the manual 
that Esther posted, but haven't found anything on removing an app.  Anyone 
figured out how to do this?

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Re: dvds and the mac

2010-06-27 Thread Cody Hurst
if you have a new macbook or macbook pro, the trackpad is the mouse, just press 
down on it
On Jun 27, 2010, at 12:46 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Where is the mouse button please is it on the Track pad?  Sorry for asking a 
> stupid question.
> Kawal.
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 1:22 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> The same eject button works on windows too if you are using boot camp or 
>> some sort of virtual machine, if the disc does not eject just hold the mouse 
>> button down as you turn the mac on, this will force all drives to eject.
>> On 26 Jun 2010, at 13:07, Josh wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> If I boot my mac into windows and put a cd in, how do I take the disk out 
>>> or eject the disk while the mac is  running windows7? Is there a button 
>>> that I can press that also ejects disks?
>>> -- 
>>> Josh Kennedy
>>> -- 
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> Kawal Gucukoglu
> (E-mail/MSN):
> (Skype ID):
> kawalgucukoglu
> (Mobile/Text):
> +447905618396
> +447576240421
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Re: deleting apps on iphone 4?

2010-06-27 Thread Cody Hurst
to delete an app, double tap it but do not hold

On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:16 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> this gesture appears to have changed.  Tapping and holding now seems to allow 
> you to move an app, but not to delete it.  I've checked the links to the 
> manual that Esther posted, but haven't found anything on removing an app.  
> Anyone figured out how to do this?
> TIA,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: other voices for the macintosh computers

2010-06-27 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi Ronald.

It's good to have you on this list.  As soon as i saw your name I  knew it was 

Glad you are enjoying your Mac.  Not had mine very long either.

On Jun 26, 2010, at 2:33 PM, RvR wrote:

> Hello Josh,
> Thanks for the suggestion. Will check them out. The voice creation service
> sounds great too. 
> Regards,
> Ronald
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van:
> [] Namens Josh
> Verzonden: zaterdag 26 juni 2010 0:01
> Aan:
> Onderwerp: other voices for the macintosh computers
> Hi
> You can also buy voices for the mac at also in the very
> near future cereproc will offer a consumer voice creation service that will
> let youu turn recordings of you, friends, favorite readers, or famous people
> into apple voices or sapi5 voices for windows.
> Josh
> --
> Josh Kennedy
> --
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Re: deleting apps on iphone 4?

2010-06-27 Thread Donna Goodin
On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:16 PM, Cody Hurst wrote:

> to delete an app, double tap it but do not hold
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:16 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> this gesture appears to have changed.  Tapping and holding now seems to 
>> allow you to move an app, but not to delete it.  I've checked the links to 
>> the manual that Esther posted, but haven't found anything on removing an 
>> app.  Anyone figured out how to do this?
>> TIA,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: VoiceOver 4.0

2010-06-27 Thread Mary Otten
I would love to see application specific settings and also an easy way to 
adjust speech rate on the fly. 
Another thing I would like is a way to skim through text while continuous 
reading is in progress. Move by line is something the screen readers have had 
for a while now, and it is very convenient. Move by paragraph would also be 

And how about getting rid of the duplicate commands for voice over where an Mac 
os X command exists, and give us a list of such commands, organized by 
application, for the applications included with the os. Doing that would mean a 
learning curve for people who have gotten use to voiceover commands, because 
those are what you get in the introductory material. but in the end, more 
keyboard commands would be freed up for assignment to actions where no keyboard 
command exists within the os. 

I would appreciate application-specific settings for keyboard commander, 
because the number of easily accessed keystrokes is not all that many. It could 
be an option, global versus local, so folks who didn't want that could assign 
keystrokes to work across all applications if they wanted. And easy script 

I would also like to see intelligent language switching implemented along with 
the language rotor, so that if there is more than one language on a page, the 
voice will switch if you have this option turned on. 
I don't yet have a braille display, but I understand that at present, voiceover 
spells out the full names of controls, kind of like speech box mode for JAWS. 
that is wasteful of valuable display real estata, and if this is indeed what 
happens, I think they should do something about it.


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Re: deleting apps on iphone 4?

2010-06-27 Thread Donna Goodin
I just tried it.  When I doubl-tapped the app, it just opens, just like it did 
On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:16 PM, Cody Hurst wrote:

> to delete an app, double tap it but do not hold
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:16 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> this gesture appears to have changed.  Tapping and holding now seems to 
>> allow you to move an app, but not to delete it.  I've checked the links to 
>> the manual that Esther posted, but haven't found anything on removing an 
>> app.  Anyone figured out how to do this?
>> TIA,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: Running Windows

2010-06-27 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Fusion is the best.  I installed Virtual machine (windows 7) without any 
sighted intervention.  I until now had never in my life installed windows 
before.  So I was proud of myself, especially that I'd not been using my mac 
Book Pro for long.

On Jun 26, 2010, at 3:37 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> I recently bought parallels desktop 5 with the view to run a demo version of 
> JAWS.  I already have Windows XP installed via BootCamp.
> Anyway I got parallels up and running 9with sighted assistance).  I am 
> finding it is not very VoiceOver friendly.  Even the preferences window can't 
> even be used with VoiceOver (well you can select tabs)  I noticed there were 
> tabs for speech and iPhone, not sure what they do though.
> My question is this, have I bought the wrong product? Should I have bought 
> Fusion?  Is Fusion more VoiceOver friendly?
> cHRIS 
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Re: Itunes help please?

2010-06-27 Thread Allison Manzino
Hi Kari,

I'm new to the Mac as well. I've only had my Macbook since April. I had this 
same trouble. As far as putting all my music content and stories on the Mac 
from Windows I used my  Seagate hard drive and just plugged it in to the USB 
port on the Mac. To open something of this nature, you hit control, option 
shift and D as in David. This will bring you to the desktop. You find the hard 
drive and hit command O and the drive will open.Then you can just copy with 
command C and paste with command V. Someone more knowledgable  than me has 
probably already answered your next question, but I will try my best to answer 
it also.

To sync your Iphone or Ipad with Itunes, you plug it in as normal and in Itunes 
it will show up in the sources list. You make sure you are on the Iphone or 
Ipad and you just Vo right arrow. You will have something like Iphone setting 
scroll area. You interact with that and you should see all your tabs that you 
can sync different content with. Just hit VO Space to select the music, books, 
podcasts tab, etc. I hope that helps. I will have a podcast on configuring and 
syncing Iphone content with selected playlists by the end of today. Have a 
wonderful day and congratulations on your transition to the Mac. I have been a 
Windows user for years, and I love my Mac! I will always have a Windows PC 
around, but my Mac is my go to PC now.


On Jun 27, 2010, at 8:51 AM, kary johns wrote:

> Hi list,
> Can someone give me some pointer's on using itunes on the mac?
> Specifically,  adding things to the library on the Mac  from my
> windows laptop  including iphone and ipad apps and sinking an iphone
> and ipad to itunes with out loosing what I already have on the
> iphone-ipad.
> I'm new to the mac,  so I'm  getting really lost with this, so any
> help is very appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Kari.
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Re: deleting apps on iphone 4?

2010-06-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
No the jester is still the same. double tap, hold and double click the app. I 
did it to remove skype off of my system a few days ago.

On Jun 27, 2010, at 10:16 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> this gesture appears to have changed.  Tapping and holding now seems to allow 
> you to move an app, but not to delete it.  I've checked the links to the 
> manual that Esther posted, but haven't found anything on removing an app.  
> Anyone figured out how to do this?
> TIA,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: Ichat and voice over

2010-06-27 Thread Nik Petersson
Thanks for this guys, looking back it did change around the time of the Safari 

I'll e-mail Appel just to add more input and let you guys know if they come 
back with anything useful.


On 2010-06-27, at 4:49 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Yup, my iChat died after the Safari 5 update, I used to connect to Facebook 
> chat with it.  Now all I get is jibberish.  I also reported it to Apple, 
> wonder when we might see a fix?  I am now trying to connect to FB chat via 
> Adium, but it does not seem to accept my password and I know it is correct.  
> Guess I am stuck using AIM for this purpose for now.
> On 27 Jun 2010, at 12:37, Chris Westbrook wrote:
>> I think it has something to do with safari five.  I wrote apple 
>> accessibility and they said they are aware of it but didn't say anything 
>> more than that.…
>> On Jun 27, 2010, at 3:46 AM, Nik Petersson wrote:
>>> Hey, not sure when this happened, but ICHat used to read very well with VO. 
>>>  You just had to navigate to the HTML section and there was your chat 
>>> session.  Now, you navigate to the HTML part of the Ichat window and 
>>> interact and all you see is the time stamp for each chat message.  YOu can 
>>> then interact with "unknown" and then you can read the message.  
>>> Functional, but very, very unusable.  Anyone find a fix for this or sent an 
>>> message to Appel about this?
>>> Nik
>>> -- 
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Re: deleting apps on iphone 4?

2010-06-27 Thread Sarah Alawami
Careful. if you just double tap it it opens the app. you have to do the 
passthrough jesture the left and double tap.

On Jun 27, 2010, at 10:16 AM, Cody Hurst wrote:

> to delete an app, double tap it but do not hold
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:16 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> this gesture appears to have changed.  Tapping and holding now seems to 
>> allow you to move an app, but not to delete it.  I've checked the links to 
>> the manual that Esther posted, but haven't found anything on removing an 
>> app.  Anyone figured out how to do this?
>> TIA,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: Ichat and voice over

2010-06-27 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Nick,
For me, this ichat problem arose with the upgrade to Safari 5. I did send a 
message to apple, and I sent another one after the upgrade to 10.6.4 didn't fix 
the problem. Now, webkit has fixed the other safari problems that remained 
after the sl upgrade. but the ichat problem still exists. So I'm left wondering 
what could be going on. It certainly has made Ichat unusable as you described. 
You can get ichat to read incoming messages to you, but the reading rate is 
excruciatingly slow, and there doesn't seem to be a way to increase it. I have 
sent apple a note  about that one too. IPlease drop accessibility at apple a 
note to add your voice to others who would like the functionality restored.


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Re: deleting apps on iphone 4?

2010-06-27 Thread Donna Goodin
Thanks, Sarah.  Actually, that is a slight change.  You didn't used to haved to 
double-click on the app after the tap and hold.

On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:34 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> No the jester is still the same. double tap, hold and double click the app. I 
> did it to remove skype off of my system a few days ago.
> S
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 10:16 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> this gesture appears to have changed.  Tapping and holding now seems to 
>> allow you to move an app, but not to delete it.  I've checked the links to 
>> the manual that Esther posted, but haven't found anything on removing an 
>> app.  Anyone figured out how to do this?
>> TIA,
>> Donna
>> -- 
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Re: deleting apps on iphone 4?

2010-06-27 Thread Donna Goodin
Right. Got it.  Thanks.
On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:35 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:

> Careful. if you just double tap it it opens the app. you have to do the 
> passthrough jesture the left and double tap.
> S
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 10:16 AM, Cody Hurst wrote:
>> to delete an app, double tap it but do not hold
>> On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:16 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> this gesture appears to have changed.  Tapping and holding now seems to 
>>> allow you to move an app, but not to delete it.  I've checked the links to 
>>> the manual that Esther posted, but haven't found anything on removing an 
>>> app.  Anyone figured out how to do this?
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
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Re: VoiceOver 4.0

2010-06-27 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Mary,

You can adjust speech rate on the fly by pressing VO-Command-Right arrow until 
you find Speech Rate, then using VO-Command-Up or Down arrow to adjust it.

If you are adjusting the speech rate regularly, you will find it is the setting 
you are on.

I adjust language all the time, so that is where the adjustor sits most of the 

In the Text commands menu you have the commands for navigating by line, by 
sentence, and by paragraph. I use these all the time.

The duplicate commands are useful if you have the VO keys locked.



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Re: VoiceOver 4.0

2010-06-27 Thread Mary Otten
Hi Ann,
I'm talking about skipping text while vo is reading, not stopping speech and 
reading by line etc. If you find yourself wanting to skip over chunks of text 
or lines, this is a very useful feature, one I use in my Windows life quite 
often. Since I use quicknav, I also don't tent to lock vo keys; seems like 
doing that would be a lot less necessary since they introduced quicknav. Thanks 
for the tip on language and speech rate adjustment; I didn't realize that 
existed. It will be handy.


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Re: deleting apps on iphone 4?

2010-06-27 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Donna,

Allow me to clarify a bit.  The delete an app gesture is the same.  It just 
doesn't announce you've entered the mode anymore unless you have hints turned 
on.  I know you just upgraded today so let me add, to open the app switcher 
menu press the home button twice.  to remove/close the apps you do the delete 
gesture as I mentioned earlier.  With the app switcher open if you swipe to the 
next page you will find the orientation lock button.  You have to have an app 
running in the switcher to access this button.

On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:54 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> Thanks, Sarah.  Actually, that is a slight change.  You didn't used to haved 
> to double-click on the app after the tap and hold.
> Thanks,
> Donna
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:34 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> No the jester is still the same. double tap, hold and double click the app. 
>> I did it to remove skype off of my system a few days ago.
>> S
>> On Jun 27, 2010, at 10:16 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> this gesture appears to have changed.  Tapping and holding now seems to 
>>> allow you to move an app, but not to delete it.  I've checked the links to 
>>> the manual that Esther posted, but haven't found anything on removing an 
>>> app.  Anyone figured out how to do this?
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
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RE: other voices for the macintosh computers

2010-06-27 Thread RvR
Hey Kawal,
Nice to see you here also! Saw your name passing by on this list a few times
and knew it was you for certain too [smile]
How are you, do you still own the Touch Pro 2? I sold my HTC Touch Diamond 2
because I didn't like the Windows Mobile Mobile Speak 4 combo very much. Now
have a Nokia n86, but probably get me an iPhone 4 and/or iPad when they
become available over here.
What Mac do you have?
Must tell you a secret...I don't own a Mac yet...tell nobody okay ;-)
Gonna buy one as soon as the new desktop models are released (which
hopefully will be in a couple of months). I want a desktop model like an
iMac or even a Mac Pro cause it needs to be powerful for sound processing
and such.
Joined this list to learn as much as possible before I get a Mac.
Have fun!
Talk soon,
-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
[] Namens Kawal Gucukoglu
Verzonden: zondag 27 juni 2010 19:18
Onderwerp: Re: other voices for the macintosh computers

Hi Ronald.

It's good to have you on this list.  As soon as i saw your name I  knew it
was you.

Glad you are enjoying your Mac.  Not had mine very long either.

On Jun 26, 2010, at 2:33 PM, RvR wrote:

> Hello Josh,
> Thanks for the suggestion. Will check them out. The voice creation 
> service sounds great too.
> Regards,
> Ronald
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van:
> [] Namens Josh
> Verzonden: zaterdag 26 juni 2010 0:01
> Aan:
> Onderwerp: other voices for the macintosh computers
> Hi
> You can also buy voices for the mac at also in the 
> very near future cereproc will offer a consumer voice creation service 
> that will let youu turn recordings of you, friends, favorite readers, 
> or famous people into apple voices or sapi5 voices for windows.
> Josh
> --
> Josh Kennedy
> --
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Kawal Gucukoglu


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Re: VoiceOver 4.0

2010-06-27 Thread John André Netland
Hi Mary,

Good suggestions, but remember that some of these already are more or less 
found in VoiceOver:

•Change speech rate/volume/pitch/intonation/language on the fly by holding down 
control-option-command and select what you would like to change with the 
left/right arrow, and change value with up/down arrow.

•Read paragraph by paragraph with control-option-shift-page down or up. Similar 
commands for line, sentence etc etc. You'll find all these by pressing 
control-option-H for VoiceOver help menu and go into the Commands menu and the 
Text submenu found there. YOu can also assign these to NumPad Commander or 
other Commanders to avoid keystrokes.

•When using Group mode instead of dom mode for reading web pages, text will 
most often be presented paragraph by paragraph in bulks. 

•In the Keyboard panel of the System Prefs, you'll find the ability to ad 
shortcuts individually for each applications. The shortcuts will show up 
together with the menu item in the app you have assign such keystrokes for.

One specific iOS feature I would like to see in MacOSX is ducking when 
VoiceOver is speaking, so that other sound material won't get in the way for 
VO. App specific HOt Spots would be great, so that HOt Spots could act like Web 
Spots currently does for individual web pages.

I guess we should send this thread to Apple accessibility when we have shared 
more thoughts here. It will be a whole lot of interesting reading for them, 
right? Smile.

Take care,
JOhn André

On 27. juni 2010, at 19.27, Mary Otten wrote:

> I would love to see application specific settings and also an easy way to 
> adjust speech rate on the fly. 
> Another thing I would like is a way to skim through text while continuous 
> reading is in progress. Move by line is something the screen readers have had 
> for a while now, and it is very convenient. Move by paragraph would also be 
> nice.
> And how about getting rid of the duplicate commands for voice over where an 
> Mac os X command exists, and give us a list of such commands, organized by 
> application, for the applications included with the os. Doing that would mean 
> a learning curve for people who have gotten use to voiceover commands, 
> because those are what you get in the introductory material. but in the end, 
> more keyboard commands would be freed up for assignment to actions where no 
> keyboard command exists within the os. 
> I would appreciate application-specific settings for keyboard commander, 
> because the number of easily accessed keystrokes is not all that many. It 
> could be an option, global versus local, so folks who didn't want that could 
> assign keystrokes to work across all applications if they wanted. And easy 
> script sharing.
> I would also like to see intelligent language switching implemented along 
> with the language rotor, so that if there is more than one language on a 
> page, the voice will switch if you have this option turned on. 
> I don't yet have a braille display, but I understand that at present, 
> voiceover spells out the full names of controls, kind of like speech box mode 
> for JAWS. that is wasteful of valuable display real estata, and if this is 
> indeed what happens, I think they should do something about it.
> Mary
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Commentary | Quick Nav on the Mac

2010-06-27 Thread Kevin Mattingly
I've found that using the quick nav key settings has really helped me out 
moving around on web pages. I have a Mac bluetooth keyboard that is setup more 
like the macbook. The quick nav allows a nice alternative to the numpad on a 
full sized keyboard.

Kevin M.

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accessing programs that display a status menu icon

2010-06-27 Thread Mike Arrigo
Hi everyone. Has anyone seen programs that, when they run, place an icon in the 
status menu, I'm assuming this is the area on the top right of the desktop? 
I've tried 2 different programs, one to control the minimum fan speed, and a 
java application, both of these claim that they place themselves in the status 
menu area, yet, using the mac keyboard command, control f8, or using the 
voiceover menu command does not allow me to access the status menus of these 
programs. Do they use nonstandard menus, and is there any way to access these?

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Re: Running Windows

2010-06-27 Thread Mike Arrigo
Apparently paralels, for reasons I will never understand chose to draw their 
controls to the screen directly instead of using standard mac controls. Try as 
I might, I can think of no advantage to this only disadvantages, so to make it 
accessible, it would need to be rewritten, whoever made that decision had no 
idea what they were doing.
On Jun 27, 2010, at 9:03 AM, Chris Moore wrote:

> I wish I had of known this before I bought Parallels! Wonder if they will let 
> me trade in?  Currently downloading the 30 day trail of Fusion ...
> On 27 Jun 2010, at 14:58, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>> Voiceover does not work well with paralels, if you're going to run windows 
>> in a virtual machine, fusion is the way to go.
>> On Jun 26, 2010, at 9:37 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
>>> I recently bought parallels desktop 5 with the view to run a demo version 
>>> of JAWS.  I already have Windows XP installed via BootCamp.
>>> Anyway I got parallels up and running 9with sighted assistance).  I am 
>>> finding it is not very VoiceOver friendly.  Even the preferences window 
>>> can't even be used with VoiceOver (well you can select tabs)  I noticed 
>>> there were tabs for speech and iPhone, not sure what they do though.
>>> My question is this, have I bought the wrong product? Should I have bought 
>>> Fusion?  Is Fusion more VoiceOver friendly?
>>> cHRIS 
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Re: iphone4 podcast now up

2010-06-27 Thread Laura M

If you keep sliding once you hear VO announce that an app is on top of
another app, you hear the normal beep, and the announcement of what
row and column you're in, just as you always did. Letting go at that
point causes the apps to switch position as usual. The only difference
is that you hear the folder announcement before the column one. That's
certainly how it seemed to be working for me the other day, at any

On Jun 27, 7:07 am, Bryan Smart  wrote:
> Hi Cody. . I enjoyed your podcast. Good job on it.
> One bit that I'm not clear about with iOS 4 and folders, though, is how the 
> dragging behavior to create folders affects the way that VO users rearrange 
> apps on a single screen. For example, , before iOS 4, you would tap and hold 
> on the app to move, drag to a new position, and release your finger. your app 
> would drop in to that position, and the other apps would be pushed over to 
> make room. If you did that now, though, you'd create a folder that contained 
> both the app that you were dragging, and the app that was located at the 
> point where you released your finger.
> So, how do you move apps now without creating folders?
> Bryan
> -Original Message-
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Cody Hurst
> Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 9:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: iphone4 podcast now up
> Hi list,
> My iPhone 4 review is now up on my site and soon to be on bct. I talk about 
> the design of the phone, and go over some voiceover features. I recorded and 
> edited this in amadeus so thanks for all the tips given to me. Note, yes, 
> high voice but I'm not a woman/I will slap you if you call me a woman
> Enjoy!
> Cody
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Re: deleting apps on iphone 4?

2010-06-27 Thread Donna Goodin
Thanks for this Ricardo.  So far I'm really liking the upgrade, especially the 
Take care,
On Jun 27, 2010, at 2:26 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi Donna,
> Allow me to clarify a bit.  The delete an app gesture is the same.  It just 
> doesn't announce you've entered the mode anymore unless you have hints turned 
> on.  I know you just upgraded today so let me add, to open the app switcher 
> menu press the home button twice.  to remove/close the apps you do the delete 
> gesture as I mentioned earlier.  With the app switcher open if you swipe to 
> the next page you will find the orientation lock button.  You have to have an 
> app running in the switcher to access this button.
> hth
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:54 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Thanks, Sarah.  Actually, that is a slight change.  You didn't used to haved 
>> to double-click on the app after the tap and hold.
>> Thanks,
>> Donna
>> On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:34 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>> No the jester is still the same. double tap, hold and double click the app. 
>>> I did it to remove skype off of my system a few days ago.
>>> S
>>> On Jun 27, 2010, at 10:16 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
 this gesture appears to have changed.  Tapping and holding now seems to 
 allow you to move an app, but not to delete it.  I've checked the links to 
 the manual that Esther posted, but haven't found anything on removing an 
 app.  Anyone figured out how to do this?
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Re: Question about

2010-06-27 Thread Michael Huckabay
Yes but if you install webket it should work just fine running the latest 
On 2010-06-27, at 9:06 AM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:

> It may've been posted before but has anyone had luck with the 
> site? It crashes on me everytime I try to go to the main page.
> Kev
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Re: deleting apps on iphone 4?

2010-06-27 Thread Ryan Mann
I don't understand.  double tapping opens an application.

On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:42 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> thanks!
> Donna
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:16 PM, Cody Hurst wrote:
>> to delete an app, double tap it but do not hold
>> On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:16 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> this gesture appears to have changed.  Tapping and holding now seems to 
>>> allow you to move an app, but not to delete it.  I've checked the links to 
>>> the manual that Esther posted, but haven't found anything on removing an 
>>> app.  Anyone figured out how to do this?
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
>>> -- 
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RE: deleting apps on iphone 4?

2010-06-27 Thread Frank Ventura
To move an app, is it a single tap and hold or a double tap and then

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2010 1:16 PM
Subject: deleting apps on iphone 4?

this gesture appears to have changed.  Tapping and holding now seems to
allow you to move an app, but not to delete it.  I've checked the links
to the manual that Esther posted, but haven't found anything on removing
an app.  Anyone figured out how to do this?

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Re: VoiceOver 4.0

2010-06-27 Thread Mary Otten
Hi John,
Unless I'm just not doing it right, the present reading commands don't exactly 
do what I'm talking about. for example, control option down arrow is suppose to 
read next line. It does that. but what I want to be able to do, and can do with 
Windows screen readers and my ocr application is to have continuous reading 
engaged and then skip to the next line and have reading keep going without 
having to reengage continuous reading. Its kind of like having a skip back and 
skip forward on a tape player, if that helps visualize what I'm talking about. 
If that's suppose to happen when you press control shift down while reading, 
its not working here.


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Using a Mac Mini without a monitor

2010-06-27 Thread Aman Singer
Hi, all.
I find myself in some difficulty. I have available to me one of the
new Mac Minis. However, I do not have a monitor at all times. Before I
obtain the unit, I should like to know whether it would be possible to use
it without a monitor. If so, are any settings required? If not, when is the
check for the monitor done? Is it just at boot up, or is it done
periodically throughout the use of the system?
Thanks in advance.

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Wigits and dash board, what are these things?

2010-06-27 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi All.

I've read a few messages re widgets and dash board.  What are these widgets and 
what is Dash board?  If I press FN function 12, I hear a noise but don't 
understand what all this means!


Kawal Gucukoglu


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Re: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor

2010-06-27 Thread Kevin Mattingly
I'm not sure about the new Mini but mine requires one for Safari. Everything 
else runs fine. Have you thought about getting a KVM to use? That would allow 
you to use a single monitor on multiple computers.

On Jun 27, 2010, at 3:47 PM, Aman Singer wrote:

> Hi, all.
>   I find myself in some difficulty. I have available to me one of the
> new Mac Minis. However, I do not have a monitor at all times. Before I
> obtain the unit, I should like to know whether it would be possible to use
> it without a monitor. If so, are any settings required? If not, when is the
> check for the monitor done? Is it just at boot up, or is it done
> periodically throughout the use of the system?
> Thanks in advance.
> Aman
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Re: VoiceOver 4.0

2010-06-27 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Mary,

OK, I understand now. What you need is GhostReader if what you want to do is 
just read a document.

With GhostReader, you can skip any number of sentences or paragraphs and 
GhostReader will pick up immediately.

I use this application for reading the original version of the document I'm 
translating. It runs happily in the background, so I can work in Pages while 
listening in GhostReader.

If you have voices from Infovox iVox, you may well have GhostReader already. If 
not, you get it from the Convenienceware portion of Assistiveware.



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Re: Windows on the mac question

2010-06-27 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi Kev.

Glad you have bought this subject up.  I'm having the same problem.

Some time ago, Mark Taylor wrote a message asking people to tell him how others 
got a jaws cursor.  I'm having the same difficulty and need a jaws cursor.  So 
if anyone can kindly tell us how they get around this problem, I'd be so 
grateful.  I desperately need a jaws cursor.  Sharp keys will not help me.

On Jun 26, 2010, at 8:25 PM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:

> I'm running vmware fusion on my mac with windows 7. I'm having an issue 
> getting jaws to recognize the caps lock key as the jaws key. When I try and 
> use it in windows, it continues to recognize it as the caps lock key. 
> Anyone have any ideas for resolution?
> Thanks,
> Kev
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converting DVD

2010-06-27 Thread Larry Wanger

Can someone point me to software that I can use to convert DVD to MP4 or 
another file format that I can use. My wife has several DVDs she owns that have 
arobic workouts on them and, as she will be traveling quite a bit in the near 
future, she wants to end up being able to use the air video app on the iPad to 
watch them. This application plays many video file formats and my real issue is 
finding a Mac product that will capture the audio/video and copy it to my 
computer hard drive.

Thanks for any help with this.

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Re: deleting apps on iphone 4?

2010-06-27 Thread Cody Hurst
you need to double tap and hold on second tap, when you hear moving that 
application let go and then double tap
On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:44 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:

> I just tried it.  When I doubl-tapped the app, it just opens, just like it 
> did before.
> Donna
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:16 PM, Cody Hurst wrote:
>> to delete an app, double tap it but do not hold
>> On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:16 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
>>> this gesture appears to have changed.  Tapping and holding now seems to 
>>> allow you to move an app, but not to delete it.  I've checked the links to 
>>> the manual that Esther posted, but haven't found anything on removing an 
>>> app.  Anyone figured out how to do this?
>>> TIA,
>>> Donna
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Re: Commentary | Quick Nav on the Mac

2010-06-27 Thread Cody Hurst
I will agree here, and when I want to enter text it does not interfere. I 
really never saw the point in the numbpad commander anyway even though they 
redid the numbpad command commands and now they don't even ship macs with full 
sized kb's lol go figure
On Jun 27, 2010, at 2:43 PM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:

> I've found that using the quick nav key settings has really helped me out 
> moving around on web pages. I have a Mac bluetooth keyboard that is setup 
> more like the macbook. The quick nav allows a nice alternative to the numpad 
> on a full sized keyboard.
> Kevin M.
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Re: iphone4 podcast now up

2010-06-27 Thread Cody Hurst
yep I just ried this and it does indeed work, it's just that you need to move 
the icon you want to move a little to the left or right of the icon you want to 
replace rather than combining..
On Jun 27, 2010, at 2:51 PM, Laura M wrote:

> Bryan
> If you keep sliding once you hear VO announce that an app is on top of
> another app, you hear the normal beep, and the announcement of what
> row and column you're in, just as you always did. Letting go at that
> point causes the apps to switch position as usual. The only difference
> is that you hear the folder announcement before the column one. That's
> certainly how it seemed to be working for me the other day, at any
> rate.
> On Jun 27, 7:07 am, Bryan Smart  wrote:
>> Hi Cody. . I enjoyed your podcast. Good job on it.
>> One bit that I'm not clear about with iOS 4 and folders, though, is how the 
>> dragging behavior to create folders affects the way that VO users rearrange 
>> apps on a single screen. For example, , before iOS 4, you would tap and hold 
>> on the app to move, drag to a new position, and release your finger. your 
>> app would drop in to that position, and the other apps would be pushed over 
>> to make room. If you did that now, though, you'd create a folder that 
>> contained both the app that you were dragging, and the app that was located 
>> at the point where you released your finger.
>> So, how do you move apps now without creating folders?
>> Bryan
>> -Original Message-
>> From: 
>> [] On Behalf Of Cody Hurst
>> Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 9:53 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: iphone4 podcast now up
>> Hi list,
>> My iPhone 4 review is now up on my site and soon to be on bct. I talk about 
>> the design of the phone, and go over some voiceover features. I recorded and 
>> edited this in amadeus so thanks for all the tips given to me. Note, yes, 
>> high voice but I'm not a woman/I will slap you if you call me a woman
>> Enjoy!
>> Cody
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Re: Windows on the mac question

2010-06-27 Thread Kevin Mattingly
I found some data on remapping keys on the mac keyboard. Its a bit of a unix 
challenge and I am still working through the challenges of doing it. Based on 
my research. the Mac help key is the insert key on the standard keyboard. For 
macbooks and the keyboards minus a number pad, this key isn't available. I 
can't make any promises but I'll try and map an existing key to this key and 
script it. I haven't done any real unix scripting for 10 years or so and 
therefore, I'm real rusty at it. 

In the meantime, if someone comes up with something else, that'd be great. 

I remember the classic laptop keyboard configurations being an option in 
earlier versions of jaws but that doesn't seem to be available anymore.

On Jun 27, 2010, at 4:11 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Hi Kev.
> Glad you have bought this subject up.  I'm having the same problem.
> Some time ago, Mark Taylor wrote a message asking people to tell him how 
> others got a jaws cursor.  I'm having the same difficulty and need a jaws 
> cursor.  So if anyone can kindly tell us how they get around this problem, 
> I'd be so grateful.  I desperately need a jaws cursor.  Sharp keys will not 
> help me.
> Kawal.
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 8:25 PM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
>> I'm running vmware fusion on my mac with windows 7. I'm having an issue 
>> getting jaws to recognize the caps lock key as the jaws key. When I try and 
>> use it in windows, it continues to recognize it as the caps lock key. 
>> Anyone have any ideas for resolution?
>> Thanks,
>> Kev
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> Kawal Gucukoglu
> (E-mail/MSN):
> (Skype ID):
> kawalgucukoglu
> (Mobile/Text):
> +447905618396
> +447576240421
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Re: VoiceOver 4.0

2010-06-27 Thread Chris Moore
Thanks for that Mary, do you not change the rate by pressing control + option + 
command and then use the cursor keys, or are you referring to an easier 
solution then that?
On 27 Jun 2010, at 18:27, Mary Otten wrote:

> I would love to see application specific settings and also an easy way to 
> adjust speech rate on the fly. 
> Another thing I would like is a way to skim through text while continuous 
> reading is in progress. Move by line is something the screen readers have had 
> for a while now, and it is very convenient. Move by paragraph would also be 
> nice.
> And how about getting rid of the duplicate commands for voice over where an 
> Mac os X command exists, and give us a list of such commands, organized by 
> application, for the applications included with the os. Doing that would mean 
> a learning curve for people who have gotten use to voiceover commands, 
> because those are what you get in the introductory material. but in the end, 
> more keyboard commands would be freed up for assignment to actions where no 
> keyboard command exists within the os. 
> I would appreciate application-specific settings for keyboard commander, 
> because the number of easily accessed keystrokes is not all that many. It 
> could be an option, global versus local, so folks who didn't want that could 
> assign keystrokes to work across all applications if they wanted. And easy 
> script sharing.
> I would also like to see intelligent language switching implemented along 
> with the language rotor, so that if there is more than one language on a 
> page, the voice will switch if you have this option turned on. 
> I don't yet have a braille display, but I understand that at present, 
> voiceover spells out the full names of controls, kind of like speech box mode 
> for JAWS. that is wasteful of valuable display real estata, and if this is 
> indeed what happens, I think they should do something about it.
> Mary
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Re: deleting apps on iphone 4?

2010-06-27 Thread Cody Hurst

tap to select the icon
double tap to open
double tap and hold to enter pass through
double tap and hold then double tap again will delete the application

I don't use the hints because I don't feel like hearing all that extra stuff so 
this might be why you aren't understanding but could be wrong
On Jun 27, 2010, at 3:14 PM, Frank Ventura wrote:

> To move an app, is it a single tap and hold or a double tap and then
> hold?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2010 1:16 PM
> To:
> Subject: deleting apps on iphone 4?
> this gesture appears to have changed.  Tapping and holding now seems to
> allow you to move an app, but not to delete it.  I've checked the links
> to the manual that Esther posted, but haven't found anything on removing
> an app.  Anyone figured out how to do this?
> TIA,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor

2010-06-27 Thread Cody Hurst
I"m not so sure that a monitor is required, although it might be for the 
initial setup. I can say for sure a keyboard and mouse are required for the 
setup. I think when I had my mini back in 08 that it was required but I'm unsure
On Jun 27, 2010, at 3:47 PM, Aman Singer wrote:

> Hi, all.
>   I find myself in some difficulty. I have available to me one of the
> new Mac Minis. However, I do not have a monitor at all times. Before I
> obtain the unit, I should like to know whether it would be possible to use
> it without a monitor. If so, are any settings required? If not, when is the
> check for the monitor done? Is it just at boot up, or is it done
> periodically throughout the use of the system?
> Thanks in advance.
> Aman
> -- 
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How do you activate and deactivate the num lock

2010-06-27 Thread Annie Skov Nielsen
Hi all.

One of my friends has made a mistake and got activated the num lock on
his mac book. How is it possible to deactivate it again. I thought it
was fn +f6, but I am not sure about that, it does not work on my own

The problem is that the row with the letters q w e r t y u i o shows
numbers instead of letters.

Best regards Annie.

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Re: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor

2010-06-27 Thread Chris G
On the new Mac minis a monitor is required.   In my case the monitor
isn't even turned on or plugged into AC power, just connected to the

On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 16:30:37 -0400
Cody Hurst  wrote:

> I"m not so sure that a monitor is required, although it might be for the 
> initial setup. I can say for sure a keyboard and mouse are required for the 
> setup. I think when I had my mini back in 08 that it was required but I'm 
> unsure
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 3:47 PM, Aman Singer wrote:
> > Hi, all.
> > I find myself in some difficulty. I have available to me one of the
> > new Mac Minis. However, I do not have a monitor at all times. Before I
> > obtain the unit, I should like to know whether it would be possible to use
> > it without a monitor. If so, are any settings required? If not, when is the
> > check for the monitor done? Is it just at boot up, or is it done
> > periodically throughout the use of the system?
> > Thanks in advance.
> > Aman
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
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> >
> > 
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Chris G 

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Re: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor

2010-06-27 Thread Kevin Mattingly
Thanks to Mike Arrigo I found out about the monitor requirement. I bought this 
mac last month  and spent 2 days trying to figure out why web pages loaded so 
slowly. Once I bought the dongle to use with my monitor, life was great and my 
mac experience became awesome.

On Jun 27, 2010, at 4:35 PM, Chris G wrote:

> On the new Mac minis a monitor is required.   In my case the monitor
> isn't even turned on or plugged into AC power, just connected to the
> mini.
> On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 16:30:37 -0400
> Cody Hurst  wrote:
>> I"m not so sure that a monitor is required, although it might be for the 
>> initial setup. I can say for sure a keyboard and mouse are required for the 
>> setup. I think when I had my mini back in 08 that it was required but I'm 
>> unsure
>> On Jun 27, 2010, at 3:47 PM, Aman Singer wrote:
>>> Hi, all.
>>> I find myself in some difficulty. I have available to me one of the
>>> new Mac Minis. However, I do not have a monitor at all times. Before I
>>> obtain the unit, I should like to know whether it would be possible to use
>>> it without a monitor. If so, are any settings required? If not, when is the
>>> check for the monitor done? Is it just at boot up, or is it done
>>> periodically throughout the use of the system?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Aman
>>> -- 
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> -- 
> Chris G 
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Re: ACB Convention

2010-06-27 Thread Larry Wanger
Hey Chris, I'm here in PHX as well and will be around the convention. Maybe we 
could try to plan some kind of meet-up for people on the list at one of the 
restaurants around the convention hotel in the evening. We could chat off list 
if necessary, formulate some plans and then maybe come up with an announcement 
or something. Just a thought. 

On Jun 27, 2010, at 3:43 AM, Chris Snyder wrote:

> Hi ladies and gentlemen,
> I am one of the people who is unfortunate enough to live in the hottest state 
> in the US which I lovingly refer to as Arid Zona. Anyway, I am wondering if 
> any of you fine visionaries are planning to attend the ACB convention in my 
> hot city. If so, it might be fun to take a break from our safari, gather 
> round the firewire, and have some toast. Since it's hot though, perhaps we 
> might want to meet up on the dock and iChat over java and cookies. I would 
> have tried to come up with more mac programs, but not many deal with food. lol
> Friendly,
> Chris
> -- 
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Re: converting DVD

2010-06-27 Thread Chris Moore
I think Popcorn does this, there is also DVDRipper 
On 27 Jun 2010, at 21:12, Larry Wanger wrote:

> Hi,
> Can someone point me to software that I can use to convert DVD to MP4 or 
> another file format that I can use. My wife has several DVDs she owns that 
> have arobic workouts on them and, as she will be traveling quite a bit in the 
> near future, she wants to end up being able to use the air video app on the 
> iPad to watch them. This application plays many video file formats and my 
> real issue is finding a Mac product that will capture the audio/video and 
> copy it to my computer hard drive.
> Thanks for any help with this.
> -- 
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Re: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor

2010-06-27 Thread Chris Moore
You can also use an HD TV with the mac mini via HDMI if you have one of them 
kicking around.
On 27 Jun 2010, at 21:35, Chris G wrote:

> On the new Mac minis a monitor is required.   In my case the monitor
> isn't even turned on or plugged into AC power, just connected to the
> mini.
> On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 16:30:37 -0400
> Cody Hurst  wrote:
>> I"m not so sure that a monitor is required, although it might be for the 
>> initial setup. I can say for sure a keyboard and mouse are required for the 
>> setup. I think when I had my mini back in 08 that it was required but I'm 
>> unsure
>> On Jun 27, 2010, at 3:47 PM, Aman Singer wrote:
>>> Hi, all.
>>> I find myself in some difficulty. I have available to me one of the
>>> new Mac Minis. However, I do not have a monitor at all times. Before I
>>> obtain the unit, I should like to know whether it would be possible to use
>>> it without a monitor. If so, are any settings required? If not, when is the
>>> check for the monitor done? Is it just at boot up, or is it done
>>> periodically throughout the use of the system?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Aman
>>> -- 
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> -- 
> Chris G 
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Re: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor

2010-06-27 Thread Kevin Mattingly
Come on Chris, you're gonna make me want to go buy one of the new ones now.

On Jun 27, 2010, at 4:46 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> You can also use an HD TV with the mac mini via HDMI if you have one of them 
> kicking around.
> On 27 Jun 2010, at 21:35, Chris G wrote:
>> On the new Mac minis a monitor is required.   In my case the monitor
>> isn't even turned on or plugged into AC power, just connected to the
>> mini.
>> On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 16:30:37 -0400
>> Cody Hurst  wrote:
>>> I"m not so sure that a monitor is required, although it might be for the 
>>> initial setup. I can say for sure a keyboard and mouse are required for the 
>>> setup. I think when I had my mini back in 08 that it was required but I'm 
>>> unsure
>>> On Jun 27, 2010, at 3:47 PM, Aman Singer wrote:
 Hi, all.
I find myself in some difficulty. I have available to me one of the
 new Mac Minis. However, I do not have a monitor at all times. Before I
 obtain the unit, I should like to know whether it would be possible to use
 it without a monitor. If so, are any settings required? If not, when is the
 check for the monitor done? Is it just at boot up, or is it done
 periodically throughout the use of the system?
 Thanks in advance.
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> For more options, visit this group at 
>> -- 
>> Chris G 
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Re: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor

2010-06-27 Thread Chris Moore
Treat yourself :o) 
On 27 Jun 2010, at 21:53, Kevin Mattingly wrote:

> Come on Chris, you're gonna make me want to go buy one of the new ones now.
> Kev
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 4:46 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> You can also use an HD TV with the mac mini via HDMI if you have one of them 
>> kicking around.
>> On 27 Jun 2010, at 21:35, Chris G wrote:
>>> On the new Mac minis a monitor is required.   In my case the monitor
>>> isn't even turned on or plugged into AC power, just connected to the
>>> mini.
>>> On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 16:30:37 -0400
>>> Cody Hurst  wrote:
 I"m not so sure that a monitor is required, although it might be for the 
 initial setup. I can say for sure a keyboard and mouse are required for 
 the setup. I think when I had my mini back in 08 that it was required but 
 I'm unsure
 On Jun 27, 2010, at 3:47 PM, Aman Singer wrote:
> Hi, all.
>   I find myself in some difficulty. I have available to me one of the
> new Mac Minis. However, I do not have a monitor at all times. Before I
> obtain the unit, I should like to know whether it would be possible to use
> it without a monitor. If so, are any settings required? If not, when is 
> the
> check for the monitor done? Is it just at boot up, or is it done
> periodically throughout the use of the system?
> Thanks in advance.
> Aman
> -- 
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>>> -- 
>>> Chris G 
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Re: How do you activate and deactivate the num lock

2010-06-27 Thread Esther

Hi Annie,

If your friend's Macbook was made earlier than about November 2007 and  
has the Num lock key, then you're correct, you can toggle it off with  
either Fn+F6 or F6.  The first combination is more likely for  
VoiceOver use.  It depends on your Keyboard setup under System  
Preferences -- whether you have the box checked for "Use all F1, F2,  
etc. keys as standard function keys" on the first tab of the Keyboard  
& Mouse Menu.  But either Fn+F6 or just F6 should switch the Num lock  
key off.

HTH.  Cheers,


On Jun 27, 2010, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:

Hi all.

One of my friends has made a mistake and got activated the num lock on
his mac book. How is it possible to deactivate it again. I thought it
was fn +f6, but I am not sure about that, it does not work on my own

The problem is that the row with the letters q w e r t y u i o shows
numbers instead of letters.

Best regards Annie.

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RE: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor

2010-06-27 Thread Aman Singer
Hi, Kevin.
I already have a KVM, I don't have a monitor at all, though. Do you
think it would be possible to plug the KVM into the unit and that this would
cause it to think a monitor is attached? Alternatively, has anyone found any
sort of adapter which can fool the device into thinking that a monitor is
plugged in?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2010 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor

I'm not sure about the new Mini but mine requires one for Safari. Everything
else runs fine. Have you thought about getting a KVM to use? That would
allow you to use a single monitor on multiple computers.

On Jun 27, 2010, at 3:47 PM, Aman Singer wrote:

> Hi, all.
>   I find myself in some difficulty. I have available to me one of the 
> new Mac Minis. However, I do not have a monitor at all times. Before I 
> obtain the unit, I should like to know whether it would be possible to 
> use it without a monitor. If so, are any settings required? If not, 
> when is the check for the monitor done? Is it just at boot up, or is 
> it done periodically throughout the use of the system?
> Thanks in advance.
> Aman
> --
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RE: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor

2010-06-27 Thread Aman Singer
Thank you, Chris. What happens when the monitor is not connected, and is
there a way to make the device think a monitor is plugged in when it's not?

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chris G
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2010 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor

On the new Mac minis a monitor is required.   In my case the monitor
isn't even turned on or plugged into AC power, just connected to the mini.

On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 16:30:37 -0400
Cody Hurst  wrote:

> I"m not so sure that a monitor is required, although it might be for 
> the initial setup. I can say for sure a keyboard and mouse are required
for the setup. I think when I had my mini back in 08 that it was required
but I'm unsure On Jun 27, 2010, at 3:47 PM, Aman Singer wrote:
> > Hi, all.
> > I find myself in some difficulty. I have available to me one of the 
> > new Mac Minis. However, I do not have a monitor at all times. Before 
> > I obtain the unit, I should like to know whether it would be 
> > possible to use it without a monitor. If so, are any settings 
> > required? If not, when is the check for the monitor done? Is it just 
> > at boot up, or is it done periodically throughout the use of the system?
> > Thanks in advance.
> > Aman
> > 
> > 
> > --
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Chris G 

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Bug in iOS 4.0

2010-06-27 Thread Chris Moore
Hey gang,

Not sure if anyone else is having the same problem, but I have found a couple 
of bugs in iOS 4.0.  The first is quite minor, the badge that appears on the 
mail app sometimes gives the impression I have unread messages from my mobile 
me account, but when I go to investigate there is nothing new there and when I 
come back out of mail the unread messages badge has 
The second bug is when I receive a text message and unlock my phone which then 
takes me directly into the text message I am unable to reply to it.  When I 
double tap the text edit area at the bottom of the screen, voiceover just 
announces that the cursor is at the beginning of the text but no keyboard comes 
up.  The only way to get around this is to go back a page to the message inbox 
and then go back into the the SMS then double tap at the bottom again, which 
brings the keyboard up no problem.

This bug does not appear if I am not taken directly to the message, i.e. if I 
receive more then one message and then I am in the inbox and then have to open 
each unread message then it is fine.  

Anyone else experienced this?

I have reported it to Apple.

Chris gone.

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Re: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor

2010-06-27 Thread Chris G
Speaking from personal experience.  When I disconnect the monitor web
browsing is all but useless.

On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 17:01:11 -0400
"Aman Singer"  wrote:

> Thank you, Chris. What happens when the monitor is not connected, and is
> there a way to make the device think a monitor is plugged in when it's not?
> Aman
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Chris G
> Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2010 4:35 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor
> On the new Mac minis a monitor is required.   In my case the monitor
> isn't even turned on or plugged into AC power, just connected to the mini.
> On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 16:30:37 -0400
> Cody Hurst  wrote:
> > I"m not so sure that a monitor is required, although it might be for 
> > the initial setup. I can say for sure a keyboard and mouse are required
> for the setup. I think when I had my mini back in 08 that it was required
> but I'm unsure On Jun 27, 2010, at 3:47 PM, Aman Singer wrote:
> > 
> > > Hi, all.
> > >   I find myself in some difficulty. I have available to me one of the 
> > > new Mac Minis. However, I do not have a monitor at all times. Before 
> > > I obtain the unit, I should like to know whether it would be 
> > > possible to use it without a monitor. If so, are any settings 
> > > required? If not, when is the check for the monitor done? Is it just 
> > > at boot up, or is it done periodically throughout the use of the system?
> > > Thanks in advance.
> > > Aman
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --
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> Groups "MacVisionaries" group.
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> > > For more options, visit this group at
> > > 
> > 
> > --
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> "MacVisionaries" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > For more options, visit this group at
> -- 
> Chris G 
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Chris G 

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Re: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor

2010-06-27 Thread Kevin Mattingly
Yeah, I'll tell my wife, I bought it because Chris told me it was OK.

On Jun 27, 2010, at 4:58 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Treat yourself :o) 
> On 27 Jun 2010, at 21:53, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
>> Come on Chris, you're gonna make me want to go buy one of the new ones now.
>> Kev
>> On Jun 27, 2010, at 4:46 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>>> You can also use an HD TV with the mac mini via HDMI if you have one of 
>>> them kicking around.
>>> On 27 Jun 2010, at 21:35, Chris G wrote:
 On the new Mac minis a monitor is required.   In my case the monitor
 isn't even turned on or plugged into AC power, just connected to the
 On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 16:30:37 -0400
 Cody Hurst  wrote:
> I"m not so sure that a monitor is required, although it might be for the 
> initial setup. I can say for sure a keyboard and mouse are required for 
> the setup. I think when I had my mini back in 08 that it was required but 
> I'm unsure
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 3:47 PM, Aman Singer wrote:
>> Hi, all.
>>  I find myself in some difficulty. I have available to me one of the
>> new Mac Minis. However, I do not have a monitor at all times. Before I
>> obtain the unit, I should like to know whether it would be possible to 
>> use
>> it without a monitor. If so, are any settings required? If not, when is 
>> the
>> check for the monitor done? Is it just at boot up, or is it done
>> periodically throughout the use of the system?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Aman
>> -- 
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 Chris G 
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor

2010-06-27 Thread Kevin Mattingly
I don't know of a way of making it happen.

On Jun 27, 2010, at 5:00 PM, Aman Singer wrote:

> Hi, Kevin.
>   I already have a KVM, I don't have a monitor at all, though. Do you
> think it would be possible to plug the KVM into the unit and that this would
> cause it to think a monitor is attached? Alternatively, has anyone found any
> sort of adapter which can fool the device into thinking that a monitor is
> plugged in?
> Thanks.
> Aman 
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
> Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2010 4:02 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor
> I'm not sure about the new Mini but mine requires one for Safari. Everything
> else runs fine. Have you thought about getting a KVM to use? That would
> allow you to use a single monitor on multiple computers.
> Kev
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 3:47 PM, Aman Singer wrote:
>> Hi, all.
>>  I find myself in some difficulty. I have available to me one of the 
>> new Mac Minis. However, I do not have a monitor at all times. Before I 
>> obtain the unit, I should like to know whether it would be possible to 
>> use it without a monitor. If so, are any settings required? If not, 
>> when is the check for the monitor done? Is it just at boot up, or is 
>> it done periodically throughout the use of the system?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Aman
>> --
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Re: Bug in iOS 4.0

2010-06-27 Thread Ricardo Walker

When your replying to a text double tap and hold in the edit field.  When you 
let go the keyboard should pop up.
On Jun 27, 2010, at 5:05 PM, Chris Moore wrote:

> Hey gang,
> Not sure if anyone else is having the same problem, but I have found a couple 
> of bugs in iOS 4.0.  The first is quite minor, the badge that appears on the 
> mail app sometimes gives the impression I have unread messages from my mobile 
> me account, but when I go to investigate there is nothing new there and when 
> I come back out of mail the unread messages badge has 
> The second bug is when I receive a text message and unlock my phone which 
> then takes me directly into the text message I am unable to reply to it.  
> When I double tap the text edit area at the bottom of the screen, voiceover 
> just announces that the cursor is at the beginning of the text but no 
> keyboard comes up.  The only way to get around this is to go back a page to 
> the message inbox and then go back into the the SMS then double tap at the 
> bottom again, which brings the keyboard up no problem.
> This bug does not appear if I am not taken directly to the message, i.e. if I 
> receive more then one message and then I am in the inbox and then have to 
> open each unread message then it is fine.  
> Anyone else experienced this?
> I have reported it to Apple.
> Chris gone.
> -- 
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Re: other voices for the macintosh computers

2010-06-27 Thread Courtney Curran
This might be off-topic, but the Infovox voices are really cool. After the 
30-day trial, how much do they cost?
On Jun 27, 2010, at 1:18 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Hi Ronald.
> It's good to have you on this list.  As soon as i saw your name I  knew it 
> was you.
> Glad you are enjoying your Mac.  Not had mine very long either.
> Kawal.
> On Jun 26, 2010, at 2:33 PM, RvR wrote:
>> Hello Josh,
>> Thanks for the suggestion. Will check them out. The voice creation service
>> sounds great too. 
>> Regards,
>> Ronald
>> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
>> Van:
>> [] Namens Josh
>> Verzonden: zaterdag 26 juni 2010 0:01
>> Aan:
>> Onderwerp: other voices for the macintosh computers
>> Hi
>> You can also buy voices for the mac at also in the very
>> near future cereproc will offer a consumer voice creation service that will
>> let youu turn recordings of you, friends, favorite readers, or famous people
>> into apple voices or sapi5 voices for windows.
>> Josh
>> --
>> Josh Kennedy
>> --
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> Kawal Gucukoglu
> (E-mail/MSN):
> (Skype ID):
> kawalgucukoglu
> (Mobile/Text):
> +447905618396
> +447576240421
> -- 
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IBlink Radio

2010-06-27 Thread Frank Ventura
Hi, does anyone know if the Serotek app IBlink, works on an IPad? I
installed it on a an IPad but running it shows only one unlabled button
and something that says question. Am I doing something wrong?

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Re: VoiceOver 4.0

2010-06-27 Thread John André Netland
Ah, I see what you mean Mary, currently VoiceOver will scrub through the text 
if you hold control-option-down arrow or only down arrow down while it scans 
through the text, but when you lift your fingers, it will stop in stead of 
continue reading, like you'd like it to do. It would be a neat extra feature, 
so please go ahead and write about it. Smile.

JOhn André

On 27. juni 2010, at 21.15, Mary Otten wrote:

> Hi John,
> Unless I'm just not doing it right, the present reading commands don't 
> exactly do what I'm talking about. for example, control option down arrow is 
> suppose to read next line. It does that. but what I want to be able to do, 
> and can do with Windows screen readers and my ocr application is to have 
> continuous reading engaged and then skip to the next line and have reading 
> keep going without having to reengage continuous reading. Its kind of like 
> having a skip back and skip forward on a tape player, if that helps visualize 
> what I'm talking about. If that's suppose to happen when you press control 
> shift down while reading, its not working here.
> mary
> -- 
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Re: deleting apps on iphone 4?

2010-06-27 Thread Donna Goodin
It's a double-tap, just like it used to be.
On Jun 27, 2010, at 3:14 PM, Frank Ventura wrote:

> To move an app, is it a single tap and hold or a double tap and then
> hold?
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Donna Goodin
> Sent: Sunday, June 27, 2010 1:16 PM
> To:
> Subject: deleting apps on iphone 4?
> this gesture appears to have changed.  Tapping and holding now seems to
> allow you to move an app, but not to delete it.  I've checked the links
> to the manual that Esther posted, but haven't found anything on removing
> an app.  Anyone figured out how to do this?
> TIA,
> Donna
> -- 
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Re: Using a Mac Mini without a monitor

2010-06-27 Thread Chris Moore
Well all them pairs of shoes and hand bags she bought which were apparently on 
sale and saved her money were all my idea.  

so get your own back and set up that mac mini on your huge TV in the living 

Actually I am very jealous as this time last year when I could see I would have 
killed for a mac with HDMI on i for my living room.  Let's just hope the 
updated iTV is accessible with some sort of TV content as my cable box is now 
useless.  I am not sure if Richard Branson's Virgin team will have the 
foresight to add talking menus or enable the iPhone to control the device via 
VoiceOver and a wi fi  signal.
On 27 Jun 2010, at 22:09, Kevin Mattingly wrote:

> Yeah, I'll tell my wife, I bought it because Chris told me it was OK.
> Kev
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 4:58 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> Treat yourself :o) 
>> On 27 Jun 2010, at 21:53, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
>>> Come on Chris, you're gonna make me want to go buy one of the new ones now.
>>> Kev
>>> On Jun 27, 2010, at 4:46 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
 You can also use an HD TV with the mac mini via HDMI if you have one of 
 them kicking around.
 On 27 Jun 2010, at 21:35, Chris G wrote:
> On the new Mac minis a monitor is required.   In my case the monitor
> isn't even turned on or plugged into AC power, just connected to the
> mini.
> On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 16:30:37 -0400
> Cody Hurst  wrote:
>> I"m not so sure that a monitor is required, although it might be for the 
>> initial setup. I can say for sure a keyboard and mouse are required for 
>> the setup. I think when I had my mini back in 08 that it was required 
>> but I'm unsure
>> On Jun 27, 2010, at 3:47 PM, Aman Singer wrote:
>>> Hi, all.
>>> I find myself in some difficulty. I have available to me one of 
>>> the
>>> new Mac Minis. However, I do not have a monitor at all times. Before I
>>> obtain the unit, I should like to know whether it would be possible to 
>>> use
>>> it without a monitor. If so, are any settings required? If not, when is 
>>> the
>>> check for the monitor done? Is it just at boot up, or is it done
>>> periodically throughout the use of the system?
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Aman
>>> -- 
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> -- 
> Chris G 
> -- 
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Re: Bug in iOS 4.0

2010-06-27 Thread Chris Moore
Oh that worked, you clever man you!  Its different from how it used to work, is 
that because I am in the sexy touch typing mode? *cheeky grin*
On 27 Jun 2010, at 22:13, Ricardo Walker wrote:

> Hi,
> When your replying to a text double tap and hold in the edit field.  When you 
> let go the keyboard should pop up.
> On Jun 27, 2010, at 5:05 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> Hey gang,
>> Not sure if anyone else is having the same problem, but I have found a 
>> couple of bugs in iOS 4.0.  The first is quite minor, the badge that appears 
>> on the mail app sometimes gives the impression I have unread messages from 
>> my mobile me account, but when I go to investigate there is nothing new 
>> there and when I come back out of mail the unread messages badge has 
>> The second bug is when I receive a text message and unlock my phone which 
>> then takes me directly into the text message I am unable to reply to it.  
>> When I double tap the text edit area at the bottom of the screen, voiceover 
>> just announces that the cursor is at the beginning of the text but no 
>> keyboard comes up.  The only way to get around this is to go back a page to 
>> the message inbox and then go back into the the SMS then double tap at the 
>> bottom again, which brings the keyboard up no problem.
>> This bug does not appear if I am not taken directly to the message, i.e. if 
>> I receive more then one message and then I am in the inbox and then have to 
>> open each unread message then it is fine.  
>> Anyone else experienced this?
>> I have reported it to Apple.
>> Chris gone.
>> -- 
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Re: accessing programs that display a status menu icon

2010-06-27 Thread Esther

Hi Mike,

The problem of VoiceOver's not being able to navigate to, or detect, a  
third-party icon that is place on the status menu bar is an  
accessibility issue that's come up before.  The issue is, the standard  
way that Apple gives third-party developers to insert status menu  
icons via “NSStatusItem” does not expose those icons to VoiceOver.  
Apple's own proprietary coding, using “menuExtra”, does allow such  
icons to be exposed. For some programs, not having access to the  
status bar menu icon is not an issue.  For other programs, you can  
open the Contents bundle and check whether there are hooks to  
AppleScript the functions.  I described how to do that in a reply to  
one user who wanted to run a program that kept his laptop from going  
to sleep. This tack was also used by another VO user who had to  
install a VPN client that supported Open VPN used at his University.   
For some apps, like Dropbox and JustNotes (which I no longer use now  
that Notational Velocity support for Simplenot is available), you can  
use window chooser menu in Finder (VO-F2 twice) and select "- 
untitled-" to navigate to the status menu icon on the menu bar.   
(Don't ask me what's going on there, but when using both Dropbox and  
JustNotes you had two instances of "-untitiled-" appearing.)  Rogue  
Amoeba used to install a haxie for their Sound Source freebie (a quick  
way to switch audio input and output sources from the menu bar and to  
control their volume), but finally gave up doing this for the  
transition to Snow Leopard. As a consequence, Rogue Amoeba's Sound  
Source freebie was accessible from the status menu bar in Leopard, but  
is no longer so in Snow Leopard.  You can read more about this,  
including the detailed comments about the problem in the link to the  
Rogue Amoeba blog, in my archived post on "Accessible Status Menu Bar  
Icons and VoiceOver":

I'll also link a more recent post called "VPN revisited" from the  
person who had to use the AppleScript work-around to get his VPN  
client working, since that refers to his consultations with the author  
of one of the software packages, and statements about the awareness on  
the part of developers that this situation with the "NSStatusItem"  
argument that they are supposed to use causes problems:

HTH.  Cheers,


On Jun 27, 2010, Mike Arrigo wrote:

Hi everyone. Has anyone seen programs that, when they run, place an  
icon in the status menu, I'm assuming this is the area on the top  
right of the desktop? I've tried 2 different programs, one to  
control the minimum fan speed, and a java application, both of these  
claim that they place themselves in the status menu area, yet, using  
the mac keyboard command, control f8, or using the voiceover menu  
command does not allow me to access the status menus of these  
programs. Do they use nonstandard menus, and is there any way to  
access these?

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Re: How do you activate and deactivate the num lock

2010-06-27 Thread Nicolai Svendsen

It's actually interesting. I checked the help and it  said FN-F6 as well, 
though I just get a ding. I have it set up so that FN is used for hardware keys 

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On Jun 27, 2010, at 10:59 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi Annie,
> If your friend's Macbook was made earlier than about November 2007 and has 
> the Num lock key, then you're correct, you can toggle it off with either 
> Fn+F6 or F6.  The first combination is more likely for VoiceOver use.  It 
> depends on your Keyboard setup under System Preferences -- whether you have 
> the box checked for "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys" on 
> the first tab of the Keyboard & Mouse Menu.  But either Fn+F6 or just F6 
> should switch the Num lock key off.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Jun 27, 2010, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> One of my friends has made a mistake and got activated the num lock on
>> his mac book. How is it possible to deactivate it again. I thought it
>> was fn +f6, but I am not sure about that, it does not work on my own
>> mac.
>> The problem is that the row with the letters q w e r t y u i o shows
>> numbers instead of letters.
>> Best regards Annie.
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